#the pyro origin story nobody asked for but is getting anyways!
immunetoneurotoxin · 3 months
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“Not a soul assigned to their case at the Bureau could make sense of their existence. There wasn’t a single scientist, parapsychologist, doctor, or specialist with over a dozen PHD’s under the sun that could figure them out. Pyrokinesis in a human? They defy every law of nature, yet they exist amongst humanity regardless. How do you explain that?” “The truth is that there are a lot of unknown things out there in the world that mankind hasn't even begun to scratch the surface of. Everyone flocked to this case trying to find rational answers, but there aren’t any. Look at the files in your hands. By the eyes of science, Pyro should not exist. Don’t you know what happens to things mankind doesn’t understand? The Bureau has done sickening things to them in the name of research.” “That’s why I helped them escape, Conagher.”
Excerpt from the novel INCENDIARY; A TF2 Pyro origin story Read the latest chapter of 'Incendiary' on AO3 here! Artwork created by the incredible @narklos ♡ 
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vergeofpanic · 2 years
Ok, but since I keep remembering tumblr exists every few weeks/months, it's time for me to spam posts to make up for the time that goes by where I forget that this cursed platform is somehow the best place for me to rant about fandoms nobody asks about since I personally know absolutely 0 people on this app so I don't have to worry about things like I do absolutely everywhere else
Anyway, time for me to talk about the relationship between Diluc and Kaeya and how the fandom misreprests them a lot.
Firstly, before I start, I dont care about ships in the fandom and only go by what I know is true, such as the mistranslation in the English version where they are called adopted brothers, instead of sworn brothers. (Sworn brothers are a popular romance troupe in China as well as a lot of eastern countries. I'm not overly knowledgeable in what countries and regions have sworn brothers, but if you want an example of sworn brothers in other fandoms, the only example I can give you off the top of my head is Cale and Alberu from Trash Of The Count's Family)
Anyway, just wanted to first clear that up. I understand if the ship makes you uncomfortable because of the English version of the game/translation, but don't attack KaeLuc shippers for it.
Anyway, onto the actual reason for this post. In the Genshin fandom, it's extremely common for people to make angst about Diluc and Kaeya's relationship, mostly showing it from the POV of an Adult Kaeya reminiscing about his time with the Ragnvindr's. My issue with the fandoms portrayal of their relationship, however, is the way they make Diluc act towards Kaeya, as well as Kaeya's reaction to it all.
Just a little heads up as well, this post gets derailed very quickly from how the fandom misinterprets Diluc and Kaeya's relationships with each other into an analysis on the characters instead. By the time this post is fully written, it will hopefully come back around to the original point of the post, but who knows. A lot of stuff I analyse in this post can also just seem like a huge stretch and something that doesn't matter at all, bit my brain has already decided I need to write about it, so that's what I'm going to do.
I will be discussing the backstory of both these characters, so if you don't want spoilers, please don't continue to read this post. I am also not fully sure of some events in the backstory, so please let me know if I made any mistakes with some parts of this.
As most of the lore-followers of Genshin know, Kaeya was welcomed into the Ragnivindr's family by Diluc's father, Master Crepus, after his father left him there and declared him as Khaenri'ah's last hope.
From what we learn in Kaeya's character story, he and Diluc were seen together constantly back when they still got along. Diluc, at the time was also described as a warm individual (and many people believe he used to be a lot more similar to Bennett and the other extremely bright and cheery pyro users), and Kaeya was described as his eccentric friend and supporter, making sure they got through each challenge they faced smoothly.
We find out in Diluc's character story that he was the youngest ever Calvalry Captain of KOF, who worked hard to achieve the dreams his father had for him.
After Master Crepus was killed by the backlash from using a Delusion, described as an "unknown evil power" and dying in Diluc's arms, he left the Knights after having been given an unspeakable order from Inspector Eroch to "conceal the truth" from the citizens of Mondstadt of what had happened to his father.
From what we can tell from Kaeya's character stories, which give the most information on the relatio ship between the two of them, Diluc became angered by Kaeya after he stood behind him as Master Crepus died, instead of being by their sides in the man's final moments. I believe it is also said that Kaeya could've saved Master Crepus but had hesitated for moments to long and by the time he took action it was already to late (i'm not completely sure on this one but I've seen a lot of people talk about this being the main reason Diluc was angry at Kaeya so yeah).
