#this is somft...
prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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warm-ups | sfw + rin + meeting
✭ tags ; established relationship, rin is a lovesick tsundere fool, fluff | ✭ wc ; 1.3k
✭ a/n ; im like two seconds away from taking rin off of my prompt wheels give someone else a chance im begging.
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Ever since Itoshi Rin started dating you, nothing has gone his way.
Admittedly, he knows this is because he's had no control over the situation. It's a lesson he's been forced to learn so many times over it's starting to make him sick. He can't control his feelings no matter how tightly and how forcefully he holds onto them and that knowledge is something he resents everyday.
Even after aging out of his worst angsty teenage years, no amount of time has been able to soften his dislike for the idea of vulnerability. He was a sensitive, gentle sort of kid. After the incident with Sae (and the period of isolation from self-loathing that followed it), he wasn't really able to bounce back to that place. Sometimes it feels like a strange and vague dream that he only recalls when his mother reminisces about it.
The idea was in and of itself baffling. It wasn't like he was some patron saint back then either. He's always been single-minded in his own interest and involved more with his own shit than he was with other peoples.
The thing about feelings that Rin has always hated the most is how much they interact with other people. His feelings are his sure, but when things make him feel some kind of way, there's only so much he can do to snub them out. He can't get a grasp of them reasonably. They're so slippery and frustrating and agitating.
And he's tried for longer than he cares to admit to let go of them completely. But Rin, no matter how much he tries, can't be like Sae. That blasé attitude that makes everything seem like it rolls of Sae's shoulders isn't one Rin can afford. Even after some growing up and some growth and the begrudging friends he's made in the process - he never quite recovers from that truth.
At the very least, Rin figures it'd be easier if he could let himself be unaffected.
It doesn't work out that way, because when do things ever. And it becomes especially prominent in the process of falling in love.
How he's gotten into a relationship is a mystery he's yet to to solve. Rin can't think of any good reason you're dating him. Of course, if prompted he'll roll his eyes. But more candidly, he has no idea how that's worked out.
There's plenty about you that is objectively likable, though. You're nurturing and friendly and coaxing sometimes to the point of being pushy. In the process of getting to know you, he's been struck with how much you make him feel safe. Betrayal is a sore spot, he figures.
Rin trusts you with himself. He knows that even if everything burned to the ground tomorrow - you wouldn't ever air it out to the world. Not for a check or even if you hated him.
He has enough self-awareness to know that he's subpar in the emotions department. What you see in Rin is so often a mystery. Though when he works up the nerve to hint at reassurance, you kiss his cheek and sigh all lovey-dovey
("Dunno," You whisper, all warm hands and sweet touches. He hopes you don't ever figure it out "I can tell how much you love me though."
Rin scoffs. Of course he does. "You wish.")
He didn't fall in love with you on the path of least resistance. In fact, there are multiple instances where he outright sabotaged himself in the process. By being too cruel or too cold or callous.
But, because Rin never has things go his way, trying to leave it alone failed too. In fact every time you came back to him, he felt a feeling struck so deep in his heart that he couldn't look it in the face. Every time you came back and loved him so gently, he spoke a tiny and silent prayer.
Don't leave me too.
Not that Rin would ever admit that. To himself. To anyone for the record. But some part of him always hoped that he could keep you.
You've stayed, somehow. Long enough for your lives to become intertwined. He'd rather die before telling you he has to look at pictures of you before falling asleep on away games.
For better or for worse, it's all spiraled out of control. Now you're a year in and you live together. You even have a black cat (with blue eyes, which he has mixed feelings about.)
And right now, you're humming happily in his front seat and waiting to meet his friends. Something Rin would never in his entire life set-up on purpose.
But like he's said so many times before, things never work out how he wants them. And Isagi (like the backstabbing snake he is) has gone out of his way to invite you to lunch with his other teammates. Those guys are hardly his friends.
"I'm excited to meet your friends," You say, buzzing. He scoffs as he pulls into the parking lot, glancing over at you.
"They're not my friends."
"Rinnie. Baby, give it a rest. You spend more time with them than you do me, okay? Don't be silly."
Rin frowns, watching as you fix your appearance up in the mirror. He turns the ignition off and leans back with his arms crossed.
"Either way, I don't see why you're so excited."
"So I can get the autographs of a lot of handsome men who play soccer," You quip, knowing it's going to agitate him "Obviously because they're important to you. I want them to like me."
He thinks you're the last person that should ever worry about that.
"It doesn't matter to me what they think." He says, this time a little softer. You grin, pausing in your actions. You lean over the glovebox to nudge him and he turns himself to be close to you.
You're so close to him, smiling with all your teeth. He sighs.
"Aw, geez. You saying you don't care as long as you like me, right? How sweet of you."
Rin has to suppress a smile. He is disgusted with himself momentarily.
"I just think they're idiots." He lies, quite blatantly. You giggle, leaning forward. Your hand reaches up to the nape of his neck gently, sliding to his cheek. Your noses bump and Rin wants to turn the car back home and keep you all to himself. He wants to go home and sleep with you in his bed, with your cat rumbling around.
He wants to be all alone with you for an entire lifetime and he thinks it's gonna ruin him if he can't. He examines you closely. You look too nice for the general public to lay eyes on you.
"Don't be so mean, 'kay? Thanks, anyways, though."
You kiss Rin like you love him. Gingerly and playfully and whole-heartedly. Rin kisses back in the only way he knows how - clumsily and intensely and with the weight of a million unspoken desires. There's enough warmth in you for his cold, dead heart it seems.
