#the first 2 episodes had 0 food and then ep 3 had TOO many i cannot keep up!
pedro-pascal · 11 months
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THE BEAR (2022-) #02.03
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 66-80
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Things in this batch start out a little slow, KM-wise, but seriously pick up around the Toronto episodes. It features the episodes where both RM and Jin ask if JK and JM are a couple, so it includes the giggly hand-push game that helped make me a jikook believer! 
As usual, let me know if I’ve missed anything or should take another look at something. :)
Ep 66 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 1" (Ep: 2 / KM: 1)
The one that I can’t help but feel would be more fun if I was more familiar with the comics involved, but the guys make it cute anyway
3:08 - This is a little hard to see because they use weird angles and cuts, but JK sings a piece of a theme song and JM catches his eye and sings with him.
9:23 - JK leans in over JM's shoulder to see how many people are on the comic book page
10:18 - JM does the same when it's JK's turn
BEHIND 10:29 - JM jokes around with JK and does the playful chest tap thing
Ep 67 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
BEHIND 7:28 - JM asks JK if there's a comic book he wants and says he'll buy it for him if so
Ep 68 "Heart Pang" (Ep: 1 / KM: 0)
The one where I can't for the life of me understand the board game they are playing
Ep 69 "BTS in Toronto Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where Jikook wear matching denim shirts while going to Niagara Falls, getting lunch, and playing games
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2:36 - RM says there are certain people who will struggle with the wake up challenge. JK and JM readily seem to admit it's them. 
6:29 - JM hangs back (to walk with JK?) when the rest of the group starts heading for the Falls.
8:06 - There's a "teleporting" moment where Jin is in between JM and JK, then the camera cuts away, then it comes back and jikook are next to each other. They stay next to each other as they walk on.
9:52 - You can see jikook interacting in the background.
12:25 - JM takes a photo of JK and gets him to giggle, then they huddle to look at the pic.
13:56 - JM puts his arm around JK and takes a selca in the background, causing RM to ask "what, are you a couple or something? Both wearing denim shirts?" He says it fairly seriously for a line that seems like it's supposed to be a joke and they don't laugh or say anything in response - it looks like JM looks away and flips his hair while JK shifts and awkwardly rubs his forehead. You can also see a quiet exchange after between RM and JM where RM says no to something, then nods at JK. Unclear if it's related, but including it just in case. 
15:25 - JK doesnn't try to distract JM while he did the staring contest like he did with Hobi. When Jimin passes, JK is the only one to clap. 
18:04 - Quick moment where you can see JK start to rub the arm of JM's shirt before the camera cuts away.
18:50 - JM laughs and touches JK's chest after JK loses the rocks paper scissor game, too.
19:53 - When the other five walk away and JK is doing something with his mic, we don't see where JM is.
22:02 - JK appears to help JM with something with his camera in the foreground.
BEHIND 4:12 - After JHope scolds JK for letting Suga pour everyone's water, JK goes to pour JM some water, then puts the pitcher down. JM seemingly tries to help him out by saying it's a new trend for the oldest to pour water. 
Ep 70 "BTS in Toronto Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where the guys go shopping, pick beds, and play games
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1:15 - JK slows down to walk side by side with JM.
2:00 - When JK messes up the game he was confident he'd win, JK laughs and playfully shoves at his chest.
7:23 - When JK loses a game and has to buy the others hoodies, JM sneaks a hat into the pile while JK has his back turned. RM rats him out.
8:01 - JM quietly puts the hat back in the pile, then walks over and hugs JK.
8:40 - JK walks over to Jimin to show him something (sunglasses he wanted?).
20:30 - When they're all joking around about whether they can fit four people on a bed, JK moves JM into an L-shape and then lays down nested with him.
BEHIND 0:09 - JK calls out "Jimin-ssi!" and tosses JM that hat he bought him.
4:49 - When the guys are all stretching and JM is in an inconvenient place, JK calls him "Jimin-ssi" again, essentially feels up his calf, and then pushes his upper thigh, all purportedly to get him to move over.
5:28 - JK kneels down behind JM, who's on all fours, and holds his hips to correct his position (I am literally just describing what happens in the clip, but I kind of feel like I'm writing porn, here...). JK then picks Jimin up to move him over a bit. Both giggle as JK starts to stand up and then the camera cuts away.  I can't even begin to think what exercising looks like for these two when there aren't cameras on them...
6:55 - JK reads out the words on the Jimin shirt they're all wearing, which happen to be, "BTS Park Jimin, I love you! I root for you! I'm ARMY!" with a huge grin on his face. Jimin laughs - no one else does - and then jokes that they should wear the shirts back to Korea, prompting JK to tell him "bye!" and wave while giggling. 
7:37 - Jimin shows the parts of the shirt design he would change by poking JK's chest, and then JK and JM share a fairly steamy look until RM interrupts. 
7:52 - JK folds up the shirt so JM's face looks weird and Jimin points to him doing it and laughs. No one else does.  Man, these two were really in their own world this whole Toronto trip, weren't they?
8:02 - JM tries to give JK some advice on the game he's about to play. Before starting, JK starts what seems like it's going to be a silly pose, but ends up being him dragging his fingers down his face, neck, and chest. Sadly for JK, JM wasn't looking. Happily for us, we can look as much as we want. 
8:18 - When JM wins a game, JK claps for him. You can probably guess by now that he's the only one who does. 
10:09 - JM steals a piece of steak, then JK does some cross-cut teleporting to come over and sink down into a chair next to him. JM overdoes making his eyes look big and innocent (perhaps hoping to get caught and scolded?).
10:35 - JM makes Jin move when he takes JM's seat next to JK I feel like just the Behind for this episode needs it's own jikook rating! And most of it is watching JK lead the guys in a workout. If you're going to watch just one Run Behind, consider making it this one!
Ep 71 "BTS in Toronto Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The Toronto one where the guys have dinner, have breakfast, and play games
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14:28 - Maybe nothing, but just to note it - in this and the next shot, you can see JM heading towards where JK is lying back on the couch after losing a game, then there's an abrupt cut and everyone is in a totally different position. 
29:20 - JK tells JM the "super-pancake" he made is for him since he has to do the penalties. 
BEHIND 6:59 - JM says that he thinks JK will want to eat and calls out for him.
Ep 72 "BTS and Mafia" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The one in which we learn that BTS is so terrible at the Mafia game that it almost comes back around to being impressive 
3:10 - When Jin says JK is suspicious because he isn't talking, JM defends him, saying "you know he doesn't talk much." 
8:34 - JM seems to direct his appeal to be spared to JK.
18:16 - JK compliments how well Jimin is doing at the game.
20:13 - After Jimin says he's ARMY, JK asks, "do you like me that much?" Then there's a quick cut and Jin is doing a Jim Halpert face at the camera.
28:03 - Confusing maybe-moment - let me know if it's clearer to anyone else! - but after JH is sending finger heart guns, JM points gun fingers directly at JK for no apparent reason. 
BEHIND 2:39 - Before they start playing, JK predicts that JM and Jin will be good at the game.
