#the mexi & bee show
thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
sam texting bucky this picture of figaro and bucky being like DID YOU ADOPT A MONSTER?!! 😂
BEEEEEEE ✨ ✨ ✨ You sent this to me a million years ago and I finally figured out what I wanted to do with it. Okay, so 😂 I made this into an AO3 fic because it was such a fun idea 😂 Lol though I accidentally wrote it swapped, I hope that's fine haha I'm sorry it took so long for me to find inspiration for this one buuuuut I hope you like it, @samothy-wilson! 🥰
Wet Cat
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.3K |
Summary: Bucky keeps sending Sam texts that make him smile.
Sam burst out in a fit of laughter. He had to lean on the ropes. He almost lost his phone to the ocean. His hands, hell, his entire body was shaking as he wheezed air in between laughs. “Sam?” asked Sarah from somewhere, actually doing her work, “It’s Bucky again, isn’t it? I thought you put your phone on silent.” Sam should be focusing. He shouldn’t have even looked at his phone. He always knew it was a danger. Mostly because Bucky was a ridiculous man always looking to make Sam smile and that was the biggest distraction of all, but Sam couldn’t help himself. He really couldn’t. Because of that. Because he always knew it was going to be a text that made him smile. “I know but,” Sam somehow said between laughs, “But just – look at this.” Sam handed Sarah the phone. And he could see it, he could see the amused smile on Sarah’s face before she handed the phone back. “He’s so in love with you,” said Sarah as she looked over the catch of the day. Sam felt his face heat up, maybe enough to actually show (probably not). He went back to organizing the ropes, tried to busy himself. “No, he’s not,” mumbled Sam into his ropes.
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jonkentt · 2 years
Okay, so Bee. It used to be a huge thing to have a cat on a boat. What if Sam and Bucky go to find a cat for the Paul & Darlene and end up getting two cats - Alpine and Figaro.
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MEXI✿! I bestow upon thee sweet dreams of Sambucky fluff! Loved writing this :’) ♡ thank u for the perfect prompt, boo ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!
Sam is working on the Paul & Darlene, just like he said he would be. And Bucky’s here to help, just like he said he would. Sam doesn’t remember discussing Bucky’s addition to their plan, which he’s now holding in front of Sam like fuckin’ show-and-tell. Sam’s still waiting for the tell.
Sam melts at the adorable sound from the tiny kitten in Bucky’s hands. He takes the little guy and cradles him against his chest. The kitten stares up at him with wide green eyes and meows again. It’s so cute and small, Sam sorta thinks he might die.
“That’s um,” Bucky clears his throat. “That’s Figaro.”
“I donno.” Bucky shrugs. “Pinocchio reference?”
The little bundle in Sam’s arms is mostly black except for the white muzzle, white toes on all but one paw, and white at the very tip of his tail.
“Yeah? What if I call you Figgy?”
“Okay, good.”
Sam nods at the kitten and gives him a little pat on the head before handing him back to Bucky. He fits perfectly in the crook of Bucky’s elbow.
“Well. He’s real cute.”
“Yeah, uh…”
“You find him on the docks?”
“No, a um, a shelter.”
“Oh, cool.”
Bucky shifts his weight. He’s looking in too many directions to actually be watching something. Sam does a double take when he notices the blush spreading over Bucky’s cheeks.
“Sooooo you have a cat because?”
Bucky coughs. “Well, cause I—”
A tiny white head pops out of Bucky’s jacket where it zips in the middle. Sam snorts with laughter. Bucky looks at Sam. Sam looks at Bucky.
“Um this—this is Alpine. She’s—”
Sam watches with amusement as Alpine claws up to Bucky’s shoulder and shoves her wet nose in his ear. Bucky carefully nudges her face away without knocking her from her perch. Alpine is all white and when she looks at Sam, it’s with one green eye and one blue.
“They came together,” Bucky says, as if that explains why he has two kittens.
“Of course.”
Sam can’t help grinning as Alpine makes her way across Bucky’s shoulders to crouch above Figaro and reach a paw towards him. Fig stretches up to meet her and they touch noses before going back to their respective places. Bucky letting himself be a cat tree is stupidly endearing and Sam could watch this all day.
