int0design · 11 months
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the1920sinpictures: 1928 The lobby of the Fisher Building,... https://georgianadesign.tumblr.com/post/721248432340254720
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latveriansnailmail · 4 months
Blog recs?
I've never been tapped for this before! These are among the blogs I follow that post regularly and from which I draw my content. If you want blogs similar to mine, try these.
@cake-and-monsters @wellof-souls @the1920sinpictures @hannahleah @sevenstoneeyes @loveisinthebat @ikkimikki @sensitivedead @vlad-dracul @corrvus-corax @livesunique @vintagegeekculture @gothicandamazing
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luca-ercolani · 5 days
Women training on exercise bikes at the gym (1922)
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(via: @the1920sinpictures 👉 Source 👈 )
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mjsloveslave · 5 months
Does Anyone Know What This Hairstyle is Called?
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I want to do a story set in the late teens/early 1920s and want one of the children to have this hairstyle. Does it have a particular name other than just a "bob"?
Thank you!
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I posted 1,461 times in 2022
That's 284 more posts than 2021!
1,403 posts created (96%)
58 posts reblogged (4%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,445 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#new york - 1,427 posts
#nyc - 1,422 posts
#vintage new york - 1,258 posts
#1940s - 369 posts
#1950s - 368 posts
#1930s - 367 posts
#1920s - 324 posts
#vintage ny - 212 posts
#old ny - 166 posts
#old new york - 157 posts
Longest Tag: 49 characters
#institute of rehabilitation and physical medicine
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A bookmobile on Staten Island (”Richmond” is its official name), 1948.
Photo: NY Times
1,271 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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The time-honored New York tradition of sleeping on the subway, 1947.
Photo: Harold Feinstein via the Blue Sky Gallery
1,377 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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The entrance of Luna Park on Coney Island in 1924. The amusement park opened in 1903. In 1944, the park was mostly destroyed by a fire before closing down in 1946 after a second fire. It reopened in 2010.
Photo: NY Daily News
1,465 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
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Tricycle gang on Herkimer Street, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, 1930s.
Photo: Joe Schwartz via the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
2,169 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Edward Hopper, a native New Yorker, was an avid theater-goer. These are some ticket stubs he saved between 1925 and 1936, with the names of the plays written on the back: Hamlet with Gielgud, Strange Interlude, Green Pastures, The Doctor's Dilemma, and six others. And the priciest was for Gielgud—$3.30 to sit in the orchestra.
Photo: Whitney Museum of American Art
2,200 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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c. 1927  “The Orchestra,” bas relief in golden Lakarme by Jan and Joel Martel. From Art Deco, Avant Garde and Modernism, FB.
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
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I posted 9,862 times in 2022
That's 2,065 more posts than 2021!
260 posts created (3%)
9,602 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 507 of my posts in 2022
#hp society/the ton - 64 posts
#hp the season au - 63 posts
#hp the season/the ton au - 61 posts
#severus snape - 51 posts
#the poshest bedstead in islington - 25 posts
#harry potter - 23 posts
#long ago and far away - 21 posts
#daisy bakes - 13 posts
#pro snape - 12 posts
#daisy cooks - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this and when fall slides into winter with crisp cold mornings and frost on the grass and everything is a riot of color before a long sleep
My Top Posts in 2022:
@sneverussape Your tags! A lot of these are things I've been considering for a while now.
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Students have tried to bring regular plastic pens to Hogwarts before and it always ends in frustration. The softer plastics, like the ink reservoir in a Bic, go first. You're generally left with a pen with an unstable reservoir first, and it usually ruptures before the body of the pen will break. Sometimes, for maximum amusements of one's peers, the whole thing just explodes.
Synthetic rubber, like a pen reservoir, goes fast. Real rubber is okay, but synthetic...there's a reason Harry's shoes go from serviceable to unusable in record time. Poor Hermione, though. It is frustrating because her parents buy her good quality footwear.
(Although Minerva is not aware that the Board meddled and kept the pamphlets from going out for several years. She will be, soon. And then the Board will remember why Minerva has so very few discipline issues in her classroom.)
Magicals tend to have a 'use it all' sort of system. Families that run cattle send the hides to the tanneries (some of which they also own), which are mostly located outside of town. They don't have as much of a problem with pollutants as Vanishing exists and helps immensely. Ventilation is also easier with Runes and enchantments.
