#tired punker moments
princedevitt · 4 months
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Royal Rumble - CM Punk
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silent-raven13 · 9 months
You're my Habichuelas to my Beans on Toast! 😘 2
(Part 1)
Miles woke up from his boyfriend's bed feeling his lower back aching a bit. "Mmm," He could smell garlic and onions in the air with a slight hint of tomatoes. The nineteen year old got up from his partner's bed going to the restroom to brush his teeth and wash up his face.
It's a few days since dinner with his boyfriend and his family had. This time Miles was able to sleepover at his boo, letting his mom know he won't be able to come home till the next day around noon. Luckily his mom allow him to spend time with his boyfriend, unlike his dad.
Miles is in Earth 138b, so his new upgraded watch had him fit into the world's reality. He had fonts over him with tired symbols being gloomy. "Weird." He always looks amazed by the way he looks in Hobie's world. The weird word would pop out of him with a bold italic font and ripped paper, somehow he is the only that sort of noticed this.
Every time he mentions it to Hobie about these things, being a bit surprised about it. Apparently in his boyfriend world not many noticed or would play along to these weird fonts or images of ripped magazines, newspaper like it was apart of them. Hobie never realized until he got the watch that he was able to have very expressive imagery all around him. Even when he turns pink or any color, he doesn't noticed until Gwen pointed it out when he came to her world.
When the nineteen year old came out of the bathroom, he saw his boyfriend stirring something on the pan. Hobie's eyes look over to find his cute Sunflower in his blue and red boxer shorts walking barefoot. "Morning, luv. Had a good sleep?" He asked having to stir their breakfast with a metal spatula.
"Mmm, morning, baby!" Miles went over to slouch on his boyfriend to give him a kiss. Hobie is in his boxer briefs being shirtless too. Their lips entwine for the moment as he went back to cooking. "Smells good."
His boyfriend holds onto his punker while taking a peak at the pan, "Beans?"
"Yes, luv. Today you'll be trying Beans on Toast. A classic British breakfast!" Hobie hums, "I got tea on the kettle. You prefer Earl's?"
"Yeah, that's fine, baby. I'm willing to try anything." Miles nodded being ready for it. The two had talked about trying more of Hobie's cultural foods, since Miles always share his Puerto Rican meals. It's only fair.
Then, a loud boat horn out loud on the docks, "Looks like, the old geezer is doing his morning salute." Hobie rolled his eyes, as the two hear Hobie's neighbor blowing his morning horn.
"He still thinks there's another World War coming." Miles set up two cups to put in tea bags waiting for the kettle to be ready. The young man met Hobie's neighbors a couple of times, a crazy old man that likes to salute his country's flag.
"There always is, darling." Hobie said having to toast some bread slices with butter.
Miles sat on the small round booth dinning table by the window to see the London's river and other houseboats. Hobie's is much larger boathouse than everyones, he calls her his beautiful Poly Styrene. His boat was abandon, and extremely used with a lot of wear and tear, but for the punker it was love at first sight. He put so much love and soul to his beautiful Poly.
Heck, he even decorated with his own punk aesthetics with a lot of spray paint, and Miles happily wrote Poly on it for class. "Here you go luv." Hobie placed their cups filled with tea on the table, "Best tea in London, eh?"
"Always, baby." Miles chuckles knowing his boyfriend always buy store bought tea bags, he sips a bit knowing its burning hot, "Mmm, delicious."
"You need sugar and cream, Sunflower?" Hobie asked having to look at his boyfriend's chest covered in his love bites and hickeys, a beautiful sight.
"Nah, I'm good for now." Miles giggles, "Breakfast almost ready?"
"Yeah, luv. Just wanted to ask you if you care for some scramble eggs on it or the yolk?"
"Give it to me the way you eat it, baby."
"Alright. It's very simple, darling."
"It's alright, mi flor de Luna." Miles hums feeling a bit cold, he rub his hands together underneath the table. He spoke Hobie turning bright pink with red heart patterns around. "Hehehe, you like that?"
"I do, Sunflower."
"I know, Moonflower." Miles smiles happily, he knows Hobie loves it when he speaks Spanish to him.
Soon Hobie placed their plates of two beans on toasts. "Sometimes my siblings like it with cheese on top."
"And you eat it with cheese?" Miles asked noticing his boyfriend took a bag of shredded cheese on the table.
Hobie shrugs, "Sometimes." He placed knives and forks just to be fancy for his boyfriend. "I'm always a fan like this or plain. The butter is to give it that flare."
"So you're impressing me, huh!" Miles flirted back, "Fancy with the butter and toast?"
"Only for you, Sunflower." He sat next to his partner to show the plate, "I overfilled on the beans since that's how I like it."
"Hmm,' Miles looks at the beans noticing onions, garlic and fresh tomatoes, "You added some?"
"Yeah, this is how I made it for my siblings. Gotta add that Jamaican seasoning, luv." Hobie kisses his boyfriend's cheek, "Hope you like it."
His boyfriend took a knife and forks trying get some toast with the beans, "I'll add the cheese once I try it like this."
"Some of my sisters like adding ketchup with the cheese." Hobie casually said which got Miles looking at him.
"What? Ketchup? Con frijoles?" There's that Rio's resemblance on his Sunflower's facial expression. "I mean... I know some Americans like adding kitchen while making chili..." Miles stood quiet as he took a bit of English Heinz bake beans with toast and butter.
Hobie's smile widen watching his boyfriend chewing very slowly trying to understand the flavor, it's really funny to see. Miles wasn't sure if his food palette was so used to Boricua flavors, or he's not into Heinz baked beans. He always ate Goya Red Kidney Beans- It's always a staple in his family's house. That's how his mom make their Habchuelas Guisado!
"Mmm," Miles could taste a bit of Jamaican seasoning which did help the plain tomato canned beans. He nodded, "Not bad. I need to try the can to know what's better."
Hobie went on the counter to show him the canned he used, "There's some sauce in here, luv? You don't like it?"
"It's not bad. I'm just not used to it, baby." Miles use his fork to pick a bit from the canned to try it, he smacks his lips taking a moment to see if he likes it or not. "Okay, I like your way more. This is a bit... plain?"
"It's that Puerto Rican that's hating on the lack of flavor, luv?"
"Yeah," Miles took a bit of cheese to sprinkle on the toast, "I feel like I have to eat it fast so it won't get soggy." Using his knife and fork to cute another piece with the cheese on it.
"Luv, that's the best part! When it gets all soggy and mushy, MMM. Lovely." Hobie said out loud, that's why he didn't start eating his breakfast yet. Taking his fork, he started to cut in the middle to see if the toast is a bit soggy to his liking, "Look at that, darling. beautiful."
"Nah, bae. That looks like it's gonna fall apart!" Miles said out loud seeing his boyfriend taking a piece for him to try, "Baby, nuuu!"
"Come on, one itty bitty bite for me?" Hobie's body turns with cute confetti, cute puppy images turning a soft yellow with pink. His eyes formed the cute begging look.
"Ugh, fine!" Miles took a bite making his body shivers with disgust. Somehow Miles' body images turns to many Yucky emojis expressions and images of modern font that said Ew! His skin turned a grossed green.
This made Hobie noticed causing him to laugh out loud, "My older sister thinks it's disgusting too, darling."
"I hate soggy bread!" Miles swallows having to chug it down with his tea, with Japanese Emoticons like '( ̄  ̄|||)' or '(⇀‸↼‶)'. Hobie closes closer seeing more Japanese icons and slangs.
"How did you get those?" Hobie asked being surprised.
Miles look at his skin, "I'm not so sure..."
"You're too cute, darling." Hobie plant a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek with his arm around Miles' neck to pull him closer.
"Mmm, trying to get out of trouble! Giving me that nasty ass soggy bread." Miles angrily pucker his lips still being upset about it. "I'm going to finish my beans on toast!"
Hobie laughs seeing the slight red color with Kaomojis around his boyfriend's body. '⁽⁽(੭ꐦ •̀Д•́ )੭*⁾⁾, [ •̀ ^ •́ ], (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥)' patterns all over with a slight of muted red. "Darling, it's delicious that way."
"No, it's not!" Miles argues, he dig his fork into the toast trying to eat it before it gets soggy. "Also, with cheese it's good, too."
"Wanna try it with ketchup?"
"No, I wanna play it safe." Miles admits, "Have you try this with my mom's beans?"
"I have and it's delicious that way too, darling." Hobie chews his beans on toast, his body beaming yellow with satisfying imagery around him, "Mmm, perfection."
"Heh, you really like this, huh? You grew up eating this a lot."
"It's one of the only things me and my siblings could eat."
Hearing this made Miles stop for the moment, "What? Your mom didn't cook?"
"Nah, she's a drunk. Never cared to cook anything for us. My older sister had taught herself how to cook. One of the things she knew was this, so we all learned to eat this." Hobie casually said. "Sometimes we only had a few cans and bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner."
"You never got sick of it?"
"You couldn't or else you don't eat, luv." Hobie finally looks at his partner, "And eating this is way better than starving three times in a row."
"Don't give me that look, luv." Hobie sighs turning back to finished eating.
"What look?"
"That look like you feel bad for me."
"Baby," His boyfriend wrapped his arms around Hobie's arms, "you never told me your childhood was this bad."
"Because I don't want to be view some poor boy getting pity on bollocks! My mum was a fucking drunk that didn't give a shit about me and my brothers and sisters! It was bad enough we got looks for being black, but a poor black family?" He scoffs.
"Bae, I just want to know more so we can talk about it. I didn't know your mom was this neglectful! hey, look at me, Hobie. Come on, baby," The nineteen year old caress his boyfriend's hand noticing he's upset. When Hobie gets upset about his childhood, he tends to shut down or avoid the conversation all together, it's better that way. "Hobie, it's okay to get upset. Look, I'm surprised because you rarely talk about. I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you. I promise I won't bring it up, again."
"Nah, luv. It's my fault. I know you want to know more about me, but I'm afraid..."
"Because you might see me a bit too damage." Hobie rested his head into his boyfriend's arms. "Like ripped old jeans."
"Getting a bit poetic there, bae."
"Sunflower!" He frowns then chuckles. "I'm too damage, darling. Got some terrible demons in me."
"So?" Miles scoffs having his arms wrapped around his boyfriend's upper chest, then giving him kisses on the forehead feeling his thick wicks rubbing against his collar bones. "I love you, baby."
"But you only know a part of me."
"Then show it. I love all of you, Hobart Brown. Your flaws are beautiful to me, mi amor." Miles kisses his boyfriend's plump lips. "Your my Poly."
"Poly?" Hobie looked confused for the moment.
"Your houseboat, baby! You told me you found her looking like shit, all broken and one part was about to crack open and sink the boat," Miles began, "You always found something special about this place and look how fucking cool this place came out! You're my Poly, bae."
"You can fix me, bae?"
"I'm saying people saw this boat as damage and shitty, but you found her to be special. Just like I found you to be special to me, bae."
"You're saying I'm shit?" Hobie jokes.
Miles pouts, "Your not listening to me, mi amor. So mean!" His body turning into angry Kaomojis and fonts. "You ass!"
"Hahaha, I'm joking, Sunflower. I get you." Hobie pucker his lips, "Kiss?"
Miles kisses him again. "Take your time talking about your past, baby. We got all the time in the world."
"Yeah, I will. Say, should we let your parents try this." Hobie have a sly grin on his face.
"Yeah, we should! I wanna see their reaction!" Miles could picture his dad's reaction. Hobie laughs along with him.
A week passed since the two sleepover, they were super busy with being Spider-man and their own personal life been so busy. So to their relief they were able to hang out.
Hobie came by to Miles' world as they walks together on the streets to a Bodega after bodega to find the beans. Of course, it wouldn't be sold in stores where they specially sold Latins or Black products. Miles wanted to make Beans on Toast for his parents to try, so he looked at his phone to find a store that sells the brand Hobie used.
"Man, I can't believe we have to go all the way to Manhattan to find a can of beans!" Miles sighs, they walk together into a store where it sells special International items, sometimes trendy snacks and meals.
Hobie casually said, "Luv, I didn't know this was a mission. I should've brought my own."
"Nah, it's fine." Miles wrap his boyfriend's arms, "Besides, I like spending time with you."
"Me too, Sunflower." The two went inside the store to finally found the Heinz Baked Beans, only thing was... they come with flavors.
Miles saw the original canned took a pack just so Hobie can eat it at his place if he craves for it. "Luv, look... they have it with curry!" Hobie's eyes lit up seeing the baked beans with curry, "Can we get it?"
"Sure, bae!" Miles took a canned beans with curry flavor, "I can't wait to see them try this. I wonder how Billie will do."
"She'll probably give you the side eye, darling." Hobie hums as he wraps his around his lover's waist as they went to pay and leave out of the place. "Shall we take a scroll or Spider-man it?"
"Spider-man it, bae. I rather get home so we can snuggle." Miles said with his cute eyes on him
"Alright, luv." The two went into an alley with their masks on having to be Spider-men. They swing, jump and do all sorts of tricks till they reach Miles' home.
At the Morales' place, Jeff had a pink hat on having to playing with Billie. The little girl wanted her dad to be a princess playing tea party, "Mas?" She holds the tea pot asking her dad.
