#there's a lil corner in our bedroom next to a drawer i can put it for now. ig that'll do then
2-wuv · 2 years
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carolmunson · 2 years
starting from zero, got nothing to lose (III)
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part i part ii part iii a lil' sweet, a lil' sour -- but this chapter is sweet (and super soft) . the next one is sour (and sassy) we learn a little about where eddie is living, his favorite roommate, and a lil more about our bar gang.
power outage reference is to the big power outage that happened in the bronx december 30th, 1989. if you want to know more you can read about it here -- but you never know if this might come back later in the game. ;) cw: eddie munson x ofc, mention of AIDs and the AIDs crisis, mild violence
January 5th, 1990  Greenpoint, Brooklyn
The sun was down when Eddie stumbled into his apartment the following week, two grocery bags filled to the brim sagged in his arms. 
“Dose?” he called out into the dark apartment, hip checking the door closed behind him. He used his elbow to click the light on in the hallway, shuffling to the kitchen to drop the bags. 
“Dosia?” he called out, a little more concerned. He stepped back into the hallway, chains and keys clinking onto each other with each step. He turned the corner into the living room, the TV was on, but no one was on the couch. He leaned a ringed hand on the door frame of a bedroom at the end of the hall, his own across from it. The side table lamp cast a yellowed glow through the room, but no sign of – 
“Excuse me, mój drogi.” 
“O mój Boże!” Eddie jumped and held his hand to his chest, “Dosia, sweetheart, Halloween is over, you can’t keep doing this to me.” 
A very short, very old woman, with box dyed dark auburn hair chuckled below him, “Ah, but it is so funny to watch you jump!” 
“I don’t know how you do it, you get me every time,” he said, following her back to the kitchen. 
“Well, you know, I have a few years on you, you learn some things,” she put her glasses on and started taking the groceries out of the bags, “Your Polish is getting better.” 
“Just that one saying,” he leaned up against the wall, crossing his arms a little pink rose in his cheeks. Dosia shrugged, putting some of the produce in the fridge. 
“Are you staying for dinner?” she asked. 
“I wish,” he said, “I’m going back into the city. Made some new friends.” 
“Gratulacje, dear.” 
“I’ll take the trash out when I leave,” Eddie turned down the hall to his bedroom, “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone, Dose.” 
Had you told Eddie in 1986 that he’d live in Greenpoint with an elderly Polish woman in three years, he would have laughed at you. But also, if you told him in 1985 that he would end up in an alternate dimension, shredding guitar, and almost getting eaten to death by demobats he also would have laughed at you. So, maybe ending up in Greenpoint wasn’t so outlandish in comparison. 
When Eddie was looking for apartments and for Help Wanted ads in the paper for work, he came across Dosia. Just an old woman looking for help after her son moved to New Jersey when he got married, discounted rent, and homemade Polish food pretty regularly. Not a bad deal, all things considered. What he liked about Dosia is that the first time she saw him, she wasn’t afraid. All she said was, “Please do not play your music during my shows, they are very important to me, thank you.”
They became fast friends. In good weather they’d play cards on the stoop, go on walks, or go sit in a park and feed birds. She didn’t make a sour face when he’d practice guitar, she’d just nod and smile (and sometimes if she was very into it, she’d clap). Dosia called him her second son, and honestly, it was the most love he’d felt in years. He didn’t mind running errands for her or taking her to appointments. He liked caring for someone, and god did she like caring for him.
His first Christmas with her was the first Christmas since he was a kid that he even got a present. Her son helped her find it, and it was so simple, but even just thinking that he might need a guitar repair kit made him tear up. (And the orange sweater he’d never wear but kept folded in the top drawer of his dresser to make her happy.)
“You wear too much black, you have autumn features mój drogi, wear something different,” she begged him. But even still, she offered to bring it to someone to get it dyed if he really wanted her to. Eddie wouldn’t dream of it.
He closed his bedroom door behind him, hearing Dose hum to herself while she got to work in the kitchen. It was…neat- ish. The room was a little bigger than his bedroom in Wayne’s trailer, with a small closet. It was decorated with much of the same, posters littered the walls, stacks of Heavy Metal Magazine on his bedside table. Miss Kitty and her little sister Lucy, a black and white Charvel he bought for himself for his birthday, were displayed proudly on the wall above his bed. 
He gave himself a once over in the mirror in the corner, and normally he wouldn’t care but he felt compelled to look good at Skid tonight. Eddie kicked off his Reeboks and slid into a pair of beat up Docs he stole from the locker rooms at Gleason’s. He figured if one of the guys left them there, they probably didn’t care too much about them. He pulled off his jacket and shirt, rummaged through his drawers for something clean and wrenched out an old Motorhead tee. Once he put everything back on, he looked back in the mirror and shook out his hair. 
“Whatever, it’ll do,” he said to his reflection. Eddie reached to the top of his dresser and gave himself a spritz of the nearly empty Drakkar Noir bottle sitting on the edge of it, another Gleason’s lost and found exclusive. He grabbed his leather satchel and hurried to the kitchen, gave Dosia a kiss on the cheek took out the trash (which he almost forgot), and headed to the train to make it back to the city. 
Eddie arrived at Skid with a bang, Tony was wailing on a guy outside while Rhonda pulled another man out the door by the belt loops. From the looks of this guy's face, he definitely was on the receiving end of one of her mean upper cuts. After a final punch, Tony got up and greeted Eddie with a warm smile. 
“How’s it goin’ man? Happy New Year!” he said, putting a hulking arm around him and guiding him inside. Ed looked over his shoulder and watched Ron throw the other guy onto the sidewalk and kick him hard in the side. 
“You can’t just leave her out there,” Eddie said looking back at Rhonda while they went through the door.
“I am never worried about Rhonda kicking someone’s ass,” he said, getting behind the bar, he gestured to one of the open stools for Ed to sit at, “Especially not some fuckin’ Nazi.” 
He nodded at Tony and took a seat. The bar was fairly empty aside from a couple of guys and their guitars over in the corner he sat at last week. 
“You get guys like that in here a lot?” he asked, his eyes flitting to the door hearing Rhonda’s muffled shouts. 
“They’re normally from out of town, think it's some punk bar that lets guys like that in. Hate when it happens so close to opening though, fucks up the whole night's energy,” Tone explained, “When Ron’s here I let her take care of it, helps get her rage out.” 
Eddie let out a small snicker, his attention snapping to the door as it opened and Rhonda stomping inside. She looked him over, red lips parting and then closing while she did, and her eyes fell on his boots.
“Hey, clown,” she said flatly, and got behind the bar, washing her hands in one of the small sinks at the end. Eddie wished he never changed his shoes, “Where were you this week?” 
“Did you miss me?” he asked, resting his chin in his hands and tilting his head to the side.
She rolled her eyes, “You come in on a busy Friday night, mess up my flow, get me in trouble, and you want to know if I missed you?”
“I already know,” he said with a smile, “Tony told me at the gym that you asked where I was on New Year’s Eve.” And I literally haven’t stopped thinking about that conversation since then, he thought to himself. 
“So I could avoid you,” she said. 
“Sure,” he smirked, “No, after that big power outage on Saturday it was kind of hard getting in and out of Brooklyn so I just stayed over there until things got worked out.” 
“Oh, yeah that was a shitty night,” she recalled, “We couldn’t even open. Can I get you a beer or something?” 
“Could I actually…get a martini?” he asked, “Dirty.” 
“How dirty do you like it?” Rhonda asked while reaching for a bottle of Tanqueray. 
“Filthy,” he replied. She got to work in front of him, still wearing her battle vest but swapped the jeans for disco pants. He let his eyes linger on her when she turned around to grab something else, the way she filled those pants out was a crime. 
“I didn’t miss you,” she put the glass in front of him, “Pretty let down I didn’t scare you away though, I’m pretty good at getting creeps out of the bar.” 
“I saw,” he said, taking a sip of his drink, “Why don’t you ever come to Gleason’s and train?”
“Tony goes to Gleason’s to train, and look at girls, and see you,” she said, “I don’t go to Gleason’s because I have better things to do than watch losers with 'roid rage pretend to fight. My girlfriend Hannah goes there though, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You know her? Hannah Lester?” 
Eddie choked on his martini, he knew Hannah Lester very well. 
“Nope, doesn’t ring a bell,” he lied, looking into his drink. 
“Hm,” she gave him a semi-suspicious look but shook it off quickly, “So what did you do on New Years?” 
“Worked,” he said, “Rang things in with my roommate and uh, then went out to a bar nearby. Welcome to the Nineties, I guess. I take it you worked too?” 
“I didn’t, actually,” she said, “I came here after but I spent some time at Roosevelt. Lot of those patients don’t have anyone doing holidays with them, so I wanted to help put something together.” 
“What patients?” he asked. 
“Oh, Roosevelt hospital, in the AIDs ward,” she said while wiping down glasses in the sink, not making eye contact with him, “I’m not a nurse or anything, I just volunteer there on my days off and in the mornings when I can. Like, being a candy striper but for emotional support and ice water.” 
There was a moment of silence and Eddie could tell she seemed nervous, “I think that’s really cool.”
Relief poured over her body at the affirmation, “Thanks for saying that, after the whole ‘Stop the Church’ stuff at St. Patrick's, everyone's been kind of on edge.” 
“I don’t think you’re running into a lot of Catholics here,” he muttered while taking another sip of his drink, “But – if it makes you feel better talking to me about it, the last time I got arrested was at the Wall Street rally.” 
Rhonda broke out in a smile and met his stare, “Me too.” 
“Cheers to that,” he said, raising his glass to her, “Tony was right, you are a bleeding heart.”
“Tone never knows what he’s talking about,” Rhonda retorted, “Like, ever.” 
“I’m like, four feet away from you Ron,” Tony said on the other end of the bar, “If you’re gonna say some wrong and dumb shit, at least do it quietly.” 
Rhonda laughed and leaned on the bar on her forearms like how she did the first time they talked. 
“Tone never knows what he’s talking about,” she whispered. 
“I think he does, and you’re only actually mean and scary at the bar,” Eddie whispered back, giving her a knowing look from under his bangs.
“I think, if you wanna stay another minute at Skid, you’ll stop agreeing with Tony before I knock all your teeth out of your mouth,” she whispered again. She stood back up and returned to drying off glasses, back to her regular tone  “And they’re good teeth, too.” 
He put a hand to his heart, “A threat and a compliment? You’re really going soft on us. Do you want me to go find that guy from outside?" Eddie gestured to the door with his thumb, "You can tell him how much you liked his jacket.” 
“Tone, when can I finally kick this clown out of here?” she asked over her shoulder.
“Oh c’mon, Ron,” Tony teased, “You were just asking where he was last week!”
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My best friend and my sister
Word count: 3714
Pairing: Tammy x Miller!Reader (Lou’s younger sister)
Prompts requested: 1 “Why didn’t you tell me” 18 “How could you be so irresponsible?” 
A/N: For my sweet Anon, I hope you enjoy x Sorry it’s taking so long to get these out, I’ve been very burnt out recently but I’m back on track now! 
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @saucy-sapphic @witchxaf @creepingwolfberry​ @chewbacca0805​ @coconutlipss​
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Prompts 1 & 18 
You and Lou had always been close growing up. Having such a cool older sister had its perks. Like when you were eight years old and you had pleaded and begged for that toy you had spotted in the window but your parents had shook their heads, not having enough money to afford ‘special gifts’. Those were only reserved for birthdays and Christmas’s. You had walked out of the store devastated with tears in your eyes until Lou walked you around the corner and revealed the toy from the depths of her long coat, a finger to her lips and a wink keeping the secret gift between you both. Lou had been seventeen then and was struggling to find a part time job to help pay some of the family's bills and so she could buy you gifts. 
“Every kid should have a few toys growing up. Including you, Y/N.” She would say. 
Once Lou had reached the sweet old age of twenty-one, an opportunity had presented itself before her, one that she just couldn't refuse. One right where the tall green statue stood proud overlooking the city of dreams. New York City was Lou's chance to make something of herself and, who were you to deny her of that?
"This could be good for us, Y/N! I could make enough money to bring you over and you can live with me!"  She had exclaimed, excitement filling her youthful blue eyes. You had nodded and basked in her excitement, the dreading feeling of abandonment slowly creeping its way through into your chest.
Once you had turned eighteen, Lou had kept to her promise of bringing you over to the big city, flying first class from Australia and leaving your parents down under, ready to start your new life; a better life. 
You had lived with Lou while studying in New York. Your apartment was small, but enough for the two of you. That was, until Lou introduced you to the infamous Deborah Ocean. The woman was beautiful and mysterious, her words carefully calculated, her dark eyes taking in the room before she had even stepped into it. You thought she was pretty badass compared to your older sister, especially when you found out what they did for a living. The ‘jobs’ that they did helped keep you both afloat through your first few years in New York City, especially when the bigger jobs were coming through, which helped you move into a bigger, fancier place that you could call home. 
That was the day you fell in love with the most breath-taking human you had ever laid eyes on. The woman was average height, her blonde hair resting against her breasts in soft curls. The small dark freckle on the corner of her upper lip drawing you in and oh, that wide smile that lit up her whole face making her brown eyes sparkle ever so slightly under the sunlight that seeped into the open living room space where you had stood, staring a little too long at this stunning woman.
"Stop drooling, kid. You're gonna end up needing the mop at this rate and we haven't even put an offer in yet," Debbie had whispered to you, teasing your love sick expression. You had snapped out of your gaze at that remark, stuttering over your words trying to defend yourself. You both stood and watched as Lou and this beautiful blonde discussed the price by the bay window overlooking the busy streets of New York. Tammy was her name, and it was the most beautiful name you had ever heard of, her soft voice showing a tiny hint of a lisp making you swoon just that bit more for her.
She was an old friend of Debbie's who knew just the right places for the best prices around the area, she had also helped with some of the more high profiled jobs when needed, mainly moving various illegal items across borders. You looked at the sweet blonde in awe, wondering how a woman like that could look so innocent and sweet. 
You had never gotten over that first meeting with Tammy but as the years went by and you matured into a strong minded individual, you realised that you'd rather ignore that pining feeling and continue on with your life as if nothing had changed within you that day. As if you hadn't pictured her breathless beneath you while you buried your fingers deep inside her throbbing heat or how good her left hand would look with a diamond ring on her finger letting everyone know she is yours and you are hers.
No, she was a friend of your sister… your older sister, and a good friend at that.
'Still, it doesn't stop you from thinking about how sweet she would sound moaning your name,' You think bitterly to yourself, hating that you still have this pull to her. 
That’s why you totally weren’t stalking her social media page as you entered your shared apartment with your older sister and her best friend. Briefcase in hand and your eyes glued to your phone screen, eyes transfixed on the sweet blonde who’s smile still makes your stomach flutter. 
You were so invested in your scrolling that you had missed the knowing smirk shared between your sister and her best friend. 
“Hey Kid, how was your first day on the job?” Lou asks, hiding her smirk beneath her coffee mug as Debbie lays out the new flooring plans for their next big job. You look up at the sound of her voice, taking in the blue papers on the living room table.
“Yeah, it was good! The students were lovely and eager, which was encouraging.” You gush, the excitement from your first successful day distracting you from the breath-taking photos of your secret crush.
“God, just the thought of college makes me shiver now. Thank god I develop my skills as a con artist.” Debbie jokes, her eyes trained on the carefully mapped out plan. You move to sit next to her, leaning your chin onto her shoulder pointing at an unmarked area on the layout plans. 
