#then i remembered i don't actually have to draw more than one pokemon so here we are
egophiliac · 1 month
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was gonna wait 'til I'd done all the poms, but it's been a day, so have Vil with a Salazzle 🍎
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thephooka · 9 months
How we got here from there
Or, the long journey of a longform long-running webcomic about a long man with long wings.
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In the spirit of @feathernotes and @phantomarine who have been talking about just starting your webcomic and not worrying about being "ready", I was inspired to do a post about White Noise's origin! I'm a little limited by the fact that I either left behind or destroyed a lot of the art I have from prior to 2009, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Cringe Truth below the cut!
The Cringe Truth of White Noise is that it has its roots in a Pokemon x Yu Yu Hakusho x self-insert(s) roleplay thread I used to do with an internet friend I made on Neopets guild forums way back in 2002-ish. We would come home from school every day and RP over AIM, and then when we had to get offline, whoever left first would email the other one, and we would continue via email until we were back on AIM at the same time.
Liya was my self insert.
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This isn't even remotely the earliest art of her, it's just the earliest I have on hand. I was drawing her for almost a decade by the time I drew this one. Imagine the earlier drawings as being like I traced over Sailor Moon characters that I printed out from deviantART and gave them a brown ponytail.
The funny thing is Liya really hasn't changed much from her original form! I also had loose brown curls that I kept in a ponytail 24/7 to the point that it showed when I had it down (which is why her hair is 'dented' like that). I did it because I was trans and didn't know it; she does it because she hasn't realized she can just cut it off and be butch yet.
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Other characters that date back from this time period: Yoshi (originally an InuYasha/Rurouni Kenshin pastiche), Hawk (I don't remember when he got wings but they were white at first), Numair (named after the Tamora Pierce character and filling a Koenma kind of role), Helly (sort of--I had an elf character named Kamui who had the same temperament, and he was eventually transmuted into Helly) and...Kurogane.
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I've never named Kurogane but he appears in the background of the comic a few times, as my own personal inside joke.
Vlad came along somewhere between this RP period and planning the comic, but I can't remember when or why. I don't have drawings from that time (~2004?) but he was the first character I drew when I got a tablet for the first time.
Everyone else came along later when I started actually planning out the comic.
All this said: the reason I started White Noise as a weekly webcomic is because I wanted to learn to draw better.
At the time I was in college majoring in animation, but I didn't feel like I was learning very much at all (the program was badly structured; I had more art history classes than anything else. It was a mess.) I was also working nights in order to feed myself, and so had a lot of downtime. I had this story rattling around in my head from my RP days, so I figured, why not just give it a go?
For posterity here's a photo of a chapter 1 panel in progress, back in 2011 with my typical college diet in the bg:
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(Chapter 1 was originally pencil on paper, scanned in and colored in PS. I later re-drew it to make it fully digital to match with the rest of the comic.)
There's been a lot of talking about not waiting until you're 'ready' to start a webcomic, and I agree with that sentiment. Try framing it like this: making a comic every week for years and years will improve your art way more than any prep work you can do before starting the comic. It's like learning to swim. You can read about swimming all you want, but you're not going to really figure it out until you do it. If your early comics are bad, well, that's normal. It used to be an expected part of doing webcomics; I blame the shift into expecting webcomics to be polished from start to finish partly on commercialization in the space, but that's an angry rant for another time.
With this background, here's the collage I posted for WN's 10 year anniversary back in 2021:
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And now we're here.
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So do your webcomic. Put it on ComicFury or make a janky little site for it. Be okay with imperfect pages and be prepared to shout into the void for a while. Even if it's always a hobby, if it never makes you a dime or wins you any awards--that's fine! You'll be a lot happier if you learn not to worry about that stuff, and just make something that will help you grow and make you happy. We could do with a lot more work like that in the world imo.
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whentvsfly · 1 month
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S.E.E.S, but Pokemon. (Kudos to those who can tell who's who without the readmore)
More info after the cut!
Tried to make everyone look like themselves without adding clothing/accessories. More difficult than expected, but a nice challenge!
I imagine either only persona users can use their moves (at all, or effectively, not entirely sure which) or when they use their personas (personamon?) they appear as an altered version of their fully evolved forms. Kinda like the second one better, as a way to use more powerful attacks and keep in theme with Persona games
Tried to keep them with their elemental affinities:
Mitsuru Kirijo: Sneasel. It just had the right vibe for her, and I curled the tail (feathers?) to make it look like her hair (although Akihiko is standing in front of most of them).
Akihiko Sanada: Pawmo. I needed electric type, and with his affinity for boxing and being fit, I figured an electric/fighting type would work well for him! Didn't want to do Pawmi because it wasn't yet fighting type (maybe he evolves sometime after The Fire) and didn't want to do Pawmot because no one else is evolved, so having him be max evolution would feel *weird*.
Shinjiro Arakgaki: Scraggy. A solely phys skill user HAS to be fighting type. There were several choices for him - Mankey was one, I believe - though something about Scraggy's appearance made me go with it.
Minato Arisato / Makoto Yuki: Castform (Sunny). I like to make the wild cards pokemon with several forms, or the ability to transform in some way. His 'base' form in Tartarus is Sunny, since Orpheus has fire attacks, but he shifts with whatever element he's using.
Yukari: Ducklett (Shiny). She was just going to be normal ducklett, but then I remembered the shiny was pink, and it makes her more 'special' and talk of the school, so I decided that's fine haha. Flying is the wind equivalent, here, so it was hard to Not make her some sort of bird. It works though, I think!
Junpei Iori: Charcadet. Needed a fire type, and charcadet seemed spunky enough to be him, out of the ones available. After Chidori [redacted], his personamon changes from an Armarouge-equivalent to a Ceruledge-equivalent.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Psy attacks don't exist in p3, though they do in p5, who I also already pokemoned, but Psychic still fits both psy attacks and navi abilities, so I'll let them overlap. She was able to avoid being killed in Tartarus for 10 hours, so she would have been using teleport to keep herself safe, as well as other psychic moves to detect where shadows lurked. Wanted a pokemon not usually known for attacking, to fit more with the navi role.
Aigis: Iron Valiant. Another phys-heavy user, so I wanted fighting type, and Iron Valiant happened to be just that. Looks like Gallade/Gardevoir (*is* Gallade/Gardevoir but in the future/ an alternate dimension?) but is also distinctly Robotic. Luckily most people pin the oddness about her as 'why is she fully evolved and in highschool' rather than 'hey, that's not a pokemon I know, what the hell'.
