#this moment was so short but there’s a goldmine of potential here
makotoismyson · 1 year
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ayo why SPECTRA Chai kinda…😳
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dangancode · 8 months
Rain Code Chapter 0, and why its Twist F*cking Sucks.
This is going to be the start of a series I call "My Gripes with Master Detective Archives: Rain Code". Unfortunately, they are quite numerous, but I figure it's better for me to split them up rather then write one massive post complaining about it.
Because yeah, I did the writer's equivalent of a rage quit on this game, and it breaks my heart. Not only because the writing doesn't work, but because IT HAD THE POTENTIAL TO.
And what better place to start this then the Massacre on the Amaterasu Express, and why shock value is not good writing.
Spoilers for Chapter 0 of Rain Code, and also for Danganronpa 1, 2, V3, and UDG.
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Right off the bat, we're introduced to five other characters besides our infamous protagonist, Yuma Kokohead. Aphex Logan, Melami Goldmine, Pucci Lavmin, Zilch Alexander, and Zange Eraser. They're introduced, provide a bit of exposition to Yuma and the player, and their dynamics seem pretty solid so far. Each of them has room to develop, there's hints that Pucci might be a love interest of sorts to Yuma, and some of even show off cool powers that definitely might come in handy in later cases. But then what happens?
They're all f*cking killed. They last twenty minutes before every single one of them, including the culprit, all die off-screen.
SO YEAH. IF YOU'RE ANYTHING AT ALL LIKE ME, YOU'RE MAD. Not upset, not devastated seeing characters you like die.
What Kodaka seems to have forgotten when writing Chapter 0, is that there's a reason the deaths in the Danganronpa series work. THEY EXPLICITLY PUT THE IDEA OF MURDER INTO YOUR HEAD. From the very moment Monokuma is introduced in DR1, he says directly, without any sugarcoating, that the only way the characters can get out of permanent imprisonment is to kill someone and get away with it.
The writers don't say who will die (ignoring the whole 11037 thing), because they don't NEED TO. They know the player is smart enough to use context clues and figure out, "Hey, Sayaka and Makoto have been getting awfully chummy, chances are she's probably kicking the bucket." It makes sense, there's payoff, and the moments leading up to that are meant to build connection between the player and the characters.
There is none, because Kodaka forgot to give us, the player, any semblance of a hint aside from the chapter's title that maaaaaybe these characters aren't gonna live much longer so try to avoid getting attached.
And no, saying "it's made by the same people who made Danganronpa so it's on you for not expecting that" does not suffice here. Even if Rain Code were established to be part of the same universe or whatnot (it's not), why didn't they give us a bit more warning?
The short answer is: shock value.
Take a look at Kodaka's writing, and you'll find that he adores shock value. Between the protagonist swap in V3, the divisive "it's a lie!!" ending, and a handful of deaths throughout the series (Taka, Hiyoko, Yuta Asahina), and it becomes entirely clear that payoff isn't his top priority. It's pulling the rug from under our feet, watching us land on the floor, and when we say, "WTF Kodaka?!", his response is probably, "IDK what to tell you fam, you really should've seen that coming."
No, my dude. Of course I didn't see this twist coming. Because you did a terrible job with your foreshadowing. You introduced five characters whose only purpose is to improve your marketing by showcasing a bigger cast on the game's cover art, vaguely hinted at potential development in later chapters, and then did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH THEM.
As a writer, I despise shock value. Not hinting at a twist properly beforehand almost never works, and when it does, it falls in line with what we know about the story and the stakes. But by the time the stakes are set up in Rain Code, Aphex and the others are already gone, so their deaths don't really matter.
If Aphex, Melami, Pucci, Zilch and Zange didn't exist, THIS STORY WOULD'VE PANNED OUT THE EXACT SAME WAY. Nobody mentions these characters again anyway, SO WHY DO THEY EVEN EXIST?
Oh, and I've barely discussed the culprit himself, "Zilch-Alexander-but not-really-it's-just-some-unnamed-hitman-who-looks-and-sounds-exactly-like-him."
You mean to tell me that the real Zilch just happened to look EXACTLY LIKE THIS RANDOM HITMAN? A hitman who, much later in the game, is revealed to be old pals with Yomi Hellsmile, the symbolic leader of Amaterasu?
You're telling me this isn't actually a hitman, he's an insider from Amaterasu who managed to not only get out of Kanai Ward, but only left to kill four detectives, use some intricately designed train to pull off their murders, and then frame the trainee who just happened to have amnesia so his alibi is already pretty shaky?
You're telling me he got past all of the security regulations that Kanai Ward had in place preventing people from getting in or out, and instead of taking this opportunity to spread Amaterasu's influence, HE WENT STRAIGHT BACK THERE AND EXPECTED TO BE GREETED WITH OPEN ARMS?!
Are you starting to get why I have issues with this chapter?
It would've been so much simpler to say "Zilch was bribed by Amaterasu to betray the WDO". Melami or Aphex could even mention something along the lines of, "Not all detectives care about the truth. Some only care about lining their own pockets and making themselves look better in the eyes of the WDO." Which would make it easier for us to understand that detectives don't always have everyone's best interests in mind.
And if it's absolutely necessary for the sake of the plot, to fuel Yuma's desire to solve injustices and learn how to use the Mystery Labyrinth to uncover the truth, why can't it just be ONE DEATH INSTEAD OF FOUR?
I discussed this with a friend of mine on Discord, but rewriting this chapter so that only Zange dies would be incredibly easy. Zange realizes their drinks are drugged, and when everyone else falls asleep, he confronts Zilch. Of course it ends badly, and by the time the others realize he's dead, Zilch's status as the traitor becomes even more apparent. One Mystery Labyrinth later, and Swank kills Zilch for blowing cover, saying something like, "You said this would go off without a hitch." It would make Amaterasu seem more like a threat, since they're willing to go to such extreme lengths to compromise the WDO's involvement in Kanai Ward. Aphex, Melami and Pucci would all join the rest of the detective gang along with Yuma, and the story would proceed as normal.
Do you see how easy that was? I'm not trying to say this would've been better than how it actually played out, but I certainly would've enjoyed the game a bit more, at least.
Anyways, I digress. Rants are exhausting, but I definitely feel better getting all of this off my chest. Of course, you're free to agree or disagree, but I'd really prefer not to be called an egomaniac just because I disliked Kodaka's galaxy brain storytelling on this one.
Have a great rest of your day or night, I'm gonna go lay down now. :')
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clumsyraccoon · 11 months
Great news! You're in charge of the new DMC anime, what are you going to do with it?
Oh-oh…shi…ah-ehm….dear anon you caught me by surprise xD
(Putting all under the cut because geeeeez, I didn’t expect it to become this long)
Mmmmmh, what am I going to do with it? Since it’s a different media than the “usual” games, I think I’ll try to decrease a bit the “action” part and delve more into the psychology of the characters, the world building, and all those nice little aspect that are not addressed in the games.
1) as stated in a previous post, I would like to know what happened to Vergil (but honestly also to Dante) in her teen years, from Eva’s death to the beginning of DMC3. It would be nice to see what kind of people/demons they have encountered and what kind of impact they had on the twins lives. Did Vergil found some kind of parental figure or friend during those years? Who taught him the “way of the sword”? And who give him all his knowledge about the demon world and demons?
One nice idea that was suggested was foster families: did they get adopted? If so, what kind of families did they find themselves in?
2) following this kind of thought: when exactly was Vergil able to escape Mundus? What/who made it possible? And what happened in that period of time, before he was able to track down Yamato and Nero? How did he survive an escape from the Underworld in such conditions?
3) another thing that I would like to touch would be Trish, Kyrie, and Nico. Like, in dmc3 we see a lot about Lady and his backstory, about his family, and how those things affected her and her behaviour…I would like to give that kind of space to the other girls as well.
For Trish, it would be very interesting to see what she did and where she went when she decided to not closely work with Dante anymore: we see and know so little about her, when she has a lot of potential in terms of personal growth and self-affirmation.
I would be delighted to see the events of DMC4 from Kyrie‘a perspective. How she felt when the truth of the Order was uncovered, when Credo died, when Nero saved her and let her see his arm…this poor girl has gone through some serious shit, it would be interesting to see how she coped with all of that.
We know Nico is the biological daughter of Agnus and adopted granddaughter of Neil Goldstein: here I see another goldmine for family issues. What kind of relationship she had with her father and mother before Agnus abandoned both? How did she end up with the Goldstein? Did she met Tony when she was young?
4) speaking of families, my little heart is always craving happy Sparda family time. I want to see more of Sparda and Eva, more of the little twins, more of their happy moments together. Like, even nice and short flashbacks would be perfect: a little glimpse on what was before the nightmare.
5) speaking of Sparda: his young years alongside Mundus. I honestly want a villain (beside Vergil) to not only be the Bad Guy™️, but to also have nuances, to be a round character. I want to know how they became friends, what adventures they were in as a team, how Sparda helped Mundus sit on the Underworld throne.
6) my biology nerd ass needs more information and world building about the demons and the demon world. How is it structured? We see some places at the end of DMC3 and some glimpses at the end of DMC5…but I honestly crave moar. Also, I may be a sucker for “classic” demonology, but it would be interesting to know if demons are “organised” in a hierarchy, or is just complete chaos where the strongest prevails. Also, since hybrids are possible, all types of demons can have offsprings with humans? Or just the most humanoid ones? Why?
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speed-seo · 2 months
Micro-Moments: Your Secret Weapon for Winning at Digital Marketing
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Scroll, tap, scroll. That's us - looking for whatever we need in the moment. Need the best taco spot nearby? Grab phone, search, tap, get tacos. These I-want-it-NOW moments are called "micro-moments." And they're a goldmine for marketers who know how to grab them. Think about it... People turn to their phones to satisfy needs as they happen: - "Fix this kitchen faucet leak NOW!" - "Where can I rent a cabin this weekend?" - "Is this pain serious or nah?" In these micro-moments, we want quick answers. Not tomorrow, not in an hour - RIGHT NOW. So creating fast, snackable info for micro-moments is 🔑. But how? Image by LinkedIn Know Your Audience's Micro-Moments Get in their shoes! 👟 What info are they searching for? 👟 When do they need it most? 👟 Where are they looking? Research helps you guess their micro-moments so you can be there ASAP. Use Intent-Focused Keyword Research Plug keywords into tools like Google's Keyword Planner to see: - Monthly searches for that term - Related long-tail keyword ideas This reveals micro-moment intent and search trends. Tap Into Data Analytics Your website and social media analytics offer a goldmine of micro-moment clues: ✅ Traffic sources/landing pages show where people come from ✅ Location data reveals where searches happen ✅ Times/days of peak traffic indicate when intent is highest See what questions they're asking and pain points they have. Survey Existing Customers Ask them directly about their pain points and moments of need on your website, social posts, emails, and pop-up surveys. Questions to ask: - What problems/questions do you have before purchasing our product? - Why did you choose our brand over competitors? - When during the day do you typically research or shop online? Map Their Customer Journey Trace your typical customer's full journey. From initial research to final purchase and beyond, think about what they might need at each stage. This reveals potential micro-moments. For example, someone wanting to repair a device might: - Google "how to fix broken phone" - Watch a "replace iPhone screen" YouTube tutorial - Search "iPhone screen repair shops near me" - Visit your website for prices and availability - Book an appointment online Now you can create info to assist at each step! Check Out Related Searches Search for relevant keywords on Google and scroll down to "Related searches." This shows other questions people ask around a topic. If you sell gym equipment, "best home gym equipment" related searches could be: - Are treadmills worth it for home use? - How much space do I need for a home gym? - Can I finance home gym equipment? These become ideas for micro-moment content! Pro Tip: Look at search questions and map their journey for more clues. Satisfy Their Micro-Moment Needs Give them EXACTLY what they want in that moment: ⛔️ Don't make them work for it ✅ Do make it crazy easy to take action Create stuff like: - ⏱️ Short videos - 📰 Blog posts with lists/steps - 📱 Easy access on mobile Optimize EVERY piece of content to fit a micro-moment. Focus on Solving Their Problem Don't sell. TEACH and help! Give practical info to address exactly what they need right then. If someone wants to know how to treat a sprained ankle ASAP, provide first aid tips, not product pitches. Speak Their Language Use words and phrases they actually search for. If your audience says "damaged skin" not "skin lesions," write content accordingly. Give Clear Calls-to-Action "Click here to download the checklist," "Find a clinic near you," "Call now for a free quote." Make it obvious what to do next. Format Content for Quick Scanning - Use short paragraphs & bullet points - Add bold headings & subheadings - Break up text with images/video - Include captions explaining visuals - Link to related content Make it Ultra-Conversational Write like you're talking to a real person. Avoid formal, stiff language. Use contractions, emotions, humor - whatever fits your brand voice. Optimize for Mobile First Huge chunks of text don't cut it on phones! Make content easily consumable: - Short, scannable paragraphs - Minimum pinching/zooming - Buttons big enough to tap easily - Accessible drop-down menus Include Engaging Visuals Pictures, gifs, illustrations, infographics, slideshares, interactive elements. Use visual storytelling to inform and hook readers. Step-by-Step: Create the Perfect Micro-Content Follow this proven process: - Identify a target micro-moment and intent - Research keywords people search in that moment - Craft a highly specific, benefit-driven headline - Lead with the most important info/action step - Use concise paragraphs, bullet points, captions - Add visuals to explain and engage - Make scanning easy with formatting and highlighting - Close with a specific CTA based on intent - Promote to reach people at the right time - Analyze performance and refine Useful Micro-Content Tools - Headline analyzers to optimize for clicks - Readability checkers to improve scannability - Snippet optimization to stand out in search - Image creators like Canva for visuals - Stock media to add engaging photos/videos Tools that can help you create amazing micro-content: CategoryToolsHeadline & Title OptimizationCoSchedule Headline Analyzer, Upworthy Headline Generator, BuzzSumo Headline AnalyzerReadabilityHemingway App, Grammarly, Readable.comImages & GraphicsCanva, Piktochart, Adobe Spark, SnappaVideo CreationInVideo, Biteable, Adobe Spark Video, AnimotoGIFsGiphy, Gifmaker, KapwingSocial Media ManagementBuffer, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, SendibleAnalyticsGoogle Analytics, Sprout Social Analytics, Facebook Analytics, BuzzSumoSEO OptimizationYoast SEO, MozBar, SEMrush Page Optimization, SerpStat Snippet Tool Having the right micro-content creation and optimization tools can save time and energy while also enhancing the quality of your real-time content. Let me know if you have any other favorite micro-content tools I should check out! Micro-content example: How to Do a DIY Phone Screen Repair Cracked screens happen to the best of us. But phone repairs can be expensive. Luckily, you can fix a cracked iPhone or Android screen at home for less. Here are the step-by-step instructions: With the right parts, some patience, and these tips, you can save money and time by DIYing it. [/article> Formatting your micro-content for quick consumption is crucial. Promote Your Micro-Moment Content You created amazing content...but will people see it in time? Get it in front of them RIGHT as they have a need: 🔎 SEO helps them find it when searching 📣 Social media ads target micro-moments 📧 Email subscribers contextually relevant content Optimize for SEO - Include target keywords in headlines, text, alt text, URLs. - Localize content with city names, zip codes, etc. - Publish location-specific content on relevant pages. - Research keywords for each micro-moment topic - Optimize pages/posts for those terms - Include location/time modifiers people search Someone may search "oil change near me this weekend." Are you there? Case Study One of our clients, a law firm increased mobile conversions 300% optimizing location pages for "injury lawyer Limassol," "personal injury attorney Limassol," etc. Retarget Site Visitors - 87% of website visitors aren't ready to convert at first. - Retargeting grabs their attention as they visit other sites. - Display relevant ads, offers, or content they already showed interest in. Send Contextual Push Notifications Timing is everything. Notify mobile app users with: - Cart abandonment reminders - Relevant offers when they're nearby - Appointment confirmations - Order updates - Recommendations based on past purchases Personalize push message content to each user. Satisfying micro-moments wins trust and conversions. Are you ready to grab them? Let me know your favorite micro-moment marketing tips below! Run Social Ads During Key Times - Identify high-intent times based on past analytics. - When do most people book appointments or buy certain products? - Target social ads to reach them RIGHT then. Send Triggered Emails - Segment your email list based on: - Recent purchases - Page views - Abandoned carts - Send hyper-targeted content based on their micro-moment Retarget Site Visitors Use pixels or cookies to track website visitors. Then retarget them with related ads as they visit other sites. For example, retarget "how to fix drywall" page visitors with DIY tips across the web. Personalize Website Experiences with Micro-Moments - Greet return visitors by name - Recommend products based on past purchases - Show content relevant to their location The more tailored to each micro-moment, the better! Monitor Performance See which micro-moment content resonates most. Find out: - Where is it getting the most traffic from? - What times/days perform best? - Which keywords and ad placements work? Keep fine-tuning to maximize your reach! Satisfying micro-moments wins trust and conversions. Are you ready to grab them? Let me know your favorite micro-moment marketing tips below! Read the full article
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audie02mia · 7 months
Efficient Tiktok Advertising Approaches For Services
Created by-Carson Gallagher Are you prepared to take your organization to the next degree as well as tap into the enormous potential of TikTok? Look no further, due to the fact that this short article is your best overview to reliable TikTok advertising approaches. With over 800 million energetic customers worldwide, TikTok has ended up being a found diamond for services to reach as well as engage with their target market. Yet just how can you browse this ever-changing platform and also stand apart from the crowd? Concern not, we've got you covered. In this post, we will certainly look into the secrets behind the TikTok formula, revealing just how you can make it operate in your favor. You'll find out exactly how to create interesting as well as trending material that mesmerizes your audience and also maintains them coming back for more. As well as allow's not forget the power of collaboration-- we'll explore how collaborating with influencers as well as user-generated web content can increase your brand name's visibility. So, get your phone, prepare to dance to the beat, and also let's dive into the world of reliable TikTok advertising strategies for your business.
