#the delivery of sarcasm is chef's kiss
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Greer Garson 𝑎𝑠 𝑬𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒉 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒕 | Pride and Prejudice 1940
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jerzwriter · 8 months
what is their humour like?
can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
who is the first person they'd call?
For Tobais and Casey and for Trystan and Carolina.
Hi Kyra, Thank you for the questions!
What is their humor like:
Tobias & Casey: Tobias and Casey are both total wise asses. If I'm being honest, Tobias totally wins the crown in this category, but honestly, Casey is right at his heels; she's just more subtle about it than he is. Neither of them misses a thing, and they will happily torture and tease their friends and those who are not their friends. lol This leads to epic bantering - and they do it with/to each other too. Tobias & his mother do this all the time, and it's legendary - and it's a skill passed on to their children. They both try to find levity in life, and this is just one way they do it.
Trystan & Carolina: Oh, man. Trystan is just... Trystan. His observations, quips, and sarcasm are just *chef's kiss*. Sometimes, he's not even trying to be funny, but he is. Part of his "humor" comes with a little air of arrogance (because of his upbringing), and it makes it even funnier in delivery. Carolina, on the other hand, is more of a deadpan humor. She tends to be a little more serious, but she is always catching everything - just the faces she gives her friends when she sees/hears something ridiculous will have them laughing. Carolina can be very funny, but when she TRIES to be funny, it usually falls flat lol
Can they fall in love? What does it look like? Does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
Tobias & Casey: For the longest time, Casey fell in love way too easily, and Tobias fought it with all his heart and almost never surrendered. This was true of romantic relationships, friendships, and even with family. Each of them has deep-seated reasons from their pasts that made them this way. One of the reasons they worked so well together was their ability to let their walls down in this regard with one another. While Tobias loved other partners in his past, he was never truly "in love" until he was with Casey, and this is largely because of the work he did on himself as a result of circumstances surrounding their early days together. Since they're monogamous, there is no more "falling in love" in a romantic sense after they're together. But They are both pretty receptive to welcoming friends into their lives, though Casey is much more trusting (often to her detriment) than Tobis.
Trystan & Carolina: I honestly see Trystan as the more romantic of the two. While "in love" was a tall order for him after what happened with Juliana, mostly because he didn't feel worthy of love, we all know his flirtation game was on point, and many saw that as a "romantic" trait. In reality, it was quite the opposite and a bit of a protective mechanism. Carolina was a kind person, but she fought love. She was too hurt and promised to never let her heart be shattered the way it was after her father's murder, so while she had friends and people she cared deeply for, she had very high walls. Romantically, I don't think her past partners ever elevated to the level of "love" because she prohibited herself from going there. Trystan's persistence, but also his intense loyalty to her, helped wear down her defenses. But when she fell in love with him, it felt like going home.
Who is the first person they'd call?
Tobias & Casey: Nine out of ten times, it would be each other. They're absolutely the first person they want to call when something wonderful or something terrible happens.
Trystan & Carolina: Honestly, it's the same for them. Both of these pairings are the real deal - they're friends, in addition to being lovers - they communicate well and really care about the other's needs, and trust is 100%, so it makes sense that the first person they'd call, is their partner.
Thank you for the asks! :)
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So episode 9 ripped me to shreds...let's unpack this rollercoaster...
First off, YiDiao Nation how are we doing? Bc I'm 50% dying and 50% living like...can Nat just fight in every show he so good??? I am rooting so hard for Diao this whole show and the way he conveys his anger, disappointment, worry, anxieties, sarcasm is just ?!?! *chefs kiss* 😤
I was screaming at the top of my lungs for the entire dinner scene like YES KING TEAR THIS MF APPART🤪
On a lil side note...how we feel about Diao's parents? Bc currently I'm so on the fence about it... also does this mean Diao DOES remember this "terrible thing" that happened? I need answers just like Diao needs em from Yi. The kitchen scene was short with little dialogue but it conveyed so much Nat's body language for Diao is absolutely spit on and is a different Diao from the start of the series (yes character progression) and Max's delivery of Max stuttering was the cherry on top. The dog scene had me confused like, Yi you think getting him a dog is gonna fix all your problems??? But maybe itvhas smth to do with this accident from the preview, well have to see...
