#the first arc is now done so time for a promo post
badassindistress · 8 months
The very first thing I ever loved was the night sky. From the moment I opened my eyes and saw the shining signs of other worlds, I knew my purpose in this world was to adore it.
I like that thing humans say, when a new human is born. A baby born of love, the love from their parents. It sounds so sweet, even if it is not always true.
For me, that has never been true. I was not born of love, I was created to love. That is the difference between Nymphs and men. Humans are born to walk the world, they stumble and walk half-finished for half their lives to discover it. Nymphs are born from the world to love it above all things.
When the Goddess finished her creation and laid herself down to rest, her last act was calling forth the Nymphs from the rocks and the pools to enjoy the lands she created. We were born from bloom and earth and spring and we were the first to dance on the new earth.
Humans came later, the creation of some trickster god who prized change over harmony. We Nymphs saw them grow and change the world we were born from. Not me personally, of course, my roots reach only a few hundred years. But the Nymphs now dreaming in the glaciers of the ageless mountains sang their songs about the land before the humans built their farms and their cities.
In their songs it sounds beautifully wild, but I would not change the world as it is now. The wild can always win back the world, but humans create such wonderful things. They can melt the hearts of mountains and make them shine like stars. They’ve made it so I can almost hold my beloved stars in my hand.
I’ve longed to touch the stars for longer than I can remember. I used to tell myself I was a fallen star, pulled to earth in triumphant flames for the love of the earth I saw below me. It is not a true story, perhaps, but I like the way it sounds. A star danced down into a mirror pool reflecting the night sky with just one fewer star shining brightly.
It might be true.
I do not know.
Read the rest of My Love, Like My Roots, Grows Ever Stronger on ao3
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Has anyone theorized why the Duffers chose to focus on Ten (10) specifically at the start of season 4?
Because looking back, how he was framed at the beginning of s4, compared to the end, makes it obvious he was a red herring.
In 4x01, we get our first (less detailed) recount of the massacre at Hawkins Lab, with the focus singling out Brenner and Ten. While I think there could definitely be important ideas hidden in the subtext during those scenes between them, Ten doesn't seem to hold any importance to the overall story, as his own character, beyond what's given to us in that premiere.
Because in 4x07, when we get a more detailed recount of the massacre, we're now viewing this moment from El's perspective at that same time Brenner and Ten first come into view. But it's at this moment the audience realizes that it was never about Ten.
By the end that same episode, Ten is merely canon fodder. He was given almost all of our focus, and then he was gone. And that was it. But I think that's because it's obvious he was never meant to be important to the overall story in the first place.
Ten was placed at the start of the story, not only as a distraction, but to also act as usable early promo footage.
No, but seriously. It's quite common for shows to post the first 10 or so minutes on YouTube before the actual premiere of a new season. In fact, Stranger Things has done this with the first 8 minutes of s1 & 4.
Planning for marketing and advertising is so fucking essential to Stranger Things roll-out, they would've probably wrote and filmed those scenes, knowing that it could, and very likely would, be used early-on in the promotion circuit (because later scenes in the season are usually filled with spoilers), which meant whatever they focused on couldn't give too much away. If anything it needed to make you think you were getting a lot in the foreground, when in reality the true answers were tiptoeing in the background.
What I think makes the choice to focus on Ten at the start of the season so interesting though, is that he's the number right before Eleven.
Our focus, right from the jump, is specifically on the number that has proximity to Eleven...
And so why do that? Why focus on Ten and then drop him into obscurity?
Maybe to distract us from the fact that the number we should've really been focusing on also has similar proximity to Eleven (literally and figuratively and numerically)... Mayhaps Twelve??
I promise you guys, I was minding my business, doing research for a completely different post, when I noticed a detail that expanded on my curiosity in regards to Ten.
Now, I'm not the kind of byler that tries to add up a bunch of numbers and say that it means something, and that's honestly mostly because I suck at math (and so no hate to the bylers that do that bc that's more of a me problem). And yet despite that, I really don't think this is even reaching. I think they made the choice to focus on the numbers they did and the way that they did, for a reason.
Although Ten didn't give us much of a purpose beyond s4 misleading opener vibes, he still started off the season with a fleeting, but still larger focus than the rest of the numbers besides El.
And so besides Ten and Eleven, which other number played a big role this season?
Though that's not to say Two operates as a red herring. I would say he actually plays a substantial role the entire season. He has a beginning, middle and end to his arc that stretches the entire season and feels layered in ways that make it clear he was more than just a blip to keep us busy.
And so, for the first episode of s4, these specific numbers were credited first before the rest, as they apparently played the biggest roles. And so, I just find it kind of ironic that:
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Do you see it?
Okay, if you're still stuck I'll help you out:
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The Duffers have admitted since s4 premiered that a lot of the surprises/answers they're saving for the end of the show, can likely be found within the show itself. This is because, a lot of the choices made, especially in season 4's case, were with the end in mind. And so details that maybe even seemed meaningless or ended up going nowhere, probably had a purpose that went beyond what we assumed when we were first confronted with those ideas. And that was probably the intention. Otherwise the surprise element wouldn't even be there.
Although it might seem like nothing is here, and maybe there isn't. Maybe I am reaching.
I still can't help but feel like these Hawkins lab scenes specifically hold the truth to what is going to play out in season 5.
Because the brothers have also admitted s5 is going to delve into the origins of Hawkins Lab and how Brenner's program went from involving Henry, to evolving and including multiple kids...
Honestly that alone should be enough of an admission that the s4 lab scenes probably hold more answers than we realize. All those choices they made, were made with the truth about Hawkins Lab in the back of their mind.
And so if they're going to make those revelations about the lab in the final season, and s5 is apparently going to also spend a lot of time telling us about Will's disappearance, whatever this all entails has to fit nicely with those scenes of the lab in s4. Because those scenes were extremely recent and also presumably written and talked about beside their outline for s5, meaning that they had every chance to hide the answers in the details... which they've literally admitted to doing by saying the answers to the ending are hidden in the show already... why am I even rambling about this in long form. This isn't a reach if you're actually considering what is in front of us.
That's not to say that we have the full picture yet to comfortably support Twelvegate as a full blown guaranteed theory. Because even though the evidence is astounding, there's still so much missing.
I think the imagery of time/clocks over the seasons being built up, going into the end of the show, and still without really delving into the time/clocks aspect fully, is maybe why I'm so open minded to how they could go about Twelvegate.
What we know about the past regarding Will's childhood along with what happened to Will when he went missing, for all we know might not even be the full truth. And there is some evidence that the facts surrounding Will's disappearance were changed between season 1 and season 2 and so... why was that? Back then fans thought it was just a copy/paste error, but now within the context of twelvegate... it's quite fascinating...
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There's also theories Will himself created the upside down? And so, if that were to be the case, in any capacity, I imagine that his role in everything is a lot bigger than we imagine. Like that would make him equally as well known at Hawkins Lab as El.
It's not like we've gotten any imagery like that before, with Will being the center of interest at Hawkins Lab... Oh wait--
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It's not like Will has ever been 'the boy who lived' level well known or anything...
But maybe that's because he's literally 'THE BOY WHO CAME BACK TO LIFE' well known!!
Then there's the fact that Will himself could play a role in how time is going to impact the last season and presumably our perception of the past itself, specifically in relation to Will and his time at Hawkins Lab (possibly).
Lots of fans predict time travel will be involved in some capacity. Though there is a lot of pushback both in the byler fandom and even in the ga at the possibility of this, because I think a lot of people associate time travel in storytelling with entire story resets and so they're scared that time will just start over and everything that occurred over the seasons would become meaningless. And I guess I could see why that would be disappointing.
