#the superior tvd universe ships
My very unpopular TVD opinions since you're always so kind and non-judgmental: 1. Given the context, ie a supernatural universe where everything and everyone is morally skewed and toxic to one degree or another, I don't think delena is nearly as toxic as most claim. I love them and believe in their love for each other. I found myself believing they'd have a very happy life together. And I like kalroline, but to me they're more toxic, and I don't get the argument that they're somehow healthier?! Still, the point is that "toxic" is kind of a ridiculous label to apply to ships on this type of show! 2. I like Caroline a lot, but I feel like overall she's a little overrated. 3. I adore Elena despite her flaws and think she's very underrated by the fandom overall! 4. I don't like Stefan even though I really wanted to. I don't know if it's the acting or the writing, but he just seems like a self-superior, emotionally detached, dishonest, smug, sanctimonious and hypocritical ass to me the majority of the time despite his (mostly performative) "goodness"! 5. I love Bonnie/Enzo. I get the argument that they were underdeveloped and that Bonnie was just thrown with Enzo so she'd finally have an epic love of her own, but regardless of the writers' motivations, it actually worked for me!
That's what I keep saying! Elena dating Stefan after the shit he put her through with Klaus was probably not a sound choice, but this is TVD and shit like that was normal. Delena are not healthy, even by TVD standards, but the degree to which they're "toxic" is exaggerated by the fandom and the show, and largely stems from the fact that their incompatibility is the major obstacle to their relationship, and a topic that is openly discussed by Delena and every other character. And, yes, Klaus tried to kill Caroline even when he already had feelings for her, and he killed Tyler's mother too, etc. Like Damon, he did terrible things to Caroline and to those she loved, but, unlike Damon, he wasn't an ally. I'm not sure they're less healthy, because they were never even a thing, but they aren't healthier.
I feel that way sometimes too, when the show and fans push the narrative that she's perfect.
I agree. She's my favorite TVD character! I don't understand why fans don't see she's just as badass and amazing as Caroline and Bonnie, and not just the cliché girl caught up in a love triangle.
I majorly disagree. I once felt like you, but now I adore Stefan, probably as much as Damon. I think he's genuinely a good guy, capable of admitting when he fucks up and who actually understands things aren't black and white. Apart from season 4, in which he acts like a sanctimonious ass a lot of the time (re: Delena and the cure), I think he's so warm, funny, and compassionate. I love that he isn't just the "good guy", he does have a lot of flaws and admits that he isn't always better than Damon or any other vampire so he doesn't have room to judge (too much). He can make fun of himself too.
I think I liked them as well? I haven't watched seasons 7 and 8 since the first time I watched them (I tried rewatching season 7 but had to stop after Damon's reaction to Elena's "death"), so I can't comment on this, but I'm pretty sure I liked them too.
Thanks for the ask! I like that my blog is a safe space for people to respectfully share their opinions.
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onlyheda · 5 years
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Stelena and Posie parallels
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Oh, I would Love to hear your opinions about Klamille and Klaroline (especially how ist was portrayed in the beginnend and how ist evolved, because I think the portrayel Changed quite a lot)
I’ve spoken about Klaroline previously and this is what I said: 
Klaroline is one of those ships I actually don’t have much of an opinion on. I don’t ship them, but I don’t hate them either. For me, I see it as a crackship more so than anything else. I can see the potential and intrigue in regards to the possibilities with them that can be used for fanfiction and AU’s etc. but in regards to canon, I’ve gotta admit I don’t really see it. I find it to be a very shallow relationship. Klaus fell in love with Caroline although he barely knew her and I can’t really understand what it is about Caroline - an ordinary 17 year old high school girl - that would make a 1000 year old hybrid fall in love with her? And in regards to Caroline’s well-being and happiness, being with Klaus definitely isn’t the right thing for her. I mean, she married Stefan who is quite literally the polar opposite to Klaus and that just says it all. I just don’t see how Caroline could ever love Klaus. She was attracted to him and intrigued by him, yes, but in regards to a real emotional connection and a long-term relationship I just don’t think it’s there between them. Also, as someone once pointed out, a big theme of the Klaroline relationship that the shippers seem to hold onto a lot is the whole idea of Caroline wanting to see the world and travel. But it’s actually something she herself never once expressed. Klaus is the one that projected that onto her, telling her there was an entire world out there for her to see, offering to take her to Paris, calling her up when he was in New Orleans to tell her he wanted to share the art and culture with her - yet when did Caroline herself ever express wanting to travel or see the world? Basically, Klaroline is a ship that was never really supposed to happen but because the Klaroline fandom turned out to be so huge, the writers did a tonne of fan-servicing and made them into a lot more than it was supposed to be. For that reason there isn’t much of a basis for them, which is why I don’t ship them. But I can see why others ship them, particularly in regards to the non-canon possibilities.
