#they're both equally stubborn in different ways/silly
scarapanna · 2 months
Shadow Milk, how would you feel if i told you there an excorist that knows your location and is hunting you down/on your case to get rid of your leviathan ass?
Also pv i’m coming to save you my boy i promise!! Can we hug?
Excorist is on the way!!
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"One last thing, be careful with these types of information.
Never let me or him know no matter what, he can hear and see everything we speak of at anytime. I'm trying to find a way out of this too, but he mustn't know of anything, nor am I telling him.
I doubt he could reach this, he has never been able to in the slightest, not even when I did this same kind of imprint in other areas.
That cookie might be decietful, but he can't use light magic at all."
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wolame-o-ccx · 4 months
High&Low character dynamics I greatly enjoy
( but canonically they don't exist/have enough screen time/something along those lines )
Had this in my drafts for a while but took a while in getting around to actually posting it.
1 - Rocky + Hyuga
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I'm throwing out the fact I ship them away from this analysis so it's like a more general thing.
Vague + indifferent is so interesting and not a popular trope but it works, and it works with them. It's also how they're so different and yet so similar at the same time. Had they become friends, I think they'd both try and sort of uncover things about each other, Hyuga because Rocky is mysterious in general and he isn't usually curious, but he is about Rocky and Rocky because Hyuga is just interesting (crazy) to him. They would have this dynamic where they're sort of mature? Around each other? If that makes sense IDK. They're serious, but casual at the same time.
When they're together, here'd be some kind of warm silence and it's quiet but not because they dont know how to talk to each other, but because they're simply comfortable with each other, like they trust each other.
Rocky accepts Hyuga's insanity (or passion, he calls it) and Hyuga enjoys Rocky's mellow sort of demeanor and finds comfort in him that way.
2 - Cobra + Rocky/Hyuga/Murayama
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Cobra has touched all three of their lives some way or another. With Rocky, he was persistent and helped out in fighting against Doubt. Rocky must've gained a large amount of trust in Cobra after that. He even tells Cobra that he appreciated his help, and when does Rocky ever really compliment people, especially men? With Hyuga, I think he would think Cobra is tough and likes how stubborn he is and he respects that. After everything he's seen and experienced, he probably respects Cobra himself on a different level, and maybe even trusts him. And Murayama, we all know the story. Cobra made Murayama question and find himself. In the end, Murayama went to Cobra to talk after deciding that, oh, I'm done with fighting. I'm tired and I need to talk to a friend. I could honestly write a whole novel about them and I can understand why people ship them (though I don't myself). It's also the way all three of these guys were so worried about Cobra when he went missing and how they were looking for him so restlessly. Who needs therapy when you have Cobra?
3 - Hyuga + Murayama
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I'm aware of them being a ship, and I somewhat enjoy it because I can see and understand why although I still prefer them platonically.
They're what you expect would be a loud duo, but they're not (not exactly) and it's interesting. Like, they'd totally bicker with one another and have dumb arguments and call each other stupid like siblings, but I also think they'd have those quiet moments where they're genuinely talking about serious stuff. Cobra had changed their perspectives in things they had problems with, Murayama and his immaturity (?) and Hyuga with his thirst for revenge, both ending up moving on from that and changing their views. I can see them casually hanging out and catching up with each other and giving each other life advice (yes, life advice from Hyuga, believe it or not) while simultaneously berating each other. They have a fun dynamic to think about and honestly wished they explored more on them because they're really interesting and equally complex.
4 - Hyuga + Sakyo + Ukyo + Kato
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God Daruma makes me so UGH. These four are so silly. They're like.. genuinely such great friends I don't know how else to put it. I want them to have more screen time but I know I'll never get it. I can't put into words just how great of friends they are because they're so perfect, like, they're just.. great friends. They are so extremely loyal to each other and dedicated to each other that they make me want to explode into a million pieces. How even after “exacting their revenge on former Mugen members” mission, they stuck together because they found this sort of family with each other.
