#the fertility clinic
hazzabeeforlou · 2 years
#I had a bit of an epiphany today#I was watching Only Murders in the Building (great and very gay#I recommend) and Mable was questioning this police detective that she KNEW had been fucking around in illegal shit and framing her#and she spends all this time in a boxing ring with him hurling truth and insults and finally he just turns to her and says#‘no matter how many insults and curses you hurl at me I’m not going to admit to anything. that’s not how this works’#and wow. it just. hit me. I can have all the altered photos#the blurry messy hair fudging the odd shadows the lifted pics from Louis’ childhood photos#none of it will ever matter#the fertility clinic#the dissapearing bump#the wiped social media#none of it will ever matter. they will NEVER admit to it. that’s not how this works#I think me (and lots of us) have been operating under a type of inevitability with these stunts#like if we find enough strings to pull they will all unravel#but that’s not how the world works is it?#the things kept secret will always be so to the general public. I had a friend whose dad worked in government intel and he would tell her#that things are kept from the public for a reason. sometimes this is nepharious obviously#and we’re lucky if a whistleblower notifies us. or a reporter breaks a story like watergate#we only know the stories that come to light and something as stupid and money making as a pop stars tabloid life? I mean look how long#it took to free Brittney.#I guess what I’m saying is. there’s no point countering the narrative or the photo shop or the set up pap walks or the family visits#or the interviews or the Insta stories there’s NEVER going to be a time when a freeze frame that shows the kids real nose#will cause them to be like OMG YOU GOT US HAHA YOU WIN!#it’s just ‘not how this works’#I think this is a saner way of approaching Louis. it’s not a very hopeful way but I’m finding that unfulfilled hope turns to bitterness#eventually#and I want to enjoy him and his music#and stop hoping for the curtain to be pulled back#I’m fairly certain now that it never will be :/
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medcy-ivf · 7 months
Medcy IVF: Your Best Bet for IVF Center Near Me
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Introduction: Are you struggling with infertility and searching for the perfect IVF center near you? Look no further, as Medcy IVF is here to fulfill your dreams of starting a family. With a dedicated team of professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Medcy IVF stands out as the best fertility clinic in town. Let's take a closer look at why Medcy IVF should be your top choice for all your fertility needs.
Conveniently Located: One of the most crucial factors when choosing a fertility clinic is its proximity to your location. Medcy IVF understands the importance of accessibility, which is why their strategically located center ensures easy access for patients seeking the best fertility center near them. With Medcy IVF, the solution to your infertility woes is just a stone's throw away.
Cutting-Edge Technology: At Medcy IVF, their commitment to excellence is evident in their use of advanced technology. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including an embryology laboratory, Medcy IVF is at the forefront of reproductive medicine. By utilizing the latest techniques and equipment, they offer the most effective and efficient fertility treatments, giving you the best chance of success.
Expert Team of Specialists: Medcy IVF boasts a team of experienced and compassionate fertility specialists who are dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams of parenthood. From renowned reproductive endocrinologists to skilled embryologists, their experts work together to tailor personalized treatment plans to suit your specific needs. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, you can trust that you are in capable hands.
Comprehensive Range of Services: As a premier fertility center, Medcy IVF offers a comprehensive range of services to address all aspects of your fertility journey. From initial consultations and diagnostic testing to various fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, and egg freezing, Medcy IVF covers it all. With a holistic approach to reproductive medicine, their aim is to provide you with the highest standard of care and support at every step of the way.
Personalized Care and Support: Medcy IVF understands that fertility treatment can feel overwhelming, both emotionally and physically. Therefore, they prioritize providing personalized care and support throughout your entire journey. Their compassionate staff will be there to answer all your questions, address your concerns, and provide the encouragement you need, ensuring that you never feel alone during this transformative process.
Conclusion: When searching for an IVF center near you, Medcy IVF ticks all the boxes. With their convenient location, cutting-edge technology, expert team of specialists, comprehensive range of services, and personalized care and support, Medcy IVF strives to make your dreams of starting a family come true. Don't let infertility stand in your way – choose Medcy IVF, the best fertility center near you, and take the first step towards parenthood.
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shinobicyrus · 3 months
Obviously, the Alabama Supreme Court actually putting fetal personhood into law is another victory for creeping Christian Authoritarianism and yet another attack on health care, womens' rights, and bodily autonomy....but watching the Republicans flip their shit now that IVF clinics are in danger of closing is hilarious in a "the clown car is on fire" kind of way.
