#tlou2 owen
abbysthighs · 7 months
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On our way to find Owen.
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moodywyrm · 10 months
modern au hcs i have about the salt lake crew cuz why not i felt like sharing:
abby's secretly into cosplay but she won't admit it; manny's celebrity crush is sza; nora's a "no shoes in the house person" (she almost stabbed owen when he came over for a group get-together); mel's lowkey a disney adult and its adorable (her fav film is frozen); owen and jordan are both filmbros but in different ways - owen's the annoying kind (yk the kind 🙄) while jordan is genuinely passionate about films and film history and gives fun facts during movie nights; nick makes tiktok stitches like this one https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88SYgkG/ ; leah's one of those drunk girls who hypes up other girls in bathrooms, like she'll see a pretty black girl with gold charms in her hair and start crying cuz she's so beautiful (abby & nora had to drag her out)
this is one of the cutest asks I've ever gotten oh my god? lemme expand on your beautiful thoughts. while I have beef with the salt lake crew, I also appreciate them and I think, had we started with them, we would have all loved or tolerated them.
abby + cosplay is so full of possibility omg. I imagine it started as an appreciation for cosplayers because she thought it was super cool! and then slowly. she started doing outfits inspired by her favorite characters. and then recreations. and then next thing she knows, she's dragging Manny to comic con to be her lil protector/buddy while she dresses up as Spiderman, or Junker Queen, or Samus. she has literally had craft nights where the crew helps her work on her cosplays. mel is the best at it, helping her form foam armor pieces. owen is passable only because he has experience building and fixing shit (the boat). Jordan is laughably bad any it but he tries <3
manny's celebrity crush is Sza AND Kali Uchis. He genuinely thinks he could pull them and, honestly, maybe he could. but abby loves telling him they're out of his league (they kinda are). he has like, Pete Davidson rizz. if that makes sense.
Nora is 100% a no shoes in the house girl. it's how she was raised! her house is fucking Pristine, man, which is honestly such feat because girly is a busy ass nursing student. and you're right about Owen! shit head wears shoes inside houses WITH CARPET. I will say rn, it's pretty much impossible to not wear shoes inside the house in my place bc we have two dogs, but we have tile so it's not as bad. however with carpet? evil. vile. Owen and his nasty ass nike sneakers tried to step onto Nora's pristine cream carpet and she nearly smacked him with a pair of tongs that had just came out of hot oil. as she should. he learned, and has never tried it again (mostly because Mel reminds him every time)
Disney adult Mel!! I know Disney adults get a lot of hate, but I feel like she'd be really sweet about it. like whenever she wants to go, she offers to pay for the others food and stuff, if they can't, she always brings them little gifts. like pins and stuff, shirts, ears, plushies!! she has a special pair of mickey ears that a frozen themed, Owen got them for her on her birthday <3 (this is me taking my powers as a writer to turn Owen into an actually good partner for Mel and not a piece of shit <3). one time, Mel got Abby to disneybound Gaston and it was so cute!! she has disneybounded as Anna and she looks so cute in it <3
the filmbros. oh god. Owen is 100% the type of guy to love Quentin Tarantino films and think they're the peak of cinema, all the while hating Jennifers Body. Jordan however, king, he loves Jennifer's Body and 100% listened to Leah and Nora spend like three hours talking about the nuances of girlhood and queerness in the movie. Definitely watched and appreciated Barbie with them, even dressed up in all pink! borrowed some of Leah's clothes to do it <3 he loves channels like Dead Meat, because I feel like he especially likes horror movies? will defend the slasher genre with his life, hates torture porn movies. big fan of sleepaway camp!
