#the tail is feeling more and more integral to his design....
muzzleroars · 1 year
Adding on to the Unicorn Lore: There are a set of tapestries called 'The Hunt of the Unicorn' which are very interesting as they depict a unicorn hunt including the capture and killing of the unicorn but ends on a tapestry where the unicorn is revived but captured in a fenced enclosure with a pomegranate tree. And we know the greek mythological use of pomegranates
By the way, when Gabriel falls, is he able to use the elevators to get to the other layers of Hell?
oohhhhh thank you for reminding me of these pieces because i'm formulating ideas and connections over this........how the unicorn is initially seen purifying the water and the hunting dogs drink of it, how it's then attacked, desperate to defend itself until it is brought back dead, how it is finally seen revived and resting under a pomegranate tree. like. the idea of its death and rebirth, and it's suspected if these are indeed all from the same series, the unicorn is likely to have been symbolically revived by love. its blood weeps the seeds of the pomegranate, seen as the symbol of love, a symbol, like you mention, of persephone remaining in the underworld, and in some traditions, the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden. SO you could say i'm enjoying the parallels fallen gabe's story has to these tapestries (as well as the stark contrasts...like how the unicorn was likely tamed by a virgin and gabriel. WELL.)
and yes he is! he has pretty similar access to hell now as v1 does - the terminals and hell itself kind of determine where he can go, but as he's seen as an interesting element to the game, he's allowed to move fairly freely. i like to think this is all very new to him though, and he's DEFINITELY offended the first time the doors close all around him with massive red x's on them. like. what the FUCK is this!!!!!!
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la-imp · 1 year
AVATAR - Recom - Prologue
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Science Puke!Reader x Recoms series
Summary: Basically a small prologue to the upcoming chapter >:)
Warning(s): Teasing - Invasion of personal space - Negging SFW
Once you and the reincarnated Marines got acquainted with Pandora's soil, you learned quickly that the warnings and safety briefs were big understatement to the initial experience. Even the biggest warzones back on Earth were pure picnics by comparison. And the high temperatures and unforgiving climates were the least of your worries. Natural disasters, fiercely dangerous wildlife, and flora made it hard to tread on Pandorian ground without some security measure. Ardmore called it an auto-immune response. Which, to her credit, was true. Thankfully, the tall blue humanoids were confident in their abilities, allowing you a relatively safe passage through the forests whenever you traveled with them. Strangely enough, Mansk was always the first to be at your side. The stoic and calculating member who barely shared anything but a few grunts and nods, defended you, tossing his limber body into the heat of battle as he fired his machine guns until all of the clips were empty. You, of course, had your own exo revolver drawn, aiding them wherever you could, sometimes even hitting the designated target between the eyes and sparring your members from a final death blow. Your vantage point was your size, being less noticeable than the rest. Something that had earned you a decent amount of respect, acknowledgment, and even gratitude from some you didn't think would ever regard you on equal terms. Often you would spend your time checking their health stats, or, in more frequent cases, patching up wounds and mending broken bones as fast as you could. Eventually it began to feel like an actual unit, integrating like clockwork. Action-packed, racing pulses and anxiety-inducing situations gave you a quick reality check to what you signed up for. Most of the time, you had watched the cerulean giants coming to life when they fought off dangerous wilderness by subdueing the vicious natives and even taming the mighty banshees to their will. It was truly magnificent. As time progressed, you grew accustomed to your daily routine and learned to ignore most of the headache inducing quips and comments from Wainfleet, Brown or Z-Dog. The first few days were relatively peaceful by comparison. But as soon as you delved deeper and further into the emerald sea, enraptured by the size, variety, and lush growth that Earth lacked, you couldn't help but feel a bit of you crumbling. At first, you had to take an hour to process all of this nature and wonder these lands offered before a tear or two rolled down your damp cheeks. You made sure none of your soldiers, not even Ryan, would notice you in this state of vulnerability. A certain level of professionalism and sense of tact had to be maintained. If one were to survive this job, let alone, this planet. When you had grown accustomed to your new setting, you couldn't help but extend your hand and let the pads of your fingertips lightly graze over the lush plants and foliage, the tingle electrifiyng you with emotions you had not felt before. Sensory overload on a different level would describe it quite perfectly. Nevertheless, you still felt like a bit of an outsider. And although not nearly as raunchy or disrespectful like the first time you met these jarheads, the teasing would continue. In response, you and Ryan had grown closer and mostly kept to yourselves, especially during lunch break or camp. Quaritch made sure to keep you on your toes, often punishing you for the most ridiculous things like, for example, 'not paying enough' attention to his briefings. When he would lead with you shadowing his every step, more often than not would the thick length of his tail slap you against the side of your waist or head, feeling the flexible appendage rub and tickle your sensitive flesh. And there was even a time when you had to stifle a yelp when it boldly ghosted the juncture between your legs in a featherlight press, eliciting your body to almost leap from the inappropriate contact. His ears flickered in your direction until he graced you with his full attention, one brow lifted in mild curiosity. "Is the princess a bit too caviar for the jungle, hm?" He commented with the smuggest smirk you had ever seen. Your face flushed with embarrassment and outrage. "No sir," you answered simply, not wanting to take your chances with him. His grin broadened to a sly expression comparable to that of a fox. The brush of his tail made you wonder whether or not it was just pure coincidence or deliberate. But as you saw the glint flickering in his amber gaze, you dismissed the first notion pretty quickly. "Good, then stay focused and keep up." He knew what he was doing. Bastard. .... If he weren't your superior.... You thought begrudgingly as you clenched your fists, despising how his higher position made him neigh untouchable. The urge of unholstering your weapon and shooting him in the tail had your finger twitch with anticipation, but you reserved those desires as nothing but an afterthought.
To be continued -
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sedgewick-gayble · 10 months
i was thinking about the art tracy did of all of the lackadaisy characters as different dog/canine species and i thought about doing the same thing but with birds. bc i like birds...
i want to draw this eventually but art block is killing me rn
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Rocky Rickaby - Blue Jay
I've had this AU in mind for a while now and Rocky was probably the one that took the longest for me to settle on a decision for- the blue feathers integrate the blue in his design from his eyes and suit, he keeps his stripes, and the white and black on his face align well with his Anthro design (i could also see the black stripes above the beak curving further up to make his eyebrows idk)
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Freckle McMurray - European Robin
I have really mixed feelings on a european robin for him but it's the closest thing to his fur pattern I could find and it's also soft and cute and fluffy. It works
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Ivy Pepper - Gray Catbird
I could've gone with practically any gray bird for Ivy since her design is so simple but...they're called CATbirds!!! And they meow!!!! I had to
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Mordecai Heller - Pied Butcherbird
The only little tweak I'd make is specifically making him a pied butcherbird with luecism so that you could add in the additional white markings on his face (his eyebrows, undereyes and maybe a bit around the beak). I also think it's funny that they're called butcherbirds and his surname means butcher
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Nico Savoy - Harpy Eagle
On top of the flat, ovular face and the light gray feathers on the head + the dark gray feathers on the top of the head all lining up with his anthro design, harpy eagles are FUCKING HUGE which just makes it make more sense to me in my mind. They're massive it's crazy
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Serafine Savoy - Secretary Bird
It's perfect. The white and black feathers matching her fur and even the red markings around the eye?? Spot on. It speaks for itself
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Mitzi May - Mourning Dove
Not sure how to explain my thought process with this other than...she's mourning Atlas. So she's a mourning dove. And the colors kinda match
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Viktor Vasko - Red-Shouldered Hawk
I was torn between a red shouldered hawk and a red tailed hawk but red shouldered hawks are more primarily orange and they also have the black markings on the face that match Viktor (especially the ones around his snout)
Also not pictured here bc I got lazy but Atlas is a great horned owl, Wick is a mallard duck and Lacy is a swan :> thats all i have atm
(@themissingrainfallkingdom !!)
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robertoarts · 1 year
Semper Fi P2
Again, I'm not really a writer, and I have no idea where this is going so I'm just making shit up as I go. If you have any ideas feel free to tell me, I'll see if I like them.
I hope you enjoy! I have no idea what im doing!!!
Na'vi Quaritch x Fem Na'vi Reader (former RDA)
(1,886 words)
[still slow burn, memory loss trope? (hardly), i can fix him trope]
taglist: @gremlinfuck
It has been a couple of hours since you dragged him into your little cave. While he has been recovering, you went to get some fish for your people, you still had a job to do after all, and you weren't going to let some RDA soldier get in the way of that. 