However, even if time travel plays a role, and I do think it likely will in some way because the foreshadowing is too extensive to not have been intentional, that doesn't mean I think they'll do it in the most conventional or predictable way possible. I think it would have to be way more complex than what most people expect, and it probably wouldn't erase everything they've been through, assuming what they've been through is even the full truth to begin with...
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determunition · 1 month
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hey gang!
time once more for an epic update on what i've been up to and what to expect in the future
kicking things off with a bang, OLD_FOLKS HOME chapter 23 is officially up! in the past i've said that i was going to wait on posting this arc until i'm fully done writing it, but it's taking longer than i expected and thusly i've grown terribly impatient. the first two chapters of the four i planned to finish are already done, with the third well into production; i'll be promo-ing chapter 23 properly later but for now go have a look-see! enjoy it!
as implied by a recent post, i'm working on some shovel knight boards! i expected to have them done by now so they might take a second to get done but i already really like how they're lookin
commissions are still open! i did a few recently that i really enjoyed and would love to do some more; you can find my comm sheet right here!
scrybe prints are still available! grab 'em on my etsy if you like, should be updating the listing for international shipping soon as well hoohoo
and finally, some personal news that's probably gonna affect my output over the next couple months: i recently got a storyboarding internship! i'm very excited about it ^^ i'm not quite sure how it'll impact my productivity on personal projects yet, but if my output around here starts slowing down a bit that'll be why lol
alright, that'll be it! thanks as always for being such lovely followers, and i hope to keep you all entertained in the months to come hoohoo .3.
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sanaserena · 9 months
First impressions of the OPLA? I loved it. Yes, it has its flaws, and yes, there are some big changes, but the essence of the show, the heart and soul? It's still One Piece. All the main characters are who they are supposed to be, their back stories are still the same. I thought Inaki, Emily, Mackenyu, Jacob, and Taz all did wonderful jobs bring Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji to life. I'm going to write a more comprehensive review sometime soon, once I've re-watched the entire eight episodes slowllyyyyy this time 😅😅😅😅.
But for now, here are some screenshots from Episode 1 (and only from Ep 1 for this post)!!! I've done my best to avoid spoiling too much with the screenshots, but also looking for some shots that weren't in the trailer or pre-release promo stuff.
This is literally one of my favourite episodes. On watching it the third time, I still really enjoy it and think it's a great opener to the One Piece Live Action. Plus, it's one of the episodes that has the most amount of comedy and action. I also loved the little references. (Sorry some of the screenshots suck, because capturing fights as stills is clearly the best way to go. I wanted to get a good shot of Luffy in the air hurtling towards Morgan, but that was an utter faillll. I haven't figured out gifs for netflix tv series/movies yet - if you know how, please let me know!)
Shanks is actually pretty damn charming and fun his scenes.
Luffy mentioned flying into the base - by bird!!! iykyk. (And there's reference to the fact that pretty bad at directions, but not as bad as Zoro.)
Zoro is super cool, his fight scenes here are wipe outs for his opponents.
Nami is badass with a bo staff (I did wish there was more of this towards the end of the season though.)
Helmeppo is an ass (sometimes...literally...)
Koby is endearing, and I think he had a good character arc all through the season. It took growth, and we got to see more of it than we do in the manga.
Inaki is a cute Luffy, though sometimes the acting is a little much. He was still very much Luffy to me many times throughout the season.
And the Buggy end scene was nice xD (Buggy himself is very interesting in the other episodes).
I failed to get a screenshot of Garp, but it's okay, my next post!
P.s. I just noticed the screenshots come out a little darker on my laptop 🤔🤔 (it's a new laptop for me so....) The actual colour grading is brighter on Netflix 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Another thing I need to figure out eventually...
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linaket · 4 months
Monthly Update (Feb 6, 2024)
It has definitely been... a January. This year, I had a lot of plans and goals relating to my writing, but a lot of them are already not going through. One was to do weekly or monthly updates, kind of like when I did weekly updates while working on TS. But, it's still early in the year, so I figure its better late than never. Also still early in the month even if I didn't manage to get this out there at the end of January...
My personal life has been a bit hectic. First thing was that some major projects in the house I planned to have completed last year were finally finished this month--I have all new windows installed in my house now, and a new door, and while I didn't personally do the windows (I did install the door, though) it takes a lot of time to prep before and clean up after reno projects and get the house back in order, so I've spent the last two weeks on this. Additionally, I'd applied for a promotion at work, and then was coated in stress waiting for the results... (which I received a few days ago... and I got it! Been a long time coming, really.)
So this is the first one of these... just gonna throw things out here and decide on a format as they go.
Books Read
Finally completed The Fifth Season trilogy by N. K. Jemison. I wanted to finish this one last year, but the last book lingered into the new year.
All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
The Dead Take The A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey
Important Posts
I shared a summary of my 2024 writing goals/wips on instagram. I meant to bring this over to tumblr and do a bit more on it but... didn't. Maybe this month?
Shadow's Prey: Act 1 wip intro here on tumblr
30k on Mortal Teeth. 15 chapters done of.. ?? a lot probably. 40 something, at least, if not 50-60 range. This completed the second major arc/goalpost (there are about 5 of these at the moment)
Shadow's Prey: Act 1 formatting is moving along well, and so it's still on time for a March release. I may aim more for mid March, depends on how quickly I'm able to finish up the extras and get some promo in. I really wish I could figure out exactly what size image it takes to make a full-page image in ebooks, but I think I'm going to have to settle for the title page not being... perfect. Which. Does not make me happy. But there really isn't a way to appease every e-reader, as they are all different sizes, so I am finding there is only so much I can control here.
Favorite Excerpt
I wrote a lot of things in Mortal Teeth that I was proud of this past month, but one of my favorite things I ran across when writing was realizing that my writing has improved... massively. It's been a while since I've had a leap of growth that I can easily pinpoint, but the extra I planned for SP Act 1 was partially written, and I needed to work on it. I kept getting stuck on continuing because something about it felt off/forced when I tried, so I did the classic open a new doc and retype/rework as I go... and quickly realized why I was having trouble working on it. My style had shifted dramatically....
This isn't a major point in the short, but I wrote the beginning of this around the middle of last year and it went from this:
Whereas Kanna actively ignored Masao’s approach, Ira glared at him in challenge. “Here,” Kanna said, drawing Ira’s attention by offering Amon’s reins as a lead. “Find someone to tend him, and get me a count of the survivors.” Masao’s voice at her back carried a smirk she could feel between her shoulder blades. “What about the casualties?”
to this:
While Ira glared at Masao in challenge, Kanna actively ignored him. Though she was coated with the blood of those she’d killed, her hands to her wrists to her elbows with it, Masao delighted in his stain. Even here, with the smell of death in the air and the unholy silence that followed battle, he smiled. The joy he radiated amidst destruction unsettled her, something deep inside of her flinching from it. Kanna gathered Amon’s reins, drawing Ira’s attention by offering them. “Find someone to tend him, and get me a count of the survivors.” Masao’s voice at her back carried a smirk she could feel between her shoulder blades. “What about the casualties?”
Final Thoughts
I was excited to get through another phase of MT in writing, but I don't think the time I've allotted to finish the draft is going to be enough. This stresses me out a bit, because I gave myself a pretty tight schedule for the year with all the releases (there are 4 ebooks, and I was considering restarting Act 4 in the serial which would be 5 releases total....)
I'm actually... thinking once again that I won't go back to serial posting for SP. Tapas was/is my primary platform for it, and I am simply... no longer a fan of the platform, and not really interested in others, either. So that might be one of the things in the "coming this year" that ends up pushed to next year or later this year, depending, as it will likely be an ebook release instead of serial and... I'm still working on drafting the teeth wip and I don't see it taking a backseat for a while, until I'm truly stuck.
