#and towards the kind of plague zombies im more used to
silverislander · 5 months
i'm in the process of watching a bunch of american zombie movies to prep for my honours essay next semester (i'm gonna talk abt them in the context of generational fears!! i'm really excited) and just. man. all the pre-night of the living dead are pretty explicitly racist in some really insidious ways and too many of the post-living dead ones are too
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ardentaislinn · 4 years
Yuletide Letter 2020
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional.
Here you’ll find:
My general likes
And prompts for the following fandoms:
Peninsula: Train to Busan 2 (2020) - Jung Seok, Min Jung, Joon Yi, Yoo Jin
Stranger | 비밀의 숲 - Hwang Si Mok, Han Yeo Jin
Kingdom | 킹덤 - Prince Lee Chang, Seo Bi
Illang: The Wolf Brigade | 인랑 (2018) - Im Joong Kyung, Lee Yoon Hee | Kim Seo Hee
A quick note on the Korean names - I’m fine with however you choose to transliterate them. Hyphen/no hyphen, Shi Mok/Si Mok, etc. Just do what you are comfortable with and I’ll adjust no problem. No need to add the honourifics, though
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, rivals-to-lovers, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) Also, casefic, epistolary fic, consent, forbidden pleasures, beta heroes, bed sharing, masquerades, military kink, physical imperfections, ladies being badass and female relationships (whether romantic or friendship), relationships that build tension before exploding, equal relationships, trapped together, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve sweet and occasionally broken men being head over heels for awesome ladies, (and usually not feeling worthy). So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunnilingus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Possibly my favourite kink ever? Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
Miserable endings. Major character death. Baby/Pregnancy fic. Humiliation. Drug use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. A/B/O. M-Preg. Incest. Bestiality, animal harm etc. Underage sexual content. 1st person POV (unless for epistolary). Not big on high school AUs or Rock band AUs. Unbalanced power dynamics in ships without acknowledging/exploring that. (This effects one particular ship below, which I’ll discuss in more detail in the fandom section).
I think that’s it?
And so, to the fandoms, in no particular order:
Peninsula: Train to Busan 2
Jung Seok, Min Jung, Joon Yi, Yoo Jin
While maybe objectively not as good a film as the first one, I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Given that it was essentially a cross between Escape From New York and Mad Max, what isn’t to love? I loved the expansion of the world and the clever uses of zombies in the chase scenes. And I loved that the message was that being logical and self-sacrificing isn’t always the right choice - sometimes you should be driven by heart and empathy. And I really liked the idea that anything can mean happiness when you love and are loved in return - particularly in regards to Joon Yi, but also Jung Seok (and his found family?).
What would interest me the most in this fandom is post-movie fics. But if you wanna do a canon divergent/au thing, I’d be cool with that, too. Some prompts:
Joon Yi struggles a lot more than her sister to readjust to a “normal” life
In order to stay together after being rescued, Jung Seok and Min Jung have to pretend to be married
After four long years of loneliness, Min Jung just wants to be touched
Jung Seok isn’t surprised to find himself in love with Min Jung - and wanting to be a father to her girls - but is he good enough for them? He’s left them behind once - can he forgive himself? Can Min Jung?
The zombie plague escapes from Korea - and Jung Seok, Min Jung, and her girls are the closest thing to experts on how to fight back and contain it that the authorities have. Will their nightmare never be over? Or is this a chance to end it once and for all?
With Min Jung in hospital while her leg heals, Jung Seok suddenly finds himself a surrogate father to two very unruly girls.
Stranger | 비밀의 숲
Han Yeo Jin, Hwang Si Mok
This show is just so good, and Si Mok and Yeo Jin - and their relationship - is a big part of that. He’s logical and doesn’t feel things the way most other people do, but that doesn’t mean he’s given a free pass to be an asshole. He’s a good man who always does what’s right. And Yeo Jin is just as smart as he is, and equally committed to doing what’s right, but in a different way. They make a perfect team.
I love how much they absolutely, completely, trust and respect each other. Si Mok cares about her as much as he is capable - probably more so than he cares about anyone else. There isn’t any drama or jealousy or anything like that in their relationship. They are both practical adults. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have a deep bond. I do ship these two - and would love getting together fic if you can!