On to KueaLian...listen...what the fuck. It was 90% the absolute cutes most wholesome shit I've even witnessed. I was so happy parts 1-2 and I was like "I'm sure noting could possibly happen even if its ep9" (*note absolute sarcasm) and of course it happend...*sigh*... But I'll get to that, first:
They have me in a choke hold - they chemistry is insane both in physical displays and just plain old romantic/platonic shit. The way Zee delivers Lian's bomb ass love confessions left and right just absolutely sell the idea that Lian absolutely adores Kuea through and through and shit this man is smooth AF I was squealing like a mF through out all their scenes their so fuckibg cute immmmm- 😭😭😭
The bath scene was so adorable and made me tear up with the discussion...too real man. 🤧😭
Side note Foei is amazing and Poppy breathes so much life into his chacter with legit just his facial expressions, I can't help but smile every time hes on screen. King shit👑
And then it all crashes down into a million pieces by something that's been foreshoadown for like the past 3 episodes; this whole thing with the lands and owner ships of Kuea's family fortune? (I dont think I understand it that well tbh)
Now on the one hand, I'm pissed that this happened bc Lian had been set up to do the proper thing and explain all of this to Kuea, bc there is no way in gay hell this wasn't done for him IMPOSSIBLE and then they said - "oops no he finds the papers" just on Lian's desk???"
Your telling me this man has hidden the fact he has low key high key stalked Kuea and all that jazz and he just leaves for smth tells Kuea to go to his office and leaves those there??? Mf are u stupid???
This is all gonna be a misunderstanding™ and I honest to god hate those bc its all just frustrating as hell...bc it even looks like his mom is aware of all this jumbo like...*bangs head against wall* 😫
On the other hand, by very little I'll add, this might be some good Kuea development in both bad and good. By the preview hes going to jump assumptions and think that Lian is using him for his money or some shit like that, which feeds into is insecurities yes very on brand and he's then gonna realize that he hurt Lian's feeling by thinking he would do such a thing or smth they kiss happy ending (can you tell I'm dreading his whole thing)💀💀💀
BUT I've decided to remain optimistic about it, 1) bc I'm invested anywyad but mainly 2) bc I'm hoping this gets resolved as quickly as the whole Kilen drama (relatively)
Please for the love of gay Jesus I just want them to be in a happy loving healthy communicating relationship is that too much to ask?? I already gotta deal with YiDiao's messy family drama 😭
Finishing off on a lighter note...SynNuer y'all Y E S ALL OF IT YESS. While their whole scene was short I'm really happy it was there. The whole football bit was hilarious gotta love the 3 lil Shit™ energy so fun and annoying in the best way possible. Nuer is a friend now and it seems both him and later on Syn realise shit is up with Kuea - straight up communicating through their gazes just AH they are so AH (Syn looking at shirtless Nuer okay👀👀👀) they just have such nice energy around then as a pairing I'm hoping they get some development even if were nearing the end...partially BC imma need a pallet cleanser if I gotta deal with YiDiao and KueaLian's shit next episode god dam...
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simuran · 3 years
What did you tought about SaB? If you finished it ofc 👀
I finished it, and I loved it! Some spoilers ahead
First of all, I never finished the original trilogy, only the first book of it, so I was a bit skeptical about the main plot. But the actors were so good I became invested! Especially Alina - ah, she was so lively, so cute, so sincere, I couldn’t help but to fall in love with her a little! I’m really looking forward to seeing her again. I esp liked her speech to the Darkling at the end of the season, the one he answered to with “Made me your villain”. She was so passionate yet articulate! Amazing actress, she brought life to the character.
Actually at this point I’m glad I didn’t read the second and the third books, because I felt like knowing the plot kind of spoiled the watching for me.
The Crows!!! The Dregs!!! My babies!!! I loved every second of their screen time up until Alina fled from them (it was a bit OOC for Kaz to have no back up plan, but I’m willing to let it slide). After that their plot line felt a bit irrelevant, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Their introductory scenes were just... *chef’s kiss*. Pure perfection. And the train adventure? The library heist? The lynx flush? Yes, yes, and yes. My favourite part of the show.
I have conflicting emotions about Nina and Mattias’ plot line, but that’s because I have very tender feelings for Nina, and everything short of perfection would be slightly disappointing. The delivery of some lines felt off (esp “I’m beguiling you”. I imagined there was more sarcasm there). Still, I enjoyed it.
Leaving the characters aside, the show was beautifully done. I’ve already downloaded the soundtrack, because it was such a bop (esp the parts for the Crows). The costumes were just gorgeous! Especially Inej’s. And the little details like Inej’s knives and Kaz’s watch had such a pleasant design.