Eps 73-76 “Run BTS Drama Parts 1-4″ (n/a)
The ones where BTS spend four episodes making a “comedic” skit
01:09 - After JK explains that he had a wisdom tooth taken out, Jimin adds the info that they had to take out the whole root.  09:10 - Even though V is the "director" of Jimin's scene, JK speaks up and takes over the role, saying that directors use informal language and repeating twice in informal language "Jimin, let's go!" He continues speaking informally when Jimin messes up and JK scolds him.  11:40 - When it's JK's turn to deliver a line and he gets nervous about remembering it, JM reads it out loud for him. He also says as soon as JK delivers the line that he did the best job and adds to Hobi, "he doesn't get embarassed, I told you."  16:26 - It's a little hard to see for sure, but it looks like Jimin votes for JK when it's time to choose who should be the skit's director. I'm going to be totally honest with you guys - I didn't rewatch these episodes past this. I first saw it months ago and remember being disappointed and fairly bored through most of it past the first half of the first episode - I don't find the skit funny and the behind-the-scenes stuff isn't amusing enough to make a four-part episode about. I’m sure there are others who completely disagree with me and no judgment if you don't share my opinion! But I'm doing this guide for fun and I don't want to spend two hours rewatching them. 
I don't recall a ton of jikook beyond the above - I think there's a moment in part 3 where JK is getting tired and Jimin offers to take over slating for him. So, anyone who is a fan and knows / finds more jikook moments, please let me know and I will update this guide to reflect that. Otherwise, let's happily move along. :)
Ep 77 “Food Guest Part 1″ (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The weirdly-named ones that are prob better translated as "food connoisseurs" but the specifics of the foods theme don't really matter because JIKOOK  
07:41 - When Jin says JK and JM will be competing in a palm-push game, JM says he's already lost (because JK is strong).
07:55 - I'm fairly certain that, if you're a jikook-er, you've seen this moment. It's so unabashedly flirty a description can't really do it justice.   JK and JM are supposed to be playing a game where they put their palms together and shove to see who can make the other lose their balance. JM shoves lightly at JK's chest before they even start the game, then both start giggling. Still giggly, JM asks if JK's ready and JK says he is. JM pushes at JK's palms and JK just swings his arms back as they look at each other and smile. Jin interrupts to ask, "are you a dating couple?" (that's the most direct translation - V app translation is "are you two together?"). JK and JM both laugh, the latter so hard that he spins around, thus losing the game. 
17:08 - JK is staring so intently at Jimin on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth that he completely misses RM trying to give him a high five. Jin has to call for JK to please respond to RM before JK looks away and returns the high five, laughing and apologizing. He looks back immediately after. 
BEHIND 0:58 - JK gives JM a shoulder massage while holding his chest as JM makes satisfied noises. I've seen this clip in compilations before, but hadn't realized it was also from  this episode. It's really the gift that keeps on giving! 
4:29 - Just prior to the above palm-push game, JM reaches out to do something to JK's sleeve (I think?). The camera cuts before we see clearly.  
4:31 - Slightly different angle of JM and JK giggling at the start of the palm-push game.
7:11 - Reveals that RM actually tried to high five JK and was ignored TWICE before Jin called JK's attention away from JM on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth. 
Ep 78 “Food Guest Part 2″ (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
15:00 - JK jokingly asks what the answer is and Jimin giggles at him as the on-screen text says, "how adorable." Unsurprisingly, the others are less enamored. (JK's biggest fans = 1. Jimin  2. Run BTS on-screen text writers)
BEHIND 9:56 - JK watches JM dance playfully, then wiggles his own hips, seeming to want JM's attention. Jimin smiles and starts to say something that gets cut off. 
10:03 - JK films JM as JM dances and smiles while looking into the camera. Jimin is doing silly dance, but JK zooms in on his joyful face. He quickly licks his lips as he watches. 
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 2
Okay, I wasn't sure if I'd get to ep 2 today, but I need Iron Triangle shenanigans to cheer me up after the feels fest that was Train to Busan
So here we go! DMBJ S2 Ep 2!
The counts at the start of ep 2! 
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 1 for Wu Xie, 1 for protagonists, 2 for everyone 
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 11 for Wu Xie, 16 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- Opening with Wu Xie wandering around somewhere, so I'm guessing this is another dream/nightmare 
- 'Somewhere' turns out to be a sunken ship 
- Minus all the water 
- I'm expecting a jump scare any moment now
- Not as bad a one as I expected, but still 
- a wild Sanshu suddenly appears! 
- This dream Sanshu being just as creepy as the dream Sanshu in the previous ep 
- And just as murderous 
- And now he wakes up thanks to Pangzi, and it's daytime now 
- Looks like the storm is over, too
- OMG Pangzi that is not how you're supposed to meditate 
- lol @ Wu Xie's confused reaction to it 
- Hahah, A-Ning was not successful in hiding the booze from Pangzi 
- Wu Xie, baby, I love your confidence here about there being no complicated traps, but it's entirely misplaced
- He definitely has to suspect that that's Xiaoge after the whole ghost ship thing, he wouldn't be giving that cute little smile otherwise
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- Oh god, the English dubbing is so bad. The words and lips don't sync at all 
- And it looks like her boss is a foreigner this time? 
- This water is so murky 
- This swimming around underwater making exaggerated gestures bit could have been much shorter than it is 
- Like seriously
- It wouldn't be quite as bad if the water wasn't just this constant murky green so that you could actually see properly 
- But as it is I'm mostly just looking at this dirty green screen with some shapes moving past sometimes
- I get padding out an episode, but it's been almost five minutes of this now 
- Oh, at least now we're at least getting little flashes of Wu Xie recognising this stuff from his grandfather's notebook 
- But still 
- 5 1/2 mins before something even marginally interesting happens >.< 
- Because apparently now the statue is opening its eyes. Maybe. 
- Wait no, I counted wrong 
- 7 1/2 MINS 
- 8 1/2 mins before they get to any breaking and entering 
- 8 1/2 mins to do what should have taken 2
- It wasn't even marginally interesting filler >.< 
- Just....dirty green screen with some dark shapes, and the occasional close up on faces or wrist notepads 
- And this knife is cutting through the mortar holding these bricks together suspiciously easily
- Oh, the evil hair is making its first appearance 
- Evil Hair Count: 1 
- Yes, touching it is a great idea! Well done! 
- Oh, it scared it away this time 
- Apparently, the evil hair being scared away is what triggers the brick door to automatically open for them
- Oh, I like this shot of the wetsuit hood almost looking like a hoodie hood. I'm not sure if that was intentional, but I still like it.
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- Oh, sudden thing swimming real fast into/around them 
- Most of this episode has just been...murky green
- Like. They've been in the water for 10 minutes so far. And the only important/interesting things that have happened have been finding Sanshu's stick, finding the statues that reminded Wu Xie of shit in the notebook, Wu Xie thinking the statue eyes opened, the appearance of the evil hair, the door opening, the corpse appearing, and now this thing swimming by them. All of which could have been done in, like, a third of the time.
- Since they all took only a few seconds each
- Oh, it was evil hair lady, who is now swimming away super fast when Pangzi shot at her. 
- I'm amazed he could see clearly enough in the murk to even aim, tbh 
- Oooh, dramatic music 
- It would be nice if I could see clearly enough to know the reason for the dramatic music
- I will make that Evil Hair Count: 2, because it was a lovely shot of her hair as well
- Oh, they've made that maelstrom-like tunnel the entrance to the tomb in the drama 
- Oh god, the greenscreen 
- I think Chongqi is the only one I've seen so far that does greenscreen even halfway well 
- It took them 11 1/2 mins to get into the tomb
- An entire quarter of the episode was just them fucking around underwater where the viewer could barely see what was happening at the best of times 
- Since the ep is 45 mins including opening and ending credits
- Oh, they've come out into the room with the pots, except it has a pool in it this time 
- Sigh. Of course they gave A-Ning pink-accented gear.
