#the birb that is grian is killing me
angeart · 4 months
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for @sygni <333
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bluiex · 10 months
I got to pirates smp an hour late and then had to dip before the stream ended nonetheless I was watching Scar's POV and now I'm having Scarian thoughts.
Mostly spoiler free all I really share is a mention of Scar's faction.
Scar drops the anchor on his boat. It's not much now, but one day he'll have something grand, he's sure of it. He hops down onto the rocky shore and picks his way inland.
In hindsight, maybe a single knife was not the right weapon, but Scar doesn't have anything better. Yet.
Scroll, scroll.. where was- Ah
Scar spends more than a moment reading the piece of paper... 'return to the mainland with the head of the isle's monster for 300 gold'
Yep, that's a good deal. Hopefully.
Unless it's something really vicious in which case, Scar is absolutely being ripped off here. Goddamn inflation.
Again, all he has is a knife.
This is... fine, probably.
Scar can hear Jellie meowing from his ship "I'll be back before you know it!" He reassures his cat.
It takes hours. He scours the island at least twice, with no success.
Then he spots a cave he didn't notice before, stepping in to an animal den of some kind where... a bird creature is goring the wolves.
Yeah this is ... fine actually. Mhm, definitely fine. Definitely not terrifying.
It's even more fine when the creature looks up at the sound of Scar's presence, dark eyes locking with his before it scrambles back in fear, wings braced around itself as if that can possibly protect it from him.
Scar makes a reckless decision, carefully putting his knife down behind himself. He's not completely stupid, if the bird-thing makes a lunge for his knife, he's dead.
Scar had been expecting an animal, not something that had the intelligence of a human. And Scar knows what it feels like to be hunted - or, knew once - so in a moment of uncharacteristic gentleness he's opening his heart to this so-called monster.
"Do you understand me?" Scar asks, softly.
The creature flinches at the sound of his voice. So it's that bad...
"I was sent to bring back your head. But neither of us want that."
The thing curls tighter around itself.
"My name is Scar. If we play our cards right we can get the reward money without you getting hurt."
The bird hisses. Which is progress, in Scar's eyes.
"I know how you feel, I do. If you come with me- if you come aboard my ship, you'll be safer." Scar feels a little faint, thinking of how mercilessly some of the other pirates would no doubt have already slaughtered this bird in Scar's shoes. "You could be my bird! Every pirate needs a bird!"
It's three days back to the kestrels' tavern base of operations. Or, it should be. It ends up taking Scar around a week, because Grian - the bird creature has a name! - doesn't quite have his sea legs yet so they have to stop at this island and that island and then Grian has to hide from other pirates
.Grian had gotten washed up after they left the cave, and it turns out that he's completely adorable under all that blood and viscera. Scar thinks it's very unfair that he can't just spend hours watching Grian, and instead has to steer his little ship.
Grian spends his time on the boat playing with Jellie, and honestly it warms Scar's heart.
It's one such stop where Grian finally accepts more than the bare minimum of physical contact necessary from Scar. It's particularly cold that night, sleeping under the stars, and Grian huddles up to Scar for warmth, burying his face in Scar's hair.
After that, it's like a switch has been flicked in Grian's brain. He's constantly latched onto Scar's arm, or perched on top of his hats, or his shoulder, asking questions.
Insert continued falling in love here I've run out of traction. Anyway the quest loophole Scar had *worked* so they do get the reward money
And it being birb Grian- AAAAH this is so good Scitties. I love it so VERY MUCH
It takes awhile for Grian to come out of his shell fully and start speaking to Scar- he's started with the physical touch and protectiveness because Scar's his flock now
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
Hi I just read all of traveling thieves and it was so so good! Perfect mix of angst and comfort, it hurts so well :) I'm so excited to see where it goes next
I love how pearl and gem are vibing assassinating people together, they really are just girlbossing their way around
also gems sword is really cool
Gem getting bloodthirsty over the missing payment and then the guy offers pearl and she's like fine. I could use a companion I guess. But I will remember this. And then said companion helps her Kill and she's having fun and they're having a good time scandalizing people about an avian acting like a normal person but they can't do anything about bc that's The Slayer, you can't just FIGHT her about it she's got a broadsword dripping with enchants that she wields like it's nothing, and suddenly, oh, when was the last time gem had a friendship like this?
