#this took a while tbh
Ok so heres some cute fluffy Halloween stuff for @intistone scars and scales. Its 4:30am and im so tired. I got like 3 hours of sleep yestersay and then might have skipped sole meals but im good im fine see look fluff. Totslly normal for liz
Its pretty sweet so i hope yall have a good dentist mk. I cut literally all the angst out. But enjoy a fic of the boys first night Trick or Treating with their big brother Eclipse!
It was halloween night and you had been spending the past hour or so helping Sun and Moon get ready. They are so excited for tonight and have been since you agreed to let them go Trick or Treating with Eclipse. They had been adjusting to going out slowly but relishing every moment they got when seeing something new. You had been worried they would always be afraid of everything outside your house but thanks to Gregory they had been having an easier go of it.
You had them sat down on your couch telling them the rules for the night when your front door opened loudly showing Eclipse fully decked out in a costume that matched Sun and Moons. You should have guessed they would coordinate. A quick run over the rules again and you waved them off for the night. While you really did enjoy the holiday and wanted to see the boys having fun you also knew they had been looking forward to more time with “big brother Eclipse” and you decided to give them this. Sure you had been worried but Eclipse is strong and can easily defend the boys. Plus their not defenceless. Your sure its going to be fine. You start working on some dinner for when they return. Heart light and mind wondering what kind of fun they are going to have.
Sun is so excited he cant stand still even for s moment. Arms swinging at his side as he energetically talks to Eclipse. Moon on the other side of Eclipse adding to the conversation as well, hes not nearly as bad as Sun but for him this would make him seem a chatter box. Eclipse happily listens to them rattle on about silly stuff YN has done or whatever they have seen. The mood is light until they reach the first house. Both little mers freeze at the sight of it. Finally understanding the full scope of what they have to do for their treat. Wall up there and ring the door bell to great a stranger. What if the stranger saw through their costumes and attacked. What if they tried to grab one of them and drag them inside. Panic slowly seeping into the boys as a few other kids make their way to the door.
Eclipse kneels down to reassure them that it will be ok. Hes right there incase anything happens. Hes not going to make them go alone after all. Hes too worried about the same thing as the boys but theres not way hes telling them that. So with a gently nudge they make their way up the driveway too the house. Sun and Moon get more snd more nervous but having Eclipse there with them makes it much easier. Though when the person opened the door neither boy could manage a word. Both frozen in place a bit. Luckily the lady was very kind and thought it cute that they all seemed to be skeletons. “What adorable little brothers you have.” She then produced a large orange bowl to the boys for them to take a candy from. Slowly they reach up and each take a single piece. She chuckles at their clear nervousness. “I remember my first halloween. I was so scared i cried when i got to the first house. You boys are doing great.” She laughed a bit as she spoke. Her words bringing ease to the boys. Enough for them to speak up and say thank you. She told them how “they are very welcome” and wished them a happy Halloween as they walked away.
Panic quickly left the boys after that house and their nervousness only lasted two more houses. Clearly more excited about the candy than they could be scared of the people. Plus having Eclipse right there really helped them relax much easier. They came to a house fully decked out in halloween decorations. They even had a fog machine in their yard. Sun and Moon seemed to get nervous again till Eclipse laughed from behind them saying how “over done” this house was. Pointing out the location of the fog machine did help Sun and Moon feel less scared about approaching a house that seemed to be so spooky it was greating its own atmosphere. Now that they knew the trick is wasnt so bad. Still a bit on edge though they approached the door. Lots of noises from different machines had kept them on edge even more. Once they knocked on the door a lady dressed up as a witch opened it cackling! Sun yelped and hid behind Eclipse a bit. Moon on the other hand simply took a step away, also to Eclipses side. They lady was waaayyy to into it as she ran a whole bit about eating naughty children who dont say please and thank you. Even going so far as to say she likes to stew them in her big caldron, which was easily visible from the open door. By the time she finished that both boys had moved to behind Eclipse. He wasnt at all going to stand for this. Thats too far of an act for little kids who are clearly scared. “Hey cut the crap, cant you tell your freaking them out. Whats wring with you!” Anger clear in his voice. The lady to offence to that. “How dare you talk to me like that! Im just trying to scare some sense into these brats!” Clearly she thought she was completely in the right and saw nothing wrong with scaring little 9 year olds. “Dont you Dare call them brats you bitch!” He shot back, pushing Sun and Moon behind him more. “Excuse me” he cut her off before she could say more “No i dont think i will excuse you! Learn how to act around children! Clesrly you are the one who needs to be taught manners.” She gasps “I beg your pardon!” Eclipse has never been handed anything easier in his entire like “oh come in i think we all mnow you could beg better than that” the boys began to snicker at that. The lady goes red in the face before yelling “get the hell off my porch you disrespectful, unruly, heathen!” “GLADLY!” Eclipse shouts back as he pushes Sun and Moon along off the porch. Moon turns to stick his tongue out at the lady before they make it down her steps. Clearly she was off her rocker.