- They all have a different colour on their goggles to tell them apart, but in the underwater stuff it was too dark to tell what colours she and Xiaoge had. Now that they're out of the water, I can see that hers is pink. 
- And I'm like 
- WHY 
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- Why are there spiderwebs in the underwater tomb? 
- The babby zombie footprints! 
- Yes, Pangzi, those tiny little footprints are Sanshu's 
- Hahah, I love little shit Wu Xie 
- Apparently spiders even have to be built into underwater ones. Either that, or spiders can now dive
- Maybe when they built the tomb, they made sure to have spiders in there. Which also means they had to ensure there was spider food in there. 
- Oh, hey, in the drama they actually think to look inside the jar! But babby zombie is not in there this time.
- Oh, it was in one of the other jars instead 
- Okay, time to follow the baby in the jar 
- Oh, this hallway 
- A-Ning is about to be a very bad girl 
- Also, so many cobwebs 
- So many
- I think that lends credence to the 'spiders were put here when the tomb was built and so have lived here for thousands of spider generations' 
- I still can't get over them subbing 'Sanshu' as 'Uncle San' 
- And random English because why not
- I was about to say the traps are stupidly obvious in this hall, then I remembered the Starfinder adventure I ran where the trigger was a giant mosaic on the floor that practically screamed 'trap' & the PCs just walked over it. And then were surprised when the trap triggered.
- Oh, here we go, A-Ning's about to do the thing 
- Complete with evil villain smirk as she does so 
- I wish there was better lighting in this hallway, because A-Ning's moves are amazing and I would like to be able to see them better
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
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- Those are some wuxia-esque spinny moves from A-Ning there 
- Nooooo, Xiaoge, don't leave Wu Xie there without you! 
- I wondered how they were going to have Wu Xie get hit by them since Xiaoge stopped him from being hit by the initial shots 
- Dammit, A-Ning
- I appreciate that Pangzi's first reaction is to run to check on Wu Xie 
- Even though that got him shot himself 
- lol, these two dummies sitting there screaming once they notice all the arrows that they hadn't noticed before
- Good Pangzi, showing off that you're actually smart by realising Something Is Up with these arrows 
- "Does it feel this good to be shot to death?" 
"I've never died before, I have no idea" 
 - Hahahah, waving the arrow to see it that would attract more firing
- Then oh so carefully peeking up over the edge 
- Ah, finally Xiaoge reveals himself properly! 
- That face mask is just ridiculous 
- lol, Wu Xie's reaction 
- Those wide puppy eyes 
- lol, Xiaoge's little smirk at Wu Xie
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- And again. THEY'RE SO CUTE I CAN'T
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- Here we are at the first chamber switcheroo 
- I wish they'd subtitle at least the important parts of Wenjin's notebook when Wu Xie reads it and gets clues 
- They were good with subtitling the wrist notepads when they were aimlessly swimming around for 11 mins 
- But nothing else
- "Do you have Alzheimers" OMFG, Pangzi 
- Pangzi gonna Pangzi 
- I seem to say something along those lines about all of the Iron Triangle 
- But it's true 
- Ahahah, Wu Xie's facial expressions when he's brushing off Pangzi here 
- It's little shit Wu Xie all over
- Look, okay, flashbacks are fine and all, but does it have to be a flashback to the FUCKING GREEN MURKY WATER 
- Okay, at least that part wasn't too long 
- That container is not sealed, that paper should not have been dry
- Certainly not so dry that exposure to air made it crumble and blow away
 - Professor Zhang? 
- IDK why they needed two archaeological teams in this flashback 
- Also, hi, flashback Xiaoge 
- Hey, it's the copper snek fishy
- Oh, that was a good cliffhanger to leave this episode on! 
- Xiaoge remembering that he has been there before
So! Ep 2 ends with: 
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone 
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 2 
 Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6 
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jkjms · 3 years
What are some of your favorite KM moment that we don't talk about enough?
I don’t think there are many, especially in 2020. 2013/14 has the most. I focused on earlier years w/ a few later ones. Chronological order.
131008  Rookie King 
Honestly, Rookie King as a whole is underrated.
@22:50 Jimin ‘complains’ that Jungkook doesn’t treat him like a hyung, Jungkook tells him “I’m like that because I like hyungie too much”. 
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Namjikook team wins, the three group hug. Afterwards, Jungkook looks at Jimin and goes in for a second direct hug with him. 
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140227 SSTP Full Radio Cut. 
@1:06:35 Translation is here by tee-ae who’s Taehyung bias and active since 2017 (not as active right now, but still going) If your a jikooker supporter who is Tae biased or just interested she has a lot of good posts and translations.
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140414 Sukira Kiss the Radio
@53:20 Ryeowook (host) reads out Jimin’s question for Jungkook. Jungkook explains the reason for Jimin being ranked 7th. It’s childish and was a long time ago.
Jungkook stutters when he says “my style.” 
* I cannot for the life of me find the translated ver. of the video anymore, I’ve seen it a number of times before, but here are screenshots, and I provided the origin audio source. 
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140430 BTS on MBC Weekly Idol
@26:30 Jimin, Jhope and Jungkook dance to 4minute’s whatcha doing today?
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141021 Global Request Show: A Song For You ep.12
@14:40 Catching food with your mouth; Jungkook’s Jiminpedia and desire to let people know he knows everything about him. “Jimin’s good at this” okay JK.
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@16:30 km were partners in the game: Jungkook blows off the dust from the marshmallows before every throw to prevent dust from getting onto Jimin’s face. He was the only one to do this up until that point, 2 duos followed, (Jimin & Tae) + (Jin & Kang In) and only Kang In did the same, both did so again during the tie breaker. @22:00.
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141109 Inkigayo Mini Fanmeeting.
I made a post about the main moment during the fanmeet here
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141210 MAMA 2014 Behind Story
@0:30 Jungkook calls Jimin ‘Bbang ddeok’ a term to describe someone with cute puffy cheeks. 
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141223 Arirang Pops in Seoul K pop Party. 
@3:00 I’ve never seen this talked about since the earlier years. BTS wins Rising Star 2014. First link for full context. The exact moment starts here. Brief summary: looks ranking is brought up again (come on interviewers don’t you have anything better to ask?) Jimin instead changes it to a coolness ranking, does up to 5 and asks the fans to choose number 1. Jungkook yells out “Jimin” in response (untranslated, but very distinctive). 
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This was a couple months after 140910 Pops in Seoul Danger Interview: 
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150101 Bangtan B Who are the Elders? 
Jungkook throws a balloon right at Jhope’s face, stares and giggles but when it comes to Jimin, the balloon only hits him on the top of his head and Jungkook immediately laughs loudly and latches onto him. 
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150625 M!Countdown BTS Up Next
I’m not sure if this qualifies for a moment we don’t talk about enough, because it’s very quick, but I rarely see it anywhere.
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150820 Official Fan meeting Vol.2 in Osaka
August 18th Jimin had a fainting incident onstage, the 20th was his first performance back. The song For You: Jungkook’s opening lyrics “it smells like you, the road that I walk on; I plug my earphone to my status; my true feelings lie beyond there.” Jungkook stops beside Jimin. 