I've been trying not to beat myself up about not doing the things I said I'd do at the start of the year (daily journaling, more updates here and other platforms, etc) because it's simply... not great for me. And really, I'm not sure I would have had the aforementioned improvement in my writing if I'd continued to stress myself out about writing itself, on top of doing all these other things that I'm supposed to do. I took it pretty easy last year after a massive disappointment, shutting down a lot of my online presence and focusing on reading and writing for myself, and I think that's what allowed me to become comfortable again and led to growth. I don't want to feel as defeated as I had that time, because its the kind of thing that would have led to me completely giving up in my younger years, and I also don't want to get stagnant because I'm trying to do too much that isn't... the actual writing. So... I guess we'll see how this goes?
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smilingperformer · 2 years
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Ok so, I wanted to talk about this scene already a week ago, but because of tumblr crashing my posts, I no longer felt like doing any posts of this kind. Now, I feel like talking about it again. SO!
What I love about this scene is that it really shows what kind of impact Satoshi had on Suiren. There's no denying that Suiren and Satoshi are, in some form, best of friends, as they were always doing stuff together when Satoshi stayed in Alola, and always had fun dynamics between the two (their friendship is absolutely up there as one of my absolute favourites). I still remember back in SM065 when Ilima made his debut, Satoshi then told his Alolan friends for the first time that Pikachu is fine the way he is. That he won't evolve him. That appears to have stuck to Suiren. But there's also another line that seems to have stuck to her.
Ilima's "Simple is best". I still remember her repeating those lines in the PokéProblem segment as well. Even if it was refering to his simple pancake dish :D Either way!
Just like Ilima's Eevee, Suiren seemed to have decided that she won't be evolving Nagisa, as she feels he's fine the way he is. Akin to Satoshi's Pikachu. Which is why I so love that Suiren references Satoshi's Pikachu here. It shows the impact Satoshi had on her, like how he had an impact on everyone else in Alola as well.
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It was a short scene, but I really liked how it was done. It gave Koharu one more option to think about (which I hope won't be the final choice because it's already done with Suiren, it'd be a repeat + most boring option), and just, really showcased once again how close friends Alola squad are to Satoshi. I love that so much.
Now I just hope that this eeveelution promo arc ends with an interesting conclusion, good scenes alone don't make for an interesting arc y'know! :'D
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pinespittinink · 2 years
can you explain the lightlark thing? I'm very confused. If the book doesn't even come out until September, how can anyone know if it's good or bad? Wouldn't all they have to go off of be a super short summary (that always try and make things sound better than they are)? and you mentioned some blurbs from other YA authors. But that doesn't tell you much about a book. And I saw someone say something about a movie deal? How can there be a movie deal on a book that's not even released yet??? Doesn't that usually happen after a book makes it big? My brain is hurting trying to understand this. I've never heard the title Lightlark in the first place but I saw someone mention tiktok, so that probably explains why I don't know it. I avoid that place like the plague.
Gratefully and sincerely, A very confused writeblr.
I feel like I could make a PowerPoint about the entire Lightlark debacle by now, but I’ll try to put everything I know out here as unbiased as possible!
I made an error in my og post and I guess Lightlark is coming out later this month, not September- regardless, it’s currently unreleased. Basically, the early readers have been given access to advance reader copies— called ARCs— which is how they’ve read the book prior to the drop date. The purpose of ARCs is to spread word of mouth and generally drum up good press for the book ahead of time; you get an ARC for free, you write an honest review (most of those tend to paint the book in a favorable light, though of course everyone has their own honest opinions), and people read the reviews and get an idea of what it’s like beforehand. They’re like reviews from laymen rather than industry professionals, like Chloe Gong (These Violent Delights), who read early copies to provide backcover promo blurbs.
So that’s where the initial reviews are coming from! The distribution of ARCs and relation to goodreads reviews is super important to how well a book may sell and be received upon release. Pretty commonly, you’ll see positive ARC reviews, and then the rating will naturally drop a little and even out post-release, once the greater public can read and give way more opinions, good or bad or any range between.
Now, as it turns out still, the vast majority of readers don’t check goodreads prior to picking up or buying a book. They see a cool cover or read a backcover and are like “huh, sounds neat” and go about their day. But that doesn’t undercut the fact that this process is still a HUGE part of the pre-release period.
The movie deal is actually not that uncommon of a thing. Books will get optioned for tv or film adaptations, but the key kicker here is that way more often than not, they aren’t made public knowledge until production is beginning and it’s a known thing that the adaption will actually happen. The fact that Alex Aster is sharing that her YA fantasy romance debut is getting a movie is… well you can make up your own mind about that but the fact is that it’s not the normal course of events! Those things are generally kept way underwraps. Lightlark may die in production hell, for all we know.
The other integral piece of information to this current blowup is that Alex Aster is rich. She lives in NYC, her sister makes an absurd amount of money (she’s nearing the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, there’s an article floating around about that), and this is how she was able to have her cover reveal done on a New York Times Square billboard. She is not a rags to riches story, and while she’s been querying from a very young age, she is still a young author in her twenties who has published a successful (I believe) MG fantasy series, and is also white-passing, conventionally attractive, and frankly, a marketing genius, if the way tiktok has taken off with Lightlark is any indication.
People are giving her a lot of flack for lying about how she’s promoting the book, which is boiling down to her talking about various tropes/scenes/dialogue that happen in the story which….apparently don’t happen on the page, according to people who have read the book already. I can’t speak to this personally, and only regurgitate what everyone’s been passing around, which is that the bulk of what she’s presenting the book as is falling far from the mark. Lightlark is pitched as The Hunger Games meets A Court of Thorns and Roses in a dark fantasy setting, and suffers the most (in my opinion) from - MASSIVE case of “cool concept, bad execution.”
Genuine readers of the ARC have torn this book a new one in varying levels of language from professional to juvenile hole-poking, but the general consensus right now is the book is bad. Not the scummiest literature on the block by any means, but just a poorly written overhyped book.
Now some people (the twitter/tiktok crowd) are even going after the other YA authors who blurbed her book, calling them out for leaving glowing reviews, which is behavior I frankly think is uncalled for and juvenile. But that’s the nature of a nasty bandwagon and negativity train. It’s fun and cool to be a hater sometimes, right? Get in with the crowd? 💀
I think everything surrounding Lightlark is genuinely fascinating. Will I read it when it comes out? Probably not, unless I rent it from the library. But I do think that what’s happening right now, the review bombing of people going onto goodreads to leave one star reviews for the sheer hell of it, calling Alex Aster nasty things and accusing her of things unrelated to the hype and promotion of the book, is really gross and a very negative side of the entire relationship between traditional publishing and social media. The current rating for Lightlark is 2.35 stars. It’s been dropping all day and I haven’t seen something like this happen ever. If anything I’m curious what will come next, if anything good, and I’m resigned about the hive mind of the internet.
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shurisu · 2 years
Mylene :An Analysis
 Part 2:Her Relationship with the Vexos
(click for part 1)
Mylene generally seemed rather cold or displeased most of the time but the more I got to see her interactions with Vexos, the more I realized that she actually saw them somehow  as comrades eventhough she didn't like most of them.
I think Volt was probably the only person she genuinely saw as a friend.
From what we see from their interactions, she respects him and even tried to bring sense in him when  he tried  to go  head to head with Zenoheld, and after that she even called him "a friend" so that should bring no questions, and honestly, I understand her because I also think Volt was genuinely the only person that could count as a good person compared to other members.