“If you place the camera chip by the corner on the east wing here, that should cover up to the left side of the entryway down the hall.” You mumble, before grabbing Debbie’s hot coffee and taking a sip. Lou scoffs from her seat across but you can spot the pride in her eyes. Living with two very intelligent con artists has its perks. Debbie kisses the top of your head with enthusiasm.
“You’re the best, pumpkin. Still think you’re going down the right career path?” She questions, a playful smirk appearing on her lips making you shake your head as you move towards your bedroom. 
“You guys have your thing, I have mine. Besides, I’m far too good for your lil crew, Ocean.” You joke, turning to wink at the brunette before heading into your room. You falter slightly upon closing your door hearing your sister’s voice shout through to you from the other side. 
“The ‘crew’ are coming over later to go through the plan. You wanna join us?!” You bump your head lightly against your wooden door, already feeling the knowing smirks coming from both women. 
“Maybe. I’ll see how I feel later.” You reply against the door, before moving away and removing your work clothes piece by piece, leaving a trail of material towards the en-suite bathroom. 
Placing your phone on the drawer by the bathroom door, you head in for a shower completely missing the new text message from your favourite blonde.
Hey darling! I hope your first day went well. Can’t wait to hear all about it tonight! Tam x
Writing up the last few lines for your lesson plans, you look towards the digital clock on your desk as your stomach flutters in anticipation at seeing the blonde. You see, you may have never seeked out your intentions with Tammy but you would be fooling yourself if you thought you were over your silly crush on the woman. 
A loud knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. 
“Y/N! They’ll be here soon, are you joining us or not?” Lou’s deep voice came muffled from the other side of your door.
“Uh, yeah. Let me finish up this lesson plan and I’ll be out.” You reply, distracted by your thoughts. Shaking your head, you refocus back onto the task at hand before you can let your thoughts trail off into a much more filthier place.
You continue to write in your planner making sure that every detail has been looked over at least twice wanting everything to be perfect, completely unaware of the unannounced presence that stands by your doorway leaning heavily against the doorframe, soft eyes gazing lovingly at your hunched over figure. 
“Hey, you.” 
The voice startles you from your productivity, making you gasp and swirl around swiftly at the unexpected voice. Hand on chest, you try to catch your breath as the sweet angelic sound of Tammy’s laughter echoes throughout the bedroom. 
“Oh my god, Tammy! You gotta warn me next time.” You breathe, turning back to rearrange your notepad and planner. Tammy chuckles this time before pushing away from the doorframe and making herself comfortable at the foot of the bed.
“I’m sorry darling, but we’ve been out there for nearly an hour and well.. I missed you. We haven’t hung out with you much lately and we’re missing our most valuable member of the crew.” She confesses, a small smile playing on her lips as she takes in your room. You feel your heart flutter at the thought of her missing you, but you quickly squish down the thought knowing she didn’t mean just her but the rest of the gang. 
“Oh shit! I hadn’t realised the time. You guys haven’t ordered yet, right?” You ask, eyes hopeful and mouth watering at the thought of some delicious greasy pizza. 
“We have..” You pout at her words before watching her smile wide at you. “But don’t worry Y/N, I ordered your favourite.” She informs you with a smug expression. You leap out of your chair and practically leap towards her, placing your arms around her shoulder you press a big kiss to her cheek before moving away just as quickly heading for the living room.
“This is why you’re my favourite, Tam Tam.” You exclaim, already out of the room before she could blink. Within your excitement you missed how the blonde touched her cheek where you had placed the kiss onto her scorching skin, a tint of pink blushing across her cheeks. 
Yeah, you weren’t the only one smitten. 
Over the next few days, you had helped your sister and her crew form the perfect plan to take over the new Randervelt Museum and their very expensive art pieces. Debbie had dropped enough hints that you ended up being a part of the plan. 
“We can’t do this without you, Y/n.” 
“The money is good.” 
How could you say no? After all, you were a Miller and the thrill of a heist had always been appealing to you ever since your sister brought you along to your first one when you turned 21. “It’s tradition”, Lou had said. 
During that time, you had noticed Tammy had been awfully quiet around you. Sometimes you would catch her staring just a little too long at you before she would turn away and engage in conversation with one of the others, as if nothing was wrong. You had tried to talk to her about her odd behaviour but every time you got her alone, she would make some kind of excuse to not be around you. 
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt but the plan had gone smoothly with everyone accounted for, all except for well... you. 
“Where is she, Constance?” Tammy raged through her earpiece, getting ready to jump back out of the van and go searching for you herself. 
“She’s got caught up with that big ass guard. I’m going to intervene to see if I can get her out of the way.” Constance replies, far too calm for her liking. 
“What do you mean caught up with the guard?! What’s he saying to her?” 
“I dunno but, uh… it seems like he’s flirting with her.” Tammy gulps slightly at that, feeling her stomach drop. 
“Well, get him to back off before I come in there and do it myself.” She says through gritted teeth.
“Alright girl, chill the F out. I’ll go get your girl.” She mumbles into her ear. Tammy’s eyes widen at the blunt statement as she hears quiet chuckling from the others. 
“Ladies, can we please focus? This is my sister and I swear to god if anything happens to her I- just… Constance, go and get her. Me and Debbie are going to bring round the other truck so we can transfer the paintings over to you, got it?” Lou’s authoritative voice crackles through the earpiece. A collective of sorry's are mumbled across the team as everyone returned back to the task at hand. Tammy holds her breath, waiting for Constance's confirmation of a safe exit with you in toe. 
“Got her. We’re on our way out now, be ready for us.” 
She can finally breathe again.
The journey back to the warehouse was quiet and tense. Tammy tried to let go of the pent up frustration and unwanted anger of having you in such a situation in the first place, but she couldn’t seem to drop it. That is, if her knee bouncing rapidly had anything to say about it. 
You kept your eyes fixed on the empty seat across from you, knowing that a certain pair of  brown doe eyes were burning into your skull from the spot across. Once you had all entered the apartment, the team disperses towards the living area bringing in the pieces one by one. 
Tammy is no longer able to keep her thoughts to herself, the words ready to spill from her throat. 
“How could you be so irresponsible?” She scolded, turning towards you. 
Your eyes widen as you gape at her, showing your shock at her blunt words. 
You can hear Lou chastising Tammy quietly in warning from across the room, but from the look on the blonde's face she wasn’t about to listen to her friend.  
“Excuse me?” You exclaim, taking a step closer to her. 
“You could have gotten into some serious trouble back there Y/N, if that guy had caught onto what you were doing.. You need to be more careful.” She lectured, trying to slow down her rapid breathing knowing that secretly, deep down, it wasn’t your fault. 
“Are you being serious right now?!” You question, baffled by her defensive behaviour. 
“I knew it was a bad idea putting you in danger like that. I should have said something.” Tammy mutters to herself, but her words are clear enough for you to hear. 
“What do you mean, Tam? Is that why you’ve been so weird with me? I knew there was something up with you.” You summarize, pointing an accusing finger at the blonde. You notice at the corner of your eye, the other woman silently leaving the room, clearly not wanting to be involved. 
Your eyes catch your sisters, her crystal blue eyes staring back at you with understanding and knowing, baffling you even more before Debbie escorts her reluctant form out of the room, knowing that you are old enough to deal with the problem at hand.
“Okay, fine! I was pissed off, alright? I hated the fact that you were dragged into yet another job, an illegal job might I add. You are doing something good with your life right now, darling. I don’t want you getting mixed up in all of this. You’re too good for this.” She says, indicating towards the stolen art pieces. You frown at just how concerned she is with your involvement.
“Why do you care so much, Tam? I’m just your best friend's kid sister, remember?” You mock, remembering back to the time when you overheard her conversation with Debbie about your odd relationship with the older woman. 
“She’s young, Debs. I’m merely being a friend.”  Those were her words back then and they still stung to this day. 
Tammy drops her gaze, shame evident, remembering how she saw your retreating form from the corner of her eye back when she spoke to Debbie about her confusing feelings towards you.  
“I only said that because I was too scared to admit how I actually felt about you, Y/N.” Her voice soft, faltering slightly under her confession. Her eyes bright with unshed tears, her shoulders dropping as if the weight of her secret love for you has been lifted. You gape at the woman in front of you, overwhelmed with uncertainty and hope.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You managed to croak out, unable to form further words. 
Tammy shrugs her shoulders in defeat, before slowly meeting your conflicted gaze. You could see the vulnerability in those big brown eyes, making you step towards her. That instant pull between you growing stronger just like it had during that first meeting. 
“What, and tell your sister ‘oh hey, I know I’m one of your closest friends but I’m in love with your younger sister’? I don’t think that would have gone down well back then, do you?” You both chuckle slightly realising how ridiculous this all is. 
“I’m pretty sure she’s known something was going on,” you pause for a minute, thinking carefully about your next words. “Because I dunno if you know this, but I’ve been in love with you since I first laid my eyes on you.” You confess, folding your arms across your chest as if to protect yourself from your own words. 
Before you could apologise or take back your words, scared by the fallen silence that has settled between you both, Tammy walks the last few steps towards you placing her hands gently against your jaw, cupping your face within the palms of her hands. The tenderness within her hold makes you want to cry at just how much love seeps from her one single touch. 
“I would very much like to kiss you.” She whispers, her lips an inch away from your own. You close your eyes basking in the moment before you reply. 
“Then, do it.” Her lips clash with your own at your words, desperate as if they’ve been waiting a million years just to touch your own soft lips. Her tongue traces along your bottom lip making you part your lips ever so slightly but enough for her to trace her tongue along your own, fighting for dominance. Bringing your hands up, you thread your fingers through long blonde locks keeping her close not wanting to break away just yet. You continue with this fight for dominance with your mouths before the distinctive sound of someone gagging makes you break apart. 
Turning your heads to the side, you both see Lou and the others stood by the doorway with stupid grins on their faces. All except for Lou, who was fake gagging next to Debbie who just rolled her eyes at her best friend's antics. 
“Are you guys done sucking each other's faces? Because I wanna order pizza.” Nine says with indifference, before moving into the room and towards the kitchen where the food menus lay scattered on the kitchen island table. 
The others laugh watching as you both fluster at being caught making out like teenagers. You eye up your sister who has been very quiet about the whole exchange, feeling Tammy shift uncomfortably next to you clearly waiting for your sister to react. 
You keep a supportive arm around her waist, silently telling her that no matter what you’re both stronger than the rejection. Lou walks agonizingly slowly towards you both with a stoic face, giving nothing away while Debbie rolls her eyes at her friend's dramatics, once again. 
“My best friend and my sister...” Is all she says, as if trying to piece the information together out loud. 
You gulp once she’s up close to you, standing with her arms crossed as her eyes flicker between you and Tammy. The silent exchange feels like it goes on for a century before she breaks out into a huge smile, showing her pearly white teeth and her arms out wide towards you both.
“My best friend and my sister!” She exclaims excitingly, before pulling you both into a three-way hug. You both lock eyes over your sister’s shoulder, relief evident in those perfect brown eyes making you grin softly. 
“Yeah, me and your sister, Lou.” Tammy says as she laughs at your sister's antics. Lou pulls back, holding your shoulders with her hands eyeing your now clasped hands. 
“Just don’t make it gross, yeah? She’s still my little sister and I will kick your arse if you hurt her, Tam Tam.” Lou threatens, but the tone of her voice clearly shows she’s only half joking. 
You roll your eyes at your sister’s empty threat before she bops you on the nose, which you bat away with your free hand. 
“That goes for you as well, kid. She’s still one of my best friends, you hurt her in any way then me and you will be having words. Got it?” She promises, before winking and walking back towards the kitchen where the others have been not so subtly listening in to the exchange. 
You look at the blonde in front of you, taking in her soft features and perfect smile, overwhelmed with love for this woman in front of you.  Leaning in, you kiss the corner of her mouth softly. 
“I could never hurt you Tam Tam. Who would get my pizza order right, if not you?” You tease, watching the mischievous glint burn within her brown eyes as she playfully shoves you. 
“You, dork.” Grabbing her hand quickly, you place it over your heart and whisper. 
“But I’m your dork,” you smile cheekily at her.
“Yeah, my dork.” She confirms, her adoring eyes gazing into your own thinking to herself. 
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draconica · 3 years
Oooo, for the writing prompt, a little 7+4+1? Or just one, I might be a little greedy 😖🤣
7: Engagement sex 4: Petnames 1: Spicing things up in the bedroom
I made it work, anon   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I also headcanon Ellis can be a powerbottom so enjoy that
When Ellis returned home from the shop one warm evening, he was humming softly to himself. There was a sly smile to his features as he gently jostled the plastic bag he had brought home. There was no groceries or anything that mundane inside. No, there was something very special inside of this particular carrier.
“Niiick?” he crooned in the hope that his boyfriend was home, and in the mood. Now, he was home, but as Ellis turned the corner into the living room he was met with a sight he wasn't quite expecting to see.
Nick was stood in a black suit - a proper, swanky, three-piece number – and holding a red rose. A soft song was playing on their stereo system, and the lights were turned down low. He had definitely been stood here for some time, waiting for Ellis to return home, and Ellis dropped his smile briefly. The gambler was smooth as silk at the best of times, but this was unexpected.
“Welcome home, sweet peach,” Nick led with, making Ellis blush – that damn pet name of his. “You good?”
Ellis scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, I'm jus' fine,” he smiled, setting down his bag for now, and gesturing to Nick as he took a step towards him. “What's this for?”
In a second, Nick's smile slipped a little, arching his brow. “...You forgot, didn't you?” He rolled his eyes, but that smile soon came right back as he stepped forward also, closing the gap between them and offering him the rose. “July 12th? The day we got out of quarantine?” Nick chuckled, leaning in closer and making it more personal. “The day we moved in together, made the new place official?”
A million thoughts swarmed Ellis's head at that point, taking the rose and knowing he was absolutely overcome with blushes. “O-oh… damn, I guess I did forget,” he giggled, tilting his head a little as his boyfriend leered closer. Even now, Nick was still the most damn attractive man he'd ever met, let alone dated. “M'sorry, darlin', just had a lot on my mind, I guess?” he shrugged.
Nick seemed to understand, nodding once before pulling Ellis in for a kiss. “It's all good, sport. You can make it up to me later. But for now...” he turned and clicked a remote in love control, turning down the music a touch, before his hand returned to where it belonged – holding his lover's.
“Ellis,” he began, looking down at his thumb caressing the back of El's hand. “It's been a hell of a ride to get here, huh? Fighting for our lives every day in the apocalypse, a year of quarantine, and now three years of living together. Before the Green Flu, I was at my lowest point. I… well, wouldn't be alive if I hadn't met you. The zombies were a distraction, but you were a reason to live. You mean the Goddamn world to me, Fireball, and I want to spend every day by your side. So… I have one question for you.” Ellis watched on, mouth dropping, as his boyfriend got down on one knee and produced a velvet box containing a thick silver ring. In the center, there was set a dark blue gemstone. “Ellis, mi tesoro, will you marry me?”
Needless to say, Ellis had not been expecting this today, and that was obvious given the absolute astonishment on his face at that moment. It almost made Nick want to laugh, but he was slightly too nervous for that.
Thankfully, Ellis broke into his lop-sided, brilliant Southern smile. “You sly sumbitch,” he chuckled. “Hell yeah, I'll marry ya!”
The gambler got to his feet, immediately bringing his lover closer into his arms with an unbreakable smile. The ring was a perfect fit onto Ellis's fourth finger, something else that Nick had been worried about, but seeing how snugly it sat made the older man's heart swell. “I love you, Overalls.”
“Love you, too, darlin',” Ellis responded as he brought Nick's face in for a kiss... and then another... and then his arms were around Nick's neck. Any distance between them was suddenly gone.
