#our silly dl au guys
angeart · 4 months
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for @sygni <333
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Tell us your Joli headcanons please
Thank you anon, you have activated my trap card-
Gonna put this under a keep reading because it WILL get long djcnjsdds-
OKAY SO first some backstory-
On April Fools day in the jeremorbism server (name is a mess /aff) I decided to be chaotic and cosplay as Joel Smallishbeans. It quickly caught on and lots of people started becoming ccs, including my friend @/eevee-eclair who became Oli TheOrionSound.
At some point we basically acted out an entire enemies-to-lovers arc and kinda just. kept it going?? So when that April Fools day stunt became a real roleplay (known as the "orbyline," a cross between "orb" and "storyline") our jokey crack ship "Joli" stuck around. (This ship also accidentally broke up the one straight ship of the rp (Jizzie) so. oops-?)
So that was the first iteration of Joli: an afterlife smp roleplay. It was very angsty and messy but the devotion these two traumatized gays had for each other was mwah *chef's kiss.*
NEXT we have cempires Joli! Which I absolutely adore!! (idk why we call it cempires, I think it was @/sm0lcatfish's idea, but it's an empires s1 roleplay with bonus cc empires)
There's a ton of lore for them (mostly Eevee and her friend Mushy's lore from their au) but the gist is that they're soulbonded DL-style which is already on to a winner and they also have shared trauma spanning 200 years! (Joel was permakilled by a demon and is now a ghost possessing a clay doll, and same demon trapped Oli and his entire kingdom in stone for 200 years so woo angst!)
Cempires!Joli is probably my favorite Joli because childhood besties! They're soulbonds that love to die all the time to spite one another! They understand each other like no one else does because they've been together the longest! They tell each other things no one else knows! They're silly little guys that like to be goofy and tease each other about their other partners! (Lizzie for Joel and Callum for Oli, but in the rp the polycule is much, much larger-)
I just,, care them a lot,, ghjvcnmxfjsn,,,
I should probably also mention the empires s2 version (called "boogalpires" for emps2 electric boogaloo) but seeing as god!Joel hates mortals and Oli hates gods their "relationship" is... rocky at best. It's- it's a work in progress. They'll get there one day- /lh
Anyway the tl;dr version of this entire massive infodump you probably didn't ask for is this:
Joli is what happens when you take the "childhood besties to lovers" trope and treat it like crack-turned-serious.
And honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way. This crack ship was an accident but I absolutely adore them and will die on this hill.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, anon I am so sorry for this bc I doubt this is what you wanted at *all-* (there's too many versions to just have general hcs! /lh /hj) and have a nice day/night everyone o/
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Cold As The Grave
Written for my DL Server bingo card prompt: Cool Cat. 
I cannot recall the interview this was in for the life of me, but I do recall at least one mentioning John not finding horror movies scary at all. 
Going off of that, we have here scary movie night, aka scary movie night for Roger, Freddie, and Brian, and comedy movie night for John (while the other three look on both in horror at the movies and at John laughing his ass off at the creepiest and most gory scenes, utterly cool and unbothered by all of it.) Set in a modern AU because then I can reference as many of the movies I’ve seen myself as possible lol. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“This is great,” John chuckled, and tossed more popcorn into his mouth. “You know, I learned how they make the fake blood look that thick. I should show you guys sometime.” 
He continued eating and watching, apparently not feeling the three pairs of eyes no longer glued to the screen, but staring in horror at him instead. 
Roger and Brian jabbed him at once, and Freddie jumped. “Ah. Right. You could show us that, sometime. Or not, I mean, we’re often busy-” 
“Very busy,” Roger added.
“Horribly,” Brian nodded. 
“Look!” John cheered. “Look at what the rats are doing! The effects are fantastic in this!” 
“This is disgusting,” Roger hissed, gesturing to the scene from Sinister 2 playing out on the TV. “How is he still eating?!” 
“I could really go for pizza,” John continued. “Meat lovers and a vegetarian for Bri?” 
