#there is the non-alc version
saytr · 6 months
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Known as "Punsch" or "Glühwein"
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glompcat · 1 year
The grocery store was playing nothing but Weird Al songs while I was shopping there, which feels almost like I slipped into the alternate parody universe that movie was set in.
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mcsaatchisena · 2 months
The Rise of Non-Alc in the Spirits Industry
By Jaclyn Sisbarro
Sober curiosity is nothing new. Simply put, sober curious is a choice to avoid alcohol for personal or wellness reasons. This can be for a short or extended period such as the long-standing trend of Dry January or the newer, Sober October. There is also Zebra Striping, those swapping between alcohol and alternatives within the same occasion. In fact, of the people who are buying nonalcoholic beverages, 82% still buy alcoholic drinks as well (NielsenIQ). 
So if the sober curious trend is nothing new, why the sudden rise of non-alcoholic beverages? 
This is primarily driven by younger generations, a renewed appreciation for wealth being directly correlated to our health, and the continued evolution and innovation within wellness spaces. According to GlobalData, 41% of non-alcoholic drinkers chose a non-alcoholic product as a healthy lifestyle choice.  
The growth of non-alcoholic options across the beverage space has also welcomed sober (or sober-curious) drinkers back into social occasions where they once felt ostracized or uncomfortable. The availability of quality, good-tasting options gives consumers a better, more socially inclusive drink and has expanded what we consider a traditional drinking occasion. 
How the category is responding 
Non-alcoholic beer holds the largest share of the market in both options and sales. In the past year, we’ve seen major global beer companies and craft breweries alike respond quickly to expand their non-alcoholic offerings. We even saw our first non-alcoholic beer commercial during last year’s Super Bowl. 
On the other hand, the wine and spirits categories have responded at a slower rate. This is partly because the spirits category was quickly filling its innovation pipeline with ready-to-drink beverages that were also in sharply increasing demand. Additionally, there are more complex taste and quality considerations within the space of spirits that need refining alongside cost balances to bring an effective product to market. In the case of wine (excuse the pun), it’s even more tricky as alcohol plays a vital role in the flavor of that product. 
While there have been plenty of innovative products hitting the shelves, there is still a large opportunity for growth. 
Future of the industry 
The non-alc consumer trend is a significant shift in the drinks industry globally, driven by increasingly health-conscious consumers seeking alternatives to traditional alcoholic beverages.
As most Gen Zers have not yet hit the legal drinking age, and “millions” become legal drinking age over the next several years, brands need to stay ahead of market trends and consumer preferences to be competitive.
Established brands can successfully branch out into non-alc drinks and appeal to both audiences. The original product raises awareness for the new one, while the new non–alc option can encourage people to try the original alcoholic drinks. Both versions provide consumers with a wider variety of choices that fit multiple lifestyle choices and social occasions. Interestingly, we've seen established global brands deliver hugely successful non-alc products - leveraging the engrained awareness and authority of their existing products. But, equally, we've witnessed start-up brands with innovative branding and category placement take the industry by surprise. Both of these trends tell us the market is still developing and many brands remain in a "test and learn" phase. 
Drinking occasions for non-alc will also continue to be seen inside and outside the home. Non-alcoholic beverages are gaining traction, particularly in the on-premise such as restaurants and bars. Statista predicts these locations will account for 62% of spending and 20% of volume consumption by 2027. 
Overall, the rising popularity of this category is not a quick-hitting trend but a consumer habit that is here to stay. The spirits category has begun to see the other side of challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as supply chain issues and economic uncertainty, so it will need a little time to catch up. As the category continues to grow, brands that can adapt and innovate will be well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities it presents.
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maisondesbieres · 11 months
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Nouveautés 9 JuinVoici le menu du jour :Oshlag - Seltzer Classic Lime Margarita- Seltzer Pamplemousse blanc Margarita- Seltzer Clémentine Margarita- Seltzer Citron Rose Margarita EXP Artisan Brasseur - Téléportation NZ Hazy IPA 6,5% - Nelson Sauvin, Rakau Subzero HopKeif freestylehops - PARADISESession Milkshake IPA - 4,9 % alc/vol - Citra, Idaho7, Strata, Vanille *Lactose. - SPACE POP (version II) Nous sommes fiers de te présenter notre deuxième SPACE POP conçue de fruit du dragon, citron, framboise et guimauve. Noctem Artisans Brasseurs - Carlos Le ChacalLa Gose Chamango intègre la mangue, la lime confite et des piments aromatiques doux avec un soupçon de lactose en référence au populaire dessert mexicain. Ippon beer / Bière Ippon - Fraise - IchigoLa Ippon Ichigo est une ale non filtrée acidulée dans le style d’une gose, aromatisée aux fraises. Une dominante de fraises et une salinité subtile font d’elle une bière rafraîchissante.
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Come Funzionano Gli Hack Di Pokemon Go
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Uno dei giochi di realtà aumentata più in voga oggi si chiama Pokemon Go. In origine era un videogioco Nintendo. Successivamente, si è evoluto in una serie di anime e videogiochi. Ti permette di vivere la fantasia della tua adolescenza di essere solo un maestro di Pokemon, ed è probabile che chiunque sia nato negli anni '90 sia stato in qualche modo elettrizzato dai Pokemon durante gli anni scolastici.
Pokemon e la sua bellezza
È elettrizzante partire per una spedizione errante in giro per il mondo alla ricerca di nuove specie. Partecipa a una ricerca globale di mostri rari e forti con i tuoi amici. Mentre puoi muoverti per il mondo alla ricerca di Pokemon, lo scopo principale di questo gioco è guadagnare punti XP, monete e controllare le palestre. Ecco dove hai per scegliere se vuoi lavorare sodo per ottenere più punti o usare uno dei tanti hack e cheat che rendono il gioco più fluido.
Perché dovresti usare invece gli hack di Pokemon Go?
Non abbiamo nemmeno bisogno di uscire di casa per giocare a Pokemon Go, se abbiamo l'attrezzatura Pokemon Go Plus e un hack. Possiamo salta in qualsiasi punto del pianeta e i nostri personaggi possono essere spostati utilizzando solo un joystick virtuale.
Inoltre, sarebbe fantastico se potessimo usare alcuni semplici trucchi per avanzare più a fondo nel gioco. Pokemon Go è ottimo per i residenti delle grandi città. Questo è il motivo per cui l'app è leggermente distorta.
Sembra che il gioco sia più eccitante se giocato in ambienti urbani affollati. Non pensiamo che sia ingiusto utilizzare tali strumenti per migliorare il divertimento del gioco. È facile installare un'applicazione gratuita per sbloccare pokemon go hack. Questa funzione è sorprendente per coloro che sono costrette a casa a causa di malattie o altre condizioni.