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151204 BTS Docent Live Show
@35:15 Jimin’s reaction towards Jungkook compared to the other members. We need to talk about smitten Jimin more often. Jungkook also calls Jimin “pretty - you’re pretty, hyung.” @15:00
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151219 Apgujeong Fansign
There are two moments here + here (trans)
The first moment was just... well really weird, 2nd one Jungkook tries to put a tiara on Jimin’s head and calls him, his hyung, someone older than him “princess.” 
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160416 Lotte Fan-meeting in Seoul. 
@1:30 When they were playing cham cham cham(?) original source by 97percent and is now deactivated. This is the same day/fansign as the ‘Jimin didn’t see Jungkook’s high five’ photos. 
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On fan-signs/meets; This 2014-2016 compilation shows cute interactions and not much conversation between the two. When there is conversation in this video take it with a grain of salt as the video creator doesn’t speak fluent Korean.
170114  Golden Disk Awards - Rain Performance (Rainism); Jungkook dances 
@0:45 In another angle here you can see Yoongi was the one who pointed out Jungkook (and Taehyung) to Jimin.
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Also, Jimin films vhopekook’s dance practice of Rainism but it’s just Jimin’s fancam of Jungkook. + here is the special stage they did.
Con’t GDA
170114: EXO Performance (Monster); Jungkook dances x2. It’s so hard finding good footage of this moment, because they’re all cut at awkward timing and it’s bad angles. Jungkook appears to point at Jimin and sings “you make me so crazy”. Even if he didn’t, there is also this fancam footage here and this moment here
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170928 DNA @ M!Countdown
@0:56 Jungkook and Jimin look at each other and giggle with each other after Jimin’s cute little killing part moment. 
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181010 Love Yourself Tour in London: ending of Dope
Do I even need to explain?
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190130 Jungkook’s tweet caption: And Jimin-ssi can’t escape (me) either.
Jungkook is vibing to Jimin’s single Promise in his closet.
Jimin reply: “Ah, you cute thing kkkk” 
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191212 Bon Voyage 4 episode 4 Behind Cam
@6:10 This is a very cute and domestic moment. 
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201010 ON:E Concert D1 
Jungkook’s reaction to Jimin crying, comforting him and trying to make him laugh. This all got so severely overshadowed due to all the KM discourse surrounding Jimin’s birthday. So I compiled a 1:30 minute video of everything together.
gif cr. kookijam | clips cr. honeyd | trans cr. lovemazejikook
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🐰 지민이 형... = Jimin-hyung...
🐥  I'm sorry (for the tears) 
🐰  No, don’t be
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lupintyde · 7 years
The A-mew-sing Sequel To Adrien’s Game
This time, there are only four episodes covered but a lot of pictures so I’m adding a “read more”...eventually.  Also, Ladybug is on Netflix!  Go watch.  Here we go with the next four eps!
The last time we left our boy Adrien, he was developing his flirting technique with the lovely Marinette.  Or not.  It’s fun to speculate though, right?  Right?!
…ANYway, let’s see how he tops the almost kiss.
 In “Darkblade” (Le Chevalier Noir):
Marinette decides to run against Chloe for class something-or-other
To the utter delight of 95% of the class
That’s right man, just play it cool...
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In “The Mime” (Le Mime):
Hey, I didn’t know y’all were gonna be here too lol!
Smooth move, dude.  Just play it off like you had NO IDEA.
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Our cat son heats things up below the cut!
In “Kung Food”:
Casual’s not working out for ya?  Steal your moves from your superhero counterpart.  Because that obviously works with Ladybug.
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Seriously, Chloe -_-
Don’t insult his new man-crush.  This kid doesn’t have enough positive male role models as is.
When you have to inform the uninformed because you’re done with their shit, but still have to maintain your rep.
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Nailed it!
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Wow!  She’s too impressed by him to stutter when he grabs her by the shoulders.  Success!
Also, the return of the “oh shit she’s cute wtf” smile.
It seems to be contagious.
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When you’re watching future bae have a bonding moment.
Nothing could POSSIBLY ruin this.
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“Didn’t your father kick you off of the jury?”
I’m sure Mari’s great uncle can cook you up a salve for that BURN.
Adrien: 2, Chloe: -0
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In “Gamer”(Le Gamer ):
Up to this point, Adrien’s been feline pretty confident in his abilities.
Charming smile? Check.
Casual touching? Check.
Defend her against the forces of evil/Chloe?  CHECK.
Sabine: Oh, you must be the guy Marinette talks about ALL THE TIME.
Adrien.exe has stopped working.
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The captain and first mate of the S.S. Adrienette.
There goes our future son-in-law
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Ok, so the flirting worked.  Didn’t see that coming.
Don’t mess this up, man.  Remember...smooooooth.
Operation “Impress Mari With Your Mad Skillz” is a go!
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Ready, aaaaand--
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Someone plz help these kids
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Or maybe just him.  
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“You’re amazing, Marinette” <--ACTUAL SHOW DIALOGUE
Don’t forget to fish for compliments while you’re doing the complimenting to see what she really thinks of you.
Also, stand up for your teenage right to snack.
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“Is it hot in here or is it just you?” <--not actual dialogue but should be
They break the tension by moving outdoors.  Only to find an akuma.
Adrien saves the damsel in distress.  
She LETS him.  Any other guy and she would’ve been all “I can save my own damn self, you, and that dog over there”.
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They get split up (of course)
And there’s our boy Chat Noir ALSO saving the damsel in distress
That’s twice in 3 minutes, Marinette.  You could’ve transformed behind a pole or something by this point.  I’ve seen you do worse -_-
Btw Chat totally looks like the cat who got the cream (and the girl)
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Subtle reminder to the audience that gamer girls turn him on.  
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I think we’ve seen that look before...
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Oh snap!
Honestly, where can this boy go but up?
Note:  I do not hate Chloe.  In fact, she’s my favorite side character.   This girl’s gonna redeem herself, yet!  However, you can’t deny the faces Adrien makes at her are funny as crap.  
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is only one part of a series!  Here’s the link to the other parts of Adrien’s Game and A Lady’s Charm :)
ML Master List Of Crack Posts
(I used to add links to the newest installment at the bottom of my Adrien’s Game and Lady’s Charm posts, but the list will eventually end up being as long as the actual post.  So, yeah.  I’m taking the lazy approach.)
*DISCLAIMER*  These posts are my attempt at humor and not meant to be taken seriously.  Hateful/snide comments are the reason for this disclaimer and peeps trying to start arguments will be blocked.  I’m not out to prove anything and I don’t give attention to trolls.  If you reblog, use whatever tags float your shippy boat.  If you wanna use the screencaps, please give me credit for capturing them.  I am under no illusion that I own the series, obviously.  I read as many of the reblog tags as I have time for, and you guys are so supportive and way funnier than I think I am.  So thanks for the love and the laughs :)
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
The Rule(s):
It depends.
Totally! He’s so fun, hilarious, and so jokes.
Kind of. He was lucky that fate was on his side.
