#they are radially symmetrical so they have 8 parts
donuts4evry1 · 1 year
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Jellyfish identification reddit my beloved (<- and JellyfishWarehouse my beloved)
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teethcrunchrr · 22 days
Yooo so im back at it again!!
A dark land with gruesome conditions. Characterized by lack of celestial bodies and densely packed magic, the only source of life in this world.
- magic runs through the rock in veins, and through the air via currents. Plants grow in abundance on top of these veins, soaking up magic from them and leading to the only reliable source of food.
Plants and animals alike all eat magic. "Demons" (also called Travelers in historical texts) are not exempt. This leads to a massive problem: food chains don't exist here! It's eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. Demons only lived due to massive societies they built.
This problem was only exacerbated by the Anomalies which begun after the 100 Years War ended... the land that had once been unified floating in a void split into 9 pieces and new Anomalies formed, producing intense (200°F+) heat in some places and concentrated magic storms with effects much like prion disease in others.
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Eye- Screecher and howler infested
Birdlike Maw- Cruncher infested
House- filled in, big settlement; empty, small settlement; castle, fortress
Compass? Rose- electromagnetic waves here are ever shifting. Most computers fry here as well.
Circle- solid, lethal anomaly; dotted, nonlethal/mild anomaly
Line- bridges between islands
Numbers- Zone indicators.
1- Anomalous. Source of the Black Rot, a degenerative tissue disease caused by excessive magic concentration in the skin. (Ordinarily, magic exists as a 25% magic, 75% water solution... this one is all magic, which naturally nothing is suited to handle.)
2- Mildly anomalous. Heat bakes those living there alive without ice magic as an aid. Societies only formed in the caves and otherwise underground as the heat would get a little less bad when digging in the correct spots. Emphasis on correct, because veins of liquid magic in this area can get up to molten iron levels of heat. Home to "greed" demons, who adapted to control an extra few sets of floating hands to be able to reach things without leaving the safety of the settlement.
3- Mountainous and generally safe. Home to "pride" demons, who, due to their safe zone and settlements, formed an aristocratic and elitist society. Whomever has the biggest wings in this society is celebrated as beautiful
4- home to "lust" demons so i didn't really build this one sorry
5- Home to "wrath" demons. A massive jungle, full of carnivorous plants which the zone 5 residents nearly exclusively eat. These demons have tails to help balance and sharp teeth to cut through tough plant flesh.
6- Home to "envy" demons. Highly oxygenated and full of creatures that resemble giant bugs. Envy demons seem to resemble the demons of old most, with eyes around an otherwise featureless face, usually radially symmetrical, a mouth to appear only to feed, and curly horns hiding a set of pointed ears with some spirules to take in oxygen behind them. This zone requires a mask to enter, or those not used to the oxygen levels can contract oxygen toxicity. Resembles a dead coral reef in appearance, with a light teal undertone.
7- Home to "gluttony" demons, who navigate the mountains with their massive metabolism. They can only support this by constantly feeding, so they have sharp-toothed mouths on various places on their bodies.
8- Home to "sloth" demons, who deal with the cold by sleeping in dens. They manage their own hunger by eating the plants that occasionally grow on their heads, as theyre incredibly low energy otherwise and only wake up once a month or so.
9- Anomalous and uninhabitable. A whitish "snow" comes down from the sky in thin flakes reminiscent of dander or volcanic ash. Contact results in gradual brain death, leaving the patient zombie-like, then comatose, then dead.
(kinda old tbh)
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Cruncher colors now flipped, red back would also be different depending on region.
the demon realm is considered to be "under" the human one as the tethers, or interdimensional portals, connect from overworld caves to underworld mountains. Tethers were created to keep the underworld from "drifting away" by the last demon lords during the 100 years war. This was so future demons would have a shot at making it back, hopefully getting a chance at a better plot of land. The overworld now considers itself to be permanently under siege, and promptly executes anyone found to have slipped through.
- demons have no currency. They barter for everything. Generally, despite having jewels in abundance, if it's not a weapon or armor and not edible, it will be worth next to nothing.
- culturally, demons are known to put bands on their horns of various metal! Silver means youre looking for someone, gold means youre bonded with someone (platonically or romantically) and brass or bronze means you lost someone. Sapphires symbolize platonic love and rubies romantic! The more beads on the bands dangling down also means the higher the status.. usually unless you're king, having more than 3 is taboo and most don't have beads at all.
- no official political system... tbh its just kinda "we wont murder u, lead us into battle ig" to be throned... normally someone has to do something very ballsy for it
((Im feeling so special after getting 3 notes on my last post lets goo))
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giseller00 · 9 months
POINT - A point is the visual element upon which all other elements in a composition are centralized. Points and lines are used to create more complex shapes, and in design, they’re often used to direct a viewer’s attention towards a certain area in an image.
LINE- A line is a geometric element generated by a moving point that has extension along the path of that point. Lines can be curved, straight, or both. They can be solid or dashed, implied or psychological. 
SHAPE- Shapes are 2-dimensional and can be measured by height and width. Shapes can be the outline of an object, and sometimes, the shape of a familiar object can become unfamiliar depending on the photographer’s perspective. In photography, the silhouette is the most recognizable type of shape.
FORM -  As opposed to shape, form is 3-dimensional. It has height, width, and depth. It can be organic or geometric, and like shapes, forms create positive and negative space. When a form is captured by a camera, it becomes 2-dimensional; we differentiate forms from shapes with shadow.
TEXTURE - A texture refers to the visual or tactile surface characteristics of something. Texture can be smooth, rough, slimy, bumpy, etc. Like form, texture in photography is 2-dimensional and is revealed by variations in value. Smooth objects may have reflections, while rough objects may have highly contrasting areas of lights and darks.
COLOR - Color is a phenomenon of light or visual perception enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects. Color can also be defined as a specific combination of hue, saturation, and value. Light alone has no color, but when you direct it through a prism or water, it separates into bands of color that form a rainbow.
SPACE/DEPTH - The depth of a scene relates to its size and the space within it. Most photos have a foreground, middle ground, and background; the clearer the boundary between these grounds is, the more depth an image will have. Additionally, space can refer to the use of an area within a plane, such as positive/negative space.
VARIETY - Adding variety to an image keeps it from becoming monotonous. Artists utilize variety by placing contrasting elements close to each other: bright colors next to muted or lighter colors, text next to images, organic shapes next to geometric shapes, and so on. 
EMPHASIS - Emphasis is used to focus a viewer’s attention onto a specific area of an image. An artist can accomplish this by adjusting certain elements, such as line or color, so that they help make one part of a composition stand out more than the rest.
BALANCE -  Balance creates visual harmony and prevents an image from feeling too chaotic to the viewer. A balanced image is one that holds the same amount of weight on either end; for example, one “heavy” big object on one side, and multiple “light” little objects on the other. Asymmetrical, symmetrical, and radial are the three types of balance that artists can utilize in their artwork. 
SYMMETRY - Symmetry refers to a piece of artwork that mirrors itself on either side, or around a point (called radial symmetry.)
MOVEMENT - In art, movement refers to elements of a composition arranged in a way that encourages the viewer’s eye to take a certain path as they look at the image. An artist can guide the viewer’s eyes through use of line, shapes, and colors to encourage a specific way of seeing the artwork. 
PATTERN - A pattern is composed of numerous different elements repeated in the same way within a composition. Colors and shapes are often the main elements used in the creation of patterns.
RHYTHM - Rhythm gives an art piece a feeling of action through the repetition of lines, shapes, and colors that creates a flowing path for the eye to follow. Random, regular, flowing, and progressive make up the different types of rhythm. Rhythm is what encourages a viewer’s eyes to traverse the entire piece, rather than staying in one place.
UNITY - Unity adds a sense of wholeness to a piece of art through the careful placement of elements that creates a harmonious composition.
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codylabs · 4 years
The Nomads: Part 2
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
“So how do these even work?” She poked at one of Keeleeticktick’s thrusters.
“Hey, don’t touch that!” He laughed, and slapped her hand away. “Your glove could be dirty. You’ll tarnish it.”
“Oh! Yeah. Sorry.” She pushed away from him to a slightly further handhold. “You asked about legs last week, so tonight I was curious about you.”
“Of course, of course…” He’d been in the middle of some task on the hull, and now put away his tools, and turned one eye around to regard his own propulsion. “…There aren’t any creatures on your world that move with thrusters, are there?”
“Nope. Legs to the last.”
“Huh.” He considered that. “Well… Sure, take a look, I guess.” He lifted his silk dress forward, so she could see his thrusters in full.
He had about twenty of them, in 4 clusters. Four were larger booster types, pointed all backwards, and with longer bells to improve efficiency. The others were smaller, more flexible, and were clustered around the bases of the larger. The roots of his 8 tentacles were set in the gaps between clusters, and in front of each cluster was a pair of large bulbous organs. It was a strange, radially symmetric arrangement, that called to mind the designs of jellyfish or a squid, or perhaps even that of a human spacecraft.
The dress (his only clothing besides his tool belt and pack) looked a little strange and silly to her, but it was about the only type of garment that could cover such a shape. It had a hole on the front for his ‘head’ to stick out, sleeves for his tentacles, and was open at the back, so that his thrusters could safely fire.
As for the engines themselves, each one was a fleshy, translucent bell with a shiny liquid film on the inside surface. At the base of the bell, where artificial human rockets had their fuel mixer and combustion chamber, there was some hard structure resembling a snail shell, which, aside from his beak, appeared to be the only bone in his body.
“Does the fuel burn inside these things?” She pointed to one of the shells.
His eyestalk stretched to see where she was pointing. “Yes. Those are the combustion cores.”
“And what are these, are these fuel tanks?” She pointed to the bulbous organs.
“Yes. Oxygen in these ones, hydrogen in those… Or maybe it’s the other way around, I can’t remember. The hearts pump it into the thrusters.” He pointed to a great number of muscular tubes joining each of the fuel bladders with each of its thrusters. “Four hearts for every thruster.”
“Could you show me one firing?”
“Sure.” He gripped his tentacles onto the hull, and ignited one of the smaller thrusters. The fleshy bell inflated to its full shape, the hearts contracted violently, and a tiny spark inside the combustion shell grew into a cloud of dim blue flame that flared up through the bell, and pushed him forward slightly. The hearts throbbed again, and the thruster flashed again, as cyclic and as steady as a heartbeat.
“That’s so cool…” She held out a glove behind the jet, and felt the hot gases thump against her palm.
“Don’t do that!” As soon as he noticed her sticking her hand in, he spun it away from her. The hearts stopped beating and the bell curled up. “You’ll burn yourself!”
“It didn’t feel very hot.” She shrugged. “…I didn’t feel much of anything.”
“Really…?” His eyestalks shifted up and down, which she’d gathered to be equivalent to a frown. “…Those must be pretty thick gloves, then.”
“I guess so…”
“Hmm… Uh… Well. I’d better be getting back to work, then.”
He straightened his dress and turned away.
“Anything I can do to help?”
“You want to help?”
“Sure. I’m sick of being a passenger, I can work. What’re you doing?”
“Just… Inspecting the nets.” He gestured to the woven sheets of silk which were keeping the cargo in place. “If you want to help, feel your way around the edge of that one, and tell me if you see any damage. It will be very small, some fraying around the ends at the junctions where it joins. Use this.” He handed her a marker.
“Got it.”
Twenty minutes later, she finished the inspection, and was happy to report no frays or damage whatsoever.
He made her do it a second time, because there had to be some tears, and besides, the inspection was supposed to take about an hour. She gathered she just wasn’t looking closely enough.
Two hours later she straightened back up, blinked her sore eyes, and replaced the cap on the marker. “Okay, 49 frayed ends!” She reported back. “All marked in red… And there were 32 more that I wasn’t quite sure about, and I marked those a little higher up.”
“Alright, very good job.” He nodded with approval. The lenses of his eyes extended and narrowed as he peered down at one of the ends she’d marked. “Excellent job. Yes, we’ll have to replace this whole net.”
“Couldn’t we repair it?”
“…I guess. But repairing is a lot of time and work. And replacement is easy, and we recycle the silk anyway, so no point in having a hassle.”
“Makes sense.”
“Get around to the other side and hold it tight to keep the cargo from floating off. I’ll start cutting this side. You have a knife?”
“Yep.” She hooked her fingers into a rib in the hull, clambered her way around to the other side, and retrieved her knife from her belt. “Ready when you are.”
Half an hour later, the net had been folded down and stuffed into Keeleeticktick’s pack, and they were unfolding a new one to replace it.
“So.” She spoke up. “What kind of world do your people come from?”
“I guess you didn’t come from the surface of a planet, so where did you come from?”
“Oh… Yes…” He paused for a moment, as his mind sifted back through memories of stories and stories of memories. “It was a very large planet.” He related. “Orange and yellow, with storms and clouds of gas always swirling over its surface… I don’t think it had a surface though, I think it was just gas all the way down. But it was surrounded by small moons, and in a great many rings of rock and ice. We lived on the rings.”
“It orbits that star there.” He pointed toward the heavens off their aft-starboard, and there was no possible way she could have been able to tell which of the points of light he was indicating. “The rings were green and blue, and filled with all manner of life. There were creatures with thrusters, others that drifted, others that lived their whole lives clinging to and burrowing in the rocks… The vapor their thrusters sprayed was absorbed by plants in the shapes of sheets, each one invisibly thin, and the width of a moon. The plants made it back into ice, that they used to shell their eggs and spores and organs, and other creatures fished for the spores again, to use for thrust again, which the plants absorbed again… I heard there was enough vapor floating about the rings that it looked like an atmosphere in places. And so cluttered with rocks and ice and soil and life and things that if you set off in a straight line, you would find something in not more than a night, and sometimes things could even be hidden.”
“Wow.” She hadn’t understood half of the words in his description, but got the gist that it was a complicated, exciting, and varied place. Similar in composition, perhaps, to the rings of Saturn or Uranus, but as different from those lifeless wastes as the Earth was from Mars. “But… You’ve never seen it?” She clarified.
“No… No. That was a long time ago, and only the start. Only the place where we began. We’ve been to so many other places now… That one. That one. That one.” He pointed out other stars, all across the sky. She could never tell which he was pointing to, but he obviously knew their names, could tell their distance, had them mapped in his mind’s eye. “I think I heard that our tribe’s heritage goes back about eight or nine homeworlds. All unique. All of a different feel. All around different stars… All of them abandoned when they got too crowded, or when more violent tribes appeared, or when the life we brought along became too wild and strange. My grandfather’s generation was the one that selected this star.” He pointed ahead of them, toward the brightest star in the sky, whose system they were now entering. “He and his sons spent a lifetime constructing the heavy ion engines needed to move the tribe, and then they set out.” He nodded toward the massive ion thruster glowing on the bow of the tribe’s largest ship, alongside which all the others were being towed by silk. “And it’ll be my generation that finally arrives there, and my son’s that will civilize it… And then maybe his grandchildren will leave it again. Who knows?”
“You were born on the way?”
“How long do your people live? The length of a life?”
“Hmm… I think by your measure, it would be around 700 years. So, not very long.”
“It sounds like a long time to me.”
“My father said it doesn’t feel very long.”
“…Does it ever get boring?”
“We can sleep for years. We often do.”
“So yes.” He twisted up his tentacles as a human would fold his arms, and stared out at the distant, intangible starscape. “Yes. It gets boring. It really… Really does. Nothing to do most of the time except… You know. Chart stars, tell stories, try to stay warm, and replace perfectly good nets.”
“Your world sounds exciting though. Everything close. Everything hidden. Everything dense and different. I bet they had a lot of good stories there.”
“Yeah…” If she recalled correctly, her ship’s database had backed up all its files to the escape pods during the attack. “Yeah, my pod might have a few. I’ll take a look around.”
“That’d be nice.” He agreed. “We could always use more stories.”
“Yeah.” She was about to leave when one more question surfaced in her mind. “Hey wait, your grandad’s generation, did you say they built multiple ion engines? I only see one.”
“Yes, there are many… This isn’t all the tribe. There’s others.” He pointed off into the blackness in a few different directions. “Here. There. All around. We’re all traveling together.”
“Really?” She squinted around, feeling very blind indeed. “I can’t even see any of them.”
“Not all of them are far off. See? There’s the Likokisis family convoy.” He pointed to a bright speck off to port that looked to her like nothing but another star. “HEY! HEY TIFOKOTO LOOK OVER HERE! HEY!” He waved his arms. “TIFOKOTO! I’M TALKING TO YOU! See, he heard me! He’s waving back, see? He’s my best friend.”
His eyeballs were the size of grapefruits and hers the size of grapes, and she couldn’t see anything no matter how she squinted. For something as large as their own convoy to be so faint, it must have been hundreds of miles away at least. And if one additional ‘nearby’ convoy had escaped her notice so completely, how many were there around here? “…How many ships… How many people are in this ‘tribe’?” She asked, and wondered if she’d been mistranslating the word; perhaps what she’d been taking as ‘tribe’ meant something more like ‘nation’ or ‘army’…?
“I…” Keeleeticktick hesitated. “I’m not sure I’m supposed to tell you that.”
“You’re not sure what?”
“Well…! Look Missus Fikes, you’re my friend, but you’re the first alien we’ve ever met. There are many who don’t trust you. Many who don’t want you to know the strength, size, location of our people…”
“You think I’m gonna hurt you guys?”
“Man!” She sassed. “If I wanted to hurt you, you’d be hurt! You’ve seen how strong I am! Your cells are just filled with gas, I’m-”
A sniper round pierced a hole in the net, with such infinite precision that it grazed the tip of the finger of her glove but didn’t puncture it. A warning.
“GEEZ! WHAT!” She jerked her hand back with a start.
“CALM DOWN SIKTICKSIS YOU THICK-HEADED WAR-MONGERING IDIOT!” Keeleeticktick yelled in the direction of another invisibly distant convoy. “YOU KNOW FULL WELL THAT HE WAS JUST JOKING, RIGHT?!?” He glanced back at her. Right? He spoke in sign language.
Right. She hurriedly signed back.
Good. He replied. I know. He amended.
They continued to work on the net for the next hour or so, but it was dreadful. An uneasy silence hung over their conversation, and the other nomads besides Keeleeticktick kept their distance from her, and a strange mix of anger and fear and vague, aching sorrow followed after her.
As she lay down in her fragile pod that night, she realized that she’d learned an important lesson: that strength and power and raw capability were no real cause for pride and were no real virtue in the eyes of the universe, for they can be so easily supplanted and surpassed by greater powers, they can so easily lose their power when separated from their element, and there were many greater powers in the universe.
“Missus Fikes.” She whispered to herself, and she spoke in the nomad’s language, for it was becoming her own. “I think you are a very, very long way from home.”
 “MASS HO!” Came the call.
In her haste to get outside, she accidentally pumped the airlock and buckled her helmet in the wrong order, and was gasping for air a few seconds as she stepped out onto the hull. She managed to find Keeleeticktick amid the ruckus. “What’s up? What happened?”
“Radar picked up an asteroid in our path, closing fast. Deep scanning shows a composition of ice, ore, and carbon.”
“Is it going to hit us?”
“Not literally in our path, I mean it’s close enough to catch!” She could hear in his voice the annoyance at how new she still was to everything. “Ice means fuel, so it’s sure to be worth the maneuver. The ores and other elements are a nice bonus too. But we don’t have much time before we pass. An hour.”
“Uh… Alright then, let’s rock!”
“I mean let’s go! How do we do this?”
“You want to make yourself useful, you can volunteer.”
“Volunteer for what?”
“ALL RIGHT!” The family elder thrusted up onto the bridge, and raised high a curled tentacle in the air with an excited cry. “WHO’S WANTS TO GO FISHING?”
“I do!” Her hand shot up, along with basically every other tentacle in the crowd.
“READY THE SHIPS!” He waved them all onward and outward. “LINE AND NETS! WINCHES AND FUEL! YOU KNOW THE WAY!”
“What can I do?” She called to Keeleeticktick above the excited shouting of the others.
“You won’t get action following me, I’m a helmsman!” He turned and hurried away. “Stick with Thilykto; He’s done this before!”
The boy rushed past, slapping her helmet as he did. “Let’s rock, Missus Fikes!” It was a phrase he’d learned 15 seconds ago, from her.
“What can I do?” She repeated.
“I don’t know, follow those guys and score us some line! I’m going to get some weights!”
“Some what? Alright!” She followed a group of nomads to an open cargo sphere, pushed and shoved along with them to get a long roll of silken thread, and then kicked off again in the direction she’d seen Thilykto heading. He met her going the other way.
“Where are you going?” He demanded.
“I was following you, where are you going?”
“To the ships!”
The family’s convoy was composed of some 30 vessels, all tied to each other in a loose formation about half a mile across, rotating just enough to keep the structure rigid. The ship at the center contained the main ion engine, and it towed all the rest. Other ships were cargo vessels, their surfaces crowded with packs of equipment and supplies. Some cargo ships carried nothing but ice, others nothing but ore, one had nothing but a single enormous cannister. Some smaller ships were more enclosed, and served as homes for smaller groups. Others were packed with telescopes and imaging equipment, others carried mining augers and refineries and a manufacturing facilities, one was just a straight-up gymnasium, one of them had her own human-made pod tied to the side.
But there was a last type of ship, of which there were five, that she’d never seen used and had never asked about, and it was to these ships that the nomads were now flocking.
