#this platform is awful to show your stuff but at the very least : I'm seen by the people i'll probably end up getting a job from
temporoom · 10 months
So there was a book event in my town. My mom wanted to go, and I needed a breath of fresh air, so I went with her. Ended up spending a good hour with three authors of a nice looking comic, and I gave my (pro) instagram to the illustrator since I ended up telling them I just finished art school and planned in doing comics).
Uh... In short : they follow me on my insta now. I’m winning life.
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quinloki · 1 month
Nothing particularly awesome happened today, Daylight Savings has messed up my sleep so bad I'm currently functioning on a mere 4 hours sleep. When speaking I can barely put words into a sentence but writing has always been my forte so hopefully this is far more coherent. Yesterday I tweaked my masterlists and organized them proper, so that made me happy.
No one really interacts with my stuff on Wattpad which is fine, because the exact same works are doing GREAT on AO3. My Arlong collection has been viewed over 240 times, has 11 kudos, and has received 2 comments from people. Rabid Devotion has 3 kudos and has been bookmarked once with only 50+ views, Better Mousetrap has 170+ views and 2 kudos, while Slinktober isn't slated to be updated/finished until July and yet it has 55+ views and 3 kudos. It has more kudos than Mousetrap and more views than Rabid. So that's happy stuff. And I do get views and likes here on tumblr, more so than on Wattpad—that's my worst showing despite being my preferred writing platform. Go figure.
Anyway, I thought I'd follow your little OC template you provided in your request post for good stuff while you recuperate from a trying day. As always, I am here to try and provide. Also as always, this runs egregiously long.
Tell me more about an OC? -:- if you've told me about them before: Do you have new art of them? Have you made new lore? Discarded anything/changed something?
I'm going to gloss over the fact that you asked about OCs and just focus on giving you more about Arlong and my self-ship Keiko. I am working on my OCs but I find them to be exhausting because I'm not to a place where I can create originally again, I'm still healing from writing hurt. I'm getting a lot better but the mojo just isn't there yet, so the majority of them have been indefinitely shelved. Especially the two snake-like OCs (Lon Lon & Modeus—though I did add a little more to him than her).
I have no art of Arlong yet, and I have NOT tried drawing Arlong in my cartoon style, though I guess I could now that I think about it. He'll look awful but I headcanon the man has no artistic skill whatsoever, so I could easily pass the drawing off as his handiwork instead of mine. I think it'd be funny if Arlong's drawing skills were on the same level as Luffy. He'd never admit to it because he hates Luffy which is why I think their levels in art should be equal.
Now that I know Arlong is a sawfish and not a sawshark, I have one more thing to goad him with besides being an amphibian and a separate species from the fishwomen. Clearly, I enjoy tormenting the man. This is, in fact, along the same vein of how we met.
I keep changing the official story of how we met until I can find one that makes the most sense. What stays the same each time is that Arlong and his boys are the first fishmen I'd ever seen. I also am functioning on my self-insert as having been semi-isekai'd (that's the trope where you die in your world and end up in another, right?). Except, I didn't exactly die. I like the planeswalking thing of MtG so I just work off of that more or less.
Anywho, I thought I'd share the story of how I met Arlong and how I at the very least piqued his attention enough to not get killed right off the bat. It started not with a hello but with a "can I touch you?"
Just a Touch
"Can I touch you?" I held up my hand to show I genuinely meant touch in a I-want-to-understand-something sort of way and not the I-want-to-touch-for-X-amount-of-berries sort of way. I mostly just pointed to his arm with the stylized fish tattoo to really drive home the point that this was a non-sexual request on my part.
The fishman laughed down at me, literally. "And why would I let a puny human girl touch me, a superior fishman?"
"Curiosity?" I don't know why I'm answering with a question, I am curious. It's not a question but the way in which he responded made me feel oh so small. Puny indeed.
He raised an eyebrow, "curiosity you say? And what is so curious about us, hm? We're not circus freaks put on display for you girl, get lost before I lose my temper and explore a curiosity of my own." The eyebrow fell as he switched from condescension to threatening. He stood straighter to punctuate that he was significantly bigger than me and besides being tall enough to probably step on me, he certainly could bite my head off.
I don't know why, but the whole exchange hurt. My hands fell to my sides, my shoulders sagged, and I had to bite my lip to keep the tears that were welling up from falling down. I hate crying in front of others and I sure as hell wasn't going to cry in front of this jerk. I lifted my chin to keep my head high, I wasn't going to let him bully me but I needed to heed the threat at the same time.
One tear did manage to slip down my cheek as I glared back at him before turning silently on my heel and briskly walking away. I didn't look back once. If I had, I'd have seen how he tilted his head to the side with an expression caught between anger and confusion.
I don't know what they were doing on the island, I'd gone to great lengths to ensure I didn't run into any of them all day long. Day turned to night and night turned to morning. A new day that I hoped would pass without issue. That turned out to be a futile hope. I had been spying on the beach since dawn broke, to ensure the intruders weren't there before heading down to look for shells or other odds and ends that washed up during the night.
I'd been traipsing through the sand for only about twenty minutes when I shadow fell over me and loomed for several feet beyond mine. Well shit, guess I have company after all.
"You now it's dangerous to keep your back unprotected with fishmen around. I could have killed you multiple times." Judging from the low rumbly voice, it was the same fishman from yesterday. The sharky one.
Keeping my back to him I answered, "I have no doubt since I'm such a lowly and puny little human girl." The word feels like acid on my tongue. Girl, as if I were a mere child and not the adult that I was. Just one more way for others to strip me of my own agency and keep me low in the hierarchy of life. I didn't feel so low before these fishmen showed up and within twenty-four hours I was starting to believe the lies people mutter as I walk by.
I heard him sigh behind me whether in anger or exasperation I couldn't say. Suddenly the shadow got shorter and shorter which did nothing more but make me curious about him all over again. I turn to see why his shadow retreated. The sharkman squatted down, now balancing on his toes and his arms resting on his knees as he undoubtedly scrutinized me. Even squatting down he was taller than me and I was not short by any means. Okay I was, but this is the Grand Line, everyone is taller than they are in the other four seas. In any of the four Blues I am tall but on the Grand Line I'm tiny and this guy was making me feel even tinier.
