#there was that one post that was literally like. barbie is different than marvel or the lego movie because uhhh its for adults
barbie is greta gerwig’s redemption arc even if a lot of the people memeing barbie have no respect for her as a filmmaker and i’m happy and excited for that because i feel she’s been unfairly targeted by The Discourse. but one big thing that has bothered me more about the anti-barbie discourse is also the lack of respect for her as a filmmaker but it’s even worse because it punished her for having authorial intent while making a blockbuster based on existing IP, and trying to balance that as a filmmaker while adapting mattel’s very first live action barbie movie. nearly every review has noted that she was somewhat successful in this endeavor. but even if she wasn’t, she did what the generic male directors of male-led franchises rarely ever do, and in her very first blockbuster as well. whether or not it was intentional and whether one was even aware of it, a lot of the anti-barbie discourse was sexist, or became so quickly. and that’s not cool and is actually very annoying
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beanswrites · 2 years
Ranking all Disney men based on how good of a guy they actually are Pt.1
Welcome, fellow Disney lovers! Today I'm gonna be ranking all (okay, fine, most popular) Disney/Pixar/Marvel men based on how good of a guy they actually are and whether I like them or not.
This chart will probably have 3-4 parts, just and only because Tumblr won't let me post more than 10 pics. All of the guy will be rated by their looks and their personality. I will also do the Disney girls later, so stay tuned for that and enjoy!
Part 2
40. Gaston, from "Beauty and The Beast"
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On the absolute rock bottom of this 40-spots long list, we have this.. I don't even want to call him a man. You know it's bad when there's literal animated talking animals on this list and a human is still on the bottom. I hate everything about him, and I can't even name one good thing about him.
Looks: -4/10. One word: N O. I get that he's supposed to be attractive, but.. It's everything other than attractive
Personality: 1/10 He's LITERATELY a villain, but hey, at least he has a personality. Yeah, he's a sexist jerk, but for a character it's better to have a horrible personality than no personality, and that's why I gave him a 1/10 and not -1000.
Overall score: -1.5/10
39. Mufasa, from "The Lion King"
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I recently heard that some people simp for him and I'm trying to understand that-
But like I can't
I mean.. I guess he's hot, for a lion??
Just.. Lions are probably not my thing.
Looks: 1/10 I can't really see it. I'm not really into dad lions who had a tragic death. No shame on people who like him tho!
Personality: 1/10 He wasn't around for much of the movie, and even when he was his personality was still pretty bland. I think he was too strict on Simba, and overall, not the man for me.
Overall score: 1/10
38. Prince Hans of The Southern Isles, from "Frozen"
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Let me introduce you to the winner of Disney's "I'm a villain but I have an innocent look" award. This man doesn't deserve to be named after the absolute legend that Hans Christian Andersen was. Even before the big plot twist (which made me want to punch him in the face) he was still kinda creepy and just.. off.
Looks: 3/10 If you overlook his godawful personality and greed for power, he's kinda ok looking. If he wasn't, you know, evil, and he shaved whatever it is that's growing out of the sides of his face, he would be kinda cute. But, alas, he's not.
Personality: -1/10 You know how Disney villains are always evil, but you still end up loving them for their sass? Well, Hans isn't like that. He's the villain you hate with your entire being, because he deceived you and made you like him at first.
Overall score: 1/10
37. Simba, from "The Lion King"
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Again, lions are not for me.
Simba's cute (definitely way cuter than Mufasa, at least) and he has that playful personality, but he's very tragically still a lion. If he was an actual human, than we could talk.
Looks: 2/10 He's a very cute lion. The kind of lion I would pet like a cat, but not the kind of a lion I would date. DON'T date lions, kids.
Personality: 2/10 Still kinda bland, but that's probably because I don't really like "The Lion King" at all. It's okay, not that bad, but also not that good.
Overall score: 2/10
36. John Smith, from "Pocahontas"
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I get that this dude over here was supposed to be like a "dreamboat" and get basically everyone swooning over him, but at this point I'm wondering did the animators hate him so much that they decided to go in a completely different direction
John Smith was SO annoying and it's kinda hard to like him when in real life he was a pedo because he was like 27 and Pocahontas was THIRTEEN :/
Looks: 2/10 This man looks like a hybrid of handsome squidward and Ken from Barbie. The only thing that's saving him from a solid 1 is his blue eyes.