Comprehending the TikTok Formula
Would like to know the key behind TikTok's viral success? Allow's dive into understanding the algorithm that makes your videos go from zero to hero!
The TikTok algorithm is an intricate system that establishes what material is shown to individuals. It assesses different variables such as video conclusion price, customer communications, as well as the time spent seeing each video. By comprehending how the algorithm works, you can tailor your content to increase its visibility and also interaction. One essential variable is catching the viewer's interest within the very first few secs of your video. https://www.lawfuel.com/blog/law-firm-seo-in-2022/ means using attractive visuals, catchy songs, and engaging narration. In addition, engaging with other TikTok individuals through sort, remarks, and cooperations can likewise enhance your video's presence. By grasping the TikTok algorithm, you can boost your chances of going viral and effectively advertise your organization on this prominent system.
Creating Engaging as well as Trending Content
To maximize engagement and get to on TikTok, it's essential to craft compelling as well as fashionable material that mesmerizes audiences' attention. Here are 3 efficient approaches to create interesting and trending web content on TikTok: 1. Remain on top of trends: Screen prominent hashtags, obstacles, as well as viral videos to comprehend what's currently preferred on the system. Integrate these fads right into your web content to enhance its chances of going viral and getting to a broader audience. 2. Be authentic and relatable: TikTok users respond well to web content that feels real as well as relatable. Share behind-the-scenes video footage, personal stories, or amusing moments to connect with your audience on a much deeper level. 3. Usage eye-catching visuals and also narration: TikTok is a visually-driven platform, so ensure your video clips are visually enticing and tell a story. Use imaginative modifying techniques, catchy subtitles, and also compelling visuals to maintain viewers engaged throughout your video clip. By complying with these approaches, you can produce web content that not just gets hold of interest yet also motivates target market interaction, increasing your brand's visibility and engagement on TikTok.
Teaming up with Influencers as well as User-Generated Material
By joining forces with prominent TikTok influencers as well as utilizing the power of user-generated content, you can tap into a goldmine of imagination as well as get to a vast target market that can skyrocket your brand name's presence and also interaction. Collaborating with influencers enables you to utilize their existing follower base and credibility, giving your brand name instantaneous exposure to a targeted market. When influencers produce material including your product and services, their followers are most likely to trust and also involve with your brand name. Additionally, partnering with influencers can assist you stay on top of the most up to date patterns as well as make certain that your web content continues to be pertinent and appealing to TikTok individuals. User-generated material is one more effective device for services on TikTok. Encouraging customers to create material pertaining to your brand not just raises interaction and brand name commitment but additionally generates beneficial natural web content that can be repurposed for marketing purposes. By welcoming influencers https://advertisemint-agency.blogspot.com/2023/09/how-to-master-tiktok-algorithm.html as user-generated content, you can optimize your TikTok advertising and marketing efforts and attain outstanding outcomes. Final thought You've learned the tricks to effective TikTok marketing, and also currently it's time to put them into activity. By comprehending the TikTok formula, developing appealing web content, and collaborating with influencers, you can get to a larger audience and make a long-term influence. Don't be afraid to believe outside the box and try brand-new trends-- remain true to your brand name, and the TikTok neighborhood will certainly embrace you. So go on, obtain creative, as well as let your business radiate on TikTok!
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cyanoscarlet · 4 years
20/20 vision ☀️🎁 "He’s being saved again, comes the rueful thought. How many times does that make it, now?" The sheer *clenches fist* BACKGROUND in this line, how DARE you dani. This is the line that spawned my train of thought, I hope you're happy. Reducing me to angstful tears as I think about backstories and the potential in a hospital.
...... Aiyah...... (breaks into nervous sweats)
I’ll preface this with the fact that 20/20 vision, too, was a product of post-duty chaotic-brain-ing while on a coffee high, so thank you again! THANK YOU so much. Forever over the moon over this! <3
List of fic asks here!
He’s being saved again, comes the rueful thought. How many times does that make it, now?
20/20 vision, bungou stray dogs
(In which Chuuya is an ophthalmologist, Dazai is his optometrist, and they slowly fall in love.)
☀️ -  Was there any symbolism/motifs you worked in? 
Apart from the obvious references to eyes, some of the other passages used in this story are, indeed, metaphors for certain aspects of Dazai and Chuuya’s relationship, as well as Chuuya’s developing feelings for Dazai— many of them I’ve only derived from rereading this fic again and again just now, you’ll note!
Just a few major ones among the many:
The business proposition - Dazai does mean it literally, but yeah, he’s also taken interest in Chuuya himself, and wants them to be in a relationship. Chuuya himself is at first tolerant, then accepting of it, which runs parallel to his growing thoughts and feelings for Dazai. The way he keeps track of how many times Dazai has said this now is indicative of that. He is still hesitant, of course— be it due to confusion or to career-related reasons, but Dazai is and will always be willing to wait for Chuuya, hence the gentle, persistent reminder every time he visits.
Also, yes, the ending part in which Chuuya calls back to this is totally him saying ‘yes’ to Dazai— tantamount to a love confession, if you will. The essence of that whole last conversation, in light of everything that has happened before it, makes the story come full circle in its own way. There is always something sweet about saying ‘I love you’ without actually saying it, and the symbolism of the business proposition works really well for this whole purpose.
The spare glasses - It reflects both Dazai’s long-term familiarity with (everything about) Chuuya at this point, and the fact that no matter what, Chuuya will always have a safe space (home) with Dazai himself, eye problems and friendship and everything in between. You have Chuuya ruminating on his pride and principles and admitting his own faults, and he can just be all of that— that is, himself, when he is with Dazai. And Dazai knows this, too: “You didn’t have to ask, you know.”
The coffee and prescriptions - In the more literal sense, it’s Dazai being his disaster himself + creating trouble (coffee), and Chuuya having to take care of him (prescriptions), albeit a bit more hilariously unwilling on his part. Subconsciously, Dazai is always wanting to keep Chuuya’s attention on him, hence the repeat offenses, but Chuuya is always willing to forgive him those anyway / shower the attention that Dazai wants. Similarly, the wine / coffee discussions represent their individual differences, and what Chuuya thinks of them. They do try their best to meet in the middle, though, coming to an understanding / compromise of sorts— you see this in the ending, too, when they go out drinking.
A note on Kunikida, and his relationship/s with Dazai and with Chuuya - Kunikida, in this story, is Dazai’s old classmate from college, and is currently Chuuya’s colleague in a different department. Although it may appear that Dazai and Kunikida seem a bit more dismissive of each other, they do have a good relationship founded on common ground (science / statistical analysis), which Chuuya does not share with Dazai (literature / writing). You are right in that this makes Chuuya and Kunikida good foils of each other, yet they, too, have a good relationship / understanding despite their differences, both as individuals (Chuuya in Ophthalmology and Kunikida in Internal Medicine) and within their respective relationships with Dazai (Chuuya being more tolerant / forgiving as the newer friend, and Kunikida being more strict / stern, as the older friend).
On the more headcanon-y stuff (which I really don’t think I’ll be able to write at this point because my brain is already decidedly chaotic as fuck hahaaahah), a couple of lines I’ve picked up that can be expanded on are:
1. Chuuya and 20/20 vision - As you may have probably sensed from his character (and it totally fits him in canon), he never really wanted to be a doctor. He even had a rebellious streak in college for it. He still ends up in med school, though, but he doesn’t have a direct goal / direction in life at this point. This is represented by his worsening visual acuity, which, yes, was directly caused by constantly burning the midnight oil while studying. He’s stuck in a field he doesn’t want, yet tries his best, way too much, that he just gets lost. It is at this low point in his life that he meets Dazai, and his life changes. He gets glasses, tries to make sense of his life (regain 20/20 vision), and where to go from there. And Dazai, god bless him, is always there, always has his back for the whole ride: He’s being saved again, comes the rueful thought. How many times does that make it, now? They fall in love along the way, and it takes very long for them to reach the endgame, but they do, and it is beautiful. Chuuya’s 20/20 vision is his contentment with his life now, and a forever with Dazai. It’s the best view he could ever wish for, and he is very happy with it.
2. Chuuya, Mori-sensei and Promises - A very different version of Chuuya learning from (and in turn, being influenced by) Mori from Fifteen (Pre-canon) Arc. I don’t have a solid one for this tbh, but let’s just say an encounter with Mori greatly changes Chuuya’s outlook and makes him choose Ophthalmology as his specialty, the way he comes to swear loyalty to Mori and the Port Mafia in canon. No real solid connection with Dazai, in this case, but feel free to make of it what you will! I’m not quite imaginative enough for this hahaha.
... Okay, that was long. (sweatdrops)
🎁 -  Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this? 
First of all, do not drink brewed coffee at lunch time and end up with nearing 48 hours of palpitations later. Also, do not be like Dazai and drink 18 cups of coffee in one sitting, holy crap. I don’t think even Kunikida can save you from that if you do end up going over that literal and proverbial edge.
All that crap aside (which I do mean in earnest!), this idea totally came from a simple desire headcanon of Chuuya in prescription glasses. This, in turn, was influenced by downtime chats with my triage partner for that day, my classmate from med school now doing Ophthalmology residency. There were also other small things that happened to me IRL, like the way the lenses of my false glasses quickly yellowed within days of purchase, and the unexpected offer of free brewed coffee. Bottom line, take cues from real life; it’s a fun goldmine of tales tall and short, and you’ll have fun telling those because they are first and foremost yours. 
Similar to this, take note of the small things around you— pay attention to the way the leaves are swept by the wind, the way she crosses the street, the taste of the coffee you drink. Then describe those in your head— what I find works best for me is both immersing myself in the scenario and staying outside of it, like controlling a video game character / avatar, in a way. That way, I can develop my sentences in a vivid manner yet stay objective. (This is a bit harder to explain, actually.)
Most of all, write what works best for you, no matter what style you use. One quote I remember from English writing class (yet another gen-ed pre-req subject boohoo) states: “Write in white heat; revise in cold blood.” When you are struck by the idea, write it down. Let the ideas take over your fingers and let yourself get carried away. I admit that I really didn’t think through the plot of this very fic myself; I just let myself go until I was done a few hours later. This heat-of-the-moment writing high rarely happens to me (I wish it happened more often!), but I find that what I do come up with when I don’t think things through ends up a final product I quite like, other people’s feedback aside. The editing later is another story; don’t be afraid to critique your own work and adjust accordingly, if you feel that it will make the story better. (This part I have a decidedly much harder time with, but it’s still good advice, so I’m putting that down here, as well.)
Okay, that got reeeeeaaaaallyyyyyy long, now. Aegis really be pushing me to my limits every time we talk, and it’s making me grow and learn more about writing and about myself. I’m really, really grateful for this ask. I hope you all enjoyed reading this, too!
List of fic asks here!
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adposto1 · 4 years
Gulberg Greens Housing Society Islamabad
Gulberg Islamabad a society built with the latest and state of the art developments. Situated on the main Islamabad Expressway, and is central to Islamabad and Rawalpindi. With approval from Capital Development Authority (CDA), it has two parts Gulberg Greens and Gulberg Residencia. The best thing about this society is its greenery and a clean environment. It follows the Green philosophy that is a complete step towards conservation and preservation of the environment, providing a better understanding between human action and the natural environment. It has been planned to maintain a balance between a quality life and the latest development. And therefore its infrastructure and the landscape are designed with a focus on comfort and luxury as a priority. Gulberg’s community provides a huge network of wide roads. It has a 12 lane road, with a width of 220 feet. And more importantly provides a signal-free and a hustle-free drive, with the help of a self-built and self-financed underpass. Gulberg Greens New Land for Booking 2020 The society already has 85000 Kanal land which was divided into 19,667 for Gulberg Residentia and 18,660 for Gulberg Greens. But recently new land has been acquired. Gulberg Greens/Residentia Previous Booking Offer 5 Marla 7 Marla 10 Marla 12 Marla (short inventory) 1 Kanal 2 Kanal Farmhouses of 4 5 10 Kanal Note : D Markaz of commercial with having 5 more commercial zones in Gulberg. Gulberg Greens/Residentia Current Booking Offer after accruing New Land 5 Marla 7 Marla 10 Marla 1 KanalTaj Residencia is a partially developed housing project by Sardar Group of Companies near Sector I-14 Islamabad. 
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The company has a background of building Centaurus Mall in Islamabad, hence it enjoys good reputation in the market. Some blocks of the society are developed already where possessions are available, however some more blocks are available for booking on installments which are currently under development. Major attraction of Taj Residencia is its location and the background of developers. Development standards are high, and pace of development is commendable. Centaurus Mall 2 is also planned in the central commercial area of this housing scheme. The society offers 5 marla, 7 marla, 10 marla, 12 marla, 1 kanal and 2 kanal residential plots, as well as 4 marla commercial plots on 2 years installment plan. More details are available at the following page:Islamabad is getting a new International airport and that is going to shift the growth pattern drastically. A new airport means more businesses and hotels around it. And thus the need for more residential facilities there. The areas around the airport are about to become the hub for commercial activity thus leading to a big jump in demand for residential facilities in the vicinity. A new economic growth zone is emerging.