"I will permit you to touch me just this once." He stared at me head on with an almost passive expression. I have no clue what's going through his head or what his game is, but he seems calm and this is my golden opportunity.
I reach for the arm with the tattoo and hesitate for a few seconds, trying to anticipate if it's a trap or not. Deciding it's not I continue until my fingers touch his arm. First my fingertips because I don't really know what I'm doing or what I expect. He's not really reacting, just watching in silence. Meanwhile my mind is racing, why did he change his mind? Why is he so calm now? Is he going to kill me afterwards?
Despite my panicking thoughts, I continue my quest for my answer to the question only I knew. My fingertips move forward and my fingers are now fully connected with his forearm; my fingers gliding up and down the forearm then side-to-side. I trace along the tattoo as well. I'm sure he must think me insane at this point as this is clearly not normal behavior for anyone, human or otherwise.
He simply continues to stare and doesn't say anything. But I do. I furrow my own brows at the contact and quietly sigh under my breath, "well that's disappointing." I totally forgot whose arm this was. I totally forgot he was literally right there, could hear me, and that just yesterday threatened to kill me publicly. He didn't even try to hide his hostility. Yet here I am, insulting him, to his face, with no witnesses for my murder. Genius Keiko, real smooth. Way to keep your lifespan going.
"What do you mean, disappointing? What were exactly were you expecting little one?" I don't know if this was a step up or down from girl but I'll take it for now because he's not killing me yet. In fact, he still hadn't so much as twitched.
I, maybe carefully, maybe bravely—I no longer know where I fall in terms of adjectives and adverbs—look him in the eyes, his beautiful icy blue eyes (get your head in the game Keiko, you could be mere seconds from being headless and he still wouldn't have to move his arms to do it). "Don't take this the wrong way but you're the disappointment here."
I'm a dead woman. That's it, this is where it ends for me. I may as well just strip out of my mortal coil myself and hand it to him.
He raises a single eyebrow again, and with just a hint of mirth to his voice prolongs my inevitable demise, "how have I disappointed you?"
"Look, I don't know anything about fishmen. This island doesn't have any books on them and until yesterday I'd never seen one before. You're as foreign as foreign can get for me. Based on how the locals were screaming, you must be the shark. Yes?"
He finally smirks and has an expression that is semi-readable. Amusement. I'm amusing him. Well, at least I'm not offending him as that ends in death. Though amusement could also end in death but for now, I'm still breathing and that's a good sign.
"Yes, I'm the shark. Arlong the Saw and I am a sawshark fishman."
"Great, nice to meet you Arlong. Now, as I was saying, and again I mean no offense, but for a shark you're an utter disappointment."
Arlong, as he's apparently called, leans in close to me and it's only now that I see why he's called the Saw. His nose is razor sharp, all he'd have to do is twitch to either side in rapid succession and he could cut my head off. It's like he has a sword growing out of his face, I wonder what a narwhal fishman looks like? I bet they'd resemble a humanoid unicorn with gills. Focus Keiko!
"Could you be more specific, little girl."
That wasn't a question, that was a statement. He definitely took offense. I quickly retract my hand from his arm but he's faster. Arlong catches my wrist with his webbed hand, another feature I hadn't noticed earlier. He continued to stare intently at me as if he were trying to see my very soul. For some reason, I felt almost naked under his eyes.
I tried twisting my hand out of his grasp to no avail so I have no course but to talk my way of the jaws of death. "I truly mean no offense. It's just, your skin. It feels like mine."
Arlong narrows his eyes, "of course it feels like yours, it's skin. I'm a fishman. Humanoid. I have arms and legs as you do, fingers and toes too. Why would I not have skin as you have?"
Maybe he was getting angry or maybe I just really confused him. Might as well own up to my question. I didn't want to ask the question direct in case it was a truly stupid one, but now I either elaborate or I die what may be a very painful death. Though I must admit, if this man is what my death looks like, damn. Way more pleasant than an unknown creature is black robes with a scythe. This guy may be scary but he was also attractive. There could be worse ways to go if I had time to think about them.
"Do fishmen not live in the sea?" Not my question but now I was getting confused at his confusion.
"In a way. We live on an island that's underwater, why?"
"An underwater island? I don't know how to process that. That's beside the point anyway. My point is you have human-like skin but you're supposedly a shark. Shouldn't you feel like a shark instead?"
Arlong finally stopped glaring at me and burst out laughing, while still holding my wrist, though he did loosen the grip a little bit. He certainly wasn't trying to break my hand but he might have bruised it. "You thought I was going to feel like sandpaper?!"
I looked down at the sand, blushing from embarrassment. "Well yeah, because you're a sawshark." Shit, my eyes are watering again. I hate that crying is my body's go-to-reaction for nearly everything. It's partly way I live outside the village, one can only take so much harassment.
Arlong's laughing slowed and he took a few deep breaths to steady himself. "You really haven't encountered a fishman before then. No, sharkmen do not feel like sharks because we aren't sharks. We're more akin to mammals just as humans are. We have skin and hair and our women give birth to live babies just as humans do."
I cannot lift my head, the tears won't stop so I just stare at the sand and listen to what is turning out to be a very educational lecture. Arlong decides to continue when I don't respond, "unlike humans we have webbed fingers and toes as I'm sure you've noticed by now. We have gills on our necks for breathing underwater and lungs for breathing on land. We command the water but even we have to be careful in the Grand Line. She is an unforgiving landscape."
I quietly nod in understanding. He finally lets go of my wrist and tilts my chin up, forcing me to look at him through blurry, watery eyes. "You're very unusual for a human, you didn't fear us when we arrived yesterday. You approached with curiosity and a desire to understand us. No human has done that to me or my crew." Arlong proceeded to wipe my tears away as he finally stood up. "Perhaps we'll have another conversation on another day."
"Does this mean you aren't going to kill me?"
He chuckles, "No little one, I'm not. I only ask for one thing in return for today's lesson."
It's my turn to tilt my head to the side in confusion, "and what's that?"