It wasn't unusual for their kisses to get out of hand, certainly in their earlier days where it seemed like sex was on the table every day (not literally, except for a few times Ellis can remember where they'd gotten adventurous…). That's when Ellis remembered what was in the bag he had brought home. Well, now he had no choice but to surprise his lover with its contents.
By now, Nick's kisses had moved to the mechanic's neck, and Ellis couldn't suppress a shiver as he found his favorite spot just below his ear. Many a hickey had been placed there before, and it was near-enough a certainty that he'd be getting a new one tonight.
“Nick,” he whispered, shifting his hand through the hustler's hair and smiling when he caught sight of the shiny new engagement ring on his finger. “Take me to the bedroom.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Nick chuckled before tightening his grip around Ellis's waist and hoisting him up, causing the younger man to gasp against his lips. “You don't have to tell me twice.”
Of course, Nick couldn't possibly carry Ellis up a whole staircase and into said bedroom. He wasn't a young man anymore, after all. Not that Ellis minded – it actually gave him a chance to grab the bag he'd brought home. Nick gave him an odd look as he did so, but his young fiancé had simply smiled, told him not to worry about it with a pat to the cheek.
Once they both stepped into the bedroom together, Ellis set the bag down once more and brought Nick into more kisses, having missed them in the thirty seconds they had stopped.
“How long were ya plannin' that for?” asked Ellis curiously as he slipped the black tie from Nick's neck, smiling at him.
Nick shrugged a little. “Few months,” he admitted. “Knew I wanted to marry you someday, seemed like the anniversary of getting out of that Goddamn pandemic was a good time.”
Ellis was now working on those pesky shirt buttons, granting him access to that chest hair he loved so much on Nick. “Romantic as usual,” he mused. “Gotta be honest… I was plannin' a lil' somethin' for us tonight, too. Nothin' big like askin' ya to marry me, so kinda puts my gesture in the shade.”
“Don't be modest, sweet peach,” Nick chuckled, allowing Ellis to remove his suit jacket and leave it on the floor – something he usually gets very picky about.
“Well...” Ellis slipped Nick's belt from his pants, and was pleased at the choice his lover had made – a black leather strap. Yes, this'll do nicely. “I know you like bein' in control 'n all, but I wanna show ya how we ride in the South.”
That piqued the gambler's interest, not in the least because Ellis was looping the belt around his hand, pulling it taught for Nick to see, and something about the sight was enough to set his erection at full mast.
“Ace...” he paused, needing to wet his lips when he found his mouth suddenly dry. “Do I get a say in this?”
“You certainly get to pick the safe word,” mused the mechanic, shifting his weight slightly on his hips as he played with the leather strap some more.
Nick must've been mad, or at least deeply in love, as he decided to shift control over to his little fiancé for the night. “All right,” he conceded, stepping out of his pants which, with lack of support, had pooled onto the floor. “Where do you want me, sugar?”
The mechanic's grin spread further up his cheeks. He led Nick over to their king-sized bed and sat him down. “Now, you go ahead and make yourself comfortable, mister gamblin' man, and I'll go slip outta these here greasy clothes.” With a little canter to his steps, he grabbed the bag once more and headed to their en-suite bathroom, shooting a look over his shoulder. “Recommend losing those there briefs, too. Won't be needin' them at the rodeo.” And with that, he disappeared into the next room, door shutting slowly behind him.
Nick had always been good at following instructions, and Ellis's were about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. So, as he stripped himself down completely and got comfortable, he took the time while Ellis was gone to think about some of the more memorable trysts in their relationship.
There was the very first time which had been during the apocalypse. It had been rough and hurried, considering they had just escaped death by the skin of their teeth, and it was more a carnal desire of the most basic of human instincts. Ellis had almost alerted a horde with how loud he'd been.
There was another time, during quarantine, where love had for the first time been entered into the equation. Namely, the first time they had said 'I love you' to each other. Nick had topped then, too. And he wasn't a picky partner by any means – after all, Ellis was young and full of testosterone, and sometimes he needed to fuck just as much as anyone else. Nick had come to enjoy bottoming, absolutely, but he was more or less the one in charge on most nights. Ellis never complained; quite the opposite, in fact. Nick was still lost in thought when suddenly the bathroom door opened at last, revealing Ellis in his attire for the evening: Nothing but a cowboy hat (and one engagement ring).
“Howdy,” he drawled as he leant against the door frame, still playing with Nick's belt in his hands. “Heard there was a no-good city slicker that I needed to take good care of. Assumin' that's you, handsome?”
Nick couldn't' help but smirk up at him, raising an eyebrow. Ellis was unbelievably adorable, especially whenever he was making effort to please him. That included… this. “Goddamn it, Ace,” he shook his head. “Didn't think this was how my night was gonna go.”
Ellis shot him an amused look, then slipped right back into character. “I'm the best darn rodeo rider this side'a Georgia,” he boasted, sauntering closer to the bed. “Ain't no wild stallion I can't tame. So, reck'n you'll be my best ride yet.” The mechanic reached into the bedside drawer to fetch the lube, and took a moment to stand beside the bed, looking over his naked lover. “Safe word?” he asked.
Nick nodded up at him. “Witch.”
Ellis frowned. “Damn, Nick, really? All the words in the entire American language and you had to pick one that reminds me of the time you almost got yourself killed?”
“You almost got me killed,” retorted the hustler, squinting at him. “You're the one who spooked the bitch.” But he shook his head, letting a smile return to his red face. “Fine. Safe word is 'wedding'.”
With a roll of his eyes, Ellis blushed a little as he set the lube down on the table for now. “Good 'nough for me.” Slipping back into character once more, the Southerner crawled his way onto the bed and straddled his lover, halfway up his chest, at one point his erection bobbing near Nick's face. The gambler just watched on with hungry eyes. “Now then… one thing I know about tamin' the wilder beasts is that they need to be trained, sometimes with force.” Ellis looped the leather belt around Nick's neck gently, watching the older's green eyes for any signs of discomfort or fear. There was nothing but trust, and a lot of hunger.
Ellis cinched the belt, not tightly, but enough for Nick to feel the presence of his around his throat. With a twist of his hand, Ellis curled the leather around his wrist and tested the length. There was plenty to work with, and he grinned. “Damn, look at'chu, city boy.” Ellis backed up his hips, grinding himself backwards onto Nick's cock, and watching in triumph as Nick's eyelids fluttered slightly. “I think I'm gonna really enjoy ridin' you.”
The helpless gambler chuckled as he rested his hands on Ellis's thighs, watching those hips move back and forth and craning his neck back a little. A moan almost made it's way out of his mouth, but not quite. Ellis had to try harder. “You're getting more into the kinky sex, Overalls,” he smiled, throwing in a wink. “I'll take credit for that.”
With a tilt of his head, Ellis's hand pulled back, tightening the belt a little like pulling on the leash of a disobedient dog. Nick gasped beneath him, moaning in the afterthought, which made the cowboy grin. “You speak outta turn like that again and you'll be in the doghouse,” he threatened. Reaching over to the nightstand, he took the open tube of lubricant and squirted the thick liquid onto two fingers. The look in his baby blue eyes was so very kinky, and Nick could feel his cock give a twitch in appreciation as he pictured what Ellis was about to do with those fingers.
Picking up the belt once more with his clean hand, those fingers then went behind Ellis, slipped between his cheeks and found his pucker. The younger man was a dab hand at prepping himself, and knew his own body inside and out. While he worked his magic, he moaned aloud and reintroduced his bucking hips back into the mix. The sight was amazingly erotic, and Nick couldn't resist reaching over to play with Ellis's neglected dick. Ellis, for the most part, seemed to allow it, even bucking up again into the gambler's grasp.
“You're thinkin' about it now, aren't ya, city boy?” Ellis chuckled with an open-mouthed grin. “Thinkin' about me ridin' ya real good, getting' ya all hot 'n bothered...” He leant in slightly, pulling once more on Nick's restraint until the man was a little closer. “Thinkin' about how fuckin' good I'm gonna feel around your cock once I'm wet n' ready?”
That accent was so thick, deep with lust, and it was driving Nick crazy. The gambler gave a groan, just as the belt loosened again and allowed him is breath back. His head fell back to the pillow, already seeing a black fuzz around his vision. “God… sweet peach…”
“Yes, my darlin'?” Ellis crooned, by now with three fingers knuckle deep inside of himself.
“Ple…” Nick panted as he closed his eyes. “Please.”
That was all Ellis needed to hear. With another lop-sided smile, the mechanic shifted until he was kneeling and scooted back a little on Nick's body. He kept a keen eye on his fiancé's face, even as he reached behind, took Nick's cock in hand, and slipped himself down onto it like he'd done it a hundred times before.
The card shark grunted and turned his head a little, and Ellis could hear a shift behind him as Nick moved his legs. His feet was planting themselves onto the mattress and knees bending up, in order to provide him with the leverage he needed. Ellis leant back, slipping down further onto Nick's cock while at the same time resting against Nick's thighs like a back rest. He was grateful for that.
“How about that?” Ellis nearly sang as he shifted on Nicolas's lap. “You're bein' a good boy after all.”
Nick said nothing, just looked up at his Southern lover with a smile on his face, throwing in a wink for good measure. Ellis chuckled and wrapped the belt once more around his wrist for another harsh tug, at the same time, lifting his hips and slamming back down in a harsh bounce. The leather crackled in his grip, and Nick drew another breath. His face was getting redder. “El,” he managed, grinding out the noise, and Ellis was careful to make sure he had enough air to speak, should his next breath utter the safe word.
“Giddy up,” purred the cowboy, reaching up to hold his hat before beginning his ride. Putting all his power to his thighs, up and down Ellis's hips went as he bounced away. The sweetest moans left his throat – couldn't rightly help it, as Nick had always been the best lay of his life.
Nick's hands found their way to Ellis's hips, gripping him there and guiding him on and off his dick. In no time at all, Ellis was fully into the sex, letting go of his hat to reach back and steady himself on Nick's knee as he continued to ride him hard.
“Fuck yeah,” Nick murmured to himself as he gazed up at the scene Ellis was blessing him with. He groaned soon afterwards, craning his neck, and smiled up at his lover. “The belt… please… fuck...”
Ellis grinned and slowed his thrusts down a little in order to tug the belt once more, harsher and tighter than previously. Nick's knuckles went white around Ellis's hips.
“Look at ya… enjoyin' yourself so much,” Ellis praised and drove his hips down once more, grinding back on Nick's length. “C'mon, city boy, you know you wanna come inside'a me...”
Nick could hear the blood rushing around his head, fell the pleasure begin to whirlpool around his cock, and did the only thing he knew he could do. He moved a hand to Ellis's dancing erection and gave him a tight sleeve to fuck into, watching with watering eyes. The Southerner groaned and dropped the leather strap in favor of bracing both hands on Nick's legs, rocking himself like crazy. The gambler drew a gasp of air, Ellis threw his head back, and then it all went white.
“NICK!” Ellis broke character at the last minute to shout his fiancé's name in orgasm. He spilled semen all up Nick's chest and some managed to hit his chin. The sight was erotic enough to send the older man tumbling off the precipice himself, filling Ellis up until he was overflowing. Ellis moaned and lifted himself off for the last time, feeling warm liquid seep down the insides of his thighs.
With a sigh, Ellis leant forward and braced his hands on Nick's shoulders to prevent himself from falling atop him. The cowboy hat fell from his head and onto the floor beside the blunt end of the belt. The mechanic looked up at last, seeing Nick with his eyes closed and drawing in large breaths. He blushed as he reached up to carefully removed the leather from his neck, letting it clatter to the carpet.
“Darlin'?” Ellis whispered as he lifted himself off of Nick, in the process grabbing some tissues in order to clear them both up. “Nick.”
Nick opened his eyes at last, letting them fall onto his cute young lover as he grinned. “Even after all these years...” He reached out to cup El's cheek, rubbing his thumb there. “...you still surprise me, Overalls.”
Once the necessary clean-up had been finished, Ellis crawled back onto the bed and cuddled right up to his gambler, running his hand through his fine chest hair. “Glad you enjoyed the show, Nick.” He looked down, admired the ring still snugly on his finger. “Yeah, not quite how you pictured your night goin', huh?”
“No, sir,” agreed Nick and moved his hand up to lace their fingers together. “But if this is how the rest of my life is gonna go, I think I'm okay with that.”
With a short laugh, Ellis reached up to kiss him, rubbing his thumb along Nick's jaw. “Love you, city boy.”
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amara-scott · 3 years
Unexpected Journey
Movie: Triple Frontier Characters: Tom "Redfly" Davis x Reader Categories: some Angst, yelling, a lil fluff (good ending?)
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"Could you pass me the salt?" I ask, stirring the sauce while keeping my eyes on the recipe that is written in this old book my mom gave me last month. She said even her grandma used it for cooking. Definitely looks and smells like that. I sigh, glancing up and see Tom staring down at his phone. "Earth to Tom?" I swing the tea cloth over my shoulder and lower the heat of the stove, seeing as the sauce is done anyway.
I take a couple careful steps toward his figure, him leaning against the countertop a few feet away. He is chewing his lower lip, deep in thought. His fingers moving across the screen as he types away.
"Hey there." I say, tilting my head slightly, trying to take a better look at his face. He finally meets my eyes but only shortly, looking back down onto the screen.
"Hey." He replies. At least. I throw the towel onto the counter next to him and stroke his upper arms.
"What's up?" I ask, not trying to come off as too nosey. He sighs, locking his phone and placing it onto the counter beside him before fully paying attention to me. He sends me a small smile. A tight one that doesn't reach his eyes.
"Nothing, all good." I hum at his reply, raising a brow, not believing him. He wipes at his face, gulping and turns to the side, my hands falling off his forearms I kept stroking with my thumbs.
He walks over to the pot, stirring and tasting with a spoon, his eyes squinting. "Needs salt." He holds out his hand to me and I grin, shaking my head as I see his smirk growing.
"-And I told her, you can't just walk up to him and say that! He'll think you're insane!" I giggle as I tell him about last weekend where I went out to drink cocktails with my best friends from high school. It's been way too long since I've seen them, us all having lives but all kept living in the same town we grew up in together.
He chuckles along and takes another bite of his potatoes, dipping them in the sauce. He seemed distant all day. Especially after that text conversation earlier.
"So, what's going on, Tom?" I try again, gently.
"Nothing, why?" He looks up, sitting up straight and takes the napkin to wipe his mouth before taking a sip of his beer.
"Just- you seem distant and like something is bugging you or someone-"
"-(Y/N), everything is good. Don't worry, okay?" He tries again but I don't get that reassuring feeling whenever he says 'it's all good'. Quite the opposite actually. The more I hear it, the less I believe it.
I place down my fork and clear my throat, drinking my wine. I place the nearly empty glass back down on the table and sit back, crossing my arms. Eyes boring holes into the table cloth.
"It just doesn't seem that way, is what I'm saying-"
"Seriously, let's drop this, okay? Nothing is the matter, you're about to make a big fuss over nothing. Just- don't." I look up at him as he uses his stern voice, like he's scolding me. I frown at him, rubbing my thighs, the topic really itching me and he knows it.
"But if something was the matter, you know you can talk to me, right?"
He sighs, closing his eyes, jaw tight. He stands up then, taking our plates and walking into the kitchen. I look after him and regret saying anything. My eyes back on the table, the rain outside catching my attention next. Loud, whistling wind and hard droplets coming down on the windows.
What a great date night. I stand up with a heavy sigh and take our glasses, following him into the kitchen. He's loading the dish washer as I walk up next to him to empty our drinks and he steps aside, giving me room to add the glasses to the dish washer. I close it and when I turn around he is gone. Way to avoid me now. After grabbing two bottles of water for us I head up as well.