Personality: 2/10 I really don't remember anything from this movie because I haven't watched it in forever, but the only thing I do remember is that he was an absolute douche and my girl Pocahontas should have chosen the other guy. I'm glad she left him in the second part.
Overall score: 2/10
35. King Triton, from "The Little Mermaid"
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Look- It's not like I hate him, it's just that he's a Disney dad. And not even the "i'm gonna steal your dad" kind of Disney dad, just like.. A dad. Not really much to rate here, but here I go anyway.
Looks: 1/10 For an older sea god, I think he's pretty okay, but still. Not really the most attractive. A real good guy tho!
Personality: 3/10 He acts.. like a dad. Strict, wants to protect his daughters, determined, classic dad. Thumbs up for being a good single dad to his 7 daughters!
Overall score: 2/10
34. Prince Florian, from "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs"
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Tbh, I lived most of my life thinking that he doesn't have a name, or that it's just "Prince". Apparently, Florian is an actual name.
imagine carrying a kid in you for 9 months just to name it Florian-
I recently read an article that described that apparently he was super hard to animate and that's why he only appears twice in the movie, doesn't have any text except the song in the beginning, and is the blandest character Disney ever made.
Looks: 3/10 He looks like Liza Minelli. I gave him a 3/10 just because in the re-draw he does look fine. He's not ugly, people, just not my type. But I have seen some fanarts where he looks really good!
Personality: 2/10 Yeahhh, I maybe kinda forgot to mention that in some theories Florian is 31, and Snow White is 14... That theory wasn't confirmed, so believe what you want. All in all, still pretty bad.
Overall score: 2.5/10
33. Prince Charming, from "Cinderella"
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it's the hair and the eyes combo
His name is Henry Charming. In the first movie, he was kind of really boring and bland. If he was an ice cream flavour, he would be vanilla. But luckily, we've seen some real character developments in the next two movies, so that's great.
Looks: 4/10 IDK OKAY?? I am so confused, bc I simp for Daichi HARD but I don't simp for my guy Henry over here. Still, a lot better than some other princes, in my opinion at least.
Personality: 3/10 Even tho there was a lot of character development in the second and the third movie, he was really just blank in the first movie. Altogether, I have to give him a 3.
Overall score: 3.5/10
32. Buzz Lightyear, from "Toy Story"
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Even tho I LOVED "Toy Story" all my life, I just never really found anyone attractive. Buzz is a great guy, and I shipped him with Jesy all my childhood, but simply not for me.
Looks: 1/10 Nope. I'm really sorry, but I just really don't think that he's cute.
Personality: 6/10 Can be annoying sometimes, but nevertheless a great guy toy, and a good friend.
Overall score: 3.5/10
31. Robin Hood, from "Robin Hood"
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In the most respectful way possible, this is one FINE fox. Yeah, I mean sure, he is a fox, but COME ON. Look at him!
Looks: 3/10 He's about as fine as foxes go. I mean.. There's another fox a bit finer, but we'll talk about that later.
Personality: 6/10 It's not really his looks, it's his personality that makes him hot. He's kind, selfless, funny, clever.. All in all, a great guy!
Overall score: 4.5/10
That would be all for this one, everyone! Now that I'm proofreading this, I'm realizing that I might have been a litleee too harsh on these guys. But, this is the first part out of four, which means it only gets better than this. Part two coming soon! Follow me to find out who's on top, and for other rankings!
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lunarbranded · 5 years
🍵+ gatekeeping
Send 🍵for the mun’s salt! || Meme
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gate·keep·ing: noun - the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.Tumblr definition: when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who has access to something .
Boy, you know. I’ve been mulling over how I was gonna work with this ask and how to do this post for a while. Actually had the words a few times that I wanted to use but I waited and thought on it. As it turns out, there’s a lot I want to touch upon with my salt in this post. Most of it is general toxic behavior from the RPC community itself and some of fandom but, for the most part, it’s Tumblr bullshit to the extreme.
If you don’t want to see strong af opinions, please keep scrolling. The salt will be under the cut and I understand that most of what I’ll be saying in this post will not be popular opinions.