You caught more than enough, thanking Eywa for the food she provides and appreciating the sacrifice the fish make to sustain the body of the people. You make a note, once finished, to pick some herbs and flowers for Euatx -the Clan's healer- to make more medicine for your stockpile. Hopefully, she won't ask where it all went. 
You haven't thought much about what to do with the injured avatar you unceremoniously rescued. Even with Eywa's interference, you know the Clan will have difficulty accepting a dream walker. Outside the true-born Na'vi in your Clan, you think the 'ongokx -born again- Na'vi members would be less than happy to have 'another' trigger-happy moron running around.
You walked back into your cove. The man, Miles, is still unconscious. You began to strip some fish in preparation to make niktsyey - food wraps -you imagine it had been some time since he had eaten anything, and he needed strength to aid in his recovery. You have looked at him intently while he has been out. You have pieced together that he is the by-product of the Recom programme that permanently integrated you into your avatar. You saw a patch attached to his ripped-up cargo pants, a callsign from the project, you have an earlier design tattooed on the inside of your wrist alongside an RDA property sign. It brought you great shame, and you have thought about covering it up.
The faster he recovers, the faster he leaves, and the quicker you can move past this momentary indiscretion. You place a niktsyey in front of Miles and inspect him while eating the wrap you prepared for yourself. His mouth hung agape, only slightly, and you could see his teeth, he only had one set of canines, which came as a surprise to you. You absent-mindedly run your tongue over your own teeth feeling your own double canines. He must be fresh off the tank, you think to yourself. Although avatars have human and na'vi physiology, sometimes the avatar body changes over the time spent in Pandora, primarily when utilised in the way the Na'vi did. You probably felt the changes in your teeth six months into your tour.
You look from his teeth to his hair, inspecting his buzzed head. He really needed to rebraid his hair around his kuru, leaving it vulnerable like that was such a foolish thing. He has no idea of the importance of this, your ears slant back, walking around in a body he does not respect. Breath comes heavy from your nose, biting back the urge to hiss at the man and his stupidity. You had taken off his shirt while applying the medicine to his chest, you can see it has hardened and scabbed together with his blood, it needs cleaning before wrapping to prevent infection. Your eyes shift to the Eagle tattooed onto his arm, and your eyes roll hard, this man is a marine through and through, whether he knows it or not. As you run your hand over your face, your tail swinging anxiously behind you, you know your work is cut out for you. Eywa, what am I doing?
Sighing, you stand, finish your wrap, and kick him on his boot with your shoeless foot. He moves restlessly but does not wake. You do it again, harder, and his eyes shoot open. You hadn't noticed before, but they were green? Most Na'vi you had seen had eye colours ranging from yellow to orange, green was definitely new. 
His ears bent back, anger and fear fought for dominance on his face, he opens his mouth and hisses at you, clearly unsure of how he got here or what he should do. 
A laugh booms from your chest, deep and slow, "Now now, Miles", his name draws from your mouth slow and deliberate, "Is this anyway to treat your rescuer?" you lazily gesture towards the food you prepared him, "Eat, you are weak." you spoke with a commanding tone. 
He looks down at the niktsyey and apprehensively grabs the food. He looks between you and the food suspiciously. You smirk again, throwing your hands up in a calming signal and kneeling to his level, "Listen, pal, I found you, face down, ass up. I brought you here into my safe space, you've been passed out for hours with your shirt off and your kuru unprotected." You jab towards your own Tsaheylu to drive the point home. One of the things you enjoyed about the Na'vi people is how easy it was to read them; their emotions are plastered all over their body language, ear and tail movement being the easiest to read. He is taking in the information. You watch him as you speak. He is looking around, probably assessing the threat level right now. His face is steely, but his tail swings in a disorderly manner. 
"If I wanted you dead, trust me, you would be dead. Now please, Miles, eat," you finished your sentence off softer in tone. You worried speaking to him as though he was less than you would grate on him, male marines often had some major ego issues, regardless if he is genuine in his laps in memory, people don't forget your nature. 
Miles takes a beat before slowly moving the wrap to his mouth. You watch as he slowly places the leaf in his mouth and tenderly takes a bite, ripping through the leaf and exposing the flesh of the fish you caught. His eyes shut, and he lets out a little moan. The tips of your ears perk and flush slightly, and a smile tugs at your mouth. He devours the wrap quickly after that.
"Do..." he finally speaks, "Do you have any more?" you grin, genuine and wide. "It will take me a moment but I can make you another.".
You two share silence as you grab more fish from a woven basket. He watches you intently as you work, filleting the meat from the bone and, with care wrapping it in a sizeable edible leaf and holding it together with a vine. You steal looks at him as you're working, wondering what he is thinking. You imagine he is confused and untrusting of you, so you give him the time he needs with only the ambient sounds of the waterfall. 
By the time he speaks, you have made two extra food wraps, "How d'you know my name?" You nod and gesture towards his tags, and he looks down, examining them, "Do you remember anything? Like at all?" he is still looking down at his tags, you choose not to push further and pass him the niktsyey you made up for him. Time passes as he looks at his tags, thumbing them slowly, flipping them over, clearly mulling something over in his head. You watch intently as he tries to put the pieces together, his face doesn't change much in his expression, and you can see his ears move occasionally, they don't give too much away, but you try to note any changes to the rest of his body when it happens. 
"I can remember bits and pieces," Miles says slowly, "I just don't understand them. Some things seem to...conflict with each other." He reaches for the food wrap letting go of the chain.
"I remember water, and...and fire? It feels like someone poured tequila down my throat. And a kid? I remember a kid he's screaming, and there's blue lights...but I'm not happy about it."
He is following a thread and desperately trying to unpick it. You decide to not say anything. It is wise to hold off judgment of what he is saying, and you eagerly await his following words.
"I remember a dragon...I think I was flying?" An Ikran? You immediately perk up at that, how did an RDA soldier learn to fly an Ikran? Miles takes note of your reaction to that, and you curse your Na'vi body for failing to maintain any semblance of a 'poker face'. He is talking with his mouth full, "I'm a soldier, I remember a squad. And I remember you, you were shouting at me, waving your little toothpick around before changing your mind. I know you're not a native too." He lifts his hand, wiggling his five fingers and gesturing to your own. He grins wide, showing the chewed-up food in his mouth. You sneer, he is well enough to regain whatever patronising Jarhead personality he lost when he was whimpering on his knees earlier, you think. "Tell me about the dragon. You clearly know what it is I am talking about, I saw your expression on that pretty face of yours." he asks, shoving the last of his wrap in his mouth.
"Don't tell me what to do skxawng," His ears perk up at your use of Na'vi. "There are no RDA soliders around here. You are a dog who does the bidding of anyone above you who tells you what to do. They say jump, and you say how high. I didn't need to help you, I could have left you there to die. You are reckless, and you move with no respect to the body you have hijacked, you try to go out there on your own, and the forest will flay you alive." 
He looks slightly offended and confused, "Hijacked? This is all me, baby. Besides, I'm not the only one hijacking" He points a long finger at the tattoo on your wrist, and you hiss in response. "If you didn't need to help me, why do it? Why not leave my sorry ass...face down, ass up?" he finishes the sentence slowly, southern drawl almost mocking as he bares his teeth and pulls his ears back at the inquiry. 
You pause, thinking about what to say, you stand in frustration. "Eywa sees more than you or I could ever understand, and she chose to intervene in your death. Who am I to deny her of her wish? You might be well enough to shit-talk me, Miles, but you're weak. If you go out there in your condition, you won't make it far. I have duties. You need to clean your wounds and wrap them." You start moving to collect your belongings. "Leave here and die, or stay and don't. I do not care." 
Only the sounds of your feet and the soothing rumble of the waterfall hang in the air as an almost awkward silence passes between you as you grab your sling pack and the woven basket of fish and start to make your way out. You hear Miles clear his throat, and you stop moving, "You'll... You'll be back, right?" a quiet question rings out. Your back is turned to him, a small smile graces your lips, "I'll be back, Miles." you walk forward again. "Hey!" you turn back to look this time, "What should I call you?" 
"Y/N", you call back as you walk through the curtain of water. 