I enter the bedroom but he's not here, neither in the bathroom. So he's in the study. I roll my eyes and place the bottles onto our night stands, getting ready for bed. I thought we'd have a romantic dinner and maybe even have sex but- I guess not. I am mad at myself for ruining this. But also disappointed, he clearly keeps something from me that is bugging him. But I realise it's probably for the better to just give him space.
I pull my dress over my head and glance at myself in the mirror as I take one of his shirts from the drawer. My new lingerie set. I huff, pulling off the black lace bra and throw it into the corner, missing the chair but I don't care right now.
"Tom, you coming to bed?" I ask down the hall as I enter the bathroom.
"Yeah, in a few." So, no. He won't. He will wait until I'm asleep.
Once between our comfy sheets I lie there, staring at the ceiling and listening to the rain. Soon my eyes drop closed and I drift off.
Light kisses to my neck stir me half-awake but I don't move, nor do I open my eyes. I feel him cuddling up to me, arm around my waist as he pulls me a bit tighter against him, breathing down my neck. I shift my hand up, placing it above his' and lacing our fingers. His thumb running across my hand as he leaves a kiss on my shoulder.
"I love you." He whispers, his beard tickling my neck. He told me one day that he hates going to bed without telling me at least once. I smile into my pillow but don't answer. Hoping he believes I fell back asleep already.
The next couple days we don't talk as much. Silent smiles and quick kisses. That's all. But I want to give him space. I remind myself every day. I know I would want the same.
We sit at the table, eating breakfast in silence. I choose to make his favourite for him while I eat cereal. Not really in the mood for anything fancy. The radio is playing in the background softly. The window open, allowing fresh air to enter our kitchen and the morning sun warming my skin.
"Santiago wants to come over later." He says and keeps his eyes glued to the newspaper beside his plate. I take a sip of my orange juice and nod.
"Does he want to stay for dinner? I wanted to make fresh homemade pizza." He nods, sending me a small smile.
"Sounds good." Conversation over. I hold back a sigh and stand up, clearing the table off dirty dishes and grab a few bags from under the sink.
"I'll go get some groceries, I'll be back later." I kiss his cheek, leaning over his shoulder and he places his hand on mine that rests there. His lips brush against my knuckles.
"I love you." He says, glancing at me over his shoulder as he lets go of my hand. I smile and kiss his cheek again.
"Love you more." I walk into the hallway and put on my shoes, grabbing my keys and phone, throwing both into my bag.
"Do you need anything else, Tom?" I call out but he says no, so I walk out the door, taking the silver pick up to get shopping.
Once I'm done I make my way back, parking in the driveway, another car already there. Santiagos. I smile, finally someone else to maybe get Tom back to his usual self.
I step outside and open the backseat door, taking a glance at the five bags and deciding I only want to walk once. I got this. Once I have all of them in my hands and arms I turn to the side, kicking the door shut with my hip, but it didn't close fully. I roll my eyes, sighing. Can't change that now.
"Need any help?" I nearly drop a bag at Santiago's voice but turn carefully, smiling at him through the paper bags.
"Hey you! How are you?" I say but slowly feel my arms getting heavy. He jogs over and takes the bags easily.
"Gimme those- I'm good, what about you? You look good." I wave him off, smiling and close the truck again. Walking toward the front door with him.
"You charmer, I'm good- you're staying for dinner?" I ask and he nods, grinning.
"Wouldn't miss (y/n)'s famous homemade pizza for anything." I open the door for him and take my shoes off after closing the front door once he's inside.
"Oh, you're in for a treat mister." I joke and follow him into the kitchen.
"Yeah? I sure hope so."
I see Tom outside in the backyard, drinking a beer and tell Santiago to go back to his playdate. He pinches my side and I flinch, playfully glaring at him as he exits, taking a couple cool beers with him on the way.
I store everything away and prepare the dough already, prepping all toppings and making the sauce. Once I'm done the men both walk back inside, Tom walking up behind me and kissing my cheek.
"How was the store?" I sigh thinking back.
"Damn crowded. For whatever reason. It's a sunny Friday afternoon."
"I feel like grocery stores are always crowded. No matter the day or time." I agree with Santiago as I pop a strawberry into my mouth, I offer them some after washing them and they happily start munching.
"So, what's the occasion for your visit? Just stopping by?" I ask as I sit down with them at the table. Must be torching outside.
"Yeah, something like that." I nod, not pressing the subject.
"Actually-" He starts again, glancing at Tom who shakes his head at him. "-come on man, you have to tell her eventually." He sighs, rubbing at his face.
"What's going on?" I ask, folding my arms and looking between them both.
"Nothing, it's-"
'-no, Tom, I'm actually tired of hearing that."
He looks up at me, hard face. "Let's not do this right now."
"When? Later? Tomorrow? In a week? Tom, I've been waiting for at least two weeks now. Giving you space, not pressing the subject- but I'm drained. I'm constantly worrying, my head is full of scenarios and none of them are any good. You either tell me or I will squeeze this out of Santiago."
There's a moment of silence before Santiago stands up. "I'm gonna be outside guys, Tom should be the one telling you." He pats my shoulder on the way out and closes the door to the backyard once he's outside.
My eyes are glued to Tom but he is just staring at the table, running a hand through his already messy hair.
"It's a bit more complicated." He starts and I sigh, relieved. He's finally telling me. At least that's what it feels like.
"I don't care how long you need or if you have to start over and over again. I'm right here, right beside you." I take his hand from his head and hold it in mine on the table. I send him a small smile, hoping I could encourage him to tell me everything that's been resting on his big heart.
He gulps, nodding. "You know that Santiago and I used to work together. Back in my military days." He pauses, looking at me. I nod, remembering him telling me on one of our first dates because I mentioned that a man in a uniform is instantly more attractive. He wanted to brag. But I also admired him. His bravery. I still do.
"Him and a few others I served with are going on a mission again." He continues, eyes not meeting mine. I stop stroking his hand but don't pull it off. I gulp.
I also remember telling him no matter how hot a guy is in a uniform, I could probably never be with a soldier, the constant worry, the goodbye. Not knowing what might happen.
I slowly nod, glancing over to the backyard, watching Santiago talking on the phone. I look back at Tom who finally meets my eyes.
"And you're joining them?" I state, even though I wanted it to be a question. He sighs, his jaw clenching and unclenching.
"I'm not sure." I pull my hand away and rub my eyes, standing up and walking toward the sink, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. I gulp it all down, setting the glass back down on the counter, hanging my head a bit. I close my eyes, then feel him behind me, running his hands up and down my arms.
"That's why you've been ignoring me?" I ask, turning back around, his hands falling to his sides.
"I needed to think. I had to weigh my options."
"What conclusion did you come to?" I ask, trying not to sound disappointed or sad. But it's hard.
"That I have to do this-" I want to interrupt him but he holds up a hand. "-I have to. If I want to be able to give you what you deserve. Provide for you. Have a good future with you. I can't even fucking afford a new fucking truck right now. How am I supposed to offer you a good, happy, carefree life if I can't even do something as simple as that?" He stops, seeming frustrated with himself and shaking his head at himself. He's avoiding my eyes now. "I fucked up my first try at a family. I don't want to loose you too."
I wait for a moment. Watching and waiting. But when he doesn't add anything I step closer and hug him, pulling his head down to my neck. I stroke his scalp and his arms go around my middle, pulling me even tighter. I feel a warm and wet sensation on the shoulder where his head is laying on.
"It's okay, you're okay." I whisper and can't hold back my own tears anymore. Seeing him break down like this was never something I'd want to witness. But I'm glad he opened up to me. Finally. The shows me he trusts me enough to let me in.
"You don't have to do any job for me, earn any money for me, dress a specific way for me- hell I don't even mind the truck. I love him. I call him Chuck the truck sometimes. You refused to name him, so- I had to get creative." He chuckles into my shoulder before lifting his head, shaking his head at me.
"I don't deserve you." He says, cupping the right side of my face and running his thumb across my cheek.
"Wrong. You deserve everything, Tom." He sighs, looking down between us before finding my eyes again.
"I don't." He argues but I can't respond before he kisses me, holding my face with both hands now. I melt against him and my fingers wrap around his wrists.
"I can come back another day-" We pull apart and look over at Santiago, holding up an empty beer bottle while grinning.
"No, you'll suffer for what you started."
With that Tom kisses me again, grinning against my lips as I giggle, hearing Santiago groaning and walking back out.
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ohhellnowhy · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Sammy.
In honour of Sam Winchester’s birthday, I decided to write some smut for him. Thought I’d start off my blog with a lil present. Plz be nice, it’s only my first smut, and constructive criticism and comments are always welcomed! Go for a request if you want one. I’ve got a couple more posts planned but if y’all request something I’m more likely to write!
Please reblog with credit and don’t repost without my permission onto other sites. The AO3 post: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23993437
Sam x Reader: smut, swearing, slightly Dom!Sam, restraints.
I woke up slightly groggily next to Sam. It was crazy sometimes, how he was so warm, despite me being on the other side of the bed and barely touching him. But what was a little strange was waking up next to him. Usually, Sam would’ve been up and out for his run by now, maybe even back by the time I’d awoken, but Sam, Dean and I had been out for a relatively taxing hunt and drove back to the bunker more or less immediately after getting the job done. So Sam was particularly sleepy today and wouldn’t go on a run until later. 
Glancing at the time, I saw it was 09:03. A strange time for me to be up and Sam not to be. Then the realisation dawned. Today was May 2nd; Sam’s birthday. I figured my subconscious must have made me wake up earlier so I could put my plans into action. Oh, and boy, did I have plans.
Part 1: Birthday wake-up blowjob.
Smirking almost evilly, I slowly peeled back the covers from the both of us and positioned myself just next to his crotch. I then palmed his cock through his boxers, noticing the morning wood that was slightly growing beforehand, whilst slowly edging the underwear down. Sam groaned above me, but not waking up yet. Once the boxers were down enough, I started softly stroking him enough for him to get harder, but only slowly so he wouldn’t wake up before the best bit. Sam was still making some happy noises, now a little bit louder and complimented by a little bit of squirming. 
It was the perfect time to engulf his cock with my mouth, and Sam shot awake with a deep groan. “Ah, SHIT, (Y/N). That’s a wonderful wake up call.” I looked back up at him and hollowed my cheeks, sucking with earnest. I bobbed my head up and down his length, drawing stifled groans from the glorious, messy man above me. I flicked my tongue over the head of his dick, making him thrust up into my mouth which consequently made me gag. Trying to suppress the reflex, I took him down further into my throat. “Oh, God, (Y/N), I’m gonna-” With the obvious statement he was making, I cupped his balls and circled his cock with my tongue, swallowing around him as he came. Once I swallowed all his cum, I sat back up to give him a quick peck on the lips.
“Happy Birthday, Sammy.” Once he got his breath together, he actually formulated a coherent response. “Oh, yeah. I sorta forgot about that.”
“How do you forget your own birthday?” I questioned, looking at him incredulously. “Well, we never really celebrated birthdays.” He shrugged. “I guess there always seemed to be more important things to focus on.”
“And that attitude is why I’m making your birthdays more important to you. They’re good milestones and an excuse to have fun. Remember Dean’s birthday this year? Wasn’t it fun to just get away from hunting a little bit and enjoy quality time?” He sighed. admitting defeat. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” We then sat and just held each other for a bit, talking about just whatever we wanted for an hour or two. “Thank you for the wake up by the way. We need to have morning sex more often.”
“I totally agree with you. We don’t do it nearly enough - barely ever.” With that, he captured my lips with his, tenderly and sloppily making out. He started to grab my ass, trying to pull my shorts down but I cut him off. “Nuh-uh. We’ve got other plans today. Why don’t you go for your run first?” He whined, trying to give me the puppy dog eyes but I resisted. “Nope. You want me to get you anything from the kitchen before you go out?” Sam sighed, knowing that once I knew for certain I was going to do something, I wasn’t ever giving up. “Can I get an apple and a bottle of water please?”
“Sure thing.” I smirked, getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen to retrieve the requested items. Dean was also in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes from breakfast. “Hey, Dean, Sam’s off out for his run - we’ve got to start now.” With that, he strode out of the kitchen to get Jack and Cas for the preparation. I grabbed the apple and a bottle of water from the fridge - Sam always had cold bottles of water kept in the fridge for quickness - and met Sam on his way out. “Thanks, Babe.” He said, giving me a quick kiss before heading out.
It was time for Part 2: Just a Small Birthday Party
Once the rest were assembled in the kitchen, I set out tasks. “Dean and Cas - you’re in charge of the decorations. We need some in here and around the map room. Jack - we’re gonna do the cake. Decorations are in my old room. Go.”
Dean and Cas scurried off, realising they were time limited. Jack got the ingredients out and measured them whilst I got the utensils and the like out and started preparing. Jack was watching my baking intently, clearly wanting to learn something as interesting and delicious as this. I narrated what I was doing, with reasons as to why with my limited knowledge. I wasn’t the best baker in the world, but every now and then I did something that surprised the Winchesters. Soon, the cake was in the oven, and Dean and Cas were already pretty much finished in all the rooms. Jack and I cleaned up the baking mess (complete with licking the spare batter off the spoons and whisks) and started preparing the decorations for the cake and making other foods. Dean was cooking gourmet burgers and homemade chips - he actually had quite the affinity for cooking and had more time to perfect it once they’d moved into the bunker.
Just as Jack and I were about to decorate the cake, Cas came rushing in to tell us he heard one of the garage doors closing, meaning Sam must be back. I told Cas to take over what I was doing with Jack whilst I distracted Sam for just a little while longer until we were ready. Coming into our shared bedroom to see Sam stripping out of his workout clothes, I tempted him with the prospect of us showering together and another blowjob. He took the bait and we very much enjoyed the bunker’s long-lasting hot water and stable water pressure. 
Once we were cleaned up, I noticed Dean had shot me a text saying they were ready. “Hey, Sam, I think Dean’s cooking those nice burgers we get from the butcher’s - you up for food?” Hearing his stomach grumble, he shot me a look that said it all.
A little nervous, Sam and I wandered towards the kitchen. Turning on the lights, which he seemed confused at as to why they were off, Jack, Cas and Dean stood up to shout “SURPRISE!” along with me behind him. Jack and Dean joking pulled some party poppers as Sam took in some decorations. A banner that stated “Happy Birthday!” In a surprisingly nice, simple colour was strung above the table, with a few more obnoxiously stereotypical balloons in one corner and some presents wrapped near them. “Aw, thanks guys! You didn’t have to do this for me.” Dean spoke first, joking that his little brother was “-getting older by the minute so they had to stave off the grumpiness as long as possible.” He also revealed the burgers he was cooking with an assortment of sides and fillings available. We all served up our lunches and cracked open a beer each. 
As we ate lunch, we talked about all sorts; Dean’s surprisingly good cooking, Cas eating on a rare occasion, retelling old stories and teasing at embarrassing moments - we were all content and having a good time. Jack and I dumped the dishes in the sink to tend to later as we brought out the cake and Jack lit all the candles for us. He cut the lights as I carried the cake to the table and decided not to sing happy birthday as only Dean and I knew the song and it would only be awkward otherwise. “Make a wish!” I said as Sam blew out his candles, Cas then questioning these strange human customs moments later. Sam cut some cake for us all and the others appreciated my baking skills. 