5 - Koo + SMG
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I've seen the very miniscule part of the fandom somewhere talking about how Koo is like SMG’s mom and I love the idea so much 😭 just Koo taking care of these four guys like they're his kids. I like to think in DTC Rocky and Koo packed the lollipops they ate in the movie as if they were parents packing their kids’ lunch bags. I DONT KNOW ITS SO CUTE. SMG probably causes a lot of trouble for Koo so they'd kill anyone for him and Koo is just naturally protective, but especially for SMG.
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incandescentflower · 10 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by both @mineonmain and @dribs-and-drabbles Thank you!
Credit: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy is still tops, although it is starting to be that there are stronger and stronger ones that maybe at some point it will be like choosing from favorite children haha. BBS is a great relational story line, but I am excited about the more plotty ones happening, especially with fantasy or sci-fi plots and have high hopes others will continue to rot my brain. (looking at you Be My Favorite)
Favorite Pairing: I really feel like this is gonna get boring if I keep talking about Pat and Pran so I'm gonna also say Ink/Pa - I love their dynamic, I was so excited they would be a ship. I also am pretty certain Pisaeng and Kawi will be on this list - for reasons you can find in my screaming all over my blog right now, but since it isn't over yet I guess only time will tell. I would also say Akk and Theo. I wouldn't equally say Cher and Gun, but Force and Book do what they do well. Their shows are very unserious, but we all need some of that in our lives and they are the best at giving it.
Most underrated actor: Until now, I would have definitely said Gawin Caskey. He was never given a lead role and more than anything was doing OSTs (although his voice is beautiful so that's a great way to use him, but shouldn't be the only way). Last year when he was in both Not Me and Enchante at the same time it was like "Why the hell hasn't he gotten a lead?" Seems clear now that he maybe hadn't been the most comfortable with all that being a lead entails, but he is out there doing it now and my boy is so good. I'm so happy for him. I hope this means he'll get more opportunities later.
Favorite Character: It isn't going to be original, but yeah, it's Pat and followed oh so closely by Pran. They're great characters brought to life by great actors. Pran feels a little closer to my own tendencies and so perhaps that is why I get all heart eyes for Pat too. He's just so heart on his sleeve when he stops being oblivious and you gotta love someone who loves openly, honestly without holding back.
Favorite Side Character: This one is tough because I love a ton of side characters, but surprisingly Wai keeps popping into my head. I think Wai clearly is a complicated character, but he does have a nice growth arc, let's go of his stubborn pride, which he seems pretty attached to, and comes around to caring about the engineering guys at the end. I'm sure that it's Jimmy that really sells it, but I have always had positive feels for Wai despite him pissing me off during the series lol. Obviously I love Ink and Pa, and yes, Korn. Pearmai is amazing in Be My Favorite and I love every scene she is in. Max too. I love Max so much, he could never get enough screen time. I've gotta stop or I'll just keep listing them.
Favorite scene in a QL: Ok, this is serious spoilers for Triage so if you don't want to read any, then don't keep going - but honestly I *loved* that the vision Tin had of Tol earlier in the series was actually Tol flipped into the loop. It was such a fun time loop variation and I really enjoy fun time travel paradoxes and scenes where you understand it better from a different angle. Like I say below, underrated.
Favorite line in a QL: This is impossible, but what came to mind first was the scene is ep 11 part 4 of BBS where Pat and Pran have an exchange but Pat's lines are: "Thank you. For trying to make a silly guy like me happy...You never leave me. You fight alongside me. That makes me feel very happy." Again, Pat just telling how he feels in the moment and I love that so very much. And Pran barely says anything with words, but Nanon is king of the sparkly eyes and he says it all in return.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends. I love all the actors. It's gonna be a hot mess of drama and all of them in the roles clearly are going to have fun doing it. And Cherry Magic because I want to see how they adapt it and after seeing Tay and New non-DBK roles I think they'll be great in it.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Pat and Pran are the great communicators who know each other enough to give and take when it's needed and isn't that what we all hope to be able to do?