To sour this a little, I felt like some scenes didn’t have enough of the emotion fallout (I hope it’s the right English word sksks). Like Mal loosing his friends or Inej’s first kill - the acting in the scene itself was amazing, but in later episodes it just... didn’t feel really relevant? Idk, I think it would be better if the Inferni twin said something to Inej along the lines of “What did he even do to you? Or did he just get in the way?”, so that Inej had to struggle with her conscience some more. I want more onscreen angst about the hardships the characters face! I want to feel how they are trying to come to terms with it! But oh well. Maybe it would be too dark.
In conclusion, the show was not perfect but great nonetheless! I hope we’ll get the second season soon.
Thanks for the ask, love 💕💕💕💕💕
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winged-fool · 4 years
If You Can’t Handle the Heat (Get Out of the Kitchen)
The completion of my  Restaurant AU from yesterday:
The kitchen is already in motion by the time Michael steps into it for his shift. Rosa, the commis chef, is dicing vegetables at a methodically quick pace. Kyle, the line cook, is busy sorting the cuts of meat by quality while Liz, the pastry chef, is making fondant flowers for the restaurant’s dessert. Only the bartender, Maria, is still, though only just, swaying on her feet to some silent song while she counts the bottles of wine.
Directing it all from the center of the kitchen is Alex, the sous chef. He’s barking out orders to his staff while furiously whisking at something, a sauce Michael thinks with a wince. Alex looks up and sees Michael just standing there. “About damn time, Guerin. I’m here doing your job for you,” he yells across the kitchen with a glare. Michael puts his hands up in surrender and walks over to his station.
“I just need to talk to Arturo real quick and then I’ll take over,” Michael says apologetically.
“Fine, make it quick,” Alex shoots back and hasn’t even looked up from his bowl of sauce.
Arturo is the head chef, but since Alex was promoted to sous, he’s been more hands off, preferring to manage the finances of the restaurant and leave the kitchen tasks to Alex. Michael knocks briefly on the office door and opens it when he hears Arturo call out to come in. They talk briefly, it’s more emotional than Michael expected and he’s sniffling by the time Arturo pats him on the shoulder and tells him to let Alex know before the end of the day.
Michael thinks it’s better to just rip it off like a band-aid so heads back into the kitchen and bumps Alex’s waist with his own. “Jesus fuck, Guerin!” Alex snaps, “You could have made me spill this.”
Michael rolls his eyes, Alex is such a control freak when he’s in chef mode. “You got a second?”
“Obviously not.”
“Please, real quick?” Michael pleads.
Alex sighs dramatically, “Fine. Rosa?” Her head pops around the corner to their station, “Can you take over stirring this sauce until Guerin’s back at his station?”
“You got it, boss,” Rosa says with double thumbs up and slides into place.
They head out to the alley and Alex leans back on the wall with his arms crossed. “What’s so important that made you late and had to talk to me and Arturo?”
Michael stalls by playing with the lapels of Alex’s white chef coat, it’s still white but it won’t be for long. “You look nice today.”
Alex relaxes against Michael and uncrosses his arms to smooth back Michael’s curls. “That’s what you called me out here for?” Alex teases, already nicer now that he’s out in the sun.
“I never need an excuse to compliment you,” Michael smiles then continues, “I bet that sauce is going to be much better since I didn’t touch it.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re a great chef,” Alex smiles back and it’s the statement and Alex’s smile that makes Michael’s stomach knot up.
“Well that’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about…” he starts.
“Hmm?” Alex hums encouragingly, twisting a curl around his finger.
“I, uh, just gave Arturo my two weeks’ notice.” Michael blurts out.
“What?” Alex’s hand falls away from Michael and he’s looking at him like he doesn’t understand.
“You know this was never it for me. I don’t like cooking like you do and I don’t have the knack for it like everyone else in there.” Alex looks more and more closed off as Michael keeps talking.
“But what about us?” Alex asks a quiet voice.
“Hey, just because I’m quitting doesn’t mean I’m breaking up with you.”
“No, Michael.” Alex starts, a glimmer of hurt in his eyes. “But when will we see each other? I practically live here and Arturo is going to retire soon and then I’ll be head chef. This restaurant is my life.”
Michael feels tears welling up, “So that’s just it then?”
Alex shrugs and won’t meet Michael’s eye. “I don’t know, Michael.”
