thorstenlannert · 6 months
have this thorvic (do we have a shippingname for victor and thorsten?) playlist <3
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valkoinenlintu · 1 year
Tag game: Answer these questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
thanks for tagging me @cha0ticpartners-incrime and @chrisoels <3
3 ships: felix stark/till ritter (tatort berlin), peter faber/martina bönisch (tatort dortmund), thorsten lannert/victor de man (tatort stuttgart)
first ship: um. prooobably frank thiel/karl-friedrich boerne (tatort münster). i remember reading münster fics all day for a few weeks and then randomly stopping lmao
last movie: scherbenhaufen (tatort stuttgart) and gosh this ep was gay af
last song: suicide by kishu kenny (idk i just started listening to a random phonk playlist. the song's not bad tho)
currently reading: uhhh. ein traum von finnland by robin jones gunn ig XD
currently watching: eh- nothing?
currently consuming: nothing again lol
currently craving: for someone to watch a tatort berlin ep with me
tagging @alias-anythinguplease, @boerne-enthusiast, @astargatelover, @weidli, @breaddo, @str4wanzerin, @adventuresintimeandace, @albvrich, @arluci and @enbyrry (no pressure tho)
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dielinkeleer · 9 months
DIE LINKE Bundestagsfraktion unterstützt Wiekenverein e.V.
Bild von links nach rechts: Victor Perli, Franziska Junker und Thorsten Bruns Mit einer 500-Euro-Spende unterstützt DIE LINKE im Bundestag den Wiekenverein e.V. DenSpendenscheck des Fraktionsvereins überreichte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Victor Perli im Beiseinder Landesvorsitzenden der LINKEN Niedersachsen Franziska Junker. Von dem Geld soll einMessgerät zur Beobachtung von Gewässern angeschafft…
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lamilanomagazine · 11 months
Andrea Bocelli nella prossima puntata di Beautiful
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Andrea Bocelli nella prossima puntata di Beautiful. A “Beautiful”, la soap più popolare del mondo, partecipazione speciale di Andrea Bocelli, con la moglie Veronica Berti e l’ultimogenita undicenne, Virginia. Il cameo d’eccezione di Andrea Bocelli sarà inserito nell’ultima delle puntate registrate lo scorso maggio a Roma, dove la soap più popolare del mondo è approdata per la prima volta in 36 anni. Nella scena che lo vede guest star, il tenore, seduto al pianoforte e affiancato da moglie e figlia, canterà per Brooke e Ridge, alias Katherine Kelly Lang e Thorsten Kaye, il suo celebre brano “A te”. Vera icona italiana nel mondo, Bocelli solo qualche mese fa era entrato a far parte anche della storica serie “The Simpsons”. Sulla CBS, la messa in onda della puntata che lo vede protagonista con la famiglia è prevista per lunedì 26 giugno 2023. I telespettatori italiani la vedranno in onda su Canale 5 nella primavera 2024. La pluripremiata soap, in onda sulla rete ammiraglia Mediaset dal lunedì al venerdì alle 13.40, ha un seguito incredibile: 35 milioni di telespettatori giornalieri in oltre 100 paesi del mondo. In USA, le 6 puntate girate a Roma dove sono approdati sette protagonisti - Ridge (Thorsten Kaye), Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang), Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor), Hope (Annika Noel), Liam (Scott Clifton) e Thomas (Mathiew Atkinson) - andranno in onda tra il 16 e il 23 giugno. Negli Stati Uniti, “Beautiful” (titolo originale The Bold & the Beautiful) è arrivata alla sua 36esima stagione. È una produzione Bell-Phillip e Bradley P. Bell è il produttore e capo sceneggiatore.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fanpersoningfox · 4 years
Ich schaue gerade nochmal Spiel auf Zeit, eigentlich wegen der Bootz'schen Trennung, aber...
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Herr Lannert, was soll dieser Gesichtsausdruck?
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mariocki · 3 years
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Acht Stunden sind kein Tag: Jochen und Marion (1.1, WDR, 1972)
"What you're saying sounds pretty leftist. Where did you learn that?"
"I think sometimes. Is that bad?"
"No. It isn't. But you can't just think all the time. Right?"