Most toxic relationship in a QL: I...feel like I have to plead the fifth on this. the ship I would put here is very popular and I think their whole dynamic is problematic and can't really even think about them without feeling annoyed so yeah, I have one that stands out over the others for me but I'll leave it at that. there's definitely plenty though. the healthy relationships are not always the majority.
Guilty pleasure series: Hmm, probably Together with Me. There was so many problems with that show and the plot was terrible in many ways, but Max and Tul were so convincing as the best friends who turned lovers and couldn't get out of their own way. I loved them in that. I also mostly liked Big Dragon which is another problematic start but worked for me. My rule apparently is if you are gonna hook up and be messed up, you both gotta be equally under influences.
Most underrated series: Well, this could change depending on how Be My Favorite ends and is finally received (I think it might not get the noise it deserves, it doesn't seem like it is at this point) but Triage is definitely what I'd say is most underrated one that has finished. It's plot is fun and the holes are lamp shaded and the actors obviously have great chemistry and the theme is that trying matters and I need those kinds of messages in my life, pretty much all the time.
I'm not sure who has been tagged before but how about @galauvant @lurkingteapot @dimplesandfierceeyes @sunshinedobi @kornswasianguyswag @dragonsareawesome123 @dontbesoevil
but no pressure, only if you want to :)
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namimikan · 7 months
can't stop thinking about comparing the ending of angel one and barbie 2023, and just. i think in the end, angel one's ending is slightly happier than barbie's for men.
like i have no idea if the kens will have a happier future, if they are unhappy at being treated the way they are in the film. the way the barbies looked at each other, and were like 'well start small, and maybe one day you'll be equal to us' did... not feel reassuring to me. instead, it felt like it was saying v. much 'silly kens, you are stupid forever'.
(like the movie was concerned about toxic masculinity, how it spreads, and how anyone can be susceptible to it, but like. if kens are unhappy with the way they're being treated, then they're not wrong for voicing their complaints, even if the ken-dom was a radicalization and not the right way to go about things, the resolution for them... was less than happy tbh. also, i'm just not sure that reducing barbies into that particular fantasy made much sense either. in fairness, the movie was never about 'hey, can men have equal rights to women' like it is in angel one, (maybe not helped that most of the revolutionaries are not from that planet, and come from a different one) and that struggle, it was barbies can do everything and ken is at the beach)
angel one... in the end, while it's unsatisfying that men's equality is impeded for now, that progress is slowed down, and the council chose to exile the revolutionaries (and their families) to prevent that progress... one day it will happen for that planet. they may have delayed it, but it's going to happen.
like i wonder if it's a victory that they managed to avoid death in this situation. obvs it's detrimental to the 'revolution of equality for men' in this world, which apparently would have progressed it quicker. like the women in this planet don't want it to happen, and turning them into martyrs, would have sped up the revolution. so, maybe it really was the best case solution -- they're unwilling to change, but at least no one died. but the dissent is there, and will continue to be there, even if change is slow to happen. there's some comfort to be found in the fact that one day that planet will treat men and women equally instead of just the assigned gender roles.
again, angel one is frustrating, bc it doesn't actually have much to say on gender politics. it just flips the Women Are From Venus and Men Are From Mars rhetoric, and it's p. boring about it! and honestly, i think it tones down the misandry after the first scene. they're portrayed fairly reasonable and willing to listen to riker after that. would it have been better if beata had tried to be more aggressive towards riker? if he'd been more unwilling, instead of being receptive to spending the night with her? he raises a few concerns, sure, but... knowing riker, he was always open to the idea, but casting him as ~the seduced role~ is interesting. idk! pros and cons for both, i think!
like i do wonder how a genderflipped episode would have been like. sure, the men in charge would have been chauvinists, but had the 'elected one' taken an interest in... troi or tasha, for example, and invited her for ~negotiations~ (and i think about riker's line would you still respect me in the morning? bc idk i wonder), would troi/yar make an impassioned speech that makes the council stop and go 'we will discuss the topics you brought up', bc honestly i still think riker would be the one to say it, but them listening is... idk. less likely to happen, i think, bc of the typical stubbornness.
ugh, maybe someone will compare code of honour (gender politics) and justice (wtf conclusion/handling of nuance) with angel one, idk. but it just feels half baked.
