#they're having kids and buying houses and living their lives like nothing is happening
I've been using social media (Reddit and Tumblr) a lot less for a week now, starting with the Reddit blackout. And I think I have to stick with that. Went back on Reddit, immediately saw a post about climate change. I just can't do this anymore. I can't.
Every time I see something like that, or a post saying we don't care about whatever issue, or an awful event that happened, I just feel completely hopeless. There is nothing I can do.
I'm already worried enough about climate change and frustrated that most people still don't seem to care or change their behaviour at all, they still expect to keep living their comfortable easy lives where they get/do everything they want while saying that they don't owe anyone anything, they'll never change.
Anyway, I don't know how to stop though. I don't have many friends and talking to you guys on here is important to me. But when I open the app I can't help scrolling a little and I'm just so burnt out. What's the point in any of this. Everything is going to get so much worse and we can't do anything to stop it. I just want to live in a time where I can have hope that things are going to get better, not worse. If I'm honest, it feels like there's no point in getting my degree, what does it even matter, everything is going to shit anyway. Plus I'm not well enough to work a full time job so I'm just a lazy pig anyway, right?
I don't know. This is pointless too. I won't change anything, I'll still be on here just like the last five times I said something like this. I'll still sit on the couch watching TV and mindlessly being on my phone because that's all I have the energy to do. It's pointless.
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maarigolds · 1 year
Lucy, Lockwood and George, after everything.
(show edition. I'm not going by book canon for this one, so don't worry about spoilers)
At 21 or 22, Lockwood is the first of them that starts to lose his talent.
Which makes sense, since he's the oldest. At the beginning he refuses to even acknowledge it, but Lucy and George figure out what's happening soon enough. For a while he's just ashamed and angry and sad all the time. Then it gets better: Lucy and George get him trough it. He also calls Kipps, and they talk for hours, both coming out of it feeling almost at peace (Kipps has gone back to school and is talking about wanting to become a teacher. Which Lockwood feels like should surprise him, but actually doesn't). 
Lucy is next. It breaks her heart a little (because of skull and all other type 3s) and it scares her a lot. But then she realizes how soothingly quiet the world can be at times, and lets herself think that maybe she will be alright. 
George is last. And the thing is, even though it saddens him to lose the one thing that connected him to ghosts, mainly he's relieved. He's been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while, and now that it has, he's ready for whatever may come next.
The jobs get more and more rare as they hear, see and feel less and less. Lockwood knows he could hire new kids to replace them, but in truth he doesn't really want to. Perhaps Lockwood & Co. can be laid to rest at last: after all, they've already achieved more than he ever dreamt. So the next time a client calls, he informs her they've shut down and gives her the name of an up-and-coming independent agency he's heard great things about. He only feels mildly guilty about it. 
Even if they're technically not his employees anymore, George and Lucy stay. They don’t talk about it, but the idea of moving out of Portland row and living lives that aren't intrinsically intertwined feels wrong to all three of them: they're a family, after all, and nothing has to change about that.
Still, they need to make money somehow. So they muse about going far away from London, opening a bakery, living in a small house by the sea. But in the end they stay, both in the city and line of work they're used to. Because they do belong there, it's undeniable. George, of course, goes into ghost research and becomes a leading voice in the field, discovering new ways to help agents all over the country. No one is surprised, but everyone is proud. Lucy one day shows up at Barnes' office to ask him about becoming an inspector. It's the last thing either would have expected, but when he asks her why, she says it feels like the best place to be to help kids like her. To stop people like Jacobs. So he gives her a job. She's determined to change things from the inside. Barnes thinks that if someone could, it's her. And Lockwood... well, it takes a while for him to figure it out. But one evening Lucy comes home talking about a kid left deeply traumatized by a job gone wrong, and suddenly he knows. The next day he calls the bank to open up a pro bono clinic for agents and ex agents in need of psychological treatment. After less than a week they already have their first client. 
Slowly but steadily, it becomes their new normal. 
Lockwood sets up a study in the room on the stairs and works mainly from there. George, on the other hand, works at a lab in the City: he is the first to leave in the morning, but he always comes home soon enough to cook dinner. Lucy keeps slightly more irregular hours, and sometimes her job keeps her away for longer than she'd like. But then again she occasionally gets to come home to the adorable view of the boys fast asleep in front of the tv, so that's good.
One day Flo brings them a stray cat she found while working: they name him Donut and spoil him way too much.
Lucy starts gardening. George grows a magnificent beard (Lockwood is not jealous of it). The fridge breaks down and they have to buy a new one. Airf's son replaces him at the shop. They put up a hammock in the backyard, and spend their vacations piled into it. Mrs Burke from across the street knits them all hats for Christmas. Lockwood adds new framed articles on the walls and new knick-knacks on the bookshelves. 
He's not sure when, but one day 35 Portland Row stops being the home his parents left behind and becomes his home. Their home: his, and Lucy's, and George's (and Donut's. And Kipps' when he comes over for lunch on Sundays. And Flo's when she swings by using her own keys. And Barnes' when he stays for tea after long work days).
So they keep going as they have, day after day, year after year, slowly growing older. Wounds heal and scars fade. The sun shines through the kitchen windows on summer mornings. The smell of persian food fills the air every evening. Old rapiers get dusty in the umbrella stand. There aren't any ghosts between their walls, both real and metaphorical.
Everything is alright.
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Switched Sides - End || Lloyd Hansen
Character: Lloyd Hansen x former Hitman!FemaleReader
Summary: Y/N L/N quit her job as a hitman to take care of her nephew after her stepbrother died. It’s been a year since she became a good aunt to her nephews, and she wants to keep it that way. But her quiet life got disturbed when her former boss asked for her help.
Warning: Nothing.
A/N: Reblog and any feedback are much appreciated.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Last Chapter.
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In the warm sunlight with the birds chirping in the peaceful morning. Inside the bedroom, there are two people on the bed. They were still sleeping since they were exhausted from last night's activity. 
Lloyd woke up first while you were still lying beside him. It’s rare. If this happened a year ago, you wouldn’t still be here. You would leave in a second after you use his body. It never crossed your mind about relationships since you prefer to be alone. 
That’s why he still didn’t believe you could be a parent.
You're the most daredevil person he has ever known. You're not afraid of death.
If there's a reaper in front of you, you probably asked the angel of death, "What took you so long?"
That's why you're the deadliest hitman at the agency. The code name Antarctica fits you. When you were on a mission, your expression never changed. You are cold and deadly. You're not afraid of anything since you have nothing to lose. When you left, everyone felt the differences. Even the head of the agency was regretful for letting you go. 
This is the reason why he approached you. The agency wants you to come back. 
Lloyd thought it would be easy, but when he saw you, Mark, and Kendall together, he realized it would be difficult. 
He sighed heavily, his hand gently stroking your back, and then he kissed your forehead. "Do you like your nephew that much?"
After he said those words, you suddenly open your eyelid and look at him. Lloyd swore he almost got a heart attack. 
“Yes, I do.”
You would go crazy if something ever happened to them. 
Because you realize your nephew is the reflection of your brother. Every little thing that Mark and Kendall do it's the same as your brother. The way they sleep, eat and get angry. 
You didn't realize you missed your brother that much until the last time you saw him lifeless inside the casket. The little brother who always followed you around never complained when you could only give him a boiled pumpkin for lunch and dinner. 
Back then, both of you were poor, and you worked on child labor at the farm. The farm owner always gave you any vegetable before it turned rotten. The only veggies that could fulfill your hunger were pumpkin. And the habits stayed. One time on the mission, you and Lloyd were hiding in the safe house. The location was the city's outskirts, and it was near the farm. Living near the farm brings you back. You didn’t realize you ate a lot of pumpkins until Lloyd pointed that out. 