Because of course this was going to happen. Fetal personhood and anti-surrogacy (especially in the context of same-sex parents) has been bouncing around in conservative religious and legal circles (but what's the difference?) for decades, with those pesky liberals warning about it for just as long. Anyone with an inkling of awareness of the issue could have seen it coming.
So the fact that they were caught so off guard is myopic enough. And they're panicking for a very good reason, because yanno who generally goes to IVF clinics?
The people who can afford it.
Certainly the abortion bans in various states were bad, but if you had a lot of disposable income you could just...go to another state. Extremely inconvenient, yes, but not insurmountable. But this?
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Oh my god, now the far-right pro-life politics that you've been cultivating for going on fifty years is now in a position to affect people with money? People that matter? Now you have to try and contend with the very extremist judges you installed that don't have to worry about getting elected and whose decisions are now putting you on the political chopping block?
Join us the in misery you're created for everyone else, assholes.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Big news of the morning, which I first heard on NPR's Up First (2/21/24), but here's a text version from APNews:
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, a decision critics said could have sweeping implications for fertility treatment in the state.
Alabama already outlaws abortion at any point in the pregnancy with no exceptions save for life of the mother, but this goes a step further, and introduces the term "extrauterine children."
Ironically, this came from a lawsuit about destroyed embryos at a fertility clinic, but rather than just ensuring the prospective parents can sue for wrongful death that the embryos were killed (someone broke in, the clinic was not at fault), this law may actually result in mass closures of fertility clinics across Alabama.
Current standards for IVF involve harvesting as many eggs at once as possible, and fertilizing them all to raise the chances of implantation with successive rounds of IVF (in case it doesn't take the first time), and then remaining embryos are frozen for if/when the couple wants their next child, and once the couple decides they're done, the embryos are destroyed to free up space for more clients. The new ruling would force them to keep embryos frozen forever, or be sued for wrongful death, which they can't afford, so many are saying they may close their doors instead.
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A "secure" system can be the most dangerous of all
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Two decades ago, my life changed forever: hearing Bruce Schneier explain that “security” doesn’t exist in the abstract. You can only be secure from some threat. A fire alarm won’t protect you from burglaries. A condom won’t protect you from mass shootings. It seems obvious, but how often do we hear about “security” without any mention of who is being made secure, and from which threat?
Take the US welfare system. It is very “secure” in that it is hedged in by a thicket of red-tape, audits, inspections and onerous procedures. To get food stamps, housing vouchers, or cash aid, you must navigate a Soviet-grade bureaucratic system of Kafkaesque proportions. Indeed, one of the great ironies of the post-Cold War world is that the USA has become a “Utopia Of Rules” (as David Graeber put it), subjecting everyday people to the state-run bureacracies that the USAUSAUSA set endlessly ridiculed the USSR for:
(The right says it wants to “shrink the US government until fits in a bathtub — and then drown it” — but not the whole government. They want unlimited government bloat for that part of the state that is dedicated to tormenting benefits claimants, especially if its functions are managed by a Beltway Bandit profiteer who bills Uncle Sucker up the wazoo for rubber-stamping “DENIED” on every claim.)
The US benefits system has a sophisticated, expensive, fully staffed anti-fraud system — but it’s a highly selective form of anti-fraud. The system is oriented solely to prevent fraud against itself, with no thought to protecting benefits recipients themselves from fraud.
And those recipients — by definition the poorest and most vulnerable among us — are easy pickings for continuous, ghastly, eye-watering acts of fraud. These benefits are distributed via prepaid debit cards — EBT Cards — that lack the basic security measures that every other kind of card has had for years. These are simple magstripe cards, lacking basic chip-and-pin defenses, to say nothing of contactless countermeasures.
That means that fraudsters can — and do — install skimmers in the point-of-sale terminals used by benefits recipients to withdraw their cash benefits, pay for food using SNAP (AKA Food Stamps), and receive other benefits.