Jubiemon J: I really enjoyed this episode as well! I loved how different aspects of fate were played again. This time, this drama mostly used classical music as a way to hint what’s to come. When the rival came, they played a classical song that resembled the Devil. When Makoto and Haruko shared a cute phone call where they both saw the moon, Claude DeBussy’s Claire de Lune played. They played the wedding song when Mitsukuni proposed to Haruko. They picked pieces that most people would be familiar with, so that made the scenes even more hilarious or relatable. Plus, we had a co-worker who talked about how she thinks she met her fated one. There were the coincidental meetings between Makoto and Haruko and the boss’s dinner party that led to Makoto bumping into Mitsukuni (the rival). Finally there was that baseball scene with the kids whose surnames were “Akai” and “Ito” and the scoreboard ended up being Makoto’s phone number.
Makoto for the top part and Akai Ito for the bottom – Scoreboard = half of his phone number
Side note: Akai Ito = Red string of fate. It’s an East Asian belief that the Gods tie a red string to two people to string them together. In Japan, they usually believe that the red string is tied to the pinky finger.
Kids looking like . . . biotch plz, we are helping u!!! We did u a favour and played baseball with u!
I also liked the contrast shown between fate and choice, which is definitely a predominant theme throughout this drama. There’s Mitsukuni who is very aggressive and a total go-getter. Then there’s Makoto who is shown again as someone who is very passive and agreeable. Makoto is the one relying mostly on fate, while Mitsukuni carves his own path. Mitsukuni finds it super easy to ask for Haruko’s number. He also proposed to her in this episode; before in high school, he confessed to her and got rejected. Meanwhile, Makoto struggles to even get her number! During a group setting where we have Mitsukuni, Haruko, Mitsue, and himself, he is very quiet and doesn’t really serve the people. Makoto also does a huge roundabout when trying to ask for Haruko’s number. He doesn’t directly tell her; instead, he tells her that he’ll prove to her that they have fate via the baseball scoreboard. If he can get his full number on the scoreboard, then they’re fated to be together. (This is the final moment when he has the courage to actually try to tell her his number. I’ll get to the details about this later.) Before this scene, Makoto definitely had so many missed opportunities. I do like those because they show that it’s not just fate that’s important. You have to make the choice to act on fate.
Mitsukune telling Makoto he’s gonna propose to Haruko. Makoto: P-P-Propose?!
Makoto finally getting the guts to ask Haruko out ~
Other highlights of this episode would be Yamapi God love advice as well as the minor characters’ comedic relief. The co-workers are hilarious! I laughed a lot when they showed up. Yamapi God’s love advice was great too.
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis!
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! What are you gonna do? Crisis!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Issue 1: Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Jubiemon J: Yes! I really, really disliked how Mitsukuni was such a jerk and kept trying to make Makoto look terrible in front of the girls. Okay, I get he is the rival, but he totally doesn’t play fair at all. I haven’t met such an annoying second lead male till now. I usually root for the second lead male; I tend to suffer from the second lead male syndrome. However, this time I’m totally for Makoto. Mitsukuni definitely reminded me of those stereotypical sly Wall Street bankers or those stereotypical sleazy car sales people. Ugh! He purposely suggested that Makoto and Mitsue should date because they shared similar tastes in food. There were just two similarities: they preferred not to dip some meat in sauce and they liked dipping French fries in ketchup. Okay, just because they liked to do that doesn’t mean that they should date! Of course Makoto was completely shocked and said no way. Then Mitsue got all annoyed because she believed he was rude for rejecting her like that. (To be honest, I’m like Makoto, so I get his frustration. He’s a very straightforward guy and isn’t super sensitive to how his reactions would affect other people’s feelings.)
I totally blame Mitsukuni for making the whole atmosphere awkward. If he hadn’t made that “joke”, Makoto wouldn’t have been put in a tough spot. If he said yes or hinted that, then he’d be making a go at Mitsue. However, if he outright denied that, she’d get hurt. There was just no good way to save himself. Mitsukuni . . . sly guy. -0-
I also really didn’t like how Mitsukuni was super aggressive. He only had like one or two outings with Haruko and then he wanted to propose to her. Like what? Sure they’ve known each other since high school, but I really think he was forcing her to accepting him far too quickly. Plus I really hated how Mitsukuni thinks way too much/tries way too hard to get Haruko. That scene where he came out in cosplay as a singer and played a song with his guitar was so cringey and cheesy! Yuck!
The F is this?!?!?! Who does that a restaurant?!?!?! How’d he get his wig too? -0-
Makoto: … (Me too. Me too.)
Okay, so Makoto does try to ask her out too and seems to pop here really often, but I find Makoto’s actions to be reasonable. He hasn’t forced marriage on her. He only wanted to ask her out to dinner.
Even worse, Mitsukuni was a total jerk towards Makoto’s co-workers. They asked Makoto if he wanted to join their dinner party. Sure, they were interested in chilling with some hot co-workers that Mitsukuni was with, but Mitsukuni denied them. Okay, he had like 6-7 girls chilling with him and he seemed very happy about it. How is that being dedicated to Haruko? -0-”
Sleaze ball with his gals =___= . . . loyal my ass.
Makoto’s co-workers: If you want us to kill him, we will gladly do so. LOL!
 Issue 2: Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Jubiemon J: Mitsue and Haruko started off the episode with a presentation she did for her company. They were researching on what women consider the ideal marriage partner. The two presented this hexagon that showed the six points that are the most important for women when finding the ideal guy: (1) personality; (2) appearance; (3) income; (4) outlook on life; (5) humour; and (6) dependability. Mitsue stressed that because Mitsukuni is above average in all six aspects, he would be the ideal guy for Haruko. Of course, these points seem to be quite reasonable for a marriage partner, but I think Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is flawed in a few ways.
Not everyone would weight each point equally, so even though Mitsukuni would average out to be above average in all areas, there could be a few points where he scores very low. Those low points could be what Haruko really values. Moreover, not everyone would have all of those six points down as what makes their ideal marriage partner. Another point of consideration is as Haruko subtly mentioned: sometimes the points could be too sharp and cause pain. Let’s take “appearance”. Scoring high in appearance could result in the guy having more female pursuers or potentially being too narcissistic.
Although this love hexagon might be kind of flawed, I did like how the writer decided to throw in this other POV towards finding the right marriage partner. I think this balances out the heavy emphasis on “fated love” and also hints that love sometimes might not be as “logical” as some people might make it out to be.
Side note: The kanji for marriage is 結婚. This is the same in Mandarin as well. In Mandarin, when you take the second character, 婚, you will notice that it’s made up of two other words which are woman  (女) and dizziness (昏). To get married, your mind must have been “dizzy” (ie you weren’t thinking that clearly). Love blinds you. If you wanted to take it a step further by combining the woman and dizziness together, you could potentially say that the woman needs to have been blinded by love. I prefer thinking that both partners need to have some sort of irrationality to choose marriage. 
Issue 3: Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Jubiemon J: Yes! Yamapi God is perfect as a roommate. He gives the best love advice and shows up in the funniest ways like appearing in Makoto’s closet. Yamapi God constantly bitched at Makoto for being too passive, yet when Makoto finally had the courage to ask Haruko out, Yamapi God celebrated the win by drinking beer with Makoto.
Yamapi God: Yellow Card! Why’d you creep her office huh? If you had asked her number, you wouldn’t have need to have done that.
Cheers to asking her out! (So cute these two!)