And tango and zed! Tango my beloved, poor guy he's doing his best, zed is also doing his best, and zed just running up to him and interviewing him excitedly and tango just being like 'uh. this is happening I guess' as their first meeting? Love it
Also zed flexing his master-smith seal to get them places and also just going 'i do what I want, YOU depend on ME' when he confronts heath about the water incident? 10/10
I'm also excited to see how Scott and Jimmy are doing, maybe he wants to be a free bird!!! I also love the narrative of Scott gets captured, he's in this new place and he immediately goes up to sit next to the only guy in the yard sitting alone, and he tries to escape and his new friend with the gold wings helps and then tries to tell him not to do that bc it'll just make it worse on him and Scott goes fine. I'll do it myself. and he DOES it and Jimmy goes well hell. Alright I'm going with him
And everything happening at the swagon? Oh my god?? Love me some misunderstanding hurt/comfort
Like at the beginning, grians still new to this whole situation with people being Nice to him, mumbo and scar are animatedly discussing a plan and grians in the corner just. Stressing. And now he's gotten more used to this and he's laughing (with bird noises!) and flying and quipping and committing petty revenge on mumbo lol and then something happens and he's Stressing again bc it's only been A Month
I was SO SURE I connected some dots bc of the 'between two books, right where he always left it' plus mumbo putting stuff back after grian hits the bookshelf plus how attached grian is to it (I am Looking at how he's described as treating it like glass Twice) that the going flying paper was going to go missing but apparently I have not connected the dots lol
I also love how grians tiny and then scar and mumbo are So Much Taller than him lol
In conclusion: I think I went a bit feral writing this but I really enjoyed the fic 👍 :)
Oh my goodness, thank you thank you!
I cannot tell you how happy receiving something like this makes me! All the details and thoughts! I love seeing someones thoughts about my AU like this for all the different groups going around! I'm glad the angst and comfort balance out for you, I know it's a dark fantasy AU but I also want it to have that sort of warm fuzzy edge to it, like everyone is being taken care of now, even if things were bad in the past.
Zed is 100% the BEST he knows what he is WORTH my boy look at him go I love him. Tiny tiny birb Grian! He's so sweet and traumatized poor lil guy 😭
Pearl and Gem are MENANCES they are TERRORS and I love them! Yes, yes, Pearl has had a bit more time to get more comfortable with Gem, and her experience navigating the system has also left her less shattered than Jimmy or Grian, for reasons that have been mentioned and will also later be explored in more detail.
Thank you so much for your wonderful words and for sharing them!!! 💖
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Okay SO- I think me and a good portion of peeps that will read this were “normal” about the new sheriff skin. But me as a rancher trash will always make new content yes even skin changes into more rancher brainrot. SO LISTEN!
Gem kills him and Jimmy is left with “the skin” he is wearing. eventually a good portion of people who are being harassed by villain Jimmy calls the only one they can see to calm Jimmy angry and pissed ass down. Hence Tango at bumfuck am getting a interdimensonal call for help from the empires to come here to calm his man down.
Meanwhile Tango who was woken up at bumfuck am on the one of the few days he actually slept is befuddled because they need help to calm jimmy. His jimmy? The love of his life that cried helping a cow give birth back in double life? The one dude that no matter how mad he is if you hug him he will melt into a lazy Birb puddle.
So tango does what tango does best and breaks and enters Grian house. And gives grian a major jumpscare. After Grian curses up a storm and has a couple cups of black coffee in his system manages to open a rift for a short period with help from Doc and Cub without Xisuma waking up. (Imagine Xisuma still wearing his helmet but over said helmet is one of those cheesy sleep masks. He is also wearing a cringy fuzzy red robe.)
Anyways eventually befuddled but always ready for more time with his rancher tango and Grian being he really needs to sleep chaperone and if mumbo or scar knew how much coffee and energy drinks he downed in a single setting they will have WORDS. Grian isn’t scared of much. But he is afraid of we are disappointed in your choices because we care rants that Scar and mumbo are known to do whenever he makes sus health or wellness choices. They get there and OH boy everything is burning.
Pretty much instead of pizza Grian is holding his billionth cup of black coffee. Cue all the empires folks that made fun of Jimmy covered in ash and soot. Bruised a bit crawling out of fire like demons but cry from relief seeing Tango and Grian because oh god have they had a bad couple days. They through ugly crying tries to explain that Jimmy lost his marbles.