Yeo Jin will probably have a tough time of it from now on. How will Si Mok support her through it?
How will Yeo Jin and Si Mok keep in touch now that he’s moved away again? Late night phone calls that slowly become more intimate? Texts or emails (epistolary style)?
In the last episode, there was a hint that Si Mok had a prophetic dream. What if he really did develop a power? And Yeo Jin was the only one he trusted with the truth?
What if Yeo Jin and Si Mok had to travel somewhere for an investigation - and there’s only one bed…
Si Mok isn’t incapable of noticing when a woman is attracted to him. But what if that woman is Yeo Jin? Do they try to make a friends-with-benefits arrangement work? Or do they like each other two much for that?
Everyone already knows Yeo Jin and Si Mok are close - but why do their friends suddenly think they are dating? What’s changed? And how do they stop the rumours - without disappointing all the friends who were hoping they’d finally become a couple?
Yeo Jin had drunk one too many shots of soju and thought she might never see Si Mok again - so she’d jumped his bones and snuck out before he woke, full of regrets. But what happens now they have to work a case together again?
Feel free to bring in the other characters, too, as long as Yeo Jin and Si Mok remain the focus! I love the various dynamics they have with the people around them.
Kingdom | 킹덤
Prince Lee Chang, Seo Bi
Like with Si Mok and Yeo Jin above, so much of what I like about these two is that they are great characters separately - but work so well together as a team. They trust each other. He has great faith in her abilities and respects her so much. And she is loyal to him and respects him in return because she knows he’s a good man and a good leader.
I also love how the show uses both politics and horror elements, both to best advantage. It’s so well-written and compelling.
Now, I can see how this ship skirts close to my “no unbalanced power differentials in relationships” DNW, since he’s a prince, and she’s very much not royalty, so I thought I would clarify my position on this. I would most like fic set after he gives up his place in the royal family, since I think that mitigates basically all the issues. Even though I don’t think he would have intentionally abused his power over her, and Seo Bi was never particularly deferential to him, it still would have effected the relationship. Now that they are on more equal footing, there may be some lingering, residual issues surrounding this, but I feel like it’s at the level of bringing some interesting angst into the equation without feeling icky, if that makes sense.
Lee Chang and Seo Bi are somehow transported into modern day Korea. How will they adapt?
Both Lee Chang and Seo Bi have seen horrifying things - and they have the nightmares to prove it. How do they help each other through?
I feel like there are a million stories you could tell within the time jump at the end of the second season. Seo Bi and Lee Chang are travelling together, but no doubt keeping their mission to find the resurrection plant a secret. Are they pretending to be married? Is there anything Lee Chang has to adjust to now that he’s no longer, technically, the crown prince? How are they making money? Is Seo Bi hiring out her medicinal knowledge, while Lee Chang sells his sword? How far will they go to find the answers they seek?
The properties of the resurrection plant are still largely unknown. What horrors will they have to face next, now that another outbreak is looming? 
Lee Chang decides that Seo Bi needs formal fight training - and takes it upon himself to teach her.
What moments of levity can they find together amongst the horrors?
Lee Chang knows he shouldn’t think of Seo Bi in that way - they are colleagues, and despite everything he is still from a royal family. He needs her too much to risk everything because of his desire. But oh, how he wants her…
Illang: The Wolf Brigade | 인랑 (2018)
Im Joong Kyung, Lee Yoon Hee | Kim Seo Hee
So much about this movie is absolutely my jam. The action scenes, the exploration of what desperation can drive people to, the unclear loyalties that are slowly revealed. That whole sequence when they first meet and spend time together is like a distillation of so many of my favourite things. He sees her and is just instantly gone on her. And she for him. And from then on it’s just a quiet, intense longing between them. They are so aware of each other, every sense drawn towards the other. But he’s so broken, and he sees himself as more animal than man. And it’s revealed that she has equally deep wounds, too.
An argument can be made that at least some of it was an act, of course. They were both trying to deceive each other after all. But I think it’s pretty obvious that there were real feelings there, particularly because she tries to warn him that he’s walking into a trap, and he comes back to save her. Maybe even they don’t know how deep their feelings go, or the other’s feelings, but the audience knows.
