#the dubois family
endlessly-cursed · 8 months
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oc intro #2: geena of alderly, neé greenaway
Born of Nadine Greenaway and an unknow man, she had always been worthy of the Greenaway name: intelligent, talented in many ways, academically gifted and adventurous, following into her mother's footsteps as an freelance adventurer.
One of those adventures were uncovering a centuries-old cult, in whichs she infiltrated with her mother when she was just fifteen, and they were stoked to have a Greenaway within them. But things got out of hand, and one rogue member kidnapped her and tried to offer her as an offering to an old god, but during the fight, she fell onto unknown chemicals. The next thing she knew before seeing dark was that she bled alongside the chemicals and fire.
Those chemicals and the fire were the reason of her new self: she had been reborn a new woman. And immortal, no less. Having read many tales from her great-uncle, she believed what Ezra Greenaway once saw. She met during a ball the handsome and charismatic Henrik of Alderly, second son of the infamous Duke-Prince of Alderly.
They both married thinking that they wouldn't be blessed with children due to Geena's condition... Until, a year later after their marriage, she was blessed with a child in her womb. She consulted her old great-uncle, and indeed, she was the only one in her kind... Both immortal and able to have children of her own. She was blessed with two children: Jonathan and Adaline of Alderly. As her husband aged and she remained as she was still sixteen, she forced herself to fake her death by a car crash and moved on to call herself Sonja Brigham, in time to attend her grandson's wedding to Ophelie Dubois. In 1998, she became a leading figure to the Phoenix Resistance. The next year, she was blessed a granddaughter, Naila, who'd take down the organised cult that made her the way she is. During those times, she becomes a famed alchemist.
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joeswackyadventure · 9 months
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interpret this how you want
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thetisming · 2 months
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im obsessed with these. where did Romeo go. why was Romeo there. why does Romeo look so fucking scared in the second one. what the fuck is Lance doing. why do they get so serious. did Romeo die.
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capnsaveahoe · 13 days
TO S1/E11 Hayley/Elijah thoughts:
Not Hayley betraying Elijah’s trust by divulging everything he had written about Celeste in his journals to Sophie so she could find her remains and complete the harvest. 😒 And then, she has the audacity to ask Elijah if he’s forgiven her yet instead of asking for forgiveness. 🙄
Like, girl, you went through this man’s personal thoughts, sold out one of his secrets to someone you know you shouldn’t trust, and you still think you have the right to ask him if he’s forgiven you? 🤦🏻‍♀️ She needs to be slapped 6 ways to Sunday. 👋
She also has the balls to say that she thought they were just bones. 💀 Who would write about random bones being buried somewhere in their journal and have it not mean something? 🧐
Then she brings it home by saying that she knows what a promise means to him, but obliterates everything about that meaning by stating that he made it 200 years ago, and that he should get over it. 🤯 “Because she lives in the now. If she feels something, she acts. If she wants something, she takes it.” 🙃 This girl really has zero home training. 🫠
And, before anyone starts, this has nothing to do with shipping. It has everything to do with the fact that she is in the wrong and she betrayed the trust of an individual that has helped her time and time again. 🛑 Rant over. 👋
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incorrectandjuliet · 2 months
Juliet: Guess what
Francois: What
Juliet: No you have to guess
Francois: I don't know?
Juliet: Dad is in the hospital
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jadedtraitsims · 1 year
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Nova and her friends had a bonfire party at the bluffs for the first day of winter!
Whilst the others were (stupidly) paddling in the freezing water, Nova and Seb were able to chat by themselves. During the conversation he asked her if she would go to the winter dance with him to which she said yes, obviously.
The night ended with everyone around the bonfire, and Pierre trying to impress the girls by doing trick slides??
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senditcolton · 2 years
Prompt #7 with PLD?
ah PLD, the man i can never let go of. this prompt might be a little cliche but do you know why cliches become cliches? because they work!
Love doesn't have to be something that we hide behind the scenes.
