#the providence journal
Providence police officer Jeann Lugo was acquitted of a simple assault charge on Wednesday in District Court, Warwick.
Judge Joseph T. Houlihan said that during an abortion rights rally at the State House on the night of June 24, Lugo, then a Republican candidate for state Senate District 29, "approached [a] disturbance out of concern for the public order." Houlihan said Lugo and Jennifer Rourke, who was then his Democratic rival for the Senate seat, were "pressed forward by the crowd" when it surged and a "melee" ensued.
At the time, Houlihan said Lugo was attempting to go after an unidentified man in a green jacket who punched another man who was agitating protestors, identified as Josh Mello. Houlihan said Rourke held Lugo back, and the court accepted that Lugo was attempting to stop more violence.
"He has a duty to maintain the public order," Houlihan said, describing the "potential for further violence" as "imminent."
Houlihan added that the court could speculate that Lugo should have identified himself as a police officer, which he did not do despite claiming he intended to make an arrest, yet the situation unfolded "in a scant few seconds" – an argument the defense had made repeatedly.
Overall, the court did not see Lugo's conduct as unreasonable.
Leaving the courtroom, Lugo hugged a woman and left quickly without much comment to the media other than thanks for the coverage.
Lugo's attorney, Dan Griffin, said he was "very, very happy" about the verdict.
"He never should have been arrested in the first place," Griffin said, describing Lugo as "a kid who wanted to serve the city" and was "railroaded."
The verdict concludes a trial during which Griffin contended his client was acting within the bounds of police policy, which directs officers to act when they see a threat, even when off duty. However, that action, per section 202.2, could be as simple as calling for help from other officers.
In its decision, the court relied on footage showing that as Lugo jumped into the fray, Jennifer Rourke appeared to try to pull him back. Lugo eventually punched Rourke repeatedly.
Assistant Attorney General Daniel Carr Guglielmo staked his argument in part on Lugo's failure to identify himself as a police officer. But according to Middletown police Lt. David Bissonnette, a longtime use-of-force instructor, Lugo wasn't absolutely required to identify himself.
The adjudication of Lugo's case now clears the way for the Police Department to hold a separate hearing under the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, which outlines a disciplinary process for officers accused of misconduct. Providence's chief of police, Col. Hugh Clements, recommended over the summer that Lugo be terminated. The hearing will determine whether he can keep his job.
In a statement released after the verdict, the Providence police union said the case "once again proves that we should not jump to conclusions of guilt or innocence when viewing one small piece of evidence."
"This kind of quick judgment destroys the morale and trust of officers," the union said. "In this case, the administration should have reserved judgment until all the facts and evidence were established."
Criticizing the city's current administration, the union contended that police "are used as pawns to further political agendas."
Conversely, the Black Lives Matter Rhode Island Political Action Committee released a statement in support of Rourke, saying "the justice system failed her, and we know at this time, her grief and trauma is indescribable."
"Today is a clear example of how policing in our state and capital city needs to be examined under heavy scrutiny," the group said. "To have an officer of the law, sworn to protect the rights of citizens in our community, attack a political figure exercising their right to free speech and public demonstration is a contradiction and stain on the validity of this officer’s employment and the Providence Police Department as a whole."
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 months
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Selections from my Hobonichi Techo so far :)
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
I can't think about Claudia too hard because she's the true tragedy haunting the narrative there is a dead girl in the room strewn across multiple journals some of which have been Altered and this "body" of hers is displayed without her permission to provide context to a stranger and there's no way Daniel doesn't suspect her end was horrific and her killer is in the room. Her killer is in the fucking room the entire time handing this stranger gloves telling him to handle the materials carefully her killer comforting her father-brother with his hand heavy on his shoulder and in other much more intimate ways. We are watching unseen levels of betrayal as Louis seeks some sort of redemption it makes me wanna scream HER KILLER IS IN THE ROOM and he looks at Daniel and tells him his work is no different from murder I
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strawberrybyers · 3 months
posted on facebook an image from one of the sets of stranger things to see if any of my 80’s babies/children/teens/adults fam members or whoever might be familiar with the lore and give me the insight.
i wrote out the post so formal though so they couldn’t get a whiff of the fact i am not asking because i intend to write an article for cinemablend but instead for my tumblr blog so my fellow mentally ill queers and i can go insane over a piece of prop to prove one of the hundreds of theories we all have ping ponging between us
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blackbackedjackal · 11 months
I love how there was 0 reading comprehension with that ask.
I spent nearly $7000 ($6300 for the ER and $500 for his GP) for a /diagnosis/ only to find out Lobo has cancer that can't be treated without putting him through uneciassiary stress. I won't be pursuing any further treatments other than things to make him more comfortable while he's going through this (fluid removal, special diet, and medication).