Yamapi God doesn’t baby Makoto and pushes him to go for love. I think Yamapi God is really motivating Makoto to be less passive in life. Makoto is too easygoing and sort of lets things slide by, so Yamapi God often has to lecture him to “Yolo”. I seriously love how “God” here doesn’t just reward you for nothing. You actually have to work for something to get some reward. He made Makoto memorize 100 classical pieces which would allow Makoto to share a similar hobby as Haruko and to know what was to come. (I’ve talked before about how music was a foreshadowing of what would happen.)
Yamapi God: Happiness isn’t gonna come to someone who doesn’t love music. (Word.)
In addition, Yamapi God also didn’t constantly interfere with Makoto’s actions and wasn’t always all forgiving. Yamapi God would remind Makoto of his last chance to ask Haruko out since Mitsukune was going to propose to Haruko the next day. After Makoto still failed to ask her out the Nth time, Yamapi God got disappointed in him and disappeared for a while. Some tough love here . . . but it was necessary to push Makoto to do something!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Yamapi God: Stop giving me this ugly face! You were looking for me all this time. Makoto: Do you even know how I feel right now?!?!? He’s gonna propose to her..
Yamapi God: This is your last chance! Go!
Issue 4: Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Jubiemon J: Gosh the duo can be so annoying, yet so hilarious at the same time! They bothered Makoto about his love life. They bitched at Makoto for not letting them crash at some drinking party when Makoto went out with the “Goddess” ie Mitsue. According to the co-workers, if they were able to ride the elevator with Mitsue then they’d get the best luck for the day. Lol!
Not to mention, I laughed pretty hard when the co-workers were so excited to be able to drink with the other company since Mitsue worked there. The next scene then showed them drinking with the 1 older female boss and their faces were hilarious! Honestly without these two, the humour for this drama wouldn’t be complete, so I’m totally looking forward to what more they have to offer!
Issue 5: Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
Jubiemon J: Kind of. I get that Makoto is a shy type of guy and Haruko has a colder type of personality, the sort that’d outright say “No” to someone. Therefore it does make sense that Makoto would be more hesitant to ask her out. No one wants to be rejected. However, I think I got a bit impatient waiting for him to make a move. I was totally on Yamapi God’s side when he lectured Makoto. Makoto is super lucky that he has fate on his side to remind him to do this or that. If there wasn’t that scoreboard or the kids to ask him to play baseball, I doubt Makoto would have had the courage to ask Haruko out in the end. Plus, the part where he was trying to interrupt Mitsukune asking Makoto to marry him was so pitiful. Makoto was telling her he needed her opinion as to where the water fountain could be installed at this spot at her family’s house!
Even though what he did was cringing, I still liked how he tried his best. I also did like how when Makoto did tell her his number or at least half of it, he did that directly! That was good because he finally was putting in 100% of his efforts.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4. I’ll give you a cookie! (I was getting impatient waiting for Makoto to ask for her number . . . > _ <)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-3 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 30-39
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One general trend to point out that’s true pretty much all series long, but was particularly noticeable to me starting around these episodes - JK and JM end up next to each other an unusually high percentage of the time when the guys choose where they're standing / sitting. Like, I initially thought I was only noticing it because I was primed to notice KM stuff, so I started tracking some other random pairs for comparison, and there’s no contest. 
Also, this is when the show started really hitting its groove. I’d seen nearly all the Run episodes before going back and rewatching for this guide. There were some I rewatched at 1.5x speed and others I happily rewatched normally. There are many more of the later starting around here.
As usual, let me know if I’ve missed anything or should take another look at something!
Ep 30 "The Variety Show of Memories Part 1" 
(Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The ones with dancing, games, sleepy Kookie, and the tomato song that will embed itself in your brain 
20:00 - JK picks Jimin for the quiz challenge without using honorifics. Jimin calls him out for it and JK jokes back, then actually apologizes.
BEHIND 5:47 - JK is the only one to clap when Jimin does a funny dance 
Ep 31 "The Variety Show of Memories Part 2" (Ep: 5 / KM: 0)
None. But seriously, guys, this episode is a must-watch regardless. 
Ep 32 "Take Care of Santa" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one where everyone runs around like crazy in Santa hats with pig balloons as J-Hope not-so-secretly tries to steal them
9:08 - Jimin spots JK hiding in a tunnel and crawls in to talk to him despite suspecting that he's the thief 
27:50 - Jimin asks JK for the balloon he opened up to make his voice high with helium gas. JK gives it to him and they both say goodbyes in high-pitched voices at 28:14
Ep 33 "BTS and Manito Part 1" (Ep: 5 / KM: 3)
The ones where the guys jump for pictures, cheat at puzzles, and give each other gifts
1:59 - Jimin laughs a little when he sees that he's chosen JK as his Manito 3:56 - Jimin asks "Jungkook, why are you so cute?" and for some reason the on-screen text emphasizes this by popping up under Jimin's face saying "Jimin finding Jungkook very cute" 10:01 - Jimin comments on how high JK jumped and the on-screen text continues to call him out by tagging him as "amazed by Jungkook's jumping skills" 11:06 - Jimin singles out JK for praise for another good photo (on-screen text: "so hilarious") 12:00 - Jimin tells JK that he wants to give him a point for his acting, but his shoulders didn't make it into the shot 14:10 - Jimin AGAIN compliments JK (maybe he felt bad because he judged him as not properly in the picture the prev round) and the on-screen text wants to make sure we know Jimin is "amazed" I really can't tell if whoever writes this stuff is onto Jimin or is just also in love with JK, but I find the constant commentary hilarious either way 16:06 - Jimin gets JK to try to coordinate photo-bombing RM's pic BEHIND 5:05 - When JK is taking pictures of the posed photos he finds funny, takes two of Jimin (and you can see he's zoomed in on Jimin's face in both) while laughing adorably
Ep 34 "BTS and Manito Part 2" (Ep: 5, KM: 3)
8:46 - JM & JK decide to work together as a team to solve the puzzle
11:54 and 14:46 - JK and JM playfully grab and shove each other a bit to get to the mic first
15:41 - After Jimin and JK get bingo at the same time, they high five and Jimin comments "there's something about us"
15:55 - Jimin has moved his chair so he's sitting super close to JK and has seems to have his hand on his back for an extended period of time
23:27 - When they say Jimin failed his manito mission to make finger hearts with JK, they do it together and pose cutely here. Then, JK reminds JM that he actually did it successfully when the main cameras weren't on them by talking with JK about how different people make finger hearts. Jimin shakes JK's hand in thanks for the validation. 
24:17 - It's quick, but you can see Jimin tapping JK to make a comment to him while the focus is on Jin.