“Cats are good luck!” Bucky says confidently. “On boats, that is. Especially good luck to have a cat. On a boat.”
Alpine helpfully inputs another mrow! and Bucky nods an affirmative. Sam bites down on his lip to keep from laughing.
“The navy used to keep em.”
“And you know this because…?”
“I dated a guy, right outta school, who wanted to be in the navy.”
Sam raises his eyebrows and waits for Bucky to say he has a thing for sailors.
“So, uh, anyway.”
The blush returns to Bucky’s cheeks and Sam can admit to himself that it makes him feel some things.
“Since this boat is so important to you, I thought it should have some luck.”
“Wait, wait. This boat?”
Bucky nods and tries to look casual about it.
“My family’s boat? That is not in any shape or form remotely like a navy vessel?”
Bucky’s blush deepens. Both kittens are now restless and climbing all over him. He keeps moving his arms and leaning from side to side to accommodate them. 
“You like cats!” Bucky reasons.
“I do,” Sam laughs. “But I’m not keeping two kittens on my boat!”
“Aw, but Sam!”
Bucky gets a hold of both Fig and Alpine. They’re so small, he can have one in each hand. He holds them on either side of his face and pouts. He makes big sad eyes at Sam as the kittens squirm, tiny legs flailing, and even keeps a straight face when Alpine sticks her paw in his eye.
Sam didn’t have much resolve to begin with but the rest dissolves embarrassingly fast. Bucky beams at him as Sam reaches for the kittens. Alpine immediately wriggles out of his grasp and climbs onto Sam’s shoulder. Fig is content to knead his bicep. Bucky looks immensely pleased with himself.
“Alright, I’ll take one of ‘em.” It’s not even hard for Sam to say. He scritches Fig’s little cheeks and laughs when he feels a cold nose in his ear.
“But I can’t take both!”
“Ah, well, about that…” Bucky rubs the back of his neck and actually looks a little guilty. Sam frowns.
“What? You weren’t gonna keep em if I said no?”
“No, I was! Or, well, initially I was just gonna get one but then…”
Bucky snatches Alpine out of the air when she leaps off Sam’s shoulder. He tucks her back into his jacket despite her cries for freedom. A lump moves up Bucky’s chest till she sticks her head out Bucky’s collar and cries right in his ear. Sam giggles at the pained expression on Bucky’s face. He’s had this cat for maybe a few hours and already looks like a tired dad.
“This one, in fact.” Bucky scratches her chin until she’s happily purring under his jacket. “But when I took Alpine, she started wailing like the fuckin’ world was ending! And the staff explained she hated being away from Figaro.”
Bucky smiles despite himself and pets Fig’s head where he’s happily curled against Sam’s chest.
“So I brought him out but then we could both hear Alpine pouring her soul out, and Fig just gave me these big sad eyes and I couldn’t— I couldn’t do it, Sam!”
“What! You woulda separated them?”
“You got conned by a cat, Bucky. That lil gremlin is gonna be ordering you around, havin’ her food on a golden cat dish!”
“I know,” Bucky laments. Sam snickers and shakes his head.
“You’re hopeless.”
“I know!”
“He’s hopeless!” Sam says to Fig. “Lucky for him, he’s got the coolest partner in the game, who’s gonna help him figure out his kitten caboodle.”
Bucky laughs as Sam continues to tell Fig about Bucky’s shortcomings. Like how he can’t for the life of him pull food out of the oven on time. Fig gets bored and starts chewing on Sam’s finger. When Sam looks back at his partner, Bucky’s got a real soft expression on his face. There’s so much love in his eyes, it makes Sam’s heart stutter.
They spend the afternoon playing with Fig and Alpine, getting zero work done on the boat. They’re nothing but trouble. At one point, Sam has to talk Alpine down from the roof of the cabin. Bucky works himself into a tizzy thinking he lost Fig until a tiny paw shoots out from behind a crate to grab Bucky’s shoelace. They watch the pair of furballs chase each other and tumble around in a mess of black and white fur. Bucky fetches some take-out for himself and Sam, and brings back a box of supplies he got for the cats. The little ones munch away at their kibbles as Bucky and Sam giggle at around mouthfuls of food. They all end up on the bench in the cabin, tired and content. Alpine is sprawled out with her paws in the air. Fig is purring loudly where he’s curled up on Sam’s lap.