It’s impossible to overstate how widespread these skimmers are, and how much money criminals make by stealing from poor people. Writing for Businessweek, Jessica Fu describes the mad scramble benefits recipients go through every month, standing by ATMs at midnight on the night of the first of every month in hopes of withdrawing the cash they use to pay for their rent and utility bills before it is stolen by a crook who captured their card number with a skimmer:
One of Fu’s sources, Lexisnexis Risk Solutions’s Haywood Talcove, describes these EBT cards as having the security of a “glorified hotel room key.” He recounts how US police departments saw a massive explosion in EBT skimming: from 300 complaints in January 2022 to 18,000 in January 2023.
The skimmer rings are extremely well organized. The people who install the skimmers — working in pairs, with one person to distract the cashier while the other quickly installs the skimmer — don’t know who they work for. Neither do the people who use cards cloned from skimmer data to cash out benefits recipients’ accounts. When they are arrested, they refuse to turn on their immediate recruiters, fearing reprisals against their families.
These low-level crooks stroll up to ATMs and feed a succession of cloned cards into them, emptying account after account. Or they swipe cards at grocery checkouts, buying cases of Red Bull and other easily sold grocery products with some victim’s entire SNAP balance.
Some police agencies are pursuing these criminal gangs and trying figure out who’s running them, but the authorities who issue SNAP cards are doing little to nothing to stop the pipeline at their end. Simply upgrading SNAP terminals to chip-and-pin would exponentially raise the cost and complexity that thieves incur.
Indeed, that’s why every other kind of payment card uses these systems. How is it that these systems were upgraded, while SNAP cards remain in mired in 20th century “glorified hotel room key” territory? Well, as our friends on the right never cease to remind us: “incentives matter.”
When your credit card gets cloned, it’s your banks and credit card company that pays for the losses, not you. So the banks demanded (and funded) the upgrade to new anti-fraud measures. By contrast, most states have no system for refunding stolen benefits to skimmers’ victims.
In other words, all of the anti-fraud in the benefits system is devoted to catching benefits cheating — a phenomenon that is so rare as to be almost nonexistent (1.54%), notwithstanding right wingers’ fevered, Reagan-era folktales about “welfare queens”:
Meanwhile, the most widespread and costly form of fraud in the benefits system — fraud perpetrated against benefits recipients — is blithely ignored.
Really, it’s worse than that. In deciding to protect the welfare system rather than welfare recipients, we’ve made it vastly harder for benefits claimants who’ve been victimized by fraudsters to remain fed and sheltered. After all, if we made it simple and straightforward for benefits recipients to re-claim money that was stolen from them, we’d make it that much easier to defraud the system.
“Security” is always and forever a matter of securing some specific thing, against some specific risk. In other words, security reflects values — it reveals whose risk matters, and whose doesn’t. For the American benefits system, risks to the system matter. Risks to people don’t.
It’s not just the welfare system that prioritizes its own risks against the people it exists to serve. Think of the systems used to fight drug abuse in clinical settings.
Medical facilities that use or dispense powerful pain-killers have exquisitely tuned, sophisticated, frequently audited security systems to prevent patients from tricking their doctors or pharmacists into administering extra drugs (especially opioids). “Extra” in this case means “more drugs than are strictly necessary to manage pain.”
The rationale for this is only incidentally medical. Someone who gets a little too much painkiller during a medical procedure or an acute pain episode is not at any particular risk of enduring harm — the risks are minor and easily managed (say, by keeping a patient in bed a little longer while they recover from sedation).
The real agenda here is preventing addiction and abuse by addicted people. There’s a genuine problem with opioid abuse, and that problem does have its origins in overprescription. But — crucially — that overprescription wasn’t the result of wimpy patients insisting on endless painkillers until they enslaved themselves to their pills.
Rather, the opioid epidemic has its origins in the billionaire Sackler crime family, whose Purdue Pharma used scientific fraud, cash incentives, and other deceptive practices to trick, coerce, or bribe doctors into systematically overprescribing their Oxycontin cash cow, even as they laundered their reputation with showy charitable donations:
The Sacklers got to keep their billions — and people undergoing painful medical procedures or living with chronic pain are left holding the bag, subject to tight pain-med controls that forces them to prove — through increasingly stringent systems — that they truly deserve their medicine.
In other words, the beneficiary of the opioid control system is the system itself — not the patients who need opioids.
There’s an extremely disturbing — even nightmarish — example of this in the news: the Yale Fertility Clinic, where hundreds of women endured unimaginably painful egg harvesting procedures with no anaesthesia at all.