Rio watches in amusement seeing her big masculine husband dressed in a pink dress, anything to keep his daughter happy. "No, thank you! I have a full cup." Jeff said in a high pitch voice.
"No, more!" Billie scowls having to pour more into his cup. "Gluk. Glue!" Mimicking the sound of water being pour into her dad's tea.
"No, it's already full, Miss!"
Billie ignores him as she took a plastic cake toy, "Cake?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Hehe. Oh, how's the weather, Madame Sprinkles?" Billie asked her dad playing the role.
"Lovely!" Jeff sounded like an old British lady.
Rio chuckles, "Your into it, huh Papi?"
"Only to make Princess Billie happy!" Jeff stay in his role.
Then, Miles and Hobie walks into the front door. "Hey!" Miles said out loud, "Hobie is here."
Jeff was about to quickly take off the outfit, but saw Billie giving him a warning look. He sighs staying in his role. Hobie greeted the parents, "Hola, Mrs. Morales," Giving her a hug, his eyes look at Jeff with a big grin.
"Hola, mijo! How you been? Did you eat all the food I gave you?" Rio asked having her hand touch his arm to check.
"Yes, ma'am." He saw Miles going to the kitchen to prepare the families' lunch. Then he turn his head at Jeff, and grins widely, "What's going on here, pops? Got your fancy dress and hat looking like the Queen?"
"No! That's not daddy it's Miss Sprinkles!" Billie spoke up in her British accent, "And we're having a lovely cup of tea!"
"Yea." Jeff put his normal voice on.
"NO! Do the voice!" Billie scowls at her dad.
"Yes." Jeff quickly did the voice which got the punker laughing.
Miles turns to Hobie, "Bae, should I heat it up in the microwave?"
"If you want. I always like cooking on the pan, darling."
Rio looks over her shoulder being nosy, "Qué estás haciendo?" She asked out loud to her son.
"Making Beans on Toast!" Miles grins widely seeing his mom looking at him, "Hobie wants you guys to try it."
"Oh lord." Jeff mumbles, "Do we have to?"
"PAPÀ!" Billie shouted at him for not paying attention to her game.
"Oh, sorry, dear." Her dad did the old lady voice.
Hobie said, "A classic English meal, dad." He went over to the small round table to sit in an empty spot, "Can I play along, Billie Boo?"
The two year took a moment before giving a slight nod, she went to her box to pull out a crown and dress. "You be Mrs. Dotting!"
"Darling, orange isn't my color." Hobie took the crown to put on, then looks at Jeff's dress, "I want something similar to Miss... what was your name, dearie?" Already into character.
Rio just laugh out loud. Billie took the dress to get a magenta one, "Dis?"
"Perfect, darling. This color matches with my starlit eyes, don't you think?" Hobie asked being dramatic.
Billie giggles, "Yus!" Rio watches at Jeff being lost making her giggle.
Hobie took the plastic tea up and sips, "Oh, darling... it seems my tea is a bit cold."
"Oh!" Billie pours more tea into the cup, "Gulk. Gulk. Gulk!" She said in her weak British accent, "Is that better?"
"Mmm, perfect. Best tea in all London." Hobie pretended to sip the empty cup, "Is that a good Earl's Grey or a lovely cup of Black tea?"
Jeff tilted his head, "What?"
"Ummm...Ummm, tea!" Billie said out loud. Heck, how should she know there's different types of tea?
Rio cracking up on her husband's and daughter's reaction, hearing sounds from her son in the kitchen, her curiosity got the best of her. She sat up to look over to find Miles cooking on a pan. "Miles, are you using lata de Goya?
"No, mamí. This one is special from Inglaterra." Miles hums already heating up some beans with onion and garlic, just the way his boyfriend makes it.
"Habichuelas de inglaterra?" His mom asked being a bit worried and surprised. "Guau."
"Mamî, hay mantecaditos?" Miles asked looking in the fridge.
"Shortening or Butter?" Rio asked.
"Should be in the fridge!" His mom got up to help him look in the fridge. "Aquí," She took a butter container to find it filled with Sofrito, "Oy, hmmm, let me see the back." Rio looks at the pan, "te vas a quemar los habichuelas."
"Oh!" Miles put the heat on low as he stirs it with a wooden spoon, "Found it?"
"Yeah, here." Rio took the right container filled with butter, "Butter with beans?" She looked a bit confused.
"Butter for the toast." Miles explained, "You guys wanna try with egg yolk?"
"Oy, no! No-no, let's try it the way your novio eats it." His mom shook her head, unsure what's to come.
When Miles was finished, he gathered his parents and Billie to their spots. Placing their plates in front of them only to see them arching their eyebrows and tilting their heads together. Hobie saw his own plate, "Ugh, thanks, luv." He happily ate his plate, "Mmm, is this the curry one?"
"Yeah, I added a bit more curry since the flavor was light from the can." Miles put the can in front so his boyfriend can try it.
Hobie chews the beans from the canned and nodded, "That's light alright. Mmm, still heavenly, darling."
"So this is what you eat?" Jeff got his fork to poke at it.
"Ay, Jeff. Don't start, that's rude!" Rio gently smack his hand from being rude to Hobie's English meal.
"What! You were thinking it too!"
Billie stood on a chair as she leans over to pick the toast seeing it soggy, and the beans not like her mom's way. "Ewww..." She lets it go knowing she won't like it.
"Come on, guys. it's not that bad! Look." Miles took a piece and chews it. "And I made it better than the canned." He offer Billie a piece from his fork.
"No!" Billie turned her head away.
"Come on, Boo-Boo. You'll like it." Miles cooed, he got close for Billie to try it, "Please."
"Mmm," His little sister stood hesitant for the moment, slowly she tries it. Smacking her lips, she wasn't sure if she did like it.
"Well, I'll be happy to try it." Rio took a fork to dig in, and her husband follows her.
Hobie watches the two slowly chewing it, their unsure expression got him laughing out loud. Billie still smacking her lips still confused by the beans, "Jugo!" She called for her juice.
"Okay, I'll get you some." Miles went into the the kitchen to get her sippy cup filled with juice.
"Me too, son!" Jeff finally said, he kindly push back the plate, "Nope. Sorry, Brown. This is a no for me."
"It's not bad, but not like mines." Rio took another bite trying to be respectful.
Miles came in with a sippy cup and glass of juice for her dad and sister. Billie happily took her juice to sip then open her mouth at her mom, "Ah!"
"Quieres más, mi amor?" Rio asked seeing her toddler standing on the chair.
Billie nodded, "Huh uh. Mas!"
"Not you, Boo-boo!" Jeff said to his little girl.
Billie shrugs, "Good with juice!" She took another bite from her mom's spoon.
"Jeff it's not bad."
"I don't like it. It's too plain for me." Jeff sips his glass of juice.
Miles arched his eyebrows, "Dad, I added a good amount of salt. Besides, you can add cheese on top of it or scramble eggs."
"Or if you're feeling a bit daring some hot sauce or ketchup." Hobie chews having the biggest grin on his face, he finds it hilarious that Miles' Jeff didn't like his favorite meal.
"Ketchup?" Jeff asked out loud with his eyes wide from a mix of disgust and shock.
Rio pressed her lips together, "Like this?"
"Nonono!" Billie shook her head, "No, kes-up!"
"Cheese taste good." Miles said.
"Lord, my stomach already bubblin'." His dad shook his head, "I'm too old for trying this stuff."
"Cheese, I understand, but ketchup?" Rio asked Hobie.
"It gives a bit of sweetness." Hobie finished his plate up all clean, "Luv, that was amazing. Is there more?"
"You're lucky I bought the second can." Miles giggles, "I'll make more for you, bae."
"He can have my plate. I'm order pizza." Jeff huffed.
"Ohh, pizza!" Billie chews.
"You want pizza, bebé?" Rio said to her daughter.
The little girl nodded, "Cheese pizza!"
"Some good New York pizza will satisfy me." The middle age man got up to make an order over the phone.
Miles came with a second plate for Hobie using the curry beans canned. "Here you go, baby."
"Thanks luv, this beats pizza any day." Hobie happily eats his meal being extremely happy.
"Don't British people like Fish with fries?" Jeff asked out loud.
"Ahhh, now that's better than pizza." Hobie said out loud, "Battered fish with chips with a good ale on a Friday night! Ah, the best!"
"Hahaha, there's some places around here that makes Fish n' Chips, bae. Maybe you'll like them." Miles chuckles.
"Me and my big mouth." Jeff grunts, "I'm fine with pizza on a Friday night."
Rio said, "You always like a filet fish from McDonalds with a hot cup of coffee."
"That's different, baby! That's for lunch during work! Pizza is great for Friday night!" He responded back.
Hobie said, "Nah, pops! Fish n' Chips."
"Chips?" Billie asked.
"He means french fries," Miles kisses his little sister's cheek. "I learned that the hard way."
"Well, fried fish is always good." Rio said thinking about her recipes.
"Chips covered in gravy and a bit of vinegar with a dash of salt is great too." Hobie said out loud.
Miles giggles, "Bae, I think your just hungry."
"I guess, so. You know, I could go for Mrs. Morales' habichuelas guisado with rice after this!" Hobie finished his second plate.
Rio's eyes gleamed with a big smile on her face, "I have a big pot in the stove, mijo! Don't worry I'll get the rice cooking!" Being so happy Hobie likes her habichuelas guisado.
Billie bounced happily, "Oh! Me too!" She loves her rice and beans.
Miles sat on Hobie's lap having to chuckle in his bae's ear, his dad being busy ordering pizza. "Hahaha, bae. You made my mom so happy!"
"Darling, I love her cooking."
"I know, and mines?"
"Your's came out great. Maybe I have to ask you to make me some." Hobie kisses his cheek.
"Well, your the Beans on Toast to my Habichuelas, bae." Miles teased.
"Using my line, huh! I like it." Hobie playfully kissing his boyfriend's cheeks.
"Hey, six feet away, Miles!" Jeff caught the two being lovey dovey before going back on the phone.
"No! Nonono! Me!" Billie got on the table to walk over to her older brother. "My bro-der!" Her brother quickly pick her up seeing her being protective.
"No, he's mine." Hobie teased the little one.
"No, mine!"
"No, mine!"
Miles merely sighs seeing how his family is all over the place, then he smiles at his man. Hobie looks a lot happier than the first time they met, he's glad he can give his boyfriend the family he needs.
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A True Halloween Ghost Story
I'm certain that ghosts exist.
This story is a true account of how I've become so certain.
In the late 90's I bought a house in a suburb of San Francisco that was haunted.  OK, I'm not totally sure on how the term "haunted" is defined but I heard a pacing back and forth in my attic pretty much every night of my life back then.  It started on my very first night there.
It was a bit of a bother to get into the attic. You had to go into the garage and pull down a folding stair contraption from the ceiling so despite the incessant sound of someone heavy just about bursting through my ceiling, I just lied to myself that it must be some big animal caught up there and instead of getting up off the couch, just turned up the volume on the television.  Anyway, while lying to my own self was, as usual, in full and perfect working order, the blatant pacing was hard to ignore.
Finally, one night I just had to know.
I don't know what made the difference that night but when the ghost started his pacing back and forth I sprang up off the couch, grabbed a flashlight, raced to the garage, and climbed up the folding steps as fast as I could to face whatever seemingly demonic thing it was that I was about to face. For a while my faltering courage kept me firmly planted on the top stair step with me only pointing my flashlight into the attic at a safe distance.  I didn't see a thing. Not even a stray pigeon. Then I took that last step and for the first time was standing upright in my new attic. I walked every nook and cranny of it and still saw or heard nothing. I came through the small opening to get in there and had to use the same small opening to get out. The garage door was down and locked. Nothing could have gotten past me.
So I closed up the stairs and went back to couch. And it started again. It was then I had to come to terms with the reality of what had to be going on. Yes Virginia, you were right all along. There is no Santa Claus. There are ghosts, however.
Living for any extended period with some kind of ghost in your house just plain tires you out.  At some point you surrender. You accept that you're sharing a house with what might be the devil.  Hey, I've had my share of live-in girlfriends and even wives throughout the years so it wasn't like sharing my house with someone who might possibly be related to Satan was altogether new territory for me.  Like anything else, you learn to get used to it.  Still, in the dead of the night when the inside of the house got pitch black and the darkness became a one way mirror in the ghost's favor,  I'd actually sit up in bed and say to it, as non-threatening as I could, "C'mon let's get this over with." That ghost lurked, paced, probably got close enough to breathe on me, and was just a royal pain in the ass, but never once did it want to "get it over with". It just wanted me gone. There was no other way out. At least not then.
While all this voodoo junk was still going on, I happened to have a dinner date that ended with us coming back to my house for a bit of a nightcap. We were on the couch doing that spooning thing that women enjoy for what it is, and men enjoy for where it might lead, when the footsteps started up again. When it happened she just asked somewhat incredulously, "Who's in your attic at this time of night?" Her words verbatim. This was a smart lady. From what I knew of her she didn't seem prone to mindless hysteria.  I had no choice but to believe her. Nevertheless, I still actually responded that it must be an animal of some kind stuck up there. She sat up at that and now somewhat fearfully said, "There's a person walking in your attic. That's not an animal of any kind.  It's a person."
