#the question made me very excited
darkfluffydragon · 2 months
More lore on shadow milk cookie and pure vanilla cookie and wind aecher cookie also since pure vanilla cookie rules the vanilla kingdom what will happen to it and how will the republic and the ancient cookies react to the beast... Please give me lore I crave for it
I have a lot of drawings planned for this au, but actually getting to do them is a whole other thing. I keep getting distracted by little side quests, and my motivation jumps from one project to another faster than I can keep up. Though, most of the little comics are seperate scenarios that occur in the au, focused around the trio.
Despite this, I can still share some of the lore through writing form >:D
I’ll start with the question of how exactly Shadow Milk Cookie managed to influence Pure Vanilla’s Souljam so easily. In the original story, Pure Vanilla resists Shadow Milk with White Lily’s help. In the Phantasmagoria AU, Shadow Milk Cookie tries again and succeeds.
There’s one main factor (or two), that contributed to this. Both of which happened long before the Beastyeast episodes. It happened during the Dark Flour War, when Pure Vanilla Cookie used Dark Moon Magic to banish Dark Enchantress and sacrifice himself. Dark Moon Magic taints the soul here, and the spell had a far greater consequence than anyone realised. Those imperfections in the Light of Truth gave Shadow Milk the perfect opening to sneak his way in and achieve victory.
Or perhaps, the true catalyst was the academy. When Pure Vanilla Cookie snuck into the restricted section and discovered knowledge long buried and lost.
Next up, Windy! Shadow Milk Cookie has met Wind Archer in the past. Briefly, at least. As a scholar and seeker of knowledge, he would have tried to find a way to meet Millennial Tree Cookie. Though he would only succeed when he becomes truly desperate to stop the corruption plaguing him and his friends. He would plead for an audience with the god, and upon meeting him, would be told that they could not help him. That the apparently all-knowing god could not help them because they were creations of the witches, who even the gods themselves did not truly understand.
All those nights of scouring ancient texts, all the weeks, months, perhaps even years, of clinging onto that false hope. It would cause Shadow Milk to feel resentment at the unfair situation. They did not ask for this power, they were simply created with it. What had they done to deserve such punishment? Did they not do everything the witches asked them to do? Why were the witches not helping them?’
He would want someone to resent, someone more tangible than the witches that created them. Who else but the god that stood before him? The grudge would remain, even after centuries had passed in the seal. It would remain long enough that when he comes across the guardian once more, he would gleefully take the wind god and break him at the first chance he had. Anything to provoke Millennial Tree Cookie, who had denied him the salvation he begged for all those eons ago.
Does Pure Vanilla Cookie still love White Lily Cookie? The answer to this is, at first, simple: No. He does not love White Lily, not anymore. Shadow Milk Cookie knew that the affection was a variable, one that had ruined his first attempts at gaining control. He would remove it as soon as possible, to cement his control. Pure Vanilla Cookie is quite literally unable to love White Lily anymore. Surprisingly enough, Shadow Milk Cookie didn’t deem the bond he held with the other ancients much of a threat to his manipulations, so he left those relatively untouched.
While Pure Vanilla isn’t able to love White Lily anymore, it doesn’t mean he’s lost any feelings he had for her. They’re still there. Specifically, he’s in love with the memory of her. He remembers how he used to love her, how he had waited so long for her. How he remained stubborn in his choice of love. Pure Vanilla would love those memories, cherish them even if he could no longer understand them. He cannot love the current White Lily Cookie, but he could love the White Lily and Pure Vanilla that once existed.
This lack of feeling wouldn’t go away in the aftermath either. Shadow Milk Cookie is very thorough in his methods, and the lost love wouldn’t just return. Even if his influence is gone. To regain Pure Vanilla’s love, White Lily would have to earn it again. The problem, however, stems from how much they would have changed. White Lily is no longer the White Lily from the academy that young Pure Vanilla fell in love with, and Pure Vanilla is no longer the virtuous hero and king the stories claim he is. They’ve both changed. So much so that one could even question if it was even possible for Pure Vanilla to fall in love with her again.
It’s very strongly a role reversal scenario.