You and your brother didn't have a good childhood. Since you can't return the time, you want to give Mark and Kendall the best childhood. 
"I've been living my life like a walking corpse. It doesn't matter to me if today or tomorrow will be my last day."
Being a hitman, you need to kill your feelings and emotions. 
But you regained both when you saw Mark and Kendall at your brother's funeral. The way Mark protects his baby brother is the same as when you were kids. Suddenly, you remembered when you and your brother could only be silent when the parents were fighting and arguing. 
You don't want that memory to happen again. 
That's why you volunteered to be the guardian for Mark and Kendall. You want to provide them with the best childhood. 
"I do love them. They're the reason why I want to wake up and live every day."
When Lloyd heard that, it confirmed his guess. You’re not coming back. He wants to say he doesn’t like it, but you’ve made your choice.
He lifted the blanket and then stood up from the bed. "Let's go. Bruno had left me hundreds of messages."
You were taken aback seeing him being disappointed. It seems like you made a mistake. But you don't know why. 
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Both of you walk together to your apartment. When you arrived at the building, Lloyd whispered to your ears, "The stalker has been following us. I'll get him."
You didn't feel threatened. "Don't do anything. Meet me at the park once you get him."
Lloyd nodded and left. 
The moment you arrived at your apartment, Bruno opened the door. Heartbreak crossed his arms. "You're late."
You shrugged your shoulders. "We got a surprise attack last night."
"Bullshit. You spend the night with him." 
You scoffed and headed into the room. You saw your nephew drawing on the kid's table. 
"I hope they're not trouble you."
"They're good kids."
Mark and Kendall were used to babysitting. Their father works as a detective and always goes home late at night. 
"Where's Lloyd? I thought you came here together."
You got closer to Bruno and whispered, "He noticed I have a stalker, so he went to catch him."
"Oh. We noticed that." 
You raised your eyebrows. "We?"
Bruno clicked his tongue. The secret finally got out. He went to the coffee machine to make coffee. "Well the reason why we came here is to bring you back to the agency."
He poured the coffee into the glass. "I'm not supposed to say this, but he missed you."
"Well, both of you are the best duo and could finish a difficult mission in a short time without being stabbed or getting shots. Since you left, he chose to work alone."
A phone call from Lloyd: "I've found him. It's just a kid."
"A kid?" You thought you heard wrong. You immediately ran to the park.
When you arrived, you saw Lloyd sitting on the bench while the other person kneeled. 
Lloyd noticed you. "I think you should talk to him."
You looked at the kid who was wearing an oversized hoodie. No wonder why you don't feel threatened. He's just a teenager. 
You got closer and leaned down "Why did you follow me?"
The teenager lifted his face to look at you. "I want to apologize to you and the kids."
"Me? Why?"
"It's because of me the detective got exposed with the drugs and he lost his life. I'm so sorry." He bowed his head to the ground. 
You have learned about your brother's death. He was investigating the drug case, and he met the drug addict. When he went to one location, he was exposed to fentanyl and inhaled it. He got overdosed, and the help arrived late. 
The teenage sobbing, "I got sent to rehabilitation, and when I got out, I wanted to apologize, but I'm too scared to face you. It's because of me the kids lost their father. 
When you hear his explanation, you want to punch him. But you can't do it. Your brother would be disappointed. The reason why he joined law enforcement is to help people. 
You squared down at the same level as him. "Stop feeling guilty. At least you apologize and admit your mistakes. You have stopped doing drugs, too. My brother would be proud of your effort."
After you said those words, you could see the teenage face brighten up a bit. Seems like your words ease his burden. He is still young and has much time to fix his life. 
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You share an encouragement to the teenager before you and Lloyd go back to the apartment. 
While walking together, he grabbed your hand. "That was disappointing. I was expecting you to gage his eyes out and pull his finger nails."
You giggled. "If I were still a hitman, I would do it. But now, I must be a good role model for my nephew."
Lloyd hummed and kept walking. 
You notice him sulking; he could be childish sometimes. "I'm sorry, Lloyd. I'm going to stay."
Lloy stopped his foot."I understand."
You were silent until you said, "But I will be here for you, and they like you."
Lloyd stopped again. But this time, he looks at you with a smile. "Don't use them to get me."
"Mister Hansen!"
Lloyd heard the familiar voice. He looked up front and saw Mark running towards you while Bruno carried Kendall. 
With his little leg, Mark runs faster than he holds Lloyd's legs. 
Lloyd looked at you and sighed. "I'll come and visit when I have the time."
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5 years later. 
"Left, right, left, right."
"More passion, more energy."
Three males are running together. They're jogging at the same pace. 
Lloyd in the middle, Mark on his right, and Kendall on his left. This jogging is for Kendall. He's joining the marathon for this year. 
His cancer treatment went well, and his body accepted all the medicine. He became cancer-free when he was five years old. 
"Always keep your pace, and be confident at the race Kendall."
Kendall looked up and nodded. "Okay, Dad."
Lloyd hummed happily when he heard that. It never occurred to him would be called by that name.
It happened after he put the ring on your finger. After three years, he decided to retire from being a hitman and join you. 
The four of you became a complete family. It's quick for Kendall to call Lloyd as dad, but Mark doesn't. He still calls him uncle or mister. But if he mentioned Lloyd with his friends or teacher, he would "I will ask my dad first."
After the training, three of them go home. When they opened the door, a delicious aroma filled their nose. 
They saw a variety of food plates on the dining table. 
Lloyd is always greeted with this warm picture after he marries you. 
You were putting a spoon of sugar into the pot when you saw them, "You guys got back early."
Mark unties his shoelace. "The sky darkened, and it's going to start raining. Mister Hansen doesn't want mud on his shoes."
Lloyd shook his head; he ruffled Mark's hair. "You and your brother go take a shower before eating."
"Okay." Both of them answered together and ran to their room.
After the kids were gone, Lloyd joined you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt his mischievous gaze before he kissed you. 
You never thought you could have this life before you didn't want anything. This was before you met your brother again, and Lloyd suddenly appeared by helicopter. 
The moment they appear, your dull life turns to bright. You weren't prepared, but with them, you could do anything. The world is yours, and you're not alone in it. It's a gift, a blessing, the best gift of all. And it's yours to keep.
-The End-
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Thank you so much for reading and following the series. I know the ending seems rushed, it's because I have no more idea how to continue the story.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Last Chapter.
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@sabrinaselina55, @magnificentsaladllama , @cherrybubblebullet @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters , @bagoffeelings @darkofimagination, @starsofcloud, @thatzolagirl, @distancedss, @mswgtsd @chibijusstuff
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for funsies because i got covid AGAIN
quarantine is back because y/n got COVID. skeleton house chaos ensues. what happens in those 7 days?
Undertale Sans - He's the guardian of the main door lol. No one has the right to enter, except if they make him laugh with a very good knock-knock joke. Everyone failed. They're doomed to stay outside. No one really knows it's because you have Covid because Sans forgot to mention it lol. You are so confused when one of your best friends calls you to ask you if you're sequestrated by Sans.
Undertale Papyrus - He watched some video of the first confinement and assumed buying a lot of toilet paper was the thing to do. He got a bit confused but went to the store to buy their entire stock of toilet paper. Since he didn't know where to put it, he built a toilet paper fortress in the middle of your living room. You won't have to buy toilet paper ever again you think.
Underswap Sans - He caught it too, but has no symptoms, like most monsters. He is now going crazy inside his own home crawling on the floor because he can't stop thinking about going out. After a week, your house is a war field as Blue had to find new ways to make himself busy. He tried to cook, which he failed, he painted the walls again, but ran out of paint and screamed when he realized he couldn't go out to buy more, he took a soup bath just because he could... Yeah, never again.