In California there's an unwritten rule that mandates for all Californians to stay cool no matter what celebrity or outlandish gothic style punker kid happens to cross your path.  With that in mind, the doorbell rang the very next night and standing there was my eight year son's pediatrician and a witch. I think the politically correct word is "wiccan" these days but at that moment "witch" was the first thought that crossed my mind. Did I mention the pediatrician was my dinner date from the night before? One in the same.  Did I also mention the doctor and the witch were standing there hand in hand too? They were. Nevertheless, as the unwritten rule mandates, I was cool, did a perfectly scripted fake smile, and politely invited them in.   Frankly, if you've lived in California long enough, finding a witch at your front door standing hand in hand with your son's pediatrician isn't by itself all that shocking.
So there we were, the three of us, me, my spooning partner from the night before, and a perfectly normal witch all sitting together on one couch having a drink of wine and making idle conversation. Then it started yet again. The sound of heavy footsteps purposefully pacing back and forth right above our heads.  The witch-wiccan woman didn't ask who was walking, instead she looked up at the ceiling and murmured, "The moment I walked in here I got a very bad feeling.  There's something going on and it's not good." While she talked she kept her gaze pointed directly at the ceiling so I was rather sure she wasn't talking about me.
As it turned out, the good witch of the west and I almost immediately started spending a lot of time together. It was one of those cool relationships you remember fondly even though it didn't last forever, but that's an altogether different story for an altogether different time. Back to the ghost. For months we tried everything possible from engineers to some pretty serious minded people in the occult community (yes they have a community) to rid us of that damn thing but it just refused to leave. It took a year, give or take a month, but eventually we left instead. As crazy as it sounds, it was just too real to stay.
Last I heard about that house was a phone call from the new owners. They asked questions I couldn't rationally answer. Yet, after living in the house for as long as I did, in my mind there is no doubt, ghosts truly do exist.
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recommendedlisten · 5 years
New year, new music remained more true than ever this past week. UK dub esoteric and in-demand producing extraordinaire James Blake kept us awake with his insomniac love, PUP continued to find growth and life-affirmation through their nihilistic punk sing-a-longs with the kids, Maren Morris reaffirmed our faith in her GIRL power with her first preview off her highly anticipated sophomore effort, Tamaryn brought rage to her dreamy art pop, and Los Angeles noiseniks HEALTH refined the strangeness in their sound. Bubbling up from the underground and rising, we got promising glimpses in the futures of righteous rablerouser Stella Donnelly, cosmic soothsayer SPELLLING, folk duellist Bellows, and synth stylist Liam Benzvi. The latest Recommended Listen also came from Deerhunter’s latest album, which reminds us that their best days have yet to disappear. There's more where that came from with new music from pop and punk eclecticism alike.
Here’s the best of the rest from the week of January 13th, 2019…
Ariana Grande - “7 rings” [Republic Records]
The huge year Ariana Grande had in 2018 is going to get even bigger in the new year. To date, the pop superstar will be embarking on a massive tour behind last year’s great Sweetener, is slated to headline Coachella (and maybe even Lollapalooza, too...,) and has another album on the way that’s already shaping up to be one of the finest breakup reclamation narratives in pop culture. It’s tentatively titled thank u, next, after one of last year’s best songs, period, and more recently gave to us the sensually soulful ballad “Imagine”. “7 Rings” joins the two as potential album cuts, with this listen shifting gears into full-on fun mode where over an interpolation of the melody from The Sound of Music’s “My Favorite Things”, Grande mean mugs about retail therapy and being able to pay for it all of her own dime. Its video, again directed by Hannah Lux Davis, is similarly luxurious, as we watch Grande and her BFFs flaunt her 1% status up in a neon pink penthouse playing around with more money and high-end material possessions than any of us will ever see even if we lived ten of our own lifetimes.
Cass McCombs -“The Great Pixley Train Robbery” [ANTI-]
Vagabond songwriting rebel Cass McCombs will release his ninth studio effort Tip of the Sphere on February 8th, and it’s building its way up to be yet another impressive showcase of the prolific wordsmith’s artistry, with early singles “Sleeping Volcanoes” and “Estrella” culling style cues from worldly musical influences that add even more layers to his detailed storytelling. Though its latest advance listen “The Great Pixley Train Robbery” may find less culture beyond the American songbook to be heard, within the context, it makes sense that its tone is that of a brambling, country-friend bar burner: It’s McCombs’ homage to the actual Pixley Train Robbery of 1889, in which a bandwagon of masked robbers hijacked a train, stole thousands of dollars, and made off into the sunset on horseback. When McCombs relives those moments through song, there’s no shortage of full color danger and adventure. His version of it will hopefully take him on the road much more safely later this spring.
Dark Blue - “Waterford Crystal” [12XU]
Andy Nelson may physically be at CEREMONY’s Home Sick 2 festival this weekend, but there are moments in time when his spirit gravitates into another dimension of punk with his gothly, political project Dark Blue, the Philly trio that also includes John Sharkey III of morbid post-punkers Clockcleaner and Mike Sneeringer of Purling Hiss. Of all the sounds this collective encounter in their work elsewhere, Dark Blue materializes itself through Sharkey’s handsomely maudlin vocals, sharp riffs that coil around the gloomy melancholia of Brit-pop and the singed edges of ‘70s post-punk if they were to be swallowed whole by a shoegaze orb. On February 22nd, they’ll be releasing their third studio effort Victory Is Rated, which boasts a curious sax guest spot from Philly scene kingpin Kurt Vile. First single “Waterford Crystal” isn’t that song, but it definitely rumbles through the speakerboom with a debonair shimmer in their sad-eyed rock theatrics. In a very punk move, Dark Blue plans to celebrate the release by playing only one show, which goes down March 1st at Brooklyn’s Saint Vitus.
Victory Is Rated by Dark Blue
Gauche - “Conspiracy Theories” [Merge Records]
2019 seems to be the year in which punks are out here making what noise they can with what little free time they have while pulling double duty in other projects than the ones they’re primarily known for. The latest making their visibility known in the fray is that of Gauch, a D.C. post-punk outfit featuring Downtown Boys’ Mary Jane Regalado and Jason P Barnett alongside Priests’ Daniele Yandel and a rotating cast of friends, who’ve since signed with Merge and will be releasing their proper debut full-length later this year. Their latest single “Conspiracy Theories” is a standalone listen that serves as the perfect introduction to what they’re all about through up-front politicized matters in their lyrics slung over a nervous, yet linear wriggle of guitar riffs angling their way around brass splashes. "I hate/ conspiracy theories/ Alex Jones / I hate you too,” goes one lin. When you take into account that many within the D.C. punk scene have first-hand experience with seeing the worst of them play out in real life, their ire is more than deserved. Alex Szantos directed its very DIY, VHS-quality performance clip that makes the most out of party streamers and the color palette despite what dark clouds hover over the world these days.
Makthaverskan - “Demands” [Run for Cover Records]
Last week saw the long awaited and very welcome return o Swedish shoegazing punk band Westkust after a four year of silence from the point of delivering one of 2015′s best albums in their debut Last Forever. The band, which features two members of their more active post-punks counterparts Makthaverskan, is being followed on their heels with new music from that end, with the announcement that Makthaverskan will be releasing a 7″ single on January 25th. It features two tracks in “Demands”and “Onkel”, which the band revealed through a facebook post were initially recorded during the same sessions that brought us their solid 2017 effort Ill, but “didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the material,” hence coupling them together as their own stand-alone. Given that Ill found the four-piece dabbling in the cavernous echoes in their signature sparkle of post-punk, its A-side “Demands” rekindles fire with the illuminated rush. “Try to see through my eyes / No longer care for your demands / No time to catch up my mind / I am so tired of your advice,” Maja Milner’s sky-high vocals aim for the cosmos. When she’s seeing clearly, she and Makthaverskan never cease to scale new heights.
Demands b/w Onkel by Makthaverskan
Panda Bear - “Token” [Domino Records]
Plenty of listeners are feeling wistful this year over the 10 year anniversary of Animal Collective’s indie opus Merriweather Post Pavilion, yet sometimes-member Noah “Panda Bear” Lennox has been steadily looking toward the future of his own art ever since. His latest effort Buoys, due out on February 8th, is opening a new chapter within his own story following the trilogy of adulting avant pop bliss that was 2007′s Person PItch, 2011′s Tomboy and 2015′s Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper. While it does sound like the nautical breeze within Lennox’s music will never truly cease passage (titing his latest album Buoys alongside its lead single “Dolphin” are proof of that,) finding new pockets for his voice to explore within minimalist textures and low voltage experimentation amid his wonky nature suits his sound comfortably on its latest listen “Token”. The listen’s accompanying video, starring and directed by UK electronic composer Dean Blunt, is about rediscovering joy in the everyday after a series of creative setbacks -- Emotions aburst in Panda Bear’s sprite sound.
Xiu Xiu - “Pumpkin Attack On Mommy and Daddy” [Polyvinyl Records]
We can always count on Xiu Xiu to throw a wrench through the current musical landscape, and even themselves for that matter. For the veteran avant et. al outfit’s forthcoming 14th studio effort Girl With the Fruit Basket, due out on February 8th, project mastermind Jamie Stewart and longtime constant Angela Seo were joined by percussion virtuoso Thor Harris and Jordan Geiger inside the studio for their latest deconstruction in experimental noise and pop conjectures. Its first single “Scisssssssors” was an extreme breakdown of that in comparison to the cohesion within 2017′s Forget, with a visual treatment to match its occult oddity. Latest preview, the awesomely-titled “Pumpkin Attack On Mommy and Daddy”, delivers more in the sheer terror sonic department. The track was written by Angela Seo with help from Stewart and Los Angeles performance artist Elliott Reed, and is similarly fucked in its electronic decay overlaid by spoken word outbursts. Seo once again collaborated with Anna Lian Tes to create the listen’s video, which features some new facets of surreal vintage horror themes as its predecessor. Xiu Xiu have also mapped out a huge world tour in support of the new album.
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upalldown · 3 years
Viagra Boys - Welfare Jazz
Second album from the Stockholm post-punk six-piece
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For their sophomore record, Sweden’s Viagra Boys are employing the tried and true method of going big or going home. This is no small undertaking for a band that already has put it all on the line previously with 2018’s valiant debut Street Worms. There, the post-punkers swirled sloshy vocals and sloppy aesthetic to make for a fun but flawed performance. Welfare Jazz doesn’t dispose of the fun, but everything about this second round feels bigger and brighter, something they started with on 2020’s Common Sense EP.
Sebastian Murphy takes his vocal delivery in a more direct approach, folding it into the music more than in the past. “Creatures” finds the band in some of their cleanest territory, where, accompanied by a synth line reminiscent of an 80s dystopian future flick, Murphy submerges his audience in visuals aplenty: “We trade in copper / and stolen bikes or shiny things / with lots of buttons on them.” He paints a picture here, in watercolors no less, of life at the bottom, but the way he pulls everything into him feels organic and fleshed out. Welfare Jazz shows a band still searching for footing and direction, but once they find something that sticks, they exploit the hell out of it, and “Creatures” is one of the finest examples.
The chaotic performances they are known for still shine through, there’s no mistaking a Viagra Boys record – the band’s ‘yeehaw’ playfulness might distract, but it’s all in good fun. There’s a bit of extra fluff here that some may consider disposable cuts, specifically the interlude tracks that don’t even hit the one-minute mark like “This Old Dog” and “Best in Show II”, but these brief commercial breaks are all factoring into the greater message of Welfare Jazz: working class individuals are treated like dogs. Every country has a working class, Viagra Boys are just showing one side of it, and their mutt analogies are no more provocative than the next – they simply do it well.
The Joy Division-inflected “Secret Canine Agent” offers more zany lyrics about paranoia – “Looks like he gave me a signal / Oh when he lifted his paw / That means the beagle has landed” – which all feeds into the conspiracy machine in a sarcastic manner. Welfare Jazz pulls back to its major theme of lower class struggles by touching on addiction with standout “I Feel Alive”, which finds Murphy’s narrator getting high on being clean but trading one addiction (narcotics, presumably) for others (sex, television, etc.) all for the quest of feeling reborn – “I tell you what it feels just like / the whole damn world can see me smile / I haven’t felt like this in quite a while / feel like a new man yeah / and such a brand new guy.”
Burning it all to the ground is contemplated directly after with “Girls & Boys”, which finds our protagonist scorned by drugs, boys, and girls – but loved by dogs and shrimp. “This fucked up world keeps spinning round (girls) / but one day imma burn it down (drugs) / there are sometimes that I feel so low (girls) / but I know I’mma burn it down,” he professes. This kicks off the final trio of tracks on Welfare Jazz, a natural denouement after everything experienced up to this point. Tired, aggravated, pissed off, this average Joe is done with the negativity on the piano-led “To the Country”, where Murphy tells a tale of a woman he wants to abscond with: “You could be happier out there where no one’s in a hurry / and I know I don’t show it but I think that’s what I want now,” he persuades, hoping to convince that this is the way to escape all of these demons. It’s underlined with a twang, something Murphy’s used repeatedly but effectively throughout the length of Viagra Boys’ tenure.