“Can’t believe you brought me kittens, Bucky,” Sam says into the cozy quiet between them. He smiles at the rumbling mound of black fur and brushes his finger over a tiny paw. “What has gotten into you?” he teases.
“I can, uh,” Bucky rubs the back of his neck. “If you don’t wanna keep ‘em, that’s alright, I’ll find good homes—”
Sam gasps and cups his hand over Fig’s little ears.
“I didn’t say that!” He looks down at Fig who has definitely fallen asleep. “Wouldn’t dream of sayin’ that,” he whispers urgently. “You and I belong together, Figgy.” Sam grins up at Bucky and his teasing melts into softness. “Just curious what you were thinkin’, that’s all.”
Bucky busies himself folding and unfolding the corner of the blanket that Alpine is stretched across. Sam can just make out the pink coloring his cheeks in the dim light.
“Well, I thought that,” Bucky starts carefully. “I thought you should have something… soft. If you wanted it.” Bucky’s eyes meet Sam’s for the briefest moment. “You should have things that make you happy. That are just yours. And I thought Fig might…”
Bucky swallows thickly. He doesn’t look away from where he’s smoothing the tip of Alpine’s tail. Sam maneuvers Fig closer and then scoops Alpine into his lap as well. She meows once in protest and then cuddles right into Fig. Sam scoots himself over till he’s pressed into Bucky’s side. He lays his head on Bucky’s shoulder.
“I have things that make me happy,” Sam murmurs. He reaches for Bucky’s hand and twines their fingers together. “You make me happy.”
“I wish that were true,” Bucky whispers so quiet Sam’s not sure he’s meant to hear it. He lifts his head.
“Hey, lookit me.” Bucky dutifully forces his gaze to meet Sam’s. “Just cause you’re a pain in the ass doesn’t mean you can’t make me happy too. Wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.”
“I’ve said a lot of things that weren’t true to you, Sam.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Bucky chews on his lip, stares intently at a point over Sam’s shoulder but doesn’t fully turn away. The silence is broken by a squeak as Alpine yawns, and the click of her teeth when her jaw snaps closed again. Sam strokes the kitten’s head with his thumb. When he looks back up at Bucky, those baby blues are burning with an intensity Sam can’t read.
“Is that what you wanted to say to me, Buck?”
Bucky shakes his head. Sam nods to mean well, go on.
When Bucky still doesn’t say anything, Sam sighs.
“Man, I’m literally holding your hand right now and cuddling the cutest kittens I’ve ever seen and we’re in pink sunset lighting. What better set up do you need to tell me—”
His question is cut off by the press of Bucky’s lips.
Bucky kisses so softly and tastes so sweet, Sam melts into it with a sigh. He kisses back just as soft before curling his hand around Bucky’s neck and pulling him closer. A sound escapes Bucky, a hum of wanting. He scoots closer still and leans into Sam, tips Sam’s head back just a little. Their kisses are warm and new and earnest. 
They look down at Alpine’s protest to find her being squished between Figaro and Bucky’s thigh. Bucky moves out of her space and Sam laughs.
“Sorry, this seat is taken and they’re cuter than you.”
Bucky gets his arm under Sam’s knees and hoists him and the kittens into his lap which just makes Sam laugh more. He wraps an arm around Bucky’s shoulders while the other curls around the little bundles asleep on his thighs. Bucky beams at Sam like it’s the best day of his whole goddam life.
“Don’t get any ideas in you cyborg brain about man-handling me. I’m only letting you get away with this cause I don’t wanna disturb the kids.”
“No, I mean it, Buck. I can see you gettin’ ideas!”
“It’s not gonna be my fault if one of the cats falls asleep on you again!”
“You can’t use the cats to cuddle me.”
“Oh, I’m definitely going to.”
Sam laughs. “I see, this was your plan all along! Had nothin’ to do with keepin’ good luck or whatever.”
“Shut up, man.”
Sam leans down to kiss Bucky again and he’s enveloped in the warmth of strong arms and little furballs.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
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this is simply a lot to take in
I. HAVE. SO MANY QUESTIONS @samothy-wilson.
1) Why is he wearing an actual coat instead of a bathrobe?