These women had complained for years about the pain they suffered, and many had ended up needing emergency care after the fact because of traumatic injuries caused by undergoing the procedure without pain control. But the doctors and nurses at the Yale clinic ignored their screams of pain and their post-operative complaints.
It turned out that an opioid-addicted nurse had been swapping the fentanyl in the drug cabinet for saline, and taking the fentanyl home for her own use.
This made national headlines at the time, and it is the subject of “The Retrievals,” a new New York Times documentary series podcast:
If the pain medication management system was designed to manage pain, then these thefts would have been discovered early on. If the system was designed so that anyone who experienced pain was treated until the pain was under control, the deception would have been uncovered almost immediately.
As Stafford Beer said, “the purpose of any system is what it does.” The pain medication management system was designed to manage pain medication, not pain itself.
The system was designed to be secure from opioid-seeking addicted patients. It was not designed to make patients secure from pain. Its values — our values, as a society — were revealed through its workings.
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: A down-the-barrel view of a massive, battleship-gray artillery piece protruding from the brick battlement of a fortress. From the black depths of the barrel shines a red neon 'EBT' sign.]
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Image: Bjarne Henning Kvaale (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oscarsborg_28cm_Krupp_cannon_4_-_panoramio.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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awesomefringey · 5 months
what's the Sono from a fertility clinic? what happened?
Brianna posted a pic of her sono/ultrasound when pregnant with Freddie that turned out to be from a fertility clinic. It exclusively deals with parents who struggle with pregnancy and provides fertility and surrogacy programs. Their clients are literally on the opposite side of “I’m so fertile I got accidentally pregnant in a one night stand” if you know what I mean.
The printout had a few more flaws. See a post about it here.
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Anyone remember how in Mass Effect 2 it's revealed that Miranda hooks up with rabdom men from dating apps, with the explicit purpose of getting pregnant and never seeing them again?
The Doylist explanation for this is obviously that this is Mass Effect and the writers either didn't know, or didn't think about artificial insermination. Like Miri babe, you can entirely skip paying for tinder gold and just use your exorbitant salary as an unethical scientist/assassin working for the proud boys, to have a livensed professional get you pregnant in the sort of strictly business relationship you're looking for.
However, for a Watsonian explanation, I think it's much more funny to imagine Miranda just has a huge breeding kink she refuses to acknowledge as such; and the reason you never see her drink is because she knows she will start rambling about how every woman secretly desires to spend her whole life pregnant and make everyone uncomfortable.
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Alex Bollinger at LGBTQ Nation:
A Democratic super PAC is targeting Republicans over potential IVF restrictions, which started earlier this year when the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that state laws protecting “unborn children” also apply to those “located outside of a biological uterus.” IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a process where several fertilized embryos are created outside the uterus and then implanted in order to help a person get pregnant. The process uses multiple embryos to increase the chances of resulting in a pregnancy, and extra embryos can be frozen and sometimes destroyed. Many same-sex couples use the procedure to help build their families.
Some conservatives oppose IVF because of the destruction of embryos, and the Alabama Supreme Court cited the Bible in its ruling, which resulted in several clinics in the state stopping their IVF procedures. The Progress Action Fund launched a new ad called “Republicans Stealing Your Baby” last week, which shows a straight white couple with a baby who they refer to as their “IVF miracle.” Then, an old white Republican lawmaker appears and takes the baby away. “Sorry, she’s not yours anymore,” he says. “I’m your Republican congressman. We made IVF illegal, and we’re not letting you criminals raise her.”  “You can’t do this, she’s our baby!” the mother says. “I won the last election, so it’s my decision,” the Republican responds. “If you want a baby, you have to make one the old-fashioned way, and I’ll be watching.”
This ad from Democratic-affiliated Super PAC Progress Action Fund targeting the GOP’s war on IVF is so spot-on.
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neotaissong · 3 months
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Via babywatsu, time, verso books blog and mahmoudbassam8
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whovianderson · 9 months
Small Potatoes reaction: MSR edition
“Scully, should we be picking out china patterns or what? THEY’RE SOOOO MARRIED
Not-Mulder: we never really talk much
Scully: what, like really talk? No, no we don’t
Not-Mulder: what’s stopping us?
They’re finally acknowledging it! Ohhhh this is going to have a lasting impact on their relationship, because Scully is realising that she DOES want to trust him with that side of things now that she’s been given the opportunity…
“I’m seeing a whole new side of you Mulder, I like it” on the surface, that hurts, because it’s obviously not him she’s seeing. But to be honest, I think Blundt is just channeling what he’s observed that the real Mulder wishes he could be.
