#the gorgon of medusa || ferrus manus
tertiusdecimusfilius · 4 months
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cav-core · 6 months
Ferrus, beloved. You were never going to be Warmaster because you have no people skills. Sorry.
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tragedybunny · 11 months
I think I need to read Gorgon of Medusa to get this fluff into canon compliance.
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moodymisty · 6 months
I wanna feed Ferrus a handful of snacks. Poor beeb.
He did what he had to do to survive, so I can't blame the guy. Just don't let him near a tub of glue or anything...
Also -vomits up this- You want to feed him, here.
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You don't exactly know what sprouted the conversation; Perhaps it was you, or Ferrus being in a rare mood. You know the Gorgon seems to enjoy the company of those very much unlike himself at times, oddly enough.
"How did you survive out there?"
The sentence is posed as if you don't expect any sort of answer. You're quite surprised that he has indulged your presence as long as he has currently. He rarely placates anyone with words that don't serve towards a current goal.
You brush the front of your clothing as the wind gently blows it around. Doing so distracts you ever so slightly from his next sentence.
"I ate anything to fill my stomach. Sand, primarily."
It takes the power of every neuron in your body to contain the shock on your face, while the Gorgon looks on as if he had simply told you that the weather was pleasant today. Then again, it is quite rare that he shows anything other than the non-emotion of neutrality on his face.
You are well aware that the Primarchs are, peculiar.
Notable features about the other Primarchs and Ferrus himself serve to illustrate that assumption. This, ability, must be another one of his.
But, sand?
"Do you," You lean slightly forward lips parted as you attempt to form words into a sentence. "Do you want me to get the serfs to make you... Something?"
The Primarch Ferrus Manus, Gorgon of Medusa, looks down at you. His face is as unreadable as always. But there's something in his icy white eyes.
"No salt."
You scurry off, leaving him alone.
Primarch Fulgrim will never believe you.
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caiusmajor · 9 months
The thesis of Ferrus Manus: Gorgon of Medusa seemed to be that Ferrus is an asshole and a danger to everyone around him and there's nothing anyone can do about this (except wait for someone to cut his head off, but that's a different book).
That's all of the Primarchs, really, so fair enough, but Ferrus seemed to have exceptionally little else going on.
Arkurduana was fun, though.
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primarchstory · 2 years
a somewhat serious bio of Ferrus
Ferrus Manus
Short About- Ferrus Manus as a infant, crash landed on the planet called Medusa where after a series of events led to the myth of Gorgon. The official title that was given to Ferrus who landed on the death planet as a baby. Ferrus is also a primarch, one of the superior genetically enhanced sons of the Emperor of Mankind. Someone who, you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley if you can help it. The Iron hands is the name of his legion , aptly named for the primarch…Iron hands. 
Primarchs are also warp entities stuff into a meat suit that only looks human, but unfortunately can never be human, some could theorize that all primarchs are reflections of parts of the Emperor made manifest. 
Personality- Ferrus Manus is a perfectionist, one who wouldn’t hesitate to call out on others for any perceive mistakes that could happen. He has high standards for everyone around him, and for himself as well. He has no sense of humor, no sense of camaraderie or patience between himself and other people. 
He’s also someone who respects strengths and those who constantly strive to better himself, which makes it less surprising that he took pains to be friends with Fulgrim the Phoenix, someone who wanted to improve themselves constantly as well.
Ferrus range of likes and dislikes is dependent on wether you can actually live up to the standards he never tells you by voice, but by actions. He’ll be subtly impress though by people who can stand up to his presence or at least, sleep in it since as a primarch, theres very little mortals who can actually stand next to him and fall asleep.
He’s a very serious person , and rarely does he smile. The only points of where he does smile is when he is next to his brother Fulgrim and just that brother alone. Alas rarely do they come together. 
Ferrus actually hates his own hands, to which his own legion got the name from. Since he believes with sincerity that anything his hands do, isn’t really his strength at all and wishes to find a way to separate the metal coating it from his own body. 
He’s also competitive as heck, a trait he shared with his own brother Fulgrim. 
Ferrus is at least 11-13 feet tall. 
Strength- His strength is capable at least lifting heavy weight like building walls and solid steel. The primarch at least have the strength to, when they punch a genetically enhanced being head off with one strike. 