I had saved up around 5k in our collective emergency medical fund for me AND him. That's what that money was saved for (over the course of like 12-18 months working my irl job). I still have to pay the remaining balance.
I know a lot of people have grown attached to him through seeing him on my blog, and I wanted to provide an option in case anyone wanted to donate to him. All the money that has been sent has gone directly into the fund to pay off the rest of his bills or buying him some food and treats that he likes. It's helped so much and I really don't even know how to express how grateful I am, not only for the donations, but any advice to help with his care and the time and space some of you all have provided to allow me to vent and make sense of everything. Not to mention all the kind and compassionate messages. Nothing has gone unnoticed on my end, I'm just so overwhelmed that I haven't had the energy to respond to everyone. However I will absolutely remember your kindness in turn if any of you all end up in a similar situation (which I hope no one ever does cause this hurts so much).
Anyway, again, messages like that don't bother me as it comes with such a lack of empathy and perspective that I can't relate. I easily brush off things like that as "wow someone's gonna have a bad wakeup call in the future and regret being an ass about this". But still it's like, the brazenness of it all is what gets me. Like "why didn't you use your personal medical funds to help other people in need?" Like why don't you be a more productive person and donate to those causes your damn self than sending stupid shit on tumblr?
Because I DO donate my time, resources, and finances to others in need. I don't make a huge ass deal about it, especially online, because it's something I've always done out of habit. If you wanna do good, just fucking do it. Because I truly believe the more good you put out in the world the more good comes back your way, and this whole situation is very much proving that theory.
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duckiemimi · 8 months
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from the river to the sea.
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jiafeick-merriproduct · 5 months
yo guys im actually going a teensy weensy bit feral today sooooo take this!
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kingofthering · 5 months
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Hi, what if we did some digital journaling for the Formula E season that just started ? Here have a digital journal for the 2024 Formula E season to help you.
You get three pages for single rounds and five pages for double-headers with dedicated space to put the results and your notes on the event.
Also, I’ve put together a couple of tables for you to track a bunch of different things (results, red flags, DNFs, favorite battles, etc…) and also do predictions (bingo template, better teammate, yes or no questions, etc…), among other things.
You will receive a PDF file that you can download on GoodNotes or Notability, for example. It’s also printable.
You can find it on my Etsy : here.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
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superbellsubways · 5 months
i feel like movie maker would have a collection of LPS from when they were a kid... a little film maker in the making ^_^
REALLY LATE TO ANSWERING THIS BUT YES i think he would hold onto alot of things from their past dearly including childhood collections 🥹 old scrapbooks, diaries etc. All artists had to start somewhere!
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patron-minette · 1 year
Babet as illustrated for the front cover of the British Dental Journal (Volume 223, Issue 1, 7 July 2017), aka one of the most unique depictions of this character existing in a source that is not directly related to Les Misérables.
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Illustration by Matthew Laznicka
The Dentistry in Literature series: Les Misérables
For the cover series of this volume (223) of the BDJ, we have chosen to illustrate various instances where dentistry or teeth feature in literature. A wide range of sources have been considered — from well-known 'great works' to more obscure authors, older texts to modern novels and from mentions of dentists to descriptions of some very unusual teeth!
In this first cover of the series we highlight Babet the 'dental practitioner' from Victor Hugo's Les Misérables. Babet is an unqualified dental practitioner who preys on the wretched poor of the city.
“...he... (Babet) was thin and learned — transparent but impenetrable: you could see the light through his bones but not through his eyes. He called himself a chemist, and had played in the Vaudeville at St Mihiel. His trade was to sell open air plaster busts and portraits of the "chief of state," and in addition, he pulled teeth.”
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birues · 6 months
fun tuana fact: she really loves art!! Literature, theatre and music! She draws she also can sing and play piano! She and Alphi has their drawing sessions where they just chill and fill out sketchbooks. She also had a lot of discussions with Emet-Selch about the arts in the First and the Source as well.
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legionofpotatoes · 1 year
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I played Season over the weekend, which if I had to condense "thematic meandering" into a videogame is probably what I would most closely end up with; but it was still a cozy chill time that targeted my very specific niche of robust cow petting mechanics. Followed by journaling the heck out of them.
I do think cute indies living and dying by their sincere desire to paint the human condition should never ever ever fall into the temptation of obtuse and nebulous worldbuilding that desperately needs to explain itself so it can function as an aesthetic blanket for their vignettes. Just keep it loose and metaphor-heavy, fellas.
