#to everyone who tells mangaka to off themselves; FUCK YOU
garretsyndrome · 6 years
My initial thought as i saw this on my recommended: oh no
Me, yelling, as i click and watched the trailer: oh no... oHH NOOOO... OHHHH NOOOOOOOOOoOoOOOoOOO.... OH HOLY SHIT NO. FUCK NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooOOO
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wri0thesley · 3 years
This is @anon who was feeling bad about shipping themselves with Gojo! I was reading an interesting post by @/tozhan that might help???
They were saying how those comments by Gege can be taken as a way of avoiding answering the questions about WHY Gojo isn't interested in romance. Also Gege is known for trolling his Gojo fans lmfao
Anyways from what we have seen of Gojo in the manga, its hard to see Gojo being in a relationship even casually, simply because man does not have the time! Also his technique is literally about keeping everything and everyone out, and also keep in mind that his infinity only turns off around those he really and truly trusts and cares for, so him being a player and sleeping around just doesn't make sense. Also he hasn't made any comments in the manga about dating or being attracted to anyone.
So yeah! Honestly, I don't think you are going against canon for shipping yourself with Gojo! And I totally agree that Gojo is a closed off guy who has trust issues and is honestly lonely! But! Then he meets you! And learns that it's okay to trust and love and be vulnerable and that he doesnt have to be alone 😭
So yeah, enjoy your self ships!!! And have fun and explore what his character would be like once he let's reader into his heart!! 🥰💕
gege telling people that they should be stanning nanami and not gojo will never NOT be funny fgnbjkkjn. rip gojo fans, your man is very handsome and important and strong but your mangaka would like you to stop thinking about him <3
but yes, i totally agree! i think i'm leaning more into the 'gojo hasn't had time for relationships and he's afraid to let people get too close' rather than 'gojo fucks around a lot' (although i don't mind either interpretation tbh!). i think the closest we've seen to comments about him dating is this little exchange between him and yuta:
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and he just IGNORES it fgnbjnf i think he's used to being teased about it which is low-key pretty cute; he doesnt try and defend himself or anything ;_;.
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carriagelamp · 4 years
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September Book Roundup, back-to-school edition aka The Season Of Red apparently?
Here is a selection of the books I’ve read this month. Summer is over, so the little bit of brain power I had managed to scrape together is quickly disintegrating, so enjoying the hodge podge of stories.
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This was probably my favourite book that I read this month. It’s a novella I first heard about hear on tumblr and went to find a copy in my library. I have since bought the collected trilogy so I can read book two and three at my leisure because it was honestly just that friggin cool. This is exactly my flavour of scifi and I tend to be very very picky about the scifi I consume. It’s about a girl named Binti, a member of the Himba people (a real group of indigenous people from Namibia). They are a people well known for their mathematical and technical prowess, but due to their strong connection to their homeland and the earth they choose not to travel through space like so many other humans do. However, when Binti secures a position at Oomza University, the greatest university in the galaxy, she chooses to go against her family’s wishes and traditions in order to set out into space to attend. Everything is ruined though when her spaceship is attacked by a hostile alien race and everyone is killed but Binti, who must rely on all her intellect and abilities if she wants any chance at survival.
A seriously cool book with great world building – it really successfully introduces readers not only to the fictional scifi world and races of the novel but also to the culture and traditions of the Himba people. It’s a quick read, and feels like a cross between Dead Space and Tamora Pierce. Would totally recommend a read.
Fake Blood
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A Canadian graphic novel. It was a goofy cute read. It’s about an awkward group of friends in middle school, and one boy with a crush on one of the girls in his class. Knowing her love for vampire stories, AJ decides, like any self-respecting middle schooler, to try to pretend he’s a vampire. Naturally nothing goes right and some things go wrong in unexpected ways. It’s funny and cute. Nothing amazing but it was a cozy evening read.
The Last Book On The Left
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I’ve been listening to this podcast a lot since my friend recommended it to me and finally decided to read their book. For those that don’t know, The Last Podcast On The Left is a immaculately researched comedy podcast that’s hosted by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, and Henry Zebrowski, and explores the darker realms of human nature. Ghosts, paranormal, aliens, cults, and of course serial killers. In this book they collected several of their biggest name serial killer series, did some renewed research, and put together a book that is both informative, irreverent, gross, and very funny, complete with some really amazing illustrations by Tom Neely. A very cool read (and listen, if you decide to check out the podcast instead), I really love how they tell these stories without idolizing or romanticizing the people they talk about. Their humour always makes sure you know exactly how much of a pathetic loser these people are. Fantastic true crime, from someone who has never really felt the need to read about true crime before.
Midnight Sun
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I won’t harp on this one, everyone is already going to firmly have their opinions here. I grew up on Twilight, I was reading them as they came out, and I still love them. Were they dumb? Oh my god yes. Did they have problems? Sure, they came out in 2005 it was part and parcel. Were they also a really fun for a thirteen year old to read? Absolutely, I don’t regret it. Sometimes teenage girls should just to get like things without being mocked.
Anyway, I am off my soapbox now (can you tell this is still a raw spot for me?) I unironically loved this book! Getting to see Edward’s perspective was really cool, and since he can read minds it essentially let you get the perspective of everyone else around him too. The Cullens family is a great set of characters so it was really cool to see more of them, and I was very impressed by how Stephenie Meyers took a YA romance she wrote in 2005 and was able to make it feel updated and more appropriate for a 2020 audience even though she couldn’t actually change any of the events themselves. So fans of Twilight, don’t be ashamed, go read Midnight Sun and have the shameless fun you deserve. Is there anymore appropriate book for the bizarre ass year that was 2020 than a return to this goofy nonsense?
The Paperbag Princess
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(and Up, Up, Down, and Robert Munsch in general)
I’m back in schools so I’m back to reading children’s book! And honestly, and of you that don’t occasionally sit down and read a kids book out loud don’t know what you’re missing. Anyway, Robert Munsch is a Canadian author, and one of my all-time favourite children’s authors. It surprised me to learn he isn’t as well known in the States apparently? I don’t know if that’s changed or not, but he is a Canadian staple for a good reason, his books have ridiculous premises, are specifically written to be fun to read out loud, and have beautiful, involved, and hilarious illustrations. The Paperbag Princess is one of my absolute favourites, and as a kid it was one of the first stories I had ever read where a princess is the one saving the prince… and then telling the prince to piss off when it turns out he’s a jerk. Up, Up, Down is another favourite I reread this month, because it’s just hilarious funny and makes a fantastic read aloud with kids. Some other Robert Munsch I reread this month include: Mmm, Cookies, More Pies, Ribbon Rescue, Just One Goal, and Andrew’s Loose Tooth. You just cannot go wrong, for kids or adults.
Pit Pony
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Another Canadian staple while I was growing up. If you’re a young adult know who went through the Canadian elementary school system, you probably had your entire heart ripped out and stepped on by this chapter book. It’s a historical fiction that looks at the economic hardship, debt slavery, child labour, and animal abuse that was tied to coal mining in the Maritimes. Finding a copy was harder than I would have expected give how pervasive it was a decade or so back, but reading it again was a pure shot of nostalgia.
Seeking Refuge
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A graphic novel written by a German-born Canadian about a Jewish girl who flees Nazi-occupied Austria by way of Kindertransport to become a child refuge in England. It follows her as she is moved from host family to host family as the war continues to pick up and gradually makes it’s way to the United Kingdom as well. It’s very poignant and the pencil-sketch illustrations are an interesting change to a lot of the graphic novels that are out right now. This story is still aimed at a younger audience, so it never gets too brutal but it still is a hard hitting story, especially with everything else going on right now.
Silver Spoon #9/10
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I know I’ve talked about these books before, but my library got some more since I last read them, so I’m continuing my way through the series. It’s about a teenaged boy who, after having a breakdown from the pressure he was feeling to study and succeeded, decided not to attend an academic, urban high school, but rather to apply for an agricultural high school so he could live in the dorms, far away from his parents. The series just gets more and more heartwarming as it continues. It’s all about failure and overcoming and how worth can be measured in different ways, and about family and understanding each other and coming together… but also about the realities of farming which aren’t always very nice, especially when it comes to finances and survival. It’s written by the mangaka behind Fullmetal Alchemist but I’ll be honest… I think I like this series more. It is honestly one of my all time favourite manga series, it just has so much heart.
Ruby Finds A Worry
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aka Ruby’s Worry apparently? I can’t figure out why this has more than one title. I actually read it in French not English, so for me it was Le Souci de Calie. Regardless, this was a nice little picture book for talking about worries and anxieties with children… especially with the amount of Covid stress a lot of kids are dealing with. It explains in a really nice way how talking about anxieties are often the best way to make them more manageable, and how pretending nothing is wrong can just let it grow bigger and bigger. A good explanation for kids and possible a good reminder for adults.
War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery
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I read this because the Mcelroy family wrote it so I figured Hey! Why not give it a go! And I’m glad I did. Their brand of humour was all over it, and it made the story a delight to read. I don’t follow all of Marvel’s weirdness, so I didn’t actually know most of the characters (Miles and Kate were actually the only two I was familiar with) but they do a great job of introducing the characters and making them all feel distinct and interesting. I absolutely adore the Dog of Gods (God of Dogs) who is a very very good boy. And Miles is absolutely always a delight so you can’t really lose. It’s a single book that I think is a part of a larger plotline that I have zero interest in. This book is a fine one to read though if you don’t mind jumping into the middle of the action and just getting swept along for the ride. Also Mcelroys!
Witcher Omnibus
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Bleh. Absolutely not worth it. All the misogyny and Dumb Bullshit that I hate in the original books and from video games in general. Honestly, Witcher III did way better by its characters than most of these short stories. The only one worth reading in it is Curse Of Crows – that one was actually really enjoyable, probably because it was about Ciri and had an actual fucking woman on the writing team. (Seriously guys what were you thinking with Fox Children that’s literally just a story from Season of Storms but done worse. Fuck off.) If you like The Witcher, go read Curse of Crows and skip every other story in this book.
Billy Stuart: Les Zintrépides #1
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Another French (Quebecois) book I read, though I believe you can get it in English as well (Billy Stuart and the Zintrepids). It’s a chapter book / graphic novel hybrid, and was honestly a fairly fun little read. It’s in a similar vein to Geronimo Stilton but done much better in my opinion. The humour was funnier, the characters felt less like caricatures, and while it still used stylized fonts it was also less intrusive and eye-strainy than the Stilton books. Also when the story suddenly pivots into the main adventure and mystery of the series? Fantastic. Was not expecting a hell-beast to appear part way through the story. Very interested in reading more.
Over all, it was cute and funny, and I can see it being a good next step when children have read their fill of the Stilton series and want something similar but possibly a bit more involved and coherent.
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penebui · 4 years
Lgbt manga pt.1
If you had to put up with my sorry ass for a few years then yes you know that I have been searching for lgbt mangas!! I put up with the pain of going through most genres that sexualize/fetishize gender identities and sexualities (like yaoi and gender bender) and reading mangas to find if they have lgbt content so you dont have to suffer the pain of trying to! Clown on this post and please face my wrath
Keep in mind that these aren’t in order of ratings!! Its just a list. I also give summaries of the plot, the things that make it lgbt, and some content warnings!! 
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1. Welcome to Room #305! by Wanan 
Kim Jung Hyun moves into an apartment (room #305) with a friend of a friend, named Kim Homo! Who (you guessed it) is gay! As Jung Hyung begins to live with Kim Homo, he slowly learns to accept him for his sexuality. Once he overcomes his homophobia and completely accepts him for who he is, other lgbt characters pop in too!! They all have their struggles with their identities, and it is very realistic, but the art style helps keep all that angst at bay! As far as english translations go, we have several lesbian characters, and a trans guy. You can read the english translation on several manga sites, but if you want the link to the original since this is a webcomic, here’s the [link]! Unfortunately english updates are very slow since translation teams have other projects, and legal companies who translate take their sweet precious time. 
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2. Bokura no Hentai by Fumiko Fumi
The title might seem misleading, however it can be translated as “Our Transformation”! Buckle up buttercup cause this manga will fuck you over emotionally. Three crossdressers meet up after being in a crossdressing group, with different reasons as to why they crossdress. Parou crossdresses to fall in love with a straight guy, Marika is actually a trans woman, and Yui crossdresses as his dead sister to “help” his mother with her grieving. There are some other characters who don’t fit within the gender norms! 