"Tell me your name."
And just like I did when they first landed here yesterday morning, I smiled. "My name is Keiko."
"I look forward to tomorrow's question, Keiko." Arlong left me on the beach grinning like a smitten schoolgirl. I got my answer to my question, and while it was a truly disappointing answer—I wanted him to feel like sandpaper, I didn't die and I may have made a new friend.
I love Keiko - and I should’ve been more clear, but OC to me kind of covers any flavor of original character - self insert, reader type, OC as commonly referred to, etc.
I’m happy to hear about them all ^_^
I love this story! Her question, the progress of the tale, the interaction. You may make a fan of me yet (for Arlong, I mean, I already love Keiko.)
I’m just about off to bed for the night, so I don’t have much else to say, but thank you so much for sharing this, and please try to get some more rest too! Damn time change is such a pain >.<
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negans-lucille-tblr · 2 months
Hi Bee ^_^ I wanted to let you know that I've been your fan for a while now. You're one of my favorite writers of all time 🩷
How I first discovered you was through your "Absent" Dean x reader story and that's when I fell in love. I can't express how much I love your work and talent <33
Even though I am personally not in the supernatural fandom and have never seen the show, I didn't care and still read your stories anyway because of how amazing and well written they were o(^∇^)o (I hope that's a good thing :'D)
That's how talented you are. That's how spectacular your stories are!
And so when I saw your post about your plan to delete your account and everything else, I got so sad :( I'm sorry you have to go through this.
I understand your situation. As a writer myself, I also struggled with fan interaction and feedback on tumblr. It was awful and very discouraging. That's why I left and deleted my account as well.
I haven't been on Tumblr in forever and this account I'm using to send you this ask is pretty much dead and unused. so I didn't find out about your decision until just today when I decided to log in.
I tried a few different platforms to post my work before eventually settling on AO3 as my new writing home. The interaction there is a lot, lot better :) at least for me. Its not perfect but I'm content being on there ^^ imo, ao3 is the only good option out there lol.
Like you said, Tumblr is pretty much a ghost town at this point 😬 which is why I realized it wasn't a good place to post anymore.
It breaks my heart to know that you couldnt find a good website to receive feedback like I have :(
However, I know I'm also guilty of not reblogging and commenting on your work :( I never interacted because I was kinda intimidated and I was also worried about what you would think of me since I'm kinda young.
I'm really sad to see you go but I hope you know that you made my life a little bit better with your stories and I will always admire you 🩷🩷🩷
I wish you the best, take care of yourself ☺️♡ (sorry for writing so much lol)
Thanks for your lovely comments. I’m honoured you’ve read my stuff despite not being in the spn fandom.
I also post on Ao3 and have the same lack of interaction there. Maybe I’m doing something wrong 😂 never mind it doesn’t matter anymore!
Thank you for this ask ❤️
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Hi, Ary, very inactive ex-mutual(i think???) here. Good to see you thriving! ♥ It's been a while since I've dipped my head into cockles stuff. Could I perchance maybe ask uuuuum tf is going on??? lol I see Mish apparently confirmed he used to stay over at Jensen's in Van, and heard newbs were apparently freaking out about it and getting a bit messy, which I get that, business as usual. But I'm also seeing shit about spin-offs? And Jared getting in a twitter fight with Jensen, causing/resulting in stans to going feral and sending hate?? I know you're not as big a fan of Jar, but that's part of why I figured I'd ask you, you usually have a really level head about this kinda stuff. If you don't wanna answer publically, or at all, that's totally chill!
Hey, Rhi! We're still mutuals! Of course we're still mutuals! When I saw the notification of your ask, I was like "Hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" and my husband was like "???" and I said "Tumblr" and he said "Oh."
It was a wild time haha.
In any case, welcome back to the dumpster fire! We are obviously still a mess. So to catch you up, I guess I will start by summarizing both before and after the finale (not sure where you left off so this might be redundant for you) ... basically, it became obvious as the end of the show neared that Jensen was not on board with the plan for the finale; although Jared never stopped singing its praises.
We got confirmation of this during a zoom interview where Jensen said that he actually went into the writers room as well as called Kripke to basically voice how he didn't agree with the direction the final season was going, but he was shot down on all fronts. In another interview, he was asked "What would you tell your younger self going into this career?" And Jensen responded with: "I would tell myself to just keep your head down and do the work" meaning, "Don't try to change things because you can't." I also think that this whole situation is what he wrote "Let Me Be" about for his first Radio Company album, but that is just my own speculation. All of his reluctance, even though he always followed it up with "But I eventually saw the value in the script" or "I came around in the end" (which never sounded sincere, and I don't think he was really trying to sound sincere) made us all very nervous about what was to come for 15x20; and of course, when the last two episodes aired, we saw just how badly they fucked it up.
After the awful finale, the entire fandom became aware of the CW's heavy handed role in the thing, basically squeezing all the life out of SPN to shape it into a ramp from which Walker could launch itself. They not only erased all the love and joy and representation that Cas's love confession gave us, they also tore apart the things that made sense about the bond between Sam and Dean, making it really just about Sam-- and therefore Jared, which of course, Jared seemed to be fine with ... even though no one else was. Misha barely said anything during the finale, and a few of the other actors talked about the show ending in various posts, but Jared tweeted up a storm ... and Jensen? Jensen just sat in sexy-silent resentment of the whole thing. He didn't tweet, he didn't post, he didn't say a word once he no longer had to, and I think that's because he was already going full-steam-ahead on his plans for redemption.
Which brings us to Chaos Machine-- Jensen and Danneel's new production company that is being run by a queer creative director and has a mantra of inclusivity and representation woven throughout it's fabric; and apparently, the first story that Jensen wanted to tell through this new platform is the origin story of Sam and Dean's parents; so last week (?) he announced the upcoming production of "The Winchesters" -- the untold love story of John and Mary. Obviously, John is not the most likable character from the show, so the idea was met with a lot of resentment when it was first announced, but Jensen has gone on to say that he is excited to take on the task of telling the "true" story behind these characters-- the one that makes sense with the pre-established canon and doesn't reject it. So, given that, the idea is being mulled over with a bit more optimism from the fandom.