Gatekeeping Is A Form of Bullying
Ever heard some dudebro go ‘I bet she hasn’t even read the comics’ about a girl wearing a Marvel shirt? What about someone going ‘If you don’t read the books, you’re not a real fan’ when someone’s in line at the theater? Yeah, those are examples of gatekeeping. A couple of the most common ones actually. 
As for Tumblr RPC gatekeeping, it’s a bit more like this: 
Omg, you can’t write that because it doesn’t fit into what I believe is the only lore that ever exists
wtf why are you claiming that character is gay/trans/bi/ect? they’re not or it would be mentioned in canon
how dare you want representation for your gender identity/race/ect., that’s not okay because it doesn’t adhere to CANON
you can’t ship that because it’s morally wrong and i don’t like it (which sounds a lot like old church people bitching about anything at all really)
if you don’t have the right aesthetic then i won’t follow/interact with you at all
These are just a few examples but most of them are pretty common. And, you know, that’s sad as fuck, to be honest. So many people I’ve met on this side claim to have been bullied but they’re usually the same people who turn around and do this shit to others. It’s unreal to me that they don’t recognize their own behavior. What’s worse is that it can’t be pointed out or people want to use whatever buzzword they can to tell you to fuck off.
If you try to help correct someone, suddenly you’re every -phobic on the planet and you conveniently managed to set their grandmother on fire. The dramatic overreactions of some people have a price and they don’t realize that the emotional response is sometimes not the correct one.
Just because someone is doing something you don’t like doesn’t mean that it deserves a negative action on your part. 
‘That person upset me so I’m gonna post a callout/vague post about them!’ Why do you guys think that literally fucking everything needs a reaction? It doesn’t. You don’t have to react to everything that happens. Sometimes things warrant a simple ‘oh that’s fucked up’ and then you move on with your fucking day. 
Say you have thirty water bottles. Someone steals one and drinks out of it or whatever but you still have twenty-nine water bottles - why the fuck are you going to be angry all day about that one water bottle? What’s the point when you have twenty-nine other water bottles and you can forget about or throw away the one that was ruined/taken? 
You see, that reaction is how you guys act about any one instance that goes wrong on Tumblr except you’re pissed off for a week and you want to ruin someone’s fucking life over a post/thread that you don’t like. Or, in extreme cases, you open blogs to run your mouth at these people. It takes more effort to act like a dick toward someone than it does to just keep fucking scrolling and it’s astounding how ready people are here to wallow in negativity/toxicity.
Puritan Ship/Roleplay Policing
So I mentioned it before, but there’s this super popular idea on Tumblr that if you don’t abide by a certain unspoken ship/roleplay guideline, people will tear you apart over it. But guess what, guys, it’s fucking bullshit. 
Since when were people not allowed to make their own opinions on what they did or didn’t ship?
When did it start that people were considered trash for shipping something?
Who the hell made half of you the owners of the RPC so you think you can control what everyone does on their blogs? 
You see, this is the same attitude that I see all the time in churches. Oh they’ll tell you to your face that you’re welcome to do as you like and come looking however you want but the second you actually fucking do it, you’re ignored and treated like a social pariah. All this because people love to go around spreading rumors and talking shit about one another all over a fucking hobby. 
It’s actually kind of insane when you think about it. Like, you’re arguing over what two people are doing when they’re throwing internet Barbies at one another and you’re stomping across the playground to scream at them because you don’t like what they’re doing when it has nothing to fucking do with you. Remember what we called that in elementary and high school? Oh yeah, there’s a word for it: BULLYING. And now, it’s evolved into gatekeeping.
This attitude is literally as bad as someone going ‘you can’t sit with us’ just because you don’t like what they’re doing on their blog. 
Now, I called this section ‘puritan’ for a reason - “practicing or affecting strict religious or moral behavior.” Does that sound familiar? Because it should. Tumblr wants to call everything wrong and, from what I’ve seen, the hivemind doesn’t want people making their own opinions. Oh and don’t forget, if you don’t already know something then tough fucking luck because it’s ‘not our job to teach you.’ Thanks for the reminder, Susan, but we all know that you’re going to resort to calling people toxic abusers just because they weren’t given the chance to learn something like you were. Because that’s a fucking great way to help people to understand things from your point of view.
