#they're usually grown ass men too
radiostaticcc · 7 months
Am i the only one who hates these "try not to cringe" videos?
Because let's be honest, 80% of the clips they watch are just expressive cosplayers and/or neurodivergent people.
And it just pains me to see these random ass dudes openly mock people, usually teenagers, for having harmless fun.
Like how miserable and desperate for content do you have to be to stoop that low?
It's pathetic really.
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iceman-soup · 6 months
gn!reader x 141 (bar roach)
CW - not a gangbang i swear, gaz is ur only bf, harsh biting, blood and injury, not smut but kinky??
Part 2 to this
Okay, sure, you'd called Gaz silly for saying that the others would be jealous of his bite marks. Obviously you didn't expect it to actually happen.
As expected, the gauze and hickeys on your boyfriend's neck (and the best one patched up on his cheek, of course) don't go unnoticed. And, unsurprisingly, your smirk and Kyle's blush quickly let them know that yes, the patches are a result of some kinky shit and not some freak accident. So they don't ask. Just sort of.. look when they think you don't notice.
Until Price breaks the unspoken rule of no questions, no unwanted answers. In his defence - he's perhaps a little more oblivious than Ghost or Soap, and he's concerned about his totally-not-favourite Sergeant. And he probably wasn't expecting your shit-eating grin and Gaz's condescending answer.
"Well, Cap, when two people love each other very much-" he starts, before you cut him off with a snorted laugh at how Price's face turns red. When a recruit eventually asks later too, he responds with an equally condescending smile and just casually says, "bites!"
This continues for a couple days, making you laugh every time at how show-off he's being - although once alone, he's complaining that the gauze itches, and why can't you just take it off already? So you do, finally accepting the wounds have healed enough now. Fuck, that was a mistake.
The boys will not stop trying to touch the bite marks, particularly the deepest one on Gaz's face. Trust your boyfriend to be a cocky dick about it, too, bragging that he "told you so" when you notice them glancing at you more often than usual. Needy fucks, the lot of them.
Price calling you over one day when everyone's together and saying, "Well, its hardly fair to single Sergeant Garrick out, is it?" with his arms folded across his chest and his usual charming smile on his face as you feel a flush rise.
His taunting works wonders and you spend the rest of the day pulling Price, Soap, Ghost and Gaz into cupboards and empty rooms just to bite them, then leaving and getting on with whatever you were doing as if nothing happened. Which sort of backfires, 'cause now you have four fully grown men queuing to get patched up since your boyfriend apparently promised that you took care of him after, and their standards are now too high to back down.
So these grown ass men are now following you around like puppies to the first aid kit, then curling up in your lap on the floor as you kiss their wounds and clean them up gently, soothing them as if they're not military when the antiseptic stings.
Gaz is extra clingy, of course, because you're still his partner... but he will admit that he adores seeing your teeth imprinted on the others' skin.
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
One thing I adore about Buddy Daddies is the conflict between Rei and Kazuki in episode 7.
In fiction, it is so unbelievably common for one half of a couple in a family unit to do all of the work when it comes to the actual parenting. The cooking, the cleaning, etc. During the early decades sitcoms, the mom was always the hard-working and strict one while the dad was always the lazy, not-helpful one.
And that's the conflict.
Even though Rei and Kazuki are both men, Kazuki very clearly plays the role of the homebody in their relationship with Rei being sort of useless as a parent outside of being the fun one (at least initially). It's not waved off as a joke or dismissed as something you're not supposed to take seriously. That's a problem that they address in the episode that Rei needs to fix.
Marriage and relationships as a whole are partnerships, with both parties doing their equal share of effort to make it work, and parenting is just that but magnified times twenty. It takes mutual effort on both sides that Rei wasn't giving, and it infuriated Kazuki.
It's one thing for Miri to take Kazuki for granted, because she's still just a little kid and that's just how kids are, but it's another thing for Rei (Kazuki's partner), a grown adult who should know better, to treat him the same way. Their relationship couldn't continue functioning the way it was, with Kazuki putting in 100% effort and Rei barely doing anything.
Rei needed to step up AND HE DID!
He struggled initially, but once he realized that Miri needed him to be a parent and not a playmate, he stepped the hell up. When Miri got sick (due in part to his own actions) he didn't just wait around for Kazuki to come back and fix everything, he went to Kyu on his own to get the resources he needed. He stayed with Miri in her room to watch over her and wrote down a schedule for Miri's medication.
And it's not just for the one episode! In episode 9, we see Rei helping Kazuki cook in the morning while they're getting Miri ready for school! Rei has started to put in actual effort in his role as both a parent and a partner!
That's fucking great!! That's a conflict that I have never seen done before in a show like this!
Usually, this sort of trope would be treated as a joke, or the parents are just already good at parenting with a screw up or two here and there, but I've never seen this kind of active growth before in a story about parenthood.
Not only are Kazuki and Rei active participants in raising Miri, but they both have moments where they realize that they have to change in order to do their job as parents properly. They can't just half-ass it and they know this. Love is necessary in parenthood, but you have to put in effort too.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Maknae Line Sipping Things, Pt. 1
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Maybe it's tea but more likely it's gonna hit and make us dizzy, knowing these guys. Because it's always something with them, isn't it?
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ARMY is many things to "our boys" - who, by the way, have not been "boys" for nearly a decade, now. Can we just normalize letting grown ass men be, IDK, GROWN ASS MEN?
They DO LOVE US. More than we realize. We are their validation. We are their audience, their personal search engine, their friends in a weird kind of two-sided parasocial relationship (which I guess makes it nearly a social relationship). But we are also their paychecks.
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BTS is at a point where none of them need to work. Ever. They could fuck off to Bora Borahae (don't get me started) and spend lavishly for the rest of their days and still leave an enormous inheritance to their pets. They're fine, financially, in a way that most of us will never be. It's a heady experience, I'm told, having fuck-you money, and they have that. And yet they continue to work.
They continue to move their lives within a very tight, very enclosed but entirely too visible bubble. They always will, because their level of fame is that, now. Their lives don't really belong to them - they belong to us. Which is a heavy and often uncomfortable reality for them. So that's my angle going into the whole What The Fuck Is Up With The Maknae Line thing. They are in an unhealthy relationship - with ARMY - and it's changed who they are to each other, over time.
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To be fair it's not ARMY's fault, either. If we must lay blame somewhere throw it on the idol system, maybe. They were assigned their roles in the beginning and SO WAS ARMY. It goes both ways.
The hyungs handle it better, overall. They were a few very crucial years older. They were given more responsibility and less, I think, insecurity. Don't get me started on neurodivergency. Or gayness. I'LL PONTIFICATE, IT WILL TURN INTO A DAMN FILIBUSTER, LET'S JUST NOT OKAY.
"But we LOVE THEM," I hear you cry. How can our love be unhealthy? Oh let me count the ways.
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I LOVE a good fansite photographer. And Black & White is the best of the best - supportive, great shots, excellent with boundaries. See that? Jungkook recognized and was not upset to see them - because he sees them. A LOT. Here's Jimin taking notice:
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He ain't mad. But cameras are as normal to BTS as breathing. Kinda like stylists. They get so used to having them there they don't quite seem real without them. To us, certainly, but maybe also to themselves. And as we've been let in to (almost) every facet of their lives we've become a little entitled. We think we know them - and in many ways we do. We see them cry, laugh, snort, fart, snore, sneeze and cough. We've even managed to be privy to inconvenient wood and bathtub photos - usually dressed, but Namjoon is not here today. "They're so relatable", we sigh. "How are they even real," we swoon. And yet we know they are, because we see them like this:
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Little derpcakes, all of 'em. And we go "must protect!"