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
insane how for better or (and) for worse, dean and cas are both each other's creator in a way. they are both responsible for each other. "the very touch of you corrupts. the moment castiel first laid a hand on you in hell, he was lost." their profound bond is inescapable, they were both ruined (saved? same thing) by that very first touch.
in so many ways, they belong to each other. were made and continue to be remade by each other. physically, with cas first remaking dean's body, and doing so over and over, countless times over the years, with dean keeping his coat and spreading his ashes.
by motivating each other, giving each other a reason to fight, to keep going (purgatory!) and to break free of the narrative (cas's initial rebellion being brought on by dean asking him to take action instead of passively letting things happen, as a mirror to dean's final rebellion against chuck--letting him live and taking a step back because cas believed he wasn't a killer at his core).
and most of all by genuinely liking each other and choosing to spend time together despite it not being part of The Plan (god's, or whatever grand mission they have to complete atm).
for two people for whom family has always been their prison, they finally understand what family can be when they're together. when dean calls cas his brother, it means something very different than the way sam is his brother. cas is a brother in the sense that he's a partner. an equal. "family don't end in blood". family can be someone watching your favourite movies and listening to your favourite songs and wearing your silly little hats and looking into your eyes like all the knowledge in the world lies in them, and maybe it does.
they are quite literally made for each other (by each other) but this is also their doom. they have made each other better in so many ways, but they also share an inability to accept love, to express it, or worst of all ask for it. words and self-disdain keep them apart. need, want, love, they never seem to be talking about the same thing, even when they are. one leaves, the other doesn't stop him. for various reasons, they both see unhappiness and longing as their only truths. "good things do happen/not in my experience", "you don't think you deserve to be saved" etc. dean thesis that becomes a deancas thesis as they both never learn to do anything but serve and yearn for more without asking for it. they are both so fucked up and so stubborn in the exact same way it drives me crazy.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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Fear for my Lover
Pairing: DSMP!Quackity x Reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Blood, stitches, bruises, injuries, cursing, frontier first aid (sorry if i missed something)
Summary: Life had been busy lately. Very busy. The night was peaceful and you were more than happy to take advantage of the quiet. Even with Quackity there with you. Fate had other plans though and absolutely ruined what would've been an amazing night.
A/n: i,,, this was meant to be SHORT but also- haha i got 2-3 more parts planned brrrrrr. Also used a dialogue prompt thingy for this- you'll see them in there. They're highlighted.
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You thought nothing of it when Quackity said that he was going out. Beforehand he told you that he might have to stay late to do some work. You weren’t sure if he had finished or not, but his departure only confirmed the thought that no, he had not finished business.
With a sigh, you walk over to the couch and flop onto it. The exhaustion from the many months of constant work was catching up. You missed how life was before. Even when you were stuck under Schlatt’s rule on Manberg. Yes, it was quite tedious and annoying, but you weren’t completely rebuilding a nation from the ground up along with its citizens.
The physical work of building was tiresome, but something relaxation and a few nights of rest could easily reverse the effects. Though the mental strain was a completely different story. All of the paperwork was tedious and could keep you up at night just because you need to get one more paper done before dawn. Or just knowing that you aren’t able to help everyone in the new L’manberg. So many had given up hope, were tired of the vicious cycle that they had been caught in. It may not have been going on long, but it still had its effect on everyone all the same.