300 Kanal land for sale near new airport Islamabad.This beautiful piece of land is situated on the prime location of Islamabad airport.Just 5 mins drive away from new Gulberg Islamabad airport and close to famous housing societies like Mumtaz city,Topcity and Green city near charki road.This land offers best potential to buy a golden opportunity to invest in commercial plot.About the neighborhood Yasir’s home is located in Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan. My place is a completely new building nearby Main Road. Close to New Airport and Daewoo Terminal yet well connected with Islamabad and Rawalpindi. (Everything is under 20mins Drive). major Markets nearby are F11 Markaz, F10 Markaz and Saddar where you can find all types of restaurants/ Cafes and shopping experience. Markets, Parks, all major banks, Retail brands, Major restaurants like Bakeman, itallian pizza, Rahat, Hospital are in walking distance from the property i-e from 400 Meters to 1 kilometre. Getting around Getting around Getting around NEED AIRPORT PICKUP? No problem. It can be arranged for you (guest responsible for the pickup cost, which is around USD $20) - CAR RENTAL? It can also be arranged with our partner car rental company. Building is only 500 Meters away from Skyways, Faisal movers and 2 kilometres from Daewoo bus terminal which makes it the only and nearest apartment to public transport. apartment have a 4 slots basement space for parking and temporary Guest parking in front of the building. Building is only 200 meters away from major service stations for refuelling. Its a well populated area with 24/7 security and situated on front Grand trunk road only 400 meters away from Kashmir Highway.Many investors and buyers are interested in Islamabad plots prices especially in the housing schemes located in the vicinity of upcoming New Islamabad International Airport. This is the area where most of the low cost yet feature rich housing projects are being developed. With a dedicated Metro Bus Service of Islamabad International Airport connecting this area with major city centers of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, approach is going to become easier in these housing schemes. These low cost Islamabad plots prices provide an additional cushion for investors to earn sizeable returns without risking a lot of capital. Rawalpindi Ring Road is also being planned in this area providing an additional travelling route for future residents and thus ensuring a jump in Islamabad plots prices.Housing Scheme With Ideal Islamabad Plots PricesIf you are finding plots apartments and houses in islamabad click now.There are 5 major housing schemes which are specifically promising for investors who are looking to benefit from upcoming launch of New Islamabad International Airport. These projects include: Al Mairaj Garden Islamabad Capital Smart City Islamabad Global Avenue Blue World City University Town Islamabad Islamabad Plots Prices – 5 Marla plots 5 Marla residential plots are for sure the most likely investment option because they have with lowest prices among Islamabad Property rates in this area. Here are the relative details of Islamabad plots prices near New Islamabad Airport for 5 Marla plot category Housing Project Total Price Payment Plan Duration Al Mairaj Garden Rs. 500,000 5 Year – Monthly Installments Capital Smart City Rs. 1,950,000 3 Year – Quarterly Installments Global Avenue Rs. 990,000 3 year – Monthly Installments Blue World City RS. 770,000 3 year – Monthly Installments University Town Rs. 1,350,000 – Rs. 1,800,000 Lump Sum Payment Islamabad Plots Prices – 8 Marla Plots Housing Project Total Price Payment Plan Duration Al Mairaj Garden Rs. 750,000 5 Year – Monthly Installments Blue World City RS. 1,100,000 3 year – Monthly Installments Islamabad Plots Prices – 10 Marla Plots 10 Marla plots is our next category for Islamabad Plots prices. The rates are understandably higher but so will be the profits once Islamabad property prices take a jump in next 6-12 months. Housing Project Total Price Payment Plan Duration Al Mairaj Garden Rs. 900,000 5 Year – Monthly Installments Capital Smart City Rs. 3,350,000 3 Year – Quarterly Installments Global Avenue Rs. 1,950,000 3 year – Monthly Installments Blue World City RS. 1,320,000 3 year – Monthly Installments University Town Rs. 2,700,000 – Rs. 3,200,000 Lump Sum Payment Islamabad Plots Prices – 1 Kanal Plots 1 Kanal Islamabad Plots prices are fairly higher at the moment, but once the entire area surrounding New Islamabad International Airport will be developed, these 1 Kanal plots are going to be goldmine for investors Housing Project Total Price Payment Plan Duration Al Mairaj Garden Rs. 1,700,000 5 Year – Monthly Installments Capital Smart City Rs. 4,975,000 3 Year – Quarterly Installments Global Avenue Rs. 3,600,000 3 year – Monthly Installments Blue World City RS. 2,310,000 3 year – Monthly Installments University Town Rs. 5,400,000 – Rs. 6,000,000 Lump Sum PaymentIf you are finding plots apartments and houses in islamabad click now.
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Islamabad Plots Prices – 2 Kanal PlotsHousing Project Total Price Payment Plan Duration Al Mairaj Garden Rs. 3,200,000 5 Year – Monthly Installments Capital Smart City Rs. 9,950,000 3 Year – Quarterly Installments Blue World City RS. 4,180,000 3 year – Monthly InstallmentsCapital Smart City Discount Policy for Existing and New MembersCapital Smart City is offering two different discount policies for both the existing and new members of society. This discount policy allows existing members to avail 10% discount on a maximum of 3 outstanding or upcoming installments, while new members of Capital Smart City can avail higher discounts on half or full upfront payments for new plots and villas. In addition, Capital Smart City is offering a 6% discount for those existing members who will pay 6 upcoming installments in advance. However, the payment schedule for these new bookings will be 3.5 years instead of 3 years. New Surcharge Policy by Capital Smart City Islamabad Additionally, Capital Smart City has decided to levy a surcharge on late payments starting from 10th May 2020. Further details on this new surcharge policy are not yet disclosed. We are waiting for the details such as how many installments could be outstanding before a surcharge is levied? And what percentage of surcharge will be levied on the outstanding amount?If you are finding plots apartments and houses in islamabad click now.
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Marketing automation: How to automate LinkedIn with a chrome extension?
LinkHelp the most advanced Linkedin automation tool
Free trial: https://linkhelp.io
With link help, you can do some marketing automation on LinkedIn like:
-Send targeted messages
- Automatically add new connections
- Auto respond to your messages
- Endorse connections
- Follow and like LinkedIn connections
- Extract/ Scrape data on Linkedin
- Extract emails on linkedin
Linkhelp is basically an automation bot for Linkedin very smart !
In business circles, wherever you go, people are discussing LinkedIn. Despite the fact that it remains the most puzzling and misinterpreted of all major person-to-person communication destinations, enthusiasm for LinkedIn is at an unmatched level and sparks interest in how best to use the site to generate revenue. At this stage, any individual or organization that deliberately chooses not to perceive LinkedIn, or investigate its latent capacity, is seen as a slow hit. People get burned to learn that they "should be" giving more consideration to LinkedIn. They currently need iron proof that this really works before they contribute their time, vitality, and cash.
There is a wealth of online instructional exercises, web magazines, white papers, e-books, and recordings on how to make and increase LinkedIn's closeness. An important part of the work is a subsidiary, however, search a lot and you will discover solid and realistic content. While you can get a lot out of these sources, there is no viable alternative to learning LinkedIn through your own understanding. As a LinkedIn speaker, expert, and mentor, I've created a framework for sharing LinkedIn best practices that rely on the observational exam. 
An Increase in LinkedIn automations
Some people have been on LinkedIn for quite some time and their perseverance has paid off. There is constantly another example of overcoming adversity, one that could not have happened without LinkedIn as a delegate. A sales representative exceeded participation. An attorney handled a huge corporate client. LinkedIn is improving people's expert lives, and the people receiving the rewards are discussing it. The best motivation for people who currently don't seem to understand a LinkedIn achievement is found in the enthusiasm and achievements of those who realize they made a transformative change.
How LinkedIn transmits intelligence to you
While Cliff Rosenberg did not speak on this point, the best methods for obtaining information are most likely through his own system. LinkedIn is a great device for connecting with hard-to-reach possibilities. By looking at second and third-grade associations, you can regularly understand that the people you need to contact are connected to a partner or colleague. It's a systems management goldmine and I'll talk about this in more detail later, illustrated now.
LinkedIn is a search engine
These continuous advancements from within the LinkedIn group show that LinkedIn is much more important about the substance, especially the preservation of content from across the web and the transmission of relevant data to its customers. Here and there it is quickly becoming a web search tool in its own right, similar to what Facebook has become.
Why is LinkedIn attractive to marketers?
In advance, the human-observer and human resources workforce persecution field, LinkedIn, is also attractive to organization-focused marketers. LinkedIn measurements tell a bit of the story:
• Globally, Facebook has more than 500 million people (with 300 million dynamic customers),
• Twitter has 40 million
• LinkedIn has 50 million people.
LinkedIn with chrome extension Software, LinkedIn Social Selling, and Self-Associating Device
Visualize an extension for LinkedIn that allows you to automatically associate, send robotic messages from LinkedIn, automatic support capabilities of your contacts, visit many profiles a day, get access to your own CRM page, build battles and even make your showcase.
Welcome OctopusCRM, the main LinkedIn promotion program for everyone.
This guest profile and social selling device is an ideal answer for bidding experts, promotion specialists, and enrollment specialists.
It is good with Linkedin automation Free, Sales Navigator, Premium and Recruiter light registers. The gadget functions as a paired partner, doux and Leonard soup, however, it is entirely suitable for clients as it recreates your manual labor and performs irregular deferrals after each activity and has a huge arrangement of highlights.
Linkedin automation tool Auto Connect
This item gives you the ability to send personalized association requests to second and third level associations on LinkedIn naturally. Most of the LinkedIn computing devices like linmailpro / doux soup/wizard connected or even doge's soup also give that item, but instead of separating the LinkedIn profiles into the list items every day, just send them to your CRM page and work with the summary day by day.
The easiest route for the lead age using LinkedIn. Discover, contact and attract a large number of potential customers in a single brand.
Chrome One2Lead expansion for the lead age on LinkedIn lets you focus on your possibilities with a single touch. Build your system and send bulk messages with an exceptionally personalized approach.
Just present it in your Chrome program and start your first prospecting effort.
Arrangement for:
Sales representatives
New owners
Key points:
Send masses, however, deeply personalized requests
Accelerate your leadership capacity process
Create a deeply personalized scheduled effort for your intended stakeholder
Allow subsequent meetings to support your current customers
Create a micro-frozen scope battle by transferring your own profile overview
Manage your possibilities. Duplicate, impersonate, make contingent information
Track the effectiveness of your battle depending on the information obtained
Stay safe. We use calculations to mimic your daily movement, along these lines, you are protected to use
Works with a free LinkedIn account can be used without Sales Navigator / Recruiter
Export / Import your information. Stay up to date with your leads
Let One2Lead increase your effectiveness, produce a large number of LinkedIn leads, while you focus on developing your business and finalizing negotiations.
1. What is marketing automation?
The essential formula of any advertisement is:
Characterization Perspectives + Contact Details + Campaign = Marketing
The demonstration of the computerization of these media with the help of innovation and programming transforms it into marketing automation.
In this way, when with the help of business programming, a product or application deals with a few or numerous means of promotion, what is called marketing automation.
Marketing Automation Begins
In this sense, back in the beginning, when the PC and the web were new and not developing as much as they are today, the promoting organizations used to accumulate a not insignificant summary of the next clients and then send them a similar email individually. At the time, someone developed a capability whereby people had the option to enroll all email IDs into one email and send a bulk email.
We can call that the main Marketing Automation effort since the framework had mechanized a piece of the advertising effort. Currently, there was no compelling reason to send each individual individually. Currently, it ended with a lone snap. However, you first had to create a database with all the email IDs, but the tedious procedure of forming a similar email for each person was eliminated.
A couple of shipping types have ready-made groups accessible for nothing. You can accept that design as the body of your email. At that time, there are administrations that give you a summary of the email IDs in the spaces you need. And then, in an email client, you plan for your messages to be sent naturally without their essence. It is not obvious? Nothing is made up, but then you've sent a lot of messages with a couple of snapshots.
Promoting automation: intelligence gathering
The automation promotion schedule has progressed, and in this regard, they have also progressed with each exhibition progression. The basic advertising recipe mentioned above has become complex, substantially more engaged, pooled, and adjusted for the highest ROI. These days, simply mounting email ID arrays is not enough. For more extreme effectiveness, you have more programming and strategies to get rid of people and steps that are less likely to transform into changes. You can target only those people who are most kind to transform into a customer.
2. Why should you automate your LinkedIn network?
You need an organized way to handle sales and the mechanization of LinkedIn makes the procedure seamless. Computerization builds your system while content builds the attention and firmness of the brand. So with the right computer gadget, you can build connections and extend your system the right way
These are normal inquiries that we constantly make when we visit potential customers. Also, the short answer is simple: definitely not.
Automation your LinkedIn network absolutely has a place in a business that is without a doubt.
In our business, there are a lot of procedures and tasks that we have robotized using great innovation to help kick some of the hard work out. For example, the finishing of our commercial procedure is fully mechanized.
At the moment when someone needs to ask about one of our articles, we do a survey, when they complete this they go to another page where they can legitimately book with one of our specialists.
At no time was anything physically done and simply as expected, one of the groups will call the possibility at the scheduled time. It is simpler for everyone, they reserve in a period that is useful for them as one of our colleagues.
They will call them at the reserved time and they are all champions. Regardless, when it comes to building connections, that's what LinkedIn is all about: it's an unequivocal no.
Of course, it sounds incredible in principle to transmit computerized requests en masse instead of doing it physically individually.
Ban your account
On the one hand, it goes against the terms of use of LinkedIn and may prohibit your registration. LinkedIn is becoming significantly more meaningful than its site. These days, when people scan online, the main thing that emerges is that your site is never really your LinkedIn profile.
So if this were to disappear out of nowhere, you would become a ghost of potential possibilities and the need to develop your system without any preparation.
Inclined to errors
LinkedIn is continually looking at approaches to shutting down mechanization gadgets by changing things that make it difficult for them to work 100%. This implies the possibility that you transmit association messages or welcome regularly, an inappropriate message goes to the right people or vice versa. We frequently see bulk messages or automatic responses that are missing in the main name field or with an odd string attached.
There is also a validity problem today, when people ask if they should be using robot devices, we generally use the similarity of OK, go to a systems administration job and get a robot to organize it and make connections?
No, you wouldn't, why would you do it on LinkedIn?
People can tell, they are not inept, they can smell it a mile away. Out of nowhere, you interact with them and after 5 minutes you receive a created tone message. They realize that it was mechanized and couldn't care less.
Clarify your customer avatar
Initially, you should be clear about your customer's symbol, who do you expect to partner with
Through LinkedIn we take a look at 5 measurements that include:
Rank level
Organization size (count)
A: Sell your products and services
Today's business visionaries are concerned with getting excited about work and realizing that it is of greater importance. As business visionaries, we like our work to have an effect and help improve the world. Simultaneously, be that as it may, we like our work to be effective. Doing it admirably doing it great. With the most terrifyingly horrible recession in decades in our subsequent vision, today's entrepreneurs must be very imaginative and do things competently. These 7 stages to mechanize your online business will create agreements and improve your activities.
Automation is the way to build a successful business with fewer assets. Creating wonderful organizations, as a group, and using innovation, eventually to improve the world, is a shared goal of the present business visionary. And yet, today's business visionaries don't have the accessible budget resources to hire a group of workers. So the more the current business person can accomplish alone, the better.
Steps to build an automated online business on LinkedIn
Here are seven steps you can take on your journey to becoming a freelance, freelance, and deeply effective business person without burning all available resources.
Build a WordPress website
Build your email list
What do your optimal followers need?
What is the main problem they have that you trust you can explain?
What is your technique to deal with that problem?
What do you like to discuss more than anything?
Compose compelling content
The number of followers he has is directly identified with...
His ability to drive was exceptionally focused on traffic to his blog.
Your ability to change that traffic into FIERCELY LOYAL endorsers.
Your ability to get your readers to uplift and allude to peers.
Currently, it's up to you to make a move and arm your email list with compelling substance.
Build your social media profiles
b. Become a LinkedIn influencer
I recently spoke about the perception of influential people to build the visibility of your business. The opposite side of the coin is the means by which you can achieve LinkedIn influencer status yourself so that you can decisively impact different organizations. One thing to remember is that there is a state of influence and then there is a state of influence on LinkedIn. The two are not very similar.
What do you have to do to get influence status on LinkedIn?
Obviously, to experience the path to gaining influence status, you must start with the content, very similar to what you generally do. In addition to the fact that you need to create content, you need to do it in a crisp and compelling way, constantly connecting with the content. The more high-quality substance you produce, the higher your status as a LinkedIn influencer. It will also help you increase your expert notoriety as a rule, which is one of the main things you are looking for. As is always the case, you should avoid making a "difficult sale" to anyone. You will prevail in the sale of your articles, as well as in the administrations when developing your notoriety, credibility, confidence and positioning yourself as a master of subjects. Obviously, remember that the composition of your substance must be of high quality and it must also be intriguing. You must associate with your user on a human/passionate level and the story that each part of a substance tells must resonate with your user.
C. Get more visitors to your blog
This summary was found when people in my Marketing Group shared what works for them. These are reliable approaches to help you attract more visitors to your blog. I am sure you could continue to add more plans to this summary. In case you have something you want to include, it would be great if you let me know. I couldn't wish for anything more than being notified of what you're doing. We will start another summary.