Shadow's and her personalities were like water and oil so the writers had done fairly good job with their comedic duo parts.They mostly gave the vibe of “the cool main character and their silly side kick” together.Apart from that it seems Shadow both respected her (most of the time at least) and also saw her close enough to tease her, while Mylene -even though not having his antics- seemed to tolerate his presence somehow.She even accepted him as a friend after seeing how genuine he is to the point of going after her at the end.
Her relationship with Lync seemed the most neutral and I think they make a good duo. Their dynamics when they were goofing around at Earth was rather enjoyable and I definitely would love to see more lighthearted scenes between them. (like in a "big cool sister& the little shit whose also somehow an innocent little kid” team,kind of way)
Yeah I kept the ones she seemed to less "fancy"  for the last
I honestly don't see anything personal between her and Gus, but the way she called him "lap dog" shows she most definitely didn't think of his behavior towards Spectra as loyalty but rather viewed it as having no backbone and despised him for that. (Even though Gus' loyalty to Spectra was admirable, it is understandable why she would think of him that way. He could be way too much at times that  even Spectra would complain about it, despite knowing Gus’ intentions) but as a brawler she seemed to acknowledge his talents.
Now the last and the most important one - the reason why i decided making these series- Spectra.
I think Mylene and Keith were created  to be as   set/opposites  in mind like most of the franchises have done with their protaganists ( like adrien & marinette from mlb or jotaro & kakyoin from jjba), because I remember seeing these two's promo arts for the first time before NV was released and immediately thought what  would these two's deal would be :    
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Here are two characters doing the same pose but one female and the other is male,and one is representing water while the other one is fire.
It already foreshadows the yin-yang feeling between these two,about how they are so alike and yet so different, as we already get to see more and more through the show and at last both of them admiting it themselves. (Something i already mentioned about in the Baku-Zodiac post )
I dont think it would be an exaggeration if one would say their relationship was the biggest  factor  that  had impact on Mylene's character arc even.
Eventhough she often calls him out for being power hungry and for being a traitor she probably also  secretly admired/idolized him
(obviously not in the way mira did)
The thing is she was second to him for being obsessed with power and when he would not be around she would get to be more in charge.
She should've been better of him being gone forever but rather,she kept acting bitter about it and of him being unreliable instead.
My thoughts about Mylene is that she had serious trust issues (and i mean more than anyone) and Keith was the real trigger for it. I believe she did not actually despise him  at the beginning but the moment she realized he was up to something thats how things started to shift.
(PART 3→)
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infamousmonkey-cat · 8 months
I guess the mental illness wants me to do ofmd reaction posts now so here we go
called it on the rabbit :( all the world will be your enemy, prince with a thousand enemies... rip
last week i was like "wow i was way off" but now i'm kind of feeling like my fic actually did a pretty good job of capturing the general vibe of these last two episodes
speaking of which i have two separate wips in my draft folder from weeks/months ago (before any s2 promo). one has ed bonding with a rabbit and one has ed being scared of spiders (which i'm PRETTY sure is new information, right?). spooky
dang that crew's getting whittled down! ivan (what did guz do??), the swede and now buttons. i have mixed feelings about this. it kind of feels like it's leading towards everyone going their own ways--not necessarily one by one, but certainly not staying together as a crew. which is probably necessary growth and shit but also feels quite bittersweet
idk what the general fandom reaction has been to buttons turning into a bird yet but i'm on board with any and all magical realism this show wants to give me
1x05 and 2x04 both end with ed and stede leaving a party that is on fire, having hit a major turning point in their relationship. i like symmetry
maybe it's just because i've been catching up on wwdits but izzy's arc this season feels "baby colin robinson" to me. i'm genuinely enjoying the stupid disaster that he is this season
i've been SAYING (to myself inside my own mind) that stede is the service top in this relationship and i feel like that is basically textually confirmed at this point
"pop WHAT magnitude? pop WHAT?"
stede risking a curse for that gay little outfit might be my favourite thing he has ever done
i wonder if that suit could possibly be a metaphor for anything
so weird that ofmd and iasip both independently did nut-allergy-being-mistaken-for-a-curse episodes
for ep 5 part of me was like "oh wow they're really gonna keep them apart for basically the whole episode??" but i actually love them having their own little adventures and then reporting back to each other at the end of the night so w/e
waxing moon <3 <3 <3
eta actually i want to say a bit more about this scene: FIRST of all the role reversal is very Something, second of all the fact that ed got to kiss stede like he wanted to the first time around. kind of rewriting history, but in a good way. very Shark
i miss zheng. girl where ARE you
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mickmundy · 1 year
Hello dutchie! I've re-read your fics multiple times now and now I want to write my own! I have to ask: do you have any writing tips or advice about fanfic in general? I enjoy your pacing but I have no clue how you manage to update every week. Cheers!
OH MY GOD EEEEE ;___; IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT MY FRIEND!! AND HIII ^_^ that's so awesome im so proud of you!!! hmm idk if i'm really a great person to get advice from, this is just stuff that works for me personally and my hectic irl schedule so just take it with a grain of salt!! ;-; <3 BUT i will gladly talk about it HEHE!! i'll actually just make an entire post about my writing process at some point because making long posts forces me to reflect and i'm overdue for a Self Reflection on how i write so! if/when i do that i'll link it back on this post heh ^_^ BUT ANYWAY!
i have a few Personal Rules about posting/writing fic that i must never break... and this is...:
feel free to break up your (longer) fic into parts. this prevents SO much burnout and gives you time to breathe between writing! if you're in it for the long haul like me, it's easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you're on a Crunch, which is never good! :'(
so i don't technically write a new chapter every week and post it on friday; i've had malus, for example, complete for a few months now! and so now it just "posts on a queue" where i just upload the next chapter every week! so for example, if malus is 21 chapters, at 1 chapter a week, that gives me 21 weeks (about 5 months) to write my next fic. that's a lot of time!
always finish the fic before you post it. this seems super unrealistic At First but i love the "arc/seasons/parts" style of posting, especially if it's long fics. nobody's saying you have to finish a 293849283498234 chapter fic in one day LOL but if you find that you're overwhelmed at the idea of writing Long Fics, then don't write one! write shorter parts that Combine and Create a long fic! :-) see what i mean? this is also an effective way to show time passing in your fic instead of just "~*~ two years later ~*~"-type of disclaimers.
chapters shouldn't be more than like... 3 google doc pages and paragraphs should be broken up. i like keeping my fic chapters short-ish so that they're easily digestible and force readers to Linger on the parts that i want them to. giant walls of text can sometimes put Huge Moments in your fics at the risk of getting lost!
let yourself sit on it for at least 2 days before you post it. do not read your own fic during the "sitting on it" time. let yourself back away from it and invite your mind to think about other things!! i've caught a LOT of my own mistakes or inconsistencies this way!
much easier said than done, but try not to let yourself get wrapped up in "the numbers" of posting (views, kudos, etc). obviously our goal as creatives is to get our work seen, but please remember to value yourself and your art above the numbers game! ;-; it literally took me a year (as of january lol) of constantly promoting my fics on twt (and later on here once i made an acct) before i found all of the amazing readers i have now! ^u^ and i wouldn't trade them for the world. i'd happily take 10 readers who comment and talk to me like a person over 100 hits/kudos or whatever!
that being said, don't be afraid to promote your fics. i felt annoying and stupid promoing mine but i'm ultimately so glad i did
there are probably others but i think these are my biggest ones (other than delving into like. tf2-specific "guides" i have for myself but i won't bore you with those). as far as tips for outlining or planning, i just have a channel in my gf and i's server dedicated to my fic that i post random snippet's i've written and want to include, random one-word concepts, like literally any time my brain has a Fic Related Thought i slap it in there. i'm also a huge fan of Linear/Traditional outlining too and do that with my more Complicated/Larger concepts that i want to execute in my fics so that i can stay consistent! :-)
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 128
Hey, it’s the Cbat episode.