God, they could barely look at each other in the next scene…
“Treat yourself, god knows I would if I were you” MULDER LISTEN UP
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dailybehbeh · 3 months
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medcy-ivf · 7 months
Medcy IVF: Delivering Hope and Success at the Best Fertility Hospital in Visakhapatnam
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In today's fast-paced world, infertility has become an increasingly prevalent issue that affects many couples worldwide. Fortunately, assisted reproductive technologies, such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), have revolutionized the field of fertility treatment, offering hope to countless individuals longing to have a child. Among the myriad of fertility hospitals in Visakhapatnam, one name stands out for its exceptional services and outstanding success rates – Medcy IVF. Located in the heart of the city, Medcy IVF has firmly established itself as the leading fertility center, offering compassionate care and cutting-edge treatments. Let's explore why they are the best fertility hospital in Visakhapatnam.
Range of Services and Expertise:
With an aim to provide comprehensive assistance to couples struggling with infertility, Medcy IVF offers a wide range of fertility treatments tailored to individual needs. From basic infertility evaluation to advanced IVF, IUI, ICSI, fertility preservation, and even surrogacy, they employ the latest techniques and technologies to increase the chances of successful conception. Backed by a team of highly qualified and experienced fertility specialists, Medcy IVF ensures that patients receive personalized attention and receive the most appropriate treatment options for their unique circumstances.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
Medcy IVF boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced laboratory facilities that adhere to international standards. Equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic capabilities, the fertility hospital conducts thorough and accurate evaluations to identify the underlying causes of infertility. Additionally, Medcy IVF's embryo transfer procedure is performed in a dedicated IVF laboratory, implementing stringent quality control measures, resulting in optimal treatment outcomes.
Emphasis on Patient Care and Support:
At Medcy IVF, patient care and support are prioritized at every step of the fertility treatment journey. The dedicated team of fertility specialists, nurses, counselors, and embryologists offers compassionate care, ensuring that patients receive emotional and psychological support throughout their treatment. This nurturing environment helps alleviate stress and anxiety, cultivating a positive atmosphere for patients to embark on their fertility treatment with hope and confidence.
Success Rates:
One of the most crucial deciding factors when choosing a fertility hospital is their success rates. Medcy IVF takes pride in delivering impressive success rates, which are a testament to their expertise and commitment to excellence. Here, success is measured not just in terms of successful pregnancies but also in terms of delivering healthy babies into the arms of joyous parents. The high success rates garnered by Medcy IVF are a result of their integrated approach, individualized care, and top-notch treatment protocols.
When it comes to choosing the best fertility hospital in Visakhapatnam, Medcy IVF stands above the rest. Their wide range of services, state-of-the-art infrastructure, patient-centric care, and exceptional success rates set them apart. Whether you're looking for an IVF center near you or seeking comprehensive fertility treatment, Medcy IVF should be your preferred destination. Visit their fertility center and experience the hope, warmth, and success that await you.
Keywords: best fertility hospitals in Visakhapatnam, IVF center near me, IVF center, fertility clinic near me, fertility center near me, the fertility clinic, fertility center, near me IVF center, IVF near me, best IVF center near
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xannerz · 4 months
ofc its alabama and why are you quoting the bible in a decision
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darreinhardt · 5 days
Advertising Rental Mommy Services
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Fem!Darren leaning back seductively wearing only a black T-shirt that reads “RENTAL MOMMY” in grey/white letters. They’re in a white hallway with wood flooring; a white door, presumably to an exam room; and a pink and blue bird maternity-themed abstract poster.
Fem!Darren at the fertility clinic she works at as a surrogate and showing off the services they both offer. Xe likes to, just, walk around the clinic during check-in/up days, showing all their maternally parental curves (best to do it naked or, like here, near-naked). This has led not just to an increased clientele, but a few maiesiophiliac awakenings and some bi/pan awakenings as well (sometimes both at the same time).
Happy Maternity!
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muggymakers · 4 months
@mayorsprada @reign-factors @bbwnssbbwonly
If Nor-Cal is busy with the National guard that means Mexico is breaking down the wall with China at the border to start the war. Now that is food for Golden thought.
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dearly · 2 months
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