1. Use clear sentences and expose them
2. Keep your site/blog updated - 2-3 times a week
3. Make a newsletter
4. Get interested in discussions or meetings, like LinkedIn, Quora, Ning
5. Send to local bookmarks - Stumbleupon, Delicious, Digg
6. Advance to others in your locality, exchange articles, be a visiting author
7. Put your sites in your email signature
8. Have a challenge or advance
9. Use social media devices like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
10. Be a visiting blogger, enter your site URL
11. Submit requests to your site for comments or for your occasions
12. AdWords
13. Make connections by keeping in touch, ask them questions
14. Write a book, ask for people's contact information, or post it on Scribd
15. Write public statements
16. Make a Facebook fan page to coordinate guests
17. Twitter to drive traffic to your blog site
18. Join different meetings where your clients get together
19. Exploit share buttons and benefits like Ping FM
20. Sign up for Google's local business catalog (Google Places)
21. Transfer an introduction to Slideshare with a connection back to your site
22. Profile people on your site and ask for comments or connections
23. Make videos of your articles/benefits and transfer them to other video administrations
24. Transfer photos to Flicker
25. Sign up for promotional pamphlets/writings for more thoughts
26. Show yourself on Craigslist, Kijiji and other free promotional destinations
27. Get substantial connections to your site from targeted traffic
28. Have more calls to activities
29. Offer a free digital book or blessing or report
30. Make up an extraordinary substance that people should go back to and share.
D. Get some social prove: Become trustful on LinkedIn
Even though your best results for creating new leads and prospects will come from dynamic prospecting (social selling), you would like to ensure that your profile improves. An improved profile makes it easy for those looking for your article or administration to find out.
Run these tips from LinkedIn to increase your chances of being found by the perfect people more regularly.
Streamline your LinkedIn business card
To ensure that your optimal customers get some answers about you, you need two things to happen: Your chances should have the option to discover it in the query items
The moment they find out, they should move to become familiar with you and the manners with which you can support them. This is where a structured LinkedIn business card turns out to be significant.
LinkedIn's role: Your role is the most basic piece of your profile. You can increase your chances of appearing in indexed lists by including keywords within your function that need to be found. In any case, more than that, your role should address your target market and motivate them to become familiar with you. That is the purpose of its function: to obtain its navigation possibilities to familiarize itself with what it offers.
Profile image: first impressions are everything, especially on the web. Use an expert profile photo in which you stand out, dress expertly, smile and look at the camera against a non-partisan base.
LinkedIn Publisher Article and Offer Ads
An elegantly composed business card can help you find it in the relevant indexed lists, however, don't just rely on the Advanced Search found on LinkedIn. Another brilliant method to expand your perceptibility on LinkedIn, particularly among its optimal possibilities, is to reliably publish LinkedIn publisher ads and articles.
E. Scale up your network
LinkedIn is really about partnerships. In addition, therefore, it tends to be an extraordinary asset to focused systems management. By joining meetings, attending occasions, and using current partnerships to create new partnerships, you can develop your business organization and promote your skills, increasing your capacity and image.
Interface with these individuals. Adjust the "individual note" alternative in the association request. Reach out to them for an espresso meeting and, if that can't be accomplished, propose a meeting on the web take a look at these meetings as being commonly advantageous. How could you help that individual and how could they help you?
Focus on offering some incentives to other people and being a connector. The more you do this, the more you update the estimate of what you bring to the table, either as a final supplier or as a source.
F. Give free ebooks and valuable tips to engage your Linkedin audience
The reason for ebooks is to attract leads. Convert an exceptionally significant substance that cannot be found in a direct online search on a digital book, and its possibilities are likely to give you its subtleties of contact as a by-product of access to the digital book.
While half of the substance display with digital books is the creating organization, the other half is elevating their digital book to expand ROI.
These are the means by which you can advance your digital book through a web-based network means to create important leads.
3. Add automatically some targeted connection on LinkedIn
LinkedIn.com is a site explicitly focused on informal communication that is equipped to interact with business experts who share basic interests. According to Nielsen on the web, LinkedIn, with just over 10 million customers developed by 193% in 2008 with an average age of 35 years. Recruitment reps and Human Resources experts love using LinkedIn to enroll planned workers. Additionally, it flaunts universal enrollment with approximately a portion of people located outside of the United States.
Your goal with LinkedIn should be to develop as an innovator in your industry or specialty, not just discover how to get traffic. Make important partnerships with customers and partners with whom you have a working relationship and build thereafter. Regarding the association with new individuals, it is worth proceeding with caution. Standards on LinkedIn propose that people should only interact with people they definitely know. The focus should be on creating connections, not on storing a huge following that you have no idea about. In the event that your profile is vigorous and appears to be a competent expert on your subject, at that point you will end up being an asset and people will start looking for you to make partnerships.
Here are a couple of tips to targeted on LinkedIn traffic:
Completely complete your profile and incorporate links to your blog or site. Your profile is your initial introduction, so dazzle! You only have one chance for an initial presentation.
Join groups in your industry or specialty and participate in conversations. You can post news in your meetings that contain a connection to your site or blog.
Use prompts to illuminate your system about what you're really looking for, new tasks you're driving, and the next few occasions that would have some meaning with them.
Edit your profile function, which is the line below your name to enter your site address. Currently, when people are browsing the profile arrangements, your site address will be unmistakable and curious people will tap on it to perceive what your site is about.
4. Send personalized and targeted messages to users
Select among the destinations that accompany you for your crusade:
Site visits
Lead age
Site transformations
Characterize your intended interest group in the Audience area.
Build your intended interest group by choosing the focus on aspects. Become familiar with the focus on alternatives and the current focus on goal-based understanding.
To apply a previously saved approach to design, click the Saved Crowds drop-down menu in the Audience area.
You can apply Peer Audiences, allowing you to redirect site guests or transfer records or contact records. Get acquainted with matching audiences.
Select Message Promotion in the ad design area.
Message promotions and discussion announcements are charged at an expense for each shipping premise/cost per sample. Familiarize yourself with the types offered and the cost and valuation of the ads.
Measure the display of your advertising crusade with compromise measures. Better understand your audience with segment details.
5. Extract the emails and other data
The moment you exchange your association information with Extract email on Linkedin, you may see that some of your contact email addresses are missing. This is because we recently introduced a setting that gives LinkedIn people more power over their email address, as a guarantee to put our people first. The new setting for "Who can download your email" is set by default to the strongest protection option. People can decide to change this setting to allow their immediate associations to download their email address when those immediate associations require a download of information.
Currently, you cannot exchange a summary of your contacts that are not first-degree associations.
In case you submit your associations since you have a copy account, be sure to close your additional registration and import your association summary to another LinkedIn account. Make sure you have saved registration in an area you can discover, and then adhere to the guidelines for transferring contacts using a CSV document.
Set me symbol at the highest point on your LinkedIn home page.
Select Settings and Privacy from the dropdown menu.
Set the Privacy tab at the highest point on the page.
How LinkedIn uses your information segment section, click Change next to Download your information.
You will be redirected to the Download your information page, where you can choose Connections.
You will receive an email at your primary email address that will incorporate a connection where you can download your association summary.
6. Auto-respond and auto-reply to your messages
Automated assistants are email parts that allow people to demand information about their articles, organization data, and administrations. The devices address subtleties to the applicant in response to a clear email that they send to their email address.
Automated wizards are perfect and essential special devices in case you have a web-based advertising adventure. Not many people call them Autobot, eMailer, or mailbox. Whatever name you use to address them, they accordingly respond to incoming messages without human mediation.
Automatic assistants spend free time and you can use them for some purposes. They work every minute of every day if you use solid, high-quality suppliers. In this sense, in case you need to build traffic flow to your sites, automated assistants are the best bet.
Many people use automated assistants to reduce online guest data. For example, when people appear on a web page entered by an automated wizard, the page opens and displays a pop-up message asking people to fill in their names or email identifiers on that page of the website. The automated wizard stores these email identifiers.
Types of automatic responders:
The main type incorporates automated auxiliary administrations. These are based administrations that allow internet advertisers to send submission arrangements to an online guest, who has mentioned their item details via an electronic page present on their website or elsewhere. 
The benefit of this type is that you can configure it without much effort. Apart from this, they are solid and host-free, which implies that there is no need to access or organize the data of the guests. Rather, the devices carry out this responsibility for you.
7. Endorse your connections
LinkedIn has a cool new component that many uses. Perhaps this use is a direct result of its perceptibility, being regularly the main thing seen in a profile.
The supports allow you to easily perceive the skills and mastery of your system. In a brand, you can adopt their associations for a skill that they have recorded in their profile or suggest one that they have not included at this time. It's amazing to show proactive kindness and hug your associates, however, be sure to use it only for those you really subscribe to. This sounds self-evident, however, don't be overly decent and embrace someone's skills when you haven't seen evidence of experience.
Step by step instructions to adopt your associations:
At the highest point of an association's profile, you will see the supports prescribed for them. You can embrace the proposed skills, which originate from their profile or recommend additional skills.
The moment you hug someone, you receive a warning. The same applies in case someone supports you.
It is a simpler and quicker procedure than writing a suggestion for an association. These still have a place and are profoundly important in light of the fact that they are explicit and show that someone has put aside the effort to collect a few words about you.
With the element that prompts your system to embrace it, is it an opportunity to go back to the skills you have recorded and mend them?
Are your current skills recorded? Does the summary really incorporate skills or would you say they are increasingly similar to characteristics?
Use the skill territory to list the things you need to be known for: things that are part of your image, your business offering, or a range of skills as a representative.
Schedule for a profile survey this week. Ensure that your phrases are used throughout your profile, remembering your skills
8. Automatically like some specific posts
It is based on your monetary position what type of advertising or advance can support on LinkedIn. Be that as it may, towards the beginning of your blog, you will have to contribute as little as possible in the progress. Here are a couple of expert tips to get your blog moving free of cost or requiring little or no effort.
Receive new trends
You have two points to examine, one topic is in fashion and the other is an old story. It will switch to the most recent news or story as it carries some complementary points of interest along with accepting the latest updates. Currently, apply this circumstance to your guests.
Include a news section
The news is the latest, and the latest is the most necessary. Include a news segment on your blog. You can constantly update this segment or interact with your blog with an appropriate news site (deliberately or by paying them some cash).
Holding the audience
People love to talk. No one needs to become a silent audience or reader. Create systems to retain your audience so that your current guests become your guests without change. For this reason, you can create conversation threads along with comments, where people can associate with each other, have discussions, and offer their thoughts interest. 
9. Follow some targeted prospect
Here are some ideas on the best way to do it.
Have a place away from your target market. Who are your administrations for? Who do you manage to work with? This must be point by point and give those focused on the possibilities of a flood of recognition. It must be explicit enough that its ideal possibility relates to its representation.
Describe the problems you can address using a perspective-oriented language. After perceiving themselves in their target market, they will be in a hurry to see below a representation of the problems they are trying to solve. Consider it in this regard. They have been looking for an answer. They are exhausted in the search and potentially somewhat bewildered. They will light up with confidence when they see your description of the problem they need to understand. 
Make a description of what things might be like for them once they have your answer. This should be short but overflowing with rocking. What could they look for? What have you been waiting to have? What changes could they anticipate? At this point you have them salivating and needing to know more subtleties. 
Tell them what to do immediately. Direct them to the next page of your site. You have shaken his advantage and consideration. Try not to make them work to make sense of what's immediate. It sounds short-sighted but is regularly neglected as a hard copy of a site. Imagine how you feel when you go to a stranger's house. You do not need to be received and coordinated at the place you will visit with your host. 
Make sure your composition is short, clear, and moderately fast-paced. The ability to focus on it is famous for being short and volatile. A "wrong" word, a moderate sentence, or a confused idea is enough for guests to click off your site. Think of them as an annoying and rushed individual in a "store". 
10. Scrap the phone numbers of companies on Linkedin
Of course, LinkedIn allows customers to discover different people in their database by searching for their email addresses or phone number. By touching second-degree associations, your association's immediate associations ("Chaperones") will discover your profile using your email address or phone number.
Linkedin Search
The search on LinkedIn is more focused and will give you essential data of your possibility such as Name, Telephone number, Job title, Company name and URL of the LinkedIn profile. So you can reach your possibilities in a portable way with your advertising message.
Constant phone number extractor
RS Phone Prospector is exceptionally focused on extracting direct phone amounts from your latent capacity possibilities, such as versatile or work numbers. You just enter focused on the slogan and the area. That's the product that will end up making your list of focused phones.
Expansive search
The expansive search is only you can be separated directly from the web crawler phone numbers for any company or expert like real estate agents, developers, specialists, protection operators, exhibition consultants, specialists and much more according to your wish.
11. What is the Linkedin extension LinkHelp?
This increase is illuminated by another notice check at any point where you have a new move on LinkedIn. Touching the raised symbol is also a simple method of legitimately taking you to the LinkedIn site to see your new action.
LinkedIn is an amazing asset to the B2B lead era. In the event that your business offers to organizations, it is an incredible stage to be in. People on LinkedIn are not kidding, they don't like it at all on Facebook. LinkedIn presents an extraordinary open door for anyone looking for a contact, hiring someone, or making B2B sales.
a. How to use it?
To use magnification, you need a Nimble record. The expense is $ 15 / month, however, you can start with a free 14-day preliminary. When you enter the increase, log in. The moment you discover a possibility on LinkedIn, display the individual's name and Nimble will turn on live profile highlighting.
To introduce the Chrome extension from LinkedIn, it would be ideal if you follow these means
Open your Chrome browser on any PC
Explore the Chrome store. You will see a symbol for the Chrome store or you can search for it using Google
The moment you discover the Chrome Store, start a search for 'Exelare' in the Chrome Store search box
You will discover 2 accessible Exelare Extensions. One for candidates and one for contacts
Choose which extension to install and tap the capture '+ "or' Include 'to enter the expansion
In the event that you are prompted once again to affirm the establishment, click on 'either' or 'Include' to confirm
Another Exelare symbol will be entered in the upper right corner of the program window.
'Right click' on the Exelare symbol and select 'Options'
Another window will open allowing you to enter your Exelare login credentials (similar data you use to log into Exelare)
Enter your Exelare login ratings and click 'ok'. Now you could close the new tab.
Adjust Chrome settings button (upper right corner) and then select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu
Another window will open where you will see a search box
In the search box type "Downloads" in the box: this will generate a summary of results
At the bottom of the list items, there will be an option to 'Request to save each record before download'. Kindly ensure this is checked.
b. Does it worth its price?
Now you could start using the LinkedIn extension for Chrome! It would be ideal if you watch the video on the most competent method to use the LinkedIn Chrome extension.
Track costs on Amazon and Steam that you think are excessively expensive and get notified once they drop to a value you determine. This increase is never under dynamic advance again.
The moment you see an item that is currently more expensive than you are willing to pay, That is Worth allows you to enter a value that you think the item is worth, and then tells you if the value falls below that estimate.
Track costs on Amazon and Steam that you think are excessively expensive and find out once they drop to a value you indicate.
The moment you see an item that is now more expensive than you're willing to pay, that is worth allows you to determine a value you think the item is worth, and then tells you if the value falls below that estimate.
1 note · View note
moonsdancer · 6 years
josie & sweet pea is fantastic, here’s why
Narratively, this pairing is THE Northside/Southside story the show has been trying (AND FAILING) to tell all along with the various relationships (romantic and platonic) of Bughead, Choni, Jarchie and the town more broadly. On a better show this ship would be a writers’ goldmine. But since we’re dealing with trash, well....
She’s literally Northside royalty. And not in a creepy incest-family Blossom way; or crazy family running the town paper Cooper way; or in a rich mafia criminal way like the Lodges.
Josie’s mother is the mayor. The same mayor whose messy town policies have adversely impacted Sweet Pea, his family, the Southside as a whole.
Sweet Pea’s part of a literal biker gang, the most “dangerous” one in Riverdale. The same gang that’s been menacing the population for a hot minute and has residents living in fear (I use “” because we know some of that’s just their reputation but not all of it...)
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Some character points of conflict that are IDEAL for ROMANCE:
She’s spoiled and ambitious, completely focused on accomplishing her dream of being a pop superstar, knowing exactly what stands in her way given she’s a Black woman in a shitty industry but she’s determined to make it. And that makes her brash and prickly sometimes but we know why.