And yet...I’ve seen it twice now, and the ending is still no clearer to me. Like, is he dead? It doesn’t seem like it, since both she and her brother saw him at the train station. But maybe he’s like a guardian angel now? And if he’s not dead, where did the shot come from? A hidden gun? The sniper? And most importantly of all, if he’s not dead...why aren’t they together??? Like, aren’t all the potential impediments to their relationship gone by that point?
So, I guess most of all I would like fic that makes more sense than that ending - preferably by giving them the happy ending they deserve.
Joong Kyung watches over Yoon Hee from the shadows - but she always knows he’s there. How can she convince him to come into the light, and back into her life?
Yoon Hee’s brother gets himself into trouble, and the only person she can turn to for help is a man she hasn’t seen in too long - Joong Kyung.
Joong Kyung now walks the line between the living and the dead, but he can’t stay away from Yoon Hee. (Paranormal/magic AU?)
Has there been too many lies between them to make a relationship work? Neither think they are worthy of the other, but when they are pulled back together (to give evidence for an official inquiry?) they can’t quite keep their distance.
Joong Kyung is on the run, and he doesn’t know who to trust - except the one woman he’s never forgotten.
Misunderstandings and lies abound between them - but what happens when they are trapped together and must wait for rescue?
If you don’t want to do a post-canon fic, how about canon divergence? What would have happened if the phone hadn’t rung in that warehouse at that moment? Might Yoon Hee have told herself that she could use her body to prove her loyalty to him? And might Joong Kyung have told himself that it couldn’t hurt to succumb - that it didn’t mean anything?
I think that’s everything. Thank you so much!
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imagine-korea · 6 years
Only Human - Wonho
Word count: 1222
Warnings!: mention of blood, violence, ... zombies? ... yeah, also rather grotesque descriptions of fighting said zombies. 
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I really hope you like it and I’m so sorry this is late but I have a few ongoing fics right now and I’m kind of having a writers block. But I hope you enjoy the story either way.
I also noticed you requested a similar plot on another blog and find it interesting how writers can have such a different creative view on such a similar plot. Anyways, I hope you like mine and theirs just as much! :D 
♥ Thanks for the request @prinxessouo ♥
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Am I the only one that thinks almost every idol would be pretty screwed in a zombie apocalypse? :p anyway, lez do this!
Hope has become such a futile thing in this world.
You felt like there was none but still carried on.
Not having hope but your own determination to carry you further.
You trailed across the empty road.
You always wondered why people thought the roads would be deserted when an Apocalypse actually came to be, but now realised it was because of the army’s attempts to contain this plague. So there you walked, alone. The once crowded city now barely containing a living soul. Seeing the bodies scattered around had become a normal thing. At first, you’d try to pay your respects in some way, like covering them with white sheets or some kind of blanket you’d found, but there was no point in it anymore. You were starting to turn cold.
The sunlight was starting to soften, and you knew the zombies would soon be more active. You had been able to avoid them pretty well that day but knew that never lasted long. You were so sick of having to travel alone after some time being in a small, rather bothersome, group. It made you more afraid even though it should be easier travelling on your own, but there was no one to have your back. And you knew that sooner or later you would first hand find that this was true.
You noticed more and more zombies piling into the streets from wherever they did hide, and you kept close to the buildings, trying to find a place to stay the night.
Across the street there seemed to be a hotel of some kind and you decided that that would be your best bet. The only problem being that more and more zombies were wandering the streets by the second. The only possible way of getting inside was to just make a break for it and get through the door as fast as possible. But as you actually reached the door, having caught quite a few zombies’ attention, you found that the door was locked. You cursed to yourself, grabbing a glass bottle that littered the street, throwing it far from you as a form of distraction as it made contact with the concrete with a loud clatter, pulling some zombies’ attention off your presence as you ran to find another way in. You ran into the alleyway next to the building, hoping that there would at least be a door, a way through or up, anything. Yet you were only met with a brick wall blocking your path and a few dumpsters. Another curse word left your chapped lips as you saw at least 6 zombies joining you in the alleyway. You made your way onto one of the dumpsters knowing that it would be harder for them to get to you, but this also went the other way around. A crowbar isn’t exactly the easiest thing to swing from above. You downed merely two zombies before one of them was able to grab at your ankle. You let out a loud shriek as your crowbar clashed with its head, seemingly wanting to stay fixed in its skull as no matter how hard you pulled, it wouldn’t come out. Adrenaline pumped through your veins at an intense rate and you were quite certain you were done for. You felt something else graze your jeans and you let out another yelp, your head whipping to its direction, only to see the zombie fall to the floor, the others following soon behind as heavy gunshots echoed through the air.