So much work and so little recreational time. There was little time to care for oneself with so much work on their plate. Let alone spend time with your loved ones. Even if they lived in the same house as you. It felt alienating when you weren’t able to even have a small conversation with your significant other.
Your thoughts were deafeningly loud. Sometimes even covering each other when they brought up memories of anxieties of the past and future. That’s why it was rather surprising when the entire L’manberg cabinet ran through your front door in a frenzy. Jumping off of the couch, you try to survey the situation. What in Pime’s name could be going on?
Their hysterical cacophony of voices were all that reached your ears. You didn’t even need to hear their words when you saw Quackity’s limp body in Fundy’s arms.
Without a second thought, you push your way over to Fundy and Quackity, quickly searching him for injuries. Well, the injuries part was pretty obvious with all of the blood. But the extent of the injuries were another story. What could be going on? How bad was it? Oh Prime, why was there so much blood?
In the frenzy you must’ve said something because something happened. One moment you are near the entrance with your beloved in the arms of his co-worker and the next you’re tending to his wounds in your shared bed. Nobody else was in the room. It was just you and Quackity. Your Quackity. And a bowl of water and a small stack of wash clothes and towels.
Your hands quacked from both worry and the sobs you were desperately holding back. Something was stabbing the interior of your throat as it closed from the overwhelming emotions that filled your body.
What terrified you was that Quackity wasn’t completely unconscious. He definitely wasn’t completely there but he was still awake and babbling. More muttering because of how frail and faint his voice was, but it was still a bunch of nonsense. How you wished to know what he was saying, what he was thinking. Now wasn’t the time, but you feared that if you didn’t know now that he’d never tell you. Shit hit the fan and he came back like this. Either his pride or his desire to “protect” you would keep him from spilling the tea. This was your only chance.
All you were able to do was open your mouth before Quackity was making this harder. He was extremely weak from the blood loss and you were in a race against time to stop the river of blood that just seemed to flow freely from his wounds. You had been holding his bigger wounds tightly, trying to put as much pressure as you could to slow the blood loss or stop it completely. Each attempt to settle Quackity only leads to him resisting more, weakly fighting you to get up. Soon his behavior had gone on for too long, in your humble opinion, and he was still as stubborn as he was in the beginning.
With what little common sense you had left in your nearly hysterical state, you tried to reason with him. “Quackity,” you pleaded, still trying to gently push him back onto the bed so he was laying. “Please lay down, Duckie. It’s for your own good. Just let me bandage you up and I’ll leave you alone. Okay?”
From an outsider’s perspective, the attempt was silly. It really wouldn’t have gotten much of a reaction from your confused lover. And yet you still tried anyway, hoping that anything would help at this point. You were desperate.
His silence spoke volumes. In some stroke of luck, Quackity heard your words. That or he became too tired to fight and “speak”. Either way, you were taking what you could get. It was a victory and your goal was reached. Without much, if any fight at all, you managed to get Quackity back into bed and went back to patching up his wounds.
They were much worse than you hoped. Your wish that it was a smaller wound with a ton of blood oozing out was swiftly dashed when you started to clean up the blood from its source. Well, more accurately from anywhere and cleaning until you found the source. Although a bad idea, you had patched up his smaller, easy to access wounds. Though you couldn’t dodge the challenge that stood before you, glaring at you from Quackity’s face.
Petechiae, scratches, and bruises also decorated his face in a hideous manner. The centerpiece of it all was a large scar that traveled from his lip to his eye, all on the left side, was the most obvious wound. The others could heal on their own, but that cut, could you even call it a cut, was in dire need of assistance. It was probably already infected and trying to heal itself. But it was too big, too wide to heal naturally. Intervention was needed and it was needed stat!