I don't know much about nick but I can say this is accurate, I feel like he also does those videos reacting to weird white people recipes? like how long does it take for them to add a block of cream cheese to the crock pot, or the weird obviously fetish content ones? and he just makes this really stoic disappointed face like. fr.
drunk girl Leah!! I imagine the salt lake crew occasionally goes clubbing, and you're so fucking right about Leah. they all get kinda tipsy, but Leah takes two shots of vodka and starts falling in love with every fem presenting person in the building. gives the good compliments too. how beautiful they look in the party lights, the shine of their hair, the twinkle of their eyes, the highlighter! the outfit! is literally fawning over every fem person she sees and Jordan is just like yeah go ahead. mostly because he knows she loyal and also, she's literally just so cute. disclaimer that it's never in the like, fetishizing wlw for men, Leah literally just compliments every girl she sees ever. especially in the bathrooms! if she sees you crying, she is the first one at your side, offering to beat up whoever made you sad, holding your hand, helping you fix your makeup, the works. drunk girl Leah is a gem to humanity and there are leagues of girls out there whose nights have been saved by this drunken sweetheart. there have been. too many times where abby has had to physically throw Leah over her shoulder to get her out of the bathroom because they need to Leave and she's starting conversations with everyone who walks through the door.
this is so cute!! thank you for this ask nonnie!! and I got your ask about it being duets and not stitches <3
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melstanaccount · 1 year
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A post-apocalyptic nature walk
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andersonsgirl · 10 months
the fact abby took off her bra and her boobs were out for Owen and he didn’t even touch them. so fucking ungrateful.
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ellie williams with a black gf!
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A/N - my two requests are almost done chat i promise but i rly wanted to make something like this!!!!!
content warnings - JUST FLUFF!!!!
- will ALWAYS compliment u after u get ur hair done. "your new braids look so good, baby." EHEHEHEEHE AAAAAAGHHGH (*screeches through the phone*)
- will learn how to take them out for you just so you don't have to do it all the time by yourself:
"make sure you're not cutting my real h-"
"shh, shut up! i know what i'm doing 🤬 !" <3
- will figure out how to tolerate your nails. always pays for them. ALWAYS tells you how pretty they look. (sry guys my praise kink wants to be set free from the shackles they're currently in.)
- although she definitely always wants to protect you and make sure you're safe at all times she isn't afraid of letting you stand your own ground. but whenever things get too out of hand or it seems to be heading that way, she'll be shutting SHIT down.
- your parents/guardian/parent figures love her. I DON'T CARE. this woman WILL be getting invited to the family reunions!
- ellie williams has zero tolerance for racists. if you guys are out at a store in a predominantly white area and it even SEEMS to her that the workers are racially profiling. lingering stares, periodic walks passing where you are, etc etc we know how racial profiling works. she's getting your ass out of there and making sure that her numerous email accounts are used for giving them multiple 1 star reviews that night.
- ellie williams has been indoctrinated into the cult of hotties. she hears megan's piano once while u were getting ready and now she can't get enough of her music.
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tlouonmedia · 3 months
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Abby, Mel & (unfortunately) Owen
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hatosaur · 5 months
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late night draw; i think of abby and mel sometimes
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dohawee · 4 months
maturing is realizing that tlou is a phenomenal example of “ there isn’t a single villain in this story” if u actually think about it they all had to do what they did
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abbysthighs · 7 months
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Owen at the Aquarium in the winter.
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forthelostones · 8 months
tw: super nsfw!! mdni!! visual.
this with abby 😀
abby n ellie ?
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melstanaccount · 2 years
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Whoa! The gang made it to Santa Barbara!
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sky-is-the-limit · 8 months
My red flag is that I'm CONVINCED that if I was in the tlou2 universe, Abby would realise that she likes women and leave Owen for me. Yes, I need therapy.
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angelkissiies · 1 year
tiny surprises
abby anderson x reader
cw : threesome , owen , best friends turned lesbians , probably so much more.
wc : 3.1K
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“You came.” Abby breathed, hovering in front of the door, her muscled form blocking all view of the inside. Her eyes were soaking you in, from the tiny shorts to the large black t-shirt she recognized as one of her own, the sight alone was enough to make her want to jump your bones right here right now. 