Koromaru: Houndour (Albino). There are not too many fire/dark pokemon, to go along with Koro's fire/curse attacks, and one of them just Happened to be a dog. I had to. I also made up an 'albino' coloration, based off of real albino dogs. If shiny, as a genetic mutation exists, then others can as well!
Ken Amada: Dedenne. Very similar to Koro, there are exactly two (2) pokemon that are electric/fairy, as I equate bless to fairy type, and one of those was a legendary. So Ken is Dedenne. It oddly works out, since he looks up to Akihiko, and they're both small, rodent pokemon (who happen to be their pkmn generation's equivalent of pikachu :P)
I have Many more thoughts on this crossover, if anyone wants to talk about it! I have a few more P3 characters planned out (Strega, pharos, ryoji, nyx avatar), P4's Investigation team, and P5's Phantom Thieves, though I need to actually Draw them all.
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fluffyhare · 23 days
Hey friend!
Maybe this has been asked before, but was Avery inspired by anyone? ( ·ิϖ·ิ)
I don't think anyone has ever asked me this on this blog! Honestly, I've tried many times to nail down exactly what inspired Avery, but... I never can, not completely.
This is going to get long, I'm sorry.
I turned 30 last year. It wasn't in a "midlife crisis" or depressive kind of way, but I started thinking a lot about how I wanted the rest of my life to go, and what I wanted out of life that I'd never had a chance to have. I decided that there were two things I really yearned to do -- make art, and make friends. I figured a good place to start dipping my toes in would be Tumblr, since I'd used it in the past and I knew there would be a lot of art here to inspire me. And I was inspired... massively. Especially after I started actually drawing, myself. I started getting more ideas at once than I'd ever had in my life, and it triggered a bout of insomnia I am still dealing with now, almost six months later.
The first time I can remember thinking about Avery was during one such sleepless night, desperately trying to coax myself to sleep. Laying in the dark, I'd close my eyes and imagine leaving my body, floating above my apartment complex. I'd wander around like a ghost, exploring places I'd seen, but which are normally inaccessible... private roads, fenced estates, etc. I'd imagine sitting on the edge of a skyscraper, watching the city move beneath me, imagining what people were doing, why they were up so late, etc.
I imagined this many nights... It became a pet fantasy. When I was a kid, I read a book called Billy the Bird by Dick King-Smith, maybe that's where I got the idea... I don't know. Along with the insomnia were vicious bouts of nostalgia, too, so... It's possible.
But, anyway... I'd get lonely.
I wanted someone to talk to, so I imagined someone sitting with me. Someone who could only come out at night, for fear of being seen. Someone for whom sitting on the edge of a skyscraper was no concern, and who could catch me if I fell. I imagined he was soft, gentle... a good listener, maybe even a bit shy. I imagined he was an intellectual, capable of being quite serious, but never dour. He was quick with a smile, and it was easy to make him laugh.
In some respects, I suppose, he was inspired by a friend of mine, who died many years ago. In most ways, he wasn't like Avery at all -- he was extremely blue-collar, the exact opposite of an intellectual, and very outgoing. He was not refined in any way, and could even be quite reckless, at times. But, he had a unique, gentle, innocent sort of kindness that I've found to be exceedingly rare. To know him was to love him, really; he was a hard worker and a fierce friend, someone who wanted nothing more than to love and be loved. My relationship with him and the way his passing affected me touches everything I make and everything I do, intentional or not.
When I was building Avery's character, I was very fascinated by object heads at the time (particularly Prince Robot from Saga), and I was also seeing a lot art for "doctor/scientist" type characters. Despite never playing the game, I liked TF2 fanart, especially of Medic. I thought about other characters I'd fixated on, too, and what exactly I liked about them... Milo Thatch from Atlantis, Data from Star Trek, John from Homestuck, Sans from Undertale, Stanley and the Narrator from The Stanley Parable, Pokemon professors both Oak and Elm, Nightcrawler from X-Men, Wilson from House, Dr. Bashir from DS9... The list goes on, really.
I know this is kind of a non-answer, and I'm sorry about that. It isn't really a clear answer for me, either. All I can really say for sure is this: Avery is the embodiment of everyone and everything I've ever loved, as well as the reflection of my own self-love. Relatively speaking, we just met, but I feel like he's been here the whole time. I've made so many wonderful friends because of him, too! Can't say what the exact moment was, only that now that he's here, I can't imagine life without him. 💙
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
What's your thoughts on Flamigo, everyone's "favourite" flamingo?
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Wow! That sure is A Flamingo(TM).
Okay but seriously, Flamigo's been a bit of a polarizing Pokemon. Some people, especially those who like the "regular animal" Gen 1 designs, really like it—others feel like it's too bland and normal to be interesting. Personally, I fall more into the second category. I do appreciate that we have a flamingo Pokemon after all these years, and there's some nice visual things that I'll get into below going on with it, but it doesn't quite stand out enough in my mind to be all that interesting.
Design-wise, I do find the face really appealing. Something about the shape of the head and beak works really well; the perfectly circular eye and the markings around it divide the pink color of the neck, with a bit more pink after to help define the circular shape. The black beak tip then draws attention to the face. It's not that different than an actual flamingo in this regard, sure, but it is nicely balanced if nothing else.
Unfortunately, the lower body is very plain and lacks anything to make it stand out. I feel like the markings could've been played with a bit more; maybe the wings or the knot in the neck are white, or there are black stripes on the neck or legs. There's no reason you can't shake things up from a regular flamingo.
Thematically, it's a bit hard to figure out what they were going for. I've heard some say boxing glove and some say lawn ornament, but I'd wager balloon animal given the 'dex entry for it:
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There's something interesting here, but I don't feel like the execution is particularly impressive. The knot isn't noticeable enough to really stand out when it should be the focal point of the design (the way it's knotted also makes no logical sense, but I digress), and nothing else really invokes any strong balloon animal vibes. Introducing something like a frigatebird's pouch that can actually inflate (though granted, Kilowattrel already has that market cornered), adding more knots or looping elements, that sort of thing might've helped the concept to stick out more.
Of course, there's no one direction to push it in. This is a particularly nice redesign that focuses on it being part fighting-type, adding a lot more unique markings to the design, a stronger theme, a more noticeable knot placement, and a ton of personality:
At the end of the day, Flamigo Exists. It's not really bad, but it just has so little going for it that the only reason one would have to remember it is that it's hyper-aggressive in the actual game. A potential evolution could help resolve this in the future, but for now is sure is A Flamingo(TM).