Now let me tell you if you are dealing with some trauma and can’t handle very sensitive topics, this manga might not be the one for you. Although it isnt just homophobia and transphobia, it also contains content of sexual harrassment, pedophilia, and suicide. However these topics are not glorified or sexualized. They are trauma of some of the characters and they must learn how to overcome from it individually. However, there is a happy ending for them!! Please let that be known! I enjoyed reading it if sobbing your heart out counts as enjoying it, because it has indeed pulled my heart strings (although I am not a trans woman, I am a trans guy and I can identify with only some of the things Marika goes through, as trans women go through different experiences than trans men and have it harder on them.) 
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3. Hourou Musuko (Wandering Son) by Takako Shimura
This manga is one of the most well known mangas realistically depicting trans identity. It became popular when an anime adaptation came out! However the anime adaptation only covers the middle school part of our protagonists lives, however it encourages you to read the manga to find out what happens to them and their life! We have two protagonists. Shuichi who identifies as a girl, and Yoshino who identifies as a boy. Shuichi is the primary protagonist while Yoshino serves as a secondary protagonist. 
This manga also realistically depicts how hard it is for transfeminine people to come out and be themselves while transmasculine people seem to have it easier (dont clown on this dear fuck). We have lesbian, gay, and genderfluid characters galore! Although they do have some touchy topics like transmisogyny and transphobia in general, it is less heavier than Bokura no Hentai.  
Some people might not like the outcome of this story when it comes to Yoshino, however I am content with it because it shows that people should be able to explore their gender identity, and they are welcome to change it anytime as they see fit. Sometimes you won’t figure out your identity if you don’t explore. 
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4. Shimanami Tasagore / Our Dreams at Dusk by Yuhki Kamatani
Also one of the more well known ones, the mangaka of this beautiful story is X-gender and asexual! It follows the protagonist, Tasuku is contemplating suicide as rumors circulate that he is gay at his highschool (he is). He sees a woman jumping off a building nearby and runs to her aid. Her name is Anonymous/Somebody and she sees herself is asexual but other than that she does not like labels, she invites Tasuku inside the building she just jumped off, which contains a group of exclusively lgbt characters. 
We have both trans, lesbian, and gay people. We see their struggles. We see how they overcome it. We see how even we ourselves can harm others even if we’re both lgbt. Of course there is homohpobia, transphobia, etc. however it is all handled perfectly and we get the satisfaction of these characters speaking up for either themselves or for each other. I also love Anonymous simply because she doesn’t like labels and chooses not to use them (excluding the asexual part). Not everyone whos part of the lgbt community has a label, however they are still a part of us! 
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5. Fukakai na boku no subete o (Fukaboku)/ Love me for who I am by Konayama Kata
Fukaboku is a very special manga to me, as it goes in depth on gender identity and sexuality. There are two protagonists, Tetsu who is a cis guy and supposedly straight (we later find out that he is not), and Mogumo, who is both intersex and nonbinary. 
Tetsu works as a chef at Question Cafe, and everyone employed in fanlations are called girlyboys, however in the official translation they use otokonoko which is anyone crossdressing as a girl regardless of their gender. There are plenty of transwomen, gay people, etc.! Tetsu falls in love with Mogumo, so he isn’t straight, however he isn’t explicitly gay because he recognizes Mogumo as what they identify as, nonbinary. It is safe to say that he could either be pan, bi, omni, etc. however we can’t confirm since it hasn’t been explicitly stated.
We learn how transfeminine people have certain struggles, like shoes that dont fit them, breasts, and voice feminization. We also have a dose of family struggles when it comes to Mogumo in later/current chapters. 
Before you dm me, yes. Yes I know about the shit prequel. The prequel actually features a gay couple in fukaboku. I have read it. Reluctantly even if it was only 24 pages. However just because the prequel is shit does not mean we should cancel Fukaboku. There is a thing called being critical of the content you’re enjoying. If we treated it like cancel y because of x, then things like persona 4 and danganronpa would be cancelled, but lets not get into that. 
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6. Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku by Umi Takase
I haven’t heard of this one as much as I have the others, so I was very much pleased when I heard about this! There are two protagonist (yes there are a lot of lgbt mangas with two protags I’ve noticed too), Hime and Akira. Hime has a crush on Akira, who identifies as a girl. However this manga is also realistic, as Akira doesn’t fully ‘pass’ as a girl herself. Hime wants to do anything she can to help Akira feel comfortable on her first day of school wearing a girl’s uniform. Because of Akira being made fun of, Hime shows up to school in Akira’s male uniform to help Akira in solidarity. 
Their teachers are fully aware of Akira’s situation, however instead of discriminating her they accept her. Their homeroom teacher helps Hime overcome her internal problem about lashing out at others who try to befriend Akira, and she slowly realizes that just because people can’t accept Akira straight away, they will slowly get used to her and come to terms with the fact that Akira is trans in their own time rather than have it being forced on them.
Hime and Akira make friends slowly and we see that even little things (like calling Akira cute and/or a girl) helps Akira, even if theyre small things we dont usually notice. Hime also struggles with her crush as she sees Akira as a girl, yet she cant accept the fact that shes attracted to girls. 
Although Akira doesnt feel the same way as Hime does, she doesnt just like her as a friend, but also not as a lover either. Its safe to say that these two have a quasiplatonic relationship with each other. 
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7. Yuzu no Koto by Arai Shou
I have noticed that there are plenty of mangas with transfeminine characters as the focus, rather than transmasculine, so heres one for the transmasculines! Ichigo’s best friend Yuzu comes back to school, however he is enrolling as a boy! It is very humorous as Ichigo tries to understand and get used to her best friend’s new identity. Although it is slow as each chapter is a single page, it is hinted that Yuzu has a crush on Ichigo (or if thats just me squinting really hard). 
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8. Ohana Holoholo by Torino Shino 
It is a story about two bi women who are ex-girlfriends, raising one of the women’s baby together as a little family! There is also an idol/actor who helps them out and visits them occassionally! If you want something warming and wholesome, this is the manga for you!! 
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9. My Androgynous Boyfriend by Tamekou
Wako, a woman who works for a publishing company is in a relationship with an androgynous/genderless man! Her boyfriend wears dresses, makeup, and is an instagram model! It is not necessarily treated as crossdressing. It is handled pretty well, and the chemistry between Wako and her boyfriend is very strong. They both love each other so much and help each other with their hobbies and interests. This is what a loving and healthy relationship is supposed to look like!!
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10. Inside Mari by Shuzo Oshimi
It is debatable if this is actually considered lgbt, considered the circumstances, however I put it on this list because it shows how mental illnesses and disorders really feel to the person whos suffering from it. Please read throughout this whole section to understand why. 
Inside Mari is about a man named Isao who stalks this young girl named Mari. He follows her back outside of a little convenience store, but when she turns back and looks at him he wakes up inside her body and doesn’t know how to cope with it. He tries to find Mari while putting on a facade and living as her. He meets a girl named Yori who instantly recognizes that Isao isn’t actually Mari from his mannerisms. This girl has had a crush on Mari, just like Isao. Isao tries to prove to Yori that he switched bodies, and when he goes to his apartment, he finds someone living as him, but it isn’t Mari.
The more we delve into this manga, the more we figure out exactly what happened to Mari and Isao. As Isao and Yori visit and retrace his steps, Isao gets flashbacks to memories of Mari. Isao soon realizes that he isn’t actually the real Isao, but a introject of Isao, and that Mari actually has DID because of childhood trauma. The ending is bittersweet, as Mari comes back but Isao unfortunately becomes dormant/disappears since I don’t think what happened was them merging. 
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11.  Seibetsu  "Mona Lisa" No Kimi He by Yoshimura Tsumuji 
In the world, people can choose what gender they want to be when they’re 12. When they’re 14 their appearance corresponds to their gender. Hinase however, is 18 years old and they still haven’t chosen a gender. They prefer to be neither. However when their two best friends suddenly confess to them, their hormonal development suddenly starts to increase. 
Imagery and symbolism is very clear in this manga!! As we revolve around the color blue/cyan and the debate and interpretations of Mona Lisa’s gender. I’m very hopeful that Hinase will stay as nonbinary rather than choosing a gender, simply because both of their best friends confessed and asked them to become the opposite gender to be with them. It is very much hinted that Hinase will be in a romantic relationship with their male best friend however. I love this manga simply because the protagonist doesn’t want to identify as either male nor female. 
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12. Jun And Kaoru: Pure And Fragrant by Neiki Zui
Jun and Kaoru have a special condition, by midnight they both switch genders. Because they both have this condition, they hang out with each other and help each other with clothing, etc. It should be addressed that these two do not have the “I wish to be a girl/boy” etc. The problem that they have though is their growing crush on each other. They are either genderqueer, or genderfluid, or whatever you prefer since it isn’t directly stated within the manga. They’re not cis or straight! It is a very fun and comedic love story and I wish to see further updates on it!!! 
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13. Sakura-Chan to Amane-Kun by Asazuki Norito 
This story revolves around Sakura who identifies as a girl and Amane who identifies as a boy. Amane spots Sakura dressed as a girl and instantly recognizes her, however instead of belittling her he asks her out on a date, only if she goes as a girl. During school however, they have to pretend to be the gender theyre assigned with while not interacting with each other. 
Since there is a lot more but I dont want to break tumblr, I will be making a part 2 and I’ll post it tomorrow! 
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gunnerpalace · 4 years
When ever people analyze bleach and its flaws everyone always seems to convinetly leave out Kubo getting really sick, his injury to his arm, the Voltile relationship he and Shonen had, him runing out of time and missing deadlines because of said injury anf constantly being sick. Shonen telling him he had so much time to finish stuff.
I’m awake right now because I have mild heartburn, and I saw this. And it pissed me off so much that I decided to get up to go to my computer so I could answer it properly.
What a miserable pile of fucking excuses.
He was sick? Who gives a shit. Here’s a list of famous writers who dealt with crippling illnesses. You might recognize names such as Dickens, Updike, Wharton, Proust, Orwell, Milton, Joyce, and Melville. His arm was injured? Boo-fucking-hoo. You want painters? How about Frida Kahlo, a true badass? Here’s a list of famous painters who dealt with physical disabilities. Do Michelangelo, Van Gogh, and Matisse sound familiar? Hey, how about Peter Longstaff, a contemporary artist who is missing both arms and paints with his feet? Or Mariusz Kedzierski, who was born without arms but still paints? You want to go into other arts? How about Beethoven, who was deaf? We can go on!
A truly passionate artist creates regardless of their circumstances, because they want to or, more accurately, have to, in spite of their health.
“Hey, it’s really not cool to suggest that artists should put their work ahead of their health!”
I agree! And that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying in general that a truly committed artist will do so regardless of what you tell them to do, because they can’t stop themselves. And more often than not, that artist will also takes steps to mitigate the damage to their health in the process.
Let’s talk actual manga and mangaka. There’s Berserk, which has been running since 1989, and is frequently on hiatus because Miura focuses on other things. Maybe you think that’s not a fair comparison because it’s seinen and appears in a monthly publication. Okay, are you familiar with Hunter × Hunter? It’s been running since 1998. It’s published by Shueisha in Weekly Shounen Jump and is constantly on hiatus, sometimes for years, because Togashi deals with illness.
Hmm. Why does Shueisha treat Togashi so differently, I wonder?
Here’s the thing: That Man explicitly chose not to take a break. You’re telling me he couldn’t have? He clearly could have. Togashi proves it. Maybe Shueisha discriminated against him, you say. Okay, so whose fault is that likely to have been, and why? It clearly doesn’t have to do with taking your time.
Bleach went inexorably downward in popularity following the conclusion of the Soul Society arc. Its volume sales plummeted. It was consistently at the bottom of Weekly Shounen Jump’s ratings. Aizen was defeated in chapter 423. The manga ended on chapter 686. That’s 263 chapters, or 38% of the manga’s runtime, to wrap things up with rock-bottom ratings. 263 chapters published across more than 5 years, because chapters 424–432 were released in a volume on April 11, 2011, and that happens many months after their original publication. And you’re trying to tell me that he was on a deadline?
What the fuck did he spend all that time doing? Because it sure wasn’t answering most of the questions he’d posed or explaining his manga. 
And when they finally said “No more,” what did he do with his remaining chapters, pray tell? Draw shit like Mayuri Kurotsuchi fighting a literal fucking giant hand, like Kenpachi getting a bankai that did literally nothing and advanced his fight not one jot, and spend his last 5 chapters very deliberately and very methodically producing the shittiest ending possible that assassinated all of his characters. Bleach would’ve ended with more integrity if Yhwach had literally just killed everyone.