They shared the same basic design and layout as all the others; 8 spherical fuel cells, and 8 main engines in 4 clusters, and a crows nest and comm center on top; all tied together by metal lattice, silk, and foil plates of alien wood. But these five ships had no cargo space. Instead, they had a mining talon on the bottom with spikes for gripping into rocks. And between the talon and crows nest, they sported a trio of long cannons. And all around the ships’ circumference, like a pair of semicircular wings, were hung two massive trusses whose purpose she couldn’t guess.
She found Thilykto just underneath the crows nest, bouncing around excitedly and saying something she didn’t make out. Some of the other nomads untied the ship from the convoy, and the hull shuddered beneath her hand as they began to drift away. A group of engineers got the engines primed up, and with a flash, they sparked alive into smooth blue flame.
In her helmet radio, she was overhearing chatter from the helmsmen coordinating. It sounded pretty routine until one of the other ships sounded out. “Aim good, receiving good, powder and ignitor good! Hold onto something and shield your eyes!” And, (catching that last bit a second late) she turned just in time to see its largest cannon fire.
It was an enormous jet of flame and smoke, uncooled and undampened by air, which spiked from the barrel and discharged through every direction of space before the white of the blast faded to red. As she blinked to clear the spot from her eyes, she thought she could see the projectile cresting the tip of the jet, hurtling off into space. Except it wasn’t one projectile, she saw it was many. And each of them was trailing a silk line behind it…
“Missus Fikes, you got that silk, right?” Thilykto was at her elbow. “Got to hurry now, not much time!”
“Yeah, yep!” She pulled it out. “I didn’t know how much we’d need, so I grabbed a whole roll.”
“Perfect! Let’s thread it into one of these winches.” He led the way out onto one of the ship’s wings, where other nomads were busy bolting down motors and spools. He helped her tie the end of her silk into the drum of the nearest one, and they spun the winch backwards to wind it up. When they were done the winch must have had about a mile and a half of silk in it, and the roll in her hands was barely depleted. Now Thilykto cut the silk short, and tied the end around a small metal weight. “There we go. Onto the next one.”
“What are these for?”
“Once we get the ship spinning, the weights will fan them all straight out. Then you’ll see.”
“What’s…? I…? What’s even going on? What was that other ship using its… Its weapons for? What were they shooting at?”
“It was shooting at the Likokisis family.” He pointed off into the blackness.
“And the Likokisis family shot at the Waskleskiki family, who shot at us. These are to catch the Waskleskiki’s lines.” He slapped the winch. “And the Likokisis will catch our lines, and the Waskleskikis will catch theirs. We’ll get all three families tied together into a huge triangle. That’s step one.”
“We’ve gotta hurry though! The Waskleskikis already fired! The lines are on their way!”
“Right! Right…”
They managed to get three winches threaded up before the helmsman sounded the alarm that they were beginning their spin. By that point other people had already gotten the other winches prepped, so all that was left to do was climb back to an enclosed space behind the cannons, and wait and watch.
The ship’s maneuvering engines fired, and it began to rotate. The winches all unlocked and reeled out, and the weights stretched the silk out in every direction, like the spokes of a wheel.
Then, contact! The many projectiles from the Waskleskikis gun sailed past, each trailing a line straight in between their own whirling threads. The two sets wrapped around each other, the weights all swung around and tangled themselves up in knots, and the winches reversed.
The nomads all rushed back onto the wings now, to cut through the sudden tangle and collect the Waskleskikis’ threads. She was right there among them, cutters in hand, trimming and sorting and untangling, and have a great deal of fun at it, even if she wasn’t quite as practiced or precise. Thilykto was among those collecting the scraps and discarded pieces for recycling. Others were unloading the ends of enormous nets, or something like nets, from the ship’s storage locker.
The ship which had fired on the Likokisis was now approaching right off their starboard, and people were flying back and forth between them, exchanging lines, sorting and rearranging and tying and re-tying knots.
A few more minutes of confusion and untangling, and things were starting to make a sort of sense. Some of the Waskleskikis’ threads were tied down securely, others were tied to the ends of their nets, and others were attached into winches. The Waskleskikis seemed to know which these were, and began to reel in the ones on the nets, and give slack to the ones in the winches. They themselves began to reel in certain threads from the Likokisis, and let out certain others. The smaller winches from earlier had been taken down, and the winches that replaced them were quite a bit larger, and spun at enormous speed. Cables in each direction were taken in and let out, the nets followed the ones that went out, thrusters flashed to keep it tight, and before she knew it, the nets all disappeared into the distance.
Half an hour longer, and the winches finally stopped spinning. The silk was all spliced strongly together, and bolted directly to the wings. She helped stow the winches, and then there was nothing to do but wait. Most of the nomads hooked a tentacle or two into the wings, and sat back to relax in exhaustion.
“How long are these lines?” She asked Thilykto. She was feeling less exhausted.
He pointed to the left. “From us to the Likokisis is about… Eighty Tikakikos?” He pointed to the right. “And it’s about seventy to the Wasklekikis.”
“Tikakikos… Which is…?”
“One hundred thousand Tikaki. Which is about this far.” He held his tentacles up to a width of about eight feet.
She did some brief math and some gross rounding in her head, and arrived at a figure of about a thousand miles or so.
A thousand miles.
In the course of less than an hour, the tribe had spun a spider web a thousand miles wide. And they’d used nothing but silk, a few brief bursts of fuel, and three shells of gunpowder.
And she thought that was just plain impressive.
“You did really good. Missus Fikes.”
“Oh yeah? Well you did great too, man! Gimme five!”
He held up a tentacle and slapped it against her glove. It pushed them away from each other and they had to grip the hull again to keep from drifting off.
“Yeah.” He agreed. “You have a lot of energy. Are you even tired?”
“No, not really. This is easy work.”
“Huh.” He laughed. “Once we get further into the system, and start mining and building and fishing in earnest, you could have your own woman in no time.”
“I what?”
“Oh, uh, ha ha, nothing. I mean ship.” He slapped the hull. “Have your own ship in no time. A fishing ship. Like this one.”
“No, you used another word, what was the word you used? I’m still learning this language, you know.”
“Oh, geez. Ha ha. Ugh. It was just a dump joke. Calling a ship a woman. Like you become captain of a ship, it’s like you get a woman. I dunno, ask my dad. And don’t tell him you got it from me.”
“But what does that word mean? I kid you not, I have never heard it. Is it a cuss or what?”
“Did you not have women on your planet?”
“Well I don’t very well know if you don’t give me a hint or something!” She scoffed. “Describe it! I have no clue-”
“I’m not gonna describe a woman! Go ask my dad!”
“Oh come on, kid.” Somebody slapped Thilykto over the head with a teasing laugh. “Stop before you embarrass yourself.”
“I think I’m well past that point by now!” She swatted the tentacle away. “And quit laughing! You describe a woman then, smart guy!”
“Maybe I will!”
“What is the joke?” She was laughing as well now, despite herself. “It is a cuss, isn’t it??”
“Ask my dad! Like I told you!”
“Okay, you little snot.” She waggled a finger at him with a smile. “But I’m signing your name to the question.”
He broke down laughing at his own expense before he could find a retort. She shook her head and took a sip of water from her suit’s bladder.
And ten minutes later, the asteroid hit.
Whatever this silk material was, it was able to stretch a phenomenal distance, especially so over 500 miles of net in every direction, so they in the fishing vessel felt it as less of a shock and more as a gradual sort of pull. A strain gauge they’d clipped to the line began to climb.
“We’re hitting 240 over here.” The family elder read of the gauge. “HOW ABOUT YOU?”
“430.” The Likokisis elder reported.
“510.” Wasklekikis’s elder called.
“It’s getting too dangerous.” He assessed. “Detach yours before it peaks. We’ll wrap it up tight so you can re-catch it when it comes back around.”
“Aye, but you owe us.”
The other two families severed their lines, and the elasticity of the silk sprung their ends inward, and wrapped them tightly around the asteroid, engulfing it completely in thread. Meanwhile, their target remained tethered to the last remaining ship, and they began to swing around each other in a pair of enormous arcs.
“Hold on to something Missus Fikes.”
“What’s happening?”
“We’re slinging the asteroid around, while the other ships make a new net to slow it down the rest of the way. It’ll put our ship adrift for a little while, but that’s okay. This has to happen sometimes, when we catch more mass than we anticipate, or when the asteroid is denser than it looks.”
“Adri- wait.” She glanced back at the convoy, which they were accelerating away from faster and faster. “WAIT! Oh crap, I can’t live inside this suit for more than a night!”
“Oh no! Missus Fikes, you have to jump!”
“I can’t make it! I don’t have thrusters!”
“You have to jump now! Before we’re too far or too fast!”
“You’ll have to toss me!”
They tossed her.
“But I still don’t have thrusters!”
“Take my squirt gun!”
They tossed her a rocket with a handle on top.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” She stared back at them, and saw they were all laughing.
“Don’t worry Missus Fikes, it’s easy to use, just point it and squirt!” They were sailing away from her, faster and faster.
“You’ll be fine! You can get back to the convoy!”
“The gun has eight hundred tikaki per second of delta-v! You can make it back easy!”
“If I die out here, it’s you guys’ fault!”
“No, no, you’ll be fine, Missus Fikes, don’t worry!
“I know you can do it!”
“Oh, go get a woman, you lunatics!” She cussed at them, with still no clue what the word meant. They all burst into the loudest, most contagious laughter she’d ever heard, because they too could tell she didn’t.
It took an hour or so, but she got back to the convoy just fine. It wasn’t too hard.
She was surprised by how comfortable and reassuring the silk net felt beneath her hands when she finally made it. And when she clipped the safety tether on her belt into a truss, she trusted the hull of that alien craft just as intimately as she would’ve trusted the concrete foundation of her own home. Perhaps that’s because it was her home now, and she hadn’t yet realized how much she’d forgotten.
She’d almost made it back to her pod when she heard the call. “Missus Fikes?”
She glanced over her shoulder at the fading dot of the fishing vessel. “What’s up?”
“We finally got the asteroid on telescope and… It’s not an asteroid.”
“…What is it then?”
“It’s a piece of your ship.”
“What… But? My ship was completely aluminum. I… I thought you said… Said… I thought you said the asteroid had ice and carbon…”
“It does.”
“…Oh.” She got it.
“They’re all dead.”
“…Yeah. I know.”
“I’m sorry, Missus Fikes.”
“It’s okay… I know.”
“If I had my way, Missus Fikes.” Came Thilykto’s voice. “You and I would go out together, lure that leviathan in, and kill her. I don’t care how long it takes, we would FIND her and KILL her!”
“My lifespan is too short to spend on monster hunts, Thilykto.” She sighed. “And you shouldn’t be hasty to spend yours either… I’m going to sleep now. I’m tired.”
She closed the door behind her.
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skate007232-blog · 5 years
How to Choose the Right Skateboard Deck
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There are quite a few exceptional elements on a skateboard, but one of the most manifestly critical is the skateboard deck. The skate deck is the flat board which you stand on when skateboarding. A shortboard, instead of a longboard or cruiser, is right for street skateboarding and vert skateboarding. It additionally remains the very nice alternative for doing tricks, whether or not you are a novice or a pro.
There are some matters to recollect once you make a decision to construct a whole skateboard, and choosing the right size of deck is the primary of many picks you'll make. Choosing a board shape is also extremely good important. The period, width, materials, and concave of your skateboard deck decide what you will be capable of do on your skateboard.
Depending on how difficult you skate, you'll need to replace your skateboard deck everywhere from after some weeks to a yr. Once the perimeters, nostril, or tail of your skateboard deck show signs and symptoms of splitting, it is time initially a sparkling board. Riding in moist or bloodless regions also can warp the shape of your board and make your skateboard wheels choppy, so be sure to replace your board if you sense or see any symptoms.
Warehouse Skateboards offers a large selection of skateboard decks in a ramification of shapes, sizes, weights, shades, and styles. Check out our stock to discover the skateboard deck that suits your style.
What size skateboard do I need?
Contrary to what you might think, width is the most important part of choosing a skateboard deck, not length or wheelbase. Skateboard decks vary in width from 7.5" to 8.25". The width you need depends on your height, shoe size, skating style, and personal preferences.
If you choose a board with a too-large width for you, you will need to exert excessive power, which can make skateboarding and trick riding difficult. If you choose a board with a too-small width for you, you'll have trouble balancing and won't feel stable. Most teen and adult riders will want at least a 7.5" width, but a wider board may feel more stable depending on your build and shoe size. Below are some general guidelines.
7.5" to 8" - Standard board for adult riders skating streets or doing more technical tricks
8.0" to 8.25" - Skating pool, ramp, rail, and parks
8.25" and larger - Vert, pools, cruising, and just going old school
Choosing a style of the skateboard deck
If you're just getting into skateboarding, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with the different styles of boards that skateboarders use. Skateboards come in four basic shapes. Each style of deck is designed for certain kinds of skateboarding, so the board shape you choose should match the style you want to skate. From there, you can build a custom complete using components that match your skateboard deck and skating style.
Shortboards are the shortest style board and are designed and shaped for getting air and performing tricks. If you're leaning towards street or park skating, a shortboard style deck will be a perfect match for you. Check out our shortboard skateboards selection.
Cruiser boards often have kicktails but are more designed for simply cruising around. The decks are typically mid-length. Cruisers are versatile and maneuverable, making them good for cruising the streets. Check out our cruiser skateboards selection.
Old School
Old school boards typically have a flat nose and kicktails. They are usually asymmetrical, with a wider nose. Old school boards are an awesome choice for skating pools, ramps, or carving the streets. Check out our old school skateboards selection.
If you are now not interested by doing tricks and want a skateboard to push around on for transportation, longboard skateboards, or cruisers, are a fantastic choice. Some longboards are especially designed for downhill racing. Downhill longboards generally tend to have a symmetrical form, sit down lower to the floor, and have wheel cutouts, which permit larger wheels for use. To find out greater about cruiser longboards, check out How To Buy A Longboard and read our longboard decks.
Popular picks for skateboard decks are Element skateboard decks and Zero skateboard decks. These skate decks are properly made, elegant, and to be had in a ramification of patterns.
Features of skateboard decks
Skateboard decks vary in size but most are between 7"-10" wide, and are made of seven-ply wood, bamboo, resin, carbon fiber, or plastic. Deciding which skateboard deck is best for you depends on what you will be skating and, of course, your personal brand preference. Below are some factors to consider when buying your skateboard deck.
Choose your skateboard deck according to the width, not length. The average width of a skateboard deck is 7.5"- 8.25". The right width depends on your size and skateboarding style. If you buy a deck that is too wide for your height and shoe size, you will need to exert more power, which can make skateboarding and trick riding difficult. If you choose a board that is too narrow for your height and shoe size, you'll have trouble balancing and won't feel stable. Generally, teen and adult riders will want at least a 7.5" width. Larger skateboarders and those skating ramps and vert ramps should go with a wider deck, and street skaters usually need a smaller deck.
Skateboard length is the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Shortboard length falls between 28"- 32" but only advanced skaters refer to length. Width and wheelbase should be top considerations when building your skateboard, rather than length.
The wheelbase is the gap between your board's inner mounting holes. The distance among those mounting holes determines how a long way apart your front and back wheels can be. Manufacturers determine wheelbase via wherein they drill the truck mounting holes on the deck. The common wheelbase is 13"-15". Although many decks only feature one set of holes, some skateboards have multiple mounting holes for vans (or "wheelbase options"). Adjusting wheelbase can dramatically affect how the board performs. Your experience degree will imply the right wheelbase for you.
Nose and Tail
The nose is the "front" of your skateboard and the tail is the "back." Which end is which can be hard to differentiate, but most decks provide you with graphics to tell the two apart. Many skateboard decks have a bigger kick on the nose and mellower kick on the tail.
Mounting Holes
Mounting holes are pre-drilled holes where the skateboard trucks are attached. Arranged as two sets of four holes; one set is near the nose, the other near the tail.
Ply is the thin levels of wood that are tightly pressed together to make the skateboard deck. Rather than making a deck from one solid piece of wood, most manufacturers layer the wood in a cross-grain pattern to create a supremely strong board. The typical skateboard is seven-ply, and most boards aren't over nine-ply.
Concave is the curve of the wood between the deck's nose and tail. Concave allows a more controlled ride and a stronger skateboard. Read our concave guide below for more information about different concave shapes.
EFP is short for Effective Foot Platform. Unlike wheelbase, which measures only distance, EFP describes the area on the topside of the deck that riders stand on to control the board. EFP indicates the part of the deck between the front and rear trucks. You can think of EFP the space of a skateboard deck that isn't the nose or tail.
Rails are the edges along the length of your board, and their shape can make a difference in how your board rides. Rounded rails are common for skateboards, and their shape makes them good for flip tricks. Sharp rails have a blunt edge, which keeps your shoes securely in place during slides. Gas pedal rails (or GPs) are a specialized rail shape where areas of the rails have been cut to a beveled edge. GPs subtract the rail's sharpness and decrease the concave. Gas pedals give you better control and comfort when doing slides. What your rails can do also depends on the concave of the board.
Skateboard concave shapes
Concave is a major factor in board performance. Skateboard manufacturers are always experimenting with new concave shapes to accommodate new types of skateboarding. Most concave shapes allow riders more foothold than a flat skateboard, which can take sliding, drifting, and turning to the next level. Here are a few of the main types of deck concave.
Radial Concave
This concave shape may look familiar to you. The subtle U-shaped curve is the most common deck shape, though some boards have a deeper curve than others. This type of concave allows your feet better grip, which can be useful in nearly all styles of skateboarding.
This shape is a similar but more dramatic version of the radial concave. The steep wall on the rail combined with the wider base allows more secure footing and a more locked-in feel.
The W-shape does not extend the entire length of the deck, just the area towards the tail. The extra curve in the centerline allows you to shift more energy from your heel to your toe. The result is a highly precise, responsve board that can turn quickly.
Tub concave (also called flat-cave) is similar to a radial board, but instead of a gentle curve, the rails extend at a sharp angle from the deck. Tub boards keep your feet flatter, which makes for a mellower ride, but the sharp rails can still provide sudden shifts in energy.
Asymmetrical concave is when the skateboard's rails rise at different angles. This allows riders more power in their heels for turns.
Convex boards feature an upwards-arching deck. They are uncommon, though some slalom and downhill skateboarders love the more natural foot placement convex boards provide.
Skateboard decks with no concave are rare, with the exception of reissue old school decks. Some cutout and dropdown longboards also feature flat decks. They allow lots of space for your feet, and allow room for board walking and other showy tricks.
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jakecarbonell30 · 3 years
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how to manipulate text, graphics,
and images to create ICT content intended for an online environmentapply the
techniques of image manipulation and graphic design to create original or derivative
ICT content from existing images, text and graphic elements for use in specific
professional tracks.
. Team/ athlete/ league recruitment posters (Sports)
2. Logo or crest for a community, school organization or barkada (Arts)
3. Labeling and manual of operation for tools and equipment (Tech-Voc)
4. Presentation of cafeteria patronage data (Business/ Academic)
evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message design.
7. use image manipulation techniques on existing images to change or enhance their current state to communicate a message for a specific purpose
8. create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual message in an online environment related to specific professional tracks
1. Balance- It describes the placement of elements of equal weight on the page. The three types of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.
2. Movement- It describes the flow of elements on the page.
3. Unity- It is the sense of oneness of the elements that creates balance and harmony.
4. Repetition- It describes the consistent and balanced repetition of a design or element.
5. Proximity- It is described the organization and relationship of elements include in the design.
6. Contrast- It is the combination of opposing characteristics of an element like color, size, thickness among others. It allows emphasis on key elements
7. Whitespace-It is the negative apace or large margins that allow your design to breath within the elements.
Infographic, also known as data visualization, is defined by oxford dictionary as a visual image such as a chart or diagram that is used to explain information or data. It is also used to easily compared data patterns and relationships.
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Content Standards
the principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to develop ICT content for specific professional tracks
According to Cleversim. “Web design is a concept of planning, creating and maintaining websites,” It is the process of process of creatively designing and constructing a website and updating it regularly to incorporate changes.
Designing for a web publication equates o communication. Visuals on a webpage are utmost importance since it is one of the ways on how you can communicate with the viewer.1. Visual Hierarchy
This explains the ordering which human eye perceives what is sees. This is a technique wherein, as the developer. You have to distinguish the importance of every part of your web page. Elements should be ranked according to its importance and your objectives. It can be shown through the use of varying sizes and amount of content.
2. Proportion
You can make use of the golden ratio, a magical number approximately equal to 1.618 that makes all things proportioned so as to make a design aesthetically pleasing. Then there is also the Fibonnaci sequence where each term is defined as the sum of the two previous terms:, and so on.
As the designer, you should keep in mind the proper division of the contents of your web page to avoid crowding the view.
If your layout is 960px, divide it by 1.618 (=593px). if the website height is 760px tall, you can split it into 470px and 290 px chunks (760/1.618= - 470).
3. Hick’s Law
This law can be considered as a guideline for decision-making in a viewers perspective.
Hick’s law states that “with every additional choice, the time required to make a decision increases.” This law does not only hold true for web design but also in a number of other situations and settings. This means that we need to reduce the number of choices in order to provide a better user experience.
4. Fitts Law
According to this law, the time we needed to move a target is dependent upon the size of the target as well as the distance to the target. This means the larger the object or target and the shorter the distance, the easier would it be to move it or reach it. However, this does not mean that the bigger, the better but that usability factor of a target runs as a curve and not as a straight line.
5. Accessibility
When the visitors see the website, he or she must be able to access each bit of information in the easiest manner Typefaces must be readable to all and is not too fancy for some to access or understand. Ake your own color palette and choose contrasting colors for the background and written content so that it can be easily read. Make sure your images are of high-quality and are suitable for your purpose, and have alternative text for images for those who are visually impaired.