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pokemon-ash-aus · 10 months
Heyyo! Hope this ask reaches you well nwn. I have a couple hundred questions about ur art style and storytelling methods if you don’t mind :3
Most important one: How do you draw Mewtwo fingers so well 😭😭😭😭
Also, what program(s) do you use? Canvas size for different projects? What brush settings? And how do you sketch, line and colour? Which step is your favourite? How long do you normally take from piece to piece?
How do you come up with your different AUs? Any particular inspirations? What tips would you give someone just starting out a comic on tumblr?
And uhh any general tips on getting around tumblr? Blogs you really like?
Sorry for all these questions, really big fan if you can’t tell :’D I actually really love the pride art piece you did~
So i tried answering this before and it doesnt post so uhhhhh heres to hoping it works?
1. I base Mewtwo's paws as hands, worked without the rounded digits first then moved to rounded digits so... Take that as you will?
2. I use Clip Studio Art and Procreate! Mostly, anyways XD i also sometimes default back to Paint tool Sai, or Fire Alpaca if i want a different brand lol.
3. I vary in size for different projects. My animations are different than my sketches, my sketches are different from my completed art and my completed art is different for my comics! It also helps my brain not get tired XD
4. I tend to favor my lineart and rendering! Though both of them take equally long times, i render less But i love it more.
5. Depends on the project. I can typically churn out colored pieces in like an hour or so! Sketches are faster.
6. A lot of them are inspirations of something else. Shiny AU was just cause i liked Shiny Pokemon. But Dead AU was based off Danny Phantom and Mimikyu au was a "What if" scenario of the dead au!
7. Oop, Danny Phantom for the Dead AU. Legendary Mew was based off the whole Chosen one BS XD False Twins was slightly based off of TC but was actually based off another AU where Ash and Mewtwo were sorta close friends.
8. Tagging is your best friend~ don't be afraid to interact with other blogs. If someone is being mean, just block em and move on!
9. Getting around Tumblr? I'd say reblog, follow peeps, go to your favorite fandoms/tags! You'll get mutuals in no time!
10. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot of peeps but i dont wanna bother then with tags XD so nontagged peeps!
Loupy Mongoose
TazerPones/MegaMew and Crew
The Mew Crew
And a few more but i cant remember tumblr names djdbdb
And thank you! I have one more peice i want to finish before i forget- its a peice i didnt get to do last year XD
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Check-in for October 24, 2023
I'm planning on doing regular check-ins that peeps can read or skip as much as they please. If you want to see behind the scenes of my projects or get to know me a bit better, feel free to peek below the cut! If not, just look at this color palette I made for my web dev class and admire it:
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I know green and pink are my favorite colors, so I may be just a tad biased, but look!!! Look at how pretty it is!!!
I plan to use the palette for a website that is basically a guided tour of a fictional town that's populated by bug people, and while the colors used in the initial character sketches are still my preference, I don't think they look too bad in this proof of concept image! They definitely need some tweaking, and some details in the art itself need correcting, but all around it's not too shabby :>
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I also made the logo for the website which, while uninspired, doesn't look that bad. I'm not in a logo design course, so I can't be too upset about that. I made two versions--- a light and dark one--- so that I could have it appear on most colors of background.
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Also, I've printed off tons of art and stuck it on my walls over the past few days to inspire me. The art wall has been very successful in beautifying my space, but I've been a bit too worn out to draw much other than the start of a project where I draw individual generations of pokemon by memory. Venusaur looks exactly like I remembered it, but also nothing like that at all. Charizard's line only looks halfway decent by virtue of Twig existing.
I must say, though, that I am charmed by these drawings' doofy lil grins. Just look at Bulbasaur. He is raring to go! Charmander is ready to shake your hand! Look at these lads!!
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I've been trying to learn Clip Studio Paint by drawing a new The Present is a Gift comic in it, but I cannot begin to explain to you all how intimidating of a program it is for me. I'm a Procreate gal, y'all. I have a conniption whenever I look at the Photoshop interface. When I look at this:
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I am desperate for the cozy white space of this:
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I spent over an hour struggling to draw a simple piece for Instagram, admittedly while desperately trying to get OBS to not give out on me while I recorded my screen, but I think that I'm slowly learning how to not faint whenever the Paint window boots up.
Anyhoo--- enjoy the WIP teaser for the upcoming comic featuring a chat between Dusknoir (piloting a KO'd Twig) and Darkrai amidst a cave-in. If I am found dead, know that said comic worked alongside Clip Studio Paint to kill me.
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As an update for The Present is a Gift in terms of the fanfic, I recently broke 6,000 words for the first draft. I haven't been writing too regularly--- when I do, it's usually to just sit down for 30 minutes max to try and get a little bit of a head start on NaNoWriMo coming up--- but whenever I do, the words come in batches of 400-700+ at a time. My dudes, I used to take a week to reach the lower end of that amount. I've been beating perfectionism back with a stick while sobbing "Quantity begets quality! Quantity begets quality!", but since I've set myself a challenge to write as many garbage words as possible without editing them until the first draft is done, I've been writing--- and enjoying the process of writing--- more than I have in my entire life.
I've been trying to win NaNoWriMo, a challenge where you write 50k words in November, for the last 7 years. I resigned myself to being a NaNo rebel and trying to write just 15k words next month. But if I keep cranking out 1,500 words in under two writing sprints per day--- without properly trying to eliminate distractions--- I think I could actually win for once??? I didn't think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction would be what gave me a fighting chance at winning NaNoWriMo, but here I am. PMD brainrot truly is a miraculous thing, but I'll have to see exactly miraculous it is on the 1st of November.
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So... yep! I probably should have figured out a way to sign off on check-in posts before deciding to publish this. Oops. Welp. Um. Thanks for reading?
Sincerely, Sofie
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xcalibxr · 7 months
Hello there! As far as I have seen, there's not a bunch of extremely popular ships out there for Drake which means there's so much potential for ships, but my OTPs for Drake are SmoDrake, LawDrake, ZoroDrake, and Drake with @akagamiko's Shanks (I LOVE DRANKS OK!!!!!! NEVER WOULDA THUNK BUT HERE WE ARE!!!) There's also a lot of ships I've never explored, so there may be a new OTP on the horizon!!
Okay, SO! If you're character is 18-19 and wants to ship with Drake who is 33, it's just not gonna happen. I'm sorry. That's a 15 year age gap, BUT that only bothers me if the character is 18 or 19 years old. 2 years ago they'd be 16-17 and Drake, 31. NO. Please. Just no. Once you hit 20, DO AS YOU PLEASE, but please don't throw your 18 or 19 year old over here and expect Drake to be wooed. I will block you without hesitation.