We protecc, we attacc, we give a boy a snacc, we make up memes about it and feel a little superior to all those fans who don't protect their idols - as well we should, we're the bomb. THE BANGTAN BOMB BITCHES.
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And in so doing we have "protected" the maknae line right into eternal teenhood.
I've done it myself. Ask me how old Park Jimin is and I am as likely as not to tell you he's 24. (He's about to turn 27 international. At the end of the year he turns 29, Korean age.)
Again, much of this is marketing and is done deliberately because teen girls spend money. They also write fanfiction, draw and paint fan art, and attend concerts. And some of the fics are amazing, most are porn-adjacent or straight (gayyyy) erotica. Ditto a chunk of the art. But keep in mind that minors produce and consume all manner of media. A Minors DNI warning might as well be a neon sign. And fiction and depiction are SAFE ways for ARMY to explore their own and other sexualities. Put a pretty boy naked in a high school locker room with a tattooed, musclebound alpha quarterback and the metaphorical or literal jizz flings itself into the stratosphere. BUT LORD HELP A GROWN ASS ADULT MAN THAT ACTUALLY GETS A GIRLFRIEND.
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Or boyfriend.
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Stay tuned for the rest of this mess, probably.
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seijorhi · 4 months
Hi (this is my walk of shame)
I'm not dead :D
Let's just... ignore the fact that I fully disappeared, but I'm back! (an unemployed)
To kickstart my first fangirl session of 2024, I have to rave about No Strings Attached <33
Sidenote, I'm renaming this weekly raving session now that I'm back because I can't for the life of me remember the original long ass title
AWR - Art's Weekly Rambles :))
I've spoken about it before, but sugar daddy Bokuto has a hold of my soul, you don't understand
But genuinely?? Like, (barely) middle aged Bokuto?? Silver fox?? Pussy whipped??
I need it. Immediately.
He's like a puppy in a grown man's body, and in real life it would ick me out, but you know just how to write the most pathetic men who scare the shit out of me and I neeeeeeeeeeed him
And he's so delusional too!! Man fully believed the reader was in love and refused to hear otherwise (again, I'd hate this irl, but come on)
And he's just so pushy???? I love it. Yes Bo, overstep those boundaries!! Not to mention the way he refers to her as "my pretty girl" - folding
Again, I know I've spoken about this fic in the past, but I genuinely love it so so much
Also, Invidia ii?? Gobsmacked.
I loved it. The fact that Shinnosuke is literally as delusional and creepy as Kuroo?? Impeccable.
He knew and just did not give two shits. Taking unbothered to the next level.
Anyway, I love you and I miss you and, as usual, I eat your writing up <33
ART MY BELOVED <33 i have missed you
honestly writing bo as a (slightly) older version of himself where he's still this immature, demanding, wilfully blind and delusional love-sick fool is just hhhhhhhh give that man an inch and he'll take miles <33
and thank you! i was pretty happy with invidia ii when all was said and done. you can choose to ignore shin's massive red flags but i for one think they're just a little sexy and a warning of things to come
anyway ily ily ilyyyyyy
more writing coming your way soon, bby, pinky promise ;))
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Part of the problem with MLM fetishization discourse (mainly found onTwitter, but i see it here too), is that people see effeminacy and femininity in men itself as a fetish, and therefore can't be assed to understand actual issues we face with regard to sexuality
It's impossible to talk about fatphobia, underlying assumptions often related to white supremacist beauty standards, adultification, ageism, etc that feminine men experience because people are too busy getting in a tizzy over a guy wearing skirts in media. One of the big issues for me is hypersexualization- I was getting sexualized at a very young age for being what I am, it's a big issue historically, and a lot of media I could access when I was younger was basically just porn/erotica. And that porn/erotica was often like. Racist, it hypermasculinzed Blackness in comparison to white effeminates, and it only portrayed fem men as submissive bottoms (which isn't itself bad) whose effeminacy was humiliation, and submission was bc they're worth less than "real men"
And like, the joke is people are so focused on wether or not people writing femmes who bottom is bad (it's just a thing that happens irl) that you can't talk about anything else. It's also a form of hypersexualization. The only other thing ppl wanna discuss is "heteronormativity". Fiction where femmes are fucking isn't a bad thing with that being said, and desexualizing us is also a common homophobic thing to do, and tends to loop back to the "less than a real man" thing.
And like, "yaoi"/"BL" isn't the big driving factor in hypersexualization here. If nobody in the US knew what that was I still would've been getting hit on by men twice my age at 16 (who sometimes would loudly advertise their interest in femmes specifically, or more accurately, "femboys" and "tr*ps").
And honestly when you deal with just like- grown ass men looking at you that way, people moaning and bitching that the big concern for fetishization here is basically wether or not the character exists only deepens the shame felt from those interactions. I was made to feel uncomfortable and gross because my gender presentation was seen as sexual when I was a teenager, and all this shit does is go "yeah, it is sexual, when I look at people like you I think about sex and how the sex you have is bad". And part of my Ick with portrayals of femmes is that we're assumed as submissive bottoms because I'm not, but this is still deeply harmful to people that are because you're telling queers the way they fuck is morally wrong and you're instilling shame over it.
And like... actual fetishization for me is more often when femmes as objects of sexual desire are seen that way through a lens of "you're a faggot so you're beneath me, you should thank me when I call you slurs and do xyz, you're trash, shaving you so you have less body hair (so you look more feminine) is a punishment and symbolizes my superiority" because it's just intracommunity femmephobia/effemiphobia with a boner.
Its not that other things are non-issues but cis women clumsily writing a masc/femme dynamic is probably more likely to make me laugh than feel ashamed or disgusted, and instances of feminizing a character for bigotry reasons in fandom are less common than people complaining about effeminacy existing at all (including with femme transmasc characters, especially because usually those aren't being written by cis people). The actual things that have made me cringe with shame and disgust about cis women's view of feminine and effeminate men sexually are more difficult for me to unsnarl because I see it less often, and it's sometimes more visceral because while I was sexualized by men I was actually abused by women, but I'll be frank; those things usually aren't occurring in discussions about fandom.
When I get disgusted in fandom discussion isn't about femme characters existing at all, or top/bottom/switch- they're about people acting like writing romance/erotica about men fucking is the sacred right of cis women and any discussion about equity in publishing means you're attacking fandom when they're two different things, and that that right is more important than the fact that queer men can struggle to get published in romance- and subsequent issues with poverty. Or the insistence that to be fetishized you need to be a woman because fetishization is stored in the pussy (revealing they haven't thought about racism in the romance genre, and don't think about trans women). Its about queer men in fandom writing smut and getting harassed by women who write the exact same type of it because the way they do it is somehow bad. It's about my sexuality being seen as piece of land to fight over, that I'm not supposed to be on, not writing about men in fishnets.