Welfare Jazz manages to be thoughtful and patriotic without losing its identity. There’s a very sweet and endearing closing to it too, with a cover of John Prine’s “In Spite of Ourselves” that’s reminiscent of “Well It’s True That We Love One Another” by The White Stripes. Murphy duets with Amy Taylor of Aussie punk band Amyl and the Sniffers to bring everything to some peaceful closure. Of course, there’s only peace for a moment, as tomorrow is another day filled with more hardships and struggles. Whether there’s truth to this story or not, Viagra Boys have successfully captured a side of the working class that demands empathy, and it’s their strongest statement to date.
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tmntreasures · 7 years
Honor Among Thieves Ch.7
A week had passed and the girls had returned to their normal lives above the sewers. Raphael had lost his bet, but that was only because the two thieves were too tired and beaten up to pull off a heist just yet. However, Bonnie had already connived Aida into another scheme, they were just waiting till the timing was right.
Meanwhile, the mobster that had their nunchuck stolen from was on the search for its thief. When they had no luck, they turned to the person who sold it to them. Harrison had assured them that he had nothing to do with the items disappearance, but that wasn't good enough. Stealing from the mob was unforgivable, unforgettable, and definitely wouldn't go without punishment. It only took a few threats before he gave up Bonnies’ identity to the mob, and that she was the one who brought in the weapon. 
"She kept mentioning large reptilians when trying to sell me this weapon." Harrison said confused.
"Large reptillians?" A grunt echoed with a suspicious raised brow.
"Ye-Yeah..." Harrison scratched at the side of his cheek. "I think the hooker may have been on something you know... But, I don't know where she got it." He shrugged.
"Do you think she'd want it back?" The other man asked.  
"No..N-Not unless she knew how much you guys paid for it." He smiled a little, but the smile was returned with a glare.  
"Did you give out our information?" The man asked.
"N-No! I never give out my customers’ information! It's policy!" He held up his hands in defense. His eyes widened a little when he saw the grunt flip back his blazers tail ends, and reveal a gun tucked away in the waist line of his pants. He pushed his hair back and sighed.
"Alright… Here's what's gonna happen! You're gonna bring this girl to us, and we'll continue our investigation from there. You got it?" He said.
"R-right…" Harrison nodded obediently.
"Call her."
"Do you think I can remove the stiches? It's been a week now and they itch so bad..." Bonnie held up her shirt, revealing her healed wound to Aida.
Aida stared at it but shrugged. "I think so. It looks fine to me but I'm no doctor." She giggled a little and nudged her with her elbow. "Who knows? Maybe Donatello will look at it for you if they catch us...again." She huffed.
The girl wasn't sure how, but Bonnie had convinced her to another heist. She kept trying to convince herself that the third time's a charm, but ever since they ran into the turtles the two girls seemed to be wearing turtle perfume. It just seemed too weird that the gargantuan reptiles kept showing up every time they tried to do a job.
Bonnie clicked her tongue and lowered her shirt. "They won't catch us-" She stopped when a thought came back to her. She remembered having this conversation before, and saying that they wouldn't get caught by the turtles. Technically they weren't caught by the turtles before, but she couldn't help but feel like they would meet up again soon. Most likely because she had taken something from them... Again.
"This one will be super easy though cause we're stealing from actual people. Not a bank." She nodded.
Aida crossed her arms and stared at her partner skeptically. "Uh-huh. Rich people right? I don't take from people who need their income," she wiggled a finger at her.
"Of course the rich! I wouldn't be stealing from poor people... They're poor!" She stated and at that moment her phone went off. She picked it up from the coffee table and answered without looking at the caller id.
"Hello?... What'chu want? Mmm. Yeah I got it. What?" Her eyes lit up as she spoke and a grin started to spread across her face. "Yeah I'll bring it down!" She said with enthusiasm.
A small smile crossed on Aida's face and she watched intently during the phone conversation. Her eyebrows perked at how excited Bonnie sounded and nodded at her as soon as she was done. "Was that your fence? Sounded like he had good news," She grinned excitedly. If it was something that could make their life easier, then Aida was all for it.
"Yeah!" She nodded at her. "There's this necklace I brought it a while back, but he wouldn't give me a good price for it." She said as she went to the other room to retrieve the item. "He says he found a collector who's interested, and he raised the price by a lot!"
Aida clicked her tongue. "Oh sure, when you have a necklace, it's worth a fortune. I turn in a chain and it's worth fifty bucks!" She teased and grabbed her backpack. "Alright, so let's turn in this piece and we'll get started on this plan!"
Bonnie put the necklace into her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. She huffed and nodded once more. "Let's do it." She said and opened her front door.
It took them around twenty five minutes to get to the shop by foot and when they arrived, the lights were dim. Bonnie thought nothing of it, considering how late it was. She figured Harrison was probably just closing up, and didn't want unwanted visitors coming in. She opened the front door with caution and the bell rang when she walked in. "Ay yo bitch! I got your necccklaaace!" She dangled it in her hand, calling out to him. 
"I'm in the back hooker!" He hollered back.
Bonnie smiled and hurriedly made her way through the shop.
As soon as they entered the store, Aida's gut told her run. She lagged behind Bonnie, looking around the dark shop for whatever was giving her goosebumps. "I swear to god, if those turtles are in here..." She grumbled under her breath as she slowly followed, but the feeling would not go away. Very slowly, she brought her backpack in front of her and unzipped one of the pockets. She reached in and pulled out a set of spiked brass knuckles that had a sugar skull carved into both handles. Once the weapons were on she put the backpack over her shoulders and kept following Bonnie.
When she reached the back, Bonnie saw Harrison along with the other man. She smiled widely. "Is this the buyer?" She turned to him.
Harrison went to speak, but was interrupted by the grunt. He chuckled. "Like a moth to a flame. You're a greedy one, aren't you?" He grinned.
Her expression slowly changed from a smile to a frown. "What?" She said a little more sternly.
As soon as Aida saw the shady man she tensed. She had seen men like him giving drugs to the pushers in her neighborhood and it made her blood run cold. She grabbed Bonnie's arm from behind and began to whisper to her. "Bonnie...he's a drug lord. Or at least he works for one." She informed, her eyes never leaving the man.
"Oh!... And you brought a friend! Good." He said and smiled.
Bonnie’s eyes glanced to Harrison who she could see was sweating nervously. "What is going on?" She asked him.  
Harrison looked to the man then back to her before speaking. "...He's not here for the necklace.” He answered.  
A light gasp escaped her mouth and she flinched, getting ready to move, but stopped once she saw the man pull out a gun.
"He told me you can run pretty fast, but I doubt you can out run a bullet." The grunt stated.
Bonnie felt her stomach turn at the sight of the gun, but she tried her best to not let it show. She inhaled deeply and exhaled before speaking again. "So what is it then?" She asked.
"The nunchuk." He replied.
She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Those god damn turtles..." She mumbled.
Aida made an exasperated look at her mentor before looking at the mobster. "Cómo nos sigue volviendo esto?" She muttered to herself before speaking to the man. "Look, neither of us have it," she crossed her arms and glared at him. "The proper owner does." She cringed the moment the words were out of her mouth.
“Proper owner?” The man echoed and cocked his head. “Tell me… Who’s the proper owner?” 
"W-well... We don't really know who they are just that--" Bonnie started but was interrupted by the man.
"Really now? Cause Harrison here said that you stole it from a..." He trailed off and swung around the gun he was holding. "A giant lizard thing?"
Bonnie smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "Honestly, the night I stole it, I was all hopped up on adrenaline and stuff… There were some…" She looked down and licked her lower lips. "Some punkers were following me and--"
She stopped, suddenly interrupted by the sound of the gun going off. The man shot between her and Aida, hit a picture frame right in the middle of its rectangular composition. Bonnie jumped and screamed a little.
Aida covered her ears and screamed, looking at the man in fear. She hated to admit it, but she really wished the turtles would show up. "She doesn't know, okay!? She was screaming about giant lizards, what makes you think she knows who the real owner is!?"
Meanwhile, in the turtle's lair, Donatello was busy trying to track some police activity. He eyes flickered between screens and he reached for a device he kept on his arm. His heart skipped a beat when he couldn't find it and began to look frantically for it. He always kept it in the same spot because of how vital it was, but he couldn't find it anywhere! 
He ran through all of the places he might've dropped it until he suddenly stopped in realization. When he had shown Bonnie his arm, she touched it, and later that night the device never went off to tell him about the manual override. "Sunuva bitch!" Donatello yelled. How could he have been so stupid? Of course the kleptomaniac would have taken something that looked important off of his body. How the hell did he not notice before?
"Yo, Donnie. You okay?" Raphael called out before jumping out of the tall turtle's way.
"I knew it!" Donatello began to ramble. "I knew it wasn't my fault!" 
The red-clad turtle grabbed his brother's shoulder and shook him lightly. "Calm down man! What wasn't your fault?"
Donatello explained the situation, trying his best not to speak too fast. "So, Bonnie had to be the one who took it!" Donatello finished.  
A look of fury was on Raphael's face. Hearing that this woman stole right from underneath their noses for a second time...there was no way he would let them go this time. "Alright, let's get your thing-a-ma-gig back," he cracked his knuckles. "No more Mr. Nice Guy."
Donatello nodded, "I'll get Leo and Mikey." He grinned before running off to get his other two brothers.
"Look, you can make this real easy on yourselves if you just give the guy’s name up!" He aimed the gun, but this time straight at Bonnie. "My boss doesn't like other people touching his stuff... And someone’s gotta take responsibility for it." He shrugged a little.
"Can’t we just--pay you the difference? I mean it wasn't even a pair!" She shrugged.
"No. Nunchuck, or nothing." He said sternly and cocked his gun.
Aida bit her lower lip and looked between Bonnie and the mobster. She wasn't about to let them die over a damned chinese weapon. The man wanted a name? Then so be it. "It was Michelangelo!" She blurted before feeling a pang of guilt. "I...think," she added.
Bonnie snapped over to Aida with wide eyes. She couldn't believe she had actually given the turtles name so easily, especially since she was always giving her a lecture about karma and curses when it came to them, but given the situation... She understood why. She looked back to the man and swallowed the lump building in her throat.
The man raised a brow. "Michelangelo? Like… the artist?"
Aida huffed a little and shrugged. "I guess so? I don't pay attention to old white men history," She looked around nervously and held her hands out nervously. "So, are we cool? Can we go now?"
"After you tell me where I can find this... Michelangelo?" He answered.
Bonnie let out an exhausted sigh. "You won't believe us when we tell you..." 
The man lifted up his chin and nodded. "Try me." 
"In the sewers!" She snapped.
The man’s eyes widened at the response and he blinked confused. He growled and furrowed his eyebrows, feeling like the girls were mocking him in some way. "Alright. I'm tired of this bullshit." He aimed the gun again, and was ready shoot, but at that instance, they lights flickered and then went out completely. The man looked back to Harrison with a raised brow, who immediately shook his head in response.
Bonnie’s heart was about ready to burst out of her chest. Though she felt a little relived when the lights went out. She may have a chance to escape the situation that way, but it would also mean leaving Aida behind. She looked to the girl and frowned. She was growing fond of her quickly, but with it being dark, there wasn't a good way to signal the girl to run, either than just going for it and hoping she'd notice. If she noticed too late, she would surely be shot down.
She closed her eyes, and shook in her boots. She wasn't fond of being a damsel in distress, but she couldn't help but hope that those slimy turtles would show up again.
In the shroud of darkness the turtles slipped in. They were being extra cautious since there was a gun was involved; granted, their shells and plastrons were practically bullet-proof, but the girls were not. Luckily for them, Donatello had placed a miniature tracker on Bonnie before she left on Leonardo's orders. Somehow the leader knew the girls would get involved in trouble. Of course, the bo-staff master was expecting them to stop the two women from robbing another bank instead of keeping them from getting their heads blown off.
Raphael was the first one to leap from his hiding spot, using his sais to disarm the mobster quickly. The weapon was thrown across room, which Donatello caught before dropping the magazine and emptying the single bullet from the chamber. He threw the gun back at the mafia man, aiming for his head rather than returning it to him.
Distracted by not being able to comprehend what was going on, the gun ended up smacking the mobster right in the middle of his forehead. He let out a cry of pain before grabbing his head and rubbing it. "Oww! What the hell?!” He cursed.
While the man tended to his wound, Leonardo came out from his hiding spot and jabbed the man in the gut with the backside of one of his katanas. The pressure of the hit made the man double over and immediately pass out. Leo made no effort in breaking the man’s fall, and even stepped aside when he did. He snorted and put his katanas back in their sheaths. 
Michelangelo hopped over next to Aida and crossed his arms. "Well that was easy." He grinned.
Harrison reached under the counter he was behind and pulled out a flashlight from it. He flipped the switch on it and pointed it in the turtle’s direction. When seeing Michelangelo his eyes grew wide and he let out a long scream.
Mikey grimaced. "Leo, you missed one!" He said, but as soon as he did, the man passed out as well and fell to the floor. "Oh- Never mind." He shrugged.
Aida jumped, not recognizing the giant turtle immediately and punched his arm instinctively. When she felt the stinging pain in her knuckles, she realized who it was and began to scold them, now smacking his arm with her palm. "God damn it! You guys almost gave me a heart attack...again!" 
"Mikey has that effect on people," Raphael teased. "You should see what happens when he looks in a mirror."
