amazingmsme · 6 months
do u have any npmd headcanons? ive been obsessed with it the last couple days but the tk fanbase is basically non existent </3
Anon: do you have any tickle hcs for the npmd characters? excited 4 your spankoffski bros fic later this month ❤️
Sorry it took a while, but I finally got around to finishing these! This got a little long because I have a lot of Thoughts about these nerdy prudes (& jock)
Gotta start off with the queen p herself,
Grace Chasity
Even tho she’s an only child, she’s a great babysitter so I think she’s a very silly & playful ler
That said, she’s absolutely the kind of annoying preppy kid who’s way too friendly & thinks you’re close when you’re like, acquaintances at best & will try to tickle you randomly
Steph has actually punched her because she expected it to be Max or another bully. She said she was sorry even tho she wasn’t really that sorry lmao
She thinks that tickling is a wholesome enough activity to allow her peers to engage in it (yes, ALLOW them)
She prefers to give out quick pokes or squeezes rather than outright tickling unless she considers you a close friend
She prefers to be more on the giving end for some particular reason (power trip)
She’s pretty moderately ticklish in all the usual spots, probably a solid 6 out of 10 in total
She associates it with family bonding & her parents tickled her a lot as a kid, so it reminds her of a happy time in her life
Her worst spots are her tummy, neck & feet
This poor touch starved baby is so lee you have no idea
She’s definitely more lee than ler mostly because she’s too shy to initiate anything herself
The only ones that are exempt are Peter & Richie because she’s gotta find some way to assert dominance in their group
Her favorite target is Richie because it’s the easiest way to win their playful arguments
The only place that’s off limits are her underarms. She’s way too self conscious to let anyone try to tickle her there & she’s afraid it would hurt because of the blisters, but she’s ticklish in plenty other places so she’s still easily wreckable
She’s absolutely part of this community are you kidding? She has a blog & writes fics & everything. She daydreams about her friends tickling her & cuddling her but she could never bring herself to tell them that she likes it
They know tho, she tries to entice them by stretching a lot & being sassy & it works most of the time. She also never tells them to stop either
Her most ticklish spots are her neck/ears, ribs & back
She gets so excited but also so NERVOUS if she thinks you’re about to tickle her, it’s the cutest thing ever. She stutters a lot & backs up & when she finally tries to make a run for it, she kinda just goes back & forth because she doesn’t know the best escape route & gets caught so easily
Has a really sweet, high pitched giggle that she thinks is embarrassing & she covers her face whenever she’s tickled
She has to work herself up to tickle someone, even if she’s getting revenge
Her first instinct when tickled is to curl up & hide
She gets really flustered when asked if she’s ticklish & it’s obvious that she is even when she insists she “really isn’t guys!”
He’s got the power of God & anime on his side, & he’ll need it with how ticklish he is!
He’s so jittery & twitchy any time you touch him because he’s used to his friends randomly tickling him because he always has such funny reactions
Flails around & screams before cackling at the top of his lungs
He likes to talk a big game to try & scare you off but as soon as your hands touch his sides he’s crumbling to the ground
Dude always wears shorts no matter the weather so his knees are free real estate
He also wears baggy shirts & hoodies so it’s so easy for Peter & Ruth to slip their hands inside when he’s least expecting it
Gets giggly & panicky right before an attack & desperately tries to bargain for a way out (it never works)
Despite how ticklish he is, he’s usually the one to instigate
It’s his go to method for winning an argument against Ruth, so long as she doesn’t strike first
He likes to deliver rapid pokes or squeezes while acting like he’s not doing anything
When he’s tickling his friends, he just carries on the conversation but he’s talking way louder to be heard over their laughter
He’s not super easily embarrassed because he’s fully aware cringe is dead but if you do get him to blush, he turns BRIGHT red
When he laughs he squints his eyes & leans forward & usually holds onto someone for support
He has a very loud & borderline shrill laugh
His worst spots are his ribs, sides, & knees (specifically the backs but you didn’t hear it from me)
This poor dude is SO lee coded, sorry I don’t make the rules
He’s the younger brother so Automatic Lee
Ted used to play goofy tickle games with him & now that he’s older he insists he’s “grown out of it” but Ted still instigates their old shenanigans. Sometimes he just gets a lil nostalgic & decides to torment his baby bro
Peter tries to act like he can’t stand them, but secretly he has just as much fun as Ted. It reminds him of when they used to be closer & things weren’t as bad, & it’s a way for them to connect after years of growing apart
That said, he will still fight tooth & nail to get away because he knows how ruthless Ted can be when it comes to him
Wasn’t until he was in high school that Peter really started gunning for revenge
Out of the nerd trio, he’s def the favorite target. He’s got a really adorable, infectious laugh & is kinda uncoordinated with his king gangly limbs, so he’s an easy target
When he tries to be the only reasonable one, they’ll tickle him until he caves in to their demands
He’s so skinny so the boney areas like ribs, hips & knees are gonna be major hot spots, but he’s crazy ticklish pretty much everywhere
He acts annoyed & put out after he’s tickled because he doesn’t want anyone to know he doesn’t really mind it, but he kinda over corrects into the “I’ve been waiting five fucking years” asshole territory
He has a very traditional, dorky laugh that’s high pitched & loud & he snorts a lot & it embarrasses him to no end but once Steph heard it she’s like “no this is the greatest sound I’ve ever heard”
He gets super giggly if you even threaten him with tickles & he starts to protect himself by hugging his arms around his chest but it does NOTHING to help & only gives them a clue as to where he’s ticklish
He either thrashes around like a bull in a china cabinet or curls up like an armadillo, those are your options
His laugh has a wide range from high pitched giggles to loud dorky cackles & it’s the best. He & Ted have a similar laugh
Peter likes to tease him that he got his tickle spots from him & is always forced to take it back
Literally a walking tickle spot, but his worst spots are knees, hips, ribs neck/ears & back. Dude is too ticklish for his own good
My favorite girlie pop, she tries to act so cool & aloof but she is actually sooo ticklish it’s not even funny (can’t stand the new trend of making all the girl characters unstoppable lers & not very ticklish while giving all the attention to the men. Girl bosses can be ticklish too!)
That said, she can do a pretty good job of hiding it if she doesn’t like the person trying to tickle her. But if her guard is down & she’s in a good mood, she’s a giggly mess in seconds
I think trying to hard to be the cool kid & the mayors daughter puts a lot of stress on her, so she’s pretty willing to let herself laugh & have fun otherwise
She only tickles people she’s close or comfortable with, but she likes to strike when they’re least expecting it
She has long nails & knows how to use them to get the best reactions
Her methods range from lightly dragging her nails over your skin to quick scribbles to ruthless squeezes. Her attacks are sporadic to keep her lee guessing & on the edge of their seat!
When she teases, it’s a lot of compliments & cooing over you & trust me, it’s just as flustering as it sounds
Just because she can hold her own in a tickle fight doesn’t mean she’s not devastatingly ticklish in her own right. She tries to claim she’s not as ticklish as she actually is, but it’s evident by how hard she’s laughing
Her laugh is really sweet & honestly such a bright sound it literally lights up a room. & don’t even get me started on her smile
Before she cracks & laughs she has the widest grin you’ve ever seen because she’s determined to stay tough & strong. It always starts with a giggle & works it’s way up to loud bubbly laughter
She has dimples but only when she’s REALLY smiling so most people don’t know. But you can see them when she’s getting tickled
She’s a squirmer but other than that, doesn’t really fight back aside from normal thrashing
Her most ticklish spots are her thighs, tummy & armpits but her neck & ears are also pretty high up there
Pete is in love with her laugh almost as much as she’s in love with his (when it comes to being a simp my girl takes the cake)
Mean little shit but I know y’all would be disappointed if I didn’t include him (& honestly so would I)
Is a switch at heart but forces himself to be full ler because “only chicks like being tickled” (whatever you say bro)
Has actually used tickling to bully the nerds for a short while after the anti bullying assembly because “it doesn’t count if I don’t hurt them!” But it wore off kinda quick because he just liked hurting them more jxgaakdhf
He’ll still resort to it if he’s in a better mood than normal or wants to embarrass more than maim
Peter & Richie are the usual victims of this kind of torment, but he treats them a lot nicer when he’s tickling them than when he uses other methods
Still an asshole & his teases border more on the lines of bullying because he’s gotta stick to the brand
His normal victims tho are the other jocks. They roughhouse a lot & while he’s asserted his dominance as the top dog at school, during tickle fights his friends aren’t as scared to stand up to him & give him a taste of his own medicine
He gets a little too into it when tickling someone & can get a little rough sometimes. If he realizes he’s hurting rather than tickling he’ll be sure to lighten his touch because that’s not his goal at the moment
When he’s tickled he tries to throw punches so watch out! But if it’s his friends he’ll purposefully miss but try to act like he’s fighting for his life because there’s no way he likes this! It’s not fun, you’re making him laugh against his will!
Spoiler alert he does think it’s fun tho, he just won’t say
Poor Grace is his absolute favorite victim & he will launch surprise attacks on her in the halls when she least expects it. & while she does think it’s fun & wholesome, she knows that he doesn’t see it like that because he’s just a dirty dude! So she gets all flustered & huffy when he does it & he thinks she’s super hot when she’s angry & worked up
She’s got so fed up with his shit she gets in his face like “let’s see how YOU like it!” & his heart’s beating so fast because she’s so close to him & he’s right about to make a move & kiss her but instead screams at the top of his lungs when she digs into his sides
He’s more ticklish than he’s willing to admit & is more sensitive on the more toned parts of his body like abs, thighs & shoulders with his belly being his most ticklish spot
He’s lowkey embarrassed by tickling because he thinks it’s fun & makes him feel all giddy so he tries not to end up of the receiving end. It still happens tho😊
In one of the infinite timelines in Hatchetfield, the nerds’ plan works as planned & Max loves the party so much that he realizes he had them pegged all wrong & starts to hang out with them & is over all nicer to them & he doles out lots of playful tickle attacks on his favorite dorks
That’s all I got for now! Hope y’all enjoy, stay nerdy!
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tired little mage apprentice | Chise & Ruth
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A/N: Part 2/6 of Max's (@wertzunge) commissions! Again, thank you for your kind support ☕! I hope you enjoy this!
I wish we had a second season already dkdkd I don't follow the manga, so I'm just making a vague mention of the academy thingy because I know nothing about it huhu
Summary: Ruth's owner is a hardworker that doesn't know limits, so now he's being ignored and neglected!
Words: 1557
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Chise was exhausted. Between schoolwork and Elias' lessons, she barely had a moment to even breathe. As soon as her head touched something comfortable, (usually Ruth's shoulder), she'd fall asleep in a second; soft, tired snores filling the room as she rested for just a few minutes before waking up with a start to continue her studies. 
Ruth could feel how tired she was and he had let Elias know about it, but not even the mage could stop Chise from being… Chise. The hard worker robin that she always was. A Chise who always tried to do her best so as not to disappoint anyone... So why was she disappointing Ruth? 
They're supposed to have a deep connection; Ruth knew what was best for her and she, of course, knew what was best for him, but Chise just liked to ignore everything he had to say about her well-being. What was the point of being her familiar if she didn't listen to him?
Ah, he did feel a bit guilty thinking that Chise actually enjoyed ignoring him, deep inside he knew that wasn't true, this was simply the way Chise was and Ruth loved her just like that… but he still couldn't help but feel helpless because he couldn't do anything to help her and, no matter how hard he tried, Chise just wouldn't stop overworking herself. 
Besides, she just wasn't paying attention to Ruth anymore. As much as he tried to understand the way Chise was, he still felt a little upset about the lack of quality time they had spent in the last few days, weeks, even. Ruth really enjoyed spending time with Chise. He liked to listen to her talk and help her with her housework, (those that did not require a great effort on her part), go for a walk together and help her look for ingredients for her spells, but now Chise didn't even speak to Ruth because she was so busy all the time and he was starting to feel... frustrated. 
