#this time it feels on-brand with the quote lmao
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Sometimes you just gotta shamelessly project on your parasocial best friends, ya know? 
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sageistrii · 28 days
this is going to be more about bts in general so i understand if you dont want to post. i just want to get it out of my system. the teaser for the bts popup thing and the tweet above brought so many things that I’ve disliked/nearly loathed about how bighit has treated bts image/brand in the last 2 years to the forefront of my mind. first, the whole anthology nonsense which was a cheap copout before enlistment. i fully understand that the members were exhausted and needed a change but hybe/bh went about it so wrong and though it may sound extreme i feel that it will have been at the expense of bts’ legacy in years to come. BH/Hybe has been sloppy when it comes to BTS for a while now because they knew they could get away with it financially but seeing so clearly now that it could likely cost them their legacy is so frustrating. No one can deny they had a great run from 2019 to 2021. It was perfectly reasonable for them to have a break before MS and for that time to be used for each of them (or some) to flesh out their solo work. But the way Proof era was handled so sloppily pisses me off. It was kicked off in such a grandesque way with the teaser at the end of the last PTD concert only to be followed with the dissapointment of it being an anthology with only three new songs that had leaked like a year in advance 😩. Then hyping up some big reveal for their anniversary day only for it to be the disastrous June 14th video that ended up reading like a disbandment announcement and became a PR debacle.
I need to talk about the June 14th incident because it simply perplexes me in a number of ways. First of all, I completely understand why the members were emotional about the change/the news they were sharing because a) they knew they’d be dissapointing some people b) i cant imagine how emotionally and physically drained they must have been at the time it was filmed. Obviously, when you’re that exhausted you’re simply prone to get more emotional so I can’t blame them for not seeing how the information would be received from an objective POV they were just relieved to get it out. But their team on the other hand… why the F$&@ did they think it was a good idea for that information to be delivered that way??? Where was the rationality? Where was the coolheadedness? As someone with an interest in PR, it honestly keeps me up still lmao. From a PR standpoint, it was catastrophic and the fact that their team could not foretell the reaction would be chaos from fans and the media goes to show how mediocre their team was at the time. Hell, their stock never fully recovered after that even with Jimin giving it the big boost later. Which they somehow also managed to fumble. But i digress…
2022 was the year for bts to go out with a bang, they simply could have put out a 5-6 track mini album and wrapped it up w a pretty little bow at the Busan concert and even with never reuniting again (which they obviously would bc money) it would have been a nice satisfying ending. But no it was a mess that turned into a series of terrible decisions one after the other and now they’re stuck with Voldemort and will inevitably sell out in 2025 with more Bieber rejects and Golden 2.0 to prove they didn’t “lose relevancy” after the military. Oh brother. Its really not that deep in the grand scheme of things but so dissapointing, unnecessary, and infuriating. Especially bc I will likely still be there to watch it all unfold bc it doesn’t look like my obsession with Jimin is going away any time soon… *sighs*
You're right and I have talked about this before.
I saw other armys quoting that tweet and talking about how epic it was, but it only reminded me of how much of a fumble that whole era was.
If you actually think about it, the last time BTS had a full on era was 4 years ago with mots7.
Dynamite was an English single, BE never even felt like an actual era because of how it was marketed as as some emotional pandemic inspired project with a ballad as the title track. The whole of 2021 was filled with English singles and collabs and in 2022 we had proof with another ballad as the title track. Since 2020 all BTS releases have either been English singles or Korean releases that are clouded with some emotional connotation which kills the hype and excitement around it. And I saw someone say at this point they wouldn't be surprised is bts' first comeback as a group is some emotional fan song about how they miss armys and themselves during their time in the Military, and I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up happening. Like for once can y'all just give us a normal Korean comeback with an upbeat title track and choreography?
The hype around what could have been their best and most successful Korean album yet being wasted on a repackage and a title track like yet to come could have been overlooked if they had made run BTS the title track, but alas. It's almost like bighit and BTS equates emotional and sentimental to boring and lackluster.
Doing all that at the concert only for the whole era to be a burst, the only good thing to come out of proof was run BTS.
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tubborucho · 5 months
Yeah, I am pretty sure he thought of it as a light-hearted way to explain Sunny why Tallulah is moody. Doesn’t change the fact that it was a fucked up thing to say and genuinely hurtful for a literal toddler.
This and your point about people not being able to let go of the whole Dadza thing are two of my biggest problems with q!Phil. I know it's not cc!Phil's fault how people treat him but the way people overhype his parenting does make it more irritating as a viewer. It's not just fans, though, most characters seem to share this view of him as an amazing Dad. The fact that he stepped up for Tallulah when Wilbur left is great and the effort he puts in is great, but his parenting skills are just okay.
It feels like every time he talks to or about Sunny he ends up doing something bad that's brushed off because "that's just how Phil talks" or "he's just protecting his kids".
His reaction to Sunny's train was awful. I know he has a banter-y relationship with Tubbo but he was criticizing her father and her own choices right in front of her. It felt like he didn't even absorb any of what Tubbo was telling him. Like, why did he keep complaining about it feeling sterile when it was a brand new build and Sunny chose the white blocks themself?
The morality test about stealing the panda was completely unacceptable. Genuinely horrible thing to do to a child especially when he told her point blank at the end that it was a test that she managed to pass. Why would she trust someone who might be secretly testing her?
The talk in the museum was bad for both Sunny and Tallulah. Tallulah isn't "in a mood," she has genuine concerns but has still been making an effort with Sunny even while trying to maintain some distance. For Sunny he was playing up a very real insecurity to make a point. It's not really fair to Tubbo either, his game was having issues and he left his daughter with two of the people he trusts the most. I went to watch from the vod for slightly more context and chat reactions and Phil did not waste any time at all. The moment Tubbo was gone he rolled straight into it with Sunny.
There was also a point a few days ago where Tallulah showed some discomfort over Empanada and Phil responded with this:
Empanada’s nice, you like Empanada. You like Em. It’s Sunny you’re not a fan of. Sunny’s just all in your face with money and sunglasses and shit. But, like, Sunny’s fine too. Sunny’s just a bit much though. Sunny takes a while to get used to.