I should explain that.  Some time ago this guy posted a story on Reddit about how he enjoyed making love to the song “Cbat” by Hudson Mohawke, but his partner didn’t like the song or the quality of the sex.  This caused something of a stir as people would see this tale and look up the song to hear it for themselves, and yeah, it really sucks.  I mean, whether or not it’s a good soundtrack for sex almost seems irrelevant, since it’s so terrible in general. 
I don’t want to be too hard on the dude, since apparently he got a lot of online harassment after this whole thing went viral. Nonetheless, the song went viral for being horrible, and then someone realized that Toonami had used it for a promo of Dragon Ball Super Episode 128.  No one probably paid any attention at the time, but now the song was infamous, so it takes on a new significance.
Anyway, I need a palate cleanser, so let’s look to a far better song for having sex, “Sure Know Something”.  Why are people fooling around when they have the entire KISS discography to serve as background music for their bedroom activities?
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All right, enough clowning around.  So last episode, 17 blew himself up to buy Vegeta and Goku a little time to recover and try to fight Jiren again.  But the boys are exhausted, and Vegeta’s the only one who makes it back to his feet.  He can’t even transform, so he just attacks anyway, doing anything he can to keep this fight going.
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There’s a flashback montage that helps him muster the will to get back up and keep trying.  I find it amusing that this train ride from Episode 2 made the cut. 
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Beerus is astonished to see Vegeta continue to get back up and keep fighting.  I guess this sort of closes out the relationship between Beerus and Vegeta in this series.  There’s always been this casual disrespect Beerus has shown toward Vegeta.  I think it’s mostly done to prod him into getting stronger, but now Beerus has been stuck on this bench for the whole arc, and his divine power means nothing while he’s reduced to a helpless spectator.  Beerus’s own continued existence is on the line in this fight, and Vegeta is fighting tooth and nail to buy them a chance.  
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He still looks goofy as hell in some of these shots.  I miss @awkwardvegetaphotos​, you know?
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At one point, Vegeta gets knocked out of the ring and hangs from a floating fragment of the stage.  He nearly passes out, but he hears Bulma calling out for him to keep fighting.   I had forgotten this scene, but I think this was done as a tribute to Hiromi Tsuru, the original voice actress who played Bulma, who died tragically before this episode aired.  I’m pretty sure they just used previously recorded lines for this, and Tsuru’s final performance of the character was in Episode 96, when she saw the team off. 
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Well, sometimes you just gotta pull yourself up to your feet and keep going.   It doesn’t matter if you can win, you just have to drag yourself forward.  Sometimes people are gone and you just have to do the best you can on your own. 
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To his credit, Vegeta manages to perform a Final Flash, but all it gets him is a punch in the face and some words of respect from Jiren.  Vegeta’s done.
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But before he gets teleported back to the bench, he sends the last of his power to Goku, and pleads for him to win this somehow, so that he can keep his promise.
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I’m too old for this shit, but I still dig how gigachad it is for Vegeta to be the most badly beat up dude to arrive on the bench.  He fought until he could fight no more, true to his principles.  Krillin gives him a senzu bean and everyone congratulates him on his performance. 
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As for Goku, the boost he got from Vegeta helps him get back to Super Saiyan Blue, but it isn’t enough.  Jiren clobbers him and he drops back to base form immediately.  There’s just nothing left for him to work with.
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Honestly, this part of the episode just feels like a repeat of the first half, but with Goku taking the beating instead of Vegeta.  Goku keeps trying because 17 and Vegeta sacrificed so much to give him this chance, and they’re trusting him to make the most of it, but there’s just nothing he can do.
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Finally, Jiren prepares to finish Goku off...
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And Goku has a flashback to all of his teammates asking him to continue.  Also Frieza just says “dance for me, monkey”, which kind of spoils the mood. 
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And suddenly Goku vanishes before Jiren can hit him, and then... Well, I think you know what’s next.
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That’s right, Goku’s reached Ultra Instinct for a third time.   And this time...
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There will be punching.
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Yeah, eat it, you creepy jock.  Plenty more where that came from.
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So now it’s time for the real main event.  The past few episodes were nothing more than an ordeal to push Goku into this moment.  Now he’s here, and the time has come to see if his Ultra Instinct can get the job done, or not.
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addisonacres · 4 months
Release week craziness and lessons learned
What a week!
The Accidental Summoning went live on Tuesday and is now available on KU and paperback. Yay!
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Release weeks are absolutely bonkers. Like most indie authors, I don't have a PA (sobs how I wish I did) and so all the marketing and promo is down to me.
Of course, I fucked up several times.
First of all, I was trying to finish my reader magnet (the short story that you use to get people to sign up to your newsletter). I had to get it done since I had linked to it at the back of the book, but I had decided to make this book into a series so I had to change what happened in that short. It was a flurry of writing and editing to get that done on time, but of course, then I had to set up the newsletter automation.
I've only just created a newsletter. I'm new to using Mailerlite but I plodded through and was sure I'd figured it all out.
I had not.
After you create the automated message and set up all the rules for it, apparently you have to then turn it on. Alas, I did not see this step. I only figured it out because last night I figured I'd torture myself and visit Goodreads to see some of the reviews (since I haven't had many on Amazon). One of the reviews mentioned how they'd not been able to access the story and how annoying it was that authors make people sign up to newsletters to access those short stories, etc etc.
And I realised that my little mistake, of making it almost impossible to find the short, has potentially lost me readers of the series. Because it wasn't until feedback from ARC readers that I found there was some desire for me to continue, I hadn't mentioned in the book that it would be a series. I do, however, state in the short that I will be turning this into a series and that there will be more.
The short is now available on my website and FB page as well for people to find it easier. You can also get it here if you want to read it, but it does happen after the events of the book so you'll want to read that first.
I also fucked up a few times with formatting on scheduled FB posts. Some of it was issues with links (apparently the links don't work if you've copied and pasted from another post). I've also found that for some reason, the paragraph spacing used in the draft doesn't always work once the post is scheduled. I have no idea why and it's annoying as all hell because when the post goes live, you just have a wall of text, like an 11-year-old's first AO3 fic.
Anyway, these are things I shall fix and keep in mind for next time. If I've learned from the process, that's what counts, yeah?
I very briefly got into the top 100 of New Releases in Gay Romance and so that was very exciting, getting a glimpse of how the big kids play. I've been booted down the order to the kiddie table since, but that's okay. I wasn't expecting anything huge from this release. It was a lovely little bonus.
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granillx · 11 months
I think you are right and I have been saying this for a while now
Pedro is done with Mando. Look at the lack of promotion and I am sick and tired of people saying it was because he was busy. He wasn’t busy, he wasn’t busy when he would hype up TLoU every day and nothing do Mando. During Mando press he looked like he would rather behind doing literally anything but being there. It was the same damn answer over and over again where he at least tried to said different for TLoU press.
Even now, I get he was nominated in 3 times. But he shared everything involving TLoU and Mando gets a silly little like?