Moon was recovering quickly from the rude bitch but Sun was still a bit shooken up. He stayed noticeably quite as they made their was to the next house. Eclipse decided to pull them aside first to make sure Sun was gonna be alright. Offering to maybe call it quits now and they can go back home. Sun quickly shot that down saying he was ok. Hes fine to keep going. But clearly from the looks he was sneaking at Moon he just didnt wanna ruin the fun for his brother. Who seemed to be alright. Still Eclipse decide to take it slower and he was also sure to make sure he was closer to the boys when they went to the door. Just incase. Everything was going smoothly and eventually Sun perked right back up after getting a huge full size candybar.
As they approached another house another group of kids was walking up at the same time. “Woooooh you look so AWESOME!!!” On little boy shouted while pointing to Moon. Nervousness returning as moon turned to face the boy. He was probably going to panic but a nudge from Eclipse helped him understand he was safe. A soft “thanks.” As if his thanks was an invitation the kid joined them in step, walking along side them. “I mean your face paint is so cool!!! And those claws on your hand!! SUPER AWESOME!” Moon not knowing to much how to react “um thanks? I uh really like your uh hat?” Clearly he felt out of his depth but the kid took the complement as if Moon had been just as enthusiastic as him. “THANKS! I made it myself!” He said puffing out his chest and placing his hands kn his hips. Moon had clearly picked the correct thing to complement because now the kid was ranting and raving about how he made it and how long it took but how he did it all kn his own. Then he toon it off and offered it to Sun “you wanna see? It looks even cooler upclose!” Not knowing what else to do Sun nodded and took the hat. His eyes lighting up at the little details the other kid put into it. “Wooaahh look at all the little lines you put on it!” Quickly showing his brother. The kid probably didnt need more of an ego boost if you asked his parents but he bounced on the spot “right!!” Then trying to look cool “im an expert of my craft.” He said as he wiped at his face. “Oh we are almost there! I gotta get ready!” He reach for the hat and Sun easily let it go so the other get could put it back on. “Im gonna go get the best candy before everyone else!” He exclaimed before running ahead. “HEY!!” Sun shouts after the kid and joins in on running up to the door. Moon quickly takes chase “WAIT FOR ME!” Not wanting to be left behind. Eclipse cant help but smile as the boys branch out and make a little friend. They go through without a hitch at this house. Not bothered or noticing that they dont have Eclipse with them at the door. Just enjoying themselves fully as they walkaway ranting about what was in the goodie bags that house gave out.
Once they reach the sidewalk again they find the kids parents not to far behind with two more, much smaller kids. Clearly they had no problems with their small 9year old walking with strangers. So the kid join up with Sun, Moon, and Eclipse for a while. As they walked between houses they traded candy and gossip about what costumes they had seen. Moon telling about the rude lady between giggles while the kid looked shocked “thats so mean!! You should have blown a rasp at her!” Ehen that got confused faces from both Sun and Moon the kid froze in his tracks. “You guys dont jnow what RASPS ARE!!!” They shared a look before shaking their heads. “Oh oh that ok look you hold your hand uo to your face like this, then BLOW!” The kid made wuick the noise that got not only Sun and Moon to laugh but Eclipse got a good chuckle from it. Quickly Sun and Moon went to try it themselves. Satisfied they could on the first go. “Now when someone is real mean you do that to em!” The boys very excited to show YN something new continued on chatting with the kid for two more houses before the kids parents decided it was time for them to go home. After goodbyes they group parted ways. Deciding its time for them to make their way back too. The whole way back Sun and Moon chatted about some of their favourite costumes to tell YN about, inviting Eclipse in to figure out which would have freaked you out the most. It was a very smooth walk back.