Durability- normal bullets and blaster strikes won’t do much damage to him , but he can still be killed by normal means like giant bullets if they pierce any major parts like the neck though it has to be a straight decapitation, or a shot straight to the brain. His body also doesn’t have much resistance to demonic weaponry, or magic infused weaponry but it has to be concentrated magic. 
Healing Factors-primarchs have amazing healing factors though Ferrus healing factors is that as long as something doens’t kill him outright , he can recover even lost limbs. Alas if the main brain is dead or the primarch is decapitated, thats just death. Only one other primarch can actually revive from the dead and its not Ferrus. An example is that one standard primarch was cut straight to the bone from the skull and minutes later he’s already recovering skin and yellowing bruises form.
Necrodermis hands- Ferrus hands were covered in a metallic substance known as necrodermis,  Ferrus didn’t need any hammer or flame to mold anything as it was capable of retaining heat and molding any temperature molten steel to any shape he desires. 
Speed- Faster then a normal human , and can barely be seen by enhance humans. 
Forgebreaker- a legendary thunder hammer that is so large, only Ferrus can wield it. It can also generate lightning from its broad side to boost its attack. 
Medusan Carapace- A suit of armour that boast several unknown support systems and servo mechanism. Has built in plasma blaster, a graviton gun which releases a stream of particles that effect the gravity of its area of effect , depended on setting from heavier to lighter. At its highest setting it can even rupture organs from inside armour. 
A built in grenade harness , a grenade launcher mounted on top of the armour which can fire frag grenades.
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screamingatthevoid · 6 years
Dekka: What is his name?
Trurakk: Ferrus Manus.
Dekka: Iron Hands. How very... subtle.
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
Following your hot piece with Lucius & Saul, can we have something similar for Ferrus & Fulgrim in happier times of course ♡ I would love that, they are my precious OTP...
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It's been a while since I've drawn the disaster duo.
Since then I've read the Ferrus Manus-primarch novel and ... well, take a quote:
Ferrus Manus was not renowned for his beauty. He did not haunt the dreams of men in the way of Fulgrim or Sanguinius or Horus, but he was beautiful, as a charnabal sabre or a hand-wrought suit of armour could be beautiful. Akurduana saw now why Fulgrim loved this Gorgon so, and why that love was reciprocated so fiercely.
Guymer, David. Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon of Medusa (The Horus Heresy Primarchs Book 7) (S.29). Games Workshop. Kindle-Version.
In the light of this book, can we please finally stop with this "and they were roommates"-shit? 😉
I have beefed Ferrus Manus up, too. That's what the novel did to me.
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asktheironfather · 5 years
BEGINNINGS- The start of their journey. Usually includes inciting action and learning the ropes of their new predicament.
The wind whipped across the frozen landscape, the cold cutting through his meager attire and biting straight to his bones. Medusa’s climate was unforgiving at the best of times, but in the winter it was a downright brutal hellscape of dark, frozen land with little shelter and even less in the way of resources one might use to remain alive. If there was any solace to be found underneath these charcoal colored skies, it was that he was finally within sight of his destination.
Janus Zebb had been walking for days, the exact number of which he’d lost count of after the fifty-seventh. He and his brother had set out from Clan Agulaar’s land-crawler full of vigor and youthful enthusiasm, confident in themselves and their ability to navigate the hardships they knew Medusa would throw at them.
Now Braahm was dead, and Janus’ enthusiasm had been hardened into steely purpose.
He paused in his trek and turned his eyes towards the horizon, where bleak skies and frozen soil met to become all but indistinguishable from each other. There, standing like some imposing mountain made of black steel, was the Iron Citadel. Within its forges and foundries ordinary men took on new life, molded into the image of the demigod known as the Gorgon. There, mortal men with their weaknesses and frailties were taken and remade into superhuman warriors. Their former lives were all but stripped from them, and when the fires died and the fires were quenched, what emerged from the billowing smoke was an Iron Hand, a scion of the Xth Legion.
This was his purpose, his destiny. 
He would join their ranks, or he would die trying and rejoin his brother.
Brother Kinaan shifted silently on his feet. He’d been standing watch over Eichenwald Gate with Brother Naserus for eleven hours. There was only one more to go before the pair could retire back to the monastery and allow themselves to thaw. Even with his gene-hanced fortitude and Mark III power armor, the cold still got to Kinaan. Except where skin and bone had been replaced by iron and steel.