I don’t really have much more to add to this because I still feel the same way. I think Joseph and Candice have great chemistry, but to be honest, Joseph/Klaus has chemistry with every single person he interacts with. I understood Klaroline when it was Klaus just having a little unreciprocated crush on Caroline, but anything beyond that I don’t really buy into. Their scenes on The Originals felt so forced to me. Like that whole line “you’ve never been the villain in my story”..... cringe. And their general behaviour towards each other with the flirting and reminiscing over their fond memories which were non-existent (are we just gonna conveniently forget that their entire relationship on TVD consisted of Klaus obsessing over Caroline and Caroline despearately trying to swerve his advances because she wasn’t interested and was in love with and committed to Tyler?) I just think that narratively speaking, Klaroline were taken to places that didn’t make sense to appease the shippers. And I know that the shippers are probably still disappointed/angry and might say they didn’t get justice, but being an outsider looking in, I can see that the writers gave Klaroline shippers way more than they ever intended. Klaroline would’ve withered away and died as quickly as it developed if it hadn’t of been for how popular they were. 
Now we come onto Klamille. I’m very meh about them. I don’t care for them. I said Klaus has chemistry with everyone, but his chemistry with Cami was poor considering she became his main relationship on TO. I just find their chemistry very flat and their relationship to be like every other relationship on TVD (particularly the vampire-human relationships). It was all about Camille fixing Klaus and being this little snowflake of purity and goodness that made Klaus vulnerable and capable of love. Cami felt more like Klaus’ therapist a lot of the time. It’s like he was a project for her. He was so broken and had so much emotional baggage, and she was intruiged by him and wanted to try and help him. I never really bought into her loving Klaus. Camille wasn’t messed up enough to fall for someone like Klaus. We’ve seen humans fall for vampires so many times and it’s always hard to comprehend, because I genuinely do think that is vampires existed in reality it would be very, very, very rare for a human to actually fall for a vampire. But Klaus? He takes it to an entirely different level. He was one thousand years old, a hybrid, a monster and by far the most evil character in the whole of the TVD/TO universe. I know that Klaus had his good side and that Cami saw parts of that, but I still don’t think she’s the sort of person that would fall for him. The early stages of their meeting showed that. Cami started out having feelings for Marcel and was pretty much repulsed by Klaus, but then suddenly started to get a crush on him. Don’t get me wrong, Klaus and Cami clearly had a connection and stuff in common, but I saw her as being more of a friend and/or sister figure in his life rather than a lover. 
Klaus was such a complex character that any romantic relationship he had had to be very different from any other TVD ship (or ships generally), and they weren’t. That’s why they didn’t work for me. Klaus’ darkness went too deep for women like Caroline or Camille to seriously love him and want to be with him. They might’ve been intruiged by him and eager to unravel the mysteries of his long life, but that’s as far as it would’ve gone. Likewise, Klaus was not the sort of person that fell in love easily and yet with Caroline and Cami (Caroline in particular) it did seem to happen easily, and I never bought it. 
This is also the reason why Klayley is my favourite romantic pairing for him, because it was different. Hayley wasn’t the light to Klaus’ darkness or his therapist or somebody whose sole life purpose was to fix him. Hayley accepted Klaus for exactly who he was. She saw the goodness in him but she was never blinded by it. She wasn’t delusional or filled with false hope that he could somehow change and become this beacon of love and good. She wasn’t surprised when he did bad things and she didn’t turn away from him either, because she knew that was who he was. It was also more likely that someone like Klaus would fall for somebody that he spent lots of time with over a prolonged period of time through shared experiences and the building of trust and common ground. That’s what he had with Hayley. Not to mention, Hope was the greatest love of Klaus’ life and the fact that he shared Hope with Hayley was enough by itself to cause him to fall in love with Hayley. Sorry, this has just descended into a rant as to why Klayley were the superior ship haha.
To sum up, I don’t really like Klaroline or Klamille, but I don’t hate them either. There are nice parts to both ships, but overall, I think neither relationship made sense for Klaus’ character. Not to mention, they both probably deserved a lot better. Then again, any woman in the universe Klaus could’ve ended up with would’ve deserved better lol. 
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