loveisinthebat · 1 year
Contemplative Lump
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my-ants-are-anxious · 7 months
I'm gonna talk about shows in my brain right now, and if you have any thoughts, I would love to hear them! (Especially if you see these in a different way!)
(For context, these are shows I watched when I was young, and I'm just revisiting them in my mind, so I'm probs getting things wrong)
Okay, so-
Hey Arnold: We seek to understand each other and ourselves. By existing in community with one another, our lives will be richer. Be curious about the beauty in the world, and be brave! My only complaint is that Helga feels far too interesting to not be the main character. Also, the background art is so pretty!
Doug: I truly love the honesty in the character writing, the playful art direction, and the willingness to grapple with difficult emotions, often resolving in messy ways. When I was young, it depressed me to think I might be a Doug (in personality/character). Thought I am dorky, and I love daydreaming, like our titular character, it has delighted me to no end to find out that I'm just as much of a Judy (moreso, even)!
Recess: As a child, I felt filled with joy at the rebellious zest for life of this group of friends, and a fair bit jealous. As I look back, I am a bit depressed imagining a group of rebellious kids slowly stop their fight against "the system" and beginning to drift apart. I don't have any other thoughts here, and I carry both that sadness and that joy with me now, post-reflection. Idk, I just like grumpy buds.
The Muppets (Main show, Muppet Babies, Treasure Island, etc.): I mean, baller show. I really just want to talk about Gonzo (adult-me understands child-me's fascination with the character much better now), but I will refrain. I've decided to complain that Oscar the Grouch was not a member of the Muppets. The Muppets have plenty of great complainers, a few wise-guys, and at least one Monster, but they really could have used a Grouch.
Ahh! Real Monsters! (Not sure if this is the right spelling, but I'm not looking it up): We, as humans, would be so far ahead if everyone could have witnessed thus (joking, mostly). I love this show. I feel kinship, true fellowship, with just about every character in this disgustingly beautiful work of art. My tiny child brain really thought I might have a shot at living in the sewers and dumps as a monster, and that got me through so much, tbh.
Sorry for the many-words, I hope this letter finds you well.
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sadkois · 1 year
man i wonder how the nishiki hair poll would be doing if it didnt have the 'both' option....
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taxi-trolls · 7 months
Do i add another monster to the roster
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p-clodius-pulcher · 3 months
Imagine for a second being Caesar, laying on cold stone, bleeding out in a structure your greatest rival and ally built as a monument to his glory.
For all your airs and future deifications, for all those triumphs and glories, just a man. Feeling every ache in your body as the pain gets more and more distant.
There’s clamouring, that’s distant too. It’s just you, and the marble effigy of a man you saw fall from the heights of glory to a headless body abandoned in a kingdom far from his home. Killed by fellow Romans, like you were, isn’t it funny how it always seems to come back that. Romans against Romans, civil war etched into every brick laid at this city’s foundations.
Then fall, Caesar.
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rad-roche · 7 months
valentine sharing a name with the saint of affianced couples and love and also the mass-market, manufactured holiday made after the fact. is this anything
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i think pizzaria chains should partner with fnaf and make special themed boxes to sell for the fnaf movie
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redactedbloop · 4 months
More EA Theories
The hush is blake theory means that blake may not be dead dead right?? (tho i dont think he’s dead dead anyway. I dont think erik would do that). Hush is force given form. If hush is just force contained in blake’s form, that means there’s a chance that, when hush is done with his purpose, blake returns.
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irisintheafterglow · 5 months
trying to come up with a premise for the mock trial against law student!gojo that everyone voted for, thought of making the case about some fuckery the frats got into, and just realized
law student!gojo and enemy frat!geto can exist in the same universe :OO
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
idk if many of u watched backyardagains when u were little too but like the cant-see-ems are actually a god-tier concept. 
if u dont know what those are they were little bugs that would like form a tickly swarm and it’s kinda a good idea dhfhghghd
idk im just thinkin about them 
u know i love tkl plants/animals/robots/other stuff lol 
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my-ants-are-anxious · 7 months
I think, sometimes, that when people hear me say that I love animals that I don't share that same love for other people, and it isn't the case. I love humans deeply, but its hard to, sometimes, when people hide their truth from others and themselves.
A cow is a cow, with the only pretense being playful. They know who they are, and don't hide that from anyone! I want to be more like a cow, and maybe you should, too.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 month
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The hardest part of Pokemon Self Inserting is Team Building.