Look. What I’m saying is that trying to force everyone into your moral alignment isn’t okay. Some people will write murder and abusive relationships and not romanticize them just fine. The same goes for incest, rape, dysphoria, and a great number of other things. Believe it or not, some RPers actually take the time to look this shit up so they can make sure that they’re doing it fucking right and avoiding romanticization. You know, what you people want them to do but yell at them when you see it trigger tagged without bothering to take a look at the entire thread in question. Goes right back to that knee jerk reaction people like to rely on - not everything is the end of the world.
Callout/Cancelled Culture
This one’s going to be fun.
So we all know that people love their callouts but we also know that people just fucking love cancelling people. Guess what though - you cannot cancel a fucking human being because they’re not a television show. Shocker right? I know.
Now, I’ll admit that there’s some callout worthy topics but there’s some callouts that are so goddamn stupid that I just can’t take either party seriously. Now Tumblr loves dividing people, especially in the RPC. Don’t fucking tell me that cliques aren’t a thing in the RPC because ‘RPing in your bubbble’ is the same as having a clique. It’s the same concept hidden behind another name, don’t try to tell me otherwise. 
And yes, sometimes people want to run around and start ‘clique wars’ like it’s fucking high school all over again. Sorry, but no one has time for that shit. Do your replies and keep your nose out of where it doesn’t belong, Barbara. But, of course, people have trouble with this concept and get into fights. It’s natural that no two people are going to agree on the same goddamn thing. It would be ridiculous to expect this, especially on this website, but just because you disagree with someone doesn’t mean that they’re cancelled. 
What you think is problematic and what someone else thinks is problematic are likely two different things. And sure, you’ll have people who agree with you and you’ll want them on your side but that doesn’t help because now you’ve created that divide. So things fester and get worse because you want to use your mental illness as an excuse (a popular choice from what I’ve seen) as to why you can’t communicate with someone. Next thing you know, there’s a huge callout against someone and that person didn’t expect it at all.
Knee jerk reactions. Fight gets worse. Divide gets bigger. Toxicity festers. 
Well now, there’s this new thing in the RPC where you can get a PSD template and fake fucking screenshots. Sure, it’s for musings and character profiles for things like Tinder, Facebook, ect. Just fun little things for you to throw your characters into and stuff like that. But there’s always that 1% who decide to use it so they can make it look like someone’s said something when they haven’t. So, when that person tries to defend themselves with a full-screen shot of their own (whole desktop or mobile version), things get worse until there’s a giant blowout. 
Once the dust settles you get this nice little ‘if you follow x, y, z then you can just block me bye’ behavior popping up. Well, that’s just childish. Unless something happened that was almost a ‘they found out where i live and they’re sending me glass filled cookies in the mail’ situation, then I have no reason to bother with that shit in your rules page. No one is obligated to tell you who they associate with just because you had a disagreement with them. However, if that person chooses to take your side, that’s up to them. 
I’m sure damn near everyone has had a similar situation to this happen to them on Tumblr before and, if it hasn’t, were you the one making the call out? If you were, was it worth it? Did it make you feel better? Sure, it might have in the moment but if you’re having that much of an issue actually communicating with others then you should take a step back and work on yourself before you involve other people. It’s like that one saying I keep seeing running around ‘if bad things always happen to you, you should make sure that you’re not the one causing it.’ 
Now, that’s not to say that I’m trying to gaslight anyone, but 9 times out of 10, I’ve looked back and realized that my own knee jerk reactions have caused a lot of turmoil that I could have avoided had I stopped and thought on it. I’ll admit that because guess fucking what, humans aren’t perfect. 
That’s the biggest issue on Tumblr. Half of you expect people to come on here and be perfect from the get go but humans make fucking mistakes and we learn from them. Do we not? How many of you can say that you were perfectly rational and amazing 15 year olds? Absolutely no one because teenagers have a lot of stress and expectations thrown on them while they’re going through a rough growth phase at that time. Things are unpredictable for them and they have school, teachers, friends, and parents throwing all of this shit onto them and then they come on here and have full-grown fucking adults slamming all this shit into their faces. It’s fucking ridiculous. And that’s another goddamn topic holy shit. The way some adults on here act is absolutely barbaric.