You nodded, face heating up from the weight in her stare, shifting on your heels as you clutched your bag in front of you. “Of course,” You hummed, tongue darting out to moisten your lips. It was no secret that the two of you had something else going on, though neither of you’d ever acted on it, that was until now. It seemed like a joke at first, the idea of Owen proposing a threesome with a girl he KNEW his girlfriend wanted to fuck, but alas it was true– him going as far as to offer to do it at your place. You vehemently denied, wanting to keep the essence of him away from your place. “Why wouldn’t I?’ 
A smirk pulled at the lips of the blonde, opening the door wider to allow you to come in, never letting her gaze falter– eating up every glimpse she could get of the lace outline underneath your clothes. Right now, she felt no better than a man. “Owen,” She called out behind you as you pushed into the apartment, letting the door click closed before sliding the lock back in place. “She’s here.”
The sound of his name made you shift uncomfortably, considering the fact that you’d only ever slept with women up to this point– this was going to be the first time you’d even seen a man, let alone sleep with one. Owen wasn’t the worst-looking guy, having seen infected for so long you’d grown to normalize weird-looking things, so you were hoping this experience wouldn’t be the worst– which there's no way it would be a total loss, seeing as Abby was there. “You look really, uh, nice.” You managed, watching her pass you, her body clad in a tight black sports bra and matching gym shorts– a combination you’d seen many times before. 
Owen popped into the room before she had a chance to respond, his hair wet and clothes completely gone. A white towel was wrapped around his waist, shielding your eyes from his naked body. He had a goofy smile on his face, looking between Abby and yourself. “Hey,” He began, sitting on the edge of their shared bed, beckoning the two of you to come down the stairs. 
Abby took your hand, leading you down to the bed– grabbing your bag to sit aside for you. “You can back out at any time, there will be absolutely no hard feelings, okay?” She hummed, eyes coming level with your own as she took a seat on the bed, next to him. “Do you have a safeword?” 
You came to stand between her legs, her hands drawing you in, nodding slowly. “It’s mercy,” You glanced between the two of them, making sure they could both hear you. “What about you guys? Safewords or just anything I should know before we get started?” The last thing you wanted was for this to go so wrong that someone got hurt, something you’d heard horror stories from Manny about. 
“Safewords, no. We don’t use those.” He spoke, chuckling lightly, before continuing. “And we have a dynamic usually–,” 
The blonde raised her hand to him, shaking her head, the other hand wandering down the expanse of your lower back. “Let’s just.. see how this turns out, okay?” She offered up, coming to toy with the waistband of your shorts, her eyes lapping hungrily at the quiver that had entered your legs. “Go with it and see how it feels.” If she hadn’t been wet before, the harsh contrast of your bodies sent a gush of arousal into her cunt, making her unconsciously clench her thighs together. 
Owen gave her a sharp look, which she promptly ignored, making him huff lightly. He shifted on the bed, using his hands to block the growing erection he’d begun to develop. He’d be lying if he said the way Abby was touching you wasn’t turning him on, her massive hands coming to drag down your body. 
Abby looked up at you, taking in the eager look in your eyes before she came to a stop at the soft curve of your hips. “Tell me you want this.” She spoke, voice heavy, fingers digging into the t-shirt. Your comfort was her biggest concern, glossing over the pulsing in her cunt at the thought of touching you. 
“I want y-,” You stopped yourself, correcting yourself. “This. I want this.” 
Her hands pulled you down onto her lap, legs settling on either side of her muscled thighs, lips chasing yours. It was like a fire had been lit beneath her, the soft contrast of your skin driving her insane– she just needed to touch you, as long as she possibly could. It was a side of the woman that Owen had never seen, watching in awe as you whined into her mouth, hand moving to palm himself through the fluffy fabric of the towel.  
“Shit..” The man hissed, moving his other hand to rest on your thigh, inching closer to the subtle wetness that pooled in your lacy panties. You were still fully clothed, much to his dismay, but that didn’t stop his advances– that was until Abby caught his hand. 