Suddenly Kyle is sticking his head out, “Hey guys, restaurant opens in 15, Arturo wants to have a pre-shift meeting now.”
“We’ll be right there, Kyle,” Alex calls and pushes off from the wall to follow him back into the restaurant.
Michael grabs Alex’s elbow, “Can we talk about this more later?”
Alex shakes his head, “When?”
He leaves Michael alone, a few tears fall and he angrily wipes them away. His stomach feels like a pit as he follows Alex back in, reality hitting harder than he thought it would.
* * * 
Alex gives Michael the cold shoulder the rest of the shift and even holds the grudge until the next night too. Everyone in the kitchen picks up on Alex’s more-than-usual sour mood and they all shoot Michael poisonous looks for being responsible for it. Michael ignores them and keeps his head down, taking his anger out on the different sauces he has to make. By the time 9:00 pm rolls around, there’s a bit of a lull in the kitchen so Michael goes out to the alley to get some fresh air.
“What did you do to Alex?” Rosa calls from her corner in the alley, waving around a lit joint. Michael stuffs his hands in his pocket and goes to lean on the wall next to her.
“Why does everyone think I have something to do with it?” He plucks the joint from her and takes a quick hit.
“Oh come on, Guerin. You two go out to talk yesterday and then he’s been in a piss-poor mood ever since.” Rosa snatches the joint back from him and holds it away from him.
“Alex is always in a piss-poor mood,” he mutters, kicking his shoe through the dirt in the alley.
“Don’t be cute,” she warns, pointing the joint at him. “Spill.”
He shrugs, “I told him I was quitting so he decided to break up with me. Said we won’t have time to see each other outside of the restaurant.”
“Well...He’s not wrong,” she muses, “I mean besides when we all go out once a month together and you two spend the whole time making out, when do you see each other outside of the restaurant?”
“We crash at each other’s places all the time.” Michael starts.
“From when you’re both closing,” Rosa interrupts.
“We grab breakfast together.”
“When you’re both opening.”
“We go on dates.” Rosa gives him a look. “We do! Well once...when we were both scheduled off.”
“Oh baby,” Rosa sighs sympathetically. 
“I didn’t think it would be like this. I thought he would try to make it work.” Michael confides quietly. “Plus my new job will have more regular hours so we could just hang out whenever he’s off.”
“Does he know that?”
“No, he got all pouty and went inside before I could tell him about the new job,” Michael replies, annoyed.
“That makes sense, you’re both shit at communicating. Just talk to him, you know he gets in his own head sometimes and assumes the worst. Maybe he thinks this is your way of letting him down easy.” Rosa suggests, puffing out a plume of smoke in Michael’s direction. She takes pity on him and lets him take another hit before shooing him back into the kitchen.
* * *
Michael comes in for shift an hour early so he can catch Alex to talk to him. It’s been a week since he gave his notice and he only has another week before this ends and Alex still hasn’t wanted to talk. Rosa is already there, inspecting their delivery of vegetables and fish. She looks up and waves him over, “Hola wey, what are you doing here so early?”
“Trying to get Alex to talk,” Michael replies.
“You haven’t talked yet?” Rosa asks, surprised. They both look over to where Alex is talking to Arturo going over the daily specials. He looks more relaxed and he’s been in a better mood the past few days. “Because you’re definitely still fucking.”
He shrugs, “Don’t really need to talk for that.”
“Ay Dios mio, estos pinche idiotas,” she mutters. “Go!” 
“He’s busy,” Michael protests. Rosa shoots him a withering glare. “Okay, fine, fine.” He stalks over to where Alex and Arturo are still talking and doing inventory. “Hey Alex, do you have a minute?”
He doesn’t even look up from what he’s doing. “No. I’m busy.” Arturo gives Michael a sympathetic smile.
“Alex,” he practically whines.
Alex doesn’t respond and Arturo chuckles lightly, “Come on, mijo, put the poor boy out of his misery. You can spare a minute.” Alex whips his head up and gives Arturo a look of utter betrayal. “Andale, I can only spare you for a bit,” Arturo all but pushes them out of the kitchen.
When they’re out on the alley, Alex crosses his arms and glares at Michael. He groans, “Come on, man, I only have a week left here. This can’t be how it ends.” Alex clenches his jaw and looks away. “I love you, Alex. I love your passion in the kitchen, I love your stupid stubborn ass, I love your snark and sarcasm. I don’t want to lose you, this, us.”
Alex relaxes minutely with every declaration of Michael’s love. “I love you too Michael.”