Underswap Papyrus - He would not say he's glad you caught it, but look at that, you're stuck home for an entire week with him! He's going to cuddle with you on the couch all day. He doesn't care if he gets ill, at least that will give him another week with you. He's having the time of his life and he wants to live like this forever, watching Disney movies while hugging his S/O in the couch, with a big plaid and hot chocolate.
Underfell Sans - With the fever and you sleeping 20 hours a day, Red isn't sure you're still alive sometimes. So randomly during the days, he's going to poke your ribs with a broom to make sure you're not dead lol. You better show you're alive quick though or he's panicking and calling rescue services. It happened twice already lol. You woke up so confused to rescuers trying to prove your boyfriend you're actually ok.
Underfell Papyrus - You told him no one has to enter the house and it took it a bit too literally. He trapped the garden and the main road leading to your house to make sure no one got close. He caused three car accidents already and a Karen screamed at him because her kid stayed three hours hanging upside down to a branch of his tree. Edge doesn't care, he's protecting. No one will get in.
Horrortale Sans - He's embracing the golden retriever kind of life, following you everywhere in the house, sleeping at the back of your bed, staring into your soul when it's time to eat to make sure you're eating... You barely manage to keep him out of the bathroom lol. Yeah, Oak is a bit anxious about it and kinda thinks you're going to die or something. You keep telling him you're fine but he's not convinced.
Horrortale Papyrus - Your food tastes like hand sanitizer because he's washing everything with it, food included. You feel even more sick now. You're begging him to stop but he keeps telling you it's for your own good. Man... You just want McDonald's right now...
Swapfell Sans - He's using you as an excuse to not go to work with Toriel and he's so proud of him. You swear he's trying to make the quarantine longer because he really doesn't want to go again. He's a bit paranoid about you though. When you're coughing more than 5 seconds, he's running to make sure you're okay.
Swapfell Papyrus - He will call you nothing but "mutant pangolin" for the entire week and will call all your friends and family to tell them you have started your mutation and won't be able to join them for a week. You're going to have a lot of calls asking what the hell is happening to you. Your mother even thinks you're pregnant. Thanks Rus.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's sleeping in a tent in the garden and refuses to get close to the house lol. You told him wearing an anti-radiation suit was too extreme, but he doesn't want you to contaminate him so he won't listen to you. Wine is maybe a bit paranoid about human viruses.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You told him you will sadly not be able to cuddle him all week. He gives you the ultimate offended hurt kicked puppy look. He could never forgive you. He's sulking in his room for three days before daring to get down for food.
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fictionadventurer · 7 months
Little House in the Big Woods is a masterful depiction of the simple joys and mindset of very early childhood. Which, oddly enough, makes the book work better for me as an adult than as a child. As a kid, I saw this as one of the lesser books--there are some fun moments and interesting stories, but nothing really happens. As an adult, that's one of the main draws--nothing happens! Laura gets to see the frost on the windows and play with her cousins and get Christmas presents and look at the pictures in the animal book and play house and nothing goes wrong. It brings back those innocent, simple joys of very early childhood in a way that's much more welcome now that I'm much further away from it.
With an adult's perspective, it's also easier to catch more details about the wider world surrounding that little cabin in the Big Woods. The family ties binding together the adults. The historical context of the 1860s. You catch the fact that they're choosing to live like this--the rest of the world is pretty advanced, but they're living on the very edges of civilization where you have to do things for yourself in a way few other people do.
As a kid, I just saw the historical moment as "pioneer times where they live like this because they haven't invented technology." As an adult, I know that there's a ton of technology already being invented at a faster rate than ever before, and even here on the fringes of society, it's got a huge effect on how they settle the area. They buy machine-made traps to catch animals for a huge fur industry (at least, I don't see a local blacksmith making these). They use a complicated threshing machine. They buy machine-made cloth and cane sugar and have little store-made knickknacks. Their way of life is pretty heavily dependent on a world where railroads and steamships can rapidly transport goods around the world, which is a huge reason that life changed so quickly during Laura's lifetime--the world was already pretty modern, and just had to get out to where she was. It's a perspective that added a lot of depth to my view of the setting.
The book's also better from an adult viewpoint because it's not just the story of early childhood, but it's a woman in her 60s looking back at her early childhood--nostalgic for it in the way a lot of adults are nostalgic for a time when the world seemed simpler and safer--which makes the perspective oddly relatable.
I can still see why it's less exciting than the other books--even apart from the lack of deadly perils, Laura's extremely young age means she's not an active protagonist. She's just watching life while other people go off and do things. Most of the events are things we hear about--Pa telling stories of his childhood or of what he's done during the day. Laura doesn't, for instance, go out to the bee tree--she sees Pa get the wagon and then come back and tell her about it. Even this simple event is something that Laura's not actively watching, which makes her perspective feel a bit disconnected from the world.
But for all the story's flaws and virtues, the very best part of the book is how much love goes into it. Laura is writing this out of love for the family that gave her such a childhood. She'll pause to note Pa's laugh, or talk about how pretty Ma was while making hominy. She loves the landscape, delighting in the details of every season. She loves the daily tasks of farm life. She's not just detailing things like cheese-making or churning because these skills are dying out, but because she's lived her life on a farm and takes genuine joy in the details that go into completing all these tasks. She loved farming so much that she spent years writing a column about farming life, and that absolutely comes out here.
Then, at the very end, we have a line that's my contender for one of the best last lines in all of literature. Laura's watching her family and the firelight as Pa plays his fiddle in the cozy little house, singing about remembering the days of long ago. And this sixty-some-year-old woman, looking back at her childhood, bringing back a vanished world for the children of today, ends with a paragraph that perfectly sums up the bittersweet truths of the story--that childhood thinks it will last forever, that time will pass in the blink of an eye, and that memory and storytelling can, in their imperfect way, make the past immortal.
She was glad that the cosy house, and Pa and Ma and the firelight and the music were now. They could not be forgotten, she thought, because now is now. It can never be a long time ago.
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wordsbymae · 1 year
"They ain't lap dogs you know, they're working dogs and you spoil em too much" but mousey is for sure his lap dog lmao
so now farmer finally has them. what now? would he propose, not like in the the other AU when he is older? or would he just start going around the town telling people about his little wife/husband/spouse? because, what is little mouse supposed to do? they just can't say no to the only person that is so nice to them, the only person that takes care and protect them (or so the farmer say). mousey must return the favour.
I literally was going to answer about an hour ago but got completely distracted by making a mood board for the farmer's two dogs cause you reminded me of them. whoops!
Oh for sure!!!! He doesn't need his boys to be his lap dogs when he has the prettiest thing all to himself.
There is no way on God's green earth he will ever actually propose. Don't get me wrong, he wants nothing more than to marry his little mouse and put a ring on it. But actually courting them? Actually having to be vulnerable and open himself up to rejection?
Never ever going to happen.
I can see this going really two ways, there is a third secret option but that's for later.
The first way is he just starts acting like you're married. Tells everyone in town he can't stay too long or the missus/ his partner will be getting worried. Gushes about your cooking to anyone who will listen makes it clear that he's got a sweet little thing waiting all for him back at home. Carries a Polaroid picture of you hugging Pancho, with a big wide smile and while Lefty sooks in the corner. He'll show it off whenever he has the chance, talking about you and your boys.
Those who watched you two that day at the farmers' market just nod their heads with smiles and wish him all the best. He probably starts even wearing a plain gold band. Proud to show it off.
Meanwhile, the reader is confused when the very rare times they leave the farm everyone wishes them congratulations (and asks if any kids will be coming).
Mouse brings it up to the farmer and tells them they don't want people getting the wrong idea. They're just friends. The farmer just laughs at this.