Could there be a little more nuance to his relationship with Shueisha? Sure. Every story has two sides. But the truth is not always somewhere in the middle.
The evidence is pretty clear that Shueisha gave him plenty of time, and he pissed it all away on completely self-indulgent and frivolous shit that essentially nobody wanted.
It seems evident to me, if less substantiated, that he became embittered and burnt out at the lack of embrace of his grand vision by both his editors, publisher, and audience, and decided to cut the nose off the face of his work to spite all parties in the end. 
From where I sit, Noriaki “Tite” Kubo was a primadonna whose bad working relationship with his publisher stemmed from his own arrogance and hubris. I think that is self-evidently clear from what he chose to spend his time focusing on and how it was received. He was not ever interested in exploring his work. He was interested in giving the appearance of depth through the shallowest of means, of designing ever more characters, and in focusing on “cool fights” (none of which were actually particularly good compared to many of those of his peers).
“But shouldn’t an artist show integrity?”
Yes. To their work. That Guy showed integrity to himself. The two are not the same thing. The former is passionate creation. The latter is masturbatory self-indulgence. Individual artists or assemblages of artists will often do stupid shit that is poorly received and try to say that they were being “true to their vision” ex post facto to excuse it, when even a casual investigation will show that their “truth” was a betrayal of the premises, tone, themes, or characters in question, which is precisely why it was stupid and poorly received. Bleach is no different in that regard than say, Mass Effect 3.
I have talked before about how he betrayed his creation in an aesthetic and ethical sense. I stand by that completely. We were presented with what he thought was good, not what was true to the work itself. He put his ego ahead of everything else, and in my opinion that is reflected in his bad working relationship with his publisher, in his refusal to take breaks, in his refusal to plan or plot ahead properly, in his refusal to properly pay-off his story, and in his refusal to provide a proper conclusion. 
He blew his property up, dumped his notes on Narita, and promptly fucked off.
To compare to another mangaka, look at Gintama, where Sorachi was shuffled from Weekly Shounen Jump to Jump Giga, and then finally to his own app when he just couldn’t finish it in time. That is passion and dedication in being true to one’s work.
Fuck Noriaki “Tite” Kubo and fuck his fucking excuses. Less privileged people have done vastly more, vastly better, with vastly less.
And don’t even get me started on that almost certainly bullshit story about the anonymous sick child who told him to stay true to his “original vision.” Fuck that. Fuck that in detail, and fuck it in general. That kind of tunnel-vision bullshit is what leads to train wrecks like the endings to How I Met Your Mother or HBO’s version of Game of Thrones. Art evolves and grows. Courage is not desperately clinging to your original vision in spite of your work having taken a different course than you imagined. Courage is allowing your art to blossom and bloom naturally.
I said I could call him much worse than just Noriaki? I can. He’s a fucking Art Criminal. I hope he legitimately never makes another creative thing again for the rest of his miserable life. I will never forgive him and in my opinion he is the ultimate example of how not to conduct yourself artistically. He is The Donald Trump of Art. He is Anti-Artist One. He is the Art Antichrist. If I wanted to show my real feelings regarding him I would call him The Shitlord instead of Noriaki or That Guy. He deserves the epithet.
Fuck him.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 233: At Least He Has Some Spares
Previously on BnHA: Twice made a duplicate League of Villains to take on Re-Destro. Re-Destro took this in stride and very calmly inflated his left fucking arm and slapped the whole lot of them so hard that most of them literally died. But the clone Shigaraki survived somehow and scuffled with RD for a bit while RD told him the story of how his great-great-granddad was born with a quirk and his mom was like “please be kind to my baby” and society was like “nah” and then they killed her too just for good measure. Anyway so this was of course the original Destro’s Origin Story, and his mother later on became a kind of martyr figure once society began rethinking their whole outlook on the whole superpower thing, and they even borrowed the term “quirk” from her as a way of trying to honor her I guess. But Destro and his descendants weren’t happy with the fact that quirks are still regulated and ~suppressed~ and blah blah blah, so I guess in RD’s mind this gives him justification to be a massive dick and wantonly murder people left and right. It’s all very political and complicated. Anyway, so in the end the Actual Tomura came over to RD’s tower and used his quirk and the tower came crumbling down, and now Tomura and Re-Destro are gonna fight.
Today on BnHA: We jump around Deika City getting updates on the rest of the League. Twice is currently trying to save Toga while Skeptic sneaks up on them both. Spinner is duking it out with Hanabata and his squad of Dudes With Spikes All Over Them And Stuff. We learn that Spinner’s quirk really is just “Lizard Quirk. That’s It. That’s The Quirk”, which, fine, whatever then. Dabi and Blue Bunny and Compress are off somewhere, presumably. Slidin’ Go is directing traffic and about to be flattened by Gigantomachia (or so we can hope). Giran is running off with one of the clone Twices (“running off” as in to safety, as opposed to them getting married or something. although). And Tomura is having his hand ripped off by a Hulkified Re-Destro and his newly revealed Stress quirk! Just, plucked right the fuck off, like a flower petal. It’s pretty horrific! And meanwhile Horikoshi is dipping out to go take an honestly well-deserved vacation, so there won’t be a new chapter next week. So basically just good news all around. Anyhow, so Tomura seems to have his hands full here and it may be time for him to hand in the towel and hand things off to Machia before things get out of hand even more well anyways enjoy the chapter guys.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so once again I got an Intriguing Anonymous Ask, but I only skimmed it because it seemed to delve into some of the details of the chapter, albeit in a very vague way that probably didn’t actually reveal anything. but one thing I did pick up on was that there may possibly be a break after this week’s chapter? if so I will cry but then I’ll get over it I GUESS
(ETA: well enjoy your hiatus then Horikoshi you knave.)
anyway so let’s get into it
quick observation before I actually start reading the chapter itself -- so apparently the title is “Bright Future”? correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought we already had a chapter with that same title though. chapter 161, also known as the Nighteye Fucking Dies chapter. is the kanji slightly different or something, perhaps? if not that is odd
(ETA: so after reading the chapter, serious question: is this Horikoshi’s idea of a joke, or. ...
but yeah, the kanji is different. or rather, this chapter’s title isn’t written in kanji at all, but in katakana, whereas 161 was written in kanji like normal. as for the why of it, though, your guess is as good as mine. right now “mangaka has a fucked-up sense of humor” is basically at the top of my reasons list.)
anyways, clicking to the actual chapter now, and... oh wow
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okay I think I mentioned the movie The Island a few recaps back, and my sincere apologies to everyone for making repeated references to a typically dumb and explosion-y Michael Bay movie where Ewan McGregor tries and fails to speak in an American accent and everything explodes for no reason and the protagonists cause so much collateral damage while being hunted down by the bad guys that you almost start to wonder if it wouldn’t actually be better for everyone if they did just die. but anyway, so I’m sorry to keep coming back to this movie, but -- and spoiler alert for a 14-year-old Michael Bay film you guys -- the plot is basically that scientists figured out how to clone people, and so Rich People immediately proceeded to make clones of themselves to keep for spare parts so that if they ever needed organ donors or the like, they’d have a perfect match available
and anyway, so you can see the connection here, right? basically this is a super-pragmatic application of Twice’s quirk, and I have to applaud the logic and ingenuity, but also bro that’s kind of a fucked-up thing to do though, sob. let’s just make a spare Toga so we can immediately harvest her blood, oh boy. though in fairness it is Toga, so maybe she won’t mind since Harvesting Blood is like her thing
also can we take a moment to appreciate how thoroughly wrecked this Skeptic!Puppet!Twice is, though. the one that’s just lying there dead. like, his leg’s all bent the wrong way and he no longer has a face and I fucking can’t stop staring at it though. I feel better knowing that it wasn’t actually a real person because that’s seriously all kinds of fucked up
anyway now the Twice clones are arguing over who gets to measure Toga. and Horikoshi has honestly built up a lot of goodwill with me over the course of this Mineta-less arc filled with hot Girans and LoV character development, but all the same he’d better watch himself though, because all of that could be gone just like that in an instant if he tries to get cute! so don’t push it dude
(ETA: and not to harp on this or anything, but Twice did clone Toga back during the My Basement Academia arc (in chapter 147), so there wasn’t really a need for this scene to begin with. but whatever, he didn’t really go overboard at least.)
okay good, actual!Twice (? is he the real one?? he’s the only one without a mask and he’s not using his arms so I think it’s him, at any rate) is shouting at the others to get their shit together
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Twice Status: Still Hot. wow, and barely two seconds after I made that remark about Horikoshi needing to focus up. should I take my own advice perhaps. eh
oh my god
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nooooo now I’m actually really upset that one of them’s gonna get sacrificed for the other! noooo Toga
and now we’re getting additional background information on Twice’s quirk, specifically about the fact that his clones’ appearances and personalities/memories are based on the last time the clone target was measured and the last time Twice saw said target, respectively. makes sense. so anyway because of that the clone Toga is also all beat up
friendly reminder that Toga is only seventeen and still just a kid, albeit a freaky sort of horror movie-type kid. but anyway, so I’m feeling really fucking protective of her though, and I need them to hurry up and save her already!
oh my god
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yes, Dabi is the poster boy for great plastic surgery results. staples left in and everything. then again I don’t know how bad off he looked before, though. we still don’t actually know what the original injury was, aside from it obviously having something to do with the whole “his quirk fucking burns him from the inside out” thing we recently learned. you know what might help with that, Horikoshi? a flashback, omg
yuh oh
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gonna go out on a limb here and guess that this is Skeptic coming to fix his screw-up before Re-Destro snaps his neck like so many Mitsubishis. or whatever that damn mouse’s name was. Miyashita?? actually I think that was it lol
anyways so let’s now turn the page and confirm if it actually is Skeptic
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also, holy shit. just, holy shit to everything. that freaky close-up of the puppets’ faces; that blobby image of one of the puppets being formed; Skeptic’s crazy eyes in the bottom panel; him screaming I HAVEN’T FAILED!!! over and over again, etcetera. just, everything. good lord
and now we’re cutting somewhere else. looks like it’s Spinner and a bunch of the clone Twices dealing with Hanabata’s over-inspired lackeys
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Spinner what is your quirk
okay so as he’s fighting he’s doing that shounen thing where he uses his keen observational skills to come up with a strategy on the fly
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yes, please feel free to take him out! he’s annoying and he hasn’t done anything interesting, so really he’s just dead weight as far as this arc goes. feel free to use your quirk, too, buddy. if you even have one, holy shit. Horikoshi’s probably keeping it safe in the same place as Kacchan’s hero name
anyway so now he’s fighting his way through the waves of redshirts and trying to reach Hanabata’s van
he’s thinking that his job is to “lighten Shigaraki’s burden, if only a little”
awww. League of Loyal Bastards. I can’t believe there was ever a question of you possibly betraying these guys, Spinner. I’m sorry for doubting you, guy
Hanabata seems worryingly unconcerned, though
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who the hell wears their watch on their right hand? what time is it, Hanabata? it’s time for you to fucking die already that’s what
-- oh
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so it’s some kind of Magic Quirk Watch then, eh. should have figured as much
also, “A MAN WITH A WEAK SUPERPOWER SUCH AS YOURSELF” oh? please do tell us more about this quirk! also how is it that you of all people know Spinner’s quirk. Giran’s intel, I guess? I’m suddenly really annoyed that the Liberation Army apparently knows more about the LoV than we do. bastards
anyway so now Hanabata’s own quirk is being revealed, so I guess let’s see what that’s all about
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okay so this is exactly what we all thought it was based on what we’ve seen of him so far. so I guess this weird mask is basically just a big microphone thing. imagine if his and Mic’s quirks were combined
at any rate if it’s not clear, I really couldn’t give two farts about Hanabata or his quirk and I just want to see Spinner take him out, and then have Gigantomachia show up and save Toga and Twice, and see Tomura kick RD’s ass. oh and Dabi still needs to beat up Rita’s Italian Ice too, I guess
(ETA: okay but Horikoshi would it really be too much to ask for at least one of these things to actually happen oh my god. my poor villain children.)
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lmao was I too invested in this perhaps. all this time and all this mystery and it really does end up being some little lizard quirk that lets him cling to walls? and this is how it’s revealed of all ways? he doesn’t even get an official Quirk Reveal Box?