"You've been in a bad mood, Ruth," Chise said one morning as she scribbled in one of her many notebooks. 
She was sitting by her desk, looking carefully at a bunch of sweet-smelling, dry flowers as she made notes after notes. Her voice caught him a bit off guard and for a moment, he thought that she was talking to herself, but after understanding her words, Ruth couldn't help but feel even more upset. 
"That's Chise's fault," he answered and Chise couldn't see him from where she was, but he was pouting. "She always ignores what I say."
Chise chuckled softly and Ruth frowned deeply. 
"I am sorry, Ruth," she said, finally closing the notebook after weeks of having her nose buried in it and getting up from her chair. She walked over to her bed where Ruth was laying down on his back. "I know I've been neglecting you and I have been ignoring all those times you told me to take a break."
Ruth watched her carefully while Chise sat on the edge of the bed, right next to him. He watched her delicate hand move until he felt it on top of his head, Chise's fingers carding through his black hair, gently scratching his scalp. 
Ruth hummed, closing his eyes and melting under the touch as goosebumps raised in his skin. Ah, he'd missed this, Chise was always so gentle and kind to him, it was hard to stay mad at her for too long, but Ruth tried. 
"I don't believe you," he mumbled, his eyes still closed and his body relaxing under Chise's affection. "Chise always does what she wants, never listens to me and she makes me get worried," he said, pouting and frowning all over again. 
Chise giggled lightly, "I really am sorry," she mumbled back, "I really don't know what I would do without you, Ruth. Even if I ignore it, in my mind I always think that Ruth is always right and I'm glad to see that you are always taking care of me. You are the best, Ruth."
Ruth didn't know if it was Chise's words or the cuddles in his head that made him forget why he was so upset with her, but he continued with his act, crossing his arms over his chest, even as Chise's other hand stroked the other side of his scalp.
"Please?" Ruth could hear the smile in her voice and he fought the urge to smile back at her. "Forgive me just this once? Please?"
He shook his head, pretty sure that if he opened his mouth, he'd say he forgave her and what if Chise stopped paying attention to him one more time to go wear herself out again? 
Ruth shook his head again, feeling himself drifting to sleep until Chise's fingers scratched behind his ears. He scrunched up his shoulders and his hands moved up to gently wrap around Chise's wrists. 
"Nnngh, thahahat's tihihicklish!" He giggled, feeling his cheeks warming up.
"Oh, is Ruth ticklish?" Chise asked and Ruth opened his eyes when he felt a sudden wave of adrenaline rushing through him, sensing Chise's playfulness. She was smiling softly as ever, but Ruth could see a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Maybe I'll have to tickle you until you accept my apology?"
Ruth shook his head for the third time, giggling brightly as Chise's wiggly fingers moved to the back of his neck. 
"Nohohoho! Y-You cahahan't fohorce mehehe!" He said between giggles, still holding onto Chise's wrists. Neither of them mentioning the fact that he wasn't even trying to pull her hands off him. 
"I am not forcing you, Ruth," Chise said over his giggles. "I'm just giving you a little motivation." 
An embarrassing squeal, (at least to Ruth), left his mouth when Chise tickled the sides of his neck, his chin glued to his chest and his giggling turning a bit more high pitched and desperate. He was not really trying to stop Chise, but his body was acting on its own, he kicked his legs and somehow managed to roll himself over his stomach, making the neck tickling stop only to feel his sides under the same playful treatment. 
"Ahahaha! Chihihise!" Ruth laughed, squirming and arching his back slightly. "W-Wahahahait! It tihihickles!" 
"Does it? I wonder why," Chise teased and Ruth could only squeak at her words. "Do you forgive me, Ruth?"
"Nohohoho! Chihihise! Y-You dohohon't- AHAHAHA! Nohohot thehehere!" Ruth cackled, clamping his arms to his sides when he felt Chise squeezing at his ribs. "Plehehehase!"
"Are you very ticklish here, Ruth? In your ribs?" Ruth nodded, throwing his head back with loud laughter as Chise's fingers gently massaged at each rib individually. 
"CHIHIHISE! I'm seheherious! Plehehease!" Ruth was nearly howling with laughter, his body twisted and jolted and flinched with every touch to his ribs, making him want to crawl out of his skin. 
"I am serious too, Ruth," Chise said back, her voice calm yet teasing as she used one hand to run her fingers up and down Ruth's back, making him arch and break into squeaky laughter as one side of his ribcage was still being tickled mercilessly. 
Ah, what to do? He was having so much fun. Chise was finally able to relax with him and, even though Ruth could barely do anything else than laugh his head off, he was happy that Chise was also enjoying their little time together. 
Ruth even wanted to tickle Chise back, but he was already so uncoordinated, overwhelmed by the tickling over his ribs and then his back and then his nape, but he could still take it… or at least that was what he thought because, as soon as he felt her fingers lingering on his lower ribs, he just couldn't take it anymore, his human body suddenly transforming. 
Chise's fingers finally stilled, but her playful smile was still curving her lips as Ruth tried to catch his breath, curled in his black dog form. 
"Will you accept my apology?" Chise asked and Ruth's chuckle rumbled in the room. 
"I guess I could try to forgive you, Chise," he answered and Chise giggled softly, reaching out to gently pet him, kind fingers scratching behind his ear and under his chin. 
Ruth was no cat, but the affection made him want to purr, his long tail wagging from side to side as he hummed happily.
Chise let out some air through her nose in a little chuckle. "Ruth, thank you for everything," she said, leaning in to kiss Ruth's forehead. 
Ruth sensed tiredness and he immediately moved to the side, giving room to Chise to lay down beside him. 
"Come, Chise," he said gently. "Let's take a nap together." 
Chise smiled and she nodded, laying on her side, her hands still delivering kind, light tickles under his neck. Ruth moved closer to her, head up to keep enjoying the affection until her hands stopped, Chise had fallen asleep.  
Relief rushed through Ruth's body and he also started to feel sleepy, infected by Chise's tiredness, But even if he felt tired, he was also happy to be able to share these moments with his new owner and he knew perfectly well that Chise also enjoyed them as much as he did.
Ah yes, their connection was still just as strong and he would make sure it was that way for a long time to come. 
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slautertm · 8 months
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Rules: Bold the body parts that elicit the specified response when touched. Italicize the body parts that have the potential to elicit the specified response when touched, but perhaps not always. Cross out the body parts that definitely do not elicit the specified response when touched.
makes them shiver with delight. forehead. brow. nose. cheeks. lips. chin. inner ears. shell of the ears. earlobes. back of the neck. sides of the neck. throat. collarbone area. chest. nipples. tops of the shoulders. shoulder blades. bicep area. tricep area. underarms. top of the forearm. bottom of the forearm. outside of the wrist. inside of the wrist. tops of the hands. palm of the hands. tops of the fingers. pads of the fingers. between the fingers. upper ribs. lower ribs. sides. waist. stomach. belly button. upper back. middle of the back. lower back. fronts of the hips. sides of the hips. backs of the hips. ass. groin. tops of the thighs. inner thighs. backs of the thighs. outer thighs. knee caps. backs of the knees. shins. calves. fronts of the ankles. inner ankles. outer ankles. achilles heel. tops of the feet. bottoms of the feet. pads of the toes. between the toes. under the toes. arches of the feet. heel.
makes them want to share a romantic touch with a loved one. forehead. brow. nose. cheeks. lips. chin. inner ears. shell of the ears. earlobes. back of the neck. sides of the neck. throat. collarbone area. chest. nipples. tops of the shoulders. shoulder blades. bicep area. tricep area. underarms. top of the forearm. bottom of the forearm. inside of the wrist. outside of the wrist. tops of the hands. palm of the hands. tops of the fingers. pads of the fingers. between the fingers. upper ribs. lower ribs. sides. waist. stomach. belly button. upper back. middle of the back. lower back. fronts of the hips. sides of the hips. backs of the hips. ass. groin. tops of the thighs. inner thighs. backs of the thighs. outer thighs. knee caps. backs of the knees. shins. calves. fronts of the ankles. inner ankles. outer ankles. achilles heel. tops of the feet. bottoms of the feet. pads of the toes. between the toes. under the toes. arches of the feet. heel.
makes them laugh when tickled. forehead. brow. nose. cheeks. lips. chin. inner ears. shell of the ears. earlobes. back of the neck. sides of the neck. throat. collarbone area. chest. nipples. tops of the shoulders. shoulder blades. bicep area. tricep area. underarms. top of the forearm. bottom of the forearm. inside of the wrist. outside of the wrist. tops of the hands. palm of the hands. tops of the fingers. pads of the fingers. between the fingers. upper ribs. lower ribs. sides. waist. stomach. belly button. upper back. middle of the back. lower back. fronts of the hips. sides of the hips. backs of the hips. ass. groin. tops of the thighs. inner thighs. backs of the thighs. outer thighs. knee caps. backs of the knees. shins. calves. fronts of the ankles. inner ankles. outer ankles. achilles heel. tops of the feet. bottoms of the feet. pads of the toes. between the toes. under the toes. arches of the feet. heel.
makes them relax when massaged. forehead. brow. nose. cheeks. lips. chin. inner ears. shell of the ears. earlobes. back of the neck. sides of the neck. throat. collarbone area. chest. nipples. tops of the shoulders. shoulder blades. bicep area. tricep area. underarms. top of the forearm. bottom of the forearm. inside of the wrist. outside of the wrist. tops of the hands. palm of the hands. tops of the fingers. pads of the fingers. between the fingers. upper ribs. lower ribs. sides. waist. stomach. belly button. upper back. middle of the back. lower back. fronts of the hips. sides of the hips. backs of the hips. ass. groin. tops of the thighs. inner thighs. backs of the thighs. outer thighs. knee caps. backs of the knees. shins. calves. fronts of the ankles. inner ankles. outer ankles. achilles heel. tops of the feet. bottoms of the feet. pads of the toes. between the toes. under the toes. arches of the feet. heel.
turns them on. forehead. brow. nose. cheeks. lips. chin. inner ears. shell of the ears. earlobes. back of the neck. sides of the neck. throat. collarbone area. chest. nipples. tops of the shoulders. shoulder blades. bicep area. tricep area. underarms. top of the forearm. bottom of the forearm. inside of the wrist. outside of the wrist. tops of the hands. palm of the hands. tops of the fingers. pads of the fingers. between the fingers. upper ribs. lower ribs. sides. waist. stomach. belly button. upper back. middle of the back. lower back. fronts of the hips. sides of the hips. backs of the hips. ass. groin. tops of the thighs. inner thighs. backs of the thighs. outer thighs. knee caps. backs of the knees. shins. calves. fronts of the ankles. inner ankles. outer ankles. achilles heel. tops of the feet. bottoms of the feet. pads of the toes. between the toes. under the toes. arches of the feet. heel.
would rather not be touched. forehead. brow. nose. cheeks. lips. chin. inner ears. shell of the ears. earlobes. back of the neck. sides of the neck. throat. collarbone area. chest. nipples. tops of the shoulders. shoulder blades. bicep area. tricep area. underarms. top of the forearm. bottom of the forearm. inside of the wrist. outside of the wrist. tops of the hands. palm of the hands. tops of the fingers. pads of the fingers. between the fingers. upper ribs. lower ribs. sides. waist. stomach. belly button. upper back. middle of the back. lower back. fronts of the hips. sides of the hips. backs of the hips. ass. groin. tops of the thighs. inner thighs. backs of the thighs. outer thighs. knee caps. backs of the knees. shins. calves. fronts of the ankles. inner ankles. outer ankles. achilles heel. tops of the feet. bottoms of the feet. pads of the toes. between the toes. under the toes. arches of the feet. heel.
tagged by @beaniestm !