Sharing IP Addresses Out of Revenge/Anger
Oh this is something I’ve hated since I found out that Statcounter was a thing. Yes, I run it on my own blog but you’ll never see me sharing IP addresses on the dash. I’ll just quietly IP block you and go about my day, idgaf.
So there’s this huge trend and I’ve seen this on my own dash before (it was fucking disgusting, the response was atrocious on that person’s behalf, and I’ve since hardblocked) and it’s something I’ll hardblock over in a heartbeat. 
Now, for those who don’t know, Statcounter has a little piece of code that you can put into your blog theme and it’ll track the IP addresses of people who visit your blog. For me, I use it because I’ve had two stalkers in the past and yes, I keep screenshots of their visits for my own records. Fuck them. First one started the trigger for me and the second one recently exacerbated it. Anyway, if the person doesn’t have something on their browser to block it, Statcounter will pick up on their visit, what links they look at, how long they’ve been looking, their ISP, general location (never their precise home location, just the ISP’s area), browser info, and screen resolution. I’m sure there’s more but that’s all I recall for now. 
Having it so you can protect yourself from stalkers is one thing but having it and using it to throw someone’s IP out there is another. When I say that people weaponize Statcounter, I’m not joking. People will go on there after getting what they believe is anon hate and see who the move recent /ask visitor was and start blasting their IP all over the place.
For one thing - people can send asks via the dash. They don’t have to click onto your page at all so, there’s a HUGE risk of throwing out an innocent person’s IP address. 
Say someone does this - mistakenly throws out an innocent person’s IP after receiving anon hate. That person is likely going to have a panic attack. Not only have you shared their state and general location but you’ve blamed them for something they didn’t do. Throwing that IP out there, to any fucking extent can create a witch hunt for anyone who has Statcounter to try to figure out who the owner of that IP is. 
This is related to gatekeeping because you’re essentially blacklisting anyone who lives in that state/general area from the RPC all because you saw they were in the /ask page. How fucked up is that? It ties right back to the knee jerk response and it shows that people given even a modicum of power abuse it at the first chance. This isn’t even addressing how vicious some people answer anons.
Sure, posting an IP address on it’s own isn’t illegal but when you tack a name onto it, then it is because you’re essentially creating a threat toward that person.
Point of this section - don’t fucking share people’s goddamn IP addresses on the dash, it just makes you a douchebag. I lose all respect for anyone doing this when I find them - fuck you for doing that.
Activism Forced into Roleplay
I used to be in the Marvel RPC. Key here: used to be. Part of the issue that lead to me leaving was how much people slammed IRL issues into RP. Yes, I’m well aware that Marvel comics has a long and deep history of taking on IRL issues and the comics themselves are quite political.
However my issue comes when this is happening outside of the Marvel community.
I’ve seen people trying to force IRL events down people’s throats. ‘You shouldn’t be happy - x, y, and z are happening right now and don’t you dare tell me to be quiet about it!’ Good way to get yourself blocked. People RP as a hobby and, for some, as a form of escape. Immersing into a character to find out what makes them tick is a form of method acting, so it could be said that we’re method writing out characters to an extent. So shoving IRL issues at some RPers can cause them to lose muse or abandon blogs entirely. 
Of course, in the same breath, I’ve seen people told that they can’t RP something because they’ve never experienced it, people think they’re romanticizing it, or some other bullshit Tumblr reason. Look, I’ve experienced rape, self harm, suicidal thoughts, CSA (incestuous and non-incestuous), as well as mental and physical abuse. Don’t you dare assume that I cannot write about these experiences in an accurate way and don’t you fucking dare tell me that I can’t write it because I’ll tell you first off where you can shove your bullshit. The fact that people have to disclose that they’ve been through these things so people will stay off their ass on Tumblr RPs is fucking ridiculous too. 
You don’t get to tell me what I can and cannot write on my blog when I trigger tag the living shit out of everything to make sure that I’m protecting as many people as I can from seeing it. Do not try this shit with me. Censoring someone because it doesn’t adhere to your moral code is just as bad as banning books, televisions shows, and/or movies. 