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toxooz · 6 months
Hi! Long time lurker and fan, but I just have to say I love how you create and treat monsters! Reading your comic and looking at your art really got me back to drawing monsters and thinking more in depth on how I treat and create my characters (monster or not). I also think it's so cool how your monsters STILL ARE MONSTERS. Even in the context of being in a "modern society" they still feel like and act like monsters (Idk to me its in the same context of seeing and interacting with wild animals. A lion will still hunt, a chimp will still rip your face off if you smile wrong kind of thing if that makes sense). They aren't humans in creature costumes. There nature as monsters is not only integrated in their design but the society they live in at large. Which I think points to your strength in world building too! Anyway, just wanted to tell you that. As a soon to be animation master degree graduate trying to post work online now, your work has really encouraged me during tough times. Can't wait to see more!
(P.S. I love a good masked man and the way you draw König so unhinged and cryptid like is so *chef kiss*)
YEAH!!! I definitely strive to make them as animalistic as humanly possible sksksk i crave the balance between humanity and the fact that we're all just a bunch of mammals with other creatures on this earth at the end of the day so i love to play off of animals and their behaviors and anatomy bc there's so many opportunities in that alone plus i try to stay true to the whole rule of 'if your character was just a plain ol human and everything was the exact same you didn't do it right' along those lines meaning if i give them any animalistic qualities whether it be tails or claws or color patterns whatever i try to demonstrate how they would use that quality to their advantage how how they would behave ect. and honestly i feel like im not doing that enough and i want incorporate that more into Wheel Bitten in future pages! bc that's what makes the monster universe a Monster Universe lolol same with the nature vs nurture like Ollies inherent bloodlust from him being raised to kill and eat raw meat if he so chooses or Ponti literally being raised to kill the whole concept of carnivores and the strain on that within a modern humanistic society all that good stuff so im HELLA glad u picked up on that!! 😭 so best of luck with the masters degree and may u succeed at incredible rates!🌟🎉🌟
(also yeS unhinged deranged socially inept little creepy with a fleeting touch of sweet König is the breath in my lungs 😭)
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foremem · 1 year
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Some design ideas I did for potential redesigns for several central sonic characters, gonna try and remember my mindset for each one: Team Heroes -knuckles removed to allow him to form his own team -Amy is given more focus on her tarot to tie together her various abilities over the series. -Sonics design is brought back to some SA2 sensibilities but done with more recent elements like the movie shoes and chips braclet. -Tails is given back alot of his distinctiveness that’s been slowly shaved off since his modern redesign (back hair, fang, snoot, blue bands on socks and gloves. Team dark +Eggman -No omega cause he’s already perfect -Rouge given a more team dark color scheme and given a more youthful hair style and outfit that emphasises her spy thematics -For shadow I wanted to do something that looks off at first but could grow on you over time. and gave him blue to contrast sonics red and black braclet -Eggman got some movie elements as well as integrating orbot and cubot into his outfit as more of an emergency minion protocol instead of them just kinda being around New team: Team Nova -Gemerl would be part of this team, but I wouldn’t change his design much apart from adding some star tipped screws to his wrists and ankles -Cream I wanted to look more action ready, while also being childish, so I gave her a bit of a onsie pajama or overalls look and added a star for the team logo. -Blaze I tried to go a little less regal and more casual, the idea being that since she’s not a princess in sonics world she can let her hair down and be a little more free spirited New Team: Team Guardian -Final member would be shadow or tikal but I wouldn’t know which would fit better (plus I was nearing burnout on the project) -Knuckles I mixed some elements of his movie and explorer designs, re-arranged the color palette and added black to it. Also made his shoe legos something more meaningful and easier to draw they’re now tiny mayan pyramids -Silver was mostly about bringing back some of his cool Esp traits that got lost along the way, as well as giving him an otherworldly cyborg feel without looking explicitly robotic. The overall design phylosophy was trying to find designs that would look nice in the cityscapes of the sonic riders games, since that always felt like the next step in evolving the sonic brand.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
👛 your favorite rare pair?
♟️a character you feel is overrated?
🐇 longest fandom you’ve been in?
👛 - your favourite rare pair?
Because who else can I trust with him. :'<
♟️ - a character you feel is overrated?
The usual faces:
The IDW cast, cause they get hyped up as the best characters of all time despite them being idiots, cunts, or idiot cunts. Some of them could have been promising had things turned out differently, but others were doomed to be shite from the start.
Scourge, cause he's the lamest take imaginable on an already boring premise. (What if Sonic... WaS eViL???)
Nine and Thorn, cause these two are held up as defining examples of Tails and Amy, which makes me a sad-but-not-surprised panda.
Mephiles, cause outside of Dan Green's voice, he's another poorly written villain of many who people treat as though he's somehow better than the rest when he's not.
The End, cause it's as nothing and artificially hyped as the rest of the plot it's part of.
The Freedom Fighters, cause folk believe so vehemently that they deserve special privileges, and are somehow more integral to Sonic than the actual game-born characters. They go on about their perceived legacy, when you could say the same thing about AoStH characters, Underground characters, etc, yet they never get this level of deification.
Silver, cause despite disapproving of his off portrayals in the comics, I've never cared for his in-character portrayal either. And his design still doesn't work in execution.
Sage, cause she's as compelling as watching grass grow, and bastardizes Eggman's character all the while. (I don't care what their intention was, they really should have predicted how the fandom would react to it, and they've continued pandering to the Eggdad crowd on occasion even after the fact. Until Eggdad gets more thoroughly debunked in-universe, a lot of the rationalizations surrounding it currently sound like copium to me... like a lot of handwaves for Sonic "Best Story Since Black Knight" Frontiers in general.)
More controversially, while I do respect Shadow, even if he's never been one of my top favourites, I kind of resent how the attention given to him always comes at other characters' expense. I also don't appreciate when, in the process of fans hyping up and down how deep/complex/etc he is, they usually dismiss Sonic, Eggman, and most of the others while doing so, because they're perceived to be simpler, ergo they consider them lesser. Being the Eggfan that I am, you can imagine why I'd take offense to this.
🐇 - longest fandom you've been in?
I guess Crash and Spyro and Gex would qualify, since I grew up with a PS1. As Sonic-pilled as I would eventually become, my knowledge and firsthand experience with the latter was non-existent until 2003.
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runwayrunway · 11 months
No. 23 - Icelandair (With an Aside on the Role of Flag Carriers)
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Sure, let's talk about Icelandair! I think they fit in pretty well with the conversation that's been slowly playing out with other European flag carriers Lufthansa and SAS about the evolution of liveries as we stumble in to the 2020s proper. (As for the second half of this ask, hold that thought for just a minute.)
Unfortunately, Lufthansa snuck its nasty little face into this post as well, and I do sort of want to give a brief content warning, as a...certain sordid point in Germany's history is alluded to, though not lingered on. Because flag carriers are sort of important. They're propaganda - and in Icelandair's case, that's okay!
Icelandair is not a concept that needs much explanation. It's right there in the title. It is an airline, and it is from Iceland. If you want a little more information, here's a summary written in 1997 by John K. Morton for his book "Jetliner Glory". (Scan mine)
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As you can see, Icelandair was, at this point, rocking a supersized nothingburger of a livery. With just a cheatline and some paint on the bottom of the nacelles to accompany the logo and wordmark it feels less like SAS's belly stripes or Tibet Airlines, where it looks like a plane painted white, and feels more like they just forgot to add the rest of the livery.
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While I do slightly prefer this older take with the more faded colours, the bare metal underside, and the contoured down-sloping cheatline, it's still pretty nothing.
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Oh no. Oh nonononono don't do that please don't-
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Thank you. That's much less worse.
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The blue-and-yellow livery was adopted in 2006. I don't like this but this feels necessary. What stands out to me about Icelandair, above any individual feature of their fleet, is that they are fundamentally incapable of departing from whatever the most simplified and common design trend of the time is.
70s and early 80s. Single rule cheatline, large font wordmark, bare metal lower half.
80s and early 90s. All over paint, text moved forward to just behind the forwardmost door. Beginning of strict adherence to Eurowhite en masse.
Aughts to late 2010s. This is an era of somewhat refined Eurowhite. This allows very specific colored parts of the airframe: a block of color on the underside, a detached floating tail, colored winglets, and colored nacelles.