You looked over at their owner, to see a toned man standing at the end of the alleyway, gun in hand. He ran towards you, helping you off the dumpster, not so subtly checking for any bites or scratches. “You okay.” He wondered staring down at you.
“Yes” You nodded, “And I am extremely grateful for your help, but you basically just lured them all here, so we need to get to safety right now.” You rambled, taking his hand and pulling him out of the alleyway but as you were about to run to another building you felt him pull you back. “My group and I already found shelter for the night, come on.” He smiled. “You guys better run! They’re right on our ass!” A man you didn’t notice before yelled from several meters away, another man accompanying him as they ran towards you. They had seemed to have left a trail of downed zombies behind but even more following them. The man pulled you along, running faster than your feet could actually carry you. He pushed open the heavy door of what seemed like warehouse, banging against it with his shoulder as he led you through. He let go of your hand as soon as you were inside and you held the door open for those who were clearly following behind.
As soon as you were able to let go of the door, you doubled over, having to catch your breath from being forced to run at such a pace. “Are you okay?” The man who had saved you asked, placing a gentle hand on your back. “Yeah … fine … just … hmpf” You huffed before slowly straightening yourself out, only to bow your head at the man a second later. “Thank you for saving me.” You said but he placed a hand on your shoulder as to tell you not to bow. “Any time.” He smiled. “Come on, you should meet the others.” “Others?” You mumbled to yourself, following close behind.
“Wonho, do you not understand the difference between food and a girl.” One yelled as soon as you walked into the dimly lit room. Six men were seated  on worn out looking chairs in the middle, two of which you had already seen.
“Oh shut up Jooheon! You were the one scared to go out at this hour.” The man, who you now found out to be Wonho, retorted with a slightly joking tone to his voice. “Hey, with good reason, you guys nearly got gnawed on.” “Guys, can you stop bickering and let us introduce ourselves.” One of the men butted in as he walked over to you. “Hi, I’m Shownu. These idiots are Jooheon, you’ve met Wonho, Minhyuk, Hyungwon, IM and Kihyun.” You found that the ones you had seen before were Kihyun and IM. “I’m Y/N” You grinned, bowing slightly at the men. “She has a mad swing.” Wonho added, lightly shoving your shoulder with his. It was only now that they all noticed the crowbar that still rested in your hand.
“Have you been alone all this time?” Hyungwon suddenly asked and you shook your head. “I’ve was in a group for a while, just tagging along really, but shit went down and I’m not really sure who survived after that, so I just stayed by myself, not really having much of a choice seeing you’re the first normal beings I’ve seen in a long time.” You shrugged and looked over their astonished faces. “Well you won’t have to worry about being alone anymore, you’re one of us now.” Wonho wrapped an arm around your shoulder, a bit tighter than was comfortable. “Right hyung?” “Yes, of course. You’re free to stay with us.” Shownu smiled. ”Welcome to the Xclan!” Some of them yelled in union making you all laugh.
You could not thank them enough.
Part 2
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wetlaprasfanfiction · 7 years
Period Drama - Chapter Three
This story was born on a very bad day in August 2017. In this story I’m exploring an issue that has plagued me since my teens. This issue has stolen many days of my life.
I actually felt a LOT like this when I wrote this and it really sucks. I was stuck in bed for two days. You could call it a creative outlet for a lot of frustration!. This has been pretty much me every month since I ‘started’, minus having the lovely Daryl to look after me of course!
I hope you enjoy this self-centred little number.
Category hurt/comfort/romance
Takes place at the farm just after Sophia is found among the walkers in the barn and Daryl gets hurt looking for her.  