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frogsonlilypads · 7 months
More Than Myself (Azriel)
Synopsis: reader wants to see what will happen if she refuses to say I love you back…
A/N: Azzie can be very clingy <3
Click here to read
Music: Dandelions - Ruth B.
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The sun peeked in through the drawn-to curtains, finding a way to thread into your shared time again and notify you that the day had begun.
You yelped, squeezing your eyes shut as laughter bubbled from within. His mouth pressed hot kisses up the side of your throat, pausing to nose the underside of your jaw. The ticklish sensation made it impossible not to smile. You shifted in his grip, enough to turn and face him, back pressing against the counter as you tried to glare up at the male, but he was already grinning down at you.
A full smile bloomed on your mouth as you curled your arms around his shoulders, pressing your mouth against his neck and delivering soft kisses down the side until you reached his collar. You nosed at the hot skin briefly before nipping with your teeth, moving back up to beneath his jaw. His head tipped upward to give you more room as you peppered small kisses until you reached his mouth again. “I love you,” he murmured again, the words uttered with painful adoration against your mouth.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
hey my love, forever obsessed with everything u write x
u said something about potential tom ideas, it’s probs a short one, but i would LUV for u to write something similar to his first scene, where he comes in and greets (😦) ruth, but potentially an extended ahem version with y/n.
feel free to ignore if it’s not doing anything for u x
have a good day!
warnings: smut (18+ only), housewife kink, slight pain kink, some biting, touch of cornish, mostly just wholesomeness
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"Can't believe you're really 'ere," he beamed, jumping on you in a tight hug. You giggled and managed to get your arms out to hug him back. "Stole me jumper?" he noticed with a grin as he lifted the hood behind your head.
"S'my favorite," you reminded him. "Smells like you."
"Well, yeah," he laughed, "so do I! So show me some love, eh?"
Grinning, you pulled back and gave him a kiss-- just one, a chaste peck at first, until you went in again and he held onto your face, keeping you close and kissing you harder. You hummed into it, moving your lips in time with his-- it was still just a sweet kiss, but deeper and slower, and you hold onto his shoulders a little tighter.
"Missed ya so much," he mumbled against you, and you hummed back again. "Y'miss me too?"
You just nodded, not nearly as coherent as him as you drank in the feeling-- it was almost surreal, after being apart for months, to have him pressed up to you now, to hear his voice not through the phone, to see his face in person and not just in silly pictures or facetime calls.
"How much?" he wondered, and you could feel that sly grin on his lips. You smiled, too.
"A lot," you replied cryptically.
"That's it? Just a lot?" he teased, moving his hands down to your sides-- you giggled harder, feeling a little ticklish suddenly. "'Cause I missed you so much I thought I might lose my mind. You're not allowed to live that far away anymore."
"What?" you laughed.
"I decided it, just now," he announced, sticking his chin out, and you pushed him on the chest.
"Shut up, I have to live that far away for school."
"School? Psh," he dismissed, "don't need it. You can just stay with me here and I'll take care'a you."
He was just joking, but you found yourself biting your lip. And he saw it, too, and smirked as he looked down at your face.
"Y'like the sound of that, eh?" he noticed.
"A little bit," you admitted, shivering as you felt his fingers creep around your waist to your back, pulling you into him as he pressed against you.
"Me too," he mumbled. "You can stay here and just do whatever you like all day while I'm workin', wait for me to come home. Sounds kinda nice, yeah? Y'can do whatever you want... as long as you take care of me when I get back."
"Take care of you?" you repeated, sighing softly as he kissed beside your ear.
"Yeah," he said, and something so simple shouldn't have had an effect on you, but he breathed right against your skin and fuck, it just felt nice-- it made a pleasant chill jump up your spine, which in turn made your back in his arms. "Like a good li'l wifey."
You whimpered, and he grinned as he pushed you back onto the bed-- it was just one step from the door, one of the benefits of a trailer-- climbing on top of you with a mischievous grin.
"Wanna cook and clean for me, don't you?" he laughed, dipping down to kiss your neck, even biting you gently once. "Didn't know you were so traditional."
"Sh-shit, Tom, neither did I," you whimpered, spreading your legs to wrap them around his hips.
"Don't worry, m'gonna be so good to ya, love," he groaned, and you felt his hips rock forward-- you could feel that he was hard already, and you whined. "What kind of husband would I be if I didn't please my wife properly?"
Arching your back up off the bed, you felt his hands slide up under the borrowed hoodie-- his hands felt so damn good on you, and you sighed happily as he reached your tits and groped at them.
"Mm, pretty thing," he mumbled under his breath. "C'mon, let's get this off-- don't need to wear that anymore, m'here to take care of you now."
You lifted your arms and let him take it off over your head-- until it got stuck on your nose, and you whined as he kept tugging. "Hey-- hey!" you protested, slightly muffled by the fabric, and he stopped with a laugh.
"Sorry, love," he offered quietly, and though you couldn't see anything while trapped in the navy blue abyss of cotton-wool blend, you felt his lips against yours just under where the neckline had snagged on your face.
"Mm!" you hummed against him, one hand slipping around the back of his neck, "need to help me get outta this, Tom..."
"Fine," he relented, breaking away and gently lifting the neckline up off your face so you could get out-- and then you were topless, you hadn't even been wearing a bra anyways, and you felt sort of chilly but in a way you oddly enjoyed. "So pretty, love, lookat ya-- mm," he growled playfully.
He kissed you once, not nearly long enough, before sitting up and peeling his shirt off, giving you a proud smile as he descended again; he must've seen the way your eyes trailed over his toned, but lean, body, lingering for just a second on his necklace and the little trail of blonde hair that led from his bellybutton down into his shorts.
When he was on you again, his hands hooked into shorts and started to tug at them; you lifted your hips to make it easier to slide them down your thighs, and you shuddered with delight as you felt him take your panties down with them.
He moaned lowly as he looked at you, naked under him, waiting impatiently for more. "Your turn," you requested as you reached for his shorts, trying to push them down, but he helped you out and stayed propped up with one hand as he did his best to tug them down.
You bit your lip when his cock bounced out proudly, curling up against his abdomen, flushed at the thick head that you already needed inside you now. "Shouldn't I warm you up a little first, love?" he reminded you as you grabbed at his hips, trying to pull him closer.
You shook your head. "C'mon, jus' need you, please?"
"Okay, okay," he laughed, laying himself on top of you and kissing you again-- you whimpered as you felt him pressing his erection right up to you, daring to go inside, but still hesitating.
"Fuck, please!" you whined again, and he finally did it.
And, yeah, he was right, he probably should've warmed you up first-- you forgot that it had been a while since you'd been with him, and without owning a dildo or even a vibrator the biggest thing you'd had inside yourself for the past four months was two of your fingers. Those were nothing compared to him, he was so hard and thick, stretching you more than you expected; you whined, a sharp sting coupled with the pleasure of being filled, and he stopped. "Y'okay?" he panted, obviously affected by being inside you again after so long.
You nodded. "Yeah, just-- stings a little. You can keep going," you offered.
"I don't wanna hurt you," he explained, voice just louder than a whisper.
"You're not, I just have to get used to you again," you replied gently. "Please, don't stop..."
He pushed forward, giving you a few more inches of him, but it still wasn't everything-- and you were groaning through your teeth at the feeling. "Christ, you're so..." he sighed. "So fuckin' tight, god, swear m'not tryin' to hurt you... y'feel so good, please-- just a little more, you can take it, right? You've almost got it, love..."
You nodded, letting out a loud whine-- half pleasure, half pain-- as he filled you to the brim, and his hands held onto your hips tight as he tried to control himself.
"Missed you," he said again, "missed you, baby-- missed this so bad. You're so good for me, love, m'good wifey, huh?"
You whimpered and nodded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "Y-yours, Tom," you choked.
"Please," he breathed, "can I move? Fuck, jus' need to move a little, need to fuck you, angel--"
You nodded again, and gasped as he slowly pulled his hips back and pushed back in. Already the discomfort was fading, it helped that you were so wet for him and that he was still being rather patient-- but you knew it was taking all the self control he had to be this gentle with you.
"So perfect," he mumbled against your skin as he kissed your neck, your collarbone, your shoulder. "Perfect for me, all mine-- love you so much... m'little wife, yeah?"
"God, Tom," you whined, "you're so-- we never even talked about that before..."
"You know I wanna marry you," he whispered, moaning as he found his pace-- still not too fast, but gaining speed with each movement. "I know I told you that before."
"Yeah, but I didn't think you were serious," you replied, digging your fingers into his shoulders as his cock slid right over that spot every time. "We're too young, aren't we?"
"Who cares?" he mumbled, biting on your shoulder until you moaned louder. "If it's what we want. You want it, right?"
You nodded, and he purred.
"You wanna be my wifey, then? Wait for me here and help me... wind down, after a long day at work?" he prompted with a smirk that you felt as he kept sucking on your neck.
"Yes," you sighed.
"Good girl," he grunted, and you felt yourself clench on him.
You reached down between your body and his, finding your clit that was throbbing for attention and rubbing it quickly with two fingers.
"Mm," he hummed, "gonna play with yourself while I fuck you? S'cute, but you know it's my job to take care of you, love..."
He guided your hand away and moved your hips, holding your legs open with a tight grip on your thighs. You weren't sure what he was manhandling you around for (not that you minded), until he moved his hips again and the hard pressure of his pubic bone hit right on your clit and-- "Oh!" you gasped. "Fuck, Tom..."
"Mhm," he smiled, "I remember. Didn't forget how my girl likes it in just a few months apart. God, you're all I've been thinkin' about, really, trying to remember exactly how you come for me. Why don't you remind me, angel?"
He kept encouraging you until you did, which was not immediately after that of course-- but so soon that you were a little embarrassed at how easily you finished. Then again, it was Tom; he never made you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about anything, even when he was making fun of you, because he just had that sweet way about him and you were so comfortable.
"Fuck, love," he grunted, "so tight when you come on me-- shit, see what you did? Creamed on my cock, love, look..."
You couldn't actually see it, but you believed him, you could feel how wet you were-- it was dripping down onto his sheets, which would be annoying later, but you didn't even care.
"Don't think I can last," he admitted with a low grunt, "m'sorry, you just-- feels too good, been way too fuckin' long..."
"It's okay," you promised, "just come, Tom, I wan' you to."
"Fuck," he moaned, "say that again."
"I want you to come," you repeated.
He fucked you hard and fast, every ounce of rowdy, raunchy teenage hunger forced on you as he chased his release. You watched his face tilt back for a second, eyes shut and mouth slack and cheeks tinting a bit pink-- and that fucking necklace dangling over your face.
He whimpered a bit as he pulled out, instantly painting your stomach before he'd even gotten his hand around himself to finish off the job; you smiled and bit your lip as you felt his hot, sticky come land on your belly.
"Fuck," he sighed, dropping his head as he squeezed the last drop out. "Hold on, lemme clean you up--"
But you didn't let him leave, you grabbed him by the back of the neck and sat up to meet him halfway for a lazy, slow kiss; he smiled into it and held your face gently, tongue dancing on your lips as you moaned sleepily. "Mkay," you finally offered as you fell back onto the bed, "now you can get me a rag."
"Dreckly," he winked at you as he pulled his shorts back up and went searching for a washcloth for his wifey.
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tickle-bugs · 3 months
Stupid in Love
Summary: Nick Miller is completely, 100% normal about all things Jessica Day. Including her smile, her laugh--ah, fuck. He's doomed. NickJess ft. pining!Nick
Anon: I just saw you write for New Girl! I am in my yearly rewatch of the show so I am so happy you write for it! Maybe the loft gang and CeCe can be playing a game of true American and somehow during the game it comes out that Jess is incredibly ticklish. Everyone is too focused on the game to use it to their advantage at the moment, but nick remembers and maybe later when him and Jess are together, he decided to test his new found knowledge and see just how ticklish Jess really is.