Cosa ti permette di fare Pokemon Go Plus?
Per iniziare, devi prima scaricare PokeGo++ da BuildStore. Quindi, elimina il Pokemon Go classico dal tuo telefono. Il metodo seguente ti consentirà per visualizzare la mappa una volta effettuato l'accesso a Pokemon Go:
Fai clic su Impostazioni nell'angolo in alto a sinistra di questa casella per aprirla.
Fai clic sul pulsante "Posizione falsa" nella sezione "spoofing".
L'opzione Per sempre nel tempo può essere utilizzata per salvare la posizione.
Camminata automatica
Questa versione modificata di Pokemon Go è più intuitiva rispetto all'app standard. È dotato di un'opzione di camminata automatica che semplifica notevolmente il gioco.
Teletrasportarsi nel punto del tuo Pokemon desiderato rende molto più facile ottenerlo rapidamente. Puoi arrivare dove ti serve per essere più veloce catturando i Pokemon rari che desideri in modo da poterli raccontare ai tuoi amici. Avrai un vantaggio sui tuoi amici quando cacciare creature virtuali solide rispetto all'app originale.
Joystick, Sistema di trasporto:
Potresti anche usare un joystick per Pokemon Go++ b Ipogo. Questo ti consente di spostare rapidamente il tuo protagonista in qualsiasi luogo di tua scelta e consente tu controlli il gioco. Possiamo anche sfogliare lo stream per informazioni su Pokemon, Raid e missioni secondarie. Un giocatore può essere tenuto aggiornato su ogni parte di questo gioco.
Quali sono i trucchi più utilizzati per Pokemon Go?
Spoofing GPS
Pokemon Go è un gioco di realtà aumentata (AR) che contiene il tuo GPS e ha bisogno di fare di tutto, anche attraversando un fiume, per ottenere i mostri. Ti localizzerà e mostrerà i Pokemon intorno a te. Tieni presente che alcuni Pokemon potrebbero nascondersi da te. Utilizzando il falso GPS per indurre il gioco a credere che sei altrove, puoi trovare più Pokemon non dovendo muoverti.
Una volta era il caso che solo coloro che stavano nel cuore del paese potevano catturare Pokemon di tipo Acqua, ma ora chiunque può farlo semplicemente spostando la propria posizione e i Pokemon si generavano proprio accanto a loro. Non farlo troppo spesso, altrimenti Niantic inizierà a punirti.
Questo trucco è utilizzato da alcune delle persone più pigre che conosco . Per coloro che non sono disposti a lavorare, vengono offerti quei bot di presentazione. Per ingannare il gioco facendogli credere che sei da qualche altra parte, puoi creare più account bot. I tuoi robot viaggeranno in diverse aree per catturare Pokemon rari e potenti a tuo vantaggio.
Elimina AR
I giochi abilitati all'AR sono fantastici e una parte del divertimento consiste nel vedere Pokemon attraverso il telefono in punti strani, come su una recinzione. Può essere frustrante per gli estranei vedere il tuo telefono e può metterli a disagio. L'AR può essere disabilitato per mostrare un area erbosa con un Pokemon nel mezzo. Sebbene possano muoversi, non lo è facile catturarli. Tuttavia, non è necessario spostare il dispositivo o correre il rischio di ferirsi.
Pikachu, il miglior Pokémon per cominciare, è Pikachu
All'inizio del gioco, devi scegliere un Pokemon iniziale. Se vuoi scegliere Pikachu, dovrai metterlo in attesa. Aspetta il più a lungo possibile per selezionare un pokemon go hack ios; col tempo, Pikachu e altri Pokemon appariranno sulla mappa. Proprio come il nostro eroe, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu ora può essere un principiante quando si tratta di Pokemon.
Ottieni informazioni segrete
Dal momento che il gioco ha bisogno che tu afferri i Pokemon, devi farlo. Ci saranno momenti in cui potresti dover fare a meno di alcuni Pokemon. Ci sono Pokemon che hanno PS e PC ottimi, ma IV deboli. Il suo grado IV è una misura della velocità con cui cresce un Pokemon. È la statistica critica non visibile su cui dovresti concentrarti.
Linea di fondo
Tutti i giocatori devono seguire le seguenti linee guida. Non dovresti usare questi strumenti di hacking, anche se sembrano intelligenti. Altrimenti il ​​tuo account Pokemon Go verrà sospeso. BuildStore dice che non è dispiaciuto per questa situazione.
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mainswatch · 2 years
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zoeology31 · 2 years
So, the current Twins situation calls for some different measures than thirstposting this time around. As the Twins wrap up Correa’s return to Houston, let’s talk about something timely: my two cents on his contract situation.
The quotes coming out about Correa wanting to stay with the Twins long-term are certainly interesting, and it seems it’s just a matter of if the Twins make him a good enough offer. Despite the whole RBI situation (or lack thereof), Correa has pretty clearly demonstrated leadership and experience that make him a lot more valuable than any on-field numbers. The defensive metrics are confusing, but I chalk that up to OAA being a bad stat for infielders, and also Correa throwing to a very defensively inexperienced first base platoon instead of a Gold Glove winner. All that to say, re-signing Correa is a no-brainer.
My proposal for a contract: either 7 years/$200 million or 10 years/$260 million, plus $1 million in incentives for every non-wild card postseason series the Twins reach with Correa on the 40-man roster.
I personally love the setup of Buxton’s contract, and between that and Correa’s current deal I think Falvine is willing to think outside the box on big signings. It’s Correa’s stated goal to make the Twins a consistent contender and make deep postseason runs, so I think that makes a good contract incentive. If the Twins make the ALDS, that’s an extra million; ALCS, another million; World Series, $3 million total, which would be well worth it for the Twins.
Correa has MVP-level potential but hasn’t fully shown that, so I don’t think he’s worth $300 million (though I also don’t think half the guys making $300 million are worth that). This 7-year deal still puts him at the 24th largest contract of all time, and 20th largest by AAV, and the 10-year version would be 11th largest all time and tied for 26th largest by AAV (roughly). It’s not Lindor or Machado level money, but the incentives push him closer to that.
Also, the fact that it’s not $300 million leaves space to sign some of the Twins’ young stars, like Arraez and Miranda, to longer contracts. This should happen regardless, but it would really open up a contention window for the Twins to have such a talented young core signed alongside Buxton and Correa for several years.
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doberbutts · 2 years
So I think I miss read the alc hung as saying mutts can’t do th competitive version of agility and and stuff like that. Them only being able to be in the ones designated for them where they can’t win any medals . I’m just gonna go live under that rock now. Sorry for the confusion.