Who isn't being optimistic though?
Jared Padalecki.
When Jensen made this announcement on Twitter, many of his friends and coworkers congratulated him, but not Jared. Jared responded with a passive aggressive: "I'm happy for you, man, but I wish I didn't hear about it through Twitter." This of course, sent all the die-hard Jared fans into a tizzy and they immediately began asking him if he was serious (hoping it was just a joke-- we all hoped it was because there would be fallout no matter what one's opinion on Jared is). Instead of leaving it there though or just deleting that tweet, Jared went on to tweet some more, saying that he was being serious that he didn't know about the plans for the prequel, and that he was "gutted" that Sam apparenlty wouldn't be included (mind you, this a prequel to SPN... meaning BEFORE Sam and Dean were even born, so how could Sam be included? But Dean is apparently narrating this story so maybe Jared thought Sam should be helping to narrate it? I don't know). But Jared being Jared couldn't just leave that there, he then went on to tweet at Robbie Thompson who was announced as a writer for "The Winchesters" so then Jared went off on him too, calling him "Brutus" and a "coward" acting like Robbie betrayed him (speculation is-- Robbie refused to write for Walker, so Jared is pissed that he essentially chose Jensen over him). He did fairly quickly, remove that tweet attacking Robbie, but of course the damage was done at that point. And it truly only took his first tweet calling out Jensen for some people to be like "Jared-- that sucks if you didn't know but why are you saying any of this publicly?"
As you might know, Jared has had issues in the past with posting hurtful things on social media, and has even used it as a tool for attack before-- calling out customer service agents and public workers that he felt have wronged him, which is bad enough ... but for him to then do the same thing to his best friend of well over a decade? Many people who had once liked him or at least gave him the benefit of the doubt (I used to ...) stopped after this latest twitter tantrum.
However, some people have suspected for some time that J2 had a falling out either shortly before the finale or just after. Their public/social media interactions have seemed awkward, stilted or even non-existent in moments that they normally wouldn't be. In the past year, when Walker premiered, Jensen didn't say much about his friend's new venture other than a "Congrats. buddy" here and there. Later, we learned that Jensen refused to work on the show ... Jared said he make him do it, drag Jensen to the set "kicking and screaming" which made many fans quirk up an eyebrow because, why would Jensen put up a fight unless the two weren't as close as they used to be? And then Jensen moved his family to Colorado (either permanently or for an extended period at least) which is notable considering how he moved to Texas seemingly to be closer to Jared, even buying a house that was near his. All this was just speculation though; but it wasn't until Jared's tweet complaining about not knowing about the prequel that the theories behind them falling out, became less theory and more fact.
The day after his twitter tantrum, Jared tweeted again-- not retracting his statements or apologizing, but instead saying that he and Jensen "talked" and were "all good". Jensen then tweeted too, parroting this statement to some degree, which only made the whole thing even more sour in the mouths of the fans. The fact that Jared didn't apologize for his outburst and throwing his friend under the bus, and also the fact that Jensen-- Mr. Sexy Silence, Mr. Never Tweets, Mr. Tech-Ignorant-and-Proud, actually had to POST SOMETHING saying that he and Jared made up, it just screamed OPTICS. It was obviously the work of agents and PR firms and lots of people going "Look, if you two keep beefing, that will mean the death of both of your projects. Even more people will stop watching Walker, and this SPN prequel will never get picked up due to the scandal." So, the two "made nice" publicly to quell the chaos, but in my opinion, it's all too little too late. Jared started a storm that he can't contain now with a little tweet, and it seems like he knows that too because before he talked about him and Jensen making up, he asked that people "not send threats". He could have just as easily said that he shouldn't have made this a public issue and that he's sorry, but instead, he continued to play the victim and stoke the flames by alerting us all to the damage he's done.
Now, like I said before-- I used to give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't think he's an awful human or that he deserves to be attacked or anything, but he is an adult man with very poor judgment and an obvious selfish-streak a mile wide. He should know better, and he should have more respect for his so-called "friends" and "brothers" than to make them targets to public ridicule. I have a hard time believing that Jensen still sees Jared the way he used to, and I wouldn't blame him a bit for wanting to pull away-- especially when he's moving on to so many new and exciting things. Jared certainly deserves happiness just as much as anyone else, but he went on twitter and basically asked for a scandal, and he got one.
The question is now-- was there a motive behind it? Was just looking for a reason to bring his and Jensen's falling out to light-- while making himself looking like the victim in the process? Or did he genuinely not know about the prequel and just decided to go about "not knowing" in the most toxic and hurtful way he could manage?
In any case, that is the drama ... that is the J2 insanity in a rather lengthy nutshell ... that is the tea ... and I hope it all makes sense.
But the good news out of all of this is, Cockles is thriving-- they are happy and in love and Jensen calls Misha "Babe" and Misha misses waking up to see Jensen in the morning, and they are just as cute and wonderful as can be.
So, I will end that there. I am so glad to see you back, and I hope I answered all your questions in a way that made sense ... I tried anyway!
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corysmiles · 3 years
This is full of nothing and fluff, so prepare lmao
After a while, they began organizing group dinners, where they would all meet up in the evening and eat together. It took a bit of convincing Tommy's parents, but they accepted more easily when they realized it was just between close friends. Wilbur was already living on his own so it was no problem and Phil always was a free spirit. 
And so, at least once a week, they met up at Techno's abode to spend the night together.
Tommy was elated to see all of the furniture now 10 times his size, and all the objects and decoration. "We're gonna have to try and play Hide and Seek, big man. Because this looks like the best fucking playground!" Wilbur, meanwhile, was looking in awe at the whole thing. It felt weird to be so not rightly scaled, but he got used to it soon enough.
Phil was the most surprising of all, due to the fact that he wasn't surprised at all. Even unbothered, in fact. Techno wondered if he was faking it to make him feel better, but everything seemed honest. For someone who claims to never have interacted with giants, he acted as if this was his everyday life. One day he wanted to ask him about that, but he figured those were not the time.
And so they would gather around, bringing each a part of the meal so they could enjoy together. 