He’s a tough kid from the wrong side of the tracks LITERALLY who’s had to survive on nothing but his fists, his found-family and a whole lot of luck. He’s angry, and he has every right to be so given his situation, he can be violent and hotheaded but he’s also a LOYAL friend.
From the moment we met her, Josie’s had one ambition but she’s also been riddled with insecurities because of neglectful (dad) and demanding (mom) parents. Most of all, she has a heart, even when she oversteps friendship or drops friends in pursuit of her ambitions, she eventually comes right.
We know from the short scene last season that Sweetpea wants MORE for himself than one might expect, he has GOALS and AMBITIONS too. He was willing to forego Serpent regalia if it meant they could stay in a school that actually functioned and allowed him to pursue a good education.
She won’t tolerate anything that would stand in the way of her goal.
He thinks most Northsiders are privileged assholes directly responsible for screwing over his life. He’s disdainful and rude to all of them all the time.
She isn’t too fond of rocking the boat, especially if it disappoints her parents. There’s a part of her that wants to be respectable, and be the perfect daughter to both her parents. But we know there’s something of the rebel in her too, she’s got a wild side and maybe she just needs someone to help her let it OUT....
He doesn’t hesitate to use his fists to solve most problems. He lives by a strict code, Serpents First. He’ll do anything to protect his gang family. Dating (and possibly falling for) a Northsider is as antithetical to who he is as wearing a tie. And yet...
They got into this thing for the fun of it, and maybe she wanted to do something rebellious because no one would expect Josie McCoy to go out with a serpent, and maybe he just liked how twisted it would be to hook up with the MAYOR’s daughter BUT NOW... THEY’RE CATCHING FEELINGS...
Unfortunately, the show will never do it justice. They’ve already hamstrung it by failing to show the first moment of them falling into sexual attraction to each other. Sadly, the writers’ racism will always show through especially when it comes to Josie and her narrative will never get any real weight in the story. And that fucking sucks.
But that doesn’t mean people can’t find a way to make LEMONADE out of all these lemons. There’s so much to work with here. If you’ve ever watched a CW show you know you’re bound for 90% disappointment unless your faves are the two white mains (and even then, lol).
So, anyone writing fic yet?
193 notes · View notes
wilhelmjfink · 5 years
The Great Divide - Chapter 8
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I thought we were on chapter 7...
gonna try something new w/ these chapters in hopes that maybe they’ll get more notes! i’m gonna make a masterlist here for it tonight hopefully.... so the chapters will be in there along w/ the cover photo creds instead of hyperlinks b/c apparently that has something to do with it being searched.......... so whatever :-)
Previously: “I think you’re special, too, Riley.” Lidia leaned forward and used a tattered rag to comfortingly wipe away her tears. “And I don’t think that this is the end of your story. You just need to have hope. You can’t give up on Daryl.”
Rick knew Daryl well enough to always stay one step ahead of him.
And it was a good thing that he did, because the second that Warner decided to stop talking and instead offered a sly smile at the mention of Riley’s name, Daryl lunged at him.
Michonne immediately went to step in but Rick had already been anticipating it, though that didn’t make it much easier for him for control the man thrashing in his arms, trying his best to prevent him from reaching the stranger that sat in the corner before them helplessly.
It didn’t taken much to get Daryl to snap — it never had, especially when it came to Riley. But Warner obviously knew something; it was written all over his face. But he’d been scared when he’d woken up, bound and confused surrounded by three strangers after getting attacked by Daryl once already. If he didn’t learn to control his anger, Rick was worried he might just murder him — accidentally or otherwise — and that would leave them back at square one: absolutely clueless.
Riley had scolded him several times about losing his temper so violently, though she wasn’t any better at controlling her own. And he usually listened to her when she warned him, but she wasn’t here right now to stop him, and it was all because of the bastard in front of him.
“He knows somethin’, Rick!” Daryl growled, still trying half heartedly to escape from his friends grip. He was like a rabid wolf, snarling and gnashing his teeth in anger. “I’m gonna tear that smug look right off that fucker’s face!”
“How do you expect him to tell us what he knows if you break his jaw?” Rick responded firmly, losing his patience due to already having explained it earlier. He didn’t blame Daryl, though; the situation was infuriating in and of itself and the fact that they had a potential goldmine of information about Riley’s disappearance that sat in front of them refusing to speak only made it that much harder to retain his composure.
He was a cop. He’d done this a hundred times, if not more. Everybody had a breaking point... it was just a matter of finding it.
“Listen to me,” Rick sidestepped into Daryl’s point of view and made him focus, the snarl on his face not disappearing from his features and his blazing eyes not softening. “Guys like this, they all have a trigger — all of ‘em. We’ll get him to crack. Trust me. And gettin’ them to crack, well...” he threw a glance over his shoulder at Warner who hadn’t yet moved. “That’s the fun part.”
After a long moment of consideration Daryl finally nodded stiffly, clearly not thrilled or impressed with the lecture but stopping himself regardless. He hoped for Rick’s sake that the process of getting Warner to break was as fun as he said it would be. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be very long until he truly couldn’t stop himself and just completely lost it and they would be left with nothing once again, and it would be all his fault.
So they gagged him again, making sure it was tight enough to silence him but not too tight as to suffocate him, and waiting for the others to show up.
Warner sat quietly when they finally did Michonne wasn’t positive he noticed even when she turned around and closed the curtain in front of her.
“Rick, they’re here.”
He peered through the sheer fabric secretively, observing the crew that had slowly begun to show up one by one at the intersection at the end of the road. And sure enough, the black vehicles with a mysterious symbol painted on the side had arrived and parked in formation, waiting patiently for their friend to return with an innocent victim.
“That’s the same thing painted on what’s-his-names hoodie,” Daryl observed, peering over Rick’s shoulder at the crowd beneath him. “S’gotta be them, Rick. They know where Riley is.”
“That also means Warner really is with them.”
Daryl has already figured that, wanting to believe it was true regardless of whether or not it really was. It gave him something to latch onto, giving him a small spark of hope that he might actually see his girl again. 
“So, he really does know something... so, he belongs to us now.”
Daryl and Michonne were both surprised at the tone of Rick’s voice: dark and sinister, his anger bubbling to the surface as his adrenaline kicked in at the confirmation. He was seconds away from knocking Warner unconscious himself then, making his way over to him to tighten the gag around his mouth in an effort to reassure that he wouldn’t try to make any noise while his friends stood there waiting, watching on curiously. Rick didn’t even care at that point — he was sure they would leave after they decided that Warner was dead or gone... it was just the type of people that they were.
He also had a solid feeling now that Warner was aware of the whole situation, if he wasn't entirely responsible himself. But when he watched the group outside disperse for a short minute, hardly attempting to look for their teammate beyond the hotel building he observed them from, they returned to their vans and gave up. Just like that.
Now confident, Rick took it upon himself to release the built up anger he’d had to bury all morning by swinging at the stranger they had tied up, his fist colliding with his jaw loudly, sending him down to the rough carpet of the hotel room floor unconscious.
Daryl couldn’t help but smirk.
After the time they’d locked Jesus in the cell only for him manage to sneak his way out, they’d fool-proofed it, and Warner sat silently in the corner. He’d remained silent the entire trip home and, as frustrated and angry as Daryl was, he’d made an effort not to show it, knowing it would only encourage Warner’s smug silence.
And though it was driving him mad he took it as a good sign — a sign that he knew something.
And something was better than nothing, which is where he still currently stood.
“There’s lotsa ways to make people talk,” Rick said to the crew of five that sat before him at the long oak dining table in their makeshift city hall. “And not all of them need to involve violence.”
“I don’t want any use of violence,” Deanna said pointedly from her spot at the head of the table, arms crossed. Rick elected to have her there overseeing their meeting and give input on the thoughts and opinions, considering her position in the community. Her input mattered to him and his leadership mattered to her; he’d made it very clear he had only good intentions for the people of Alexandria... and they needed Rick’s guidance.
“That might be the only way to get him to talk,” Michonne argued.
But Deanna wouldn’t budge. “No — that is not what Alexandria is about.”
“Ya don’t get to choose what yer about anymore,” Daryl barked at her after having tried to keep his mouth shut in the matter. The whole process was infuriating him; his natural instincts were yelling at him to run outside of the gate and not stop until he found her. He paced back and forth in the hall, anxious and growing angrier with each passing minute.  “Not in this world. Dude ain’t gonna just offer up what he knows just ‘cause we pinky-promise to let ‘em go free.”
“Daryl’s right,” Michonne agreed, staring intently at Deanna across the table. She was just as angry as anybody about the whole situation it seemed, leaning more towards Daryl in way of support, knowing confidently that Warner wouldn’t budge unless they made him. “People are selfish, now more than ever. If you want Alexandria to survive, you need to learn how to handle yourselves other ways besides sitting around a table to chit-chat with somebody who wants everything that you have and doesn’t give a damn if he has to kill you to take it.”
Deanna only frowned. “There are other ways to communicate with people without hurting them. We aren’t animals — we are civil!”
“Ya know what? Yer right.” Daryl’s voice had risen and he was spitting venom in his words, obviously fed up with her stubbornness and unwillingness to negotiate with them. “S’a big waste of time, Rick. Do you think we should bake ‘em a tray of cookies or somethin’ instead? That might help.”
“Nah, nah, she’s gotta point!” He stopped and slammed his empty chair into the table, rounding the group as they sat quietly in front of him. “Or maybe we can just hug it outta him.”
Deanna, who sat clearly unamused at Daryl’s sarcasm, followed him with her eyes as he begun his pacing, trying to suppress his growing fury.
“That is not what I meant. You’re being ridiculous.”
He whipped around and stepped toward her, eyes narrowed, arm swinging. “I’m bein’ ridiculous? Did ya even look at the son of a bitch? We have no idea what he’s capable of, and there’s lots more of ‘em! And say we do let ‘em go after he caves; you didn’t see those bastards lined up at the end of the street with their rifles n’ armor n’ shit, lady. They ain’t fuckin’ friendly, and the lil’ asshole is just gonna run back home, tell ‘em all about Alexandria and ‘what yer about’, n’ then they’ll be knockin’ on the door the next day and I’m pretty sure they ain’t gonna sit around holdin’ our hands n’ singin’ Kum By Yah, all worried about ‘bein’ civil’.”
Daryl was fuming and Rick straightened up, again finding himself anticipating the tantrum his friend was going throwing, regardless of how correct his points were. He watched as Daryl continued to walk briskly back and forth, a scowl on his face, noticeably trying to maintain a level head and utterly failing. “Ya think that someone who literally steals people gives a shit about your god damn morals? I’d bet he don’t!”
Rick stayed silent, having been persuaded by Daryl’s outburst, but was still looking at Deanna and waiting for her response knowing she couldn’t argue.
But still, she only sighed. “Daryl...”
“If y’all are just gonna sit at this table n’ pray for her, to hell with ya. I ain’t gonna wait around for him to spill his guts n’ if y’all don’t let me beat it outta him, then I’m gonna go find her my damn self.”
And with that, he stormed out of the room, slamming the heavy door loudly behind him.
yall know i loooveee me some angry Daryl :)
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moiraineswife · 6 years
Percy Meta: Potential
The dam finally broke and now here is the Percy meta that...None of you have really been waiting on, but which has been inevitable for at least two weeks. Most of this is probably like...obvious af, and I’m well aware I’m late to the party but also I feel good about my present state of Revelation so like, deal with it. 
This ain’t gonna be short. At all. This ain’t even gonna think about being short. Y’all have been warned. 
For a little bit now, I’ve been struggling somewhat between the slight chasm between the way the audience (and me) respond to Percy, and the way Taliesin seems to respond to Percy, mostly in terms of the way they judge/see him, and Taliesin has said several times that he considers Percy to be a bad person which was something my tiny, protective little brain couldn’t wrap its head around. But I think I get it, and I think it has almost 100% to do with the way that Percy sees the world around him. 
Percy sees the world in terms of its potential. 
Most people see a lump of black powder; Percy sees bullets. Most people see steel and wood; Percy sees a gun. Most people see things as they are; Percy sees them for what they could be. 
This is something that drives...A huge amount of his life tbh. All of his tinkering projects emerge from this way of seeing the world. The wheels are always spinning, and he’s always thinking of ways to reinvent the wheel. And then what else he can do with the wheel. And what he can do with that and on and on and on. 
I think Percy wanders around a world in which everything he comes across is a raw material. It’s something he can use to make something else, something bigger, something cleverer, something better. 
But I ALSO think that this way of thinking is what makes up his sense of morality, as well as his view on the world, and his view on himself. 
[Please now venture beneath the cut to continue listening to me cry rivers about Percy de Rolo and his ‘you need a therapist, child’ psychology] 
Percy also sees people for their potential. Which makes him incredibly interesting if you rather like picking apart a characters’ sense of morality (which, spoiler alert: I do) Most people, I think, will tend to base their judgements of others on a)- what they do or b)- why they do it. 
This gives rise to the ways most people understand the world. They either flat out think: killing is wrong, that is a wrong act, whatever the circumstances. Or they consider, well, yes, killing is wrong in most cases, but if you look at why this person killed - to protect, for instance, then in that case they would forgive. Obviously things get much more nuanced than that, but basically that’s how it goes. 
I don’t think Percy really thinks that way. I don’t think he really judges people based on what they’ve done, or why they’re doing it. I think he judges people on what they may do in the future. The more likely they are to do more harm, the worse of a person they are in his eyes. 
For context/a source of what sparked all this, I’m in the middle of episode 67 at the moment, and they’re just reintroducing Ripley to the narrative, and Percy is coming to terms with the effect he’s had on her, and the fact that someone else in the world is producing guns - which has the potential to change said world astronomically. 
This has produced a lot of Very Telling Percy moments, but the one I’m most thinking about is his reasoning behind why his decision to let Ripley live when they found her in Whitestone was wrong. 
Percy sees this in very simple terms, which he explains to Vax and Vex: he should have killed Ripley because she was a greater threat to the world in the future than the Briarwoods were (as far as he understood it at the time). Letting the Briarwoods live would have meant a couple more vampire-things in the world, world’s full of them already, not as big a deal. Letting Ripley live could, in his eyes, cause the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of people, perhaps more, because of the knowledge that she has, and her potential to unleash his designs and his guns on the world. 
This is...A seriously interesting way of looking at things. Especially when you consider the fact that the Briarwoods are like...Solely responsible for the deaths of Percy’s entire family, the loss of his home, the loss of like...Everything, pretty much. If he’s judging people on their past actions he’s got every damn right to consider them as far worse than Ripley. 
But he doesn’t. He considers her evil. Purely evil. She is the only thing we’ve seen thusfar that actually scares Percy. Percy who was the first to jump into the swirling ball of fire that took them to the elemental plane. Percy that made a deal with a demon and didn’t truly fear that. Percy who confronted an ancient, soul-devouring sword without so much as blinking. Percy fears Ripley. Percy judges Ripley as the most dangerous, and the most terrible being he has ever encountered, because Percy looks at this woman and doesn’t see what she’s done, doesn’t even really see what she’s presently doing, he sees what she may do in the future, and that is what terrifies him. 
But I think this concept gets even MORE interesting when you note that Percy applies this way of thinking to himself. 
And I think that THIS is what causes the rift between the way he views himself, and the way the rest of the world (and, out-of-world, the way the audience views him) because we are, essentially, judging two entirely different people. 
The people around Percy, and the audience, are responding to Percy in the moment.  They’re responding to the Percy that they can see at present. 
Percy is judging the Percy that he can see five, ten, twenty years down the line, the monster that man has the potential to become, and the horrifying change he has the potential to wreak upon the world. 
Percy takes a strange, twisted almost delight in being mistrusted by those closest to him. When he asks Vax if Vax trusts him and Vax hesitates he isn’t insulted, he isn’t offended, or upset, or unsettled, he is pleased. He encourages this view of himself. And I think this is because he wants those around him to perceive him as he perceives himself, as the threat that he poses, as the thing that he could become. 
There was a moment a  few episodes back, which I’m sure has been very thoroughly discussed in-fandom already, in which Percy told Vax, “ And in return I ask: never take your eyes off me. Never trust me. And that is the best friend that you can me." And this is absolutely founded on the same logic. 