WHEN BAM! Villain Jimmy full chest out finds them. Grian just thinks Great not another person following in scar footsteps while looking at himself and secretly thinking he needs to work out. CAUSE how dare Jimmy be ripped af.
While Tango is no thought. Eyes zoomies. Tail waving. Beet red. Unable to speak. Full gay mess. Jimmy meanwhile is holding a flint and steel. Being all dangerous and evil.
Eventually Tango wakes up from his gay panic when he sees Jimmy bloody and bruised knuckles. Along with the scar that is across his chest. Cue ranch burning 2.0 scene but Jimmy is the one that needs to calm down. Which he does eventually because tango is his beloved. Full hugs and all that. Eventually Jimmy just sorta flops on tango when all his stress and Adrenaline runs out mixed with tango equals safety. And tango manages to tuck him in. Cue Tango reprimanding everyone for being so sucky that Jimmy almost completely lost. Imagine like a teacher giving you I thought you were better than this talk. And yes eventually he gets in bed with Jimmy for cuddles.
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journeysfable · 6 months
I think Grian is just doomed to forever be associated with the sun and birds
Like apparently his name used to be Gria and he randomly added an n to the end. Now his name means sun.
He starts the whole Poultry Man thing. And then he starts killing parrots for some reason.
And the thing that really makes me think its destiny or something like that lmao is there is a mesoamerican sun god. And guess what was believed to be the physical manifestation of the sun god? Parrots. Sun and parrot. A whole civilization looked at these birds and were like yea I think thats the sun.
There are many other reasons Grian Is Birb but I don't feel like remembering rn.
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dingdinghq · 6 months
*cracks knuckles*
Alright, get READY FOR CHARACTER DETAILS!! (<- is Not Normal about character creation). For the record, this is not all the characters, just the ones I've fleshed out enough that I'm happy with
Void Starling/Voidling Cookie (Etho) Name reasoning: Starling for a general space then + birb, Void to set them apart from Stardust, and Voidling as a fun little nickname because they have a long name Pronouns: they/them + any space neos! Theme song: King of the World - Young Rising Sons Extra details: - has ADHD and BPD - finds a special winter area in the Kingdom extra calming, and will sit for hours at night in the snow - created by the Celestial Tree guardians by accident out of Stardust's dough, and therefore is siblings with Stardust! - technically siblings with Moonlight cookie as well, but hasn't met her yet
Parrot Ice Cream Cookie (Grian) Name reasoning: I know of an ice cream flavor that looks like the pastel version of common Grian parrot hybrid color headcanon so. Also bc waffle hair Pronouns: he/they Theme song: Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons Extra details: - he has literal waffle hair, like the ice cream cone - ADHD - after being killed at a young age, they were brought back to like by Eye Cookie and turned into a Watcher - actually got fully brainwashed post-game, and while he was able to be freed, feels really guilty about that
Red Angel Cookie (Skizz) Name reasoning: Call back to his long time spent as red dring 3L, and the common angel headcanon! Pronouns: he/him Theme song: Die for You - Starset (alternatively Angel With a Shotgun fits perfect as well) Extra details: - Used to be close friends with Firebird and Yellow Demon, but ya know. death games where they were on opposite sides. They're currently on speaking terms, but things aren't the same any more. - former guardian angel, but lost the rank after letting his charge die by accident - probably the only reason Voidling hasn't died yet - knows how to use most weapons! - partners with Voidling! he knew they wanted to ask him out well before they actually did ask him out
Choco Wolf Cookie (Ren) Name reasoning: Look at Ren and tell me he isn't chocolate flavored Pronouns: he/him mostly! Theme song: Born for This - The Score Extra details: - Some flavor of neurodivergent - was the prince of a kingdom before running away after it was taken over! - In a poly relationship with both Lost Apple and Shattered Soul Crystal! Also in a qpr with those two + Voidling and Red Angel! (the qpr is between all members I'm just mentioning it here)
Lost Apple Cookie (Martyn) Name reasoning: It is all the vibes tbh Pronouns: he/ey (ey/em) Theme song: Hallelujah (I'm not Dead) - Citizen Soldier Extra details: - autistic - Used to be know as Apple Angel Cookie, but after watching his village get attacked, changed it to avoid being found - he's aromantic! - Despite the 'angel' part of his name, he was never a guardian angel and has never interacted with them