"Ey girl!" Mikey grabbed her hands and held them tight so she couldn't hit him again. "So this is how you thank your savior? A kiss--" He used her fingers to tap on his lips. "Would be much more appreciated!" He smirked.
Bonnie sighed deeply when she realized it was the turtles who came to her rescue… Again. She breathed heavily but didn't say anything.
Aida tried to yank her hand out of his grip, but it was too tight. Instead, she narrowed her eyes at him and grumbled, "I'd rather kiss a toad..." 
"Aww, what?" Mikey let go of her hands and scoffed. "You'd get warts!"
Donatello began to walk over to Bonnie as he spoke, "You're welcome, by the way. Now, give it back," He held his hand out to her, eyes set in a glare. He did not appreciate being the victim of a crime, especially after he patched the girl up and tried to be patient when she had been down in the lair.
Bonnie looked up at him genuinely confused for a moment before realizing what he was talking about. She winced when she remembered and laughed nervously. "Haha... I um-Y'know?" She stumbled for words. For some reason she didn't want to admit she had stolen the gadget from him. While trying to think up a convincing lie, something else had crossed her mind. Her brows perked and she blinked her eyes a few times.  
"Wait... How did you even know we were here?" She asked.
"I had Donnie chip you." Leonardo said bluntly. Bonnie’s brows perked again before furrowing into a glare. She clenched her teeth and went to speak again, but Leo cut her off with a finger. "Don't try to play the victim here! I had him do it because I didn't believe we could trust you to stay out of trouble, and" he paused. "...Look at where we are?" He gestured around him.
Bonnie clenched her fist and growled. "Fuck you! You can't do that!" 
"Did you want to be thrown in jail instead?!" Leo barked back.
Aida was about to have a witty response, but her attention was drawn to Bonnie and Leonardo's arguing. Her mouth fell open when she heard that the girl had taken another item from the turtles. "Fuck, puta! As if the first time you took something from them went so well before!" She gestured to the four giants and huffed. "Why would you take another one of their things?"
"Same reason you two keep trying to rob people," Raphael snapped. "You're criminals!"
She snapped at the largest turtle and waved a finger at him. "I have my reasons for doing what I do! Don't even think about putting me in the same level as him!" She pointed to the unconscious mobster. 
He growled and took a step closer. "I wouldn't if you two didn't keep us busy with your shit! Now, instead of fightin' the real bad guys, we gotta deal with you!" He jabbed a finger in her chest, pushing her back a couple of steps.
Mikey grimaced and slightly stepped in between Raphael and Aida. "C'mon Raph... Go easy on her, you know she's just being dragged along by..." He spoke lowly and glanced over to Bonnie. 
"I didn't mean t-- Augh!" Bonnie groaned and threw her hands up in the air. "Look-- It's gonna sound stupid and like I'm lying but I didn't even mean to take the damn thing!" Bonnie looked to Donatello. "I am a thief, there's no doubt about that, but I didn't even realize I had the thing until I got home!"
Leonardo scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
"It's true! It's bad I know, but sometimes it’s just second nature for me!... I figured it wasn't important because you guys didn't come for it sooner!" She shrugged. "I couldn't return it myself cause I can't open the manholes, and it’s not like you guys have a 'bat symbol' to call ya."
Leonardo sighed deeply and looked over to his purple clad brother for his thoughts on the matter.
Donatello stared at Bonnie for a long time. It sounded like the girl was an actual kleptomaniac; if she really can't help it, then he can't really be too mad at her. Not to mention, she did have a good point about trying to find them. They picked a hidden lair for a reason after all and they didn't exactly leave the girls a way to communicate with them. After a while, Donatello finally straightened his back and nodded. "I think she's telling the truth."
"What!?" Raphael's attention quickly went to his brother. "You believe that crock of shit?" 
He nodded. "Well, yeah. If it's become second-nature for her, then she really can't help it. She's a klepto," he shrugged, stating it matter-of-factually. "I can't be mad at her for something she can't help. It's like tapping a knee and then it kicking."
Bonnie crossed her arms and jutted out her hip. "Trust me when I say, I definitely didn't not want to see you guys again..." She mumbled and turned her back to them.
"So where is it?" Leonardo asked. "You didn't sell it, did you?"
"No. It's back at my apartment." She glanced over her shoulder.
"Alright," He nodded. "We'll wrap this place up and then head over."
Bonnie flinched and her shoulders went stiff. Her apartment had stolen goods lying all throughout it. If the turtles weren't throwing her in jail now, they'd definitely would once they saw her place. She turned back to face them. "Can't I just bring it over here?" 
"Hey, you got to see our crib, now it's time you show us yours!" Mikey pointed.
"Mi Casa es not your casa!" She hissed.
"Mi casa no es su hogar," Aida corrected her, but she knew why Bonnie was so reluctant to let them in. She had to help her think of something...but what?
"Yeah, last time we let you go everything went smoothly. Oh wait," Raphael gestured to the shop and growled. "It didn't. You're not going back home alone." 
That was when it hit her like a ton of bricks. The girl perked up and held up her index finger. "How about only one of you comes with us?" Before any of them could volunteer, she clung onto the orange-wearing turtle's arm tightly and grinned. "I think uh...Mikey would be good, right? I mean, you guys do have to clean up, cover your tracks, make sure the cameras weren't on. That's gonna take a lot of time."
Mikeys eyes grew wide when the girl latched onto him, and he even blushed a little. He wasn't used to this kind of contact at all, but he did enjoy it. He wrapped his arm around hers and took her one of her hands. "Yeeeeah! " He grinned widely. "I could totally escort these ladies back to their abodes." 
Leonardo glared at Mikey unamused. He knew exactly what was running through his big head, and he shook his disapprovingly. "Mikey..." He started, but his brother threw up his hands in defense. 
"No really! I can do this!" He objected.
Bonnie gave Aida a skeptical look, not realizing what she was doing at first. Aida tried not to grimace too much when he grabbed her hand; though she had to admit, it wasn't nearly as slimy or gross as she thought it would feel.
Raphael growled; he did not trust these girls one bit. They knew Michelangelo was the softest and they were going to use that. "No way," He butted in and pointed to himself with his thumb. "If anyone's going it's gonna be me!"
"Oh lay off Raph," Donatello waved him off. "Let Mikey have some responsibility for once."
"Responsible isn't a word I use to describe Mikey, and you know it." He argued.
The leaner brother opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't really argue against that point. "Well...he'll at least have fun?"
“Yeah! I will!" Mikey grinned and poked his thumb into his chest.
Leo sighed and stomped over to Mikey. He put a hand on his free shoulder and looked him sternly in the eyes. "Michelangelo..." He started.
Mikey stared at him with wide eyes. "..Yes?" He raised a brow slowly.  
Leo waited a while before speaking for dramatic effect. "I'm giving you one chance here." He lifted one finger before tapping him on the snout with it. "Don't. Mess it up."
Michelangelo screamed in excitement and threw his hands up at Leonardo’s approval. Both Bonnie and Leo flinched back in response.
Aida had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing. She hadn't seen this much excitement in someone since her twin siblings were allowed to stay up an extra hour. She had to bite the insides of her cheeks to stop herself from smiling as well. Eventually she regained herself and uncovered her mouth. "Don't worry. We'll take care of him," She nodded at the lead brother. 
Raphael rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air. He started to curse under his breath and walked off; his gut was telling him something was going to go wrong. And if it did, which it will, he would be there to tell them all that he was right.
"Good." Leo nodded back at her and then turned to Bonnie. He pointed a finger at her, "And you." Bonnie stood up straight and raised a brow at him in response. "Keep your shirt on." He replied.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It was one time!" She said and then crossed her arms. "Besides, if I was gonna show him again, he'd have to earn it!" She smiled mischievously. 
"Oooh!" Mikey cooed. "Is that a challenge?"
Leonardo snapped his fingers at him a few times. "Mikey! What did I just say?!" He growled.
Mikey slapped his forehead and nodded. "Right! Right!.. I got this!"
Donatello shook his head in disappointment. "If you're not back here with the device in two hours, we're coming to you," he pointed at Bonnie. "You're not the only one stuck with a tracker after all."
Aida frowned at the purple-clad turtle's threat. She wasn't sure how she was going to distract their chaperone, but at least it would be easier to do than with the other three. At the very least, he seemed the nicest; perhaps if Plan A failed, she could make a Plan B that consisted of convincing him to not snitch about the contents of Bonnie's home. 
"Don't worry, I'll staple her shirt down," Aida waved the other three off and turned to leave. Bonnie huffed and followed after her.
"See you suckers later!" Michelangelo teased and saluted his brothers and followed after the girls.
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silent-raven13 · 4 months
Pacify Her
*dark AU: Hobie is psychotic and obsessed with Miles. Not fluff-and not for the faint of heart. So yeah, trigger warning!
Tired, blue boy walks my way
Hobie leans against the wall in the hallway in HQ, his dark eyes stares far watching Miles along side with his girlfriend, Gwen. The two were spending time together, it irks the punker so much.
Holding a girl's hand
His eyes glares at the two holding hands, he inhale his cigarette before exhale a long grey smoke. The feeling in his chest is pure jealous, green with envy glint in his narrow eyes.
Each step he made, his heavy boots clicks by the amount of accessories he carries. Following the two from afar without their Spidey Senses warning them. He's their friends, they would never think Hobie would hurt them- well, Hobie's eyes on Gwen.
Boy does he want to bash her brains with his guitar. The little weak insect touching his little prey, his little Miles. The Latino laughs along with Gwen talking about something. He didn't care, he only wants to see Miles' smile. That beautiful wide smile like beaming sunshine all warm, all too perfect. He wants his Sunflower.
The blond Spider-woman giggles as she lay her head onto her seventeen boyfriend. Hobie scowls with disgust at the little cunt touching his Sunflower. Someone so tainted and broken shouldn't touched his Miles, not even Gwen.
The little traitor with her stupid emotional pathetic life. He only took her under his wing so he can use her. Good thing, he did. She was able to paint this perfect picture of Hobie Brown, Spider Punk. The cool Spider-man who does whatever he wants.
To say the least when he heard Miles, he thought he was weak too. A lad coming from a perfect home, middle class family with a dad that's Chief of Police. Massive eye roll the way Gwen talked about him. He assumes he was a white boy like Peter Parker- Oh boy was he so wrong.
Hobie's happy he's wrong to say the least. Seeing Miles being powerful, strong never forgetting who he is- it's enough to get his crotch aching in his skinny jeans. He lick his lips thinking about how he saw Miles in a wave panic was able to fend off all of Spider Society by himself.
Such a golden boy, so much so Hobie wants to break him. Make him his. To keep his Sunflower looking at him and only him.
That basic bitch leaves finally
Black eyes watches Gwen leaving Miles alone in the cafeteria. A wide smirk appeared on his face.
He watches her leaving into the left exit having to put on her Spider-woman mask being in a hurry. Perfect.
Now I can take her man
Leaving Miles all alone. He appeared in front of his Sunflower being laid back. "Peter Pan, what's up, mate?" He asked.
Miles lift his head up from drawing Gwen while eating his lunch, "Hobie, my man. What's up?" A wide bright smile on his face looking so joyful to see him.
Hobie likes Miles- no like is what little sprogs say when they play stupid games like Cooties. Hobie is infatuated with Miles, obsessive to the point he knows Miles' breathing pattern.
Only Miles know how to claw their way through survival. To proven themselves to shitty people that wank themselves the moment they see a poor bum staring down. The amount of power to show and never give up. Hobie wants him.
"Nuthin' much. Where's Gwendy?" Hobie asked taking a french fry from Miles' basket of fries. "Saw you two snogging."
"Oh, she went to the restroom. I'm sure she's fine." Miles happily said. "Hahaha, we weren't snogging, man. We were holding hands."
"You're a virgin, mate. You need to be forward." He knowns Miles is the type to take his time, romantic at heart. The poor lad doesn't know Gwen isn't one to wait.
He should know, Gwen had a crush on him when he took her under his wing. She would casually flirt with her disgusting awkward flaunts or being touchy.
Of course, Gwen had to agree to be with Miles when he asked her out. She's the kind that never wants to hurt her friend's heart. So the poor lad living in this lie.
"Me? Nah, I like to take my time." Miles being bashful.
Hobie grins at him, "Oh yeah?" Hobie turns pinks whenever he sees Miles, that's what people say. At first, he noticed his universe style and learns to use his emotions to his benefit. When he sees Gwen, he thinks of something nice so his true colors aren't show. At first it was hard but he got the hang of it.
Miles shyly nodded.
Just then Gwen appears to kiss Miles on his cheek. "Hey bae, I'm back." Happily sitting next to her boyfriend.
Hobie's eyes carefully side eyes her, his jealousy almost peek through. Then he calms down when he saw Miles' smile. "Hey bae! How was the restroom? Wasn't pack?"
"Nah, it was fine." She noticed Hobie happily said, "Hey Hobs, what's up!"
Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours
"I'm good, Gwendy. Just talkin' to Peter Pan, here about sex." Hobie casually said.
"Ohhh, wow. Miles, look at you." She said out loud.
"Hobie!" Miles looks a bit flustered, then gave a weak smile when his doe eyes glanced at the punker.