Sunny was not around for this but it's still a terrible way to talk about a child. They weren't even the egg Tallulah was concerned about at the time. And I do believe that q!Phil wasn't trying to be mean here but he still was. He is consistently unkind to Sunny even when he's trying to make a good point or a joking.
Wait, is the last thing a genuine quote? Because I haven’t heard this one before.
And yeah. Listen, Phil is a good parent. He takes care of Chayanne and Tallulah very well. He is a good parent, but it doesn’t mean that he is good that way for every other child ever. I think people forget that Dad figures in stories don’t mean that they are perfect in every adult-child relationship ever.
He is a great dad for Chay and Lullah. He is genuinely very condescending towards Sunny. It’s like every time they interact he just refuses to even try to see past his initial impression of them. Phil wrote her down for no reason as a shallow and tolerable at best kid in his books, and acts on that judgement in a way that he doesn’t care about her in any way past their basic safety and sometimes teaching them stuff if they need it immediately.
The only reason he pays Sunny any mind at all is that he cares for Tubbo. Also not in a parental way that people (and Tubbo lmao) seem to try and picture it as, but he cares. Sunny is just a tag along.
And don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that he should love her like his own or even really like her. It’s fine. I am saying that he still should treat her with the same grace as other kids that are not his – she is a child, you are speaking of and with a child, being mean about and to them is not okay. Especially because this child did literally nothing wrong.
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moni-logues · 1 year
The ~engagement 'issue'~
I feel like I'm seeing more and more posts about readers' lack of engagement with writers on here and I now want to say something. I don't say things short so buckle in lmao
TL;DR: idgaf if you, readers, comment on my shit or not. I care that you enjoy it and, if you did, job complete, mission accomplished, well done. I want to be part of a community, not a service provider/'content creator'. I write because I want to and getting to hear people's thoughts and feedback is just a huge fucking bonus to that. Also, readers I love you.
I love my readers. All of them, loud and silent alike. Readers who comment with long reviews, pulling out quotes or bits they liked, reacting with predictions or responding to the characters. Readers who just comment that they really liked it! that it was good! Readers who like. Readers who read and leave no mark at all. Readers who follow me and readers who come across something I wrote another way, who didn't follow me before and don't after. I am deeply grateful that anyone takes the time to read the things I write, whether you've read everything I've ever posted or just one drabble.
I know that all writers are similarly grateful to have this space and to have people here who read their work. I do, to a certain extent, understand the frustration with regards to like:comment ratios.
I know that reviews take effort. I am a chronically unenthusiastic person and it takes a lot for me to summon the energy to respond how I feel I should, in a way that I think would make the writer happy, in a way that I feel is befitting how I actually feel about the fic I read. There are other reasons I have been reading less recently but one of the reasons is that I feel pressure to review every single thing I read. So I just don't read!!! Isn't that stupid???? Sure, I'm putting imaginary presure on myself by thinking I need to respond in a particular way and that is very much my problem (and I'm trying hard to address it and read/review more anyway), but I feel like readers are taking a bit of a bashing right now and I don't ever want readers to stop reading or to have the reading experience spoilt by feeling a pressure to respond.
I write because I enjoy it. When I first started writing, I had no followers. It took me months to get 100 followers. It took almost a year to get to 1k and then I started over with a brand new blog. I wrote all 60k of A Fine Line by myself, with absolutely no one else reading it because I wanted to. I love getting comments from readers; I love hearing people's thoughts about the shit I write; I love this little community here... But that's what it is: community. This is not transactional! or at least, I don't want it to be! I am not writing fics as a service for which I am paid in reblogs. I am being a fan of BTS with other fans of BTS and we are making up little stories and imagining scenarios and having all kinds of fun with each other, whether you write or gif or edit or just consume. We're in this together!
I saw once, I don't remember where or when, a thing that said, if you are feeling miserable, do something nice for someone else and it will lift your mood. This is, in my experience, absolutely correct. Writers, if you are feeling miserable about your engagment, engage with others the way you want people to with you, write a review for someone else's fic that would make your day if you received it. We writers are all readers, too, and we are not exempt from these ~criticisms~ just because we write.
I am not trying to ~call anyone out~ or, in turn, criticise writers. I'm not. I understand. I do. But every time I see one of these posts, it upsets me, because if I were an active, engaged reader, it would make me feel bad. If I were a silent reader, it would make me feel bad. I don't ever want to make anyone feel bad for enjoying something. Readers don't owe us anything! If this issue is ruining the writing experience for you, it is on you to examine that; it is not the fault of your readers. If it means that you no longer enjoy writing, stop writing. Our time on earth is short and precious! Let's spend it, as much as we can, doing things we enjoy! Not doing things that make us miserable!
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bylertruther · 1 year
the 'he freezes and freaks out all the time' is such a terrible take lmao. we've seen the teenager gang shitting their pants in this very same season and they are older. will was 12-13 years old at best when a giant demogorgon kidnapped him and a giant spider smoke monster entered his body. but he always showed his bravery in both of those scenes. he did everything right and grabbed a gun, but ended up being unlucky against the demogorgon. he stood up against a literal giant spider monster and screamed at his face. but he was unlucky again. that doesn't make him unbrave
also, are we forgetting that he survived the UD and figured out how it works just by himself? he figured out how to communicate to joyce, he figured out how to use the lights, he figured out how to cheat the demogorgon for days etc. that is how the teenagers in S4 knew how to use the lights. because Will did figure out first.
damn, that's crazy, because will himself literally describes it as being frozen, and the creators as well as noah describe will as generally being someone that is, and i quote, "scared of everything."
but scared doesn't make him "unbrave," as you say. bravery is all about being scared, but doing the scary thing anyway. in fact, i've often said that's the entire thesis of will's character. that specific brand of bravery can be applied to pretty much every facet of his personality and story, which is precisely what makes him such a striking character that's so easy to love. will is scared of many things and that's okay.