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shepscapades · 6 months
Okay I'm a little curious, because to me when making a playlist I make it to be listened to in order. Not just for story but for vibes. Is shuffle a yes or a deal breaker for some playlists? I know for me it can really mess with the vibe
OOOH good question!!! For most of the playlists, it depends what mood I'm in! If I'm looking to listen to understand the character/be immersed in the story/pay attention, listening in order is a must. But there are some of the playlists that are so full of bops/are already in an order that I'm happy with, that I don't really mind what comes on, so I'll put it on shuffle just for vibes/so the transitions and emotional rollercoasters don't get old :)
I've been listening to Xisuma and Doc's playlists nonstop lately on shuffle for vibes bc those playlists are full of bops, but if I ever want to Feel Things about the characters, I'll listen in order hehe (though I usually still feel Plenty when listening on shuffle because I'm hyper aware of the moment, arc, or feeling that song is supposed to represent LOL)
When I'm on long drives, I like to listen to the playlists top to bottom and then see what Spotify puts on afterwards to see if there are any new songs I can fit into any playlists :>
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ceruleanfuckup · 1 year
So I had a fantastic date tonight.
#it was a gym date and the first time we were meeting each other so i was nervous about it but it turned out to be really really nice#he's new to the poly stuff and the way that he spoke about it told of an emotional and intellectual intelligence that was so fuckin hot#he's really cute and we have a kind of shocking amounts of crazy passions that are exactly the same#he can quote scott pilgrim as much as me#he has dice tattoos#he got really excited when i gave him the origami ball i made while bored in a meeting today and wouldn't stop fidgeting with it#we got dinner afterwards and talked a lot about a lot of different things about each other and it was just really nice#and he told me i have the prettiest brown eyes 🥺#he also said that he showed his husband my pictures and he was like 'damn he looks like he has a strong stomach.not abs but like a strongmn#and i got SO EXCITED#i pointed out my gym crushes to him because i wanted to test the jealousy waters and he reacted very well#he answered my questions with a level of thoughtfulness and contemplation that i felt deeply attracted to#i just think I'm going to fall for him really hard and I'm very very excited about it#my love life has been... lackluster recently for a lot of different reasons#and I'm so fucking excited to have someone that i can be excited about who is just as excited about me#I've been craving that for so long#I'm just thrilled and looking forward to the next date#we're going to be talking a lot#I'm gonna be a little sad for a second. the person who i thought was my stream of consciousness has shown me that he doesn't really care#and that's been hard for me to come to terms with. we haven't even had a conversation about it#but he's been the only person that I can tell things to when i get excited about something#and i don't feel like i have that. so I'm writing in a Tumblr post about this because I don't feel like i have anyone#to get excited with me about things#hopefully that will change soon. I'm very hopeful about him.#just please. whatever deity is out there. please let me find some happiness here. i have been craving and wishing for way too long#personal#edit: another very very good sign is that he's much smaller than me and a trans man who is getting back into the gym#but he didn't seem intimidated by my size and was even comfortable taking flexing selfies with me after.#if existing around me or in that setting triggered any physical insecurities#he didn't show it. which was a big change from the ball of anxiety i saw when walking into the gym. I'm just impressed in a few ways
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destinyandcoins · 9 months
if a magic wish-granting supernatural entity descended from the sky and offered me the ability to have a full, human conversation with my cat for 5 minutes where we completely understand each other and can communicate verbally with no limitations the very first thing i would ask* is why the fuck she gets so buck fucking wild whenever i change the sheets on my bed. like, what is that about
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fubaoub · 4 months
How did yu get so good at art. what are your secrets. Also what brushes do you use?
i think the main things I've done that really helped me improve is using websites like Quickpose to study anatomy on a (relatively) consistent basis and studying artists I personally like and their process! :)
Another really good thing that helped me is looking at "bad" art I've made and seeing it as a way to figure out my mistakes and improve instead of seeing it as something demotivating? Hard 2 explain but it helped me tons!! Not the easiest thing to do but working on a good mindset when it comes to your art actually helps so much
AND IM GOING 2 BE HONEST I switch between brushes like a maniac so i can never remember exactly what I use on my drawings but i do have a few sets I really love!!
this ZH set has some really nice pencil textures that I use all the time! I also really love the perfect pencil brush though I haven't used it a whole lot recently :)
ANDD I love the analog brush on this set but it isn't free sadly :'(
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ccaptain · 5 months
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silverislander · 6 months
i'm in the process of watching a bunch of american zombie movies to prep for my honours essay next semester (i'm gonna talk abt them in the context of generational fears!! i'm really excited) and just. man. all the pre-night of the living dead are pretty explicitly racist in some really insidious ways and too many of the post-living dead ones are too
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darkfinch · 2 years
me, 87, being patiently led to my rocking chair by a grandchild: quinn doesn’t even actually belong to leverage, he’s from ao3 he lives in ao3 i just saw him there yesterday—
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rxttenfish · 8 months
trying desperately to figure out why zoe's characterization bothers me so much and. is it literally just because shes a fan stand in? so that somehow things feel cheapened when another character does something and she calls it out as a trope?
