#therentyoupay quick fics
therentyoupay · 10 months
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On July 1st, the lonely house at the top of the mountain was finally sold.
— In which Jack(son) Overland tries his best to befriend his neighbor, one woodworking project at a time. { neighbors-to-lovers!fic, modern-mountain-living!au }
Prompt from @aicosu: Three-word sentences: "Just say it."
ao3 ❆
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laurakrivera · 10 days
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern! 
I was tagged by @therentyoupay
La lluvia caía casi de manera torrencial./ Rain fell down, almost torrentially. 
Ramificaciones (Ramifications) / Fandom: Naruto / Ship: KakashiOC / M / Words: 112,836 / Chapters: 32/40 / Language: Spanish
2) The glow of the city lights filtered through the office's long curtains.
Accidentally / Fandom: ROTG & Frozen / AU / Ship: Jelsa / T / Words: 16, 346 / Chapters: 7/? / Language: English
3) Lo había estado observando por un rato./ She had been watching him for a while.
Algo en Serio (Something Serious) / Fandom: ROTG & Frozen / Modern AU / Ship: Jelsa / M / Words: 2734 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
4) Hunter sabía que la posesión de Belos había dejado un impacto, pero era la primera vez que veía cuanto. / Hunter knew Belos’s possesion had left an impact, but it was the first time he saw how badly so.
Marcas (Markings) / Fandom: The Owl House / HunterCentric/ G / Words: 599 / Chapters 1/1 / Language: Spanish
5) La tenían agarrada por ambos brazos. / They held her by both arms.
Aquella Sensación (That Sensation)  / Fandom: MCU / Ship: NamorShuri / T /Words: 1586 / Chapters 1/1 / Language: Spanish
6) Estaba en sus manos. (He was in his hands).
Ausencia (Absence) / Fandom: FMA / Ship: EdwardWinry / G / Words: 443 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
7) La ahora emperatriz Kougyoku terminaba cada día más exhausta que el anterior./ The now Empress Kougyoky finished each day more exhausted than the last.
Deseos Desvanecidos (Vanished Desires) / Fandom: Magi / Ship: Kougyoku/Sinbad / G / Words: 1289 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
8) Los bailes en palacio últimamente la incomodaban./ Lately the balls at the palace made her uncomfortable.
Miradas de Desconcierto (Disconcerting Looks) / Fandom: My Hero Academia / Ship: TodoMomo / G / Words: 1623 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
9) Rápido como el viento mismo, Koga encontraba su libertad exhilarante. / Quick as wind itself, Koga found his freedom to be exhilarating.
Espejismo (Mirage) / Fandom: Inuyasha / Ship: KougaKikyo / T / Words: 1555 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
10) Era un día de lo más tranquilo en la capital del oeste. / It was a very calm day at the West Capital.
Después del Trabajo (After Work) / Fandom: Dragon Ball Z / Ship: Future Trunks x OC / G / Chapters 1/1 / Language: Spanish
I mostly go by screen writing rules: Time and location first. 
When I’m not following that, I’m going straight to the main character’s dominating thoughts as they’re realizing an action.
In three cases I started straight at the action itself. 
My first lines aren’t particularly riveting or engaging, but I guess they’re a good way to start a paragraph or to put the reader in the mood. 
For the lines that started with rain and snow, said elements were actually important for what was happening in the scenes and they are recurring elements. In Ramifications the three most important scenes for the characters relationship to change occur under the rain. In Accidentally, the snow is the inciting incident for the story and come on, it’s Jelsa! There has to be snow. 
After Work was one of my first fanfics back in 2007, so the line was just as cartoony as I felt the show to be back then.
The most recent one shots all go straight to the character’s thoughts, since they are supposed to be quick reads I go straight to the emotional damage. For multi chapter fics I take my time. 
All in all, I guess I’m not doing so bad after all. 
I can’t really tag anyone here since the person who tagged me already tagged the other fanfiction writer I know here, but if anybody wants to try it feel free to do so. 
Here's the link to my AO3 profile https://archiveofourown.org/users/Larivera/pseuds/Larivera
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therentyoupay · 8 years
1sentence promts in celebration of your new bridesmaid status :) (congrats!!) - Jelsa "proposal" "surprise" "bachlor/bachlorette" "wedding" "honeymoon" "pregnant"
wedding (reception) ;
“anna, this is ridiculous, i told you we should just go into the bathroom—”
“it’s too far! i don’t want to miss more than half a song!”
“well, if you don’t stop fidgeting, it won’t matter how far away we’ve gone, because these ribbons are going to knot themselves into a tangled mess.”
“why can’t we just knot them anyway? no one is going to see them!”
“anna, the idea is that you’re not going to keep this gown bustled forever—and if you want it bustled at all, quit moving.”