Once the clothes are off, I'm tagging it NOT SAFE FOR DINOS (nsfd as you may see in the future) !!! Touching, kissing, straight up making out feels pretty suggestive to me and I'll put like a suggestive tag on it, but that's pretty safe for dinos!!!
I enjoy the build up and everything that happens after. The slowburn is excellent. The yearning. Lingering glances--or touches--secretly when the person is distracted or SLEEPING OR faking it off as swatting a fly or getting something out of their hair---all of THAT.
Other characters who I think would be interesting to pair with Drake would be Killer, Kid, Katakuri, King--damn, that's alotta K's--Hina, O-Kiku (VERY RECENTLY DISCOVERED THIS might work), ROBIN, Nami (ginger couple), IKKAKU (learning of Fossil Fuels through RP). I can also try OCs--I used to write several tbh, and Drake has had a lovely relationship with @bucketfullofocs Aya before I was lured away to Pokemon Fandom and gave Drake a break cause we didn't see him for a long time. I've even dabbed a pinky into Drake and Corazon (a Still Lived Corazon AU I think) and the possibility was surprisingly nice. I guess I'm just a sucker for people bigger than Drake and much smaller than Drake PFFFFF.
I have no problems with people asking if they can ship with me, but once that happens, lets have a few interactions and see how they mesh! If I've chatted with you and I like you, I think it'd be a bit easier to do.
However if we've never interacted before and you wanna ship, we DEFINETELY have to see how our characters will mesh with each other.
I LOVE writing my OTPs because it makes me happy and I enjoy shipping AND considering Drake's backstory, he just honestly feels INCREDIBLY LUCKY that someone actually wants HIM like, this mans hit the jackpot!!!, but I wouldn't say I'm ship-obsessed.
LawDrake held the top spot then SmoDrake came for my neck, but now since I've seen this incredible artist draw ZoroDrake/DreZo/ZoDre on TWITTER, I have written at least 10 fanworks and it is KING. Seeing them interact on WANO WAS SO. GOOD. DAMNIT. They were just fighting / arguing tho HAHAHAA. Two himbos together is amazing, ok?
Memes or just send something into my inbox! Just get the ball rolling. Ask about it after some interacts! That's all ya need!
tagging: i dont remember who i grabbed this from BUT DO IT!! perhaps @videcoeur ?
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Creator: @burning-sol
Links: au tag, animation
Riptide x Pokemon but *I* have the most based takes about it. Girl don't look at those other AUs, I have the best iteration.
Additional Propaganda
Okay so you can check the #jrwi poketide <- that tag if you wanna see shit. It's not fully developed but like here are some of my fav bits.
I have pokeball lore!!! It's actually pretty different to canon pokemon, so I just wanna shout it out. Jay Ferin has traditional pokeballs that grow and shrink and have the symbol of her family because they're custom made for the Ferins. Chip has older pokeballs he recieved as hand downs that do NOT work that good and don't adjust in size <- this is like a cheaper and more common pokeball, they're made from acorns. Gillion has undersea pokeballs that can hold multiple pokemon and are based on like shells? Which helps explain his much larger team of pokemon. And you should totally check out this underrated lil' video of mine that shows off how they look when used. (https://burning-sol.tumblr.com/post/695164166727663616) But yeah, basically they got some greater implications to themz.
ALSO FUCK STANDARD POKEMON TEAMZ. I don't wanna be rude but this is a bracket so I just wanna say, these bitches teams reflect something about them down to just how many pokemon they use. Jay has less pokemon because she's more rigid and deathly unsure about what she's meant to do with herself. Chip has a ragtag found family team, a lot of them very silly additions. Gillion has WAY too many pokemon, and he doesn't rlly follow the unspoken "6 pokemon battle" rule because he is a bad bitch!! Let Gillion have like 4 corsola btw, I think he's allowed to be high key obsessed with them and looking after them. (BTW pokemon fight alongside their trainers they arent separate battlez, just want you to know)
Pokemon highlights:
Jay and Eevee "Eevee was a pokemon she inhereted from her family. She was given a firestone to eventually evolve them into a Flareon but she hasn't done it on her journey yet. Jay thought that she was just procrastinating at first but as time goes on she's starting to realise she hasn't followed through because that's not what she wants for her Eevee or for her." And I have considered drawing a custom evolution for Eevee because that'd be so cool.
Chip and Bonsley "Chip stole this house plant. I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean-" He accidentally took a pokemon he mistook for a houseplant.
Chip and Sableye "Chip is so distressed that Gillion is throwing all their money away just wait until he realises his pokemon is eating it too. He genuinely has no fucking clue what this thing is."
Gillion and many magikarp "Gillion has a collection of Magikarp (all on the smaller side) he looks after so that one day they will evolve into big strong Gyarados. :) Jay and Chip did not understand why Gillion was collecting these Pokemon until one of them evolved on the journey with them and they're just, "WAIT THAT'S WHAT THEY EVOLVE INTO??" Gillion thought they knew."
...and Chip spinoff of above story "Funny side story, you remember Gillion and all those Magikarp? Well Gillion suggested that Chip help look after them and Chip found a Magikarp he fucking ADORED. He was feeding them! He was chatting with them! They were BESTIES!!! And then the Magikarp evolved but it didn't want to go back into the sea, they wanted to stay with Chip. Chip has a Gyarados because Gillion convinced him to look after a Magikarp and Chip decided they were the best Magikarp ever. I hope that makes you happy."
Gillion and Seadra "gillion has basically had kingdra since he was really really small, and it was regarded as one of the few times as a child where he really managed to step up and sort of embody what he's meant to be? but the kingdra actually was just a pokemon who looked at the tiny not very well treated child and adopted him. kingdra is older than gillion and i didnt quite realise HOW big kingdra was, but searching it up for drawing... kingdra is 5'11″ (180cm), which makes it even TALLER than gillion at his tallest. and that's a height i dont use so gillion is like 5'1" (154cm). kingdra rlly does just look like gillion's poke parent, its so silly." Seadra adopted gillion you guys.