"It's a bit too late to stop them from getting the wrong idea Mouse"
He practically gaslights them, I mean what's the big problem? Who cares if a few town folks think they got hitched. They are living together. You do act like a homemaker. You can't blame anyone for thinking you two had been married for years. The only thing stopping you two from actually being seen as truly married is the lack of a ring on your finger and you not being in his bed.
And would it really be so bad? Being his?
He's been so good to you. So kind. Like how a real husband would act. He looks after you and protects you. Buys you the prettiest things and asks nothing in return.
But now he is. Now he's asking for payment. Be his little homemaker in law as well and he'll take care of you like he always has.
You can't say no. You quit your job when your cottage burned down, just as the farmer told you to.
"I'll look after you mouse. Until you get back on your feet of course"
No one is hiring in town and even if you did get a job you wouldn't be able to buy or even rent a house. There was nowhere to go. There was taking the chance on living on the streets but wouldn't it just be easier to just say yes?
He was kinda right. You've already practically been his stay-at-home sweetheart, how bad would it be if you put a ring on your finger. This is everything you've ever wanted. To be his pretty spouse, him all to yourself.
So why did it feel so wrong?
The second is mostly fem reader but he would not be against baby trapping. If for even one moment he thought you would say no to being his wife, he would resort to baby trapping. I always view this fic set in the 60s or 70s (maybe even 50s) so there would be no way you could leave him with a babe in your belly. You would have no husband and no support. So of course you don't really have a choice. You're already on thin ice living with a single man, but that was something you could cover by explaining why. But a baby? That can't be hidden, can't be explained away. So as soon as you knew, the farmer would have a priest ready and waiting.
Tag list: @floraroselaughter
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puhpandas · 7 months
things I consider canon to my flashlight duo universe:
gregory and Evan move in together when they're adults. evan runs to live with the fazbears as soon as he turns 18 and they go from there. whether it's college or just an apartment
gregory is what introduces Evan to drawing and he loves it. they both keep up with the hobby when they're older as well. gregory likes drawing comics and maybe becomes a graphic novelist and I think Evan would like painting
Evan eventually meets vanessa when hes about 14 and she becomes the older sibling he always wanted. he always felt intimidated by her idea because shes Gregory's actual biological sibling and Evan holds that to a high honor because he wants to be. but they get along and vanessa being there for Evan makes him feel like part of the family even more
Roxy and evan are close. roxy kinda takes Evan under her wing because although its not the same experience because roxy had a support system her whole life, she wants to help him through what she also went through. she helps him learn an outlet to control his emotions more to be more manageable and is a calm shoulder to lean on for evan.
in the event that the bite happens (it doesnt usually), I think after Evan heals and recovers he and bonnie would bond over their scars and bonnie would make him feel better about them
evan meets cassidy later on when hes mellowed out some. I dont think she would have liked him a lot before but when hes healed more and gotten better with his sensitivity they get along pretty good. I think cassidy wouldnt have many friends and probably be considered a troublemaker because of her anger issues and her lashing out and Evan uses what hes learned with his emotions to help her. I'll say they're both teens here
freddy and the other adults wanted nothing more than to march over to the Aftons and declare that they're taking Evan forever but they couldnt. I think that they wanted to actually go through a process of adoption and taking custody but that would have affected Michael too and I'm not sure if they thought it was worth it. especially when Evan says hes alright with the fact that things arent perfect and that he already practically spends his whole life there anyway with how he spends the night.
I imagine william isnt the best cook and Michael probably has other means of getting food on top of not minding eating frozen dinners. but I imagine Evan probably didn't like a lot of foods (hes a kid and also. neurodivergent) and didnt have many things he enjoyed. so I think chica saw this and introduced evan to different foods and tried to help him figure out what he likes so he can eat better and enjoy it at the same time
Gregory and Evan are avid claw machine players
off screen when they're not having a moment with eachother every 5 seconds they play games like roblox and minecraft since they're in the modern day. I think Gregory gave Evan one of his older phones that still worked since he didnt have his own (theres nothing wrong with it, just an older model and maybe a little slow) and he plays on that.
gregory will draw during sleepovers and then give it to Evan to color in. gregory always keeps them and hangs them up or puts them somewhere for safe keeping because Evan doesnt want something to happen to them at his house
gregory hates pickles and Evan loves them
evan is an avid sweater wearer and the Fazbears buy him more when he only has like 1 or 2 and his other clothes are starting to get too small. he keeps sweaters at Gregory's house because he basically lives there already
theres a movie night every saturday while everyone is available at the Fazbears
michael starts to lay off a bit after a little while (think a couple years) just because Evan isnt even around as much for him to terrorize. Michael doesn't like being at home either and since they dont see eachother as much bullying Evan isnt in his minds eye as often. it just doesnt come to mind to do as much at that point
because of genes and chica helping him eat good, evan grows to be taller than Michael
evan experiments with gender later in life as a young adult and is lowkey surprised to learn that Gregory has been transgender this whole time
evan develops huge holiday spirit and for the rest of his days loves to decorate and do holiday-ey things for the season
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whumpshaped · 4 months
yess!! talk about the new blorbo!!
okay. so.
tw minor character death
her name is mézi cooper (pronounced like daisy with an m, maisy) and she's 28 years old and she lives in a cottage out in the woods.
she grew up in that cottage with her parents, but then her parents decided they really wanted to sell the property and move to the city somehow, in whatever way they could, because they just didn't want to be living near the vampire territory border. (i made her for an rp with @whumpsday hence vamp territory.) mézi was devastated because what about the crops? the livestock? what about her precious chickens? mom you cant sell the chickens! she is Staying.
her parents said okay well you'll have to come with us when we sell the house to be able to buy a flat. mézi said well good luck no one's buying property near the border. there was a big argument and eventually it got solved when mézi's grandma died and her mother inherited the apartment. a bit small even for two people, so mézi was like yea u guys go ahead i am Staying. bye.
and well, what were her parents supposed to do? she was already 20 years old, she wasn't a kid, she had her own money by selling stuff from the little farm and taking odd jobs. they left her there. mézi visits them often enough, and nothing bad has ever happened to her before, so... (lies lies lies they're worried sick mézi can't be living out there ALONE in a SECLUDED FORESTY AREA this is SO BAD)
anyway mézi has been living in her little cottage all alone for like 8 years now :D she has Cool Hobbies (/j) like hunting and shooting guns. idk she's just a capable young woman. she's good with a knife ok. i'm sure that will save her from any mean person. or creature.
she's kinda happy go lucky. doesn't believe any misfortune can befall her. she believes many vampires have already ran past her little property and saw her tending to the plants and animals and thought "wow that's a lone woman taking care of all those things and creatures... we cant kidnap her :/ who would take care of the chickens :/" she really does believe even vampires have morals and a conscience :)
some more random facts about her
she's left-handed
she's pretty strong from working on the farm
she always has a knife with her
she names all her animals
she likes to help people and she believes it's good karma
she's very polite and good-mannered but boy does she get mad when other people are rude
she still believes her parents were overly paranoid for leaving the cottage like this
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polyhexian · 6 months
runaway!Darius taking care of Jasper after everything's been handled and they're all safe and able to live their lives.
Jasper didn't get to be a person before he disappeared, and there's an argument to be had that parents in general don't really get to be people either lol, and he's spent a decade as a parent in a dire situation who's consistently been putting his son first--as any good parent should, but that still takes a toll.
So he has all these habits and behaviors that he doesn't even notice, but Darius does. And Darius does his best to just kinda…help Jasper see how unnecessary all that is now.
Like they'll be eating dinner together, and Jasper just keeps taking food from his plate and putting it on Hunter's. Hunter either doesn't notice cuz Jasper does it while he's not looking, or he does notice but thinks nothing of it cuz his dad does that kind of thing all the time. But Darius sees it, and Darius casually takes another helping of food from the serving bowl and puts it on Jasper's plate, and Jasper just blinks at it, nonplussed.