6. Visible Language
A web page design should communicate with the users clearly and in an engaging manner. The following are the principles for a successful visual language: organize, economize, and communicate.
7. White Space and Simple Design
White space helps divide the web page into several distinct part or areas that make it simpler for the users to process information. He following are some of the other things that can be considered as a part of the simple design:1. Visual Hierarchy
This explains the ordering which human eye perceives what is sees. This is a technique wherein, as the developer. You have to distinguish the importance of every part of your web page. Elements should be ranked according to its importance and your objectives. It can be shown through the use of varying sizes and amount of content.
2. Proportion
You can make use of the golden ratio, a magical number approximately equal to 1.618 that makes all things proportioned so as to make a design aesthetically pleasing. Then there is also the Fibonnaci sequence where each term is defined as the sum of the two previous terms:, and so on.
As the designer, you should keep in mind the proper division of the contents of your web page to avoid crowding the view.
If your layout is 960px, divide it by 1.618 (=593px). if the website height is 760px tall, you can split it into 470px and 290 px chunks (760/1.618= - 470).
3. Hick’s Law
This law can be considered as a guideline for decision-making in a viewers perspective.
Hick’s law states that “with every additional choice, the time required to make a decision increases.” This law does not only hold true for web design but also in a number of other situations and settings. This means that we need to reduce the number of choices in order to provide a better user experience.
4. Fitts Law
According to this law, the time we needed to move a target is dependent upon the size of the target as well as the distance to the target. This means the larger the object or target and the shorter the distance, the easier would it be to move it or reach it. However, this does not mean that the bigger, the better but that usability factor of a target runs as a curve and not as a straight line.
5. Accessibility
When the visitors see the website, he or she must be able to access each bit of information in the easiest manner Typefaces must be readable to all and is not too fancy for some to access or understand. Ake your own color palette and choose contrasting colors for the background and written content so that it can be easily read. Make sure your images are of high-quality and are suitable for your purpose, and have alternative text for images for those who are visually impaired.
6. Visible Language
A web page design should communicate with the users clearly and in an engaging manner. The following are the principles for a successful visual language: organize, economize, and communicate.
7. White Space and Simple Design
White space helps divide the web page into several distinct part or areas that make it simpler for the users to process information. He following are some of the other things that can be considered as a part of the simple design:WEB DESIGN ELEMENTS
To come up with a good web design and an effective visual and technical appeal of a website, the following elements must be considered.1. Links
 Normal. This is the default state of a link (i.e., one that is not hovered over or being clicked or pointed to a URL that the user has already visited.
 Visited- a link that is not being hovered over or clicked but whose target has been visited by the user.
 Active- a kink that is currently being clicked by the user, most developer will replicate the hover state here if a style is not provided to them.
 Hover- the link that look like when the user moves the mouse over it. This and the new normal state are the ones most designers prepare for.
2. Forms
Two of the most important considerations when laying out a form are:
 Form label- Formal typically collect personal data that users are reluctant to give out. As such properly informing users of the exact purpose of the form is wise.
 Input Fields and labels- Plan on how the input fields of the form will be laid out on the page and how the labels for those field will be styled and oriented relative to the fields.
3. Form Validation
An important related detail is form validation. This is the critical point where the website communicates the user requirements and errors in a form. There are three core things to consider:
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The key learning from the previous weeks, which they will synthesize into an Integrated ICT content through collaboration with classmates and teacher as both peers and partner
A web hosting service is an internet service that allows individual users and organizations to make their website accessible over the world wide web. Companies can provide data center and connectivity to the internet for others servers located in their data called collocation.
Key Roles in Project Management
1. Project Owner
- Chairperson of a bossiness unit, bears the responsibility of successful project implementation. Approval and endorsement of project deliverables. And for deployment of management and measuring of benefits.
2. Project Owner
Group consists of representatives of businesses, ICT, and the (internal r external) vendor. Provides the guidelines, takes responsibility for decision-making, supports the project manager, ensures that the targets of the projects are met.. Related change of requests for example, in terms of project schedule, Budget/, or scope. The project steering group must have adequate decision-making and resourcing authority.
3. Process Owner
The owner is the chairperson of the steering group
4. Project Manager
Responsible for daily project management and ensures that the project produces the agreed deliverable at the appropriate level of quality. Ensures the implementation; on schedule within budget
5. Project Management Office
Gather project resources together and to develop and update the company’s project practices and management policy, Maintains a project list and manage project dependences.
They can also estimate preconditions of project start up before project acceptance, audit a project during the project implementation and provide assistance in daily project management.Yammer
Yammer is a great tool for communication and collaboration among employees and offers many features for free. Its ease to use is compared to Facebook. Users ca create a personal, create and join groups, share and like comments, upload image, and attach files. And its strongest attribute is communication.
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arjhay-07 · 3 years
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Content standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: how to manipulate text, graphics,
and images to create ICT content intended for an online environment
Performance standard
The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently apply the
techniques of image manipulation and graphic design to create original or derivative
ICT content from existing images, text and graphic elements for use in specific professional tracks.
Balance- It describes the placement of elements of equal weight on the page. The three types of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.
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Movement- It describes the flow of elements on the page.
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Unity- It is the sense of oneness of the elements that creates balance and harmony.
Repetition- It describes the consistent and balanced repetition of a design or element.
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Proximity- It is described the organization and relationship of elements include in the design.
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Contrast- It is the combination of opposing characteristics of an element like color, size, thickness among others. It allows emphasis on key elements
Whitespace-It is the negative apace or large margins that allow your design to breath within the elements.
Infographic, also known as data visualization, is defined by oxford dictionary as a visual image such as a chart or diagram that is used to explain information or data. It is also used to easily compared data patterns and relationships.
When searching the net, you can find a lot of principles and guidelines on how to create an infographic,
1. Thesis/Story. The subject and the main idea of your infographic must be clear.
2. Data. Data must be well-organized and supports the main idea.
3. Simplicity (color, style and illustrations). You must be able to create your own palette or style to attract the reader and to not make your infographic full of text. Do not use stock photos
4. Sources. You must cite your sources so as to give credibility to your data.
5. Branding/share ability. Your info graphic must be creative and innovative
Since the introduction of graphics on the web, file formats also became an important aspect in the design stage. The most common file formats are JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, AND PNG.
JPEG or joint Photographic Experts Group is the most popular image format used in the web. JPEG files are very ‘lossy’ files where much of the information about the image is lost from the original state to kept ha image file size small
JPEG files are used mostly by photographers, artists graphic designers, medical imaging specialists, art historians, and other groups because image quality and color fidelity is important in the field.
GIF or Graphic Interchange Format is limited to the 8- bit palette with only 256 colors. This format was popularized in the 1980’s as an efficient means to transmit image across data networks and on the web since it uses the basic form of compression. GIF is best used for diagrams, cartoons, and logos which use few colors and is the chosen format for animation effects.
BMP or bitmap image file or device independent bitmap (DIB) file format is used in Microsoft windows operating system. It is made up of millions of dots called ‘pixels’ with different colors and arrangements. It is also called raster image.
BMP file format is not usually used on the web since it takes up a big space in the memory and does not scale well.
TIFF or Tagged Image File Format is a file format created originally by Aldus Corporation for desktop publishing.
TIFF is supported imaging programs and format for graphic, storage, processing and printing. This makes TIFF the superior raster image format It was transferred to Adobe Systems in2009.
PNG or Portable Network Graphic is an image format developed by a group of graphic software developers as a non-propriety alternative to the GIF format. PNG does best with line, art text, and logo.
There are many available programs on the web for instant image manipulation and other editing techniques. There are basic techniques common to all image editing programs.
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Cropping- It is a process of removing unwanted parts of the image focusing only on the subject. One must always follow the Rule of thirds to organize the image composition.
Compression and Re-sizing- Images to be uploaded on the web must be of the standard resolution of 72 dpi (dots per inch) to maintain the file sizes of 30-50 KB. In printing, set the maximum resolution to 300 dpi and set its physical printing size in inches.
Adjusting the brightness and Contrast- This command is the most basic technique when adjusting the image tone
Color Balance- This command will allow you to make changes in the mixture of colors in an image.
Color Blending- Use special effects buttons available in different editing software. Combine colors that will give a dynamic image result. 6. Combining Multiple Images- Compositions must be planned and conceptualized first so that you will be able to render the best image and message possible
Adobe Photoshop was known as the standard of photo editing since 1990’s. However. There are image editing sites on the net that also offer basic and advanced techniques. That we can do with other professional software.
Based on the TechRadar, the following are the list of websites that you can try as beginners in the filed or for professionals who would like to try another software.
1. Picasa It is Google’s free desktop image editing program. It is downloadable and help you manage your photos and upon them in an online album.
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2. Fotor. It is a Multiplatform photo editing website. It offers a wide range of effects and tools for editing images.
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3. Pixlr. A multi-platform editing program. You can choose between in the editor. For editing images or creating an original image right through the browser. The tools are almost similar to Photoshop that makes it easier for you to manipulate
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Other image editing suite that can be downloaded for free:
2. Serif Photo Plus Starter Edition
4. Paint.Net
Images also can be shared online through the different web hosting sites that are free You just need to create a free account, and you will be able to post, organize, and share your photos. The following is a list of a different hosting sites that you can try.
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1. Imgur- free image hosting sites wherein you can upload images from your computer. You can also edit your images before posting it online.
2.Flickr- It is an image social networking site You can save and manage you photos for it offers a 1 TB storage capacity in your account.
3. Photo Bucket- It has almost similar features with flickr as you can upload and share your image over the internet through your account.
4.Slick Pic. It is an online image hosting service that also allows you to upload and store an unlimited number of photos online. You can create as many as albums, and it also offers professional editing of images.
5.Zen folio- It is an online image hosting site that does not only allow you to upload image but also lets you create an online image website for your images.
Images that appear on a screen like a computer is said to be two-dimensional since it has length and width. But if you watch the movie Toy Story and play a computer game. There is another perspective that you can see. Game developers and animators have developed the perspective of depth as 3D or three- dimensional.
0 notes
funnynewsheadlines · 5 years
128 Photos That Will Annoy The Perfectionist In You (New Pics)
Our brains just love symmetry! So much so that when we see a fine example of things just falling nicely into place just as they should, it satisfies us deep within our souls.
Of course, when we encounter the opposite - the wonky, the askew, the lop-sided - it triggers a vague feeling of discomfort. This reaction is stronger in some than in others, but even those of us who would consider themselves chill about imperfections can get fixated on certain mistakes.
Can't understand what I mean? Well, as a follow up to previous efforts here and here, Bored Panda has collected another list of things that aren't quite right and are sure to set the alarm bells ringing. Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and let us know how they made you feel in the comments!
#1 This Chandelier At A Restaurant I Ate At Bothers Me So Much
Image credits: fluffynuff
So what lies behind this fascination with all things symmetrical? Well, according to an article in HowStuffWorks, it comes from the fact that most objects in the real world are symmetrical. "This is particularly true of nature: the radial symmetry of starfish or flower petals, the symmetrical efficiency of a hexagonal honeycomb, or the uniquely symmetrical crystal patterns of a snowflake," they write. "In fact asymmetry is often a sign of illness or danger in the natural world."
#2 This Stove
Image credits: _A_Pancake_
#3 Do I Even Have To Say Anything
Image credits: Negative1Rainbowz
"And, of course, human beings are symmetrical, at least on the outside (some internal organs like the heart and liver are off-center). Decades of research into sexual attraction have proven that both men and women find symmetrical faces sexier than asymmetrical ones. The leading explanation is that physical symmetry is an outward sign of good health, although large-scale studies have shown no significant health differences in people with symmetrical or asymmetrical faces."
"The simple explanation for our attraction to symmetry is that it's familiar. Symmetrical objects and images play by the rules that our brains are programmed to recognize easily."
#4 This Neighborhood I Saw On Google Maps Really Hits Me Hard
Image credits: zyyye
#5 Okay What The Hell
Image credits: RandomRunningRobot
In an essay called The Symmetrical Universe, Alan Lightman, American physicist, writer, and author of The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew, writes:
"Symmetry leads to economy, and nature, like human beings, seem to prefer economy. If we think of nature as a vast ongoing experiment, constantly trying out different possibilities of design, then those designs that cost the least energy or that require the fewest different parts to come together at the right time will take precedence, just as the principle of natural selection says that organisms with the best ability to survive will dominate over time."
#6 I Am Forced To Look At This Every Time I Get Up
Image credits: rwhereemy
#7 Why Not "Intense Raspberry"?
Image credits: lukas_ronnberg
So try to relax whilst perusing this list - your sense of discomfort or even anger at the asymmetry of things is fully justified, and is an appropriate human reaction to these design outrages. Good symmetry is good organization and our brains are hardwired to appreciate that!
#8 Silver Car Ruining Everything
Image credits: jagu_
#9 On Is Red, Off Is Green
Image credits: TheWorldsCollide
#10 How The **** Does This Happen?
Image credits: huuuhuuu
#11 If I Could Not See Them At The Same Time I Would Not Care
Image credits: Hache42
#12 I Was High In The Road And Was Not Sure If It Was The Weed Or Not So I Took A Picture For Later
Image credits: pet_sauce_
#13 At My Closest Train Station. I Think I Need To Move
Image credits: timmah11
#14 The Two Ends Of The Red Line
Image credits: XerneraC
#15 Meanwhile In Supermarket
#16 I Just Noticed Neither The Mirror, Nor The Lighting Fixture, Are Centered With The Sink Faucet In This Hotel Room
Image credits: kyooks
#17 Someone Thought It Would Be Funny To Do This At The Corner Of Every Page Of This Notebook
Image credits: asdfghjklsofia
#18 My Grandfather Doesn’t Peel The Plastic Off Of Anything And Won’t Let Me Peel It Off. I’m About To Have A Heart Attack
Image credits: technicalidiot
#19 Looked Down During My Shower Today. Can’t Unsee It Now
Image credits: kingramses51
#20 That. One. Pole.
Image credits: J_Swan1315
#21 Grandma's Basket Lid's Knob Was Off-Centered
Image credits: UnholyGarlic
#22 Why?
Image credits: icant-chooseone
#23 How These Pipes Were Installed
Image credits: Palifaith
#24 Not Only Is The First Light Different, The Last Lights Fixture Is Upside Down
Image credits: lepric
#25 Iowa Has 99 Counties. It Could Have An Even 100 If Not For This Monstrosity
Image credits: ihatewinter
#26 It’s Like They Want Me To Have An Aneurysm
Image credits: infinityeoc
#27 You Had One Job
Image credits: ypele
#28 Why Write The ‘S’ Like That? The More I Read It, The More It Mildly Infuriates Me
Image credits: Yawheyy
#29 Why?
Image credits: NastyNate675
#30 Why?!
Image credits: s4ltu
#31 Just Re-Pave The Damn Road At This Point
Image credits: zachwilly
#32 911 - I'd Like To Report A Crime
Image credits: quinntoye
#33 This Stripe On My Friend's Car
Image credits: nick598
#34 I'm Just Gonna Leave That Here
Image credits: ThotExecuter
#35 This Building Where Nothing Lines Up
Image credits: The_Quantum_Moose
#36 My Friend's New Front Door
Image credits: Ollie_Bosh
#37 When You Play The Sims But Forget To Rotate
Image credits: orangejuice1234
#38 I'm Literally Screaming Inside
Image credits: honny78
#39 I Really Can’t Wrap My Head Around This
Image credits: TehsSuop
#40 The Door On This House
Image credits: Greenskeeper37
#41 The Way My Mom Watches TV With Things Obscuring The Screen
Image credits: eharsh87
#42 This Building's Towers
Image credits: reddit.com
#43 The Battery On This Notebook
Image credits: Ceapa-Cool
#44 This Teacher Doesn’t Erase The Board Fully And Continues To Use It
Image credits: Nemo4200
#45 The Way This Pizza Has Been Cut
Image credits: nelldog
#46 Noticed These Baseball Fields On A Flight Into Phoenix
Image credits: reddit.com
#47 My Friend Just Finished A Kitchen Remodel
Image credits: SirCadwaladr
#48 When Teachers Do This
Image credits: Hayden_MS
#49 Horrible Cutout
Image credits: Imnotalreadydeadyet
#50 Askew Angles
Image credits: sugardoggy
#51 My Sister Cut A Cake And I’m About To Kill Her
Image credits: urmumgay69420killme
#52 The Way These Dice Are Packed Really Annoys Me
Image credits: Fehrnovic2
#53 New Acoustic Foam Just Put Up In My School
Image credits: Trk-Z4cst3r
#54 These Lights
Image credits: D3TROIT40oz248
#55 Just Saw This Monstrosity In My Car
Image credits: CorgiLover129
#56 An Otherwise Perfect Australian Cricket Team Photo Ruined By A Pair Of Black Shoes
Image credits: wickedbabaganoush
#57 Why Don’t They Just Cut Off The Little Corners?!
Image credits: GoldenPandaMRW
#58 When The Robo Vacuum Ruins Its Perfect Track Lines Retuning To Base
Image credits: matthewbronk
#59 Do I Need To Say Why
Image credits: Cornycandycorns
#60 This Clear Window Amongst The Tinted Ones
Image credits: Boomer258
#61 This Apartment Building
Image credits: reddit.com
#62 The Man On The Bathroom Sign Has One Armpit That Is Higher Than The Other
Image credits: DeluxePizzaNoOlives
#63 My Fellow Office Workers
Image credits: toomanymarbles83
#64 How My Step Dad Decided To Close A Box Of Cereal After Eating Edibles Last Night
Image credits: LocusAintBad
#65 People Whose Desktops Look Like This
Image credits: momoneymomorrison
#66 I Have Clearly Married A Monster
Image credits: MichaellaJane
#67 My Son’s New Dish Set
Image credits: sandyish
#68 All Three Of My Purple Sharpies Have Completely Different Colors
Image credits: Darwin322
#69 This Tile Has Been Installed Wrong
Image credits: Man-City
#70 Well You're Not Wrong
Image credits: BerendjD
#71 The Way My Grandmother Eats Pizza
Image credits: novoivittu
#72 Why?
Image credits: clone_ib75
#73 I Put The Manhole Cover Back, Boss
Image credits: Tombombleron
#74 Loose Brick Replaced By A Different Colour, While The Original Is Right There At The Bottom
Image credits: down_vote_magnet
#75 This Pizza Ad
Image credits: Juffin
#76 The Tiles In My Hotel Bathroom
Image credits: Jackasoarusrex
#77 This Shirt
Image credits: reddit.com
#78 These Christmas Kit Kats. The Design Doesn't Let You Break Them, I Had To Eat Them Like A Neanderthal
Image credits: Brokenlite099
#79 I Thought This Baseball Wall Art Was Cool Until I Noticed
Image credits: Thedaveabides98
#80 Cut It Wrong. I Think They
Image credits: Astorphobis
#81 But How?
Image credits: yeetrus1842
#82 This Football Field
Image credits: chillinwalrus
#83 Why Choc-O-Gator When It Could Be Choc-O-Dile?!
Image credits: sallysallybobally
#84 The Way That The Lights Are Placed On My Ceiling
Image credits: king_Lonely
#85 Preth Any Button
Image credits: huck002
#86 This Scrabble Wrapping Paper
Image credits: Samnmax95
#87 This Window And Roof
Image credits: _WillWorkForWork
#88 The Screen On My Calculator Is Slightly Tilted
Image credits: AndrewDevs
#89 My OCD Capsules
Image credits: Rioting0nline
#90 Found This In Louisiana
Image credits: ctophu
#91 The Placement Of Her Fork
Image credits: odkfn
#92 My Window Isn't Centered On My Ceiling
Image credits: hamtheasinine
#93 Great Work
Image credits: _default_settings
#94 This Map's Color Palette
Image credits: Dockie27
#95 They Presharpened The Wrong End Of My Red Pencil
Image credits: jkxlol
#96 This Font Hurts Me
Image credits: minypockets
#97 Ended Up Putting Pepper In My Pasta... Why Is The Pepper White And The Salt Black?!
Image credits: Tetraazidomethane
#98 Eenie, Meenie, Miney... No
Image credits: DrFroggie
#99 Why Must You Do This To Me?
Image credits: Redkore_
#100 Just.. Why? Isn't This More Work To Install?
Image credits: Toobis
#101 A Soccer Field I Spotted While Flying My Drone Around
Image credits: Dasgerman1984
#102 "Aren't These Suppose To Be All Caps Jim?" Nah
Image credits: dashodie
#103 Filled Up The Smoke Generator For The Patrouille De France, Boss
Image credits: Silencement
#104 Universal Orlando In The Main Entrance. Gets Me Every Time
Image credits: series40special
#105 Put That Sign In Windows, Boss
Image credits: Adan714
#106 Replaced The Missing Tile Good As New
Image credits: canofpotatoes
#107 It’s Now An Icybelc Lane I Guess
Image credits: LordStarcabbage
#108 Finished Laying The Bricks, Boss
Image credits: TheRealClyde1
#109 This Bench Is Truly Amazing
Image credits: locotojtoj4
#110 Light's Installed Boss
Image credits: slightlyintoout
#111 Why Aren’t You Symmetrical
Image credits: timbowsplice
#112 The Lamps At The Evelyn Hotel Are Infuriating
Image credits: YouRabblerousingKids
#113 Asked For 3” Off She Cut Off 5”. Come Home To Find Out It Isn’t Even Straight Or Even.