“Then what’s the problem?” Michael throws his hands up.
He rubs his hands up and down his arms for a moment before answering, “I just always thought we’d open a restaurant together. Write a cookbook or something. I didn’t know you hated this.”
Michael’s face softens and he pulls Alex into a reluctant hug. “That was your dream, Alex,” he starts and Alex sniffles. “My dream is just to be with you.”
Alex wiggles a bit in Michael’s hold. “I’m worried that when you leave, you’ll realize you don’t like me either.”
“Impossible. I like you a lot,” Michael pulls back and smooths down Alex’s hair then cradles his face. “You’re going to open that restaurant, write your cookbooks, and I’m going to get fat tasting all your delicious food.” Alex laughs softly. “Okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees, smiling.
“We’re going to be okay when I leave, better even.”
“Promise?” Alex asks.
“Always,” Michael replies and pulls Alex into a deep kiss. They pull away and rest their foreheads on each other’s, eyes closed, breathing the other in. They stay like that until Rosa calls them back into the kitchen.
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sakumosowainthirst · 5 years
What's the shipping dynamic behind claudeleth? :3 I'm trying to study their characters
Sorry to answer this so late; life’s been a mess lately, but isn’t it for everyone?
The thing I like the most about Claudleth is that it’s clear they mutually respect each other, more than with the other lords, imo.  Even before the timeskip, Claude respects Byleth and acknowledges their power.  Though he starts out wanting to use that power to achieve his goals (which isn’t even as insidious as some people make it out to be, as you find out later), by the time the skip happens, it’s clear he sees Byleth as an equal and a dear ally.  I kind of feel like, even when not shipping them, the overall plot gives a lot of subtle hints that at the very least, Claude loves Byleth, sort of how Robin canonically loves Chrom, even if they marry other people.  Not-shipping them, it would probably develop into a familial/platonic love, and they’d be very close post-war.  It’s clear even outside of his support line that Claude trusts Byleth with his deepest secrets.  When shipping them, his A rank in particular is Claude sharing his dreams with Byleth, stating he wants to build a new world together with them.  It’s a very soft and honestly hella-romantic support.  I remember saying out loud during that scene, “None of this sounds platonic, Claude.”  It legitimately sounded like a proposal, won’t lie, lmao.  In the actual proposal, I give mad props to Joe Zieja in the English dub, because there is so much nuance in his delivery.  It’s soft, tender, and caring, but also bittersweet and melancholy.  It makes the scene really powerful and poignant.  Joe’s performance throughout the game is superb, tbh.  There’s a slight shift in how Claude speaks to everyone versus how he speaks to Byleth in private, particularly during postskip.  With others, he has this aloof but commanding, “anime hero,” voice, but alone with Byleth, he speaks in softer tones.  There’s a subtlety you wouldn’t really get if you were just reading the lines versus hearing them acted out, and it really highlights how Claude trusts Byleth damn-near completely, which, considering one of Claude’s biggest flaws is he’s very guarded and slow to trust, is saying a lot.  It’s just...*chef kiss* sublime.
I have other thoughts, but they’re kind of spoilery for Claude and for their endcard, so I’ll just say that their ending feels very satisfying.  Some people are a little disappointed it doesn’t specifically state they married, but I maintain the endcard as it’s described is peak romance, at least imo.  You can absolutely infer there is marriage and peace through their hard work in their future.
Personality wise, they are very much, “Type A Sunshine Chaos Energy Personality/Type B Reserved Quiet Energy Personality,” which is a balance I adore in and out of Fire Emblem ships.  I feel like Byleth’s personality blossoms in different ways depending on the route, and with Claude and the Golden Deer, I think Byleth would become more upbeat in general.  With Claude as an influence, I think they’d smile more and learn to fire back at Claude’s quips with their own sass/snark.  Much more laughter and learned sarcasm than the other routes.  Claude even states in a line at tea pretty lategame that Byleth has become more expressive lately, and one of the good options is to blush. xD  Also, I think there’s a small touch of, “moronsexual,” energy there, because Claude is absolutely an intelligent dumbass in my mind, lol.
So ye, sorry to write this huge synopsis, but that’s kind of how I see them as a pairing.  :3
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avoryareinn · 7 years
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Title: Courage of Love
Genre: Short Story
Have you ever wonder of having a love story that is much alike on Romeo and Juliet? How about the Titanic? Of course except on the fact about the sinking ship. Have you realized how they fought for their love on each other? It lead them to death, except for Rose because she was saved. And yeah, maybe now… no one would ever do that anymore. That kind of courage. Some people might say how stupid for you to fight for an impossible love story but who cares? You want it that way. You want it to win, you want victory because you believe that what you are fighting for is worth winning.