Hunter needs new clothes and Jasper goes to get him things that are several sizes too big so he'll be able to wear them longer as he grows into them. And Darius is like, okay, sure, I can make adjustments to tuck away the excess fabric until we can let it out as he grows, but also we could just get him things that fit, and when he outgrows them we can buy him more. And Jasper is like, oh. yeah. I guess we could.
Hunter gets a nasty fever and Jasper is agitated because his brain is itching to DO SOMETHING, that's the way it's always been, he always has to DO SOMETHING when this sort of thing happens, staying with his sick child is a luxury they've never been able to afford, he either needs to go find potion ingredients or figure out how to make some snails quick, he can't just do nothing--except he can, because Darius already got medicine, and the ingredients for soup, and has arranged for a healer to make a house visit. All Jasper needs to do is stay at Hunter's bedside. He doesn't need to do anything else. He can just be there for his kid.
It's like, you mentioned that Darius realizes that the reason Jasper didn't go to him for help earlier is because deep, deep down, he's not sure if he can trust Darius. And Darius is going to do whatever it takes to make Jasper see that he can trust him. And yeah, the big thing is taking care of Hunter while Jasper's MIA. But afterwards it's all these little things too, Darius taking care of things and doing everything he can to make Jasper's life easier than it's ever been. You don't have to stay up all night on lookout, or buy the cheapest option available, or worry about where your next meal's coming from, or make any of those other sacrifices, big or small, that over the years have added up to dark eye circles and malnourishment and exhausted hypervigilance. I'm here, and I'm already taking care of it. And if you want to help you can, but you don't have to. I know you're used to doing this all by yourself, but you're not alone anymore, and I'm going to help you. You can trust me. Please trust me.
Eeeeeeee 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 yes. Yes yes yes. Darius has just adopted this kid!!! He can take care of him now too! The best thing you can do for him now is take care of yourself! Get some fucking sleep! Eat some food! Get some hobbies! BE a person so you can be a dad and not just your kids bodyguard!
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superblysubpar · 5 months
It Wasn't True 👀 - probably not Pastel
Ask Me About My WIPs
I see you @pastel-pillows , and I love talking about WIPs, so I'm down 💛
*sigh* I started this LAST December. Here's the banner and the first bit, cause again, the vibes just ain't vibing - this one is all about a kingish version of steve, you have some of your own demons, and both of you just wanna get out of Hawkins.
summary: It started with a can of Coke, the hood of a red BMW, and a kiss that shouldn't have happened.
the tune: cruel summer by taylor swift
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How could you know the boy in the fancy house on Cornwallis was putting on a show? That he was more empty than that big house - a charade, a character, and maybe just a little worth a second thought. How could he know the girl who lived down the street wasn't satisfied with her life in Hawkins, or Indiana for that matter. 
Lilac dappled across the soft blue sky, a crescent moon peeking out already behind white puffs of clouds, like they were hand painted and then ripped apart by streaks of sherbert orange. It's beautifully reflected in the glass panes of the doors to the Fair Mart, and on any other night perhaps you would take a minute to appreciate it.
Tonight though, your fingers shake as they push open the door, and the beautiful and fleeting sunset disappears and ads for junk food fill your vision in its place. Senses immediately tune into a rumble of the oscillating fan in the corner, a flicker of a fluorescent light overhead, the squeak of your converse against tile, and the pop of pink double bubble in your peripheral.
The bored teenager flicks through her magazine and snaps her gum, droning on without looking up, "Welcome to the Fair Mart. Coke is on sale. Go nuts."
Wandering the aisles, you wonder if tonight is finally the night. The one in which you grab a map, some shitty snacks, a pair of cheap sunglasses and just drive until Hawkins is not even a blip in the map of your life.
Queen plays overhead as you pull your sweatshirt sleeve down over your palms, thundering drums and wailing guitars do nothing to ease rattled nerves as you pause in front of the cooler doors. They hum loudly, like they're working overtime, begging you to please buy the icy cold drinks they've worked tirelessly to keep fresh for you.
Something about the colors of the cans hypnotize you, the reds fade into the blues and the blues into the greens until you realize your vision is growing blurry from tears. Quick to wipe at your lash line as the bell over the door alerts you that you're no longer the only customer.
"Welcome to the Fair - Jesus Christ! Steve, what the hell-"
"I'm fine. It's fine."
Turning to see the boy quickly turn down the candy aisle, a hand yanking a bag of gummy worms, fingers finding a bottle of painkillers without looking. His Nike's squeak to a stop as he rounds the corner and sees you.
Steve Harrington does not look like the kid from school you've heard all the stories about. He's not carrying himself like the boy who's driveway fills with cars and pool with hot girls that you watch from the down the street in a dark and empty house. 
Nose swollen, jaw scraped open and purples and blues swirling around his eye so dark you understand why it's called a black eye now. His tongue sticks out and prods at a cut in the corner of his lips. His eyebrows bunch, loose strands of hair falling over a furrowed forehead as he mumbles, "Wanna take a picture or something?"
Staring, you're staring. "So-sorry," you squeak out and grab a can of something and rush to the counter. Pausing to let your fingers trail over the maps, one for New York catching on your thumb.
Someone clears their throat and you grab the map on impulse, shoving the can of soda and it on the counter. Utterly aware of Steve's towering presence behind you, you try to focus on blondie, who snaps her gum as she rings up your purchases and sighs, "Sure you don't want a second one?" Holding up the can of coke, annoyed by your presence. 
"Oh, uh, I-"
"Here," Steve holds up his own can of coke down and his other two items, throwing a crumpled bill that is way too much money for all of it on the counter. He turns on his heel and stalks out, the slap of the open sign against the glass makes you jump. He sits on the trunk of his car as you watch him with blinking eyes through the glass, the sign swaying back and forth obscuring him partially. 
The clerk snaps her gum again and scoffs, "Good luck with that."
Frowning at her, you grab your items, "Excuse me?"
She looks at Steve, then you again, smirking before blowing another bubble and popping it. 
"Your trip," nodding to the map.
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Prior to Usagi's backstory where he mentioned his father's death and his mother and him living on the life insurance payout, I had a different headcanon for his backstory that explained why Meryl Mei insists he's a good kid despite constantly buying drugs from the gang and being an oddball.
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Usagi is the oldest of many siblings ranging from those just a few years younger than him to toddlers. The Alohaoes have lived below the poverty line for generations and the family were no strangers to losing their members to gang life, drug addiction, crippling debt, or a combination of the three. Some of those members, like Usagi's parents, try to make an honest living as working class folks, but both end up working long hours to barely get by and government assistance can only go so far.
As the oldest sibling, Usagi ended up being de-facto man of the house, making sure his siblings get to school on time, attend their games and doctor's appointments, tucking them in at the end of the day, staying up when one or five get sick. Usagi's parents do love him, but there's that underlying obligation and guilt Usagi feels if he doesn't step up to help the family in any way, and his parents can only do so much after being out of the house for so long and splitting time between their kids for quality time.
Usagi knows his parents are working multiple dead-end jobs, unable to be promoted or change to better careers due to lack of education and opportunities, and they end up coming home late at night to be taken care of by him before doing it all over again the next day. While balancing his own studies and trying to go through the day of caring for his family and house, Usagi ends up being addicted to hard drugs out of necessity rather than pleasure. Coffee and nicotine patches can only keep you up and alert for so long, and sometimes there are days where sleep is not an option; the longest he's stayed up is 31.5 hours straight followed by crashing for 5 hours and waking up to resume his schedule as if nothing happened. Sometimes, the drugs suppress his appetite, which allows him to go long without eating in case he doesn't get a chance to sit down.
The worst part and another reason for him being addicted to drugs is the fact that he's a natural genius.
