#the the repercussions to humanity
gavin-reed-is-gay · 2 months
Considering that androids were created to follow orders and deviants, who have been reported injuring/murdering people, don’t do that, I can see why Gavin was so antagonistic towards Connor and responded to Connor with violence when Connor didn’t follow orders.
Regular household androids could kill humans. What could an android created to be a one man army do if it turned deviant?
What if Connor became deviant and chose a violent route like Markus could? Humanity would be screwed.
Yes, Gavin was scared of androids taking jobs, which again, considering the ai dilemma we’re living through right now, is a valid concern but there was also a legitimate fear there of “what happens if Connor turns deviant?”
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queerbting · 4 months
rewatching nuwho and i'm rlly.... why is human nature / family of blood just racist hit after racist hit after racist hit against martha . followed by a heavy dose of classist (+ misogynistic!!!!) behavior directed against her afterwards where the humans of 1913 england treat her like a weird alien from another world (the doctor in human form included!!!).
also, why do they have the doctor a) be actively bigoted and b) fall in love with a racist nurse who specifically speaks down to martha (someone who the doctor cares for). they create this "unassuming" white woman character and then have her be awful to martha but we're supposed to believe that she is kind and sympathetic worthy of being the human doctor's love interest, more than martha being treated as a human being. (and then that we should cry over her lost love/future in the end)
like why. genuinely why. what is the point .
also objectively what function does the nurse serve that martha jones could not have. she's even a medical student like !!!!!! going undercover as a nurse would not be that far off!! and plus, i'm not even a tenmartha shipper but it would fit more for the emotional arc of martha's character to get what she wanted all season in human nature / family of blood (the doctor falling in love with her!!! wish fulfillment !!!!!! ) only to realize the cruelty of what this would be like in reality if she were never to open the watch (despite her finally having what she "wants"), and finally understanding and having to give john smith up. it could've been a really tragic, but human moment (like a lot of other things in dw!).
then 10 and martha's relationship could actually be on some sort of equal footing. bc martha had a taste of what it would be liked to be loved by him (or someone similar to him, at least), and chose in the end to let it go. it would give her emotional closure, etc. and would show her choosing the /actual/ doctor (not human) and the friendship she has with him, rather than a lifetime with a human that she fell in love with who happens to look like him.
could've been a really cool moment of both character development and then bonding between the doctor and martha afterwards in their newfound partnership, so half of martha's character is no longer swallowed up by her pining for him.
but no. instead they go and hide in racistville and martha is a servant who experiences racism/misogyny/classism and microaggressions from white people + aliens over two episodes for nearly no reason .
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Okay but the reason why the day is saved is because Donna and The Doctor and Rose share the responsibility of solving the problem. They each have their own contributions that none of the others can provide. The Doctor cannot work alone, with Donna's help the problem is reduced, but Donna literally works herself to death carrying the responsibility of saving the world.
A problem shared is a problem halved, but the greater the network of shared responsibility, the lesser the burden on the individual person. That is why Rose can save her mother.
Earlier in the episode, Donna tells The Doctor that she had to give away her lottery winnings because the money gave her the power to help other people. Rose clearly models Donna's kindness and generosity. Compare Rose's interactions with Beep the Meep to Donna's interactions with The Ood. I assumed at first that Rose's plushies were just her little side business she has to earn some pocket money but she says that she started making them to help her parents after Donna lost her job. She's the embodiment of Donna (and The Doctor)'s kindness and generosity.
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fuck man
finding out new things about nightwing makes me go insane, rotating him in my mind at high speeds, centrifuge his ass, I want to pull him apart, see his every facet, study him like a bug. hes just so interesting to me. there's so many interesting things to his character that could be explored and delved into. things that would be cool to see. like, hes just got so many parts that could and have interacted in ways that just captivate me.
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prototypelq · 3 months
....while I haven't played the ubisoft avatar game myself, or more accurately, I have obsessively played the x360 one, I doubt it could be better than the Ancient Forest of Monster Hunter World.
I have. Never seen a jungle location be this layered, vertical and complex, while also remaining extremely readable. Like, there'a and easy route around the map and insides of a giant tree in the center of it, to act as a crossing or shortcut. However, the actual map is... so much more detailed than just this.