“Okay, time for presents!” Dean announced, taking the whole pile of gifts and dumping them on the table just as Cas cleaned the rest of the plates away. The first was from Cas - neatly wrapped were some old lore books that, somehow, the Winchesters had never got their hands on before yet Castiel somehow did. Jack had gotten Sam a plaid shirt and a big photo album with a few old photos he got from Dean and some more recent ones that had been taken on various occasions - but there was still lots of room for more. I gave Sam a box of chocolates and a couple of fiction books Sam had been meaning to read for a long time but he had just never got round to. Finally came Dean’s gift; a pair of Lycra shorts and other pretentious but cheap workout clothing that were just utterly ridiculous. But then in all seriousness Dean handed Sam a box that, once unwrapped, revealed a new tablet. Sam was particularly ecstatic with this gift, but then he profusely thanked us all again for the presents. Jack went on with washing the dishes (with angel powers) whilst Dean and Cas cleared up some rubbish from the unwrapping. 
I helped Sam carry the presents to his room. As he bent over to put the new shirt in one of his drawers, I came up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist and propped my head up on his shoulder. “Ya know, those chocolates and the books weren’t the only presents you’re receiving from me today.” He turned around to face me and smirked knowingly. “Oh? And what would be the other present?” 
“Let me show you.” 
I grabbed a bag hidden in the wardrobe, and dashed off to the bathroom to change.
The last part - Part 3: Amazing Birthday Sex.
Sam’s POV
Waiting in anticipation, I thought I knew what to expect but I also didn’t. I presumed it was birthday sex or some variation thereof, but whatever twist (Y/N) was putting on it I couldn’t tell. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a text I’d just received - from Dean. It read:
Me, Cas and Jack are off to a hunt in Washington - leaving you two to have some alone time. It should be a pretty simple hunt, but we’ll be about 3 days. I’ll only call if it’s desperate. Stay safe and have fun, birthday brother ;)
I sent back a quick, thankful reply as I realised (Y/N) had planned all of this. The sly, stunning dog had planned this all out and roped the rest of them in aswell. Not that I was complaining, simply noticing the effort (Y/N) had put into this. God, she was amazing; on every single level. 
Speaking of the devil, she sauntered in at that point, looking absolutely delicious on every level. She wore a red, lacy matching set of lingerie that made me almost drool at the sight of her. Her cleavage displayed perfectly and teasingly as it was framed by her bra, and the completely lace panties accentuating her figure in the best possible way. “Like what you see?” She said tauntingly, one hip cocked out sassily. “Oh, fuck yeah.” I replied, striding purposefully over and crashing my lips into hers, holding her face in my hands. 
She pulled away and said: “Hang on. I’ve got something else for you.” (Y/N) told me to sit on the edge of the bed, hold out my hands and close my eyes. I then felt her sat on the bead, nearer to the headrest but then lent forward to place two objects in my hands. Before I could try to assess what they were by touch alone, she said I could open my eyes. I immediately looked down to see a pair of leather-lined handcuffs and a long, silk rectangle of fabric. It was obvious what they were for. “You want me to use these on you?”
“You can do whatever you want with them. The control’s all on you, birthday boy.”
I groaned at all the filthy thoughts running a millions miles an hour through my head and almost leapt on (Y/N) to kiss her. I positioned her to lay beneath me, her starting to unfasten the buttons on my shirt. Bringing up her wrists to the headboard, I scolded her gently. “Ah, ah ah.” I stopped her, fastening her hands together with the handcuffs, attaching them to the headboard so she was stuck in one position. 
“The control’s all on me, little girl.”
She let out a shaky breath at this.
We both knew it was going to be one hell of a night.
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mar-bluu · 4 years
Hi hello!!! Lil idea for ya :p Blackout in the flat/dorm and Buttons tryna find a flashlight or some candles and Elmer waking up from a nap and accidentally scaring him as he puts a hand on his shoulder. Buttons near jumpin a foot in the air, "are you gonna help me or just scare me to death?"
sdfghjkkjhg sorry this took so long!! Schoolwork is a bitch lol
Buttons looked up as the lights flickered rapidly above his head. He frowned slightly to himself in confusion, sliding a bookmark in between the pages of his book. The lights stopped and Buttons’ frown deepened. He shivered, even though he was under a thick blanket, wearing socks, and had the heater on full blast, he was freezing. The snow outside swirled viciously outside his bedroom window and he silently cursed the cold. Elmer shifted in his sleep and Buttons looked pulled the blanket up around them both a little higher. The fact that Elmer managed to sleep through the snowstorm outside amazed Buttons, how anyone could take a nap when the world was trying to usher in a new ice age was beyond him. The lights danced dangerously again, and Buttons looked up, silently threatening them not to blow. However, the lights weren’t scared of him and decided to do the exact opposite of what he asked. With a zap, the lights blew, leaving him in complete darkness. Great. He thought. The power’s out. He sighed, putting his book on the nightstand and sliding out from under the blanket. He gave a small yelp as the cold night air hit him, it hadn’t even been a minute since the hot air had stopped, and the room had already dropped a dozen degrees. Buttons pulled his socks up higher and stood next to the bed, shaking violently as he looked around for something extra to layer himself with. He spotted the pink and grey cat hoodie that belonged to Elmer at the foot of the bed. He snatched it up and pulled it over his head, rubbing his hands together before blowing hot air into them. He gave another mental ‘fuck you’ to the lights and shuffled out of the room.
Making his way to what he thought was the kitchen, Buttons couldn’t help but let his mind wander. He was alone in the pitch black, in a small house outside of town, just far away enough from neighbours that no one could hear him. He held his hands out a little more hesitantly as he felt his way around the house. He took a corner and slammed his knees on the coffee table, Buttons could already feel bruises starting to form. Swearing quietly to himself, he hopped back, recharting his path. Making sure he walked around the table this time, he continued forward into the kitchen. Buttons felt around for one of the bottom drawers, the last place he remembered putting the torch. As he reached blindly, he felt his mind stray, and every horror movie he’d ever watched began to play in his head. He felt his heart quicken. What if the power out hadn’t been an accident? What if something or someone was watching him right now? He already knew he couldn’t scream for help, no one besides Elmer would hear him. The horror movies continued playing, each creature or ghost or murderer flashing before his eyes. What if there was a ghost or murderer here? What could he do?  Nothing. He could do exactly nothing. He couldn’t even see his own hand in front of his face! There could be a murder creeping up on him right now, sharpened knife twirling in their hand as the laughed to themselves about what an easy target he was! They could be raising the knife, ready to slice and dice Buttons into mincemeat, they could be about to spin him around so he could face his doom- A hand clamped down on Buttons’ shoulder. He screamed and spun around, batting the hand off of him, ready to meet his maker. “Woah, geez Buttons, you okay?” Buttons squinted into the darkness, looking for the faint outlines of the face in front of him. “Elmer?” He asked. “Is that you?”
“Yeah,” Elmer responded. “Why are you walking around in the dark?”
“The power’s out,” Buttons grumbled, feeling heat flush over his cheeks in embarrassment at his overreaction. “Now, are you gonna help me or just scare me to death?" Elmer laughed.
“Sorry about that,” he said “Are you looking for the torch?”
“Yeah,” Buttons replied. “Do we have any candles?” Elmer fumbled around in the dark, trying not to run into Buttons. “Uh, I think so. I think they’re somewhere in the garage, I’ll go have a look.” He shuffled towards the hallway. “Oh, while you’re here, can you grab some snacks? I’m really hungry.”
“I literally can’t see anything-”
“Okay, thanks, bye, I love you!” Buttons could hear the smile in Elmer’s voice as he stumbled down the hall, using his hands to guide him. Buttons shook his head fondly and continued looking for the torch. Sifting blindly through drawers and cupboards, the search turned up fruitless and after another few minutes, Buttons gave up, the hunt only making him annoyed and angry. He sighed and shook out his hands, deciding on fulfilling Elmer’s request for snacks. Stumbling over to the pantry, he flung open the doors and shoved his hand in reaching for whatever he could find. He had a faint recollection of what the pantry looked like and where everything was. He felt around wildly, tapping against containers and packets, and boxes. Cornflakes, flour, raw sugar, spaghetti, tinned fruit… He listed off everything he tapped, hoping he was getting closer to his goal. He heard a rustle and felt the foil packet of what felt like a bag of chips. He mentally cheered, and grabbed onto it, he felt around a bit more, finding Oreos and a bag of m&ms. Snatching them up he turned back to the bench, placing the food down as he went to complete his next goal of finding some bowls. He sniffled in the cold night air. If he woke up the next morning with a cold he was going to scream. This night cannot get any worse! He grabbed two bowls and began sharing out the snacks. He rolled up the half-empty packets and put them back in the pantry, before picking up the bowls and staggered in the direction of the bedroom. Suddenly there was a little mrrp! From by his feet and Buttons felt a large fluffy body brush up against his legs, tripping him. He yelped and curve his body in attempts o avoid hitting the fluffball on the way down. The bowls hit the floor, spilling their contents everywhere. He groaned, rubbing the spot where his chin connected with the ground as he sat up. The tripping culprit sat at his feet looking only mildly concerned about the trouble she’d just caused. Lucy meowed and padded toward Buttons’ head, rubbing her body against him as she wound herself against him in an attempt to crunch on some of the spilled chips. “Lucy, stop!” Buttons picked her up, heaving himself to his feet and moving her away from the mess. “That’s human food, not kitty food.” Buttons chucked the now chipped, but thankfully not broken bowls in the sink, and stared down at her, only the white patches of her fur slightly visible in the dark. “Did you do that on purpose so you could steal our snacks?” Lucy meowed, trying to feign innocence. “Naughty child.” He scolded gently. Buttons shivered and stepped back towards the pantry, searching for the snacks he had just put away. Between the freezing cold, his tiredness, and the bruises on his shins and now his chin, Buttons couldn’t be bothered to clean up the mess. That’s Tomorrow Buttons’ job. He thought to himself, grabbing the bags. He looked back down at Lucy, who was creeping slowly back towards the spilled snacks. “Not so fast, little lady.” He said, scooping her up too. You’re under arrest for kitty crimes, you’re coming with me.” Lucy meowed in protest. “Don’t back-chat me, or I’ll double your time!” He turned back to the hallway. “Let’s try this again.” He sighed, setting back off to the bedroom.
“Hey, I’ve got- woah!” Buttons stared at the bed in amazement. Pillows and blankets were piled high to form a large cave-styled fort. Fairy lights lined the inside of the fort and Elmer’s laptop sat on a mound of pillows. Candles burned on the nightstand and shelves around the room, throwing flickering light against the walls and filling the room with pleasant scents. Elmer sat inside the fort, snuggled under several large blankets, and turned as he heard the door open. “Buttons!” He smiled. “Come here and cuddle me, I’m cold!” Buttons chuckled and set Lucy down.
“Where did you find the time to set all this up? How long was I gone for?” Elmer shrugged.
“Like twenty minutes, I was starting to get worried!” He said, “Thought you’d frozen solid and fallen over out there!” Buttons nodded to the fluffy lump who had sprinted over to the bed.
“Talk to Lucy-Lou over there, the nasty bug tripped me!” Lucy hopped up on the bed and curled up in Elmer’s lap, meowing pitifully. Elmer gasped. “Don’t say that! She’s just a baby!”
“She tried to steal our snacks!” Elmer stuck his tongue out at Buttons. “And now she’s stealing my boyfriend!” Elmer laughed.
“Aww, come on,” He opened his arms, holding the blanket out. “There’s room in here for two people and a cat!” Buttons folded his arms and pouted dramatically. “Come on,” Elmer coaxed. “I know you’re cold, so come cuddle with us.” He motioned to his laptop. “I’ve got Home Alone up on my laptop.” He looked to Buttons, turning his puppy eyes up to eleven. “Come on.” He whined. Buttons sucked on the inside of his cheeks, trying to stop the small smile from spreading across his face. “Okay,” he sighed. “Only because I love you so much.” He shuffled over to the bed as Elmer cheered quietly, giving Lucy scratches under her chin. Buttons crawled into the fort and slung his leg behind Elmer, snuggling up behind him and resting his head against Elmer’s shoulder. Elmer leaned back into Buttons’ chest wrapping his arms up around his back. He tilted his head in confusion. “Hey is that my hoodie?” Buttons looked down at what he was wearing.
“Oh, yeah.” He replied. “It was the first thing I saw, sorry.”
“No, no, It looks nice on you.” Elmer mused and cuddled into Buttons’ side.
“Careful,” Buttons said, moving the bags of food out of the way. “I washed the bedsheets like two days ago.” Elmer ignored him, instead focusing on the food.
“Ooh! Snacks!” Elmer unwound his arms and immediately sat back up motioning for the food. Buttons squinted in the dim lighting, trying to distinguish what bags were what. “Uh, chips, Oreos, or m&ms?”
“M&ms please!” Elmer clapped his hands together lightly as Buttons chucked him a bag.” He rustled around with it for a few seconds, then stopped, scrutinizing it under the faint light. “Uh, Buttons?” he asked. “This is rock salt.”  Buttons leaned over his shoulder, trying to get a better look at the packet. “So it is.” He shrugged. “I told you I couldn’t see anything out there. Want me to go find the real m&ms?” Elmer put the bag down.
“No, it’s okay.” He replied, “You’re too warm and comfortable to let you leave.” Buttons smiled and ran his fingers through Elmer’s hair. “You sure?”
“Alright, tell me if you change your mind though.” Elmer hummed in acknowledgment and leaned forward to press play on the movie. He cuddled back into Buttons, and Lucy sprawled out on his lap, yawning slightly. Elmer cooed down at the cat and Buttons chuckled, still brushing his fingers through Elmer’s hair. “Your hands are cold,” Elmer mumbled quietly, shifting against Buttons’ chest.
“Is that so?” He felt Elmer freeze against him, realising his mistake.
“No…” He trailed off.
“Oh,” Buttons smiled. “So you won’t mind if I do this?” he ran his hands under Elmer’s sweatshirt, much to his boyfriend’s displeasure. “No!” Elmer laughed, flinching away from his hands. “You’re horrible!” Buttons giggled as he pulled Elmer closer to him, Lucy glaring up at them, not looking too happy with the disturbance to her sleep. “Sorry baby,” Elmer said, running his hand down Lucy’s fur. “Look what you’ve done,” He scolded Buttons. “You’ve disrupted our baby!” Buttons clicked his tongue. “Sorry sweetheart,” he scratched behind her ears and Lucy meowed in forgiveness. Elmer yawned. “Can we watch the movie in peace now?” Buttons smiled and hugged Elmer tighter.
“Yeah, okay.” He pressed a kiss onto the top of his head. Elmer yawned again and rested his head on Buttons’ chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. “I thought you wanted to watch the movie?” Buttons spoke, his voice rumbling in Elmer’s ears. “I am.”
“With your eyes closed?” he teased.
“Shut up,” Elmer muttered against his hoodie. Buttons laughed.
“Okay,” he leaned against the headboard, letting his eyes flutter shut too, the sound of the movie playing faintly in the background lulling him to sleep as the snowstorm ravaged the world outside.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
invisible friend [one shot. drake, camille, lily]
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Camille padded down the hallway to towards Lily's room. It was bedtime for the five year old. As Camille neared Lily's bedroom, she could hear giggling coming from inside.
Opening the door, Camille entered the room to see Lily stop giggling and look at her mother. 'Hi Mommy,' she said sweetly.
Camille smiled. 'What are you giggling about?'
Lily grinned. 'It's a secret.'
Camille raised an eyebrow and sat down on the edge of the bed. 'Secret huh? But we're besties!'
'I knooow,' Lily said, 'but he told me not to tell!'
Camille frowned. 'Who?'
Lily pointed to the chair in the corner of the bedroom. 'My friend.'