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scarletooyoroi · 7 months
Rn I have a very Thoma urge to have Thoma get put on one of those Fontaine trials.
Just to clear his name with a triumph over a champion duelist.
I'm morbidly curious on how does that even work in these cases. Are you just above the law if you're in that realm of 'git gud' enough? Depending on the danger trying to step out, wouldn't that bring a different sort of peril in the equation?
While he'd be a more positive example of how it'd just be for someone to get on their way. I wanna see some flipside examples.
It feels too unexplored!
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ringtoneumruremix · 1 year
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thinkin abt her
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rad-roche · 1 year
i had, and am still having, a lot of fun chopping and rearranging the fo4 plot both to suit the change to a full noir and also personal preference (giving the storyline a shaunectomy, making gloria a neurotic bank clerk in remission for breast cancer instead of a high powered lawyer, giving nick a bunch of weird robot bullshit specifically because i like weird robot bullshit) etc but the thing i had the most fun with was the jennifer lands stuff, and how the first nick meets his end, because i got to move everything a scraping to the right. not much, just a smidge. the only thing we learn about her is that she was 1) innocent 2) beautiful 3) epic fortnite kill compilationed by the irish mob. we learn absolutely nothing about her otherwise. what we do get is from an obsessed robot carting around the memory of her death, the event that was so traumatic that it directly lead to his creation. she's cheapened to a handy cliché, the tragic lost love. but if nick is based on a brain scan of a man being driven to the brink, that specific moment of that specific day of that man's life, who says the memories and feelings of the synth we meet are even close to representing what she was actually like? we don't know her personality, hobbies, wants, flaws. what if the nick we meet doesn't either? just a strong, unmoored grief with nothing to anchor it to. a simulacrum conjuring an imperfect ghost of a woman that's been dead for two hundred years. i think that's a really fun angle to take because nick is self-aware, and to a point self-loathing enough, to resent that it's the case. she's not really her and he's not really him, but what else does he have? it's his reason to be
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emile-hides · 1 year
So if there’s anything to take away from Bowser’s Inside Story it’s the lesson that the size disparity we see between different iterations of Bowser are caused by Near Death Experiences, and the following adrenaline rush
This can be seen directly in Super Mario Bros Wii, where after dunking Bowser into the lava in typical Mario Bros fashion, he comes back a solid 5 times his size. Not the biggest we’ve seen him, but still.
This then implies before games like Mario Galaxy and Bowser’s Fury something aside from Mario nearly killed Bowser, sending him into these adrenaline filled, power hungry rages.
This has the biggest implications, to me personally, for Mario Sunshine, the first game Bowser Jr makes his appearance, and the only time we see Bowser in his massive form not in a state of all out attack. He’s actually rather calm, and has his most iconic show of emotion to date. 
Am I going somewhere with all of this? No not really, I’m just thinking about it and wanna share where my brain is currently.
#Mario & Luigi#Bowser's Inside Story#Super Mario Sunshine#I finished inside story (again) today#I played it forever forever ago but couldn't remember a THING about it#because I didn't like it fkgjfkdgjkdf#It's my least favorite Mario&Luigi so far though I've only played up to it#I wanna play Dream Team eventually#Yes I KNOW bowser's fury tells us Bowser's Like That because of Jr.s Magic Paint and whatever#But I am choosing another narrative#Look listen listen look look listen look#Sunshine happens because it's the first time Bowser almost died post Jr being born#and it hits him there in that moment that he can't keep fucking around he has a CHILD now a child who sees him and relies on him#Thus he's kinda like. 'Shit. I gotta get this kid a support system other than me and the minions'#Because I mean Kamek's great but he doesn't wanna end up LEAVING Junior an ORPHAN that'd be messed up#I think Bowser's real mellow and soft in Sunshine because he's kind of realizing he can't run head first at everything and leave Jr behind#I dunno I dunno I'm think thonkin thonk thinkin#I love Bowser as a character I don't like his weird anatomy Inside Story gave us#I don't like Inside story... much at all really.... but that's not important#What IS important is how often Bowser almost dies to things OTHER than Mario#And how actually RARELY Mario almost KILLS Bowser#given how often Bowser almost kills Mario#Theoretically#The only exception to this is in Super Paper Mario where Dimentio sends everyone to Hell by Killing Them#But I mean maybe that doesn't count because he did Actually die#Or maybe we missed Big Bowser actually#He did wake up first and started fuckin shit up and they do call him a Huge Monster#So actually yeah he WAS huge we just missed it#This is my only take away from this game
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