Hobie only winks at him.
But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?
"Ho-oo-oo-bie!" Miles came crying to his punker.
Pavtri was chilling with the punker on his houseboat. The two were hanging out until Miles came through the portal in full tears.
Hobie stop what he was doing to calm the Spider-man down. Pavtri made chai for Miles to calm his nerves. "Dude, what happened?" Pavtri asked
Miles sniff, "Gwe-Gwe-Gwen broke up with me!" He cries into Hobie's arms, "Sh-Sh-She said she was sorry and couldn't do it anymore!"
"Awe, man. That's terrible." Pavtri said out loud.
"Yeah, bruv. Why would she do that?" Hobie fake gasp, he knew Gwen wouldn't last with Miles. She's too problematic.
"I-I dunno 'no!" He looks up with his puffy eyes and pouty lips, "I think it's because she wanted sex, but..."
Pavtri rubs Miles' back, "But?"
"I'm Asexual!" Miles came out being in full tears. "I-I-I don't want to have sex..."
This caught Hobie off guard. What a beautiful secret! His perfect Sunflower became even more pure to him. Knowing that virgin hole will never be touched, those puffy pouty lips never sucking dick or pussy. To see such lovely supple skin in sweat- Oh no, his Sunflower is so pure.
Hobie's body for the first time turned vibrant pink with hints of red. Pavtri noticed being surprised. Miles didn't noticed being too much in tears about his break up.
The punker is know to be a lad that loves sex. In the beginning, he did it for survival, but he does it for fun. Sex would mean nothing to him from time to time. Flaunting it never impresses him, but this!
Miles being a beautiful virgin, it gets him going. A huge bulge from his skinny jeans formed. "Shh, it's okay, luv." Hobie made Miles sit on his lap almost straddle position.
Miles sniffs so cutely with a pout, "Bu-bu-but Gwen?"
"Sh-sh-sh, you just lay here and calm down. I'll never leave your side." Hobie hums.
Pavtri watches the two feeling very weirded out by Hobie's flirts. He thought it was a low blow to be after Miles after a break up. But the Indian Spider-man stood quiet.
Miles nodded with his arms around the punker's neck, "Okay. Like this." He lays his head on Hobie's chest.
"Yes, luv. Don't worry... just be here with me. I'll protect you." His voice lingers on. His eyes on Pavtri gave an indication for him to leave. The Spider-man rushed out without another sign.
"Okay..." His Miles rest with him, "But Hobie... what's this?" Feeling something poking his bottom.
"Nothing, luv."
Pacify her
Hobie saw Gwen in her Spider-woman swinging from building to building. It's a cold night in her world, she was doing her parol to make sure her city safe. When she got on top of one building she checks on her watch, "Hmm... no drugs here?" She looked confused by the news through a mysterious email she received.
Unaware of the stealthy punker coming behind her, he took hold of his guitar the closer he got to Gwen. His eyes saw red, no one hurt his Miles.
When Gwen's Spider Sense kicked up, she quickly turns around only to say, "Hobie?"
She's getting on my nerves 
"Hey Gwendy!" A sinister smile appear on his face with a sadistic eyes gleaming in bright red. Gwen stood with wide eyes before able to process that her friend slams his guitar against her head.
The Spider-woman fell on the floor feeling her nose bleed, "Wha-Why?" She cries with her blue eyes pleading for help, her jaw broken. Too freaked out from what happens.
Hobie licks his lips, "This for Miles, Gwendy. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." He lift his guitar one more time with one harsh swing.
The sound of his guitar bashing into Gwen's limp lifeless body over and over again only leaving a mush of meat and organs. Hobie darkly chuckles having some of her blood on him. Finally the pest is gone!
Now it's time to hide the body... where to, where to? He stood smoking his cigarette. Hmmm...
You don't love her
Been weeks since friends of Gwen saw her. Miles been trying to contact her but nothing. No one knows where she went too. Hobie watches as everyone were so confused about her disappearances until Miguel made a comment about Spider-heroes always coming and going.
"But-but she isn't the time to just leave!" Pavtri said to Miguel.
Miles nodded, "Yeah! She was-" Miguel cut him off, "Miles, aren't you two broken up?"
"Then, she's off to be on her own. Many Spider-heroes do that." Miguel looks down at Miles.
"But-" Miguel cut Miles, again which pissed Hobie off. "Morales, don't you think it's better to get away from it all?"
Miles frowns, "Yes, sir."
"Anyway, I'm sure she's fine. Now, can you all leave me alone." Miguel said out loud.
Miles looks down with worried with Pavtri hugging him, "Come on, Miles. We'll go drink a cup of tea."
Hobie was about to follow them until Miguel commented, "Not, you Brown...."
"Hmph?" Hobie saw Miles and Pavtri leaving the room. Then his heavy boots thud every step toward Miguel.
"I did my part in saving you hind. Now, you keep your part." Miguel's red eyes glaring at the punker in front of him.
"Yes, boss-man!" He tosses Miguel the flash drive, "We don't want anyone knowing there's two killers around- two serial killers."
Miguel catch the flash drive, he crushes it with his hand. "Good. Next time, I won't be so kind."
"Heh, next time don't fuck up, mate." Hobie grins darkly, "I saw your eyeing on Earth 9916, looks like your planning to having another sprog?"
"None of your business. Now leave or else," Miguel licks his lips, "I'll take your Sunflower. He looks pretty easy to fuck with." His red eyes gleams with lust.
Oh how he hate that fucker. But a lass, he needs his fellow killer acquaintance, they need each other to maintain this foolish propaganda of being great heroes to get what they want.
Hobie chuckles, "Watch it or I'll bash your lil kid's head- not the first time, I've done it." The two were having a stare down.
Miguel finally said, "Leave, Brown."
"Already doing that." Hobie was already out the door.
Stop lying with those words
Miles took a small bite of his burger as him and Pav went to hang out with Hobie on his houseboat. "So, what did Mr. Grumpy pants say?" Pavtri asked.
Hobie shrugs, "I dunno. I don't listen to shit." He wore his black ripped tank top having a bucket of red chum getting ready to dump it out of his boat.
"Mmm, I'm sorry, Hobie." Miles finally said, "Miguel must've been mad at me and took it out on you. I went to him for help but he seems so annoyed."
"More like too touchy. You saw how he keeps touching our shoulders so much." Pavtri shudders with disgust.
Miles took another bite. "Mmhhmm, I felt his eyes were on me for too long."
"Is that right?" Hobie asked putting on a fake smile as he stir the chum, "Looks like I have to give him a piece of my mind."
"No, Hobie. It's fine. I can handle myself." Miles being proud. "I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Nah, luv. I promise to protect you." Hobie turns to him.
Pavtri eyes on the red chum, "Um... Hobie why is that chum so red? Like it's not from your world?"
"I like to grab other world's crap to feed the fishes here or feed it to my dog." Hobie toss the bucket of red chum in the ocean as the fishes come by to eat. "See!"
Pavtri saw the way the chum looks too meaty red, then again he always thought chum always looks red. He shrugs it off. "Miles, your not hungry?"
"I'm sad Gwen left us. I hope she's okay." Miles pouted, "I hope her dad is fine. I never knew she would runaway, again."
"She's always running. Let her be. It's no use if she doesn't want help." Hobie coldly said then turn to his friends, "Oh, I almost forgot gifts for you two!"
"Gifts! Really? Wow!" Pavtri said out loud.
Miles said, "Wow, Hobie. What's the occasion."
"Nothing big." Hobie gave the two handmade necklaces with a small bottle filled with white dust?
"What's this?" Pavtri asked holding the necklace seeing the tiny bottle.
Miles puts the necklace on, "It's cool. I like it."
"Ohh, it's dirt from when we first met. Thought I made it... Gwen always had that idea." His eyes gleam seeing her bones dust being useful. Then he gave Pavtri a band shirt using Gwen's old Spider-woman's suit, "Try this on. I used old Spider-man patches from all of us..."
"Ohh, so cool!" Pavtri put on the shirt seeing the patches of their Spider-man suits even Gwen's on it. "Sweet! You can see the wear and tear!"
Hobie turns to Miles to hand him a shirt, "Here you go, luv."
"Oh thanks, Hobie. I'll keep this forever and ever." Miles happily puts on the shirt.
"Hey what's that jar?" Pavtri asked.
"Oh this is red paint... I'm going to write Poly's name."
"Oh you finally gonna write your Houseboat's name! Can I help?" Miles asked.
Hobie's lips twisted to an eerie smile, "Sure, luv. I made the paint myself. So I used a dry pigments that smell like iron... so its bit funky."
Pavtri said, "Miles should make some cool designs!"
"Ohh, can I?" Miles doe eyes on the punker.
"Yeah, whatever you want. Make sure you have fun with it." Hobie playfully dip his finger in the jar of red paint, then pull it out to tap on Miles' nose. "Okay, Sunflower?"
Miles giggles, "Okay, Hobie." The punker smirks widely having his Sunflower completely his.
Pacify her
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silent-raven13 · 4 months
Serial Killer
(AU: Miles Yandere over Hobie. I feel like no ever writes Psycho Miles! Like there's evil Hobie, but Miles is never evil or dark. Warning: Yandere dark stuff. Violence. Creepy and weird shit. You been warned.)
"I love, I love, I love, I love you I love, I love, I love, I love you I love, I love, I love, I love you I love, I love, I love, I-"
Miles repeats the beginning of the song over and over again as he stares lovingly at his Smartphone. His eyes gone wide with hearts shapes, his breathing heavies while he kisses the screen of smartphone.
"Mwah! Mwah-Mwah!" Kiss a picture of Hobie, his sweet Hobie. God, he loves this guy so much.
The way his wicks bounces when he remove his Spider-man mask, his big volume lips painted black. Hobie Brown the Spider Punk, his kind gesture and he picked him! Protected him!
When Miles prove himself in front of everyone, his only eyes was set on Hobie.
"Miles, time for bed!" His mom passed by his room to let him know before she went to her room to rest.
"Okay, mami!" He rushes to turn off the lights in his room, then lay on his bed scrolling through his gallery of all zoom in and crop photos of Hobie.
"Hobie. Hobie. Hobie. Hobie. Hobie. Hobie. Hobie. Hobie." He kept saying it over and over again, "My Hobie." He giggles shyly.
"Got something like a poison The way you hit you got me frozen"
Miles happily stalks from afar, spotting Hobie talking to a couple of Spider-heroes. He pulls out his phone to take close up photos of his crush. His beautiful punker looks so handsome today.
"Hey, Brooklyn! What you're doing over there?" Hobie asked out loud spotting the young Spider-man hiding behind a wall.
The teenager jumps in fright, then purposely drop his phone on the ground making his screen cracked. "Eeep!" Pouting at his phone.
"Oh shit, bruv. I didn't mean to startled you." Hobie went over seeing Miles pouting at him. "Oh, luv..." He saw Miles' Smartphone on the floor being cracked. "I didn't mean to..."
"Hmph! You made me drop my phone, Hobie!" If he plays his cards, right. Hobie will surely try to make it up to him. Miles picks his phone up being unhappy. "My dad is gonna kill me. This is a new phone."
Hobie slouches over the him with his arms around Miles' shoulders, "Awe, fuck him. I'm sorry, Sunflower. How about I treat ya lunch? Anyway, how much is those little telly cost?"
"Over a thousand dollars." Miles exaggerated the price of his Smartphone which got Hobie's inky eyes to go wide.
"Bloody hell!" He mutters lowly, "Well, I don't have any money but I can give you something from my room?"
"Oh, really? You might as well give your whole room." Miles pouts at him. Yes! He gets to hang out in his crush's room. "Also..." He buries his nose in Hobie's neck for the moment, "Mmm, have you been around Pav?"
Why was Pav around Hobie? They weren't on missions today?
"Whoa, bruv. You got a pretty sharp nose. Did your cop pops teach you that?" Hobie jokes, but saw the serious look on Miles face.
"Hmph, fine don't tell me. Leave me alone." Miles shoves him away being upset. No one can be around Hobie expect for him.
"I love, I love, I love, I love you (I love, I love, I love, I love you)"
"Here, Miles. Pick whatever you want. I'm sorry about before. I didn't mean to break yer lil telly and make a terrible joke about your dad." Hobie saw the way Miles' eyes lit up.
"OKay! Hmm!" Miles jumps onto of Hobie's bed smelling the glorious scent of cigarettes, dirt and musk.
"Bruv, what are ya doing?" Hobie asked with a chuckle.
"Nothing, just tired." He lies before wrapping himself with the bed sheets, "Hmm, these smell nice or- what are these?" He giggles holding Hobie's cheetah print thong, "I never knew you were wearing this stuff." He wants it, to sniff it, to lick it.
"Eh, it's easier with skinny jeans, Miles." Hobie stood having to smoke his cigarette. "Say... Sunflower, have you ever..." He stop himself seeing the way Miles dig through his things like he knows what he wants... how odd.
"Hmmm, a band shirt? Nah..." He got three of those, two of Hobie's picks and stolen a belly button piercing. Oh he did get Hobie's hair, and battle vest. He wanted those used underwear... but he gotta be sneaky. "Hobie!"
Miles coughs, "I need some water. You got any?" He sat on the bed waiting having another fake cough.