I mean, this can’t possibly be it. he’s gonna do something badass and unexpected, and then we’ll get his Quirk Box and we’ll all be like, “OH SHIT! SPINNER!” and so forth. right??
(ETA: I seriously can’t decide if this will actually be the case, or if this is another Sports Festival scenario where I’m firmly expecting the typical shounen thing and Horikoshi has something else planned entirely.)
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as opposed to you? your power is literally just “I can get stupid people all hyped up.” it’s probably given you an overinflated sense of your own importance, and I can’t wait for you to get one-upped by this lil lizard boy with his ninja turtles costume and the tactical knife he bought on Amazon
oh shit lol
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so I guess that’s as good a way as any of syncing up all of this action to one timeline again
heh Hanabata’s panicking a bit
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I’m enjoying this, ngl
oh shit!
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this motherfucker really popped through a magic quirk hole in the wall and grabbed onto Spinner and suddenly got all spiny just like that oh shit
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now Hanabata’s directing all of the remaining cannon fodder to go and help Re-Destro. well at least that’ll get some of them off of Spinner’s back
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I’ve suddenly been struck by the urgent need to go do my dishes from last night omg. Spinner would it kill you to take the fucking trash out at least
oh shit you guys he’s making a speech!
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IT’S HAPPENNIIIIIIING. go, Spinner! speech! and then kick some ass! and then Quirk Reveal Box and “OH SHIT! SPINNER!” just like we planned!!
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sob why am I empathizing with this guy who’s getting inspired by Stain and then by Tomura’s “let’s destroy everything! :)” rant of all things. what has this arc done to me. Spinner I can’t relate to you at all omg. but, just like every other member of the League of Villains, at your core you’re really just someone who was searching for a place to belong, and damned if that’s not the most quintessentially human struggle of all
so to sum, you sure picked some questionable role models there but I support you, kid
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sure Horikoshi, go ahead and just fling Spinner’s super-weak and boring quirk in my fucking face then! lol okay I get it! it was never meant to be some big reveal to wow us all at a dramatic moment; the whole point is that he’s utterly unremarkable, and it doesn’t matter because despite what the MLA believes, quirks don’t define who a person is. all right, all right. that’s cool then
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no you dingus he’s trying to say that even if he doesn’t have a big flashy quirk, y’all ain’t shit either and he’s still going to kick your ass
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WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM TO ADVISE YOU ALL THAT OUR HANDSOME BOY GIRAN SURVIVED THE TOWER FALL AND IS FINE AND DANDY! and still handsome! so we all can rest easy now on that account, thank god
omg omg omg
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Tomura VS Re-Destro hype intensifies!!
also lmao because I genuinely think he’s asking him for real because he can’t quite sort out reality from his sleep-deprived hallucinations right now
or maybe that shouldn’t be “lmao” on my part, because that’s actually a legitimately concerning thing, there. but I can’t help it guys, he’s so tired and fully and entirely out of fucks, and RD is so fucking screwed and doesn’t even know it and it’s going to be so goddamn satisfying I can’t fucking wait
anyways, no, Tomura. he was not. but he’s apparently got some sort of Hulk quirk. so you just do your best and you sic your own Hulk on him then if need be
yessss he’s talking trash, yes, Tomura!! you’re doing great!!
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ranged attacks and everything, now! I wonder if he’s always had this sort of capability and we’ve just never seen it before, or if this is another new development. probably the latter. those six weeks of training really leveled him up
wow even his fucking shoes are disintegrating now
so GiranTwice are getting the fuck out of Dodge, and Giran’s right arm just sort of ends in this big mess of bandages omg
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don’t worry Giran, Twice is gonna get Dabi’s plastic surgeon on the job. you will be fine
holy shit you guys would you look at this fucking shounen bullshit
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I’m starting to get an inkling that this will be the kind of fight that’s going to look amazing in anime form, but will basically just be a lot of flying rocks and smashing panels in manga form. and I’m prepared for that if that is indeed the case! I have not forgotten what genre this actually is, and that this is still a manga where the main character’s attacks all end in “SMASH!!!”, and every so often we get to a point where the characters who are at the center of the current conflict just have to punch it out. so I’m not going to complain
but I do hope that won’t be all there is to this, though. and ngl, I have higher expectations for BnHA’s fights than for any other manga’s fights, and I’m still expecting a few twists here
(ETA: oh lord I should just learn to keep my fucking mouth shut.)
oh shit
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poor Spinner. fucking Re-Destro gets a Quirk Reveal Box before he does
also it does seem to be a Hulk quirk then, huh. so it’s safe to say that once Gigantomachia shows up and they hash things out, there won’t really be a town here afterwards. like, this entire city is about to be straight up wiped off the map. that’s lowkey terrifying to think about
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(ETA: sob he looks so shocked. that’s right Tomura, it’s the hard knocks path to redemption for you too, buddy boy. probably when you go talk to Ujiko to get it patched up after the arc is over it’ll trigger some more character development somehow. just, my point is that you are an important character in a shounen manga, and so, unlike people in real life, you at least can be somewhat assured that your pain is probably happening for a reason.)
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sob. okay sorry guys, I’m done being dramatic now. so let’s go back and finish up those last four panels that I haven’t actually read yet orz
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lol there already practically isn’t a town there anymore. Giganto you better hurry up and come finish it off. this asshole is out here playing the most vicious game of eenie meenie miney moe the world has ever seen with your boss’s hands and it’s very upsetting
who the fuck is this
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lmao what. someone’s actually trying to visit the city? turn your van around, pal. we are closed for business for real here
and then our last two panels are Slidin’ Go being all punchable, and then getting shaken up by a sudden earthquake omg
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well shit. so! 
a wild Gigantomachia approaches
Slidin’ Go is living on borrowed time presumably (good riddance)
Skeptic is trying to harass Twice again while he’s busy trying to save poor Toga’s life, like excuse you dude, no, please fuck off
Dabi is currently MIA and still fighting Dippin’ Dots while trying to keep his organs from getting any more roasted. maybe a flashback would help you there, Dabi. I don’t know how, but it couldn’t hurt, surely. I promise I have no ulterior motives in suggesting this
Spinner is trying to work out how to score a really satisfying victory to show us all that Quirks Aren’t Everything
Giran and his bandaged arm are running off to safety with Twice, which is the only thing that really matters in the end here
and Shigaraki Tomura has just had his own hand Luke Skywalkered in the manga’s latest and greatest instance of Cruelty Against Limbs. but at least this presumably means that he himself is about to get a hell of a lot hotter if Giran and Twice are anything to go by
so yeah. a lotta stuff going on. so really it’s the perfect time for a hiatus. lol
well, friends. I’ll see you all in two weeks I guess. hopefully someone will lend Tomura a hand. ba dum crash
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nunaya-business · 4 years
Hi, Let’s Talk About Some Controversial Shit Yeah?
So lately people have been telling Horikoshi Kohei to go kill himself, because they’re trying to be a shitty version of Shane Dawson exploring conspiracy theories that have no right to exist. I don’t even know where to fucking start, but since I’m not a YouTuber, but I’m a writer, I decided to ditch my phone for this one, and am currently typing this shit out on my laptop. Yes, that is how pissed I am.
A new decade and a new start to the shittiness that was 2010-2020. More and more people of the LGBTQ started coming out of the dark and trying to accept who they are to the chagrin of assholes who have no business in their lives anyway. I feel like there’s been a lot more racism here than there was from 2000-2010, or maybe that’s just me. I think it’s because people are getting more vocal with their opinions as the earth goes to shit. We are slowly killing it after all. Not only is there more racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ pricks, and people prejudice against other religions (the prejudice against Muslims is a big one. Poor Muslims, it’ll be okay, Brookie’s on your side), but there are now people who don’t like freedom of speech, or the right to write a story, and people who are just plain pussies because they don’t wike dere wittle feewings huwt 😥. 
I could write for hours about all of those subjects. But since I’m an aspiring writer myself, I picked the right to write. What do I mean by that? I mean the right for an author of any kind to write their story, their way, without these little pussies coming around and being like, “bro can you not mention the Mongols breaking through the Great Wall of China? Yeah, because I’m from a Chinese family and I don’t want to be reminded of my ancestor’s tribulations even though it was 800 years ago. Thanks”. Let me break this shit down like I’m in debate class and my entire University grade depends on me winning this “argument”.
Writing is an art. Duh. People don’t write because they had a good life, I don’t care what anyone says. Writers write because it relieves stress, allows them to get their feelings out in a healthy way, take them away to their own little world in their own special way to escape the hell they’re living through, lets them vent the dark desires and thoughts they may have, and get their opinions out there when they feel like no one listens. Writing is a cure for depression for some people. It’s a healthy kind of drug that doesn’t make someone overdose (unless they’re like me and write’s for hours on end losing sleep and starving themselves just to write an idea down before they forget it). 
People write about what they can’t speak. My mom has this saying “say it forget it, write it regret it”, and in certain contexts that saying is a good moral to have, but that’s not always the case. My mom and I watched the movie “Her” the other day and (spoilers) at the end of the movie, the main character Theodore, who’s a writer, writes a letter to his ex-wife. He writes about how they met, how they grew up together, how they grew to be the best of friends, then lovers, then built a trust they couldn’t replace, and the sorrow he felt when the relationship started crumbling. Joaquin Phoenix did an amazing job lamenting about the character’s past, most likely because he’s been through a lot too, and the character did an astounding job putting his words to paper (or in this case email) and getting out years of stress and sadness so that he can start loving life again.
The point of me describing that scene was to show the impact writing has on some people. It’s the escape they need and sometimes the emotions they feel put into a context where they can explain it all they want without having to waste a breath.
Now, picture if you will, that you’re a writer down on your luck. You have an amazing story to tell and the audience in mind that you want to tell it to, but no one believes in you. They want to alter your story to suit a wider audience, but, you don’t give a shit about appealing to people, you’re telling a story that helped you and may help others too, no matter the money you might lose or recognition you’ll never gain. Imagine that you found a way to both appeal to a wider audience and tell that story you have in your mind’s view. It gets more popular than most media to come out of your country and helps you bring in more than enough money you need to survive. Suddenly people are falling in love with the characters you wrote in more ways than one. People are starting to call it a modern classic and then, you start getting letters from people all around the world telling you how much your writings helped them and that they’re living better lives because they were inspired or motivated by the words you oh so carefully put onto a page, with the art you spent hours, upon days, upon weeks on opening people’s eyes to what they’re capable of.
I may have put some personal shit in that last paragraph, but I was mainly talking about the subject of this... (essay?) Horikoshi Kohei. A man who never gave up because dammit, he had a story to tell and fuck anyone who doesn’t want to hear it. All that matters to real writers is that someone feels special because of the words you put together on a page. Horikoshi puts a lot of time and effort into My Hero Academia, and what does his fans do? They tell him to kill himself because he dared wordplay to get the names of some characters. Y’know it’s funny, I don’t hear a lot of Jews, trans, gay, or Polish people complain about the shit their ancestors went through 70 years ago during the Holocaust like they went through it as well, but I always hear about Korean, Chinese, and Black people (off the top of my head don’t @ me) complain about shit their ancestors went through from 70 all the way back to a thousand years ago. Not to say that everyone in those races do that. because they don’t. I’m sure a majority probably doesn’t give two flying fucks what someone writes as long as they aren’t being personally targeted or threatened. But go on Horikoshi’s Twitter once and tell me that you don’t see hundreds of his followers (mostly Asian) threatening him and criticizing his naming of his characters. If you’re Korean or Chinese and you find issue with the fact that Horikoshi named a mother fucking villain character after a place where your specific race was tortured and experimented on, decades before were even fucking thought of, please tell me why. If you feel personally attacked then you’re... (I don’t wanna use retarded because people will automatically stop reading and DM me about my word choice) doltish. That’s a fancy word for stupid by the way. Maybe if it were one of the heroes named that way then I would completely understand, but it’s not. It’s a fucking villain. 
But hey, what do I know? I’ve never been through shit. I’m just a plain, short and chubby little white girl with a big mouth that’s never been the victim of prejudice or racism. No one’s ever taken a look at me and judged me based on my ancestors or religious choices. No one’s ever made fun of my accent or the color of my skin, or the birth defect that effected my feet and slightly effected my hands. 