That’s how they define their love story, when Ms. Rude Rich Girl meets Mr. Poor Humble Guy. Their attitude are much more different from one another, obviously because Amyra is the only daughter of her father who owns a casino and almost had their savings account full in five different banks. How about Shaun? Well he was just a son of the eldest chef in their town and now he gets to be a delivery boy who always do part-time jobs just to help his sick father with their restaurant.
Amyra and Shaun met each other during a traffic jam, since Shaun needs to be in hurry he catches vacant spaces in front of other vehicles. Because of this, he accidentally hit Amyra’s car and they had clashed in the middle of the road. The impact between the two vehicles made Shaun mad because he was using a scooter only.
“Oh my gosh. What the hell is wrong with you?!” Amyra was so mad that she could speech right on that moment. She was still inside the car and blaming Shaun for being so irresponsible on the road.
“I’m not the one to blame for. Look on the green lights, you should have moved your freakin’ car!”
“This is obviously your fault!”
“You know what, you shouldn’t have been driving alone because you’re an idiot on the road” he kicked back. The other cars behind started to horn them to get out of the road, so Amyra went out of her car and took out her money.
“Forget that this happened. Go fix your bike and never show yourself anymore if there are still problems.” she threw the money on his face and went back inside the car. Shaun knock on her window from the other side, so she opened it.
“Thank you but I don’t need it. I might be poor but I don’t need money from arrogant rich people. Good day, miss” he pulled out his scooter out of the road as Amyra ignores him and drove her car away. She was riding on a Ferrari that was hit by a scooter of a poor delivery boy who doesn’t know what money could do. Poor creature.
The story of difference went on between the opposite lovers until one day, Shaun’s father passed away and the title of being a chef was passed on him. He doesn’t know that his father used to be the executive chef of Amyra’s family before. He was invited to cook for Amyra’s family on the coming engagement party with one of the sons of her father’s bestfriend and financial partner. Amyra disliked this kind of arrangement mostly if it was more of business purposes, she thought her father was selling her.
So she decided to run away, escape, and leave their house during dinner. She used the chef’s kitchen and was surprised to see Shaun spending his time alone since the food preparation was over.
“You again?” she asked him. Shaun looked at her and took the ladle that was used for getting soup.
“How are you not dead?”
“Why would I die?”
“Because your personality was so awful” he answered. Amyra scoffed, thinking that as if he was a nice guy.
“What’s so funny about that?”
“Why are you here?”
“I’m the boss’s daughter. That makes me as your madam boss too” she said. Shaun put down the ladle and cleaned up his hands with the towel on his apron.
“Then what are you doing here in the kitchen? Do you want something else to eat?”
“Can I trust you?” Shaun was surprised to hear that. But why not she can’t trust him?
“Yeah sure.”
“My father’s arranging an engagement party for me. He wanted me to marry the son of his business partner, but I don’t want to.”
“Oh that is so bad.” he teased. Amyra frowns at him in disappointment.
“That’s not what I need to hear!”
“Okay then what? I don’t know what to give you as an advice…”
“Just… tell me what should-”
“Lady Amyra? Where are you?” Her father’s guards are looking for her. And for sure the engagement will proceed as soon they finds her. Amyra looked on Shaun with a begging eyes, he sees from her that she really doesn’t want this.
“Come with me.” Shaun held her hands and they ran away out of the kitchen’s back door. They started to run away going to the open field of her family’s vacant lot. As they ran further, it started to rain and so Amyra pulled Shaun instead as they reach a small cabin in the middle of the area.
“Okay now I’m soaking wet.” Shaun complained.
“That was a really bad idea. I’ll get sick now.”
“What do you mean? Aren’t you healthy? You’re a chef.”
“It doesn’t mean that if I’m a chef, I’ll get healthier than the normal people. My family has a history of tubercolosis and that’s how my father died.” he explained. He took off his chef attire and took off his wet shirt, revealing his fit body with two pack abs. Amyra wasn’t interested on what she saw but she was attracted in this kind of man. They stayed inside the cabin, seating on the opposite corner of the house. There’s no fireplace to light up and warm them, also the rain wasn’t stopping yet.