After Master Crepus' death, Diluc left Mondstadt to fight the Fatui, leaving his vision behind and instead using his father's Delusion, before returning back to Mondstadt years later (also i believe he got blacklisted from Snezhnaya which i find hilarious and I hope that when the game finally adds Snezhnaya that we can see some of the townspeople speaking about it)
Anyway, now that I've discussed their backstory, I'm going to discuss how we see them interact with each other in dialogue and scenes throughout the game. I'm mostly going off what I can remember and find online, but if you have any more examples let me know and I'll be sure to add them.
Let's start with the first ever scene we see with the two of them. Just after Kaeya and the Traveller defeat the Hilichurls at one of the 4 winds domain. We see Kaeya interact with the Abyss mage that had organised the ambush. After learning that The Abyss are the citizens of the fallen nation Khaenri'ah, the homeland of Kaeya himself, we can see that he seems to be one of the only characters in game who interacts with the Abyss as more then monsters. While this is going on and the Abyss mage starts to cast a spell, Diluc comes storming in, fist and sword blazing. We don't really get much from this cutscene, however, we do see that the two characters know each other, in a less then friendly relationship.
Throughout what I believe is the only other cutscene from the actual archon quests in the game, we finally get to witness the hostility between the two characters. While Diluc is the one who seems the most hostile out of the two of them, it's clear to see that Kaeya is at the very least, intentionally annoying Diluc. He uses the nickname the Diluc himself expresses his dislike for (in what I believe was part of the scene just before Kaeya joins in on their conversation), as well as talking in a way that mislead both the Traveller and Diluc multiple times by leaving out certain information that made him seem as though he was going to report it to the Knights. In the end of course, Kaeya does agree that he won't tell anyone about Diluc's nights as batman, however, you can clearly see how he messes with Diluc through the conversation.
Next up is the Golden Apple Archipelago 1.6 event. Firstly, we find out that Kaeya ice-bridging is canon, and secondly, we get a lot more insight into the relationship between the two, getting what is our first moment of understanding and agreement between the two in the form of one of the Echoing Conch Shells found on the beach.
Looking up the event on YouTube (because it's been 6 months since the event and I'm gonna be honest, there is no way that hell i can remember any of their dialogue off the top of my head) I have been able to find multiple compilations of the two of them interacting (a favourite of mine being "Kaeya mocks Diluc for 2 minutes straight") we can see just how bad the animosity between the two of them can be. Just looking at the fact they both scoffed at the idea of having to travel to the Archipelago can be a big enough clue that the two can't stand to be around each other for long.
Kaeya also makes the observation that Cryo and Pyro are incompatible, both a reference to Diluc melting Kaeya's ice-bridge, as well as a dig at the fact that the two of them can't get along because of their clashing personalities; where as how used to get along because both of them were much friendlier and warmer towards themselves and others, were as now both of the are cold towards everyone, with Kaeya enjoying watching others struggle and Diluc not letting himself get close to others in fear of losing them or being betrayed by them. (And yes, it is extremely hard not to smile when Diluc says Dodo-King)
When we find an Echoing Conch Shell on the shore of one of the archipelago's shores, we get to finally learn about how Kaeya and Diluc used to be. It's not a long scene, but it's something that highlights a part of the divide between the two of them. When Kaeya makes a comment about them collecting shells, or sea-bird hunting like they used to, Diluc seems to almost be in disbelief at the idea that Kaeya still remembers how they used to be when they were younger, which seems like it may be part of the reason the two don't get along now. We can interpret this as the reason that Diluc has been so cold and easily angered by Kaeya is because he felt betrayed by the idea the Kaeya didn't care about the memories they shared from when they were kids. This can also lead into why they had the fight that unlocked Kaeya's vision.
Like I had mentioned, Kaeya had stood behind Diluc and his father during his death, so he never said his final goodbyes to Master Crepus. From the way I had read the character story, this was the main reason why Diluc was furious at Kaeya. This may mean that Diluc felt that Kaeya didn't care about the relationships and memories he made with Ragnvindr family because he didn't come to say goodbye to the man who treated him like his own son, and that may be where the resentment and animosity that Diluc held for Kaeya has stemmed from all this time. Diluc could have just been holding onto this version of Kaeya that only used the Ragnvinder family for food and shelter, instead of seeing them like a family as Diluc had.