While this isn’t set during a particular episode, I was thinking HEAVILY about s2 ep15, Cooler. One of the greatest episodes of the whole show, hands down. I just wanted to write pining Nick tbh.
True American is the best goddamn game ever invented. It defines a man at his core level. Everything that’s ever mattered to Nick is on the line in this game. His dignity, his pride, his dignity…
He honestly can’t remember what they’re playing for. Something involving the sink. Or a drink? Unclear, but irrelevant. Nick is the king of an aluminum can palace and his citizens will thrive under his leadership. This is his birthright. 
They’re playing True American: Catan Edition tonight. Each player defends their own small nations and attempts to crush the others, throwing their leaders to the molten lava below. It’s the smartest thing Winston’s ever come up with. 
“Duel for my amusement,” Nick slurs, waving his paper towel roll scepter around. The cardboard crown on his head slips down over his eyes. Cece blows a raspberry at him. He lobs a balled-up piece of paper at her. 
Jess plays a fanfare into her backup kazoo—Schmidt threw away her main one—and draws angry eyebrows onto the smiley face of her country’s flag. A declaration of war. 
Sober Jess is all for political progress and human rights, but Drunk Jess? Maniacal, power-hungry, and so very hot.
Focus, Miller. 
“Two, four, six, eight! Who do we appreciate?” Jess climbs onto one of the kitchen chairs and puts a colander on her head. A warrior’s helm. Nick smiles at her. 
In their corner of the living room, Winston and Schmidt whisper furiously. At some point in the last hour, Winston had ascended to Grand Advisor of Schmidt’s Creek. Schmidt had lost the ability to speak after can number two, when Cece had flirted him out of all of his natural resources and a third of his land. Nick had been trying to think of how to poach Winston to Nicklandia, but he couldn’t think of a plan that didn’t involve saying ‘please’ until he passed out. 
“Schmidt’s Creek will not challenge today!” Winston crushes his beer can against Schmidt’s forehead. Schmidt doesn’t even blink.
“Ruth Gader Binsburg! I challenge your weird little colony, Jess,” Cece shouts, messily hopping onto the chair next to Jess. They start some combination of swatting at each other and clutching on for dear life. Schmidt looks up at Cece like a drunk, lovesick puppy. Nick rolls his eyes.
Thank god he doesn’t look like that.
Does he look like that?
Shit. He’s missing the game. 
“Yeah? Guess what—” Jess knocks her knuckles against the colander helmet, winces, and then points at Cece— “I’m the Queen of England, bitch.” 
Nick’s not sure what’s elapsed in the apparently three years since he was last paying attention, but he knows by the way that Cece gasps that someone’s dying on the living room and/or kitchen floor tonight. Jess cackles and puts her hands on her hips. They start yelling, but even if they’re saying real human words, which he’s pretty sure they’re not, he’s not processing it. Jess looks so stupid in that little holey hat—someone should invent a word for that thing—and she’s adorable. 
Nick leans his cheek on his palm and smiles wider. Does she know her nose scrunches when she’s annoyed? 
Nick leans a little too far and loses his balance. Half of his aluminum fortress tumbles down. When he looks back up, Jess and Cece haven’t budged. Or blinked. Cece squints at Jess and it’s clear the conversation has ascended to psychic levels that even Drunk Nick can’t access. He tries though. Mostly gives himself a headache. 
Something in their eye conversation must shift, because Cece gets this look on her face. Like pure, concentrated mischief. The aura off of her is so powerful that everyone scoots back a bit. Cece starts stretching and cracking her knuckles. 
“Waitwaitwait, Cece, you don’t have to do this.” Jess holds her hands up in immediate surrender, but she’s smiling hard enough to brighten the room. A little nervous giggle picks up in the back of her throat and she starts to turn pinker than the boxed rosé that forms her section of the living room. 
“Oh, but I do. Surrender. Now.” Cece points to the floor. Which is lava. Cruel way to go. 
Jess looks at her best friend with the kind of profound resignation only possible when piss drunk. She sighs deeply, staring at the floor…
And then launches herself at Cece with a war cry. 
Cece doesn’t even flinch. She catches Jess, smirks, and starts tickling her sides with vicious precision. Jess lets out a giggly shriek and crumples, sinking right down into the lava. The colander tumbles off of her head and rolls into Nick’s fortress. 
The sound worms itself into Nick’s brain, taking up residence alongside all the other little Jess things that drive him nuts. It distracts him hard enough that by the time Winston arises as Supreme Leader of the Loft, Nick can’t even trace the path of his defeat. 
Even when sobriety beats them over the head the next morning, Nick can remember nothing but the sweet music of Jess’s laugh. And the shape of her smile. 
God he’s hopeless. 
The slow march of the week brings some relief in the sense that a) Nick remembers that he really doesn’t do the whole ‘feelings’ thing and b) alcohol makes anyone look like an angel walking the earth. He is a grown ass man and Jess is an annoying little craft goblin. He can be normal. She’s normal. No need to get worked up over her.
“You look like Mr. Rogers’s grumpy cousin.” Jess snickers, fiddling with the sleeve of Nick’s hideous cardigan. 
“You done? You finished?” He pulls his sleeve away from her. It’s really Schmidt’s, which she very well knows. Nick’s only wearing it because Schmidt’s being weird about Cece again, and the only way to survive that is to bend to his will. Schmidt’s already dehydrated himself twice this week trying to show off his muscles more, Nick doesn’t want to add to that by making the guy cry. He’d never stop.
Jess, however, doesn’t seem to understand the magnitude of this manly sacrifice. She’s too busy laughing at him. 
“Mmmm, no, I don’t think I am. You look like a Muppet.” She pinches his cheek. He rolls his eyes. 
“Well, that’s just a compliment.” 
“No, no. You look like the bird. The bird with the eyebrows—“ Jess pauses as her giggles overtake her— “You look like Sam the Eagle.” 
Jess folds over into his shoulder with laughter and smacks his chest. The warmth of it almost distracts him from the comment. 
“Yeah, laugh it up, Jess. C’mere—“ He drags her across the couch by the ankle and latches onto her sides. She makes that adorable sound again, that giggly shriek, and flails like a worm on a hook. She tries to push his face away. He swats her hands aside like it’s nothing. When reaches for him again—futile, really—he snatches her wrists in one hand, pins them down, and tickles with the other. 
Her whole face burns. He chooses to ignore it for both of their sakes. 
“Let me know when you’re ready to apologize. Take your time.” He does a little pinchy thing with his fingers and Jess lets out a high-pitched mess of syllables. She throws her head back and cackles, arching up into him. 
“Hmm, yeah, see none of that sounded like ‘You’re the best, Nick Miller’. Try again.” He pokes all over her torso, fast and wild. He lets go of her and adds his other hand into the mix. Every time she tries to talk, he speeds up, making her laugh at his silliness along with his hands. She kicks her legs and lets out a little giggly growl. Nick smiles so wide his cheeks hurt. 
“Nick!” She grabs his wrists but doesn’t stop him. His stomach flips. She’s so overwhelming. 
“That’s my name.” He skitters his fingers up her ribs to distract himself from the lump in his throat. 
Jess flails and nearly takes them both off the couch and into the next life. Nick catches himself before he collapses on top of her, but it puts their faces mere inches apart. The space of a breath. He can see the faint freckles across her nose, all brought forth by the pink flush down her cheeks and neck. As she catches her breath, lips parted, her laughter simmers low in her chest. He brushes her hair out of her face. His hand lingers on her cheek. 
Her eyes crinkle when she smiles. Does she know that? 
Nick gets the deep, burning urge to kiss her senseless. To download all these embarrassing, vulnerable thoughts from his brain to hers. To show her how deep this goes. To drink of her like the wine at restaurants he can never afford. 
No. Not like this. She deserves better than this.
Than him.
He starts to pull away, awkwardly clearing his throat. Jess surges forward and Nick’s stupid little monkey brain gleefully claps its hands together, shouting this is it! It’s happening! Nick’s brain activity screeches to a halt. He stares at her mouth and freezes. 
Jess flips them over and starts tickling his ears like some kind of insane supervillain. 
“No! Jessica!” He turtles and attempts to fling himself to safety. All he accomplishes is hanging off the back of the couch, leaving his knees in reach of Jess’s evil nails—
One day he will be smart about Jessica Day, but he concedes that it won’t be today. But as she destroys him and Schmidt’s stupid, hopefully inexpensive cardigan, he secretly hopes the day never arrives. 
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44556678 · 1 year
Elmax FanFic: El tickles Max.
Ok so I told you guys that if my thing got 2 more notes I would make a Elmax FanFic and it did get two more. So here we are! And also plus I was just walking around outside and someone was like. "Hey dude, you better sit down back at your house and make story!" There we go!
Here it is I hope I wrote enough! Enjoy!
Ler! El Lee! Max
Summary: Max is watching TV without her new bestie and instantly regrets it!
Climax: Max keeps on getting tickled by El as Her new bestie keeps on getting more and more evil about it.
Max was just enjoying her time, she was eating some popcorn and watching some of her favorite show, while also listening to 'running up that hill' by Kate Bush. (I hope it's by Kate Bush because I hate getting stuff wrong.) Meanwhile El was struggling to try and call her new bestie. All Max said was "Sorry can't pick up the phone right now." It didn't take very long for El to find out that she was watching TV without her. "How could she?!" She thought to herself, while trying to think. She finally got way of she would be able to spend time with her. And also have a little fun in the meantime.
El arrived at her place and Max welcomed her inside "follow me, I'll show you where the TV is." Max said. As El was following her she was planning her sneaky tickle attack in her head. As they both sat down El then questioned "Why did you watch TV without me?" "What? No I didn't! I would never watch TV without my new Bestie!" Max said while trying to seduce her with a tight hug, but El wasn't convinced. "If that's so true then why don't you prove it to me? Alright honey bear?" El said with sassy tone, "I do not prove it to you because I didn't watch TV without you in the first place!" "Oh really?" El said as she then poked Max in her side, the slight poke was definitely unexpected! Max pulled herself away immediately and said. "I'm not sure ticklish! I'm not ticklish!" She said fast, A bit too fast! "Oh really max? Then how would you react if I did this?!"
El pounced on the redhead and mercilessly squeezed her sides and ribs, showing no Ruth or pity for the poor ticklish girl. "Hahaha hahahahahhahaha Elllllllll sstohohohoshahahahahahahahap!" As Max begged, she felt a strong sensation of her little bellybutton about to be attacked. "OH NO! NOT THERE! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU NOT HERE! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAA ELLLLLLLLLl!" "Oh I'm sorry? Is this a sensitive spot? Well then I guess I'm gonna have to dig deeper!" El said as She blew a huge raspberry into the bellybutton of her best friend, Max was seriously embarrassed by this whole situation, but she all liked getting in physical touch with El, it made her feel safer and more at peace. "I hope you learned your lesson, now will you please tell me why you were watching TV without me?" El questioned her as Max was not ready to give up yet, she was expecting more of a fight. "I didn't! I'm serious! I really didn't!" "Oh ok, I guess I'm gonna need to tickle you again!" El said as she drilled her fingers straight into her armpits! "HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA OK NO! NOT THEREHAHSHAHAHAHSHAHAHSHSHAHAHSAHAAHHAAHAHAIJBAHAIAHAHA I HAHAHAH I HAHAHAHAHA!" Max immediately died of laughter! Not only was she ticklish there, but that was not even her worst spot. El was searching desperately for her worst spot. So she began to question the helpless girl. "where is your week spot?" El questioned as Max of course said nothing! So El began searching for it herself. "Is this your week spot?" She questioned as she began to target the bottom of her knee, her response was huge but not the one she was looking for. El began to lose hope until she realized her little bare feet! El targeted them without hesitation, and Max's response was huge! "OH NO HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHHA NOT THERE! NOT THEREEEEEEEEE! HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I'M GONNA PEE!" As El let her tickle attack seize she then asked the ultimate question.