Her heavy gaze fell on him, silently scolding him, before pushing his hand off of you. “Consent, Owen. Did she say yes to you?” She rasped, tilting her head slightly, hand moving to rub the area he had touched gingerly. “Ask her first.” 
Owen rolled his eyes, tearing his gaze from hers with flushing cheeks. “Can I?” He asked, obviously annoyed at the obstruction, his eyes coming to meet your blown ones– gulping at the reaction Abby seemed to draw from you. He felt almost envious, wanting to be the reason you looked like that, but he settled with this for now. “I promise I'll be gentle, baby.”
You took a shaky breath, giving him a small nod, you weren’t excited about the idea of him touching you before Abby had a chance to– but you shook those feelings off, looking back up to the mess of a girl in front of you. You could feel his hand snaking over hers, cupping the clothed wetness of your cunt, making you shudder slightly. 
Abby watched your face, tongue darting out to wet her lips before she leaned forward to press open-mouthed kisses to the edge of your jaw, her hot breath sending a shiver down your spine. “You have no idea how long I've wanted this.” She hummed, just for you to hear as she hovered near your ear. “Wanted you this whole time.” 
You felt his fingers slip past the soft material of your shorts before he pushed further, pushing your panties to the side. You gasped slightly, tempted to move away with how roughly he pushed his fingers against your cunt– using two fingers to rub your labia. “O-oh,” You forced out, pushing your face into the crook of Abby’s neck. “Shit..” You were almost about to laugh, feeling his fingers pick up speed– giving you the equivalent of carpet burn on your poor cunt. 
You felt the girl beneath you’s chest shake lightly with a couple snickers, hiding the noise in the tuft of hair that had fallen in her face. She moved her hand to the hem of your shirt, pushing the fabric up to expose the delicate lace of your bra, her fingers grazing over the erect buds poking through the thin material. “Such a pretty girl.” She tutted, pulling the bra down to expose your breasts, sighing contently at the sight. 
Owen halted his movements, using his middle finger to part your folds, feeling around the perimeter of your slit. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” He groaned, dipping his hand under his towel to grip his erection– pumping himself greedily before pushing into your cunt. “Abby, your friend is so hot.” 
You burned bright red at the comment, tensing your stomach at the intrusion, trying to loosen up. His fingers were dry, adding undesirable friction to the soft walls of your cunt, but it didn’t seem to phase him– his fingers pushing until they were knuckle deep. A small noise of pain left your mouth as you pushed your face deeper into the skin of the girl's neck, trying to muffle yourself. “Mmh.” You hummed, feeling his hand drag your free one from Abby to himself. He pushed your hand under the towel, your curious fingers landing on the erection he’d been hiding the whole time. 
A sharp gasp left your mouth, causing Abby to whip her head up to see what had happened. Your eyes connected as you jerked your hand away, trying to conceal the laugh that bubbled in your chest at the feeling of his dick. It was beyond what you expected, in the worst way possible, the appendage only being about four inches– hard. 
Owen roughly yanked his fingers from inside you, grimacing at the wetness, standing up quickly to grab his shorts. “You fucking cunt.” He hissed, stomping around the room as he found his clothes. “And you!” He huffed, pointing at Abby. “I can’t freaking believe you, we're so done.” A choked whine left his mouth as he stared at the girl, awaiting her to try to stop him or something.. anything. 
Abby raised an eyebrow, looking over at you, before infectious laughter spilled from her lips– filling the room, much to Owen’s dismay. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, tears of pure joy welling in her eyes. She’d spent so long sucking up to the man, that it just snapped, the truth of him and his short dick finally coming to light. It was autopilot with him, a familiar comfort of her past when all she really wanted was you. Now, she could finally have you– no longer hostage to the man bursting out of the room with tears in his eyes. 
You bit back a laugh, hands coming up to cup her face. “That was soo hot.” You teased, referring to the previous entanglement with Owen, exaggerating your words. “You sure you don’t wanna chase that sex god?” The words dripped with sarcasm, making her roll her eyes at you as she caught her breath, the door slamming loudly. That was something you’d have to explain to Issac later, not that it mattered now. 