This chapter is rated MA for adult content, sexual descriptions, naked moments, language etc, I will rate each chapter accordingly.
Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own The Walking Dead, this is for entertainment purposes only.
I must have fallen asleep, I thought to myself as my tired eyes readjusted to the daylight. Hershel was sitting opposite me reading Stephen King’s The Stand. ‘Apt reading for the apocalypse’ I joked to him. 'It’s my fourth read, I love this story so much’ he said. 'How long have I been asleep?’ I asked him. 'It was just gone 9am when Daryl went off hunting, it’s 11:30am now, three and a half hours’.
'YOWCH!’ I gasped as pain bit me square in the stomach, causing me to sit up and double over. 'Pain again?’ Hershel asked. 'How’d you guess?’ I quipped back, trying my very best to push this latest wave of agony down as it split through my weak, exhausted body.
I saw him walk out of the woods, a pair of large antlers dangled from the head of a nice big whitetail buck he was hauling on his back.  I could just make out his well-toned arm muscles as he got closer, the buck’s head lolling everywhere as he walked.
Daryl Dixon always looked amazing, even when he was strolling out of the woods covered in dirt, with dead animals hanging all over his body. I fell in love with him a long time before I realized just how impressive he was to look at. I fell in love with his intelligence, his resourcefulness, his kindness and determination.
I wanted so badly to run over to him and help him carry the buck back to the house, where he could hang it up in the shed, gut and skin it. I cursed at myself as soon as I realized I could barely stand, let alone run over to him.
He smiled at me and Hershel as he walked towards our camp, blood ran from the buck’s nose down Daryl’s left arm. 'Put a bolt in this fella pretty soon after I went out’ he told us, 'damn thing took off, had to track him for a good while, but hell, t'was worth it, gonna cook us up a venison party for dinner’ Daryl’s lips turned up slightly into one of his cute smiles. I loved venison so much and it always seemed to taste that bit better if it had been caught and prepared by the one and only Daryl Dixon.
I slowly sat up, 'need to get cleaned up sweetie’ I said to Daryl. Hershel sat up and stood up , 'I got you’ he said, reaching his hands out towards me. 'Really need to wash up properly this time’ I said. 'You can come inside and take a shower if you feel up to it’ Hershel told me slowly. 'Not sure I can stand for that long I said back as I took Hershel’s hands and he helped pull me upright. 'Would you get me my clean clothes from the suitcase please, and Daryl some too? he’s filthy’, I laughed a little. I kindly asked Hershel. 'Yes of course’ he replied before going inside the RV and pulling mine and Daryl’s suitcase out from under one of the beds and retrieving us a set of clean clothes each as I leaned my weight onto the garden table next to me.
'Lemme get this guy strung up and gutted I’ll be right there. No point in washing up then messing around with deer entrails right after’. I knew I had to accept Daryl’s help, as much as it pained me not to be able to even wash myself today, I accepted it. This was my life now, there were no doctors left to help me, not that they ever did anyway.
Daryl took the large buck into one of the wooden sheds, strung it up and slit its abdomen down the middle, pulling out all the insides, tossing the entrails into a bucket outside the shed, adding yet more gore to his dirty body.
Hershel had his arm around my shoulders, supporting me as we made our way towards the house. 'Maggie’ he called, 'get us a couple of clean towels would you’ 'yes just a second daddy’ she called back. I leaned against the shed wall to keep myself up while I waited for the next poor soul to support me.
Ugh I suddenly saw it, the bucket of deer guts, flies already starting to congregate around it. I am most certainly not squeamish, I’ve been there when we’ve disembowelled and beheaded walkers and it’s not bothered me, heck I’d helped Daryl to do it on some occasions. I was always first to run towards and attack walkers alongside Daryl, often getting drenched in putrid zombie body fluids in the process. Today, deer guts were all it took, ‘ugh’, no…ulp..’ I started to throw up, gosh it hurt. The action of throwing up on top of this pain was quite something else. My stomach had already felt pretty uneasy, but this was all it took to push it over the edge. Yuck!.
