#the other two were scared
zu-is-here · 2 years
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Let's end Mermay on a more positive note (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪ With someone playing the mating game exceeding his authority (゚ω゚)
Leviathantale by @skumhuu
Cross by jakei95
Dream by jokublog
Killer by rahafwabas / rahaf-wabas / rahofy-sketch
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hella1975 · 2 years
i need a fic where the ada have to like actually arrest chuuya for some shit and this is before they find out that dazai used to be mafia and they're all shit-scared of him bc it's chuuya nakahara he's literally A God and the strongest ability user in yokohama and also everyone's panicking about like 'we're doing our jobs of course we took him in for questioning!' 'but he's with the port mafia what if they retaliate!' and the whole time chuuya for whatever reason is letting it happen and is just sat there like 😐 UNTIL dazai comes in and just freezes. and chuuya stares at him and dazai stares at chuuya and then it's just 'WHAT THE F-' and everyone's day is ruined by soukoku
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literaphobe · 4 years
white people, i’m going to need you to change the way you react to poc calling you out on racism, or telling you not to say something because it’s racially inappropriate:
apologize and do better, but don’t repeatedly apologize and put it on the poc to forgive you over and over again
don’t make it personal. don’t make this about how you’re Oh So Socially Awkward and treat this as a form of social rejection. retract statements, decide to do better in the future, and move on
in the context of online spaces, if a mutual calls you out on racism, don’t go crying all over the dash about how worthless and stupid you are etc etc and making yourself the victim. this is especially rude when your mutual of color can see it!!
whether intentional or not, repeatedly bringing the incident up where the poc who called you out can see it - is a form of guilt tripping. don’t do that
don’t make excuses. yes, you did something wrong. no it does not mean you are irredeemable garbage and that the poc who called you out hates you and doesn’t want to be friends anymore. again, Do Not treat this as a form of social rejection. it cheapens what happened and what could’ve been a fruitful lesson on being better about race becomes about your white tears
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transpat · 2 years
pre-relationship pranpat and haq
the word 'haq (हक़)' in hindi doesn't have an exact eng counterpart and translates smth around the meanings of rights and entitlement. in context of relationships, we use it to describe the entitlement ppl we keep close are allowed over us. in our culture, with every bond we form and built, we owe those ppl certain rights over us. like our filial duty to our parents, supporting our siblings and relatives emotionally and/or financially, the loyalty to our friends. lovers and spouses are ppl given all the rights of a family member by choice and obv other stuff like touching u in ways others can't, sharing worries and secrets you wouldn't indulge others w, the permission to carry and lighten ur burdens.
that's why i wanted to talk about pran and pat before they began dating, when they didn't even consider each other friends. theoretically, these two don't owe each other shit, shouldn't be assuming any rights over each other. but pat continues to push into pran's room even when he's verbally told not to, and pran who bottles his feelings up from everyone else, wears his heart on his sleeve (literally) around pat. pran gives pat a glimpse into his every emotion, and pat catches them, stores it away to process later, when he uses it to channel the courage to knock on pran's door.
also. all of this starts in college. after they reach a truce and add each other's numbers. it's not there back when they were shy high schoolers, fighting in public and treading along the delicate beginnings of a friendship. back then, before their meager advances culminated into smth fruitful, it was snatched from them, ripped from their unsuspecting hands. it didn't turn their efforts null thou, doesn't return them to point zero. when they met again, they faltered and stumbled, but they make their way back to how things could have been back then. they found their way back to the path they were paving as kids.
their sense of entitlement isn't just smth they assume either. it's the haq they've willingly granted to the other. we see pran pushing pat out of his room repeatedly, but pat only walks in bc he knows if he was really unwelcome pran wouldn't open the door in the first place. bc like how pran never pushed him out of the room in his parents' house, pat is certain that once pran's fear of being discovered lessens (he doesn't know his interpretation is all wrong, that it was bc pran was in love w him and afraid for himself), he'll be welcome to stay as long as he wants. when he asks pran if he can stay the night, its bc he knows the answer might not be no. pran has a soft spot for him.