Brian swallowed hard as he watched the scene continue. “Sure. Yeah. Because I can eat while we watch things like this.” 
“Of course, yeah,” Freddie agreed, letting out a heavy held breath as John got up to go order the pizza. “How long has he been like this? How did we not notice?” 
“Should we call his mum,” Roger proposed. “To find out if she knows about this, and if so, how has she dealt with it?” 
“We don’t have enough time for that,” Brian replied. “I can’t eat while we watch this. My stomach isn’t the weakest, but this is...god, and he wants to start the Saw movies after this. Guys, I can’t.” 
“No, he actually has the Human Caterpillar movies on the list next, the Saw films are after that,” Freddie said with a wince. “Maybe he won’t notice if we aren’t eating?” 
“It’s on the way!” John announced happily as he bounced back in and onto the couch. “You lot okay? Awfully pale, all of you. Don’t tell me you’re scared!” 
“It is a horror movie,” Roger said defensively. “Most people do get scared of those. Most people. Lots of people, even. Sort of the idea behind them.” 
“You’re all silly,” John laughed. “This isn’t that bad.” 
“I’m sorry, what movies do you consider ‘bad’ then?” Brian asked. “I’m curious and terrified to know.” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” John teased, and started back in on the popcorn. 
Freddie laughed nervously. “Actually, darling, we would! Care to share with us, or...” 
But John was back into the movie, laughing at the next horrific act on the screen. “You ever think about what you’d do, if you were in that situation? I like to think I’d handle it better.” 
“Do I ever think,” Brian said slowly. “About what I would do if a version of the Boogeyman was real. And had a curse. And was going to try and convince any children I might have to kill me, and film the results. No. No I have not.” 
“Okay,” John said, and gestured to the DVD case holding the first Human Caterpillar movie. “What about that? If we got kidnapped, all of us, on tour-” 
Roger covered his eyes, and groaned. 
Freddie’s eyes were wide. “Have...have you thought about that?” 
“It’s all in good fun,” John giggled, then jumped at the sound of the doorbell. “Oh! Scared me, they got here fast!” 
Freddie leaned forward, head in his hands as John got up to go retrieve the pizza. “I’m. This was supposed to be a fun movie night. I’m learning too much about him. About all of us. And I love you all, you’re brothers to me, but there’s a limit in what I can learn in one night, and I think I just found it.” 
“I need a hug,” Roger said miserably, hanging onto Freddie’s arm as he gave him an awkward half-hug. “Thank you.” 
“Maybe he’ll just watch them now,” Brian said. “He’ll be busy eating, then full, then comfy and warm. Might even fall asleep.” 
“And if he keeps laughing at this shit like some demon from foulest hell?!” Roger hissed. 
“Then we accept he’s lightly possessed and move on with our lives, Roger!” Brian said sharply. “I don’t know what else we do if he keeps that up; I’m busy trying to figure out how he finds any of it funny!” 
“There’s got to be one of these that scares him,” Freddie said, shuffling through the DVD cases and pondering the list of streamed movies they’d made up. “We’ll spend all night watching if we must. We’re going to find one that scares him, one that doesn’t make him act like-” 
“Pizza for the scaredy cats!” John smiled as he set the pizza boxes down on the coffee table. “If you lot can manage to eat any.” 
“We can,” Roger scoffed, but he actively looked away from the TV as he picked up a slice. “See? Perfectly fine, and not feeling sick at all.” 
“Okay,” John giggled. “If you say so.” 
“Let me know when I can look back,” Roger whispered to Freddie as he ate as quickly as possible. 
“You mean when the movie is over?” Freddie whispered back. 
“Essentially, yeah,” Roger replied. 
Four hours later, they had yet to succeed in their task.
He’d giggled his way through the Human Caterpillar movies. 
Cackled through the Saw pictures, and started in on how he’d make his own horrible pain maze, if he was forced to create one. 
Hereditary and Midsommar? He was enraptured. 
“Okay,” Freddie sighed. “This one says it’s also a comedy. Can we try that?” 