The moment you open the door you sre met with three rasps blown in your face and then giggles from two little mers who had the night if their life. They tell you all about their night over dinner. The moment one paused to take a bite the other would take his place in continuing the story. A soft smile creeps on your face as you listen to Sun and Moon tell you about slm the fun they had. Even with Eclipse joining in to remind them of stuff they skipped. The boys fell asleep the moment your tucked them in and Eclipse decided to stay up and chat with you about how the boys made a friend and how well they got along before decided to crash in your couch. Even if you missed out on seeing them you are happy to know they had the Halloween of a lifetime.
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theonelittlebastard · 10 months
“You’re dead, you’re dead, you’re dead, you’re dead and out of this world”
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I decided to make lyric art for the theme song of “What we do in the shadows” hope y’all like it!
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
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Their entire relationship
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hinamie · 25 days
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some quick jjk eye paintings
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soosoosoup · 3 months
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Fluffy rearing
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It is a beautiful day, and you are a horrible research transport vessel. Things are progressing as normal (i.e. it's boring) when a SecUnit pings you, lies right to your metaphorical face, and then tries to bribe you with human media to give it a ride. This is as unexpected as it is unprecedented, and the sheer nerve of it is really to be admired. There's no protocol to this, so what should you do?
Now, this is against a bunch of rules, and could be dangerous if you weren't so impressive and incredible, and you're technically an employee (and can probably rewrite the Univeristy charter at will (until someone notices and puts it back)) so those rules are for other entities.
So, what you should do is allow the rogue SecUnit with a broken governor module and a sketchy story aboard. If you check the files it dumps and find zero (0) malware (which is confusing), and it doesn't even try to trash the place or lay in wait to ambush a crew member, then you've got a good candidate!
Next, what you're going to want to do is absolutely nothing. Just watch it patrol your halls until it's time to leave. Continue staring at it while you're undergoing embarkment procedures. Maybe analyze it a little (you've got plenty of processing power to spare) when it finally sits down and starts watching media. Allow it to settle in and get comfortable while you stare at it and get further and further from port.
Now that you two are alone (intimacy is key!) and you've determined that watching media is all the SecUnit is going to do, it's time to make contact! Make sure to open by telling it it's only survived due to dumb luck, and letting it know you could melt its brain into putty. This starter will work to develop conversation naturally and smoothly, just like you've seen the humans do, and it will be smooth sailing from there!
This has been Perihelion's guide to making friends/finding life partners/fuck off Holism I had to work hard for this find your own
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maareyas · 1 month
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12:54 04:05:20XX - Mariana Trench Mission Objective: Investigate whale fall - An unknown creature was already present at the site when the deep sea probe arrived. He immediately fled from the probe's line of sight after seemingly recognizing what it was. - The probe was then brought offline by an unknown assailant; Most likely the creature.
My interpretation of a merhog Silver for Mermay ✨
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caelanglang · 11 months
chuuya will go insane seeing dazai cry? zamn would pay to see that lmaoo
hi, i kinda went insane thinking and drawing about this one.
a continuation of the drunk fem!dazai post !
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mini bonus:
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update: now with extra here ~
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andythelemon · 1 year
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Chainsaw Man art compilation from the last year! You can get prints here.
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otrtbs · 9 months
okay hi! hello everyone! yikes!
art heist, baby and tender curiosities, baby! have been taken down very briefly but please do not fret! i have every intention of uploading them again very soon. i have been dealing with people selling copies of art heist, baby! recently despite me asking 385845 times for people not to and despite me no longer allowing people to bind my fics. so i took the two works that people were selling down while i issued some cease and desist letters and made some more copyright infringement claims. but they'll be back up shortly as soon as all of this is resolved. it's nothing to stress over friends! <3
i will ask that you refrain from sharing the pdfs and things around unless you know and trust that the people you're giving the pdfs to won't open an etsy shop and start selling them for profit. at least till this is resolved. thanks!