'Oh fuck!, I’m so sorry!’ I heard Daryl’s voice, ‘I should not have left that there!’ He ran to clean his hands on a towel before he jogged outside to me and wrapped his firm hands around my stomach and held them there while I lost everything I’d eaten and drunk in the past few fucking days, or so it seemed anyway. ‘Ugh, it’s not your fault Daryl’ my scratchy voice responded as I tried to be sick again but nothing came up and it felt as if my insides were being pulled in all directions. Daryl moved one of his hands to my back and gently rubbed circles there as I regained some composure.
Throwing up wore my already exhausted body out even more. Hershel handed me a cup of water that I used to rinse my mouth and spat out onto the ground.
I managed to stand up a little and leaned back onto Daryl. His hand was still on my stomach, rubbing gently. ‘It’s okay, we’ll get washed up then get you into bed’ he told me before he kissed my neck and tightened his grip on me ever so slightly.
Once I was sure I wasn’t going to be sick again, we continued into the house.
Rick, Lori, Carol and Carl were in the large living room playing board games as we walked in and headed to the bathroom. Maggie, who had been collecting eggs with Glenn, handed Hershel two towels.
'Hey’ everyone seemed to call out at once, I said hey up back and me, Hershel and the blood covered, messy looking superhero that was my Daryl followed close behind as Hershel kept a firm hold on my shoulders with one arm and held the bundle of clothes with the other as we walked towards the bathroom. 'Hey’ I managed to say, my post vomiting voice still merely a whisper.
Once we got to the bathroom, he turned the water on and adjusted it so it was just the right temperature and said 'well I will leave you two to it now’ and I thanked him for helping me inside the house and to the bathroom. 'Oh Daryl’ Hershel called again, 'put these on either side of your wound, try not to get it too wet’ and he handed Daryl two waterproof dressings.
Daryl took over then and held on to my shoulders with both hands from behind as I kicked my slippers off. I swayed a little as another wave of pain assaulted all my senses at once. 'Ugh!’ I whimpered, leaning back slightly into Daryl’s arms and he held on to me tighter.
I began trying to take my pyjamas off, which was an appallingly difficult task for someone in so much pain.  My eyes were beginning to fill up with tears, Daryl saw and pulled me into a hug. He held me for a few seconds, his hand on the back of my head, gently holding me against his body before I resumed my task. 'Come here, lemme help you’ he said in a low tone. I hated feeling so weak, I felt useless.
'Just a moment’ he said, before lifting my chin up with his fingers and slowly kissing me as his tongue begged my lips for entry, which I gladly granted.
I felt Daryl’s tongue flicker over mine, pain stabbed into my stomach again like a white hot sword. I winced, desperate not to allow the pain to break our moment of affection.
He noticed my pain and wrapped both his rather mucky arms around me. He knew I didn’t care, his aversion to being clean came as part of the deal when it came to sharing your life the mystery that was Daryl Dixon. The dirt wouldn’t survive the shower anyway. 
He then moved his hands to my front and began to slowly unbutton my shirt. Once he was done he gently pulled it back and off me completely. He was so careful not to make any sudden movements that may worsen my pain.
He held me there for a few moments, and then kissed my neck slowly while his hands found my chest cupping and gently squeezing my breasts, his fingers playing with my nipples.
I felt his stubble against my neck, I moved closer to him and felt a shudder run down my spine as I felt his now hard cock rub against my leg. For a few moments, my awful pain was pushed back a little, I was lost in his warmth and affection. I didn’t care how filthy his body was, I put both my arms around him and smiled a little as our tongues found each other again.
'Come here sweetheart’ I motioned towards the two dressings on the counter. 'Would you?’ he asked. 'Yes of course’ and I undid the wrappings and removed the dressings, placing them as gently as I could onto his bolt wound. He still held on to me as I stuck the dressings onto both sides of his wound.
He winced and yelped. 'Oh Daryl I’m sorry!’, 'naw sweetie it’s cool’.
‘How much does this thing hurt’ I asked him, begging im to be honest . 'A lot’ he said back in a gruff voice. 'Hershel I wants to talk to you about it’ I told Daryl as he helped me finish taking my clothes off and step into the shower. The feeling of the warm water on my tired, sore, weak body was amazing.