Ah yeah it's okay it's a common misconception that because AKC doesn't allow mixed breeds in conformation, they don't allow mixed breeds in anything. Mixed breeds must be spayed/neutered (which I think is stupid but they also require it for non-registered purebreds so w/e) but may compete in anything open to all breeds besides conformation, so agility obedience rally barn hunt etc are all breed sports and thus open to sterilized mixed breeds and non-registered purebreds (and sterilized purebreds on limited registration) (the only intact dogs allowed are intact purebreds on full registration). They compete in size classes or breed type classes instead of specific breeds, and compete alongside the purebreds as equals.
To my knowledge the only time a mixed breed dog is allowed in conformation is in the junior ring for various breed clubs, because it's not about the dog but about the child learning how to show dogs, and thus it doesn't matter what the dog is. This is something beginning to be allowed in AKC as well, much to the dismay of oldtimer stick-in-the-muds, as a way to make junioring more fair to disadvantaged minors who either cannot afford a purebred dog or whose family can only afford one dog and they already have a mixed breed. You can't expect people to be able to drop thousands of dollars on their child's hobby if they're struggling to keep the kids in school and food on the table, but it's been a pretty common problem that most juniors already have parents involved in show dogs who provide the dogs for them or are very wealthy and can afford the costs.
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harritudur · 4 years
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4167 words + mature + no beta, we die like men!
*what if* before confronting Adam after having read the last pages of Claudia’s notebook, Noah decides to go further in the future? maybe in 2032 -i don't know why or how tho, but i completely take responsibility for this plot hole lol- and he meets with Elli (22) and a younger-himself (29) which are in a relationship since four years?
ao3 link: archiveofourown.org/works/26290792
2032, post-apocalypse world
A déjà-vu.
Elisabeth had been ten the first time she had met him under an heavy rain. Now, it was like if the ghost had decided to reappear in front of her again. And by his demeanor, it wouldn't be surprising if this Noah was a walking corpse.
Because he was not her Noah. This one, dressed like a priest, was older, years of experience on his face, and looked incommensurable exhausted, like if he had seen and done more than anyone. But his eyes- his eyes were the same eyes Elisabeth had seen a few minutes ago when leaving their cabin to check the traps. Blue. Icy. But gentle and kind when looking at her.
And she understood. He travelled from the future. Or the past.
She could read her name on his lips but not the expression on his face. Maybe she was a ghost for him as well?
He repeated the name again and walked forward, stretching forth a trembling hand. The next few seconds passed in a blur, just like the many questions going through Elisabeth's head, and the more he was getting closer, the more her heart broke. Something terrible happened, and she was frightened, not sure of wanting to know the reasons of his watery eyes, of her absence by his side, of the trembling lips when he stood finally a few inches from her. She didn't step back. How could she, when Noah -no matter his age, his world, his motivation- looked so desperate.
Very slowly, Elisabeth brought a hand to rest on his cheek and he leaned into it, craving her touch. He shut his eyes and she pulled him in close, putting his forehead against hers.
Her Noah was in their cabin made of bits and pieces, getting the fire going again when she entered, and he instantly stood up, a fire-iron in hands when he saw a shadow following her.
He froze, his eyes widening almost comically.
The apparition sent the younger man back into the past, in Erna’s tavern, more than 10 years from now (or a century, depending of the point of view). A curious feeling started to build in the pit of his stomach.
The two men observed one another, pondering the next move.
I know our social skills are a bit rusty, but this is N-O-T how we welcome a guest, Eisabeth signed to her Noah before moving to stand by his side. She linked her fingers with his and looked at the other man with genuine kindness. You can stay here. After all, it is technically your place as well.
The older Noah nodded once, his lips curling up only the slightest bit. 
Still, his younger self observed him without a reaction -for such a long time Elisabeth thought he was never going to reply, or worse, was going to chase the ‘intruder’ out. Green eyes set upon him with disapproval, he gave up.
“Of course,” the words sounded fake. "Make yourself at home.”
The three of them sat by the wood-burner, drinking bad homemade alcohol. Elisabeth and Noah shared a chair built out of an old mattress, while the older Noah sat on a stool, his eyes traveling between the cup in his hands, the fire, and the couple.
After a few questions that their guest eluded with talent, silence reigned. Outside was the dull sound of the rain, clashing against the roof of corrugated iron, and, when the noise ceased, the two Noahs looked up at the ceiling in perfect sync. Elisabeth smiled at herself at the sight.
A sudden shiver of cold ran through her back and both men’s attention instantly focused on her. The younger one pulled her against him, one arm tightening around her shoulder to warm away the cold as their sides aligned. Elisabeth looked up at him with affection, took another sip of liquor and then turned to face the other one.
Not very tasty but it helps to keep you warm. On the other hand, I have nothing to compare it to, she signed to their guest, and her smile slightly dimmed down. But... I guess you already know that.
The older man nodded, his eyes softening.
“Yes,” his voice and hands answered, “I know that.”
Elisabeth grinned and drank once more, leaning back into her lover's hold.
We met before. I mean..., she meant that rainy day in the forest. Why the priest outfit? 
Again, the slightest curl appeared on his lips at Elisabeth’s inquisitiveness.
It helps to earn the trust of people, he justified easily, a certain distance in his explanation. Most people claim they don’t believe in God, but they do show respect to a man of God. Paradox.
Then, his right hand moved up to his roman collar and his fingers started to remove the constraint. The white band gone, he undid the first button of his shirt and drank again, his eyes on Elisabeth over the rim of his can. 
She hold the gaze -this familiar and comforting icy blue gaze- and tilted her head.
A heavy silence fell upon them. There would be no more answers from him.
Anyone would be jealous -or at least defensive- over the way their guest looked at Elisabeth. But here the thing: this other man and him were one.
Noah observed how his older-self couldn't avert his eyes from her, like a drowning man looking at dry land. With an abyssal desire, starved of touch, and undying love. He recalled a few moments of jealousy, the resentment he had felt years ago -when Elisabeth and Jonas had shared a loud laugh over a 21th century detail Noah couldn't grasp ; or when Jonas had offered her a hand after a little slip in the mud, when he was the one supposed to take care of her ; or when she had confessed that she'd had a boyfriend before him... The corruption of jealousy was known. And, despite the evident thirst in this older man (this older him), he notably felt not a fragment of it. On the contrary. 
A part of him took pride in this idea -the idea that after decades, Elisabeth was still his compass.
The soft frame pressed against his side elbowed him, and Elidabeth's eyes flicked down on her empty mettalic glass to ask for more. Noah grabbed the jar on the ground, already light, and refilled their three cups. 
After two hours around the fireplace drinking their awful booze, the already non-existent conversation was dying, as well as their senses. Elisabeth was still comfortably settled against her Noah, and he was running his fingers through her hair, out of habit.