There are vine swing-jumping sections which open up new pathways for you, there are less noticeable vines to climb, which reveal new arboreal pathways ahead. There is an entire 'jungle-catwalk' section right near the dragon nest at the top of the giant tree. You cannot navigate these additional paths with map, it is much more simple and natural just to remember them and trust your memory on this.
It's just I have spawned in a rainy weather for the first time, and started exploring these vines, and this has been THE Avatar experience. Honestly no other game has ever made a more natural and interesting forest to explore than this one.
I genuinely did not anticipate this level of detail, beauty and meticulous attention to everything from a game about exterminating dinodragons. I picked it up for the Monster Hunter part of it the title, but let me tell you the World part is the actual gem of the game for me, I am in love with this.
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#the joy i felt when getting through the jungle vine-swinging and exploring all while it was raining is hard to properly convey#i am super glad this is the time i stumbled into this game cause i needed exactly that#weapon upgrade tree is still stupid tho#but yeah otherwise im loving this game very very much#i want to spend an entire day petting jagras i love them#pukei the trashchild i despise and love hunting you#also that one riverbed near barroth with the flowers? i want to spend my vacation there it is so peaceful and gorgeous#thankfully the mudmonsters didn't trample the flowers#i succesfully stole a dragon egg yay i have no idea why i did it#this is very much a conquistador simulator you get to enjoy the unconwuered lands while simultaneously extracting them dry and bringing#extinction to everything living in there thankfully this is a game and it is fun but sometimes it still rubs me wrong#well learn the real monsters were humans all along#(ive heard that the lore suggests the mh organisations are actually very aware of ecological repercussions however this is not felt in game#monster hunter world#mh world#mhw#btw my cat squire is very stupid he always turns away from the camera literally always#guess thats what i get for naming him rootbeer i still love my little gremlin son he helps out a lot#unrelated - I would rather uninstall then game than ever change that skull helmet#i do really dislike that some elemental damage requires iron weapons because of that#i dont mind iron weapons but cmon insect glaive has my buddy on it he would be much more comfortable on a bone handle
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I'm so for real right now, I'd absolutely nail being stuck in a time loop. it's my desired state of being actually.
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stardustinthesky · 1 year
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The Sleepwatching Ritual (Vit’wa Fal) │ Night 3
It matters to me a great deal that we finish this, John.
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ehlnofay · 1 year
19 for the worldbuilding prompts + Torr?
the profound quiet of a small settlement at night
North Eastmarch is freezing cold all over, but it wears different outside the city than within.
Torr would never call Windhelm warm – not even in summer months, no matter how used to it they are – but what little heat it has it clings to with great determination. The walls huddle together, trapping the air so that it’s either still and muggy or a howling wind, like each close-knit house is breathing in tandem. The heat of the people run up and down its streets, blood through its knotted stone veins. The city is alive, an ecosystem unto itself; its snow, dark with footprints, runs sludgy down the roads; a fireplace is always burning somewhere.
Outside of the walls, surrounded by nothing but empty air and snow-laden trees, a slow-moving stream running with barely a burble – it feels dead, in contrast. Silent. Branches reach needle-sharp across the blue-black sky, the ground is gleaming white and undisturbed by anyone else’s footprints, and the nearest fire is the barely visible gleam of the Kynesgrove mining camp, up the hill and through the sporadic spindles of the trees. The breeze ghosts past Torr’s neck and whips the mud-stained snow into a flurry.
In the city, Torr’s comfortable sleeping almost anywhere – as comfortable as they ever get, anyway. Some of the buildings have great gaps under the porch where the snow can’t reach and no-one ever finds them; there’s places in the nooks of the walls, and sheds built into the side of the house that people don’t lock, and Torr knows a few people besides who don’t mind him kipping on their floor every now and again, as long as he doesn’t ask too often. The outside isn’t like that. There’s not many places to go. He’s lurking around Kynesgrove tonight – on his way back from a quick venture out to get some things done that pay better than running errands around the markets – and there aren’t many options. The inn, which he can’t afford – the mine, which would be warm but is very guarded – the miner’s encampment or someone’s house, both of which would most likely result in being chased off. Besides, there’s a performative element to meeting people, especially adults, in strange places, and Torr’s not in the mood to play to strangers. So much of his being is caught up in Windhelm’s grimy alleys, tangled in the hair and fingers of its discarded children; he doesn’t know how to be himself away from it all.