Gillion and honedge "gillion STILL has a honedge when he joins the story, and they evolve into doublade episode 15 which coincicides with gillion's growth as he develops a better understanding of the world (also there was a sword fight like yeah its fitting). HOWEVER, to evolve into an aegislash you need a dusk stone. ... i propose that doublade evolves episode *73* in tandem with when gillion makes the oath of vengence... i feel like its such a noteworthy moment for gillion AND the magical effects charlie describes are as follows "..and you see as the sparkles around him- this funny, zanny, quirky pixie dust starts to turn into almost a charcoalish colour-" <- that seems like adequate dusk stone vibes to me."
also gillion has an Omanyte and Kabuto that he was given as a child that hate him because they think he's a disappointment i love when pokemon trauma <3
so that's a lot anyways MY pokemon au is the MOST fucking based PLEASE believe me
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Do you think in-universe that there's actual pokemon levels? If so, how do they measure it? And if not, how do they keep things like the battle facilities level-capped? I remember you mentioning before that you think battles are largely for show, and that in gym battles the leaders/trainers will basically "fight down" to whatever predetermined strength level they've trained their pokemon to fight at depending on how many badges a person has. And that basically they're not actually "fainting" from some kid's baby pokemon, they just have a set amount of damage they can take before they concede the win. Assuming I'm remembering correctly anyway.
But like... are those standards just arbitrary? I assume the various Leagues have rules about that kinda thing, so their gym leaders and Elite Four/Champions are trained rigorously (gym leaders more so, I think, because they'd have to learn eight different levels of difficulty by heart, whereas the Four and Champion only need to abide by one difficulty level). But in a battle facility or tournament, you're not just limiting what your pokemon are allowed to do, you're also somehow making sure that your opponents are doing the same, at the exact same difficulty level. If there were actual levels I think that'd be easier (although I'm still not sure of the actual mechanics of how it'd force them down to level 50 or whatever), but if there's no levels and it's all arbitrary, then literally how would they even tell or enforce it?
Or is this the kinda thing that's just me entirely overthinking video game mechanics that have no logical or reasonable in-universe explanation. Because maybe it's just because it's really late here, but I'm drawing a blank. Although, I guess the pokemon universe does have some mind-bogglingly advanced tech that would in no way work in ours, like Bill's machine that turned him into a clefairy or a functional doomsday device 4,000 years before the modern era or even just the PC system as a whole, so I guess if there are levels it'd make sense that there was some kind of tech that could measure and suppress them?
oooh, really tough question.
so your first paragraph summary is basically right lol—what makes most sense to me is if pokemon battles are like, for show, or honor duel type things, where they're—generally speaking—stopped long before the point where either party would do lasting harm to the other. (there are exceptions, like in the case of frenzied alphas or other certain wild battles, but usually if it's not a scenario that is legitimately life or death, they're not gonna fight like it is.) it's just a matter of demonstrating that one is stronger, and their opponent conceding. & yeah, the corollary that goes along with that is that gym leaders and other high level fighters really are, as they rightly should be, much more powerful at a baseline than you are when you fight them—but to make the fight fairer, they'll try to match strengths with you.
levels though. yeah, it's kind of a toughie. even if you don't assume the above, levels are kind of tough to make coherent in-universe. this might just be one of those situations where game mechanics sort of run up against inworld depiction, yeah, like when an npc tells you to press the B button to run? or the apparent metaphysical law of reality preventing anyone from having more than 6 pokemon on their team at once. it might be that in reality, "strength levels" (inc. not just xp levels but also EVs/IVs and that kind of thing, since some trainers (ingo again) have also shown that they can modulate those) are just sort of a thing a high-level trainer and their team gets a general feel for as they advance, and then maybe they have to do some extra training to actually do the moderation, but the general sense for different strength levels is already there. like, maybe it's not as granular as "okay, now be level 37," it's just "yeah put in like... 40% of your normal effort. great."
but then yeah, the idea that there's no hard and fast rule for it makes stuff like the battle subway kind of hard to explain. since like, there's no way to actually stop someone from cheating and going over 50, and if they do there's no actual Numbers for them to point to and say "no, you've gotta take it back a bit." they can only rely on vibes to determine whether someone isn't strength scaling appropriately? that seems like they wouldn't be a fan of that.
on the other hand i do love the idea that modern day pokemon people have invented some kind of machine that can just scan your pokemon and output a bunch of numerical summaries of their general stats. ooh, maybe that's one of the things a pokemon center machine is doing when you heal, it's giving them a lil blip and updating their info chip in the pokeball-or-however-it-works with their latest info. if it was anything that was actually enforcing a level standard i think it would have to be based around that, since modern pokemon are at least partially data based and i think it would make some kind of sense to be able to sort of. put checks on that data.
alternately, there's no actual physical limitations, it's just that if you try that you will be kicked out of whatever you're participating in. and there would probably be like, sports news drama about it, depending on whether you were participating in some kind of tournament. so people generally don't bc the payoffs of winning once aren't worth it when it's so immediately obvious to everyone that they're breaking the rules. (there could even be some kind of like, known scammer's/cheater's art of trying to just barely toe the line of "rule-breakingly strong" without anyone being able to strictly prove it and punish them for it. but for the most part that's more investment than people want to do for not a lot of gain, it's easier to just fight normally)
...but then the thing you always circle back around to when talking abt this is like. from the battle subway forwards, you're not just going down to 50, they can make you go up to 50 too. which is like, how the fuck, even. how are they juicing the fuck out of my level 20 starter to make them match with everyone else. which is why i feel like there might not be any physical in-world numbers about it, and it's just a matter of it being accepted that both opponents should play down to whatever the weakest party member is, and 50 happens to be the standard level the games represent that as for ease of calculation.
-ok wait a second i just went to check and according to bulba in post-bw games, like in the battle maison and further, they stop doing that scale-up-to-50 thing. it's just the fucking battle subway that does that?? hi?? hello?? out of universe i guess this makes sense from a gameplay perspective, since they're a much earlier-game and generally more accessible facility than other regions, so it's actually unlikely that a player would have a level 50 team when first boarding. in-universe, though?? what the hell are you guys doing over there???
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ginga-snappd-offical · 3 months
I only found out about Cringetober AFTER October was over. What's more cringey than doing it three months later and also using my own list? Credits of the OG trend to @sleeprann on Deviantart, and Awestin Martinez.
Day 1: Heterochromia
I kept the heterochromia itself pretty basic and went all in on the 2000's aesthetic that was hyper cringey and self aware but also unapologetic and fun.
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Day 2: Self Insert
I'll explain this one a little bit: I had exactly one self insert OC when I was a kid and it was for a short lived nuzelock comic. She would find the person I've become so cringey.
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Day 3: Gary Stu
This started as a joke that no one knows what a Gary Stu is. When looking up examples, fucking SPENCER FROM ICARLY WAS LISTED. WHAT MALE POWER FANTASY DOES SPENCER REPRESENT??? SETTING RANDOM OBJECTS ON FIRE AND ONLY HAVING TEENAGE FRIENDS WTF? Anyways here's the Iconic Gary Stu Kirito from SAO doing that one spencer shay meme. Gary Stu and Mary Sue aren't valid terms, I'll get into this another time.