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My opinion of this specific livery is that it is nearly identical to Delta's. Similar dark blue shade, exact same layout. The only difference is that Delta's blue engines make the livery look more coherent and Delta's logo is far more distinctive. I consider Delta to be the platonic ideal of this type of 2000s Eurowhite, and Icelandair uses the exact same layout.
I will say...it could be worse. Icelandair does not fail the Star Alliance test, so I cannot give it an F.
It's getting a D, for Delta.
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But hey! Great news! They literally just unveiled a new one! And they've given me a nice webpage describing their thought process. I keep seeing more and more airlines do this with their 2020s livery releases and I think it's awesome.
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image: icelandair
And they're jellybeans! I make no secret for my love of jellybeans. These come in five colours: boreal blue, magenta, sky blue, yellow, and green. Each of them is meant to represent a different aspect of Icelandic natural phenomenae, which I would expect at least partially stems from the response to their widely beloved Hekla Aurora and Vatnajökull liveries.
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The two colours not pictured above: boreal blue (left) and green (right)
I really like these choices of colour. I think my favourite is ultimately magenta because of how striking its contrast is with the main blue, but none of these look even a little bad.
I do wish there was a little more integration of the jellybean colours into the rest of the livery (maybe the winglets or the engine nacelles, or as an outline on the wordmark, or extended to the underside of the plane), but the concept itself is solid and each colourway is pleasing. While I think this is a welcome change from the earlier yellow-and-blue scheme I am very happy that they kept a yellow variant.
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Red engine SAS livery jumpscare in the background.
I would say the main thing I dislike about the new livery is the billboard wordmark. It's fine in theory but I utterly despise the typeface they've chosen and I find that sans-serif typefaces look fine when they're small but get uglier and uglier the larger you make them. It's a very boring downgrade, especially compared to the tasteful little serifs on the very tips of the old one. They were a minor aerodynamic touch but they were very nice compared to this, which is giving corporate brochure in a way I can't stand. At least it keeps the middle fuselage from being blank, I suppose.
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I do like it a lot better on the Dash 8, though it's a little too low to the bottom for my taste. They could solve this by just making it slightly smaller, but they've apparently fully committed to a font that is, in my opinion, too large and widely spaced.
I feel like they also missed an opportunity with their logo. I've seen people say that it's a stylised 'F' to represent the company's first name, Flugfélag. I've heard someone else say that it reminds them of a stylised aurora, and I agree with them. I think there was a lot of room to play with both of these, and that it's a shape that's simple enough and dynamic enough to lend itself well to livery design, and that they could have created something so much better had they made more use of it - especially with the jellybean colours.
The final thing I want to point out is the tail. It's very blatant that the 2020s equivalent of the detached tail is the slightly-integrated tail, which loops down and just prevents the tail from being detached while still leaving the majority of the fuselage blank white without really adding much visual interest or presenting much in the way of creativity.
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SAS and WestJet are two other airlines from those I've covered which do this. Now, they could both be a lot worse - WestJet has a nice wordmark and I've already talked about why SAS does a lot that's more interesting than the tail - but I can't deny that I dislike this trend. It fixes the ugliness of Detached Tail Syndrome but without adding much. It is the bare minimum. It is an upgrade from bad to nothing. And I think it's worth noting that both of these airlines, and indeed the majority of airlines with slightly-integrated tails, used to have detached tails. The Lufthansa clone of the 2020s is the Delta clone of the 2010s.
But I think Icelandair's new livery requires comparison to one 2020s livery more than any other - our old 'friend', Lufthansa.
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The reason I point out Lufthansa is that unlike SAS and WestJet it does not feature a curve, but a straight line downwards. It also features more than one colour on the tail itself, sort of - I mean, it has the contrasting white stripe.
I don't think I particularly need to linger on why I like Icelandair's livery so much better than I like Lufthansa's. But I will point out one aspect in particular. The descriptions of the inspiration behind Lufthansa's livery focus on how sleek and modern it is. It occasionally mentions nebulous 'German values' (a phrase which in context refers to Europe's obsession with the most hideous sans-serif fonts on the face of the planet and soul-sucking minimalist white design but which sort of makes me shudder as a disabled bisexual Jew, a set of traits seemingly min-maxxed for being a target of...well, you know) but beyond that is wholly and almost gleefully corporate, scoffing in the face of the fact that flag carriers are almost by design intended to be unprofitable, to provide air transport to residents of their country and to serve as propaganda.
Air France lost heaps of money on Concorde, Alitalia went fourteen years without turning a profit, and do you think carriers like Rwandair or Air Niugini, which just don't have the demand to operate planes filled to capacity, are able to make money? Of course not, but they operate anyway because people need to get places and it's a statement for a government, especially one without the means of a massive European power with centuries of stolen resources at its disposal or an ultrawealthy Gulf state, to put their names on a plane and say that this is a service they are providing to the people they are, on paper, meant to provide for.
This is not a feature unique to airlines - just think about the way high-speed rail in China and Japan are inherently tied to their national identities, as something these countries have built as a service to their people and as something which makes them better places to live. Think about the Space Race, which was a dick-measuring contest more than it was for science. The US government is notorious for its unwillingness to fund science projects but if it means sticking it to the reds it's worth a couple billion to put a man on the moon.
Any sort of project which invents or builds by necessity becomes a symbol of national power. Sometimes these things are useful, like high-speed rail, and sometimes they advance science, like reaching the moon, but, like...did Ferrari World need to exist, or is the UAE willing to spend a bunch of money to say "look how awesome we are, we have the fastest roller-coaster in the world"? Did the USSR need the Tu-144? Of course not - luxury air transport wasn't a thing, they couldn't charge a premium, and there wasn't anywhere safe to release a sonic boom over, and it was rushed out in a state that couldn't really be considered airworthy just to serve for less than a year while diverting resources from actually useful aerospace projects. The Tu-144 set back Soviet aerospace engineering by decades but it was worth it for the chance to say they built the first supersonic airliner, which will remain technically true forever. Countries are chomping at the bit to displace people and abuse labourers and waste money and resources to build stadiums that will lie derelict for the rest of time just to get to say they hosted the Olympics.
These things are worth losing money for. To say 'we are willing to lose money to give our people transport and to have our own airline with our own flag on it'. Flag carriers do not need to be profitable. If they happen to turn a profit that's a good thing for the country but it's not meant to be the point. That the US has never had a flag carrier feels like a very pointed statement to me - no handouts, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and build your own damn airline. While many large airlines elsewhere have their own founders with their own marks on history and large personalities, none of them have the cultural capital that Juan Trippe or Howard Hughes do. Icelandair's equivalent of Juan Trippe is the aurora.
I cannot imagine a carrier which reflects its national identity less than Lufthansa does. Perhaps they want to forget that they are a flag carrier and by this nature propaganda. After all, despite being largely a different entity, they bear the name of a flag carrier founded by the Third Reich. They had an easy out of this. They could have stuck with their initial name, Luftag. They could even have taken the name and branding of Interflug, the East German flag carrier, but better to be founded by the actual Third Reich than by the Communists, from their perspective. It's probably better to lean as far away from what they were made to be as possible. And from their point of view to be as corporate as possible is actually probably a reflection of what there is to love about Germany, given that this is their background. I find that incredibly sad. If I were German, this would make me furious. There is so much more to Germany than anything Lufthansa has ever been. It is insulting not just to my eyes but to the idea that it is meant to be part of German identity.
Meanwhile, Icelandair's inspiration is Iceland: the natural features which make their country worth visiting. They are aware of this - they actually used the Hekla Aurora livery to promote the fact that they offered free week-long stopovers in Iceland. Their website explicitly lays, interspersed with images of aurora over snowy mountainous landscapes which seem to stretch on forever, that this is what Iceland has to offer.
And since we spend so much time in the sky, we drew inspiration from what we see in front of us, and what we see in our country from above. [...] By extending our color palette, we have a chance to bring the vibrant Icelandic spirit to the world, and to show the world the diversity of our people: The Icelandic spirit is available to anyone and everyone who wants to share in it.
At the end of the day, flag carriers are a form of propaganda. That word normally has a very nasty connotation, but it doesn't have to be things like war crime coverups and attempts to quell rebellion. In this case, it can be an encouragement for Icelandic people to be proud of something about their country as well as an attempt to drum up tourism. Is it still a calculated attempt to sell you something? Sure. But it's an attempt to sell something Icelandic people are proud of, because they live somewhere with beautiful features that don't exist anywhere else. I really want to visit Iceland, and have for years, for the exact reasons outlined in Icelandair's material about their new livery.