She paused for a moment as if to think, before switching the two of you around– your body now pressed firmly to the mattress. She hovered over you, an old firefly dog tag dangling from her neck, dipping down to press a hungry kiss to your lips. “Fuck no,” She chuckled, nails skimming over your clothed stomach– itching to rid you of your clothes. “I have all I need right here.” Her mouth moved down your neck, leaving a trail of spit from your jaw to the sweet spot just below your pulse point– where she stopped only to suck a dark mark onto the sinfully soft flesh. 
“I just came here for you.” You gasped out, the words breaking as you felt her teeth dig into your flesh– biting at your neck. “Only you, Abby.” 
Abby could’ve cum from that statement alone, her hands latching to the hem of your shirt. “Sit up for me, okay, real quick.” Her words were airy, desperate as she craved the warmth of your skin on hers. “Need to touch you.” The draw of her fingers against your skin lit an ache in your cunt, an ache, unlike the one Owen caused. 
You allowed her to strip you of your top, your own hands moving to push your shorts down your legs, kicking them off into the floor. “You meant what you said. Really meant it?” You spoke, shivering in the now cold room, the sun beginning to fall below the horizon. You wanted nothing more than to have her, in every way possible, but something nagged you– begging you to be sure that this was real. 
The blonde nodded, holding her pinky out to you as she held herself up with one hand, eyes dancing over the blissed expression on your face. “I promise you, I mean every word.” Her voice was thick, breath coming out in puffs. “I’ve been waiting for you.” She meant it, every sleepless night being filled with visions of you– despite how guilty it made her. She’d never needed someone quite like she needed you, and yes, she knew that you felt the same way but that didn’t help her in shaking off the man who’d begged to stay together the past couple of years. She was free. Free to indulge in the girl she’d dedicated all of her wet dreams to. 
“No more waiting.” You ignored the pinky, hands latching to the straps of her sports bra– dragging her down to meet your lips. You couldn’t help yourself anymore, the need taking over, hips bucking into her thigh as you urged her to touch you. The self-respect you’d developed over the years crumbled, leaving you a trembling mess as your body begged for her touch, cunt soaking through the thin fabric of your panties. 
She groaned into your mouth, hand coming down to cup the clothed warmth of your cunt, a thick finger coming to trace the small bundle of nerves just beneath the lace. “You’re gonna forget that he ever touched you, I fucking promise.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to the edge of your lips as she pushed her hand under the waistband of your panties, slowly moving to massage the nub. Her hot breath fanned over your neck, making you shudder before she began pressing open-mouthed kisses to the welcoming flesh. 
A whimper left your mouth, tilting your hips up to meet her eager fingers, lips falling open as you felt the pleasure course through your body– her touch gentle as she felt her way around your body. You’d never been touched like this by her, yet, she seemed to know you better than you knew yourself. Her fingers moved with precision, the bumble being victim to her abuse. “F-fuck, Abby–,” You moaned, her name falling from your lips like a prayer, walls clenching around nothing. 
Abby let her fingers slip lower, gently rubbing over your drooling cunt, gathering your slick onto her fingers. It was obscene, the noise she released at the feeling of your puffy slit, her middle finger pushing in gently. Your walls body welcomed her, soaking her finger in wetness as she tested the waters– pulling it out before slowly sliding it back in, feeling the way you clenched around her desperately. “Relax for me, pretty girl.” She breathed, eyes locked onto your scrunched face– her free hand coming up to cup your cheek. “Look at me.”
Your eyes fluttered open, your stomach contracting as you felt her push back into your cunt, the sensation making you jerk your hips toward her. You let your lust-blown eyes land on her, seeing the desperation in her brow. “Need you, Abs. Need you so bad.” You whined, hand coming to grasp at her wrist– trying to grind against the mound of her hand. 