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diagonal-queen · 10 months
thungo thursday pt2
ep 6 (put it under a cut because this one is LONG)
fukuchi be like 'the agency couldn't possibly be smart enough to- oh wait nvm i forgot ranpo existed lol' like more than once and i think that is testament to the fact that RANPO BEST BOY
'have you forgotten? we're terrorists' ICONIC BEHAVIOUR
man and i complain about doing one 37 hour work week. after this one week the agency needs to take a NAP. AND THE MAFIA TOO. imagine there's like just no criminal activity or anything for like three days and everyone's like ?? but on day 4 atsushi and akutagawa are fighting to the death at the port and everyone is like 'ah. business as usual' lmaoooo
omg every time the hunting dogs song comes on i get so hyped lmao im like yESSS ACTION
'that man, that demon, the evillest most scawy man ever in the world....etc etc' and its just some guy doing the most coy babygirl pose a guy can possibly do
taneda btw deserved none of this he was just some nice old dude and then sigma fucking stabbed him lmao
dazai is like the personification of the perjury mechanic in drv3. 'go on lie. you gotta. lie now. cmon pussy you wont'
my god fyozai is so fucking babygirl. also wdym dazai?? if the two of you were the last ones on earth you should just have gay sex. its not that hard smh
oh no dazai falled down through the flore
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dm me if you want to receive a free 2min audio file of me laughing about this (i have a headache from laughing. my throat fucking hurts so bad. i'm pretty sure it's actually bleeding. my eyes are moist with tears. BESTIE???????)
do you even needa ask why i'm here?? ⭐️❤️☺️ *voice drops 6 octaves* i'm here to murder you 👹👹👹
and then after that fyodor was just like 'teehee he's so romantic x' like bro
dazai: *turns to the camera like he's on the office* waow
i love mykola's little laugh it's so silley
omg they're actually animating him so well. bones must've seen the reception from s4 and decided to step it up 💀
dazai and fyodor are simultaneously evil grown men and bimbo highschool girls and it's such a look. 'omg ur friends are so cute <3' 'omg right???' also mykola my beloved i want to be yours forever pls
i love how bram's acting all tough like aya can't just open the casket and leave and render him thoroughly powerless lmao
omg the official anime aya and bram sillies begin. we've been waiting for this for months folks so far so good
it was already pretty funny that aya is carrying bram like a backpack but actually seeing her running with him on her back is like a billion times funnier especially since this shit is life or death. but she just got a whole entire vampire on her back no problem sjhsksjssjhj
sigma: watashi wa shiguma me: fucking superb you funky little toddler
imagine if it was a fucking prank this whole time and mykola just injected them with a slow-working sedative or something that would be so funny. like all of this for nothing sksjksjsjks and then he just stabs fyodor or something the end. boom world save
oh ok nvm the vampires can talk just fine i guess lmao. also i genuinely cant tell if im supposed to be taking this episode seriously or not. one second people are being brutally slaughtered next moment silley little guys??? such is the way of bsd i guess
'you're a failure of a woman' my dude she is literally 10 years old she is nowhere close to being a woman shut your misogynistic ass up lmao
OKAY BECAUSE ok ok listen i was wondering what music they were gonna use for bram and when i heard the ending music i was like 'ok a little anticlimactic but i understand' and then it TRANSITIONED into the ACTUAL ENDING??? 10/10
hehe. bestie
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madelineserenity · 2 months
Matron (& Reaper Nurses) Headcanons
for fredthemosquito :D
Matron & Reaper Nurses
• Whenever there's a calm evening at the hospital, the nurses will sit together next to Matron with cups of tea. Sometimes they'll talk about their day or have a laugh together, other times they'll sit in peace and quiet, where the only noises that can be heard are the clinking of teacups being returned to their saucers, and the shifting of paper bags being lifted slightly for a sip. Matron has a large cup that she can hold properly; the Gold Watchers insisted on having it made for her. Other than that, it looks the same as the rest of the cups, white with gold trim and light blue flowers. She'll hand it down to the nurses to have her tea made, then they'll return it to her. She usually has chamomile.
• She can't play board games properly (her hands are too large to pick up small tokens or dice) but one of the nurses will play for her, sitting next to her desk so they can hear each other clearly. She makes the decisions, the nurse rolls dice and moves pieces across the boards, and reads cards out to her. She enjoys playing games very much, even if it's in an unconventional fashion, but sometimes she wishes she could join in "properly" and roll her own dice.
• She can be harsh on them - she runs a tight ship - but deep down she loves them very much. She's just not the greatest at showing it, as like them, she's been hurt by men she thought loved her. Spending small moments with them or just sitting at her desk, having a one-on-one with a nurse about their pasts and their trauma, is where it shows best.
• They're a massive help. She actually wouldn't be able to run the hospital without them. They bring her painkillers for her back pain, help her wash up in the evenings, bring her healthy food and drinks, keep her company, and even after all the decades they've been together, never mention cigarettes or smoke around her. They refuse to fuel or reignite the addiction she had in life. She still thinks about them occasionally, but they've become more of an old habit now rather than an addiction. In the past, when they did come up, they refused to supply her. Going cold turkey so suddenly did a huge number on her, but they took care of her and continue to do so today.
• Massive, MASSIVE sweet tooth. Even though the nurses help her monitor her slowly (and safely) decreasing weight, they know to never not replace her cut rock candy when she runs out. She can and will lose it. (she likes the fruit kinds best but she's also not opposed to a humbug once in a while)
(unrelated but this is the stuff that's available to me and OHHHH my goddd it's so good. i don't even like cherry flavoured things usually but even they have surpassed my expectations)
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• She'd like to take up knitting or crochet to keep her hands busy, but she's not sure how to get started, especially with the issue of having large hands.
• She loves painting her nails, even though her gloves conceal them when they're done. It makes her feel pretty and confident in her new body, which she often feels insecure in because of her size and having to wheel around. Most of the time she wears soft pinks and nude shades, although a glittery light pink is also fun.
• Really enjoys organising birthday parties for the nurses, although none of them remember their old birthdays, so they just go with the day they became a nurse. It helps her express love for her found family, but she also loves thinking about "Would she want streamers around? I know she's a grown mature woman who likes keeping things neat but surely she'd love waking up to streamers around just for her..." She loves it so much she'll start planning months in advance if there isn't another one coming up soon.
• She can't travel around most of the hospital due to her size, but you can bet your ass she'll be near-yelling "I NEED MORE" at a poor nurse standing there with a box full of streamers while she decorates her hall. For once, being tall is actually very useful.
• She loves rainy weather. She can't see it (no windows) but she loves the sound of rain hitting a roof somewhere in the hospital. She does NOT like hail, very intense rain, or heavy winds. The loud noises make her anxious, although being told what they are helps a lot. She especially hates wind that throw tree branches at walls.
• If she were to watch a sad movie or read a sad book with the nurses, she will be the first one to start crying. Her tough exterior hides and protects a sensitive woman inside. It starts dissipating when she's with the nurses and there's no-one and nothing else to bother her (e.g. a mortal)
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
Tbh I think Aidan is a nice guy and not the type to date a much younger woman. I don’t think he has a history of doing that, and he’s said that the Petyr/Sansa stuff makes him uncomfortable. It’s just his characters who are creepy, not him.
Well no, I think it's pretty well established that Aidan wouldn’t date a woman in her early 20s. I'm sorry anon but did you just stop by my blog for the first time today? Because I've already addressed this on many occasions. No one thinks Aidan is a creep, no one has called Aidan a creep, and we've established that he didn't approve of a romantic relationship between Petyr and Sansa. (However, I've never heard or read him say that it makes him uncomfortable. Just that he doesn't see it romantically because he has a kid her age.) But that's because she's VERY young. The age of his kids young.
And as far as his history, Camille is 7 years younger than he is. I dont know how old baby mamma is. And those are the only two women he's been publicly linked to. He's very private. But I garuantee you that between baby mamma and Camille, he didn’t become a monk. And we'll never know the ages of whomever warmed his bed on those nights. But, IF he were single, I don't think he'd be opposed to dating someone my age or a few years younger, like early 30s. That's 15 to 20 years his junior, which IS much younger. So I don't entirely agree with you that he would never do that.
And I'm not just saying that because I want him. The girl who played his girlfriend in 12 Rounds is almost a year younger than me and in the behind the scenes footage he goes on about their kissing scene and says she is a "very, very sexy kisser" and even jokes that the kissing scene was all his idea. So I think it's safe to say he's sexually attracted to women at least 15 years his junior, possibly up to 20. Because 20 years younger than him is still a 35-year-old grown ass woman. I don't think he sees a 30-something as someone who is unequal to him. I don't know how many 30 some year old women you know, but myself and the ones I know don't take shit from a man because he's older than us. (In fact, I got told by a 62 year old man that I'd never find a man because of my mouth. 🤣 Not my cussing but because I stand up for myself and express my opinions.)