And does this livery actually overtly communicate these things? No, not really. I think it's something you can see when you have it explained to you but wouldn't notice at a glance. But the fact that this was considered at all, much like condor's justification for their flying striped nightmares, keeps me from feeling the same sort of disgust I do for liveries like Lufthansa's.
So, Icelandair could do a lot better. But they're doing a lot better than they ever have before. And they have succeeded, fundamentally, at being Icelandair.
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I leave them with a final grade of C.
It could be better. Far better. But they're at least using the right equation to get the wrong answer. If they ever get the courage to design something which doesn't follow the dominant trends in whatever the decade's particular flavour of Eurowhite is as if it's copied from a template, I think Icelandair could come up with something really great, and I hope I live long enough to see it.
And, as a final note on their commitment to their national identity, I will be discussing their three non-crossover special liveries: Þingvellir, Vatnajökull, and this blog's first twice-requested livery, Hekla Aurora. But they will get their own post, because this one is already preposterously long, so get ready to see a lot more Iceland very very soon.
(...I really want to visit Iceland.)
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daybreakrising · 3 months
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bc i said i'd do this & he's still scratching at the walls in my brain so...
gonna be a long, image heavy post, so i'll pop the majority under a cut, but first, a reminder of his design post-primordial sea swim:
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the biggest inspiration for this design is, of course, his original uniform. that's an integral part of who he is and whilst he no longer actively serves in his current timeline verse (though he will help out where he can), i wanted to keep that in his design because it will be familiar to him.
colour scheme wise, this obviously made it difficult for a pyro character - we all know hyv likes to stick to certain themes and palettes with specific elements. there are some exceptions, but the majority of characters are colour-coded in some way to the element they can wield. and... the f.ontaine uniforms are blue.
luckily, my decision to make him a redhead helped here. from there, it was easy enough to carry similar tones throughout the design - adding the cape, and tweaking the belt & boots. his trousers, too, have a red base to the colour. browns are quite common on other pyro designs, but i didn't want something too dark, so opted for a lighter pinkish-brown shade.
then it was just a case of tying the two colour schemes together: the red was already present across his full design, but the blue was largely upper body only - hence the small details on his trousers & boots to balance everything out.
and now it's time to start focusing on specific details-
since, according to the flashbacks in neuvi's story quest, f.ontaine's uniforms haven't changed in appearance in four hundred years, we can assume that vautrin's uniform would follow the same colour scheme as the current ones, were he not covered with Ye Olde Filter:
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so i wanted to keep a few design elements from said uniform in his new look, as a nod to that uniform, but i also wanted to make some changes: i opted for a darker blue to further separate it from the existing uniform, and removed some features, such as the pockets, the shape & design of the sleeves, and the decoration to the collar. i removed the black features & opted, instead, for a greyish-blue.
the biggest change, obviously, is the shape of the jacket itself. i made the front panel less rectangular and more angled, and lengthened it so it extended beyond the side panels (at the front). i'll go more into this when i discuss the design elements involved, but on a similar note, i also opted to give the jacket tails.
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i love a good tailcoat, especially those from more historical periods, and it felt fitting for him. obviously, it's not a typical tailcoat, but again, there's a specific reason for the style and shape of these tails.
the boots and gloves i kept, though with changes to the colour scheme and with less of the ornamentation on the boots. the decision to swap from purple to red on the boots is purely down to a desire to reflect his pyro element (and also... it looks better, in my opinion-), but the gloves are a different story.
the gloves for the original uniform are white. there is a very good reason why vautrin would feel uncomfortable wearing gloves in a colour often used to represent innocence and cleanliness: his hands are not clean, and he is not innocent. add to that his need to wear gloves (so as not to look upon the primordial shimmer on his skin), it required a different colour. i opted for grey, as he is... well, morally grey.
now, onto the individual aspects:
this was one of the elements of the original uniform design that i wanted to change. as much as i like the (vaguely anchor-shaped) design of the buckle, it would be too similar to the garde uniform and i wanted to move away from too many shared elements. but, it needed a belt, and a belt needs a buckle.
what else is important to vautrin, then? well... his Medal of Peace, of course. thus, a perfect belt buckle design was staring me right in the face:
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what are those golden lines, i hear you ask. well. more on that later-
there isn't much to say on this, but there's a specific element to them that i've lifted from the original garde uniform. the cuffs on the original uniform are very different, and my decision to make vautrin's that particular style is simply bc... i have a great love for "pirate" styles and i love an oversized sleeve cuff for that reason. and, given that sailor / pirate designs are dotted around f.ontaine's npcs, it made sense to lean into that a little.
now, the design element i lifted from the original uniform isn't actually anything to do with the cuffs, but rather the weapon the gardes carry. since vautrin won't be carrying this weapon himself, i wanted a subtle tie-in on his design. and there's this handy little shape that's a perfect fit-
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i wanted some simple decoration on the cuff, and this was just sitting there - nice and simple, nothing too flashy.
it's obvious from the pictures that the original uniform has a flashy design on the outer legs - this seems to be implied to be a raised design, possibly of some sturdier material, and could even be a kind of light armour (though the placement would make movement... interesting, so perhaps not). whilst i was going to lift the entire design onto vautrin, i wanted another nod to the original uniform. hence, the much more subtle and far less complex addition of these details:
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in vautrin's case, these are not raised, and are actually embroidered (which... technically, would be raised, but not in the same way-). the addition of the blue was both a nod to the original uniform colour, and to help tie the colour scheme together by balancing the blue tones with the red.
now, at last, i can get to the little details all over his jacket design that i've skipped over previously, because... yes, they are all linked to him being, technically, part-oceanid.
again, that's a big part of his character and his story, and i wanted that to be reflected in his design. so, let's talk about those details! first of all, the tails. this is one of the biggest nods to the oceanid on his design - they are, in fact, inspired by the oceanid's fins.
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this is the reason for their specific shape and for the pattern of lines on the inside. the gradient of colour is also a nod to the oceanid, but also to the original uniform, which has its own gradient of blues in the design.
those lighter lines, too, are featured on the upper sleeves of his jacket. similarily, the design of these sleeves is also inspired by the oceanid's fins:
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the other major nod to the oceanid is the design upon the longer front panel of the uniform. this is taken from the body of the oceanid itself - again, this shape was just perfect to slot into the design.
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and, finally, the last two elements i included from the design of an oceanid are the swirling patterns on the upper parts of the fins. these can be seen here, on the lower half of his jacket:
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and here, on his belt:
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yep. i'm really hammering in the fact that he's an oceanid.
to finish off, i just wanted to touch on the decisions behind his weapon's design. i initially wanted him to have a rifle / sword combination, but with c.hevreuse in existence, i wanted to avoid being too similar. so, whilst he is able to use a rifle, he sticks with just a sword instead.
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given that f.ontaine is largely inspired by france, i chose to go with a french n.apoleonic officer's sword as the base for his weapon. something from french history just made sense, given that this man is now over 400 years old.
the blue gem decoration is a nod, again, to him being an oceanid and possessing of (minor) hydro abilities, but also to him being a guardian of the hydro nation itself. the colour decisions behind the blue of the grip and the red cloth were just to tie the weapon to his design.
so you might assume the red blade is for the same purpose, and whilst there's an element of that in there, the reason for the two-tone colour is actually to do with some nice, dark lore: the blade is red because of the blood he spilled in his previous life.
and that's it for the design breakdown! the only element i haven't discussed at length is the little cape - this was added entirely to give his design something special and steer him away from the plainer npc designs, but also, such adornments are typically given to those of higher ranks or of noteworthy position, and it felt right that vautrin should have something of that nature to denote his years of service
and it was a great spot to display his vision, and add some of that much needed pyro-red to his upper design.
honestly, if you've read all this... well done. i hope you enjoyed my rambles over this silly little oceanid man who lives in my head rent free.
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almightyhamslice · 1 year
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“Good work, Spyro. Use the stones to get to the Dojo. Remember Spyro, find the dragonflies before Ripto.”
Spyro begins his journey to find the missing dragonflies. He is off to Dragonfly Dojo, guided by the ferryman, Miyagi. Though... neither of them have any idea what’s happened to the other dragon elders at the dojo while they were gone. 