John slipped the disc for The Cabin in the Woods into the player. “Don’t think I ever actually got around to watching this one. Why not?” 
It was silly. Schlocky, at bits even. But it was a dream for the three of them; a break from overwhelming scares and gore in exchange for a more acceptable level of those things, in addition to a chance to laugh. 
John, however, was tense. 
“You alright?” Freddie asked about midway through the movie. 
John nodded, but didn’t speak. He’d stopped nibbling at the leftover pizza, his remaining popcorn left in the bowl and set on the floor. 
“The effects are good in this,” Roger tried a bit later. “Right? I mean, it’s gory, but even we can handle it. Pretty silly of us, huh, Deaky?” 
John didn’t look away from the screen. 
“Um. So, who do you think we’d all be, if it was us, in that?” Brian asked with a gentle smile. “And who would be the fifth person to join us?” 
“Well, none of us can be the virgin,” Freddie giggled. “Right, Deaky?” 
“Rather not think about it,” John replied tersely. 
They looked at each other and frowned. 
“Okay,” Freddie said. “You’re sure you’re alright?” 
“I’m fine,” John said. “Just don’t like thinking about something like this happening to us, I guess.” 
“But you were okay with the plot of the Human Caterpillar happening to us?!” Roger squawked. 
“Not okay with it, just thought it was an interesting thing to consider,” John said. “We’d escape and be fine, obviously.” 
“And we wouldn’t escape this, you don’t think?” Freddie asked gently. 
“Look at it!” John scoffed as the final scene rolled. “They didn’t! And they potentially could have had at least one of them escape, maybe! I couldn’t...” 
He hesitated. “I couldn’t hurt any of you to save my own hide.” 
“We wouldn’t be able to hurt you either,” Brian said. “You know that!” 
“Yeah!” Roger added. “We’d all go down together instead, in a blaze of fire!” 
“Really?” John asked softly. 
“Or in a blaze of us terrified, shitting ourselves,” Roger shrugged. “One of those two for sure though.” 
“No other spots on the spectrum we could occupy, just violence or absolute terror?” Freddie asked. 
“Maybe, but I’m tired, this is the best analysis I can do for now,” Roger yawned. 
“We should sleep,” Brian agreed. “I’m exhausted, somehow. Thought I’d be too scared to sleep, all things considered.” 
Freddie nodded and tilted his head towards John. “You coming in with us?” 
“I...I’m good. Might stay up yet. Just because,” John shifted uncomfortably on the couch. 
“Are...you’re scared,” Roger said gently. “Aww, Deaky.” 
“Shut up!” 
“I knew there had to be one that would get you,” Freddie said. “Didn’t expect it to be this one, if I’m honest. We’ll stay out here with you, how about that?” 
“You don’t need to do that,” John muttered. “I’m not a child.” 
“Who said you were?” Brian asked. “I’m staying out here because frankly, that stupid Boogeyman thing pops up in my vision every time I close my eyes, and I hate that.” 
Roger nodded. “I’m now horrified of Germany, thanks to that Caterpillar movie. Going to have nightmares of...well. You know. Better to stay out here, with you lot.” 
“And that fucking demon thing from Insidious?” Freddie added. “I hate it. And now I do have the odd feeling it’s somehow going to watch me while I sleep. So it would be nice to not be alone tonight, if possible.” 
“I don’t believe you,” John said, but he smiled as he spoke. “Fine. We’ll push the couch back and set up on the floor?” 
“Exactly,” Freddie said. “That way when we do have nightmares, we can promptly kick each other awake during them.” 
John seemed happier as he helped clean the living room up, and walked off to retrieve extra blankets and pillows. 
Freddie waited a beat before whispering. “Were you lot really going to go into your own rooms? There was no way I could have; I don’t know how I’ll sleep as it is!” 
“I was trying to look tough in front of him,” Brian muttered. “That was stupid. I didn’t need to do that. I really do hate that fucking Bagul or whatever the fuck it is-” 
“Jump scare at the end of that one was the best, wasn’t it?” Roger grinned.