Finally, the last scene I can currently remember that exists in the game. Venti's story quest. Venti's storyquest is rather innocent at the beginning, with (I believe it's Venti himself but I think he might of also tagged along for shits and giggles) asking for help with something. He asks the Traveller to go around Mondstadt with him to witness and record the imaginary friends of Mondstadt's children. After we see just how messed up Timmy has gotten after being abandoned by his father, along with having all his pigeons being slaughtered in front of him daily, Venti asks us to see if Mondstadt's adults also have imaginary friends. We end up spying on Diluc and Kaeya + some NPC's in midst of one of their conversations. This is probably the best scene to showcase that Diluc isn't the only extremely hostile one in the relationship, along with us witnessing who normally escalates the arguments between the two.
"Oh? And if I did have one too many, what then? You'd throw me out along with the trash, is that it?"
"'Throw you out'?"
"You know... the same way you threw out father's legacy? You sold off his mansion - or maybe you've forgotten?"
This scene right here, in what will forever be one of my favourite story quests in the game, is what got me to start think about the fandoms portrayal of these two.
If you remember the way I described the fandoms most common/popular interpreting and content surrounding the two (which you probably don't), I explained that their relationship is nearly always made into angst.
However, in angst, no matter the fandom your in, there is nearly always an antagonistic of some kind, though lots of the time that antagonist is something like depression, mental issues, self esteem issues, etc that often end in hurt & comfort scenes. But when it's angst about two people with a bitter history together we often see one of the two characters involved being portrayed as the villain in the relationship, and in Genshin's case, it is nearly always Diluc who is given this role.
People chose the character they make into the villain in a few ways. Some people do it based solely off of which character they prefer over the two. A case of this in another fandom would be c!Tubbo from the DSMP roleplay, who is often turned into a villain like character for the sake of making c!Tommy or c!Ranboo look like they are completely in the right for all their actions.
Another common reason for making a character the antagonist in the relationship is by how they react to certain scenarios. It's best to describe Diluc as a character with a short temper when it comes to dealing with Kaeya, especially when a lot of people don't pick up on the more subtle reactions and antagonising that characters do, which is something that people don't notice Kaeya do often unless they are someone who is just extremely good at picking up on those kinds of hints.
The final reason I can think of that applies to this is the fact that most people believe that Diluc is the one solely at fault for how the two of them are no longer on good terms with each other, and yes, this is true to some extent, however, it's also obvious to tell that Kaeya is making it difficult for Diluc to even think about rekindling their relationship with each other, especially when anything Diluc says anything that Kaeya takes in slight offence, he seems to bring up Master Crepus as a way to make Diluc seem like a horrible person for selling the mansion they all used to live in together. If anything, the reason why Diluc did that is because his coping mechanism for grief is to get rid of anything that may end up reminding him of that person.
I remember seeing someone comment something on a Diluc and Kaeya angst tiktok that has stick with me ever since I saw it.
"It's not that neither of them care, it's the fact they have different coping mechanisms"
As some context to this comment, the tiktok was just a little animatic where Diluc and Kaeya seem to be getting along, until Kaeya makes a joke about Diluc trying to kill him in the past, and it ended causing Diluc to shut down and put all his mental walls up again. I believe the idea itself was inspired by the echoing shell from the Golden Apple Archipelago, and this video and comment was what inspired me to finally make a post/rant about this solely so I can finally stop having this whole thing loop in my head constantly.
Anyway, this comment is what led me into a huge deep dive into the relationship between these two.
The reason that they seem to be unable to get over their grief when it comes to eachother is because of the way each of them cope. I mentioned this a little earlier, but Diluc's coping mechanism is to avoid memories of the person he's lost. It's a common coping mechanism and you'll often see people move away and sell the house they lived in with their loved one because they can't think of living in a house without that person anymore. Maybe if I'll and Kaeya had started to get along more before Diluc left to hunt down the Fatui then maybe he might of kept the mansion, or maybe he wouldn't of left, but again, this is just how Diluc handles loss.