Censoring something doesn’t solve the problem and boy fucking howdy does Tumblr have an issue with that. Censorship is another form of gatekeeping, by the way! You might not like it but people don’t go to jail for writing about incest or rape, just fucking saying. Oh but there have been crime authors sent to prison, I was suspended from school for writing about murder, but nothing about rape and incest. 
Sure, it may raise some eyebrows and people have to actually use gasp! postblock, tumblr savior, and any other method of tag blocking so they don’t see it but uh… that’s called being responsible for your content consumption.
Tumblr Is Not The Real World
Alright. So I’m gonna close this with a good reminder that I think some people on Tumblr could use. 
Tumblr is not the end-all be-all of the world.
Yes, you can make some good friends here and that’s fine but when you stay on here too long, the toxicity can start to change how you view the world around you. No, not every man that walks by you is going to rape you. No, not every woman that you see is going to be okay with you treating her the way you do female ocs and canons on here (actually, I’ve met some women who were proud they could make a full-grown man cry with the right look so). 
You have to think about how Tumblr makes you view others as well. All this ‘you messed up once so you’re cancelled’ behavior is a social media phenomenon that doesn’t carry on into real life. It just doesn’t. Sure, you can block someone you know IRL but that doesn’t stop them from talking to you if they were a Facebook friend you went to school with. If they still live nearby you, they’ll either talk to you or about you. What are you going to do? Take the Tumblr route and fucking scream at them like an incoherent banshee? No, you’ll suck it the fuck up and you’ll act like a decent person, don’t fucking lie.
You need to understand that Tumblr is it’s own entity, it’s own little sphere on the internet and, by no means, is it appropriate to carry on in your daily life the way some of you do on here. And if you do, please take a moment to stop and look at yourself. 
Self improvement starts when you want to improve but gatekeeping, bullying, and acting like a total barbarian to people you don’t know isn’t okay. This goes for the ones you do know too. I’m not saying that triggers aren’t important in the real world but you need to understand that forcing the social climate to change will only make people dislike you. When they don’t want to change, they’re not going to and some will refuse to change to spite you. 
Forcing anything won’t help. 
Gatekeeping won’t help. 
Censorship has never helped.
People don’t respond to being told what to do, feel, or think. Personally, I’d tell someone to fuck off if they tried doing it to me. So why do you think you can do it to others? Ever heard of ‘treat others how you want to be treated?’ Just be fucking decent and stop acting like other people are your goddamn doormat, jfc.
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gladioluuss · 5 years
So the endgame is really the end...
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My dad is actually a fan, of course he is a guy! (sorry not sorry for this sexist comment) and he has drag me into his stuff like the Star Wars and this MCU which I don’t really have interest in being a fan but I appreciate it. 
This post contains rants, critics, spoilers and biased opinions so read at your own risk. Click that keep reading button.
btw. Disclaimer, don’t judge me and this post because I have a moderate amount of knowledge about the MCU (because I’m not really an avid fan alright so those who will bash me please stay away) and I’ll be stating only the things that I know (corrections are welcome of course).
AGAIN this post contains SPOILERS about the Avengers: Endgame so please leave if you don’t wanna get spoiled 
Before I begin, All I want to say is wow I just started this freakin MCU craziness with the Avengers and now the original team is not gonna do a comeback anymore. Yahh you read it right because it is really the end. Tony Stark died, Steve Rogers gave the title to Falcon making him the next Captain America (which I heard that it should be Bucky but nevermind there might be surprises in the future), Black widow died, Thor joining the Guardians of the Galaxy (idk if permanently but in the end of endgame he is with the squad), Spiderman continuing his life  (He has a new movie of course cause Tom Holand is the new Peter Parker and  he need movies to go through before retiring yah know) and I don’t really know about Hulk. But I gotta say this last 2 installment of the franchise.. harsh.  
So why is it the end?