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nalle · 4 years
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eolewyn1010 · 1 month
Hi, I haven't been following you for long so I'm curious :) 3, 4, 8 and 9 for the ask thingie if you want to!
oh my god I cannot for the life of me remember you this is so awkward did you change your url at some point or
On it! ^^
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Carlo from TO München. Now, to explain: after watching maybe two or three episodes of the München team at random, I pretty soon jumped into watching the full scope of them chronologically. Which means, nearly my first taste of Carlo was his absolute worst: Carlo in the early 90s was more often than not written to be unnecessarily rude, lazy, racist, or downright creepy about women - I think he mostly served the purpose of giving Franz and Ivo the chance to look positive by contrast. So I initially didn't like him all that much. Since then, I've come to appreciate his later developments and the moments when he's the one who shines in comparison. Sorry, Carlo; you're a good guy. You just served as the writers' trashcan early on.
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I don't quite manage to ship Emilia Alvarez / Nika Banovic because I enjoy Emilia's on-screen presence as the hottest Mrs. Robinson around who leaves a string of heartbroken younger men in her wake, and Nika strikes me as more of a monogamous kind of gal. But I will admit that they have a very nice canon chemistry and are definitely the collective voice of reason in comparison to Mr. I-won't-talk-to-my-coworkers-and-if-it-literally-kills-me and Mr. Impulse-control-whomst.
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I wish more people were aware that Charité has three seasons, not one. Granted, season 2 is also my unchallenged favorite because I think it does by far the best character work, but I still like every season on its own merits. No 1 purpose of Charité as a show was telling medicine history, and I think it's better for telling different parts of it.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Thorsten Lannert / Victor de Man from Tatort Stuttgart is really steamy, okay? I don't want to see Thorsten with Victor in the present; I want him to get over that smug douchebag and smooch Sebastian silly already, but the fucking sparks the very second Victor shows up on screen for the first time. It's really fun to watch, I'll give them that.
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pswgallery · 2 years
ToCall No.16 contributors
Alia Zapparova (Germany, UK & Russia)
Carlos Soto Román (Chile)
CJ Jones (USA)
Csilla Biro (UK)
Danni Storm (Denmark)
Jane Leonard (Australia)
Laura Kerr (Canada)
Linda Parr (UK)
Mark Valentine (UK)
Max Adam (USA)
Mette Norrie (Denmark)
Patricia C (Germany & Italy)
Rachel Williams (UK)
Rene Victor Valqui Vidal (Denmark & Peru)
Richard Roberts (UK)
Sandra Cecilie Quist Lund (Denmark)
Seda Mimaroğlu (Germany & Turkey)
Thorsten Krämer (Germany)
Wayne Summers (UK)
William Lessard (USA)
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lethalice · 3 years
Hey I heard you're on a train, you wanna share some Tatort Stuttgart headcanons with us? Can be about any topic but maybe since it's winter/Christmas... 😏😏
aksksffjsfk anon this is so nice of you 😥💕
i'm sitting in Kaiserslautern Hauptbahnhof rn waiting 40 minutes for my next train but i'm nearly there
i don't have a lot of wintery HCs tbh bc i've barely gotten into festive mood yet but I have thoughts™ about the casual ways people care for each other that make me wanna scream; i.e. the only constant we cling to in this god abandoned wasteland of a series: Thorsten and Basti getting coffee for each other. I haven't surveyed this yet but i feel they gotta be the most caffeinated hoes in the whole Zuständigkeitsgebiet. Now that it's cold outside someone's gotta bring the Edelstahlthermosflasche so we can all lean against the hood of Basti's car and share some hot coffee bc he gotta be freezing his ass off wearing that leather jacket in winter. On another note, i have HC'd that Thorsten receives scarves for christmas every year. Because he's a practical person but he does wear fancy coats a lot so people will be like hm yeah that's the type of guy you can gift a scarf to. except for Lona who sends him seashell ornaments from Brazil.