“um,” says a voice from behind; a very, very uncomfortable voice. “sorry to interrupt, but…” he trails off uncertainly. he’s no doubt distracted by the way anna stares at him from where she stands in her too-high heels in the corner of the extended seating area of their luxurious hotel venue, or by elsa, who… stares up at him from half-underneath her sister’s dress, on the floor, in a calculated heap, literally cornered, still waiting for him to go on. “ah. right. yeah—kristoff said i needed to come out here and tell you that ‘your jam is on.’ he’s already started a dance circle with—”
elsa lets out a huff of dismay as anna bounds off in her heels across the wide open array of fluffy couches and designer armchairs and ottomans, back towards the closed doors that lead to the grand hallway through which the ear-ringing sounds of a very lively wedding reception can easily be heard. “sorry, elsa! i’ll be back in a few minutes!” she chirps, half-running, and it’s a wonder that she doesn’t trip and fall—either from her shoes, or the champagne, or the half-finished excess of her half-bustled wedding gown train. she all but flees to the dance floor.
the young man in (most of) a tux looks back to where elsa is composing herself on the floor. in the corner. he’s missing a few pieces: a jacket, a tie, a few buttons. “would you, ah… like a hand?”
elsa turns her expression towards him fully; his proffered hand snaps back, then raises high with his other in a placating show of apology and, if elsa might be so presumptuous, ‘oops’. his expression matches his hands. 
“sorry,” the young man says. “it didn’t, uh… look like a great time to drop by, what with the, like, ‘using the wedding dress as a tent’ and all, but kristoff was pretty specific,” he explains, to elsa’s bewilderment, “about his instructions. for the song. and when the groom asks you to do something… you know?”
after the moment it takes for elsa to get her wits about her, elsa sighs. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t be so frustrated, and i certainly shouldn’t be taking it out on you.” with all the grace that she can muster, elsa hoists herself from the floor with the help of a nearby window ledge, raising herself into a proud stance in shoes that she has been wearing for quite a few many hours now. “and i know.”
she sees a crystal-clear vision of her sister out on the dance floor, tripping up half the guest list merely by stepping out into their range. thinks of how much fun she is probably having anyway, regardless of how dirty her gown is getting, or how many times someone steps on her moves—quite literally. elsa sighs again, then straightens herself out once more. 
the young man looks her over for a moment. it’s then that she places him: a last-minute addition to the groomsmen. she hadn’t yet had the chance to meet him, since he’d missed the rehearsal dinner… and his intended flight. something about a misunderstanding with his passport. but he’d been standing at the front of the line to walk down the aisle—with rapunzel, hadn’t he? and she’d spent the ceremony sitting a few rows behind him, occasionally glancing at the back of his head while watching her sister dance her way through her vows. how does he know kristoff, i wonder?
“jack,” he holds out his hand. “i, uh. saw you at the wedding.”
elsa arches a brow. extends her hand as well and says, “elsa. maid of honor.”
“yeah. i know.”
it’s amazing, how awkward the silence can be, even after so much champagne.
“you’re not gonna go back in?”
elsa finds herself crossing her arms. finds herself one breath away from tapping her foot. “my sister is supposedly coming back out to finish what we started, as soon as her ‘jam’ has ended.”
the young man—jack—has the grace to look sheepish. “yeah. i heard. but…”
“but?” elsa hears the rest implied, anyway. “but how do i know she’ll remember on her own? that it won’t take her another four songs to come back out? i’m almost certain that she won’t.”
well, this oversized couch seems lovely enough; she sits herself down as carefully as she can, and prepares to wait. 
jack looks perplexed. “do you… want me to go back in after her?”
and now so does elsa. is this groomsman feeling guilty? responsible? generous?
“no, thank you. i don’t mind waiting,” she says, hoping that he will take the hint. “i could use a break from the noise and the heat, to be honest.”
jack’s hands find their way into his pockets. she hadn’t noticed before, but apparently his vest is unbuttoned too. does the man have a thing against buttons?
“would you… like some company, maybe?”
no, thank you, is once more on the tip of her tongue. but then she catches sight of the red tinge to his overheated cheeks, and the flush of his neck. his light hair wasn’t exactly styled during the ceremony, from what she can barely remember of him, but currently it looks like he’s spent the last few hours flying through some clouds rather than dancing on their dance floor. she hears his words in her mind again, but this time for what they really are: i could really use some cool air, too.
“i don’t mind,” she says, and, as jack sits down on the adjacent couch—
she is surprised by how much she means it.
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therentyoupay · 8 years
Jelsa: Ghost
ghost ;
“but she’s not like what you described,” jamie whispers, and he stares and he stares and he stares, unblinking, at the space left of jack frost’s shoulder, while jack ignores and ignores and ignores the impossible trail of ice that wraps itself down his spine. “about what it was like for you... before.”
(and jack should know better than to cave into so slight a cautionary tale, but--his existence is bound from children seeing the impossible, woven from the belief of tales, of almost ancient stories,of seeing would-be ghosts rise up again---)
“i think,” jamie starts, lifting his chin and narrowing his eyes across the room towards the thrumming emptiness beside him (and jack’s hands tighten imperceptibly around his staff---but not carefully enough, not subtly enough, because the curl of ice becomes a gentle breeze, becomes a breath of cool air curling over the back of his cold neck) and jamie whispers it with conviction, with all the spell of a child who is buried in his belief, “i think she wants for us to help her.”
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