likewise, pran lashing out at him is bc he knows that unlike how it is w others, revealing his emotions to pat won't come at a price he can't afford. when he's under all the pressure of rebuilding the bus stop and saving his friends' academics careers, he smiles for his friends, assures them he's fine, he can manage. its only around pat he displays how deeply he's affected by this, lets pat see how he let him down, how much stress he's in bc of this. bc he knows pat listens, pat understands, pat wants to listen and understand. pat makes breathing easier.
in the beginning its just that. pran says they're not friends, but subconsciously hands pat every right of one. the teasing banter, the rude nicknames, the knowledge that he too wants to compete w pat in the freshy contest as badly as pat wants it. he helps him by texting his location religiously, and then when pat's friends screw up, he lets pat help him w the bus stop. here's where things get begin to get convoluted, where the lines begin to blur. letting pat sniff him, letting pat pull his head under his shirt, letting pat massage medicine onto his shoulder, cleaning pat's face for him, allowing pat to pet his head, asking him if he had dinner, asking him about his crush. obv like. none of these things r very platonic, and pran allowing these to occur isn't w platonic intentions either.
and that's bound to happen. ofc it will when pat's in love and only hasn't worked it out yet and pran's been harboring suppressed desires for years. in some ways, it's always been there, it was always hurtling towards this. the level of comfort they share w each other, how little reservation they hold towards touching the other, its as if they haven't been raised as enemies, but have grown into the only ppl who know each other so intimately.
i'm talking about these:
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pran doesn't even flinch when pat's hand touches his thigh, and you could argue that's ohmnanon, but honestly it's v in character for them. pat puts his hand over pran's mouth, places it high up his thigh: pran allows it. pran tickles him, pins down on the bed: pat allows it. pran tackles him unnecessarily long during rugby matches, hauls him into hidden corridors? pat giggles about it. pat asks pran to feed him drinks, to let him stay the night? pran pretends its a hassle and readily indulges him.
pran understands what's happening. he watches it all unfold, how pat's entitlement over him grows, mushrooms, into pat constantly making boyfriend jokes, pat pushing his limits w pran in public, pat expressing his displeasure over having to pretend to be enemies, pat walking into pran's faculty w pran's shirt on. and pran lets it happen. he complains and groans about pat in his room but lets him stay, lets him have his breakfast, lets his nosy ass unlock his desktop. he draws the line at first, but always, always ends up letting pat cross it. like how at the music store he scoffs off pat's attempt to ask him about his relationship status, but in the privacy of his own room, discloses his mother and wai's dynamics when questioned, even though he finds it strange for pat to care (he misreads pat here, thinks its out of pat's desire for friendship that he wants to know more about pran, so he's happy to share).
i came to talk about this bc i was (again) rewatching bbs and now that its completed, the fight scene in ep5 hits a different way (again). pran shuts wai out (refusing to divulge the secrets of his and pat's dynamics, a direct contrast to how he freely talks about wai to pat) and sends him home, then turns and looks at pat like this:
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he stood there, waiting for pat to look at him and then when pat did, he let all his disappointment and anger flood into his expression. and i saw this and thought wow, that's one of the loudest displays of haq he's expressed over pat until now. he knows what he's doing, he knows this is going to hurt pat and he does it w that exact intention. (also does anyone else think this kinda looks like an owner reprimanding their dog?) its not smth he would do w wai, or anyone else in his life. its smth only pat is allowed, only pat is allowed to see how profoundly disruptions upset him, only pat is allowed inside his head.
this scene makes it clear that the way pran and pat treat each other is no longer 'friendly'. here, we're explicitly shown the haq pran's granted his friends over him, and that doesn't extend to oversharing. yet, pat's allowed that. pran would never tell his friends if and when they hurt or frustrate him, but he's stopped hiding the same from pat when pat chased him to the new dorm insisting he should move instead. pat may be the one who crosses the line when helping pran out w the bus stop, but its pran who first muddles it by avoiding pat to express how mad he is. later again, its pran who dissolves that line completely by reaching across and asking pat if he's had dinner.
back to the fight scene: earlier, when pat waited out for him, told him to 'come here' in front of wai, that too was a display of haq, of the authority he felt over pran. and pran followed. pran obeyed, moved towards him, was only stopped by wai. that's why i said: none of the entitlement they feel towards the other is overstepping, they only exercise the rights they're certain they've been handed. when pat says 'come here', he's one hundred percent sure pran will. he knows he's different from wai, that he's special, that he's someone pran could choose over wai. and so its a petty move. its such a petty thing to use the secret privilege pran entrusted him w in a moment of drunken jealousy, and pat regrets it soon.