Look, I love the boy and yes he is a sweetheart, but sometimes I think some fans want to put him on a Saintly little pedestal and completely forget the fact that he is still just a man.
Some fans think he's too shy and pure to be seen as sexy and yet he buys a fan a drink who calls him sexy to his face. On the red carpet women taking photos were cat-calling him and saying "ooh look at that tongue action" and the little fucker had the BIGGEST shit-eating grin on his face loving every second of the sexual innuendo.
I bring this up because it goes hand-in-hand with the fans who think he's too pure or saintly or something to look at a woman much younger than him and want to fuck the living shit out of her.
It's just not a very realistic viewpoint of a 55 year old man. Personally, I like the idea that he's a little naughty but for those who like to see celebs as super sweet and pure and wholesome, could be at risk of having that bubble popped, I'm just saying. I learned that lesson a very long time ago. Especially when it came to my idea of what older men are like. They're good in bed but the vast majority of them are pervy as fuck. More so than younger men in my experience.
The shy, quiet ones are often the kinkiest too btw. And are usually way better at it than the ones that brag.
Oh, and that picture of him talking to Natalie Dormer at a GOT premiere one year...his hand on her tit looked like no accident. I'm sorry, there's no way that was an accident. She's not crazy younger, she's 14 years younger, but her age isn't my point. My point is, he's still a MAN.
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Oh and I just remembered this picture where he looks like he's absolutely hating the female attention. (Note sarcasm)
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Okay, sorry that got long-winded. I just wanted to put this topic to bed for the last time with all of my thoughts, opinions, and evidence.
Final verdict: no one thinks Aidan is a creep. It's an actual FACT that he does not approve of Petyr and Sansa romantically. He IS a super sweet guy. But he has a dick attached to him. He isn't perfect. He is only a human man.
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harudnae · 4 months
The third episode of the precious metals polycule adventures is sponsored by Gee! NSFW fanart here, my horny monkey brain extrapolated with the rest.
Back on topic: this is basically a love letter to Roger's ass, from Gaban's POV.
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Also posted on AO3 on 2024.02.09
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Gaban x Roger x Rayleigh (mind the order 🤭)
Summary: Boundaries are meant to be respected. Gaban knows it and he'll live by that. Now, if only Roger and Rayleigh were testing his self-control a bit less…
Content warnings: PWP, polyamory, threesome, rimming, anal fingering, anal sex, creampie, Gaban is awfully sweet and the other two just want him to let loose for once
Word count: ~1.9k
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✨ Boundaries
Gaban can hear Rayleigh and Roger fuck.
Maybe some of the people on the other side of the hill can hear them too.
Gaban shakes his head in disbelief, and exhales a light laugh while he resumes his walk.
It was a good call to dock far from the nearest village, because these two are basically unable to keep their hands to themselves.
(He's slightly jealous because he kind of wants more physical intimacy with them but he doesn't want to be too demanding.)
Whatever soft feeling was fleeting in the air vanishes when Rayleigh moans Roger's name, low and husky, almost desperate.
Gaban rolls his eyes and heavily sighs when he realizes than neither of them heard him get on board with the ruckus they make. He wasn't in a particularly horny mood but the sounds coming from their shared cabin aren't exactly helping with that either. Usually he would avoid peeking inside, but the door is wide open, so even if he's just going to move to the other side of the deck he'll see them anyway.
(Might as well discreetly steal a glance.)
Gaban stills in the doorway and all his blood rushes south.
Rayleigh is spread wide under Roger, with his legs pulled up and his hands holding tight onto his inner thighs, exhaling half-words and broken moans.
Roger is pounding into Rayleigh like there's no tomorrow, tip-toeing to bury his cock deeper, groaning and panting heavily, all muscles tense in the effort.
(They're absolutely gorgeous, in a very lewd kind of way.)
Gaban stares for a while where Roger and Rayleigh meet, mesmerized by the way Rayleigh's hole entirely swallows Roger's huge cock. His gaze travels up, lingering on the heavy balls slapping against Rayleigh's ass, then on Roger's meaty ass, clapping with each thrust and showing a hairy hole. He only just barely remembers to breathe when he starts feeling light-headed.
"Roger!!!" Rayleigh's hands slide around Roger's thigh, digging shortly trimmed fingernails into the thick muscles.
Roger growls and only pounds harder.
(Gaban has grown more accustomed to sharing everything with them, including private moments, but he never intruded before, not unless invited.)
In a haze, Gaban cautiously approaches them from behind. Emboldened by the complete lack of acknowledgement from either men, he kneels behind Roger and quietly contemplates the sudden urge to eat his ass.
Rayleigh slides his hands higher up Roger's thighs, reaches for his ass cheeks, spreading them out.
Gaban swallows. Then he mentally punches himself for what he's about to do.
(Some time later, Gaban will remember that Roger and Rayleigh are proficient Haki users, skilled with all Colors to boot. He'll realize then that they did know he was coming back to the ship, that they knew he could hear and see and smell and– and that the whole thing was a ploy for him to finally understand that he doesn't have to wait for an explicit invitation, because they both very much want him. But that's for later.)
Gaban wraps his hands around Roger's waist and holds his breath when everyone stops moving. Eyes trained on Roger's body, avoiding Rayleigh's gaze at all costs, he runs his hands up, feeling the way Roger's ribcage swells with each heavy breath.
Rayleigh whines underneath, and cranes his neck to glance at Gaban.
Gaban still pointedly ignores him, and slowly exhales while his hands meet at Roger's nape before traveling back down his spine. All good. Don't break the spell. Don't freak out. His peripheral vision catches the hint of a smirk on Rayleigh's face, and Gaban casts his glance down when his hands find Roger's hips.
Rayleigh's hands are spreading Roger's ass open, showing off the way Roger's balls tighten and his cock throbs inside Rayleigh's stretched hole with every other touch from Gaban.
Gaban's hands spread, gently pressing fingertips into Roger's ass cheeks.
(Nothing new in groping Roger's ass. He's done it already, many times. Roger never complained, either. Why is this different?)
Roger leans in, offering better access to Gaban while his lips find Rayleigh's.
(Oh. This time, he does it with purpose.)
Rayleigh's hands return to his inner thighs, slightly more tense now with Roger leaning down on him.
Gaban's hands start massaging Roger's ass, feeling the give of the soft muscle. He's so, so tempted to slap Roger's ass, but he resists.
(For now. Who knows how much longer he can control his own urges?)
He brushes the pad of his thumb over Roger's twitching hole, and his whole face is burning by the time he dares to ask, voice tight, "Can I eat you out?"
Roger exhales a low groan, shortly followed by a lewd moan from Rayleigh underneath him. He breaks the kiss and hurriedly says, "Yeah. Sure, yeah."
Gaban briefly looks up, meeting Roger's eager eyes, then Rayleigh's mischievous ones. He cracks a smile and dives in tongue first, holding Rayleigh's gaze while he spreads the whole width of his tongue inside Roger's crack.
Rayleigh's eye slightly roll back when Gaban's tongue runs across Roger's hole, and he throws him a heated glare before raising a hand to card into Roger's hair, pulling him in for a deep kiss.
"Fuck–" is the last thing Roger says before a loud stream of moans is muffled by Rayleigh's tongue.
Gaban's blood rushes south when it dawns on him that Roger's cock must be throbbing inside Rayleigh, so they both get to enjoy what Gaban is doing. He gets to work twice harder, running his tongue around and pushing it past the first ring of muscle.