He’s taking on every role he possibly can, to limit his time on set or for that matter he doesn’t even have to go to set. I don’t know why he keeps it. The show sucks without him as it was clearly evident in season 3
THANK YOU!!! people on my replies are acting as if im just exaggerating but it's so evident how he doesn't want to be anymore in the show (or at least the protagonist). Cause I remember when the first seasons came out he always posted promo and posters for the show and now he's even saying that he wants Katee to take over the show :( It's clear how season 3 took a whole different direction than planned cause in BoBF Din gets a whole arc and in the new season he's almost like a side character. I'd totally prefer for The Mandalorian to end and maybe get a spin off for bo katan or smth different.
Sorry for my broken english but I really had to take this out of my chest 😭
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solarisgod · 11 months
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     -—-—-— ——-— —— 𓁹 —— —--— ——-—-— ( UPDATED 09.10. ) REPLIES : 05 ✧ STARTERS : 05 ✧ INBOX : 46  LOOK ✧ LISTEN ✧ SYSTEM ✧ INSPO ✧ WORLDBUILDING ✧ ARCS  CALLSET ✧ PROMPTS ✧ CANONS ✧ CONNECTIONS ✧ DRABBLES PROMO ✧ INTEREST CHECKER ✧ THREAD TRACKER ✧ ADDITIONS      -—-——-— ——-— -—-— ——-— ——-—-—-—
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GENERAL : Extremely selective and private. We sometimes do not have the energy to socialize or reply to in character writings so please don’t expect a lot from us, and we rarely follow first or back because we prefer to be in our little corner handling our heavy hyperfixation on Micah as we are not affiliated with any rpcs. We usually do not follow our mutuals’ other blogs when we prefer to keep our dash small, so if you want to follow us from a different blog, you're more than welcome to do so! We mirror-format with our writing partners. We are extremely selective to have romantic dynamics with Micah. We would prefer this form of relationship to be done if the connection between the writing partner and we are very close as it is between our muses, while the romantic dynamic is a heavy slow burn. Here is a post that further explains this aspect. Any other dynamics are okay to establish anytime, however. Micah have endless verses and versions of them, so if there's any particular that you'd like to explore with, feel free to request, otherwise we will write Micah in your muse's main verse, if not strictly our own instead. We have both animated and live action faceclaims for Micah.
DNI CRITERIA : Please do not interact with us if you are under the age of twenty one ( exceptions to current mutuals who are currently twenty ) or you fall under any points of these criteria ( 1 + 2 ), in addition if you use faceclaims who are problematic and if you fetishize Asian individuals / are associated with the krpc. If we see that you infantilize Micah / the Starwake System, it's an immediate hardblock. Even though Micah is known to be childlike at times, don't refer to them / treat them as a kid etc in dialogues or descriptions if we don't know each other well unless we have established there'd be a familial connection between them and your muse. We also block / do not follow back those who happen to be affiliated / heavily associated with people who we are not comfortable with seeing in our space. Please do let us know non-anonymously if we happen to interact with someone who poses an actual threat to the com munity.
We do not interact with those who writes and / or have some level of interest in the following characters and medias ( includes making verses for any of these medias regardless of anti respective creator or not ) with * exceptions to close friends or us following first, but not limited to : Endeavour, Makima, Helmut Zemo, Homelander, Jason Carver, John Winchester, Kilgrave, Soldier Boy, Stormfront, Billy Hargrove, Negan Smith, MCU based Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and those affiliated with Marvel's Hydra; medias of 13 Reasons Why, * Creepypasta, Euphoria, * Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Harry Potter, * The Boys, * Succession. Do not follow us either if you interact with characters who are genuinely problematic ( racist, -phobe, N***, etcetera ) regardless if you have a rule saying you don't condone / support a character's beliefs, actions, etcetera, or lack of it.
BLOG SYSTEM   :   This blog is loosely plotting oriented. As Micah is an unpredictable character, we prefer to develop storylines and dynamics more naturally as opposed to heavily plotting them out. Establishing the basic elements are fine, though we often avoid plotting too heavily when we can not predict how a plot and dynamic will go with them. We rarely have the muse to make starters, so sending prompts are the easiest method to start interactions or turn into threads. Do note after we reply to the prompt that you send to us, we will answer them privately with the link to the reply for less inconveniences. If we become mutuals through you following us first but do not express interest by the end of the first week, such as sending us a prompt or approaching us to plot / chat, we will cut mutuals. Hardblock is always done to show it is our doing instead of Tumblr’s ( unless we state that we went on a softblock spree as of lately, which you are welcome to refollow, though we may hardblock if we really can’t see us interact ), though it is often not personal; we hardblock mainly if we can no longer get into one's vibes ( as it's easier to tell how the individual is like when following as opposed to glancing at the first few pages of their blog ) regardless of how long we have been mutuals, even after the first day; it's usually not anything personal.
CONTENTS : This blog along with the original series Micah is from contains the following triggering contents, but not limited to : Cannibalism, ( mass ) death, derealization / depersonalization; experiments, existentialism, eye themes ( horror, gore, scopophobia ); fourth wall breaking, general horror ( body, gore, psychological, etcetera ); grief, mentions of abuse ( physical, emotional, sexual, child, etcetera ), religious themes; mental illnesses, murders, nihilism; paranoia inducement, repetitions, sexual themes; mentions of self-harm, suicides, and suicidal ideations; traumas, unreality, violence; and world endings. Please proceed carefully or do not at all if uncomfortable with any of the triggers in question. We tag everything as accordingly while we use #trigger cw and #nsft. We do not need anything tagged and we do explicit threads and prompt replies with those who we and Micah are very close to. To avoid plagiarism, we will not share a lot of details on our universe / project on here and instead only provide them if we are friends and you asked, but, essentially, it sets in the world where generations of beings known as Antigods exist, having meta awareness as a knowledge that they are a character, and most Antigods are known to protect the Mundane and Miraculous from malicious spiritual beings called Metaeide that are created after their fears and traumas.
IC IMPORTANCE : 1 . Saint Cry is an alias that Micah goes by with a special costume and mask when they are doing their job as a Saint. It is part of the institution's policy that Micah and the other BBF Saints have to follow as they can not reveal their secret identities to anyone unless utterly necessary. Therefore, your muse can not know that Micah is Saint Cry and vice versa unless we have discussed it out or I have given you permission that your muse can. / 2 . This is optional, but if wanted, you may request for either Micah ( public identity ) or Saint Cry ( private identity ) when sending a prompt or liking a starter call as it gives us a better idea of how you want us to write for you. / 3 . Micah have the Awareness, which means they are aware that they and everyone else they interact with are a character in a general continuous storyline, essentially treating Micah's Awareness as themself being omniscient, so they will know and learn about certain things about your muse as time proceeds, though we will never take personal advantages out of this fact.
OOC IMPORTANCE   :   1 . Having emotional detachment as a defense mechanism that was developed over time, it is difficult for us to have personal connections with people, hence, we may often have trouble initiating conversations and replying consistently, but we try my best as we do want to interact in some ways.   / 2 . We am not interested in engaging with angst focused plots and threads often due to severe mental health issues. We will approach if anything becomes too much, but please keep this in mind when interacting / plotting with us.   / 3 . As Micah's alters and DID are often referenced in and out of character, we do not have DID, but instead we have OSDD-1b, one of the two partial forms of DID. We are highly passionate of DID / OSDD as we wish there are more characters with either conditions accurately portrayed to raise awareness and have systems, including us, feel seen and validated. Nevertheless, please politely point out to us if we happen to portray DID inaccurately. We are always more than okay to read what others have to share to us regarding them as we are always willing to learn further and do better from our mistakes. Any hate towards DID / OSDD ( i.e., saying they're not real ) will never be tolerated. Fuck off forever if you're like this.
