coroddedvirgo · 1 year
'would you still love me-' he stopped me before I could finish the conversation, his finger pressed gently against my lips.
'I will still love you even when you're old and wrinkled. I will love you even when the world had burned and there's nothing but ashes. I will love you even when I am no longer on this earth and my body is nothing but bones in dirt I'll come back to you as a ghost and wish for another life along your side. I cannot fathom the mere idea of not loving you, worshipping you. For you, my love are the sole reason my beating heart finds desire in life'
- The story I will never write
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What if's and maybe's.
Maybe one day he'll notice me a few feet away, or maybe he won't notice me at all. Maybe I'll be the one to see him first but maybe he will be standing with someone new. Maybe she will have my smile and I'll think that he misses me but maybe he doesn't. Maybe she will have softer lips and blonde hair and that smile is just unfortunate. Maybe he won't be there with someone else, maybe he put on his favourite shirt and shaved and came looking for me somewhere in a crowd. Maybe I'll be the one with someone new, maybe I'll be in love, maybe I'll be so happy that I won't notice his now teary eyes staring at me through the hundreds of people. What if I do see him though? Will my heart still skip a beat? Will his name crawl out of the long lost cage I forced it into and stab me in the throat so the words I want to say can't escape my mouth? Maybe I'm just over reacting but what if time will finally be right? Maybe this time he'll make sure he keeps me. Maybe he'll push through the now matterless people and kiss me, but what if he still tastes like the cheap brandy we drank the last time I walked out? Maybe he doesn't though. Maybe this time he'll prefer to drown in my whiskey brown eyes and not the sour shots of someone else. Maybe one day when he know what he lost and I can love him sooner. Maybe I'll act as if acting like he does doesn't hurt because this time I'll do anything to keep him, But maybe I wouldn't have to, maybe he'll choose me.                                                          But what if I choose not to choose him?
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