onecommunity · 2 months
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thoriumadvocate84 · 6 months
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This Can't Happen Soon Enough!
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natureansoul · 1 year
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For our world to know peace, spiritual leaders tell us we must harbor peace within. But when so many people are in fight or flight mode and huge portions of the world are experiencing some form of trauma, we need practical solutions. There is no time to pray or meditate by a pool when bombs are dropping. So instead of allowing people to sit on piles of money they could never possibly use in a lifetime or even a hundred thousand lifetimes, level the damned playing field. For everyone. That means each person is entitled to basic care. A safe and stable home, nutritious food, clean water, medical and education. Internet/phones/computers are also a vital part of today's world, and transportation. 
I don't care if it's a city of tiny homes, as long as people have the basics. The amount of money it would save worldwide compared to what we are currently putting out on damage control would be significant. When we all have enough, we can use our energies to lift each other up, instead of this Soul-smothering competition to survive. This is what we should be fighting for. Not territory but the basics and shared resources. Clean air and water, and a healthy relationship with our natural world. We could realistically have paradise on earth with better management. 
C'mon folks. The current blueprint is destroying us. Don’t let this world bury your sparks. Visualize the world we can create together. Then let’s roll up our sleeves, organize and get to work.
Break the chains.
Rise up.
Rise up.
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zhanshoinov · 4 years
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@thevenusproject 💚 #nowar #thevenusproject #JacqueFresco #beyondpoliticspovertyandwar #проект_венера #проектвенера #жакфреско #безполитики #безвойн #безнищеты https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzZcvGhDI9/?igshid=16lf4q7e9npi2
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markmarcarian · 2 years
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Envision a brand new World and existence! Because we must. https://www.thevenusproject.com/ #TheVenusProject https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLqhHFJThc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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landsurfingpro · 3 years
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beauti4soul · 6 years
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#Facts Regrann from @sukhjawandha - RepostBy @thevenusproject: "Seems like there's always plenty of #money for #war, but not for #education, #environment #preservation, and especially, the elimination of #poverty. But wait, aren't all budgetary decisions made by the #politicians we elect? Why are they going out for more and more wars instead of solving these #problems? When you consider all the #monetary and personal interests that affect their decisions, it suddenly becomes very clear why our - humanity's - set of priorities doesn't seem to #change. So how can we arrive at unbiased decisions and form a truly valid set of #priorities? #TheVenusProject #TVP #ResourceBasedEconomy #RBE #Founders #JacqueFresco #RoxanneMeadows" #IAm_MsJohnson 💞 - #regrann
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onecommunity · 1 day
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niftierworld · 4 years
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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller #newmodel #resourcebasedeconomy #economicjustice #environmentaljustice #thevenusproject https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRSB82HxOF/?igshid=1lejdc17j0ff1
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oscarlsh · 4 years
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@jaquefresco 1916 - 2017 #thevenusproject 🌎👌 #savetheplanet #cuidaelplaneta (en Tampico-Madero) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIUF1ppZ0T/?igshid=zyclk1h1qcfg
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zhanshoinov · 2 years
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В денежной системе неосуществимы такие явления как справедливость или равенство. В ней всегда будут богатые и бедные. Ресурсо-ориентированная экономика могла бы это исправить. Современные проблемы будут продолжаться. Постоянно повторяющиеся циклы бумов и спадов, подъёмов и падений рынка, а также появление людей, которые этим манипулируют ради собственной выгоды. Этому нет конца в рамках денежной системы, потому что в ней всегда будут те люди, у которых есть преимущество. @thevenusproject 💚 #thevenusproject https://www.instagram.com/p/CbvFkcUKLxr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xolargy · 4 years
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Next, for me is "The Book," #TheBestThatMoneyCanBuy, by Jacque Fresco is available for $24 and change, the ebook is under $10 bucks. And For Some of you hardcore #TVP folks, who are going for the entire library, go to the VP store: although there is so much for free. Bellow is the link for the #freestuff. https://www.thevenusproject.com/store/c/audio-streaming-scrolling-text-audio-text/ We have an opportunity now, right now. So, "If you think we can't change the world, it just means you're not one of those who will. - #JacqueFresco In this world of information ignorance is a choice. #TheChoiceIsYours #TheVenusProject #RBE #ResourceBasedEconomy #RoxanneMeadows #commonHeritage #UnFuckTheWorld #GotarealEstate https://www.instagram.com/p/CAGfPccn6Vc/?igshid=1vzgsgqkv8znc
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magnogate · 4 years
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Sería mucho más fácil y requeriría menos energía para construir ciudades nuevas y eficientes que intentar actualizar y resolver los problemas de las antiguas. El proyecto venus propone un diseño de ciudades circulares como la solución más eficiente en terreneos planos.
#resourcebasedeconomy #economiabasadaenrecursos #thevenusproject #elproyectovenus #jacquefresco #city #citydesign #urbanism #urbanismo #ciudad #arquitectura #architecture #cityplanning #sustentable #eficiente https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_ntVHjKoh/?igshid=126qcvwk2jcil
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weronika-sw · 6 years
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« What we call our "conscience" and "morality", they are not determined by an invisible "higher" self . There're largely determined by geography, the times and an individual's upbringing » - Jacque Fresco "The best that money can't buy" _____ « To co nazywamy naszą "świadomością" oraz "moralnością" - nie są one zdeterminowane niewidzialną "wyższą" wersją samych siebie. Są natomiast mocno zdeterminowane miejscem i czasem w którym żyjemy, pochodzeniem i wychowaniem» - Jacque Fresco.
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kazamakazukimyass · 3 years
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#resoursebasedeconomy #rbe #tvp #thevenusproject #TVP #society #future #nature #goal #humanity https://www.instagram.com/p/CMUnwIgh3tc/?igshid=m925v4aetoek
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wke-uns · 5 years
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South Africa is passing the love around! 💞 The M1 Voucher for Monthly Basic Income from UN Swissindo is making history!   
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