But they don’t have to, seeing as there’s the rickety old sawmill on the edge of a stream feeding into the harbour. It’s not bad, as shelter goes; no walls, so the wind rubs its fingers wraithlike down Torr’s cheeks and tangles them in his hair, but at least there’s a roof. It looks newly thatched, too, the floorboards free of rot, the water-wheel still chugging creakily along. There’s no wood to cut here, all the nearby surrounding trees too scraggy to be worth the bother. The only big ones are part of the grove up on the hill. There’s no point in keeping the mill running, but Torr is glad it is; he watches the distant firelight flickering through the scrub, and listens to the splashing of the wheel. It’s proof that people and the things they make do still exist – if not necessarily here.
It really feels dead, out in the cold, with the leafless trees and the wind that doesn’t even whisper. It always does. It’s a bit discomfiting, which is maybe why Torr doesn’t go on out-of-city endeavours as often as perhaps he could; but really, there’s not work out here enough to make it worth it. There’s always problems with bandits on the road, but Torr’s not a good enough fighter for bounty work; there’s collecting plants and things to sell Nurelion, but that’s easy enough to do on a day trip. (And, really, it’s more for Torr’s own enjoyment, besides. They never even venture far south enough to get to the sulphur pools, which is where the more interesting things grow.)
This trip, though, is an outlier. Unusually efficient. Just a quick job for Niranye, scouting a merchant’s cart on the road – almost definitely for something shady, but that’s not Torr’s business, and it was too much money too easy to turn down. And then – just earlier today, foraging out in the wilderness as best as Torr (a distinctly urban animal) knows how – they’d come across a giant’s corpse, stiff and white as the snow it lay in. Torr’s no master alchemist but they know the value of a cadaver when it comes to brewing alloys and admixtures, so they set to with their blunt-edged dagger and now they’ve got a sack full of what may as well be gold. (Long as it doesn’t start to rot before they can get Nurelion to preserve it, anyway.)
Torr’s going to be rolling in it when they get back to Windhelm. They could use that money for nearly anything – pay off a few things they borrowed, new warm things now that winter’s coming back strong, bedrolls, waterskins. Endless options – which, strangely, is more exciting than it is burdensome.
It’s all the sort of decision that would ordinarily feel life-or-death urgent but right now feels – not small. Not insignificant, not at all, but distant. A choice to be made at another time, by another person.
(Torr’s whole being belongs to Windhelm’s back streets. They’re someone else, away from it all.)
That’s the other thing about leaving the city, spending time in the discomfiting slow-paced ghost-world outside. It’s quiet. Torr sits surrounded by the wind in the trees, the lazy murmur of the stream, the creak of the water-wheel, and nothing else.
He’s been called a worrywart (mostly by Griss in a strop) but to tell the truth he doesn’t think that’s true. Torr doesn’t fuss for the sake of fussing, he just doesn’t like to leave things undone; can’t stop until he finds a solution. Out here, alone, in the empty cold, there are no solutions to find – same old problems back home, he knows, but no steps he can take at this time to right them. That’s never true while he’s in the city, so he can never stop thinking about it, every choice and action accompanied by a buzzing background chorus of everything else he really should be doing – that really should have been done by now – that should never have been left undone this long, what was he thinking? Everything is urgent when it’s doable. But here and now, there’s nothing to do.
So Torr sits hunched on the board floor of the ramshackle watermill, huddled among their heaps of bags and blankets, and thinks of nothing at all.
Not strictly true. They think of supper – haven’t eaten since an apple this morning, except for some snowberries they found around noon, and it’s been a long day. They nabbed some turnips from the garden of the Kynesgrove inn on their way to the mill. They’re fresh, if nothing else – also covered in dirt, so Torr rises reluctantly from their pile of stuff to crouch on the banks of the stream and dip the vegetables in to clean them off. It aches like hell, the frozen water turning their joints to ice – they almost drop the turnip they’re washing, so they scrub it as best they can with the frigid pad of their thumb and whip their hands out of the water soon as they’re able. They stick their fingers in their mouth to warm them back up.