Roger squirms like he can't get enough of either Gaban or Rayleigh.
(Gaban finds that there's something terribly endearing in Roger's broken moans and weak squirming whenever both of his lovers are all over him, and he's always happy to indulge.)
Gaban buries his tongue inside Roger, tasting him in the most intimate way possible. He's distantly aware that he's rock hard and already leaking, but his hands have much more urgent business to attend to. That is, sliding one of them down and fondling Roger's balls, pressing a thumb against his perineum, and feeling exactly how and when he triggers the lewdest moans and groans.
Rayleigh whimpers under Roger. "Fuuuck– You're getting so big, so hard–"
Gaban feels light-headed again, blood rushing south when his fondling hand slides down and feels just how hard Roger's cock is. He hums and buries his tongue deeper, fingertips from his other hand pressing near his tongue, inhaling deeply and still desperate for more.
Roger squirms some more, as if he wanted to fuck himself on Gaban's tongue.
Gaban tries to be a good man, does his best to control himself, but there's just so much a man can do and this is becoming quite a challenge... He prays the seas that he hangs onto his sanity, and resumes fondling Roger's balls.
Roger groans in-between kisses. "Mmh– that's good–"
Gaban's fingers itch but he won't dare ask, won't dare take more than what he's offered. For lack of a better option, he lathers Roger's cleft with spit, tongue exploring every fold of his puckered hole and plunging into it as deep as he can, wriggling the wet muscle around while his hands feel every way he throbs under his doings.
Gaban opens wide eyes and finds Rayleigh's gaze, eager and soft. He leans back and takes a deep breath while he grabs the cooking oil casually left near the mattress, already uncorked. He pours a decent amount on his fingers and spreads the slick fluid around Roger's hairy hole. "This okay?", he asks, slightly breathless.
"Oh, fuck yeah." Roger groans in delight and pushes his hips back, demanding.
Gaban musters up all that's left of his manners to go slowly and not rush anything. He slides a first finger in with little resistance, then another, then he starts to move them. His face is burning up with want (and maybe a little lack of oxygen) when he slides a third one, and he can't detach his gaze from Roger's ass swallowing them to the knuckle, can't help but wondering if he could add another– But he's a decent man, not a brute, so he won't.
Rayleigh's hand reaches out for Gaban's across Roger's ass.
Gaban looks up but doesn't get away from his treat.
"Fuck me", Rayleigh says.
Roger twitches around Gaban's tongue and his hips stutter but he doesn't move.
Gaban suddenly realizes just how tight his pants are right now. Torn between his last sliver of decency and the blunt fact that it's only just barely hanging on a tiny, thin thread, Gaban swallows and takes a deep breath.
Roger doesn't move.
Gaban's eyes fly open and he meets Rayleigh's expectant gaze and cocky smirk.
"Did I stutter? Fuck me."
Roger's ass twitches around Gaban's fingers but he still doesn't move.
Somewhere in the back of Gaban's brain, a switch goes off. He exhales a low, husky growl, then pulls his fingers out of Roger's stretched, waiting hole. He all but rips his clothes off and kneels back down in record time, only pausing a brief while to coat his cock with oil before lining it up.
The raw throaty sound that leaves Roger when Gaban presses in is downright sinful.
Rayleigh's hand reaches out for Gaban's thigh, digging short fingernails into his skin.
Gaban finds his gaze again, eager and oh, so soft and–
Roger turns his head around and captures his lips with a searing, wet and open-mouthed kiss.
It's messy but Gaban doesn't care.
(Not when their bodies fit so perfectly together, not when his lovers are open and trusting.)
Rayleigh huffs a light laugh. "Gaban–"
"Yes", he hisses between his teeth. He starts thrusting, slow and deep, basking in the moment while he tries not to snap.
"Roger's not going to break. Trust me, I tried."
A fuse short-circuits in Gaban's brain then, caused by something about the sultry tone of Rayleigh's voice, or how small he looks framed under both him and Roger, something about Roger's ass tightening around his rock hard cock, something about throwing decency out the door, which is still open anyway. Gaban growls, low and deep, and pounds into Roger hard and fast, earning a new range of sounds that only make him harder.
Roger's ass squeezing around him proves to be too fucking good, and Gaban comes embarrassingly fast.
Gaban leans back down panting, and dazedly watches his load oozing out of Roger's twitching hole, trickling down his balls.
(Oh, he's in it deep now. He'll never watch Roger's back and not think about that meaty ass bouncing on his cock and leaking–)
Roger turns his head around and grins. He observes a very disheveled, very sweaty, albeit rather satisfied Gaban regaining his breath, then he turns his attention back to Rayleigh. "It's so good with you both", he eagerly says, rolling his hips into Rayleigh.
Rayleigh cranes his neck to the side and breathes out, "Oh, yeah." Then he locks his eyes with Gaban's and licks his lips. "Come here, big boy. I want you up again for the next round." Then he open his mouth wide and draws his tongue out.
Gaban blinks, stunned for a brief while, then he all too happily follows the order.
(Decency be damned and all that, he's never been one to refuse an invitation like this anyway.)
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Copper, Silver and Gold: 1 - 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
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thisdorkyblogthing · 3 months
A HS AU Genderbent Thorki Concept:
I just need to get it out of my head ok
is so Very Very Tall, like, only 4 boys in the school are even eye level with her. that kind of Tall
and she plays like, 8 sports, and she excels at most of them
unsurprisingly, she is Stacked and Jacked
she strikes fear and horniness in the hearts of teenage boys (and quite a few girls too)
at least 15 years have been shaved off Odin's life from having to deal with all the grown-ass men hitting on his daughter since she was like, 11
another 12 came off when Frigga had to have a sit down conversation about making a Bra Budget when she was ~13 and her boobs showed no signs of stopping
('how much could a bra cost? 20 bucks?' 'oh, sweetheart, I wish.')
spends 90% of the time in leggings, t-shirts and usually her varsity jacket, but will get in the mood at random times to dress up a bit and people go a bit crazy about it
she's a good enough student but she's got some marks on her record bc she's a bit of hothead and not interested in taking anyone's shit
like, the week long suspension she got when she dinged a guy in the shoulder with a softball for being a douche to her friend (he's lucky there were no bats around, she's better with those) and the one time she backhanded a guy who "fell" conveniently right into her boobs, and calling that teacher she hates "a dumb little bitch"
coincidentally, she meets Loki in detention!
and coincidentally, Thor's type is scrappy gender gremiln, whatever that means
scrappy gender gremlin
like, ok, she/her, but also ????????
has that choppy af, DIY kitchen scissors haircut that she impulsively gave herself on a tuesday night at 3am bc the shoulder length mop she had going on just wasn't doing it for her
she's also done some bathroom bleach and color jobs that she's fucked up immensely so now she's back to having black hair but now it's crispy
and messy, smudgy black eyeliner all the time, baby!!