They didn't mind their special guest at all, who remained silent and kept observing the couple, nostalgia and yearning on his features. Eventually, he put down his glass and focused on the twenty-two years old woman. She felt his stare on her (as she always did) and turns her eyes to meet his.
Can I kiss you? he signed.
During a fraction of second, she almost glimpsed the hesitant boy she had kissed for the first time five years ago, and a soft laugh escaped her lips. Her head was light with liquor and, after a last gulp that emptied her cup, Elisabeth cocked her head to look up at her lover with a silent question. Of course she could do many things without his approval -going hunting alone at night, disappearing during hours to scavenge in risky places, walking under the rain without a hood despite his many looks of disapproval. But, here and now, there was a kiss at stake.
You know it's not cheating if it's you, Elisabeth signed with a smirk, her ears red.
Both men looked at each other over her blond's head, and there was a silent conversation, a mutual understanding. Unfailing care in the eyes of the younger man, hopeless need in the eyes of the older one. Love in both.
Young Noah nodded at the request.
In one slow movement, Elisabeth left her Noah's warmth and straightened up to shift closer of his older version. There was flush on his cheeks and a veil before his dark eyes, partly due to the alcohol. His gaze lingered for long seconds on her chapped lips, giving Elisabeth chance to back off, and he delighted on the fact that she didn't do it. He leant in slowly, pressed his lips to hers, and it was like breathing fresh air again after years under water.
To Elisabeth' surprise, the kiss tasted the same as it always did: a mix of smoky aftertaste of alcohol and dried meat, with sweat and the peculiar manly musk he always carried. She closed her eyes and couldn't tell the difference.
It was Noah.
The kiss gradually heated up as lips, teeth and tongues got involved, and he laced one of his hands into unwhashed blonde hair and wrapped the other around her neck. She followed suit without hesitation.
In peripheral, between sips of bad liquor, the younger man observed them, fascinated and terrified by the sight. Fascinated, because he was able to witness Elisabeth's reactions in their entirety without being part of the performance, to see how her body molded perfectly against his despite it being a different version.
And terrified, because the desesperation in the kisses of his older self translated need and pain and absence and desire. When was the last time he saw his Elisabeth? What changed him? What changed me? The same unanswered questions he had asked himself before his first time travel.
Elisabeth softly moaned between kisses, and the younger man recognized the familiar sound, the familiar call. She wanted more.
From his chair by the fireplace, the older Noah tried to avert his eyes but they never left them.
The young couple stumbled on their makeshift mattress, Elisabeth's back pushed into the cushion by the weight of her lover's body on top of her. Tee-shirts and pants were still on, hands disappearing underneath as fingers found their way to warm skin.
This night had always remained a dissonance in Noah's memory, convinced of it non-existence -like a fairytale, or a dream, or the result of too much alcohol combined with exhaustation and hormones. His consciousness had locked the memory of it inside a chest at the back of his mind to preserve his sanity.
But now, every detail of the coming hours sprang into abrupt definition.
Elisabeth wrapped her legs around her Noah's waist as he trailed feather-light kisses up her neck and jaw and, she must have sensed his older version looking at them (at her). Her eyes found his.
Without a second thought, she reached her hand out to invite him to join them (join her).
Above the young woman, Noah glanced over his shoulder. Once more, the same mutual understanding bonded the two men, a mutual need of her that none of them could or wanted to resist. A prudent nod, and the younger man pressed back his tongue on Elisabeth's neck. The older one stood up from his spot by the fire and took the hand offered to him.
Being the center of every attention, Elisabeth was the first one fully naked. Her Noah pressed his chest behind her, one of his arms wrapped around her waist, and she felt him murmuring something against the nape of her neck, before dropping a wet kiss.
Thery were both facing the older version of him, the three of them on their knees on the mattress.
He was Noah. A different one, an older one. But still, it was him. The hunger in his eyes as they raked all over her naked form, the lips slightly parted, the rise and fall of his chest... same reactions than the boy she loved. It was him.
The two men exchanged a glance which she didn't grasp every implication, and the older one moved closer to kiss her. She greeted him in full. From behind, the younger Noah’s hands clenched around her, his still covered hips grinding against hers, pressing with sensuality while his tongue drew intricate figures on her shoulder.
Elisabeth shut her eyes at the sensation, and gasped. Two pairs of hands on her, two pairs of lips, the roughness of their calloused fingers against her skin, their good-natured greediness, but the same man –it all left her breathless.
Her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks and she bit her bottom lip in bliss.
Elisabeth was leaning back on her Noah, sat, her back against his sweaty chest for support, while the older version of him had his head between her legs.
A steady stream of undefined sounds was escaping her throat at every move of his tongue, only ceasing when the younger man took her lips above her shoulder, swallowing her moans, as his hands went up to cup her breast, their peaks hard under his thumbs.
At the needy (and enthralling) noise Elisabeth made, Noah decided to focus on his older-self's work, to observe his ministrations in awe and interest –awe, for the effects it clearly had on Elisabeth's body, and interest for later uses: his tongue was running along her most secretive place, lapping like a thirsty cat, and swirling around that little electric bundle of nerves the young man had already became familiar with.
In three years of intimate relationship, Noah had never done such thing to her -or even never heard about this. Was it a 21st century thing? How was it named? Whatever it was, he decided he would have to do it from now, because Elisabeth was panting, sharp, hard little breaths against his neck that went straight to his cock.
And when his older-self pushed two fingers inside of her, her head rolled back on his younger-self shoulder, limbs trembling.
It was just a dance for two this time -at the beginning.
Elisabeth took her time in riding her Noah, face damp and flushed. Her movements were wide, sweeping, and her hands balled into his shoulders for support as she hovered over him, a cascade of blonde hair isolating them from the rest of the world. They stuttered. He thrusted up, made her groan, and eased her downwards. Mouthes inches apart, the young man tried to kiss her but she decided to deprive him of it.
With a devilish smile, Elisabeth leaned back, bracing her hands on his knees, and rolled her hips. An amazon riding a submissive stalion. Eyes shut, she took stock of her pleasure when his large hands gripped her waist tight, possessively, hungrily, his hips snapping up to meet each shift of hers.
But other hands joined those already holding her.
No. No other hands. The same hands. And the same adoration when they touched her.
The amazon opened her eyes, glancing over her sweaty shoulder, to meet familiar icy ones.
“You're so beautiful,” her older lover murmured without sigining against her shoulder blade. One of his hands resting on her low back to guide her back-and-forth movements, the other one slid down her stomach, towards the area between her legs. His thumb brushed against her sensitive nub and Elisabeth gasped for air.
“So beautiful...” the younger man echoed in the face of such sight, as his lenght slipped easily into her. He needed her more. Closer. He sat up and thrusts deep to drag out another moan. Their foreheads pressed together and both their bodies rocked in perfect harmony, wrapped around each other like vines. Her tongue plunged into his mouth for a deep kiss.