So Marvel had a lot of movie starting with Iron Man continuing with Captain America which was shown in the early 2010s then the new set was introduced starting with Black Panther (with the solo movies of course). And this seemed likely a new path for the Avengers. We had tons of superheroes in the Avengers but started with Captain America, Iron Man etc. and this epic conclusion says that its time, after years of being a lead to this superhero squad, its time that they should be passing the title to the new squad. Take Captain Marvel for example, she’s new right? new girl in town. But when you watch endgame she is just a supporting like literally appeared in the beginning and the ending of the movie, same with Doctor strange and Black Panther because they have future movies to be in that’s why they’re not present entirely in the movie (endgame and infinity war). And this suggest that they may be the future leads of the Avengers. 
Another point is, the actors are tired (want to retire) or the writers just want to finish it off and maybe the characters won’t be having a major role in the next few movies that’s why they died. Maybe they’ll cameo or have special appearance as different characters. Take Chris Evans for example, he appeared as torch guy in Fantastic Four (which is a marvel movie) and He became Captain America! (coincidence? nahh) So there might be possibilities but chances are low with the lead characters who just died although the actors can appear again with different role that they’ll be taking. 
Some characters died? 
Sad to say but there are tons of original leads who died. First is Loki at the beginning of Infinity War. Then Vision, since Thanos is claiming the Mind stone to him. We’ve got Gamora and Black Widow who died with the same reason, Iron Man who sacrificed himself and I am so mad because whyy he died  Captain America.. who didn’t really die however he just grew old and doesn’t fit to be a superhero anymore because duh he is old. So this clarifies that there won’t be a next after the endgame because they took out the major characters. And I’m not impressed about that. I haven’t read the comics and I think that some characters won’t really die and they just killed these characters in the movies because of certain reasons. 
Story time? 
I actually am not a fan of MCU. True that I know bits and pieces of the stories of some marvel movies like Spiderman (which I really know because I watched the movies of the original Spiderman  ehem Tobey Maguire) and Iron Man (all I know is he makes suit and wears them..) and Captain America (idk .. he is handsome?). I also watched some bits of Civil War, which where Cap and Iron Man build up their own teams to fight. And the Infinity War where I witnessed Loki dying (meh) and Thor which has a rough relationship with his brother. I witnessed these things even when I was a kid but you know I’m a girl and girls doesn’t have interest with these kind of things. Well yeah I do like super heroes when I was a kid (ehem Adventure Time ehem Teen Titans /which is in dc btw xD) but I was not focusing on these stuff because I’m busy with Barbie and stuff, can you blame me? Now the main thing is I’m not a fan like totally and before I don’t even know which heroes belong to DC / Marvel. But yesterday my dad is like we’re watching endgame and I don’t know what’s already happening in the timeline (though I know that Loki died meh) so yeah I watched Infinity War (about the infinity stones and the gauntlet) and did some research like the relationships and the backstories. I also watched some videos on youtube that explains 20 movies in one video. And it helped!
Some remarks..
If I were to rate Avengers: Endgame I would give it a  3.5 / 5
Reason: Well 3.5 isn’t bad right? Well I gotta say I’m too old for superheroes and it doesn’t give me that wow factor but I really like the fighting scenes. Especially the part where all the girl heroes assemble (without black widow :/) and fight those creepy gross monsters that Thanos brought to the future. I’m on the neutral side because I’ve expected more something like one of the superhero will be able to defeat Thanos or like its a one big fight between Thanos and the Avengers but that didn’t happen because Thanos himself destroyed the stone how stupid of that   and yeah I’ve expected that really but that would be a generic and lame ending (cliche like). But they should’ve done something more witty, unexpected not a time travel :/ which made me more confused. SO yeah they did a time travel and mess things up but Doctor Strange did something (idk about that I might read about that more when there’s more info about endgame that comes out) to bring back the vanished heroes and yay they win. But Iron Man died so no happy ending. They should’ve let the man live (in the comics he lived) and be with his family. One message that Marvel let people know, it’s not always about happy ending, sometimes it’s about reality even if we live in our fantasies, we still need to accept the truth about that. That sucks
One more remark, marvel movies isn’t for kids. I know that’s lame but yeah I feel like it’s for more mature audience than kids who doesn’t see things that much. But at lest they enjoy the cool stuff right?
If only Star- Lord did good life choices and resisted the angry feeling when he knew that Gamora was gone, Infinity War would be the last and there will be a happy ending.
This is a long stuff but I hope you enjoyed this long post :D
- Nabi
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