The flesh was weak.
Kinaan turned his head almost imperceptibly and glanced at Naserus. They were almost identical in their armor, the only difference being that they held held their boltguns in reverse grips, Kinaan’s held left to right while Naserus’ hung right to left. It wasn’t that which Kinaan was interested in though. He wanted to know whether or not Naserus also saw the tattered figure hobbling towards them.
He did, of course. He’d noticed the figure long before the figure had noticed them. Covered in a ratty traveling cloak with more holes than either Iron hand cared to count, the figure was tall and broad, but there was no mistaking the signs of exposure and malnutrition. The flesh was weak. Naserus could see that what had once been a strong and youthful face was hollow and gaunt, and the eyes were like hardened steel. Both Iron Hands remained silent and unmoving until the figure was within striking distance.
“No further,” Naserus said, his voice booming from his helmet’s external vox speakers. The figure stopped. Most who sought admission to the Iron Citadel would have cowed themselves at this point, struck dumb by the simple fact they were being addressed directly by an Astartes of the Xth Legion. To his immense credit, this one did not.
“What business do you have here?” Kinaan added.
For a moment, the robbed man did not respond. He simply turned his gaze from Kinaan to Naserus and then back again. Then he reached into his cloak, the movement slow and his arms shaking from fatigue. Normally such an action would have prompted both Astartes to level their weapons but, curiously, neither did. That startled Kinaan and he was about to rectify the situation when the man pulled his hand out again and tossed something at his feet.
It was a broach, at least by his standards. The the man, it was more like a medallion, a circle of dark metal as wide as his hand. The medallion bore a cog design along its outside edge. At its center was a hand made of iron. Naserus looked at it with a cocked head as Kinaan stooped and picked it up. He turned the badge over in his fingers, then turned the red lenses of his helm on the man.
“Your name?”
“Janus.” The man’s voice was raspy from either disease or disuse. The odds of either were good, but it did not matter and Kinaan did not care to play a guessing game at the moment. “Janus Zebb of Clan Agulaar.”
“What is your business here, Janus Zebb of Clan Agulaar?”
Kinaan regarded him for a moment. Then he stepped aside, leaving the path through the gateway unobstructed. “Let him pass.”
There came a great thump and then the whine of servomotors and the rattle of chain as the great doors ground open. A breath of warm air washed over them from the other side, providing a heartbeat’s reprieve from the cold before it was gone again. Janus pulled his cloak tighter about himself. He graced Kinaan and Nesarus a glance each before taking a hobbled step by them. His trek had taken him this far, and he had survived. He was bent and he was bruised, but he remained unbroken. Ferrus Manus himself would have to come down and kill him to stop him now.
As he passed through the shadow of the gateway, Janus thought of his brother, Braahm. His corpse was likely gone, the bones picked clean as food for the scag birds. He rested as well as he deserved, consigned to the bleak desert.
His journey was over.
Janus’ was only just beginning.
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littleclevercat · 6 years
Ferrus Mannus: Gorgon of Medusa
I finished the book and now I have an impression that what happened with Ferrus Manus at Istvaan III was just a karmic response to his actions during the Great Crusade. :/
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cav-core · 6 months
Deep tragic irony to Gorgon of Medusa having established that Ferrus Manus knew from proof that, if it came to an actual fight, the Iron Hands would pretty conclusively lose to the Emperor's Children, and then filed that information under "kind of embarrassing but never going to be a real problem".
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asktheadeptus · 7 years
Iron Hands - Morlocks
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The Morlocks were the veteran Space Marine Battle-Brothers of the Iron Hands Legion who served as Primarch Ferrus Manus' personal Honour Guard. These elite Veterans of the Iron Hands' 1st Company were so-named for the fearsome visage they presented like the vengeful predators of the same name that howled across the frozen tundras of their Legion homeworld of Medusa. The Morlocks were all members of the Iron Hands' Clan Company Avernii. The Morlocks were the deadliest and most experienced warriors of the Xth Legion, and whatever force was arrayed against these black-coloured Terminators could not hope to survive their wrath. The Morlocks were the bloody tip of the spear that drove hard into the vitals of the XthLegion's foes.