“I think we should tell them.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, your voice quiet but assured. “To be honest, I’m kind of surprised we managed to keep it a secret for this long.”
“Well, to be fair, we didn’t really plan for this to happen.”
“I know, Luc. I was there when it started,” you tease and your heart trills at the sound of Pierre’s laughter coming from the adjoining bathroom of the hotel suite you found yourself in.
How did you get here? Well, it was a long story.
How you came to be staying in the same hotel as the Winnipeg Jets was an easy answer. Right before the season started, you got a job as a part of the Jets the athletic training staff and soon, you found yourself as part of the travelling team, an honor that you hadn’t expected to receive in your first year. So, technically speaking, you were supposed to be in this hotel with the rest of the players and staff. However, your assigned room was actually a floor below.
That lead to the story how you came to find yourself nestled in the bed sheets behind the hotel room belonging to one Pierre-Luc Dubois.
As previously mentioned, you didn’t plan on this happening. At first, Pierre was just another co-worker. An insanely attractive co-worker who maybe sometimes flirted with you in the hallways to be sure but that was all. You certainly weren’t expecting him to become something more than that, a brief infatuation that you would get over eventually and things would return to business as usual. The rational part of your brain also told you that it was impossible for you and him to become something more. You’ll be the first to admit that you had only skimmed the employee code of conduct but you were pretty sure there was a section that said no fraternizing with the players.
And you never planned to.
Not until one night in Tampa when Victor Hedman laid a particularly messy hit on Pierre, a hit that caused his legs to tangle underneath him and had him ushered off the ice to the training room where he sat as you checked to see what the damage was. And when you and Rob confirmed that it was serious enough for Pierre to not return to the game, you stayed with him in the recovery room, icing and taping his knee to make him feel as best he could.
You could confidently say those 30 minutes or so of you and him just sitting together talking was the turning point in your relationship. And shortly after, you found yourself falling into an easy romance that you now couldn’t imagine your life without.
The two of you knew that being together wasn’t the smartest plan, that it could easily cost you your job. But you managed to keep it under wraps for almost four months and no one was the wiser.
However, you knew you had to come clean at some point. And that’s what lead to this conversation in a hotel room.
Pierre emerges from the bathroom, his pullover and sweatpants covering his frame as he walks back over to you still in bed.
“Are you sure you want to?”
“I wouldn’t say I want to. I like what we have right now, I like being in this nice little bubble of just you and me. But I think it would just make things easier, less complicated.”
“I could kiss you in hallways instead of having to wait until we were alone,” Pierre adds and you laugh at his light teasing.
“If I keep my job,” you say, trying to keep your voice light but having to voice the harsh possibility.
“Oh, right,” Luc sighs, his eyes ducking down. You reach out for his hand, taking in his palm in yours as you intertwine your fingers.
“Hey, that’s the worst-case possibility,” you rationalize, trying to dissuade your fears as much as his own. “I could also stay in my current position, or I can’t travel with you guys, or I get fired at the end of the season instead of immediately so we’d still get about another month of this. We really know until we reveal… this.”
Luc chuckles at your stuttered sentences, his hand tightening around yours.
“If it does go badly, which I hope it won’t considering the fact that this has been going on for months and I’d like to think I’ve remained professional, I’ll just be like a normal hockey partner. Like everyone else,” you laugh and Pierre smiles at you.
“You could never be like everyone else,” Pierre says with a soft smile and you can’t stop the heat from flooding your cheeks. “But I think you’re right. I think it’s time we tell everyone.”
“Maybe not everyone,” you laugh. “Maybe, let’s start with my boss. I can talk to Rob on the plane today and we’ll go from there.”
“So, I still can’t tell the boys?”
“Not yet. Depending on what Rob and the rest of my bosses say slash decide, we can talk about telling the boys.”