98% of her wardrobe is made up of t-shirts she's stolen from her brothers and baggy jeans
is a theater kid, but not by choice, she just got kinda absorbed by them
is an exceptionally good student (despite staying up til 3am most nights) and is generally considered a delight by her teachers
except for the one she called a 'braindead motherfucker' which, in her defense, he kinda is
it's also why she was in detention to meet Thor
Loki was all nervous and skittish bc it's her first time in detention and lil miss Thora just waltzes in and plops down in the desk beside her, pissed bc she has to miss practice
and Loki knows of Thor and has, of course, seen her (she's hard to miss) but their social circles don't overlap so it's the first time she's getting an up close look at her and *gulp*
why does she suddenly want to be put in a headlock???? in a sexual way????????
she can't stop staring bc Wow, So Pretty and Thor looks over and gives Loki a really thorough once over that makes Loki's toes tingle
they start talking (and getting shushed) and as it turns out they're both in detention for shit talking the same teacher!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
My favorite character from the Owl House is Hunter because his character arc is so good and his relationship with Willow is adorable. (He literally fell for her at first sight)
And my favorite character from X Men is Kitty (I hate her relationship with Cyclops because she was a CHILD AND HE WAS A GROWN ASS MAN WHEN THEY MEET IN THE COMICS. Also can I just say that I hate that they make Bobby (the guy who does the ice thing) gay because that came out of nowhere and it only happened because an alternative version Jean Gray and her version of Bobby is gay so she decides that all versions of Bobby is gay and she needs to help them be their true self and Bobby who keep in mind has shown sexual and romantic interest in women up to this point 'realizes' he's gay and the rest of the comic is just him coming out to everyone one by one and hardly anything else happens. I wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't for the fact that most media still treats sexuality like there's only two options gay or straight which completely erases Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, Asexual, to name a few. It just grinds my gears you know anyway sorry for the rant. Kitty deserves a good love interest hopefully she gets one)
I feel like if reader had magic I feel like it would be similar to ether to Luz's or Eda's.
Hunter was so awesome, and he felt relatable, too. He and Willow are cute together, let them have plant and palisman babies!
I like Kitty, and I haven't read the comics (except a handful) so I didn't even know that relationship was thing. (Who the f*ck wrote that?!) I use my favorite X-Men medias as canon, along with head and heart canons, because let's face it: There are so many separate comics with different writers, different movies and timelines, even three (now going to be four) separate X-Men cartoons, whatever books and games they have for the various media, and even the anime and other Marvel shows where the characters show up from time to time. It is SO confusing. So, I just pick my favorite out of the bunch and roll with those (and usually it makes enough sense. Except the timeline changes in the movies. That STILL confuses me. Who is alive? Who is dead? Hopefully Deadpool fixes things).
And yeah, for Bobby, only one version of him was gay. It would have made more senses if they built that into a story arc, took it slowly, instead of being so abrupt. Let the guy be gay or bisexual, but at least make it make sense and not just be considered a quirk or passing fancy. Give it some development. Some thought. Make it mean something. Let it happen like how The Owl House portrays romance and self-discovery. (I myself am part of the asexual community, and that took awhile to figure out, and to this day I'm still finding out more about how I view relationships, platonic or romantic or otherwise. I'm not sure if I truly am interested in romance or not, but in the past I had a crush on a guy and girl, and later found out I just thought they were really great friends). This stuff can take time, it can get messy and feel gut-wrenching, but it doesn't make a person less for being bisexual or gay or lesbian or asexual or straight or trans. None are better than the others, and none are less than the others. It does help to realize all of this isn't back and white. It's a big, mixed canvas of grays in every shade of cloud and ash and silver and stone and eggshell and storm and smoke. (Point is, LGBTQA+ isn't back and white, neither is being straight, but these things are not just quirks. They shouldn't be treated that way, as those are valid beliefs and emotions that don't go away). (I hope I said this right, I'm not always great explaining my thoughts on this kind of thing).
Reader having a power similar to Luz or Eda would be so wild! Surprise, they have glyphs! Surprise, they're part owl beast! They have wild magic, they're blessed by the last Titans, they kicked an evil old emperor/hypocrite into dust! The series finale might have been a little rushed (thanks a LOT, Disney. You should have given them extra time! Extra episodes! A whole lot more episodes than just three for the third season!) but I thought it was still good for the constraints put on Dana and her team. They did good.
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narcoticwriter · 1 year
Genshin Impact & Waffle House
In honor of Waffle House trending yet again on Twitter:
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Commentary and Lore Below The Cut:
Employee of the Month:
Candace also doubles as the unofficial manager because no one clowns when Candace is in.
Your ass is getting thrown out if you try it and her reputation is absolutely terrifying, so things are kept in relative peace.
Is really the only thing keeping the place running and the staff there sometimes.
Works The Night Shift, Throws Hands:
All of the people in this category will absolutely be down to clown at some point because it is 2 AM in the morning and they are tired, so trying them while on the night shift is a death sentence.
Diluc and Kaeya would fight each other if they're riled up, but if anyone tries it on their shift, they are getting teamed on by them.
Rosaria doesn't do overtime and that includes the night shift. The last time someone got up to something on her shift, their collarbone was shattered.
Shenhe simply being present is enough for most people to not try anything, but just in case, she can not only deflect furniture but throw knives with terrifying accuracy and put someone on life support. If she wasn't working there, she'd be instigating.
Tartaglia is an instigator but on the side of chaotic neutral. Fights are all well and fun, but if anyone messes with his coworkers on the shift, he's catching fades.
Yelan is mostly there because it's the only time she's awake; her coworkers swear that she gets off on the thrill somehow. Will occasionally participate in a beatdown if there's a need for more numbers.
Works The Day Shift, Can Mostly Throw Hands:
These people aren't weak by any means, but most of the clownery happens at night. They will get to stepping if it comes to that though.
Amber is one of the nicest people there, to be honest. Customers love it when it's her shift. Firm enough to not really have to resort to hands.
Itto is a big guy so people don't usually do anything. He tries to keep the peace while not escalating to violence but if the occasion calls for it though, he has his coworker's back.
Diona is a little girl, but she is a fighter. Putting her in this category because she has the experience and can break the new hires in.
Kazuha is a peaceable guy, really laid back and stuff like that, but some customers are still telling the tale of how he laid a guy out twice his size after he tried to rob the establishment.
Shinobu takes no shit, but I feel as if she'd be too busy at night to take that shift. Will clown a man if they try it.
Jean is great, friendly, and sociable. Treats the customers well and people don't like starting stuff when she's around. She also doubles as a sort of manager for the day shift.
Noelle isn't crazy enough to do the night shift, but everyone has the mind to be respectful of the petite girl who can benchpress ten grown men and rip off the counter with ease.
Xiangling is the cook. Customers go there for her food specifically. Anyone who tries it with her will be tried by the customers on her behalf.
Bystander, Can Throw Hands If Needed:
These individuals are customers, but will absolutely join the fray if they have to or feel the need to do so.
Aloy goes there on occasion and treats the staff with the proper respect. Will call out anyone not doing the same and will come to blows.
I debated putting Eula in the instigator section, but she doesn't instigate, others feel instigated in her presence and that's their problem. She will not tolerate others clowning on staff that actually treat her well and as such will go to the bat for them.
Ganyu doesn't look like it, but if you read some of her voice lines, you will understand how she can get worked up enough to throw hands. She's also a war veteran, so you know she wouldn't hesitate.
Thoma ran the fade for the criminal offense of scamming. Think of what he'd do to someone acting a fool when he's trying to eat his meal in peace.
Tighnari doesn't take shit, and this includes at Waffle House. Might not be able to clown, but he can tank it to shield someone else.
Eats There Regularly, Unbothered:
Albedo does not give a fuck about anything that happens as long as he gets to eat and leave. He's so quiet that people don't even notice he's there until he gets up to leave.
No one is stupid enough to do anything when Beidou is eating her meal. No one dares. The last person who did was put in a full-body cast.
Sleep-Walking Layla would go during the night shift and revel in the atmosphere, which is either giving empty or giving WWE. Layla has no idea why she tastes shitty coffee on her breath the next day.
Before you say Ningguang is too classy for Waffle House, consider that she would pretty much loiter at the place back in the day. She's more than used to the fighting in the background as she eats her grits.
Qiqi wouldn't process the body getting thrown through the window or the people screaming about a heroin addict with a gun in the background as she sips at her cold chocolate milk.
Venti and Zhongli would eat at Waffle House to catch up on old times. The old men watch the fights as free entertainment as they have nothing to do.