As the personal honour guard of Ferrus Manus, the Morlocks often stood sentinel aboard the Primarch's flagship, the Battle Barge Fist of Iron, the mightiest of them protecting the gates of the Primarch's inner sanctum, the Iron Forge, located within the ship's Anvilarium, the large audience chamber where mighty deeds were planned and unbreakable bonds of brotherhood were forged. The Morlocks were led by Gabriel Santor, the Xth Legion's First Captain and Equerry to the Primarch. Santor hailed from the Avernii Clan on Medusa, as did all of the members of the Morlocks.
Shortly after the corruption of the Emperor's Children's Primarch Fulgrim, his IIIrd Legion was ordered by the Warmaster Horus to rendezvous with the Iron Hands' Primarch and attempt to sway Ferrus Manus, Fulgrim's closest friend amongst the Primarchs, towards the cause of the Traitors. The two Primarchs met aboard Ferrus Manus' flagship. Great bonds of friendship and brotherhood had long existed between them, and Fulgrim felt that he could convince Ferrus of the righteousness of Horus' cause. Fulgrim's hope proved disastrously wrong and the meeting of the two Primarchs in Ferrus' private inner sanctum in the Anvilarium did not go well. Ferrus was outraged that his brothers would dare to turn against their father the Emperor.
The meeting ended in violence as The Gorgon made his difference of opinion known to the Phoenician with his weapons. Ferrus was determined to stop Fulgrim's betrayal of the Imperium before it could even begin. Ferrus used his silvery necrodermis hands to attempt to destroy Fulgrim's sword Fireblade, but the resultant explosion knocked him out. Fulgrim intended to kill his brother with his own weapon, the warhammer Forgebreaker, but proved unable to kill his oldest friend despite the promptings of the Slaaneshi daemon that now throttled his soul. Instead he took the Gorgon's beloved warhammer, a reminder of the bond the two Primarchs had once shared. When Fulgrim emerged from Ferrus' inner sanctum, he gave a signal to his Phoenix Guard who instantly, and in perfect synchronicity, beheaded all ten of the Iron Hands Morlocks who served as Ferrus Manus' bodyguard with their Power Halberds. The Emperor's Children's First Captain Julius Kaesoron struck out against his Iron Hands counterpart, Gabriel Santor, and very nearly killing him with his Lightning Claws. Fulgrim successfully fled the Iron Hands' expeditionary fleet in his personal assault craft, the Firebird, when he ordered his flagship, the Battle Barge Pride of the Emperor and its Escorts, to open fire upon the ships of the 52nd Expeditionary Fleet. This surprise attack crippled them and provided a distraction while Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children fled into the Warp to rendezvous with the rest of their 28th Expedition in the Istvaan System.
Things eventually came to a head at the Drop Site Massacre of Istvaan V. Led by First Captain Gabriel Santor, ten full companies of Morlocks hungered to confront the Emperor’s Children and make them pay for the dishonourable murders done to their number in the Anvilarium of the Fist of Iron. The Morlock Terminators, led by The Gorgon, formed the centre of the Loyalists' assault as the Primarch of the Xth Legion sought out his fallen brother Fulgrim. Finally the forces of the Emperor’s Children and the Morlocks came together in a riot of bloodshed and death. The Morlocks' superior armour and experience gave them an advantage over the rank and file Astartes of the Emperor’s Children, but they were greatly outnumbered. While Ferrus Manus and Fulgrim clashed in a final confrontation, the Traitors' revealed their trap, as the second wave of the Loyalist assault, composed of the Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Night Lords and Word Bearers, revealed their true allegiance to Chaos. Fulgrim's own honour guard, the Phoenix Guard, answered with a terrible war cry and leapt to meet the Morlocks in a searing clash of blades. Electric fire leapt from the golden edges of the Power Halberds and the Lightning Claws of the warriors, and a storm of light and sound flared from each life and death struggle. Now surrounded on all sides by Traitors after the second wave had revealed their treachery, the Morlocks were circled by the Traitors and in the midst of cries of pain and roaring savage glee, the Morlocks of Ferrus Manus were slain to a man. It is unknown whether the Morlocks were reconstituted by the Iron Hands Chapter after the events of the Horus Heresy.