Their little orange and pink friend here is Ember (like from A Hero’s Tail! except not rlly); she tags along with Spyro because she’s completely lost in the Dragon Realms, and Spyro is the only person she can recognize... Though, Spyro does not recognize her. Miyagi suggests that Ember has amnesia, but Ember assures them both that she can remember everything QUITE clearly, it just all changed suddenly, leaving her behind. Enchanted Forest? Cutthroat Cove? Baked Alaska? Gnorcs?! None of it makes any sense to Spyro. Even so, Ember clearly needs his help, so he lets her follow him around. Besides, two dragons are better than one, right?
.... ok so I will admit I have been INCREDIBLY hyperfixated on Spyro: Enter The Dragonfly ever since I watched Mr. FO1′s documentary abt it LOL. I suppose I like it for the same reason a lot of people liked Crash Twinsanity-- there is a vast amount of cut content from the game and it’s RLLY interesting to me! So I think I might make a habit of drawing these ‘Spyro and Ember’ illustrations depicting ETD’s gameplay/world in... unconventional ways. I am also considering adding Flame from A Hero’s Tale to this story as well, but I feel like he has no reason to be here-- Ember was originally designed for ETD, Flame was not. But I find Flame interesting because he was redesigned to be more generic, just like Ember was. What would he have been like if they didn’t dumb him down like that?? Perhaps I can explore that...
Ember and Miyagi’s designs are ‘personalized’ in a way-- I wanted Ember to be orange like she was originally supposed to be, but the feathery wings, dark horns, and spots are all just stuff I added bc I thought it’d be cool. Miyagi, on the other hand, has a unique design because I wanted to differentiate him from Chow and Patton. Chow is probably the leader of Dragonfly Dojo because you meet him last, but Miyagi is the only dragon you can find in the hubworld... so I wanted him to feel kind of authoritative and wise, because Spyro was originally supposed to take runes to the dragon elders so they’d help him use them iirc. So I thought, hey, what if Miyagi knew about the runes? So as such with his more integral role in the story, he has the most dramatically different design. I like to think he, Chow, and Patton are brothers.
I am pretty excited abt this little ‘project’ of mine but I will admit. I am rlly NOT excited for whenever they get to Crop Circle Country because I dONT want to draw the fucky looking human npcs lol!! HELP? They are so freaky I dont like them
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
thoughts on greavard? 👀 i find it kinda weird that the concept is so similar to litwick. i hope the evolution adds something new to it
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Greavard is an interesting guy; certainly not what I expected from a ghost dog. At first, I thought it was too similar to Litwick for its own good, given that it's a ghost type with a candle that has a purple flame that drains the life force of people by being around them. However, I am not opposed to GameFreak revisiting concepts if they can put a unique spin on them, and I'd say this ghost doggo is different enough to be its own thing. I do wish the flame was a different color and I would've liked to see different lore for it than just the life-force draining thing that Litwick's known for, but its got some interesting things going for it beyond that.
What particularly endeared me to it is how it buries itself below ground so only the candle is showing, then pops out to say hi to people:
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Outside of probably being reference to the act of placing candles on graves as a sign of remembrance, it's also just a neat mechanic–a dog that buries itself instead of a bone.
And visually, it's a pretty solid design as a whole. I like the briard look (I'm always a sucker for fur that covers the eyes), and the beartrap-style mouth is particularly interesting. It also feels appropriate ghostly thanks to the grey palette.
The only things that bug me about it are that first, the paws are weirdly misshapen? They're super round and have less definition to them than the rest of the body, like it got stung by a bee or something.
And secondly, I do wonder if the head was the best place to put the candle. Take the candle away and its a fairly normal dog, so just slapping it on top of the head feels... obvious, I guess? Like it's not really integrated that well into the design. I could've easily seen the candle as its tail or something that plays off the dog idea; maybe it wags it so hard when meeting someone that it accidentally blows the candle out or something. It's not terrible as-is or anything; it just could be more dynamic.
With all that said: I'm particularly hoping for a cool evolution for this guy. The Litwick line evolves into a candelabra, which doesn't really make sense here as it's a dog and not an object. Ergo, the evolution might play with the concept a bit more and make it feel more distinct from Litwick. Plus there's a ton of potential in a long-haired shaggy ghost dog with candles; maybe the fur becomes dripping wax or something.
Regardless, overall, Greavard is good. I do think the concept could've been integrated into the design a bit more than it is, but this is still a very good boy that I would happily die from petting too much.
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ladymochawrites · 2 years
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
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“love is not only a word, it is a feeling we desire ourselves to”
requested by: @caeserfroggysalad
who: purple yam cookie
topics: fluff, some smut is mentioned ⚠️
plot: a reader who falls into the abyss of the underwater sea, unexpectedly finding true love from a merman who is destine to fall in love in need of comfort and change
author’s note:
hi there! am sorry that I have not been able to fulfill requests during the summer. this was one of them to begin with and I know I have another purple yam fic awaiting to be drafted. my summer got a little busy with going back to college and I’m expecting it to be a bit more hectic with the semester and transferring to a university and starting to plan for my long-term career. I haven’t seen much fanfics going around tumblr like it used to be ever since the cookie run kingdom fandom started to die down drastically. so this is putting in the effort of coming back to put something out there until I can get what needs to be done. in the mean time, I hope you enjoy this palooza love story dedicated to a very close friend of mine who talks literally about their self ship with purple yam a lot!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
under the sea, below the oblivious layers of the ocean that navigates towards an underwater city made for mercookies to be discovered, you were pretty well-known. you were often looked at as the the top performer of best musical singer for the underwater sugar seashell club. you had pride in your job and you cherish every moment to gather and sing with your heart content by rallying the audience and to make them feel welcomed. you were a cookie with perfect complexion and charisma. you always had an eye for design when it comes to picking out tops other than coconut bras or sea stars, patched on your breast— therefore you had rather good intentions to everything. but not that you had bragged about it, right? at least thats what the mercookies think. you were a very-high end mermaid/merman with high expectations. you would pretend to brag about it to your fans and then brush it right off, as if fame isn’t everything to changing your identity or your pretty looks. sometimes, you wished to be a regular citizen, fitting right in to the crowded domain of busy fish that either have to peel off the barnacles, sweep up the kelp plants, guarding and protecting the underwater city and most importantly, keeping an eye above the waters. at least that was purple yam cookie’s job.
ahhh yess. a merman built with a bold and nutty flavor of aggression and a burning flame of integrity. this is a cookie who is not afraid to fight a shark because in morality, he is able to tame them as his pets and being his only friends. after all who has heard the phrase of “fish are friends, not food”, but with sharks? this is a merman who isn’t afraid of competition. To find his prey by hunting them down or even a mate to be the alpha to. purple yam is the defender and alpha lead to the shark community. his knowledge to speak and understand the shark language became natural to him— I mean after all, his tail is represented as a shark. born and imprinted with his burnt marks and even leaving scars all over his tender body, but as if he isn’t afraid to admit that he didn’t feel insecure. he wanted to prove to those that in the end, you are left with scars and bruises after a tense battle on the battlefield. for a woman at least it was different. this IS different.
after his duty of keeping patrol of the city with his sharks, an all cleared was signaled and retreated back to the herd. the sharks began to feast on leftover gummy shrimps and candy krill. yam was feasting on the same as well as it’s important to learn and be fully exposed to a shark’s taste of interest. meanwhile, a couple of mercookies going about their day were talking about the performance from last night of a cookie whose famous for their singing and songwriting truly becomes an inspiration to aspiring theatre acts and future performances where they will be displayed. all that purple yam could ever think about was famishing over his meal, instead of randomly hearing the two cookies talk about a famous mercookie would could brag about their famous career. he wasn’t into music in particular to begin with and just hearing someone who desires someone else’s own personal fame felt too overrated. “sounds GULLIBLE.” he scoffs with attitude as he continues to finish his meal.