Oh by the way, my mom’s a closet Psychopath that wasn’t diagnosed because the rest of the family is too fucking psycho for anyone to notice her torturing animals at a young age. My dad was a Paranoid Schizophrenic with an undiagnosed Psychosis and severe PTSD (diagnosed) that grew up in a home with an abusive father and a mother that was too busy grooming her oldest son (take that how you will) to pay any attention to him. Not to mention she also killed him. It’s not like my dad’s dad was also a psychopath that purposefully killed my unborn brother and laughed when my mom miscarried It’s not like my life was at risk because there was people shooting at my house (where I lived with my grandfather) and I could hear the bullets bouncing off of the trees. It’s not like I was bullied when I was little leading to a brain injury that caused my memory to be fucked up and my speech to slur and stutter. Oh and I definitely didn’t have to start being a second mom to my brother, and an actual mom to my little cousin because my family doesn’t give a fuck how their actions effect others.
I didn’t have the worst life by all means. There’s a lot more people that I know personally that have had it way worse than I have. I’m just saying, don’t take shit so fucking personally. Grow some goddamn balls and stop telling people to go kill themselves because they named a character something you didn’t like. Stop bringing up shit from the past unless people ask about it, or you’re telling you life story. It’s 2020. It’s time to stop being pussies and act like functioning members of society. 
Oh and one last thing. Ya’ll are telling a man to kill himself while the corona virus is spreading like the plague. I think we should be more fucking worried about the fact that humanity could easily be wiped out thanks to the Chinese government silencing a scientist who know about the damn virus a year ago. If anything, we should be targeting them and Trump for being awful, not a poor mangaka that was just word playing with the names of his characters. 
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keyofjetwolf · 6 years
Jet Wolf Summarizes Act 49
The manga and I kind of hate each other. This is unfortunate, but still, I’m determined to come out of this with something. Rather than spend energy on a liveblog that’s increasingly negative, I’m reading each manga act (mostly) silently, and then writing up summaries at the end. I won’t pull my punches. There’s going to be criticism and snark about the manga, either wholesale or in details. If that isn’t a thing you feel like reading, please skip this post!
I think I’m done? I think I’ve finally come to the end of this travesty of storytelling, leaving only this one chapter to summarize before I’ve made it one step closer to freedom and peace.
Not that it’s going to be hard, as this issue serves as both the climax and the epilogue. By which I mean nothing interesting happens and then everyone stands around for thirty pages being somehow even less interesting as they talk about it. I’m pretty sure the actual title of this one is “Act 49: Dream 11 ~ Mangaka Needs A Paycheck Dream”.
We open with Usagi unveiling her new toy line, just in time for the holiday season ramp-up. I hope everyone brought sunglasses, because apparently the sun goes nova with the amount of GLOW happening on panel.
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(”glow”, Usagi, not “grow” as in “HOLY SHIT YOUR ARM IS NOT SUPPOSED TO GROW LIKE THAT)
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That’s fourteen times over nine pages. And it was also the only thing happening on those pages. Riveting reading.
Nehellenia gets sucked back into her mirror, but not before she spits this out, and then I spit things out too.
With Nehellenia sealed, all the bad things undo themselves and everyone wakes up, meaning all of this could’ve been fixed ages ago with a nightlight and a hand mirror.
Chibi-Usa finds Pegasus (as Boyasus) unconscious, and is excited to demonstrate everything she learned from her parents about consent and appropriate behaviour.
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Things start glowing AGAIN, and Chibs really was the one Pegasus was looking for this whole time! Only really not because she didn’t do shit about the larger problems only helped him wake up from a nap! But sure, okay, whatever!
Pegasus gives his circus prize to Mamoru who powers up to become King Endymion, because of course he fucking does. We get four pages of him and Usagi waving their big sticks while the Senshi stand there and once again have a forced costume change. Usagi bought you those prom dresses, ladies, BY GOD YOU WILL WEAR THEM. Hotaru, Keeper Of The Plot Threads, asks Usagi-as-NQS-Right-Now-I-Guess to wave her stick over some balls, and this hatches the Quartet. They’re Senshi now, devoted to Chibi-Usa after one conversation, which is almost certainly one more than her mother’s had with her Senshi in years. Only they aren’t really Senshi right now, and apparently neither is Chibs, despite everyone very clearly being in Senshi. We have to save that for the cash cow sequel, you understand.
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”We’re just going to be lifeless and off-panel until you need some human-sized accessories.” SEE LOOK THEY’RE NATURAL SENSHI ALREADY
The last five hundred pages are repeating everything that JUST HAPPENED, please believe me when I tell you I just fell asleep right now rereading it. Chibs declares that one day she will marry the horse, and somewhere, Tina Belcher is all “Get it, girl.”
Mamoru talks about how his heart is still warm, not unlike the last slice of pizza from the display kiosk at 7-11. Usagi plagiarizes Queen Serenity, who will probably declare martial law in retaliation by next week. “Give me strength!” Usagi concludes, in a rare moment of being relatable.
And thus do we learn that however bad SuperS was, it could’ve been worse. In a very twisted way, I owe you thanks for that, manga. So: thank you for showing me that, truly, there is no bottom.
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icharchivist · 7 years
I was tagged by the sweet @undonesam​ and amazing @kigamin​, thank you <3 
1. Favorite anime?
atm it’s definetly Hunter x Hunter and I can’t think straight about anything else, but in general Fullmetal Alchemist and D. Gray Man are always up there. 
2. Worst anime?
oh my I rarely watch anime if i’m not recommanded to watch them so I managed to avoid a lot of bad stuff. But when I started watching anime I fell on some harem anime like L/ove H/ina that made me deeply uncomfortable.
3. Do you read manga that goes with the anime?
Usually ye, I’m actually more the kind to read than to watch anime. For some mangas (dgm and fma for exemple) it’s actually hard for me to watch the anime adaptations at time ahah. Anyway I usually prefer to read the manga so if I start an anime and like it, I will check the manga, or read the manga first. 
4. Most favorite genres?
lmao I agree with Kigamin, hxh is it’s own genre and this is a good one. Usually I admit I like adventure stuff, I usually easily get into quite light stories that tends to get somewhat darker as it goes by. I like also thinkpieces, the kind of manga that have you push some thinking in general.  I’m really into characters driven stories, especially when you focus on multiple characters. 
otherwise I like light comedies, mostly in the romance or sport genre. 
5. Least favorite genres?
harem, ecchi, loli/shota, all this kind of stuff. I usually get easily turned off if there’s too much fanservice or gross elements.
6. Favorite character?
oh my. At the moment it’s Kurapika. Like ,,, i’m too invested for this shit I love him ways too much. atm he’s all I can think of. 
But Lavi from dgm and Ling/Greed/Greeling from FMA are always quite in the top and considering I’m not as involved in those mangas than in hxh, it’s quite telling that those two remained this high in my favs after all those years. 
7. Least favorite character?
depends if you mean “character that I hate because of their actions”, in which case, Shou Tucker from FMA is a really, really good starting point lmao
or “character I don’t especially like and isn’t that much of a bad person but I just don’t like them” in which case, Nea from DGM. And okay, he’s technically a bad person, but considering how everyone talks about him I get r e a l l y pissy because I just. Can’t stand him lmao. (I’m starting to have the same feeling with Mana D.Campbell too). The problem with those two characters is that /I know/ they’re going to be developped more and I’m looking forward to their development because for now, they’re at the really begining of what’s interesting in their storylines, but considering the hiatus and all (although no blame to Hoshino-sensei), I don’t feel much for them and I’m just kinda hicky to see them everywhere. (especially with how quickly people loved Mana while there’s still a major ignoring of the Earl so far and that I think I’m going to yell if I see one more “it’d be cool of the Earl became Mana again” no, fuck you.)
8. Qualities you like in a character?
Suffering.huuh jk jk, but idk. 
I usually kinda like the fun and/or teasing character with a Tragic BackStory or kinda dark motivations but who gets kinda torn between the happiness they could have, esp thanks to others people, and the duty they put upon themselves? 
It really depends. I love characters that often asks to go a bit deeper to read. I love to analyse characters and see complex characters. But usually if the character is a smart mouth who often teases others characters or try to make them feel better, I tend to love them.
(like, I fell for Kurapika when he was teasing Leorio, he hits about all the others mark, smartmouth, sometimes cheer people up, kinda tragic, complex, following his duty even if it hurts him while he can be happier with his loved ones. A bit the same with Lavi, he’s always teasing, quite a smartmouth, he sometimes cheer people up, he’s really worried for people, but his duty as Bookman holds him back and he’s torn between how he wants to help in the war for his friend and his duty that require him to not have a heart.  Ling is a bit less torn about it all but he’s really all about his duty, he’s a smartmouth too, he really puts people in big situations by teasing them, and he usually know what to say to motivate people (like Greed). That’s kind of the patern I’d see with my favs)
9. Short or long anime?
huuuuh mostly I prefer long stories so usually long, but again, I rather read the manga if the medium is too long, I rarely have the attention span to watch a long anime. (ie why it’s a miracle I watched hxh2011 in 3 weeks.)
10. Anime or manga?
Usually Manga (if it wasn’t obvious by now o(-( ).  Anime often uses Fillers or cut scenes and both makes me hicky when it goes against the canon’s characters development or kinda screw with the timeline of the manga.
And the thing that usually makes me the saddest about it is that also, I love to see the art progression of the mangaka during the manga. Some changes are spectacular and I love to compare the artstyle, and, rightfully so though, an anime usually try to be coherent in their artstyle but  y e. That’s my major grip against the DGM’s anime because the artsyle is either surreal or so beautiful in the manga and the anime doesn’t really manage at either o(-(
11. How do you choose the anime you watch?
Usually it’s intense recommanding from people I trust. A few times it could be because of my tumblr dash (I watched gsnk like that)  but usually I need someone I really trust to insist I should watch said anime. (and I’m legit the worst at that, it’s been 6 years a close friend wanted me to start hxh, 1 year that another close friend insisted as well, I started it last December after all this time, so it’s telling of how bad I am with it).
12. Skip or listen to intros/outro?
Always watch and listen to them. A Good anime is an anime I’m trying to sing along the intros/outros of. Besides you never know which anime could hide easter eggs or bonus in or after those!
13. How do you cope with friends or family don’t like you watching anime?
huuuh friends are chill, they know me and they know I get really invested in stuff, sometimes they laugh a little because I’m really getting in too deep but they actually even sometimes push me to talk about it. I have a friend who started some of the animes I kept talking about because of that, it was sweet.
Parents and family is not really good tho. I kinda want to act like “I don’t care” and all, but my family tends to over-tease me on it all, and it often gets downright racist in arguments, so it makes me especially uncomfortable. I’m someone who often wants to talk about the things that I love and I know I can’t really with my close family, which is why I’m so loud on there. If I mention anime or honestly anything I like (or hell, if we end up accidentally zapping on said stuff on TV and I don’t do anything), I get a two hours long teasing that gets kinda hurtful at times and again, when it comes to anime, with a racist edge to them or a “that’s why everyone is violent” lecture. 
I suppose this blog is my coping of it all I guess? lmao.
14. Do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it?
Ye. I mean I stopped midway in animes I actually liked but had no energy to pick up and I’m not sure I’ll even pick them up. Hell, I never finished watching say, FMAB or both anime of DGM because I didn’t feel like it. So if there’s an anime I don’t actively like, I’ll drop it. I don’t like forcing myself to watch stuff.
wouhou that was long. 
Anyway I tag @ttachibana, @killuabs, @kimievii, @nadejdaro, @unnoticed-and-necessary, @caruchan- aaand @mariyekos
if you want to ofc :D
Take care!
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noelclover · 7 years
Off the Cuff 09/02/17
This is somewhat negative, but a reflection post. Why am I doing this at 0032 in the morning instead of drawing? I don’t know. I guess I hit that point where I just need to really get it off my chest. This will also probably get me haters, but fuck it.
Okay, so people who followed me way back probably know by now I wanted to find my center again before I came back. I only really wanted to bother making an account and such when maybe new year came around, but I got pestered. Fortunately, there was one person who’s account I really wanted to support, so it made things a lot easier for me.
As we can see, I didn’t get to find my balance well and that lead to well, weak art. Sometimes, we just need to take a step back and find our pace again and I really tried, but I stumbled about, fucked up a lot. Till now I strongly believe if I just went off like a hermit for a longer period of time I’d have been in a better position, which would have been better for everyone.
Another reason is because of what Tumblr itself: A tremendously sexist and racist site.
Yeah, Tumblr.