Her ring finger lingered at your slit for a moment before joining her middle, two fingers burying themselves in your heat. “I know, I know.” She nodded, chewing on her lip slightly as she began thrusting the thick digits in and out of your drooling cunt– pornographic wet noises filling the room as she drove them deeper than you’d ever felt someone go. “Good girl.” 
The noises made heat creep up your neck, embarrassing yourself with how wet you’d managed to get for your best friend. You were pathetically hers, whether you were ready to admit it or not. You both already knew, with the way you cried for her fingers, there was nobody else to make her feel so cunt drunk– the noises falling from your lips enough to make her soak through her boxers. “Please, fuck, fuck.” You hissed, fighting against the growing tightness in your stomach. You didn’t want the feeling to end, her digits filling you up in the most delicious way, but you couldn’t help the pulsing in your walls in response to her fingers curling in and out of your sensitive cunt. 
Abby picked up her pace, chasing your orgasm, her free hand moving to pull the fabric of your bra down– exposing your breasts to the harsh air. “We have all night, pretty.” She reminded, making your hips release some tension, realizing you could continue for as long as the two of you wanted. No interruptions. Her head dipped down to your chest, taking one of the erect buds in her mouth, using her teeth to pull gently. 
A squeaky moan left your mouth, back arching slightly, legs beginning to tremble under the pressure. Oh god, oh god, oh god. It was chanted like a prayer, the growing tightness making your hips retract from her– though that didn’t last long, her free hand moving to hold your hips in place, leaving you to submit to the slamming of her fingers in and out of your cunt. It was all so much, your thoughts blurring at the mind-numbing pleasure coursing through your body, heavy moans spilling from your parted lips as your walls contracted around her– the sudden euphoria washing over you, soaking her hand in a gush of liquid. 
“Oh goddamn.” 
The bed beneath the two of you was drenched in liquid, making you whine in embarrassment. “M’sorry, fuck-,” You began, moving a hand to cover your face before Abby grabbed your wrist– pulling it down to rest by your side, promptly cutting you off. 
She shook her head at you, a blissed-out smile on her lips as she dipped down to kiss you, now with a softness reserved for you. “Never apologize, that was hot as fuck.” She chuckled, her fingers slowly inching out of your swollen cunt, wiping them off on her now sweaty gym shorts. “I can’t fucking believe it took me this long to do this, I don’t think I’m ever gonna be able to stop.” She admitted, lifting herself off of you to grab some things to make you more comfortable. 
You followed her movements, body still trembling as you met her at the edge of the bed, looking up at her as she grabbed for your bag– digging through it for new clothes. “Does this mean–?” You trailed off, eyes hovering on her veiny forearms for a moment before meeting her eyes. 
“I’m yours,” Abby stated, simply, sitting your bag down– deciding to grab you some of hers instead. “You’re mine.”
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fictionfawn · 4 months
thoughts about abby anderson bc i've been having really bad brain rot (some water polo player!abby)
abby isn’t the biggest fan of large displays of PDA, but she does this thing where she just hovers around you. she never strays too far away from you, so she’s just kind of lurking lol. when you’re walking together, she’ll either put her hand on your shoulder or your back and subtly guide you. (tbh i also do that. gotta treat my babygirl right fr). i don't think you'll hold hands too often, mostly because her hands are kind of sweaty due to her naturally running quite hot. if you try, she'll laugh and say, "don't. my hands are sweaty." like ok? just wipe them off girly, i wanna hold your hand. i think she likes linking arms, though. she eats it up when you hold onto her arm and cling onto her, she loves it. despite not liking pda, she takes every opportunity to subtly touch you. brushing arms when you're walking, touching thighs because you're sitting so close to each other, one hand on your knee, stuff like that. she's seriously borderline clingy, but she's always so gentle. she's so cute omg
i think that abby likes to be pampered. specifically, i think she likes it a lot when you play with her hair. brush it, wash it and tie it when she’s too tired to do it herself. start running your fingers through her hair and massage her scalp and she’s immediately putty in your arms. she’ll most likely insist on doing it herself, but if you push back she’s not going to argue further lol. do what you must, she’ll enjoy it
when it comes to pet names, i think she'll only really use them when there's no one else around. however, occasionally there are times where it'll just slip out. i don't know why, but i think she'll call you bug pfft. she'll come up from behind saying, "there you are, bug. i've been lookin' for you," as she kisses your temple and you can feel her smiling mhmm. if she's taller than you, she likes to rest her chin on your shoulder. wait omg, imagine her calling you trouble. but lorddd she'd use so many nicknames, i think. babe, honey, hun, sweetheart etc etc. the girl has some variety, I’ll give her that
PERSONAL TRAINER ABBY! unfortunately, she can be such a dick lmao. if you're struggling with an exercise or with lifting weights, she'll just be watching you and laughing to herself. "you need some help with that, hun?" and you're whining at her to stop laughing and to hurry up and help you out. but she's so helpful and strong and attractive you can't stay mad at her for too long. like she'd grab your waist and fix your stance and when you get it right she’ll say something like “yeah, that’s it. you got it." she's always gonna encourage you to keep going. she'll really push your limits because she just wants you to do well. but this applies to lots of other things, not just gym. i honestly probably wouldn't be able to go to the gym with her because i'd be distracted by her the entire time. so.