Sometimes, techno would drink the potion and join them, other times, he would stay at his regular size and simply enjoy the conversation. It was fine like that, Techno liked it. And his friends didn't seem to mind so it was perfect. (Well, Phil kind of minded, but he was always like that whenever he as much as looked at the potion so that wasn't really anything to go by.)
But it was nice, Wilbur would even bring his guitar from time to time, noticing Techno had a violin. He hasn't touched the instrument in a while but seeing Wilbur play the guitar, it was very tempting. 
"You should try and play again, Techno! We could even make a duet! That would be fun"
"Maybe one day, yeah… but I would need to practice, it's been years."
"Well I don't know violin" Phil perked up "but I'm around Tommy almost everyday, so I'm used to bad sounds" he chuckled
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??"Tommy argued, baffled, which made the other three laugh. 
"But yeah, I think I'm gonna try to play again, it could be fun."
"How did you even get a violin this size? Are there giant shop owners ?"
Techno crackled at that "Na. I made it myself. Took a while, but I'm proud of the result."
Wilbur made an "ooohh" before returning to his meal with a smile. 
It was pretty quiet for a while, everyone enjoying the silence before Wilbur perked up again. 
"I'm wondering, are there giant animals? Like cows or chicken? How do you eat?" 
Phil's fork almost dropped on the plate and looked at Wil with wide eyes, while Tommy added "hey yeah! You never eat with us when you're all big, how come?"
Techno smirked a bit at the question, and his hand reached for a counter. "Actually" he said, grabbing and showing an object they knew all too well "This is why I brought the potion in the first place." 
Wilbur looked confused, but kept smiling, while Tommy exclaimed "wait, really?!?" 
He chuckled "yeah. If creatures like that exist, I never found any. So I started hunting and eating stuff at human size, so when the potion effects wears off, it's like I ate a meal my size. That's how it started, pretty funny when you think about it."
Wilbur laughed a bit "yeah, who would've thought it would lead to this."
"Not me, that's for sure" techno confirmed.
The rest of the meal was spent in comfortable silence. Yet he could feel another question lingered in the brunette's tongue. Carefully, he bopped his hair with one of his fingers, and ruffled his hair gently, which made Wilbur laugh. It wasn't holding yet, but he was getting better at the whole contact thing. "What's stuck in that head of yours, Wilbur?" 
The other continued to laugh a bit even after techno stopped, and he sheepishly smiled. "Well, I have a question, but it might come off as very rude, so I don't know if I should ask."
Phil turned to Wilbur, with an almost scolding glare "wilbur, don-" 
"It's alright, Phil." He lifted a hand before turning his gaze towards Wilbur "ask away."
"Well… About the, hm… myths. Is that… is any of it true?" He finally said, clearly trying to word it inoffensively. 
It was vague enough that Tommy didn't know what he was talking about, and Phil stayed silent, though his brows furrowed. 
Techno bore a small, earnest smile. There was something that could be mistaken for sadness, but it wasn’t quite. 
"Maybe a long time ago, but not that I know of. Giants heard of it too, but from tales and legends taking place so long ago the line between fiction and reality is a huge blur." he couldn't blame Wilbur for his curiosity, and he was surprised the question didn't even make him nervous. He was glad. Very glad. 
"And I didn't meet a lot of giants in my lifetime, but none of them did it, so yeah. Maybe it was true at one point, but I think if it still was, humans would clearly be aware of it."
Wilbur hummed, satisfied with the answer. He took another bite of his meal "yeah, I mean to us, it's only a myth, so it makes sense. Thanks." 
"No problem?" Techno had an amused smile on his face. Wilbur was a weird one sometimes, asking the weirdest or scariest things with only a childish smile on his face. 
Tommy turned to look at wilbur, then technoblade, then wilbur again, before speaking “What the fuck are you two talking abou-”
“Nothing” They hummed in unison. 
Eventually, the night fell completely and it was time for the humans to go home. They waved goodbye and walked toward the exit, but before they walked through the door, Wilbur turned around sharply and prompted "Can I sleep at your house tonight?" 
Techno, phil and tommy were all taken aback. "You can go home if you want" he reassured the two blonds "I just really like Techno's house." 
"Uhh" techno hesitated. It's not like Wilbur was in any danger, he was careful not to fall from heights… and he would be dead sooner than letting his friends get hurt. 
"You don't have to, if you would rather sleep alone" the brunette was quick to add once he saw the small tension in Techno's stance.
"I think it'd be fine. I spent nights at your house after all, it's only fair. Yeah, you can stay." Techno settled on, earning another bright smile from the human. 
After a couple of minutes, it was just the two of them. It was a bit awkward, seeing as it was the first time Techno was at real size on a one on one. But Wilbur didn't seem to see it that way, enjoying the view. 
"Want me to join you down there?" He asked. 
"Nope! You don't have to worry about a thing!" Wilbur simply replied, grabbing on a drawer handle and slowly making his way up. Techno was quick to put his hand below in case he fell.
"You could have warned me!" Techno complained, to which the other simply laughed a quick "sorry". Not stopping at all. 
After almost falling only twice (and techno almost getting a heart attack two times), Wilbur made it onto a safe platform. The two sighed,one from exhaustion, the other from relief. And he laughed again.
"Tommy wasn't lying. This house really is an amazing playground." He stated, earning a snort from Techno.
"Did you want to stay at my house so you could play with the room without any remark?" He asked, amused. 
"Maybe" Wilbur admitted. “But I also like to spend some time with you. You’re always a comforting presence.” 
"Pff, yeah, right." Techno tried to ignore the warmth coming for his cheeks and ears. “You’re just saying that so I help you with something.” 
“No, no, I mean it, techno. You’re a good friend.” And when he turned to meet the human’s face, it was a simple, honest smile. They stared at each other for a moment, unspoken words being said. Unspoken promises being made. 
Techno stared at his friend’s eyes and saw: not fear. Not méfiance, not worry. His eyes were full of acceptance. Filled with joy and curiosity and wonder. It was the first time he had ever seen such an expression, and yet this look was dedicated to him. Wilbur had waited for them to be in absolute intimacy to offer him this moment.
