#the brain is having thoughts ™
nade2308 · 1 year
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This scene always murders me. Because you can tell Lane has rattled Ethan to his core. And Ethan is doing his best not to freak out in front of Walker, because Walker can't know about what happened with Lane. Which further proves my theory that something really happened.
Fallout, man. That movie is the best way to get me to ramble.
@thethistlegirl @malewifebillcage
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lacebird · 2 months
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN in The Last Man (2019)
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kevyeen · 4 months
"Who drew the first blood?" You're not asking the right question babes it's not about who made the first move it's about who made the last. It's about how neither have truly moved on.
It's about how Nico talks about Lewis and can smile about their memories because he hasn't moved on from their childhood friendship he cradles their fragile love in his heart and reaches out, willing to forgive and forget (already has) and more than ready to mend burnt bridges.
It's about how Lewis still hurts and hurts and hurts and never forgets never quite forgives, still can't say Nico's name. Can't bear to talk about their time as teammates, because he too cradles a part of their history in his heart but it's not the sweets Nico bought for him nor the ice cream they ate together (neither of which Lewis eats anymore because he's vegan now which good for him but point). It's the hurt, the pain, the heartbreak. It's the broken trust and it's Nico leaving him Formula one.
Lewis remembers their broken friendship, Nico remembers the friendship itself.
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aterfish · 2 months
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"Dissect me ’til my blood runs down into the drain My bitter heart is pumping oil into my veins I’m nothing but a tin man, don’t feel any pain I don’t feel any pain, I don’t feel any pain"
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daysofnights · 7 months
smth smth sirius fucking james when he comes home after a night with a girl
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parttime-creative · 3 months
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Not much missing anymore...
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
me and ifearimlosingtheroom talked abt it but god what if. What If. courtmanda vs arangela in summer games but they also share a room during the filming of it. -baflegacy
hsfshfhkdvmdhacvbb, oh, fantastic concept, u both are onto something fantastic. For a second i was like. wait two rooms or everyone crammed into one room. And then i saw the light and the light said both would be good in different ways actually. They have full days of exhausting high energy competition where they work with each other or against each other and fight and celebrate and commiserate and then. they go back. and share a room. and maybe a bed oops. AND THEN. who knows. Where they're tired! or contemplative! or still bleeding off energy! or riled up and not wanting to talk about it. or exhausted. and cuddly. or triumphant and still on an adrenaline high they do something rash..... 👀🧐
Also specifics wise like. imagine Courtney Amanda accidentally flirting a bit TOO hard over the course of the day? Angela and Arasha getting wildly in sync/in the zone with each other as they compete and maybe not being able to/wanting to snap out of it at the end of the day? OR. Competition gets too fierce between teams during the day and Amangela/Courtrasha need to. Hm. Make amends? Smooth the tension? Relieve the tension? Hash things out? Maybe people feeling odd about how well other parties work together? opportunities are endless.
(god 4 people in this dynamic is just so good logistics wise. you can get 2 people having Obvious Tension or Emotions or etc and the other two are either trapped IN THAT SAME ROOM or they get kicked out of their own rooms and have to go to the other, or they're scheming to lock the other two together. etc. or everyone is a fucking disaster collectively. also a great option.)
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c4tto626 · 3 months
okay i've had dinner, i made my tea, it's dark outside and i'm cozy in bed. time to sit my ass down and finish this smut scene 🙏
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
currently rotating s2 in my head like a fork in a microwave
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le-scenariste · 1 year
Thinking about the Yin Yang trilogy in Psych. A show that was a comedy. I mean yeah it was also a crime/drama but it was predominantly a comedy. Like B99.
But of all the storylines and subplots and arcs within the show, (tbf I only got up to s7 but still) the Yin Yang trilogy was fuckin WILD. Like...yeah sure B99 has some intense stories. Show Me Going and Moo Moo (?) or whatever had me on edge. And then those ones with Jake in prison and then in witness protection cuz of whoever.
But the Yin Yang trilogy was a whole ass psychological thriller. Well the first two at least. But still, the show is predominantly a comedy and you Can get serious storylines in comedy. But that's a whole other level. The closest thing I can think of for B99 is The Box.
The Yin Yang trilogy had me on the edge of my seat tho holy shit. And when Shawn tells Gus that him making jokes is how he's dealing with such a stressful situation. Because people's actual lives are on the line if Shawn can't beat Mr Yang. And we find out the final target is his mother. And then in Mr Yang Presents, Shawn is forced to save only one of two people. And ofc you can't be in two places at once.
But seriously, you watch any other episode and they're mostly comedy light-hearted fun. Ofc there's the episodes after Juliette finds out the truth about Shawn which adds some drama and tension. But overall it's nothing on how fuckin intense the Yin Yang trilogy was. AND IT'S A COMEDY.
It's a comedy that did a psychological thriller story really fuckin well too. Like...I'm not sure what I would've expected had I know what I'd be in for when I was first watching it. But my god did those episodes go hard. For me the first two were more memorable but still. They didn't Need that ongoing plot but they did it. And they executed it so goddamn well.