but pran's the one who upset the balance first. by playing that song. their song. where most of the haq they feel over each other is abstract, this is the one thing put in cement. that song is one rope fastening pat to pran's side - the other being the guitar - which he's been using to steadily climb the peak pran stands on. he'd expected pran to be waiting for him above, as eager to help him up as pat is to reach him. but pran played that song with others, with wai, and abandoned that post, uncaring if pat were to fall. and pat fell. he fell, fractured his bones, and would still plow past the sharp ache had it been pran alone. bc that pain dulls, disappears, in pran's presence. but faced with wai, with pran's hurtful pretenses, with pran prioritizing wai in that moment, his resentment overflows, pushes him to hurt pran in the same manner. 'that lousy song', he calls the very first song pran wrote, the song pran poured his heart and soul into, the song he's recently realized might have been about them. and he does it, he breaks pran. now, pran's got a shattered heart to match pat's splintered bones.
then, on the rooftop, pat asks him why he played the song. pran doesn't answer him, denies the haq in his demand. telling pran he didn't like it was another haq he'd assumed. and here, pran realizes they've come too far. here, pran knows there's no pretending this is normal or friendly anymore, bc wth they're not even friends. here, he knows if he lets this continue, pat will continue to treat him like a lover while telling him he likes some other girl. so here, pran tries to build a final iron wall, and asks pat smth he shouldn't be able to answer: 'why are you doing this to me? who are you assume those rights over me?' except pat's figured it out at last. his feelings, his love. so, he recognizes what pran's doing, panics, and blurts his truth. vomits out his feelings to try and soil the line pran's drawing.
yeah and then we saw how that went. well, after that, these vague figures of their haq finally come into sharp focus during ep 6. this was the ep everyone praised pat for his respect of boundaries, but that was really always there. pat is smart and perceptive, and pran is the subject he's spent his whole life studying. ofc he'd understand when pran means business and when he's bluffing. so when pran used to push pat put of his room, they both knew his efforts were half-hearted (ofc he'd want his crush in his room, no matter how afraid he is of losing control). although pat doesn't take him srsly at first, he does respect his decision in the end. now, when pran tells him he doesn't want to talk about their kiss, pat knows he's serious, so he immediately shifts the subject.
and last about their bet? even if before these two were subconsciously dancing around the boundaries of romance and friendship, with the bet on, there's no hiding behind denial anymore. still, this is a new territory they're trudging along. esp pat, who's new to the discovery of his own feelings, who doesn't know where pran is mentally, and doesn't know what he's allowed and what not.
pran realizes this soon enough the next morning, when pat uses that kindergarten technique of 'i won't give you my snacks unless you become my bf'. and pran - who's spend years fantasizing about this very thing, who has an idea of the depth of pat's feelings - demolishes the last wall. the finger-lick is pran telling pat where they stand now, both giving and assuming every haq of a lover. and he does it so confidently bc pat's already given him that haq the night before, when he didn't refute pran's accusation of harboring a crush on him.
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('fine', he says. 'let's compete then.' instead of the outright way pran had denied his crush. bc never lying to his lover is the haq pat would give them, is what pat gives pran from here on. pran continues to lie bc he has yet to give pat the same regard.)
yeah and this is before they start dating. before pran's ready to jump into a relationship. but he's already given pat every right only a boyfriend would hold over him: calling him to his room to fix his printer, cooking his favorite dish for him, letting pat stay over whenever he wants (like how he'll always return every loving act, every courageous one pat's done for him). when pat makes that unreasonable demand of bringing nong nao over to his room, pran can't refuse him bc this is the haq he's given to pat.
asking someone for help or assistance is smth that requires a truckload of pran's spirit. but pat's someone who just wants to do things for him all the time, and when pran sees that requesting help from pat is also pleasing him, asking pat becomes easy. for someone who's had to shoulder responsibility for every other person in his life, its delightful. to be loved by someone who gets giddy about lifting his loads for him, who's contentment comes from making him happy. that's what makes the printer scene so significant, why pat's eyes shift when pran tells him he wants pat to do this for him. pran gifts him that knowing how important it is to him, later uses the same knowledge against him in that scene w wai (when he asks wai to unscrew his bottlecap for him).