A good friend.
Techno laughed. Quietly at first, but it grew and grew until the sounds filled the whole room. Wilbur could probably feel the vibration through his whole body but he couldn’t stop. The brunette soon joined in and happiness filled the entire room for god knows how long. Maybe it was two minutes, maybe it was an hour. 
The laughters quieted down eventually, and Techno noticed the fond way Wilbur looked at him. The warmth quickly reached his whole face as he failed to keep a neutral expression. He coughed to wash away his awkwardness. “What- what with that face?” 
"Nothing. It's just nice to see you less restrained." Wilbur smiled "you're always so careful when we're all together." 
"Well, I have to be careful around humans." He hummed, pointing a finger at his friend "you're so small."
"Eh. You couldn't bruise us even if you tried" wilbur shrugged off. "But it's nice! We should do this more often if that means I get to hear your laugh like that more."
Techno cursed himself for the smile that wouldn't wear off. 
"Yeah… maybe we should."
-Written by @melissa-s23 please send them love!!! I love the fluff so much
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born-to-lose · 4 years
Long Tall Roger
Pairing: Maylor
Summary: Roger buys new shoes to be taller than Brian, who isn't very thrilled to say the least...
Tags: fluff, some angst towards the end, implied sexual content, mention of homophobic slurs, lots of praise
Words: 1,739
A/N: Sorry I'm posting this one so late, but here you go! Thanks anon for asking me to write this prompt for @iamnotbrianmay 's Maylor Week, it was fun to write! Anyways, merry (belated) Christmas to everyone who celebrates and if not, happy holidays ❤ I hope your Christmas was better than mine xx
Tip me if you want!
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"Are you sure they aren't a bit too high?" Freddie asked in an amused, yet concerned voice as Roger carefully walked up and down the aisles in the white four inch platform boots he was trying on.
The blond nodded, looking up from his feet and taking a few more steps. "That's why I tried the low heels on," he explained, gesturing to the other three boxes beside the bench. "I'll get used to the height."
"Why did you even pick those shoes when you can't walk in them?"
"I'll get used to it." Roger glared at his friend and leaned against the mirror. "Because I want to be taller than Brian! He always makes fun of me for not reaching the top shelf in the grocery store and having to stand on my tiptoes to kiss him properly!"
The older man laughed, covering his mouth. "Okay, they actually look good on you, but you really need some practice walking."
"Well, sorry I wasn't born in high heels," he huffed playfully before sitting down next to him. "Do you think Bri will like them?"
"You know he's got a thing for you wearing extravagant clothes. I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you when you wear glittery stuff? He gets all hot and-"
Roger cut him off, frantically waving his hands in front of his face to keep him from getting into detail. "Fred! I know, I know, I was only asking if he'll like the shoes!"
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When Roger came home, he found Brian sitting on the bed, writing something in his notebook. He glanced up and smiled. "Hey Rog! How was your shopping trip with Fred?"
"Pretty good, I'd say. You want to see my new shoes?"
Brian nodded, putting his book away and leaning back. Roger always put on a little fashion show when he'd bought new clothes and his boyfriend seemed to enjoy it, so he didn't bother breaking this tradition. Smirking, he left the room and put on his boots. He quickly practiced walking back and forth in the corridor before stepping through the door. Brian's eyes were glued to him and - though Roger couldn't really read it - the look on his face was the same as when they were about to get it on. On the other hand, he was impressed by how good his lover looked wearing those shoes and even more so that he was able to walk without holding on to something.
"What's the occasion?" he asked, biting his lip.
"There isn't one," Roger replied simply. "Don't you like me being an eyecatcher?"
"You always are." He flashed him that charming smile. "Anyway, is there a reason you got them?"
"Stand up," the blond ordered and Brian obeyed, walking over to him in strides. "Look, that's why," he said in satisfaction, wrapping his arms around his neck and playing with his dark brown curls.
It took his boyfriend a minute to process that Roger was now taller than him. He was a bit disappointed that whenever he'd wear those boots, he'd always look shorter next to him, but deep down inside, he thought it was kind of hot. He hadn't expected to feel this way, but the drummer proved him wrong. "Ah, I see… You wanna be taller than me?"
"Yeah!" Roger grinned cheekily, kissing Brian's nose and patting his head. "Small baby Bri!"
"Don't call me that!" He glared at him, gently but firmly grabbing his wrist and putting it down.
"Aw, don't worry, you'll always be the big spoon, even if I'm taller now-"
"They're fucking shoes! When you take them off, you're just as short as usual!"
"Shh I'm just joking, Tinkerbell!" Roger reassured him, pecking his lips. "Don't get defensive."
And when Roger said he wouldn't wear them all the time, Brian believed him. Until he did wear them all the time...
At any given opportunity, he would wear his new platforms. At the beginning he'd thought it was just the phase in which you want to show your new things off, but after a couple of weeks, he seemed to be obsessed with these shoes. Every time they went out, he wore them. They definitely boosted Roger's confidence because people had always made fun of his height and Brian would have liked that, but it just looked weird that they were around the same height, but with his boyfriend being a little taller. And that wasn't even the main thing that bothered him. What really bothered him was that now Roger was the one to put his hand on Brian's head for pictures or after concerts instead of vice versa. Given the situation, he also bragged about how tall he was now, which honestly annoyed the shit out of Brian. He was lucky Roger took the damn shoes off when they were at home.
"Do you need help reaching that, love?" seemed to be the drummer's recent favorite.
Nonetheless, Brian also happened to have some different thoughts about his boyfriend wearing high heels every now and then… Still, he never dropped the peeved attitude - until one particular night.
Roger had gone out with Freddie and John while Brian preferred to stay in their apartment to study. He almost didn't notice Roger coming home because he was unusally quiet when entering the bedroom. The reason wasn't that Brian was half asleep, as he had once switched the lights on in the middle of the night and yelled he's home. Something was definitely wrong. Without a single word, he kicked his shoes off and got undressed, immediately crawling into bed and pulling the blanket up to his chin, even though he wasn't cold. In fact, he was sweating. He rolled over to face his boyfriend, who had a tired, yet worried look on his face.
