#this will be a thread I promise
leonsliga · 1 year
The streets will never forget the late 2000s-early 2010s Nutella x DFB ad campaign
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loversmore · 6 months
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“i believe in you so what’s left is for you to believe in yourself.” – han
for @hyunsung ♡
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leucoratia · 24 days
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My favourite loser scientist (we are legally married)
Handplates!Gaster by @zarla-s (thank you so much for this AU it has given me life for the past 6 years)
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funyiipp · 5 days
Something, Something— Happy Pride Month. —From me! (And oh yeah! And Eddie too.)
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Eddie's always been a bit hard to draw for me. Not because he's chubby (I love drawing different body shapes, especially chubbier ones) but because of his arms. I don't know what it is, his arms just completely butcher my ability to draw him right.
Anyhow, y'all be safe out there! Byyyeee!~
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genericpuff · 3 months
I think what's so funny about the whole "Hera having a vision about her own death" sorta thing is that she's following it like a goddamn IKEA manual. Not only is she just going "welp, guess I'll die!" but she's even dressing herself in the exact same outfit she saw in the vision.
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Hades and Persephone weren't even dressed the exact same in the vision she had of them getting married in the Vol 1 bonus chapter-
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And don't get me wrong, it's definitely a sort of cliche storyline for a character to have a vision and then try to defy it, but that's like... sort of half the point of having a vision plotline to begin with. Of course, Rachel circumvents this by showcasing it as a sort of tragic positive for Hera to go along with the vision, because it would be making some sort of grand sacrifice for Persephone to utilize to defeat Kronos (but that's... really ick when you consider the fact that Kronos is her abuser sigh) so it sort of makes sense for Hera to go along with the vision, but down to even wearing the same dang outfit, like girl it's a vision, not a list of commands, I don't think the outfit you're wearing has ANY bearing on whether or not this vision plays out when you're walking right into it and expecting it to happen LMAO
Unless this is some sort of Kingdom-Hearts-0.2-to-Kingdom-Hearts-1 pipeline explanation thing where the outfit HAS to be there for the plot to work?? 💀😆
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IDK man I'm really not taking it that seriously, the entire plot at this point is a mess, but the Hera outfit thing is one of the funnier things that I'm getting a good laugh at, because damn, girl really understood the assignment 💀😆 Hera calling the nearest Forever 21 like "yo I was serving cunt in this vision I had of me dying so obviously I need to die in the EXACT outfit I saw, do you have it in extra small???" 😆
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little-pondhead · 3 months
I’m Not The Sun
Y'know, when Kon ‘died’, do you think a grieving Tim could have mistaken Danny for his best friend? Do you think that, in a moment of desperation and exhaustion, he might've kidnapped a floating Danny in an attempt to bring Kon home? And when he realized he kidnapped a random civilian, do you think he still kept Danny for a while as a replacement for Kon?
Do you think Danny got tired of being called 'Conner' after the first week but was too distressed himself to correct Tim? Trying to leave or tell the fellow teen his name was Danny was obviously sending the kid into a spiral. He seemed to think Danny was the dead spirit of his best friend. Maybe if he played along, this Conner guy would show back up?
Hopefully, before Tim completes his cloning research. Danny's been doing everything he can to sabotage the equipment, but even with ghost powers on his side, Tim is a smart person. Every time Danny sets him back one step, Tim takes two steps forward. And since he's well outside of his haunt, Danny is starting to feel weak and ill from lack of ectoplasm. He's running out of time.
Do you think Kon would feel upset that his best friend replaced him?