most importantly, he lets pat see his every emotion now, presents him full transparency. we see him let pat in freely into his room, but that was a right pat already had - pran's only hesitation was bc of his feelings. but before where pat's rights extended barely to getting a glimpse of pran's hurt, after which he would be firmly pushed away, now pran allows him to see how upset he truly is, allows pat to alleviate his mood. like a lover would.
and now pat returns that favor, smth he's never done before. pat's never let pran see him hurt before, but now bc he, too, has granted pran every haq of a lover, when he's wounded or mad, he lets it show. after the wai-guitar thing, he waits for pran to return, shows pran every aching emotion that flits across his face, later allows pran a chance to appease him when he's called to the rooftop. although, then, he knew pran probably didn't know why he was so mad, so he's sure pran's calling him for smth he needs. going anyway is bc pran has that haq over him.
these two rooftop scenes also parallel each other. each time it was wai who drove a wedge btw them, not by simply existing, but by stealing a fragment of their lives pat firmly believed was theirs and theirs alone. the song was theirs and only pat had any haq over it, till wai came in. by keeping that guitar safe w him for years, pat assumed haq over it, which was again snatched away by wai. the first time, after wai's exited, it's pran who waits for pat to look at him, so pat can see how he's hurt him, before leaving him behind. this time, it's pat who waits for pran to return, shows him his pain then shuts him out. both times it's the rooftop pran turns to, first to get away, second to fix things. and both times pat arrives later, first to explain himself, next on pran's request.
the reason the whole guitar situation wasn't resolved explicitly onscreen was bc there was no need for it to. pat's hurt and upset came from his insecurities about his place in pran's life. he understands nonverbal implications enough to know he can do this and that w pran, bc these two know each other that well. but he's the kind of person that needs blunt, verbal confirmations about where he stands in someone's life. and that pran's attempted confession gives him. ik he's hurt pran tried to use smth so personal as a winning card against him, but he's also relieved, bc pran's disclosed he definitely wants pat to be his boyfriend. pran wants him. and that's what pat needed to know.
another thing done in ep 7 was how they finally gave us clear context to pranpat's dynamics. like we understand that pran doesn't fully mean it when he pushes pat out of his room, or that he'd be happy to let him stay if it wasn't at the risk of his feelings burgeoning, but it still seemed rude of pat to neglect his pleas and saunter past his protests. ep 7 showed us that sometimes when pran or pat verbally retracted the other's haq, they would contradict themselves louder w their actions.
like this:
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and this:
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a bit more on the former: its never been flashed boldly onscreen, just mixed in naturally, but food is pran's love language. food is a large part of our cultures honestly, and ensuring someone's stomach is full articulates ur love more blatantly than the words 'i love you'. so when in ep 4 pran asks pat if he's eaten, it is a huge leap. thanks to nanon's acting, with how nervous pran looked about it, everyone interpreted it as such.
then in ep 5, pran lets pat have his sandwich. and i'm positive it was meant for pat. handing it to pat himself, so pat would know he made it for him would literally be the same as saying 'i'm in love w you', so obv pran puts on a show. but he's been up for a while, he's eaten. this was for pat.
again in ep 7, where both of them kind of know pat's the one who'll likely give up (pat relenting first was always part of their dynamic), when he calls pat over and cooks for him, he's genuinely surprised pat didn't cave. later when he goes over to pat's room with food and drinks, you could argue he was planning to play the same game, but he'd cooked enough for both pat and pha; he didn't intend to take it back this time. also in the last scene, the curry must have been cooked by pran. what pran's saying in that first scene entails both cooking and feeding. cooking for pat (and pha) must have been smth he'd already been doing.
and the latter: pat here has already caved in, and then tells pran it's smth he'd do for his 'lover' as if he hasn't already forsaken the bet, as if its still on - just in case pran isn't ready yet (bc the bet itself was for pran to adjust). 'letting his lover win' and acts of services are pat's love languages, thou the former is entirely pran-orientated. ofc for someone so competitive, relenting willingly to someone else is a huge deal, thou this has already been part of their dynamic since the watch scene in their childhood (and pran is the only competition capable of driving him). first it was out of gratitude, then it was out of guilt; but somewhere in between a more concrete reason blossomed: love. (it was also partly bc of their parents' dynamics.)