Blankly you stare at his face, mind running a mile a minute trying to think of remedies and solutions. Sadly there weren’t many options available. Ponk was too far away to call for his medical expertise, not even considering how late it was. Would he even still be awake? Let alone awake enough to do stitches? You could wait till morning but who knows what condition Quackity would be in at dawn. Something had to be done and it had to be done now. Only one plausible solution remained and it definitely wasn’t pleasant.
Swiftly you leave Quackity, moving out of the room as quickly as you could. Quackity tried to reach out to you but just missed your sleeve. Though you didn’t notice or know. You had things to get done and to get them done you needed equipment. Desperately you search around the house, pulling out anything you’d need. More clean towels, a bowl of clean water since the one you had been using was more than dirtied and the towels absolutely soiled. Placing them half-hazardly on a flat surface, you scurried around to find the other necessary equipment. After having to catch your sewing tin and lighter from falling a few times, you grab everything you previously gathered and make your treacherous journey back to Quackity.
When you return, he’s once again sitting up in bed. Weakly, mind you, as he fell back onto the mattress at the sight of you. You wished to scold him for going against what you asked of him, but it didn’t matter now. With no time to waste, you dump your supplies onto the nightstand and fumble around, trying to get everything prepared.
As nimbly as your shaky hands could spare, you set up your thread and needle as if you were going to start sewing a gorgeous design into a quilt. You stared at the bowl of water you had, debating whether or not to use your sad little lighter to heat up that big ole bowl… it’s better if you didn’t. Other than being faster, how much better would it be for sanitizing the needle? It’d take ages to get the water boiling and even then it might not be enough. A flame straight out of a lighter? Seemed better. It got the job done quicker and would be warmer than the boiling water so it was going to kill more bacteria and germ than the boiling water. That’s what you hoped, at least. This is why you aren’t a medic.
Shakily, you ignite the lighter and hold the needle to the flame, slowly rotating it to equally distribute the heat. As tedious and anxiety inducing as it was, it would be worth it in the end. The stitch is only temporary until you can get Ponk to come over, hopefully by early tomorrow. Or later today? What time even was it- Snap out of it! This isn’t the time to be doing this!
You didn’t know how hot the needle had to be to be considered “sanitized” but you had waited long enough. At least that’s what it felt like. Plus the part of the needle you’re holding is getting pretty hot.
When you go in for the first suture, the hiss of pain before you even punctured the skin was a good indicator to you. Not that he was awake enough to still be actively feeling things, but to be able to vocally express his pain and that the needle was hot enough to probably kill most bacteria and germs if it hurt to touch. Hesitation is making you its bitch, holding you still and making you contemplate if what you’re doing is right. Of course what you’re doing is right. It has to be. It’s one of the best and only options you have.
Before you did anything else, you grabbed one of the towels and rolled it up. Gently you pried his mouth open and placed it in like a gag. He wasn’t going to be able to grip much and he’d be grinding his teeth together from pain. Previous experience with stitches and similar frontier medical procedures has taught you one thing; having a gag to bite on helps every part. The patient gets a way to release their pain and the “doctor” is less likely to be hurt by the patient since the patient will have something else to focus on hurting. It doesn’t work entirely but it’s better than hearing the unmuffled screams of agony and feels better to have something to grip onto as hard as you can.
After getting him situated, you position yourself again. With a deep breath, you start off the first suture. Quackity’s muffled scream was heartbreaking yet shocking. Even with you expecting it, it still spooked you a bit. But everything was okay. This was for the best. And then you continued on. Slowly you added stitch after stitch after stitch until you thought you did enough. Really it was a combination of “this is adequate” and “i’m too anxious to keep going because what if i mess up”. Without anesthetics, it was just horrific for both parties to go through with this endeavor. He was moving around so much, trying to twist and turn away from the pain being done to him. His movements were so often and large enough to make you nervous about going near his eyes. What if you poked it out? Or made him blind?
Looking back at the stitches and what they held together, it was obvious that his eyesight was going to be impaired from now on. His eyes were looking completely different from each other now. The regular on the right and the horrific product of whatever he did on his left. A white film covered his eyes like a snow blanket. He was now blind in that eye or going blind.