this one is unrelated but i still wanna put it out there! So I am convinced that Victor de Man has like a company gym where all his henchmen go to get ridiculously jacked and train martial arts or whatever. Coincidentally, Victor is a huge fan of watching Chris fighting other underlings and one time he put him against Miki just for fun bc they hate each other and of course Miki is stronger but Chris bit him and they had to drive to the hospital to get Miki stitched up and Victor had the time of his life obviously
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musicalfan94 · 5 years
Happy New Year Audio Gift
Anastasia Das Musical 06.12.2018 (Stuttgart) 
Cast: Anya: Judith Caspari | Dmitry: Milan van Waardenburg  | Wlad: Thorsten Tinney | Gleb: Mathias Edenborn | Countess Lily: Jacqueline Braun  | Zarenmutter: Daniela Ziegler                                         https://mega.nz/#F!qtQEWa4J!JF2Va1rEpNjCaR-FFlPn7g 
Les Miserables 1998 (Belgium castalbum) 
Cast: Jean Valjean: | Javert:  Jan F. Danckaert | Fantine: Hilde Norga| Marius: Rein Kolpa| Cosette: Deborah Dutcher| Eponine: Chadia Cambie| Enjolras: Addo Kruizinga | Thenardier: Marc Lauwrys| Madame Thenardier: Daisy Thys   https://mega.nz/#F!744QjD5A!Oi3WpwIKJ3t28oQNReKWww                            
Vámpírok Bája 2007 (Hungarian Cast Album)
Cast: Graf van Krolock: Géza Egyházi | Alfred: Tibor Héger | Proffessor Abronsius: Csaba Jegercsik | Sarah: Zsanett Andrádi | Chagal: Béla Pavletits | Rebecca: Judit Dobos | Magda: Anna Balogh | Hebert: Victor Posta | Koukol: Farkas Gábor                        https://mega.nz/#F!OgZgwQSa!iEyIDd1KypYZ_niUwBaVSg              
Der Glöckner Von Notre Dame 15.11.2017 (Müchnen) 
Cast: Quasimodo: David Jakobs | Claude Frollo: Felix Martin | Esmeralda: Sarah Bowden | Haupman Phoebus: Maximilian Mann | Clopin: Kevin Köhler (u/s)| Jehan Frollo: Johannes Kiesler | Florika: Kristina Love | Pater Dupin: Oliver Mülich | Leutenant Frederic Charlus: Milan van Waardenburg | Köning Louis XI: Alexander Zamponi | Madame: Eva Maria Bender | St. Aphrodisius: Romeo Salazar | Die Gemeinde: Sina Pirauzi, Chiara Cook,Daniel Therrien,James Cook,Mike Sandomeno | Der Chor:  ORSO- Choral Societyhttps://mega.nz/#F!Sw500KqC!1BXHtEOh3yYeDmsVYmndtQ
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Canale5: la serie tv "Beautiful" tocca il traguardo delle 9000 puntate e sbarca per la prima volta a Roma
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Canale5: la serie tv "Beautiful" tocca il traguardo delle 9000 puntate e sbarca per la prima volta a Roma. Beautiful, la soap opera più popolare del mondo, in occasione del traguardo delle 9000 puntate - la prima puntata risale al 23 marzo 1987 sulla CBS - sceglie di nuovo l’Italia per ambientare le sue storie appassionanti. Dopo il lago di Como nel 1997, Venezia nel 1999, Portofino nel 2002, e la Puglia nel 2012, a distanza di oltre dieci anni, Beautiful sceglie, per la prima volta in 36 anni, Roma, la Capitale della “grande bellezza” amata in tutto il mondo. L’Italia si conferma il paese più amato dalla soap opera. Saranno 6 le puntate ambientate in Italia che verranno girate tra il 15 e il 17 maggio 2023. Il pubblico italiano le potrà vedere in onda nella primavera 2024, mentre la messa in onda statunitense è prevista tra il 16 e il 23 giugno 2023. Sono attesi sette protagonisti della nota soap: Ridge (Thorsten Kaye), Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang), Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor), Hope (Annika Noel), Liam (Scott Clifton) e Thomas (Mathiew Atkinson). Oltre all’Italia, il paese preferito dai creatori della serie, Beautiful, solitamente ambientato nel dorato mondo della moda di Los Angeles, ha girato episodi anche in Australia (2007 e 2017), Abu Dhabi e Dubai (2014), Danimarca (2015), Francia (2014), Olanda (2014), Messico (2011) e Principato di Monaco (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2022). Beautiful, in onda su Canale 5, dal lunedì al venerdì alle ore 13.40, vincitore di numerosi premi internazionali, vanta anche il record di “soap opera più popolare del mondo in onda” (secondo Il Guinness dei Primati) con ben 35 milioni di telespettatori giornalieri in oltre 100 paesi. Inoltre, Beautiful ha appena ricevuto ben 14 nomination alla 50esima edizione dei Daytime Emmy Awards come miglior serie, miglior sceneggiatura, miglior regia, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood come miglior attrice protagonista e Thorsten Kaye come miglior attore protagonista. Giunta negli Stati Uniti alla sua 36esima stagione, Beautiful (titolo originale The Bold & the Beautiful) è una produzione Bell-Phillip e Bradley P. Bell è il produttore e capo sceneggiatore.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fanpersoningfox · 3 years
Hallo ^^ falls du noch Lust/Zeit hast, einen kiss prompt zu schreiben – "a kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party" würde sich für ein poly AU anbieten, vielleicht Bootz/Lannert/de Man (falls nicht, natürlich auch kein Problem, einfach ignorieren ^^)
Ja, hi, ich hab doch noch die Zeit gefunden ♡
Ein Stöhnen entweicht Thorsten, als Victor sacht auf seine Unterlippe beißt. Seine Hände vergraben sich in Victors Haaren und Victor grinst, lässt seine eigenen Hände auf Wanderschaft gehen, schiebt eine unter Thorstens T-Shirt, die andere hinten in seinen Hosenbund. Thorsten ist wachsweich unter seinen Fingerspitzen, seinen Lippen. Schmiegt sich an ihn, lässt sich fast widerstandslos in die Sofakissen drücken. Fast.