Upon realizing how intelligent and inquisitive their son is, his parents are also banking on him to be the first of the Alohaoes to graduate high school and go to college without a criminal record or other issues. If Usagi gets a well-paying degree and job, the Alohaoes can breathe easier in terms of finance and Usagi can become an example for future generations to eventually get the Alohaoes out of the poverty cycle. So, not only is Usagi taking care of his siblings but he ends up overseeing the household such as taxes and bills, talking to authorities to prevent them from escalating situations near his home, filling out forms for welfare and arguing with health insurance companies at a very young age. His family unconciously expect him to be able to do anything because of his intelligence and they're hoping his grades would allow him to receive free scholarships among other things.
Like many who experienced living below the poverty line, the idea of mental health and attempts to ease this load while the system is intentionally working against you is met with "just deal with it" instead. Finding someone to vent to or provide help is difficult and could cause more harm than good if someome takes things out of context. Someone called CPS on them once because Usagi made an offhand remark on how tired he was; Usagi had to stop the case from escalating in fear that his siblings would be separated "because he made a stupid mistake" and feels guilty for what he did despite being honest at the time.
The drugs Usagi takes doesn't only keep him up but also hide who he really is. While he appears jovial, irresponsible, and amicable on drugs, he's the complete opposite when sober. I imagine him to be like Fugo: cynical, bitter, easy to anger but unable to express it. The bodysuit he wears is intentionally fitted not only to minimize issues caused by skin irritation and bug bites (seeing how he has that in his backpack) but it also doubles as a calming compression suit to ease his bottled emotions. It could be hiding other things but who knows. He's good at hiding things... too good.
Usagi doesn't want to lash out on his loved ones nor show what he's going through. He keeps himself high to maintain his fake persona and remain likeable, but it would only be so long before he breaks and shows who he really is.
Anyways, what do y'all think?
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mitochondriencocktail · 5 months
You still doing these? Because
And You Can Have It All:
For 50-somethings: 8
For warriors: 25 (what would be home for them😭😭)
And 30 for both!
8. Do they have any favorite activities to do together? (mid-50s Bookclub AU)
(I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE FOR THE LORE DUMP and I'm counting this as 30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say! also because I basically wrote a plot summary...)
Ok so this snippet of a universe was a briefly planned AU I had where Bojan is a divorcee who joins a book club upon Martin's insistence, and ends up meeting Jere. Cue: a guy in his mid-50s with two kids grappling with his sexuality suddenly and, because he's older and divorced, he's actually surprisingly pretty chill about it? Well, as chill as any version of Bojan could be. He still panics a bit and appreciates Jere's patience, but he is head over heeeels with this Jere.
He remembers suddenly what it's like to fall in love except this feels like even more because it's all clicking for him now. The pieces of himself in his marriage that, no matter how hard he tried, how much he loved his ex, just never felt like they slotted in correctly.
And this Jere is someone who's dated a bit, fallen in love, but found that nothing really stuck around for too long. He traveled to London for music and focused so much on his career, that his romantic life was neglected for most of his life. Only now, older and settled in, the music thing unfortunately not working out for him (and Bojan too, that's how they actually initially bond), he starts opening himself up to the possibility of a real, lasting relationship.
BUT to answer your question, they love going hiking together. Taking in the views, still being active. They're definitely one of those couples that are like, "We're not slowing down until we're forced to!" Lots of couples cooking classes (Bojan Tries), dinner dates, getting frisky in an empty movie theater at first to "make up for lost time."
But once that initial frenzy calms, they settle in. They still do the occasional big fun outing, go to sports games, check out a museum, etc, but they do what they did upon first meeting in that book club: read together :)
25. What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting? (Warriors AU, also counting this as 30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!)
OUGH my heart. So, yeah, this was the tragedy universe for them. It wasn't super fleshed out, but let's see what happens as I keep typing.
For them, I pictured a world where they literally could not be together due to the political set-up. What that was exactly, kinda murky because if I ever delve into fantasy politics, I'm someone who'd want them to make sense ;o; But perhaps two warring factions, a dispute over kingdoms and resources with lots of tangled societal consequences. Bojan and Jere having met by fate, enemies to friends to lovers, and stolen what little time they could together, but ultimately duty-bound to their lands lest they accidentally reveal too much and endanger the other. Dying by each other's hands not as enemies, but as means to live eternally with one another.
HOWEVER, if they did live happily, having survived running off and managing to not be found, I think they'd do their best with whatever meager cottage they can find. Somewhere secluded, perhaps by a coast, since they both love to be near the water. Back in those stolen, happy moments, they'd jokingly (but also heartbreakingly) talk about how they'd have a nice garden, filled with flowers and vegetables, but then one of them would point out that coastal homes are often rocky where they are -- shattering the illusion, the daydream.
Bojan would love to adorn the house with trinkets and baubles, some just for sentiment, others for superstitious reasons. Jere would bring in seashells and glass from along the shore. They'd work equally here, I think, if only because it's their dream that they share together in equal parts.
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
The sims 3 lore is just as wacko as the sims 2 istg my fav lore has to be the dead clone wives lemme explain. So in twinbrook there's s sim name Juan Darer (he's quite interesting to look at too) in the junkyard he owns is the grave of Lacy Darer. Now Juan and Lacy have no relationship but she could be his ex wife as deceased spouses aren't shown on the family tree in the sims 3. Lacy died in a fire but what's the crazy part Juan's best friend Harwood Clay is has a possible wife named Macy Clay who also died in a fire. Macy and Lacy's names aren't just a coincidence. Macy and Lacy are almost completely identical. Many think they're twins but twins don't have the same exact same personalities. The darker theory is that Juan being the eccentric creator created clone wives for him and his best friend and Lacy and Macy somehow perished possible in the cloning process which is also the reason Juan's house caught on fire and he lives in a barn.
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Sorry for taking forever to respond to this! This month has been wildly busy in the worst way!! I hate summer! Everyone in my house has been sick at some point! UGH!
Anyway, I finally had a chance to sit down and thoroughly look into both of these families. I'm going to start with the Doe family because, honestly, I don't have a whole lot to add about the Darers and I'm eager to jump into the Does (my thoughts on the Darers will be at the end though!).
Let's dive in! ↓
I had to look up Midnight Hollow to start, and EEEEEEP I love this world's whole vibe. If I play the Sims 3 THIS will be the world I start in!!! Favorite world I've learned about in TS3 so far. I lowkey want to live here irl.
But imagine my shock when I found out that they were putting whole ass worlds on The Sims 3 store. That's absolutely insane lmao!! They would of had my wallet with this one though, not gonna lie. The vibes are top-tier.
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Now I looked up the Doe family just like you said and I need you to know that they are the kind of unsolved lore I live for. This family alone makes me want to pirate buy TS3 today.
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The Wiki's description wasn't necessarily weird, but the household description left me with many questions.
Jane is the perfect housewife, from her neat hairstyle to her fashionable yet conservative dress. She's neat, nurturing, loves her kids, and can make a mean pot roast! Meanwhile, John is rising in the ranks at his corporate job. He feels successful in life and supported by his family. He works hard but comes home in enough time to teach his kids a lesson or two about life and talk to his wife about her day. Nothing mysterious seems to be happening here, but didn't their house used to have a basement?
That last line. Yeah. WTF? That made the hairs on my arm stand up, especially considering that the world they come with is supposed to mimic a classic-horror vibe. So Immediately I'm getting serial killer vibes, I'm getting psychological thriller, I'm getting family that invites you over for dinner only for you to realize that you are dinner.