15 mins in on their break. yam and the sharks were finish feasting. he had some errands he had to run, so he would leave the sharks behind to rest and train around the shoal. yam then eavesdrops into another group of merfolk, gathering to see tonight’s performance of the mermaid/merman that was going to be there. yam realizes that this was the exact same cookie that another duo was mentioning. the more he kept over hearing this particular, the more irritating it got. “AUGHH! What is WITH this COMMOTION?” he exclaims. the other cookies could hear him from near. he then decides to see the show for himself. pretending that having interest would change his mind. again, he wasn’t into huge taste like classical or jazz. unless it peeked his interest. the show was gathered in the gold sugar seashell music hall. this is where famous merfolk compose or sing. yam sits at least 8 feet away from the stage near the right corner. for him to blend in, it was a tough fit. the overlapping of conversations from left to right were curious about what could the famous mercookie sing tonight for this broadcast. the audience grew silent as the hall got dark. the stage lights flickered on and the crowd begins to applaud. the host of the show begins to announce tonight’s performance with the mercookie yam has heard from others previously. their name was “y/n”.
y/n reader pov:
tonight’s theme of color was brass gold. you were coated with the finest premium of fine gold. at least that what the designers would say. yes had on a gold and glitter coated seashell bra and a gold sequence skirt near where your ankles (in transition your tail fins) would be. hinted with silver-blue eye shadow and eye liner. you weren’t an expert for fixing up a contouring face, but you were a whole different cookie on stage. you began to perform one of the finest classical jazz pieces from your album. this one was dedicated to finding love in existence and hoping the right one will run into you. everything all articulated in flat notes. you were into your song and learn to manifest it. you were able to toggle a perfect cohesive audience, including purple yam cookie.
his eyes sparkled at the singing mercookie, decked with gold. in the eyes of a tiger shark, he was spotting on his new mate. you were a butterfly fish. so, seeing the intriguing details of your shiny scales and fins turned him on. he admired your eye color as it mesmerized underneath the lights. you dance, moved your hips gracefully as you finished the rest of your song.
the audience roars from amazement. clapping on to wish “y/n” a spectacular show. did this change purple yam’s pique of interest? the next day passes by and yam was busy once again on patrol with the sharks. he ended up seeing the mercookie who looked very familiar, but without all the glossy touch ups. either way, he was still interested. the mercookie was minding her day, shopping around the sea market, without anyone securing her safety. this was his big chance! yam becomes instantly distracted and sees that y/n drops a few things from their purse. a perfect moment to help— and mingle! yam hurries over to help y/n as their embarrassment grew.
“thank you.” y/n response in a soft voice.
“o-oh, it’s nothing. just a typical merman helping the citizens” he stutters.
“I don’t think I had anyone ever done such a thing for me, especially when it comes to being very popular— it sounds mediocre at least to me.” y/n felt like they wanted to hold back. the gloom in their eyes and it grabs yam’s attention.
“well it’s not like it was done intentionally…” he adds
2 months began to pass by as yam and y/n started to talk more and eventually started getting together, as y/n’s career became overwhelming for them, so they decided to take a break. holding back on their musical career may seem like it was putting an end on their fans. but it was best to keep their personal life and dating experience out of sight. until they were ready to head back to the sugar sea shell stage, everything could start over. yam had a hard time trying to learn the term “love” as if it just comes out of thin air, potentially absorbing the thought of how two fishes under the sea could wrap tails around together and make love. yam took his precautions as y/n wraps their arms around his warm tendered body. easy enough to turn someone on when pleasure starts to grab their attention, subconsciously. when it came to cuddling in bed and wrapping their arms (including their tail fins) around each other, the warmth of love became real. as yam puckers y/n, dragging his lips across their sweet sensitive body and tracing their body curves with his hand as y/n lets out a softly gasp.
y/n imagining a magical moment between them and purple yam cookie. purple yam taking advantage of them as he never felt this type of comfort. love never existed to him— as he grew up to hunt and fight like a predator. once you master the fundamentals of being a predator, soon, you will catch your prey. well, at least it should apply to finding your mate. was he really known to being the underwater city’s most reliable guard? they wondered if he grew some sort of affection towards his sharks to build a bond. they were glad that they spent their life differently because all it matters was that they both found themselves in a different position of things.
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a-scaly-troublemaker · 2 months
RV AU on hybrid souls for uty/ut
So in my Revelverse (Or Revelry Verse/RV!) for UTY and UT, Boss Monsters and Elite monsters (who can become boss monsters and are either well trained or related to a boss monster) can handle diluted injections of soul traits. This results in an unnatural Hybrid Soul.
Attempting to bind with a trait always makes them sick until they get acclimated to it. They get sicker and stay sick longer if their soul rejects the trait.
Binding sickness is flu-like, and can leave monsters that reject the trait bedridden and delirious with fever for up to four days. Those that accept the trait have a much milder sickness that lasts up to three days, but can wear off in six hours.
Human-monster hybrids naturally have Hybrid Souls. Not all of the monsters were banished when the barrier went up in RV. The monsters that stayed behind, and their hybrid children, all have illusory and/or shapeshifting magic, which allows them to pass as human. They start coming out of hiding gradually a few years before the barrier breaks.
So who has what trait in RV, and how does it affect them?
Starlo: KINDNESS. His soul is tinted green, and he has weak healing magic and fire magic alongside his attacks showcased in UTY. He is a multi-phasic monster thanks to his hybrid trait and how much influence he exerted over the Dunes, which means he has a Zenith form I dub Nova. More on that later.
Dalv: PERSEVERANCE. He's a gentle, shy monster... most of the time. Don't force his hand. Dalv is a tesla coil with a heartbeat, and in RV, once in a while, he stands up for his friends and for himself. He learned special magic designed to capture, not harm, hostiles.
Ceroba: DETERMINATION. No surprise there.
Orion: PATIENCE. This hinges on a personality headcanon I developed without playing UTY. Orion is a quiet man who doesn't bear his heart too easily, but is always a beacon of support for his friends and family. He does what he can.
Martlet: INTEGRITY. Obvious reasons are obvious.
Now, about Starlo's Nova form. His Nova form has two states: True Nova and Neutral. In True Nova, his skin brightly glows a bright shade of sunny yellow, almost white, which shifts to cyan in a gradient towards his outlines. His spines and the markings on his head simply become brighter in this state. The tendrils on his head may fold backwards, mimicking a comet tail, though they will still move to emphasize his expressions and how he's feeling. In his neutral state, his skin is the same color as the night sky. He blends in perfectly with it, also, save for the fact that his body will not mirror shooting stars. He takes this state when he has managed to get his emotions under control for the time being. He can sometimes be seen rapidly switching between Neutral and Nova, then back to Neutral as he attempts to calm himself down. This results in bright flashes of light. Unfortunately, he is quite impulsive and emotional in this state. Will try to attack people and monsters he's mad at, but will be unable to bring himself to. Such is the curse and blessing of his Hybrid Soul.
Okay. I'm done rambling now. I hope this was at least interesting to read through, and that I didn't lose you between the blocks of text. I tried to spruce it up with texts effects so my own ADHD brain wouldn't suffer from reading and writing it.
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ask-obt · 1 year
Isn't a Shinx/Luxio/Luxray tail tip supposed to be star shaped? Malachi does seem to have a different shaped tail tip just like at least one other member of his tribe. Am I just remembering my shapes wrong?
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Malachi: Some Shinx lines like to style their tail fur that way, but my family and I always preferred the "natural" look.
// short and simple for malachi's answer here, but I wanted to add on an ooc bit to the end!
any longtime readers of OBT know that the comic has gone through several iterations over time, the style developing with it. back when the reboot started, I was really into integrating irl animal anatomy into my designs so they'd feel more "real"- hence the shinx line not getting rounded ears with star stamps on them.
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but over time I've found I actually like to embrace design traits from the official art more... like how I'm much more willing to give characters cute little dot eyes which helps bring some of the more anatomically odd pokemon out of uncanny valley
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but while this works for characters like chimecho, who showed up for the first time in the comic when I was already stylizing pokemon this way, Rune and Malachi have been there since the beginning, and went through a great deal of already drastic changes. I guess at the time this was all happening I thought changing certain design elements as well was a step too far? (I know people were already complaining about me rewriting and rebooting things and were certain i'd be trapped in that loop forever, but I swear the spirit of it was closer along the lines of "I just needed more time to revise the intro and let it cook since the rest of the story hinges on the opening". that is a ramble for another time lmao)
but the long and the short of it is that rune and malachi's designs (and consequently, all vulpix and shinx in the comic) are the result of a long game of telephone with myself. so most of malachi and rune's design elements (normal lion tail and ears with fluff for malachi, and eyes with a visible sclera vs no sclera for rune) do carry over into other members of their species
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Dielle and Inigo would probably been impacted by this too, if their debut came sooner than it did! Dielle especially. for a while I considered making her head coin into a marking (because I guess in a world of dogs that breathe fire I thought a coin on a cat's forehead was too far):
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and then made her coin into a headplate........... thing. it was a weird time for me
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so this is where you'll find that for new characters in OBT, or when I do other art, such as commissions or just stuff for fun, I actually stick closer to the canon design elements. I like how they look, and I'm more confident drawing them without feeling weirdly conscious!