2) Why did he take the time to put on socks and shoes but NOTHING ELSE?
3) If we assume this is Bucky, does this mean Bucky WEARS SOCKS AT NIGHT (I do that too because my grandma taught me to and it gets cold but I too am a monster 😂 )?
4) WHY IS HE ROLLING THAT MAGAZINE UP LIKE A NEWSPAPER, I swear that's going to fuck up the magazine 😂
5) Is it just me or are those glasses the wrong size for him?
6) Why does this make me want to write an "Bucky's a weird and awkward man and Sam doesn't know why he puts up with him" fic? 😂
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
An ask thats actually an ask,, *GASPS* 🤯
So who’s Figaro anyway? Like Ik its an opera thing but… do you know?
FIGARO! Okay, so Figaro is Sam’s cat that he had for maybe three issues in some old comics!
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I want marvel to bring him back 🥺 I mean, why can’t Sam have both a falcon and a cat? 😆 Sam deserves all the adorable pets 💕
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jonkentt · 2 years
Sam finds out one day that Bucky’s been Figaro this whole time. He confronts Bucky, only for Bucky to confront Sam for also secretly being Alpine this whole time (or, the time where they both learn they can shift into cats)
crack? nay, I bestow upon thee soft witches!sambucky and they’re roomies in their lil witchy cottage! loving that for them! 🔮🐱✨🌈
(follows the prompt so close but Bucky is more of an idiot cause branding)
Sam’s magic makes him really good with animals (birds singing to him on the windowsill disney princess style sort of thing). Bucky has healing magic, and thank god bc he has thE most reckless roommate ever so it comes in handy. But he cant use magic on himself so when he breaks his ankle, that’s that.
Sam, being a brilliant witch, knows abt a rare gemstone w/ healing properties but it only forms in one cave that’s really dangerous to get to. Bucky doesnt want him to go alone and they have a whole dumb fight abt it. Bucky storms out of the house (well he limps) and Sam is left pouting. Then his fav lil buddy meows at the door! Figaro favors his paw a little when Sam lets him in. Sam quickly scoops him up and cradles him like a chonky baby (he’s a big cat).
“Oh no! Are you hurt too, baby boy? My little Fig fig!” Sam coos and smushes their faces together and Figaro purrs like a motorboat. Sam tries to look at the sore paw but Figaro bites him. So instead of aggravating the beast, Sam flops onto the couch and settles Fig on his chest (who goes right back to purring).
“Who’s the most beautiful boy?” Sam scritches behind Figaro’s ears and he’s happy for a moment till he remembers his fight with Bucky. “That stupid jerk Bucky just left,” he mumbles to Fig. “I hope he trips and breaks his other ankle.”
Figaro, the traitor, smacks Sam in the face. Sam yelps and rubs his nose. “What was that for! Is it team up against Sam day? Huh?”
Figaro glares at him but doesn’t stop purring. Sam sighs and pets him, and Fig curls up for a nap.
“I just… wanna take care of him, you know?”
Figaro opens one eye to look at Sam’s forlorn expression.
“He fixes up all my scrapes. When I broke my arm last summer, Bucky had it mended in a week! Drained him so much he didn’t use magic for a whole month after…”
Sam’s lip starts to quiver. Fig scoots closer and nuzzles under his chin.
“It was my birthday. He got upset he couldn’t use magic to make my cake special like he wanted. He’s so dumb. Takes care of me all the time and still thought he ruined my birthday as if he wasn’t already my favorite person.”
Figaro licks a tear off Sam’s cheek with his sandpaper-rough tongue. Sam curls into a ball and cuddles Fig close. The memory of his last birthday makes him smile. They’d still made a giant cake, using a cauldron cause Bucky insisted even though it was ridiculous. Sam had made technicolor frosting and painted birds all over it. They both stuffed their faces and when they couldn’t eat any more, they started throwing cake at each other.
“I think I’m in love with him, Fig,” Sam whispers. “And when that idiot gets back here, I might even tell him… Figgy? You okay?”
Figaro had abruptly stopped purring and he’s staring at Sam with huge golden eyes. Sam sits up and pulls the big cat onto his lap.