There are similar arrangements with families who grow flax or run sheep herds; some of them also own the mills. Same for silk (er, not that anyone is running a herd of silkworms and acromantula silk is so expensive precisely because one may not come back from an acquiring expedition.). But the silk mills still exist.
Magicals tend not to be quite as sniffy as non-magicals about where one gets one's cash. Land? Excellent, good investment. Industry? Well, that's sorely needed, too, and it isn't as if landowners aren't talking with overseers or managers half the time, same as a mill owner.
I spent precisely one 24-hour period in London (oh god..20 years ago now? where did the time go?) and it was kind of a whirlwind tour of the city, so I'm happy it sounded right. Google Street view is a wonderful thing, especially when combined with several historic maps that helpfully point out places of interest. :) The survey of London that gives a precise history of various streets was also extremely helpful.
(I couldn't nix a bookshop. Hermione needs something familiar and it stands to reason that some families would have had magical members who relocated and kept things going.)
122 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Many HP fans would like to blame all of Neville's Potions woes on Snape.
But we never see Neville ask anyone for help. He never approaches Hermione outside class hours to ask a question (because she's much more approachable, honestly) or to ask for her help understanding the material. He never mentions having a tutor over the summer. We never see him doing any outside reading on anything Potions related to try to improve.
While Snape's teaching style isn't great for a sensitive child, that child also has to take some kind of responsibility for his educational success, especially in the 1990s.
I was in school at similar times to Harry Potter. If I didn't ask for help, my teachers wouldn't necessarily clock to my struggles. Even at a youngish age, we were expected to speak up to our teachers or ask friends or parents for help understanding things if we were struggling with the material.
Now, we could say that it isn't important to the narrative so we don't see it, but if Snape was supposed to be some monster of a teacher, wouldn't this be better pointed out by even one scene of a child struggling but trying to improve and still failing (due to having an awful teacher)?
Or is Snape a teacher frustrated by a child who will not ask for help from anyone despite repeated failures? As presented in canon, he feels more like the latter.
He even seems to give Neville more latitude than other students—it took 6 melted cauldrons before Snape gave him a single detention. The one in first year rated a scolding, yes, but no other action (other than an unfair point taken from Harry).
126 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Can you imagine if Dumbledore had access to email and instant messaging? Like, pre-ubiquitous-cellphone level of tech?
Snape would have yeeted himself out the window well before 1998, straight to Malfoy Manor.
McGonagall would master 'as per my last email' in record time.
145 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
Every time someone says that Snape would roam the halls at 3AM eating cereal out of the box I get a mental image of him eating raw oatmeal out of a package because I'm pretty sure the magical world doesn't have packaged breakfast cereal. Or at least Hogwarts doesn't.
He totes roams the halls though. The raw oatmeal may be a prop to frighten firsties.
164 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Why is my favorite genre of fic "Much to his consternation, people want to wrap Severus up in blankets and spoil him"?
Hubert Prewett, Sr., having seen him for 5 minutes is poking me that he'd very much like to get to know the sarky arsehole better.
Lucius and Narcissa keep being solicitous and worried. "Oh yes, he's a bit delicate. His lungs you know. Grew up in one of those wretched industrial cities with bad air and the most atrocious smog." (Lucius will explain to anyone who stands still for 30 seconds). Narcissa frets about warm enough underclothes and drafts.
Minerva wants him to have a nap and a nice cup of tea.
His 1983 7th year students are conspiring and a few of them are knitting or crocheting blankets as fast as they can work around NEWT prep.
And Albus worries about cold and damp feet. Can be injurious, you know, cold feet. Lead to all sorts of colds. Pneumonia, even.
Pomfrey keeps trying to offer him some strengthening broth.
Honestly, he's about to leave the castle altogether if one more person offers him a warm anything.
172 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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evita-shelby · 1 year
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I posted 5,675 times in 2022
That's 5,675 more posts than 2021!