And he is just not selfless enough to let go of it for any reason.
"You look pretty today," He says in a stupor, with just enough adoration in his system left to make him not wince. You grin big.
"You're so sweet to me."
Rin can be sweeter. Later, when you're home, he'll see if he can please you a little more.
He goes to kiss you one more time, but it gets cut short by a familiar screech.
"Everyone look! Rin is being all lovey-dovey."
The sound of Bachiras' voice makes a pang of irritation run through his entire body. He pulls away and glares through the window as his so-called friends crowd around his vehicle ooo-ing and aah-ing. He's going to fucking kill them.
He hears you from beside break out into a laugh then relents, just a little.
Nothing seems to go his way with you around, sure. But it's not like Rin particularly minds.
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felixeis003 · 6 months
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Good Luck Kiss ;))
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
resting bitch face? more like resting pretty face
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maithefluffychicken · 11 months
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Latest commission for Anne!
I really really love to draw these quick sketches with the boys kissing softly 🥺💛
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sergle · 9 months
this beautiful morn on god's green earth is as good a day as any to weed out the people who were just following me here for "uwu Somft Huggable Squishy" art (my art of plus size bodies), but don't actually care about fat people, as people, and feel personally offended the SECOND we vocalize frustration abt the fatphobia we experience.
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sunroseofthewood · 2 years
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Me: *takes your trauma boy and makes him a trauma girl*
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didderd · 6 months
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forgor to post this doodle i did for Milk a bit ago
the beeg mans, Butch belongs to @sans-guy <333
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springedbunny · 5 days
I was like hey Why do this suspicious package by my door smell of pungent slime ?
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alas it was the Thang
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cloysterbell · 6 months
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What's the last thing you remembered before you woke up in the hospital?
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cotl-flower-crown · 1 year
Kitties play
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housecow · 8 months
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Batmom and Jason Thought
Headcanon that batmom acts truly appalled if anyone tries telling her Jason did something bad.
"Jason? My sweet little Jason? how dare you try to insinuate and frame him, my boy, who has never done anything wrong in his entire life." with a glare so cold they accept their own defeat and leave the angry mother alone.
The first time it happened, Jason was terrified of getting in trouble, of disappointing you when he made a mistake and someone was just too eager to tattle on him. He didn't mean to bother someone at the gala-
Bruce never fails to find it hilarious. 'your sweet little innocent Jason? the one I met while he was stealing the batmobile's tires?'
You fix a playful glare at him, not changing your tone and patting Jason's hair while he hides beside you at the party "who has never done anything wrong in his life Bruce. Look at him, an angel."
Your proud tone and curling lips are enough to make Jason laugh too, forgetting about how stressed he was about a gala, and is happy the rest of the night to just sit with you and smile because he's "your little boy."
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lotuslate · 9 months
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drunk and in love in a meadow // used this pic as ref
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echosong971 · 4 months
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happy valentine's day ♥️
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demodoggonetired · 11 months
It's a quiet night in with just the two of them - Wayne having already left for work. A gentle drizzle has settled over the trailer park.
Eddie's hunched over at his desk with the old table lamp on, painting his latest miniature for the upcoming campaign. Steve's perched on the bed right near him, using that same lamp light to read one of Wayne's magazines. A tape randomly picked from their collection plays in the background.
There's a quiet 'clink' as Eddie rinses his brush in the paint-water cup (newly labeled after one to many mix-ups). The brush is dried then slotted into the cracked mug holding the rest of his painting tool hoard.
He pauses to stretch out his back from its scrunched position, scars giving a minor twinge at the action. Then reaches for his small, detailing brush.
Only, it's not where he put it last.
It's not on the pallet. Didn't slip under the paper towel. Sitting in the paintbrush mug? Nope. Roll onto the floor? No dice. (Well actually, many dice. Including the d8 he lost last week, he should remember to grab that later (he won't)).
It's as he's pulling his head back out from under the desk that he notices it.
The subtle, upturned pinch at the corner of Steve's mouth.
Like he's fighting not to smile. Trying to act like he hasn't noticed Eddie's obvious searching.
"Mhm?" The thief doesn't even deign to look up from the magazine.
"Have you seen my small detail brush? Bright red handle?”
Right, of course. Because the hand Steve wasn't using to hold his magazine just happened to be tucked behind his back, out of sight.
Clearly this called for drastic measures.
Without giving the other a chance to react, Eddie lurches forward to push his boyfriend back onto the bed, simultaneously planting himself atop Steve's legs.
"You sure about that one, loverboy?"
Steve crinkles his nose with a slight blush at the pet name. Then reaches up with the hand that previously held the magazine (that has now ended up in the abyss of the floor, sorry Wayne).
Eddie stills, curious to see how Steve will defend himself, as the hand continues up... and plucks the missing paintbrush from behind Eddie's ear. Where Eddie had earlier, unthinkingly stashed it.
Steve's face breaks out into a grin at Eddie's affronted noise.
"What do you have to say for yourself now, Eds? Accusing your boyfriend of such a heinous crime?"
Eddie hums, rolling the now reclaimed brush in his fingers, staring down at the boy beneath him. His sure-fire grin. Eyes crinkled in mirth. How the soft lamp light and dappled moonlight played across his features.
He leans down, hovering over the other.
"I say that I'd forgive you anyway. How could I not, with such a pretty face like that."
They meet in a gentle kiss. No rush as they simply enjoy the other's company. Warm in the knowledge there's nowhere else they need to be tonight. The tape clicks as it finishes and the rain becomes their only background noise. They seperate.
"Mmgood. Cause I did steal your paint tube."
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