Camille's skin prickled. Biting her lip, she tried to remain calm. She had watched too many horror films in the past and she knew that she was being ridiculous.
'What's your friend's name?'
Lily shook her head. 'He won't tell me,' she explained.
'Friends always tell their names,' Camille told her. 'How else can you give them birthday cards?'
Lily shrugged. 'I'll find out soon.'
Camille studied her daughter for a long moment but as the little girl appeared nonplussed, Camille let it go. Invisible friends were common in kids her age.
So why did she feel uneasy?
Later that night, Camille and Drake were sat up in bed. Drake was browsing on his laptop while Camille was snuggled into his chest reading a novel.
With a sigh, she put the book down. Drake looked down at the top of her head. 'You okay baby?'
Camille made a noise that sounded like 'gnnnnh..'
Drake smirked. 'Okay, what's wrong?'
Camille turned to face him. 'Lily has an imaginary friend,' she told him.
Drake blinked. 'Okaaay.. And the problem is?'
'I guess I'm just worried,' Camille admitted. 'I know it's common for kids to have imaginary friends but is it because she's lonely? She is an only child..'
Drake set down his laptop and brought Camille into his arms. She felt so delicate. 'She's not lonely,' Drake assured her. 'Lily is the most vibrant human being alive. She has friends at nursery and we dote on her. Camille, she doesn't have the same childhood as me or you. She's been raised differently.'
Camille bit her lip but felt slightly calmer. Drake always knew how to calm her down.
She smiled as he pressed a kiss on her head. His hand swept along her silk camisole top and underneath. His hand rested on her stomach for a long moment.
Camille looked up into Drake's eyes. They were filled with warmth, love and hunger. 'That said,' he murmured, 'do you want to make a sibling for Lily?'
Camille blushed and looked down at his hand on her stomach. Drake had loved it when she was pregnant with Lily. The idea that they had created this little life made him the happiest he had ever been.
Camille smiled and pushed his hand down to under her silk sleep shorts. His fingers grazed her inner thighs and Camille closed her eyes with a satisfied smile tugging on her mouth.
Taking this to mean yes, Drake gently moved to cover her body with his.
Drake was scrambling eggs for breakfast. Lily sat on her chair swinging her legs as she sipped her orange juice and chatted away to her father about school.
'Me and Milo got married yesterday!' she squealed.
Drake chuckled. 'That's nice honey.'
Secretly he wasn't keen on Lily having boyfriends yet. He never would be.
'And today is our honeymoon,' Lily continued. 'I want a big swimming pool and puppies!'
'Do honeymoons have puppies?' Drake asked her, dishing up the eggs onto her plate.
'My honeymoon will,' Lily declared.
She looked out the corner of her eye and shook her head. Drake frowned. 'Lily?'
Lily rolled her eyes. 'My friend says I'm too young to be with boys.'
Drake sat down opposite his daughter and helped himself to coffee. 'Your friend is a very wise person.'
'He says he knows he is.'
Drake smiled. 'So your friend's a boy?'
Lily burst out laughing. 'Nooo!'
She dug into her eggs and nothing more was said about her friend. Instead, she chatted away about Milo and Violet and Harper and then Milo again, but no more about her invisible friend.
When Lily stood up to get ready for school, Drake took away her plate which was devoid of scrambled egg. 'You ate well this morning, Lils!' he cheered. 'Shame there's not any left for Mr Invisible!'
Lily grinned. 'He's asleep on the chair.'
She skipped out of the kitchen leaving Drake staring at the kitchen table chair which had nobody sat on it.
The next few days passed with no mention of Mr Invisible. Instead, Lily was getting over her divorce.
It had started when Lily watched The Sound of Music. She had never seen it before but was enthralled by the songs. When it finished, she declared that she was going to be a nun because boys had GERMS.
The next day, she broke up with Milo. Milo had cried and Lily had given him a supportive hug, saying they could still be friends.
Five year old relationships were fleeting.
'But Milo is so sweet!' Camille cried, genuinely heartbroken when Lily told her the news. 'You were only married two days!'
Lily looked at her mother with a blank look on her face. 'So..?'
Drake stifled a laugh as Lily ran out of the room to play in the garden. Camille let out a whimper.
'Camille are you crying?' Drake asked.
Camille quickly wiped her eyes. 'No.. Just my baby girl is growing up.. And Milo was so sweet.'
Drake chuckled and beckoned for her to sit beside him on the sofa. Camille curled up into him and inhaled his woody scent. 'I bet you're glad it's over,' she mumbled. 'You'd love it if she remained boy free until she was like, fifty.'
Drake snorted. 'Try never.'
Camille playfully swatted his chest and Drake pulled her down on top of him. He kissed her deeply, his fingers raking through her dark hair. He could feel her slender body on his and all he wanted to do was touch her.
Camille looked into his eyes. 'You're kinda horny these past few days..'
Drake's lips grazed her jawline. 'Want me to stop?'
Camille shook her head and kissed him fervently. She never wanted him to stop. He was all she ever wanted.
'Mommy, daddy, eww!'
Drake and Camille sprang apart. Lily was standing at the threshold with a look of disgust on her face.
'Hey baby..' Drake croaked.
Lily shuddered. 'Germs..'
Camille sniggered and went to where Lily stood, enveloping her in a cuddle. 'Daddy doesn't have germs! He's a clean boy!'
Lily giggled, getting over the horror show that was her parents kissing, and bounded over to the TV. 'Can we watch Peppa Pig?' she asked. 'I was telling Mr Invisible all about it and he wants to see it.'
Camille was tidying their bedroom in a bid to start spring cleaning early. As she rooted through the drawers to find old clothes that could be donated to charity, her fingers brushed something made of wood.
Gently, she prised it out and found in her hands a picture frame. Behind the glass was a picture of Drake as a young boy with his father, Jackson.
Camille's heart tugged. Jackson had died when Drake was fourteen and the void left by his passing had never been filled. Drake rarely spoke about his father as it brought back memories. Camille was trying her best to encourage him to talk so that he could move forward. Lily didn't even know anything about her late grandfather.
But clearly, Drake had stashed this picture frame. It was a beautiful photo, a candid moment. The two of them were sat on the jetty by the lake at the ranch, Drake laughing at the camera as Jackson tickled him.
Camille abandoned her spring cleaning and took the frame downstairs.
Drake and Lily were in the kitchen sitting at the table. Lily was drawing while Drake was replying to emails on his laptop.
Camille gently placed the frame on the table beside Drake. 'I found this,' she told him softly.
Drake stopped working and looked at it, his face becoming drawn.
'I put it away for a reason,' he said stiffly. 'Can you put it back please?'
Camille sighed. 'But its a beautiful photo. We could hang it up on the living room wall beside the pictures of my grandmother. Our family -'
'No Camille,' Drake interrupted. 'It's too hard to look at his face.'
Lily stopped drawing and looked at the picture. A wide smile broke out on her face.
'That's my friend!'
Drake and Camille stared at their daughter in shocked silence. Lily was oblivious as she lovingly stroked the picture with her finger.
'He looks older when I see him,' she explained, 'but he's really funny.'
Camille placed her hands on Drake's shoulders in support. Her husband wore a haunted look on his face.
'Lily, that's not funny..' Camille said quietly.
Lily frowned. 'I'm not being funny I mean it.'
'Lily..' Camille's voice was laced with a warning. She could feel Drake's shoulders shaking and his fists were clenched.
'It's him!' Lily cried. 'He's my invisible friend!'
Drake banged his fists on the table. 'That's enough Lily!'
Lily's eyes filled with tears. Drake never shouted at her. Never.
Camille reached out to take Lily's hand, feeling guilty. 'Sweetie, it's okay.'
Lily shook her head. 'No!' she shouted. 'He is my friend, he's real!'
'He isn't your friend!' Drake burst out, tears falling down his cheeks. Years of holding back feelings about his father had been released and now he was drowning.
'He isnt’ here anymore,' Drake continued, trying to calm his voice. 'So he's not real.'
Lily clenched her fists and looked down at the floor. She was embarrassed. Camille picked up the frame to take it away but was stopped when Lily spoke quietly.
'What's that honey?'
Lily's lip wobbled. 'He's my friend,' she repeated. 'He calls me Little Lady.'
Drake stared at her, his eyes wide. 'That's not possible..'
Camille took his hand. 'Drake?'
Drake ran his hand over his face and exhaled. He looked at Camille with red rimmed eyes and when he spoke, his voice was thick.
'Dad used to call Savannah Little Lady.'
Camille went quiet. Lily watched her parents with big eyes, clenching and unclenching her fists as she struggled to work out what to do.
Lily had never seen photos of Jackson or heard any stories about him. Drake didn't want her to know how he died. He didn't want her innocent and joyful mind to realise that there was bad in this world.
A tear slid down Camille's cheek. 'Oh Drake..' she whispered, bringing him into her. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight as he shook, tears streaming down his face as he nuzzled into her neck. He needed to feel safe. Camille was his safe harbour. Only she understood his pain about the loss of his father because she had lost her own parents as a child. They were lost children together.
Drake gently pulled away from his wife and looked at his daughter who was torn between running away and trying to make her dad feel better.
'Baby, come here,' Drake murmured, beckoning for her to take his hand. Lily shuffled towards him.
Drake picked her up onto his lap and cuddled her. 'I'm sorry for shouting at you,' he mumbled into her hair. 'I'm sorry baby.'
Lily sniffled and rubbed her eyes harshly. Camille quietly moved away to put the kettle on. Hot chocolate would help.
'I didn't mean to make you cry,' Lily whispered.
Drake nodded. 'I know. I know. I reacted badly. I won't shout at you again.'
Lily bit her lip and wrung her hands together. 'I'm sorry too.'
Drake shook his head. 'Don't you dare apologise, Lily. If you say your grandpa is your friend then he is your friend.'
Lily reached out to stroke the picture again. 'He looks happy,' she said. She looked over to the corner of the room. 'He looks happy right now.'
Drake blinked. 'Right now?'
Lily smiled weakly. 'He's smiling.'
Camille placed mugs of hot chocolate on the table and said loudly, 'Jackson, do you want a hot chocolate?'
Lily giggled. 'He says thank you but no thanks hun.'
Camille laughed but stopped when Drake looked up at her with a slight smile on his face.
'He called you hun,' Drake told her. 'He only calls women he likes hun.'
That night, Drake found all the old photos he had of his dad. He sat in the armchair in his study with the photos laid out on the desk and Lily sat snuggled up on his lap. Drake was introducing her to Jackson Walker, her grandfather.
'This was taken on my 10th birthday,' Drake told her, pointing to a picture. 'We held a ranch party and I dressed up as a cowboy. As you can see, grandpa was also dressed like a cowboy!'
Lily grinned. 'I like your hat!'
Lily listened to Drake for the whole evening as he told her stories about Jackson. She was so enraptured that she didn't see Jackson himself standing by the door, smiling at his son and granddaughter. 'Bye little lady,' he whispered. 'Bye son.'
He faded away.
A/N waaaah this reminds me of my grandad who I lost in June this year. I didn’t mean for it to get all emotional.  Hope you enjoyed anyway!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 years
Lil’ Guy
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Request: The reader has twins (boy and girl) maybe 5ish and the boy really gives Jensen a hard time every time they meet and the girl is totally the opposite. Jensen's really trying to be nice and spoils them because he's in love with the reader...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2,300ish
Warnings: none
“Hey cutie,” you heard Jensen cheerily say as Emma opened the front door when she heard him using his key. She giggled as he undoubtedly had picked her up at this point and was flying her down the hall into the kitchen. “Hi other cuties. Dinner smells great.”
“It’ll be done in just a jiffy,” you said, Jensen plopping Emma down beside Eli at the kitchen table, Eli busy with his coloring at the moment. “Guys, set the table for mommy. I don’t want crayon wrappers in my dinner again.”
“What can I do?” asked Jensen, wrapping his arms around your waist, hearing a small snort as the kids moved their papers to their bins out of earshot. “Eli still hates me I see.”
“He’s a momma’s boy. He’s protective of me I guess,” you said. “He does not hate you either.”
“I’m pretty sure he hates me,” said Jensen. “I’ll just have to start bribing him with candy.”
“Maybe we finally have that kids day we were talking about,” you said. “You have Friday off and the kids are on spring break. The weather is supposed to be nice. You could take them to the zoo.”
“You’d let me?” he asked. You cocked your head, Jensen holding up his hands that he knew it was a stupid question in the first place. “I’m kidding. What if we did some other stuff beside the zoo?”
“It’s your day. Bring them home alive but the rest is up to you,” you said.
“I can come up with something good in the next few days,” he said, slipping away from you with a smile to grab your plates. “Let’s eat up guys.”
“Okay Eli,” you said that night. Emma was down for the count in her room, your little boy giving Jensen a hard time again about going to bed. “What’s the problem tonight?”
“I’m mommy’s best guy,” he said grumpily, crossing his little arms over his chest, puffing it out.
“Eli, of course you are,” you said, Eli turning away.
“Then why’d you tell him that too?” asked Eli, his face turning red. “I heard you at dinner.”
“Honey,” you said, sitting down on the edge of his bed, Jensen moving to stand up from where he’d been reading to Eli until you caught his wrist. “You are both the most important men in my lives. Love isn’t finite, Eli. You can give and give and give it to so many people. The fact I love Jensen doesn’t mean I will ever love you any less. You’re always going to be my little boy.”
“Ok,” he grumbled.
“Goodnight,” you said, kissing him on the top of his head. You stood up, leaving Jensen to tuck him in bed, earning a big sigh when he joined you on the couch.
“Told you he hates me,” said Jensen, resting his head on your shoulder. “I even gave him my desert and you make really good brownies.”
“You can’t buy his love Jensen,” you sighed, wrapping your arm around his shoulders. “You’re so good to them both.”
“Emma doesn’t hate me,” said Jensen. “It’s got to be a guy thing.”
“The twins are five. I don’t think any of his male hormones are kicking in yet,” you said.
“No but like you said, he sees me as some kind of threat to protect you from. I can’t sit him down and tell him he’s got it all wrong,” said Jensen. “He doesn’t understand how much I care about you guys.”
“Maybe you should tell him that,” you said.
“Tell him he hurt my feelings?” asked Jensen. “I don’t want to make him feel bad.”
“Just keep trying with him I guess. He’ll realize this can’t keep up eventually.”
Friday Morning
“Okay, lady and gentleman,” said Jensen, clapping his hands together by the front door. “Who is ready to have some super extra fun today?”
Emma’s hand shot up, Eli shrugging. Jensen smiled back at you like this was going to be the longest eight hours of his life.
“Okay,” said Jensen, setting his backpack on the ground, pulling out a pair of baseball caps and plopping them on the twins heads. “We’re gonna be outside a lot today so first we put on some sunscreen.”
He splattered them up, acting like a goofball, Emma laughing and Eli letting out a small one that made Jensen smile.
“Why isn’t mommy coming again?” asked Eli, Emma rolling her eyes.
“It’s Jensen day, that’s why. Mommy has to do chores, remember?” she said.
“Can’t she come later?” asked Eli.
“Mom’s going to meet up with us for dinner,” said Jensen. “We’ll see her soon. You guys all set?”
“All set,” you said, giving them each a fast kiss on the cheek. “Have fun you guys.”
“I see you found their limits,” you said at the park, wandering over to the picnic table Jensen was sat at around dinner time. Emma was tucked up under his side, Eli sprawled out on top of the table, both fast asleep.
“I didn’t realize even their endless energy wasn’t endless,” he said with a smile.
“Sucks for them cause I brought burgers from the food truck around the corner,” you said, unwrapping one and handing it over to Jensen to eat one handed as he held onto Emma. “How’d your day go? I see you’re still in one piece.”