"Why were you watching TV without me?" Max then had nothing else to defend her self with. No more lies, No more tricks, and No more dares, So she decided to spill out the truth! "I was really bored! Sorry!!" Max said as she looked to the ground shamefully but all El did was hug her, Max was speechless but El began to speak up. "I only wanted the truth, I never said I was mad at you, or that I was gonna be mad at you! Ok? Were still perfect friends!" The ended their day by going to a lake and singing gracefully to each other. And they both had the best night of their lives.
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
Tumblr media
When the triffids first bloomed from the outer space goo, everyone thought they were pretty, except the billions blinded by the meteor shower that brought then to Earth.
Bertram and the Ticklish Rhinoceros  by Paul Gilbert  Illustrated by Ruth Thompson van Telligen   1948
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Yaaay Lilian tiggle headcanons-
• She finds tickling rather childish, but she'll sometimes tickle Cesar just to fuck with him :)
• She gives gentle tickles.
• She's only merciless on the people she doesn't like *cough cough* (Alt!Cesar and Adam) *cough cough*
• She has tickled Jonah a lot because she loves making her best friend smile :)
• She'll use some really mean teases-
• She will pat her lee's back after tickling then for nearly hours. (And maybe cuddle them :3).
• She also tickle Mark a lot :)
• She isn't really that ticklish lol-
• She isn't really tickled much because she isn't use to it.
• She receives tickles from Cesar a lot :) (Including Mark, Adam and Jonah).
• She sometimes has weird dreams of wanting Ruth to tickle her ._.
• She'll only let people she's close to tickle her.
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8:56 am pdt 26 February 2023 Sunday 🌞
I think 🤔 most viewers of my tumblr are bots 🤖😞🥵😤😖😭 difficulty breathing 8:58 am pdt
I can’t kid myself. Bcz incubus deprived me of oxygen & broke down my bones 🦴 I think this is really the end. 9 am pdt
me & my first real boyfriend never 👎 said “I love you” 💕 to each w. I think 🤔 may be we had a mutual understanding that it might not work out. Having s*x w/o love 💕 is basically what we were doing. We were maybe 🤔 kind enough to each other & maybe we had the same problem? W/ feelings? But we never talked about it directly. I think I remember hinting at a possible break up 🆙 maybe 2xs. Or 3xs. 9:06 am pdt
all 2017 I thought 💭 over & over again I am not prettier than Behati. I did not think I was pretty enough for incubus. 9:08 am pdt
9:12 am pdt 27 February 2023 Moooonday <- incubus did multiple “o” 🐮🌕🌖
9:14 am pdt I think 🤔 incubus doesn’t think the Jaycee dugard case is not a reflection? Of himself? Even though she remained missing for years & years & years which would have & sounds like was made possible through cooperative people such as police investigators who he directly talks to in their minds or ears 👂 or manipulation. If incubus =Antichrist = pretending to be god is talking to my aunt then therefore it looks very much possible he does the same w/ the police 👮‍♂️. Why should the police 👮‍♂️ not believe that they can get away 🚶‍♂️ w/ it if the Antichrist tells them they can? Who they believe is god? Why would Nick carter believe he can do things to young(slightly? Or more) autistic women & get away with it, if he didn’t have incubus Antichrist “bro” guaranteeing his success? (😖😭🥵😫 9:23 am pdt my heart ♥️ got weak last night I don’t think 💭 I have much longer to live. I believe all the emts & doctors 🥼 lied 🤥 about my heart ♥️ being ok 👌 9:25 am pdt maybe 🤔 my heart ♥️ is turning black? How does a heart ♥️ turn black? Bruised & deprivation of oxygen? 9:27 am pdt why would they lie?) 9:28 am pdt
9:29 am pdt incubus believes I’m a liar 🤥 in the worst way so that makes me untrustworthy. Repeatedly. I have these thoughts 💭. Started thinking 💭 he regards garrido more highly than me. 9:31 am pdt Q said something that hinted at that she was not a virgin, even though most of our friendship I thought 💭 she was. Her sun 🌞 sign 🪧 probably helped mislead. I did not push her or beg her to tell me more. Mystery person who she had s*x w/. My mom told me she doesn’t have to tell me & I said you’re right. Hopefully 🙏 her children 👶 don’t share the same baby daddy as others. 9:36 am pdt
9:40 am (@9:36 felt diarrhea cramps 😖😫😤🥵) incubus puts a ticklish annoying feeling @ back of my mouth 👄/throat & makes me have to cough 😷. 9:42 am pdt
9:49 am pdt incubus fired 🔥 my left hip flesh while I looked up Shannon Ruth Nick Carter stuff. I want to find out about his voice & her age. 9:52 am pdt
he’s going to kill me for writing ✍️ this . 11:14 am pdt I dread it & I think 💭 it will be the last nail in the coffin ⚰️ & there’s probably no way to prove it. I’m going to look 👀 up 🆙 some stuff first. 11:15 head is hot 🥵 11:16 am pdt
11:18 am pdt Q was the one who suggested I take the learning disability test/assessment in community college. Her mom was a counselor there, so she probably knew a lot of stuff about that college. Incubus is trying to take away that memory & make me feel unsure 😐 about it. 11:20 am pdt wasn’t incubus’ mom a counselor at his Brentwood school 🏫? I think 🤔 I also read in Wikipedia that she went to UCB. I forgot what I said to Q that prompted this. Maybe 🤔 I had said something about being slow at doing homework 📚 so 11:22 am pdt
12pm pdt I can’t hang out yet? Bcz busy? 1201pm pdt 2017 onwards incubus made me think 💭 he had an army of people working for him. When you’re rich 🤑 w/ super natural powers of pestilence, & can throw a basketball 🏀 from further than half court & can pull a car 🚗 w/ a rope, & levitate or fly like Superman, can seem invincible. When I ran away in 2020, my sister put a post on Facebook & Q reposted it in hers, & said “my friend” is missing, even though she blocked me & has not responded to my new Facebook. When I ran away I started to get the feeling that anyone I meet could be working for the incubus & was trying to kill me. Maybe Shannon Ruth feels similarly about Nick Carter since he raped her. Incubus said about Jaycee dugard, something like “it’s not death” ☠️ true it’s not death ☠️ but she was 11 years old & it hurt when garrido raped her. Incubus doesn’t care. He’s okay with sacrifice like that. “Because it’s not death.” ☠️ when I was a teen? There was a movie 🎥 on tv 📺 of a little Asian girl 👧 who was kidnapped & gang raped. She was rescued near the end of the movie 🎥 but she commits suicide? 12:10 pmpdt I remembered my heart ♥️ felt wrenched 🔧 w/ emotion when I saw man after man 👨 coming out of the room they held her captive unbuckling their belts & rebuckling their belts as they went in/out of the room. 12:12 pmpdt (😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😤😖😭 head pain 12:13 pmpdt)
1:44 pmpdt when autistic &/or w/ learning disability, we can easily feel overwhelmed. 1:45 pmpdt when you’re 17 years old, we might still be naïve, & maybe 🤔 sometimes too trusting? To think 🤔 a Backstreet Boys concert 🎵 might be a safe place. 1:47 pmpdt
if Q thought 💭 I was retarded to some degree, & Nick carter also thought that if Shannon Ruth, maybe 🤔 they thought 💭 they can do anything to us, & the Antichrist incubus would ensure that what they did would stay hidden? 1:49 pmpdt head pain. Incubus makes me think different things at different times. I’ve lived a sh*tty life. He’s made me greedy for food probably Bcz he stunts growth, but makes me think I’m wicked Bcz I ate a lot at dinner at dads & he guilts me about it, even though my sister has at that time surpassed me in height & shes 2+ years younger. (1:51 pmpdt 🥵😤🥵😤🥵😖😭 I sound like a squealing pig 🐽 now w/ my wheezing? 1:52 pmpdt) he’s made me not care about myself & be clumsy? I walked into sharp wooden corners a lot & I think I once walked into a pole & fell on my back on the concrete sidewalk at community college but I hesitate to write about it Bcz my memory almost seems unreal Bcz he has the ability to take away memory but I have this memory still of not looking where I’m walking 🚶‍♂️ & walking into it & sorta bouncing off of it & I formerly had a friend who used to laugh 😂 about herself doing the same thing. 1:55 pmpdt I don’t usually think 💭 about that memory much. Incubus probably made me keep going like the energizer bunny even though I’m tired 😴 & light headed 🥴 woozy? Weird head feeling. On high school 🏫 grad 👨‍🎓 night in Disney land I stayed up 🆙 until morning & started seeing a green fog obscuring my vision & I don’t remember how long it lasted but I’m thinking it might have been a month? But my mom was overwhelmed with her own condition & scolded me to take myself to the doctor 👨‍⚕️ but I never took public transportation before so I don’t. & I waited it out. 1:59 pmpdt she also pressured me to get a job while I had this problem so I went to an interview & then told them “I’m not ready to work.” 2 pmpdt the grad night trip was partially paid for by one of my classmates parents. 2:01 pmpdt Q lived very close to blossom hill. Whenever incubus comes I can see that it would have been very easy for him to see her after seeing me. Hop skip ⏭ & a jump away. 2:02 pmpdt in 2010 Q wanted me to be her roommate - she wanted to move In together. It took me a while to accept my feelings that I wasn’t comfortable with anyone else who wasn’t mom. Eventually I tell her I can’t. But before this, I started asking other people I knew if they’d like to move in too, but Q seemed unhappy displeased maybe 🤔 angry 😠 about it. I can’t remember when, but I thought 💭 about moving to New York to be close to my sister. Mayb it was after my sister got married in late 2012. Then Q expressed interest in moving there. ≈2014? Incubus moved there? & filmed begin again? W/ Kiera knightly? Who my sister kinda looks like. In the movie 🎥 Greta gifts 🎁 David a song 🎶 she wrote? Does she do this without requesting royalties 👑???? Why would any song 🎶writer do that when he’s trying to become famous? Weird. 2:09 pmpdt one of the last times I talked to Q on the phone ☎️ she said she’s thinking 💭 about moving to Canada 🇨🇦 & says I should, too. 2:10 pmpdt I feel like that was very late, & my memory is very fuzzy where I was living at the time when she suggested this. Maybe it was 2013? Or 2014? 2:11 pmpdt
2:17 pmpdt whenever I question my memory, incubus makes me think 🤔 I’m lying 🤥 & guilts? Me about it. I question 🙋🏻‍♀️ myself now. 2:19 pmpdt I feel like I’m lying 🤥. 2:19 pmpdt sorta not caring anymore if I’m not remembering it precisely, but this is probably close to the truth. 2:20 pmpdt I think I remember the feeling of shock & how fast 💨 it happened the me walking 🚶‍♂️ into pole & bouncing off of it & falling. If I fall now I will probably crack open or shatter. Humpty Dumpty. 2:22 pmpdt
3:28 pmpdt I think incubus is making me think 🤔 that he thinks everyone is greedy & wicked & deserving to be punished with crimes happened to them & he doesn’t care who dies. Even 11 year old girls like Jaycee dugard. 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😟😰 he made me think 💭 I’m making mountains 🏔 out of hills. 3:31 pmpdt he doesn’t care if he got me pregnant 🤰 & does abortion on me. He will do it to anyone he wants.... why? To prove a point? Or deceive me? Or both? 3:33 pmpdt
I was attracted to my first real boyfriend during college, but not high school 🏫. People have told me infront of him (that’s right! Infront!) & when he’s not around that he’s not that handsome. 3:34 pmpdt
9:36 pmpdt I’m doomed tonight Bcz of incubus giving me diarrhea & so it’s extra painful for my bones attacked my bones near hip joints. & ribs & skull & brain. My aunt stressed me out tonight. She’s not my friends for real. 9:39 pmpdt I have another confession & another memory of when I couldn’t resist cake. It was someone’s old birthday cake & the frosting was turning a moldy blue in one spot, so I tried to eat around it! Talk about NOT caring about myself! I got bad rashes & diarrhea that lasted for more than a year! The rashes took forever to go away! That was sometime btwn probably 2013-2014+ Bcz I still had the rashes when I visited my sister in late 2013. 9:43 pmpdt
autistic people also don’t always explore new things like new music. They take a while to warm up to new stuff I think I read. I also am a little like this plus I usually try to save money 💵💸💰
Backstreet Boys have been around since 1993/1996, a lot of time to gain a good reputation. As long as you love me was a little bit of a favorite song. The instrumentals probably are meant to appeal to a younger crowd. (#3 again 9:48 😞😤😤🥵😫🥵 ) Nick carter w/ his silky blonde hair 👱‍♀️ & very blue eyes 👀 & a voice that probably resembles a teenager who has been castrated before full puberty probably makes him look 👀 like an angelic 😇 👼 trust worthy cherub/angel. When I was ≈11 years old I think 🤔 I remembered hearing girls thinking Nick carter was the cutest one ☝️ 9:52 pmpdt I liked Brian.