Caught In The Crossfire, Innocent:
These people are the victims of this tier list. They asked for nothing but a good meal and they got pain instead. You can feel bad for them.
Bennett is a given. Not only does his food go flying, but he does as well. Occasionally used as a human shield as he weights as much as a sack of potatoes.
Fischl and Razor went to Waffle House with Bennett, but someone grabbed Razor's hashbrowns and used them as a projectile and Fischl got a mug to the face.
Mona would inadvertently get beaten up for being mistaken for someone else or talking some mad shit and getting in the middle of it.
Sayu was thrown as a projectile at someone while she was asleep.
Sucrose was sleep-deprived and as such, did not process the things thrown at her or the chair that landed next to her.
Xinyan and Yun Jin went to crash there after a concert and it was at the wrong time. Xinyan gets some licks in though!
Yoimiya is deft enough to dodge most of the stuff flying everywhere, but she doesn't enjoy the circumstance. So perhaps she's a victim emotionally.
Records the Fights for The Memes™:
The title speaks for itself, but this is for the people that are filming the entire thing for either the laughs or their own entertainment.
Dori is going to upload this to her YouTube channel as a part of a meme compilation or some commentary, all while plugging her sponsors.
Hu Tao is recording this for advertising purposes: "It's better to get a coffin and arrange your funeral now because your life could be served up like this knuckle sandwich!"
Xingqiu is using this not only for the memes, but for inspiration for fight scenes and I say this because I have unironically done this more than once.
Instigator, Unintentional or Otherwise:
Instigators can either be considered people on absolute crack (literally or figuratively), general threats to the public, absolute dicks, or just being themselves.
Chongyun went with Xingqiu and got too fired up and then proceeded to pick a fight with someone, causing a litany of property damage. Xingqiu recorded the entire thing.
Klee casually pulled out a bomb that could level the entire block and started to play with it as a toy. Naturally, everyone in the restaurant and the general vicinity ran for their fucking lives.
Ei and Shenhe could not understand each other as they were talking, so instead of using their words, they used a spatula and a knife respectively. It got so insane that the video of it posted is one of the most regarded in the Waffle House fights genre.
Scaramouche would talk some mad shit and then get pissed when he got called out. So to save face, he swung at someone in the night shift crew. He has not come back since. If he wasn't instigating, he could work there.
Xiao would instigate with another customer in the establishment and it would carry over to the staff having to get involved. It could be argued that the customer was instigating him, but no one knows.
Yae Miko would start talking some mad shit and then somehow worm her way out of it and make herself look innocent. Mostly starts the fights.
Law Enforcement, Called After It's Done:
They are the people that are called as there are fights. Everyone usually scatters afterward, but on the occasion that there are stranglers, they catch them.
Cyno is a given. He will absolutely get involved and break it up if he sees it. He does not care what started it for whatever reason because that's not his job.
Gorou is a bit nicer in this regard and tries to get to the bottom of it, but make no mistake of him being soft because the bark has a bite.
He only comes in when there's some really suspicious activity around the fight at the Waffle House or in the surrounding area. Otherwise frequents Waffle House when Kazuha is on shift.
Keqing is getting really tired of being called up to that place. She's debating transferring somewhere else if only to avoid having to do this every time she's there.
When they say that Sara's there, everyone runs. They don't want to get on her record and they are afraid of her. She's the one that actually tries to get it to stop and the staff really appreciates it.
Yanfei isn't law enforcement per se, but is the legal assistance and mediator of a good chunk of conflicts. She is graciously paid with free food on the house.
Would Not Go At All:
The title says it all.
Aether and Lumine know better than to pick a fight with that place.
Barbara is too innocent, even for the crossfire.
Why would I wish that on Collei?
Faruzan would either Karen out or start getting a body count and I don't know if Waffle House would maintain the peace with her in the building.
The Kamisatos are better than that.
There's no question as to if she would have a body count or not, but Lisa is too tired for that shit.
Nahida prefers IHOP.
Nilou is peaceable and would actually be a good employee there, but she really likes what she has now and doesn't want to deal with that negativity.
Kokomi came up with a battle plan and five different strategies to fight off and take down the Waffle House staff for fun once. Unfortunately, the police were called and she is now under investigation for domestic terrorism. Understandably banned until further notice.
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noodlenoises · 2 years
I put this on Twitter, but since Twitter's in its death throes, I'm gonna go ahead and give it a shot here!
If you know me, you know that I love gaming. But as a casual player who has been trying to get into ranked matches more often, I have discovered a certain breed of gamer that makes the game objectively worse and more toxic.
I present to you: the ✨sweaty gamer boi ✨. You can recognize this kind of gamer by some or all of the following behaviors:
1. Bad sportsmanship: The sweaty gamer boi likes to punch down at a team they're absolutely destroying. I'm not talking regular trash talking, which is fine and par for the course. I'm talking getting real personal and mean with it.
Bonus points if they use the r slur, which they most definitely will.
2. Nothing's ever their fault: They never take the blame for the game going wrong, even if they blatantly fucked up. They'll often insist on a strategy that they claim is foolproof, and when it doesn't go their way, they blame the rest of the time for not executing the plan well enough. Even if it's an objectively terrible plan.
3. Needlessly mean to teammates: They will mock and humiliate teammates for disagreeing with them, even if it's about something totally innocuous and unrelated to the rated match like just making small talk about sports teams. It's a casual kind of mean that shows that their default setting is just to treat people poorly.
4. Casual sexism: Big shocker this showed up, eh?
They unsubtly make crude sexual innuendos, lots of references to their penis and how they masturbated recently, and laugh about it with the other men in the group the moment they hear a woman's voice. They seem to think we women don't notice or can't read between the lines, but we always do and it's always uncomfortable. These are grown ass men, y'all.
5. Casual racism: They act like mean girls whenever someone with a non-American or non-European accent joins voice and make mocking small talk with them so the group can laugh at and ostracize them because they can't help but act like children and mock anyone who doesn't fit their narrow worldview.
6. You can never leave: They mock their teammates for having to leave the group, especially if the group is on a win streak. Usually insult the leaving person's performance and say they can do or get better. For whatever reason, these guys take you having your own life outside of the game very personally.
I once joined a group where one guy had to leave because his dog was acting strange and he was concerned. Rest of the group proceeded to mock him after he left, for having the audacity to...be worried about his beloved pet.
7. They're always right: They mock you for disagreeing with them and will never admit when they're wrong. If it turns out that they were wrong, they'll still never admit to it; they'll usually just change the subject or bully the group into not bringing it up too much.
8. Center of the universe: They expect the team's entire objective to revolve around them, regardless of their role, the game, or the match they're playing. For example, a dps expecting healers to pocket them the whole game instead of the tank or literally anyone else because they're confident they'll dominate. They usually don't.
9. Palpable discomfort: The rest of the group is audibly uncomfortable and maybe even straight up scared of this one person, so the group turns into a crowd of incels braiding each other's ass hairs and stroking this one guys' ego by eagerly agreeing with him and being his yes men whenever he bullies another player. The rest of the group stays silent out of a fear of being mocked and/or kicked.
10. Ego: They will frequently compliment themselves and their own play style, but rarely, if ever, anyone else's. They are always the reason for the groups' success, but never the reason for its failures.
In conclusion: Video games are supposed to be fun. But I genuinely wonder if men like this even know how to have fun, or if their fun comes in the form of bullying other players, rather than the gameplay itself.
I see these kinds of gamer boys leading groups often, and they always complain that no one ever communicates. If the above points sound at all like you, please note: People don't talk in the groups you run with randoms because you make them feel uncomfortable, anxious, and unwelcome. You have managed to turn something that is supposed to be enjoyable into a sweaty, tense game where there is no room for making mistakes and learning from them. Your unkindness gives gaming a bad rap, and whether you really are an awesome badass player or not, the game would be better off without you.