Kaeya on the other hand is someone who seems to make jokes and uses humor to cope with these kinds of things, which is another common coping mechanism that is often looked down on. People who cope like this are viewed as insensitive and even are accused of not caring for the person who passed away. He is also very open when talking about Master Crepus and even utilises his death as a weapon against Diluc, but Kaeya is also someone who never got to talk about the deaths of his lived one's from Khaenri'ah, so it's not a huge stretch to assume that he is open about Crepus because he never got to open up about his own family dying and leaving him alone. He may be constantly using Master Crepus' death against Diluc as a way to say:
"Hey, you may have lost father, but I lost him aswell, along with my motherland"
Its because of how much these two coping mechanisms clash that their is so much animosity between the two. Kaeya thinks that Diluc is being selfish for leaving Mondstadt so soon after Master Crepus' death, when he himself also lost someone who was a second father to him, and is probably angry that Diluc sold the Ragnvindr Mansion without consulting him first, but at the same time Diluc is angry at Kaeya for treating Crepus' death as a joke, constantly being so open to others about it and using it against him and acting as though he deserves to be upset over it when he didn't didn't care enough to say his final goodbyes to Crepus before he passed.
Its clear that even with the hostility between the two they still care for each other; at least a bit. Even though they constantly fight, Kaeya chooses to go to the Angel's Share for his drinks, even though he could go to Cat's Tail to get the perfect drink without the added hostility, and Diluc doesn't kick Kaeya out of the tavern unless he's drinking far too much and needs to be escorted outside for safety purposes. It may just be the Angel's Share is a place they have a truce at as it was their father's tavern, but it's still nice to think that they are willing to put their differences aside in order to honour Master Crepus' legacy.
This went on way longer than expected and I don't think anyone is going to bother reading it because of how many spelling mistakes and errors their are bound to be in this post, but I spent 2 hours on this and put way to much work into it for me to just delete it. I applaud anyone who actually read though this whole thing because it was a pain in the ass to write, and its all been typed out on my phone because tumblr on my computer is way to confusing. If you want me to make more super long winded rants about more topics, from Genshin or other fandoms you'd like to see my perspective on, let me know and I'll look into it at some point.
- Amir
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bangtanislife-0612 · 4 years
Impulse~ Part 11
Group: BTS
Au: Superhero
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x OC
Summary: Main Character has lost their job and needed money to pay for college, so they become a villain because it pays really well. The boys are a superhero group named Bangtan under organization named The Elite. The evil organization is called The Organization because I'm super original. Jungkook and OC are freshman  in second semester of college. Jimin and Taehyung are sophomores in college. Namjoon and Hoseok are juniors in college. Yoongi is a senior and Jin is graduated and working at The Elite. Basically Jungkook has a crush on OC in college, but doesn't know she's a super villain working against him so it's that kind of story.
                                               Impulse Masterlist
"I'm here!"
Mina pokes her head around in the doorway in surprise at hearing Pyro's voice.
"What are you doing here? You should be with the boys."
"Yeah well, I kind of got in a fight with Golden Boy."
"What the hell could you guys have been fighting over right now!"
"Our friendship"
Mina can't help but pause at is words. She definitely wasn't expecting the boys to be fighting over her, and she has way too much to deal with right now. Adding some dumb movie cliche on top would not help the situation at hand. She runs a hand over her head to try to think of a plan when an idea comes to her.
"I've got it! We can use this to our advantage."
"Well, you just go back to the boys in another ten minutes and say you went to my place to talk to me about what was going on. Say that I let a clue slip of Mina's location and apologize to the boys for whatever you said."
Ugh, do I have to apologize?"
Another head pokes around the corner, this time being Sunny as she lets Mina know that she needs to finish getting ready. Pyro suddenly looks Mina over and notices all the bruises on her face.
"Who did that to you?"
He goes to touch one before Sunny slaps his hand away.
"I did, and if you touch them now before I apply the setting spray they are going to smudge."
Pyro lifts his hands in surrender and starts backing towards the door.
"I didn't mean to scare you! Come back here!"
"No I have to go anyway. I'm just going to come up with some clue for the boys to help me figure out. How long do you guys need?"
"I'm practically done now. Give us half and hour and we will be there."
Pyro nods in acknowledgement before heading to the door.
"Pyro, wait!"
He turns to see Mina heading to him again and stops. She stands for a second looking around to make sure nobody is listening before leaning in to whisper something.
"Make sure to keep an eye out for Sunny. I know she's strong, but she doesn't have a power like me to protect herself from the boys."
He suddenly remembers Jungkook's behavior from earlier and gives her a nod before heading out once again. He looks back one last time to see Sunny and Mina laughing in the kitchen and prays that Jungkook won't do anything stupid.
This is it. He's pretty sure he gave them enough time; although, the boys figured his clue out a little fast than he thought.