you're getting defensive for no reason. everyone feels fear. will's fear and his reactions to it are literally what have saved his life. running, hiding, and trying his best to communicate with his mom are prime examples. it's when he doesn't listen to his instincts and takes someone else's advice that he fails—much like eddie, in season four.
will being scared and having a freeze response due to his ptsd is not a character flaw nor a negative trait. he is often scared. he often needs help. he doesn't volunteer to go first or stand in front. he hides, and he runs, and he clings to others, and that's okay. that doesn't make him any less brave or any less capable. that doesn't erase everything that he's accomplished. he fights back and he has use within the group—it just looks different. would you say that characters like max and dustin are useless? no, you wouldn't. but people say that about will. why?
they've all encountered unimaginable horrors, especially will, whose experiences have given him a disorder and an all-consuming direct and seemingly inalienable connection with the source of those horrors. on top of all that, he's also still just a kid that already had it a little rough before all of this. his response and the way that they've handled it makes sense.
i don't understand why saying this, which is to say just pointing at the show and the things the creators of the show have said themselves, is so controversial. i don't understand where the idea of scared being synonymous with cowardly came from. i don't understand how a character freezing, just like other characters have freezed before, is such a bad thing. i don't understand how people can look at will and think that he's so one dimensional, as if one trait or uncontrollable habit cancels out everything else that makes him him.
as if needing help makes you useless and weak. as if being scared means you're dragging the group down. as if everyone needs to fight back in the same acceptable way to be considered worthy and equal.
like, respectfully, shut up lol. every single time this conversation comes up, people always put words in my mouth that i didn't ever say. your assumptions and pitiful view of other human beings in moments of distress is not my problem. and if you somehow still have a problem with will being the way that he is, take it up with the people that write him and act out his story for us to see! i'm going based off of what they've written and presented in their show, as well as the words they've spoken in interviews. believe it or not, i don't pull things out of my ass, because i actually like this show and the characters as they are.
editing to add: will's freeze response comes after the events of season one as part of his ptsd. the entire plot of season two is that will is no longer the same after what he's experienced. there's a moment in 2x03 in mr. clarke's class, where they're discussing phineas gage and it's a direct reference to will. the scene starts with him exiting bob's car and walking into the school, feeling uneasy about everyone looking at him oddly. it then transitions to the classroom, where we focus on him and how max is also studying him.
The case of Phineas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time. Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. A large iron rod was driven completely through his head.
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Phineas miraculously survived. He seemed fine. And physically, yes, he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality. So much so that friends that knew him started referring to him as "No longer Gage."
will's arc has always centered around childhood, innocence, and nostalgia, because he desperately wants to go back, but cannot. this is reflected in his narrative as well as his wardrobe choices, with all parties involved repeating the same thing. him destroying castle byers is a pivotal moment, because it's then that he finally starts to accept this and begin his coming of age. this theme is much of what this character represents. he's different now, no longer the same kid, and that's the entire point. he's "zombie boy", "no longer [will]."
additionally, forced impregnation and possession are violations of his body. it doesn't matter that an extra-dimensional creature or eldritch horror did it instead of a human being (and even then, they did it at the command of a human being). will said "no" and those creatures did it anyway. it's textual and it is what it is. freezing is a common trauma response, and especially a common response to that particular brand of trauma. so, like. what the fuck do you want me to tell you at this point?
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seek--rest · 3 months
I read and loved When May Met Sally, and I adore May and Sally's friendship! How you treat Sally being jealous that May has Ben is amazing. But I'm curious about why you have Percy lying to his mom all the time even aside from Spider-Man stuff? In the books he was mostly honest to her about his demigod life. And about Frederick Chase, it's less about villainizing him than it is that Annabeth at 7 felt so unloved and a burden that she'd rather run away with no guaranteed food and shelter.
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The best part of being a brand new fan is that I have an entirely different perspective on the books/relationships. Case in point: views on parents in pjo and how it differs when you read these books with a fully cooked brain.
I could be off base, again I read these books a month ago and read the sections with Sally in them while writing When May Met Sally but… Percy doesn’t tell Sally shit lmao. He’ll tell her the details of a quest the few times he actually deigns to tell her anything (which is few and far between), but for the most part? Percy is very much in his own little world with the demigods, especially after the Lightning Thief. I specifically went back and made sure any scene where Sally is “part of the action” is almost word for word from the books. It’s one of (the many) pet peeves I have with the series that after that first book? Sally is basically a non-entity for Percy, given a boyfriend very early on and then very “have fun sweetie don’t die” when it comes to the shit Percy gets up to. It’s a kids book, parents have to be detached or otherwise occupied because of the function of the genre but it’s distracting for me because Percy grew up JUST with his mom who seemed to do damn near almost anything to protect him… only to be totally fine with and be very hands off about him fighting monsters every year for the next five years.
(It’s why she and May are such good parallels imo, since HOCO May vs FFH May are two different people as far as I’m concerned)
The one exception obviously is not telling Sally Peter’s secret but (spoilers for Chapter 8) even that is something Percy does eventually tell her which to me, seems perfectly aligned with his M.O. for everything else. He does things first, tells Sally last and while I can’t change canon, I can make it so that a fic in Sally’s POV does her more justice.
as far as Frederick, I’ll say it before and say it again: was Annabeth really unloved and a burden or was she just seven. There is nothing in the text that gives me the impression that Frederick made her feel those things vs Annabeth— whose fatal flaw is hubris— felt those things all on her own. Now Mrs. Chase is definitely quoted as implying/saying things to Annabeth but it’s telling to me that we don’t learn this until the sequel series.
Fanon is a hard thing to unlearn and everyone is allowed to have a different interpretation but from canon alone, I cannot say with any confidence that Frederick was this horrible dad that made Annabeth feel like shit OR that he didn’t do everything in his power to try and get her back after she left. If anything, canon directly contradicts this narrative that Frederick was relieved/glad that Annabeth was gone since at the end of the lightning thief, he was thrilled she was coming back home.
Again— I’m new here and read these books as a grown ass adult. I think that is a huge reason why I see things differently than a lot of others.
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cornus27florida · 1 year
I am Not Nothing - CPC edition
P.S: Just for doing the 'fun' stuffs from previous CPC QnA list (IK it's too long, even Tumblr hate my draft lmao) - I simply want to put the song lyrics with CPC characters - here I go!