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thelionheartedo3 · 8 months
squinting at my wip list while I am beat over the head with the desire to relate twc to camelot (the musical)
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
Peace Treaty
"Dip me."
Heroine took a step to the right and dipped her partner. Despite the abrupt demand, she managed to time it just right so that it didn't look too out of place among the other dancers.
When Villainess came back up, she had a sinister smirk on her face. "Oh, he's so suspicious." She laughed quietly to herself as Heroine spun her again.
On the other side of the dance floor, Villain and Hero weren't having nearly as easy a time.
"This Hero-Villain dance is bullshit." Slicked back hair and a nice suit did nothing to mask Villain's vulgarity. "Who taught you how to dance? Do you even know what you're doing?" He sneered as Hero fumbled his footing for the third time in the last five minutes. His dance partner gave him a sheepish smile.
Villain turned his glare on the girls dancing, effortless, across the room. "I know she's scheming. She better not ruin my date," he grumbled.
Hero gazed at him, curious. "Date?"
Villain grimaced, realizing he'd spoken aloud. He kept his next thoughts silent.
"Who's 'she'?" Hero pressed. "Villainess?" He turned to look, earning a sharp smack on the arm from Villain.
"Don't be so obvious!" he hissed.
Despite Villain's warning, Hero locked eyes with Heroine, who merely smiled and spun her partner, leaving her back to him. He'd only gotten a glimpse of Villainess's expression, but they both seemed happy enough dancing with one another.
A small frown tugged at Hero's lips. Villain hated that stupid kicked puppy look. He didn't believe for one second that Hero wasn't aware he was making it.
"Does she have to be up to something?" Hero asked.
"It's Villainess! Of course she's up to something!" Villain snapped. "You should know this. She's your nemesis."
"Is she? I thought we traded." He'd only been fighting Villainess on and off for about a month before the treaty was drawn up. They were familiar enough to know some of the other's tricks, but Hero hadn't gotten a good read on her yet.
Villain rolled his eyes hard enough to hurt. "We've only traded partners for the dance, moron." He scoffed and turned his head away so he didn't have to look at his partner's stupid face. "Why did I get the dull one?" Of all the heroes in this blasted city to get paired with...
Hero frowned even more. "Hey...that was uncalled for."
Villain shouldn't have looked back. He knew he shouldn't have. They danced in silence until the end of the song, at which point Villain dropped his hands from Hero's shoulders, gloved fingers fiddling with the cufflinks on his sleeve.
"You're right." His face contorted as if saying those words caused him physical pain. He cleared his throat in preparation for the worst. "I'm...sorry."
Hero stared at him until Villain regained enough composure to shoot him a hard glare. "What?" he finally snapped.
"Are you okay?"
"Are you okay?" Hero repeated. In his defense, it was a rather unprecedented moment. Villain was well-known for a lot of things and being unapologetic was only second to crude language. (Hero honestly didn't mind. Villain definitely seemed more bark than bite, though he wouldn't dare say that to his enemy's face.) An apology as sincere as the one he'd just gotten was the last thing Hero - or anyone else for that matter - would have expected to come out of his mouth.
Villain worked his jaw with a look in his eyes that Hero could only describe as murderous intent. Light chatter filled the air as the musicians took a short break.
Villain pivoted on his heel, heading straight for Heroine and Villainess.
"You-" Villain jabbed his forefinger into Heroine's chest, "-need to take your idiot back."
Villainess slapped the offending finger away and ran a hand over the fabric of Heroine's dress as if to remove any taint from her colleague's offensive gesture. "Hands off," she warned. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she took the brunt of Villain's stare.
Villain rolled his eyes and declared, "This dance is over. We're leaving."
Villainess raised her eyebrows in an exaggerated show of disbelief. "Already? Was he that bad?"
Villain glowered at her just as Hero finally caught up. He'd taken his time, not wanting to anger the villain further by following too closely.
Villainess sighed. "Well...I suppose we've stayed our welcome." In far too natural a fashion, she turned to her date and kissed her on the cheek. Heroine stood frozen in shock, eyes wide and jaw slack.
Without acknowledging Heroine's reaction, Villainess blew a kiss at Hero. "I'll see you on Monday, hm? I've got the perfect plan cooked up for you." Her smile was content as she calmly followed after Villain, who was already picking his way through the crowd to leave the hall.
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If you were to (theoretically) read a (theoretical) fic about Patricia Thornton, (in theory) would you prefer her name to be (theoretically) spelled "Patti," "Pati," or "Patty"? (all in theory of course, just a completely random poll that has nothing to do with my current wip)
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y'all got outlived by the queer coded villain who was actually presumed dead for a few weeks?? skill issue tbh
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daysofnights · 7 months
james potter drools in his sleep
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So to continue my theme of Ken™Doll-Sam
Here's Ken!Sam in the "My Way" music video looking like Ken!René from the Aqua music video for "Barbie Girl"
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And here's Ken!Sam with his perfectly quaffed hair playing his bass next to animated Ken with his perfectly quaffed hair playing... well a shit ton of instruments.
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