'Yeah I know he does, he wants to drug me with pain meds’. I smiled and we both laughed a little.
Daryl took off his deer blood caked clothes, revealing his naked glory and stepped in to the shower with me. 'Oh, I had to take down three walkers out there this morning too’ Daryl shot up over the sound of the water. The realisation of what else must have been on his clothes was a little too much for my sore stomach and I almost threw up again but thankfully I didn’t.
The water around our feet turned murky as the warm water ran over his dirty body. His now wet long hair framed his face and hung over his cheeks. He picked up the bottle of shampoo and squeezed out a blob into his palm before running it through his hair. He then picked up the soap, lathered it in his hands and ran the bubbles over his skin, removing the last of the dirt and blood.
He squeezed out another blob and ran his hands through my hair next. He gently rubbed the shampoo into my hair, his fingers slowly working it through my hair. He grabbed the bar of soap, rubbed some into a lather in his hands and started to slowly wash me. He began with my neck, then my arms and chest, gently teasing my nipples, a pleasant shudder ran down my back, ‘oh this was amazingly good’ I thought to myself, it was the best I’d felt since I had collapsed in the poor man’s arms yesterday. A smile curled the corners of my mouth upwards.
He pulled me close, his hands exploring my body, running down my back and gently coming to a stop in the small of my back. I felt so sick and tired. Daryl was totally amazing though. He could have gone off chopping wood or sitting on watch, but he wanted to make sure I was okay. In Daryl’s world, I was queen apparently and everything else could wait. He pulled me towards him and kissed me, his tongue found mine, his arms around me as the luxuriously warm water pinged off our skin, washing away the last of the day’s dirt and grime. I felt his bristly stubble gently tickle my face again. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the curves of his strong muscles as my hands set out on their voyage across his body. 
As much as I knew he most certainly wanted put my back against the wall and fuck me right here under the warm shower, he held back, his concern was with my awful pain.
My hands found his erection and my fingers ran its length, causing Daryl to shudder. It didn’t take me long to get him off, my strength lasted just long enough to allow my hands to slowly drag him over the edge, causing him to writhe against the wall with floods of pleasure flowing through his body, as if I’d set every single nerve in his body on fire with my touch.
Pain bit again and I jumped a bit. 'Sorry, sorry!’ he gasped, awfully worried that he had hurt me.
He instinctively knew that as wonderful as this moment was, not to do more than just be there, wash and hold me under the shower.
He stepped out of the shower and held up a large towel, I stepped out and he wrapped the towel around me and slowly dried me off. He kissed me again, his lips met mine quickly. He helped me get into my clothes, only a pair of loose trousers and a shirt, I was feeling way too weak now to bother with trying to put a lot of stuff on.
I struggled to put another pad in my pants and Daryl held on to me as I did. He put his clean clothes on, a pair of clean beige jeans and his sleeveless red check flannel shirt.
As soon as I was done, a wave of pain and dizziness struck me hard. 'Oh no, ugh, shit’ I mumbled. I felt really sick all of a sudden. 'Wanna stop’ Daryl asked, 'nah, keep going, I’ll tell you if I’m gonna get sick again’ I said back. Daryl held his now clean arm around me as we walked back downstairs.
‘I’ll help you back to our tent if you want’. 'Yeah, please, I could use a lay down now, I’m tired’, the warm shower I’d just shared with Daryl had left me feeling really sleepy all of a sudden. We walked across the yard, Daryl’s arm firmly around my middle.
He unzipped our tent and helped me get inside, he put a thick duvet on the ground so I would not feel it so much. He gave me the biggest of the pillows and helped me into this Daryl Dixon version of a king size bed.
I lay on my back, he pulled the blanket over me. I felt him lay down next to me and he said 'come here’ and I lay against his warm chest. He began to stroke my hair, the soft movement of his fingers  was incredibly relaxing. The gentle rhythm of his breathing was so soothing. His presence seemed to even calm the clawing beast in my stomach too, and no sooner I realized this, I was sound asleep. He must have been able to put me down and slip out of the tent and not disturb me. Daryl was a stealthy guy, that’s what made him such a good hunter.
Daryl quietly slipped out of the tent and went off to finish preparing the buck.
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