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
on a semi related note there r like 2 specific times i remember expecting one of my safe foods and getting something entirely different and being SO insanely upset abt it even though the thing i got still tasted good
#the first my uncle asked me what i wanted 4 dinner while he was staying with us#and i said cheesy chicken and rice my fav food and he Made cheesy chicken and rice but it was like. a completely different dish than what i#refer to as cheesy chicken and rice and it was good food but i was rly rly rly upset. and i feel bad bc again it was good and my uncles a#great cook but i was expecting my comfort food and got something different#the other big one was i always get the wisconsin six cheese from dominos. and if i dont get the wisconsin six cheese i get the beautiful an#delicious pizza me and my mom named greg . rly funny story actually. but greg is basically. hes got ranch instead of tomato sauce and then#chicken bacon (always at least these 2) and mushrooms if possible for toppings. and hes great#and one time my mom was ordering dominos and asked me what i wanted and i said the wisconsin 6 cheese yk. and it came and it had ranch sauc#and my mom was like oph yeah i thought itd be fun to try the ranch sauce since we like it on greg so i thought id surprise you. and i#literally couldnt eat the pizza and i started crying over it bc i had been rly excited for the 6 cheese#but yes. greg is my goto pizza everywhere except dominos on occasion if they dont let u do rnch as a sauce we do alfredo instead#hes very trustworthy and i love him... we got him umm. the first time we ordered him was when we were doing my sleep study#so we were like waiting outside the hospital and we were like oh we should order something 2 eat since we havent had dinner yet#and we went to order and 4 somereason we couldnt get the 6cheese idk if like one of th cheeses was out of stock or something ???#but we were like ok lets just make a new pizza lol. and we made him and then dominos was like Ok what do you want to name the pizza#and idk why i think it was late but that question was like. HYSTERICAL to us KJADBJWABD bc we were like what is it a baby#of course now i realize its so you can like. have that pizza saved to easily order it again yk. but we were like idk.. greg??? so yes. and#im ngl to you guys idk if it was just bc it had been a good day and i was happy and like kind of silly since i was at a hospital#but that was literally theeee best pizza ive ever had in my literal entire life. istg they put crack in that pizza it was soo good#sooo yes anyways sry 4 rambling.
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vzajemnik · 10 months
:////// i really dont like my friends huh
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girl-bateman · 11 months
Dont get me wrong, a good vacay literally makes life worth living and im not trying to be ungrateful, but knowing that a trip with my dad is guaranteed to include me having to deal with his alcoholism very much sucks ass. 80% of it will be amazing and fun and all the things a vacay is supposed to be, but that 20% is so so unpleasant that I sometimes wonder if its worth it at all tbh
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
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listen neverafter is the season i was most excited for but this is Not a great list of content warnings for me (autistic and emetophobic and easily scared)
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mahi-does-some-art · 2 years
the fact that my first finished art project of the school year actually looks better than some of the art I put here for once is crazy
might post here later after I've submitted it www
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gibbearish · 6 months
to anyone watching the james somerton situation and going "well how DO you write your own things like this then? everyone's talking about how /not/ to but i dont know where to start, the way highschool taught me essay writing was all about the number of sentences in a paragraph and mla citations :("
you know how james made things up between his """sources""" that sounded just plausible enough that people accepted it? he did it in the wrong order, do that part first THEN research. 100% serious right now, just make some shit up in your head that sounds vaguely right based on what you know now, write it down, and then go check if you're actually right or not. boom, now you have a topic. thats literally all it is, its just you saying "i think (xyz)" and then checking to see if the facts agree with you or not. if you turn out to be right, talk about what lead you to the conclusion initially and anything you learned about that you didn't predict. if you turn out to be wrong, talk about the right answer and examine why you thought differently at first. then either way talk about how things got that way, if you think it should stay like that, and why (e.g. how does it being that way effect people right now). tada suddenly you have an essay that is unplagiarized and entirely your own thoughts, with a plethora of sources on hand to cite because That's What You Used To Check. now be free your beautiful doves