Elisabeth's right hand curled into his dirty blonde hair, while her left one searched behind for the other man. A hot breath caressed the back of her neck and she was now trapped between them, enveloped only by Noah's warmth, Noah’s skin, Noah’s fervor... Suffocating exquisitely, Elisabeth broke the kiss to pant, as each of her two lovers lavished attention on a side of her neck.
Moans filled the small cabin.
The feel and scent of them -of him- overwhelmed her every sense.
The older Noah was on top of her, his hands framing her face like she was a treasure he had lost and only just found again. Each of his thrusts were slow, deliberate languid circles, his lenght within the heat of Elisabeth’s body. And as the pressure mounted, her legs lifted to clamp safely around him.
It was sweet, gentle, less passionate than with his younger self. The reason being this time, her Noah, was not part of the picture. On his own initiative, he stepped back.
Not out of pure altruism -he was doing it for himself after all. The young man had caught his older-self’s reactions when Elisabeth had come the two previous times. Eyes fixated on her. Dark pupils blown wide. Breathing deep and steady through his nose. Hard. The gnawing need to connect with her skin, to bury himself deep into her, to feel her constricting around him... The young man had lived with such hunger enough to recognize it on his own face.
But he perceived something else, more disconcerting and alarming. A void. A culpability. An agony Elisabeth was the only one able to appease (or able to cause).
So the young man withdrew to let the old one find peace in her arms for an instant, and sat on the mattress, his hand sometimes passing on Elisabeth’ sweaty forehead or temples to push back her sticking hair.
Her eyes were shut, and Elisabeth savoured the familiar safety and tenderness of the body above her. The pleasure growing inside of her started to burn and a litany of moans fell from her lips, until salty dampness run on them.
She opened her eyes to look up.
The older Noah was crying. Noah was crying.
Without a second thought, Elisabeth softly grabbed the man’s face, bringing her lips to the crinkles at the corner of his eyes, and kissed his tears away. He buried his face in the curve of her neck, breathed her in, and his desperate embrace around her body became stronger -as well as each of his thrusts.
“Elisabeth...” his voice breathed, something deep-down and dried-blood dark in it, something that sticked and caught. 
Then, a split second of weakness.
"I miss you...” he muttered against her skin, his words unheard by the reason of their formulation. “You have no idea how much I miss you."
This brief moment of weakness suspended time, words floating in the cabin despite their weight. They eventually sank into young Noah, feeding a dormant fear he had imagined gone, and his face twisted in pure bewilderment -and despair.
He missed her.
Air struggled to leave his lungs, and he could feel his brain short-circuited at the implications. Where is she? What happened? Did she leave him? Did he leave her? No! I could never-  This prospect had crossed his mind before, particularly when recalling his first confrontation with his older-self. The prospect that, maybe one day, Elisabeth would get tired of him, would reject him, to run free like the wild fox she was.
And yet, it wouldn’t change a thing -he would still look after her, even from afar -he would still be with her, even in darkness and solitude. Elisabeth remained his compass and nothing on earth could pull them apart.
So, if he missed her, if he was no more with her...
By the time he’d regained the ability to use his senses, Elisabeth was reaching a hand out to him, so he could touch her -so he could anchor himself to her.
He bent and brought her hand to his lips, kissing the inside of her wrist, feeling the quick pulse under his mouth.
She watched her Noah through foggy eyes with a gentle smile, before closing them firmly, another wave of pleasure about to hit. Her nails digged into tattooed flesh.
The air in the small cabin carried the perfume of badly distilled alcohol and sex, the cold outside forgotten within these four walls.
Their naked bodies were crushed, satisfied, trying to find back their normal state, and Elisabeth’s one had been the first to give up. She quickly fell asleep between the two men. Her head rested on her Noah’s chest, ear pressed right over his heart, one of her arms wrapped around his waist... her subconscious clearly stating its preference.
On the other part of the bed, the older Noah laid on his side, tucking an arm under his head to observe them -her -him -himself -and it was evident. Evident that the scene in front of him was the only right thing. No matter the twisted consequences, timelines or connections, Elisabeth was the only right and good thing that ever happened to him.
His gaze left the soft curves of her bare hips, and shifted to met the one of his other-self, vehemently staring at him.
“You don't want to know,” he answered before the question.
"What happened?" the younger man asked anyway, the inquiry heavy for its unspoken extensions -to the plan? -to you?, and above all -to her?
The more experienced man rolled on his back. No answer could be given, both versions of him aware of the rules, so he shut his eyes, silence all around, until the white noise of rain pounded again against the roof.
"I failed her." The words came out reluctantly in a breath, like a sin confessed to be expiated. "I failed both of them."
The plural forced the younger Noah to make his own deduction: "Elisabeth and Adam?"
A glimmer of loathing passed the face of the ‘guest’, jaw clenched, eyes wide open on the ceiling like if it held all the secrets of the universe. Such reaction only increased the doubt in his younger version, and his grip froze firmer around Elisabeth’s middle. 
A content sigh escaped her and the sound drew the other man's attention. Elbows sinking into the fatigued mattress, he leaned forward and kissed her shoulder, lips lighter than the flap of butterfly's wings. His mouth ghosted over the smooth expanse of her skin to inhale the scent of her. One last time.
In a catlike movement, he sat on the edge of the bed and swung his legs off. He walked around the small place, picked up his pants and slid them back on -then his black shirt -his suspenders -his jacket -in less than 30 seconds he was all dressed and ready to go.
Heading to the door, he ran his fingers through his hair to put it in some semblance of order, and now at the doorstep, his icy blue eyes passed through the cabin until they fell on the couple. On Elisabeth. She had her back to him, golden strands rolling and flowing all down it as she slept on her Noah’s chest.
The younger man didn’t avert his gaze from their ‘guest’, like a hawk ready to swoop down on its prey if necessary -of course he had noticed the gun hidden in the inside pocket of his jacket. His older-self was on mission, but there was something else behind the weary eyes. Something he had already seen once.
“You’ve lost faith,” he breathed cautiously.
A wall crumbled inside the older man at these words -famliar and loathed words, remnants of that day still clunged to his mind like tendrils. There was no attempt to negate the accusation. Not a word. Not a move. Only his fingers’ grip at the door handle tightening. He blinked a few times and looked over to where his heart rested.
"Take care of her."
And the man disappeared like he'd never been there at all, shutting the door behind him. Maybe he hadn't.
Take care of her.
The young man’s mind was racing; trying to come up with different ways to avoid that presage, to avoid what he would become -even if he didn’t know the how or the when. Noah’s thoughts started to get more incoherent, and they took him into a well-known maze of guilt, bloody schemes and dark secrets. But with a promised bright future at its end -for Elisabeth, for him, for his family... There couldn’t be another way.