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adhdtsukasa · 22 days
in honor of tsukasa's birthday, obviously i need to ramble about my kamioshi and favorite fictional boy ever!! but since i don't have any thoughts that make sense at the moment, i just want to talk about something that i've realized recently and found it pretty cute:
it's probably not as common of a stereotype anymore (i believe), but there was a thing of headcanoning cold and stoic characters as aroace solely because they are cold and stoic, which people often interpreted as the unability to love. and while it can be the case, thinking that being aro equals not feeling anything at all is rather... questionable, definitely. which makes tsukasa's aromantic implications even greater.
i have a feeling that tsukasa's aro moments™ were actually talked about back and forth countless of times, so i'm not going to repeat myself (despite also having a lot to say about it). it's not canon, but i guess you can say that it's implied...? well, not like colopale confirms it or anything (although i'd be very happy if they did, but... yep) so headcanoning him as anything else is definitely okay and valid, but there *are* situations that just scream yeah!!! that boy is so aro!!
and whether you think of tsukasa as an aromantic or not, you have to admit that the thought of tsukasa being aro, as a concept, is so damn cool. he's one of the most apparent characters, after all! he's loud, eccentric, expressive, cheerful, full of life. he's basically anything but devoid of emotions, anything but calm and stoic (most of the times). having him as an aro rep is without a doubt shattering the stereotype of having to be cold and emotionless in order to be aromantic.
he's not unable to feel love. because he feels love! he loves his family — he loves his friends — he loves acting; and it's the highest and purest form of love that he needs in his life. why would he need any other form of love? all the great love stories would be better if they were more violent and gorey, after all
i don't know i'm just saying random things at this point but i need everyone to just think about arokasa sometimes. okay? for me?? because it's his birthday today???
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Some gals' designs that have only existed in my head
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dreamingpartone · 2 years
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Somehow, Asahi leaned closer, closer…
Threads of Gold: chapter four
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canineentity · 4 months
Im going to be sketching for a bit. Any suggestions for theriotypes to draw??
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harvestmoth · 6 months
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okay last one. au where nothing goes wrong at all ever (a lie) and melia venam gay moment
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didderd · 7 months
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me and @skelekins have been tossing Snaps and sea bunny Kelek back and forth on our rb blogs, so here's a doodle of one of the scenes from it! :3
(here is a link to the thread so far)
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carpefish · 2 years
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To the future 🥂
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fullscoreshenanigans · 5 months
Your analyses are the best. They are so fun to read and I over think everything afterwarrs
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Thank you!
For analyses above my level, I highly recommend checking out these if you haven't already read them:
The two chapters of Kei Toda's Reading The Promised Neverland with a British/American Literature Scholar (2020) that have been translated into English by fans (Chapter 2: Religion by @thathilomgirl & @0hana0fubuki0 | Chapter 3: Gender by @1000sunnygo)
Anime Feminist's "Emma’s Choice: The gender-norm nightmare at the heart of The Promised Neverland" article (2018) (good follow-up to Toda's chapter on gender)
Jackson P. Brown's "Thoughts on… The Promised Neverland, and Black Women in Manga" (2018) blog post and Zeria's video essay/blog post (2019) on Krone's depiction
Jairus Taylor's "The Unfulfilled Potential of The Promised Neverland Anime" (2021) which made me more open to the idea of a remake of S1
For tumblr posts (some of these I'm linking through my blog because I either had a minor link addition or think the OP's/prev's tags deserve to be seen and rebloggable, but you can just click through to the original post):
@puff-poff's exploration of the demon world's culture (Part 1 & Part 2)
@just-like-playing-tag's examination of the farm system, Emma character analysis launched by a minute change in S2e02, and mini-Isabella analysis regarding her treatment of Ray (along with her blog just being a wealth of knowledge in general)
@hylialeia's post on the series' handling of Norman's plan/the oppressed and oppressors
@avadescent's analysis of the S2 ED album art (Norman and Emma are perpendicular; Emma and Ray are parallel.)
@linkspooky has a lot of analyses from when the series was running but special mention to this analysis of Norman's character
@vobomon also has a lot but special mention to her Norman is autistic and Norman has PTSD posts
@goldiipond's "Ray is autistic" essay
@emmaspolaroid with some of the best Emma and Emma & Isabella meta in general
@nullaby's post on Isabella and Ray's relationship
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tarnishedxknight · 1 year
Princess, Interrupted || closed with tarnishedxjudgement
“Because... if you are going to sell me to the enemy, then you should at least grant me the comfort of a friend whilst I’m there, father,” Ashelia said firmly, staring the old king down.
