#todd aronauer
jensensitive · 4 months
oh this is so
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dea-equitorum · 4 months
Breaking News from SPN Tehn and Now:
According to Todd Aronauer, in the beginning of season 4, Misha's voice he used for Castiel rattled his chest so much the crew thought his mic was broken.
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chiaroscuroverspn · 3 years
So I'm watching the Hunteri Heroici commentary with Andrew Dabb and Todd Aronauer, scene: Sam's awkward dinner with Amelia and her dad.
Aronauer: Everybody on Supernatural's a mess.*
Dabb: That's true, there are no functional characters on the show, the most functional character on the show is Garth who is also the dumbest character so I think that tells you...
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nancylou444 · 4 years
Producer Todd Aronauer just read Misha for filth on Twitter, because Misha said the s15 poster is the first time the show ever got on the front wall mural at WB Studios - the show was up there way back when it was on the WB.
Yes mishmash tries to show how ‘knowledgeable’ he is about SPN, but all he does is show how self centered he really is. SPN existed for three years without him and if not for the writers’ strike, he might not have even been on the show in the first place. 
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Re the writers starting strong & then not following through is kind of how I feel about Michael. I know Michael was needed to jump start Jack's soulless arc. But the title card implied Michael would be the main problem all season and then he turned into just a plot device. Nothing about his story (like the hybrid monsters, his plan to kill God, the content of Billie's books) went anywhere. Even Dean's possession felt kind of moot and ended anticlimactically. I feel like I'm missing something
Hi there! Well, first off, I hate to disappoint you about the title cards but... they’re created by the VFX Department independently of the writing room, based on the plot of the first few episodes of the season.
I learned this lesson the very, very hard way, back in s10, where the title card was oft pointed-to “proof” that the endgame of the season was Dean being cured of the MoC by angel grace... which obviously did not happen... (for many, many reasons, mostly the fact that the original s10 plan was scrapped about halfway through because oops they got renewed for s11... which I wrote about in the other post you’re referring to)
Mel’s been archiving meta, and here’s the masterpost about title card meta, for your edification:
From that main post:
When creating the title cards, [producer Todd] Aronauer says, “We’re always trying to figure out what’s gonna look cool and what direction the season is going in, because we always want to add some sort of link to what we’re going to see in the season coming up. The season five blood theme has to do with the Winchester bloodline and also with Sam drinking blood. We tried a whole bunch of things and that was the one that we really felt captured the arc of what we were doing. It just gave the creepiest effect to everybody when they saw it.”
Source: Supernatural: The Official Companion Season 5. Titan Books, 2010: 149-150. [gif]
opelan For the Supernatural title card which changes each season, do you have much freedom to come up with the designs or do the producers/writers already have very concrete ideas you have to implement?
AnsleyCG Yeah they come up with the theme to go along with the story (ie. The Darkness, Michael’s wings, etc.) and then the Comp Lead creates it as his first task of the year. I was very happy I got to take part in the process this year by texturing the wings :)
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/anv4qd/we_are_the_vfx_crew_of_the_tv_show_supernatural/
so it’s the VFX Department’s job to create the things, which they do with maybe three or four episodes in the can, and maybe maybe a general notion of where the season might be going from there. It’s not some sort of official meta statement on the season as a whole, cool and interesting as they may be. Sorry!
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sunw00d · 3 years
misha. what are your castiel headcanons, the sniper won't get you here :)
My headcanon is that the well-known character from a series called Supernatural that was produced by Eric Kripke, Robert Singer, McG, David Nutter, Kim Manners, John Shiban, Phil Sgriccia, Sera Gamble, Ben Edlund, Jeremy Carver, Jim Michaels, Todd Aronauer, Adam Glas,s Andrew, Dabb, Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming named Castiel is that
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gew11cco2017c-blog · 6 years
Sobrenatural Letícia Seghetto
principais atores: Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester), Misha Collins (Castiel), Mark Sheppard (Crowley), Mark Pellegrino (Lúcifer), Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester) Samantha Smith (Mary Winchester
diretores:  Robert Singer,  Amanda Tapping,  Philip Sgriccia
produtores:  McG David Nutter Kim Manners John Shiban Phil Sgriccia Sera Gamble Ben Edlund Jeremy Carver Jim Michaels Todd Aronauer Adam Glass Andrew Dabb Brad Buckner Eugenie Ross-Leming
sinopse: Desde que era pequeno, Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) tentava escapar do próprio passsado. Após a misteriosa morte de Mary (Samantha Smith), o pai de Sam passou a procurar vingança contra as forças do mal que mataram a esposa, destruindo qualquer ser maligno que cruze o seu caminho. Ao contrário de Sam, Dean (Jensen Ackles), irmão mais velho, sempre quis seguir os passos do pai. Sam está determinado a se livrar do "negócio da família", mas sua vida está prestes a tomar os rumos que ele não desejava, quando ele fica sem escolhas a não ser unir-se ao irmão.
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