Image credits: madronacreek
#114 Thanks, I Hate It
Image credits: Dionne94
#115 This Is Where The Tile Meets The Carpet In My Apartment's Clubhouse
Image credits: BrewsTravelers365
#116 Why? Why?
Image credits: norro58
#117 Why? Just... Why?
Image credits: beosronlto
#118 Why Would You Go Out Of Your Way To Do This? Why?
Image credits: PleaseNinja
#119 What The Actual Mother ******* **** Is This *******
Image credits: Blake262626
#120 How Can Someone [Screw] Up Like This?
Image credits: el_phaba
#121 [Screw] This One Locker In Particular
Image credits: LightninMcQuade
#122 Well Done
Image credits: usukablyat
#123 Looks Like It Fits
Image credits: ImDJGolden
#124 When You Order A Pizza During Finals Week In A College Town
Image credits: MellamaRich
#125 Sidewalk's Done
Image credits: Supa66
#126 This Hotel Kills Me Uuugggh
Image credits: OJILOBOS
#127 All Of The Lights Are Off
Image credits: discountdeschanel
#128 This Out Of Place M&m At The Store In Times Square
Image credits: squidyword
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2NBjU4H via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2PfZjW7
0 notes
itssiennatheasian · 6 years
How to Draw Animal Eyes
What You'll Be Creating
They say the eyes are the mirror to the soul, and it's not just true about humans. The eyes of animals, no matter how different, speak volumes about the creature's personality and emotions. Because of this, it's not so easy to draw eyes that look both realistic and alive, especially when you can't use a reference. 
In this tutorial, I will show you one method of overcoming this problem by starting with a structure and ending with shading. You'll learn how to draw an eye of a lion, a horse, and a lizard.
What You Will Need
You'll need the following equipment in order to complete this tutorial:
some sheets of paper
HB pencil (hard)
2B/3B pencil (medium)
4B/5B pencil (soft)
7B/8B pencil (very soft)
blending stump (optional)
eraser (preferably kneaded)
pencil sharpener
There are two things I'd like you to keep in mind before we start drawing. First, the bigger your drawing, the more details you can put in it. The epically realistic drawings you may have seen online are usually bigger than a common desk, so don't worry if your smaller drawing doesn't look like this—size really makes the difference here.
Second, most people use references for their realistic drawings. This lets them copy all the shades without having to guess them accurately, which leads to a stunning result. Drawing from structure, as in this tutorial, leads to more "sketchy" results, but at the same time you get more freedom about the pose and details you want to use.
1. How to Draw a Lion's Eyes
Step 1
Before you start drawing the actual eyes, you need to create some space for them, some landmarks that will help you keep the proportions consistent. In the face of a lion, you can find a cross made from the brows and the nose/forehead. Sketch it using the correct perspective.
Keep these lines very light and subtle. I made mine dark for you to see them better, but yours should be almost invisible.
Step 2
Keep in mind that the eyeballs are not circles—they're spheres. If you imagine a row of spheres being rotated, they gradually cover each other. This means the eyes look perfectly symmetrical only in the front view; in others, one of the eyes will seem closer to the middle.
Draw big eyeballs using this rule.
Step 3
Add the iris and the pupil to the eyeball. The irises can be placed anywhere near the center, as long as you follow the perspective and keep both irises the same. Lions don't look around with just their eyes too much (they move their head instead), so don't draw the iris too far away from the center.
Keep the pupil exactly in the middle of the iris. It's round, not slit, and it can get very big when it's dark.
Step 4
To draw the eyelids correctly, add a special guide line across the eye. It goes from the outer corner to the inner corner.
Step 5
Time for the eyelids now. First sketch the rim of the lower one. If you go over the nose with the guide line, you should achieve a nice rhythm for both eyes.
Step 6
Now the rim of the upper eyelid; keep in mind it's not a flat line, but a rim of something that covers the round eye.
Step 7
Close the inner corner. Again, it's not flat—it bends towards the side of the nose.
Step 8
Finish the shape of the upper eyelid.
Step 9
Finish the shape of the lower eyelid and a part of the upper one.
Step 10
Eyebrows are a very important part of the eyes, so we can't ignore them. In lions, they start over the inner side of the upper eyelid, and go towards the forehead.
Step 11
Add more details to this area.
Step 12
Add the eyelashes. Even though cats have a lot of fur here, they have "true" eyelashes as well!
Step 13
Outline a side of the eye, showing a suggestion of the eye-sockets.
Step 14
The structure is finished! Before you go any further, take a closer look at your sketch and see if everything looks right. This is the last moment to fix anything!
Take the HB pencil and gently fill the iris with pseudo "fibers" going radially in two rows. Leave a band on top for a shine, and press harder in the middle, to make the pupil dark.
Step 15
Take your softest pencil and darken the pupil much more, along with the area around the eye.
Step 16
Take the medium pencil and add some shadow to the top of the iris. Keep the pencil sharp!
Step 17
Use the same pencil to shade the eyelids' corners.
Darken it with the soft pencil.
Step 18
Take the HB pencil again and draw some hairs around the eye. The direction matters! Don't draw with the very tip of the pencil, but instead tilt it a little to make the "hairs" thick.
Step 19
Take a well-sharpened medium pencil and add some detail to the fur. Draw the shadows between the hairs rather than the hairs themselves. You can learn more about this technique here:
How to Draw Fur
Monika Zagrobelna
Step 20
Keep adding the fur around the eyes with the HB pencil.
Step 21
Use the medium and soft pencil to add final details to the area.
2. How to Draw a Horse's Eye
Step 1
Horses have an even more distinct "cross" on their head than lions. Sketch it to create a base for the proportions.
I didn't include the whole length of the head here, but you need to be able to imagine the rest.
Step 2
Horses, like most prey animals, have eyes on the sides of their head rather than in the front. We can use this fact to establish a really nice set of guidelines: just sketch a "tube" across the head, and cut its ends diagonally towards the center.
Step 3
Place the eyeballs inside these eye-sockets.
Step 4
Add the iris and pupil. The pupil is horizontal and rectangular in shape, though it's not always visible, because the iris is usually dark.
Step 5
Add a guide line across the eye.
Step 6
The characteristic gentle look of a horse's eyes is created by the "heavy" eyelids. Sketch this drooping line to start shaping the eye.
Step 7
Add the outline of the eyelids' rims.
Step 8
The corner of the eye is covered by the nictitating membrane. To place it correctly, just remember it goes down and towards the outer side of the eye.
Step 9
Finish the outline of the upper eyelid...
Step 10
... and the lower one just after it.
Step 11
The lower eyelid should be slightly bulging.
Step 12
Add the eyelashes.
Step 13
Add the bony landmarks around the eye (you can look at a horse's skull to see these parts clearly).
Step 14
Let's shade it now! Take the HB pencil and gently add some value to the eye: make the pupil and the eyelids' rims dark, and sketch the shine dots on the iris.
Step 15
Take the medium pencil and darken the iris, leaving the shine parts brighter (the lower one darker than the top one). Draw shadows under the eyelashes, but don't draw the eyelashes yet.
Step 16
Take the soft pencil and darken the edge of the iris. Again, add some dark shadows between the eyelashes without adding any other details to them.
Step 17
Take the softest pencil and darken the pupil heavily.
Step 18
Take the soft pencil again and shade the iris uniformly.
Step 19
Take the softest pencil and finish the shading. To make the shine on top more natural, smudge its sides and top with the blending stump.
Step 20
Shade the membrane in the corner.
Step 21
Use the medium and the soft pencils to add detail to the eyelids' rims.
Step 22
Take the HB pencil and shade the upper eyelid.
Step 23
Take the soft pencil and accentuate the shadows here.
Step 24
Take the HB pencil and shade the area around the eye.
Step 25
Use the blending stump to make the shading more uniform.
Step 26
Take the medium brush and add more detail to the shading here, tilting it and using various directions to better show the three-dimensional form of the area.
Step 27
Take the soft brush and add one more level of such details.
Step 28
Gently blend these shadows with the blending stump.
Step 29
Add the lower eyelashes and make the reflection in the eye more detailed by sketching a suggestion of a horizon in its lower part.
3. How to Draw a Lizard's Eye
Step 1
Lizards' heads are all about these huge eyes, so we can sketch the proportions better by using a "double cross".
Step 2
Add the huge eye socket roughly between the arms of the cross.
Step 3
Place the eyeball inside the eye socket.
Step 4
Add the pupil...
... and the iris. Lizards can have a variety of pupil shapes depending on the species, so use whatever you want!
Step 5
Add the guide line across the eye.
Step 6
Add the rim of the upper eyelid.
Step 7
Add the lower eyelid as well.
Step 8
The eyelids of lizards are usually thick and fleshy. To accentuate it, draw a "coil" around the eyelids' rims.
Step 9
Outline the eyelids as the coil suggests.
Step 10
Use a similar technique to draw the brows.
Step 11
Add some wrinkles around the eye.
Step 12
Take the HB pencil and outline the pupil, leaving an outline for the shine as well.
Step 13
Take the softest pencil and fill the pupil with dark shading. You can leave the lower part slightly brighter.
Step 14
Take the HB pencil again and sketch some details on the iris. Lizards can have fantastic patterns inside their irises, so you can really let your imagination go wild here!
Step 15
Use the medium and soft pencils to shade the iris and its details.
Step 16
You can use the eraser and the blending stump to create a reflected shine in the lower part of the eye.
Step 17
Take the HB pencil and outline the rims of the eyelids again, making sure you know their 3D form.
Step 18
Add small scales on the inner sides of the eyelids.
Step 19
Add more scales, interlocking each row with the previous one.
Step 20
Take the medium pencil and shade the area between the scales.
Step 21
Take the HB pencil and sketch the 3D form of the area around the eye. You should see exactly which parts are concave and which are convex.
Step 22
Add scales to this area, following the perspective of the surface.
Step 23
Use the HB pencil to gently shade the whole area.
Step 24
Use the medium pencil to add more detail to the shading.
Step 25
Take the HB pencil and shade all the scales individually.
Step 26
Take the medium brush and add more detail to the shading of the scales. You can learn more about this technique here:
How to Draw Scales
Monika Zagrobelna
You have drawn an eye of a lion, a horse, and a lizard! If you want to learn more about drawing these animals, you'll love these tutorials:
How to Draw Animals: Big Cats, Their Anatomy and Patterns
Monika Zagrobelna
How to Draw Animals: Horses, Their Anatomy and Poses
Monika Zagrobelna
How to Draw a Roaring Lion Step by Step
Monika Zagrobelna
How to Draw a Horse Step by Step
Monika Zagrobelna
If you want to continue learning about drawing with pencils, you may also like tutorials from this series:
How to Draw Glass
Monika Zagrobelna
How to Draw Wood
Monika Zagrobelna
How to Draw Fabric: Silk and Wool
Monika Zagrobelna
from Envato Tuts+ Design & Illustration https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-draw-animal-eyes--cms-30204 via http://www.webmasterforum.ws/rankwyz-discount-code-2015-coupons/
0 notes
automotivegearz · 4 years
Top 9 Best RV Camper Tires: Bridgestone, Michelin or Dunlop (2020 Reviews)
Searching for the best RV & camper tires is not a straightforward process. The process will have lots of moving parts, making things challenging. To be honest, it might overwhelm many buyers. 
This article will make these feelings disappeared by instructing you thoroughly. To be more specific, it provides you with detailed information with the best RV tires. Then, you will jump into the useful buying guides for the RV tires, so you know what to choose. Let’s get started now!
Top 9 Best RV & Travel Trailer Tires 2020 Reviews
#1 Best Overall: Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire
For the most comprehensive RV tire, Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire is an indispensable product on this list. This tire not only guarantees reliability, but it also delivers all-round performance. Even if the RVers throw everything at it, it can still endure.
Manufacturers manufacture Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire according to the highest quality standards to handle rigorous operations. With this tire, you will always feel satisfied all the way.
Thanks to this excellent quality, Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire has become the first choice of many people when enjoying long trips. Regardless of terrain, it can handle it.
The manufacturer designed shallow tread patterns and improved rib stability for Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire. This tire always keeps its temperature under control, no matter how long you travel. If your tire is worn out, you can easily find out to replace it.
To ensure balanced traction, the manufacturer combines the edges with rubber compound and side grooves so that this tire can still work well in wet weather.
One thing to note is that you must always pump up 110 PSI for this tire regardless of the load. This is to ensure optimal performance for it. If you maintain this pressure level, Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire will maximize its use and lifelong.
Perfect traction
Rugged design
These outstanding advantages have made the Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire famous in the market. If you want to learn more about this product, visit the link in its name above.
#2 Best for Fuel: Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire
If you are looking for your RV anti-noise tires, then you should consider Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire. This is one of the quietest and quietest tires on the market. Nothing is more enjoyable than enjoying a smooth outdoor trip on your RV.
Not only is it good against noise, but Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire can also be very resistant to rolling. With this tire, your RV fuel will save a considerable amount. Thanks to this, users can do a few other things like expanding the RV range and reducing overall fuel costs.
The manufacturer designed Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire based on a top standard model, so it is guaranteed to satisfy you. The excellent traction of this tire is thanks to the tubeless tire compound. It is suitable for towing/towing work.
Besides the cuts, Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire also has a puncture-proof mechanism so it will accompany you on the long trip. Its rim guard minimizes damage on the field.
At an affordable price, you can own it without worrying that you will break the bank. A 5-year warranty after purchase from the manufacturer will handle defects in artistry and materials.
Energy saving
Long service life
Little size to choose
With these fantastic advantages, it is hard to deny the perfection of Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire. This is an excellent choice for you. Get it today before it runs out of stock!
#3 Best for Stability: Michelin XPS RIB RV Tire
Michelin is one of the world-famous manufacturers of high-quality automobile tires and excellent technology. Therefore, their products are extremely reliable, Michelin XPS RIB RV Tire is an excellent example of this. Thanks to the hard outer shell and tubeless steel, you can use this tire often for a long time.
Michelin produces many sizes so that buyers can choose for their RV a suitable tire. Also, each tire has a tire worn indicator to help you predict the time you need to replace your tire.
Besides its low rolling resistance for conventional recreational vehicles, the Michelin XPS RIB RV Tire will significantly improve fuel economy. From there you can save a lot of money in the long run. The tread pattern of Michelin XPS RIB RV Tire allows you to control RV in many outdoor terrains.
The Michelin XPS RIB RV Tire‘s ability to recreate even when worn down will help you cut down on costs such as tire costs, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions. This is also a difference in it compared to conventional tires today.
Long service life
Many sizes
Traction is stable
Not suitable for activities in the snow
If you are looking for an excellent RV tire, you should not ignore Michelin XPS RIB RV Tire. It will be the perfect choice for premium tires.
#4 Best Anti-Noise: Boto Tyres BT926 RV Tire
For those looking for an RV tire that can carry both short and long distances, the Boto Tires BT926 is a perfect choice. For current motorcycle tires, Boto Tires BT926 is the most balanced tire.
Boto Tires BT926 makes no noise every time it moves thanks to the quiet groove. High-speed design is suitable for campers who frequently go up and down the highway.
Besides, Boto Tires BT926 also has a long life thanks to the process of heat accumulation. This will save you a lot of money in the long run. When you use this tire in heavy rain, you can see its excellent performance.
The grooves of the Boto Tires BT926 allow it to push water vigorously upon contact. This 5-rib tire delivers the best mileage. So it is incredibly cost-effective. Thanks to its superior flexibility, Boto Tires BT926 supports regular RV trips.
The design of Boto Tires BT926 steering wheel and steering makes it work well in all configurations. No matter how you install it, its performance is always perfect.
Ensure the tranquility
Wet roads are not the problem
Long service life
Bulky design
If you are looking for a reasonably priced RV tire, Boto Tires BT926 RV Tire is a suggestion for you. It is full of the most amazing features. Discover its perfection today!
#5 Best for Traction: Bridgestone Duravis M700 HD RV Tire
Bridgestone Duravis M700 HD RV Tire is a reasonable choice if you often go off-road. This tire is an indispensable item on your checklist. It can be said that this product is one of the best RV tires on the market. Its ability to withstand challenges confirms this.
Manufactures tread designs are up to half an inch thick. This is an impressive design that makes the tires provide excellent traction in any weather condition. Besides, for light snow, the car’s aggressive symmetrical design can also be handled. Knurled shoulders help you manage more quickly and save time.
The manufacturer makes various sizes and is available so that RV owners can choose the tire that fits their vehicle. Please refer to the manufacturer’s size chart before deciding which one to buy.
Bridgestone Duravis M700 HD RV Tire double-stranded nylon steel straps minimize the risk of puncture or bruising. In particular, high durability will keep the tire exist for a long time without you needing to replace it often.
Excellent traction
Many sizes to choose from
Not suitable for heavy snow
Bridgestone Duravis M700 HD RV Tire will serve you as you wish. It is impressive, isn’t it? What are you waiting for? Get it now or cry later.
#6 Best for Budget: Dunlop Grandtrek AT20 RV Tire
The Dunlop Grandtrek AT20 RV Tire is a tire loved by RVers all year round because it is suitable for all seasons. With outstanding performance, it ensures continuous traction throughout the year. So you will not have to worry every time the weather changes.
VersaLoad technology keeps tires stable at all loads. The noise-proof design ensures a quiet ride for you to enjoy all the way.
The perimeter grooves help Dunlop Grandtrek AT20 RV Tire push water quickly. Specialized features in construction make this tire move flexibly in the snow.
Great traction in all conditions
Outstanding performance
Keep the perfect balance
Does not show outstanding performance when driving a curve
These amazing features have helped Dunlop Grandtrek AT20 RV Tire receive countless positive feedback from users. For more details about this product, click on its name above.
#7 Best Reliable: Hankook AH12 Radial Tire
Hankook AH12 Radial Tire is an excellent traction tire. It can handle any situation while ensuring maximum performance. Its belt structure helps keep the amount of friction generated between the tire and the road in equilibrium.
For any driver, the belt structure reduces heat generation as an indispensable element as it helps minimize nightmares. Even if a tire is faulty, it is not a big deal.
Reducing heat generation thanks to the belt structure
High grip
The carcass structure ensures excellent handling
Bulky design
Thanks to its affordable price and outstanding features, Hankook AH12 Radial Tire has become the top priority of many customers. Experience the greatness of it today!
#8 Best for Fifth Wheel: Premium Grand Ride Trailer Tires ST235/85R16
The Premium Grand Ride Trailer Tires is a set of high-quality radial tires on the market for fifth-wheel RVs. Because of its 6.5-inch width, these tires are thinner than other radial tires.
With a capacity to hold up to 3,640 lbs, the load of the Premium Grand Ride Trailer Tires is much larger. This is an overwhelming pressure that not all tires have.
Each tire has 80 PSI to ensure perfect strength. The speed of 75 MPH helps them move more flexibly than the 15 MPH tires. The nylon coating on the tread area is an excellent upgrade to prevent them from exploding.
Large load
There is a warranty
Outer nylon coating
Not suitable for walking in snow and ice
Premium Grand Ride Trailer Tires deserves the title of one of the best RV tires on the market. Try it today, and you will probably love it!
#9 Best Affordable: Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor Pro Radial RV Tire
The Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor Pro Radial Tire has been a high-quality RV tire. This tire can open a tread pattern, allowing it to work well on wet roads. In other words, it is suitable for use in rainy conditions. 
Besides, the thick sidewalls and treads provide these tires with a sense of durability and stability. With the Durawall technology, it helps to reduce road noise and the risk of punctures or tears to the sidewall. Plus, there is an additional protector in a rim, protecting your RV from accidental curb damage.
Affordable price
Excellent on wet and snowy roads
Additional toughness with thick treads and sidewalls
Can cause the bumpy ride to some specific RVs
With many benefits above, the owners of RV can ensure to purchase Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor Pro Radial Tire. It is reasonably priced and equipped with incredible features, which can satisfy the demands of every customer.
Features to Consider When Purchasing RV Tires
1. Types
Light Truck Tires
This type is suitable for a vehicle that is bigger than the small pick-up truck with 3/4 ton. So, these tires will be different rather than the tires used for regular cars. For example, their materials can improve the sidewalls as the vehicle might need more capabilities of load barring. 
For that reason, when you use the light truck tires, the ride quality may be rough. However, if you use them in a class A RV, they can keep your RV in excellent condition significantly. In other words, the capabilities of high load make these tires durable and rugged. 
On the other hand, it will be a perfect option in the rough condition for an RV trip. In general, the high-quality light truck tires should be used for RVs fitting into classes A, B, and C.
Trailer Tires
As the name can say it all, this trailer tire is built to handle the massive pressure tractor-trailer. That is why it has a stiffer sidewall than other trucks or cars. However, the primary duty of trailer tires is to prevent the trailer from swaying, which will be a problem for you and other drivers. 
In other words, they are used for vehicles that do not have an engine, and they are towed by other ones. So, an RV’s like travel trailers or fifth-wheel trailers will be suited for the high-quality trailer tires.
The radial tires have the steel belts running at an angle of 90 degrees. These belts make the tire more robust, better traction, more durable, and increased stability. Besides, it can lower the fuel consumption owing to the flexible sidewall, which enables less rolling resistance. 
As it can provide you with a softer ride, you can use it for longer trips. However, this type of tires is often more expensive rather than others. The reason is that people tend to consider radial tires as the best option. So, if you want the radial tires, you should carefully think about your budget.
The bias tires are more affordable, but their quality is worse. The belts of bias tires are made from nylon running at an angle of 30-45 degrees. So, their sidewalls will handle more massive weight loads than the radial ones as they are stronger.