707 posts created (12%)
4,968 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,331 of my posts in 2022
#eva smith shelby - 635 posts
#tommy shelby x oc - 319 posts
#thomas shelby x oc - 226 posts
#thomas shelby fanfic - 226 posts
#peaky blinders fanfiction - 214 posts
#thomas shelby - 194 posts
#thomas shelby imagine - 185 posts
#tommy shelby fanfic - 178 posts
#between the shadow and the soul - 175 posts
#oc fanfiction - 175 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#op idk if you know how form fitting men's costumes are but once i couldn't concentrate on a youtube bootleg ballet from how tight some were
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love all of your work. I keep trying to imagine dad tommy from fic where his little girl comes home declaring she's got a boyfriend, and him panicking because she's like 6 and he can't scare the little boy without having his wife (the reader) chewing his head for it.
Omg thank you 😊
Okay for context, Florence was born in 1929 and is reader and Tommy’s youngest child (and his favorite of all four).
And i felt the prompt went better by being from Tommy's pov to focus more on Tommy and Florence’s relationship.
Other shelby children: Charlie and Gabriel (the Shelby Boys) and Diane (Diane Elizabeth)
Six years old
Gif by @samcoving
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"Who's your new friend, Flora?" Tommy asked his youngest as he kissed the top of her head and then took his place at the head of the dinner table.
Frankly, Tommy thought it wholly unnecessary that they were using the large dining room they use to host gatherings instead of the more private family dining room.
But Florence Eleanor Shelby had demanded a dinner party for tonight, so he dressed for dinner and promised his wife not to overreact when he learned why.
A promise his wife had bet three shillings he'd break before the first course.
"My boyfriend." She beamed at him.
It took everything in him not to spit the water he had been drinking. He was going to need a drink, but Y/N had a strict don't drink in front of the children or I'll have your guts for garters, or so help me God, Thomas Michael Shelby policy.
"Hello, sir, I'm Andrew Roberts, pleasure to meet you." The little boy said courteously and waited until Tommy acknowledged him to resume eating.
Because in the pantomime that is life, his little girl attached herself to the son of Billy Kimber’s accountant.
Can't scare the boy, can't be rude or else Roberts will see it as a provocation, so he acts like this is just another friend his favorite child has brought over.
"I'm gonna marry him, daddy." Six-year old Florence tells him and you make it worse by indulging her in this fantasy.
The last thing he wants is for one of his children to marry young like his parents and the John did.
"But the girl is six," his wife’s says, "you're worrying for nothing."
"You're wrong, love," he tells her later once the dinner is over.
Six turns to eleven and she and Andrew remain thick as thieves.
She was bold, bolder than her best friend, the Princess Margaret, and Andy Roberts is shy and cautious like Tommy can assume his father was.
Calls him her boyfriend still, and he reminds Y/N that its way past being a phase.
"They're children, Tom" she shakes her head even as she does some last minutes things on the children's matching costumes.
Eleven turns to sixteen and Andrew nervously asks him for permission to ask Florence to a dance.
He has a shotgun on his lap when he gives the teenage boy his answer.
Florence locks herself in her room in tears and his wife shakes her head. "There's no harm in a dance. If you don't let her go, she'll just escape through the window and steal the car again."
So he listens to his wife and the next morning he apologized to his daughter and made her promise she wouldn't do anything stupid.
Sixteen turns to twenty three and they've been featured in everything from Tabloids to Time Magazine as the United Kingdom's entrepreneurial power couple.
Florence had invited them to a dinner party at her place in Mayfair. She had news and she had made him swear on the lives of his five grandchildren (by his three older children) not to overreact.
See the full post
419 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
As Many Types of Love as There are Hearts
Reader Insert Masterlist
Accepting requests for Tommy, Arthur, John, Finn and even Luca Changretta
Title taken from a quote in Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Taglist: @joossieisdabomb @johnathancanines @peakyblindas @kissmyquill @zablife @whitejuliana1204 @theshelbyclan @atalkingthinker @thegreatdragonfruta @star017 @darlingangel-17 @kathrinemelissa @i-will-find-an-untaken-url @moondigger @babystargaze @dragons-are-my-favorite @llamamama2k19
Gif by @blankkstuff
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See the full post
428 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Can I request a tommy shelby x wife!reader where tommy has a business associate at the house and they learn that tommy may have the power in the rest of Birmingham but at Arrow House Mrs. Shelby is in charge and both the business associate and her husband are trying to be serious and intimidating but she's just bringing them tea and biscuits because 'no you cannot have whiskey, there are young children in this household' and the guy looks at tommy like 'what' and he like has this look on his face like 'don’t look at me, she's in charge here'
Tea and Biscuits
The children are my oc shelby children my oc Eva has with Tommy.