yielding is one thing, going out of his way to fix things for pran is another. conceding was smth he'd always done for pran, long before he fell in love, and although he says 'lover' in that scene, he v specifically means pran. bc this is a haq reserved uniquely for pran (like how this rivalry is unique to them. he didn't have a frenzied rivalry w any other love interest, so who else would he eagerly relent to as an act of love). the latter was smth that resulted only from his romantic interest in the other. pat cutting a pick out of his id card for pran, pat going to extreme lengths to help pran w the bus stop, pat begging the prof to let them back into the competition bc he knows pran wanted badly to participate, pat keeping his guitar polished for 3 years, pat following him to a rural beachside surrounded by the enemy state, pat continuing the play despite fearing his father's wrath: all of it was bc he was that deeply in love.
this diff is enunciated best in the first 4 eps. where first pat was unwilling to back off from his fight w wai, he later forces his friends to delete that video and manipulates them into helping w the bus stop. where earlier pat was visibly reluctant about shifting even as he offered to switch dorms (bc this was more out of guilt than love), he later gives pran his earphones w/o ever planning on taking them back (more out love than guilt).
anyway there's no purpose to this lol. i just wanted to rant about pranpat and the haq they'd assumed over each other long before the began dating bc i thought it revealed a lot about where they subconsciously intended their relationship to head down. haq is smth given only to those who play a pivotal role in your life, a loved one, a cherished friend. it's the way we daily say 'i love you' without words, it's how we continuously express our gratitude. and it's not smth enemies or even strangers can hold. pran and pat were told not to befriend each other, but gave the other every haq of a friend at age ten. when they found a safe ground to nurture their budding friendship in the dorms (and a shorter period in high school), the flower it blossomed into was that of romantic love, and it didn't come to either as much of a shock. like they'd known it was already destined, like it made sense to them that this is where they were headed. what they said about about going from two ppl who couldn't be friends to two ppl who couldn't be just friends was true.
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quinnathy · 2 years
anyway if anyone talks shit about jake lockley and calls him a violent psycho it’s ON SIGHT meet me in the parking lot im throwing hands do NOT disrespect him like that
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princeofyorkshire · 2 years
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louis + yellow for @otblou!
happy valentine’s day my love 💛🍯🐝
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wingedbeings · 3 years
i'm struggling a lot with being able to afford basic necessities like food and heating throughout the colder months so if u could paypal or ko-fi me anything or rb this it'd mean the world! <3
#for context its bc i'm receiving far below minimum wage and am unable to work like genuinely incapable no matter what i do due to#my mix of symptoms making it impossible in multiple ways but the government has been cheating me out of a normal income by saying my#iq is too high thus i technically cannot prove that in the future i won't be capable of working 1 hour a month basically#so i dont qualify for the income im supposed to receive based on everything but that rule they added that isnt a real part of what makes u#qualify or not and i don't qualify for other incomes bc its been a thing before i was 18 and im a drop out and have never been able to#actually hold a legal job in my teens either so theyve decided my family is responsible who is severely abusive and does not give two shits#so they feel theyre regardless in their rights to give me way less than minimum wage like not even 20% and my family is supposed to make up#for the rest which they dont and i cant in any way force them even legally so thats awesome#its a long story and v hard to explain and im trying to reapply but they dont want me coming back another 10 years or so for reassessment#theres a lot to it all but basically due to that i receive too little to cover both food and heating in the colder months as im already#struggling to afford food alone essentially and ive already been ruling out any purchase that isnt instant life or death like#clothing to suit the weather is a necessity that will be detrimental to my health long term but its less likely to kill me instantly at the#moment so its not a necessity necessity etc#i just could rly use some help bc the malnutrition is starting to affect my chronic illnesses more snd more and not going to lie idk#how much longer im going to survive these circumstances like not to ask for pity im just really at a loss here irt what to do bc all thats#left is falling back into a hole of legal issues bc well. when you cant make money legally you know. haha. anyway#like girl help genuinely <3#kio.txt#im scared of making a post like this thats rebloggable bc of paranoia etc but i figure its my only option since not rly anyone is donating#regardless of my larger audience here like only two mutuals were able to donate a little and it helped with my meds bill but i still dont#have enough to actually get groceries for more than a few days at best#and im just scared rn truthfully bc idk how im going to do this like i dont get paid till the end of the month and i rly need food and im#already rationing everything even heating and i still dont know how im going to even make it through this month alone#and the rationing is taking a toll on my health too and i dont have adequate meds bc i cant afford more healthcare etc like its all a lot#and im just kind of at my wits' end rn#im extremely lucky im not homeless again by living somewhere not so legally but thats not exactly stable either bc of the nature of it and i#have no back up if thst gets fucked so basically its all.. a lot and we really could use anything we can get#i really hate to ask for help like this but i really don't know what else to do anymore#for anyone wondering no im not in the us i'm in northwestern europe#also food banks and shelters require an application process here and i dont qualify for the same reason i dont qualify for a living wage :/
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Hc: Celegorm literally doesn't even know Dior's name. The important thing about Dior to him is the "Eluchil" part and the son of Luthien part. He doesn't know a single other thing about him.