9:57 pmpdt each time I look 👀 at that incubus picture I pinned up 🆙 ⬆️ there he looks more angry 😠 .
9:58 pmpdt The incubus left me a hair I think 🤔 to trick me. It could be anyone’s hair, even my own autocorrect:🤕 😣 😓 pain skull 💀 10 pmpdt but I have no money 💰 to evaluate it. He taped it to a cookie 🍪 container that seemed to allude that it’s our daughter’s hair. But he knows I don’t have money 💰! & he can easily manipulate the results! So it’s probably another scam to make me waste money 💰! The cookie 🍪 container has “bat” 🦇 on it which is Hebrew for daughter (vag sharp skull 💀 vag sharp jaw bone 🦴 pain 10:04 pmpdt) I think 💭 that is his way of saying scaredy-cat to me. 10:05 pmpdt & he ruined my bed 🛌 springs claiming we had passionate s*x! & then he fixed it. I feel like he’s going to kill me for sharing this, but I had enough of his deception! He’s a wife beater head pain 10:08 pmpdt if he’s really my husband. Does anyone else see that he made gios eyes 👀 brown???? I hope 🤞 it’s not only my connection to the internet that sees this!!!! So why this! Why now?! He trying to tug at my heart ♥️ strings to make me stay quiet 🤐???? 10:12 pmpdt
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tickletastic · 5 years
Eight Legs Too Many
Rating: SFW
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1110
Fandom: Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark
Ship: N/A
Summary: After the Sarah Bellows incident, they all have to heal from their own problems. For Ruth and Chuck, this means a change in dynamic in terms of who kills the spiders in the house.
Notes: Tickletober Day Twenty-One: Scream
An extremely loud scream rang throughout the Steinberg house, it was a scream that sent a very distinct chill down Chuck’s spine, and reminded him of memories that he’d much rather suppress. He had heard the scream before, but a handful of times had he heard it hold as much terror as it did now. He was flying off of his bed as fast as he possibly could, racing down the hallway, which felt all too long in this moment, to Ruth’s room.
“Ruthie!” Chuck screamed when he flung her door open, his wide eyes searching the room for the source of her terror, unable to spot the problem. He looked towards his older sister, who was standing on her bed, in the corner where one wall me the other, her eyes glued to one spot on the floor, just as scared as Chuck suspected she would be.
She didn’t respond to his words, so instead, he followed her line of sight. Once his eyes met the spot that she must’ve been looking at, it took him a while to clue in. To him, the black spot on her brown carpet meant nothing, until his brain met up with his eyes. A black spider was on her floor, completely still, as if it was aware that it was being watched. 
Following the Sarah Bellows incident, none of them had really been the same, and they all had new fears that they hadn’t expected. Ruth found that she was terrified of spiders, which was understandable considering what had happened in that dirty school bathroom before the musical. As her brother, Chuck felt the need to adapt to this new fear of his sister’s. Prior to the incident, Chuck himself was shit-scared of spiders, but after Stella and Ruth brought him back, he realized he’d have to change that. He went to the zoo to see the spider exhibit, he volunteered at Reptilia to help feed the snakes, and he got used to seeing spiders. And the first time that he heard Ruth scream, that same, horrified scream, he was fearless enough to take care of it. Before, Ruth was the one to kill the spiders, but Chuck loved his sister enough to learn to take her role.
Chuck thought fast, running to Ruth’s bathroom and grabbing a glass that he had decided to keep there, specifically for moments like this. When Ruth was the one dealing with the spiders, her preferred method was just to kill them, but in his struggle to stop fearing spiders, Chuck grew to have some sympathy for them. He placed the glass over the spider, and placed a nearby sheet of paper under it- Ruth’s chem homework, she hated it anyways- and picked it up. 
He walked throughout the house, opening the front door, placing the spider on the ground of their porch before closing it again. 
When he returned to her room, he could tell that Ruth was visibly shaken up. Now, instead of standing terrified, in the corner of her bed, she was sitting on the edge.
“Hey Ruthie,” Chuck began, successfully gaining her attention, “you alright?” 
She had looked up, her eyes still scared but her head nodding, “yup, I’m just fine, thanks for doing that Chuck.”
Chuck didn’t feel so sure about this answer, so he walked further into the room, plopping down next to his sister. “C’mon, what’s wrong?”
She met his eyes once again before looking down, deciding to just be open about what was on her mind, “it’s just.. I know that you used to be terrified of spiders, and I thought you were so silly, but here I am being the silly one. I just think it’s so dumb that I’m so scared of something that one one-thousandth of my size.”
Chuck shook his head, as someone who was previously terrified of spiders, no trauma needed, he didn’t find Ruth silly at all. He found himself scared of things even sillier after his encounter with Sarah Bellows’ book, even now he couldn’t shake them, so of course Ruth wasn’t silly. “Don’t say that, you’re not being silly Ruthie, I’d be more surprised if you weren’t scared of spider after all that.”
“I guess you’re right,” Ruth nodded slightly as she listened to her little brother, “when’d you get so smart?”
Chuck laughed shrugging his shoulders, “I don’t know, I guess I had a lot of time to think before you and Stella found me.”
Ruth shuddered a little at this, she tried not to think too much about what had happened to her brother. She had no idea what he had gone through, and she hated to know that she couldn’t have protected her brother, her little brother, who she always tried to protect.
Chuck could see the gears of her brain spinning, and decided to stop the guilt train before it fully left the station, so he pounced at her, tickling her sides as he caught her off guard.
“Hehehey! Chuhuckie stop!” She started giggling, reaching down in an attempt to protect her sides. 
“I just wanna introduce you to the type of spider that I think you will like,” Chuck teased, spidering his fingers up and down her sides to make his point. 
Ruth shook her head, giggling as she felt her younger brother’s hands tickle all of the spots that he knew got her bad. She squirmed and squirmed, giggling loudly and bubbly as she tried to think of a way out, she had always been a fighter. 
The fighting tendencies of his sister was something that Chuck had a very keen knowledge of, especially from when they were children. He knew that there was one spot that the Steinberg’s had in common, a spot that made both him and his sister go crazy, so he decided to take advantage of it. 
Much to Ruth’s dismay, her and Chuck were a lot alike, even in traits that the two of them didn’t particularly enjoy. This is why, when Chuck’s fingers start to vibrate in a claw, up and down her tummy, Ruth lets out a series of loud, uncontrollable snorts.
“Chuhuck stop! Chuck nohoho!” Ruth screamed, finally getting ahold of her brother’s hands. “I dohohon’t like these spihihiders either!”
Chuck started laughing, unable to go on as he felt the strong hold of his sister’s hands around his wrists, so he just rolled to the side, once again sitting on the bed next to her. 
Once Ruth sat up, she looked over at Chuck, shaking her head out of fondness. “Thanks Chuckie, love you.”
“Love you too Ruthie.”
Ruthie didn’t hate that kind of spider after all.
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amazingmsme · 5 months
all i can think about it your headcanon on the jocks tickling Richie before a game 😭🙏
richie is absolutely taking that to his GRAVE ‼️ he will not let Ruth or Pete find out EVER (until Kyle lets it slip out 🫢)
Omg yeeees I’m so happy you like them so much! I just think they’d all get really excited & pumped up about the game after wrecking him & hearing his adorable laughter! Ok but the jocks would just mention it plain as day & it flusters Richie SOOOO much you have no idea! He never plans on letting Pete & Ruth find out, but I feel like they probably walked in & saw it one time & gave them pointers on his worst spots & what techniques work best
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ticklygiggles · 8 months
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 5 - Disguise
Elias Ainsworth x Hatori Chise
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A/N: Thanks to my sweetest Ginny for giving me the idea for this fic? You are an angel! As always, I hope you all enjoy this!
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Chise didn't know much about men's looks. She didn't know what her type was and she certainly didn't know what was considered handsome or not good looking, so she thought she was not the right person for this task in particular.
"Now, what do you think about this, Chise? Do I look better with black hair?" 
"Waaa!" Silky clapped har hands happily, nodding her head in approval. On the other hand, Ruth simply huffed and nuzzled himself closer to Chise's lap. 
When Elias asked her to help him choose a new disguise for a trip he had to do, she immediately said no, but Elias insisted that he'd like to look good for his bride, even if she wasn't going to be there with him.
"You look… good, Elias."
"Chise… I feel like you don't like anything I show you," Elias said and Chise could clearly see the disappointment on his face and... was that a pout? 
"I told you I'm not good at this," Chise said, feeling an uncomfortable feeling in her guts at the thought of disappointing him. Silky quickly read the mood and she was quick to leave to the kitchen.
Ruth looked at Chise and then at Elias. Chise's feelings were settled in his guts as well, but feeling like it was something Elias and Chise had to talk over, he left behind Silky, claiming that he wanted a snack. 
Elias sighed and he made his way towards Chise, sitting beside her. Chise couldn't lie and say she didn't like Elias like that, he looked… well, he looked attractive with black hair, she felt something akin to butterflies at seeing him like that. 
In other words, she didn't hate it compared to the other disguises he had shown them for the past forty minutes. She would even say she liked it. 
"I'm honest," she said, quietly, looking at Elias who looked back at her with very extravagant golden eyes. "You really look good this time. It's my favorite so far."
That made Elias's face light up; if there had been a tail behind him, it would most likely be wagging hard.
He grabbed Chise's hands between his and asked excitedly: "do you mean it, Chise?! Or are you just being kind?" 
Chise smiled fondly, shaking her head. His reaction relieved her. "I'm honest," she said, but her eyes landed on Elias' smile and she frowned. "Though… no matter what disguise you wear, your smile will always be fake." 
Elias gasped, his fingers touching the frozen smile on his face. "It doesn't look real? What about this?" He showed his white teeth to her and she frowned a little more. 
"Huh? Then what should I do to make it look real? I can't smile more than this, it is uncomfortable and it hurts my cheeks and- ack! N-Nohoho! Nohohot thihihis!"
"I think we can only do this."
Elias cringed away from Chise's hands, but she easily followed him, smiling brightly and giggling sweetly as her fingers danced around Elias' ribs, making him cackle, little tears if laughter already at the corner of his eyes. 
Chise felt a little breathless. Elias really looked nice in this disguise, she definitely liked him better than with blond hair. He somehow looked younger and full of life. She liked it. 
"Ahahahaha! Ch-Chihihisehehe! Hahahave mehehehercy!" 
Chise didn't know how, but she was nearly straddling Elias as he laid against the surface of the couch, squirming and laughing vibrantly. His rich, deep laughter filled the house and her heart. 
She giggled softly when she found a very ticklish spot on his highest ribs that had him shrieking with laughter. After tickling him for a few seconds, she finally stopped, sitting properly as Elias tried to control his giggling and get himself back up. 