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No one never made me feel as small as you did
No one made me feel as cursed
-> All of the Cursed Princess Club members experienced this, and it extended to others too like: Frederick, Gwendolyn, Leelathae/Lilyth, Isolde, the Princels
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I'd lie awake in bed just staring at the ceiling
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Wondering if things would get worst
I was trapped under your thumb
Believing when you called it love
-> fits Isolde so much, been gaslighting all these time (from the very beginning) by Leland and feeling so alone & trapped
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But I will forgive myself and start to let it go
-> this really fits Prez so much, with revealation that she didn't kill anyone and she didn't need to acting strong 100% all the time - she could letting things go and forgive herself about what she did
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Accept that who you chose to be was out of my control
-> How Leland the Plaid king turns out to be - no one can saves him anymore - be it his 'best friend' Jackie, his wife Isolde and his sons : Blaine, Lance and Frederick
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And though it might be hard to begin again
I'll write myself a brand new story with a happy end
I survived, so tonight I am taking back my life
And I'll show you that I am not nothing
I kept my head above the water 'til the moment
When all the elements aligned
And I could fly away to heal my broken spirit
And leave my demons far behind
-> TBH I feel the 'shattered image' that Gwen said is her demon that need to left far behind so she could heals
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You always said that I was weak
But the bravest thing I did was leave
-> It fits with episode 145 "Prison Break" so much, all the time Frederick been called the weak one so he have severe inferiority complex, but when he decides to changes his own story - leaving the Plaid Palace by escaping his prison cell - It's truly a brave action! Show how much our boi develops!!
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So I will forgive myself and start to let it go
Accept that who you chose to be was out of my control
And though it might be hard to begin again
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I'll write myself a brand new story with a happy end
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-> One of the best quote in CPC imho is from Whitney's "You choose the time to heal and change your story", it's indeed so hard to begin, but anyone able and always deserves the chance to change their own story to be happy
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I survived, so tonight I am taking back my life
And I'll show you that I am not nothing
Looking up at the sky I think I see the start of a sunrise
And I will forgive myself and start to let it go
Accept that who you chose to be was out of my control
And though it might be hard to begin again
I'll write myself a brand new story with a happy end
I survived, so tonight I am taking back my life
And I'll show you that I am not nothing
I'll show you that I am not nothing
-> When CPC+Frederick+ Gwendolyn finally winning againts the Plaid troop that Leland leads, these lyric sentence fitting so much for them to exclaim (especially to Leland that thinks cursed people has no value) "We'll show the world that we aren't nothing!"
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The closing statement: I feel the screenshoots I put not that much fitting and kinda random - forgive me there
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moth--knight · 1 year
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REAL. (kels rant below the cut about my own personal experience lol)
one of the most impactful experiences I had when I was young and gay was with a friend in middle school. for context, I realized I was a lesbian around like 11/12, and was moving around a lot at that time. I finally settled down in the eighth grade with my family, and was like the only new kid in the area. I’m awkward as fuck and not great with people, so I was content to just read and write my little stories and what not. but this girl, who I will call L for this story, took an immediate interest in me. I used to dress exclusively in oversized mens jeans and shirts, and she asked me very quickly if I was gay (and I, who have never had enough self preservation instinct to even try to lie, said yea of course). she thought that was so FASCINATING, and we became fast friends. 
we lived a five minute walk from each other’s apartments, and I was constantly asked round her place. we laid on her bed and listened to music, played a LOT of just dance (lmao), and talked about everything and nothing. we were both a bit nerdy and so it just kind of worked. it was nice to have a friend. she was also so interested in me being gay. she asked a LOT of questions, about how I knew, about the girls I liked, about whether I had done anything with other girls. I answered all of her very personal questions because I thought I had to, because I thought maybe that is just how friends are.
L was very, very touchy. I had very little frame of reference for close friendships - I was awkward and a know it all, so people tended to steer clear, which, fair, lmao, so I assumed it was normal. L touched me ALL THE TIME - leaning on me, holding my hand, putting her hands on my face and in my hair. it made me feel a bit awkward (I can count on a single times how many times my family have hugged me in the past three years - I don’t come from a physically affectionate household) but I didn’t know how to tell her I was a bit uncomfortable, so I let it be. I never reciprocated, and she never seemed to mind. 
but after a while, she started to get mean. not just “we are friends and this is playful” but just vicious - she mocked what I wore, what I said, what I liked. she started to also get aggressive - she squeeze my hands way too hard, dig her nails in, one time she stabbed me in the palm with a pencil (the graphite is still there!!!!!!!). I didn’t know WHY she was being like this, and it scared me and really hurt my feelings. every time I tried to talk to her about it, she brushed it off. I was crazy. it was normal and fine.
but it.....wasn’t. and I was so deeply unhappy by this point. so I, despite having no other real friends (she always got jealous when I talked to other people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) told her I didn’t want to be friends anymore. 
she blew up at me. she called me names, told me I was selfish, gods know what else. it was ugly. I went home and cried. 
and then, within a week, I got wind from several different people that L had gone around to most of the girls in our grade and warned them to stay far away from me.....because I was a lesbian, and I would, and I quote, “perv on them”
I didn’t understand WHY she had said it. it just wasn’t true!! at the time, I didn’t even like anyone, and all of the closeness between L and I physically was at HER insistence. 
and yet. the damage was done. people avoided me. people said a lot of really nasty things. I got to high school and got spoken of behind my back, pictures were taken on me and spread around social media about there being a dyke/lesbo/faggot at my high school (I was the only officially “out” queer person until my junior year). I felt like I had been branded as some awful person. I made friends eventually, but I was terrified to be close to them. if we touched at all, if I got too close, would I be seen as a perverted freak? in the locker room other girls were weird toward me, avoided me - I was lucky to have a good friend who told people to fuck off, but it wasn’t enough. I started dating a girl in semi-secret, and when her mother found out she told me to keep my “grubby hands off her daughter.”