“What’s up with you?”
Sam rubs his tired eyes and he’s hit with the buzzing feeling of magic in the air. The weight on his lap gets a whole lot heavier.
“I love you too, Sam,” Bucky confesses. Sam just blinks at him.
“Are you my cat?”
“Oh, well um,” Bucky blushes. “Yeah.”
“You’ve been my cat this whole time?!”
Sam frowns and pinches Bucky’s arm.
“Ow! Why’d you do that?”
“You bit me!”
“But—ow! Hey! Ow!!”
Sam keeps pinching Bucky then pokes and prods at his ribcage. Bucky laughs and it’s over for him cause Sam tickles relentlessly.
“Sam, no wait, stop—” Bucky is giggling so hard he’s out of breath. Sam’s got him trapped in the corner of the couch.
“Now I know why Fig never let me give him tummy rubs!”
“Mercy! Mercy!”
Sam releases his victim (for now). He leans on Bucky’s chest and grins up at him. Bucky looks at Sam adoringly. He strokes Sam’s cheek with his knuckles.
“So… you don’t think I’m weird for being a cat?”
“Nah. I love being a cat!”
“I love you.” Bucky looks so sappy about it Sam almost rolls his eyes but he leans in for a kiss instead.
It takes Bucky’s braincell a full week to catch up and ask Sam if he meant he can turn into a cat too. It takes another week for Bucky to put together that his sassy ass cat is also, in fact, his boyfriend. He chases Sam around the house, yelling about all his things that Alpine stole and hid under the bed and on top of cabinets. But his ankle’s still broken so it’s really more like he hobbles around while Sam stays just out of his reach, laughing his head off.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
hello my love do you still need prompts for your all american roadtrip? Cause 17 would be really cute (maybe with And Tango Makes Three? bc gay penguins just screams Sam tbh)! Or 14 could be really cool if Sam's stocking the boys' bathrooms too for schools that don't have a gn option. (Are you into Trans!Sam or Trans!Bucky? guess I've never asked!) OH WAIT 14 was requested pfft thanks for tuning in to this live action ask as I stumble thru your archive 🙊💙
BEEEEEE, Thank you for the prompt! ❤️ (for the last prompt and this prompt, tbh 😂 ) And Tango Makes Three is so cute omg HOW COULD I NOT USE IT? 😆 Anyways, I hope you enjoy the drabble! 🥰
Captain 4 of 7: The Reading Captain
| 3 | Prompts | 5 |
"I think this is the right park?" said Bucky, slowing the rental car down as they turned.
"I think you're right," said Sam, seeing a group of very young children crowded near someone with a big picture book in her hand.
Sam and Bucky had heard a rumor that there was a Captain America visiting all the parks in Salt Lake City, Utah and reading queer children's books to any kid who wanted to listen. This Captain America would even drive to the park in a Captain America-themed bookmobile and give out free reading (and got books in return sometimes).
Sam and Bucky stepped out of their car, watching the crowd this Captain America had, the groups of kids waiting their turn to get something at the bookmobile from what Sam assumed was this Captain America's granddaughter dressed in a pretty well made White Wolf outfit.
"Let's say hi to the White Wolf first, Sam," said Bucky, grinning.
Sam snorted.
"Sure. Cap is busy reading anyways. Don't want to disturb her," said Sam as the two of them walked casually to the Captain America Bookmobile.
" - Roy and Silo taught Tango how to sing for them when she was hungry. They fed her food from their beaks," said this Captain America as Sam watched her reading And Tango Makes Three to the children, a big smile on her face, "They snuggled her in their nest at night. Tango was the first penguin in the zoo to have two daddies."
There were kids from elementary school to college in line at the bookmobile, all gaping and making room for Sam and Bucky as they walked to the teen girl in the White Wolf outfit.
The granddaughter almost dropped the iPad she was using to keep track of books.
"You're... Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes... My granny loves you," said the girl as she placed out a "Be Back in Five Minutes" sign and hopped over the counter, "Granny! Look who showed up!"
This Captain America turned her wheelchair around to see them and gasped, screeching excitedly.