Suddenly a noise comes from behind the closed warehouse doors in front of them. Each of the boys gets into a defensive position and he can't help but roll his eyes before slowly copying them. A hand curls around the door in front of them and he knows immediately that Sunny is here and will likely be stretching the dramatics, so he needs to be ready for that.
He gets what he expected as Sunny or "Voltage" swings herself in some weird almost dancer-like(?) twirl around the door and then feigns shock at seeing the boys.
"Well, well, well", oh my god is she serious, "You guys figured my clue out faster than I thought."
"You gave Pyro the clue on purpose?", asks Namjoon as he gives Yoongi a look along with the rest of the group, but he just shrugs his shoulders in response.
Sunny gets the attention back on herself quickly enough with a laugh.
"Of course I did. It's been too long since I've seen my boys."
She follows her words with an exaggerated frown and while Yoongi had been ragging on her need to be dramatic, that is actually what Mina acts like when she is Voltage.
The boys all give each other looks as they all realize the implication that she only kidnapped Mina because they were ignoring her.......for thinking she had been Mina. Even Yoongi is a little confused and annoyed at the drama in the situation, but he thinks he sees Taehyung in the back giggling a bit.
"Anyway, I'm going to assume you are all here for the girl?"
"Her name is Mina!", yells Jungkook in rage as he steps forward, and Yoongi is pretty sure he sees her flinch and steps closer himself.
The other boys pull him back and he sees something click in Sunny's mind as she tilts her head to the side and looks over Jungkook in a new light.
"Do you know her somehow?"
Jungkook freezes along with the rest of the group before shaking his head quickly, but Sunny is actually quite intelligent and steps forward to observe him better. Yoongi knows that even though he is mad at Jungkook right now he can't let his secret exposed, so he steps in front of him to be face to face with Sunny.
"I think that's enough", he surprises everyone, including himself with his dark tone and continues, "We came here for Mina and that's it."
Sunny steps back as she realizes that she is going too far and can't be wasting any time antagonizing superheros. She slowly starts backing towards the wall to be grabbed by Jae, who is hiding in the shadows, as she begins speaking her last words to the boys.
"Hmmm, I think it would be a bit more fun if you had to find her your-"
She's cut off as Jungkook surges towards her, grabbing her arm and yanking her back.
Yoongi sees the look of fear mixed with pain in her face and quickly jumps forwards before planting his hands on Jungkook's back. He scrunches his face up in pain at what he's about to do, but does what is necessary and increases the heat in his palms. Jungkook screams in pain before jumping back and falling to the ground. Yoongi looks over to see Jae rushing forward a crying Sunny and pulling her back to the shadows and transporting away.
He closes his eyes at the hurt and broken-sounded voice of Jungkook and turns to see the boy looking up at him from the ground with tears in his eyes.
"Jungkook I-"
His voice cracks as he can't even force any more words out.
"It's okay"
He looks up in surprise to see Jungkook standing up in front of him.
"I shouldn't have done that. You were right. I've been so mad at everything I haven't even stopped to think and I just hurt another person when it wasn't necessary. You stopped me before I went too far."
Yoongi feels tears begin to gather in his eyes at the growth he sees in the maknae of the group. He looks down to wipe away the tears and feels two arms circling around him, followed by another five pairs. He allows the moment for a couple seconds before jokingly pushing everyone off. As he is shrugging Taehyung off he feels the boy freeze, and looks up to see him staring at the building in front of them.
"I can hear her"
Jungkook turns in surprise and before he can even say anything Taehyung is dashing into the building. All of the boys follow in pursuit as they follow the twists and turns as Taehyung makes it to the second floor, stopping in front of the door at the end of the hallway.
Everyone stops for another couple seconds before hearing a soft "hello" and then they are all rushing once again to get through the door. As they all get through, even Yoongi stops in shock of the image in front of them.
Sitting in a chair tied up tightly by zip ties is Mina. She has small bruises peppering her arms and face, as well as mascara tracks running down her face. Sunny really went all out considering even her hair is all mussed up at the top, and even covered with a bit of dust to imply she's been here awhile.
To everyone's surprise, excluding Mina, Jungkook calmly drops to his knees and begins untying her as well as asking the questions they always do to kidnapping victims. She answers them all with the best acting she can and up until the ambulance arrives to take her away to the hospital.