"Chihise," he said a little out of breath. "You often doho this, do you like to see me suffer so much?"
Chise smiled, shaking her head. "I like your laugh." 
"Well, I also like yours, Chise."
Before she could even think about escaping, Elias had caught her by the waist and was gently tickling her sides, making her giggle brightly. 
"Nahahahat mehehe!" She laughed, trying to free herself from his hold. "Ehehehliahahas!" 
"I think your smile was a little fake, Chise. Let me help you with that just like you did."
"I don't need- ahahahaha! N-Nahahahaha!"
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simpinforu · 3 years
early mornings
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warning - just a bunch of fluff with a cliffhanger ending ;)
girl's name - allegra (sneak peek of a story im writing on a different platform ;) maybe i'll post it here, you'll never know)
my eyes slowly opened to light from the sunrise shining in through the fabric of my lace curtains. i curled up tighter in the blanket and shut my eyes again after seeing it was only six thirty.
"yeah, you better go back to sleep.."
i turned and chuckled sleepily. "what if i don't want to?"
"then i'll put my cold feet on you," rafa muttered, not opening his eyes.
"you make that threat every time and you never do," i joked and sat up, not letting go of the blanket. "what if i want to go running?"
"take mia with you.." he started to doze back off to sleep. "wait, you never run anymore."
"yeah, no shit. it's frigid." i reached for his sweater on the ground. "i'll make us food and let mia out."
"sounds like a plan. i'll stay here in the comfort of the bed." rafa grinned and shut his eyes for the last time.
i silently got up after putting on his sweater and left the room, shutting the door behind me. from downstairs, i could hear mia getting off of her bed and running to the door. "hold on girl, i'll be there in a second."
i opened the door and she went running out into the yard. "think i would sleep for longer than you?"
i squealed as rafa grabbed my waist and hugged me. "you know i'm ticklish there."
"allegra, we've talked about this. i'll never listen to you about that!!" he teased and kissed my cheek.
i played with his messy head of hair. "you're such an idiot."
"but i'm your idiot," he chuckled softly and kissed the soft spot of my neck.
"come on, help me make something to fulfill your hunger."
"my hunger? you're the one who was eating strawberries at two a.m."
i rolled my eyes and chuckled. "you only went to sleep an hour befOR-"
he picked me up and put me on the counter, reaching into a cabinet to get something. "how long until you have to clock into the dance studio?"
i looked at the time. seven o'clock on the dot. "about an hour."
"perfect. that gives me time," he got the whisk and ran it down my jaw. "to make pancakes."
i smirked at his action. rafa definitely saw and came over, giving me a kiss. "not this morning, mi amor."
i nodded and hugged his neck. "i'm going to go get ready, so don't get too lonely."
"don't worry, i will!"
later that day at about seven, i got home from the dance studio. a whole day of teaching different age groups completely different choreography got tiring at times. my nose was immediately met with the faint scent of smoke, meaning that rafa was home from filming.
"hi love," i opened the patio door and wrapped my arms around rafa's neck. "how was your day?"
rafa looked up at me and put out his cigarette. "it was okay..busy, as per usual."
i leaned down and gave him a kiss. "tell me about it."
he took my hand and sat me on his lap, burying his face in my arm and kissing it. "well, we started on a new episode and of course, the other producer didn't like the script so we had change that again. the worst part is that i didn't get to call you."
"you survived," i moved my legs so one was on either side of him in a straddle.
he put his hands on my waist and hugged me, my arms going around his neck. "now, it's better because i get to hold you without a care in the world."
i smiled softly and looked into his eyes. "except for mia. she'll try to take all of your attention."
"except for mia." he and i laughed.
i played with the back of his hair, running the long brown locks through my fingers. "but, can i blame her? you're a peach."
rafa chuckled. "then what does that make you, al?"
"dunno," i smiled and got up.
"nope, you're not allowed to leave." he grabbed me by the torso and hugged me to his now standing body.
although rafa was somewhat shorter than say daveed, i somehow was at least four inches shorter than him, so when we hugged, my face leaned up against his chest. "when will i ever be?"
"i don't know. i'll decide in a minute."
his hands carelessly trailed up by back and to my face. he smiled and let go of me. "i think i..love you, allegra ruth mills."
i smiled softly and looked at the ground. "i..."
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tickle-fic-chick · 4 years
Idgie Threadgoode || Tickle Headcanons
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Absolutely refuses to admit that she is ticklish.
Was tickled a lot by Buddy growing up.
After he died, she didn’t let anyone tickle her for a long time.
Of course, she acts like she hates it.
Actually enjoys it, though only when Ruth is involved.
Puts up quite the fight to get away.
Has this loud laugh that you can hear from a mile away.
Loves getting revenge afterwards.
Her worst spots are her sides, hips, and feet.
The most mischievous tickler in the state of Alabama.
Loves tickling and embarrassing Grady any chance she gets.
Ruth is her favorite lee, of course.
Tickles the other whenever she is being too uptight.
Playfully tickles Buddy Jr. every now and then.
She playful and smug with her teasing.
Won’t stop her attack until her lee admits defeat.
Definitely one to to gloat about her victory afterwards.
Usually runs for the hills before they can seek their revenge.
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moonbeambucky · 6 years
The Price of Gold - Epilogue
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader Word Count: 3973 Warnings: fluff
Summary: As a sports journalist you’ve traveled the world interviewing famous athletes. You’ve loved your job up until you find out your next article is on the last person in the world you ever wanted to talk to, Lance Tucker.
A/N: I can’t believe this is over! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this! This fic has been my life for the past few months and it really means so much to me! Written for @green-eyeddragonfanfiction Dragon’s 3k Follower Creative Content Challenge. My prompt was “I can’t be in love with you!” gif source (x) 
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Saturdays were the busiest day for Tucker Gymnastics, with most parents available on the weekend to accompany their kids as they learned gymnastics from one of the very best in the field. On this particular Saturday the center was closed for a private event, one that would show no profits but make Lance Tucker’s heart richer with love.
Ariel Tucker, named after her mother’s favorite mermaid, was turning two years old today and Lance closed the center to the public to finally give Ariel her first official gymnastics lesson.
Waking up slowly you felt Lance’s chest pressed to your back, hearing his soft snores made your lips curve into smile with a sudden urge to look at his face. Shifting on to your back Lance inhaled stiffly, the corners of his lips pulling upwards as he nuzzled against you again.
“Good morning beautiful,” he said in a raspy whisper, his eyes still closed. It was the way he greeted you every morning since you moved in together and you never got tired of hearing it.
Within two years of dating you and Lance were married. It was the wedding you always dreamed of. Held at an estate south of Spring Hill you were married with an ocean backdrop, a cool breeze flowing through the air. Friends and family surrounding you to celebrate your special day, with both you and Lance shedding a few more tears than anticipated.
The moment he saw you it was like the world stopped spinning. Accompanied by your father, you glided down the aisle like an angel floating through the heavens. Wearing a strapless ivory mermaid style dress, lace and beads beautifully accentuated your body. Carrying a large bouquet of cascading flowers colored like the beautiful sunset behind him Lance thought it was the perfect accent to a more than perfect wedding– that is until you stood before him.
The tears that had formed in his eyes suddenly dropped down his cheeks as he smiled at the delicate pearls around your neck. They were Dorothy’s, given to you after her passing as part of her wishes. You knew the significance, these were the pearls Lance’s Grandma Ruth had worn on her wedding which she passed down to Dorothy for her wedding who always knew she would give it to you.
You choked back your own tears, smiling as you and Lance held each other’s hands during the ceremony, knowing how lucky you were that after half of your lives apart you found each other again.
“Good morning baby,” you replied, scratching your fingers through his hair, enjoying the surprisingly peaceful morning for as long as you could.
He was in need of a haircut, letting the time in between appointments go longer than he was used to. He didn’t mind though, his hair was the least of his concerns, not when any free time could be spent with you and Ariel. He needed a shave too, his stubble coming in a lot more than he normally let it. The combination made him look a little older but in a more distinguished way. No longer was he the spiky haired arrogant gymnast but the man you always dreamed you would grow old with (and thankfully no warts were to be found!)
“Speaking of babies,” he paused to rub his hand along your swollen belly, “How is the little guy doing?”
You were halfway through your second pregnancy, the name of your son to be determined. For now he was just “the little guy” and you were excited to welcome him as part of your growing family.
“Well he’s pressing on my bladder and if I don’t get up right this second I’m definitely going to pee on the bed,” you joked.
It was time to get up anyway, with Ariel’s giddy anticipation for her birthday you certain she would come flying into your bedroom any minute. Pushing yourself to sit up you were about to get off the bed before Lance called out for you to wait.
Turning around he stood on his knees in the center of the bed, dressed in boxers and white t-shirt, moving closer towards you for a kiss. Despite his morning breath you would have kissed him for hours, or until Ariel would undoubtedly come in, but at this moment you had to push him away as you clenched your legs together while running to the bathroom.
Lance laughed at your loud sigh of relief through the door for finally being able to pee. He laid back on the bed, his arm thrown over his eyes to block the strong morning sunlight from coming in through the window. With a smile plastered on his face Lance thought about how lucky he was to have this life.
He’s pulled from his peaceful reprieve as the pitter-patter of tiny feet echo off the wood floor, with tiny hands reaching up and grabbing the blanket. A quiet voice squeaks out a call for her Dad who turns and smiles at his little girl, lifting her up. Purple painted toes support her tiny frame that barely makes a dent on the mattress.
Born six weeks premature, Ariel required a short stay in the NICU, with you and Lance at her side every day. She made it through without any major complications except for the fact that her parents were even more overprotective of her. It was the main reason Lance hadn’t begun teaching her gymnastics.
You and Ariel visited Lance quite often at the center and she was always squirming to get out of your arms and join her Dad and the other kids for what she thought was playtime. She was so much smaller than the other children, and even though Lance would be at her side through each move he didn’t want his little girl to get hurt in any way; you both agreed she wasn’t ready yet.
Lance kissed her forehead, rolling down her Doc McStuffins pajama top that shifted up to expose her cute belly button.
“Daddy guesshwhat?”
Lance sat up against the headboard, “What is it Starfish?” he excitedly asked.
“Is my buhhthday!” she grinned, showing off her tiny teeth.
“It is?” he feigned surprise. “How old are you today?”
“I twoo!” she replied, holding up two small fingers.
“No you can’t be two! You’re my little baby,” Lance said, scooping her up into his arms as if he were cradling an infant, pressing kisses all over her face as she giggled from his ticklish stubble.
“No… I... Big... Girl,” she said in between fits of laughter.
Lance shifted Ariel so she faced him, “Okay, okay, you’re my big girl. What does my big girl want to do for her birthday?”
Ariel’s face lit up like fireworks, “Tumbwle!”
You stood in the doorframe watching their exchange, your heart growing bigger in size at the love Lance had for your daughter. He was the perfect father, loving, gentle, kind; he was the antithesis of Mitch Tucker.
“Daddy and I will take you to tumble but first we have a surprise for you!” you spoke up, your voice catching your daughter’s attention.
She jumped out of Lance’s arms, plopping down towards the end of the bed as you walked towards her. Sitting on her knees she was face to face with your large stomach and pressed a kiss to your belly.
“Good mawning bwother,” she said. For now Ariel was excited to have a sibling, once your or Lance’s attention is diverted from her there might be an issue.
Ariel was the sweetest little girl with an equal mix of Lance and your younger selves in her. She loved to sing, making up her own songs that she would perform as you and Lance sat together on the couch watching and cheering for her.
Like her namesake she was always in the water, with you and Lance playing “mermaids” with her. With floaties secured around her arms you would hold her by the waist on the surface of the water as her arms swept out in front of her with her legs wildly splashing behind. Ariel would swim to Lance and rescue him from the evil Ursula, also known as a smiling inflatable octopus pool toy.
