#the disappearance of butterflies
horsesarecreatures · 1 year
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Book review: The Disappearance of Butterflies by Josef H. Reichholf
The cover of this book is a bit misleading, as it focuses on European butterflies and doesn't go into any detail about Monarchs, but I liked it. The author Josef Reichholf is a German entomologist that has been studying butterflies since the 1950s, and he knows what he’s talking about. The first part of the book examines the unique adaptations and habits of many species he’s studied, from aquatic moths to ermines to Six-spot Burnets. The latter part of the book details the primary causes of Lepidoptera population decline, and what needs to be done to reverse it. In his view, the largest contributor to the decline is overfertilization in agriculture followed by pesticide use, not urban sprawl or climate change. His studies actually show that cities can be sanctuaries for many species compared to the countryside due to it’s more structured layout than today’s modern farms and the comparatively low use of fertilizers and pesticides there. 
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one wish that leads to another wish that leads to another wish that leads to another w
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platycryptus · 4 months
Eumaeus atala
(Florida, 11/11/23)
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 months
Hey look guys
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phantommermaidqueen · 2 months
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I had to do my most favorite Destiel piece in all of existence by the amazing @werepires !
I always have to stop and stare at it for a while when I stumble across it.
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sweetreichel · 1 year
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In that moment, he saw what she meant by lonely. And he thought that maybe, like the different sides of the same coin, they could belong together.
Back with the giyushino agenda! This time fueled by Buriko (@demonslayedher)'s Low-Key Marriage AU.
As I've said before, I imagine they got to know each other at the Butterfly Mansion. Kanae had a hunch about them; Giyuu always followed Shinobu with his eyes (because he liked how vocal she was) and Shinobu was slightly different around him too (she was subconsciously attracted to him). Kanae talked to Giyuu, and many of those times she talked about Shinobu, so even if he wasn't that close to her (he was a Pillar already), he felt like he knew her a little.
Shinobu saw Kanae and Sanemi by accident one day when they were being affectionate with each other. Kanae always talked about how precious it was living life beside a loved one, but Shinobu never realized it could be a reality for people like them. Kanae's last wish for her was that she married and lived a happy life.
After Kanae passed away, Giyuu noticed Shinobu's drastic change in behaviour and deep inside him he thought Kanae wouldn't want her to change her ways, but he thought he didn't have the right to judge what the sisters would feel.
When Shinobu, as young master of the Butterfly Mansion but not yet a Pillar, approached him with this proposal, he thought she must have been the one feeling lonely and agreed in reaction. Shinobu had been playing with the idea in her mind; she wanted to honor her sister's wishes but at the same time she thought it was useless, so she convinced herself that she was picking Giyuu because he'd never agree to it (although subconsciously he was the only one she considered thoroughly).
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She just realized what he said and he just realized the implications.
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newwavesylviaplath · 13 days
my favourite lyrics from each lana del rey album: norman fucking rockwell!
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ajolteontrash · 9 months
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"I'll injure misery."
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meltyjellyfwish · 9 months
niigo es
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Does your AU have a renet
Because I’m kinda thinking ronin was the first time she met the turtle
So like when she met him and the others while they were younger she just stared at Mikey for a while trying to figure out who the others were and why Mikey wasn’t covered in scars
She does! That's a neat idea! In the AU it wasn't like that though!
Renet used to be good friends of the turtles, but she disappeared from their lives completely some time around before the peace treaty.
The brothers actually had no idea why she went absolutely awol but Mikey reassured them it was alright and they didn't ask again. After all, the time apprentice didn't exist by their concept of time and used to come and go, sometimes not visiting them for Long periods of time.
Renet actually had a talk with Mikey before disappearing completely from their lives and Mikey wouldn't understand why until later, when everything started going to hell.
She told him that she was sorry and that there was nothing she could do to change the future. That it had to continue it's course.
Mikey didn't get it at the time.
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kuroshika · 11 months
“i can feed the caterpillar, i can whisper through the chrysalis, but when it hatches, it follows its own nature and that is beyond me” okay so i need to see every single analysis that compares this line to how hannibal guides will into his becoming (“feeding” his encephalitis and his more twisted thoughts, speaking through the curtains to appeal to the darker parts of him) and how will has always instinctually known what fate laid ahead of him
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pie-bean · 1 year
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Where are you going, butterfly? 🦋
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julietslvr · 1 month
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this is how you’ll find me in my bed after school
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lolasimms · 1 year
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My favourite album, my favourite era 🤍
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quirkle2 · 1 month
Does zombie mob have fangs? When he's cured would still have them? Also how strong is zombie mob compared to human mob?
i like to pronounce fangs in my art bc it's fun and i think it looks cool but zombie mob doesn't actually have bigger or sharper canines than humans do. it's the Bite that's dangerous, not the sharp teeth, and that's not just because a zombie bite can turn you*
zombie mob is Very strong! ritsu first discovered this when trying to gently (and then with more oomph) push him down onto blankets to get him to sleep and it was basically impossible to even budge him, no matter how much strength behind it he applied—if mob doesn't wanna lie down, He Simply Won't <3
ritsu was reminded of this later, during the incident where tome was swarmed and mob defended her. during the fight mob had grabbed one of the zombie's heads and slammed it into the wall of a nearby trailer and the dent it made,,, let's just say that was Not caused by human levels of strength.
*after that ^ fight, ritsu came to the realization that zombie jaw strength is Wicked. they can bite down on metal and bend it if they wish—if they wanted to break bone with a bite, they could do so. mob was Incredibly lucky he got away with as few wounds as he did during that quarrel; the ones in his arm are Bone Deep and if that same level of strength had been applied to his neck, it woulda ended everything in a snap
important to note that bc he's prolly one of the healthiest zombies out there, that also means he's not as shaky as the others from starvation—zombie mob could potentially have a lot of strength underneath that docile nature, more than most zombies could muster up
luckily, ritsu has never been on the receiving end of mob's new abilities, but that also means he's largely in the dark about what he's capable of. mob never rly uses his strength outside of fights, and when ritsu tries to get him to lift something heavy, mob just kinda stares at him and then gets distracted by a bee. it's very hard to utilize any advantages his brother may give him in surviving, and ritsu doesn't wanna treat him like some servant, so he largely forgets about his strength until it's used in very dangerous close calls
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I know the other new characters aside from Topaz might fade into the background on this blog, but I genuinely love Jing Liu's and Guinaifen/Guinevere's Design so much
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I mean... LOOK AT THEM!!
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