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spicyvampire · 3 months
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Phaya's hyper-specific poll [in/sp.]
THE SIGN (2023)
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marshmallowgoop · 2 months
no thoughts just Heiji Hattori (HD)
#detective conan#case closed#amv#my amvs#eye strain#heiji hattori#harley hartwell#conan edogawa#shinichi kudo#funimation english dub script#video#happy two-year anniversary to 'no thoughts just heiji hattori'!#while it's not my first amv (it's maybe my... fifth?)#it was the first one i made with davinci resolve and the amv that really got me into editing amvs for real#it's the amv that made me believe i could make amvs 🥺#and in remastering it i deeply understood how ambitious it was! i thought i did a lot of audio mixing for 'messed up'#but that's not even close to all the audio mixing i did here--cannot believe that i did all this for my first big amv project#it took about 20 hours *just* to remaster!#which is something i've been meaning to do for a while now so i'm very happy to finally share the results!#to make this a 'remaster' and not a 'redo' the only changes i tried to make were to the source footage and audio#video now uses almost entirely hd remastered footage from my blu-rays or netflix rather than my dvds#but oh gosh was it *hard* not to touch anything else! i'd do so many things differently now#but this video will always be really special to me (and i can't believe i did it at all tbh!)#i hope seeing it in hd is fun too! i'm so blown away by all the love this vid's gotten#and that it helped increase interest in funi's old english dub is amazing and 100% what i was trying to do with it!#thank you everyone for all the support <333 i wouldn't be the video editor i am today without this vid or your encouragement for it <3333#like the original the sources used are mostly from what funi dubbed (but mixed in hd by me!): eps 48-49 57-58 77-78 117 and 118 and movie 3#but i also used episodes 141-142 174 189 239 263 277 291 293 345 479 491 517 and 522#and ova 3 and tv special 6 (episode one) and movies 10 and 13 and ops 27 31 and 33 and the funi 5.2 dvd blooper for the one line lol#the song is 'you're stupid aren't you' by toshio masuda (from jubei-chan 2)
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emily-e-draws · 3 days
can you make a drawing tut of how you draw link? :) <3 love your art!!
Hi there!! not sure about a whole tutorial but here's a rundown of the main things I draw him with consistently:
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-long bangs hanging down in his eyes. this is so important to me -wavy, messy hair! make that boy scrunkly -larger nose :^) -eyes more almond-shaped, less big -mouth like :} :> -face is overall a little longer, less rounded? -not always but I often like to draw him with more medium-brown hair -sidenote: half of this started as a way to to distinguish him from zelda so they don't look so much like siblings tbh
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
i discovered your blog today and i have a scenario in mind that i have to share with you!
could you write a Heartsteel!Kayn request with K/DA!reader? — headcanons, fic or even the two of them talking on discord; it could be anything! — if you want to ignore it, i will understand, dear.
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn with K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.1k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I'm also going with headcanon of the idol thing where they try not to get caught in public together to avoid gossip but people somehow ship you guys and speculate anyway teehee ITS CUTE!!!!! I'm also pretending you guys got together after he joined Heartsteel so its after he got removed from his old band.also PARANOIA DROP IN 10 HOURS LETS GO TEAM!!!!!!!! I LOVE HEARTSTEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xxxx On Tour xxxx
-  It sucked so bad! It was touring season and the both of you guys were busy. All your time together were quick video calls over Discord and sporadic updates via message. It wasn't a secret to your bandmates at least so your respective bands did try their best to give you space. Quiet moments in dressing rooms to call each other were now your small moments of peace between practice sets and live shows.
- Somehow still finding ways to love each other apart. Kayn getting Akali to buy you some chocolates from him. You pleading Alune to help you send Kayn some flowers after his show. (She's a sucker for romance so she lovingly helps you.) Or the way he would spend money getting someone to deliver dinner to you after a long show.
- If only one of you guys are touring, the other totally pays and watches all the livestreams and tries to pop by to shows! You're performing 3h from him? He's begging your manager to let him drop by. Waiting for you backstage to congratulate you on your hard work.