Notable Morlocks
Gabriel Santor - Gabriel Santor served as the Equerry to Primarch Ferrus Manus as well as the First Captain of the Iron Hands Legion's elite 1st Company and elite Honour Guard, known as the Morlocks, during the Great Crusade and the opening days of the Horus Heresy. When the Emperor's Children were corrupted by the Warmaster Horus of the Sons of Horus Legion, they attempted to sway their fellow cousins, the Iron Hands, to the Warmaster's cause. Gravely miscalculating Ferrus Manus' response to his offer, the Emperor's Children's Primarch Fulgrim callously attacked his brother, leaving him gravely wounded, as well as having ten of his elite praetorians cut down in a cowardly attack that  left Gabriel Santor near death. Enraged by this base betrayal, Ferrus Manus led his Honour Guard in the initial first wave assault during the tragic events of the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V. Overextended and cut-off by the Warmaster's treacherous trap, Gabriel Santor was confronted by the Chaos-corrupted Emperor's Children First Captain Julius Kaesoron and was slain by that vile servant of Slaanesh, just as his Primarch Ferrus Manus was slain by his former brother Fulgrim.
Vermanus Cybus - Vermanus Cybus was the senior surviving Morlock veteran of the Drop Site Massacreon Istvaan V. Gathering with the remnants of the Iron Hands Legion that had fought their way out of the killing grounds of the Urgall Depression on Istvaan V, he joined the ad hoc group of survivors of that battle aboard  the Iron Hands Strike Cruiser Sisypheum as it fled the Istvaan System. Cybus possessed multiple chimeric bio-modifications and had been viewed as nearly pathological in his reverence for the machine and his loathing for flesh. In truth, Cybus was a warrior not even his Battle-Brothers could be around for any length of time, for adherence to the doctrines of augmetic superiority had already spread through many of the Battle-Brothers of the Iron Hands Legion even before the death of Ferrus Manus and his warning against such beliefs to the Xth Legion. Before the betrayal at Istvaan, Cybus had fought beside the  warriors of the Emperor's Children Legion on numerous occasions. He had always respected the IIIrd legion's devotion to the attainment of perfection, finding much to admire in the Emperor's Children's martial ethos. Many years earlier, Cybus had argued long into the night with a young officer of the IIIrd Legion named Rylanor on the merits of organic strength against augmented power, mocking the Legionary’s faith in his flesh while extolling the virtue of iron. Cybus was an uncompromising man of little personal charisma, but he had a secutor's grasp of the methodology of combat.
Septus Thoic and Ignatius Numen - This duo of Morlocks veterans were some of the very first Iron Hands warriors to make planetfall on Istvaan V, having marched alongside the best and bravest of the Xth Legion. Gathering with the remnants of the Legion that had fought their way out of the killing ground of the Urgall Depression on Istvaan V, they joined the ad hoc group of survivors of that battle aboard  the Iron Hands Strike Cruiser Sisypheum as it fled the Istvaan System. The Iron Hands and their mortal serfs formed the bulk of the survivors to take refuge on that starship, but warriors of the Salamanders and a single Raven Guard Astartes were counted amongst their number as well. The months that followed saw the Sisypheumembark on a series of hit-and-run attacks on Traitor forces on the northern frontiers of the galaxy, wreaking harm like a lone predator against the hated Traitors of Horus. Like all those who had escaped the Drop Site Massacre, they had cut their warplate with the names of the fallen, and the black armour of these two Morlocks was inscribed with intricate scriptwork, each name inscribed over the cuts, tears and burns inflicted on Istvaan V. But these warriors had a name acid-etched on their shoulder guards that marked them out as special even in a brotherhood of remarkable warriors, that of Ferrus Manus, for they had seen their Primarch die at the treacherous hands of his brother Fulgrim. Like other veterans of the Xth Legion, they had refused to repaint or repair their armour until the Traitor who had murdered the Iron Hands' Primarch was dead. Thoic’s face was bisected by a curling series of scars inflicted by a laughing swordsman of the Emperor's Children, while Numen’s features had the plasticised sheen of synth-skin after a close-range plasma detonation had seared the ceramite of his battle helm to his skull. His flash-burned eyes had been replaced by simple targeting optics, but his hearing was almost entirely gone.