“That works for me,” Pierre accepts, lifting himself up off the mattress and using the hand clasped in yours to pull you up from the sheets. You can’t help the giggle that falls from your lips and you and Luc fall back into the easy intimacy that had defined your relationship. The two of you finish getting dressed, Pierre’s bag packed and the two of you are causally talking as you step out of the hotel room, so caught up in the conversation that you don’t notice Mark Scheifele stepping out of his own hotel room directly across the hall at the same time.
You notice Mark first, your words pausing and eyes widening as you watch him take the scene before him; you and Pierre stepping out of the room, one of Luc’s shirts falling from your shoulders.
“Oh my god,” he says and the pleading look that you plaster onto your face is a millisecond too slow because before you knew it, Mark’s voice was carrying down the hallway, followed shortly by the sound of other doors being opened and more hoots and hollers joining in the noise.
“This is who you’ve been seeing, Luc?”
“Yo, Lowry you owe me 20 bucks.”
“I knew it the whole time. You two weren’t being subtle at all.”
These sentences and more surrounded you as you felt the entire teams’ eyes on the two of you, the heat that you felt in your cheeks earlier now multiplied by a hundred. But soon the embarrassment turned into contentment as the boys came up to you, hugging you and you felt like you were being welcomed to the team once again. And somehow, having the boys know before anyone else made you feel better about the prospect of telling your bosses. Because now you had an entire team backing you; a family that you would now always be a part of regardless of what happened.
Eventually, you feel Pierre’s hands on your waist, pulling your attention from the few bodies still lingering in the hallway to him. And when you connect your eyes to his, you see a matching smile stretched across his face.
“Well, that didn’t go as planned.”
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agena87 · 1 year
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After leaving Kiyoshi in the alley, Alfie went to Tabitha's who promptly called Marie, when she saw the state he was in.
Marie: What happened?
Tabitha: He broke up with Kiyoshi.
M: Oh, honey. Are you alright? What did he do, this time?
T: Yeah, I'd like to know why I'll have to blow him up into atoms.
Alfie: It was my fault.
T: Umph, I doubt that.
A: I cheated on him. So yeah, my fault.
M: OK. You cheated, but I'm sure that's not all. Did he... hurt you?
Marie sits with her nephew and girlfriend on the ground, and pets Alfie's hair.
A: ... No. Not really. He beat up Wolfie bad, though.
T: Wol... You slept with Wolfgang?! Man, I can see why Kiyoshi was pissed, you couldn't choose someone worse in his book. But well done!
M: Tabitha! Not helping.
T: Sorry. What I meant is: was it good? I bet it was good.
M: (sighs) Tabi...
T: OK, I shut up. But was it?
M: (ignoring her girlfriend) Alfie. I know it's hard, but you did the right thing. Leaving him, I mean. Not cheat. Though, good for you and Wolfie. You have been turning around each other for way too long.
A: We... We're not together. I told him I didn't want to see him again. I didn't intend for it to happen; and I don't wanna lead him on. And I love Ki. (starts sobbing) I love him so much.
T: He's a wanker! And don't tell me to shut up, Riri, you know he is. You know how he is with Alfie. And he still follows me everywhere on campus like a lost puppy any chance he gets. He's the last person that should be jealous.
A: But he never cheated. I'm the prick who did.
M: Honey... You know that your relationship was toxic, right? You did good leaving him, even if it's hard.
A: He has problems, but he means well. God... What did I do? Why did I left him? I love him.
T: And he doesn't love you.
A: He does.
M: No, Tabi's right. He loves the idea of you. Of not being alone. Of being able to control you.
A: He's not that bad. (takes his phone out, looks at his screen background) Look how happy we were. I should call him. Tell him that I regret everything, that I didn't mean it. We should go back together.
T: You do that, and I turn him into a worm, then squash him.
A: (tentative laugh) You won't because Grandma would kill you for using magic. You know she hates that.
T: I'm an adult, I can kill anyone I want, using any method I want, including magic.
M: I'm preeetty sure you can't kill people. Nor should. Ever.