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pyrotechnicdarts · 2 years
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finally cracked and made some vessel ocs anyway this is shade and littleshade, two vessels that survived the fall but never actually left the abyss
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random-blep · 2 years
While the trauma of finding his friends dead body could have caused Beyond Birthday to snap, personally I like to think that this guy had some signs of sociopathy and Wammys did nothing about it.
I tend to think that before him and A became close he tended to be by himself, he analyzed the other kids at Wammys to try and figure them out . He had a strange fascination for crime scenes that went above the norm for somebody in the successor program. He had a habit to lie to the other kids, trying to make them do things for him. Whenever a teacher or another classmate irritated him, or if he got into a fight with another student and was going to be punished he would destroy things in his room. He didn't hurt animals as much, but there were two instances that were memorable. He killed a hamster and swallowed a goldfish.
After A became friends with B he calmed down some. Having somebody that was mature and genuinely kind to him helped. Not to say B stopped his actions but A was a voice of reason and helped B find outlets that weren't what he was doing. A also tried to help B see that there was in fact a problem with what he was doing. B had good days for sure, he lies through his teeth but A calls out his bullshit and they laugh and if B needs to get away they sneak out and go blow off some steam. Though on bad days B distances himself from A and isn't the best. He lies more and doesn't acknowledge A when he calls him out on it, he can end up trashing his room and even A's if they argue when there and A definitely has found himself getting hurt . At the end of those days B doesn't apologize, sometimes he just leaves. One of the times after a bad day B had gone and was away for almost two weeks. He ended up being found the next city over. Usually after bad days, especially if B had run away, it takes a while for A to reconnect with B and get him back on track.
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magicalgirlagency · 3 years
Call me a boomer if you like, but I miss the good ol' days when MCs weren't traumatized and tortured by the narrative every 5 seconds and were allowed to take a breather.
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stopgorepeat · 2 years
So episode 25 of tax ethersea huh..
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hella1975 · 2 years
when i was thirteen i broke my mother's favourite ornament. it was a fine little thing; a swan, all planes of white ceramic and a curved neck no thicker than the stem of a flower. i was too scared to tell her what i had done, even though she heard the crash from the next room. still, she waited. i don't know how long i stood there, staring at this precious thing laying shattered at my feet, but she waited. she knew, and she waited. i knew she would be angry, and i waited, like that might make it all go away. mirrors of each other, a wall between us that could not contain the sound of breaking. knowledge and fear. smoke in the very reflection we accommodated.
eventually, i picked up the clutter in trembling hands. a wing here, a broken neck there, holding the pieces so gently like that could somehow fix what had already fallen apart. i told her i dropped it, i told her it was an accident, i told her i was sorry. in turn, she told me she had owned that ornament for decades, she told me it was precious to her, she told me i was a coward for not bringing it to her straight away. the waiting didn't abate the anger. i remember crying, pieces of ceramic death sliding against each other, against my skin.