As the boys watch the ambulance take her away they all turn to look at Jungkook. He looks back to see them all staring, and lets out a sigh before speaking.
"I wasn't lying earlier when I said Yoongi-hyung was right. I don't really know Mina and I have to stop acting like we are more than just classmates."
Yoongi can't help but feel pity as he sees Jungkook attempt a strong face to cover up the fact that he is breaking down inside as he faces truths he didn't want to know. He knows he is going to regret this but it doesn't stop him from offering.
"I sort of know a friend of Mina's......if you want I can see if she may have any interest in you?"
He sees the hope brimming on Jungkook's face and before he can bring it up too much he adds on.
"This way, if she isn't into you, you will have some closure instead of always wondering."
Jungkook looks a bit less hopeful than before, but Yoongi knows it's best to keep it that way so his feelings aren't destroyed.
"Come on. Let's go home."
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mikiruma · 5 years
im gonna talk abt tf2 and pokemon again bc i can.
scout of course would dig fast pokémon!!! he's probably got a jolteon he loves dearly, maybe even a crobat he was given (as a zubat) in childhood. from who? eyes emoji there are faster pokémon, sure, but a lot are legendaries or bugs- and he's still trying to warm up to bugs. when/if he did, you KNOW he'd be all over ninjask or accelgor. he usually fawns over pokémon he thinks would make him look cool or fit his fight style (ie hit ur opponents the hardest first & dont get touched) but has a weak spot for some of the "cuter" ones. probably tried to lick a vanillish. as staunch a believer i am he'd be from castelia city, i like the idea that he used to be a rocket grunt, or someone who wanted to join team rocket at one point. i was trying to decide if he'd have a type preference but i like to think he's a mixed bag, mostly because every pokémon is cool and exciting to him! if you did ask & he did have to pick, it'd definitely be electric. wait, dragon, obviously... nah, fighting is good. no wa
soldier's partner is obvious! zigzagoon! mostly bc its a raccoon-like lil dude... he probably gives nicknames to every pokémon he sees, not necessarily just the ones he tries to catch. because lets face it, his zigzagoon is the ONLY pokémon that matters to him. well, that and any that catches zhanna's eye. his zigzagoon carries an everstone and is probably stupid high levelled but nobody really keeps track. soldier does initiate a lot of battles, but they're more fun when zhanna's with him too! theyre an inseperable group who probably wreak enough havoc to be considered their own team of hooligans, but who's to stop a happy couple with their adorable op pokémon? also i kinda wrote all that down super quick buuuut zigzagoon also works as a support pokémon for him when his stability gets extra rough, laying on his lap and helping to keep him grounded. he doesnt have any desire to keep more pokémon since he's fine with just 1, but if he had more i think he might get along with loudred or chatot. (chatot would DEFINITELY take some warming up to on his end but i LOVE THE THOUGHT)
pyro loves fire types of course!!! theyre probably the only one brave enough to pet their hotter ones. engineer probably made em special gloves just so they could play with their slugma... its hard to pick favorites, but the ones theyre closest to are slugma and monferno. they also have a solosis who just loves to play! unlike other people who usually just have one pokémon walking with em at all times, pyro tends to keep all three of theirs out of their pokéballs. they worry about them getting cramped or bored, and while its good exercise, sometimes its difficult to wrangle them when solosis has someones hat and slugmas melting through the furniture and monferno found spy's disguise kit.. theyre a big happy family though!! i think pyro would also like fairy types a lot, but if they got a fourth pokémon, theyd probably keep it at a daycare for the sake of themselves and the rest of the team. just in case, they might really want a sylveon or snubbull.
demoman and any pokémon knowing any explosive moves is an obvious fit! i initially liked him and electrode for this, but since part of their biology is exploding unpredictably... maybe that ones saved for battling. or at least not kept at any of the bases. i like the idea of him keeping his battle partners & normal team separate. when he's not drunk, he's a very skilled trainer and actually took a handful of gym challenges when he was younger. of course it started getting tough to balance work and training, but he never intended to get far in gyms anyway- to him it was just a fun challenge where he got to bond with his pokémon. other than his electrode, he's probably also got a charmeleon (whos either causing mischief with pyro's monferno or keeping demo company while he works/naps) and a honedge (who he will spar with sometimes). he used to have several other pokémon, but he eventually didn't like keeping them all abandoned in pc boxes, and ended up rehoming a lot of them. scout probably has a meowth from him, but he wont tell you.