“How dare you make me remember that,” Brian sighed. “But better that then...well. Your nightmares are going to be a lot worse than mine, I think.” 
“Let’s not make it a competition,” Freddie murmured. “It’s nearly five in the morning, and...fuck.” 
“You just remembered we rented the studio space out starting at eight, didn’t you?” John said as he walked back in and dropped the blankets onto the floor. “I thought it was weird you guys agreed to this on the night before a day in the studio! But you just all forgot, didn’t you?” 
Three shameful nods were all they could manage in response as they finished settling in, all of the lights off, snuggled together. 
John, for his part, seemed far less scared than he had been before, now that they were all piled in the same makeshift bed. He snored gently; it might be a decent three or so hours of sleep for him. 
If the rest of them had their eyes glued to checking the time on their phones as said three hours passed, jumping at each noise in the shared flat...
John didn’t need to know about that. No one, frankly, needed to know about that. Not him, nor the studio techs that would likely be raising brows at the bags under their eyes. 
That was their secret, and a reminder to better plan the next horror movie night, well in advance of any studio time. 
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
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                                                                     [ x x x ]
     [ So due to life being a TOTAL MESS these last several weeks, I actually managed to miss a rather important date last week...that being the fourth anniversary of Ryū and I RPing on Tumblr! It’s weird, it both feels like it’s been longer, and shorter...but! To celebrate, I thought we’d do a little shout-out to the peeps who have stuck around the longest, interacted the most, and overall just made these past four years as fun as they have been. 
     Sadly very few of our original partners remain, but we’ve gained and lost many over the past four years! This, of course, isn’t mean to exclude anyone who has found us more recently (and some inactive blogs may be excluded, but are still loved), but as a little something for those who have been around for the long haul, and who we’ve gotten to know well both IC and OOC! The Naruto RPC has seen its share of ups and downs and changes, after all. So without further adieu...here we go! ]
@historias-multorum :: Little sib! Someone I’ve known I think pretty much since you started, right? A wonderful friend, and so many great interactions between our many muses. It’s been so awesome watching you and your muses grow since you arrived in the community. Tumblr wouldn’t be what it is to us without you <3
@ascxndinggg :: MY SON. Core of my heart, receiver of puns, sharer of memes. The last of my OG mutuals from those first few weeks when so many of us OC blogs banded together and got each other going. You’ve grown so much little one, as a person and a writer, and it’s humbling to see. I love you, kiddo <3
@duckbuttsurvivor :: Sanjiii! One of the first Sasuke blogs we got to interact with, and my goodness Ryū scooped him up as her little brother so fast xD She adores him, and you’re such a good bean, Sanji. A wonderful artist (who has drawn FAR too many things for us (which we love ofc)) and just a sweet guy with sweet muses that we adore <3
@despairinghxpe / @uchiha-madara :: Oh Phoenix, where to begin with you? The clicking between our muses was so much fun to explore (and in some cases, so unexpected!), and remain some of my most memorable interactions we’ve had in this site since coming here. Your writing is phenomenal, and you’ve always been such a sweetie to talk to whenever we get the chance <3
@frogprinceus / @redlineoffate :: MITSUKI! Oh my gosh, writing with you has ALWAYS been such a blast. I love your muses, and all of their bonds with my silly beans. From father-daughter interactions with Jiraiya, to ItaRyū, to all Ryū’s friends on redline, there’s never a shortage of bonds between our blogs. And you are legitimately one of the nicest muns we’ve ever had the pleasure to meet! <3
@hyugainterior :: Hina-mun, you too are one of the brightest lights in the Naruto (and other fandoms) RPC. Your voracious positivity never fails to inspire me. While we don’t write IC, you’re still one of the most memorable people I’ve met during my time here, and every snippet of conversation we have is a gift I treasure. I just hope you’re keeping up with your own well-being as much as you strive to do so for others <3