Gif by @sophieshelby
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Usually Tommy made sure all business meetings took place when the children weren’t home.
That you had forgotten your husband was going to have a meeting today with Churchill was a fluke.
You usually check his planner and make sure he never finds out you lied and told the school headmaster that the children had come down with something and needed a four day weekend. This time you had completely forgotten as you planned an impromptu trip to London to surprise your husband.
Had a house there now, with how often Tommy is here and how big your family has gotten it made sense to have a lovely townhouse near Downing Street instead of a suite at a hotel.
The house came with an office for your husband and four bedrooms for the children so Charlie doesn’t fight with Gabe nor Diane fight with Florence.
“Flor, sweetheart, why don’t you go upstairs.” You tell your youngest child, Florence, a girl of four.
“But I want to play in daddy’s office, mummy.” She whined and you know that won’t be the end of it.
“You can come later when daddy is done with his meeting, love.” Tommy assures her before handing her off to you.
When your daughter’s bedroom door slams with just a hint of displeasure, you turn to him. “She’s plotting something, make sure not to drink, I caught her trying to pour some of your whiskey on a glass and pretend she was you. Last thing we want is for Florence to really get sick.”
See the full post
441 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Fics wth dad Tommy are my weakness Can i have one with him fathering his boys across the years, sometimes he does well, other times not so much. But his wife is always there to make sure that her boys are good to each other and take care of one another because that's how a shelby family work.
The Shelby Boys
Gif by @perioddramasource
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Charlie is three when he draws on the pristine ivory walls of Arrow House.
Tommy crouched down beside him and remembered he couldn’t be too harsh on a boy of three. He wouldn’t raise his children like his parents raised him. Besides, his wife would murder him if he ever raised a hand against Charlie and his unborn sister.
“What did we say about drawing on the walls, Charlie?” he asked the boy who concentrates on his stick figure portrait as if he were Michelangelo and this was his Sistine chapel.
“Not to.” The boy said stopped his drawing. “I’m sorry, daddy.”
“Oh no, boy, the one you’re going to have to apologize to is Frances ---and Sandra and Molly--- who have to erase your masterpiece of the walls.” Tommy ruffled his hair.
“What’s that?” the boy asks confused.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and then we can go downstairs to the room where your mum keeps all the paintings, so I can show you.”
“No.” Tommy shook his finger at three-year-old Gabriel who promptly ignores him.
“What did we say about the N word?” his wife asks condescendingly. She mocks him because little Gabe has learned to tune out the word no.
Charlie and Diane had been angels compared to Gabriel Thomas Shelby.
Polly had been right to give the boy his name.
“We don’t draw on the walls, Gabe.” Tommy tried again.
“Why?” the toddler whined, stamping his little feet.
Thomas swore that was his son’s favorite word.
“Because Aunt Polly will be disappointed in you.” He tells his little boy. Polly was the closest thing they had to a grandmother, neither he nor his wife had a living mother to dote on their children, so it fell on Polly to fill the role.
“’m sorry.” His little boy pouted sadly and looked at the floor. Couldn’t say it properly yet, and that was probably what made it so easy for Gabe to be forgiven so easily.
Charles Henry Shelby is ten when he says the unimaginable.
“I hate you!” Charlie yells and slams the door.
“Charles Henry, you open this door right now—” he begins, but his wife stops him.
“If you yell at him, it will make it worse.” She says like a sage.
A sage holding their two-year-old girl on her hip and making sure the six- and five-year-old go straight into the kitchen for snacks.
His wife was born to be a mother he thinks.
See the full post
455 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you’re still taking requests could you do a tommy shelby x reader where the reader has a reputation of being sweet and kind and she helps everyone and tommy is super protective of her and (while he knows she a sweetheart) is sort of unaware of this reputation she has and 1: Some young kid approaches her in the garrison all nervous because she’s sitting with the Shelby clan but he really needs to return this vase that the reader gave his mom flowers in or 2: these tough guys approach reader (with tommy present) and at first Tommy’s on edge only to find out they’re super friendly with his girl because ‘hey, it’s y/n, who took care of my grandma when she was ill’
The Meek Shall Inherit the World
I saw your request and went yes to both choices lol
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They made the unlikeliest of couples, (Y/N) was a gentle soul and meek as a lamb while Thomas Shelby, was Thomas Shelby.