I felt disgusted by myself. Clearly the things I wanted were awful, and even if I didn’t want anything, just existing was perverted and wrong. Calling myself a lesbian became difficult. I didn’t want to be that. In public I put on a brave face, but in private I wanted so badly to be different. To NOT be a lesbian. To not be a predator. 
and then, my junior year of high school, L came out as a lesbian. She got a girlfriend and proudly held her hand in the halls and didn’t give a shit about what anyone said. she ended up becoming friends with my little sister (they were in the same ROTC program). I remember feeling like I had been stabbed. all of this fucking anguish had started with her....and it, most likely, was due to her own feelings she wasn’t ready to confront, so she decided to hurt me with them and deflect from herself.
she came over to my apartment, once, to see my sister. she stood in my kitchen and refused to look at me. I wanted to scream at her, to punch her in the fucking face, to say you did this, you made me feel like this, you couldn’t handle how you felt and shoved that all on me and it hurts-
I never spoke a word to her about it. because a part of me understood WHY she said it, what she was afraid of. but my god. even now at 24, for as much as I talk about being a raging dyke.....I am scared. scared that maybe my desires are predatory, that even looking at a woman is somehow horrible. getting a crush is awful, because if they don’t feel the same then I really am just a fucking predator, right? having even soft thoughts about them makes me feel guilty (if I want to touch your face, and hear your laugh, that’s awful, i’m awful, why do I want that, I shouldn’t, I’m DEMANDING something from you, right?)
and logically, it isn’t true. and is a bit silly. my thoughts exist in my fucking head and none of them are bad. i’m not a predator. desire is normal and fine and good. there is nothing terrible about being attracted to women, about desiring them. 
but spending my teenage years being beat over the head with the idea that I am predatory just for being a lesbian, with the ACCUSATION I am from someone I once considered a friend, even though it couldn’t be farther from the truth.....man. it really fucked me up. 
honestly my saving grace has been becoming friends with other lesbians and queer women in general. in talking about our desires and relationships and being open and vulnerable. i’m really fucking grateful for all my friends.
anyway. idk. there isn’t a moral to this story or anything just. it is really fucking hard to get past the idea of being a predatory lesbian. wish it wasn’t such a pervasive fucking fear so for many of us. 
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abednadirsgf · 2 years
this is in relation to @w00f-woof 's post here
so, mythic quest lads on twitter 😋😼
like you said: CAROL </3 she probably gets tagged in everyone's bullshit twitter feuds and its a hr mess 😓😓😓 like Brad is doxxing everyone (or threatening it but he defo doxxed David for like an hour then took it down lol)
Poppy is trying to get free food off brands by scamming them by saying that she found hair in her food (probably put one of Ian's beard hairs ontop of like a doughnut lmao)
Rachel is having full ass threads/arguments/throwing shit down with twitter incels and man babies and conservatives, I feel like Dana is on stan twt so like kpop, celebs, maybe even anime(?) (I feel like Dana is a MHA watcher don't @ me) so she just rtwts alot of cute stuff and polls and has like cool banners and matching pfps with Rachel. Dana also gets sponsors and brands send her free shit too
Ian. Ian, Ian, himbo daddy viking bear Ian. He posts inspirational quotes everyday 9am on the dot and people actually live for it. HOLY SHIT IAN HAS THE ALPHAS FOLLOWING HIM🦈🦈🦈Has his whole resume in his bio (aka something along the lines of 'body builder, viking, inspiration to generations, God, video game maker, entrepreneur, swag daddy' and probably has like 'DNI Poppy Li' in his bio too lmao
David <3 my sweet David - has his yt linked and tweets regularly about whats going on in the office (aka talks about Ian and Poppy arguing and whether they're gonna leave or divorce or leave him or - yep), posts pictures of dogs and cats and nature (he takes surprisingly REALLY GOOD pics of sunsets) and gains a lot of followers purely for his photography aspect. People tag therapists and hot milfs in your area in his comment sections.
CW has posted 3 times on twitter and it's literally the most random shit. probably accidentally like rtwted a fucking h3ntai panel bc he wanted to share 'art' 💀🤡 like CW. you're gonna get reported and banned my dude. probably has his nebula award as his pfp, banner and as his pinned post.
MY SWEET JO <3 She rtwts every single of Ian's quotes, defo bullies David in his comments, her and Brad scheme by trolling people and telling them they've won a free Mythic Quest package or some shit but when they click the link they end up automatically buying some like $50 set😟💀 Jo also likes to post OOTD and Hair Clip of the Day and people ADOREEEE them (i just love her hair clips okay🙄💅🏽)
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mangoisms · 7 months
Gotham war opinions?
honestly seems sooo dumb. and like. Ok disclaimer. i have not actually read it so take all this with a grain of salt because i've only consumed information secondhand through people posting about it (someone made a comprehensive review of what's going on right here) but it just seems silly
like i am a big proponent of the 'batfam' Needing to return to having drama and conflict because the weird push for happy happy nuclear family batfam and no drama whatsoever has had very weird and ooc consequences (looking at you tt making dick call bruce dad) but this particular brand of conflict is just. Dumb. and not what i want in terms of That. and also seems to implicate selina as some kind of mother figure??? to them??? which is so insane and incorrect and butchers her character completely... i mean it seems like the general conflict of her v. bruce is already way out of character but that right there is the final nail in the coffin LMAO i saw those panels of her about jason and i just. selina honey i'm so sorry i know this is not in your heart....
like intuitively i know it will never be like 90s/00s batfam like in bruce wayne: murderer?/fugitive where, when bruce was acting like a bitch and dick was having an issue with that, they got into a fistfight and dick crashed into the display case holding jason's old robin costume during it like?????? we are never going to get that ever again. but i think they're trying. but they're still trying to lean into this nuclear family ideal (or a version of it anyway) where uhhhh mom and dad are fighting LMAO and it's just. idk. it seems bad.
i've also seen and NO ONE quote me on this because it was in passing and again. haven't read it and yes i know i should read it before speculating but i don't have time for that. anyway. i was seeing something about how bruce's evil batman alter ego thing is supposed to like... make up for the abuse he's done to them? like some panel about his 'evil alter ego' calling tim a soldier and the 'real bruce' being like No!!!! That is my son!!! so i feel like it's some weird roundabout way of absolving him of the emotional and physical abuse he's inflicted on them? which is again stupid. and atp too core to his character to really fix other than having a thorough reconciliation which is never going to happen. and then i recently heard about the shit with jason and it's just like. what is going on here. what we doing right now. idk
(also i was seeing something about that alter ego thing being maybe ableist? i can't speak on that but i know that was brought up at some point... also the name origins being a tad suspicious... idk)
but again. haven't read it. just seen other people talking about it and panels. but i do feel reasonably good about concluding that it's not good LMAO
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dotcie · 11 months
Hi, love your writing ❤️. For the ask game. 14, 16, 18 and 59.