However, the flexible ability of tires is reduced due to the added strength, which leads to a short time of tires usage. In general, although the bias has a shorter lifespan, they are better at addressing the pressure of heavier loads. 
Therefore, they should be used for a short trip or RV’s travel trailers or fifth-wheel trailers.
2. Size
Size plays a vital role in selecting the RV tires. The accidents can happen if the tires are the wrong size to your RV. The RV manufacturers will design specific tire sizes for their products. It means that each brand will have a chart revealing the variations and sizes available. You can ask them when shopping for tires. 
Therefore, you can consult the manual to determine the tires quickly. In the manual of the owner, you can find maintenance information and suggestion for tire size. Besides, you should see the Vehicle Manufacturers Data Placard added to the vehicle. It will help you to narrow your search when deciding the tire sizing.
3. Ratings
Load Rating
The maximum load which a tire can handle when properly inflated is indicated through the load rating. The tire sidewall also shows the maximum load in both kilograms and pounds. 
The weight ratings should be in the top priority when selecting the best RV tires, as it may pose a threat to you when traveling. Furthermore, if you do not buy RV tires with proper load ratings and maximum weight, their lifespan will be worse and reduced. 
Specifically, the component will be worn out faster, which causes damage such as premature failure or blowout. Therefore, you should choose a tire model exceeding the ratings and limits you need.
Speed Rating
Through the speed rating, you will know the maximum speed the tires can facilitate and withstand. Generally, the speed ratings of a tire will be matched to the capability of the top speed. For example, the Hi-speed rating of a tire can have a capacity of a maximum speed of 210 km/h or 130 mph. 
So, you should consider your travel’s nature when thinking about tires speed rating. If you drive on country roads, pick low-speed ratings. On the other hand, if you go through highways mostly, it is fine to choose a high-speed rating.
4. Inflation Pressure
There is a number of maximum tire pressure on the sidewall. For example, Max Load 236 kg at 290 kPa (42 PSI). The 42 PSI here is the maximum tire pressure. In this case, you can use the inflation gauge to make sure that you will not overcome this number. 
It seems to be a useful instrument which can check the tire pressure. You should keep in mind that the under-inflated tire cannot suffer from the load appropriately. So, it may wear out quickly, owing to more substantial contact with the road surface. In contrast, the over-inflated tire is more prone to risk when it hits the pothole at high speed.
5. Weather Condition
If you go out with good weather conditions for months, the standard tire will be mostly enough. However, if you travel around yearly, it is recommended for you to choose all-seasons RV tires. 
How about driving in the rain? You should buy the tires optimized for wet weather with a particular design thread pattern. Besides, you can drop by some RV owners’ forums to select the best tires in specific weather.
1. Should I Rotate the RV Tires?
You should rotate the tires every 6,000 to 8,000 miles according to the recommendation of the Rubber Manufacturers Association. The tire rotation can prolong your RV tires’ lifespan. So, you can wear out a tire in the evening, which increases safety while driving.
2. Which Type of Tires Is Better Among the Radial and Bias Tires?
As mentioned before, the radial tires allow you to get increased stability and better traction. In comparison, the bias tires can handle the weight loads better than the radial tires. So, they will not last as long as the radial ones. 
In general, the bias tires are suitable for RV owners taking short trips. And the radial tires are appropriate for long trips on the highway. From that point, you can select between these two types of tires. 
Final Words – Your Best Motorhome Tire!
The top pick will be Goodyear Unisteel G614 RV Tire. It seems to be the ideal option for an RV as it provides superb durability, superior performance in wet conditions, and excellent mileage. 
The other option for the budget is Goodyear Wrangler Silent Armor RV Tire, which can boost safety at high speed and reduce the hydroplaning risk. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will not find buying the best RV tires difficult anymore. And you will get the right choice soon.
Light Truck Tires vs RV Tires: Differences
source https://automotivegearz.com/best-rv-tires/
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amanda2020jumi-blog · 4 years
Method for manufacturing stapler with nail removing function
Method for manufacturing stapler with nail removing function
Technical field
[0001] The present invention relates to a bookbinding device, and particularly to a stapler with a nail removing function.
Background technique
[0002] Existing staplers generally only have a binding function, but they are often encountered in daily office to remove the staples from the bound document paper pages, add or reduce paper pages, and then re-binding, shaped staples The nail heads on both sides are pressed into the paper pages of the document by the stapler, and two symmetrical elbows are formed on the back pages of the document to prevent the paper pages from falling off. In removing the staples, When the paper sheet of the document is damaged, the stiffness of the staple is relatively large, so usually use the tip of a knife or a tool with a cone to pry up the two elbows and then pry the staple out from the front of the document If it is a little careless or hard, it will hurt your fingers or damage the document sheets, which will bring a lot of difficulties and hidden safety hazards to the removal. Moreover, the staple hole is easily expanded during the needle removal process, which is not conducive to repeated binding.
Summary of the invention
[0003] The present invention is intended to provide a stapler with a staple removal function that facilitates the removal of stapled staples.
[0004] In order to achieve the above object, the basic solution of the present invention is as follows: a stapler with a nail removal function, including a stapler body, the stapler body is provided with a receiving groove, the receiving groove is provided with Through the through hole of the stapler body, a nail removing mechanism is provided in the accommodating groove. The nail removing mechanism includes a drive shaft slidingly connected between the accommodating groove and the through hole. A positioning unit with a radial expansion and contraction of a drive shaft, and a nail removal part is provided at an end of the drive shaft away from the receiving groove.
[0005] The principle and advantages of this solution are: pressing the drive shaft downward to move the drive shaft downward from the accommodating groove until the positioning unit gathered in the accommodating groove extends outwards and resists the bottom of the stapler body, In this way, the lower end of the drive shaft is fixed below the stapler body. Insert the nail remover into the elbow of the staple, straighten the two bends of the staple upward, and then insert the nail remover into the straight part of the water nail to pull out the staple. In this way, the staple hole can be prevented from being enlarged during needle removal, so as to facilitate repeated binding. And it is easy to operate and can be realized without the help of foreign objects. When the nail removal is completed, press the positioning unit and then push the drive shaft to gather the drive shaft in the accommodating groove, so that the floor space can be reduced when not in use.
[0006] Preferred solution 1: As an improvement of the basic solution, the positioning unit is symmetrically arranged on both sides of the drive shaft along the axis of the drive shaft, so that the drive shaft is positioned by the two positioning units, thereby making it more effective during the nail removal process stable.
[0007] Preferred solution two: As an improvement of the preferred solution one, the positioning unit includes a positioning groove opened on the drive shaft and a triangular positioning plate movably connected in the positioning groove, the triangular positioning plate is connected between the positioning groove There is a compression spring, one side of the triangular positioning plate can abut against the stapler body, and the top end of the triangular positioning plate opposite to the side is hinged on the drive shaft. In the working process, the driving shaft can be pressed to move downward from the accommodating groove until it is gathered in the positioning groove, and the positioning plate extends outward under the action of the compression spring, so that the triangular positioning plate and the stapler body resist, so Fix the lower end of the drive shaft under the stapler body, and then remove the nails. After the nail removal is completed, the triangular positioning plate is forced into the positioning groove by pressing the triangular positioning plate in the positioning groove, and the driving shaft is gathered in the receiving groove when the driving shaft is pushed, so that the floor space can be reduced when not in use space.
[0008] Preferred solution three: As an improvement of the basic solution or the preferred solution two, the nail-removing member can be 90 rotatably connected to the drive shaft, and the drive shaft is vertically provided with a storage slot for accommodating the nail-removing member, In this way, when no nail removal work is required, the nail removal part can be rotated upward and collected in the storage slot to avoid potential safety hazards.
[0009] FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view of an embodiment of a stapler with a nail removing function according to the present invention.
detailed description
[0010] The present invention will be further described in detail below through specific embodiments:
The reference signs in the drawings of the specification include: stapler body 1, accommodating groove 2, through hole 3, drive shaft 4, triangular positioning plate 5, compression spring 6, nail removal member 7, storage slot 8, positioning slot 9 .
[0011] The embodiment is basically shown in FIG. 1: a stapler with a nail-removing function, including a stapler body I, a receiving groove 2 is provided on the stapler body 1, and a through-hole binding is provided on the receiving groove 2 The through hole 3 of the book holder body 1 and the accommodating groove 2 are provided with a nail removing mechanism. The nail removing mechanism includes a drive shaft 4 slidingly connected to the accommodating groove 2 and the through hole 3. The positioning unit of the shaft 4 is radially retractable, and the positioning units are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the drive shaft 4 along the axis of the drive shaft 4, so that the positioning of the drive shaft 4 by the two positioning units makes it more stable during the nail removal process. The positioning unit includes a positioning groove 9 opened on the drive shaft 4 and a triangular positioning plate 5 movably connected in the positioning groove 9. A compression spring 6 is connected between the triangular positioning plate 5 and the positioning groove 9, and the upper side of the triangular positioning plate 5 The side can resist the stapler body I, and the lower top end of the triangular positioning plate 5 is hinged on the drive shaft 4.
[0012] The end of the drive shaft 4 away from the accommodating groove 2 is hinged with a nail removing member 7, which can be rotated by 90. During nail removing, the nail removing member 7 and the drive shaft 4 are 90. The driving shaft 4 is vertically provided with a storage slot 8 for accommodating the nail removing member 7, so that when the nail removing work is not required, the nail removing member 7 can be rotated upward and gathered in the storage slot 8 to avoid safety Hidden dangers.
[0013] In actual operation, the driving shaft 4 is pressed down to move the driving shaft 4 downward from the accommodating groove 2 until the positioning plate gathered in the positioning groove 9 extends outward under the action of the compression spring 6, so that The upper side of the triangular positioning plate 5 is in contact with the bottom of the stapler body I, so that the lower end of the drive shaft 4 is fixed below the stapler body I, and then the nail removing member 7 is inserted into the staple bending portion to insert the staple Straighten the two bends of the nail upwards, and then insert the nail remover 7 into the straight part of the water binding nail to pull out the staple. After the nail removal is completed, press the triangular positioning plate 5 to gather the triangular positioning plate 5 in the positioning groove 9 and push the drive shaft 4 to gather the drive shaft 4 in the accommodating groove 2, so that the floor space can be reduced when not in use space.
[0014] What has been described above is only an embodiment of the present invention, and common knowledge such as specific structures and/or characteristics known in the scheme is not described here too much. It should be pointed out that for those skilled in the art, several variations and improvements can be made without departing from the concept of the present invention. These should also be regarded as the protection scope of the present invention, which will not affect the implementation of the present invention. Effectiveness and practicality of patents. The scope of protection claimed in this application shall be based on the content of the claims, and the description of the specific implementation in the specification may be used to interpret the content of the claims.
1. A stapler with a nail-removing function, including a stapler body, characterized in that the stapler body is provided with an accommodating groove, and the accommodating groove is provided with a through hole penetrating the stapler body, A nail-removing mechanism is provided in the accommodating groove. The nail-removing mechanism includes a drive shaft that is slidingly connected to the accommodating groove and the through-hole. A positioning unit that can expand and contract radially along the drive shaft is provided on the side wall of the drive shaft. The driving shaft is provided with a nail removing part at an end away from the accommodating groove. 2. The stapler with a nail removing function according to claim 1, wherein the positioning unit is symmetrically arranged on both sides of the drive shaft along the axis of the drive shaft. 3. The stapler with nail-removing function according to claim 2, wherein the positioning unit includes a positioning groove opened on the drive shaft and a triangular positioning plate movably connected in the positioning groove, A compression spring is connected between the triangular positioning plate and the positioning groove. One side of the triangular positioning plate can abut against the stapler body, and the top end of the triangular positioning plate opposite to the side is hinged to the drive shaft. 4. The stapler with nail-removing function according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that: the nail-removing member can be rotatably connected to the drive shaft 90, and the drive shaft is vertically provided for receiving Storage slot for nail removal parts.
Patent Abstract The present invention discloses a stapler with a nail-removing function, which includes a stapler body. The stapler body is provided with a receiving groove, and the receiving groove is provided with a passage through the stapler body. A hole, a nail removing mechanism is provided in the accommodating groove, the nail removing mechanism includes a drive shaft slidingly connected between the accommodating groove and the through hole, and a side wall of the drive shaft is provided with a telescopic positioning along the radial direction of the drive shaft For the unit, a nail removal part is provided at the end of the drive shaft away from the accommodating groove. By implementing the technical solution, the staple hole can be prevented from being enlarged during the needle removal process, so as to facilitate repeated binding. And it is easy to operate and can be realized without the help of foreign objects. When the nail removal is completed, press the positioning unit and then push the drive shaft to gather the drive shaft in the accommodating groove, so that the floor space can be reduced when not in use.
IPC classification B25C5/00, B25C11/00
Publication No. CN105437154
Application number CN201510879062
Tu Guorong
Applicant Chongqing Kailong Technology Co., Ltd.
Open Day March 30, 2016
Application Date December 5, 2015
Method for manufacturing special-purpose staple remover
Technical field
[0001] The present invention relates to office equipment, and in particular to a remover dedicated to staples.
Background technique
[0002] In daily office, it is often encountered that the staples are removed from the bound document pages, and the new staples are added after adding or reducing paper pages. The nail heads on both sides of the shaped staple are pressed in by the stapler. After the paper pages of the document, a fixing portion is formed on the front page of the document, and two symmetrical elbows are formed on the back page of the document to prevent the paper page from falling off. When the paper sheet of the document is lost, due to the hardness of the staple, the tip of the knife or a tool with a cone is usually used to pry up the two elbows and then pry the staple out from the front of the document. A little carelessness or excessive force may injure your fingers or damage the document sheets, which will bring a lot of difficulties and potential safety hazards during removal.
Summary of the invention
[0003] The present invention is intended to provide a remover dedicated to staples, to solve the prior art, staples are not easy to be removed, and easy to cause safety problems.
[0004] In order to achieve the above object, the basic solution of the present invention is as follows: a remover dedicated to staples, including an upper clip body and a lower clip body hinged to each other, the lower clip body is provided with a fixing unit, the fixing unit includes The fixed shaft and the two fixed plates, the middle of the fixed shaft is fixedly installed at the end of the lower clamp body, the two fixed plates are respectively vertically fixed at the two ends of the fixed shaft, the upper clamp body is provided with a nail removal unit, and the nail removal unit includes a connection A shaft and two nail-removing parts, the middle part of the connecting shaft is fixed at the end of the upper clamp body, the two nail-removing parts are respectively fixed vertically at both ends of the connecting shaft, and an elasticity is provided between the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body Pieces.
[0005] The principle of this solution lies in: gathering the upper clip body and the lower clip body to make the nail removal piece contact with the fixing plate, inserting the nail removal piece and the fixing plate into the two elbows of the staple to be removed, and opening The upper clip body and the lower clip body, straighten the two elbows of the staple upward, and then insert the nail removal piece and the fixing plate into the staple fixing portion, and then open the upper clip body and the lower clip body, so that the staple The staple is removed from the document.
[0006] The advantages of this solution are: 1. By setting a fixing plate, the fixing plate presses the document during the nail removal process, on the one hand, there is no need to manually press the document, on the other hand, to avoid damage to the document caused by the nail removal. 2. This solution overcomes the difficulties and potential safety hazards caused by the use of cutters in the process of disassembly. 3. By providing an elastic member between the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body, the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body can be quickly opened by the force of the elastic member during the nail removal process, thereby reducing hand strength. 4. This technical solution utilizes the upper clamp body, the lower clamp body, the elastic member, the fixing plate and the nail removal member, which can easily remove the staple from the document paper sheet, at the same time, it can overcome the use of cutter removal, slightly If you are cautious or use a lot of force, you may hurt your fingers or damage the documents and the difficulties and safety hazards caused by the paper.
[0007] Preferred solution one: As an improvement of the basic solution, a locking mechanism is provided between the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body. By providing the locking mechanism, when the device is not in use, the locking mechanism can be used to The clip body and the lower clip body are folded to save floor space and facilitate storage.
[0008] Preferred solution two: As an improvement of the preferred solution one, the locking mechanism includes a hook hinged on the upper clip body, when not in use, by hooking the hook to the lower clip body to achieve The upper and lower clips are used for the purpose of gathering.
[0009] Preferred solution three: As an improvement of the basic solution or the preferred solution two, the ends of the upper clip body and the lower clip body away from the fixing unit are provided with a rubber layer to improve hand comfort.
[0010] FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view of an embodiment of a detacher dedicated to staples of the present invention.
[0011] FIG. 2 is a top view of a remover dedicated to staples of the present invention.
detailed description
[0012] The present invention will be further described in detail below through specific embodiments:
The reference signs in the drawings of the specification include: upper clamp body 1, lower clamp body 2, fixed shaft 3, fixed plate 4, connecting shaft 5, nail removal
6. Compression spring 7, hook 8.
[0013] The embodiment is basically shown in FIG. 1, FIG. 2: a remover dedicated to staples, including an upper clamp body 1 and a lower clamp body 2, the middle of the upper clamp body 1 and the lower clamp body 2 through the pin The shaft articulates the two and forms a scissors. The upper clip body 1 and the lower clip body 2 have the left part along the hinge point as the hand-held part, and the right part along the hinge point as the nail removal part. A locking mechanism is provided between the upper clamp body I and the lower clamp body 2 of the hand-held part. The locking mechanism includes a hook 8 hinged on the upper clamp body I. When not in use, the hook 8 is held down On the clip body 2, the purpose of gathering the upper clip body 1 and the lower clip body 2 is realized, so as to save floor space and facilitate storage. In addition, the ends of the upper clip body 1 and the lower clip body 2 of the hand-held part away from the fixing unit are provided with a rubber layer to improve hand comfort.
[00-4] The lower clamp body 2 is provided with a fixing unit. The fixing unit includes a fixed shaft 3 and two fixing plates 4. The middle of the fixing shaft 3 is fixedly installed at the right end of the lower clamp body 2. The two fixing plates 4 are vertically fixed to the fixed At both ends of the shaft 3, a nail-removing unit is provided on the upper clip body I. The nail-removing unit includes a connecting shaft 5 and two nail-removing parts 6. The middle part of the connecting shaft 5 is fixed at the end of the upper clip body I, and two nail-removing parts 6 They are vertically fixed at both ends of the connecting shaft 5, respectively, and a compression spring 7 is connected between the upper clip body 1 and the lower clip body 2 of the hand-held part.
[0015] In actual operation, the upper clip body 1 and the lower clip body 2 are gathered, the nail removing member 6 is in contact with the fixing plate 4, and the nail removing member 6 and the fixing plate 4 are inserted into the two staples to be removed At the elbow, open the upper clamp body 1 and the lower clamp body 2, straighten the two bends of the staple upward, and then insert the nail removal piece 6 and the fixing plate 4 into the staple fixing portion, and then open the upper clamp The body I and the lower clip 2 remove the staple from the document.
[0016] The above <a href="https://www.zycutter.net/product/custom-tape-dispenser-tape-cutter-blade-manufacture-tape-dispenser-blade">get more</a> is only an embodiment of the present invention, and common knowledge such as specific structures and/or characteristics known in the scheme is not described here too much. It should be pointed out that for those skilled in the art, several variations and improvements can be made without departing from the concept of the present invention. These should also be regarded as the protection scope of the present invention, which will not affect the implementation of the present invention. Effectiveness and practicality of patents. The scope of protection claimed in this application shall be based on the content of the claims, and the description of the specific implementation in the specification may be used to interpret the content of the claims.
1. A remover dedicated to staples, characterized by comprising an upper clamp body and a lower clamp body hinged to each <a href="https://www.zycutter.net/faqs">visit here</a> other, a fixing unit is provided on the lower clamp body, the fixing unit includes a fixing shaft and two fixing plates, The middle part of the fixed shaft is fixedly installed at the end of the lower clamp body, and the two fixed plates are respectively vertically fixed at both ends of the fixed shaft. The upper clamp body is provided with a nail removing unit, which includes a connecting shaft and two nail removing parts. The middle part of the connecting shaft is fixed at the end of the upper clamp body, the two nail-removing pieces are respectively vertically fixed at both ends of the connecting shaft, and an elastic member is arranged between the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body. 2. The remover dedicated to staples according to claim 1, wherein a locking mechanism is provided between the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body. 3. The remover dedicated to staples <a href="https://www.zycutter.net/">zycutter</a> according to claim 2, wherein the locking mechanism includes a hook hinged on the upper clip body. The detacher dedicated to staples according to claim 1 or 3, characterized in that: the ends of the upper and lower clip bodies away from the fixing unit are provided with a rubber layer.
Patent Abstract The present invention discloses a remover dedicated to staples, including an upper clamp body and a lower clamp body hinged to each other, a fixing unit is provided on the lower clamp body, the fixing unit includes a fixing shaft and two fixing plates, The middle part of the fixed shaft is fixedly installed at the end of the lower clamp body, and the two fixed plates are respectively vertically fixed at both ends of the fixed shaft. The upper clamp body is provided with a nail removing unit, which includes a connecting shaft and two nail removing parts. The middle part of the connecting shaft is fixed at the end of the upper clamp body, the two nail-removing pieces are respectively vertically fixed at both ends of the connecting shaft, and an elastic member is arranged between the upper clamp body and the lower clamp body. This scheme can easily remove the staple from the document paper through the upper clip body, the lower clip body, the elastic piece, the fixing plate and the nail removal piece, and can overcome the slight carelessness or force when using the cutter to remove When it is large, it will hurt your fingers or damage the documents and the difficulties and safety hazards.
IPC classification B25C11/00
Publication No. CN105437155
Application number CN201510879063
Tu Guorong
Applicant Chongqing Kailong Technology Co., Ltd.