T: I can if they are arseholes that treat my nephew like shite. But, yeah, I should wait until I left home before using magic freely.
A: Or you could just, you know, not kill my boyf... my ex. (cries some more)
T: Just turn him into a worm, or a very gross spider, then?
Alfie smiles sadly at his aunt stupid obsession with turning people into various creepers.
A: No. Just leave him alone. Like I said, I'm the one at fault.
M: Stop that, Alfie. You're not responsible - not entirely. OK, you shouldn't have slept with Wolfgang, but Kiyoshi has been treated you like shit for a long time. And were you the one to ask him to beat up Wolfgang?
A: Of course not!
M: Exactly. So how is it your fault? You did good to leave. I know you hurt right now, but it's for the best.
A: Doesn't feel like it.
M: It never does. But as time passes, you'll see that it really is. And you're not even 20 yet; you'll find love again. And this time it'll be a healthy relationship. I promise you. Because I might be against killing Kiyoshi, but the next man who hurt you, I might not let go as easily.
T: Look at, you, Riri! Threatening people! I'm so proud of you.
A: Will I really be alright?
M: Yes, honey, you'll be. Just give it time.
Alfie looks once more at his phone, teary-eyed.
A: We really did look happy.
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dramaticbackstory · 7 months
Is the novel worth reading if there isn’t a family tree at the front that gives you a little pause since you know something’s not quite right there, but you can’t put your finger on it?
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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hp families + their female version
somerset ; dubois ; durand ; arcano ; brokenshire ; alderly ; doherty ; cairncross ; pendleton ; hexley ; battersea ; malinda ; greenaway ; hopper ;
tagging the owners of each family; @cursed-herbalist @kathrynalicemc @cursebreakerfarrier @gaygryffindorgal @hphmmatthewluther @kc-and-co @the-al-chemist @unfortunate-arrow @potionboy3 @thatravenpuffwitch
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ivyandink · 2 years
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No one took Francis very seriously, naturally, as he was the youngest of the DuBois children. It didn’t matter how much he teased or taunted or tried to get a rise out of his older siblings– they’d look at him and smile fondly and carry on with their day.
Francis didn’t know it yet, but for better or for worse, he would always be the baby of the family.
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thetisming · 24 days
the thing that some people dont seem to understand about Lance is that he IS actually trying his best. it doesn't seem like that because quite frankly his best isnt very good, but he really does just want the best for Francois, and to him 'the best' is him being safe and having a normal life
he wants him to get married because he doesnt have a choice in sending him to the army, and already 3 of his sons have gone and he doesnt want to lose another one. yes, he was in the army, but who knows if he really had a choice in that? most likely he was shipped off, just like his sons, but heres the thing:
Lance got married, and he still had to join the army. by giving his sons the option of marriage instead, hes already giving them more of a choice than he had, and also the most choice he can give them. it's also most likely that Lance didn't choose who he was marrying, she was just chosen for him, but his sons get to pick out someone. once again, more of a choice than he got
he really does want the best for Francois, even if he doesn't really show it at the start of the play (well, he does, actually, but people seem to ignore that) he loves him, hes his son! he wants him to be safe! and being married to a woman would mean he would be safe, it would mean he wouldn't have to join the army and he wouldn't get hate crimed or anything!
Lance really is trying so hard, and he doesnt always show it in a way that's easy for people to understand, but hes a widowed father of 4! which would be so difficult! and Francois is the only one who hasnt left yet, and he just wants to be a good dad, he really does, and i love him and i want people to understand him better and care about him more
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resha04 · 8 months
No matter how many times I rewatched How to Train Your Dragon (1 & 2), it never fails to fill me with warmth and give me chills at the same time
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neotattooart · 1 year
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Game Room San Francisco Example of a mid-sized trendy game room design with a tv stand
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jadedtraitsims · 1 year
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Before prom photoshoot.
I was going to take a photo of them all together as like a class photo but it just didn't want to work. So instead there's a picture of the cheer team and the football team together :)
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