Shattered Soul Crystal Cookie (BigB) Name reasoning: I'm giving a bunch of the characters trauma specifically related to being valued but torn apart at the same time. Also the general shape of his wings! Pronouns: he/it Theme song: Brother - Kodaline Extra details: - used to be the 'savor' of a village, but was treated horribly so it ran away - Doesn't really know how to interact with cookies - due to the way his magic works, using too much can cause it to need to basically sleep for weeks. This rarely happens, but when it does he feels awful - used to be really close to exactly one cookie in his old village, before they were killed for 'daring to touch the prized'. This was the main reason he snapped
Moss Phantom Cookie (Bdubs) Name reasoning: Moss coat + semi common phantom headcanon! Pronouns: he/it/xe Theme song: Dial Drunk - Noah Kahan Extra details: - Would vibe to Cotton Eye Joe unironically - ended up having the friend version of a break up with Doc, was not dealing with it good - has a joke-crush on Void Starling. It's played up for laughs and is more like a squish then a crush - Short - Is actually a demon possessing a pile of moss
Frost Flower Cookie (Scott) Name reasoning: Ties in both empires seasons, as well as 3L! Pronouns: he/xe Theme song: Atlantis - Seafret (in a non-literal sense) Extra details: - former name was Blueberry Syrup Cookie! Xe changed it after getting taken by the Watchers and realizing that hey, he didn't have to be like his parents anymore. - While he and Canary broke up, they're still on good terms! They just didn't feel right about continuing their relationship post-game. - is pretty close to Dark Syrup after that whole deal!
Canary Cookie (Jimmy) Name reasoning: I feel like this one explains itself. Canary curse and all Pronouns: he/they/it Theme song: Running Up that Hill - Kate Bush Extra details: - brother to Lost Apple! They got separated at a young age and didn't recognize each other until after the game - adoptive siblings with Blue Axolotl Cookie (Lizzie) - in a qpr with Firebird! - actually almost joined Cakewarts, but didn't fully trust Choco Wolf
Dark Syrup Cookie (Xornoth) Name reasoning: 'Dark' is commonly used in crk to show characters who are aligned with evil, 'syrup' is from the fact that maybe the corruption is more of a syrupy thing in this AU? Pronouns: they/it Theme song: Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez Extra details: - Not evil anymore! Dark Stag Cookie (Exor) just sucks! STOP MANIPULATING CHILDREN - actually really sweet when not corrupted! Also loves its brother very much!!!! - still has control over the corruption, loves to mess with cookies by growing random vines or stuff
Charred Angel Cookie (Helsknight) Name reasoning: Well I've always headcanoned Hels as an angel, and the 'charred' bit reflects how they got stuck in an oven and got a bit burnt up Pronouns: they/it/hell/flare Theme song: Feel Better - Penelope Scott Extra details: - still siblings with Wels, they just don't really bother to try and connect with hells brother - Autistic and has BPD - Used to be a guardian angel, but was never allowed to actually guard anything, leading to flare losing the ability to feel positive emotions for a while
Moon Moth Cookie (Pearl) Name reasoning: Pronouns: she/her Theme song: The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives Extra details: - hunts demons and dragons! Probably met Tart Tartan Cookie at some point because of this!
I'm cutting it off here because I don't wanna lit character limit again-
CHARACTERS!!!!! i love this so much!!!
the names are super cool!!!! still dont get bigbs kinda but i absolutely see the vision and am with you (speaking of, do you know ye olden days bigb lore? do you have any ideas who this old village friend may have been?)
ough,,,,,, love them. love them sm. theyre the little guys.
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Have I already screamed at you on discord? Yes, yes I have. Will that stop me from screaming here, too? No, no it shall not. Anyway. AAAAAAAAAAA??? YOU UPDATED TWO CHAPTERS WHILE I WAS AT WORK AND NOW I GOT TO READ THEM <3
Grian's guilt about killing someone. Haha moral dilemma <3
Grian looking at the sun, rookie mistake honey. It's okay, tho, we all do it once <3 ALSO SHOPPING TRIP SHOPPING TRIP YESSSS "you look terrible in Mumbo's clothes" FAMOUS LAST WORDS OF A FOOL. A FOOL. Also just. Grian running into Scar multiple times. Why do I get the feeling it's a good thing Mumbo wasn't there LMAO
The skirt. <3 That is all.