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inchidentally · 6 months
some of my trickier asks or things I want to keep out of the tags
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[link was a twitter post saying they wanted to get rid of Oscar to have car|ando back together at McLaren]
AFASFGHLASHFL babe even as a car|ando person I have to let you vent that out because that is possibly the most cringe thing I have seen since maybe 2016. I am fully expecting DTS to do another segment on car|ando and frame it so that McLaren and Lando want Oscar to leave because he doesn't touch Lando enough on camera or use nonstop gay innuendo. forget teammates valuing respect for each other and piling up McLaren's hardware cabinet, why oh why won't Oscar tackle Lando to the ground or talk about dicks and balls with him for fancams 😭
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sorry anon I'm just cutting off that last part bc I don't want to attract any discourse about it to my blog <3 but yeah I honestly find it baffling that car|ando ended up being the larry ship for F1 fandom when Carlos of his own volition chose to leave after one season?? if they were real life a couple and wanting sex all the time surely staying on the same team would make sense and that he wouldn't go to Ferrari and immediately start acting more like a besotted, handsy husband with Charles than he ever did with Lando yet no one thinks they're secretly married. why didn't he do like Daniel and stick it out with McLaren even during bad times to stay with Lando if real life couple
and straight up they're not only disregarding everything that Oscar has brought to McLaren and promises for the future ! they're deciding that Pato is disposable too. I say this as a semi fake fan but even I wouldn't base my predictions about contract negotiations on rpf.
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<3 thankfully it isn't all of us car|ando people who go too far but it feels like the other side are getting louder and louder
honestly I can boil my two main issues with the car|andoisreal brigade to three points:
misogyny and publicly targeted hate toward their real life girlfriends who they actually do have sex with/have romantic feelings for and who they openly choose to be around at the exclusion of their sports bromance friend
this particular brand of car|ando revolving entirely around Lando being conveniently stripped of a personality apart from giggling so he can be handy insert for women desperate to have Carlos for themselves
bringing 1D shipping into yet another new fandom and basically rinse and repeat with Carlos and Lando's names inserted in the [namexname] box
I know that a lot of us car|ando folks are nothing to do w this garbage and the good thing is that usually these people take themselves out either by pissing off the men involved in the ship or getting bored waiting for their fake ship to "become canon" finding a new rpf ship to latch onto.
oh and I do know that the person who made the office meme about Lando saying the podium thing intended it solely as a joke but it found the Other Side real fast and they genuinely put it in their dossiers of car|ando vs |andoscar. which I don't get for many reasons but also if they think Carlos and Lando are in a secret gay relationship and Lando doesn't even like Oscar then why the need to keep going seeee seeeeee he loves Carlos not Oscarrrrr aslfhsalfhslahf jesus christ why am I even trying to rationalize this
thing is I don't want any more of this on my blog or in our part of fandom so I'm going to limit how much of any asks I'll answer about it. I don't at all mind if people need to vent but jsyk I might not always post it publicly.
I'd recommend blocking and not engaging with it to everyone else too. I might curb how much car|ando is on my blog for a while just because it's so embarrassing to be associated with the grown ass women stalking Rebecca/Carlos content and flooding it with car|ando comments.
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raventao · 2 years
So I had a very nice ZukAang dream last night about Zuko and Aang (aged up) having a daughter together and it was just super cute. I woke up at 2:30am, half asleep still needing a shower, which, gave me ample time to dwell more on said dream. Why can't I go back to sleep and finish it? I want more. The best I could do is write down what I remembered after the shower in my notes app though.
ANYWAY! If you're interested, the dream went roughly like so;
If you fudge the timeline around a little bit:
Aang gets frozen with Gyatso after a tactical retreat from the attack on the southern air temple. Sozin was looking for him specifically since he's already been announced as the Avatar to most of the world, so the air nomads haven't been outright slaughtered, but their numbers are not what they once were since Sozin still kills a lot of them looking for Aang after he gets frozen, assuming they're hiding him - he's probably about 20 and already been taught Water bending, was in the process of learning Earth bending but it wasn't going well.
He still meets Katara and Sokka (also aged up, so 22 and 23) when he wakes up, they still help him and they both continue their water bending studying as they travel. Gyatso helps them by being team dad.
Zuko still gets booted from the fire nation for the same reason, probably at the same age too, but by the time he finds the GAang, it's just him and a core group of guys + Iroh that have all pretty much come to the same conclusion - the fire nation is in the wrong and want to help. Zuko is also aged up to 23. He's seen some shit, he is not keeping the title fire nation prince, if someone asks, he makes sure they know he's the ex prince. He meets the GAang after they find Toph. (who does not need to sneak away because she’s a grown ass woman of 20 and made her own choices. Her parents still don't know about her bending prowess and coddle her, but ultimately, they can't actually stop her from leaving.)
Gyatso and Iroh are instant BFFs and co dad the GAang once Zuko joins - which is significantly easier since Ex prince Zuko is pretty publicly anti Fire Nation. But he does usually still go by the Blue Spirit to make things easier. Zuko/Iroh and Toph are teaching Aang Earth and Fire bending, and as a result, are getting closer. The comet isn't super immanent, they have time. (5 years or so? They're preparing, (both sides) but the time frame isn't quite as crunch time.) Zuko and Aang end up getting married quietly and having a kid (and nothing I've read/seen in AtLA canon says men can't get pregnant, and it's fantasy so ... ya' know.)
He dissappears from the public eye for about a year and resurfaces with a daughter. Her other father is not made public knowledge just to keep her safe from Zuko's family. (No name yet, leaning towards Rain?) She turns out to be an Air bender so no one actually can hazard a guess as to who her 2nd dad is. Even if being the child of the Avatar does technically mean she had the same chances to be any other type of bender.
She is about 3 when, while Toph and Zuko are away dealing with a covert operation for the resistance, her, Aang, Katara, and Sokka are attacked (where are Iroh and Gyatso? Dunno, maybe a White Lotus meeting???) by Zhao and his fleet. The fight is intense and being older and wiser, Aang doesn't use the Avatar state as often, but they're still kicking ass and taking names until Rain gets taken hostage and Aang gets seriously hurt, when he notices and gets distracted. Zhao uses her to escape and Aang is heartbroken that his baby is taken. Katara and Sokka are just as upset, not having been strong enough to get to her before she was taken aboard the ship. (Rain had wanted to help, saw her daddy, and aunt and uncle fighting, and said "I'll fight too!" And in typical 3yo fashion, did not listen when Sokka and Katara told her no, and slipped into the brawl of Fire Nation soldiers and proceeded to be a little more than a nuacience to them before she's captured.
Cue Zuko hearing about what happened after he gets back maybe a day or two later and sees his husband very injured (they at least took out the ship's worth of men who had stayed back to slow them from getting to Zhao and rescuing Rain themselves. T'was not an easy fight and some got in decent attacks while they were emotionally compromised.) And hears about Rain's abduction. He and Toph give chase while Katara takes care of Aang. He promises he doesn't blame them, he knows how dirty and underhanded Zhao is, that using a child to gain an advantage is absolutely something he would do. The Blue Spirit pays them a visit and when Zhao asks why the blue spirit is after him someone smartly answers; "well, it might have to do with you kidnapping the avatar's kid."
Which is where I woke up, but I'd like to think Rain was just throwing a tantrum amd flinging tornadoes around shouting for her dads when Zhao tells her she can't go home.
When Zuko and Toph get there to rescue her she probably blows Zhao off the side of the ship while they're escaping just to be petty. Toph would absolutely high five her for it too.
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