#todoroki is just fine
reifukuro · 2 years
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the day when Shoto learnt that Deku doesn’t follow his promises when 💥💥
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kelin-is-writing · 1 month
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rotisseries · 5 months
my favorite thing about mha has got to be how you can't tell if the writers are aware or not that the setting is in fact a corrupt police state
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shadowed-dancer · 2 years
Shoutout to Rei, whose genes were so strong that all four of her kids ended up pretty despite their father looking like a toe
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 years
Currently losing it over the fact that if Enji Todoroki had become even a sligtly decent father in the three years Touya was comatose almost all problems in the bnha universe rn could have been solved.
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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silly little redraw
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pocketramblr · 11 months
What about an AU where Manual replaces Aizawa as the 1-A homeroom teacher?
Oh boy we can fit SO MUCH projection into this one
1- Manual only applied to UA because he was applying a bunch of hero schools, and he didn't think he'd get UA but why not try, at worst it's extra interview practice before he really tries at Ketsubutsu. And then he got only got a job at UA and no other school, somehow. And he can't technically complain because UA pays the best and it's a job he signed up for, but how???
2. He also didn't apply as a homeroom teacher, but they offered it to him anyway and he uh doesn't really say no. He figured he could change positions after a few years already if he wanted to, and planned on it, but then realized he liked this position much better and so kept it instead
3. Actually you know what sure all the projection. His third year he ended up being freshman homeroom team lead, which he's pretty sure isn't supposed to happen- Vlad had more experience but said he wanted a break this year from it and no one else applied so....
4. His third year is also when he gets our beloved class 1A! They do not get expulsion threats, and go to orientation. Then Manual tells them they have an essay due at the end of the week, about why they want to be heroes and what their current plan is, to be completed before any combat training. Several students pitch a fit about writing when they want to learn how to fight, but Manual points out that as part of their training, they'll have to do a lot of unpleasant things. Will they put effort into the record keeping they need to learn as pros if they aren't willing to write a paper? Will they be able to communicate in team exercises if they can't even put what they want as a hero into words? How patient can they be for slow moving cases? The class can see his point even if it's not exciting.
The second day of school, two students hand him papers. Bakugou asks if he can start fight training sooner now since he did the whole dumb essay. Midoriya asks him to look over the first draft if he doesn't mind, because he just had a lot of ideas where to take it and wants it to be really good.
By the start of homeroom the second day, these two are no longer sitting in desks right by each other.
5. On the fourth day of school, while Manual has his class looking over their costumes and getting peer feedback, he realizes that Vlad usually would be sending bragging pictures of his class in rescue training right about now, to see if Manual could get his kids to beat them next week when they went to USJ. He sends a message. It doesn't go through.
He thinks "huh, that's weird" right before robot sentry alarms go off about vines erupting from USJ's roof and throwing students out frantically. Manual grabs the closest non combat adult in the hall to watch his class and runs to help figure out what's going on.
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Toga will be fine. Why? Because Toga and Uraraka and Shouto and Touya follow the exact same trajectory.
Both meet for the first time during the training camp or in Touya and Shouto’s case the first time in a decade.
Both Uraraka and Toga and Shouto and Touya have a confrontation during the first war.
Both Uraraka and Shouto think about Toga and Touya constantly after the first war.
Both Shouto and Uraraka start off in one location (Kamino and the Island) and both both try to stop Touya and Toga from leaving.
Both Uraraka and Shouto end up in the new location (Gunga), with Uraraka following through the portal and Shouto and Iida flying/running there. 
Both Toga and Touya endings are left at a cliffhanger but in reverse. 
Touya has been saved physically but his heart hasn’t been saved so we’re left off with him saying how much he wants to die and how much he hates his family. 
Meanwhile Toga’s heart has been saved but now she is in danger physically from dying due to the blood transfusion she is giving.
So both will be concluded by Toga being saved physically most likely by Hawks because it’s the most fitting and Touya’s heart being saved by Shouto and the rest of the family.
I never believed that 390 was the end of the Todoroki conflict and this chapter makes me believe that even more. This is not the end for either Touya or Toga. We’re going to get a proper conclusion.
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class1akids · 6 months
It's probably stupid, but I get so irrationally annoyed, when we have new LoV Trio - Heroes merch, and either Shouto or Ochako is missing from it.
In the end, it's good for me that they leave Shouto off - that's more money I'm not gonna spend on useless stuff.
But it still looks wrong to see LoV trio, and then have Shouto be left out of the Saviour squad. I'm sorry, but that's his storyline (but I guess it doesn't fit the merch priorities...)
Whatever, merch team can never dream of coming close to the utter perfection we got from Hori in official.
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kkeke99 · 1 year
as you can see im very much normal about all this..
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
I like to think, after everyone’s saved, Dabi and Izuku still manage to beef with each other somehow. Everything’s been settled, everything is fine, Dabi acknowledges Izuku is one of Shouto’s friends that helped him and Izuku knows that Dabi wants his family’s love more than anything else. But they still bicker more often than not, all because Dabi likes to irritate Heroes
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
adding onto my earlier ask, I like to think dabis super clingy and whiny when he's sleepy. Like not full tired but just...sleepy. when he's tired he could probably fall asleep standing up tbh.
but when he's sleepy? he just wants you to hold him. doesn't matter if you're in bed or on the couch, or if he's in your lap or you're leaning on him. Whatever the situation he NEEDS to be held by you. Like. If you had to get up to go to the bathroom I'm convinced he would follow you in there, half asleep and holding your hand.
The man literally whines if you don't run your fingers through his hair and kiss him on the forehead, squeezing him real tight. sleepy dabi wants to be babied and he will genuinely get upset if you dont.
i have this headcanon in my brain, that dabi absolutely loves any type of way you hold his hands. he just likes how endearing and reassuring it feels, he sees it as something so warm and intimate to a level that he himself is surprised about it.
when you two are sitting and he feels your palm encircle the inner side of his wrist with your fingertips brushing the palm of his hand as he closes his long ones to cover yours? that easily puts him to sleep, because you gently graze the skin with your nails and that on him works like magic!!!!
or when you’re sleeping next to him and encircle his pinky with your hand? that’s so damn precious of you and he’s melting horrendously over how adorable his princess is, it also makes him have some of the best sleep hours ever literally, something about that little thing you do has him wrapped around your pinky.
which brings us to him being a super clingy baby with you but also loving it when the clingy one is you, dabi just loves the idea of you two being clingy to each others seriously.
and if you don’t cling to him for the next fourty minutes he gets all pouty and dramatic, starting to whine in a monotone sleepy voice about how you don’t love him anymore, which has you look at him petrified and confused “???” written all over your face.
if there was a gif to describe clingy dabi who’s sad about you leaving him for a second, it would be this one.
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he now can’t sleep if you ain’t holding him by the way.
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cuspidgoddess · 3 months
The Greatest Gift is Loving You Chapter Playlist
Chapter 8. January: The Good Doctor Is In @savi909
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theloveinc · 2 years
Bakugo gets mad at you for eating weird or crappy snacks, not bc he thinks it’s bad, but bc he’s bothered you didn’t ask him to make you something nicer
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feniverse-unfiltered · 4 months
This belt trend has been plaguing my insta fyp all week so made a half baked rotoscope of Dabi about it
Referenced video: noynsoy on Instagram
Song: Don’t Go Insane by dpr ian
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ihatebnha · 2 years
People always talk about like... the boys dating a single mom and taking care of your baby........ but when are we gonna talk about the spoiled child you get 3-5 years later when they’re on their stepdad shit. 
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