Open Day March 30, 2016
Application Date December 5, 2015
Method for manufacturing stapler disassembling structure
Technical field
[0001] The present invention relates to the field of book binding, in particular to a stapler disassembling structure.
Background technique
[0002] Existing staplers generally only have a binding function, but they are often encountered in daily office to remove the staples from the bound document paper pages, add or reduce paper pages, and then re-binding, shaped staples The nail heads on both sides are pressed into the paper pages of the document by the stapler, and two symmetrical elbows are formed on the back pages of the document to prevent the paper pages from falling off. In removing the staples, When the paper sheet of the document is damaged, the stiffness of the staple is relatively large, so usually use the tip of a knife or a tool with a cone to pry up the two elbows and then pry the staple out from the front of the document If it is a little careless or hard, it will hurt your fingers or damage the document sheets, which will bring a lot of difficulties and hidden safety hazards to the removal. Moreover, the staple hole is easily expanded during the needle removal process, which is not conducive to repeated binding.
Summary of the invention
[0003] The present invention is intended to provide a stapler disassembling structure to solve the problem that the existing stapler is not easy to disassemble the staples that have been bound, and it is easy to cause safety hazards during the disassembly process.
[0004] In order to achieve the above object, the basic solution of the present invention is as follows: stapler disassembly structure, including a staple removal mechanism installed at the rear of the stapler, the nail removal mechanism includes a fixed plate, a support rod and a transmission plate, the fixed The plate is fixed horizontally on the stapler, one end of the supporting rod is vertically installed on the fixing plate, the middle of the transmission plate is hinged at the other end of the supporting rod, one end of the transmission plate is installed with a nail removal piece, the transmission plate is fixed with An elastic piece is arranged between the plates, so that the nail removing piece and the bottom surface of the stapler are at the same horizontal plane.
[0005] The principle and advantages of this solution are: in the process of disassembly, insert the disassembly nail horizontally into the elbow of the staple to be disassembled, and press the transmission plate to rotate it counterclockwise around its hinge, so that The staple remover drives the staple elbow straight up, and then inserts the staple remover into the straight part of the staple to pull out the staple directly. In this way, the staple hole can be prevented from being enlarged during needle removal, so as to facilitate repeated binding. Moreover, the use of the fixed plate, the support rod, the nail removal piece and the transmission plate can easily remove the staple from the document paper, and can overcome the use of cutters when removing a little careless or hard , Injuring your fingers or damaging the difficulties and safety hazards caused by documents and paper sheets.
[0006] Preferred solution one: As an improvement of the basic solution, in order to facilitate the operator to apply force to the transmission plate, the transmission plate is provided with a pressing member at the other end away from the nail removal piece.
[0007] Preferred solution two: As an improvement of the preferred solution one, the pressing member has a tapered structure that shrinks toward the transmission plate to increase the contact area between the pressing member and the hand and improve hand comfort.
[0008] Preferred solution three: As an improvement of the preferred solution two, further includes a mounting cover body, the nail removing mechanism is provided in the mounting cover body, the end surface of the mounting cover body near the pressing member and the end surface near the nail removing plate are both Opening structure, and the nail removing piece is located outside the installation cover. The nail removing mechanism can be protected by being installed in the installation cover.
[0009] FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view of an embodiment of a staple remover structure of a stapler of the present invention.
detailed description
[0010] The present invention will be further described in detail below through specific embodiments:
The reference numerals in the drawings of the specification include: stapler 1, fixing plate 2, support rod 3, transmission plate 4, nail removal piece 5, tension spring 6, pressing member 7.
[0011] The embodiment is basically shown in FIG. 1: the stapler disassembly structure includes a staple removal mechanism installed at the tail of the stapler 1, the staple removal mechanism includes a fixed plate 2, a supporting rod 3 and a transmission plate 4, fixed The plate 2 is horizontally fixed to the tail of the stapler I, the lower end of the support rod 3 is vertically installed on the fixed plate 2, the middle of the transmission plate 4 is hinged to the upper end of the support rod 3, the right end of the transmission plate 4 is installed with a nail removal piece 5, the transmission plate 4 A pressing member 7 is fixedly installed on the left end, so that the operator can apply force to the transmission plate 4. In addition, the pressing member 7 has a tapered structure with a large top and a small bottom, so as to increase the contact area between the pressing member 7 and the hand, and improve the comfort of the hand. A tension spring 6 is installed between the right side of the transmission plate 4 and the fixed plate 2 so that the nail removal piece 5 and the bottom surface of the stapler 1 are on the same horizontal plane.
[0012] In addition, this solution is also provided with a mounting cover at the rear of the stapler 1, the nail removing mechanism is fixedly installed in the mounting cover, the upper end surface and the right end surface of the mounting cover are both open structures, and the nail removing piece 5 is located Install the cover body. The nail removing mechanism can be protected by being installed in the installation cover.
[0013] In actual operation, the nail removal piece 5 is horizontally inserted into the elbow of the staple to be removed, and the transmission plate 4 is rotated counterclockwise around its hinge by pressing the finger pressing member, so that the nail removal piece 5 Drive the elbow of the staple to straighten upward, and then insert the staple removal piece 5 into the straight portion of the staple to directly pull out the staple.
[0014] What has been described above is only an embodiment of the present invention, and common knowledge such as specific structures and/or characteristics known in the scheme is not described here too much. It should be pointed out that for those skilled in the art, several variations and improvements can be made without departing from the concept of the present invention. These should also be regarded as the protection scope of the present invention, which will not affect the implementation of the present invention. Effectiveness and practicality of patents. The scope of protection claimed in this application shall be based on the content of the claims, and the description of the specific implementation in the specification may be used to interpret the content of the claims.
1. A stapler disassembling structure, characterized in that it includes a nail disassembling mechanism installed at the tail of the stapler, the nail disassembling mechanism includes a fixing plate, a supporting rod and a transmission plate, and the fixing plate is horizontally fixed on the stapler , One end of the support rod is vertically installed on the fixed plate, the middle of the transmission plate is hinged at the other end of the support rod, a nail removal piece is installed on one end of the transmission plate, and an elastic piece is provided between the transmission plate and the fixed plate So that the nail-removing piece and the bottom surface of the stapler are at the same level. 2. The stapler disassembling structure of claim 1, wherein the driving plate is provided with a pressing member at the other end away from the staple disassembling piece. 3. The stapler disassembling structure of claim 2, wherein the pressing member has a tapered structure that shrinks toward the transmission plate. 4. The stapler disassembling structure of claim 3, further comprising: a mounting cover body, the nail removing mechanism is provided in the mounting cover body, the mounting cover body is close to the end face of the pressing member and close to the disassembly The end surfaces of the nail pieces are all open structures, and the nail removal pieces are located outside the installation cover.
Patent Abstract The present invention discloses a stapler disassembling structure, which includes a staple disassembling mechanism installed at the rear of the stapler. The nail disassembling mechanism includes a fixing plate, a supporting rod and a transmission plate, and the fixing plate is horizontally fixed on the stapler , One end of the support rod is vertically installed on the fixed plate, the middle of the transmission plate is hinged at the other end of the support rod, a nail removal piece is installed on one end of the transmission plate, and an elastic piece is provided between the transmission plate and the fixed plate So that the nail-removing piece and the bottom surface of the stapler are at the same level. By implementing the technical solution, the staple hole can be prevented from being enlarged during the needle removal process, so as to facilitate repeated binding. Moreover, the use of the fixed plate, the support rod, the nail removal piece and the transmission plate can easily remove the staple from the document paper, and can overcome the use of cutters when removing a little careless or hard , Injuring your fingers or damaging the difficulties and safety hazards caused by documents and paper sheets.
IPC classification B25C11/00
Publication No. CN105437156
Application number CN201510879079
Tu Guorong
Applicant Chongqing Kailong Technology Co., Ltd.
Open Day March 30, 2016
Application Date December 5, 2015
Manufacturing method of high-efficiency nail removing device
Technical field
[0001] The present invention relates to the office field, in particular to an efficient nail removing device.
Background technique
[0002] In daily office, it is often encountered that the staples are removed from the bound document pages, and the new staples are added after adding or reducing paper pages. The nail heads on both sides of the shaped staple are pressed in by the stapler. After the paper pages of the document, a fixing portion is formed on the front page of the document, and two symmetrical elbows are formed on the back page of the document to prevent the paper page from falling off. When the paper sheet of the document is lost, due to the hardness of the staple, the tip of the knife or a tool with a cone is usually used to pry up the two elbows and then pry the staple out from the front of the document. A little carelessness or excessive force may injure your fingers or damage the document sheets, which will bring a lot of difficulties and potential safety hazards during removal.
Summary of the invention
[0003] The present invention is intended to provide a high-efficiency nail-removing device to solve the problems in the prior art that staples are not easy to be removed and are likely to cause hidden safety hazards.
[0004] In order to achieve the above object, the basic solution of the present invention is as follows: an efficient nail removal device, including a fixed removal mechanism and an active removal mechanism, the fixed removal mechanism includes a connecting rod, a support shaft and two fixed cutting blades, the support The middle of the shaft is hinged on the connecting rod, the two fixed cutting blades are vertically connected to the two ends of the support shaft respectively, the active disassembly mechanism includes two drive shafts hinged to each other, and the end of the drive shaft is fixed with active cutting A blade, the active cutting blade and the fixed cutting blade are hinged with each other to form a cutter for cutting staples.
[0005] The principle of this solution is that in actual operation, two fixed cutting blades are inserted into the staple to be cut, so that the staple elbow is located between the fixed cutting blade and the active cutting blade, and then the two drives are gathered The shaft makes the active cutting blade rotate around its hinge point to the direction of the fixed cutting blade, and cuts off the staple elbow, so that the staple can be pulled out smoothly.
[0006] The advantage of this solution is that this solution can prevent the staple hole from being enlarged during the needle removal process, so as to facilitate repeated binding. And it is easy to operate and can be realized without the help of foreign objects. This solution overcomes the difficulties and potential safety hazards caused by the use of cutters in the process of dismantling, when inadvertently or with excessive force, it can injure fingers or damage document pages.
[0007] Preferred solution 1: As an improvement of the basic solution, a stroke hole is provided on the connecting rod, the stroke hole is provided along the axial direction of the connecting rod, a pin shaft is provided on the two drive shafts, and one end of the pin shaft is slidingly connected In the stroke hole, through the above-mentioned setting, only by pushing the pin movement during the disassembly process, the interaction between the active cutting blade and the fixed cutting blade can be realized, thereby cutting the staple.
[0008] Preferred solution two: As an improvement of the preferred solution one, in order to facilitate the operator to hold the device, the pin is provided with a handle at the end away from the connecting rod, so that the active cutting can be driven by the handle during the operation process The blade interacts with the fixed cutting blade.
[0009] Preferred solution three: As an improvement of the basic solution or the preferred solution two, by connecting a tension spring between the two drive shafts, when the device is not used, the active cutting blade and the fixed cutting blade can be pulled through the tension spring Carrying on the one hand saves space and facilitates storage, and on the other hand avoids safety accidents.
[0010] FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view of an embodiment of an efficient nail removing device of the present invention.
detailed description
[0011] The present invention will be further described in detail below through specific embodiments:
The reference symbols in the drawings of the specification include: a connecting rod 1, a supporting shaft 2, a fixed cutting blade 3, a driving shaft 4, an active cutting blade 5, a tension spring 6, and a stroke hole 7.
[0012] The embodiment is basically as shown in FIG. 1: the effective nail removal device includes a fixed removal mechanism and an active removal mechanism. The fixed removal mechanism includes a connecting rod 1, a support shaft 2 and two fixed cutting blades 3, and the support shaft 2 The middle part is hinged on the connecting rod I, two fixed cutting blades 3 are respectively connected to both ends of the support shaft 2, and the fixed cutting blade 3 is vertically connected with the support shaft 2.
[0013] The active disassembly mechanism includes two drive shafts 4 hinged to each other, an active cutting blade 5 is fixedly attached to the end of the drive shaft 4, the middle of the active cutting blade 5 and the middle of the fixed cutting blade 3 are hinged to each other and form a staple for cutting Nail scissors. A tension spring 6 is connected between the two drive shafts 4. When the device is not in use, the active cutting blade 5 and the fixed cutting blade 3 can be gathered by the tension spring 6, on the one hand, it saves space and is easy to retract. On the one hand, avoid causing safety accidents.
[0014] The connecting rod 1 is provided with a stroke hole 7, the stroke hole 7 is arranged along the axial direction of the connecting rod 1, the two drive shafts 4 are connected by a pin shaft, and one end of the pin shaft is slidingly connected in the stroke hole 7, through the above It is provided that, during the disassembly process, only by pushing the movement of the pin shaft, the interaction between the active cutting blade 5 and the fixed cutting blade 3 can be realized, thereby cutting the staples. In addition, in order to facilitate the operator to hold the device, a handle is provided at the end of the pin shaft away from the connecting rod I, so that the active cutting blade 5 can be driven to interact with the fixed cutting blade 3 through the handle during the operation.
[0015] In actual operation, two fixed cutting blades 3 are inserted into the staple to be cut, so that the staple elbow is located between the fixed cutting blade 3 and the active cutting blade 5, and then sliding the pin to make the active cutting The blade 5 rotates in the direction of the fixed cutting blade 3 around its hinge point, and cuts the staple elbow, so that the staple can be pulled out smoothly.
[0016] The above is only an embodiment of the present invention, and common knowledge such as specific structures and/or characteristics known in the scheme is not described here too much. It should be pointed out that for those skilled in the art, several variations and improvements can be made without departing from the concept of the present invention. These should also be regarded as the protection scope of the present invention, which will not affect the implementation of the present invention. Effectiveness and practicality of patents. The scope of protection claimed in this application shall be based on the content of the claims, and the description of the specific implementation in the specification may be used to interpret the content of the claims.
1. A high-efficiency nail-removing device, characterized in that it includes a fixed disassembly mechanism and an active disassembly mechanism, the fixed disassembly mechanism includes a connecting rod, a support shaft and two fixed cutting blades, the middle of the support shaft is hinged on the connecting rod , The two fixed cutting blades are respectively vertically connected at both ends of the support shaft, the active disassembly mechanism includes two drive shafts hinged to each other, an active cutting blade is fixedly attached to an end of the drive shaft, and the active cutting blade The fixed cutting blade is hinged with each other to form a cutter for cutting staples. 2. The high-efficiency nail-removing device according to claim 1, wherein a stroke hole is provided on the connecting rod, the stroke hole is provided along the axial direction of the connecting rod, and a pin shaft is provided on the two drive shafts, and One end of the pin shaft is slidingly connected in the travel hole. 3. The high-efficiency nail removing device according to claim 2, characterized in that: the end of the pin shaft away from the connecting rod is provided with a handle. 4. The high-efficiency nail-removing device according to claim 1 or 3, characterized in that a pull O is connected between the two drive shafts
Patent Abstract The present invention discloses an efficient nail removal device, which includes a fixed removal mechanism and an active removal mechanism. The fixed removal mechanism includes a connecting rod, a support shaft, and two fixed cutting blades. The support shaft is hinged to the connecting rod in the middle , The two fixed cutting blades are respectively vertically connected at both ends of the support shaft, the active disassembly mechanism includes two drive shafts hinged to each other, an active cutting blade is fixedly attached to an end of the drive shaft, and the active cutting blade The fixed cutting blade is hinged with each other to form a cutter for cutting staples.
IPC classification B25C11/00
Publication No. CN105437157
Application number CN201510879114
Tu Guorong
Applicant Chongqing Kailong Technology Co., Ltd.
Open Day March 30, 2016
Application Date December 5, 2015
Manufacturing method of impact drill dust collector
Technical field
[0001] The present invention relates to an electric drill auxiliary tool, a waste collector such as dust generated when an electric drill performs a drilling operation.
Background technique
[0002] Electric drills produce a lot of dust when drilling objects, and rhinestones also produce a lot of sewage. Under the high-speed rotation of the drill bit, it will pollute the surrounding environment and is not easy to clean, which is also harmful to the health of construction workers.
Summary of the invention
[0003] Therefore, the present invention is made in view of the above problems, the object of the present invention is to provide an electric drill auxiliary tool, which can collect the dust and other waste generated during the electric drill operation, and the operation is simple and portable Convenience.