When she was out of the water Ariel was never without her favorite teddy bear, your own childhood bear that once sat on the shelf proudly displaying Lance’s first medal, that is until Ariel made grabby hands and began to cry for the doll. The medal is now on your nightstand, hanging off a framed photo from your wedding day, a daily reminder of how far you and Lance have come.
Lance dressed Ariel as you prepared breakfast. Things had changed so much since you were a kid, now there were endless recipes on Pinterest to choose from, some you were able to master and others not so much. Today you made whole grain pancakes, pouring out two smaller circles of batter that would become the ears on the bear you were going to create. Using banana slices you placed them on the smaller pancakes as the inside of the bear’s ear, and one on the larger pancake as the snout, with chocolate chips becoming the eyes and nose.
In a small bowl was a plain yogurt with a fruit rainbow of raspberries, mandarin oranges, sliced green grapes and blueberries. So much work goes into preparing such a pretty breakfast all the time, your parents definitely had it easier.
Clinging to Lance’s frame as he went down the steps Ariel wore a coral halter romper with a hibiscus flower print and white strappy sandals with a large flower embellishment. He placed her at the table in her booster seat as she smiled at her pancakes.
“Where Teddy?” she worriedly asked before you brought him out from the table behind her.
Teddy required delicate cleaning since he was an old bear, something you occasionally did overnight as Ariel slept.
After eating and cleaning up yogurt on Ariel’s cheeks the three of you grab the bag you packed and head out to the garage. You handed Lance your car keys as you opened the door for Ariel, securing her in her car seat as Lance adjusted the mirrors.
“You know you’re gonna need a new car babe,” you said, as Lance pulled out of the garage and clicked a button for the door to close. Lance still had his convertible Mustang though the top has been up every time he’s driven with Ariel as per your insistence. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to fit another car seat in that thing,” you continued.
“Yeah I know,” he defeatedly huffed. “But there’s no way I’m getting a minivan!”
You burst out laughing as he looked over at you, his blue eyes full of stern conviction.
“Definitely not!” you agreed. “You’ll have to get something soon though, the little guy’s coming in a just a few months.”
“There’s still so much to do! New car, finish his room, name him!” Lance chuckled.
“Yeah I know,” you said running your hands over your stomach. “Well at least we know what we don’t want. No Brayden, Aiden, Grayson or Mason...”
“Yeah, not happening. Hey Starfish, what do you think we should name your brother?” Lance called out to Ariel who was playing with her dolls.
In one hand was Teddy and the other was Stuffy, the blue dragon from Doc McStuffins. Her growing brain mulled over the decision of names between the two stuffed animals. “Stuffy!” she cried out.
“Stuffy Tucker?” Lance questioned.
“Well, maybe if he has allergies,” you joked. “Sweetie what’s the name of the police dog on PAW Patrol?” It took a while for you and Ariel to think of the name until it finally hit you. “Chase! Lance, what about Chase?”
“Hmmm,” Lance mused out loud, “It’s a maybe.”
You quickly reached your destination, bringing Ariel for her first visit to Weeki Wachee. She had no idea what was happening until the “mermaids” swam in and Ariel gasped out loud, crying out “Mermaid!”
She was watching them in the same awe struck manner as you once did, pointing towards the viewing window as the mermaids swam by with a large smile plastered on her face.
Next you went to the wildlife show, with Lance having to hold Ariel tight in his lap as she kept wanting to pet all the animals. Your anxiety increased as the teenage employee kept bringing out progressively larger snakes until he finally showed off a small alligator.
Now that you were a mom you tried to find the balance between allowing Ariel the freedom to grow up while still being nurturing and protective. Right now you were going to be protective, extremely protective and used this opportunity to remind Ariel that these animals are not pets. Blowing out a harsh breath you wondered if you caused your own parents as much worry.
After the show you sat at a picnic table for a snack, giving Ariel a sippy cup of milk and putting out some Cheerios, string cheese and a mandarin orange that you shared with her. Lance made sure you ate more than just that, pulling out carrot sticks and a granola bar from the bag along with some water. Smiling you leaned forward to kiss him in return for his thoughtfulness.
You were taking a lot of precaution as the risk of another premature birth was always there. Lance was a big help, staying home more often to allow you more time to rest. Your workload lightened as well. You were still able to Skype with athletes for your articles but travel was out of the question. You were thankful having prepared a lot in advance to release during your maternity leave.
After eating you took Ariel on the boat ride. She sat in between you and Lance as she excitedly pointed out every fish, turtle and bird that you passed. When the ride was over you asked the driver to take your photo, the three of you saying “cheese” in unison, though Ariel screamed the word, which echoed off the roof of the boat.
Finally, you were headed to Tucker Gymnastics and Ariel was bubbling with anticipation. Lance had gone into his office, you suspect to check in on calls and emails while he waited for his girls. After a quick trip to the bathroom for both you and Ariel, you changed her into a shimmery purple leotard.
Lance’s door was still shut so you picked barefoot Ariel up carefully and walked her over to the photo of young Lance and Dorothy.
“This is your Daddy as a kid!” you said, pointing to him in the picture. “And this is your Grandma Dorothy. She is Daddy’s mommy.”
“Where Gamma Dowthy?” Ariel innocently asked.
“Grandma Dorothy is everywhere. When the sun warms up the day that’s Grandma Dorothy giving you a big warm hug, and when the moon is out at night she’s looking over and watching you sleep.”
Though she’s too young to truly understand you wanted Ariel to know Dorothy and one day when she’s older you know Lance will have her read your article. He still considers it one of the greatest gifts you’ve ever given him, though nothing compares to the love you show him every day, and the family you’ve made together.
Lance pulled open the door to his office, stepping out with a serious look on his face. He tightened a red bandana wrapped around his forehead and clapped his hands together, “Let’s do this!”
Reaching into his pocket he walked over to Ariel, pulling out a smaller bandana for her to match him. Ariel leaned towards Lance who took her from your arms and you followed them into the main gym. Lance leaned down in front of his antsy little girl who would not sit still as he gathered her hair together to tie it up and tie the bandana on her.
Once she was ready Lance put his palm up, “Let’s go for the gold!”
Ariel slapped his hand, “Go faw gold!”
Lance started slow, easing her into tumbles. “Squat like a frog,” he said, adjusting her hands and feet, “Now stick your tushie in the air and look at your belly button.”
Ariel giggled at the way Lance taught her but he guided her through the movement, assuring her head was placed properly for her to roll through. Lance made it a fun as she repeated the motions until she got it before moving on to a backwards roll. She was definitely Lance’s kid as she completed a backwards roll much more gracefully than you ever could.
With your phone in hand you took a bunch of photos and videos, all of which you knew you would have to send your parents. Even though they would be coming over later for cake and presents they insisted on having their own copy of every picture of their granddaughter and you can’t blame them. Your own phone was filled with thousands of pictures of your beautiful girl.
Lance worked on some poses, teaching her how to do a bridge. Soon she was in a downward dog position in front of the wall. Lance told her to keep her arms strong as he braced one hand on her arms and the other under her stomach for support.
“Walk your feet up the walls,” he said, as her little feet staggered asymmetrically up the wall. “You’re doing great Starfish!”
It wasn’t quite a handstand, not yet at least but you know with Lance’s guidance she would get there one day, just as you did.
Afterwards Lance whispered something in Ariel’s ear that made her jump up and down. Lance carried Ariel to the balance beam that was closest to the ground, placing her down and standing behind her as he cupped his hands around his mouth as he announced, “The US Women’s Gymnastics Team proudly presents ARIEL TUCKER!”
You pleaded for him to wait so you could record this. When you were ready Lance lifted Ariel onto the beam, holding her hands as she walked across it, stopping midway as he told her to jump up. As Ariel jumped Lance lifted her up high over his head before placing her gently down on the beam again. She walked to the end of the beam, jumping off as Lance held her.
He carried her over to the uneven bars, still gripping her waist as he held her up, instructing Ariel to hold on to the lower bar. He swayed her body from side to side, all while providing commentary on how the young gymnast has skillfully mastered the uneven bars. Next was the pommel horse, where Lance held her up and she wasn’t sure quite what to do. Lance began to tickle her stomach and so she burst into a fit of giggles, her little feet stomping up and down which made it look like she was dancing.
“And for her final challenge, the vault!” his voice boomed.
Ariel clung to Lance as he stood midway in the runway. He jogged lightly, dodging the vault and jumping into the foam block pit behind it.
“Ariel Tucker wins the gold!” Lance cheered, kissing Ariel on the cheek. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck, stretching her arms around him and you were so happy to have recorded that moment.
Lance placed Ariel on the mat’s as he pulled himself out of the pit, scooping her into his arms again to head back to his office. He opened the small refrigerator that was stocked up on juices boxes and snacks for Ariel. She sat in his chair, swinging her dangling legs around as she sipped from an apple juice box.
“Here,” he said, grabbing a water bottle for you and pulling out a packet of almonds from his desk. “Come on babe, you know you want my nuts.”
“Lance!” you yelled in a whispered voice.
“What? It’s protein,” he smirked, opening the packet and tossing a few almonds into his mouth before handing it to you so he could untie his bandana.
You shook your head at him all while smiling and Lance leaned closer to rub the tip of his nose against yours, your face scrunching in return at the contact.
“I love you so much Lance,” you said, tilting your head to press a kiss to his lips.
He pulled away quickly asking, “What about Jim?” You squinted at him in confusion, wondering who Jim was and why you were supposed to love them.
“For the baby. Maybe Jim for gymnastics. Or James. James Tucker,” Lance worked through his reasoning out loud.
“Definitely not Jim. James is a maybe.”
Lance cupped your cheeks in his hands and leaned in to kiss you more sincerely, pulling away from each other before things got too steamy.
After arriving home you put Ariel down for a short nap. With Teddy by her side you tucked Ariel in and went downstairs to begin baking her birthday cake. Passing the photos that hung on the walls you stopped to smile at each one, pausing at Dorothy’s photo wishing she was here to see her grandchildren.
Lance stood behind you as you measured flour into a large mixing bowl, pressing a kiss to your neck which made you squirm with delight.
“Look at this,” you said, reaching your arms out in front of you, “I feel like I’m so far away from the counter!” You laughed as you gestured to your large belly that kept you back from the countertop.
“Just a few more months,” Lance said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You continued to prepare the ingredients, placing them in the mixer and setting it. You saw Lance was attempting to say something but you couldn’t hear him over the sound. Once everything was done you smiled and he repeated himself.
“I asked if you should really be on your feet, Y/N. You have to take it easy,” he said, bringing over a stool.
You looked warily at the seat, “I think I might break it,” you half joked and Lance shook his head.
Instead of getting on the stool you took Lance’s hand in yours, “Lance, I have an idea for a name,” you said softly.
Lance waited for you to continue, rubbing his thumb along your hand.
“What about Theodore? For your Mom,” you suggested, looking up at him with hopeful eyes as you waited for his response.
Lance’s lips curved into a bittersweet smile, once again you found the perfect way to honor Dorothy.
His palm caressed the swell of your belly, “I love it Y/N, I love you, I love you so much,” he whispered before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too.”
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The night was filled with laughter as Ariel ran around with your parents, opened up her presents and ended up with frosting all over her face.
Lance picked her up in his arms, laughing as she leaned forward to place a sticky kiss to your cheek. Your parents snapped the perfect photo with all three of you laughing widely. You wiped Ariel’s face and then cleaned your own, tucking yourself under Lance’s other arm for another picture.
The life you imagined with Lance had gone off track for a bit but you were thankful everyday for being given the opportunity to come back to each other. Lance stood proudly, with one arm wrapped around you, his little girl clinging to his other side like a starfish on a rock.
The Olympics were a distant memory, fading away as Lance finally achieved his greatest accomplishment and was rewarded with gold every day in the form of the love he shared with his family. 🏅
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