"Captain America! Oh, you are as handsome in person as you are on the television," said this Captain America, Sam coming to her since he didn't want to take her away from her adoring audience who seemed to be agreeing with her like they, the preschoolers, were part of her bridge club and had spoken thoroughly with her on this subject, "Give me a hug and tell me - are the muscles inflatable or real? Because my friend Moreen. She said on Sunday during bingo that you accentuate them. Like the booties in the ClipClops."
"TikToks, Granny," said her granddaughter as Sam bent over to hug this Captain America, "And he's not wearing TikTok Leggings on his arms. That's not the right texture."
"I see you have quite the operation here, Cap," said Sam, grinning down at her.
"Aww, thank you. I do what I can. Was an educator for fifty years before I retired and got bored. When I saw you reading Julián at the Wedding, well, I was inspired to do this," said this Captain America.
"Nana would have been here too, but she has her walking group right now," said the granddaughter.
"Is there anything we could do to help you?" asked Sam curiously.
This Captain America shrugged.
"Dear, it is just wonderful to get to meet you in person," said this Captain America, patting Sam's hand.
"Well, what about we donate more books to your library?" said Sam, "And fund any other books you want to purchase. I... I didn't grow up with a lot of representation. It's good to read something and see yourself in it, you know?"
This Captain America grinned.
"Do I ever know," said this Captain America, "We would love that, thank you. Now. Would you like to help me finish And Tango Makes Three?"
"I would be honored," said Sam, kneeling next to her.
"What page was I on again?" she asked the crowd, getting a flurry of answers that were all completely different.
Sam grinned at that. Because there should be more of these out there. More of this. And he was so happy that one of the Captain Americas made this a reality.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
This series is being made to celebrate the anniversary of TFATWS. It’s loosely inspired by The United States of Captain America miniseries. Click here to see the upcoming prompts I’ll be doing!
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jonkentt · 2 years
Okay, so I’m getting to your ask soon I swear (I’m sorry my week has been busy 😭) but here’s an idea for you - Bucky has the ability to make flowers appear. They grow whenever he’s feeling an intense emotion and different flowers bloom for different feelings. Bucky grows flowers all the time whenever he sees Sam 💐 ~ Sam wonders why ~
🥺🌸🌼🌷🌻🌺 Mexi!!! you think of the most wonderful things! My first idea- this would be the cutest kid fic??? Like childhood neighbors/classmates. I wanna take your adorable tween Sam and give him wings cause we live in magic world now (this reminded me of a tiny witch who cant do any magic but pop a single daisy out of her hand 😂 shes useless but I love her,, anYway…)
Sam gets assigned the seat in front of Bucky in class and he turns around to introduce himself like a happy bouncing ball of sunshine and Bucky gets all shy and his whole desk suddenly blooms with dainty flowers. Bucky doesnt talk much so Sam asks Steve why his desk bursts into flowers like that sometimes and this is smol punk Steve we’re talking abt so he’s like “I donno it happens when Buck has emotions” and Sams like “huh…”. And most of the boys tease Bucky for his flower powers (Steve will start throwing punches if he hears any shit abt Bucky tho) but Sam thinks its really cool and he tries to tell Bucky so but Buckys convinced Sam isnt serious. Still, he hopes cause Sam is Steves other bestie so maybe he really does like Bucky for whatever crazy reason (I just want Bucky to be thE most shy kid ok) so on valentines he gives Sam a card with dried flowers pressed into it. Sam is hyped cause he was honestly wondering if Bucky hated him so hes just excited to make friends with him but as soon as he levels that brilliant adorable smile of his on Bucky, Bucky turns the darkest shade of red and his desk bursts into more flowers than Sams ever seen on it.