He clung to this hope for his own sanity, and his psyche decided to bury the vision of an older self that contradicted all the beliefs that had built him.
Without even thinking, Noah’s arms encircled Elisabeth’s waist, and he drew her closer. Heat seemed to radiate from the points where their bodies touched, and he leaned into it, burying his face in her hair. He carefully arranged the sheets around them so they'd cover their still sweaty bodies.
He dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
And in the morning, the last hours would be just a fairytale, or a dream, or the result of too much alcohol combined with exhaustation and hormones, both convinced of their non-existence.
Because it had to.
ao3 link: archiveofourown.org/works/26290792
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s3m3t4ry · 3 years
Isn’t a pina colada alcoholic or some shit?? Who let a toddler consume this
u can get a verison without it!! sometimes dunkin sells the non alc versions
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seancekitsch · 4 years
C.c tinsley, tavern, illuminati ps you're writing is great and I've been reading all your ship things and they're so cute.
hey thanks !! feel free to send one in if you want one :)
c.c. tinsley: what are some names that you like?
i really like the name yossarian and sheena (which my mom almost named me after the ramones song),morag, and ealasaid which was also almost my name and also like  the scots gaelic version of elizabeth
tavern: what is your favorite beverage
a crisp gin and tonic or a glass of talisker scotch tbh. but non alc id have to say earl grey tea or just like unflavored seltzer
illuminati: what is your favorite conspiracy?
i think maybe the one about pigeons being like,,, fake. like theyre just not real. like how could you believe that lmao that ones so funny to me i love it.
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letsmdcsm-blog · 4 years
What Is Computer Saksharta?
Maharshi DayanandComputer Saksharta Mission (MDCSM) is a national programme of information technology education and development. A unit of Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Sansthan. In present time, some big Institution run their certificate/ diploma programme in higher charges, due to which the lower and middle class families of our society cannot afford theload oftheir charges. Our mission studied their theme properly and decided to provide better higher technical education in computer for every sector of society in affordable charges all over India. Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Mission (MDCSM) is an ISO certified firm, specialized in conducting programs on information technology education and development. Our aim is to be the single source for quality assurance in computer education among the nation’s non-formal institutes. There are lots of courses that we host and the range entails computer application courses, multimedia course, hardware courses, professional courses, NIELIT/DOEACC courses, Nursery Teacher’s Training (A.I.E.C.C.E) and University Courses. In this fast changing world, where technology is growing from 3G to 4G and soon to have 5G- the IT industry is fast catching speed. There is hardly any area which has not been affected by technology. And so, the word distance sounds ironical in present day context. The use of computers has increased by leaps and bounds, and so the importance of computer education has become imperative. For instance the Internet has become the encyclopedia of information on numerous subjects. By clicking a few buttons, a lot of information is at your rescue. All you need to do is switch on your computer and an ocean of knowledge is there for you. All this comes without spending a single penny on it. Today our education system is swiftly moving away from traditional way of teaching to computer based learning. Even our agriculture and industrial sectors are rapidly adopting computer based technology to improve and increase production. To match up with the new software’s, versions and tools, it is necessary to make every citizen not only computer savvy but tech savvy also. These days even the minutest task is done on the internet. To embrace computer education, Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Mission takes the initiative to skill people before they enter the vast industry. Let’s get started and become technology smart with our mission to fulfill the demands of the techno world. I wish them great success in all their Endeavour’s and quest for a better tomorrow. MISSION To be the single source for quality assurance in computer education among the nation's non-formal institutes, after turning out competent IT professionals in large numbers, MDCSM reach is now being extended to all regions of the country. VISION To be the leader in the development of industry oriented quality education and training and be the country's premier Institution for examination and certification in the field of Information Technology Education & Development. Identifying the nation's best potential and nurturing them into well groomed professional. • To promote Computer Literacy to every nook and corner of the society at nominal fee. •To extend financial flexibility in terms of scholarships and stipends to deserving candidates. •To bring down Computer Education to the grassroots level. •To provide placement assistance to deserving candidates. •To eradicate anything, like Computer Phobia. •To work out specific courses designed as per current job scenario, in order to provide a well trained workforce to the corporate sector.Affiliation Process Guidelines For Authorized Learning Center MDCSM (Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Mission) is a Mission to literate the masses in computer education. For This great mission Maharshi Dayanand computer saksharta Mission requires thousands of people. No great mission can Be fulfilled without the participation of the maximum number of the peoples and organization. First of all on Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Mission we must thank you and appreciate you for your kind interest in Authorized Learning Center (ALC) enquiry. If you want to have ALC in any District, City, village or Area, all over India then as per the requirements you must have one theory room (20x15 Sq. feet), one practical room (15x10 Sq.feet) with 3 - 5 computers, one office and teaching staff. To get affiliation Institute should have to submit an online affiliation form and pay authorization fees through Online Payment or Demand Draft in favour of "Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Sansthan" Payable at Allahabad and send it to our Head Office with required documents. Documents Required 1. Printout of Completely filled online Application Form. 2. Demand draft in favour of Maharshi Dayanand Computer Saksharta Sansthan payable at Allahabad OR Printout of Online payment receipt. 3. Photocopy of Institute registration letter (if any). OR ID and address proof of Institution Head.
To inquire more about computer center affiliation or institute affiliation, call us on the given numbers 7080088331, 7083388332
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Artisan research -
In class we were directed to find 5 movie clips, one of which needs to be of an artisan, as this is what our video is to be about.
One of my all time favourite movies since I was a kid was The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I don’t feel like I’m cheating by adding this film, even though Iain Wallace showed it in class. So many memories flooded back as we watched this film clip. My dad was a Clint Eastwood fan and a fan of the spagetti westerns. I must have seen this particular film 100 times.
2nd sclip is an artisan clip titled The Artisan Press - A film by Stefan José Films @stefanjosefilms. I was inspired by the video in such a way that it made me want to go try the technique. The music was just right and I really liked how the artisan spoke about his craft throughout and the close shots and depth of field used in the video.
3rd clip another artisan film. Shot By SASHA. I could not understand a thing the presenter was saying, but I did not need to even though it was captioned. His voice was deep and mysterious, but as I read the words, I felt the humour and when the drums boomed in the music, suddenly I felt  like I was in a photographic gunfight. The music was spot on though, thoroughly enjoyed it. Sasha is a photographer, and because I make art with my photography, that makes me, not only a photographer, but also an artisan. Black and white shots are inspiring and the whole ambience gave me goose bumps. And then I said to myself, damn, she’s using a Hasselblad! I want one.
4th clip, another fav Godzilla. I grew up on Spagetti westerns, Star Trek and Godzilla. Godzilla 2014. While I find the old Godzilla movies the best, I was rivetted by the cinematography of this 2014 version. The shots were dynamic and the entire movie was visually stunning.