Even after all that time spent warming up their hands, arraying all their belongings back around themself to conserve body heat, the turnips are still cold enough to hurt Torr’s teeth when he bites in. He eats them anyway, relishing a little in the unearthly silence and the aching of his lips and palms. They taste delicious.
With nothing else to do after, the gnawing of his stomach sated, he wraps himself in his shawl and stares up the hill at the camp’s fire until it goes out. The stars wink into brighter being. The wind whistles through the whip-thin branches of the trees. The water-wheel creaks.
Torr sleeps, but he feels like he hears it all – a silent observer, an echo, a beginning – until morning.
#I considered doing something with post-questline torr for this#but it would have been so fucking sad#and I didn't want to write something that was so fucking sad!#I'll post about torr after the horrors eventually but Not Today.#this was also initially supposed to be an exercise in writing something short that focused more on a distinctive atmosphere#than a scene or character study as most of my pieces are.#oops.#snowballed into an absolute monster of a ramble.#maybe sometime I'll use these prompts to write Actually Short pieces with more of a focus on the worldbuilding aspect...#would be good practice. everything I've written lately has been a thousand words minimum.#I could write about my minor characters or npcs with it too... yeah I think I'll do that at some stage#but. anyway. I quite like this piece as a sort of study#I fucking love writing characters who are having a nice time. with just a hint. just a whisper. of the problems#I enjoyed putting in the reference to the alchemical giant's toes especially because that is an allusion no-one but me understands#to a line in one of my very bad very early pieces on torr#it's not well written but I loved that bit because it's such a wonderful microcosm of the way torr is even before the murder cult thing#Yes he's the busiest most hardworking caretaking boy in the world taking trips into the wilderness (comparatively) to feed his family#and Yes his first instinct on seeing a corpse is to cut it up and sell it for parts#(he's done this to human bodies too but only in extremely specific circumstances. the risk of legal repercussions is too great otherwise)#I'll make a post rambling sometime about torr's ethical system because I'm so obsessed with them and their unhinged point of view#Anyway#done rambling#my writing#fay writes#oc tag#torr#the elder srolls#tes#skyrim#tesblr
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paldogangsaan · 2 years
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it’s about consequences. it’s about a god’s role in the suffering of humanity and the cycle they are stuck in. it’s about two gods seeing that father’s ties to earth come from a soul call, a ritual that can only be performed by humans as they are the only ones who can call a soul from the underworld. it’s about two gods realizing that the only way to completely prevent father from reincarnating is to sever the ties of those who remember him (which we don’t know if they can do, as yato’s the only god in canon shown to cut ties, which brings us to the second option) without their consent, or kill every human who knows father’s true name. they can harm a defenseless family whose only sin is to worship a monk who saved their village in the past. a family whose only sin is to believe in father so much that they’ve basically turned him into a god. but it’s a god they trust, right? because he was once human like them, and he doesn’t ask for relentless offerings or trust or belief without offering anything in return. it’s a give and exchange; they do a soul call twice a day and father strikes down their enemies. he is a god but he understands them and stands with them and that’s why no matter what happens, they’ll believe in him. it’s about two gods realizing they can perpetuate the cycle of god-inflicted violence upon humanity with little regard and basically no consequence because, once again, they’re powerful and eternal and don’t answer to anyone other than themselves and other gods. whatever they do, they’ll play a part in the cycle, they’ll play a part in justifying father’s hatred for heaven and the gods
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asimpleram · 5 months
Me staring at solid snake lives fics: you should give him disabilities
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h0neyfreak · 6 months
Not to dropkick a hornets nest or anything but I think a lot of you have really lost the plot on the whole internet privacy thing.
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carltonlassie · 1 year
AI art is not your art. It's sketchy at best if you wrote the code to train the model yourself, but you didn't train the models! You didn't source the dataset with consent! You didn't create anything! All you've done is just pull the lever on the mindless slot machine hoping you'd get something cool that you can post online for clout.