“So many piggyback rides,” he teased, taking a big bite of his dinner. “They had fun at the zoo and the baseball game. The go karts were their favorite I’m pretty sure.”
“I assume you won?” you asked.
“Of course. They had a blast,” he said.
“What about tough guy? He fawn over you like Emma?” you asked.
“I think he’s warming up to me,” said Jensen, stealing a fry from you.
“It’s about time,” you said.
“You do know that if he didn’t ever warm up to me...I wouldn’t make him have to be in that kind of environment that bothers him,” said Jensen.
“Whoa, you better rephrase that because it sounded an awful lot like a breakup,” you said.
“No, no. I love you, Y/N, along with these two. But I won’t be that guy that Eli can’t stand to have around but always is,” said Jensen.
“You would end this, even though you love us, so he wouldn’t have to feel bad?” you asked.
“You’re pissed at me, aren’t you,” he said.
“You just told me you care more about my child’s wellbeing more than my own,” you said.
“Yeah,” said Jensen. “I mean, it’s a little hypocritical if you’re gonna get mad at me. You care about them more than me.”
“They’re my children,” you said.
“So? I’m not allowed to care about them because I’m not their father?” he asked.
“This is flying way over your head you handsome boy. Do you honestly think I’d let a guy that puts my kids before himself or myself go? You’re like, super perfect,” you said.
“Oh,” said Jensen, scratching his head. “You’re happy. I’m just an idiot like normal.”
“But your our idiot,” you said with a smile.
“You called me handsome,” he said with a smirk.
“You’re such a loser,” you said shaking your head, a crackle of thunder off in the distance. “Cute loser.”
“Don’t you forget it,” he said with a laugh. “We should probably take our dinner to go before it pours on us.”
“You take the girl and the food. I’ll grab the boy.”
You were lying awake in bed, the wind howling and rain smattering against the windows, Jensen in a half sleep beside you. The power was out and you knew it was only a matter of time before the kids woke up to dark bedrooms and no nightlights.
You dragged yourself into the bathroom, coming out a minute later to find Jensen on the edge of the mattress, back to you.
“Jen,” you whispered, nudging him back towards the middle, his head shaking. “Jensen.”
“Shh,” he whispered, pointing to the bundle of sheets next to him. It took you a moment to realize there was a tiny body in there, jammed so tight against Jensen you barely saw him. “S’just a storm, honey.”
Jensen ran his hand up and down Eli’s back, shushing him as you climbed back into bed. He stayed with Jensen though, Jensen popping open an eye when Eli finally relaxed.
Emma made her way in a short while later, finding a spot near you, Eli already back asleep by the time she had curled in behind her brother.
“Morning sleepy boys,” you said from the doorway, the pair of them groggily lifting their heads up. “How about some Saturday morning waffles and cartoons?”
“How about five more minutes,” said Jensen, Eli plopping back down next to him. “We’ll get up.”
Ten minutes later you were back in there, Jensen plucking Eli up and tossing him over his shoulder, carrying him down to the kitchen. You were pretty sure you’d never heard him laugh like that because of something Jensen did, Emma quickly wanting a ride of her own.
“I think we got to the root of the problem,” you said after breakfast, the twins watching a cartoon as you cleaned up with Jensen.
“A cuddle has won over you more than once,” he teased, the lights flickering overhead before shutting off. “And the power is out again.”
“At least we already made breakfast,” you said, Jensen tugging you into the living room. The pair were already sprawled out on the floor with their papers and crayons, Jensen taking a seat close by and drawing his own picture.
By the time the lights were back on, it was raining out again and you had countless drawings to sort through while you sent them for a nap.
“Here you go,” said Eli, handing one to Jensen, giving him a strange look. You peered over his shoulder, knowing Jensen’s face had to be ready to burst that Eli drew him in a picture for once.
“Thanks, Eli. I’m gonna take this home with me and put it on my fridge,” he said, Eli giving him a hug. He took off after his sister upstairs, both giggling and bouncing on a bed from the sounds of it before it got quiet and they settled down. “You were right, he doesn’t hate me.”
“I knew he didn't. He’s a little you,” you said, Jensen cocking his head. “Protective, shy, he puts his little walls up until he knows he can trust someone...was scared of thunderstorms when he was little.”
“I guess we’re a bit alike,” said Jensen. “He was very quiet when we met. I was more scared of the kids than they were of me.”
“Well they both love you and I know you believe me this time when I say it,” you said, Jensen humming. “What if we upgrade that drawer you have to part of the closet?”
“You want me to move in full time?” he asked, your head nodding. “I thought we wanted to take this slow for the kids.”
“We have been dating for quite awhile, Jensen. You’ve been staying over almost that whole time. I know you were nervous about pushing too fast for them and for me but we’re ready for it,” you said.
“That’s probably a good thing considering,” said Jensen.
“Considering what?” you asked.
“The kiddos may have cornered me this morning and asked…” he said, scrunching up his face. “Oh it sounds so stupid.”
“What did my expert interrogators ask?” you asked, Jensen closing his eyes.
“They asked if I was their dad,” he said.
“They know he got in a car accident when they were newbies,” you said.
“They asked if I was their new dad,” he said.
“What’d you say?” you asked.
“I told them I’d be whatever they wanted me to be. A dinosaur with lion hands in a purple tutu is apparently what they were looking for,” said Jensen with a smile.
“It’s hard to have meaningful life conversations with five year olds before it just takes a left turn into crazy town,” you said.
“I’ve come to realize that,” he said. “They seemed to be excited about the idea though...of a dad.”
“You really want them to be happy, don’t you,” you said, Jensen giving a shy smile. “Trust me, they are. You made me happy back when I really didn’t want to be and they both know it.”
“I think I’m going to take you up on that moving in thing,” he said with a smile. “Since I’m so good at this making everyone happy deal I got going on, I should probably stick around.”
“Like you were going anywhere,” you said, Jensen getting to his feet with his drawing, sticking it on the fridge with a big old smile. “You happy?”
“More than you’ll ever really know.”
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badassryker-blog · 7 years
The Beginning
*I'm sitting on the floor of my bedroom playing with my cars, I hear my mom and dad's voice's getting louder from downstairs. I have heard them fight before but never this bad, I get up off the floor and walk to the railing looking over it. I see my mom holding her face and it's all red, my dad standing right in her face screaming "You don't fucking think I know who that bastard's father is everyone in the fucking gang knows" He raises his hand again slapping her again, I scream and run down the stairs "Don't you touch her" I step in between my mom and dad standing there looking up at my father "What the fuck do you think you are gong to do you lil fucker, I will beat your fucking ass" "Go ahead I dare you dad" the first hit knocked me back into my mom knocking her down but I didn't care at least I had his attention and my mom could get away. I could hear her crying behind me but my focus was on the man in front of me as he leaned down grabbing me around the throat, he started to squeeze cutting my breathing off, my heart started to race as my body was staving for air but not getting what it needed, my eyes stayed on his not giving him the satisfaction of fighting or crying. The more I didn't fight the tighter his hold got around my neck, my mother comes around from behind me hitting my father's arms trying to get him off of me but he wouldn't let go, than he let go and started to laugh "See fucker I can kill you anytime I want, you might be only 7 years old but I don't give a fuck if you ever get in the way again I won't stop until you are lying on the fucking floor dead, keep your nose out of my business" My mom puts her arms around me bringing me to the couch making me sit down as my father leaves the house laughing, I look at my mother's face seeing her eye already turning black, her nose bleeding and her lip split open. I feel my anger building up inside me, making a vow to myself that I will never allow that man to touch her again, I might be small and can't do anything physical to stop him but I can take the beatings for her. Brooklyn comes running down the stairs yelling, I see my mother turn her head away "B get your ass upstairs and stay there, I will be up in a few to play with you" "Ryker Cruz don't you cuss at your sister" "Sorry mom" I look down not wanting to upset her I stand up when Brooklyn goes up the stairs and go to the bathroom down here, I wet a face cloth then walk back out to the living room sitting in front of my mom, I lift the cloth up to her face and see looks at me with tears in her eyes. I know she hated that I seen her this way, I clean her face the best I could but her eye was black and closing. My hands go into fists at the sight of my beautiful mother "I will fucking kill that asshole for this" "RYKER CRUZ, don't make me wash your mouth out, you will just leave your father alone he was upset with something the men were saying" I look away from her knowing I wouldn't let this happen again, never again, I would protect her at all costs that was my job. I nod at her and get up going upstairs to Brooklyn's room "Will you have a tea party with me Ry pretty please?" "Yeah B I will where do you want me to sit?" "Over by the bed near Mr. Bear, Ry why is your neck all red? Are you and mommy ok?" "Yes B just drop it or I won't play with you" I sit down next to her dumb bear and wait for her to give me my tea cup with nothing in it but I know I'm suppose to pretend there is tea in it. I play with her for about an hour or more when I hear my father come back into the house, I couldn't hear what he was saying but I didn't think it was good I look over at Brooklyn "B I need you to do me a favor, get in your closet all the way in the back and don't come out until I come get you, I mean it B don't come out for anyone but me" "Why Ry?" "Just do it now" I don't leave her bedroom until after she is in the closet and I close the door, I shut her bedroom door and listen to see where my parents are, I hear my mom in the kitchen telling my father to stop. I walk down the stairs slowly trying not to make any noises, I move against the wall around the corner seeing into the kitchen, my mom at the store cooking and my dad standing behind her with his hands on her chest, she kept trying to push him away "Please stop Will the kids are upstairs and I'm trying to cook dinner" "I don't give a fuck where the kids are or what you are doing, when I want to fuck you I will you stupid bitch" My mother tried one more time to push him away he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back I seen my mother wince in pain that's all I had to see, I run into the kitchen and slam my little body into my father knocking him off balance "Don't you fucking touch her again asshole or you will regret it" He moves into my face "Lil boy what the fuck do you think you are doing? This is between your mother and I not your fucking business, now get your fucking ass up to your room I will deal with you later after I do the whore you call mom" "No you won't you will deal with me now" He laughs at me "For a 7 year old you have big balls to stand up to me but to bad you don't have the fucking brains to know you will never win against me" I knew I couldn't but I also knew that if his attention was on me then he wouldn't be near my mother, my father reaches over to the counter drawer and opens it pulling out a big butcher knife, I swallow hard as he brings it to my throat pushing my head up "I don't have any feelings for you so killing you won't bother me you lil fucker, but it might hurt your mother watching you bleed to death, but then again it might make her listen better then she does now" Again I don't give him the satisfaction of showing any fear, I push my neck into the blade not caring when I feel the sting of the knife cutting me, I hear my mother yell for my father to stop, he gets a smirk on his face "See that's how you get the bitches to follow orders" He looks over at my mother "Now I want your fucking ass in the bedroom in no more than 5 minutes bitch or you won't like what happens" He walks out of the kitchen dropping the knife on the floor, my mother spins me around yelling at me "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, HE COULD OF KILLED YOU RYKER" "I was protecting you mom" "Protecting me? that's not your job, I'm suppose to protect you" "No, it's my job to protect you & Brooklyn and I will until the day I die" It's been a few days since the incident with my father, but today was no different then that day, my father was in one of his moods. My mother kept telling me to go outside and play that it was a nice day, I knew that she didn't want me to see or hear them but I wasn't going anywhere, I needed to protect her from him so I sat on the couch acting like I was watching tv. My mom was acting nervous and jumping at everything, my father came out of the shower just in his towel, I ignored him until he grabbed my mother by her hair I jumped up off the couch pushing at him, I wasn't strong enough but that didn't stop me, I just kept pushing and screaming at him to let go "See boy this is how you treat a woman, you fucking make them beg you for everything, you make them so scared that they won't ever say no to you, you completely control them, their body, mind, life" I didn't care what he was saying, I just wanted him off my mother who was now crying and begging for the asshole to get off of her, I wasn't thinking I just the one thing I knew would probably make him let go, I leaned forward taking his arm that was holding my mother into my mouth biting him as hard as I could. I wasn't prepared for what he did next, he let go of my mother and slammed his fist into my mouth making pain shoot through it, rattling my teeth and making spit out blood "You ever fucking bite me again motherfucker I will pull everyone of your teeth out one by fucking one" I look at him in the eyes standing up tall not showing him the pain I was feeling, I bring my hand up wiping my mouth wincing when I touched my split open lip "Bring it asshole, but you better make it count because when I get bigger I will fucking kick your ass from one end of this house to the other" My mother steps between us "Ryker Cruz get the fuck out of this house right now and don't come back until later and watch that fucking mouth" my eyes leave my father's to meet my mother's seeing the pain, fear and begging in them. I was having an inner fight with myself I didn't want to leave her here alone with the asshole but I didn't want to add more stress to her, she meant everything to me. I give her a nod and take a step back, my eyes moving back to his "If you touch her you will deal with me when I get back home" I turn to walk out the door when I hear my father "You better fucking grow lil boy before you try and act like a badass, I'm the biggest badass" I turn around "You aren't a badass, you are a coward that only knows how to beat up on small women and kids, you don't know anything about loyalty, respect or honor" I run out the front door down the stairs and crash into someone knocking us both down on our asses. "Why don't you watch where you are going shit head" "Why don't you watch yourself fucker" I look over at the kid and see it's the one that lives across the street from me. "Why you in such a rush?" "Just got into a fight with my asshole father again" I stand up holding my hand out helping him up off the ground "I'm Ryker" "I'm Dom, I know how you feel my father was being an asshole too I needed to get out of there, where you going?" "I'm going down to the park want to come along we can hustle some of the older kids for some money at basketball if you are any good" "Fucker, I'm the best" I laugh shaking my head "No way shit head I'm the best, I could kick your ass on the court" "Bring it fucker we will see who is the best" "Let's go shit head it's time to put your actions before your words" We walk down the road to the park, I look around seeing if there is anyone worth hustling, I see a few kids I hate that are older and bigger then us "You up for some real fun now shit head?" "Oh yeah fucker I hate those assholes they try picking on my brother, Alex" "Let's show them who is the boss around here" We walk over to the last court, I grab the ball when it comes closer to me "Hey I bet you asses we can beat you in a two on two game" they laugh at us "Go back to your cribs lil boys this is for us real men" "I don't see any real men around here just lil dicks" Dom and the kids near us start to laugh which pisses them off, the oldest one comes over to me "Looks like you already got an ass kicking do you really want another one" I drop the ball and put my hands into fists now pissed off "The only one getting an ass kicking is you" I go to step closer when I feel a Dom right behind me, we walk into the woods, I find my usually spot and drop down leaning against the tree, he sits across from me "You need to stop and think before you react Ry, you will get more done that way. You are a hot head that likes to react first then think" "In my world I have to shit head" "We live in the same world, except your dad is the leader not just a member of El Familia" "He thinks because he is the leader to them he can treat my mom the same way, I will always protect her and my lil sister B" "Have you ever thought about getting out of here and what is out there for us?" "Every damn day D, as soon as I can get out of here I am leaving taking my mom and sister with me away from that asshole if I don't kill him first" "I'm with you bro, I want to take my mom and brother out of that house away from that monster" "We will leave together bro and take the world on together, the Ry & Dom show" "No it will be the Dom & Ry show fucker" "My name always goes first shit head since I'm the awesome one here" "Who made you the awesome one fucker, I'm more awesome" We laugh and sit there for a few hours when we hear his mom yelling for him, I get up and walk back with him, we say goodbye making plans to meet tomorrow, I take a deep breath as I walk up the porch stairs. I walk into the house seeing my father holding a gun to my mother's head I run at them, seeing my mother's face bruised up again. "Get the fuck off my mother asshole" He turns around with black eyes he looked like a man with no soul "Oh if it's not the bastard son, I'm getting fucking tired of you, all this shit is your fault if you were never born then there wouldn't be any fucking problems, I can fix that problem I will just fucking kill you" He swings the gun around