Shaun was looking up on the ceiling while Amyra was left bowed down on both of her knees. She’s freezing already and her clothes are wet too. She looked on Shaun as she called him, “Hey.”
“What’s wrong?” he looked at her. She gasped in coldness and so Shaun made the move going to her. He was hesitant at first, but what else can they do so she won’t be freezing?
“I know this is not the right thing, but I need you to cooperate.” Amyra looked at him, she was shaking because of the coldness.
“I need to do a body contact with you so that you will be warm.”
“What the hell? Are guys always like this pervert?” she complain. He was surprised on what she have said.
“Hey excuse me, I’m not pervert. I just don’t want you to die here. I’m not really onto this type of act.”
“Well, think of anything else!”
“It’s cold to think of other else. Why don’t you do it?”
“I’m…freezing. Just do anything else, don’t touch any part of my body!” she yelled but for his ears, he was just hearing her normal voice.
“Fine. I’m gonna dry off my clothes as you blow some air on it, how’s that sound?” he asked with sarcasm. Amyra got mad and ignores him.
“I shouldn’t have asked you to help me. I didn’t know that this would be your stupid idea…”
“You’re welcome!” They were quiet for some time, ignoring each other. Beyond Shaun’s search inside the cabin he found a long cloth, must be a blanket. He took it and showed it to Amyra.
“I found your bestfriend” Amyra looked at him as he went closer to her and wraps her up with the blanket he found. He make sure that she would be warmed up in no time.
“We’ll just wait for the rain to stop.” Shaun went back to the other side of the wall, seats on the corner opposite to Amyra.
“They must be looking for me until now. I really don’t want to marry a guy which I don’t love.” she said.
“Yeah. You’re thinking right.”
“Anyway, I don’t know you yet.”
“I’m Shaun. And you are Amyra.”
“How did you know my name?” she asked. “You stalked me in the internet? Well I’m famous and being stalked by a lot of handsome guys, except for you.” Shaun was left out speechless. She is worse.
“Why aren’t you talking?”
“Okay. I just can’t believe on what you have said.”
“Why? You don’t admit it?”
“Yes I don’t. Because I’m not interested on rich people, plus I heard your name when your father’s bodyguard was calling for you earlier.” Shaun responds. Amyra was speechless too, what she said was just so shameful.
“Well, if you don’t like me… I don’t like you too.”
“Yeah. Now it’s fair enough.” Silence came in the cabin again. But Amyra was bothered when she stares on Shaun. He looked so different from the other guys she met, Shaun was like… a humble and simple man who fights with a girl using rude talks.
“What are you looking at?” he bothered her daydreaming time. Amyra came back to her senses and looked away. Shaun was just staring at her while smirking.
“Have you been in loved?” Amyra asked him, out of bounds. He smiled and looked away too.
“I thought about that too. How about you?”
“I don’t know what it feels to be in love so I don’t know how to determine it among my feelings.” Shaun gave her a final stare and stood up on his place going towards her. Amyra saw him as she got surprised when Shaun bowed down and kissed her on her lips. The time felt like it stopped, even the coldness she felt was gone. It changed onto a warm feeling and she felt butterflies on her stomach. She thought, is that the kind of feeling she kept on questioning? After the unpredictable kiss, they stare at each other.
“Now how’s that feel?”
“Pervert.” the only words Amyra have said. She was blanked and it made Shaun smirk at her. He knows that she liked it because it was new. It was the first. Since that time, the two became so close with each other. They even treated each other as bestfriends and Shaun gets to stay as Amyra’s family’s personal chef. They often meet each other on the cabin and get to tell some stories about the happenings in their lives.
Amyra waited inside the cabin until Shaun arrives. She gave him a hug that made him shocked.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I just missed you. I can’t talk to anyone else.”
“Wait I don’t understand.” he pulls her off of him. They looked at each other, Amyra was tearing up.
“Hey talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“The engagement was still on. I talked about it with father but he insisted and says that the son was interested on me and on the company too.”
“Your father’s using you as a bait.”
“I don’t want to live like this.”
“What else you want to do?” he asked. “I don’t know. I can’t leave this place because for sure father will be looking for me, no matter where I go.” she continued on crying. Now he knows his purpose for being there beside Amyra. He hugged her again as a comfort.
“Please stay with me…” she whispers. It’s really a miracle when you saw a cat and dog became bestfriends, or was it really just bestfriends? The cabin’s door suddenly opened and they were surprised to see Amyra’s father.