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I try not to overcomplicate an inherently complex scene/dialogue, and it definitely helps that I do a lot of editing. Realizing that not everything needs to be spelled out word by word has been incredibly helpful! The fact that I’m a sucker for angst doesn’t hurt either haha. 
I wouldn’t say I draw much from personal experience, besides incorporating the notion that absolutely nothing in life is black and white. I have a lot of empathy for the characters I write, but many of them are also chronically insane, so I don’t feel the need to put myself in their shoes emotionally very often. 
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing? Share one of them?
Just three! I prefer to keep my wip list as small as possible, because I actually want to write and not just plan ideas. I’ve been working on a honeypot-trope fanfic on the side, that is more descriptive and dark, with an unreliable narrator. Just a different style of writing to try out, as I am still working on improving my way with words in English. The pairing would either be Ghost or Price, I haven’t decided yet! 
I don’t want to give away too much, but the reader is a merc/hitman for an organization called ATRON. You need to be sought out and recruited by them, give up your entire life for five years to do the dirty work, and if you survive, you retire as a millionaire. The first chapter includes reader getting fucked over badly by Shadow Company, leading the undeclared romantic interest to apologize on their behalf. 
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
I usually come up with titles during the writing process! It’s quite obvious that I am following a specific style that mimics poetry lines, and I know; it really doesn’t have to be this deep lmao. I am also running out of original ideas, so the next Hearing Damage title will be a Brand New quote: “I died for you one time but never again.” 
My notes app is full of title ideas. I’ve been mainly focused on academic writings and readings for the past five years, so I do value a good, interesting title/header for basically everything by now. 
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? If not, would you tell anyone?
A lot of people do, yeah! I had a large following on a German fanfic site when I was a teenager, so my rl friends were not surprised when I told them I picked up writing again in April. I've never written smut before joining the fandom, but my content is purposely more on the realistic side and I think what I write is hot as fuck, so I don’t feel reluctant talking about it. Also: surround yourself with people that support your silly goofy shenanigans!!
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
I come with questions 🍊
Favorite quote and why?
Favorite elemental power?
Favorite celebrity chef?
Do you mind digital copies or do you prefer physical copies of games?
Best invention of all time?
Favorite item you’ve bought for apartment?
Favorite type of bread?
Do you like rollercoasters?
What percent is your phone at right now?
Last song you listened to?
Favorite brand of chapstick?
Bro these are SUCH GOOD QUESTIONS!!!
•Favorite Quote and Why?
“Stay Weird. Stay Different.” - Graham Moore, The Oscars (2015)
This quote is so special to me. I’ve always been an oddball growing up. But I felt consistently like I didn’t belong and that I was less than because I was different.
When the Oscars aired in 2015, I had four people call me, urgently asking me to turn on the tv and watch this speech. Graham Moore had just won for the Imitation Game (so well deserved btw). I was 16. He gave a speech about how when HE was 16, he tried to k*ll himself because he was weird and different.
He then goes on to say “to that GIRL out there who feels like she’s weird or she’s different or that she doesn’t belong - yes you do. You do, I promise you do. Stay weird, stay different and when it’s your turn and you’re up on this stage, pass the message along.”
I remember crying because it just so deeply struck a cord with everything I was going through at the time.
Graham, it’s been 8 years and I’ve found my happy. Thank you for saving my life.
•Favorite Elemental Power?
Water manipulation or water magic
•Favorite Celebrity Chef?
Gordon Ramsay. Not only does he know his stuff in the kitchen, but I love that he teaches his kids, I love how he treats the children on Master Chef Jr. I love his zero bullshit policy. He’s a runner like me. He’s not a hypocrite. And he’s funny.
•Do you prefer digital or physical copies of games?
Idk if this meant like board games or video games but I like both!! I love a good board game night with family and friends, but equally so, I can get behind some video games.
•Best invention of all time?
oh shit no pressure. Ummm as someone who has little time and doesn’t like raw meat, I’m going to say a crock pot/slow cooker because it does most of the work for me AND I still get healthy and delicious meals.
•Favorite thing you’ve bought for your apartment?
Ooooh phrasing of the question excludes stuff I already had SO I guess that would have to be the neon “ON AIR” sign I bought for my at-home podcast studio 😁
•Favorite type of bread?
This is so specific but the fucking brown bread from Cheesecake Factory!??? What is it? Like Rye or something?? Whatever it is, 100% THAT BREAD
•Do you like rollercoasters?
Sometimes! I used to love them bc of the thrill but now they make me nauseous? I’m the kind of person that will protest going on a new scary one but once I do, I love it.
•What percent is your phone at rn?
•Last song you listened to?
LMAO it was “Edamame” by bbno$ Ft Rich Brian 🤣
•Favorite brand of chapstick?
I use aquaphor!!