The potential for unhinged cuteness here!! Like smol Steve shamelessly wearing flower crowns all the time cause Bucky likes to make them. Bucky finding a tiny Joaquin crying by himself cause someone stole his lunch, and Bucky just sitting down with him and growing lil flowers all around them until Joaquin notices and his whole face lights up cause he loves butterflies (and butterflies love flowers duh!). Bucky making a bouquet for Sam to give lil tiny Sarah cause he teased her and it made her cry and he feels awful abt it but the flowers make him her favorite big brother again. JUST. SO. MUCH. SOFT. BUCKY. *im putting a flower crown on your brilliant head @thatmexisaurusrex *
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jonkentt · 2 years
Okay, but after reading all of Angela: Queen of Hel, my brain is stuck on an AU where Sam and Bucky are in an Angela-style comic. Like maybe Sam is the heir to Heven and Bucky’s an Assassin for the Asgardians and they cross paths, but end up having to work together to survive in one of the realms after they lose communication with anyone who could help them and it becomes this enemies to lovers scenario but also maybe a fish out of water thing if they find themselves in Midgard 👀
MEXI I am loving your Thoughts™ ! I could not agree more that Sambucky so deserves the High Drama of the Angela comics lol. There is so much you can do with Thor-level stakes!!!
Honestly, to be totally unoriginal here, I think giving Bucky Angela's origin story would work so well. As a kidnapped Asgardian hes basically invulnerable, raised in Heven as an assassin but the angels would hate him bc he's a man/wingless. (oh? Trans!Bucky you say? yeehaw! the angels didn't realize he was a guy when they stole him.) So his backstory would be angsty af in typical Bucky fashion.
Sam, oh Sam, our birdman deserves some Thor-level shenanigans. Let's go wild here, let's make Sam the king of Hel! And give him wings made of fire cause why the f#%k not. That's some enemies to lovers shit right there bc if Sam was raised Asgardian then Bucky would assume he had everything Bucky didn't. But Sam would be like b#$!% really? they sent me to rule the underworld, you think Asgard likes me any better than you? And if we comicbook style them, Sam would be a tall hunky angel(demon?) overlord and Bucky would be short mopey assassin (who shops at Heven hot topic lets be real). And they'd be so opposite and idk they'd just,, both realize that life had totally fucked them both over but maybe they could find something in each other they'd never had before: LOVE.
And they'd be SO BADASS. Put Bucky in full murder mascara and give him really scary-looking knives. Sam's a king so he's gotta dress like a full-on diva with long flowing purple robes, with glamor to hide his wings depending on how intimidating he wants to be. And just, so many crows bc crows are super smart and they're his minions. Scary big crows tho of course cause they're Hel crows.
K so the meet ugly is Bucky gets sent to Hel to assassinate someone who's already dead and Sam is like ?f$%k off you cant just kill someone under my protection! and Bucky's like wAtcH mE. So maybe Sam gives him Hel's trials assuming Bucky won't pass them- a 'if you're worthy I'll let you leave my domain alive' situation. But Bucky does pass them and Sam is Impressed™ and curious too cause who is this twink? So they have this whole taunting/flirting dynamic as Bucky travels through Hel and by the time he gets to the last trial he doesn't really wanna finish the job anymore cause Sam is like man you're better than this. But Bucky was raised in Heven so he's got the whole Nothing For Nothing mindset. He finishes the job and Sam lets him leave Hel to bring proof to his employer. Sam isn't expecting him to come back (bc who would want to return to Hel?). But!!!! Bucky does come back! He kneels before the king of Hel and pledges his service for eternity and Sam, kinda tearful abt it (he's an emotional guy okay), asks why. Bucky has to say something extremely dramatic like "I fought so long to survive bc I never had something worth dying for. But then I walked with the king of the death and he's more wise and just and true than anyone I'll meet among the living."
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
This ask was just to say that I love you but then I also realized we've been mutuals for over 100 days so happy anniversary boo ( ˘ ³˘)♥
OH MY GOSH IT HAS BEEN OVER A 100 DAYS WHAT AAHHHHH I love you toooooo 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Lookit this cute cafe in New Zealand! Sambucky can go there on their spontaneous vacation 🥰
Also I just got a body butter that has a kiwi bird on the lid and so oBV I thought of your adorable story and maybe Bucky buys Sam some spa essentials for one of their relaxation days on vacay 😋🥝💚
@samothy-wilson awwwww 🥺 I love this. I could just picture them relaxing in that cafe. Taking a break. Just being together. Maybe holding hands. Drinking iced coffees. Planning where they'll go next 🥰
Stop making me want to write both a cafe AU and a spa AU, because both of those sound like so much fun and I keep thinking "a fun AU set in New Zealand would be nice" because I adore New Zealand 🥺
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