“So that’s what it was all about?”
“Sir, let me explain. It’s not what you think-”
The guards pulled off Shaun away from Amyra.
“No. Please don’t hurt him, father!”
“And you Amyra. You’re such a disgrace to this family. He’s the reason why you don’t want to get married?!”
“Yes! Yes he is. I love him and I don’t love the guy you wanted for me!” Amyra received the painful slap from his father. It made Shaun mad and wanted to protect her but he can’t.
“Starting today, this man is fired! Take him away from this place”
“No. I need him father. Don’t take him away from me, he’s the only person who understands me!”
“I won’t tolerate your ignorance anymore young lady!” her father pulled her out of the cabin and brought her back to the mansion while Shaun was dragged out of the area. The two struggle hard to save each other but it’s just the two of them. The odds are against them. One evening, there was another party in the mansion and it was a pool party.
Some of Amyra’s friends went to party with her same as the friends of Amyra’s fiancé which she don’t even love. She stayed alone on the pool but her fiancé disturbs her.
“Want me to cheer you up babe?” Amyra ignores her fiancé and walks away but he pulled her back and started to kiss her everywhere. She struggle on stopping him until she had slapped him really hard. The guy stopped and looked at her, seeing Amyra’s reaction who already had enough.
“You know what? The other girls are much more better than you. Because I could taste them whenever I want. They’re much more bitch than you. You’re useless!”
He left Amyra crying alone. Finally, it has ended and now she could have her freedom. She went on the pool and thought of Shaun, about what she really felt for him before they had separated.
“So was it true?” Amyra was surprised to hear a familiar voice. She saw Shaun who was on the pool, pretending to be a cleaner boy. He went closer to her and Amyra was still shocked.
“What you have said, what you told your father… do you love me?” he repeated.
“Why do I still need to confirm it? You said that you dislike me.”
“You said that you don’t like me too, but you changed it. Why can’t I change mine?” Amyra continued on crying silently.
“Fool. You believe on what I said?” she lied. “I pity you.”
“You’re the one who’s a fool. Because you got caught on the kiss I gave you.”
“Your kiss sucks. You’re not the best one I had.” she insulted. Shaun suddenly pulled her down on the pool and kissed her again, passionately. After the kiss, they stared each other deeply.
“Still not the best one?” Amyra was left out speechless as Shaun embraced her. The splash of the water made the others go out to see what happened and they saw what is happening between Shaun and Amyra.
“You son of a bitch. How did you get in here?! Guards!” the guards respond immediately, but Shaun and Amyra went on the other side. They started running away, wet from being soaked on the pool. The stupid guards were so careful of not touching Amyra violently and that’s their weakness though.
The couple ran away going to where the cabin is headed. They ran further until they reached the forest, the guards are too many even Amyra’s father was chasing them. Reaching the depth of the forest, they got lost and reached a dead end which was a waterfall. Shaun looked at Amyra and she was crying already.
“I know this is late to say but I love you too.”
“I know. I know… I feel it.” she continued crying. “I just wanted to be with you. That’s all.”
“Me too. You’ll be the first and last woman I’ll ever love. Remember that.”
“If ever they get to separate us with each other again, please never ever forget me. Because I won’t be forgetting that I had loved someone like you.” They kissed each other again. The unforgettable kiss they could ever have.
“There’s nowhere to go, Amyra. Leave him.”
They stopped and looked on the people chasing them.
“Why can’t you accept us to be like this? We love each other.” she cried on her father. He was a heartless man, he became numb after his beloved woman left them.
“That man doesn’t love you.”
“Yes he does. You’re the one who doesn’t love me! Because if you really did loved me, you will give me what would make me happy!” she cried.
“You don’t know anything about love, father!” Her father got impatient and took one of the guns from the guards and decided to shoot her but Shaun went over to cover her. Amyra hurriedly catches her beloved man as she embraced him. She cries again, it was a grieving one.
“No… no… no… Shaun. Don’t leave me, no please.”
“I’m sorry. I failed to save you, to protect you.”
“No. Shh…shh…”
“Take my…hand.” Shaun holds her hand as he looked down on the waterfall. She sensed what Shaun was thinking, so she held his hands tighter.
“I’m ready…”
“Together…” Shaun hugged Amyra tightly as her father took another shot on Shaun’s back and they fall through the waterfall of eternity. The last thing they did together shows how the courage of love affects people that truly loves each other.
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