Even Grace had backed off when she realized you, the person who once helped her clean her rented room, were engaged to the man she had developed an infatuation for.
When the Lees planned their attack, they hadn’t expected for the two of you to be making out in the kitchen like horny teenagers.
It was the unlikeliest of stick ups, but you knew them and they knew you.
Something that left Tommy with enough time to plan a peaceful resolution with the Lees.
You knew Johnny Dogs had a little girl of three with a troublesome rash that worried his wife, you knew that Esme Lee’s brother had been grateful when you brought his sister home after she ran away into the woods when everyone came home from France except for her intended, you knew the little boy the used to get into the shop had a granny who loved daisies and you knew whatever they were planning to do to your fiancé and his family would not happen on your watch.
“I don’t know much about these things, but I think this is a sign that there’s a rational way to go about this.” You said standing between your soon to be husband and the men here to kill him.
See the full post
543 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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flyingclubhouse · 1 year
My year in review. We got Dungeons and Dragons, Mothman, Nancy Drew, and Windows XP. I'm happy with my choices. Thanks for reading/viewing my tumblr this year.
I posted 43 times in 2022
37 posts created (86%)
6 posts reblogged (14%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#the door dingers - 12 posts
#dungeons & dragons - 8 posts
#handmade watercolors - 6 posts
#dnd party - 6 posts
#flying clubhouse watercolors - 5 posts
#punk patches - 5 posts
#gnome wizard - 5 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 5 posts
#dnd doodles - 4 posts
#dnd character - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#in the depths of my soul i know we will survive
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A little doodle of Steven's D&D character, Stovepipe the Stouthearted. He's a wizard gnome with a squirrel familiar named Squirrel Girl.
His signature scent is garlic and he is known to rub raw garlic cloves all over his body.
10 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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I added some Nancy Drew inspired "It's Locked" patches to my shop. I have three pictured here, but there are only two available. I put them in my "imperfect" section, because they don't have the typical uniformity I like, so they're pretty cheap!
23 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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It's true. I do.
Mixed media by Anna Franklin @flyingclubhouse.
26 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
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The Nancy Drew inspired patch I made, sewed on to my denim jacket. 🕵‍♀️
110 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Mothman in my sketchbook.
Edit to add: I used Micron & Graphic pens, graphite, and my own Flying Clubhouse Watercolors.
127 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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wah-pah · 1 year
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I posted 3,241 times in 2022
That's 1,667 more posts than 2021!
189 posts created (6%)
3,052 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,092 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#vintage - 393 posts
#scheduled post - 377 posts
#fashion - 333 posts
#art - 331 posts
#queue - 168 posts
#personal - 160 posts
#f a c e s - 140 posts
#miss fisher's murder mysteries - 125 posts
#eurovision - 124 posts
#jewellery - 105 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#it has been long since i've posted the chapter where these characters are featured but i hadn't done this yet and i always have to pester yo
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sorry for the balad.
4 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Hello, hello.
How do you do?
I wish I could say I have been away due to some extraordinary adventures but it's due to work, sleep, work, watching some shows, and feeling bleh instead.
It's nice to be back even if only for a little while.
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4 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
No offense to the actual contestants, but Iceland should bring ‘Ja Ja Ding Dong’.
5 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
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UPDATE - Chapter 13 (This is not a drill)
Once again, seasons and seasons have gone by between chapters but here’s the new one at last.
Be ready to meet Hugo, Phryne’s first love. 
I know it’s another OC but I hope you like him and this chapter. I want to believe it sheds some light in another facet of Phryne’s life in England before she returned to Australia.
The ao3 link.
The fanfiction.net link.
Thank you so much for reading. Your support and feedback are always appreciated, especially when this fic has been taking so much time to see the light of day. You’re the best.
5 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In other news, damn you, Julian Fellowes.
It’s only one episode in, even the shots recall Downton, and I’ll probably scream at the screen eventually, but you got me again.
I has having a hard time engaging with ‘The Gilded Age’ in the begining but at the end of the episode I was all «M O R E».
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5 notes thested January 26, 2022
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int0design · 1 year
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the1920sinpictures: The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, which was... https://georgianadesign.tumblr.com/post/713123571266895872
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foxspirit1928 · 3 years
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Tag 6 people you want to know better / catch up with
It has been a while since I played a tagging game. Thanks for the tag, @shmit1 . I miss you too!