Realistically, he was going blind but you still held out for the unrealistic hope that he’d be almost entirely okay afterwards. You knew it was unrealistic, but you still hoped.
You Quackity didn’t deserve this.
Once you have cleaned up the mess you made, you start to pack everything up. Needle in the bowl to be cleaned, remaining threat back into the tin, bowls moved away from where they’d get bumped and dumped. Slowly and methodically you finish your tasks. The adrenaline of the night is slowly leaving your body and exhaustion is once again taking hold of you. Oh how you hated that. Absolutely despised the feeling.
After everything was to your liking, you go to check on Quackity again before you leave to give and get some silent rest for the two of you. It’s the least you could do for him after all of this.
He seemed comfortable after everything, peaceful in fact. It was such a calming sight and it eased your guilt of hurting him. Everything you did was for the greater good, you mentally remind yourself. It was to help prevent further infection and it was only temporary. Until you could get proper help for him.
Without much thought, you sit by the bed and lay your head upon it. So much blood got onto the blankets and the sheets. You’d need to clean that quickly. After Quackity gets help and is moved or can be moved, that is. Which would hopefully be tomorrow. Slowly you start to doze off. Or was it zoning out? Either or you were slowly calming down further. To the point where you almost fell asleep.
Jolting awake, you begrudgingly haul yourself off the floor and start your long and tiring journey to the living room. The couch was comfier than the floor, after all. No matter how much you wanted to sleep by Quackity.
Your dawdling is stopped by something on your sleeve. At first you think your sleeve got caught on something so you tug in hopes of being untangled from said object. Nothing happens so you just tug harder. But still nothing happens. Eventually your little tug of war becomes too annoying and has been prolonged enough. You whirl around to see what in Prime’s name you could be caught on.
Low and behold it was the man of the hour, surprisingly. Quackity had grabbed onto your sleeve and just held you there. Confused, you walk back to the bed and sit, holding his face and inspecting for any new signs of pain. Anything that would show that he was feeling something different, something worse. You hoped that he wasn’t feeling like that, but it was a naive hope. Wounds were not an unfamiliar concept to you and yet you’d always hope for such fantastical things to the point where it was odd.
In return for you holding his face, he went to gently hold yours. A soft smile makes an appearance upon your face after the action.
“How’re you feeling, Ducking,” you whisper. Silence once again makes its presence known and it’s very loud and obnoxious about it. “Sorry. I know you’re in a lot of pain. That was stupid of me to ask.”
Quackity chuckles at your slip up and you’re more than happy to join him. Slowly your chuckling drowned out by the silence that had obnoxiously told you how wrong you were to ask your beloved if he was in pain when it was more than obvious that he was, indeed, in pain. You take a deep breath and release a sigh.
“You need to sleep. It’ll help with the healing and hopefully with the pain until tomorrow. I plan on calling Ponk to do some actual doctor shit on you because Prime knows how amazing my skills are.” Once again you attempt to leave Quackity to sleep, but stopped by his grip on your sleeve.
“Please,” he rasped. God his voice was so hoarse after everything. You felt terrible as you were part of the cause and yet you couldn’t do anything nor bring yourself to feel too bad. It was all for the greater good, after all. For his health.
“Please what?”
“Please stay with me,” he begged, looking straight into your eyes with his only working one. The sight was pitiful. Such a prideful man who could do so much left in such a weakened state. You hated seeing him like this. Nobody liked seeing their loved ones in a position like that. And how could you deny him that request, especially with what he went through tonight. You still didn’t know what it was but the aftermath was horrific enough to give a small clue as to what happened.
“Of course,” you reply, smiling warmly and climbing into bed with him. The moment you’re under the blankets and sheets, he gently pulls you into a hug. For his or your sake, you’re unsure. You hope that it’s his though. “Anything for my Duckie.”
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