25:53 - Jimin makes a comment about being a calico cat after JK has opened Jimin's manito gift and seen that it's a cat lamp. I mention it because I've seen some people connect that to "Serendipity" being a jikook thing, which I buy generally but, in this particular instance, Jimin had no way of knowing which member his present would end up going to.  BEHIND 2:38 - JK does a joking imitation of acting out a food and Jimin playfully slaps him on the arm 3:41 - The same thing happens again when JK makes another funny face
Ep 35 "Kimchi Battle" (Ep: 3, KM: 3)
The one where, as you’d expect from the title, BTS makes kimchi
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1:12 - JK taps Jimin on the chest when they say he can call his mom for help 1:23 - JM has his arm around JK's shoulders for a while and then moves his hand down to his lower back at 1:38 11:24 - JM has JK smell something gross and is impressed when JK has no reaction 16:38 - JK goes over to taste and compliment JM's kimchi and gets scolded by Suga for having his back to the camera 18:03 - JM watches closely as JK mixes the kimchi and the others compliment his arms 18:21 - Jimin continues staring at said arms 19:21 - Still staring 20:19 - More staring as the others all compliment JK's arms again 21:16 - Guess who's still watching JK? This time JM looks particularly impressed when JK lifts a heavy container 21:38 - Even the on-screen text has noticed the staring at this point and captions this "looking sweetly at Jungkook" 23:23 - Jimin tells JK the kimchi won't taste good yet because it's too fresh and looks at him affectionately, then compliments how good it looks.  24:38 - JM compliment's JK's kimchi again. He really seems much more invested in JK's work than his own this ep BEHIND 0:44 - JK claps for the slate and JM hits himself over his heart right after, making JK (and no one else) laugh 5:52 - Jimin wipes the sweat off JK's neck as he works on mixing the kimchi. When Jin does the same for JK's forehead right after, Jimin says that they look like two brothers and it looks like Jin's hating what he's doing.
Ep 36 "Kimchi Wars" (Ep: 3, KM: 1)
The one where the above kimchi is used in a cooking competition 
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None. JM and JK cooking together on the same team is cute, but everyone is cooking together, so there’s nothing uniquely jikook in the episode itself. BEHIND 5:10 - JK starts clapping a beat and JM joins in with his tongs and dances 6:35 - As JK films some of the food, someone (not quite sure who) comments that they've never seen any of JK's work except for when he went on vacation with Jimin
Ep 37 "BTS Marble Returns" (Ep: 1?, KM: 1)
The one in this set that I have absolutely no memory of 
5:41 - When JK loses and rolls around in annoyance, Jimin comments twice how cute he is
Ep 38 "Spin BTS" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The one where they play a bunch of strange games while Suga is dressed as Chimmy  
2:33 - JK smiles at and compliments JM's penalty suggestion
4:47 - Before starting this game, JM said that he wasn’t good at games requiring strength. Here, JK points out twice that Jimin isn't being moved by the ropes 
5:42 - JK compliments Jimin at the game again, saying he's like a bull 
7:05 - Despite being on Jin's team, JM goes over to watch JK complete his puzzle
10:02 - After JHope identifies a sound as Jimin sneezing, JK says he was going to say that too and grabs Jimin's arm to ask him if he knew
11:33 - One second clip of an interaction that starts with JM putting his hand near JK's face, but it's cut off
21:30 - When other members are practicing imitating people, JK tells them to do Jimin next
BEHIND 5:50 - When asked to guess why Jimin made an upset noise, both Jimin and Jin guess (wrongly) that it had something to do with JK
Ep 39 "BTS Golden Bell Part 1" (Ep: 3, KM: 3)
The one in which JK learns that he far prefers being a competitor than an MC
1:14 - After JK announces that he's offering up his computer as the prize, Jimin turns around and gives him a quick side hug
1:29 - After they decide JK will be the MC and it's clear JK is nervous about it, Jimin starts fixing something on JK’s uniform and pats him on the shoulder while advising him how to deliver some of the words. He also seems to remind him to ring the bell at 2:24
2:52 - JK and JM stand super close when he asks him questions, to the point where the on-screen text asks "Must you stand so close?" at 3:05
3:50 - This may be reading too much into things, but Jimin's body language and the way he's not smiling like the rest of them made me wonder if he was annoyed about them taking the MC role away from JK...
7:55 - While celebrating his team's win, JK dances over to Jimin, who smiles and gives him a high-five even though the other members of Jimin's team are unhappy about losing
16:36 - When JK accidentally calls out his own name instead of someone to challenge, Jimin walks over and hugs him while laughing
BEHIND 0:56 - JK and JM joke around together 5:40 - Slightly different angle of the 16:36 moment above
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
The Rule(s):
It depends.
Totally! He’s so fun, hilarious, and so jokes.
Kind of. He was lucky that fate was on his side.
Jubiemon J: I really enjoyed this episode as well! I loved how different aspects of fate were played again. This time, this drama mostly used classical music as a way to hint what’s to come. When the rival came, they played a classical song that resembled the Devil. When Makoto and Haruko shared a cute phone call where they both saw the moon, Claude DeBussy’s Claire de Lune played. They played the wedding song when Mitsukuni proposed to Haruko. They picked pieces that most people would be familiar with, so that made the scenes even more hilarious or relatable. Plus, we had a co-worker who talked about how she thinks she met her fated one. There were the coincidental meetings between Makoto and Haruko and the boss’s dinner party that led to Makoto bumping into Mitsukuni (the rival). Finally there was that baseball scene with the kids whose surnames were “Akai” and “Ito” and the scoreboard ended up being Makoto’s phone number.
Makoto for the top part and Akai Ito for the bottom – Scoreboard = half of his phone number
Side note: Akai Ito = Red string of fate. It’s an East Asian belief that the Gods tie a red string to two people to string them together. In Japan, they usually believe that the red string is tied to the pinky finger.
Kids looking like . . . biotch plz, we are helping u!!! We did u a favour and played baseball with u!
I also liked the contrast shown between fate and choice, which is definitely a predominant theme throughout this drama. There’s Mitsukuni who is very aggressive and a total go-getter. Then there’s Makoto who is shown again as someone who is very passive and agreeable. Makoto is the one relying mostly on fate, while Mitsukuni carves his own path. Mitsukuni finds it super easy to ask for Haruko’s number. He also proposed to her in this episode; before in high school, he confessed to her and got rejected. Meanwhile, Makoto struggles to even get her number! During a group setting where we have Mitsukuni, Haruko, Mitsue, and himself, he is very quiet and doesn’t really serve the people. Makoto also does a huge roundabout when trying to ask for Haruko’s number. He doesn’t directly tell her; instead, he tells her that he’ll prove to her that they have fate via the baseball scoreboard. If he can get his full number on the scoreboard, then they’re fated to be together. (This is the final moment when he has the courage to actually try to tell her his number. I’ll get to the details about this later.) Before this scene, Makoto definitely had so many missed opportunities. I do like those because they show that it’s not just fate that’s important. You have to make the choice to act on fate.
Mitsukune telling Makoto he’s gonna propose to Haruko. Makoto: P-P-Propose?!
Makoto finally getting the guts to ask Haruko out ~
Other highlights of this episode would be Yamapi God love advice as well as the minor characters’ comedic relief. The co-workers are hilarious! I laughed a lot when they showed up. Yamapi God’s love advice was great too.
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis!
Yamapi God: Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! What are you gonna do? Crisis!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Issue 1: Whether Mitsukuni is one of the worst second lead males
Jubiemon J: Yes! I really, really disliked how Mitsukuni was such a jerk and kept trying to make Makoto look terrible in front of the girls. Okay, I get he is the rival, but he totally doesn’t play fair at all. I haven’t met such an annoying second lead male till now. I usually root for the second lead male; I tend to suffer from the second lead male syndrome. However, this time I’m totally for Makoto. Mitsukuni definitely reminded me of those stereotypical sly Wall Street bankers or those stereotypical sleazy car sales people. Ugh! He purposely suggested that Makoto and Mitsue should date because they shared similar tastes in food. There were just two similarities: they preferred not to dip some meat in sauce and they liked dipping French fries in ketchup. Okay, just because they liked to do that doesn’t mean that they should date! Of course Makoto was completely shocked and said no way. Then Mitsue got all annoyed because she believed he was rude for rejecting her like that. (To be honest, I’m like Makoto, so I get his frustration. He’s a very straightforward guy and isn’t super sensitive to how his reactions would affect other people’s feelings.)