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NAME : Michael Xenowake NICKNAMES : Mike, Mikey, more commonly known as Micah ALIAS : Saint Cry
SEX : Intersex GENDER : Transmasculine agender PRONOUNS : They / xe / it ORIENTATION : Biromantic bisexual
AGE : Verse dependent, usually written as an adult ( 30s ), although, mentally, their age can be at a child depending on their current mood and mental state; usually age regresses if worsens or after goes through a painful / intense situation BIRTHDATE : April 1st, 1989 BIRTHPLACE : Los Angeles, United States DATE OF EXITING : April 30, 2022; became an Antigod after having a near death experience
EDUCATION : High school and university graduate with two degrees in drama and literature. OCCUPATION : Originally a metafiction novel author for a living. Now works as a Saint Hunter at Break Beyond of Force. Micah is generally given missions, also known as Miracles, to exorcise Metaeide that are a threat to the public or a targeted individual, as well as they are tasked with resolving incidents an Metaeidos was involved in, such as murders. Occasionally writes short stories and poems whenever possible. ETHNICITY : Korean LANGUAGES : English, Korean, Latin, Greek, American and British Sign Language
CONNECTIONS : Adoniram Cainsborn ( childhood best friend, dating ), Head Angelparadox ( second head of Break Beyond Force, private mentor ), Hero Sweet ( phantom Antigod friend and Hierokoinonia partner ), Healer Steel ( android Antigod friend and Hierokoinonia partner ), Hunter Byte ( Kaiju / Human hybrid Antigod friend ), Warlock Moonglade ( closest Antigod friend, private mentor ), Hero Sun ( rival and enemy ; one sided from Sun )
SPECIES : Antigod ORDER : Order 4, meaning that Micah is few of the strongest Antigods to exist while they have complete awareness of the fictional reality and The Narrative with its canon events and details in order, as well of the Audience's existence while they can interact with them; although Micah is registered as Order 3 out of protection, having to pretend that while they know they are in the story, they can not determine how it goes or ends nor they have no access to interacting with the Audience. ANTIGOD ABILITIES : Enhanced body and mind and soul, enhanced stamina and durability along with reflexes and willpower, dream walking, heightened senses, pain resilience TECHNAI : Has the ability to create and manipulate fire and water ( base Techne ) THREAT LEVEL : Average to extremely high
PHYSICAL DISORDERS : Synesthesia ( link to full details to be added ) MENTAL DISORDERS : Amnesia, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder, Depression, Dissociative Identity Disorder ( link to full details to be added ), Generalized Anxiety, Insomnia DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS : Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder OTHER HEALTH CONDITIONS : Experiences mutism and / or age regression when facing extremely stressful or painful situations. May speak in third person as a coping mechanism to dissociate themself with the stressful / painful situations they’re in, though it is still an occasional case that they do this without even realizing. In addition, Micah have Autism.
KISMET MARKED WITH : Haunting ( causes : had lost their parents from an undetermined death cause during infanthood, had lost their boyfriend to an incident they almost died from; both causes occurred from pre-canon ), and Fate ( cause : is currently involved with the All Ending Prophecy shortly after Exiting; current arc / ongoing canon ). KNOWN MANIFESTED METAEIDE : An Order A Metaeidos of their first parents with half of their bodies stitched together while lacking eyes, and an Order A Metaeidos of their late partner, Adoniram, with postmortem injuries from the fatal incident he died in.
BUILD : Mesomorph, have broad shoulders and back, while the arms along with back and thighs bear defined muscles; stands at the height of 5'11". COMPLEXION : Fair and brown, have very light freckles on the face and darker on shoulders, with a smile or grin usually present. HAIR : Short, black colored. EYES : Gentle right brown and left blue with a warm and loving gaze, it is always easy to see what emotions are being experienced just from the look of their eyes alone. VOICE : Suave and sonorous, as well as soothing and easy to detect emotions within, while the volume is usually a tad higher than usual without realizing. POSTURE : Either highly relaxed with the slouches of the shoulders and stance, or intense as constantly moving, twitching, squirming, and / or fidgeting. Is usually looking around anywhere but the individual they speak to, though doesn’t like maintaining eye contact. SCENT : Sweet flowers and art supplies, strong, welcoming, with a hint of sea salt.
ZODIAC SIGNS : Aries Sun, Libra Ascendant, Pisces Moon MBTI : ENFP-T, the Campaigner ENNEAGRAM : Type Seven, the Adventurer MORAL ALIGNMENT : Chaotic good - neutral TEMPERAMENT TYPE : Sanguine POSITIVE : Adventurous, cheerful, curious, daring, energetic, enthusiastic, idealistic, imaginative, passionate, playful, romantic, sentimental, witty NEUTRAL : Absentminded, aggressive, amusing, artful, casual, competitive, dreamy, emotional, outspoken, preoccupied, sarcastic,  sensual, stubborn NEGATIVE : Childish, careless, disruptive, distractible, destructive, gullible, impatient, impulsive, indecisive, irresponsible, lazy, troublesome, wayward LIKES : All forms of arts and music and literatures, acting, arcade areas and amusement parks, bubbles, cloud and star gazing, collecting, colorful visuals, exploring, flowers, folklore and mythology, jokes and puns, learning about everything and everyone and everywhere, late nights, lights, love, magic performances, music boxes, nature, outer space, physical touches, rain and thunderstorms, singing, sea, sky, snow, soft materials, spending times with friends and families, sugary and spicy foods, swimming, traveling, writing. DISLIKES : Abusers, feeling angry or facing angry individuals, being alone for a certain period of time, being stared at, being watched at while struggling, boredom, confrontations, complete darkness, enclosed spaces, forgetfulness, having identity related issues, hypocrites, lack of control, lies, making choices on the spot, nightmares, prolonged silence, reminders of dark past, rules and expectations, serious and judgmental individuals, sleeping, stories with bittersweet or tragic endings, sudden changes, sudden loud noises.
After Micah had lost their partner to the fire by an unknown cause and became an Antigod, they have been trying to adjust the double life of being a civilian and a Saint, using their new position and powers for greater good as they attempt to hold onto the smallest sense of humanity that they could bear despite being an Antigod, knowing they are a character in an unreal universe made to entertain the Audience. 
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA : Aged 14 - 17. Micah is a Day Class 1-A and Night Class 1-O student at U.A. High School through official recommendations, having to be transferred from America to Japan so they can train to become a Pro Hero with, under a secret identity for this case, permission to exorcize malicious spiritual beings known as the Metaeide. Class O focuses on the trainings involving the Metaeide and the arts of exorcising them. Originally, Micah was thought to be quirkless, though their Quirk strangely became activated at the age of fourteen after having a near death experience, along with developing a Awareness that makes them become aware that they are a character as they know what would happen in the story of Boku No Hero Academia, having the ability to manipulate Fate. Despite Micah being slow and uneasy with their Quirk and Metacore, because they had displayed many potentials, they were still recommended to U.A. High School. Micah have a Quirk called Syzygy that gives them the ability to create and control fire and water. Since somewhere in season six, their quirk evolved into their own style now called Shooting Stars that can form and manipulate lightning and ice.
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT : Adult aged. Set in a year in a half of year working for Break Beyond Force, after Micah had caused the sun to disappear for the world to be claimed by the cold unending darkness, it was a cruel timing for the Dark Fog to appear and take them to be played with in a game made by the hands of the Entity. While considered to be a survivor, Micah would always try to negotiate with the Killers, hoping that one day, they can see the light and be able to work with the Survivors and have them all finally leave this realm of horror.