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iloveutoodeath · 1 year
hiii for the ask thingy ☺️ 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 21, 23, 27, 28; 30
omg sorry i totally forgot i reblogged the ask game a while back 😓 hehe.. thank you for sending these!!! this got long so i added a read more lmao
1 -3 things you wish for- that i stop procrastinating the projects i wanna work on, that i can find a better job than my current one sometime this year, that my dogs could have the same lifespan as me
4 -3 topics you’d love to learn more about- well currently i’ve been reading all about numerology and i rly want to learn more and more about it lmao. and cinema in general has been a current obsession for the past couple years for me, i didn’t watch movies much when i was younger but now i just really really love to watch a movie, then look up and read ppl’s thoughts about it, and any stories about the making of process whether it’s about the costuming, special effects, filming process, or writing process, read up on the subject matter whether it’s based on a book or a historical setting, or reading about any actors that stood out to me.. idk just like anything that peaked my interest or curiosity while watching the film, anything to have a more firm and in depth grasp about the story and the people who worked on it. i especially love to read about silent films!!! but yea it’s a very fun process and there’s always more movies to watch amd learn about!! and i guess the third topic i want to learn more about is doll making lmao
8 -3 tv shows you never get bored of- tbh for this i’m gonna answer with some of my favorite animes bc that’s what i have a tendency to rewatch the most lmao: mob psycho 100, cowboy bebop, death note
15 -3 quotes that have a special place in your life- sorry the only thing that’s coming to mind is “ask me if i give a motherfuck ?!!” -zayn malik
16 -3 drinks youconsume the most- omg definitely water, matcha lattes/milk teas w boba/smoothies (i consider those basically the same drink but with varying degrees of frozenness lmao), and mint tea. i wanna give a special shout out to any mango flavored drinks tho, which given the opportunity i will always gravitate to but like this is too broad a category to fairly consider it my most consumed drink u know?.. lmao ♥︎
21 -3 things you’re passionate about- i’ve always been and always will be obsessed with self expression and the infinite ways that can manifest through a person, but for me personally the 3 expressions that fill me with the most love, inspiration, and passion are fashion, home decor, and the creation and curation of art(visual art, music, film, etc).
23 -3 songs you listen to while cleaning- brand new start- little joy, rehab- amy winehouse, when i was your man- bruno mars (i don’t rly listen to him lmao but this song is imprinted in my brain bc it would often play on the radio at closing at my first job and idk something about sweeping an empty fast food restaurant after hours while this song played felt so right)
27 -3 thing you wish you did more often- travel, go out with friends more, go to more concerts
28 -3 things you love cooking/baking- omg my current favorite dish to make is.. well i don’t have a name for it but it’s like fried/sauteed diced potatoes and i usually improvise it depending on what i have in my fridge to go with it and what flavor i’m craving. so it pretty much always includes potato, onion, and tomato, but it can also have mushrooms, eggs, any plant based protein (my faves are soy chorizo, those like…. vegan chicken strips idk what they’re actually called, or just chopped up veggie patties), peas, lentils, etc. and it can be seasoned pretty much any way but my faves are a tomato based sauce or something like butter and garlic. lmao idk it’s rly good and highly customizable. oh and i guess my other fave dishes to make are ramen (again super customizable) and a frittata or quiche if i’m feeling more ambitious and have the time :-))))!!!!!!!!!
30 -3 moments you’ll never forget- when my sister and i were teenagers we were once reenacting the helena music video and my sister was doing the helena ghost dance and at the end she let herself fall back onto the couch and the couch literally broke lmaoooooooo, like the wooden beam that was holding up the seat cushions literally snapped in two rip she didn’t get hurt or anything and i literally can’t listen to this song without hearing the loud crack of the wood in my head and dying of laughter. also when my childhood dog (a small little white poodle) jumped onto the dinner table and gobbled up a whole block of cheese in the 5 seconds my family and i looked away to look at a bird that was outside our window lmaoo, AND OF COURSE the absolute hysteria of the beginning my mcr show where gerard walked out wearing the cheerleader dress and holding the blowtorch!!!!!!
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todaviia · 11 months
a recent tumblr post made me read Anne Applebaum's Twilight of Democracy and it's so amazing how stupid it is. Like she always gets THIS close to getting it and she tries to analyze it through her center-right American "the dichotomy is totalitarianism or freedom" view and it ends up borderline nonsensical
Like I'm only on chapter 3 and it's AMAZING how all of chapter one was different stories going like "This person was a well-known anti-Communist activist who had a thorough understanding of the dangers of totalitarianism because they ran an Eastern European museum that equated Nazism and Communism. For a reason completely unknown and paradoxical-seeming to me they then fell for authoritarianism and started a newspaper publishing antisemitic caricature and fearmongering against LGBT people" (real actual example from the book).
The whole book is tied together, from her point of view, by a description of the Good Old Times, the New Year's Party 1999 which she celebrated with her rightwing Eastern European and American friends (half of whom, inexplicably to her, have now become staunch rightwing authoritarians), at the peak of Western Liberalism, in a mansion that she describes as "mildewed, uninhabitable ruin, unrenovated since the previous occupants fled the Red Army in 1945". Except this mansion is very googleable and its previous owner was in fact a Pole who fled in 1939 from the German invasion and went towards the Soviet Union, where his kids joined the Anders Army, which was made up of ethnic Poles and fought for the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany (and also... until it was privatized again after the end of the communist era, it was used as an administrative building of the local State Agricultural Holding, with the lands being used as public farmland lmao)
And then there's quotes like this:
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which is like... as an East German 90s kid from a mixed family I REALLY beg to differ like neo-Nazi violence EXPLODED after the unification because of the deadly combination of power vacuum, rabid wave of anti-Communism that rendered basically everything slightly leftist suspect and massive and sudden disenfranchisement due to basically complete social collapse, it's just that this did not fit the neat narrative of "Totalitarianism is defeated now, we've reached the end of history" and mostly happened to people who were considered expendable anyway because let's face it, the Vietnamese worker's in the Rostock Sonnenblumenhaus would not have been invited at Anne Applebaum's party.
Literally when she describes her social circle it feels like she never interacted with people outside of a very specific upper class Eastern European rightwing bubble who in the 1990s managed to sell their specific brand of nationalism as pro-Western liberalism (because hey, it was anti-Communist) and now she's surprised that it turns out to be... Eastern European nationalism.
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OHOHOHO first to the punch!