Cause if you're not extremely, painfully specific about your intention with a story that centers ignorant tourism and historic preservation, you're gonna beef it, bud
#season a letter to the future#I have so many nitpicks but it feels mean lmao. in a very subjective sense I had a good time with it. I am a boring playstyle guy#scrapbooking and cycling in a pretty world is right up my alley. wish it wasn't so#man idk if I can call it what I want to call it cause it's so unclear of its own optics. the intention feels pure#for whatever good that can do in a context this god damn loaded :D but at least I recorded the froggies on my tapes#(a game like this does not need elaborate lore that it then fails to adequately explain anyway. that is a barrier to many of season's#emotional high points. shit just lacks clarity of purpose and happens as a given and banks on its aesthetic and melancholic context to#provide the necessary backbone for that punch. but then you end up revealing your hand and general flippant disposition towards this#nebulously coded cultural backdrop that you've constructed for ultimately shallow purposes. especially irt to the core ethos#like the game ultimately asks us if dispassionate preservation of a dying culture is more valuable than the vicarious experience of it but#then that binary is never meaningfully weighted since the protagonist survives and succeeds in either option BECAUSE of the journal and?#it all fizzles out in thematic incongruity. maybe it's my own hangups with glorification of legacy to such a manic degree#or maybe it's really just meant to be sort-of aimless and 'human' in that way. which again negates the need for this lore-brain barrier#just keep it simple without the oddly pedestrian mechanics of the literal apocalypse and the mass amnesia prayers and tell#the exact same story. with a tighter grip on the context of who the protagonist is in this land. there's your game)#text
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autumnbell32 · 5 months
1/15/24 at 1225: I'm Scared, and I Want to Remember This Feeling
There are ugly sides to this chronic, severe mental illness- things that happen in dark, isolated rooms amongst body odor and empty food cartons- that I'm not going to avoid sharing because that doesn't help anyone. This disease puts its sufferers in a damp, lonely, sticky place. Friends, this is the most unhealthy I have ever been, regardless of the fact that my therapist says I'm still making progress. I'm on three medications- one an antipsychotic (never wanted to deal with the neurological and metabolic side effects of those again) and I'm still about 60 pounds heavier than my normal weight. I binge to numb the emotional pain and feelings of loss (I've only had rare instances of depression actually decreasing my appetite and causing weight loss). I'm 38, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease run in my family, and my health just isn't going to hold up against this illness anymore (I'm really worried the damage is already done). I have a past history of being somewhat fit and active, but now I feel as if I have betrayed my body more than it is willing to accept. I'm scared and I want to remember this feeling.
I see a gynecologist who treats PMDD tomorrow morning and am begging the universe for some relief because I really can't keep weathering these cycles on my own anymore- my sails are full of holes. Remove one stone, protect my health for a little longer, so that I can continue to be strong enough to come out the other side of this. I am determined that my life will be better by the fall. I've already put some plans in place and am just hoping that it isn't too late for me.
Yesterday I left my apartment for a while. I needed cat food and litter, and was starting to feel stir crazy behind these walls (the drywall type and the type that depression builds). It took a bit of time to get the snow and ice off of my car- the temperature was about -20 F with windchill, so I was worried about frostbite since my circulation sucks. It sucks even more after all of the weight gain. I finished my errands but got stuck in the snow at an intersection, though two gentlemen were kind enough to push my car out. Then, when I arrived back home, the smartlock on my apartment door had jammed from the cold. I was locked out of my apartment, cat food and litter and coffee and charger cord in my arms, and had to call maintenance. The poor guy said these type of locks only belong in warmer environments and he had been up since the predawn hours fixing jammed smartlocks in the bitter cold. Even though I waited in my running car, legs hanging down and resting on heels, my feet went numb- specifically the heels. I didn't regain feeling in them for over 30 minutes. In a dumb panic, I kept rubbing them, pressing them into the floor, and rested them on a heating pad. Today they are sore, probably from me constantly pushing on them, but that scares me. The skin looks fine, feeling has completely returned, and I can discern light touch. I hear my body's messages, telling me that my health is fading behind this illness.
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lucky-draws · 10 months
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for anyone who is feeling mentally unwell, the butterfly tapping + deep breathing while listening to soft, instrumental music in the background has provided relief for me, even if it’s short-lived relief, it does help a bit 💛
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isdalinarhot · 3 months
Dalinar (and Sadeas maybe?) on one of those washed up dilf era vacations to foreign countries . And Dalinar is drinking heavily as he is wont to do on vacation, and he attracts alespren and he’s like HOLY SHIT!!!!!‼︎ ALESPREN!!!!!!!‼︎ and sadeas is just sitting there like. Do I use my dogshit Woman In Vorinism Training to draw dalinar attracting alespren or do I just let this moment be lost to history. Well I think he just lets it be lost to history.
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