"Right..." Hobie eyes at him, his Spidey Senses are going a bit off. "Let me go get you some water." He left out the room.
Miles watches him leave, then started to take pictures of items he'll steal later. For now, he saw a big sweater and shove the thong inside the sweater. "Okay, I'll be back later."
"Oi, Miles. I don't have water but a Pop will-" Hobie stops himself seeing Miles happily holding his sweater.
"Never mind, I'm good. I'll see you later!" Miles hums, rushes out of the room to head into a portal to his place.
"You say you hate me in the morning Could take my life without a warning, but"
Miles draws Hobie in every sketchbook, he writes his name over and over. He wore the large sweater, then he would pull out Hobie's thong to sniff it. He could feel him, taste him. His sweet Hobie. It felt like a drug, he needs. Then he went into his closet finding his little shrine of his punker. "Hehehe, oh this? You got it for me, baby. Of course, I'll go out with you." He had a jar of Hobie's finished cigarette buds. Then, he pulls out a crinkle cigarette with black lipstick from the punker left on the bud.
"Mmm," Miles put it in his mouth, "Indirect kiss! My Hobie!" He snuggles against his sweater being so happy. Yet, he wants more. He wants more of his baby.
From another world, Hobie hanging out with Gwen and Pavtri. "Oi, have you two noticed Peter Pan acting differently?" He asked.
"Miles? Nah, he's just stressed from school." Gwen said.
Pavtri nodded, "Yeah, I heard he was suspended."
"What?" Hobie asked.
"He didn't tell you? He was suspended because a girl falsely accuse him being a stalker. It was a whole thing." Gwen said with a frown, "I can't believe that bitch. She had to lie through her teeth, what's worst she dropped the charges and moved away."
"Yeah, she made this whole thing about a black kid following her in the middle of the night and claim it was Miles." Pavtri shook his head, "But there was flaws to her story."
"She said it was late at night, which she shouldn't be out because of dorms. Then she said she saw Miles because she saw him by some alley wearing his olive green jacket." Gwen said the rest, "That fucking bitch had the audacity to say he tackle her. But her story didn't add up because one she said it was dark. There were no evidence of Miles leaving his room. She said she noticed him everywhere in school- Duh, no shit it's fucking school."
"Bloody hell. Who was this trick?" Hobie asked getting upset.
"Some girl Miles use to date. Oh and that's another thing, they broke up. So some people thought she was doing that for attention, because Miles didn't react much to it." Pavtri said, "So maybe she wanted to get him in trouble."
"The whole thing got her in so much trouble. Like she was bullied to move away. Especially when Miles' dad did whatever to disprove her false accusation. Good riddance." Gwen snorted, "Poor Miles still had to be suspended because of the drama. I think his parents are planning to sue the school for discrimination and wrongful treatment."
Hobie said, "Poor lad and here I thought he was being a bit weird."
"I'm surprised you're calling him weird like that." Gwen felt a bit offended. "I thought you like him."
"Like him as a friend? Yes. He's a good Spider-man." Hobie nodded.
Pavtri said, "Awe, you two aren't going out."
"Ha, me and him? Nah, I'm too much for him, bruv. Besides, he's not my type." Hobie chuckles.
"Whelp, at least he sees you as a friend, too." Gwen hums.
"I know, I know, I know it ain't true (I know, I know, I know it ain't true)"
Miles follows Hobie into Miguel's office for a mission. He happily smiles, "Hobie! Hobie! I haven't seen you in awhile. Where were you?"
Hobie casually lies, "Bein' Spider-man..."
Oh no! That's a no-no, Hobie... You shouldn't lie to Miles. The seventeen year old nodded at that, he knew his Hobie was parting and drinking with his own group of friends. He slept with random people, too. Which got Miles' eyes darken by the thought a measly slut touching his Hobie like that.
"Okay, hehe... oh, I think you got something on your neck, man." Miles' hand touches the punker's jaw being a little rough, he jerk his head to the side to show the neck cover in a red lipstick kiss. "Ohh, you got some lipstick on here." He lick his thumb to rub off the mark.
Hobie tensed up by the teenager. What in the world? Then Miles pulls him close to whispers lowly, "You shouldn't lie to me, Hobie."
Now, this got Hobie's Spidey Senses going off. What the hell? His inky eyes look at Miles' doe eyes looking so filled with joy, that warm smiling piercing through the eerie feeling.
"Morales. Brown. Stop fooling around. We have a mission to do." Miguel said out loud.
"Sure, sir!" Miles lets go of his punker before running over toward Miguel for the mission. Hobie stood being quite nervous, his Spider Senses still going off.
"Cause I'm addicted The taste of your blood red lips and"
Miles drums his hands waiting for Hobie to text him back about hanging out on Saturday. His Hobie never responded so he went to text Gwen.
Miles: Hey Gwen!
Gwen: Hey, Miles! What's up?
Miles: Nuthin' much just sketching at home... the usual.
Gwen: Huh why? Aren't ya going to the party tonight?
Miles: What? What party?
Gwen: Hobie's kick back... wait, he didn't invite you? That's weird. Maybe he forgot.
Miles felt hurt. Why wouldn't Hobie invite him? Weren't they friends- more than that- they were lovers. Miles' know his mind already had them together, but Hobie should know that. He's his!
Miles: Maybe... it's okay.
Gwen: You sure?
Miles: Yeah... have fun.
In Hobie's world, Pavtri chilling in Hobie's room. The punker was looking for his band shirt but couldn't find it. "Where is it?" Hobie dug through a pile of his clothes on the floor.
"Dude, we been looking through here for thirty minutes! Can we go back to the party! Gwen and Miles should-" Hobie angrily sighs, "I didn't invite Miles?"
"Huh, why?"
"Because.. .because he's being weird."
Pavtri gasps, "Hobie! Miles being weird? What?"
"Look the other day, he told me not to lie to him..."
"But did you lie?" Pavtri asked.
"Yes..." Hobie was about to add more until his friend threw his hands in the air.
"Dude! Seriously?" Pavtri shook his head, "So your not his friend anymore?"
"I dunno... Pav, mate... be careful around him. Something in me is telling me to stay away from him." Hobie is shaken by the way Miles' grab his face to say those words to him like he already knew... How?
"Whatever you say man. I think you're just tripping out on those crazy drugs you take."
"NO, I'm not!"
"Huh uh..." Pavtri got up, "Well, good luck finding your shirt."
Hobie stood still being upset he couldn't find his damn shirt.
"You sink in your finger tips"
Hobie hasn't seen Miles in weeks, he did his best to avoid him. Yet, somehow he felt the teenager have been following him. Miles would be there whenever he enter a room in HQ or find him passing by.
Spider Senses didn't go off, but he did see Miles here or there. No matter where he went he saw Miles coming by or passing by him.
The creepiest part is when he was busy talking to two Spider-heroes that none of his friend group knew. Then all of sudden,
Spider-woman laughs, "Oh Hobie, you're so funny. Hey, we should bring Miles to it."
"Yeah, Miles is so fun at missions!" A Spider-man said.
Wait... Miles? How did they know Miles?
"Oh there he is! Miles! Come over here. Hobie told us a funny joke." The Spider-woman said.
Miles happily appeared with a big smile on his face, his eyes on Hobie- those doe eyes so fixated on him. "Oh really? Hey Hobie, been awhile, hmm? What's the joke? Is it that pub one with the Queen?"
Wait, how did he knows that... he never told that joke to him before. He was sure of it. How did Miles know these two Spider-heroes? There was no way he could've... not even by random, too!
"Oh you guys know each other! Wow, what are the odds, huh?" The Spider-man laughs.
"Yeah! Anyway, we should do a mission together!"
"Sure." Miles' smile widen showing off his teeth, "Come, Hobie." Hobie had to listen... his Spider Senses were going off.
It was freakin' him out to the point Hobie would chug down his beer when he gets home. He became quite the alcoholic seeing Miles around.
He found a freshly cold beer on the table, he took it without a thought. *GULP* *GULP*
Wait... he stops himself, he never took this beer out. Then saw a small note.
Meet me in your room. 💜-Love Miles
Hobie drops his beer, he leans over to the hallway into his Houseboat, it looked dark eerie. Slowly making his way into his room, he saw his door slightly open with lights and Miles' giggles. It sounded him digging through his things.
Hobie's heavy boots made a low thud which caused the sound of Miles' to stop looking. "I hear you, baby!" He knows Miles' is smiling wide, his doe eyes on him.
His Spider Sense begging him to leave, such fear that never crossed him before- No, he has to keep going. He needs to find out why Miles is doing this.
When Hobie finally open the door, he found Miles wearing his lost band shit, and snuggling against his blankets on the bed. This time Miles is wearing nothing underneath his large band shirt.
"Hobie, baby!" Miles sang, "Did you like the beer I left for you."
"Miles... bruv-" Hobie forced a gulp, "I don't know what is going on, but you have to stop."
"Stop what?" Miles smiles at him, "All I did is be a good friend. You told me, I was welcome to come whenever to hang out. And I'm worried because you haven't talk to me in weeks!"
"Miles, you know what you're doing." Hobie said in a serious tone, "I know what really happen with that lass you dated... Rebecca was it?"
"Oh her!" Miles hums with his body lying on Hobie's bed, "Did you like the report? My dad made sure to dig it under a rug."
"Fuckin' pig... covering up his son for-" Miles snaps at Hobie, "He's my dad no shit he'll protect me! Anyway, it doesn't matter. My parents sued the school, and Rebecca moved away." His left shoulder showing while he pouts at Hobie, "Why do you care about her?"
"Because you did attack her?"
"No, I merely wanted to hug her. She broke up with me, when all I did was love her! She said I was too much!" Miles dug through the bed to pull out a sharp butcher knife, "And when she went to the cops, she thought it would really stop me!"
Hobie stood horrified the way Miles cup his face still holding the knife, "I just wanna be closer to her! To wrap her pretty skin around me!"
"Miles... you didn't- Your-your Spider-man!" Hobie took a step back.
"Hehehe, when she moved away, I was able to find her. I just wanted her knows that I could never let her go. No one can have her, so..." He stabs into the bed. "It's more personal that way, hehehe."
"I tighten the noose when I'm with you"
Hobie felt his eyes being blurry, "What the fuck?" He took another step back feeling his body heavy. "Wha-what's wrong with me?" He leans against a wall for support.
Miles watches him, "Looks like the drug is working."
"What did you do to me?" Hobie shouted.
"Nothing just gives a very high dose of Propofol... you know, us Spider-men need high dosage." He creepily crawl out of the bed watching Hobie slowly falling on the floor.
The Punker breathes in panic as he tries to focus on moving but couldn't. Then his vision shows Miles with that damn smile and those eyes, "I finally have you now."
When Hobie woke up, he noticed he was strapped onto his bed. "GRR! MILES! Miles!" Where the hell was he? He noticed he was in his room, the houseboat rocking back and forth.
What the hell going on?
Miles appeared from the door, "Oh good, you're awake!" He was still wearing the large band shirt being barefoot, "I finished docking the boat! Or is it parking? Whatever. I found a perfect spot for us to spend together forever and ever, Hobie!"
"Miles! Let me go!" Hobie tries to move his legs.
He tries to move his hands.
As the punker lifted his head up, he screams in horror. Miles giggles, "I did what I had to do... how else I'll know you'll stay here, hmm?" He happily went over to the side to show neatly wrapped limbs, "Mmm, don't worry. I'll keep them nice and safe in a freezer!"
"You fucking psycho! What the fuck you did to me!" Hobie screams in panic, in pain and tears. "My hands! My fucking legs!"
Miles' eyes darken with a sadistic smile, "You left me, Hobie. You lie and ignore me! You had to be punished, baby! Your Sunflower doesn't take too kindly on back and forth bullshit."
"Sunflower? You're a fucking maggot! What the fuck are-" Hobie stops himself when Miles grabbed a knife and stab next to him, slowly letting the knife dig deep into the mattress.
Miles gave a small smile at Hobie, "Mmm, yeah. That's what I thought. Ohh, my baby. Don't worry, your Sunflower will take care of you. I'm here to be yours and only yours." He gently cup Hobies' face to give him a soft peck on the lips.
Hobie growls trying to pulling away, "Your not strong enough, bae. I made sure you stay good and drugged. You'll forever be stuck with me."
"What about Gwendy? Pav? Miguel! You think they won't notice?" Hobie added, his dark eyes on Miles. He's sitting on top of him.
"Hmm," Miles pouted, his hand yank out the knife, "There's ways to kill off Gwen and Pav... Miguel is easy, he doesn't give a shit about you. He likes listening to me... I think cuz he knows what I am, and what I'm capable of." He lick his lips. "You don't want me to kill Gwen and Pav..."
"No. No, don't do that Miles. They're our friends."
"Awe, ours! We're together!" Miles happily giggles with his hands on his cheeks being bashful. "Oh Hobie, you have way with words."
Hobie could only lay in fright. What the fuck is wrong with this dude. "What about your parents?"
"They don't care if I leave. My dad was happy when I ran away. Besides, all I need is you, baby." He wrap his arms around his Hobie's neck. "Me and you! I'm willing to take your place as Spider-Punk so you don't have to worry about anything ever again."
"Your insane..."