“Ashelia... Sir Ronsenburg is needed here and at war’s front,” Raminas said wearily. He was already dealing with immense guilt over the arrangement for his daughter to be held in Archadia’s capital to ensure Dalmascan loyalty, and Ashe’s resistance to it was not helping. 
“Why? My being shipped off to Archadia ensures the fighting will stop,” she shot back.
“Because this arrangement is a precarious and delicate thing, my dear. You do not understand,” Raminas replied.
Ashe huffed. “If I do not understand, it is because you forbade me to be in your war room while it was being discussed! Also, I do understand, because unlike you, Basch does not think women so fragile of mind that they cannot learn of such things.”
“Then understand that your duty and your place right now are to do this in Dalmasca’s name and for her people. Please... do not make this more difficult than it must be,” the king sighed.
“I’ll need guidance,” Ashe said.
“You will be alright, my child,” Raminas said.
“I’ll need protection,” she tried again.
“They’ll not harm you,” Raminas insisted.
“You don’t know that!” Ashe exclaimed, feeling a pang of something in her chest. Was it panic? No, she wasn’t going to be a scared child. “I don’t know that.”
Raminas sighed again... because she was right.
“Grant me Basch and I will do my duty, as you put it, without further objection, father,” she challenged. As strong as she knew she was, the idea of going to live in Archadia alone without a single familiar face when she had never even been outside of her own country before had Ashelia beyond terrified. Basch was her dearest friend, her rock, and her voice of reason. She needed him with her. Her gaze turned a bit vulnerable, much as she wished it wouldn’t. “Please, father.”
Sending Sir Ronsenburg to Archadia would make a serious dent in the leadership of the Dalmascan military. However, he knew it would affect the knight captain’s performance to have the princess abroad with the enemy, whether the man admitted to the distraction or not. And perhaps it would ease some of the old king’s worries as well to have someone like Basch looking after Ashelia. “Very well. He will accompany you there,” Raminas said, not speaking as to whether he would stay.
- - - - - - - - - -
It was hours to Archadia by airship, especially the Durga class cargo and passenger ship they had been granted for this particular trip. Something unmistakably civilian was needed to avoid any and all aerial misunderstandings. Even so, the ship bore Dalmasca’s banners on its carapace. As they neard their destination, Ashelia emerged from her room and came to stand with Basch to see the empire on the horizon, its capital coming into sharper focus. 
A quivering sigh, forced out through her nose, caught Basch’s attention. He turned to see Ashelia’s wide eyes welling up with tears, even as they gazed out the large window at Archadia. He watched as her expression otherwise remained unchanged save for a thick swallow, and she blinked repeatedly to rid herself of the tears she never allowed to fall. Basch’s own eyes fell for a moment, and then he turned back to the view past the glass himself, not calling attention to her moment of fearful vulnerability. She hated when someone pointed out that she was crying.
“Steady,” he whispered to her, and out of his peripheral vision he saw her turn to look up at him. “You represent Dalmasca here. Show them her strength through your own, my lady.”
Ashelia smiled softly and nodded. This was precisely why she had needed Basch with her. His words had already replaced the terror and despair in her heart with resolve and pride. As the ship slowly docked, Ashelia tried to prepare herself for anything and everything that might greet her once they were boarded...
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ameliiorate · 3 months
☀︎ — random starter #2 for @romanticlcver ☀︎ — based on
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"I'm glad you're okay." His undereye is already throbbing, and it would surely be the size of a goose egg by the next morning. Key is unbothered by all of it. A few bruises and scrapes are nothing in comparison to the pressure of relief that overcomes him. He wishes that he had been able to do more, but he's far from being all that physically strong, more of a scrapper and a survivor than a fighter. Still, whether it had been his presence or the fact that he had fought back at all, the perpetrators had ran off in a hurry before more damage could be done, and that's all that matters to him.
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