i find the metaphor of it all in this single ruination. my mother and i, and something between us. fragile, precious, loved - broken. there is an ugliness inside me that makes my hands shake, and i reach into the rawest parts of my mother, things that existed in her long before i did, and i sweep them from her shelves. anger comes first, sure and familiar. trembling gentleness comes after. it goes like this every time. i do not mean to break things, nor do i know how to fix them, but that does not put the swan back together, nor does it put the words back in my mother's mouth. there is an ugliness inside me that makes my hands shake, and i think my mother gave it to me. it is her mother's, and it is hers, and it is mine. a birthright. a curse. she did not know which of her own shelves to put it on. what is a mother and daughter if not this awful dance of shame? one must be fury, one must be a broken neck.
i put that swan back together with ugly builder's glue, not knowing what else to do, so desperate to piece it together and show it to my mother and say look, please, i'm trying.
please, tell me i haven't broken this too.
tell me i can fix this.
it sits back on that same shelf, and sometimes, we bring it up again. mostly, we laugh about it, about a young girl's clumsiness, about the crooked glue now lacerating pearly feathers. sometimes, my mother will just smile, sad, quiet in ways my mother is not. it was one of my favourites, that swan, she'll say, and i will have my answer. was. because she cannot love it how it is now, and when i was thirteen i was clumsy, but now i am older i make messes that cannot be justified so simply, and the anger seems so much stronger than the gentleness.
still, the jagged pieces of that thirteen year old are a broken puddle in my hands, and i think if i arrange them just so, i can still trace that familiar shame in the paint, this ugly mix of white ceramic and cracked glue. it is a plea i never learned to voice, a desperation my mother never learned to hear.
i think this is the best i can do.
#pour one out for the parent/child dynamic where you both have so so much love for one another#to the point you're one of each other's favourite people in the world#but you just speak completely different languages so that when things DO go wrong#it's just miscommunication after miscommunication until there's just this chasm of aching and longing and grief between you#and through it all the love is still there and that sometimes makes it hurt more#ahah relatable right.... RIGHT????#this might meet a niche audience but oh well#this is spurred mainly from how me and my mum for YEARS have been in a constant cycle of#'my cold exterior hurts her in some way and her coping mechanism of just Anger will make it worse and neither of us can fix it'#so it's just like. i have so much SHAME and guilt bc i can feel myself breaking our relationship#but instead of reaching out to me or telling me what i can do to be better or to fix this bc she's my mother and she's supposed to guide me#she just gets angry and hurt and thinks im doing it bc i just dont care enough#and i remember this swan (that's all true btw i actually did break her fav ornament lol) and i realised it's such a good metaphor#bc i remember standing in the bathroom just STARING at it#and i was so scared of her temper but i was also scared bc i knew how much she loved it and i was so upset id hurt her#but she just assumed i was being a coward and/or trying to cover it up by waiting so long#like we're just speaking two different languages and there's so much love and anger there and neither of know what to do#so apparently i took that as time to vent on The Cursed Site#i wrote this in one sitting directly into tumblr and idk where it even came from#actually that's a lie my mum text me saying the pink blossoms were out on the willow trees back home#(the ones i got tattooed bc they're very meaningul to me BC of my mum)#and things have been complicated between us ever since i went to uni but seeing that text and knowing she thought of me#and everything just really got to me and now im spiralling heyyyyyy do u still think im hot#i did not mean to rant so much i swear#pls pls pls dont acknowledge these tags#the post itself is free real estate to reblog or anything but my god im already embarrassed by these tags lmao#writing
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chiefguideandcentre · 2 years
PSA: Just because you think your dogs are your precious little babies doesn’t mean everyone else does too. Keep them out of restaurants and public places where animals should not be especially if your dogs cannot even handle being in public which btw includes being around other dogs. I don’t want your dog around me, barking/growling at other dogs trying to get to them especially when I’m in an enclosed space. You can survive without your dog for an hour or two, it won’t kill you, leave them at home. This obviously excludes REAL service dogs who serve an important purpose (and I emphasized real bc everyone and their brother can tell that your clearly untrained, barking demon dog isn’t a service dog)