Percy will accept like. Percy will accept friendship. Percy will even, to an extent, accept love, and that those around him love him. The thing Percy will never accept is trust. And I think that is because all of those other things, friendship, and liking, and even love, are all rooted in the present. They’re all immediate, and they don’t carry any kind of impact on the future. 
Trust does. Trust implies a certain investment, and trust carries with it a ripple effect. If Percy is trusted in the present, that could lead to some terrible consequences in the future. Trust is based on the potential. It’s based on unknowns - to trust someone is to accept that you don’t fully know what they’ll do, what they’ll choose, but you have faith they’ll do the right thing, and this is what terrifies Percy, I think. 
Percy wants to be mistrusted. Percy wants to be watched. Because Percy’s imagination has carried him about six steps ahead of everyone else, and he’s looking at the worst case scenario of the monster he might become, and his rejection of trust is his safeguard against that. If he’s not trusted, if he’s watched, if he’s stopped, then maybe, just maybe, they can avoid that. 
And what’s more interesting is that I don’t think any of this is rooted in a desire to palm responsibility off on someone else. Percy has a fairly deep self-awareness, probably too deep, in fact, and for all his flaws, he takes responsibility for himself, for his actions, and for the consequences of those actions. This isn’t about trying to pass blame, this is about his innate fear and mistrust of himself and his desire for others to see that. 
And so i think that this is why Percy sees himself as a terrible person, and where that pit of self-loathing in him comes from, that the others have a hard time accepting/coming to terms with (fucking Vax has said he believes Percy to be a good person, like damn son that’s some reference) is that Percy’s judging future!Percy, and everyone else is judging present!Percy. 
Because present Percy isn’t, as far as I can see, a terrible person. But Percy is fully aware of the monster that he has the capacity to become. And I think he hates that person, and he hates the fact that the potential of it is inside him as he is, and that’s what causes his judgement of himself, his hatred of himself. 
And there’s something...So deeply painful about that. Because in some senses I can almost understand him judging the rest of the world and all the people in it on these terms, especially when the weight of protecting that world has been partially shoved onto Percy’s shoulders. It’s a tactical and it’s a pragmatic and it’s a logical morality, and it’s pretty damn perfect for Percy. He’s able to prioritise and weigh threats, essentially, he’s able to see what’s the biggest threat, and then works to counter that. Very suited for the life of a monster-hunter, and even a soldier to an extent, methinks. 
The problem is it’s a less than perfect personal morality. He hates himself for something he may not ever become. He judges himself a monster for things that haven’t yet happened, and may never happen. He hates a thing that is by no means certain, or inevitable, it’s only the faintest shred of a chance, but that alone is enough for him to condemn himself, and that’s a dark, lonely, painful way to live. 
And to just dig a little bit deeper (I swear I’m nearly done, I swear) into the veritable goldmine of analysis potential that is Percy de Rolo, this dovetails with another fundamental part of Percy’s character (as far as I see him anyway) which is: legacy. 
Percy was born and raised in a noble family, and was probably educated on legacy from the age at which he was able to understand what that word meant. He is literally the walking personification of the concept of legacy. Percy and his nine hundred names has become something of a running joke, I get that, but I also think his emphasis on it is significant for two things: 
1)- when he left Whitestone, his name was the only thing of his past that he had left. As far as he knew, his entire family was dead, and his house, lands, people, and future were all in the hands of their killers. 2)- It’s generated, presumably, by various names of historical significance to the de Rolo family, that had to be carried on in Percy the same way a bloodline is carried on. It’s a constant reminder of the pressure to live up to his history, but also to preserve and to continue it. And with Percy as, what he thought for some time, the last de Rolo, that makes this even more of a weight on his shoulders. 
He has that beautiful speech during the Westruun arc about how he will live as long as Whitestone lives. It’s a really poignant moment (And I want to know who taliesin jaffe sold his soul to for these lines, but I’ll explore that at a later date) but it’s also super-revealing in terms of Percy. 
Percy does not really consider himself in that moment an individual. Percy is a multitude. Percy is the history that has been written, and the history that is yet to be written. He is a single page in a much larger book. And he’s deeply aware, and also deeply comfortable with this ideal. (Which is also very interesting, because most people have trouble when considering their own mortality/limited purpose/place in the grand scheme of the universe) 
And what Percy considers ‘the human soul’ in this moment is the things that they build with their ‘tiny moments’. Cities will stand (barring dragon-attacks and death marble destruction) for generations after those that built them set the first stones. Books and historical records will last even longer. But the truly impactful thing here is that Percy considers a person’s soul that which they create, and that which they leave behind.
So, with that in mind, if Percy creates and leaves behind Ripley, and his guns, that makes for a rather twisted, dark, violent soul. He specifically says in that episode that when he doesn’t leave any record of his creations - his notes are destroyed/put away once he’s finished making whatever it is he’s making, and he specifically asks the rest of Vox Machina to destroy all of his creations after he’s gone. He does not want that to be his legacy, he doesn’t want that to be what he leaves behind, he doesn’t want that to be the mark of his human soul on this world. 
This all explains why he is so haunted and disturbed by Ripley’s existence, and also why he sees himself as a bad person. And it’s actually a really interesting, nuanced look at the trope of a character being obsessed with their legacy. I think this gives it a real substance, and grounding, and meaning, and feeling. There are reasons behind this, very deep reasons behind this obsession with what he will become, and what he will leave behind, and the fact his moral sense is based on that is even more fascinating and just...All the awards to Taliesin Jaffe for Percy’s character, honestly, because he builds this up so well, and understands and responds to the nuances of Percy’s character and trauma so damn well. 
TL;DR: Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III has some very serious psychological scars related to legacy, and is so afraid of what future!Percy may look like, he hates present!Percy for even entertaining the possibility of future!Percy by like...Existing. 
Wow this was a marathon. If u got to the end of it a)- thank u and b)- i feel for u bc u probably have as many Percy feelings as me, and correspondingly little soul or heart left so like...I feel for u, friend, I feel for u. 
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benzilla80 · 6 years
Waterous Trail on Foot 50 Miler – The Resurrection
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The Backstory
The lead up to this race had been a pretty solid one by my standards. WTF 100 miler in 2015 was a qualifier race for another 100 miler on the Australian east coast. After nearly a year of waiting, I was accepted to race in the Great Southern Endurance Run (GSER) A 181km 10,000m vertical gain alpine race. Fast forward almost another year and the race is fast approaching this coming November.
I will try not to wander to far from this race, but it was all part of my preparation. My GSER training program involved nearly a year’s worth of ‘racing diet’ Both for financial and racing effort reasons. Since Australia Day Ultra in January until GSER in November, there was to be only one race, and that was a ‘test and tune’ event. WTF50 was perfect. Local, I knew the course and it was a chance to test out some things under race conditions.
Training involved a good base of 100km weeks before training even started. Bread and butter weeks including one interval session, one tempo session and one long run as the foundation. The first few weeks were 6 days a week with easy volume runs filling in between the harder workouts, then I swapped to 7 days a week and targeted at least 2,00m elevation gain. The training week of WTF was a 130k week with an extremely short 3-day taper.
What The Actual Race Day
I got as early a night as I could, and rose on the first alarm, quietly got ready and drove myself to the start line with an instant packet of porridge warming my belly. The drive was dark, wet and not exactly inspiring for what lay ahead.
I arrived at the meet point a bit early and was not sure of the new parking area, eventually, I found the toilets and parking area and Sergio was also wandering about in the rain looking for the start. A few moments later a stream of cars rolled in and it was on. I parked and walked behind my car to get my gear out and stood in a large puddle…. great.
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Race director Dave Kennedy (DK) arrived in the big orange bus and we get through the drop bag process quick and easy then take the short walk through the early daw sunlight to the start line proper. It’s raining lightly and I am in two minds about keeping my hooded jacket on or not, I hate running in that thing, yet didn’t want to spend all day wet either, so it stayed on.
Race line brief, I hit my watch to get the location and it has an update waiting for me…. c’mon really? You need to do this now?! (I ended up starting the race without it tracking and got it sorted on the go, but that explains the minute difference between my watch time and gun time)
We set off and I’m about mid-pack and 50 meters into the race the lead guys run right by the first turn and take half the pack with them. I call out and everyone gets back on track among a few laughs. I find myself running with a person I didn’t recognise, Thomas with another lady I didn’t recognise Martina. Both looked springy and ready to go and as Chris and Andrew joined me they pulled ahead. The boys and I had agreed to run together for as long as it worked as a Runningworks Team, which I was happy for. The company was nice and I offered a few tips and laughs along the way. Both those guys had potential to win, and now there were two other factors I had not considered opening a gap ahead. I told the guys to be patient, 80k is a long way.
The first 5km is mostly downhill, so I tried to keep the pace comfortable but not silly. I said to Andrew “forget the split times and think of the split effort, consistent effort is more important than maintaining a specific number, some will be fast, some will be slow so think of the overall effort” I had planned my effort to be above training but stay below racing pace.
Things were going well, Martine came back to the group on one of the last big downhills before the river and Thomas opened the gap more and more. Our group of three crossed the river and began the next long 1.6km climb. I was happy to use my poles and run walk this, Chris seemed eager to run more and Andrew was happier to listen to his wife’s advice “winners walk the hills” Either way, we stayed pretty much together and were on the more runnable stuff into Kingsbury Drive Aid Station holding a nice pace and chatting away. Our average was pretty much 8 hours flat and Thomas was out of sight, a quick glance behind saw a few runners not far back, also in good spirits.
We round the last bend and I ask the guys if they were stopping and both said yes. I mentioned I needed to get my jacket off and have a pee so they might catch me then, but I avoid stopping at stations if I don’t have to. I had packed enough gear to not stop and ran right thought “307 in…307 out”
I would not see the boys again until Goldmine Hill’s out and back leg.
Running solo, I expected to slow down a bit, but managed to hold some pretty good pace on the hard-packed trail between the Kingsbury rd. crossing, around the plantation and into the ‘lil bitch’ (a term I use for my second most disliked part of the course, not an official name haha) the first of two rolling technical hills sections that can be tough in both directions, at least this year was a one way trip for me. A few hiking breaks and 6-7minute km’s saw me through to the Boyd Road section in pretty good shape. It was here my heart rate was elevated when I saw two rather large off leash Rottweilers running towards me with a small third dog in chase…. ALARM! The owner was close by and called the dogs and thankfully they had a great recall and decided against chewing on the skinny runner passing by! Just before leaving the road section I saw Chris’s wife Sandy and the rest of the support team at the junction. I appreciate the cheers guys. This was followed by a right turn and ‘big bitch’.
Part two of the rolling hill sections. It’s really not that bad, and many a runner would take it in their stride, but it’s enough to break your rhythm and technical enough to make you consider your footing and conserving the quad strength, it’s too soon to be burning them up. A few slower km’s and I took the chance to cram in some calories, after all the more you eat the less you have to carry! A couple of great single-track kilometres saw me popping out at the North Dandalup Dam Aid Station. 30km into the race and my first official stop. “307 in” and I was greeted by the lovely Kel, Harms and Jez at the table. “4 minutes behind the leader Ben” They took my rubbish and passed me my drop bag containing a kids sized packet of plain chips, a mini can of ginger ale and one Winners bar. I can’t remember if I had my bottles filled, I don’t think so?! I ate the chips, drank the drink and pocketed the bar “307 out” and was on my way. 30th kilometre was 7:15, so probably puts the total aid stop somewhere between 90 seconds and two minutes before setting out over the picturesque dam wall. 6 minutes behind Thomas.
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As I crossed the wall in clear blue skies and tried to take in the views I reflected on two things, one was immediate and one was more philosophical. Firstly, was race related, Thomas was 6 minutes ahead, that’s a pretty solid kilometre gap and I figured I would see him in the next hour, or I would never see him again and the dark house effect had taken place once again like a Survivor blind side. Only time would tell. Secondly was a conversation I had with a hiker one day during training “runners see twice as much but only half as good” SO I made the effort to take in the views on the go, to really see twice as much
From the dam wall to the Out and Back Aid Station is my favourite part of the course. Even though it’s hilly it is still my favourite. Rolling single tracks, perfect for mountain bikers. Bermed banks and bush right up to the trail edge. I didn’t even mind the puddles or diversion around large fallen trees, plus I was almost halfway and the average pace was still sub 8-hour finish.
35.5km and I pop out at the Out and Back Aid Station, this year a full aid station and I cruise right through to complete the out and back leg before stopping. The volunteers cheer and I start the climb over Goldmine Hill, now officially on the local favourite 6 Inch Trail Marathon course heading towards it’s start. I break out the poles and run walk my way over the top and part way down to the 50 mile turn around. All the while wondering “Has Thomas opened the gap and run away, or will I see him any second?” Passing the Dodd’s sign, I see him on the return trip and we both look at our watches. As we crossed I gave him a cheer but I don’t think he heard me as he had headphones in, he was also climbing and probably doing the maths, as was I.
I hit the run and take two steps more, just to be sure and start my way back with that number locked in my mind, I pass the sign and #margiemaths has the gap back to 4 minutes, so I had clawed back the two-minute aid stop but at what cost? Hiking over the top with my poles clicking away I see SJ, it actually took at least 30 seconds for me to place the face and name but I got there in the end and smiled my way over the hill, stowed my poles and ran down the backside of Goldmine Hill towards resupply.
“307 in” and I find a bin to drop my rubbish and grab my drop bag. I pass on the chips and just drink the ginger ale. Helped by Elise and another lady I recognised but could not place a name, I’m bad with names until I hang out with them, sorry for not being able to thank you by name! I donate my ration of snake lollies to the aid station kitty as I still had a few left from the start of the race and stow my re-filled soft flask bottles. DK mentions I am looking in good shape and I feel pretty good at the halfway mark. In the parting seconds of the stop I cross paths with the leader of the 100 mile race, Nate. He is looking fresh as a daisy! With the roar of four people clapping it’s “307 out” and I’m starting the longest leg, 25km to the fabled Treasure Island at Oakley Dam.
The first half of this leg goes smoothly, I see the 100 pack coming past on their journey to Jarradale where I started and they all seem in good spirits and fairly spread out. I wish them all luck and they all cheer back, some saying “he’s right there” or similar but I was yet to see Thomas through he tree’s so I dismissed it as well meaning motivation but maybe not entirely accurate, #margiemaths really was a thing after all! It took until the sharp left turn across the rickety old wood bridge before I caught a glimpse of first place. I didn’t push or try to close the gap. I just maintained the same effort and let the cards fall where they may. At almost 48km we were should to should at the base of a long climb. We hiked for quite a long time (about 9 minutes!) and chatted about all sorts of things while we worked the hill. I took the chance to get some calories in knowing there was some runnable km’s coming up before the Del Park Road crossing. We crested the main climb and started running together, Thomas stayed with me for a while but seemed to drop off the back. Not sure if he stopped on purpose for a toilet break or just slowly slipped behind but the last I saw him at that stage was a cheer as we passed 50.1km, I called over my should “happy distance PB” we laughed and I turned my attention to my own effort and now had to make some decisions.
The section to the road crossing seemed to take a while and I tried my best to just run by feel and not try to run away from Thomas. I felt he had gone too hard too early and would now slip back in the pack as Chris and Andrew would be not far back, they were about 10-12 minutes back at Goldmine when I saw them there. From here I tried to dial the effort back a bit, this was a training run after all so I fell into the habit of looking back (which I always try not to do) and let myself hike more than I would if I was racing super hard. This had a weird effect on me and I hit my first low point of the race. My right wrist was getting sore when using the poles and I had to stop using them after the technical section from Del Park Rd and just ran the gentle climbs like Deadpool with my sticks strapped across my back. Hiking more than I wanted but I was also in a bit of a funk. Running past Tuner’s Hill (Aid 1 at 6 Inch) I berated myself for so many little hikes and committed to run to the Scrap Road crossing, “all the way, no walking, this is all runnable” I wanted to cruise slowly and consistently, but found I would run fast and get tired and the urge to walk was overwhelming. Weirdly, I felt exactly the same here at last year’s 100, and was passed in the exact same spot to slip from 2nd the 3rd (hat tip to Rob) I found the urge and saw a car coming which I think had a relay runner in it, he said “are you coming first?” and I replied “yes mate” trying to smile on the outside and “ gave me a cheer “that’s awesome, looking great” “thanks mate” as I passed by desperately trying to stay running. I knew the road was close now and was confident I was going to hold up my end of the deal and run all the way, before I hit a small rise and without permission my legs stopped running and I turned into a real life Jekyll and Hyde, right there out loud arguing with myself like a crazed lunatic “You f#$%ing P#$%y” “it is a training run, I don’t need to race that hard” “a deals a deal and you folded” Seriously, the weirdest conversation I have ever had and I was all alone. The rise was over and I was back running, chin up chest out in a bit of disbelief regards the last 30 seconds of my life.