Frater Thamatica, "Ironwrought" - Frater Thamatica was an Iron Father of the Iron Hands Legion, a member of the Morlocks and a survivor of the killing fields of the Urgall Depression on the world of Istvaan V. It was Thamatica who helped establish contact with the disparate groups of Loyalist forces who had escaped the Drop Site Massacre, and  he helped develop a stratagem for their survival. With the Xth Legion too scattered to function in a traditional battlefield role, its surviving commanders found their own way to fight back. Thamatica escaped alongside the remnants of the Xth Legion and joined the ad hoc group of survivors of that battle aboard  the Iron Hands Strike Cruiser Sisypheum as it fled the Istvaan System. Following the Drop Site Massacre, Thamatica had become the longest-serving Iron Father left alive in the Xth Legion.
Vaakal Desaan - Vaakal Desaan served as a Morlock and the 9th Clan Company Captain during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras. Desaan was known to be a staunch adherent to the Creed of Iron, which espoused that "Flesh is Weak." His ostensible elitism and lack of human empathy often spilled over into disdain for mortals, and sometimes worse. Desaan's grizzled face was a patchwork of scars from the numerous campaigns he had taken part in during the Great Crusade.
Erasmus Ruuman - Erasmus Ruuman served as a Morlock and the Captain of the 13th Clan Company Ironwrought during the Great Crusade. Ruuman was killed by xenos forces during the difficult Imperial Compliance action on the world of One-Five-Four-Four.
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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castellankurze · 7 years
TFW when your biceps are huge and can't fit in powered power armour, just ask Ferrus and Magnus lol.
Even for one of their kind, he was tall.  That was the first thing to be noticed.  In close succession were his great mane of crimson hair, the burnished copper tone of his skin, and perhaps most striking of all, his single eye, the left, for where its twin ought to have rested upon his features was but a smooth patch of flesh.  He was dressed grandly, in a tunic of white the plainness of which was offset by the torc of gold and lapis lazuli about his neck, the bronze facets of his belt, and the jewled sandals he wore upon his feet.  His sleeves were short, the better to permit the movement of his arms and the sculpted muscle upon them.
“Ferrus,” said Fulgrim at his shoulder, “this is our most newfound brother.  His name is Magnus Rubricatus, late of Prospero.  Magnus, permet me to introduce Ferrus Manus of Medusa, Primarch of the X Legion.”
Silence followed the introduction, but Fulgrim was not overly concerned - there was no reason that the two should clash, and he knew from experience that it was only natural that two long-lost sons of the Emperor take a moment to address themselves.
The silence stretched on, however, and soon enough Fulgrim risked a glance at his brother to gauge his reaction.  Ferrus’ pale eyes were like chips of ice, his tan face creased in a deep frown, and Fulgrim felt concern begin to well up within him.  Before he could speak, however, the black-clad man stepped forward, and reached up with one silver-skinned hand to loose the clasp of his armored breastplate, letting the machinery built into the carapace clatter to the ground in a series of booms.  Bared were the fullness of his arms, the organic steel from which he drew his name shading the deeply tanned skin up to just past his elbows, ending just at the thickness of his biceps as if they had proven too great a mountain for the living metal to conquer.
Barechested, he stood before the newest of the primarchs, his face a very picture of bloody-minded determination.  Fulgrim did not know what had sparked this confrontation, but determined to prevent animosity between his brothers he began to speak. “Ferrus-”
The Lord of the X Legion grit his teeth, and with a deep growl like that of a mountain lion arched, tightening the musculature of his back into a series of ridges and canyons not unlike the broken terrain of his homeworld.  Then he brought one arm up, curling it to emphasize the immensity of the bicep, hand locked into a great fist, whilst the other was hooked in opposite fashion, fist held just beneath Ferrus’ armpit.  His body trembled with the tension, and after a moment, Ferrus brought both arms down and forward, pressing the backs of his hands together and tightening his stomach so that his abdominals stood like a wall as rigid as any built by the primarch Dorn.  With two quick, sharp twitches, he flexed first one pectoral muscle, followed by the other, his gaze unwavering from Magnus’ own, expression one of naked challenge.