Die Hände in Victors Haaren greifen fester zu und während die heißen Schauer, die der Schmerz seine Wirbelsäule hinunter jagt, seine Konzentration kurzzeitig kurzschließen, gelingt es Thorsten fast, das Blatt zu wenden. Fast.
Ein halb unterdrücktes Lachen lässt sie beide aufschauen.
In der Tür zum Wohnzimmer steht Sebastian, den Kopf interessiert schief gelegt und ein dunkles Feuer in seinen Augen.
"Störe ich?"
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reportwire · 2 years
B&B Holiday Party Pics - Soap Opera Digest
B&B Holiday Party Pics – Soap Opera Digest
Lawrence Saint-Victor (Carter), Thorsten Kaye (Ridge), Kimberlin Brown (Sheila), Tanner Novlan (Finn), Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy), Matthew Atkinson (Thomas), Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke), Annika Noelle (Hope), Heather Tom (Katie) and Ashley Jones (Bridget) flanked B&B’s Executive Producer/Head Writer Brad Bell. Novlan made it a family affair with wife Kayla Ewell (ex-Caitlin) and their…
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eolewyn1010 · 1 year
19 und 30 für's ao3 wrapped :D
Here we go!
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I currently don't really have my eyes on a new pairing, but I do wanna look a bit more into polyamory, like Sebastian/Thorsten/Victor de Man, or Franz/Ivo/whatever charming (bitchy) lady they managed to snatch up this week. Other than that, I'm mostly sticking with the usual suspects But Make It AU.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
The return to writing was a surprise in and of itself! I lost motivation for quite a while, a little bit bc earlier in the year the fandom seemed to be falling asleep (a few people left, others were too busy for the time being), and both I and the amount of feedback I got were in a low phase. But now - it's writing, baby! I'm surprised, too, by the very different things I wanna write now. It's smut one day, whacky AU hijinks the other, sometimes just a little fluff, a ton of angst I'm waiting to let loose. So yeah, just writing and enjoying it again is pretty cool!
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thepoolscene · 4 years
The Pool Scene - Turning Stone Classic - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
New Post on https://thepoolscene.com/?p=55485
Turning Stone Classic XXXIII 9-Ball Open January 9-12, 2020
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Mike Zuglan’s Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Resort Casino are proud to present The $25,000 Added “Turning Stone Classic XXXIII 9-Ball Open” on January 9 -12, 2020. Turning Stone has once again invited us to compete in their beautiful and spacious Event Center which is most definitely one of the best arenas in the world. There is not a bad seat in the house and multiple matches can be viewed comfortably from everywhere. The intimate layout in this world class arena allows you to mingle with your favorite players and lets you feel like you are a part of the action as well. Turning Stone Resort Casino is a full service resort with everything needed for a relaxing, fun filled and enjoyable experience. Check them out at www.turningstone.com Our 33rd Turning Stone Classic will once again have a full roster of 128 players competing for the title. The field will include a wide range of talent from our regular tour players to some of the best in the game. Previous winners, Shane Van Boening, Jayson Shaw, Johnny Archer, Billy Thorpe and Thorsten Hohmann will all be in attendance along with many other notable and not so notable but great players nonetheless. The complete player list can be found on our site, www.joss9balltour.com . This promises to be yet another memorable event in our long running Turning Stone Classic series. Our next event will be our 4th Joss Junior 9-Ball Championship on Jan. 25 at Sharp Shooters Billiards & Sports Pub in Amsterdam NY. Please call 518-356-7163 for more information and to make any product donations to be given away at the event. Sharp Shooters will also be the host of our next regular season event (stop # 8) on Feb. 22 & 23, and our regular season will continue on from there until June. Then our $25,000 added “Turning Stone Classic XXXIV 9-Ball Open”, Season Finale, Rescheduled for September 3-6, 2020. I will begin taking entries for that event at this event in January and not before. FYI, there is every reason to believe that the August 2020 Season Finale will fill to capacity many months prior to the event, so seriously interested players need to sign up early to avoid being shut out. Our complete schedule can be found at www.joss9balltour.com  Once again at Turning Stone there will be a “second chance” tournament on Sunday January 12th at 10AM. This is an event for those Non Pro level players (I will decide) eliminated