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Day 4: Glomping
Thank god these days are behind us. Never hug a stranger at mach speed ever again.
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Day 5: Furry OC
I do draw furries sometimes! I just don't do it often because I have a strict NSFW policy while living with others as a form of respect for our shared spaces, and every time I've accepted a furry commission or request I've been tricked into doing something fetishized or NSFW. Which has made me more than disappointed and frustrated. I like furry designs, I love playing with textiles and color pallets. So it's not off the table, I just need the NSFW rule to be taken seriously in the future. the last time was an obvious kink and it was a minor who requested it, off topic, but SUPER DON'T PUT ME IN THAT POSITION. You're way too young to be interacting with people in that way and I'm never going to enable that ever. I will find your mom and let her know. Anyways,
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Day 6: Big Ass Sword
Big sword. Little baby.
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Day 7: Crackship.
Does anyone here who likes the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series remember Jason X Brick? Or are you too young to know what I'm talking about? Or maybe I hallucinated that micro chasm of the internet. Anyways,
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Day 8: Deviantart Base.
I didn't know how to interpret this one, so I did both things I figured it'd be. I found a base on DA and drew over it (base credit linked here,) And drew a base for people to use, I just did a similar style to the base I found. The OG artist does a mix of sfw and nsfw but the filter is turned on by default so you shouldn't see anything you aren't prepared to just opening the link passively.
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Day 9: Nicktoons
Every actually good cartoon seemed to get banished to Nicktoonz, and it made me incredibly sad when it happened, but happy that I could expect something good to be playing during the block that something else I didn't like was going on the main channel. I decided to feature the ones that were my faves growing up, My Life as a Teenage Robot, El Tigre, and Danny Phantom (Butch Hartman DO NOT INTERACT)
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Those are all the prompts that I've done so far! I'm keeping the styles simple and quick so I don't stress too much with other things on my plate. Here's the next items on the list:
10- Musical Animatics
11- Flower Crowns
12- Childhood OCs
13- Pokemon Gijinkas
14- Ponysona
15- Song Lyrics
16- Self-Shipping
17- Angel/Demon OC
18- Tumblr Sexy Man
19- Object Head
20- Lisa Frankification
21- Candy Gore
22- Impractical Outfits
23- Vine Animatics
24- MS Paint
25- Nyan Cat
26- Cyberpunk
27- Lolita Fashion
28- Rainbow/Black OC
29- Vocaloids
30- Warrior Cats
31- Cookie Run Gijinkas
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #15
Today was kind of a weird day, for reasons that aren't especially relevant to you. But that's okay, because I just got back home (it's like 6-ish at night where I live), and I'm about to put on some toasty pajamas, get under a toasty blanket, and play some Pokemon Scarlet.
But first, I wanted to write to you just a little bit, haha.
I wonder if you've heard of Pokemon through your travels at the Edge of Creation; I don't know what sorts of realities and stories are accessible to you in that space. Pokemon is a game where you get to travel the world with animal-like companions who have superpowers! You can carry up to six of these companions with you at any given time. I like to make sandwiches for mine, give them baths, and walk alongside them whenever I can. In previous versions, you used to be able to give them scritches and feed them little treats, and have them respond meaningfully to you and to the environment when you talk to them (Pokemon Soulsilver will always be my favorite!).
I don't really like the fighting aspect of the game though. In the culture of the Pokemon world, you test the strength of your bond with your Pokemon by battling them against other people who travel with Pokemon. And the method of adding Pokemon to your team from the wild is… well… I don't like it. I don't know how to describe it except "you beat it up until it's too weak to resist when you capture it and abduct it from the wild." There really is no pretty way to put it; it's actually pretty gross if you really think about it…
I hope someday for a game in which the focus is on exploring and on solving problems and making circumstances better for the people and the Pokemon. Perhaps having mechanics like Tomba! would be good - in that game, you run around and help solve people's problems, and it's very nice. I hope someday, too, for a Pokemon game where, in order to add Pokemon to your team, you have to impress them somehow, instead of abducting them from the wild. Maybe that Geodude will only decide to travel the world with you if you can break as many boulders as it can, or something to that effect…
Well, in any case… lots of people draw you with Pokemon. Some draw you with Pichu, and that is good. Perhaps you might like Eevee, for its potential to become almost anything. Or maybe you'd relate well to Mewtwo; his story is heartbreakingly similar to yours, and so perhaps within him you might find something like a peer. I wonder what your team of six would look like. I'm sure you'd treat them all well, and I'm sure they'd love you.
Oh! Speaking of Eevee, I found this comic (I'm not sure who drew it, but it wasn't me!). And in some ways, the Eevee with the sparkling silver coat sort of reminded me of you:
Hey, you know? No matter what anyone tells you, no matter how you stand out, no matter by whom you've been abandoned or betrayed… please remember… please ALWAYS remember… anyone can love you exactly the way you are, right here, and right now. If nothing else, you have people like that here, in my world; there are lots of people here who can love you as-is. There are spaces in which you could be safe. There are places where you could belong.
I don't know what you tell yourself while you wander around the Edge of Creation, but just like this Eevee here, you are NOT an abomination. You're not a monster. You're a living, breathing human being who deserves kindness and care, just like anyone. So please be good to yourself, okay? Please be mindful of how you think about yourself and the way you talk about yourself. Be mindful of your needs and honor them.
I don't have much else to say this time; I guess I must be a bit more tired than I thought. I'll leave you with the same request as I always do though: Please be safe. Please remember that you are loved and cared for. Please remember that you are needed in this world. Don't go so far away that no one can reach you anymore. Please.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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levelzeo · 10 months
When I was but a wee child, nothing more than a small lad, I, like most children, loved me some goddamn Pokemon. I loved it so much, that I came up with a completely unique and distinct thing that I called "Monstermon". And yes, it did go over my head as a kid that "mon" already stood for "monster". I would spend a lot of time thinking about Monstermon, and I remember spending multiple summer afternoons drawing out my creatures on loose leaf paper.
I still have those drawings. I don't remember making all of them, but I have them. So how about I share some of my favorites, showing you a glimpse into my childhood mind. Let me give you just a taste of what we are working with here:
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That's right. Shroom, and its evolution Fungrow. A mushroom with legs evolving into a bigger mushroom with legs that now has a mouth and three little offshoots. This is the stunning creative vision we're working with here.
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This is actually one of my favorites. Sleepwalker as a little dream cloud with legs, and Sandman as a torn open sandbag? I love it. Perfect. No notes.