Another favorite film of mine Blade Runner. A cinematic wonder. But now, we have Blade Runner 2049. A move that saw Roger A. Deakins, after 14 nominations over the years, win the Oscar® for Cinematography. I looked for some movie clips for this movie and found so many, but I also found a video created by Vice as they went to the set during the making of the film. Inside the Making of ‘Blade Runner 2049′.
I have also included ‘The Beauty Of’ which are film segments in a soundscape.
Artisan Research -
Cinematography is defined as the art and science of how light is recorded with an image sensor or on film. It encompasses the camera, how we move the camera, the images it collects and the light entering the lens.
Video is storytelling, no mature if we are making a movie or an Artisan video is key. The viewer is led through each frame at a time through the story of who a person is and why they practice their craft.
Cinematography is setting a mood framework in which to tell you story in. Camera angles and movement, lighting choices and colouring are an important part of setting a mood.
Lighting is a huge concern in Cinematography. There is natural light, if there are sufficient windows, or there is a partly cloudy day.
Different types of camera shots –
·      Close-ups creates empathy and personality
·      Extreme long shot includes lots of space about the area and landscape behind the subject. This establishes general location, say, as in the beginning of a scene.
 Camera angles –
·      High angles – Looks down on the subject. This can make the subject seem vulnerable or small so look at for this.
·      Low angle – looking up at a subject/ character. This can give the character a more powerful feel. It can also make the viewer feel smaller in comparison.
Some of the Best Lenses for filming –
 ·      Prime lenses are tops – Canon, Sony or Sigma 35mm, 40mm, 50mm, 85mm, 105mm
·      Zoom lenses – Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 USM, 70-200mm f/2.8 USM, 24-105 f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, etc.
·      https://www.adorama.com/alc/6-best-canon-lenses-for-videography
Lighting –
Film/Cinematography lighting is similar to photography lighting.
·      Lighting creates atmosphere and mood.
·      Candlelit
·      Dark and shadowy is eerie
·      Key lighting
·      Fill lighting
·      Backlighting
·      Side lighting
·      Practical lighting – Practical lighting is using lamps, candles, light from appliances like the tv. These can create rich cinematic night time scenes.
·      Bounce lighting
·      Soft lighting
·      Hard light
·      High Key lighting
·      Low key lighting
·      Motivated lighting – mimics natural light such as, moonlight, street lamps, sunlight and night time.
·      Ambient light – Using available light perhaps with some diffusers.
·      https://www.adorama.com/alc/basic-cinematography-lighting-techniques
 Mise en scene –
·      French for “The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film” I.E. the setting or surroundings/composition of an event. From the Oxford dictionary.
Diegetic sound –
·      Is a sound in the scene that was natural to the scene such as an opening door and closing and footsteps recorded in real time. If a sound can be heard in real life, this is diegetic sound.
Non-diegetic sound –
·      This is sound that is added to a video work during the editing process such as music for effect or mood.
Editing –
·      Dissolve – when one scene melts into another. This can show the passage of time. The character can be in one place and then there apartment in the next.
·      Wipes – Can be used as a transitional technique from one scene to another. Use them sparingly, or not at all, in my opinion.
Camera movement –
·      Panning – This can be used to give the audience a panoramic view of a setting to establish a scene. There are different types of pans, such as, the whip pan which is fast. It jolts the audience. A slow pan gives the audience time to admire the landscape or take in the scene.
·      Slow push in –
·      Static shot –
·      The tilt – the tilt is a reveal tactic, bringing something to our attention.
·      The zoom – the zoom is sudden incoming shot into the scene.
·      The dolly – the dolly is a gliding shot that moves the camera fon a track system forward or sideways into or through a space.
·      The reverse dolly zoom – is the reverse of the dolly in that it is zooming out from the seen on a dolly track system. This is an intense technique.
·      The pedestal shot – this moves the camera up and down
·      The crane or boom shot – this could also involve a camera tilt. The crane or boom shot – the definition is in the name. This is a huge 3 dimensional move. The camera is mounted onto a crane or boom and moves in large sweeping motions to capture a scene.
·      Steadicam or gimble shot – Like a dolly, only the camera is attached to the camera operator which allows for a graceful glide through the scene.
·      Handheld shot – the camera moves through the shot much like a dolly or Steadicam, only it causes a shaky effect to the seen which adds immediacy and anxiety in the audience. We see these shots in found footage films like Blair Witch.
·      Rack Focus – the camera does not move the camera, it moves the lens. It is a focus shift.
Combining these techniques into your film can make for an interesting film.
Special effects –
·      Are effects that cannot be captured through the usual filming techniques.
Colour Palettes –
Here are some colour palettes from my research. These are quite interesting and informative.
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danielebbdonato · 5 years
Holly, Jessica, Nicole ?
Thank you for the ask!!!
Holly: Favorite drink? (can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic!)
For alcoholic, I’d go with a simple vodka soda (love me some Smirnoff); for non-alc, diet peach snapple
Jessica: What’s your favorite horror movie? Or favorite movie in general?
For favorite horror movies, absolutely anything directed by Mike Flannigan is a favorite (the protagonists are always so compelling, like, wow), but if I had to pick one, I’d say Before I Wake! Another favorite is Oculus tho :) For non-horror, Black Swan is def up there! 
Nicole: What’s the cutest thing anyone’s ever done for you, or what’s the cutest thing you’ve ever done for somebody else?