I pass the start of the 3 Inch Trail Half Marathon course and begin the climb to the radio tower. I run the flatter stuff and hike the steeper parts, but walked almost a km solid to the top, eating what I can and drinking what I need to. Looking back, doing (now silent) deals with myself. As I pass the tower with the rumble of the conveyor belts to my left I feel the pull of Treasure Island and running down the other side I feel the funk passing. I see the relay guys again at the turn and they tell me I look fantastic and I confess “I’m not exactly feeling it” “I don’t think you are supposed to at 60km!” I cross the conveyor belt overpass thinking that he is right, I’m on target for a 8:30 finish and I had let my nutrition slip a bit that last long leg so of course I was feeling it. I ate another gel to be sure as I passed the ‘scarecrow’ and made the climb up towards Treasure Island.
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I roll down the hill and can see signs posted for the runners, all pirate themed as the fabulous Treasure family embrace their name sake Aid Station. The road is lined with cars and there are people moving about. I hear a lady say to her daughters “her comes first place” and I smile. I don’t normally run this end of the field, only ever come first once before so it was a special feeling. I roll into Treasure Island to claps and cheers from a swarm of pirates. “307 in.”
I hand off one bottle to get me to the finish and leave one half full bottle in my vest. Blue is there with my drop bag, Frank fill my bottle and tried to give me a shot of rum, Ben and Shirley are right there packing my vest with my ‘to go’ bag and my other secret weapon, a small bottle of kids red fruit juice. That stuff sends kids crazy at parties, perfect for ultra-runners! I donate another small serve of chips and snakes to the aid station and finish my ginger ale. I mention that I really wanted to hit a sub 8:30 but I’m not so sure now and Blue does the maths for me “two hours to do 16 and a half kays’, no worries” (or to that effect) Going to be close but doable if I keep my head in the game. As I finish my drink Blue says, “don’t let us keep you” and two to three minutes later “307 out.”
Oakley Dam is a short 2km out and back that means you need to leave the marked Munda Biddi Trail. It also means you can once again see some of the field. I was expecting to see Chris or Andrew next, but was surprised it was Thomas, still holding on and still running. Kudo’s to him! Back to the scarecrow that is one of two danger points for navigation and has a history of runners missing the turn. As I was making the final turn back onto the trail I crossed paths with Aaron, but he was coming out of the trail and asked if he was going in the right direction. I confirmed the way to Oakley Dam and thought that was a good catch on his part in correcting the navigation mistake.
From here I was on the last leg, the final pull of the finish was there and the earlier pity party was wrapped up. The food was working and the mission was 16km in under 2 hours but to not destroy myself, maintain the faster than training, slower than race but should someone close the gap be prepared to run hard. The kilometres ticked by and I was happy with the effort. I drank my kids juice, tried to eat a bar but was over the dense food and only ate half of it. Not long later I ate two snakes, no point carrying them all the way and I continued to feel good.
Then it happened and for a moment I thought my race was done. As I neared the turn taken in the 6 Inch race that heads up to Aid 2, I began to cough. I had one almighty cough that was so violent my balls hurt and I doubled over and staggered to the side of the trail. Out of nowhere. I clutch my crotch and suppress the urge to cough again, I didn’t want the pain and I didn’t want to vomit. The urge passed and I got moving again, hesitant but moving. I had no idea where that came from and it worried me for a few seconds, but everything stayed down and the cough was a once off. I had a drink and decided to back off the eating for a little while. Pace came back and I was on my merry way, praying that didn’t happen again!
From here I hit a left turn onto the last of the notable climbs, mixed walk and run to get it done then steady pace, now alert for on coming mountain bikers heading out from Dwellingup. The effort is perfect, I do feel the miles but I’m not ‘running for my life’ Down the first powerline section and I have my final gel of the day and a drink. This section is open gravel road and I left the downhill flow, not even worried about looking back anymore. I feel if anyone catches me from here I can push it home. I just take in the trail, even saw a train! That’s a weird feeling seeing a steam train moving through the scrub where you had no idea there was train tracks! Now enjoying myself I sipped my water and did my best to avoid the run off puddles, one section of single track was impossible to avoid, it usually is so I just ploughed on through. Less than 10km with wet socks was fine, they had been wet most of the day anyway.
Second powerline section and into the Marrinup Maze. Five kilometres to home. One parkrun. Passing through the campground I have one last look back and can only see campers. I enjoy running the winding single track, taking in the berms and not caring about the puddles. Running well I think that this is what today was about. Not winning or leading or any of that stuff, but running well on tired legs. The training part of today. Manage the effort, be running well at the end and somewhere between 8 and 8.5 hours. A win was cream on the cake, or more accurately new shoes on my feet.
I pass the familiar farm with the hole in the shed and pigs, the dog barks at me as I run past, as Alexis predicted and now only 3km to go.
I pass some hikers and their border collie out for a casual walk, must be close now. I hear the noise of a country town and know in my bones it’s close and then I see a yellow trail marker. The original last turn to the finish. Now a four-way junction, and DK’s races have used all four in the past. There is no tape, I stand still in the junction and process my options and decide to follow the trail markers to the train tracks and see some tape at the upcoming road junction. I made the right choice and pop out once again on Del Park Road to a sign 50M to FINISH with an arrow.
I make the final turn and scan around looking for a finish line. The pub is busy, there are people in the park and I look both ways as I cross the train lines then ahead I see my youngest son running towards me, then comes my oldest into view and I choke back a sob. They had other plans that day and I didn’t expect to see them or my wife at the finish. I gathered them around my arms and jogged over the road to the group outside a small building. “where’s the finish line?” “you’re standing on it” and a wave of relief sweeps me as I pause my watch and look down.
It says 8:19.49, which was corrected to 8:20 and change considering my watch took a minute to sort itself out on the start line. Almost an hour faster than my 2014 race. I was pumped with the result, and stoked to have my family there to share it.
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A word of warning to runners in DK’s events, if you have an issue with the course marking, be prepared to do something about it! Dave grabbed some tape and joked about sending me back out, but I also know he was recovering from a 200 mile race himself. So, I gathered the kids and Alicia and we took a slow stroll back to the four-way junction to put some tape down for the next runners. Thomas ended up holding second for the last 30km running sub 9 hours on his 50 mile debut.
 A special thanks to DK and his wife Belle for putting on a great event, even getting us some sunshine during the day. To the aid station teams who put so much work, time, money and effort into helping us runners. Many are friends already and I can’t thank you enough.
 Fast and Dirty Stats
Distance – 81.8km, 8 hours 20minutes, average pace 6:06/km
Calories consumed – Approx. 1,000 – 1,100, (7,000 burnt)
Water consumed – 2.5 litres, Kids Juices – 3, Mini Ginger ales – 3
Shoes – Altra Superior 3.0’s, Innov-8 mud sock with Stone Free Running Gaiters (also recommend Treasure Gaiters if you are in the market)
Shirt – TEAM RUNNINGWORKS tech shirt, Innov-8 Race shell when it was wet.
Poles - Carbon Fibre Z Poles
Vest, Salomon S/Lab 12 set
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“I am sick of being not alright I've been like this all the time I've been like this all the time Kiss your feelings all goodbye Someday you're gonna die Some day we're all going to die But not tonight Shed a little light You were everything, you were everything I cared a little too much, I cared a little too much Lock the doors swallow the key You were everything I cared a little too much, I cared a little too much You said this was it and I believed it I did, I did, I believed it all I did, I did, every word I thought Our hearts would combust Lovers with our luck You said this was it and I believed it I believed Would you care if I changed? Would you care? Every oar will mold Plus these rain clouds can't cry enough to make it stay afloat I think you wish I wasn't around anymore I think you wish I passed in a crash of some sort The highest rising moment of us was a blur You cried, we drowned, as I thought we danced on the shore I think you wish I wasn't around anymore I think you wish I passed in a crash of some sort I think you wish I wasn't around anymore I think you wish I passed in a crash”
Yeah so this one is the track I pick to hurt my own feelings lmao! A few short explanations, sry for not always being in depth on the Donut Soundtrack posts i have a hard time putting my thoughts/feelings into words :(
“Some day we’re all going to die, but not tonight” - Not only about his personal resurrection, but also about the struggle against the diamonds and the multiple close calls various characters have survived against Homeworld.
“I cared a little too much” - Consider Lars’ quote, “There are just seagulls that fly in-front of the sunset and it’s beautiful. You’ll see, just go. I took it for granted…” He overlooked (or, in my opinion, was unable to see bc of illness) things as vast as the beauty and glory of life because he was too wrapped up in his social anxiety and low self esteem.
“You were everything” - I’ve brought this up before but despite how Lars verbalized his desire to be on Earth explicitly with the Cool Kids, his expressions when Sadie was in pictures and him zooming in on her face say quite a lot about who his psyche is prioritizing. Lars is kind of having the time of his fucking life in space (double edged sword for real excuse my brevity) but he would “never do this to hurt Sadie”. As far as Lars’ is concerned, his own pleasure & his personal process of liberation are truly less important than Sadie’s feelings. You wanna talk about character development? Enjoy that goldmine. (Note: This is not an entirely positive development imo. Some ppl say Lars’ change has been too abrupt, but I think it’s actually been pretty decently paced considering how much screen time he’s gotten. He’s shown relapsing with old thinking patterns. He’s going from one extreme (prioritizing himself) to another (prioritizing pretty much everyone but himself). “I did, I did, I believed it all, I did, I did, every word I thought” - I am optimistic in that I think a potential part of Lars’ further development will be learning to accept love and reciprocating it. His choice to hug Steven instead of simply accepting his (previously preferred) light chest touch comes to mind. I feel like this line is a thought Lars’ will have to himself once he has the time/space to self-actualize a bit more. He will come to realize that many of the bad ideas about him come from himself, and many of them are not true- or if they are, only conditionally, and these are faults he can address still. It’s also about believing negative things about his loved ones and his hometown. The distance is allowing him to appreciate it all in a way he hadn’t yet learned on his own (I don’t think he needed to fucking die for this but oh well I don’t work on the show so fuck me hashtagimnotbitter).
“Would you care if I changed?” - Dual meaning; one, he worries that his new form and realizations will unease or displease ppl (partially his same ol’ anxiety, partially bc of Beach City’s reactions to when Steven occupied his body for a day), and two, most particularly with regard to Sadie, would his changes matter? Would they have come in time? Is it too late to change? Will he internalize that Steven resurrected him in vain? I worry that he will have these types of questions haunting him.
“I think you wish I wasn't around anymore, I think you wish I passed in a crash of some sort” - Self explanatory I hope. Sometimes this is hard for me to talk about sry. :(
“You cried, we drowned, as I thought we danced on the shore” - I like that this line is here, it nicely wraps up older memories of living and working in a tourist beachside city. This line really puts me in their heads, as if I can imagine Sadie and Lars’ respective memories of hanging out at the boardwalk, working at the Big Donut, and any Steven related shenanigans. The whole line also smacks me with thoughts of Island Adventure as a whole, and how the full-circling of boundary violating (something they both do to each other unfortunately) came to bite them in the ass. The rollercoaster of intimate highs and mortally terrified lows of their experiences there likely left them both feeling torn about the entire ordeal. I wish the show had addressed Sadie’s kidnapping of Lars more seriously, bc as much as I love her and want to make space for her mistakes, that is a very serious harm to cause another person.
anyway this has been a post byeee ;___;
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brilliantorinsane · 6 years
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Stoll Pictures, 1921–1923)
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Inspired by @devoursjohnlock‘s amazing meta about The Secret of Sherlock Holmes, I’ve embarked on an exponentially growing meta about the changing portrayals of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson’s relationship in film, beginning with those produced in Doyle’s lifetime straight through to  today. But I quickly encountered a problem: some of the films I’m studying for this meta are just too darn fascinating to be confined to a short blurb in a larger argument.   
So while I work on the overarching meta, I intend to periodically post about little-known Sherlock adaptations, the ones that catch my interest and don’t seem to have been analyzed on Tumblr. I’ll be discussing each film’s contemporary reception and current standing, its depictions of Holmes and Watson respectively as well as its portrayal of their relationship (and any potential Johnlocky-ness disguised within), and will end with my personal endorsement of the film.
Please keep in mind that although I am trained in literary analysis and am doing my best to fact-check, I am not a film critic. These analyses are the opinions of a fan, not someone who’s actually qualified for this sort of thing. And with that, read on—I hope you enjoy the discovery even a fraction as much as I have!
Note: all references to Alan Barns are taken from Sherlock Holmes on Screen: The Complete Film and TV History. For any other resources, links are provided within the text.
Production and Reception
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, produced by Stoll pictures, stands as the most prolific Sherlock Holmes series with a total of 45 short and 2 long silent films starring Eille Norwood as Holmes and Hubert Willis as Watson (with the exception The Sign of Four, in which Watson is played by Arthur Cullin). Decidedly literal in interpretation, these films were released while Doyle was still churning out Holmes stories. In fact, Doyle sold Stoll Pictures a license to adapt the stories after apparently being so fed-up with the previously authorized Paris Éclar Company that he “bought the film rights back for ten times the amount he’d sold them for” (Barns 14). The Stoll films “proved a huge hit” among its contemporary audience, and according to Motion Picture News, “they automatically became classics of the silver-sheet” (Barns, 17).
Nevertheless, one rarely hears of these ‘classics’ today. This is not entirely surprising; if one is speaking of silent Sherlock Holmes films it seems natural to default towards William Gillette’s 1916 production, a direct translation of the 1899 play which he likewise produced. After all, in addition to being the first major trans-media Holmes production, the play/film had considerable influence on popular perception of the detective and boasts—as far as I’m aware—the most significant contributions from Doyle of any adaptation. (For the record I won’t be writing about Gillette’s film, because @heimishtheidealhusband​ has already assembled this gem discussing its content and influence). 
Additionally, as Russell Merritt relates, feuds over film rights and difficulties with an American distributor kept the Stoll films from making any headway in America, despite their popularity in Europe, Australia, and Japan (x).
With the exception of The Noble Bachelor, all of the Stoll Picture films have been preserved, but as far as I can tell only three are currently available to the public: The Man With the Twisted Lip, The Dying Detective, and The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot. Fortunately for us, these three ‘instant classics’ are available on YouTube, and this past week I watched the trio with considerable enjoyment. Having done so, it is not difficult to understood why critics consistently identify Eille Norwood’s imposing depiction of Sherlock Holmes as these films’ core strength.
Eille Norwood as Sherlock Holmes
According to Barns, Norwood was “obsessive [in his] determination that his Holmes should be true to the character created by Doyle,” and he admirably captures his own interpretation of the character, which he vividly described:
Holmes . . . is absolutely quiet. Nothing ruffles him, but he is a man who intuitively seizes on points without revealing that he has done so, and nurses them with complete inaction until the moment when he is called upon to exercise his wonderful detective powers. Then he is like a cat—the person he is after is the only person in all the world, and he is oblivious of everything else till his quarry is run to earth. The last thing in the world that he looks like is a detective. There is nothing of the hawk-eyed sleuth about him. His powers of observation are but the servant of his powers of deduction, which enable him, as it were, to see round corners, and cause him, incidentally, to be constantly amused at the blindness of his faithful Watson, who is never able to understand this methods (Barns, 16).