"Only for you." He winks at him. "Also, if you ever betray me... I will kill everyone you hold dear with...heh, it's not like you can do anything about." Miles' eyes on Hobie's situation.
Hobie could only stay silent being trapped in this hell hole. Miles added, "Oh and I won't kill no one if you behave. I want you to be happy with me. We have so many plans! We gonna get married, have a house with a picket fence- Oh, I always wanted a pet dog and two kids!"
"Miles... please stop."
"Hahaha, oh Hobie. You're mine forever!" Miles happily caught his prey in his web, "I love you, Hobie." Hobie can only weep at his new life, while Miles happily live in his own sick fantasy.
"I could never let you loose"
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getouisms · 4 years
𝐂𝐇 𝟎𝟓 - Loud Laughs
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Y/n, a 22 year old successful model is tired of the tabloids shaming her about her dating status when she’s seen out with her friends. Unsure of what to do to stop the gossip, Oikawa suggests a fake boyfriend. Fortunately, Kenma knows the perfect person who’d go for an idea as stupid as that one.
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 … 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 … 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 
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“You’re being stupid,” you whisper to your reflection, watching your hands shake from nerves.
It’s stupid to be so nervous after spending almost the entire day with Kuroo yesterday and feeling so relaxed. Is it because you’re going to be one on one with him? Kenma was there yesterday, easing most of the tension if there was any. A soft sigh left your lips as you walked away going to your bedroom, deciding to at least be in a comfortable spot for this phone call.
He didn’t have to call; you mull over as you lie down. You don’t call to talk to your friends about their day often unless it’s a bad one. He’s probably nicer and calls his friends. A smile finds its way to your lips upon thinking that maybe he’s only nice like this with you. You wipe that away quickly, shrugging the thought off and dismissing it. He is just a friend, and you have no business getting into anything like that, anyway.
The phone vibrating against the soft comforter interrupts your train of thought. Swallowing the lump of nervousness, you pick it up and accept the call.
“Hello,” you start, voice laced with a thin veil of nervousness.
“Hey,” Kuroo’s voice sounds deeper on the phone, but he sounds relaxed, tired even.
It took his voice to wash over you for you to relax. Reminding yourself that no, it wasn’t Kenma that made you feel so comfortable, but Kuroo who made you feel relaxed. Any nervousness went out the window when he almost snorted Sprite out his nostrils.
“How was work? You sound tired,” you comment, smiling as he chuckles; laying back against the mattress.
“God, it was good but tiring. I want to hear about your work instead,” he asks, making you hum out faintly as you look over your nails.
“There isn’t a lot to it, really. I have a gig tomorrow, which consists of taking pictures and following pose guidelines. The rest of it is maintaining brand deals or updating my portfolio, auditions, socializing with fans, always looking marketable pretty much,” you conclude. A thoughtful hum fills your ear from the other side.
“Does the drama prevent you from appearing marketable?” Kuroo asks, and you can’t help but note the genuine curiosity in his tone.
It’s not like no one has taken an interest in your profession, but it is the first time someone’s cared enough to ask questions. Or appear genuinely interested besides seeing you model or asking if any other models are single. It’s pleasurable to have someone ask you about the in’s and out’s of your job.
“Not really? It is embarrassing when people I work with are dragged into it, but they understand, it’s not their first rodeo with a model. It’s a personal annoyance above anything else,” you mumble, sighing out quietly but feel a small smile returning once his warm laugh fills the microphone.
“Why are you laughing?” your smile turned into a laugh as you ask.
“I just got the mental image of a rumor about you and Kenma dating,” his laughs wheeze as they break up his sentence.
You already know he has a loud laugh that people could perceive as obnoxious, but his laugh only encouraged your own. It’s nice to laugh alongside him, plus he says nothing about your own loud laugh. He couldn’t say anything really, he sounded a little demonic if it was a laugh from the gut you’ve noticed.
“Oh my god, he’d stop being my friend for sure,” You laugh alongside him.
Your laughter continues for a few more moments, but when it quiets down, it isn’t awkward on either end. Your stifled laughter fills the call with little small giggles as you go back and forth telling one another to cut it out. Your laugh makes him laugh, you’ve noticed. When his laugh cools down, and you laugh, his laughter starts right back up again.
It took you both a few extra minutes to get yourselves together, but eventually, the stifled laughter turned into silence. A comfortable silence, and finally, Kuroo clears his throat with a relieved sigh.
“I thought my stomach was going to fall out from how funny that was,” He comments, making you giggle softly.
“Kenma’s hilarious, that’d be a funny situation for him. How long have you guys been friends?” You ask since Kenma didn’t tell you much besides playing volleyball back in high school.
“Since middle school. I didn’t really leave him alone, but he’s the person I can count on for anything. Hopefully, he knows it’s the same in return,” Kuroo mumbles, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
You’re nodding along, forgetting he can’t see you, which makes your hand slap across your forehead; a small wince spreading across your face.
“I can’t believe we haven’t been introduced,” you smoothly deliver, but you can hear the faint chuckle on the other line when the slap reverberates through the microphone. If he heard it, he won’t say anything.
“He’s a private guy, I didn’t even know he was friends with you. Bokuto almost passed out since you’re his favorite model,” Kuroo chuckles out, making you laugh softly.
“Atsumu is on his team, I can’t believe he didn’t tell Bokuto we were friends either. I’d like to meet your friends sometime,” your voice comes out hopeful, a hum of agreement emits.
“You can meet them anytime. How about your friends? I need details on Kenma’s secret life,” Kuroo’s voice raises out of intrigue, making you playfully roll your eyes with a growing smile.
“I met Kenma by tweeting that I really liked his stream, and he thanked me for the support, and I guess I grew on him. Tendou I’ve known since we were kids, our moms are friends, he’s that friend you can make peace signs with and cry taking selfies,” Kuroo’s laughter makes you pause, a faint flutter of your heart has you skipping a beat, “Oikawa and I met at a networking event. His agent wanted him to model my agent was trying to market me, and we both ended up meeting and hitting it off. Atsumu actually slid into my DMs to ask me on a date, I rejected him but we became great friends,” you finish, smiling at his faint laughter.
“I admire the guy for staying your friend after being rejected. They sound cool, I’d like to meet Kenma’s double life friends. He’s like Hannah Montana, I feel like Lily when she found out,” he sounds remorseful, voice wavering to not laugh at his own joke, but thankfully your laugh covered it.
“You can meet Kenma’s secret organization of friends. They’re all amazing, I just have to give Atsumu a stern talking-to since he can be an asshole sometimes,” you mention, voice soft.
“Protective asshole or just an asshole? He can’t be as bad as Kenma,” Kuroo jokes, it doesn’t fall flat on you.
“Protective. He’s smelly, but he’s one of my most cherished friends,” your voice is soft still, Kuroo matches it.
“I know we called to talk about our day, but I’m glad Kenma introduced me to you. Talking to you is relaxing,” he pauses, you feel your cheeks heat, “it was crazy in the office today so you took the edge off if that makes much sense,” he finishes.
“It makes sense, I’m glad Kenma introduced me to you too,” you agree.
“Awesome, talking to you saves me time from listening to Boyfriend by Big Time Rush for some stress relief,” he sighs out, as if genuinely relieved.
You didn’t know, but he grins on the other side of the phone upon hearing your loud laugh.
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: Kuroo told Y/n one chemistry joke, don’t believe atoms they make up everything, and she did laugh. 
𝐚/𝐧: Greetings!! So this was a fun write, don’t be shy send me asks and let me know your thoughts! I love reading all your comments it’s so fun thank you guys for reading!! 
𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 [𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃]: @tepescelsius​ @elianetsantana​ @honeymoneyy​ @a-wannabeweeb​ @oceanblooming​ @princeabomination​ @kagebunshiin​ @tadashi-simp​ @unicorngluttony​ @tamaguchi​ @sunflowerirl​ @snowsmuse​ @cherrytiara​ @tsukkisbean​ @iwaizoom​ @aegeanblues​ @angyboibakugo​ @manic-punker​ @miyayassy​ @kozumecuddles​ @starry-magicshop​ @agaashesmilktea​ @amarillyis​ @saturnfarie​ @yamaita​ @ptv-hades​ @runningwitches​ @missalienqueen​ @fo-love​ @shiningstar-byulxx​ @appleciderslut​ @amberisnotcrazy​ @drizzlenfizzle002 @satorisupremacy​ @vicassa​ @angrylittleriri​ @vyisa​ @boosyboo9206​ @skylarkalchemist​ @yeahhemmings-​ @akaashikeijisthighs​ @bellesowl​ @yakus-yakult​ @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye​ @heyyourecute​ @fi16ns​ @yuuuumiiin​ @carpecaelo​ @awkwardly-anxious-latte​ @crybabbicus​ @felix-issimus​ 
continued in comments
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getouisms · 3 years
𝐂𝐇 𝟐𝟓.𝟐 - I Really Like You
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Y/n, a 22 year old successful model is tired of the tabloids shaming her about her dating status when she’s seen out with her friends. Unsure of what to do to stop the gossip, Oikawa suggests a fake boyfriend. Fortunately, Kenma knows the perfect person who’d go for an idea as stupid as that one.
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 … 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 … 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭  
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The door shutting behind you didn't ease the pooling guilt and sadness in your gut. Although, seeing the concern in Kuroo's face alleviated some of your negative feelings. His arms wrapping around your waist to draw into a hug allowed the feelings to melt into a secondary concern.
"What can I do to cheer you up? Dinner should be here soon," he reminds, mumbling against the shell of your ear.
A faint smile graces your lips, chin pressed against his shoulder.
"I already feel a little better, but you can choose a few funny movies and we can cuddle some?" you offer, head tipping back to look at him.
Kuroo's face held an expression of adoration you've seen on him a few times, but it made you happier to see it deliberately aimed at you. Catching it in its rawest moment, his fingers holding your chin
"I'll fire one up then," he mumbles before kissing your nose and retracting himself from the embrace.
He chose the hangover to start with, a movie he enjoyed. Both of you laughing, making jokes about the movie only to be interrupted by dinner. The dinner itself was nice, you both enjoyed your selection of sushi rolls. You found yourself curled into his side afterward, head tucked against his shoulder as you ramble on about a scene; fingers gripping your chin to turn your head and Kuroo presses a quick yet soft kiss to your lips.
"I've been wanting to do that since I got here," he mumbles.
Heat rushes to your cheeks, your body turning more to face him as your hand cradles his cheek against your palm.
"Kiss me again," you whisper, nose nudging over his.
He leans in again, pulling you closer as the kiss changed from the previous quick one to a slower, sensual kiss. There isn't a sense of urgency, it's as if Kuroo wanted to take his time with his kiss. Keeping the pace slow as your lips moved together in sync. His tongue gliding against your bottom lip, only entering when your lips part for accessibility.
It's a loss of time, the time spent kissing Kuroo. It felt like time froze yet blurred together at all once. You could only focus on the warmth of his hands as they dropped to your waist, pulling your body onto his lap. Your hands nestling comfortably on his shoulders, nose nudging over his. The movie fell mute in the background as your exhales clouded your mind. Kissing Kuroo felt like forever, an infinity you could get lost in, noses nudging against one another until one of you pulls back.
His lips are a cherry red, slightly swollen, your thumb brushing against his lower lip; watching a smile light his features. A yawn escapes your lips, turning your head as to not yawn in his face.
"Wanna lie down?" He whispers, and when you nod he turns off the TV.
"Carry me," you mumble, tugging his shirt as you stay put on his lap.
A faint chuckle left his lips and slid his hands under your thighs to lift you. Your chin rested on his shoulder as he carries you into the bedroom, lying you down on the bed and getting in beside you. Your head rests against his chest, his arm slung over your waist.
"I really like you," you whisper.
"I really like you too," he whispers in return, "I'm all yours."
"I'm only yours too," you pause, hiding your face as a blush cloaks your cheeks, "I can't wait to stop calling you my fake boyfriend and call you my real one."
You miss the thoughtful and happy expression in Kuroo's eyes.
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: Kuroo accidentally ate too much wasabi at one point during dinner and made his eyes water
𝐚/𝐧: yall are so pressed over tsumu BUT in other news, coconut mall is great writing music 
𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 [𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃]: @tepescelsius @elianetsantana @honeymoneyy @oceanblooming @princeabomination @kagebunshiin @tadashi-simp @unicorngluttony @sunflowerirl @snowsmuse @sophieshortcake @tsukkisbean @iwaizooms @aegeanblues @angyboibakugo @manic-punker @miyayassy @kozumecuddles @starry-magicshop @agaashesmilktea  @amarillyis @ptv-hades @runningwitches @missalienqueen  @fo-love  @shiningstar-byulxx  @appleciderslut  @amberalisa   @vicassa  @crescenttooru  @boosyboo9206  @skylarkalchemist  @yeahhemmings-  @akaashikeijisthighs  @bellesowl  @yakus-yakult  @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye  @heyyourecuteyeah  @fi16ns  @yuuuumiiin  @carpecaelo  @awkwardly-anxious-latte  @crybabbicus  @felix-issimus  @alluring-akaashi  @lavenderpisces @tsumurai @melonmayhere @ephemeralsunny @xo-lovelyreign-xo @kellesvt @iish @shrimpypenis @jeffsbarbershop @channiechanchan
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