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lycanphobia · 1 year
I am actually very sick of the people on here who are claiming masculinity isn’t demonized unless they’re a marginalized group because I personally know someone who was demonized for being a man in his position as a substitute teacher. He was being stalked by young girls across the internet, and was told it was HIS fault for being a “young attractive man” when he did everything right and was still treated like a sex offender for it.
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glassrunner · 7 months
#insights#we are watching the world trend into horror and western leftists are applauding#normally i love western leftists. we are so quick to stand against what we perceive to be injustice#but two days ago a close friend of mine for many years retweeted that video of the concordia student screaming ‘you fucking kike’#the next day another friend retweets a post saying that hamas should have killed more#that rape isn’t rape when it’s against colonizers#so many of my friends agreeing that it’s okay to dehumanize people you don’t like#i am no expert in what qualifies as deserving of respect but i was raised to believe that every human being deserves basic respect.#i’m not sympathetic to the israeli government at all and i hope they face repercussions for the crimes they’ve committed#but i am so so scared that so many people are watching ‘death to the jews’ trend worldwide and saying ‘they deserved it’#it went from anti-colonialism to anti-semitism and there is a REAL lack of acknowledgement of that#meanwhile palestinians still suffer and all of this global hatred and insistence on black and white isn’t helping#jewish people everywhere had a right to be paranoid because they’ve seen this before and the left just laughed it off#probably now the same people who are holding pitchforks and thinking that hatred will solve injustice#i want a free palestine and for anti-semitism to not exist because these are compatible ideas#if you see anti-semitism or anti-arab sentiments please do call it out.#i didn’t make this into a textpost because i was afraid it would get passed around in a bad way#i’m sure somebody will still read this and scream ‘ISRAEL SYMPATHIZER!’#honestly we should all criticize the israeli government (as so many israelis do)#but there are also a lot of free thinkers going ‘jews control the narrative / the world’ like that isn’t some of the pre-holocaust thinking#and they refuse to acknowledge it.#anyways i’m terrified for the world and for humanity and its strange urge to destroy itself
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shrimp1y · 2 years
I want to open my mouth about gojo so bad. I want to talk about stupid scifi physics and math. i need someone validate me about the hc that prison realm is basically shrodingers box but instead of a cat its gojo
#gojo satoru#jjk#satoru gojo#touching grass#clearly nobody had thought about the fucked up fact that time not passing in the cube is basically the same thing as infinite time#because time was literally invented by human people to talk about how our body and surrounding changes relative to it#and if time is not passing for gojo it means he doesnt have to pee or breathe or anything. his heart would literally be stopped mid beat#the dude isnt breathin in there either. if you are breathing thats time happening to you#as bestie would say krill my dear shrimp gege didn't think that hard about it#there's no atmosphere in the prison realm. there's nothing. time and space is what makes up our reality if there's no time#gojo would have to be All Thoughts He could Ever have at once#because if he starts counting and keeping track of the number. that's time passing. he has nothing to anchor his consciousness to#do you understand how fucked up is as a sentence esp the fact that gojo isn't Paused. he is still Thinking#like if he was Paused then yeah that's time stopping because WE made TIME up. but if he could perceive that time isn't passing what the#fuck does that mean.#'so where does shrodingers box come into play silly shrimp' well. heh. superposition#gojo is in a state where he is both dead and alive in that box. and like if all versions of his consciousness exists at the same time he'd#to be fair that's not really how shrodingers box and superposition works but it sounds cool doesn't it. anyways. if he comes out of that#box perfectly intact without any repercussions i call that bs#gege u mentioned time being subjective when u said one minute in gojos mind is mere seconds. what the fuck would timelessness in gojos mind#be. its literally eternity. do you know how terrible solitary confinement is for a person and we are not mentioning complete#sensory deprivation#WHAT DOES#TIME DOESNT PASS MEAN#then again i tried to think of curse energy and reverse curse technique as entropy and reverse entropy so yeah#and entropy is also basically. intrinsically related to time#im so fucked in the head
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desperatepleasures · 2 years
im like honestly obsessed with that last scene in the desert with maxine where he reunites with jason and freddy and he's just like well i guess i'm a father now. like even if you put aside the fact that these children were formerly his slaves like. sir five minutes ago you were rolled up inside an area rug and adalbert was carrying you around and hand-feeding you. at what point do you think you're in a position to raise children
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