Before he could say something, Roger whispered, "Do you think I'm a fag?" His voice was thin and it sounded like he was about to cry. He probably had already because his eyes were red.
"No, why?" He surely didn't ask without a deeper meaning behind it and it made Brian angry because he knew someone had called him that.
"W-well… Some guy at the club called me a faggot f-for wearing high heels." Seeing that look in Brian's eyes he knew all too well when somebody insulted his boyfriend, he added, "Nothing physical, though…"
Brian shifted closer to Roger, protectively wrapping his arms around him and kissing his hair. "Oh Roger!" Whispering comforting words, he rubbed his back as the younger man cried into his light blue t-shirt. In an attempt to soothe him, he ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair, playing with the ends of it. This always helped him calm down at least a little bit.
Then he suddenly pulled away, keeping a hand on Roger's hip. "I got an idea. Don't worry, it will make you feel better, hopefully."
The blond nodded slowly and reached for the shoes, but Brian stopped him. "I'll put them on for you."
He got up to get the white boots while Roger sat up, wondering what his plan was. The older man kneeled down at his boyfriend's feet, smiling up at him. "I want you to wear those shoes again - with pride - and tell me what you like about wearing them, okay?"
"Thanks," he mumbled, watching him slip the boots on with a small smile on his face. "Didn't you dislike them too?"
Brian stood up and grabbed his hands, not helping him up yet as he was talking. "Look, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just jealous that you're taller than me when you wear them. They really give you a confidence boost, don't they?"
"Yeah," Roger answered meekly.
"See? And that's why I'm good with them now." He smiled and pulled him up, giving him a gentle shove towards the mirror. "Let's go."
Roger awkwardly crossed his arms in front of his bare chest and looked down, then back up into the mirror. After his night at the disco, he really wasn't in the mood to say anything positive about the shoes he used to love so much. He kept quiet for a while before turning to Brian. "Why don't you say what you like about me wearing them?"
The guitarist stepped up behind him and sneaked his arms around his torso, looking over his shoulder. "Well, you know I love how short you really are because I can lift you up anytime I want and it's just overall adorable, but I never realized you'd look this good when you're tall. Like damn…" The blond chuckled softly.
"And I've always loved your legs, you know?" For emphasis, Brian moved his left hand down to Roger's thigh, which was only partially covered with his boxer shorts. "They look so long in those boots..."
"I've also read wearing high heels makes your arse look better and obviously that's true." He gave him a light pat on his bum, making him blush.
"I just can't get over how beautiful and sexy you look with those shoes," he muttered and pressed a kiss to his neck, sending shivers down Roger's spine.
"But you know what I like most about it?" He glanced up, smirking at the sight of Roger biting his lip. "You're more confident when you go out with them."
The drummer just nodded, confirming his statement yet again in addition to his much straighter posture. "Do you mean all of this?" he asked, not sure if Brian was lying to make him feel better about himself.
"Of course I do." Brian turned him around to face him and pecked his lips, wrapping his arms around Roger's neck. Admittedly, it was easier on his back to kiss him that way because he didn't have to bend down to reach him.
"Why were you so annoyed when I got them then?" Roger was still a bit skeptical and Brian chuckled, letting his hands wander to rest on the blond's collarbones.
"Well, I can't just tell you I've got the hots for you wearing platform boots in which you look taller than me. I have a reputation of being the the tall one to keep up, remember?"
The drummer gave him a cocky grin, taking a few steps back towards the bed and sitting on the edge. "If you can't tell me, why don't you show me?"
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yournewapartment · 6 years
So I just got news that I get to live in an apartment for free while I work for my grandparents (they own the complex). I am extremely excited and have been searching Pinterest for DIY things to do. I know to Dollar Store things. But my thing is, I need cat advice. I have a 3 month old kitten I'm bringing and I need help on how to create things for her to use so she can feel comfortable. Anything can help. Thank you!!
So a while back I wrote this super long posted called Living On Your Own (With Cats) and I honestly just think it’s so well written that I’m going to just copy and paste what I said there about making cats feel welcome in new environments. Please hit me up with any additional questions, and good luck to you! I am moving to a new apartment in February and am super excited.
Phase 1: Your New Apartment
Before moving into your new home, follow these steps to make the process as comfortable as possible for your cats. You need to understand that they will be upset and act strange for the first few days, and this is absolutely normal and expected. Give them time- they’ll adjust.
1. Move the cats last. Move everything else you own into your new apartment, and get it set up as much as you can before moving your cats. Make sure there are plenty of places for them to hide that are easily accessible, like under your bed or in the back of a closet. Initially your cats will be very shell-shocked, and it will be easier for them to adjust if they smell familiar furniture and are able to find a secure place to hide.
2. Feliway. Buy yourself Feliway and spray it on walls and around doorways at your kitty’s eye level. I can’t tell you what it is or why it works (Science Side of Tumblr please explain), but your cats smell it and will feel much calmer. Feliway also helps when your cat starts peeing on everything, see Phase 2: Tantrums.
3. Moving your cats. If you have two cats, make sure that you move both cats at the same time. Even if they’re not the best of pals, a familiar face in a time of stress will soothe them. In the car ride they will cry, drool, pee, and sound like they’re dying. This is horrible to hear, but no that it’s only temporary. If you were in their situation you would act the same way!
Hyperventilating. If you hear your cat start to hyperventilate, move them out of the carrier and comfort them immediately. I was transporting a cat with a high fever to the vet once and he started to do this, so I literally pulled over and drove with the cat in my lap the rest of the way. Once in my lap, he relaxed and started to breathe normally. The vet told me that I was lucky I did this, because the cat could’ve had a heart-attack.
4. In the new apartment. Open your cat carrier and allow your cats to explore their new home at their own pace. Depending on your cat’s confidence, they might make a beeline for your bed and hide under it for the next two days. This is absolutely fine. Your cats may not want to eat or use the bathroom during these first few days, and this is normal. You often won’t eat if you’re stressed out, so understand that when they’re hungry, they’ll eat. If one of your cats is very upset, place their food and water bowl in the room they’re hiding in, so that they won’t feel threatened while they eat.