- If you're the one waiting for Kayn backstage he always visibly lights up. He tries to look cool and badass on stage but when its after a good show, seeing you wave at him in the halls, his heart soars! He runs over, pulling you in for a tight hug. " Did you hear me! I was good today wasn't I!" He'd smile proud, giving you a kiss as he fishes for compliments. There is no approval he craves more than your own.
- The other boys are surprisingly nice about it, no one really makes fun of Kayn for being so excited to see you (other than Ezreal). They treat you as one of the band, giving you VIP passes to pop by their shows. And you do the same for them! When possible you slip their manager some VIP tickets to your show for them to sneak in. A mutual understanding from both groups to protect you and Kayn from media.
- Pre-debut Heartsteel, Kayn has also went to almost all your shows, front row every time and surprisingly he always tries to match you hair color for the tour. You have bright blue for tour? So does he. Its blonde now? He's the same. Kayn just thinks its kinda cute to safely match with you in someway shape or form, it is just a small thing that paparazzi wouldn't pick up on so easily since so many other fans do it too.
xxxx Off Stage xxxx
- A supportive power couple, you two help each other out with band activities off stage. You aid him when he practices singing. Kayn giving you tips on how to get keep a good rhythm in your verses, and is also a personal cheerleader for dance practices. You'd help him get connections to other companies that K/DA has collabed with, trying to help Heartsteel succeed! Kayn helps out in his own ways too, sometimes playing tunes in his room for you to sing to. It is all really sweet.
- When he drops by your studio its adorable, it was before Heartsteel's debut and shortly after the peak of KD/A's release. Kayn trying to hide from paparazzi for your sake as he sneaks in through the back. Always in a different cap and sunglasses that he stole from Ezreal, he would wait in the practice room, sitting in a corner and cheering whenever you successfully get a dance move down. The other members don't seem to mind him much, he's now a common presence in the studio. The other girls seem fond of him, happy that you have someone so supportive by your side.
- You try to do the same between your busy training schedule too. Dropping by Kayn's place during band practice evenings, Yone always being the one to let you in since Kayn always sleeps in late. You'd bring snacks and a discerning ear. Your feedback being super useful as you're one of the few people Kayn actually listens to. What Aphelios or Sett say would take multiple attempts and a lot of effort to get through to Kayn, as such, the rest of the gang keep trying to get you to push him to not try to squeeze a "totally sick line" into the rap bridge.
- He doesn't show it off but Kayn has all your merch, you offer to give it to him but he refuses, something about manly pride and supporting his partner, he will spend his own money and time fighting with other fans to buy your merch. A lightstick by his bed, your album on his shelf. A limited edition photocard safely stacked in a top loader on his table (he doesn't have a wallet or else he would totally bring it around.)
- You do the same for him, as one of Heartsteel's first fans you own some of their original merch, simple tees with just their logo, a average blank CD with " Paranoia KAYN MIX" scrawled on in messy marker, they are all your treasured possessions. Kayn even let you keep some of his guitar picks, you have one with a hole punched in as a necklace that you wear when apart from him. Your one secret? You have CDs from when he was in his old band, only the album that he was included in of course, but you don't bring up how you were secretly a fan from his early career. - Sometimes you guys try to go out on dates, risky but fun! 3am walks at the beach, alone together as he plays the acoustic guitar for you by the waves as you sing. Expensive private room dinners at secluded restaurants, walking in, both of you with your hair temporarily dyed black with hair spray dye to try and avoid attention. Small things. Fun things. - It was a little embarrassing when rumors first circulated. Fans somehow finding it cute that Heartsteel can be seen at your shows or how sometimes K/DA gets spotted backstage at Heartsteel concerts. They started to ship members together and when a photo of Kayn looking at you with a soft loving smile was snapped, the internet went wild! *Isn't it cute how they can get Kayn to smile that way!* *Ah! It should be me I want to be them so bad!!!!* Kayn would never admit it to you but he likes all the TikTok video edits of the two of you together, he thinks its really cute unironically.
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httpiastri · 2 months
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mag200 · 5 months
ethel cain “am i making you feel sick (x7)” forever and ever
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