knetswa · 2 years
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moonshotsx · 2 years
julia ive never begged like this in my life PLEEEEASSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (stylesuperstar)
i gotta feed the girls here, im glad to serve y'all 😌
now... in which au should i set this dayasco smut in uhmmm
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jawnrochaa · 6 years
geoff because when i met him he brought awsten and otto out for me
so valid what a man!!//tell me your favorite member of waterparks!
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happy burthday !!
Ahhh thank you this is the best 💕 thank you for the burthday wishes
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heartwcrk · 6 years
hey bitch Rateth me
1. First impression: annoying....2. Truth is: still annoying but ily, i have no idea how i put up with you for this long but ur never getting rid of me 3. How old do you look: 15-16 mayb4. Have you ever made me laugh: at your awful jokes, yes5. Have you ever made me mad: once or twice tbh6. Best feature: you are literally a ball of sunshine7. Have I ever had a crush on you: no, ur like a little sibling to me8. You’re my: annoying lesbian best friend
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geoffsguitar · 6 years
IS ANYONE who follows u going to warped tmrw
(Cont.) i meant ur followers and 7/15 date
Hey!!!! Anyone going to this date?????
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kyleknight · 6 years
mani you know i need that coffee shop gotto
Title: craving a getaway from the smooth talkWords: 581Warnings: oblivious Otto and fluff
If Geoff didn’t get free coffee while working at Royal Roast Coffee (and reduced price on his days off), Otto is pretty sure his entire paycheck would go to buying coffee.
Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but still. Otto is always making him coffee. Geoff has got to be wired on caffeine all the time. He’s already an outgoing person, but on a constant fix of coffee, he’s endlessly vigorous and friendly.
He runs the register on the days when Otto is working, and whenever they have a free minute or so, Geoff comes over to help Otto with his tasks. Or he just comes over to talk. He’ll ask Otto to make him something, they’ll talk about anything and everything, and sometimes Geoff will invite him to hang out later. Otto has accepted Geoff’s offer plenty of times, and it’s always a great way to end an exhausting work day.
On the days Otto is working but Geoff isn’t, Geoff still comes in once or twice to get coffee. He waits on the other side of the barista station with a bright smile on his face while Otto makes his orders. It’s nice seeing him, since Zack, the other guy on the register, is nowhere near as enthusiastic a worker as Geoff.
“Don’t you have anything else to do on your days off?” Otto asks one evening as he and Geoff walk to get dinner before heading their separate ways home.
“What?” Geoff asks.
“I mean, I get it, the coffee’s pretty good,” Otto says. “But you can buy a bag of the beans and make it at home. You wouldn’t have to go all the way to Royal Roast all the time.”
“I like getting my coffee at Royal Roast,” Geoff says. “The people who work there are my favorite.”
Otto shrugs. “It’s cheaper if you make it at home. I make my own coffee at home.”
Geoff smiles at him. “I bet the coffee you make at home is better than anything at Royal Roast.”
“It’s the same as the stuff I make myself,” Otto says. “You’ve had it before.”
“Mm,” Geoff says. They walk together for a few moments in silence before Geoff starts talking again. “I don’t always go to Royal Roast on my days off. Just the days you’re there.”
Otto thinks about that. At the times that Geoff usually shows up, Jawn is the one working the barista station. “Does Jawn fuck up your order?” He could see it happening, especially since Awsten is usually the one working the register with Jawn. Awsten likes messing with Geoff and Otto. Otto wouldn’t be surprised if Awsten told Jawn the wrong order.
“No, I just like you the best.” Geoff is looking kind of intensely at Otto. Otto is at a loss for words for a moment.
“Oh,” he says finally. “That’s nice. I, uh, I didn’t realize. Uh, I think you’re the best cashier too. That I’ve worked with. You’re really, uh. The customers like you a lot.”
Geoff does this a lot, praising Otto even when their manager isn’t around to hear. It’s sweet, but sometimes, Geoff will look at Otto for a long time afterwards, like he’s waiting to hear something else.
Geoff sighs, with a small smile on his face. “That’s okay. Hey, instead of just getting takeout, do you want to sit down and eat? My legs are a bit tired.”
“Sure,” Otto says. He’s got nothing else to do until tomorrow.
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shesahandsomewoman · 6 years
lucky people by waterparks orrrr crazy by makeout
they’re both great songs i rly liked the second one (also the vocalist of makeout looks like luke hemmings)
url: i don’t get it // okay // great // amazing // who did you kill??
icon: i don’t get it // okay // great // amazing // oh my godddd
mobile theme: i don’t get it // okay // great // amazing // so pretty!!
desktop theme: i don’t get it // okay // great // amazing // i want it!!
posts: i don’t get it // okay // great // amazing // fave??
following: no, sorry:( // now i am! // of course! // ur stuck with me forever pal
comments: eli i enjoy seeing ur posts on my dash so much,, ur such an amazing friend and ily bitch
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lovelybandom · 6 years
@thebluepoptarts super valid!!
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unholyverse · 5 years
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fuck these fuckboy bands that can’t think for themselves. let’s put away our black clothes and start cutting up our voices. that’s what’s cool now, right?
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knetswa · 2 years
Lil Babies
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vampir3d · 6 years
your icon made me cry real tears
Awsten can reduce everyone to tears by just being tbh. Also, would you believe his hair was actually lightly blue in this picture but I filtered it sm to go with my theme that this happened? ^_^
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jawnrochaa · 6 years
everyone has hoods on idk whos who besides otto and awsten
those laDs
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theatremp3 · 6 years
no offense but i really like pale waves
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rihometal-moved · 5 years
skewl time B-)
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geoffsguitar · 6 years
@ people who think it's "cringey" to name yourself after your idols, what's the difference between that and people naming their children after famous people???? It's the same thing???? If you're okay with people naming their kid with the name of a famous person but have a "hard time" with somone wanting to change their name to that of the person they look up to then yall can go choke it's the same thing
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