My own reading of the character differs from Norwood’s on a few points, but it is certainly a compelling image, and one that is strikingly achieved on screen. According to Merritt, Doyle himself loved the portrayal, saying that Norwood “has that rare quality which can only be described as glamour, which compels you to watch an actor eagerly when he is doing nothing. He has a brooding eye which excites expectation and he has a quite unrivaled power of disguise” (x)
Speaking of disguise, I cannot resist relaying a brief anecdote from Barns: It only took one screen-test for Norwood to deeply impress his employers with his ability to disappear into the  character of Holmes, but Stoll’s co-managing director Jeffrey Bernerd remained skeptical that Norwood’s distinctive figure to convincingly transform into the cabby Holmes masquerades as in Scandal (15). As a result one can imagine his embarrassment after “attempting to have a ‘common-looking’ cabby removed from the set of  A Scandal in Bohemia, completely unaware that the insalubrious ‘cabby’ was none other than Norwood wearing one of Holmes’ many disguises” (15)!
Hubert Willis/Arthur Cullin as John Watson [Spoiler for The Dying Detective]
As you have probably gathered given his virtual invisibility in the discussion thus far, Watson does not fare nearly so well in this production. Although a contemporary critic praised Willis for “[resisting] the natural temptation to burlesque this character,” the lack of burlesque is replaced with . . . nothing much of anything. There is a stolid composure to the performance which is decidedly Watson-esque, but it is not surprising that Burns has no more to say of Willis than that he is “a white-haired and slightly redundant Dr. Watson” (16). Merritt is more actively critical, going so far as describe Watson as the series’s “Achilles heel”—although in fairness, he extends this critique to the few silent-era Holmes films which include Watson, rather than leveling it at Willis’s portrayal in particular. Merritt goes on to say that “In these pre-Nigel Bruce days, [Watson] barely registers as Holmes’s partner, and the theme of a famous friendship, so important in all post-Rathbone films, is, here, all but ignored” (x)
In Willis and Cullin’s defense, this blandness appears to be more the fault of the script and direction than their performances. Watson is frequently on screen shadowing Holmes, listening to him talk, and occasionally stumbling across dead bodies; but for the most part he is just . . . there, and one is at rather a loss to determine why. In the admittedly limited selection I’ve watched the most striking demonstration of this is The Dying Detective, which  necessarily includes Watson’s initial conviction that Holmes is dying, but skips entirely over the moment in which he discovers that it was all an act. After all, in the film the audience knows that the illness was feigned from the beginning, and Watson’s discovery of the same is relevant only insofar as it is a significant moment in the relationship between him and Holmes—a relationship in which it appears this series is largely uninterested.
Nevertheless, the duo is not utterly devoid of partnership, and given the state of matters I found myself smiling at their interactions surprisingly often, for the following reasons:
So . . . What about Johnlock? [Spoilers for the The Dying Detective and The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot]
By this point it is transparent that if you’re looking for top-tier Johnlock material, the Stoll films are hardly a goldmine. But if you’re willing to dismiss probable authorial intent and enjoy what’s there, you’ll come across some unexpected gems.
The thing is, a much as we the audience feel excluded from the secret of why Holmes wants this iteration of Watson along on his cases, it is clear that he does want him. Despite scant acknowledgement of Watson’s existence in the script, Holmes periodically includes him through look, word or gesture. Turning to address a few words to Watson that do not appear on screen for the audience, waiting for him at the gate, gesturing for him to come forward when trailing behind Holmes and an Inspector—in little actions and mannerisms Holmes demonstrates that while the audience may have half-forgotten about Watson, he has not. Rather less subtle  is the miniature tantrum which Holmes throws when Watson doesn’t have time for him in The Dying Detective—an event both amusing and familiar to BBC fans, but surprising and notable for an iteration of Holmes who as a general rule is “absolutely quiet” except when on the tail of a criminal.
Added to this is a definite air of protection which Holmes exudes towards Watson. It is genuinely touching to see Holmes gesture for Watson to allow him to enter a potentially dangerous room first, shove Watson out of the poisoned room in Devil’s Foot before exiting himself, and grab Culverton’s poisoned box from his friend with startled urgency. And while I would have preferred to see the office of protector devolve more frequently to Watson, if only to give the poor man something to do, in The Dying Detective it is indeed striking to see his repeated attempts to get close to Holmes and care for him despite having been informed that his supposed disease is “horribly contagious and invariably fatal.”
This mutual care allows the audience to on some level accept them as partners, even if they do not understand why. It also lends credence to a certain familiarity and easy coordination that is visible in their interactions, perhaps most notably in the way they frequently stand and walk closer together than strictly necessary. Small as it is, I also find myself fixating on a moment in Devil’s Foot when the police walk in on them investigating three bodies. Due to a deviation from the cannon Holmes and Watson have stumbled across the bodies by accident, so being found with them now doesn’t look at all good. But Holmes continues his investigations without a hitch, and after only a negligible start Watson calmly begins to explain their presence. When a potentially uncomfortable circumstance arises Holmes implicitly trusts Watson to handle matters, Watson does so without instruction or hesitation. In that moment one thinks: “Oh, these two know each other and understand how to function in tandem.”
I know of no reason to suppose that those involved in the production imagined any sort of romance underlying their series. Yet thanks to the details above, somehow even making Watson a veritable wallflower was insufficient to prevent it from being rather easy for those of us who are in on the secret of every Holmes and his every Watson to a imagine private intimacy far deeper than they are free to reveal to any prying eye.
In conclusion: far be it from me to assert that initiating physical contact with a friend who has nearly died through one’s own rash actions is inevitably gay—it is no more than any human who isn’t emotionally constipated would do. I’m just saying that when the lion-hunter approaches the country cabin at the end of The Devil’s Foot, knowing that Holmes may well have deduced that he is a murderer, the first thing he sees is Holmes holding Watson's hands in one of his and gently touching the side of his friend’s head with the other. And there’s just no way he didn’t at least consider that if Holmes really did accuse him, he just might wriggle out of it by blackmailing the doctor and detective with the threat of sodomy charges.
Conclusion: Should You Watch It?
I’m not going to insist that these are films everyone must see. To be honest the preservation quality of the films is poor—at times the white glares blindingly, and at others it is nearly too dark to see. The soundtrack is just classical music played in a loop without any attempt to sync with what’s happening on screen (The Dying Detective soundtrack in particular  is interminably repetitive, and you’d be best off just muting it while playing your own classical music), and flashbacks which cut away to show the crimes being committed tend to drag.
But if you are even a little interested in seeing one of the earliest depictions of Sherlock Holmes, quite possibly the favorite of Doyle and audiences alike—hell yeah you should watch them! Then come tell me what you think—it’s not as if I know anyone who has seen them. You can watch all three in an hour and a half; and if you watch only one I recommend The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot—in my opinion it has the best pacing and the best Watson/Holmes interactions, even if a few plot alterations make the climax a bit nonsensical. And if nothing else, watch the first 1.35min of The Dying Detective, for reasons ;)
A final note, since clearly I don’t know how to shut up: If you watch The Man With the Twisted Lip, don’t get overly excited like I did over the fact that Mary is erased from the story. After a bit of research I discovered to my disappointment that Watson does still get married in The Sign of Four. Fortunately Sign is relatively early in Holmes and Watson’s relationship chronologically speaking, and the fact that as far as I can tell she doesn’t appear in any other Stoll films allows us to continue imagining what we will. Yet the part of me that at times just finds it so damn sad that through such an endless train of retellings creators seem compelled to find ways to bury and deny an love that should be celebrated cannot help fixating on the fact that Sign was the final Sherlock film released by Stoll Pictures. After three years of a bound partnership that not even the near-absence of agency on Watson’s part could entirely obscure, their public image was jerked to a conclusion with the purportedly hollow (x) ringing of hetero wedding bells. But we need not dwell too long on such depressing images. Regardless of whether you continue to hold out hope for BBC Johnlock, it is my increasingly firm opinion that we are charging headlong towards a doorway, and any moment we will burst into the green fields where beauty is joyously vaunted. 
If you continue to follow my ramblings, I’ll see if I can’t convince you of the same.
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stripedigital · 4 years
8 Secret Tips for Using Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
As the largest social media network, Facebook is an excellent platform for ads. Properly targeted Facebook ads for ecommerce can be very helpful for any shopping business.
If you’re not running Facebook ads now, the chances are good that you’re missing on a lot of opportunities to make money.
To help you out, we have listed some of the most effective tips that you can use when coming up with strategies for running Facebook ads.
Proven Tips in Using Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
With over a billion users, using Facebook ads for ecommerce is a literal goldmine for businesses. And with such a huge number of users, the reality is that almost everyone is using it to their advantage. So why not join in and reap the same benefits yourself? Here are a few ideas that might help boost your Facebook ad strategies.
TIP# 1: Utilize Multi-Product Advertisements
As the name suggests, the multi-product ads will allow you to showcase several products at the same time on Facebook. Using this type of ad can be very helpful for several reasons:
This type of ad can be help boost conversions as the more products that a potential customer can see, the likelier that the customer will click on an ad.
It can be used to showcase the various features of a product.
It gives more options to customers.
More importantly, there are indications that multi-product ads really work. This type of ad is actually more efficient when compared with other types. According to a study, companies experienced up to 300% increase in their click-through-rates after they used multi-product ads.
Also, here are some more interesting figures from an Adobe study:
The CTR(Click Through Rate) increased from 50% up to 300% of brands who used multi-product ads.
The CPC(Cost Per Click) decreased up to 35% because of higher engagement.
It resulted to more efficient CPA(Cost Per Acquisition).
However, not all companies that use Facebook ads of this sort will experience that rate of increase in their CTR, as there are still other factors that should be considered but the number is still significant and should be food for thought for any business owner. And it is a great way to start how you can exploit the opportunities offered by Facebook ads for ecommerce.
Tip #2: Run Retargeting Campaigns
If you have been running your ecommerce business for some time now, then you know that most potential customers end up leaving their cart without completing their purchase. To be exact, 72% of online shoppers end up abandoning carts. 
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that it’s a pretty huge number!
Interestingly, only 8% of those who ended up abandoning their carts will come back. That’s a major missed opportunity because those customers have expressed their interest already about the product being sold. Think of the possibilities if you could just get them all back. Or at least most of them.
So, what do you do in order to get them back? This leads us to our second tip on this list of using Facebook ads for ecommerce. You should run a retargeting campaign. By using retargeting campaigns you have a chance of getting over 25% of those customers to come back. That might not be as huge a number as that of those abandoning the carts but it is still a significant one.
It makes sense for you to use retargeting campaigns. If you spend time and money on new people to convince them to buy your product, then it should be worth it to work on those who are already interested in what you are selling. They might not be as hard to convince, when you think about it.
You can run retargeting campaigns together with  coupons, discounts, and other enticing offers.
Tip #3: Make Sure You Use Conversion Tracking PixelIf you’re not aware of what a Conversion Tracking Pixel is and what it can do, then you’re missing out on a great deal.  A Conversion Tracking Pixel is a code that is used for tracking the behavior of those who visit your site.
It allows you track the amount of conversions you receive from your advertising campaign.
Conversion Tracking Pixels can also be used by Facebook in order to improve campaigns and target the right audience for your ads. In other words, another fantastic way to use Facebook ads for ecommerce purposes.
When you place Conversion Tracking Pixels on the checkout page, you will be able get data regarding the actions taken by customers after clicking your ads. That way, you can measure your ROI more accurately.
But this step should be taken way ahead before you actually run your campaign. By doing so, you will give Facebook enough time to learn more about the people who are converting. Sort of giving them a heads up just so they will know about those who will convert ahead of time.
Tip #4: Use Video Advertisements Whenever PossibleIf you are planning on other ways of using Facebook ads for Ecommerce, you should know that Facebook prioritizes video content. That means your ads would have more chances of ending up in the feed of the right people if you use video. That should be a light bulb moment that points you in a new but successfully familiar direction.
Also, videos are a lot more engaging in general. They are not as dull as other media types. Someone would be more likely to stop and watch a video than to just look at pictures of products. Stats show that most Facebook users end up watching videos on the platform daily.
The way that videos on Facebook has been setup is that they play instantly once a user scrolls over them. That catches the attention of users. And that’s what you want, to catch and then hold their attention. That’s the perfect way to use Facebook ads for ecommerce, if you ask us.
Of course, you would have to make sure that you create your video ads correctly. Using these types of ads will not automatically mean better ROI for you.
Your videos should be formatted correctly. They should showcase your products in action or show the best features. Also, this is our chance to be creative with how you come up with the video.
Tip #5: Offer a Discount
This is actually a must-do step regardless of the type of platform you are using for your ads. But it is also extremely effective as one of the ways to use Facebook ads for ecommerce.  People love discounts and someone who is not actively looking for the product you are selling might end up purchasing it just because of a discount offer.
You can create advertisements that highlight the discount offer specifically. If you have a new product for example, you can create an introductory discount offer to your customers.
You just have to make sure that the discount that you are promising your customers will not be disadvantageous to your business in the long run. The last thing you want is to undermine your own business in exchange for some short term success.
By using the Offers feature on Facebook ads, you can minimize the gap which exists between the discount offer and the actual sale where you can lose customers. They don’t even have to leave Facebook in order to take advantage of your offer.
Once a customer clicks on the ad for the offer, they will get a code that they can use. Now, another advantage of this method is that you can show the number of people who have taken advantage of the offer.
This so-called social proof is a great way of convincing people that they should grab your offer. If others are enjoying the benefits of the offer, then why shouldn’t they? That’s the mindset that you would like potential customers to have.
Tip #6: Boost a Past Post
It is understandable if you are hesitant when it comes to creating a new advertising campaign. There is just no way for you to be sure whether it’s going to be successful. While doing business involves taking risks, it can be scary. So if you want to be a little more wary or careful than usual, then no one is going to blame you.
That’s why it makes sense to just boost an existing post. Yes, even this can be a way to use Facebook ads for ecommerce successfully. You can use this feature in order to boost an advertisement that has already proven its effectiveness in the past and get it out there again. By doing so, you can minimize the risks that you are running.
Using this feature, you can choose to promote to those who have already liked your page or to a new audience. Both options have advantages and disadvantages.
The great thing about this ad feature is that you are almost guaranteed to get results through it. After all, the past post already has a track record of success.
Tip #7: Use Posts That Are Not About Selling
Your goal with your ecommerce business is to sell your products but not all your ads should be about selling. Does that sound like a contradiction? How can this be included in a list of using Facebook ads for ecommerce, then? There’s actually a good reason for it.
People tend to stay away from obvious advertisements because they get so much of it online. It can often be overwhelming. So, sometimes you may just have to post something creative and informational without trying to convince people about buying your product to make them aware about your brand.
If you’re not going to sell on your ads, then what can you promote there?
One thing that you can post about is an event related to your business, brand, or product. You can get creative about the nature of the event that you will be promoting.
Just make sure that the event has a real connection with the nature of your business.
If you’re selling clothes, then maybe you can host a fashion show. If you’re selling skateboarding accessories, then you could create a skateboarding competition. Creativity is the name of the game here and you should have fun figuring out the best way to sell without seeming to.
Tip #8: Improve Your Brand Identity
Incorporate your branding into your social content as much as possible to improve your brand identity.
But what exactly is brand identity and why is it so important?
It’s how your brand, business, and products will be known and perceived by customers. Once you have built, a solid identity for your brand, people will instantly recognize it.
You must be careful when considering what identity to create as it can backfire. If you do not have a graphic designer on staff, strongly consider hiring a graphic design agency.
Use posts to show the audience what your brand is all about. It helps if you have some sort of advocacy that you can identify with. That will make it easier for people to somehow have a connection with your brand without it seeming forced.
Not a Guarantee But a Big Boost
These are just eight tips that you can follow when using Facebook Ads for ecommerce and to help give your business a boost. Using these tips will improve your chances of getting more sales and improving your ROI. 
Just because an initial attempt is not successful, it does not mean that you should give up on Facebook as a platform for promoting your business. It might take several attempts to find the right formula. That’s why it’s important that you consider all of the tips and ideas that we listed here.
Remember, Facebook is the largest online platform in the world where you can connect with your market and audience. It is worth your time and money to invest in it.
The post 8 Secret Tips for Using Facebook Ads for Ecommerce appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.
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At first, the technique and programming have been made by a genuine super part who's using these EXACT procedures himself. There's thoroughly zero pad or untested theory.
Moreover, every part inside has been EXTENSIVELY attempted and improved with authentic fights, to get you the best results.
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