heavy never cared too much about setting up huge teams or amassing a large collection. he never carries pokéballs, but his party is made up of some impressive pokémon. unlike most of the team who catch their pokémon through normal means (trade/gift, fishing, etc), he befriended his naturally. its easy to say one is ursaring, so of course im going to say it. he wont share how they met, but i wanna say he found its egg abandoned and raised it from there. they probably wrestle a lot but theyre always careful not to seriously injure each other. he befriended his mamoswine (then swinub) shortly after, then his abomasnow much later, in between him busting his family out of the gulag & leaving to find work. he left all three in siberia in the care of his family, but has a teddiursa from his ursaring to think of them all by. probably spoils the crap out of em all every chance he gets though, he loves his pokémon as much as his human family and saves recipes for poképuffs & poffins.
engineer wasn't always on board w the idea of a partner pokémon, mainly because he was always into engineering and was sure he'd be too caught up in it to focus on.. well, anything else. sure, when he was younger, he was like most kids and dreamt of being a league champion, but it always seemed to fall through.. until he discovered steel types. he started his journey later than most, but more than anything he's thankful because they help immensely with his work and lighten the load. he has a magneton who.. isn't that bright, but he's cute and thats what matters. he's also got a rotom who occasionally helps experiment with new machines, but mostly just possesses dispensers and rubs itself on everyone and everything. yum, static cling! engie didn't get into battling as much as he thought he would, but he's essentially working his dream job with his best friends (and 8 other dorks) so things are pretty good. this doesnt mean he wont go for human help when hes stumped or burnt out, though! other partner thoughts i had were torkoal, raichu and porygon2.
sniper is probably the biggest pokémon expert out of everyone on the team (well, aside from medic probably.) he's basically a walking pokédex and can tell you all about type matchups. he's also way closer to his pokémon than people realize, and especially closer than any real people. this is especially noticeable with his baby kangaskhan- although with a heavier origin than simply "abandoned", he ended up bonding with heavy over the ordeal. even with more technical aspects memorized, raising this baby was a completely new venture- not one he hated though! he also collects bug pokémon (that he lets scout get close to,when he tries to get over his fear) & has a slakoth that just kinda.. fell asleep on him one time and just never went away. other choices include koamala or krokorok.
medic is like a pokémon professor but fucked up. while he was primarily a human doctor, after losing his medical license, he started to dedicate time to studying pokémon. he doesnt run inhumane experiments on them because i said so. he's working on filling up his pokédex more than anything, and loves listening to others talk about their partners or other species theyve seen. he has his own pokémon too of course! as the team healer its only natural he has healing pokémon like audino and blissey, but he has a soft spot for flying types, specifically the birds. he has way too many pidove. he probably has a massive aviary separate from his medical lab where he keeps more birds, namely pidgeotto, fearow and some starly. he used to travel a lot (especially after being chased out of his hometown), but he saw it as more chances to discover new pokémon. probably has a very illegal form of the pokémon boxes with no storage limit. also probably heard the stories about mew and mewtwo and actually got inspired. probably owns the most pokémon merc, specifically stationery- hey, if ur getting some unethical experiment performed on you by the german guy you tried to rob earlier that night, are you going to pay more attention to his shit eating smirk or his cool ass holographic pikachu pencils??? or perhaps the cutesy eeveelutions stickers on the back of his clipboard???? thats what i thought.
spy looks like the guy who would probably be the least into pokémon, but that couldn't be further from the truth. he's not as wild as scout or medic by any means, but back in his day he was "pretty decent" (a gym leader.) i like the idea of zoroark being his partner, but you know who else is cool??? cofagrigus. gengar. banette. probably the only one on the team to actually get into mega evolving. and the only one with a shiny, but its gengar so we dont talk about that. i wont imply he loves his pokémon over his own family, he's just had a lot on his plate. remember scouts crobat? while hes got a more methodical approach to battling, he doesnt do it nearly as often as he used to. he still keeps his gym team, and though they tend to be more serious than the other pokémon in the base, they do on occasion get into trouble with others, namely pyro's solosis and scout's jolteon. not misbehaving on purpose, just being curious :0 probably uses luxury balls to catch all his pokémon and has an unused love ball with scouts moms name engraved on the bottom. (either for the novelty, or maybe hes trying to find the right one to catch for her??)
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