5. Give it time. This could be less than a day or over a week, but your cat will come out from their hiding space of their own accord. They will walk around their new home and take everything in, and they’ll make themselves comfortable. Be there for your cat during this time, offering encouragement and love as they need it. It’s okay if they come out and retreat back to their safe hiding space, tell yourself that they will come out again.
Phase 2: Tantrums
Cats are mostly independent animals, but they do require lots of love and attention. Expect at least one or all of these tantrums to be thrown when you move them into your new home. Your cats are in a new environment that they are not wholly comfortable with, so it’s important to be patient and help them through this difficult time.
1. Pooping. Your cat has an excellent sense of smell- they know where their litter box is. If they’re choosing to poop outside of the box, they are most likely looking for attention. Make sure that the poop has no blood in it (see Phase 4: Veterinarians + Common Diseases) and spend time making your cat feel special. This includes treats, playtime, combing, whatever they like best.
2. Peeing A. Peeing is a form of scenting, which is essentially your cat being like “this is mine”. Your cats will probably do this a lot when you first move in, so make sure you have the proper cleaners ready (see Appendix A). Clean the spot thoroughly, and spray Feliway all over it. Your cat will smell the Feliway and think “Okay, I peed there already” and walk on. I’m not kidding.
3. Peeing B. Peeing can also be an cry for attention, slightly different from scenting. Here’s how to tell the difference- does your cat only pee when you’re around? Typically this will only be done in areas that you frequent, like your bed or your couch. If so, then this is a cry for attention- see “Pooping”.
4. Peeing C. Is your cat declawed? I sure hope not, because that’s inhumane. But anyways, if it is… declawed cats require a different type of litter than the normal Tidy Cats brand. Call your local vet and consult with them about the best types of litter to use.
5. Attacking. Is your cat attacking people/places/things? Get toys and play with them. Cats are evolved from fearsome predators, they need to be stimulated or they’ll get bored and start hunting whatever they can find. Here are some great toys to buy your cats so that they can “hunt” on their own, there’s something in there for every cat type.
Phase 3: A Place For Everyone
Jackson Galaxy is the Cat Guru, and you can find episodes of his show “My Cat From Hell” on Netflix. Whenever Jackson enters a home of a troublesome cat, he always looks at the environment in terms of how “cat-proof” it is. Your cat needs to have their own stuff, and whether this is a cardboard box or a $150 piece of cat furniture, it needs to be there.
1. Bush vs. Tree dweller. I have a bush dweller and a tree dweller! Bush dwellers are the cats that like to hang out under tables and under beds, and they’re thought to be cats with less self-confidence. Tree dwellers like to climb and look down on their surroundings, reconnecting with their ancestors in the jungle. Cater your apartment based off of your cat’s needs. See Phase 6: Miscellaneous to learn more about different cat personalities.
A word on bush dwellers. I was initially very upset to learn that Gretel is considered a low self-esteem cat. I kept trying to think of ways to make her more comfortable her surroundings, in the hopes that she would one day want to climb things and perch up high. Since getting Mason, she has slowly become a bush/tree dweller. She now climbs to the top rung of her cat furniture, and asks me to help her up on the kitchen table (it’s tall so she can’t jump). What I’m trying to say is that cats will gain confidence as they get more comfortable with their surroundings, and having a second and way more confident cat has helped her come into herself, even in her old age. So proud of my baby.
2. Cat furniture. I’m not going to lie to you, cat furniture is hella expensive. But it’s life-changing. Your cats recognize that its a piece of furniture for them, and they will run right over to it and begin exploring. If your cat is wary about climbing to the higher platforms or levels of the furniture, entice them with treats or a toy. The general rule is one piece of furniture per cat, because they will fight over them. If you have a very active cat, I’d recommend getting a multi-leveled piece.
3. Cardboard boxes. The rumors are true- cats love cardboard boxes. Just open it up and leave it in the middle of the floor, and allow your cats to explore. If you’re not ready to drop $$$, place a warm blanket in the box and allow your cats to curl up.
4. Windows. If you leave for work, leave your blinds open for your cats to peer out. If you don’t, they’ll peer out anyway and wreck your blinds. In the summer time it might seem like a nice idea to leave your windows partially open, but always make sure that your window screens are secure. If they’re not, add masking tape around the sides of the window until you can press on the screen and it doesn’t collapse.
5. Food and water. I like to keep a bowl of water in each room for the cats, and I refresh this daily. I like to add ice cubes in the summer so that the water isn’t that awful room temperature. If you feed your cats dry food, make sure that they’re drinking lots of water after eating.
6. Litter box. Yeah, I know- it’s the worst part of being a cat owner. I keep mine in my hallway closet, and I leave the door partially open so that the cats can get in and out as they please. I’ve seen people with litter boxes in their bathrooms, their hallways, behind chairs in their living room, etc. The general rule is to have one more litter box than there is cat. I’m sorry, that’s crazy talk. I have a one bedroom apartment and I’m not having three litter boxes. One has worked fine for my babies, I just have to be vigilant about cleaning it.
As far as choosing a cat litter brand, most cats are not picky. Some, however, are. Tidy Cats is expensive so I use whatever is on sale at CVS. I prefer scented because I have the litter box right by my front door. Find what works for you, but listen to your cat’s needs.
Be wary of any brand of “lightweight” cat litter other than Tidy Cats. One time I bought Stop & Shop’s “Companion” lightweight litter and it hardened and stuck to the bottom of my litter box and I literally had to rehydrate it to remove it. DISGUSTING.
7. Wall furniture. If you don’t have a lot of room on the floor of your apartment, consider putting up wall furniture for your cat. This can be anything from an expensive piece like this, or a simple wooden board for your cats to walk on.
8. The floor is lava. Confident cats like to be up high on tables, window sills, cat furniture, etc. This is because back in their ancestral days, they had to peer down from the treetops to hunt their prey. Allow your cat this luxury, and try not to freak out if they walk on your kitchen counters or sit on your dining room table. Your cat is programmed to do this, the fact that your cat wants to be up high is a sign of confidence, a sign that your cat is comfortable with their surroundings.
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