Scar making the way to his personal spaces the most difficult to reach place as possible, hjfglksdghjkfdkl magic and wings will come in handy lmao-
Mumbo popping in just to find Grian asleep LMAO he doesn't trust the birb </3 yet. Hmm hmmmm-
May I just reiterate that I LOVE that you gave Scar a tree house. A literal tree house. I love it <3 Season 9 references my beloved <3 AND THE VAULT. MUMBO IS BUILDING THE VAULT. HE'S GONNA MOVE INTO THE VAULT AND THEY'RE BOTH GONNA FEEL BETTER BECAUSE HE'LL BE SAFE AND STILL HAVE ACCESS TO SCAR"S TREE I'M-
Ren my beloved. That is all. <3
Hmhmm "hasn't done anything because it hasn't hurt him yet" I wonder if that's foRESHADOWING HUH. Also I didn't mention this before but I love the reference to the king's claims LMAO-
HJFDLKKJFSDJKFSJK the feeding scene, I still LOVE the imagery of that anjflkdsfghjds boYS YOU'RE IN LOVE "too intimate and enticing" Mumbo you are literally two fangs away from kissing Scar's palm you are knEELING in front of him hOLDING HIS HAND and I'm so, they're so hhh <3 and the fact they've done this SO MANY TIMES I'M SO I'm so normal about this I am just. So normal <3 Mildly wrecked but so normal <3
LMAO Mumbo is so worried I love them- I s2g I'm just so hjfjkdjkdf and I FORGOT TO MENTION HOW Scar just changed his desk into a chair for Mumbo and Mumbo didn't even BLINK I am. Hhhh OOOO SCAR rejuvenating his magic I see I see 👀👀
Anyway of course amazing way to end my night thank you so much for writing <3 AND GOOD LUCK ON THE FRIENDS' GIFTSSSS
ASDFGHJK Discord is discord and the tumblr Askbox is in another dimENSION-
I WROTE 5K TODAY I AM - Hnngh its a good thing im taking a break EVEN IF i wanna keep writing
Cant wait to get Grian alone with his thoughts and feelings when he isnt exhausted TBFH that man is going THROUGH IT you dont even KNOW
I want you to know the E N T I R E time I was writing that I kept thinking about Grian getting ditracted by fairy lights in midnight like 'well what is the sun if not a giant, eye damaging fairy light' AND SHOPPING TRIP YES I mightve. maybe. made myself fall in love w my shopping district im. WHERE IS MY HAND TAILORED CLOTHING. Also like. Scar you FOOL! YOU NUMSKULL!!! I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU RUE THE DAY YOU LITTLE ELVEN MAN its fine im fine we're fine asdfghj Also YES bc what is bumping into someone if not an excuse to try to pickpocket them if you're. ya know. a paranoid weirdo like Mumbo.
THE SKIRT MY BELOVED i want that skirt. Academia vibes
Scar accidentally forgetting that hes fucking disabled and just being like "HA WOOOO give me a sec i think im dying *wheezes at the top of the stairs* im so cool and intimidating are you intimidated grian" and Grian is half bent over with just like a thumbs up lmaooooooo
Scar: Okay fine you can show up and check in if it'll make you feel better Mumbo: i will and it can. I didn't need your permission anyway
ASDFGHJK I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE VAULT I NEED TO WATCH MUMBOS VIDEOS SO I CAN FIGURE OUT WTF HE'S ACTUALLY DOING WITH IT AND MORPH IT TO MY NEEDS AND WHIMS And also yeeees the tree is my beloved leave it to scar to build a mega base for a starter and then run off to build disneyland of COURSE i had to sneak it in
Ren <3
HM. HM HM HM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Also yes I was trying to figure out "how do i put ren's head on this building bc he cant just detach it for funsies rn"
I am so very normal about how Mumbo feeds. I love how Mumbo is like both a Cartoon vampire [cant see his feet because it blends into shadow, he melts away into the night] and like a sexy vampire [literally staring into the eyes of the man he loves while he drinks his blood in a way that's like one step off from me having to mark the story as fucking explicit lmao] and Scar is also just sitting there like "I am Totally Normal About This and have No Feelings Whatsoever" WERE ARE AND WILL BE GAY!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I KNOW I DID THIS TO MYSELF BUT JUST KISS HIM and pull his hair a lil
IMAGINE IF YOU WILL FOR A MOMENT YOU ARE MUMBO! Yesterday you found a strange man inside your completely sealed off vault of important records and documents which, i should mention, includes BOTH of your and scar's equivalent to BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS [we'll get there] and Scar is just like "Seems legit, love a good mystery, im keeping him." And you just have to sit there because hes your BOSS and he BAAAAAAAAAARELY has any power over you but theres JUST THAT SMIDGEN. JUST THE SMIDGEN RIGHT THERE - ALSO YES!!!!!!!!!! SCAR JUST!!!! MOVING HIS HOUSE AROUND! REDECORATING so your vampire can sit down I am already deeply in love w scar's magic and i havent even really DONE anything with it I am so-
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wildcardjoey · 2 years
Joey I just had the FUNNIEST idea for the dsmp hc au. Consider the facts:
1. The End is banned on the DSMP
2. Grian brought the tegg with him onto the rocket
3. Mama birb-brained Grian. What I'm saying is:
Tommy: holy shit that's a big egg you got there G Man what's tha-
Tommy: noted.