My best friend knew I was really stressed during finals week last semester (ya gurl had 57 pages of papers due within one week and ya gurl is NOT a fast worker), so as like “motivation” he got me a random thoughtful surprise gift that I could look forward to once it was over, which I thought was sweet haha :) Also, sometimes my friends just send me random texts telling me that they love/miss me and it makes me so happy??? Lol they cute -- As for me doing "cute” gross things, whew, I’m cheesy -- I do this thing every year where I make custom watercolor birthday cards for people in addition to their normal gifts (like for my best friend, I painted him as a pokemon trainer with his favorite pokemon behind him and a happy birthday written in his favorite color on the cover one time, and another time I painted a version of him as a pop vinyl with all his other interests scattered about, and one time I rlly must’ve had a LOT of time one year, because I made a card for my friend and it had this cheesy ass line that was like “there are so many good qualities about you, and so many experiences we’ve shared, that I could write a book about it! Oh wait… here you go :)” and it was this like mini ass flip book taped inside the card about how we met and all the awesome things we’d done/everything meaningful we’d done/ everything I looked forward to doing with pictures painted in the book too like it was LAME but I put SO MUCH effort into it for her lmfao -- oh, and also, when midnight hits for any holiday/birthday, I send like a lil paragrpah to my besties about why they mean a lot to me -- once again, I’m GROSS but yeah I guess those r the “cute” things I’ve done haha :)
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Changing MPC To MP3
Need to lower MP3 information? 3. Support well-liked gadgets. Audio Converter Lite keeps extremely suitable with many widespread gadgets, resembling iPod, iPhone, PSP, Zune, Samsung, Motorola, Zune HD, Zune2, and so forth. So after conversion, users can enjoy the accomplished recordsdata on any of them. On the opposite aspect of the coin is lossless compression, which is a technique that reduces file size with none loss in high quality between the original supply file and mpc to mp3 converter free download for mac the resulting file. The downside is that lossless compression is not as environment friendly as lossy compression, which means equivalent recordsdata can be 2x to 5x larger. Monkey's Audio is a quick and simple solution to compress digital music. Not like conventional methods similar to mp3, ogg, or wma that completely discard quality to avoid wasting house, Monkey's Audio only makes good, bit-for-bit copies of your music. That means it all the time sounds perfect - precisely the same as the unique. Despite the fact that the sound is perfect, it still saves plenty of house (consider it as a beefed-up Winzip your music). The opposite great point is that you would be able to all the time decompress your Monkey's Audio recordsdata back to the precise, unique recordsdata. That method, you may by no means need to recopy your CD assortment to change codecs, and you'll always be capable to perfectly recreate the unique music CD. So to us at Stereophile, the query of which lossy codec is "the most effective" is moot. We recommend that, for severe listening, our readers use uncompressed audio file codecs, similar to WAV or AIF—or, if file measurement is a matter because of limited onerous-drive area, use a lossless format similar to FLAC or ALC. These shall be audibly clear to all listeners always with every kind of music by all programs. Click on "Profile" drop-down record to open a brand new record in which you can enter "MP3" within the search field, and then you can see your wanted format in the precise of the listing. Complete Audio MP3 Converter helps batch conversion, and is full suitable with Vista and Windows 7 (each 32-bit and 64-bit editions). Below will take changing MPC to MP3 for example. It additionally applies to transform MPC to AAC, WAV, WMA, AIFF, MP2, DTS, M4A and etc. Whole Audio Converter converts nearly any audio including MP3, OGG, WMA, FLAC, MP4, AAC, MPC, APE, youtube mpc & mp3 converter and video download etc. The software converts audios via GUI or other command lines thus making it efficient. When you like using iTunes or Home windows Media Player, then TuneUp is an efficient program to make use of alongside it. I used to make use of iTunes to handle my music library, however found that there were different instruments that have been significantly better at tagging, renaming and organizing the recordsdata. Already contains the whole lot you should play all common audio and video file codecs. Chapters. Chapter editor (mpcchap) included, for embedding chapters into MPC recordsdata. It's potential to transform MusePack audio files to frequent MP3 with packages like MediaMonkey or Helium Music Manager. The resulting MP3 file will almost definitely be of lower quality than the unique MPC file. VSDC Free Audio Converter has a tabbed interface that's uncomplicated to understand and isn't cluttered with pointless buttons. You may quickly invite others to view, obtain and collaborate on all of the files you need, no e-mail attachment needed. Freemake Audio Converter converts most non-protected audio codecs: MP3, AAC, M4A, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, AMR, ADTS, AIFF, MP2, APE, DTS, M4R, AC3, VOC, and so forth. Transcode several music files without delay. All modern codecs are included: AAC, MP3, Vorbis, WMA Professional, WMA Lossless, FLAC. Degree zero is corresponding to the Excessive preset talked about above, degree 2 is comparable to Standard and level 4 to Medium presets. Variable bit charge gives the best quality in comparison with the Average and Constant bit charge options in most circumstances (extremely quiet music is one exception). It should tend to offer you somewhat smaller file sizes for a given diploma of high quality, but the precise file sizes can't be precisely predicted upfront. Launch this system and click on Add Information" on the Home windows or Information - Load Media Files" On Mac so as to add the MP3 recordsdata. You may drag the MP3 files and drop them in this system. We made the use of our soundcloud to mp3 converter as straightforward as attainable, simply copy the soundcloud hyperlink in the textfield and click Obtain MP3". After that every thing will go routinely behind the scenes. When the downloading is finished we are going to show you the download URL from the place you possibly can obtain your mp3 file.
i do not consider that version of in_mpc to mp3 converter free download Cnet helps the current Transcoder api which is what's throwing that error. until someone on the dev group appeared into it (unlikely since it has been a number of years since the plug-in was even touched and there's never been much enthusiasm for mpc normally), you'll need to seek out another strategy to transcoder between mpc and different codecs.
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notquitebilateral · 5 years
So, just to clarify, I don't actually like alcohol. I love home experiments for the sake of curiousity and baking for others. So this is where it stems from.
The background:
I am trying to make non-disgusting alcoholic chocolate for a tart. This tart specifically. The reason? The person who inspired this likes alcohol but is allergic to cocoa. So white chocolate!
I don't expect this stuff to stay smooth like most chocolate should. I am more worried about the taste.
The ingredients:
White chocolate and 7x distilled 40% alc./vol. vodka (hereafter referred to as EtOH). (I took a suggestion from a few people and the dude at the liquor store because I'm clueless on alcohol). Cue the experiment!
I am going off a 0.192 oz/mL ratio of choco to EtOH. This was 12 oz of choco to 1/4c of EtOH in a random recipe I found with white choco. This was champange. I have a higher alcohol content.
Try #1
1.3 oz choco with 1 overflowing tsp of EtOH. I'm at home in a kitchen mates I don't have graduated cylinders, pipettes, analytical scales or hot plates. I have a stovetop, measuring spoons and a kitchen scale.
The result?
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Taste test: (Thank you neighbours!)
Not half bad. Little bad at setting, but the actual choco and EtOH in the recipe will be mixed in with other things.
Good, hard to taste vodka, could be stronger. (My opinion does not count because I tried it all and it was pretty disgusting to me.)
Try #2
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2.5 oz choco with roughly 2.6 tsp EtOH.
She no likey setting because I am impatient. Oh well.
Good, better tasting than #1, need to try slightly stronger to see if it works better.
Try #3
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2.4 oz choco to 3 tsp EtOH. Oops the chocolate was on the burner too long, I'm a dumbass. It is more golden, the alcohol bubbled in the pan because I panicked and put it in fast but we will see how this goes because it mixed together really well.
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Very good. I think the alcohol burnt off but I ran out of extra while chocolate so I cannot replicate this. Sooo we're going to do this with a 0.175 oz/mL ratio which comes to 12 oz of choco to roughly 1/4c + 1 tsp EtOH in the tart recipe and not evaporate the alcohol. Time to get cooking!
I'm making a non-alcoholic version tomorrow.
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