Magnus’ sole eye widened, his own teeth showing as he grimaced as if in outrage.  Then, with a roar like that of a great tiger he brought his own hands forward, palms slapping together, fingers interlaced and pointed down as he pressed and squeezed for all he was worth, hunching forward slightly.  There was a great tearing of cloth, and with a sharp retort like a gunshot the catch of Magnus’ torc broke away as the cords of his neck widened with the strain of effort.  His tunic fell away, leaving the great copper breadth of his shoulders and chest unclothed, the definition of his own musculature a match for that of the Gorgon.  Veins and sinews began to stand out against the skin of both their frames, Ferrus’ forearms rippling like liquid mercury as he gripped one wrist in the other hand and squeezed ferociously.
The wordless confrontation stretched on for one agonizing heartbeat after another, but Fulgrim’s concern did not turn to genuine distress until Ferrus pulled back his right hand, first clenched as if he were about to strike Magnus down, and the Crimson King drew back in like fashion as if to clout this upstart.  Then they swung, but instead of blows lashed against one another their hands came together with a pair of ear-popping cracks as their palms slapped against one another’s forearms.  It was then Fulgrim noticed the wetness of Ferrus Manus’ eyes, the beginnings of a smile upon Magnus’ face.
“I guess they became friends through their muscles,” commented Vulkan.
“THAT’S THE STUPIDEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD!” Fulgrim roared as the tension left him.
Nearby, Commander Janetia Krole of the Silent Sisterhood averted her gaze and touched her fingertips to her brow, the better that the Emperor not see her expression at this moment in time.
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htb5045 · 5 years
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Kommen wir zu meinem eigentlichen Grund auf Instagram zu posten: Ein Paar neue und alte Bücherreihen und großartige Einzelbücher (meist aus dem warhammer Universum), DC Comics, Mangas und vielleicht auch ab und zu mal den ein oder anderen Film bzw Spiel vorzustellen. Das Angebot ist bekanntlich riesig. Wir starten mit der im Oktober 2016 begonnen Buchreihe "the Primarchs". Es handelt sich um einen Zwischenstand denn es sind erst die Hälfte Der Bücher erschienen. Es versuchen sich unterschiedliche aber absolut Bekannte warhammer Autoren An diesem Thema und gestalten diese Buchreihe wirklich interessant. In den Büchern werden unterschiedliche Lebensabschnitte der großen Primarchen des warhammer 40k Universums beschrieben. Bei dem einen geht es um eine alles entscheidende Schlacht bei dem nächsten um sein Leben als Kind unter den Menschen des Imperiums. Wenn einzelne Beschreibungen gewünscht sind einfach Bescheid sagen. Bisher erschienen: - Roboute Guilliman - der letzte Schlachtenkönig (Orden der Ultramarines) - Leman Russ - der große Wolf (Orden der Space Wolfes) - Magnus - der Herr von Prospero (Orden der Thousend Sons) - Perturabo - der Hammer von Olympia (Orden Der Iron Warriors) - Lorgar - der Verkünder des Wortes (Orden Der Word Bearers) - Fulgrim - der Palatin-Phönix (Orden der Emperors Children) - Ferrus Manus - der Gorgone von Medusa (Orden der Iron Hands) - Jaghatai Kahn - der Kriegsfalke von Chogoris (Orden der White Scars) - Vulkan - der Drachenfürst (Orden der Salamanders) - Corax - der Herr der Schatten (Orden der Raven Guard) Eine Sterne Bewertung ist unmöglich. Die verschiedenen Autoren haben unterschiedlich hochwertige Bücher geschrieben. Aber eines Tages mache ich sicher mal zu jedem der Bücher einen Eintrag ?/5 Sternen . #warhammer40k #warhammer #primarchen #warhammerimperium #corvuscorax #primarchvulkan #jaghataikhan #ferrusmanus #fulgrim #lorgar #perturabo #magnusthered #lemanruss #robouteguilliman #blacklibrary #warhammerromane #theprimarchs #warhammerauthors #htb5045 #htbbuecher https://www.instagram.com/p/BtfvgJZHDML/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=23vqmenkkp3y
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legendarynotary · 6 years
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Posting Primarch every day, day 9. Ferrus Manus, The Gorgon of Medusa.
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smonkweeds · 6 years
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Posting Primarch every day, day 9. Ferrus Manus, The Gorgon of Medusa.
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