Just from the description alone, I'm thinking that the parents are people with a wicked past - coconspirators in crime (whether Jane is a willing or unwilling participant is debatable but intriguing) that may involve killing and disposing, from the sounds of the "former-basement" and the fact that no one really knows why they've suddenly come to a new town without any explanation of their past. Additionally, the names feel like a reference to true crime and murder to me - the last name Doe, with first names Jane and John specifically, are typically names given to unidentifiable victims who, more than not, are victims of violence and brutalization which leaves them unidentifiable. Or, at times, they're simply unidentifiable based on the fact that they don't have family or friends that could claim them, thus making them the perfect targets if you've got bad intentions. The parents seem shady, but beyond that their names reaffirm that they aren't the perfect, squeaky-clean, nuclear family they pretend to be. I mean, you could even speculate that Jane and John are not even their real names. Obviously the sims team are big fans or campy, on-the-nose names (Bob Pancakes, the Goth family, the Calientes, Marcus Flex), but I've always liked to think that sim names can serve more than one purpose.
I jumped over to The Doe family community blog post and the interview there further confirmed a lot of my suspicions, and that whatever they're hiding might be sealed off in what used to be the family basement (the dev who made this family makes sure to draw attention to this enough that it's clearly significant). It's no coincidence that the basement suddenly "disappeared" (or perhaps just became inaccessible) as soon as the family moved in. Some notable things from this interaction:
The classic, old-fashioned misogyny from John. "The light of my life keeps my home perfect and welcoming." It's subtle, but says a lot about this family's old-fashioned dynamic. I hate the condescending, possessive energy between these two. I literally felt uncomfortable during this entire interview (I'd argue that is intentional).
The recurring and growingly tense persistence for the interviewer/producer to drink more tea. BIG red flag on this because my first thought is "Why?" I can understand being hospitable, but it seems like the interviewer has already been taken care of, so why the push? Jane is literally described as frantic, dodging the interviewer's questions entirely and hyper-focusing on the tea as if this is her role to play in what could be an unfortunate turn of events. On the other hand, John seems to be cheerily dismissive. I'm seeing skilled, practiced manipulation in the form of feigned charisma and charm - he doesn't ignore the questions but rather skillfully pivots and tries to keep things light and comfortable. His energy is notably different than the rest of the family, which makes him seem like the primary, skilled aggressor. He is keeping shit under control just enough to not raise suspicion, in my opinion.
But, most interesting to me, is their children's reactions to what is going on. The bio tells us so little about them, but their actions say so much. James, being a toddler and the youngest, obviously is going to be relatively clueless. But Jenn, the daughter, Sits quietly and stares ahead with an eerie blank expression. This feels like a traumatized, almost dissociative response. She seems removed in an anticipatory sense, on-brand for how a child might respond to signs of danger. I'd go as far to say that she is exhibiting one of the 5 fight and flight trauma responses; mainly the "freeze" response. The oldest son Joseph, on the other hand, is outwardly angry. He even leaves the room and slams the door as a response to the conversation, perhaps simply triggered by the mention of moving to Midnight Hollow, but I would venture to guess that he's also frustrated with the events taking place beyond that. After all, I would think that if there is anyone aware of the parent's possible nefarious nature and wrongdoings, it would be him. That being said, he's a teenager... but still a child, nonetheless. He unfortunately has little to no control, and it's clear that he's exhibiting a flight response, showing his own disdain as much as he can (a touch of fight in that door slam) while taking an opportunity to flee the scene. In the picture, their eldest son and daughter seem to be looking at them with... complex expressions. They're certainly not happy.
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The whole interview ends because the wife is "not feeling well," but that brings me back to my point about John being a skilled manipulator and the main aggressor running the web that his family is caught in: he would be able to cite when things are getting out of control. A predator knows when to strike and when to back off, and I think this is John's way of regaining control before too much is brought to light. Many people have been spared, unknowingly, from the clutches of a serial killer because they got lucky and the killer decided it wasn't the right place/right time - that's the vibe I'm getting, idk.
The energy around this family reminds me of an Ari Aster or a Jodan Peele psychological horror feel - everything is fine on the surface until it's not, and that tensity and complexity is disturbing and uncomfortable for the outsider (the audience) looking in, but it's usually just as disturbing for our growingly-aware protagonists (who, based on actions alone, I would argue could possibly be the eldest son and perhaps even the daughter, in this case). "The Stepford Wives" by Ira Levin has also been cited possible inspiration at least for Jane's motivations/role in the story. If you don't know about this story, I recommend checking it out.
As I researched, I was actually surprised with the amount of people who did not jump to the murderer route right off the bat. Some other theories include the family being hypnotized and even speculation that they might be robots (likely a take resulting from Levin's work).
Personally, I am more inclined to think that the parents are people with a wicked past, but it was interesting to read alternative takes. The robot and hypnotism theories are intriguing to me, but they neglect to explain the mysterious disappearance of the basement or the children's behaviors. Furthermore, the "brainwashed" and "repetitive" nature Jane has could just as much be signs of trauma/being in an unsafe environment/being forced to act against her will just as much as they could be literal signs of being robotic or hypnotized, so I don't think those things are necessary. Trauma, fear, and feeling trapped are enough to make a person act outside the realm of "normal."
Hell, I think I've only covered the surface here, but I've talked for so long lol. It seems their story might always just be a mystery left for speculation, sadly.
My boy Benoit Blanc says it best:
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Some additional resources that I used below for any curious cats who made it this far:
The Doe family discussion on the sims forum
TS3 Reddit Thread on the Doe family
As for the Darers: from what I'm seeing, the theory that the wives were clones (or at the very least identical twins) makes sense to me. I put pictures of them below, and just from their CAS headshots you can definitely see that the girls are identical - there's gotta be some relation there
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Personally, I lean toward clones due to the traits being the same. Twins in the sims franchise have always had their own unique interests and traits, so these girls being near carbon-copies doesn't make sense if they're only sisters. Plus, the franchise loves clones (looking at you, two versions of Bella Goth in the Sims 2). For the era of franchise that TS3 was in, I feel like the team was still making the game lean toward whimsy and outlandish as opposed to realism.
Regardless of the relation these two girls share though, the fire death is suspicious and maybe the only thing that keeps this from feeling like an open and shut mystery. It also acts as another good reason to lean toward clones as opposed to sisters unless the fire was caused accidentally by Lacy herself. I think the cloning housefire theory is compelling, due to the girls not actually having a relationship with either of these guys explicitly on the family tree. I guess in that case they were actually their potential wives more than actual wives, which would explain why there's no marriage memory as well.
In some ways it's endearing that Juan would do all that, not just for himself but for his buddy as well, especially if it caused his house to burn down and ultimately push him out into a barn. In the end though, I think the whole cloning situation leans more toward weird when you consider the implications. If you have to invent a wife, you probably should just stay single my dude.
Last and unrelated sidenote: Harwood Clay's hair was an unexpected, horrifying surprise lmao.
Just from what you've told me, TS3 Twinbrook world had a lot of interesting characters. I had no idea that TS3 lore was even close in wackiness to TS2 and TS1, but my takeaway here is that we all should be more pissed off that TS4 premades are so dull.
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What would happen if all the skeletons walked by a homeless child?
The Undertale crew reaction is here!
Underswap Sans - He's a police officer so he can't just do nothing. Blue doesn't like kids a lot, but he can tell the child is in need, and that's his role to make sure everyone is safe. Blue approaches the kid and talks to them a bit before asking them to follow him to the police station. He won't push if the kid doesn't want to, but he will come everyday to try and convince them to get help. Patience is one of his best qualities.
Underswap Papyrus - He invites the kid home for a warm lunch, and tells them they can come everyday to get one, or goes to him if they ever need help or want to sleep somewhere warm for the night. The kid refuses the first few nights, but then he grew more and more comfortable around Honey and now that's a thing. Honey grows attached in no time and now he's basically their dad.