detailed description
[0008]作业时先通过凸缘(4)和铁环(6)将收集器紧固在电钻外壳上,电钻钻头分别穿过凸缘(4)、铁环(6)、腔体(2)、永磁环(7)、凸缘(3)并对墙面实施作业;由于凸缘(4)紧固在电钻外壳,电钻外壳通过凸缘(4)、弹性条(5)连接向凸缘(3)施压,凸缘(3)变形贴附于墙面,使钻头作业处于相对密闭的空间内,又由于腔体在作业过程中不断扩大造成内部气压小于外部气压使得凸缘(3)与墙面连接更加紧密并且对灰尘有向内的吸附作用,作业结束时铁环(6 )和永磁环(7 )在磁力作用下使永磁环(7 )和环槽(8 )相扣,使得腔体(2 )成完全密闭的空间,为灰尘提供足够的存储空间并且防止弹性条回弹造成灰尘喷出,从而实现了灰尘的收集作用,实现了保护环境的作用。
IPC分类B23B45/16, B25D17/14
发明人陈东海, 周超, 陈杰, 张丽娜, 王 琦
Technical field
[0001] 本发明涉及机加工设备技术领域,特别涉及一种角向磨光机。
Background technique
[0002] 现有的角向磨光机,其驱动方式通常为电机驱动,电机通常采用串激电机,该种串 激电机具有碳刷结构,串激电机同时通过碳刷实现电流换向,碳刷和转子磨损是工具使用 寿命的瓶颈之一,且碳刷磨损产生碳粉,对环境造成了一定污染;另一方面,为了满足其实 际工作过程中的工况需要,通常需要采用齿轮传动机构来实现其电机轴与输出轴之间的传 动方向改变和减速目的。然而,该种装配结构由于存在较多的齿轮等传动件,传动效率低 下,并导致其整体所需的装配空间较大,装配结构较为复杂;同时齿轮为易磨损件,较多的 齿轮传动件的存在导致了角向磨光机的整体使用寿命受到不利影响。
Summary of the invention
[0003] 本发明的目的是提供一种角向磨光机,该角向磨光机的结构简单紧凑,使用寿命 较长,且传动效率较高。
[0004]为解决上述技术问题,本发明提供一种角向磨光机,包括机壳,所述机壳的内部设 置有无刷电机和控制器,所述无刷电机包括电机转轴,所述电机转轴的外端部可联动地套 装有输出盘片,所述电机转轴的轴线垂直于所述输出盘片的操作面且经过所述输出盘片的 圆必;
[0005] 所述电机转轴的内端外周部同轴套装有转子铁芯,所述转子铁芯的外周面上设置 有永磁体,所述机壳的内部还设置有与所述永磁体相配合的定子。
[0006] 优选地,所述控制器位于所述机壳的内部。
[0007] 优选地,所述电机转轴上同轴套装有冷却风扇。
[0008] 优选地,所述定子包括定子铁芯、多个缠绕于所述定子铁芯内的定子漆包线组及 设置于所述定子铁芯内的冷风通道。
[0009] 优选地,所述冷风通道由相邻两个所述定子漆包线组之间的间隙及所述定子铁芯 与所述转子铁芯之间的间隙组成。
[0010] 优选地,所述电机转轴与所述转子铁芯之间设置有绝缘层,且所述机壳为塑料制 件。
[0011] 优选地,所述绝缘层为环氧树脂管。
[0012] 优选地,所述角向磨光机由工频交流电驱动,所述控制器中设置有用于交直流转 换的滤波整流模块。
[0013] 优选地,所述输出盘片为砂轮磨片、金刚石切割片、混凝切割片中的任一种。
[0014] 优选地,所述角向磨光机由直流低压电源或电池包驱动。
[0015] 相对上述背景技术,本发明所提供的角向磨光机,包括机壳,所述机壳的内部设置 有无刷电机和控制器,所述无刷电机包括电机转轴,所述电机转轴的外端部可联动地套装 有输出盘片,所述电机转轴的轴线垂直于所述输出盘片的操作面且经过所述输出盘片的圆 必;所述电机转轴的内端外周部同轴套装有转子铁芯,所述转子铁芯的外周面上设置有永 磁体,所述机壳的内部还设置有与所述永磁体相配合的定子。工作过程中,所述永磁体在所 述定子的磁场作用下驱动所述电机转轴转动,同时带动所述输出盘片同轴联动W实现相应 的切削切割作业。所述角向磨光机的整体工作结构中无需齿轮等传动结构,整体装配结构 简单紧凑,使用寿命较长,且其仅需无刷电机转轴及其相关磁性定、转子配合件即可实现传 动机构的减速,有效避免了动力损耗,使得所述角向磨光机的传动效率较高。
[0016] 为了更清楚地说明本发明实施例或现有技术中的技术方案,下面将对实施例或现 有技术描述中所需要使用的附图作���单地介绍,显而易见地,下面描述中的附图仅仅是本 发明的一些实施例,对于本领域普通技术人员来讲,在不付出创造性劳动的前提下,还可W 根据送些附图获得其他的附图。
[0017] 图1为本发明一种具体实施方式所提供的角向磨光机的结构示意图;
[0018] 图2为图1中无刷电机部分的轴向结构示意图。
detailed description
[0019] 本发明的核必是提供一种角向磨光机,该角向磨光机的结构简单紧凑,使用寿命 较长,且传动效率较高。
[0020] 为了使本技术领域的人员更好地理解本发明方案,下面结合附图和具体实施方式 对本发明作进一步的详细说明。
[0021] 请参考图1和图2,图1为本发明一种具体实施方式所提供的角向磨光机的结构示 意图;图2为图1中无刷电机部分的轴向结构示意图。
[0022] 在具体实施方式中,本发明所提供的角向磨光机,包括机壳11,机壳11的内部设 置有无刷电机和控制器14,所述无刷电机包括电机转轴12,电机转轴12的外端部可联动地 套装有输出盘片13,电机转轴12的轴线垂直于输出盘片13的操作面且经过输出盘片13的 圆必;电机转轴12的内端外周部同轴套装有转子铁芯121,转子铁芯121的外周面上设置 有永磁体122,机壳11的内部还设置有与永磁体122相配合的定子123。工作过程中,永磁 体122在定子123的磁场作用下驱动电机转轴12转动,同时带动输出盘片13同轴联动W 实现相应的切削切割作业。所述角向磨光机的整体工作结构中无需齿轮等传动结构,整体 装配结构简单紧凑,使用寿命较长,且其仅需无刷电机转轴及其相关磁性定、转子配合件即 可实现传动机构的减速,有效避免了动力损耗,使得所述角向磨光机的传动效率较高。
[0023] 进一步地,控制器14设置于机壳11的内部。将控制器14设置于机壳11内部能 够进一步提高所述角向磨光机的组件集成度,并使其结构更加紧凑。该控制器能够实现交 流电源到直流电的滤波、整流,W及对所述无刷电机的起停、调速控制、过流保护、断电保护 和软启动等控制功能。
[0024] 本实施例中的无刷电机在实际工作中具有W下特点;效率高,电机效率在80%W 上;整机使用寿命长,因为没有碳刷和齿轮,使用寿命在1200小时W上;噪音低,噪音值在 65化(分贝)左右;体积小,重量轻;具有电流过载保护和突来电保护。
[00巧]另一方面,定子123包括定子铁芯124、多个缠绕于定子铁芯124内的定子漆包线 组125及设置于定子铁芯124内的冷风通道126。通过设置冷风通道43,W便空气流动,有 效降低定子漆包线组42的温度,进而提高电流密度,确保本实施例中的无刷电机为高功率 密度的无刷电机,即,单位体积的电机产生的功率较高。
[0026] 另外,冷风通道126由相邻两个定子漆包线组125之间的间隙及定子铁芯124与 转子铁芯
121之间的间隙组成。定子漆包线向定子铁芯124上缠绕,形成定子漆包线组125。 在缠绕过程中,相邻两个定子漆包线组125之间存在间隙,W供空气流动,相邻两个定子漆 包线组125之间的间隙与定子铁芯124与转子铁芯121之间的间隙连通,进一步加强了空 气流动,提高了冷却效果。
[0027] 如下面数据表显示,W定子4的直径为55mm65mm,定子高度为20mm的无刷电机为 例:
[0028] 表1现有技术中与本发明的比较数据
[0031] 由此可知,本发明实施例提供的无刷电机的尺寸(定子直径及高度)均小于现有 技术中的无刷电机的尺寸,但是,功率大于现有技术中的无刷电机的功率,因此,其单位体 积的电机产生的功率较高,使得本发明实施例提供的无刷电机为高功率密度电机。
[0032] 具体地,电机转轴12上同轴套装有冷却风扇15。该冷却风扇15能够在工作过程 中为所述无刷电机降温,W保证其主体工作组件的稳定可靠作业。
[0033] 更具体地,机壳11上具有与所述无刷电机相配合的通风口111。该通风口111能 够进一步提高所述无刷电机的冷却效果。
[0034]另一方面,电机转轴12与转子铁芯121之间设置有绝缘层127,绝缘层127为环氧 树脂管,机壳11为塑料制件。该绝缘层与塑料机壳相互配合形成双重绝缘结构,能够有效 保证所述角向磨光机符合相应的绝缘安全要求,并提高其使用安全性。
[0035] 当然,上述绝缘层为环氧树脂管仅为优选方案,其材质并不局限于上文所述的环 氧树脂管,只要是能够满足所述角向磨光机的实际使用需要均可。
[0036] 更具体地,所述角向磨光机由工频交流电(AC:110127V/220240V)驱动,控制器 14中设置有用于交直流转换的滤波整流模块。在实际装配使用过程中,所述角向磨光机是 通过滤波整流模块实现交流电到直流电的转化,再输入到电机,送是无刷电机通行的技术 方案。
[0037] 进一步地,输出盘片13为砂轮磨片、金刚石切割片、混凝切割片中的任一种。当 然,该输出盘片13并不局限于上文所述的砂轮磨片、金刚石切割片、混凝切割片等,工作 人员可W根据实际工况需要灵活选择输出盘片13的材质,即,只要是能够满足所述角向磨 光机的实际使用需要均可。
[0038] 更具体地,所述角向磨光机由直流低压电源或电池包驱动。
[0039]为了更好地说明本发明中无刷电机应用于角向磨光机后的改进效果,现将角向磨 光机应用串激电机和无刷同轴电机的相关资料列入下表:
[0042] 注;W上表格中的噪音值均为各工具带工作盘片空载状态下的噪音值。
[0043] 综上可知,本发明中提供的角向磨光机,包括机壳,所述机壳的内部设置有无刷电 机和控制器,所述无刷电机包括电机转轴,所述电机转轴的外端部可联动地套装有输出盘 片,所述电机转轴的轴线垂直于所述输出盘片的操作面且经过所述输出盘片的圆必;所述 电机转轴的内端外周部同轴套装有转子铁芯,所述转子铁芯的外周面上设置有永磁体,所 述机壳的内部还设置有与所述永磁体相配合的定子。工作过程中,所述永磁体在所述定子 的磁场作用下驱动所述电机转轴转动,同时带动所述输出盘片同轴联动W实现相应的切削 切割作业。所述角向磨光机的整体工作结构中无需齿轮等传动结构,整体装配结构简单紧 凑,使用寿命较长,且其仅需无刷电机转轴及其相关磁性定、转子配合件即可实现传动机构 的减速,有效避免了动力损耗,使得所述角向磨光机的传动效率较高。
[0044] W上对本发明所提供的角向磨光机进行了详细介绍。本文中应用了具体个例对本 发明的原理及实施方式进行了阐述,W上实施例的说明只是用于帮助理解本发明的方法及 其核必思想。应当指出,对于本技术领域的普通技术人员来说,在不脱离本发明原理的前提 下,还可W对本发明进行若干改进和修饰,送些改进和修饰也落入本发明权利要求的保护 范围内。
1. 一种角向磨光机,包括机壳,其特征在于:所述机壳的内部设置有无刷电机和控制 器,所述无刷电机包括电机转轴,所述电机转轴的外端部可联动地套装有输出盘片,所述电 机转轴的轴线垂直于所述输出盘片的操作面且经过所述输出盘片的圆心;所述电机转轴的内端外周部同轴套装有转子铁芯,所述转子铁芯的外周面上设置有永 磁体,所述机壳的内部还设置有与所述永磁体相配合的定子。2. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述控制器位于所述机壳的内部。3. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述电机转轴上同轴套装有冷却风 扇。4. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述定子包括定子铁芯、多个缠绕于 所述定子铁芯内的定子漆包线组及设置于所述定子铁芯内的冷风通道。5. 如权利要求4所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述冷风通道由相邻两个所述定子 漆包线组之间的间隙及所述定子铁芯与所述转子铁芯之间的间隙组成。6. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述电机转轴与所述转子铁芯之间 设置有绝缘层,且所述机壳为塑料制件。7. 如权利要求6所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述绝缘层为环氧树脂管。8. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述角向磨光机由工频交流电驱动, 所述控制器中设置有用于交直流转换的滤波整流模块。9. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述输出盘片为砂轮磨片、金刚石切 割片、混凝土切割片中的任一种。10. 如权利要求1所述的角向磨光机,其特征在于:所述角向磨光机由直流低压电源或 电池包驱动。
IPC分类B25F5/00, H02K7/14
发明人应时立, 周加泽
0 notes
Generator cooling system
         (1) generator cooling method should be full air cooling, that is, stator core, stator windings and rotor windings are air cooling. The seller shall provide details of the generator cooling system schematic, cooling water, cooling water pressure, and water pressure drop.
         (2) The circulation of air should be achieved by the radial airflow of the generator rotor. The air flow is introduced into the air cooler through the rotor ventilation groove, the air gap, the stator core and the stator base, and the air cooled by the air cooler is returned to the upper and lower ends of the rotor. Do not set a fan on the rotor.
         (3) The generator cooling system should have high cooling efficiency and provide sufficient cooling capacity for cooling all generator components. The cooling system equipment should not leak and pierce at least 8 years.
         (4) A sufficient number of water-cooled air coolers should be arranged symmetrically around the generator stator base. When a cooler is ejected, the generator shall have the ability to operate continuously under rated operating conditions and maximum capacity conditions, and the temperature rise of each part shall not exceed the specified value of
         (5) The air cooler branch pipe and the air cooling system The annular pipe should be connected through the valve. The air trunk system of the air cooling system is supplied by the seller and is arranged as an embedded material in the concrete in the lower part of the stator base of the generator. The concrete part pierced out the concrete pier through the flange and the technical water supply system of the power station.
         (6) The cooler should be designed to prevent the cooling of the water pipes due to the accumulation of sediment and to be designed for easy maintenance and replacement of cooler components. The cooler should be operated in both directions. Each lifting device shall be provided with lifting lugs.
         (7) The air cooler shall be designed so that the generator is fluctuating by ± 5% of the rated capacity and the rated voltage at a rated temperature of 28 ° C and an air cooler is withdrawn. The cooler outlet Air temperature is not higher than 40 ℃.
         (8) air cooler should be used directly in the copper or copper-nickel alloy tube with a tool to squeeze out the structure of the fins. The piping shall be so arranged that the connection of the other piping shall not be affected when the cooler needs to be repaired and removed or removed and replaced with any of the piping and cooling elements. Each coupling between the cooler and the inlet and outlet pipes shall be of the flange connection and shall be fitted with a valve for the removal and replacement of the cooler without affecting the operation of the other coolers. The common drain manifold should be provided so that the coolers can drain the water thoroughly and the vent and the automatic vent valve should be provided at the top of each cooler and at other suitable locations for the cooling system. At each inlet and outlet of the cooler, an external threaded coupling meter and a pressure gauge shall be provided.
         (9) air cooler should be designed according to the maximum working pressure of 0.8MPa, test water pressure of 1.0MPa, should last 60min without leakage. The water pressure drop between the inlet and outlet pressure gauges shall not exceed 0.10MPa. The flow rate of water in the cooler tube shall be between 1.2 m / s and 1.6 m / s, the flow rate in the piping system shall not exceed 3.0 m / s
         (10) The seller shall install one cooling water flow signal meter, one cooling water pressure gauge and one cooling water thermometer on the water supply pipeline, and install a resistance thermometer at each air cooler inlet One, each air cooler outlet installed at the resistance of the thermometer each one.
         (11) The generator cooling system provided by the seller shall include all coolers and their accessories, internal piping, valves, measuring and control equipment and mutual conductor cables. The scope of supply of the seller shall be to the first pair of flanges (including the flange connection) of the inlet and outlet pipes outside the generator pit. The location of the flange in the machine outside the technical water supply system will be determined at the design liaison meeting.
         (12) All piping and instrumentation shall be fully supported and fixed to avoid harmful vibration.
This article comes from : http://www.relay-protector.com/technical/716.html . Please refer to the source!
0 notes
r4s3186 · 6 years
Hoorah Fourier Pt. 1
Before I start discussing all the stuff about this activity, I just have to say this. Nakakapagod ang sem na to.
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Okay let’s start.
As a physics student, it is expected that we are familiar with the Fourier transform. And of course, I am. It is simply a linear transform that changes the domain of a function to its inverse. Meaning, if I have a function in time, the Fourier transform is in frequency, or “per-time.” And algorithms such as the fast Fourier transform or FFT makes everybody’s life much, much easier, especially App Physics 186 students.
In this activity, we are investigating the effect of applying this awesome transform to images and how certain operations involving the Fourier transform can actually be helpful in image processing. Let’s begin.
Familiarization with Discrete FFT
To start off, we apply the fast Fourier transform to a circular mask. And here’s the Scilab code for it. You’re welcome, future App Physics 186 crammers. (the code’s pretty easy tbh)
//CIRCLE nx = 100; ny = 100; //number of elements along x and y x = linspace(-1, 1, nx); y = linspace(-1, 1, ny); //range [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y); //two 2-D arrays of x and y coordinates r = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2); //element-per-element squaring of X and Y rad = 0.75 //radius of preference circ = zeros(nx,ny); //matrix creation circ(find(r < rad)) = 1; //assignment of values in the matrix circFft = fftshift(fft2(circFft)) //fourier transform of the circle f = scf(1); //visualization subplot(2, 2, 1); imshow(circ); subplot(2, 2, 2); Matplot((abs(circFft) / max(abs(circFft))) * 1000); subplot(2, 2, 3); Matplot((real(circFft) / max(abs(circFft))) * 1000); subplot(2, 2, 4); Matplot((imag(circFft) / max(abs(circFft))) * 1000); f.color_map = graycolormap(32);
And here’s what we’ve observed:
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Figure 1. (a) A circular mask with (b) the absolute value of its magnified FFT, (c) the real part of the magnified FFT, and (d) the imaginary part of the magnified FFT.
As what we’ve seen, the Fourier transform is a complex array so actually, its real part describes the magnitude of the transform and the imaginary part describes the phase in frequency space. The weird-looking pattern of the circle’s Fourier transform is called the Airy pattern and it’s weird and I love it.
Similarly, if we apply the FFT to a certain letter A (the grade that I’m aspiring for this course), there will still be a result and it looks like this.
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Figure 3. (a) An image of a letter A with (b) the absolute value of its magnified FFT, (c) the real part of the magnified FFT, and (d) the imaginary part of the magnified FFT. 
Look, bimb, I don’t know what the Fourier pattern of a letter A is called but let’s name it the A-pattern. Just. Because.
Moving on, we apply the same thing to a sinusoidal aperture along y and here’s what I got.
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Figure 4. (a) A sinusoidal mask with (b) the absolute value of its magnified FFT.
The FFT of this image is actually two dots (they don’t look like dots in that image but bear with me, they’re dots) along the y-axis as well. And varying the frequency of this corrugated roof, we have the following.
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Figure 5. A sinusoidal mask (above) with their respective FFTs (below) for frequency values of 1, 2, 3, and 4.
 As we increase the frequency of the sinusoid, the two dots tend to move farther away. We learned that these dots correspond to the frequency value of the sinusoid since we know that Fourier space is actually frequency space. But why are they two? It is known that the FFT domain centers at zero and the two dots are symmetric with respect to the center, still corresponding to the frequency value.
Next, if we simulate a double slit by forming two lines along the same axes, here’s the Fourier transform for that.
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Figure 6. (a) A sinusoidal mask with (b) the absolute value of its magnified FFT.
The double slit’s FFT results with lines that represent something very, very familiar. Let’s vary the distance between these slits.   
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Figure 7. A double slit mask (above) with their respective FFTs (below) for distance values of 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The resulting FFTs actually look like sinusoidal patterns in one dimension. From our optics courses, we can actually discern these as interference patterns. But we’ll settle for the answer that they’re sinusoidal waves.
I tried the triple slit for fun and here’s the generated images.
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Figure 8. A triple slit mask (above) with their respective FFTs (below) for distance values of 1, 2, 3, and 4.
So the output looks almost alike the double slit one except that the sinusoid alternates its amplitude values. That’s a pretty interesting thing to see. They interfere with each other.
Let’s try the FFT with a square. The result is as follows.
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Figure 9. (a) A square mask with (b) the absolute value of its magnified FFT.
The observed FFT don’t look that familiar but they are actually called sinc functions and what we are observing are sinc functions along the two axes. If we vary the size of the square mask, we’ll observe something.
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Figure 10. A square mask (above) with their respective FFTs (below) for sizes of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75.
The observed sinc functions change their magnitudes as the square size is being increased. Aliasing actually alters our vision with this one but the size of the FFTs decrease as the square increases.
Lastly, let’s check for the Gaussian mask. 
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Figure 11. (a) A square mask with (b) the absolute value of its magnified FFT.
The FFT of a Gaussian is actually a Gaussian. The tails are just the spreading of the Gaussian function but it’s literally the Fourier transform of itself. It’s similar to the jokes on differentiating and integrating an exponential function since Gaussian is based on this function as well. Everything makes sense. Let’s vary the sizes.
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Figure 12. A Gaussian mask (above) with their respective FFTs (below) for sigma sizes of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75.
As we increase the sigma or the standard deviation for the Gaussian function, the corresponding Gaussian function in the Fourier domain decreases its size. There you go.
Simulation of an Imaging Device via Convolution
For this part of the experiment, we are experimenting with a nice application of the Fourier transform, the convolution. In layman’s term, convolving two things together makes something that looks like both those two things. It’s almost like making a baby. By some degree it’s almost like making a baby.
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So here’s the sitch, we are going to convolve these two images together.
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Figure 13. (a) A circular mask and (b) an image with the word VIP written in it.
Mathematically, the process of convolution of two things is just the multiplication of the Fourier transform of these two things. And to observe the result, we have to inverse the hell out of it. In this case, we treat these two images in different domains.
Algorithmically, here’s the process.
//CIRCLE nx = 128; ny = 128; //number of elements along x and y x = linspace(-1, 1, nx); y = linspace(-1, 1, ny); //range [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y); //two 2-D arrays of x and y coordinates r = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2); //element-per-element squaring of X and Y rad = 0.75 //radius of preference circMat = zeros(nx,ny); //matrix creation circMat(find(r < rad)) = 1; //assignment of values in the matrix vipImg = double(imread('C:\Users\Rey Audie Escosio\Documents\Academics\5Y1S\186\a6\vip.bmp')); //VIP image to be convoluted fftCirc = fftshift(circMat); //fft of the circle filter fftVIP = fft2(vipImg); //fft of the image fftCircVIP = fftCirc .* (fftVIP); //element-by-element multiplication invFFTCircVIP = fft2(fftCircVIP); //inverse FFT convImg1 = abs(invFFTCircVIP); //convoluted image //visualization f = scf(1); subplot(121); imshow(circMat); subplot(122); imshow(vipImg); f = scf(2); subplot(221); imshow(fftCirc); subplot(222); imshow(fftVIP); subplot(223); imshow(fftCircVIP); subplot(224); imshow(invFFTCircVIP); f = scf(3); Matplot((convImg1 / max(convImg1)) * 255); f.color_map = graycolormap(32);
Visually, here’s the step-by-step things that happened.
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Figure 14. (a) The circular mask shifted, (b) the FFT of the VIP image, (c) the multiplication of these two images, (d) the Fourier transform of the product of the two.
We treated the circle in the Fourier domain and the image in the not-Fourier domain. So we multiplied the circular mask with the FFT of the image and inverse transformed it and getting the absolute value of the result, here’s what it looks like.
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Figure 15. The result of the convolution, absoluted.  
See? It’s like those two did stuff together and that we can distinguish the word VIP and at the same time feel the presence of the curvatures of the circular mask resembling waves crashing the walls that are letters. Woah wow.
So let’s vary the size of the circle and observe what happens.
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Figure 16. The circular mask (above) with their respective convolution results (below) for radii of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75.
As we increase the size of the radius of the circular aperture, the resulting image from the convolution becomes much clearer and clearer. They actually disappear continuously as the radius is increased, becoming lesser and lesser of a circle for the resulting value.
Let’s try square apertures.
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Figure 17. The square mask (above) with their respective convolution results (below) for sizes of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75.
The increasing size of the square mask actually shows the same case for the circle but the observable difference is the convolution for the small size wherein the spread of the result in a circle is radial in all directions while for the square, it’s only along the parallels of the axes. Nice.
Let’s try sinusoidal apertures.
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Figure 18. The sinusoidal mask (above) with their respective convolution results (below) for frequencies of 1, 2, 3, and 4.
From what we’ve observed earlier, the two dots FFT of the corrugated roof distances each other as the frequency increases. Guess what, the convolution also shows the same. The result yielded two VIP words and move farther away from each other as the frequency increases.
Let’s try Gaussian apertures.
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Figure 19. The Gaussian mask (above) with their respective convolution results (below) for sigma sizes of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75.
As we increase the spread of the Gaussian filter, the VIP word tends to sharpen and the small values are actually blurry in nature. (SPOILER ALERT: something like this is what my project is heheheheh)
And lastly, we try to use the IPCV toolbox function imconv2d() and see if the results are the same.
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Figure 20. The circular mask (above) with their respective convolution results (below) for radii of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 using the imconv2d().
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Figure 21. The Gaussian mask (above) with their respective convolution results (below) for sigma sizes of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 using the imconv2d().
The first distinguishable difference is that the function automatically rotates the resulting image. Second is that it actually shows less noise compared to the algorithmically-written ones. Maybe their computations are different but qualitatively, the trend for a convolution is seen.
This post is too long. I’ll continue Fourier transform discussions in the next post. Brb.
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0 notes
Isometric Art
What is isometric drawing?
Isometric drawing or isometric projections is the process of visually creating a 3 dimensional drawings on a 2 dimensional surface. The vertical line that make up a cube is vertically drawn. However, all horizontal lines of the cube is angled at 30° and isometric is an easy way of creating 3D drawings.
Step-by-step on how to create isometric art in Photoshop:
Step 1: Open up a new Photoshop document in A4 size, horizontally.