I totally blame Mitsukuni for making the whole atmosphere awkward. If he hadn’t made that “joke”, Makoto wouldn’t have been put in a tough spot. If he said yes or hinted that, then he’d be making a go at Mitsue. However, if he outright denied that, she’d get hurt. There was just no good way to save himself. Mitsukuni . . . sly guy. -0-
I also really didn’t like how Mitsukuni was super aggressive. He only had like one or two outings with Haruko and then he wanted to propose to her. Like what? Sure they’ve known each other since high school, but I really think he was forcing her to accepting him far too quickly. Plus I really hated how Mitsukuni thinks way too much/tries way too hard to get Haruko. That scene where he came out in cosplay as a singer and played a song with his guitar was so cringey and cheesy! Yuck!
The F is this?!?!?! Who does that a restaurant?!?!?! How’d he get his wig too? -0-
Makoto: … (Me too. Me too.)
Okay, so Makoto does try to ask her out too and seems to pop here really often, but I find Makoto’s actions to be reasonable. He hasn’t forced marriage on her. He only wanted to ask her out to dinner.
Even worse, Mitsukuni was a total jerk towards Makoto’s co-workers. They asked Makoto if he wanted to join their dinner party. Sure, they were interested in chilling with some hot co-workers that Mitsukuni was with, but Mitsukuni denied them. Okay, he had like 6-7 girls chilling with him and he seemed very happy about it. How is that being dedicated to Haruko? -0-”
Sleaze ball with his gals =___= . . . loyal my ass.
Makoto’s co-workers: If you want us to kill him, we will gladly do so. LOL!
 Issue 2: Whether Yotsuya Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is correct
Jubiemon J: Mitsue and Haruko started off the episode with a presentation she did for her company. They were researching on what women consider the ideal marriage partner. The two presented this hexagon that showed the six points that are the most important for women when finding the ideal guy: (1) personality; (2) appearance; (3) income; (4) outlook on life; (5) humour; and (6) dependability. Mitsue stressed that because Mitsukuni is above average in all six aspects, he would be the ideal guy for Haruko. Of course, these points seem to be quite reasonable for a marriage partner, but I think Mitsue’s love ideology (hexagon) is flawed in a few ways.
Not everyone would weight each point equally, so even though Mitsukuni would average out to be above average in all areas, there could be a few points where he scores very low. Those low points could be what Haruko really values. Moreover, not everyone would have all of those six points down as what makes their ideal marriage partner. Another point of consideration is as Haruko subtly mentioned: sometimes the points could be too sharp and cause pain. Let’s take “appearance”. Scoring high in appearance could result in the guy having more female pursuers or potentially being too narcissistic.
Although this love hexagon might be kind of flawed, I did like how the writer decided to throw in this other POV towards finding the right marriage partner. I think this balances out the heavy emphasis on “fated love” and also hints that love sometimes might not be as “logical” as some people might make it out to be.
Side note: The kanji for marriage is 結婚. This is the same in Mandarin as well. In Mandarin, when you take the second character, 婚, you will notice that it’s made up of two other words which are woman  (女) and dizziness (昏). To get married, your mind must have been “dizzy” (ie you weren’t thinking that clearly). Love blinds you. If you wanted to take it a step further by combining the woman and dizziness together, you could potentially say that the woman needs to have been blinded by love. I prefer thinking that both partners need to have some sort of irrationality to choose marriage. 
Issue 3: Whether Yamapi God is the best roommate ever
Jubiemon J: Yes! Yamapi God is perfect as a roommate. He gives the best love advice and shows up in the funniest ways like appearing in Makoto’s closet. Yamapi God constantly bitched at Makoto for being too passive, yet when Makoto finally had the courage to ask Haruko out, Yamapi God celebrated the win by drinking beer with Makoto.
Yamapi God: Yellow Card! Why’d you creep her office huh? If you had asked her number, you wouldn’t have need to have done that.
Cheers to asking her out! (So cute these two!)
Yamapi God doesn’t baby Makoto and pushes him to go for love. I think Yamapi God is really motivating Makoto to be less passive in life. Makoto is too easygoing and sort of lets things slide by, so Yamapi God often has to lecture him to “Yolo”. I seriously love how “God” here doesn’t just reward you for nothing. You actually have to work for something to get some reward. He made Makoto memorize 100 classical pieces which would allow Makoto to share a similar hobby as Haruko and to know what was to come. (I’ve talked before about how music was a foreshadowing of what would happen.)
Yamapi God: Happiness isn’t gonna come to someone who doesn’t love music. (Word.)
In addition, Yamapi God also didn’t constantly interfere with Makoto’s actions and wasn’t always all forgiving. Yamapi God would remind Makoto of his last chance to ask Haruko out since Mitsukune was going to propose to Haruko the next day. After Makoto still failed to ask her out the Nth time, Yamapi God got disappointed in him and disappeared for a while. Some tough love here . . . but it was necessary to push Makoto to do something!
Yamapi God: It’s your own fault. You didn’t even get her number nor did you give her yours. Someone like you has no right to be with her!
Yamapi God: Stop giving me this ugly face! You were looking for me all this time. Makoto: Do you even know how I feel right now?!?!? He’s gonna propose to her..
Yamapi God: This is your last chance! Go!
Issue 4: Whether the co-workers give the best comedic relief
Jubiemon J: Gosh the duo can be so annoying, yet so hilarious at the same time! They bothered Makoto about his love life. They bitched at Makoto for not letting them crash at some drinking party when Makoto went out with the “Goddess” ie Mitsue. According to the co-workers, if they were able to ride the elevator with Mitsue then they’d get the best luck for the day. Lol!
Not to mention, I laughed pretty hard when the co-workers were so excited to be able to drink with the other company since Mitsue worked there. The next scene then showed them drinking with the 1 older female boss and their faces were hilarious! Honestly without these two, the humour for this drama wouldn’t be complete, so I’m totally looking forward to what more they have to offer!
Issue 5: Whether it was reasonable for Makoto to take such a long time to ask for her number
Jubiemon J: Kind of. I get that Makoto is a shy type of guy and Haruko has a colder type of personality, the sort that’d outright say “No” to someone. Therefore it does make sense that Makoto would be more hesitant to ask her out. No one wants to be rejected. However, I think I got a bit impatient waiting for him to make a move. I was totally on Yamapi God’s side when he lectured Makoto. Makoto is super lucky that he has fate on his side to remind him to do this or that. If there wasn’t that scoreboard or the kids to ask him to play baseball, I doubt Makoto would have had the courage to ask Haruko out in the end. Plus, the part where he was trying to interrupt Mitsukune asking Makoto to marry him was so pitiful. Makoto was telling her he needed her opinion as to where the water fountain could be installed at this spot at her family’s house!
Even though what he did was cringing, I still liked how he tried his best. I also did like how when Makoto did tell her his number or at least half of it, he did that directly! That was good because he finally was putting in 100% of his efforts.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4. I’ll give you a cookie! (I was getting impatient waiting for Makoto to ask for her number . . . > _ <)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-3 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 3 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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