Underfell Sans - He's not the best with children, but he definitely was homeless a long time ago and remembers how hard it was to find help when all you are is free XP. Red doesn't want that for the kid, so whenever he's passing by, he buys them food and brings them blankets and useful things to make sure they survive a little bit longer until they decide to get help. He won't push, he knows he would have killed Underground if someone even suggested the idea, but he knows eventually, there's no more solution and the kid will have to be helped. He makes sure he'll be there when that will happen.
Underfell Papyrus - He's not the best at this either, but he's trying to help with the papers to get help for them. He's a lawyer, so he's good with this. He assures the kid too that if their parents are the problem, he can make sure they're safe and out of reach from them so they don't have to hide in the streets and struggle to survive like that. He knows there's solutions for homeless kids, and he's determined to find one for them!
Horrortale Sans and Papyrus - The kid has no idea what just happened but now they're adopted. The brother couldn't let a kid starve outside. They both know it's not their business, and that the kid probably has a home, but that's not important right now. What's important is to keep the kid healthy and well feed so they don't have to go through the consequences of a famine. Willow and Oak can help them later to find a solution. They really don't mind the kid just living in their farm though, there's plenty of room and it's safe. They keep telling themselves to not get attached, but that's kinda a huge failure.
Swapfell Sans - He's not good with this so he directly calls child protection and reports the kid. The kid might think they don't need help, but they do. Nox knows it's the best solution for them, even if they're not too happy when they're taken away. No child should have to stay in the cold like that.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus sneaks the kid in his room and tells him that, for how long they need it, they can crash there. The kid is a little surprised Rus just accepts to give them a shelter without knowing them, but man, in another era, he would have kill for someone to do the same thing for him and his brother. He just glad he can do this as an adult now. He knows Nox will call child protection if they see them, so he tries to convince them little steps by little steps to help them more legally, before Nox can do it.
Fellswap Gold Sans - ... He just looks at you like you're some stray cat and walks faster. He's not touching the stuff. Asshole.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee is devastated to know the kid is homeless so he brings them home and begs Wine to keep you. Wine is not too happy about it, but actually, that also means he will find a way to help you very fast so you are very gone of his house, so it kinda helps? Thanks Coffee!
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turtlesocksv2 · 4 months
Liveblogging Dead Friend Forever Ep 5
Flashback Time! Let's Go!
only at the 2:40 timestamp and already there's some crunchy little details. Tee has money - where from? He tells Top to go clean the toilets at Por's house for spending money, but we all know that's not what Tee is up to. And it's soooo convenient that there's a short film contest and it just so happens that Por has an idea for it and also a location to shoot in that just so happens to be in the Cult Murder Woods. Here at 2:40 in I am still banging the drum of Por And His Family Are True Believers. Will I be putting on my clown shoes later? Perhaps!
Jin and Tee are both skeptical that they'll be able to pull it off. Por and Fluke are really trying hard to get Tee to agree... Por mentions selling tickets to see the movie and the music changes and you can see Tee fall for it. Why is Tee so desperate for money when he's buying expensive In Game Purchases? does he have a gatcha gambling problem lmao.
Non is so unsure when he comes into the planning room and is immediately bullied! Why are they so mean! He's the only one giving actual ideas! And I see that Jin isn't involved in the bullying and doesn't know the backstory between them. Poor Non does seem a little weird but not in a bad way. The way they're just using him to get a script is so mean!
Wait, are they in a fucking Catholic School hold up i gotta rewind that. "Think Good, Do Good, Be A Good Person" I mean....words to live by i guess. Not that these Mean Girls-ass friends will pay any attention.
Ooooh, Por telling Non to send the script digitally he doesn't want a literal paper trail he is already planning to steal the credit! He's doing all this work and they're still calling him Greasy! These shitheads deserve what's coming to them. Jin is right to call them out about it. No wonder Jin will be the Final Girl. Non, sweetie, please develop some self respect!
ok but like JinNon are being really cute together. no wonder if Non gets a crush on him.
OK OK OK HOLD THE FUCK UP. THIS CONVERSATION BETWEEN NON'S PARENTS IS INTERESTING. Non has a sibling they send money to, but they're having money problems and can only afford to pay their bills this month and don't have the money to spare. Non's mom wants to take an emergency loan to cover it and if I learned anything from Kinnporsche one of those things was don't take sketchy emergency loans because the mafia will come after you. Mom mentions to Non that New is studying abroad buuuuuuut....hmmm. it just seems shady.
Non's sure on a lot of pills for a highschooler. also, someone with a heart for their contact name is asking if he took his meds....
Top is the fucking worst. but Por's not any better really. I did laugh at "Move, my beloved Greasy will sit here" and the way the other kids scattered. Por really is throwing his family's money and influence around isn't he. ugh the way Por and Top wipe their hands after touching Non is so gross and mean and awful.
oh no. Hot Teacher just offered to give Non a ride home and i feel nothing but dread.
Gambling Hall! Oh my god i was right about the gambling lmao. Anyway, Tee's in the mafia. so that's fun.
That lady on the board saw Por's name and was like "oh. we definitely don't want to make his parents mad" the way she nudged the other judge!
can't believe they tried to exclude Non from the results reveal oh wait, yes i can. because they're the worst.
Por's mom spoils him but lmao you can see that his dad is just Done even if he does get worn down by mom.
Por is so fucking stupid for leaving that expensive-ass camera in the unlocked classroom. Top is so fucking stupid for messing around with the camera. I hate Top so much oh my god.
oh no. Tee is going to frame Non for it isn't he. that was the money Por was saying he shouldn't have taken from Non isn't it. And we know Non's family has money problems!!! Tee is the worst. lmao at Fluke just being there the whole time.
I like that Jin knows what's up and tried to defend Non.
I really want to know who ❤️ is. Is it New? Is it Hot Teacher?
Boo Tee trying to drag poor Non into his Mafia shit. leave him alone! Haven't you done enough???!
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I am LIVING for Lounge Act. I have been listening to the Nevermind album and I have to say I def got “Drain You” vibes from the second chapter.
How did Jon get into dealing? I get no “respectable” job that pays minimum wage will allow ppl to rent (even in the 90s) hence one of the many reasons ppl decide to “deal”.
Lastly, I was cackling at the rumors Sansa heard how Jon was begging those rich girls when it’s clear it was the other way around.
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Also a great song, but then again I'm biased because Nirvana took up a good chunk of my childhood & teen years (and I still listen to them to this day). I swear to god there's a recording out there of 15 year old me singing All Apologies (which I also think would work for Sansa's chapter, though it's on In Utero) while my friend's dad played guitar? He had a recording studio in his house, it was wild going over there. I completely forgot about this until now.
As for Jon - through Ygritte. She was a few years older & in a band and had connections to the drug scene through that. She knew Mance, who found out Jon was moving down to Winterfell and he knew there was an untapped market there of rich people in the high school. Like students in Winterfell still bought, but not as many because they had to go into way more dangerous places with way more dangerous people. Mance saw an opportunity to get a student he could trust in there to deal, and it worked. Students who wouldn't have gone to an adult to buy felt safe buying from Jon. Mance promised Jon a lot of money, and Jon saw it as a way to escape when he finally turned 18 & graduated. He did have stipulations, though, because while Jon may be a bit morally gray in some areas, he does have his limits. Nothing hard, nothing to kids, etc.
You know those rich girls propositioned him and he turned them down and they were too embarrassed to say that because they'd heard all the stories about him themselves, and so they lied and it just kept perpetuating rumors. Like Easy A, except without Jon's permission. But he's poor and an outcast, so what do they care?
I like to think that the first time Jon actually hears one of the rumors, he's completely baffled by it. Like he genuinely has no concept of how these people come up with this shit, but it stops anyone from trying to get 'friendly' with him or ask him for discounts, because they're all too afraid of him.
(except Sansa. she got it for free because Jon is a simp and he gave her stuff out of his personal stash)
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