"Wooow" was Ghostboo's first reaction to seeing the dragon egg.
He'd come to visit him where the Boatem Crew were staying and Tommy opted to show him, since Ranboo and the Dragon were both creatures from that mythical dimension.
"Cool right?"
"Why haven't you stolen it yet?" Ghostboo reached out to touch it.
"Don't-" Ghostboo put his hand against it, and then... nothing.
Tommy looked stunned, thencalmed quickly. He nearly had a panic attack just then.
"Right, you are part enderman."
"What does that-"
"Back away first."
Ghostboo reluctantly took a few steps away from the egg.
"I've never seen you this scared of anything."
"Well, you haven't met Groin. The egg would normally teleport when someone touches it. I can't even put it back and pretend I didn't touch it because he just knows."
"That doesn't explain why you're afraid of him. You're intimidated by Techno, but that's because he's scary, not because of his chat's omnipresence. I doupt you'd be this scared of Puffy when she's being protective of Foolish like this."
"It's different. You know like how in old stories fairies are like, not evil, but, alien?" Ghostboo nods. "The Hermits are like that sometimes. Groin especially. With them, I never know if the'll curse me, or turn my house upside down, or find a very inventive way to kill me, or if they're being genuine they may gift me riches beyond my wildest imagination. But Groin hates me. I touch the egg and it's the end for me. His way of showing endearment usually gets himself and the the target of affection killed and I don't want to see what happens to people he genuinely wants gone, or he considers a threat to his dragon child."
"You are taking this very seriously for someone you actively choose to call Groin."
"We all cope differently. You disassociated completely the second you died."
"I sure did. You should try it sometime"
"No thank you"
"Is this the same guy who renovated the prime path and everything around it in like, a day?"
"The others took shifts helping a bit, but yea, that was mostly him."
"Not that is worth being afraid of."
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bluiex · 1 year
*Gives you whatever the heck 1 am me wrote* Have some anxious birb calling Scar a sap bc Scar deserves to be a little silly before the big sad.
Night appeared quicker than Scar would’ve liked. Grian sighed.
“I’m gonna check the creeper farm, see if there’s more gunpowder.”
Scar watched as Grian almost ran to the UFO in the sky. An ache crawled from shoulder to shoulder, and it was getting harder to place TNT in the holes Grian made. Doing the same movement for a couple of hours tired his shoulders. He groaned internally, realizing Grian would need to help him eat whatever food they had left. The organization in the chests was back into being a mess. Scar couldn’t remember in which chest he saw their last ration of food. 
Grian’s red sweater came closer in the corner of his eye. He rolled his shoulders to ease the ache (he didn’t know why he kept doing that knowing it was useless), and smiled at his partner. Grian had a frown on his face, fingers playing with the hem of the sleeves, wings twitching furiously in the binds. Scar’s smile dropped.
“What’s wrong?” Scar asked, walking closer to bring any sort of comfort.
Grian groaned and ran his hands over his face. “The minecart stopped running, and we barely have enough to cover what I wanted to cover.”
Scar winced, that would spike Grian’s anxiety back.
“That’s so annoying,” Grian grumbled.
Scar tried to give him a reassuring smile. “Well, at least a big chunk of the desert is covered.”
Grian gave him a deadpan look. “What if the Red Army comes from where we didn’t cover the desert? What happens then, Scar?”