Quite a lot of you are racists and sexists, more than a few of you would gladly get up on a high horse and make tremendously hypocritical or bloody stupid statements that make me wonder if I should give in to my depression and buy some rope to make use of that hook in my room. To me humanity is laughable. We are creatures who would gladly, in the same breath, claim unity while at the same time promote segregation, who would gladly make everything an “US VERSUS THEM” scenario rather than sit down and discuss, share views and understand where the other party is coming from and Tumblr is great proof of it.
There is little love in this site, it’s full of hatred.
You know, I laughed when Trump talked. Not because I agree with him mind you, I don’t, but because he was so bloody honest with his bigotry. It is something I can respect him for, funny enough, because God knows I appreciate honesty in these times. And he was, to me, a good reflection for the various social justice groups that I found here.
Feminists who happily embrace misandry and claim it justified while misogyny would be a cause for a crusade, character assassination, when both are wrong, steps upon the path of madness. Vegans who go about damning their fellow man while taking a viewpoint that takes only the USA and not understanding things such as logistics and trade, or even the animals they claim to champion sometimes. Race groups who begin condemning members of another group because all trouble stems from them, and without any self reflection proclaim themselves to only be victims.
The madness, the hypocrisy of it all.
I’d cry if I weren’t too busy laughing.
“Oh, you’re only bothered now because it affects you!” I can imagine some saying. And I laugh at that because from when I was a kid I have never, ever condoned and agreed to such stupidity. I have always been puzzled, have always questioned people, at times in a literal fashion, when they say something so bloody daft. I’ve been bothered by it since I was little because it had always been nothing but madness to me.
It should never be a matter of us versus them. It should be a walk on the rocky road to understanding, a path of love and enlightenment, where we fully come to realize that it is our experiences, the similarities in our varied lives that help us empathize with one another, not because we have the same bloody skin colour, or genitals.
But here we are.
One of the posts I remember the best was that women were better at drawing yuri because they were women. I laughed very hard at that and asked “Explain yaoi?”, to which, in jest I received and formulated a reply with my acquaintance that “women knew what other women wanted to see, hence yaoi would be easy for them, and since they were women, they would know what yuri should entail!” Clearly, women are the superior sex when it comes to story telling because they were born with all the bases covered!
My goodness, I should kill myself now because I will never fucking amount to what the storytellers, the mangakas I love have accomplished because I’m a fucking male by birth. That explains why I long to be female! What a waste of resources!
There were more broad sweeping statements from other sources I read that cut deeply, all because they were rather stupid and spat in the face of hard work and meritocracy, all the while condemning and promoting the superiority of a sex. There were more posts, quite a bit more mind you and I was getting absolutely sick of it.
I still am.
But fuck it all. It doesn’t matter. Nothing really does. If this is the path the world takes, celebrating free speech as it claims dictatorship, celebrating love as it spews hate then that will be what it is. Sometimes I remind myself that I’ve got terrible health and if I’m lucky I’ll fuck off in three years.
It makes me feel slightly better really.
That’s all I wanna say. I’m gonna just go back to drawing and stay as the ignorant old fuck that I am. 0138.
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geekpellets · 6 years
I will never stop saying Zom-bayz.
I really don’t know why these goddamn zombie movies have to be 2 hours long. I didn’t plan for that, so now I’m a full day behind, and that means three films a day, and 6? on Halloween, and I am going to die. Juan of the Dead A Cuban film where...Juan...gets caught up in a zombie apocalypse that the Cuban government conveniently blames on American capitalists and starts a business where he kills zombies for fast cash with his friends and family. I am mixed about Juan of the Dead. It has some great overall concepts. These concepts are carried by the lowest of low brow humor. I mean truly bad and exceptionally immature shit with no amount of nuance once or ever. Because of this, I have a hard time telling if sometimes the acting is actually bad, or if the material is just that bad. I think everyone in this film has talent, it just doesn’t always show. I can’t say much about the effects. I don’t remember them. The zombies themselves are alright. The execution is good, but the design, they rarely look dead enough. There is CG. It’s not good, but it is better than syfy shit. I can’t say much about the pacing. The story is more directionless than it might seem. It’s kind of just a thinly veiled excuse for sequenced skits. I imagine it wouldn’t matter much if the comedy hit for me more times than not. I laughed. I chuckled a couple of times in this movie, but not an hour and thirty minutes worth of chuckling. Not worth talking about mood or atmosphere. This is not a balanced horror comedy like, say, Shaun of the Dead. This is a stoner comedy through and through, with zombies. It is...a good first foray. I assume this is some kind of first. If not, it is a problem. In either case I can’t suggest it, even though I didn’t hate it. Oh! There is one scene in the movie that I think is absolutely brilliant. It involves a guy that speaks English and no one really knowing what he’s talking about. I like it because, even though he is CLEARLY speaking English, I didn’t have any idea what the fuck he was saying either. I got to hear what English sounded like to foreign ears. That was nice. The Girl With All The Gifts This film is about a gifted young girl who was born with the same zombie infection that has turned most people into mindless flesh eating monsters, but she and her classmates aren’t mindless or decomposing, and their ability to cope with the virus may be the key to the worlds salvation, but can they be trusted? This is an odd one. It doesn’t feel like a horror movie. I felt no amount of suspense or tension, not an ounce, even though there are blood, zombies, and people bleeding as they get torn apart by zombies. I think this is largely due to the fact that we don’t know these characters, and only the protagonist develops, and that’s not even right. She doesn’t develop because making important decisions is not character development, that’s just something people do. So, there’s no emotional investment, and for a film like this, there absolutely has to be to succeed. That’s the difference between watching a good zombie film and just watching stuff happen on screen...with zombies. The Girl With All The Gifts FEELS like the latter. The film takes itself very seriously, and that works well enough, until they introduce a wild tribe of hybrid zombie children. These guys look like the kindergartners from Recess. They got war paint and everything. Why!? It’s silly. It’s VERY silly, but the film doesn’t KNOW it’s fucking silly, and this is like the big revelation. This is what directly leads to the climax, and it so doesn’t work for me. Most of the characters in this film don’t have range, so the actors don’t have the wriggle room to really act. The protagonist, Melanie, is played by Sennia Nanua, and she does a mostly amazing job. When she gets hungry, and starts to fight against it, and starts to struggle, it is with more realism and subtly than anyone else in this film that failed to portray the same thing with the same skill. These zombies remind me of Jim Carey. If Jim Carey was wondering around eating flesh, but always sounded like he was choking on Popeye’s biscuits, that’s these zombies. I mention all of these because when Melanie has to interact with these other kids, it’s so goddamn silly, and it’s just makes me shake my head because I KNOW she can act so well, and I feel like she’s gonna be somebody, she’s gonna stick around, she’s gonna make it, but that scene. Pure cheese, doesn’t know it, cheese as fuck. This movie is an hour and fifty minutes long, and I truly wish it wasn’t. Because there’s actually no character development in the film, and because the plot is basically just a zombie road trip story, I don’t see the point in this movie being as long as it is. If I Am Legend can tell its story in an hour and twenty-six minutes, this movie should damn well be able to wrap itself up in an hour and forty at the most. The practical effects are good, but juuust good. The blood is alright. Most of the time it looked like melted lolipop. There no browning, it look like they were spreading raspberry puree’ on people’s faces, but it’s not too bad. Honestly, I can’t suggest it, UNLESS, you want to show it to kids. I feel like this would be awesome for the budding horror fan. A kids version of I Am Legend with plenty of blood and guts? If I was a kid I would be SO down for that. Some pet peeves I have that I didn’t take “points” off for. I am so tired of zombies that don’t finish who they’re eating, and none of these zombies do. I am also tired of the individual making the tough call to kill someone in order to establish a vaccine being vilified. Fuck that. Those are the real heroes. Stop being selfish asshole and respect the people out here who have to put their own humanity aside to save humanity itself. I Am a Hero I Am a Hero is about a struggling Mangaka who’s ordinary life is turned upside down during the zombie apocalypse. Shortly afterwards he meets a young high school girl and together they struggle to make it through the apocalypse. This movie is fantastic. It is so much fun. It is over the top, but this is Japan, we know how over the top they can be. Tokyo Gore Police this is not. It’s an incredibly balanced film. Dramatic, silly at points, funny, suspenseful, and action packed, and it works so well because unlike the movie above, this movie knows EXACTLY what it is. Most, if not all, of this movie takes place in broad daylight, so the suspense stems from these well choreographed well directed action pieces, and whether or not the protagonist- Hideo- will be able to overcome his insecurities. The acting is great all around, and they do an excellent job exploring the character of Hideo Suzuki and who he is before the apocalypse breaks out. I was very much on his side. The movie is two hours long, but I loved every moment of it. It didn’t feel two hours long, and that’s probably because the slower moments are spread out well and really don’t last very long. There’s always something happening, and that something is often some badass action. The practical effects and make-up effects are fantastic. I love the design of the zombies, they’re very creative. There is CG, and it is noticeably CG, but it’s not bad. Some of the CG is of things that actually could have been done with make-up effects, but, it’s still better than I Am Legend’s CG vampires (this time, I’m referencing the remake). Good blood too. Nice and proper. I have nothing bad to say about this film. This is a must own movie, I think. I think this is my favorite zombie film, and I can say that because The Crazies remake are technically infected, not zombies.
0 notes
makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 216: You’re a Good Man, Shinsou Hitoshi
Previously on BnHA: Deku calmed his emotions and activated Blackwhip a second time, this time On Purpose, and for a moment it looked like he was going to completely curb stomp poor Shinsou. But then he crumpled in pain and the quirk vanished, and he realized he wasn’t physically strong enough to use that quirk just yet. So instead he chased after Shinsou using good ol’ full cowl. Meanwhile Ochako captured Monoma, who taunted her about having one last ace up his sleeve. This turned out to be a Twin Impact shot he’d been saving to hit Deku with, and it worked pretty nicely, but unfortunately our boy Shinsou didn’t have enough experience yet to take full advantage of the resulting opening. Meanwhile Ochako went to bail out Mina and Mineta and took out not one but two more opponents singlehandedly like the fucking ninja she is. Mina took out the third with a raging uppercut, leaving Deku to wrangle Shinsou, thus securing 1-A’s total victory. Now all that remains to be seen is what kind of excuse Deku will come up with for his sudden new quirk, and whether or not Shinsou will be accepted into the hero course. We’re all rooting for you, kid.
Today on BnHA: The 5th set wraps up with a 4-0 victory for Team A, which also gives class A the overall victory over class B, having won 3 of the 5 matches. As 1-A celebrates, Shinsou broods. He was able to piece together that the exercise was a test for his potential transfer, but he feels like he didn’t accomplish enough. The teachers gather the two teams for the post-game analysis and are all “what the fuck, Midoriya.” Deku is all “I don’t know either,” and for some reason everyone just buys that and moves on with their lives. Deku credits Ochako and Shinsou with helping to save him, but Shinsou says he just did it to stop his team from losing. Aizawa chokes some sense into him and says that just because he’s not a perfect 100% self-sacrificing martyr all the time doesn’t mean he’s not worthy of being a hero. Everyone else chimes in and says that Shinsou did really good, and Vlad says that although they still need to make it official, it’s more than likely that Shinsou will be joining the hero course next year. Having settled all that, Aizawa asks Monoma if he can do him a favor and come with him to see Eri the next day.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 225, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so we’re opening with Shinsou’s perspective on those last few moments against Deku
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you’re telling me Izuku was spinning around over and over again in mid-air? he wasn’t just twisting the binding cloth around?? he himself was literally twirling at high speed? that’s what this panel was depicting?? the author of this series is drunk
ahhhhhh my poor exhausted lavender son
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welcome to shounen manga, friend. we only go forwards not back
ahhhhh fff dammit Shinsou
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and now we’re belatedly getting the hero names of the four class B kids waaaaaay after the fact
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(ETA: Exorcism of Emily Rose?? that’s what Viz’s translator speculated, anyway. idk I don’t watch horror movies so I don’t know what else it could be.)