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if I rebooted OBT again for some weirdfuck reason (hell will freeze over before i do that LMAO no more reboots i'm very happy where i am), and I still wanted to continue my game of "rune and malachi design telephone", they'd probably look something like this
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though more realistically, i would take their designs/species back to the drawing board entirely. the only reason i would reboot at this rate is if someone gave me 1 million dollars and a fridge with an icemaker installed in it (the peak of luxury)
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starz4valen · 1 year
the colors of persona 5 are driving me insane on this fine morning. /pos
the main colors used throughout the game are red, black, and white, and the ways this could connect to the phantom thieves is just RAGGHHH
first, red. red symbolizes the passion the thieves have to change the hearts of people and reform society, and (i believe) is integrated into each character. joker his gloves, ryuji has his little tie thing, ann’s whole outfit, yusuke’s mask and tail, makoto’s eyes (which is very interesting and i think is also meant to symbolize her views on justice and how she believes it should be upheld regardless much like her father, and her eyes are a much brighter yet dark red compared to sae’s which are a muddy reddish brown, which probably is meant to symbolize how she’s lost her sense of justice in favor of fighting her way to the top,) futabas goggles, several parts of akechis outfit, even haru’s eyes seem to be a muddy kind of red (which may symbolize how she was kinda just. thrown into the phantom thieves last minute and is still figuring herself out, and is still seemingly trying to figure out how to feel about her father, etc) but also highlights the danger that they know they’re getting themselves into. they know they’re risking some shit, especially as the story progresses and the risks get higher and higher due to the police being on their ass and also the possibility of dying in the metaverse was always there.
next is black. black can represent security/safety, and is most likely a symbol of the security that people felt with the phantom thieves around. additionally, joker, makoto, morgana, and futaba have lots of black in their designs. (ryuji also seems to have a lot of deep gray? omg they do care abt himmmm 🥺)
finally, white! white represents innocence and hope, which i feel are two things the thieves have a lot of. at first, when the group was first made, it’s clear the phantom thieves is just a bunch of teens fucking around and having fun. additionally, the power of the personas and phantom thieves have given not only the people of japan hope, but also themselves. even after kamoshida, the characters and the even the school in general seem a lot more hopeful!
bonus round: BLUE!! blue flames can be seen when everyone casts their personas, and blue represents peace and tranquillity, so perhaps awakening to their personas and accepting the rebellion within their heart have given the thieves a sense of peace.
anyways im autistic how are you?
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poryphoria · 2 years
made a project nexus au where they're all dragons for NO discernable reason, but im having SO MUCH FUN WITH IT
it's gonna have its own lore & plot n shit and maybe ill make a sideblog for it if im feeling spicy??? or just a madcom sideblog in general LOL
BENEATH THE CUT IS ALL THE DESIGNS SO FAR + SOME INFO ABOUT THEIR ROLE IN THE STORY & PARTICULAR SPECIES OF DRAGON!! i added a cut bc there's a lot n i felt itd make the post obnoxiously long otherwise JFHFKRBRJR
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phobos' species [nicknamed scorpions] are a sort of parasitoid dragon who's venom is able to rewire and reprogram the minds of others to provide for them- often they're more of a nuisance than anything and are consumed by their thralls once they inevitably break free of the envenomating. but phobos is different, somehow... he's larger, tougher, and carrying things out on a much greater scale than any of his kind have ever managed. Nexus City is a veritable termite mound of kidnapped dragons who would've otherwise lived solitary lives- divided into three sectors governed by his closest aides, every dragon in that mound is working towards... something for him, though what that is remains to be seen. whatever it is can't possibly be good...
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dr. hoffnar's species [nicknamed bats] originate from caves deep underground, covered in sensory tendrils that work in place of their now vestigial eyes. they use their tail tips to lure in prey, posing them as a tasty spider and dancing them along the rocks, while the rest of them lurks just out of sight, waiting for their meal to get close enough.... Dr. H doesn't seem to remember where he came from, but he knows at least it was never so bright. his eyes are hopeless as far as vision goes- the tinted glasses he wears are merely to save him the headache from so much light input at a time!
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dr. crackpot originates from a volcanic island species [nicknamed vultures]- predominantly scavengers with a nasty toxic bite and long, lanky limbs for scurrying and climbing! the ruff on their chests is made to be plucked from so they have something soft to line their nests with :] the man himself holds the prestigious award for Phobos Suckup Of The Year & couldn't care less where he came from- all he knows is that he gets to do new and exciting work in his district, including a fascinating new project that could potentially make a dragon immortal! how fascinating!!! i'm sure this could have no grave repercussions in the future!!! mind the rumors about his species being cannibalistic and his cap being made of dragonleather- nothing but silly rumors!!!!!
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dr. christoff came from a dying species [nicknamed tundras] who grow more and more elusive as the years wear on. they're too heavy to fly- their wings have been repurposed for combat, outfitted with deadly claws at the tips for slashing and swatting! christoff is endlessly puzzled with his origins- why there are gaps in his memories, why no one in the City looks like him, and why no one's able to tell him any of these things- especially the Director!!! he tries his best to concern himself with leading his district, but he can't help but question Phobos' integrity... he's always promising Nexus City works towards the betterment of all dragons, but in what manner? perhaps it's better not to pry- curiosity did kill the cat, after all!
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2B, otherwise referred to as doc hails from a grazer species endemic to savannahs and grasslands [nicknamed rhinos]. their thick hides make for excellent protection from the sharpest of fangs, and their sturdy builds ensure they're always the last dragon standing- however, their limbs are far more limited in their range of motion than a typical dragon, so their wings often substitute as hands. 2B leads a ragtag organization of dragons dedicated to putting a stop to Phobos and his antics before he does irreversible damage to their world- as someone who was once under his influence and lived to tell the tale of his escape, he has a rather personal vendetta against the guy.
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sanford's species [nicknamed beetles] sport thick, chitinous armor and a deadly chemical weapon in their throats- not quite fire, but a highly volatile chemical irritant that burns just as bad! their elytron protect their wings, which are thin and prone to tearing, and they're some of the more social species! sanford's a fairly easygoing dragon- quick with a joke or a few words of reassurance, for someone who's expertise lay with hand making and rigging explosives, he's got quite a knack for diffusing tension- especially comes in handy working with people like doc and hank!
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deimos's species [nicknamed basilisks] hail from tropical rainforests and come in a dazzling array of colors, with prehensile tails and a deadly venom that can be spat or injected. they're not true fliers- they evolved from wyverns like hoffnar and hank(citation needed). their wings became a frontal set of legs to capitalize on clinging and climbing, and the leftover membrane is used for gliding between treetops! deimos is enthusiastic to a fault at times- he'd probably leap directly into an active volcano if sanford weren't around to scruff him back. he's crafty and resourceful, good with locks and pickpocketing, and especially skilled in getting away with it.
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and last but not least, Hank. what's a story without a protagonist? Hank is... unlike any documented dragon species, living or extinct. he appears to be adapted for cave dwelling- covered head to toe in fine sensory hairs and heat pits, very few things can stay hidden from him, living or otherwise. 2B found him deep underground, jawless, yet feverishly scraping the meat off the bones of a desiccated dragon carcass with the remaining teeth in his head. he's a force to be reckoned with, and acts entirely of his own agency- though he gets bored easily, and finds taking orders from doc just interesting enough to stick around- mostly because all of his orders involve killin' in some capacity, which he's quite talented in doing. half of why doc keeps him employed is for fear of what might happen were he left entirely to his own devices- a weapon of mass destruction is better off in your hands than anyone else's, no?
thaaaat's a wrap! cogration if you made it this far!!!! hopefully i get to do more things with this au in the future :] maybe even make a fangame for it??? idk dawg!!!!
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