playing fighting with abby. she gets so competitive and will do literally everything in her power to win. she's the furthest thing from a sore loser, thankfylly. she’s very conscious of her strength, so despite the fact that she’s literally able to toss you around like a bag of potatoes, she’s never hurt you by accident. she’d genuinely be so mortified if she thinks she hurt you. will literally sulk about it meanwhile you’re like “abby, I’m fine??”
she's always very relaxed whenever she's around you. i can't say she'd be smiley when there are other people around, but she'll have a kind of pleased and content expression on her face. but when you're alone? oh boy, have fun trying to wipe that cute ass smile off her face, because you can't! she's just very at ease when you're around teehee. her demeanour is a lot less tense than what it may be typically. honestly I think she’d just melt around you
abby isn't the biggest gossip around--if you ask her, she'll just shrug and say that that kind of stuff isn't something she's particularly interested in. however, she is absolutely invested in whatever gossip you have for her, even if she pretends to be nonchalant about it. she'd probably say some bullshit like, "babe, that kind of stuff isn't even worth your time." but then the next time she sees you she asks about it because she wants an update. talks shit but doesn’t consider it to be real gossip. “it’s called a discussion, not gossip.” she’ll say, like a fucking liar
she’s SO invested. always asking for updates, always asking questions. she tries to be subtle but honestly at some I’d think she’d give up and go all in
waterpolo player abby !
you literally cannot drag her away training so as a result she always smells like chlorine. she bitches about it all the time, too.
she’d look stupid as hell wearing the hats lmao i'd call her egghead or something
she definitely complains about how damaged her hair gets from all that swimming she does
idk about you guys but soggy Abby does something to me… like she's wearing her swimming costume and her hairs down and she’s still damp and you can see the water droplets on her skin and AAAAAAHJASHIEDQHV
don’t even try pushing her into the pool because she’ll drag you down with her lmao
she'd definitely be centre forward REAL
she could try drowning me and I wouldn’t really mind tbh. but ik for sure she’s a scary ass player. fast AND strong as hell? I’d be fighting for my life. make sure u don’t get hit in the head by a ball thrown by her bc you’d be asking for a concussion. also she seems like the kind of person who keeps elbowing people?? LMAO
my gay ass needs to be locked up NOW 😟
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zombholic · 8 months
WEIRD LOVE STORY — instagram
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authors note — yall, i started this at 11pm … ITS FUCKING 5AM DUDE YALL DONT KNOW HOW MUCH EDITING I HAD TO DO 😭😭🙏🏼also wanna give creds 2 @atomicami for helping me bully emerson !!
tag list — @xmycxx @hi2647 @uraesthete @milahnoz @venusloveshim @chaoticla @lizzieebie @whore4abby
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andersonsgirl · 10 months
i’m ten times the man owen is and i’m not even a man
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