I like the name “Mines” for Shouda though! his quirk kinda is like a landmine I guess. also this poor kid has seen better days Mina what did you do to him
anyways so poor Vlad is being forced to announce class 1-A’s perfect 4-0 victory for the second time in a row
haha check out Mina’s kung fu pose
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and Ochako’s peace sign. MVPs. I stan some motherfucking legends here I tell you what
oh lol it was Midnight that was doing the commentary since Vlad went with Aizawa and All Might
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I’m glad the kids’ petitioning paid off
so in the end class 1-A once again proved themselves against the unfortunate class 1-B who had all of the cool quirks but none of the luck
Midnight’s making the official announcement and everyone is cheering!
poor class B
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it’s not your fault, Manga. at least your team actually won, mainly thanks to you
ahhhh we’re cutting back to Shinsou and his face is hidden and he’s tugging at his scarf and hesitantly addressing Vlad and Aizawa
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he says this was also supposed to be his transfer exam. so he knew??
lol Vlad is asking Aizawa if he told him, but Shinsou says he basically just put two and two together even though he wasn’t 100% sure
“not to mention, I was the only one who participated in two matches” yeah that was certainly a big clue
lmao Vlad looks so impressed
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just how low are your standards dude
and now Aizawa is changing the topic and says it’s time for the teachers’ critiques! OH BOY THIS OUGHTA BE GOOD
Deku’s critique basically should just consist of “what the actual fuck Midoriya”
and like I said in the previous recap, Shinsou should get credit for his performance in the first battle as well as his save in this battle which showed he has the true spirit of a hero!
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so Aizawa’s asking what the principle is behind Deku’s new move since it’s so radically different from his established “super strength” quirk
and Deku’s just standing there nervously
Tokoyami and Kuroiro are bonding over their mutual admiration of how goth the new quirk is
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hmmmm how you wanna play this Deku
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so basically just be all “fuck if I know, this quirk only manifested for the first time eight months ago and it keeps surprising me with weird new shit. petition to rename it ‘mystery quirk’”
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sidestepping the question like a pro there Deku
so he says his power suddenly started overflowing and he couldn’t suppress it and it scared him, but that thanks to Shinsou and Ochako’s help it turned out all right
he says that if Shinsou hadn’t knocked him out he’s not sure what would have happened
and he’s turning to Shinsou now and explaining that he wasn’t bluffing earlier, and he’s thanking him
what the fuck Shinsou
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were you?? fooled me then
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noooo goddammit Mina not now!!
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oh sheesh lmao
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and now she’s nervously twiddling her fingers and smiling hesitantly and saying she’d rather do that than not do anything and regret it later
oh my gosh
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and holy shit but I want to take that picture of him smiling almost imperceptibly and fucking frame it
look at Ochako managing to completely deflect the attention away from Deku somehow. not only was she the MVP of the battle, but she just keeps saving his ass even afterward
holy shit
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anyway, so Shinsou says he just did what Ochako asked him to do
yeah, but you did it despite them being on the opposing team though!
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exactly. you knew it was the right course of action and you didn’t hesitate
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holy --
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lmao at Kaminari immediately breaking into a chant. methinks the mangaka is too self-aware
and well then, since Best Dad Aizawa Shouta has officially entered the ranks of parents who occasionally discipline their children via shocking comedic violence (consider also: All Might decking Deku at the beach a mere chapter before Mitsuki’s infamous introduction), maybe we can finally put that debate to rest. I think it’s pretty clear when Horikoshi is intentionally portraying abuse and when he’s just being over the top because this is a fictional story in a fictional world where not three pages ago there was a character with a literal comic book for a head
oh snap Aizawa
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in other words, it’s okay to be a little selfish. sometimes selfish is even needed. because he’s absolutely right, if you don’t take care of yourself as well you’ll fuck yourself over before long and then you won’t be able to save anyone
and also, at the end of the day, if you save everyone successfully and complete the mission, does it really make sense to stand around and argue whether or not your intentions were pure enough?
anyways needless to say I’m really digging this “nobody’s perfect” speech right here you guys
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(ETA: oh hey it’s Aizawa’s Mysterious Cloudy Friend, Shirakumo! probably. hey Shirakumo. what’s your fucking deal goddammit)
this is basically Aizawa’s version of All Might’s speech from chapter 120. I always love when the series metas about what it means to be a hero and what separates the great ones from everyone else. and we saw firsthand in Bakugou’s match just a few chapters ago the difference it makes when a hero is focused on both winning and rescuing
now Deku is complimenting Shinsou on all of his strategic moves like dropping those pipes down on him and trying to lead him back to where everyone else was to regain his advantage
oh my god you guys Deku is so passionate and generous with his praise, this is exactly the kind of thing Shinsou needed to hear though
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kinda getting that “a true hero doesn’t just save people, they save people’s hearts” vibe thing here on top of everything else
oh my god Deku
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what the fuck are you talking about, if anything you lean into this too much and you need to relax a little and take some of Aizawa’s advice to heart
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oh my god. the one hand clutching his scarf and the other one in a clenched fist. and that face. oh shit here come the feels
and I desperately need to know if this means next year as in January/next term, or next year as in when they move on to year 2
(ETA: Viz’s translation indicates it’ll happen in their second year of school.)
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(ETA: I love that both classes so clearly want him though. again, they’ve all collectively adopted him and I love it
also, class 1-A still has a traitor in their midst, so depending on when and how that all goes down, they may just end up having a vacancy, just saying...)
oh my god
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Mina this is why I want you to run for President. and Aizawa, she absolutely is right and he should be punished
loooool Monoma is trying!
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hang in there buddy
so getting back to that, I’m guessing what happened there was that he did take One for All the quirk, but not any of the stockpiled power within Izuku? because to get that it has to be willed to you by the previous owner. so basically he was trying to activate it, and it probably was working, but his version of the quirk was at OFA Prime levels. basically starting from scratch with no additional power stored up other than his own. and we all agree this is actually very fortunate for him and he’d be getting carted off to Recovery Girl right now if things had gone differently
does that not bother him, by the way? like, Ochako just figured he was “bluffing”, but Monoma knows he was actually trying to activate the quirk and nothing was happening. I wonder what he made of that. it seems like maybe he’s too caught up in the loss to class A to really think much on it just yet
(ETA: so apparently he knows enough about how his quirk works to have already figured this out, lol.)
whoa oh shit and I just read the last three panels and a ton of interesting stuff happened so quickly lol
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okay let’s break this down and then we’ll end the recap
(1) Deku is so fucking pure. middle of a battle and being attacked, and his only concern is that the quirk is gonna be too much for Monoma and badly injure him
(ETA: and can I just say, the other students could have used a little more of that concern though. the teachers too for that matter.)
(2) so I take this to mean Horikoshi is going to explain what happened, but for now I’m assuming my speculation is more or less near the mark. he definitely did take OFA because you could see the telltale red flashing pulsing shit happening with his skin. so it has nothing to do with Deku originally being quirkless; it’s the way that OFA as a quirk works
(3) Deku is super fucking lucky that no one started questioning what happened with his quirk again, what with Monoma bringing the subject back up
and lastly, (4) OH SHIT. is he gonna have Monoma copy Eri’s quirk to see if he can control it? lol we only just established how lucky he is to be alive after taking Deku’s quirk. what are you trying to do to this poor kid
though I am glad to see Aizawa being a logical dad who cares about his baby girl and is constantly thinking of ways in which to possibly help her out. ah well, hope nothing goes wrong there
and that’s it! on to the next chapter to hopefully see Bakugou and All Might grill Deku about WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED lol
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 157: Giant Zelda Boss
Previously on BnHA: The badass lady squad kicked some villain ass (even if it did take them a while). Toga showed up disguised as Deku and directed the heroes to where Nighteye and co. were fighting Overhaul underground. They crashed onto the scene as Toga, Twice, and Compress watched from the street above. Twice and Toga told Compress to go kidnap Eri, and he was all “:/ but it’s dangerous” but in the end they bullied him into going down there. Overhaul tried to escape with Eri and Deku leaped after them. We learned that Eri was the granddaughter of the Precepts’ boss, and her mom abandoned her, so the boss put her in Overhaul’s care. Apparently she had an unknown quirk that had somehow killed her biological father. Overhaul experimented and found out her quirk had something to do with “rewinding.” Then the rest of it we already knew -- Overhaul continued to hurt her and she had to suffer through it and eventually she was conditioned to blame herself and to believe that she was “cursed.” But now with everyone trying to rescue her, her quirk is apparently “awakening” with her desire to somehow save them all. omg.
Today on BnHA: Deku grabs Eri and says he’s not gonna let go! Overhaul, who has reverted back to his normal form, is all GIVE HER BACK, and creates some stabby rock tentacle claws to try and get at them. Deku instinctively uses 100% OFA to escape to the surface, and then panics afterwards, thinking that he’s broken his legs. But surprisingly, they’re fine. Meanwhile, Overhaul fuses himself with another unconscious minion and heads after them. Nighteye tells Ryuukyuu and the others that he saw the future and that Overhaul is going to pursue Eri and kill Deku, and that even if they go after him they won’t win. Back on the street level, Deku realizes that all of his injuries have been healed, but then he promptly crumples over in pain. Overhaul, having transformed into some sort of multi-limbed giant rock dragon man, explains that Eri’s quirk gives her the ability to “rewind” humans, and that she can’t control it. But Deku decides this is the perfect opportunity to activate OFA Full Cowl at 100% and just have Eri heal him as he goes. He’s gonna BREAK BONES LIKE NO ONE HAS EVER BROKEN BONES BEFORE.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
oh! I like this!!
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“the determination to be saved” YESSSS ERI YESSSSS
also, going back to the previous panel for a second, what is going on??
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what happened to Overhaul and Nemo? they unfused?? did she rewind time and undo all his bullshit?
anyway Deku has her now and he says this time he’s not letting go of her! YAY
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also Horikoshi’s love of drawing hands has officially gone too far. that is SO FUCKING DISTURBING. and also AWESOME, GODDAMMIT
like, look at how his fingers are separating the panels in the bottom right corner. fuck this artistic bullshit
also why is Deku worried about his ability to move? it’s not like Overhaul is any better off. he’s disintegrating the platform he was standing on so he can literally fall at them. you’re both falling. just dodge him. it’s not like he’s any more mobile than you are, and he doesn’t have 20% OFA or 8% or whatever the fuck you’re using right now
anyway he’s hugging Eri determinedly and glaring at Overhaul and again thinking that he won’t let her go no matter what
oh cool are we flashing back to one of the best lines in this arc? I’m down with that
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nice to see Deku getting back to his roots
nice to see Horikoshi getting back to his roots, actually. pacing has picked up again, art style is back in full swing, and Deku is thinking determined thoughts about heroically saving others? this is the manga I fell in love with
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...maybe I spoke too soon
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wait, what? did he just make a giant claw cliff only to grab himself?
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okay but what the fuck is happening, though?
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that’s what I... you know what, never mind
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I can’t tell?? they don’t look anything like they did the last time he used 100%, but the one time it happened with his legs, it looked pretty different from when he breaks his arms. with his arms his sleeves usually rip right off and he’s all noodley and floppy. but with his legs, his pants always seem to stay intact to preserve his modesty. which is very thoughtful of you, OFA
anyway, down in the basement, Ryuukyuu and the others are saying they felt some sort of shockwave, so it’s indeed seeming like he broke his vow to never use OFA at full strength until he mastered it
I forgive him though. do you guys. I fully forgive him. as long as it actually worked oh please god let it have worked
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he’s screaming at Eri (even though she’s not there) that he needs her “in order to realize Pops’s ambition”
well too bad
Ryuukyuu looks very concerned, and I didn’t understand why, but then I remembered that even though Deku and Eri got to safety, the rest of them are all still stuck down there with him lol
it honestly didn’t even occur to me to be concerned. I don’t know why. I just assume they can handle themselves
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I mean, we already knew that though
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...well shit
but I mean. did he really see that? because if so, that’s officially the first vision he’s had that we 100% know is not going to come true. so I guess they’re not infallible after all
and of course Ochako is FREAKING OUT now
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oh no but she’s falling down now for some reason
(ETA: I guess she’s still fatigued from all the vitality-absorbing attacks earlier)
Nighteye says that he saw it
Ryuukyuu’s turning in disbelief asking him if he thinks they’d just go along with what he’s saying after hearing that
but he says that in their current condition they can’t win
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Nighteye is all “...”
and he’s giving Tsuyu directions to where Mirio is
and he’s asking Ochako and Ryuukyuu to help him to the surface omg
meanwhile back on the surface, Deku is landing!
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he’s asking her about it!
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oh shit and now something’s happening
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“RRIP” is not a good fx for one’s body to be making, generally speaking. though jury is still out on “ZZGGGG”
oh shit
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look Overhaul, I’m going to allow you to make one last stand for just long enough that you can explain how this quirk works. and then you can fucking die
he says she doesn’t know how to stop it
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you really went and made yourself into a giant Zelda boss. and made yourself into its fucking tongue
anyway he’s continuing to explain, and it seems it is indeed a time-rewinding quirk
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actually that quirk sounds amazing. once she’s able to control it she’s going to be a BEAST. offensively and defensively this is a winner. I can’t believe she had to put up with so many assholes telling her she’s cursed. cursed with being fucking awesome, maybe
(ETA: question, the way Overhaul phrases this makes it sound like she can rewind literally anything. do we know if there is a limit? is it limited to just living things, or organic materials? or is it literally anything, because if yes, holy shit though?)