#obviously its not actually that easy but thats how it tends to feel after the fact KENFKSBFKBSKFBDJ#like presumably the reason youre writing it is because youre excited about the topic right? so show other people what was#so exciting about it to you#if the research made you go 'no way no way no way this is insane' freak out about it onto the page#(esp if youre aiming for youtube‚ obv if youre actually doing professional writing dont make it Too Out There but still keep the energy)#act like youre showing a friend and you also want them to go no way no way no way this is insane#thats the frustrating part abt james is its like. you can tell he kind of does have a bit of that deep down#like the 'current body standards come from nazis' thing just Stated like that is absolutely misinformation#but '/do/ current body standards come from nazis' is a topic i could see absolutely being a thing#like with 0 context it sounds plausible enough on its own‚ they had weird body standards and we have weird body standards#and its not like there arent other things at the very least america decided to keep around from them and i imagine canada#wasnt much better given all ive heard abt their history#so its like james that couldve been your discussion topic!! that couldve been your thesis you couldve explored that!!!!#you could've said 'i think these standards come from here and here's why' and broken it down and drawn connections to show people why you#think that!!!!!#but no he just horks it up into the filler without a thought and moves on with his day#sorry just rewatching the todd video and the podcaster at the start refers to it at james 'making the connection' between#those things and it just struck me like. huh yeah misinformation and theorizing are only really separated by#putting a question mark at the end sometimes#obv its way more nuanced than that in general but with one isolated statement like that you can see how thin#that tipping point is#and that just makes it 1000x more frustrating bc it's like you were so close! you were so close to coming up with an interesting#question to ask and perspective to offer!!! and then you just DODGED AROUND IT doing basically the same amount of work anyways?#in pursuit of laziness???????????#absolutely mystifying#ah apologies the podcaster says 'does the cultural connection' but same diff#and it was modern fitness culture not body image standards in general#theres been a lot of info going thru my brain recently phrasing details get lost in the weeds sometimes kwbfkshfksh#james somerton#hbomberguy
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All I can think about is Katsuki dating someone with a baby—
His friends think it’s a bit odd since he’s in his early thirties and could still mess around before settling down but he’s not having it
You’re a bit nervous to tell him that you had a kid after a few dates, and you think he’s never going to hit you up again when he doesn’t really respond when you tell him, he just drops you off at your place with a emotionless look on his face.
You cry to yourself that night as you put your little girl to bed, and the two year old knows something’s wrong because she’s fussy through the whole night routine. You really liked Bakugou, he made you laugh and respect you but if he can’t accept your daughter than it's not going to work out.
Then the next morning he texts you that he got tickets for three to the local aquarium for the day. You call him, confused.
“That way we can take your daughter?” He’s confused by your question. “Why? Is she too little for the aquarium?”
You’re nervous as hell for him meeting Mai for the first time, but Katsuki is taken back at how your daughter looks just like you. She's adorable, and his stomach flipped taking in how you looked so beautiful in your jeans and simple shirt.
"Hi Mai, I'm Katsuki," He kneels down to the four year old's height but he's so big and the little girl immedietly burst into tears and hides behind your legs.
"Oh honey, it's okay," You coo at her, picking her up. Mai isn't convinced and hides away from Katsuki.
"I'm sorry, she'll warm up," You explain, but you weren't too sure. Mai had a shy personality, and was very attatched to you. You just hoped that Bakugou would be patient with her.
Mai started shedding her shy personality once you arrived at the aquarium.
"Mom, fish!" She yelled in excitement, tugging on your hand to get you to walk faster. Katsuki stands back and just watches you interact with your daughter. He knew he liked you, but seeing you be a mom did something to him and he imagined this being his life forever.
"What are you thinking about?" You asked when you noticed Katsuki seemed distracted.
He opens his mouth to answer but Mai interupts him when she squeals, "Mommy penguins!"
Katsuki was closer to her, and the little girl grabs his hand and drags him through to the penguin exhibit. Bakugou is taken aback, but quickly pushes back his fear of scaring her and kneels down to look at the penguins swimming as Mai squeals in excitement. She can’t pronounce his name correctly, so Mai just addresses him as ‘Suki which warms his heart.
It’s like a switch got flipped and Mai wouldn’t let go of Katsuki’s hand for the remainder of the tour through the aquarium. You stand back, smiling and snapping pictures, just watching as Bakugou showed a much softer side to him.
The day ended with Katsuki buying Mai the biggest stuffed penguin the aquarium store had, and the little girl could barely hold onto it as she fell asleep in her stroller.
“You didn’t have to get her that,” You said, feeling overwhelmed by his gesture.
Bakugou feels a string of anxiety pull in his stomach, wondering now if his actions were seemed as inappropriate.
“I-,” He tries to be truthful, “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked. Mai just seemed so happy and I wanted to get her something to remember me by.”
That melts your heart, and you kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you for being so sweet to my baby.”
Katsuki is blushing so hard, his ears are ringing as he helps you by packing down the stroller and putting it in the trunk while you tuck Mai into her car seat. The little girl was out, but still hugging her penguin.
Katsuki keeps the radio low as to not wake Mai as he drives you two home, holding your hand and already planning the next outing.
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