Scar’s brain scrambled to find a plan, but seeing Grian spiraling made it harder for him to focus on a solution. “Uh,” was the most intelligent thing that left his mouth. Grian raised his arms in frustration and walked away.
“See? We’re screwed, my trap is going to fail once again, and we won’t get any kills at this point.”
Scar picked his nails. Think, c’mon, think!
“What if we get Scott and Jimmy to help us?”
Grian sent him an unpleasant look. Scar sighed.
“Grian, take some deep breaths for me, would you?”
His partner shook his head, his shoulders trembling. “I try so hard to be useful, to win this war, but I’m just doomed to fail.”
Oh, Scar was having none of it. He determinedly walked to Grian and asked: “Can I touch you?”
Grian shook his head, arms pressed against his side, wings ruffling. Scar’s hand clenched and he crouched in front of Grian.
“G, believe me when I say this, you are amazing with traps. You’re just inexperienced. And nobody has died to traps as far as I know. You’re so creative and your plans helped us get out of sticky situations I put us in.” Scar took a deep breath. “You mean so much more to me than serving me until you lose your first life.”
He made sure to look into Grian’s eyes. Grian’s breath stuttered, eyes wide in disbelief.
“You mean that?”
Scar just wanted to hug him right then and there, but he didn’t have permission, so he softened his face.
“Yeah, I meant every word.”
Grian looked ahead, eyes misty and blank. He gestured Scar to follow him, which Scar did with a skip to his step. Getting up from his crouching position made him fall on his butt and he needed Grian’s help to stand up. He shouldn’t crouch every again. They entered the bunker as the groans of zombies, the rattle of bones and the hiss of creepers filled the silent desert. Scar kept glancing at Grian, not really sure if the paranoia took over him or if he was relaxed. He hummed a melody, not really sure where it came from. 
Grian opened one of the chests in the bunker and tossed Scar a golden carrot. He tried to catch it, but missed. He tried to keep his whine in, but at Grian’s look, he knew gears were turning. To Scar’s relief, Grian simply let out a chuckle, small smile on his face. 
“C’mere,” Grian said in a soft voice.
Scar obliged, glad to see a smile on his partner’s face. He couldn’t help himself as Grian fed him to make small content noises, probably closer to moans. He just felt happy to be with Grian, and he learned to appreciate the help when his body couldn’t do certain things. Grian simply giggled.
“What’s got you so happy?”
Scar shrugged. “Your smile,” he answered honestly. 
Grian let out a surprise sound, almost a choke, disbelief written in his face. He shook his head in laughter and brought a golden carrot closer to Scar’s mouth (he made sure to exaggerate his “nom” noise).
“Sap,” he said fondly.
“You know you love it.” Scar smirked.
Grian rolled his eyes in reply. He leaned closer, a grin forming. Scar’s stomach twisted, nervous but intrigued. Grian gave him a peck on the cheek and took a bite out of the golden carrot. 
After they ate, Grian labeled the lever, making sure Scar knew to pull it during the endgame and not before. Scar suggested putting dirt blocks around it, to make sure it was out of sight, but Grian firmly disagreed. Scar had given him a cheeky smirk before walking around it, barely touching it every time. Grian had pulled his hair, squawking and begging Scar to stay put. Scar had laughed and simply grabbed Grian to crash on their temporary bed with him.
Grian squirmed, cheeks red and breath heavy. Scar kept his smirk.
“You’re insufferable,” Grian let out.
“You know you appreciate my company,” Scar replied with a grin.
Grian shook his head, letting out a laugh, and took off the binds of his wings. They puffed up, presenting themselves, and Grian sighed, red dusting his cheeks before he folded his wings. He repositioned himself more comfortably on Scar’s bare chest. 
Scar brought his left hand to the base of Grian’s neck, making the avian shiver and fluff his feathers. He rubbed circles there, earning a rumble from Grian’s throat, vibrations tingling his whole body. Scar first thought Grian was purring, but he eventually learned avians made a resounding sound without the noise. Just the oscillations within their throats. Scar adored it and was fully taking advantage of it. 
Grian eventually lazily mouthed Scar’s neck, making his partner hum in appreciation. Scar played with his feathers in return, creating a loop back feed on both end. They stayed like that for the whole night, ignoring the threats outside their bunker, living in the present moment, enraptured by each other’s presence.
-- Bloop anon, who's been writing this fic for two months and it just keeps growing, I can't stop it guys. Help /hj
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