Overhaul’s telling Deku to return Eri to him. hahahahaha. full of jokes now, are ya
“there’s no way to stop her other than her disassembly” um, nah. pretty sure she’s capable of stopping herself if they can get her to calm down. which could probably easily be accomplished if you would just kindly step off and go fuck yourself
anyway, Deku’s strapping Eri to his back. oh damn
he gets it now. the instant his leg broke, she reverted it before he could even feel the pain
he says it’s a kind, gentle quirk
oh my god Deku yes. say it louder for her to hear!
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oh baby girl it’s okay
oh fucking shit, of course Deku immediately thinks of how to appropriate this quirk for his own reckless needs
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(ETA: “CONSTANTLY ACCUMULATING INJURIES AT AN EVEN GREATER SPEED...!” jesus christ he is so fucking excited to have found this new and revolutionary way to wreck his body more efficiently than ever!!)
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(ETA: normal! so we’re still not sure how All Might does it, but that’s okay)
okay first off we have an “afterword” by Horikoshi announcing that this arc will finally come to an end in the next volume, and thanking everyone who’s sent him fan letters, and apologizing that he doesn’t have time to respond to them
he also talks about how tired he is and how energy drinks aren’t as effective anymore
I’m pretty worried about him burning out now tbh. Jump always works their best mangaka to the bone, and it’s a problem
other than that, there’s just the back of the volume 17 cover, which has Eri clutching her beloved Lemilliocape and more or less looking like she’s come straight out of some sort of apocalyptic AU
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how did her clothes and bandages get so raggedy omg. Overhaul is just the worst caretaker in the history of time
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 139: Deku and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Hallway
Previously on BnHA: The cops and Nighteye’s pro hero group took about nine pages to approach Overhaul’s house, only to be stopped by some massive troll of a man before they could ring the bell at the front gate. Everyone was all, “HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WERE COMING?” while ignoring the fact that there were like 70 guys all conspicuously gathered outside this place for like an hour prior to them getting started. Ryuukyuu turned into a dragon and I wanted it to be like this, but so far all she really did was hold the guy down with one of her big dragon claws. Which to be fair was still pretty cool. So she and her group are staying outside to deal with the cave troll while the rest of the heroes head on in. Meanwhile in the secret underground labyrinth beneath the house, Overhaul plotted to have his underlings stall the heroes while he made his getaway. And this is why you don’t ring the fucking doorbell before invading a mafia capo’s house. Just FYI.
Today on BnHA: The heroes finally make it inside the house! So thrilling. Nighteye uncovers a secret passage, and the heroes proceed down below. After smashing their way through a blocked wall, they discover a hallway doing its best impression of that Salvador Dali clock painting. This apparently is the work of one of Overhaul’s henchmen, Mimic, whose quirk allows him to enter objects and control them. Apparently he shot himself up with some Trigger and became a “living labyrinth.” Since Mirio is the only one not physically deterred by this, he activates his quirk and runs ahead before the others can stop him. The rest of the group suddenly falls into a big hole that opens up beneath their feet, landing in a room with three more henchmen. The pros get ready to fight, but Amajiki holds out a hand to stop them, saying he’ll be the one to take them down.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 171 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. My son the musical prodigy.) 
okay, time to get back on this. some holdover thoughts from the previous chapter since I’ve had a couple days to reflect on it:
why the hell didn’t everyone wear kevlar or some shit. you know you’re going up against enemies that will be shooting at you, and if they hit you you’ll lose your quirk. it blows my mind that the pros didn’t suit up with extra body armor knowing this
even worse, because of the way the house is designed, they’re basically going to be sitting ducks. they only know one way in and out of the lower levels of the house. seeing as it’s underground, that means lots of long, narrow tunnels and hallways. they’re in just about the worst strategic position they could be for a raid like this: the enemy knows they’re here, and unlike Nighteye’s team, they actually know their way around the hideout. meanwhile the raid team is inevitably going to either have to split up and get themselves lost, or stick to this stupid plan of taking the most direct route possible to get to Eri, and meanwhile have bad guys shooting quirk-destroying bullets at them the entire way
that being said, they should stick Kirishima out in front and use him as a human shield lol
(ETA: to be fair, the only one that actually ends up getting hit is another one who is normally for all intents and purposes bulletproof. and in his case kevlar wouldn’t have done jack shit because he would have ended up shedding the vest anyway due to his quirk. so fair enough, but the others should have still geared up. no one cares about safety huh)
all right. so let’s see just how screwed these guys actually are
okay so we’re opening with the mafia dudes demanding to know what’s going on, and the cops explaining that this is a raid suckas
the lower level pros are holding the mob guys back while the cooler pros go on ahead
FG’s apologizing for not stopping to take off his shoes since this is an urgent situation. how fucking rude. tracking in all that dirt
oh my god
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fucking kidding me with this shit. Bubble Girl in the lead? she barely even has a shirt, let alone any type of armor? is her quirk defensive in any way? let’s hope so
is Nighteye’s quirk even active again yet? right now he’s just a guy in a suit, isn’t he? although he did work with All Might for years, so he probably does have wicked combat skills that we just haven’t seen yet. hopefully
(ETA: wicked combat skills and a six-pack)
I can’t even see Kirishima in this shot. jeez. ridiculous
so as they run, they’re all discussing how the bad guys seem to have known they were coming, and that this is Not Good
I don’t really care about what Aizawa is saying in this panel, but I like that he’s right next to Deku
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taking that promise very seriously. well good, since we all know that literally the instant Aizawa lets him out of his sight, Deku is somehow going to end up facing the final boss or something
(ETA: fucking uncanny, though. every fucking time, Deku)
anyway, so they’re logically concluding that Overhaul and the top brass must already be in the basement either hiding all their shit or getting ready to escape
this makes Kirishima very angry
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well yeah, Kiri. but bad guys gonna bad guy
still, if it gets you fired up, you go ahead and feel that righteous anger boy
and now Nighteye’s stopping at a random panel in the wall and says this is it
oh, cool
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please be a secret door please be a secret door please be a secret dooooor...
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oh shit lol
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never mind. close it
ughhhhhhh the centipede guy is using his quirk nooo whyyyy
he’s picking up two of the guys with his centipede arms
to me this is a fate worse than death
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now Bubble Girl’s using her bubble quirk!
she’s... making bubbles. from her body
they’re floating over to the last bad guy
and they popped in his eyes and he’s screaming “my eyes!!!”
are these... are these just normal bubbles
I don’t really get it but hey! at least it’s not centipede arms!
so she’s restraining the dude and telling the others to go on ahead
and down they go. off to the garden of madness
except that almost immediately they’ve come to a dead end??
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this doesn’t look like a normal quirk though. maybe someone has a wall-building quirk? similar to what Cementoss has?
(ETA: this is most definitely Overhaul’s reassembly quirk)
anyway, Mirio says he’ll take a look
oh my god. I finally get to see just how Mirio deals with immediately shedding his elaborate costume and then having to put the whole thing back on again later
oh snap
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so if Mirio can have a costume that phases with his quirk, why can’t Hagakure have one woven out of her hair that turns invisible along with her? is it just because Horikoshi is a pervert. okay then
(ETA: I’m not even gonna bother getting into this anymore, but just know that I am rolling my eyes at this obnoxious fucking mangaka so damn hard)
anyway, so Mirio’s taking a peek and then reporting back that the path up ahead is exactly like Nighteye described. he says the wall is very thick though
oh, riiiiight
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I keep forgetting about the “reassemble” part of Overhaul’s quirk
oh well. time to bust a wall
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lol, FG and Static are like, “whoa”
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I think this is the first nice thing Static has said about any of the kids
oh shit. now there’s something else happening
the floor is getting all weird and uneven? like it’s getting all warped somehow
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well this is. annoying
(ETA: actually, “annoying” is the mildest, nicest, most undeservedly polite way possible to put it)
my god I hope none of them is claustrophobic. or ends up being claustrophobic after this, because I sure wouldn’t blame them
the head police guy says this has to be Irinaka’s quirk. that’s the HQ chief
so wait, is that the little guy from chapter 132 who made an arm grow out of his head??
and it doesn’t even sound like they’re sure it’s him
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although FG points out that if he got all doped up on quirk enhancers, this isn’t outside the realm of possibility
oh snap! it is him!
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oh my god. “I’m not on the ship. I’m in the ship. I am the ship”
LMAO at Fat Gum though
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what kind of pathetic excuse for a pro hero can’t even predict that a guy is going to turn into a basement
he’s asking Aizawa if he can erase the quirk, but Aizawa says he can’t without being able to see the quirk users’s body
hold up, does this mean illusionists would be immune to Aizawa’s quirk?? because that is some bullshit. (which I now really want to see)
Amajiki seems like he’s starting to psych himself out here. he’s muttering out loud that if the path keeps changing, they’ll never reach their goal, and the enemy can easily get away
oh shit, it seems like he’s starting to get overwhelmed...?
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hey, hey. easy there bud. you guys got this
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what a manly dude coming to the rescue of his bro who was starting to freak out. I love Mirio so much
ahhhhhhh he says he can still go on ahead as long as he knows the right direction
ahhhhhhhh I’m suddenly so fucking worried?!?! HE’S SO BRAVE AND I’M TERRIFIED FOR HIM
oh my god. in the first place, isn’t he blind whenever he uses his quirk? don’t all of his senses disappear? so he can keep pressing forward, but like what happens if he turns the quirk off because he thinks he’s made it through, only he hasn’t made it through? because this isn’t an illusion, as far as I understand it; the Mimic guy is actually warping the passageway
oh my god. forget just the characters; I’m going to end up becoming claustrophobic at this rate
(ETA: yeah this still nopes me out thinking about it. Mirio’s definitely braver than I am, that’s for sure)
but at the very least, Mirio bravely pressing forward seems to have snapped Amajiki out of it
hey guys, guess who ships the shit out of these two now btw. yeah that’s right. me that’s who
so Mimic is thinking that he can’t stop Mirio, but that even if he does make it through, “he won’t be able to do a thing by himself”
idk about that. you should’ve seen what this freak of nature did to almost the entirety of class 1-A in a matter of seconds. while naked no less
wait. this is starting to sound a bit eyebrow-raising. I promise you it was a g-rated beatdown though
oh snap, Mimic is warping the ground and dumping all of the important characters deeper into the basement while closing up the path back up
well that’s nice. so now they’re all sealed up in this death chamber. cool. that’s cool
not that I want it to happen, but a part of me is wondering why Mimic hasn’t just crushed them all yet if he has control over this entire basement
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so are they purposely trying to keep them alive? is it to avoid as much legal trouble as possible? are they hoping that if they just incapacitate them, Overhaul can later use his quirk to wipe their memories like he did with that Tarantino gang?
incidentally, every now and then I wonder to myself why someone as intensely rational as Aizawa would keep his hair so long and not just cut it short or tie it back to keep it out of his way. and then panels like this come along and it’s just, “oh yeah, because it’s hot”
(ETA: but ain’t it the truth)
so yeah, they’ve landed in this pit and now here’s some more bad guys!
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literally all they have to do is have Aizawa incapacitate them with his quirk one by one and have Deku or Kiri punch them. the rest can sit back and take it easy
(ETA: the fact that they refuse to follow this most sensible of plans throughout the entire arc is one of the more frustrating things about it)
oh snap, but it looks like someone else is finally ready to jump into action after seeing his boyfriend disappear down the enchanted hallway of doom
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also. that flashback panel though. that was a middle school uniform. these two have known each other since childhood just like Kacchan and Deku. omggggg
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glad to see the minds that brought us the yaoyorictionary and ochachakaleg are back at it again
so what exactly is the point of the lemilliohelm. I don’t get it. “it was designed so he could put it on quickly and then inevitably have it fall off again almost immediately”
consider my interest piqued at the mention of him being rescued by a hero in the past, though! I went back just now and looked at his flashback in chapter 152, and yeah! now that you mention it!
also! BnHA kids really need to be more careful on flashback bridges because those things are slippery as fuck
so can we get a name for this guy who saved him and inspired him to become a hero, then? I’m super curious about him now
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