pointing it at my chest, I felt sick to my stomach knowing this was the end, I lived 7 years and it was going to end this way, my mother jumps on my father's back making him fall forward the gun goes off, I feel the pain as I fall down looking up at the ceiling. I hear my mother scream and then Brooklyn come running down the stairs screaming when she sees me, I close my eyes and ask god to please protect my mother and sister from this asshole................I keep going in and out of consciousness, I hear my mother telling my father that they need to get me to the hospital before I bleed to death. "He will be fucking fine, it wouldn't be the end of the world if the lil bastard died anyway one less useless fucker in this world" I try to sit up but feel dizzy as soon as I move, I fall back down and pass out again. This time when I wake up I turn my head and see a few of my father's men in a room at the warehouse. One notices me and comes over to me "Ryker, I'm the doctor for El Familia, I cleaned up your wound and put a bandage on it. It was a clean shot in your shoulder, you will be in pain for a bit but otherwise you are fine" Before I can say anything to him my father pushes his way into the room "The lil fucker is awake finally, you are nothing but a fucking pussy Ryker, I'm embarrassed to say you are a Cruz, it was just a fucking small hole. Next time I will have better aim at your heart" "Will don't talk to the boy that way, he is a 7 year old that has shown how strong he is, you should be proud of him" My father laughs telling all the men to leave the room that he wants to have a word with me. I push myself up to a sitting position wincing at the pain shooting through my shoulder and arm, I look at my father waiting for whatever he wants to say. "If you fucking tell anyone what happened to you, I promise you that before anything happens to me your fucking bitch of a mother and your sister will pay first and it won't end well for either of them" I knew what he was saying to me that I had to lie to protect my mother and sister from getting killed, I look down at the floor and give him a little nod. He grabs my good arm and yanks me off the bed dragging me out of the warehouse, I see my mom waiting outside for us, she comes running to me hugging me tight, she is hurting me but I don't want to tell her that, I want her to hug me. Things only got worse from that day, he would come home almost every night drunk and smelling like some skanky girl well that's what my mother always said to him. I tried my hardest to protect them, I would step in and take the beating so Brooklyn and mom were safe. I missed so much school because of broken bones, black eyes, or just couldn't move from the beatings. Things changed when I turned twelve Dom & I started to workout in a homemade gym that we built in the woods, we would workout every morning and night. I started to fill out I didn't look my age, I looked older and I was growing fast. I was talk and muscle, Dom and I got a reputation in school of being the baddest fuckers in school, all the guys were scared of us and avoided us at all cost but the girls well they all wanted the untameables. There wasn't a time when the girls weren't around us. My mother started noticing the attention I was getting from them so she sat me down "Ryker we need to have a conversation about girls" I give her my smirk "Mom I already know about girls, fuck I'm not a virgin anymore the girl next door took that" She brings her hand up and slaps me hard in back of my head "Fuck mom that shit hurts" She slaps me again "Watch your damn mouth with me Ryker Cruz, you aren't too big for me to slap the shit out of you then put soap in your mouth and what do you mean the girl next door took your virginity? She is two years older then you" I look down at my feet "I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to talk to you that way, Do you really want me to explain in detail what happened mom?" "No I don't but I will be having a talk with her parents" I laugh which doesn't go over big with her "I want you to make me a promise, dimples, no matter what any girls does to you or how mad you get at her you will never hit or even raise your hand at her" I knew she was so scared that I would fall in my father's footsteps and so was I but I knew I would never break a promise to my mom. I would rather die then ever disappoint her, "I won't I promise you mom" "Always remember that a girl should be treated like a princess or queen, spoiled rotten, made to feel special dimples not like a piece of shit or not good enough" I look down at my mom "I will always make sure the girls in my life are treated as they are deserved mom" "Thank you Ryker" She kisses my head and tells me to get out of the house and go have some fun with Dom. I give her a quick kiss on her cheek and run out the door. I meet Dom at our normal hangout "What's up shit head?" "waiting for your sorry ass fucker, what took you so long?" "My mom had a talk with me about girl and how to treat them" Shit head laughs at me "Did she tell you how to make them scream" "Fuck you, I already know how to do that" We walk to the park and play some basketball, the girls start to crowd around, I look when I see Brooklyn running towards us crying and shaking. I push my way to her grabbing her "what's wrong B? What happen?" "Mo.........Mo......it's mom Ry, he is hurting her she isn't moving" I pass B to Dom and take off on a dead run making it back to my house in record time, not even opening the outside door I run right thru it seeing my mother on the floor covered in blood not moving and my father on top of her just continuing to hit her, I see nothing but red and the motherfucker on my mother. I run at him tackling him knocking him off my mother crashing us both into the wall knocking the pictures off, I stand up as he stands up. I stand toe to toe with him now that I'm bigger he has to look up at me. He looks at me and gives me a grin. "Now motherfucker why don't you fucking try that shit with me instead of a lil woman" "You grow some balls now boy? Think you are so tough fucker" "Why don't you fucking come and see for yourself how tough I am asshole, I'm not that lil scared 7 year old anymore. I will beat your ass for every fucking time you touched my mother." He pulls out his gun pointing it at me "I will just shoot you where you stand, no one will miss you" "Go ahead, you already shot me once" I step closer pressing the tip of the gun into my chest right at my heart. "Go ahead fucker pull the fucking trigger, I fucking dare you, you don't have the fucking balls to pull it. How are you the leader of a gang when you don't have the balls to even pull the fucking trigger, come on pull it, it's so easy do you want me to show you" Before I realize what is happening two men grab me from behind holding me, I fight but I can't take both of them. My father puts his gun away now stepping up to me getting right in my face "Now you aren't so big are you fucker? Show me how strong you are now" I let my my smirk slide across my face, standing up talk even tho they are holding me "I'm not the one that needs other men to help me deal with a twelve year old boy, so I think you are the pussy Will" This pisses him off making him punch me in the stomach, it knocks the wind out of me, I hold my head up high not giving him a reaction. before he can hit me again Dom walks in "Hey fucker you look like you need some help here" The two guys let go of me and move to stand on the side of my father, who is looking back and forth between Dom and I "Well well if it's not the Mendez bastard, you aren't welcome here" Dom and I stand side by side as a unit "He is more welcome here then you or your guys why don't you fucking get out now before I make you" The three men laugh at us "I will leave because I don't want to play with lil boys anymore but fucker this isn't over when I get back home I will be giving you a fucking beating" "Bring it asshole I will be waiting for you" They walk out the backdoor not walking by us, I quickly move to my mom's side as she starts to move. Dom helps me get her up onto the couch, he goes to get me a wash cloth to clean her up "What are you doing Ryker? you need to stop this shit with trying to protect me one day he will kill you" "Then let him because I will never stop protecting you, I promise you mom that I will protect you and Brooklyn until I don't have a breath left inside me" My father didn't come back that night, I knew he wouldn't because he couldn't beat my ass like he used to, he was a pussy, he only knew how to beat on a lil woman who really couldn't defend herself but I would for as long as I had to. Only a few more years and I could get the fuck out of here taking my mom and Brooklyn with me. They would get to live the life they deserved, I waited until my mom left for the day then I met up with shit head "How's your mom bro?" "She's ok but I wish she would leave that fucker" "I think she is scared man, he provides for you, her and B also Ry he is the leader of El Familia if she tries to leave he will probably get his men to hunt her down and imagine what he would do to her if he found her, as long as she has you protecting her she is safe" I stop really thinking about what D just said, was my mom safe right now as long as I ran interference. I would just make sure I was always home when she was it would be hard but I wouldn't let him touch her again. I kept watching the time to make sure I got home when my mom did, D knew what I was doing "Ry why don't we come up with a way to keep an eye on the asshole so you don't have to worry so much then we can cut him off from being with her without you, but you can have a life also. We will come up with something" "You will shit head I don't understand any of that electric shit, point and click that's all I do" Dom laughs at me mumbling something under his breath about stupid fucker. Him and I hang out working out trying to figure out how to keep an eye on asshole but I really didn't know how to do that, maybe we could get a look out for us, I would just threaten a nerd and make him do it. But Dom said no, he would try to come up with something else. We started to walk back home when we get closer we hear people screaming when we get in view of the houses we see it's Dom's parents. I look over at him "If it gets too bad bro just bring Alex over and you both can stay at my house" "Thanks Bro I will be over if I need to" We part ways I walk into my house listening to see if anyone is home but it's quiet, then I hear a noise coming from my parents bedroom. The sounds I was hearing didn't sound like they were fighting but I needed to make sure my mom was ok, I slowly open the door peeking my head in "Mom are you........." The words stop dead when I see my father with another woman on top of him riding him, I don't stop and think I just walk to the bed yanking the woman off my father, my eyes glued to his showing him that I was going to fucking kill him "You need to get the fuck out of my house bitch and I mean NOW!" Without anymore words she ran out of the house, I heard the door slam shut behind her. "What the fuck do you think you are doing you fucking bastard, I wasn't done yet" "Oh fucker you were done the minute I walked into this house just now, you think it's right to fuck a skank in my mother's bed, she probably has how many STDs from all your dirty ass men fucking her too" "Oh that's right Ryker you don't know what a woman is, you only hang out with that fucker across the street" I let a smirk spread across my face "Oh how wrong you are, I have had many girls but I don't fuck dirty sluts like you" "You think you are better then me, you are a fucking lil boy still, you might be a lil big but you are still a scared lil motherfucker" I spread my feet crossing my arms across my chest, grinning "Asshole, I don't have anything to be scared of you need your girls scared and drugged up to fuck otherwise you can't satisfy them, at least my girls get satisfied multiple times and remember it fuck I can make them scream so yell they blow my eardrums out" He jumps off the bed standing toe to toe with me, I keep my arms across my chest not changing my stance. "You think you are fucking big but you aren't big enough for me to whip you with my belt again" I try not to have a reaction when I remember the last time he whipped me with his belt, I had huge welts on my back and extreme pain. "If you have the balls then try it motherfucker but you have a few chances then I get to do it to you and let's see who the fucking bigger man is" "Oh you think I can't take a few hits from a belt from a weak fucker like you, take your shirt off let's hear you fucking scream and cry like a pussy fucker" I take a step back sliding my shirt over my head and turning around holding my arms straight out my sides "Ready asshole give me your best" I close my eyes trying to prepare myself for the string and pain. I wasn't fully prepared for the first hit, I stepped forward but didn't make a sound, I rolled my neck getting back in to position the next two hits hurt but I can't move and I bit my tongue not to make noises. When he's done I turn around and smirk at him "Now it's my turn asshole, are you prepared to scream" I grab the belt from him before he realizes what I'm doing, he turns around hanging his head, I bring the belt back and slap it across his back, he jumps forwards screaming "One scream, a few dozen more to match my mother's now come on dad I'm not done" "No more it's useless" "Are you saying you aren't a fucking man dad?, what would your men think of you?" "Nothing because they will never know, I will fuck you up if you tried to tell them and they wouldn't believe you anyway you are a twelve year old fucker" I swing the belt close to him he steps back putting himself against the wall "You are big with the belt put it down and stop to me" "With pleasure dad" I drop the belt on the ground and step right in front of him "Do your worse Ryker" Not needing to be told twice I swing my right fist out connecting with his jaw, lifting my left knee up into his groin, he falls forward I grab him by his throat slamming against the wall "Now motherfucker who is the bigger man, who is the lil bitch. I owe you for what you did to my mother and no one is here to save your ass now" I slam his head against the wall hard again seeing his eyes rolling up in his head, I squeeze my hand tighter around his throat trying to squeeze the life out of him. "Let go of him Ryker" I turn my head and see my mom standing in the doorway, I shake my head at her "I said let him go now Ryker" "No I'm going to fucking kill his sorry ass for you" "No you aren't you are nothing like him, now let him go" "NO" "RYKER CRUZ LET HIM FUCKING GO NOW DON'T MAKE ME MAKE YOU" I didn't want to let go but I didn't want my mom upset I loosen my hold up but don't let him go until my mom touches my arm then I drop him to his knees. "Thank you Dimples, now let's go get your back cleaned up" "Yes mom" I kiss her on top of her head and follow her out of the room with a big smirk on my face. After that day in my parents room, my father wasn't at home much esp. when I was there. He said he wasn't scared of me but I knew he was, my mom seem more happy that she wasn't getting yelled at, belittled, or beat by the son of a bitch. I felt a a lil more relaxed going out and hanging with my few friends even Brooklyn was happier. The beatings or the fighting didn't stop completely but I was working up to that. The years went fast for me before I knew it I was already sixteen and ready to get the fuck out of this town with my mom and sister but the day I planned on leaving didn't go as I planned in so many ways "Mom pack up and let's get out of here before asshole gets home and tries to stop us" "I'm not leaving Ryker, running will not do anything but piss him off and when he finds us he will kill us" "I don't give a fuck he can try all he wants but I will never let him near you or B again you need to believe me and know that I can protect you" "I know you think you can Ry but he has a whole gang behind him, you can fight them all no matter how much you think you can" I slam my fist into the wall putting a big hole in it "Punching a wall isn't going to make me change my mind Ry, you need to go to school and finish it so you can better yourself not have to go out and work to support your family, that isn't your place" I don't want to hear anymore so I lash out at her which I have never done before and I would live to regret it "Fine when he fucking kills you and Brooklyn I don't fucking care" I turn walking out the front door slamming it behind me as I leave, I could hear my mother crying but I didn't stop. I went straight to Dom and my hangout, I seen Dom and Alex there, one look from me told Dom something wasn't right, he walks over to me "What's up bro? you look like you are going to kill someone did the asshole start again?" "No the fucking dick isn't home he stays away as much as possible, my mother won't leave with me, I don't fucking understand why she won't fucking go and get away from the asshole" "Ry you aren't looking at it from her point of view you only see it from yours, she is scared it will get worse for her if he finds you guys, he wouldn't even think twice about killing you all" "I don't fucking care I can protect my family I have been since I was seven years old" "you have I won't fight with you about that but you need to think of your mom and not yourself" "I am thinking about her I don't want her to get the beatings anymore or be scared anymore" He shakes his head at me and moves away from me saying something that I couldn't hear "What was that I didn't hear you" "I'm not leaving either Ry, I know we agreed to get out of here when we were sixteen but things changed, I'm staying for my brother, my mother and a girl I met" "You do what you need to do shit head but I'm out of here" "That's the thing I think you need to stay, would you really just up and leave your family unprotected?" I feel the anger start to build up inside me at him questioning me "Really you are going to fucking throw that shit at me, I don't remember you taken beatings for your mother when you were seven or every fucking day until you were twelve years old, So don't you fucking tell me that I have to stay, I was the one that took every slap, punch, kick for my family I don't and won't ever regret it but I'm fucking done with this shit, you want to fucking stay for some pussy you go ahead but I'm fucking out of here asshole" I push passed him when we both turn and see a car stop with the windows down and guns pointing at us before we can turn and run or drop to the ground the men are firing at us, I feel a few hits to my upper leg and my side, I drop down to the ground and turn my head as I feel myself slipping into the blackness I look over at Dom and see a puddle of blood around him. When I wake up I hear people talking and touching me I whisper "How is Dom?" "I'm sorry, your friend did not make it” I don't remember anything else just remembering the feeling of I would get my revenge for them killing Dom as soon as I found out who did it and I able to more again*
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