from the main event. The event format will be as follows: $60 Entry Fee – 32 Player Max – same rules as main event – Single Elimination – Races to 4, best 2 of 3 sets, with the deciding set being a single game sudden death. This means that if each player wins a race to 4, there will be a lag for the break and a 1 game playoff to determine the match winner. Entries will be taken for this tournament as players are eliminated from the main event and will be treated as first paid – first in until the event is full. The equipment for our world class event will once again be 16 Diamond Pro tables covered with 860 Simonis (“The Cloth Of Champions”) tournament blue cloth. We will again be using the Aramith TV Tournament balls with Pro Cup cue balls. Please thank Aramith and specifically Ivan Lee for generously providing us with the best balls on the planet! All items, including tables and balls, are for sale in tournament used condition, and only seriously interested parties are urged to contact Mike Zuglan immediately at 518-356-7163 for info and pricing.  As always, fans coming to Turning Stone for our event will be treated to Free Admission, Free collectible posters, (while supplies last & can be viewed now at www.joss9balltour.com and on Face Book at Mike Zuglan’s Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour page), $10 casino Free Plays to players and fans, and some of the best pool you will ever see. All of this is brought to you courtesy of Turning Stone Resort Casino and the Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour!  Included in the Event Center at Turning Stone is a full service snack bar serving all of our favorite foods and adult beverages. There will be billiard product vendors and on site cue repairs available for all your needs. Mike Burton of www.josscues.com will have a wide range of Joss Cues and Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Shirts. CJ and Peggi Wilkinson of www.baltimorecitycues.com will be here with their extensive cue, case and supplies display. Dan Dishaw, www.dishawcues.com will be on hand with his cues and expert on site cue repairs. Feng Zhao of  www.lite-systems.com will be there with his custom LED billiard lighting and other billiard products. And Victor Conte will be on site promoting his new game as well. There is still time and room for new vendor or two at a mere fraction of what you would pay elsewhere. Interested parties should contact me at 518-356-7163 immediately.
Dan, Debbie and Stephen Janes of Joss Cues, have once again upped the ante and provided us with two gorgeous, custom engraved Joss cues for raffle. These cues are valued at $1,600 each and will be raffled off on Saturday just before the 8 PM matches, and the second will go on Sunday immediately prior to the final match at approximately 7 PM. These beautiful cues can be viewed here: https://josscues.com/product/joss-northeast-9-ball-tour-cue-model-2019-20/ In addition to the cues, I will once again give away the Aramith Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match, autographed by the winner, to some lucky fan by combining all of the Saturday and Sunday cue raffle tickets and picking the winner from them. We invite everyone to come to Turning Stone Resort & Casino January 9-12, 2020 for a great experience, and 4 full days of some of the best pool you will ever witness. If for some reason you are unable to make it, there will be free live scoring and a free live stream expertly provided by Alan Leon, aka Upstate Al and Mike Howerton at  www.azbilliards.com , The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Resort Casino. Match times are as follows: Thursday at 4,6,8 & 10pm. Friday at 10am, noon, 2,4,6,8 & 10pm. Saturday at 10am, noon, 2,4,6,8 & 10pm. Sunday at 11am, 1,3,5 & the final match at 7pm. The second chance tournament on Sunday will begin at 10am and run continuously until completed.  I would like to ask all of you to please publicize our event through social media etc. so more people may be informed about this great and free event. And, as always, I remind all of you how important it is to please frequent your local billiard parlors and promote and utilize the fine products of our most generous sponsors listed below. They are the backbone of our sport!
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Please do not reply to this gmail email. I only use it for announcements. To contact me for any reason, call me at 518-356-7163 or use [email protected].  I hope to see all of you at Turning Stone Happy Holidays,  Mike Zuglan The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – http://www.josscues.com Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.comAramith – http://www.aramith.com Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.com
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