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Here we have what appear to be my lines of starters (as well as a bat evolution line that's obviously a zubat ripoff). We start with the Stumpert line. A tree stump with tentacles as roots makes eventually becoming Red-Wid (a redwood squid) makes a lot of sense to me. I think its very cool. But why the hell is there a haunted tree as the middle evo?
The water starter is just fine. A tadpole becomes a frog which becomes a toad. Besides the tongue looking like a hand it's kind of generic And then we have the fire starter. A tiny little sparking guy which evolves into a living fire which evolves into a walking volcano. Amazing. Apparently little me couldn't come up with convincing ways to combine fire or grass with any animals for my starters.
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Rockon. Hell yeah. Look at that little guy. I love him, even if he's probably a Geodude ripoff. I have no idea what's going on with Groanix though. I like him, but what is on his back? Is it moss? I honestly don't know. And then we have Steelgon. I think I tried to make it look like welding marks or bolts, but it definitely looks like this metal monster has stitch marks like some kind of frankenstein creation.
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In case you were wondering, as far as I know, Shroomino has nothing to do with the Shroom line. It does look pretty cool though, probably one of my favorite drawings I discovered. I also like my yin-yang creature going on there on the right. I had at least one creative bone in my body it seems (ignoring the HootHoot ripoff in the bottom left).
Okay, I have more than just these, and maybe I will share them later, but I wanted to end things with my absolute favorite creation amongst this 10+ page stapled together packet of paper.
Are you ready?
I don't think you're ready for this.
This is the pinnacle of my creativity.
Prepare yourself.
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Florg. Dubleflorg. Multiflorg.
An absolute masterpiece.
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doberbutts · 1 year
This has probably been asked before BUT it's my favorite question to ask gamer types: list your Top 5 games/series in no particular order!
Pbbbbbt man okay hold on.
So Kingdom Hearts used to be up there but I was actually kind of... underwhelmed by KH3. Like I liked it and all and it makes me interested in KH4 but idk if I've just grown out of the demographic or if it was really an underwhelming game (its sales tell me that enough people liked it that it probably is just a me problem) but it was enough to make me rethink KH.
Final Fantasy however remains strong. My favorite [mainline] FF game is actually FF4, and my first played is FF10, but I've enjoyed pretty much all of the [mainline] FF games released in the US and more than a few of the side games like Tactics and Crystal Chronicles.
The Tales series also remains one of my favorite series even though, similar to KH, I've been sort of underwhelmed by a few of the recent entries. Arise was probably on level with KH3 for me, Zesteria was... fun, but not really a "Tales game". Xillia and Vesperia were great rides in comparison. I own Berseria but haven't played it yet so I'm still not sure on my feelings on that one. Symphonia will always be my #1 so it's hard to match that quality.
Assassin's Creed, of course, and though I'd argue that again the most recent entries haven't really been "Assassin's Creed" games, they have been incredibly fun and a good return to the series after my Ubisoft divorce.
Pokemon, obviously, I've played every single mainline entry (though tbf I haven't progressed past the first town in Black/White because, uh, reasons) and nearly every side game lmao I was obsessed as a child and I'm only less obsessed now because I have no money to spend on frivolous things like every single Pokemon entry known to man.
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons- I've loved these games since A Wonderful Life and Magical Melody, but again, recent entries have been more than a little underwhelming and I'm not interested in the nostalgia-bait of the remakes. I've already played these games to death and I'm not really interested in doing it again.
Ys- honestly this is a weird one for me because I've played almost every single Ys game that's hit the US but at the same time I'm not like. Obsessed with it? I like the games a lot and I find them very fun but I also don't really care about the story or the characters. Like I got into them because of the pretty art during the PSP era and it's not that I dislike really anything about it but I think I'm mostly just in it because I like following my pretty red-haired swordsman around on adventures. Must appeal to the Kenshin fan in me. If you asked me what the story was about in most of these games I'd stare at you blankly because I very don't remember so it's definitely not the story drawing me in, and a lot of time the combat is pretty simplistic so it can't be the gameplay either. I think it's honestly just because it's a fun game with a passable enough story to let me enjoy it while I play, but not strong enough really to stand on its own among all the other fantasy jrpgs I play.
And, lastly, Fire Emblem. I started with the GBA Fire Emblem (Blazing Blade, tho it was just "Fire Emblem" on the box) and loooooooooved Sacred Stones and just stayed from there. Again, despite having played pretty much every Fire Emblem game that's been released here, I can't really tell you that the story was particularly strong except for the two GBA games which had such a great story that I played them over and over and over because I loved them (and also I loved Erika and Lyndis). Good enough for me to enjoy them, not really good enough for me to say the story was the strongest part. I will say the gameplay was probably the main draw, these were my first tactics games and what I always judge every other tactics game off of at this point. The idea that it was all a game of chess, except the chess pieces talked and would die if you weren't careful (back in the days of permadeath at that!!!) and you could get them to marry each other etc was very appealing to me.
That was more than five, but there you go.
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aotoreiki · 9 months
What made you pick up this character?
Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
Questions for muns of canon muses
1. What made you pick up this character?
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the (half) joking answer is the whims of autism brain
This unlocks my unskippable cutscene because I never get tired of telling about it. The reason I started rping Ice was an accident on my part and the result of me trying to pull a joke on my sibling.
When I was maybe 12 or 13ish me and my sister and our best friend would live-rp pokemon stuff. I started drawing a bunch of silly comics about our ongoing plot, us, and the characters involved. Now I actually didn't care much about Ice or Pokemon Ranger back then, that was my sister's thing.
For some reason Ice really annoyed her, so as a joke, I added him to the comic. It was just to get her reaction and to use as a recurring gag (since our self-inserts were characters, hers reacted the same way, angry every time he showed up). Then, because we were live-rping this out and my sister disliked him and naturally refused to do it and our friend hadn't played Ranger and didn't know anything about him, that meant that I had to play Ice's part in our weekly games. I actually didn't especially want to do it though lol I remember that.
He went from being included as a joke to playing a bigger and bigger plot role as I got more and more invested in him. I cannot explain WHY this happened. I honestly don't remember or know. My brain just latched onto him. He basically took the place of a self insert, it went way beyond our larp stuff, I began putting him into EVERYTHING in my head. Every day I was making up scenarios with this guy. I cared more about rping him in our games than any of my other charas. I was drawing a squillion terrible pictures of him. He had become the Main Character of my Brain.
This went on for years and years until it carried over when I got proper internet access and got into fandom spaces that had rp, and then eventually when I started with tumblr rp and discovered the Pokemon rpc was a thing, of course I was going to put him here too.