- favorite thing about them
SO MANY THINGS TO CHOOSE UHUURRHRG but if it had to be like one or two: his voice and his undying loyalty.
pre-ffs claptrap's voice is so unique, and it can get oddly soothing in a way, and it just makes me so fucking jealous and his loyalty because even though he's a scaredy-cat he's still a raider at the end of the day (also the scene where he declines shadowtrap's offer to rule the goddamned universe because he genuinely loved his 'friends' fucks so hard)
- least favorite thing about them
not easy for me to say. claptrap's got tons of flaws but they're easily either linked to his horrendous 'childhood'/his bl1 antics/his time as fragtrap. i'd go off on a limb and say that he's waaay too naïve for his own good. even then it's less of a criticism and more of the fact that it always gets him into trouble :<
- favorite line
again! hard for me to say, but i've always loved the little sounds he makes when he jumps on a gravity pad. eup! and when he tried to stand up to flynt, it felt so cool because he finally bites back! (granted he did cower because 'geddit he's a pussy'-brand bl2 humor)
and then there's the part in bl2 where claptrap says this golden line: "You killed my friends! You destroyed my product line! I am the last CL4P-TP in existence, and I am going to TEABAG YOUR COOOOORPSE!" // absolute king shit
and when he calls everyone out for being an ASSHOLE to him in the pre-sequel, it's such a good moment in an already awesome dlc!
all in all claptrap has so many good quotes hhh
- brotp
a lot. gaige and claptrap are arguably at the top of that list, and i can never see them as anything more than friends/besties. angel and clap are a close second tho! also thanks to you the bl3 vhs are somewhere on the list hehe
- otp
uh.. 👉👈 obviously not a whole lot considering that most of the universe hates his guts lmao but traplicity/felicitrap/(insert felicity x claptrap ship name here) would've been SO COOL had jack not been a little greedy bitch baby and kill her off.. :(
not my only one but definitely a topper
- notp
jack. and claptrap. obvious reasonings aside i read this one fic of the two on ff.net and never recovered. took 999999 psychic damage. angel and claptrap, again, obvious reasonings 2: electric boogaloo. shadowtrap and claptrap for.. well duh. (they're bros to me and it'd feel weird.)
okay i feel like explaining the first notp a little more because it irks me to death. jack and claptrap have a kinda parent-child relationship. jack also canonically abused the shit out of claptrap which is double icky. it wouldn't be out of place that they'd have the most lopsided, shittiest relationship because jack's not only claptrap's employer, but also he generally has more power over him in general because he's hyperion property and uhm.. yeah. ew.
- random headcanon
1. he's like a little magpie. he collects the shiny™ and hoards 'em in his room. chances are he might actually have something of use there
2. by bl3 his voicebox is fucked, and rarely come the times where he tries to say stuff it comes out all staticky and shit. and sometimes it peaks and uh.. becomes 10 leagues beyond unbearable.
3. also bl3, he stops taking a lot of shit. like he'd still cower and stuff but whenever some rando talks shit about him he'd fight back (verbally. i think he'd rarely ever get into legitimate scuffles esp bc he's not a fragtrap anymore) and it kinda works-ish.
- unpopular opinion
i don't got much because the most i've got is a: claptrap should've gotten a much more significant role in 3, and b: i think claptrap recovering more of his old combat data, which also leads up to shadowtrap's possible return should be a thing. no way in hell they're gonna forget about this one essential part of cv and tp-s!
- song i associate with them
considering my taste in songs is otherwise shit and/or vocaloid: amygdala's rag doll - ghost (we've talked about this hehhe) or world's end dancehall - wowaka (which honestly isn't as fitting but imo it's kinda in-line with him. // also it's got themes of suicide in the lyrics so you might wanna avoid it if that stuff bothers ya) (i make up imaginary amvs with him and shadowtrap it's so fun)
- favorite picture of them
this screenie of claptrap with his cord-tail-thing in the bl1 main menu
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i kinda like that it just randomly pops out when he sneezes
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papirouge · 2 years
I never got kicked out or be asked to leave a church or youth group before. Only got disowned lmao by my qanon parents (they actually pray to trump because they believe he’s the messiah) for quoting Matthew 25: 35-36 when they said that socialism (what they really meant was helping other people) isn’t biblical. So uh yea I’m dead to them lol even though they’re on benefits and still try to email me for money.. but I do it. And just pray for them tbh. Anyway, to anyone reading this too, keep Pakistan in your prayers with puerto rico and the women of Iran fighting for freedom. Free Palestine from zionists and fuck any lib fem thats quiet on this and an extra fuck you to the Christians that believe we should stay quiet and ignore it too. You know damn well brown Jesus himself would ask us to be as God wants us to be protective to those that need it against the arrows of the enemies
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No offense but your parents are a trainwreck 😭 bless their souls. I hope they'll come around though 🤍
The way USAmerican interchangeably use socialism, globalism and Communism like they were synonymous is just yet another reason why I will never take them seriously when it comes to political commentary 🥴 Anything involving any remote wealth distribution is cOmMuNIsm to them, and they will pull out all sorts of reach to argue it's paving the way for seizing their valuable (bc 100% of the time, people seeing communism everywhere are raging materialists)
I'm fascinated by the Trump cult/Q anon squad. American Christian nationalism at it's finest. Only the Whites could breed this brand of mess and I find it extremely exotic. I already said a Q anon movie would be awesome. Q was secret services plant tho. They wanted to see how guillible and stupid people could be. Q anon wouldn't have become that big if the world wasn't in dire need of a savior. But instead of looking out for the real Messiah (Jesus) they try to (forcefully) cosplay someone else as such. Here in Europe I feel like the same phenomenon happens with Poutine. His popularity among tradcath nationalists has become stellar.
And yes, the feminist are quite silent about Iran. Women are literally getting killed by the police but the reactions have been pretty tame so far .. Those women were louder when it came to defend Amber Heard because netizens were clowning her online....🥴 Tells you everything about their selective outrage. Arab women don't have allies in the West ; I already told how pro Palestine Arab women were called salafist by these whitefeminists... They are clowns who are not to be trusted, especially if you're a WOC.
Western Christians are on brand though: cowards and spineless lmao I hardly know any other Christian blogger calling out Israel and the mistreatment of Christians in Palestine so I'm not surprised they are only "protective" of themselves and their"White western Christian culture"....
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