GENSHIN IMPACT : Adult aged. While Teyvat have always known that there is the Seven of Archeons, there is more than what meets the eye when there is the eighth Archeon who resides over the ether region over Teyvat, known as Aestrae, the Wanderer of Stars, whose divine ideal is Love and presides over the element of Astro. Micah is an extraordinary being created beyond Teyvat and their celestial parents decided to be raised in Aestrae to hide their truest identity with the powers part of it. However, it wasn't long until Micah fell over the border of Aestrae and landed on Teyvat, and everything became a blur before knowing, Micah happened to be affiliated with a group of Antigods like them who wish to protect Teyvat from the Metaeide and the Godtellers. Since then, they travel across Teyvat, determined to bring the endless light to the world.
HONKAI : STAR RAIL : Adult aged. Micah is a stellar being who was created among the stars. When their celestial parents heard about the Nameless and the Astral Express, they had Micah raised by the Nameless, giving Micah the life where they could do more than just wander across the galaxy while held down by the chance of being taken in the evil hands of the darkness who would want to use them for their powers. When the Cancer of All Worlds claimed the star rail, Micah soared across the galaxy as a shooting star before they were held down by the Astriferous, the descendants of Astrimore who is the unknown Aeon of Love that presides over the Hope path, found within the Ethereal Evermore that is an ancient, space-faring civilization of Astriferous following the Aeon Astrimore and a faction. As Micah got older, they met an entity who had asked them to join the Break Beyond Force and seeing their potentials with the group, Micah enrolled to protect the galaxy from the Metaeide and Godtellers that not only reside in the worlds but across the galaxy as well. After seeing that the Astral Express has been restored one day, wishing to be part of the Nameless once more, they were able to find their place back to the group, using the Astral Express for both the commute and to get to once more appreciate and love the worlds with the galaxies and the universe itself.
JUJUTSU KAISEN : Adult aged. It is thought within the Antigod society that the Metaeide and Cursed Spirits are distantly related, having similar functions and causes of being formed, though this may not be the case. When Micah came into existence, they have always been surrounded by both the Metaeide and Curses, only seeing the latter at the time, due to the constant heavy unfortunates occuring across their life since childhood, yet the fact that they are still alive because of their hope and love are what made them be able to endure everything, even those of the unexplainable and beyond. They were caught in the attention of a travelling Jujutsu Sorcerer who has taken them along with their childhood best friend who could also see Curses, Adoniram, from America to Tokyo Jujutsu High so they could become a Sorcerer together, with Micah themself being considered as a Special Grade and Adoniram being Grade 3. At some point after graduation, Micah had lost Adoniram to the fire and became an Antigod, seeing the Metaeide as there is more to the universe. Break Beyond Force took Micah in for them to train and become a Saint, while having to hide their new identity to both sides of the humanity and Sorcerers. Now, they have the honor to protect the world by exorcising both Curses and the Metaeide, bringing those in it to greater lights.
THE WALKING DEAD : Adult aged. After a few months of working for Break Beyond Force, the world breaks apart with a zombie apocalypse. Even when the dead in rotten flesh with ever hunger has been thriving, Micah can still see the world is still full of Metaeide, thriving just as much from the world's fear and traumas specifically made by the zombies, as now most Metaeide have taken after the appearance of the walking dead; Micah will have to survive while trying to differentiate the real zombies from the zombified Metaeide, looking for the cure to end this madness all at once.
TRIGUN : Adult aged. Micah doesn't remember much of their childhood, only knowing the fact that they were raised in Hopeland Orphanage, and there were many times when they were taken into a family, just to return to the orphanage. It's until the Everlove family from a city decided to adopt them. They were raised well and had succeeded in being a grand creator of arts and writings, though, after the fire incident that had caused them to evolve into an Antigod and resulted losing their partner, they eventually fell into working for Break Beyond Force that fights against the Metaeide across the planet. Determined to keep the world alive from being drowned in their fears, Micah travels across the planet to do their Miracles. Though, as they continue to work, they will find certain things that will tell them that they may not have first existed in No Man's Land.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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class1akids · 3 years
It seems from the last chapter another one of the vol 32 promo sketches' context has been answered ( https://twitter.com/Color_Division/status/1447776112415846404?s=19 ). I had initially thought that the sketches were a mix of stuff that happens soon after vol 32 and things that will happen in endgame but with so many of them happening now maybe the Shouto-rage moment is rapidly approaching? I can't imagine any other situation outside of the next Touya encounter where he pushes past his limits, but at the same time it would be strange to me if Touya is just dealt with so quickly and then gets what - taken into police custody? Joins to help in the final fight against the remains of the PLF? (The latter seems pretty ooc for him, to bother with that since I can only imagine him being at best a neutral party who may chip in to save those he cares about from dying) for us to then focus on Shigaraki and Izuku (and perhaps Ochaco and Toga?) I would have thought before it may be used to have Shigaraki's location leaked by Touya, but given the already tiny window left and Shigaraki already attacking Stars and Stripes...I don't know.
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Oh you are psychic; I was just thinking about how another thing is done from the teasers (which were also supposed to be Vol 32, showing how much Hori underestimated how long it will take to wrap everything up). We got Dark Deku, Nagant, Uraraka, Bakugou, the PLA advisors, Iida leading Deku home, international heroes (though I don't think that particular hero - could be someone from Star's past).
The things we are still missing are Hatsume and Rage Shouto. Deku's gear is unusable (Iida's is broken too, but I think he'll get Tensei's stuff), so obviously the plot will have to switch back to UA after the Star/Shiggy confrontation to give Deku his final suit before the endgame fight.
Which leaves us with Shouto - which I think is either part of the closing moments of this arc or is the transition into the endgame battle.
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I've been trying to think of what he's expression looks like, and to me, it definitely feels like anger/rage/pain mix.
I don't think Touya necessarily has to be there for him to break his limits, though. His first time was facing Deku, the second time it was Tetsu.
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With Shouto, his past trauma is always bubbling pretty close to the surface, so it can come out in any kind of emotional situation.
It definitely feels like the story is building towards his next "the person I want to be" moment.
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The narrative also pretty much neglected all the emotional stuff Shouto has been dealing with since the war - the Dabi reveal, being tainted with both Endeavor's and Touya's sins, his family being dragged in the media, the anti-hero movement honing in on Endeavor and by extension his family, Shouto himself personally causing unease for others, wanting to go after his brother, etc.
It seems like that he's been focused to get Deku back for now, so he supressed everything else. I honestly still think it would be cathartic to give him a moment where it all hits him (a la DvK2 Bakugou), because it is a lot... and let him cry or have a meltdown or a rage moment.
It could be still tied to Dabi threatening something or someone he wants to protect (be it his family, his friends or the civilians - I'm still waiting for the kindergarten kids making a cameo, because why make that panel if you won't deliver on it).
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Shouto so far never smashed a limit during a big battle - it was usually before. He unlocked his fire in Sport Festival -> became important during the Stain fight. He unlocked Flash Fire in JTA -> became a life saver in the war.
Both Bakugou and Deku got an upgrade during/post-war, something Shouto hasn't had yet. So I wouldn't be surprised if now Shouto got another upgrade before going into the endgame battle (maybe in a situation where there is an attack on UA or he's helping out in Shiketsu or something). The ability being some kind of extreme only he's capable of - according to the teaser. And then whatever ability he unlocks will be used in the final battle facing Touya.
By the way, I'm totally expecting Touya to switch sides in the endgame and help out at the very end of the fight and get a Touya-Shouto combo. I agree that he's not going to be suddenly the altruistic type, but Shouto will have to reach him, together with the family, and when that happens, I think Touya will remember his love for them and he will want to protect them too.
The narrative is steadily building towards "an everyone should be saved, everyone can become a hero" type of conclusion (if the Stain chapters didn't make that clear). So I think all the three main villains at least will have key roles in the final victory.
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