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Step 2: Create a background layer by using the rectangle tool and resize it to fit the art board. Select a suitable background colour for your project.
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Step 3: Select the rectangle tool again and create a symmetrical square shape by pressing and holding the shift key. Then select green colour to represent this rectangle as a grass.
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Step 4: Create a patch of light green grass by using the rectangle tool while pressing and holding the shift key. Remember, try to create a variety of sizes to make the overall results look convincing and natural.
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Step 5: Group the shapes created together to proceed onto the next step.
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Step 6: Go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel.
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Step 7: A new menu will show up on the screen. On position, select isometric top and click on preview to view your object as it changes. Select and change the extrude depth to your preference as it’s going to be the thickness of your object. Click OK once finished.
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Step 8: Select the rectangle tool and create a square. Select a dark grey colour.
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Step 9: Go through the process again by selecting Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel. Select the options which is to your preference.
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Step 10: Create a stair by using the rectangle tool and create a line of rectangle vertically. Duplicated it multiple times using the alt key and as you progress, make sure the rectangle shape is being lowered as you go along and have it look almost as equally as the others. However, it doesn’t have to be so accurately measured since you’re going to convert the shape into a isometrical view which is going to look fine anyway because you’re seeing the object in 30° angle.
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Step 11: Now select a rectangle tool and create a rectangle shape on top of the stair. Shift select the stair, including the shape that you’ve just made. Use the shape builder tool by pressing and holding the alt key to delete excess parts or areas that you don’t want.
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Step 12: Once completed, go to the pathfinder panel and select unite to merge the object into one shape.
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Note: If you can’t find where the pathfinder tool is, go to Window > Pathfinder.
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Step 13: Make the stair into an isometrical view to your preference.
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Step 14: Now duplicate the stair one time and reflected it vertically.
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Step 15: This step is going to be a little complicated but once it is fully explained, everything will make sense in the end. By having it reflect vertically, you can only do that for one side of the stair for example, if the stair is facing the east side - by having it reflected vertically, the other stair will now face the west side, which is the opposite.
However, in this case, we want the stair to be fitted around the cube in 4 different directions. Now we can only reflect 2 stair sets as we need to altered the third stair set in order to make it fit in other directions.
Duplicate the stair (doesn’t matter which direction), and go to Window > and select Appearance. It’s the panel which lets you edit the isometrical view. Click on 3D Extrude & Bevel to get a pop up menu. The position of the stair is going to be set to ‘Isometric Left’, simply change it to ‘Isometric Right’. Click OK once finished.
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Now that the stair has been changed in a complete different direction, you will be able to reflect it vertically to get the fourth stair set.
Step 16: Place the 4 sets of stairs around the square cube.
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Step 17: Now we’re going to create a pillar which will support the roof of the structure. The step is similar to creating the stair as all you will really need is the rectangle tool and the pathfinder. Once finished, make the shape into a isometrical view.
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Step 18: Duplicate 3 more times and create a roof for the structure.
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Step 19: Select the rectangle tool and symmetrically create a square. There are going to be 4 circles with black dots around 4 corners of the square shape. Select and hold one of them and move in a diagonal motion to increase the sharpness in corners or have it completely rounded.
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Make isometrical view for the flat pebble.
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Step 20: Creating a tree is of no difference to how you create other things so far. Use the rectangle tool to create the shape of the blocky tree and remember, always group them together otherwise it will not work.
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Then make it into an isometrical view.
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Step 21: Rather then just having a flat grass as a based, I want to make this into a floating island. To create this effect, simply create a grey isometric cube and duplicating it multiple times to create a base for the grass. Also remember to create a variety of sizes to make it look natural.
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Step 22: To create an ambient light in the background, duplicate the shape in the background layer that we first created in one of the first few steps. On the left side, select the gradient option to make the shape into a gradient colour. Now on a gradient panel, instead of linear, select radial.
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Step 23: Now you’ll get a circular gradient. Since we want to hide the black areas of the gradient - on the black arrow, make sure the opacity is set to 0% to make it transparent. On the white part of the area, select the colour you preferred as an ambient light.
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Step 24: I am going to create another element in the building. It is going to be magical orb. I created an isometrical view orb and having gradient light beam behind the orb.
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To do this, I used the same method as the ambient light and created a white radial gradient around the orb. The beam light may look different but in fact, it’s exactly the same as radial ambient as all you really need to change is from radial to linear. However, to get the shape as if it’s expanding, you will need the curvature tool to select one of the corners and adjust it to your preference.
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Step 25: Finally, I am going to create shadows for all of the trees using a pen tool. I know there are other ways of creating shadows but I found that using the pen tool is more flexible even though it might not be as accurate. Make sure the opacity is low and that it’s not a harsh shadow.
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Final Results:
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What products/graphic design could you use this techniques for?
Isometric drawings can be used as a way to understand your object in 3 dimensional. It can also be used as a correct measurements in creating and designing structures for your clients. Moreover, Architects, Interior designers, Game Designers and Infographics can use isometric drawings as a way to come up with their concepts and ideas before beginning or actually using it in the final product. 
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skate007232-blog · 5 years
Choosing the Right Skateboard Deck
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There are quite a few exceptional elements on a skateboard, but one of the most manifestly critical is the skateboard deck. The skate deck is the flat board which you stand on when skateboarding. A shortboard, instead of a longboard or cruiser, is right for street skateboarding and vert skateboarding. It additionally remains the very nice alternative for doing tricks, whether or not you are a novice or a pro.There are some matters to recollect once you make a decision to construct a whole skateboard, and choosing the right size of deck is the primary of many picks you'll make. Choosing a board shape is also extremely good important. The period, width, materials, and concave of your skateboard deck decide what you will be capable of do on your skateboard.Depending on how difficult you skate, you'll need to replace your skateboard deck everywhere from after some weeks to a yr. Once the perimeters, nostril, or tail of your skateboard deck show signs and symptoms of splitting, it is time initially a sparkling board. Riding in moist or bloodless regions also can warp the shape of your board and make your skateboard wheels choppy, so be sure to replace your board if you sense or see any symptoms.Warehouse Skateboards offers a large selection of skateboard decks in a ramification of shapes, sizes, weights, shades, and styles. Check out our stock to discover the skateboard deck that suits your style.
What size skateboard do I need?
Contrary to what you might think, width is the most important part of choosing a skateboard deck, not length or wheelbase. Skateboard decks vary in width from 7.5" to 8.25". The width you need depends on your height, shoe size, skating style, and personal preferences.If you choose
a board with a too-large width
for you, you will need to exert excessive power, which can make skateboarding and trick riding difficult. If you choose a board with a too-small width for you, you'll have trouble balancing and won't feel stable. Most teen and adult riders will want at least a 7.5" width, but a wider board may feel more stable depending on your build and shoe size. Below are some general guidelines.
7.5" to 8" - Standard board for adult riders skating streets or doing more technical tricks8.0" to 8.25" - Skating pool, ramp, rail, and parks8.25" and larger - Vert, pools, cruising, and just going old school
Choosing a style of the skateboard deck
If you're just getting into skateboarding, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with the different styles of boards that skateboarders use. Skateboards come in four basic shapes. Each style of deck is designed for certain kinds of skateboarding, so the board shape you choose should match the style you want to skate. From there, you can build a custom complete using components that match your skateboard deck and skating style.ShortboardShortboards are the shortest style board and are designed and shaped for getting air and performing tricks. If you're leaning towards street or park skating, a shortboard style deck will be a perfect match for you. Check out our shortboard skateboards selection.CruiserCruiser boards often have kicktails but are more designed for simply cruising around. The decks are typically mid-length. Cruisers are versatile and maneuverable, making them good for cruising the streets. Check out our cruiser skateboards selection.Old SchoolOld school boards typically have a flat nose and kicktails. They are usually asymmetrical, with a wider nose. Old school boards are an awesome choice for skating pools, ramps, or
the streets. Check out our old school skateboards selection.LongboardIf you are now not interested by doing tricks and want a skateboard to push around on for transportation, longboard skateboards, or cruisers, are a fantastic choice. Some longboards are especially designed for downhill racing. Downhill longboards generally tend to have a symmetrical form, sit down lower to the floor, and have wheel cutouts, which permit larger wheels for use. To find out greater about cruiser longboards, check out How To Buy A Longboard and read our longboard decks.Popular picks for skateboard decks are Element skateboard decks and Zero skateboard decks. These skate decks are properly made, elegant, and to be had in a ramification of patterns.
Features of skateboard decks
Skateboard decks vary in size but most are between 7"-10" wide, and are made of seven-ply wood, bamboo, resin, carbon fiber, or plastic. Deciding which skateboard deck is best for you depends on what you will be skating and, of course, your personal brand preference. Below are some factors to consider when buying your skateboard deck.WidthChoose your skateboard deck according to the width, not length. The average width of a skateboard deck is 7.5"- 8.25". The right width depends on your size and skateboarding style. If you buy a deck that is too wide for your height and shoe size, you will need to exert more power, which can make skateboarding and trick riding difficult. If you choose a board that is too narrow for your height and shoe size, you'll have trouble balancing and won't feel stable. Generally, teen and adult riders will want at least a 7.5" width. Larger skateboarders and those skating ramps and vert ramps should go with a wider deck, and street skaters usually need a smaller deck.LengthSkateboard length is the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Shortboard length falls between 28"- 32" but only advanced skaters refer to length. Width and wheelbase should be top considerations when building your skateboard, rather than length.WheelbaseThe wheelbase is the gap between your board's inner mounting holes. The distance among those mounting holes determines how a long way apart your front and back wheels can be. Manufacturers determine wheelbase via wherein they drill the truck mounting holes on the deck. The common wheelbase is 13"-15". Although many decks only feature one set of holes, some skateboards have multiple mounting holes for vans (or "wheelbase options"). Adjusting wheelbase can dramatically affect how the board performs. Your experience degree will imply the right wheelbase for you.Nose and TailThe nose is the "front" of your skateboard and the tail is the "back." Which end is which can be hard to differentiate, but most decks provide you with graphics to tell the two apart. Many skateboard decks have a bigger kick on the nose and mellower kick on the tail.Mounting HolesMounting holes are pre-drilled holes where the skateboard trucks are attached. Arranged as two sets of four holes; one set is near the nose, the other near the tail.PlyPly is the thin levels of wood that are tightly pressed together to make the skateboard deck. Rather than making a deck from one solid piece of wood, most manufacturers layer the wood in a cross-grain pattern to create a supremely strong board. The typical skateboard is seven-ply, and most boards aren't over nine-ply.ConcaveConcave is the curve of the wood between the deck's nose and tail. Concave allows a more controlled ride and a stronger skateboard. Read our concave guide below for more information about different concave shapes.EFPEFP is short for Effective Foot Platform. Unlike wheelbase, which measures only distance, EFP describes the area on the topside of the deck that riders stand on to control the board. EFP indicates the part of the deck between the front and rear trucks. You can think of EFP the space of a skateboard deck that isn't the nose or tail.RailsRails are the edges along the length of your board, and their shape can make a difference in how your board rides. Rounded rails are common for skateboards, and their shape makes them good for flip tricks. Sharp rails have a blunt edge, which keeps your shoes securely in place during slides. Gas pedal rails (or GPs) are a specialized rail shape where areas of the rails have been cut to a beveled edge. GPs subtract the rail's sharpness and decrease the concave. Gas pedals give you better control and comfort when doing slides. What your rails can do also depends on the concave of the board.
Skateboard concave shapes
Concave is a major factor in board performance. Skateboard manufacturers are always experimenting with new concave shapes to accommodate new types of skateboarding. Most concave shapes allow riders more foothold than a flat skateboard, which can take sliding, drifting, and turning to the next level. Here are a few of the main types of deck concave.
Radial ConcaveThis concave shape may look familiar to you. The subtle U-shaped curve is the most common deck shape, though some boards have a deeper curve than others. This type of concave allows your feet better grip, which can be useful in nearly all styles of skateboarding.
ProgressiveThis shape is a similar but more dramatic version of the radial concave. The steep wall on the rail combined with the wider base allows more secure footing and a more locked-in feel.
W-ConcaveThe W-shape does not extend the entire length of the deck, just the area towards the tail. The extra curve in the centerline allows you to shift more energy from your heel to your toe. The result is a highly precise, responsve board that can turn quickly.
TubTub concave (also called flat-cave) is similar to a radial board, but instead of a gentle curve, the rails extend at a sharp angle from the deck. Tub boards keep your feet flatter, which makes for a mellower ride, but the sharp rails can still provide sudden shifts in energy.
AsymmetricalAsymmetrical concave is when the skateboard's rails rise at different angles. This allows riders more power in their heels for turns.
ConvexConvex boards feature an upwards-arching deck. They are uncommon, though some slalom and downhill skateboarders love the more natural foot placement convex boards provide.
FlatSkateboard decks with no concave are rare, with the exception of reissue old school decks. Some cutout and dropdown longboards also feature flat decks. They allow lots of space for your feet, and allow room for board walking and other showy tricks.
Choosing a style of the skateboard deck
If you're just getting into skateboarding, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with the different styles of boards that skateboarders use. Skateboards come in four basic shapes. Each style of deck is designed for certain kinds of skateboarding, so the board shape you choose should match the style you want to skate. From there, you can build a custom complete using components that match your skateboard deck and skating style.ShortboardShortboards are the shortest style board and are designed and shaped for getting air and performing tricks. If you're leaning towards street or park skating, a shortboard style deck will be a perfect match for you. Check out our shortboard skateboards selection.CruiserCruiser boards often have kicktails but are more designed for simply cruising around. The decks are typically mid-length. Cruisers are versatile and maneuverable, making them good for cruising the streets. Check out our cruiser skateboards selection.Old SchoolOld school boards typically have a flat nose and kicktails. They are usually asymmetrical, with a wider nose. Old school boards are an awesome choice for skating pools, ramps, or
the streets. Check out our old school skateboards selection.LongboardIf you are now not interested by doing tricks and want a skateboard to push around on for transportation, longboard skateboards, or cruisers, are a fantastic choice. Some longboards are especially designed for downhill racing. Downhill longboards generally tend to have a symmetrical form, sit down lower to the floor, and have wheel cutouts, which permit larger wheels for use. To find out greater about cruiser longboards, check out How To Buy A Longboard and read our longboard decks.Popular picks for skateboard decks are Element skateboard decks and Zero skateboard decks. These skate decks are properly made, elegant, and to be had in a ramification of patterns.
Features of skateboard decks
Skateboard decks vary in size but most are between 7"-10" wide, and are made of seven-ply wood, bamboo, resin, carbon fiber, or plastic. Deciding which skateboard deck is best for you depends on what you will be skating and, of course, your personal brand preference. Below are some factors to consider when buying your skateboard deck.WidthChoose your skateboard deck according to the width, not length. The average width of a skateboard deck is 7.5"- 8.25". The right width depends on your size and skateboarding style. If you buy a deck that is too wide for your height and shoe size, you will need to exert more power, which can make skateboarding and trick riding difficult. If you choose a board that is too narrow for your height and shoe size, you'll have trouble balancing and won't feel stable. Generally, teen and adult riders will want at least a 7.5" width. Larger skateboarders and those skating ramps and vert ramps should go with a wider deck, and street skaters usually need a smaller deck.LengthSkateboard length is the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Shortboard length falls between 28"- 32" but only advanced skaters refer to length. Width and wheelbase should be top considerations when building your skateboard, rather than length.WheelbaseThe wheelbase is the gap between your board's inner mounting holes. The distance among those mounting holes determines how a long way apart your front and back wheels can be. Manufacturers determine wheelbase via wherein they drill the truck mounting holes on the deck. The common wheelbase is 13"-15". Although many decks only feature one set of holes, some skateboards have multiple mounting holes for vans (or "wheelbase options"). Adjusting wheelbase can dramatically affect how the board performs. Your experience degree will imply the right wheelbase for you.Nose and TailThe nose is the "front" of your skateboard and the tail is the "back." Which end is which can be hard to differentiate, but most decks provide you with graphics to tell the two apart. Many skateboard decks have a bigger kick on the nose and mellower kick on the tail.Mounting HolesMounting holes are pre-drilled holes where the
skateboard trucks
are attached. Arranged as two sets of four holes; one set is near the nose, the other near the tail.PlyPly is the thin levels of wood that are tightly pressed together to make the skateboard deck. Rather than making a deck from one solid piece of wood, most manufacturers layer the wood in a cross-grain pattern to create a supremely strong board. The typical skateboard is seven-ply, and most boards aren't over nine-ply.ConcaveConcave is the curve of the wood between the deck's nose and tail. Concave allows a more controlled ride and a stronger skateboard. Read our concave guide below for more information about different concave shapes.EFPEFP is short for Effective Foot Platform. Unlike wheelbase, which measures only distance, EFP describes the area on the topside of the deck that riders stand on to control the board. EFP indicates the part of the deck between the front and rear trucks. You can think of EFP the space of a skateboard deck that isn't the nose or tail.RailsRails are the edges along the length of your board, and their shape can make a difference in how your board rides. Rounded rails are common for skateboards, and their shape makes them good for flip tricks. Sharp rails have a blunt edge, which keeps your shoes securely in place during slides. Gas pedal rails (or GPs) are a specialized rail shape where areas of the rails have been cut to a beveled edge. GPs subtract the rail's sharpness and decrease the concave. Gas pedals give you better control and comfort when doing slides. What your rails can do also depends on the concave of the board.
Skateboard concave shapes
Concave is a major factor in board performance. Skateboard manufacturers are always experimenting with new concave shapes to accommodate new types of skateboarding. Most concave shapes allow riders more foothold than a flat skateboard, which can take sliding, drifting, and turning to the next level. Here are a few of the main types of deck concave.
Radial ConcaveThis concave shape may look familiar to you. The subtle U-shaped curve is the most common deck shape, though some boards have a deeper curve than others. This type of concave allows your feet better grip, which can be useful in nearly all styles of skateboarding.
ProgressiveThis shape is a similar but more dramatic version of the radial concave. The steep wall on the rail combined with the wider base allows more secure footing and a more locked-in feel.
W-ConcaveThe W-shape does not extend the entire length of the deck, just the area towards the tail. The extra curve in the centerline allows you to shift more energy from your heel to your toe. The result is a highly precise, responsve board that can turn quickly.
TubTub concave (also called flat-cave) is similar to a radial board, but instead of a gentle curve, the rails extend at a sharp angle from the deck. Tub boards keep your feet flatter, which makes for a mellower ride, but the sharp rails can still provide sudden shifts in energy.
AsymmetricalAsymmetrical concave is when the skateboard's rails rise at different angles. This allows riders more power in their heels for turns.
ConvexConvex boards feature an upwards-arching deck. They are uncommon, though some slalom and downhill skateboarders love the more natural foot placement convex boards provide.
FlatSkateboard decks with no concave are rare, with the exception of reissue old school decks. Some cutout and dropdown longboards also feature flat decks. They allow lots of space for your feet, and allow room for board walking and other showy tricks.
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Comb Jellies Were The Earliest Animals, Genetic Study Finds
One of the longest-running controversies in evolutionary biology has been: What was the oldest branch of the animal family tree? For the best part of a century, sponges were held to be the earliest form of animal life, based primarily on the observed simplicity of their structures. However, a new kind of genetic analysis reveals that comb jellies are older than sea sponges.
Comb jellies are ancient animals and voracious carnivores that belong to the phylum Ctenophora.
Previous genetic analyses used in phylogenomic studies were based on a collection of a large amount of data, building a set of relationships between them and then built a plausible family tree. This method was successful in 95 percent of the cases. Remaining 5 percent were the subject of debates among scientists in last decade, which eventually lead to the development of a new analyzing technique.
The study, led by Antonis Rokas of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, analyzed hundreds of thousands of genes sequenced from target organisms to try to resolve heredity issues that up until now have seemed intractable. These targeted organisms were animals, plants, and fungi. In these analyses, we only use genes that are shared across all organisms. The trick is to examine the gene sequences from different organisms to figure out who they identify as their closest relatives, explains Rokas.
The results of this analysis found a so-called “phylogenetic signal” that favored comb jellies over a sponge. The results have shown significantly more genes to support their “first to diverge” status than sea sponges do.
Comb Jellies Facts
Comb jellies are ancient animals and voracious carnivores that belong to the phylum Ctenophora. This includes around 100 species.
Their radially symmetric body contains 8 rows of comb-like plates of fused cilia that beat in order for them to move through the water.
The comb rows diffract light to create a rainbow display as they swim. Some comb jellies, additionally, exhibit bioluminescence or the emission of light by chemical reactions.
About half of the comb jelly species feed by the use of a pair of tentacles that do not sting but instead contain sticky cells called colloblasts. Zooplankton will stick to their tentacles and they will draw the prey into their mouth.
Some comb jellies have no tentacles. Instead, their mouths contain hooks to bite off chunks of prey and secrete a poison to paralyze prey.
They possess a gravity sensitive structure called a statocyst that gives them a sense of up and down in the water.
Comb Jellies have no brain but contain a loose network of nerves called a nerve net.
They are hermaphrodites. Eggs and sperm are cast into the water and fertilization take place. Their larvae grow rapidly as their entire lifespan is only around a few months.
Ctenophores typically prefer warmer waters and tropical areas near the surface in both shallow and deep habitats. Overfishing has caused an increase in the population of ctenophores because of less predation.
  #AnimalFamilyTree, #Colloblasts, #CombJellies, #Ctenophora, #SeaSponges, #Statocyst https://outoftheboxscience.com/living-world/evolution/comb-jellies-earliest-animals-genetic-study-finds/
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