#service dogs are good love them#happy to see them if I’m even aware they are there in the first place#which you shouldnt be aware bc they are fucking trained#but I don’t appreciate your untrained out I’ll being inside a fucking restaurant with me fighting to get to other huge dogs also present#I swear to god in this place was a pit bull then another couple pops in with their two damn dogs#dogs clearly are preparing for a showdown#all dog owners present are just standing around watching not a care in the damn world#like oh I wonder what’s going to happen oh gee#while my mother and I are trapped in the corner of this place#my mother is scared of big dogs btw#she got panicky and asked me if we could leave#I shot out of there and I swear to his as we were walking out ANOTHER damn couple was walking in with their two damn dogs!#like really??#6 obviously untrained dogs in a very small space.#that pit bull was somehow associated with someone that worked there too#she didn’t give the slightest fuck her damn dog was ready to throw down#I mean come on#dogs to belong in restaurants#keep your stupid dog at home#all those people present watched us walk out of the place#they knew why too#but people like that are selfish and rude and think their dogs are just the cutest most precious little babies ever#we shot out of there and I swear another couple came in with their two damn dogs#we’ll most people don’t think that and don’t appreciate being surrounded by your untrained growling dogs#ruins it for people that actually need their service dogs#it’s a shame
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Peak Social Hours for me unfortunately coincide perfectly with The Hours Everybody Else Is Asleep
#It's the middle of the night.#Not a coincidence either. I have to wait for my mother to go to bed before I can do anything other than Being Incredibly Nervous About Her.#When she is awake while I am awake I have to spend literally all of my time and mental energy walking on eggshells and basically --#-- being a performing pony to keep her happy to protect myself; my pets; and my belongings :|#The only time I'm actually free is when she is asleep. BUT THAT IS WHEN EVERYBODY ELSE IS ASLEEP AS WELL.#.It speaks#I want out of this horrible fucking rotting hellhole house so bad but I can't move out on my own and have no friends physically near me#I am chronically ill to the point of Varying Degrees Of Immobility and can't walk for more than a minute or two most days#But all of my friends who would be willing to help me get out of here live SO FAR AWAY#Because I met them online because I CAN'T meet anyone offline because I am......chronically ill and thus housebound#And the few times I am NOT stuck in the house and actually feel good enough to go somewhere I STILL can't TALK to anyone#Can't meet people! Because my mother is there breathing down my neck and will butt into any conversation I try to have and --#-- scare the other person away from me so they won't ''take me away from her''!#I am very unhappy right now#idk somebody talk to me about spintops or something [I say into the void because People Are Currently Asleep]#[szdxfcgv oh no this ended up posting RIGHT after someone Said They Were Signing Off For The Night]#[THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT I DIDN'T MEAN TO SOUND LIKE I WAS PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVELY VAGUING ANYONE 😭 OH NO]#[PEOPLE GOTTA SLEEP]#[The only problem is my mother making daytime hours intolerable to me; not People Being Asleep At Night azsdxffd I'm so sorry]#[THE TIMING MADE THIS LOOK SO BAD]
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datastate · 2 years
gd. gd. kai & sara literally make me so fucking sad in the best narrative way possible but still indescribably just. emotional and inconsolable over them right now
#they're siblings they hate each other for what they remind themselves of they love each other more genuinely than the other chidouins could#they're the only two who understand each other yet neither of them understand that simple fact too torn with wanting to#hide themselves from the other and painting another version of the person they see ( innocence / fear )#they never knew each other but they learn everything about one another they had so many missed opportunities to love each other#and be genuinely cared for in turn as the family they deserved without any ulterior motive#they would only ever uplift each other if they'd been given clarity from the beginning but as it stands their relationship is fractured#and this is something neither of them will ever get back. there will always always be this barrier of unease as time marches on#even aside from the death game because both of them were emotionally manipulated by mr. chidouin#and mr. chidouin loved them both but he's twisted it so painfully with favor upon sara without any real regard to kai himself#because as far as he cares kai was dead the moment he turned 20 ; he's been walking the line for the chidouin's purpose#kai would do anything for the chidouins and would hate to know how much he scared her (under chidouin's enabling)#and sara doesn't understand that until it's far too late. and kai probably dies with suspicions but still just...ough;;#idk. idk. idk. none of this is comprehensible. i have a project to get done. goodbyai#jestersvaguely#yttdposting#father abuse mention
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