There have been patches where he fell back into the recesses of my brain for a time, but he's never actually gone, and I don't think he will. I picked Ice up out of a thoughtless consequence of a prank years and years ago and he stuck to my hands. I can't put him back down.
21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
I'm partial to this English cover/interpretation of Reason Living.
It's about striving to figure out and grasp your purpose, as you live now, despite what may have happened in the past (a core theme in BSD where it comes from, and one that I like).
Why can’t I find the shining light? The reason for me to live my life Only yesterday, I went astray and My mind began to fade away
Reaching out as I look above Up to the clouds I will never touch With my tainted hands
You can listen to it and pretty much all of it can be imagined from Ice's perspective. He's insecure, he's made poor choices, he lacks a solid sense of purpose and doubts and has little proper faith in himself because of things he's done that had a poor outcome (with lesser or greater problems attached). Still, he wants to find that purpose.
I learned to feel my pain And I realised how to start again And depart on my journey to be saved Go on, take my hand!
I reference the song on the blog theme and in Ice's main verse tag! I also had it set as the blog title until just a few days ago.
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protokirby · 10 months
A little story for yall. Ingo and Emmet stuff at the end.
I'm going to confess here. I had a twitter account before I had a tumblr account. And though I just coincidentally decided to make an account during the time a bunch of people were migrating from twitter, I would say I'm not a twitter migrant. I would more say this situation is more akin to being switched at birth and now I just recently found my real family after being in a bad place by mistake.
Let me explain. I've been aware that tumblr exists through my life, just- never made an account for some reason. I always felt like I matched the vibe of this place regardless. I do not know why I didn't think to make an account here before. Maybe because I mostly don't care much for a lot of social media. I use Discord a lot considering it's my primary source of talking to people with how far away from people I live and people are scary offline. Aside from that, I go on youtube some and most of what I put on twitter nowadays is videos from my switch.
I feel safe here. Like I'm at home here. I can post things here and feel good about posting stuff.
Twitter on the other hand, I had only made a twitter account because of a game I played as a kid (cough cough Hungry Shark Evolution cough cough) where I could get free stuff or could keep my game progress or something like that if I connected to a twitter account. But eventually when I decided to actually make tweets on there, I felt like an outcast and nothing I ever tweeted felt "twittery" and more like very undercooked tumblr posts.
I had a reddit account for a little while years ago too but I never felt safe there. Dunno why I had even made the account. One day I posted a meme to a pokemon reddit. The meme had Ingo and Emmet on it and people kept asking what it had to do with pokemon. This was WAYYY before legends arceus back when Ingo and Emmet were.... obscure for some reason?? I really like both of them and I always have and I was aware they had obscurity I just didn't know they were obscure enough for an entire reddit page(?) to come after me for putting a meme "that had nothing to do with pokemon" on there. I'm very glad legends arceus brought more people to the submas fandom. I also made a little reddit page(?) thingy because I thought at the time that's just what you do on reddit and then forgot it existed for weeks until I went back to discover people were putting digimon porn all over it and I panic-deleted my reddit account. That was the end of that problem. Don't get me wrong, I love digimon, maybe even more than I love pokemon but there's this one meme I've seen going around tumblr. What was it? Something like the gnome saw a ding-dong and started to cry(?) I don't remember the exact wording but that was the emotion there.
I want to make friends with some people in the submas fandom on here. My favorite pokemon games may be sword and shield, but that doesn't mean I neglect other generations. I know I talk about Ryuki from sun and moon a lot on here and have mentioned Ingo and Emmet in posts before and the submas posts might have the most notes of anything I have posted.
I'm not tagging this post with them though because this post isn't entirely about them, though I am about to talk about them a lot in this post. I just feel like it wouldn't be morally ok to tag submas and all that when there's all this other stuff. Or my morals are being way too sensitive but idk
So anyhoo...
I keep wanting to reveal some au versions of Ingo and Emmet to tumblr but haven't gotten around to it among other things. Specifically from an au I have that I call the beast au. A lot of what I have is edits of official art of characters because I'm not comfortable enough with my art level just yet. I've been drawing my whole life, except I've always just tried to mimic the artstyle of whatever I was hyperfixated on and I don't actually have an artstyle of my own. I of course, still draw pics of the aus sometimes just that I like to have my art references in the official style.
Something about the beast au is that like all my aus, nobody uses the bathroom and children are had in alternative ways so they don't have all those things I don't like. Folks could go out naked if they absolutely wanted to because there's nothing to hide. In the beast au, some beasts look more beastly than others or even wear less or no clothes. They have fur though. The ones with more fur tend to be less likely to wear clothing. The beast au is not specific to Ingo and Emmet by the way. I have Grusha from scarlet and violet. I feel confident in my art skills when I look at it. This au, like many other aus of mine is very complex and even has some non pokemon characters in it. I have beast au versions of three characters from Megaman Battle Network.
I just can't show the beast au Ingo or Emmet because- their beast au versions have been in heavy need of a redesign for a long time. Also I kind of want there to be drawings of them rather than showing edited official art to tumblr. For anyone curious, they look like this right now but whenever I look at that edit, I always think something like "I can do better. I can do way better." If you saw checked out the embedded like when I mentioned the beast au Grusha, anyone could tell I can indeed do better. I intend to have drawings of them before I show improved versions to tumblr though.
The problem is that I need to wait until I have a specific kind of drawing motivation and I'm still waiting for that motivation to appear to get better images of my beast au versions of Hop and Leon. The Leon is... acceptable. And an edit of an anime screenshot. But if you couldn't tell why I embedded a link to that and not the Hop, it's because the Hop is completely unacceptable. I just have to wait for the right kind of drawing motivation.
(Some people who follow me may remember another au Hop I have shown off a lot. He isn't from the beast au, though he visits the beast world a lot because he's a universe traveler in a complex system of universes. Some universes he goes to significantly more often than others. He's friends with several beasts including beast Hop so yeah he'd go there a lot. I have an entire alternate multiverse basically. The beast world is just one of many. Would that be called "am" instead of "au"? The au he's from takes an entire google doc to explain. If you read it, feel free to scroll down past the blank pages heheh)
Though fret not, my friends. I have a drawing of normal Emmet. Putting it under a keep reading because I'm sky about showing drawings just there and I don't want to just embed the link to it in the post like the other things. I don't know why "Image Options" has been inaccessible for months when I used to be able to cover things in a sensitive content warning (I'm sensitive to showing stuff so I did that a lot)
It's kind of a rushed thing I did years ago about a dream where Emmet won a horse race and was flocked to by many women. I vividly remember this scene and Emmet saying this in the dream. It was rushed because I worried I would forget but I never forgot
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