Last Song: Stay (Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko) – Parts of the lyrics made me think of Phryne and Jack.
Last Movie: Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears – Had it on the other night while trying on outfits that I plan to wear at Miss Fisher Con.
Currently Watching: Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries S2 on AcornTV – Peregrine makes her Aunt Phryne proud.
Currently Craving: A hug from friends – Looking forward to getting one (or many) at Miss Fisher Con in 2 weeks!
Tagging (Feel free to pass. No pressure):
@hopeforhope-love @the1920sinpictures @rockthistowninsideout @dontcallmebymyusername @posaunenmutter @missingmissfisher
(Posted 05-Jul-2021)
21 notes · View notes
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via the1920sinpictures
Cartier brooch of ruby, diamond and onyx, 1925
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artofemmanation · 3 years
3 Things
I have been tagged by @justadram to prattle on about “Three things about myself...” so here goes...
- I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last summer, just a few months after we all disappeared into Lockdown.  I had been having wrist pain and frozen shoulders for months prior to that, but I think the stress of working full-time while home-schooling during an intensely scary period of time is what caused my RA to seriously manifest itself.  I don’t like thinking of myself as an “RA Warrior”, but I can see how that would be helpful to some people.  Personally, I prefer the term “Rheummates”.  ;-)
- Although being a Lead Animator is how I pay my bills, I have a Fine Art background, and I’ve been thinking about getting back into that.  This is totally ironic because my experience in Art School was thoroughly discouraging and is what made me pivot into Animation in the first place!  I’ve enjoyed doing Fanart, and my IG account is filled with fun but non-comital experiments, but it’s time I got serious about this.  My dream is to one day have a cohesive body of work and a professional-looking artists’ website, if for no other reason than to proclaim to the Universe “I’m treating myself - and my art - with respect”.  
On to less weighty matters... 
- My new Celebrity Crush is Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in “Our Modern Maidens”.  Watch it and tell me you don’t see shades of Dan Stevens as Matthew Crawley  in Downton Abbey!  I await your reviews...!
To follow me down this rabbit hole, I nominate: @the1920sinpictures, @arabellabeaumaris, and @womeninarthistory.  Cheers!  :)
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 years
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Young people in a beer garden, 1930s.
Note: I originally had this down as 1928, but @the1920sinpictures told me it was the thirties. Since they’re drinking outside, it was probably after Prohibition ended in December 1933.
Photo: George Mann via AKG Images
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yesterdaysprint · 5 years
Blog recommendations?
Oh jeez! Well, when I think of these blogs I think of..
@classicwom - Classic Hollywood and Disney (and Downton Abbey/Dan Stevens of course)!
@jinxy7 - Retro ads and old Hollywood, lots of midcentury atomic era stuff.
@wehadfacesthen - Lovely old Hollywood photos. Lots of rare shots of celebrities and more artsy pictures too.
@mudwerks - Vintage photos, retro movie gifs, some old advertising. All sorts of good things.
@zeehasablog - Some more lovely old photos! Late 19th century to midcentury. Daguerreotypes, royalty, old dresses, fashion plates, architecture.
@the1920sinpictures - Self explanatory blog handle! The 1920s in photos, dresses, magazine covers, songbooks. Art deco stuff as well.
@jazzbabyyvette - 1920s, lots of photographs and intertitles and advertising.
@shewhoworshipscarlin - All sorts of historical stuff, artifacts, literature and paintings.
@felixkeepswalking - Old cartoons! Comics and gifs and covers, plus they get into the history of it.
@yeoldenews - A historian who posts old newspaper clippings but recently (okay, it’s not really a recent endeavor anymore, but CURRENTLY), while they transcribe, they’ve been sharing the saga of Rachel and her family through their 800+ letters they wrote around the turn of the century. So newspaper clippings have understandably kind of fallen by the wayside, but for something that’s really worthwhile! The letters are hilarious and heartwarming and you should just go check it out for yourself.
@aintthatakick - Old Hollywood, 20s to 60s.
@detroitlib - Books! And Detroit! 
@books0977 - Neat old book covers and other cool old photos/art.
@jackcowboyhero - Jack and Nell! A cowboy and a horse!
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