@sennenryuu :: Another AMAZING OC blog - one that’s dipped in and out of the RPC, but one I’ve adored since discovering it. N, your level of attention to detail of your character and her lore is something I very much look up to and strive to match as a character creator and worldbuilder myself. We’re so happy to see you back in the community, and can’t wait to write with you and get to know you more <3
@yukaikokoro :: STAR! Devourer of my lore x’’D Seriously though, you’ve become one of my closest friends, and I love just chatting with you, and writing with you. It’s been so much fun talking about DL with you, and you’ve honestly been a huge help in pushing my imagination further with it. Now all I gotta do is write it, right? But seriously, we love you both <3
@scnjuclan :: Another blog we’ve formed such awesome IC bonds with. I love our family verse so much - it’s one of my favorite canon-based verses. Little Ryū looks up to Tsunade so much, and uncle Nawaki is a major favorite! All of our interactions always feel so welcoming and organic, I love them. And it’s always great to chat with you, Bailey <3
@silverfaxg :: Oh my goodness, this is seriously the cutest OC blog we’ve ever encountered. Kadia is SUCH A SWEETHEART, and I adore our interactions, especially with Ryū and with Reiji. They’re all just so fluffy and filled with good feels. And chatting ooc is always fun, talking about our silly beans and what shenanigans they’ve gotten themselves into next, ahaha <3
@kyuuzuchiha / @xkaekox :: Booooo~ One of the sweetest muns on the planet. And I know you don’t write too much anymore, but our interactions with both Naruto and Sasuke are too beloved NOT to say something. Between the sibling-like aspect with Naruto, and the budding romance with Sasuke, just...! So many great times. And of course we miss YOU alongside those boyos, and hope you’re doing well my friend <3
@quiet-kunoichi :: Jack, my dear friend. Golly I miss writing with your girl. The modern thread we had was honestly one of my all-time faves and I miss it to pieces, it was SO GOOD. And I love having our little pop-up chats! I hope you’re doing well, and look forward to any return you might make in the future so our girlies can continue being gay messes xD <3
@abyssaldespair :: mEEEG! Bruh. One of my most active RP partners, and one of my closest friends. Still astounds me how we went from cracky side interactions to the mess of shipping and threads and fics we have now, my gosh xD I LOVE our IC stuff, and also just getting to chat with you. Just! One of my besties for sure <3
@noharin :: I AM SO HAPPY YOU’RE ON TUMBLR AGAIN AHHH. I am A Mess at keeping up with Discord stuff but ohman, it’s so great having Rin-senpai back in town across all my silly bloggus. Mey you’re a peach and I love ya and we’ve had so many great threads and AUs. By far one of my favorite blogs and muns <3
@ncgeru :: Oh my gosh, this blog man - this blog xD You are so much fun to talk to OOC even if we don’t do so too often. My goodness. And don’t even get me started on your boy. He’s such a gem! Ryū cares about that boyo a ridiculous amount, and I still giggle to myself over the ToD game with him and Obito duking it out, my gosh xD I love our interactions and always love to see where they go next <3
@i-minato-chan :: I don’t get to write Ryū when she’s a smol too often, so honestly this blog and the AU we write in is SUCH a breath of fresh air. Your little Minato is such a good boy, and Ryū’s friendship with him is so pure and adorable. I love it. Whether it’s them being nerds together or just chilling, each thread has been so much fun <3
@masshirohebi :: Okay real talk, your blog intimidated me for the LONGEST TIME - you’re such a beautiful writer and your characterization is just! So amazing. I’m so glad to be finally interacting with you more. Seriously your Oro is just beyond perfect. I adore them and all their sneaky ways xD And you’re such a sweetie OOC, thank you for writing with us <3
@oc-lootcrate :: Oh my goodness, the OCs on this blog are so GREAT! We need to interact with more of them, I just haven’t had the time dfjhgdfg but the ones we HAVE written with have been a blast. Whether it’s adorable lil Senri or Ryū being this || close to nabbing Kenji, your muses are awesome. And you’re so sweet and easy to talk to, a v v good bloggu <3
@thecorpsecarrier​ :: This blog is just so...unique. I love the idea of the corpse corps, and Jun is such an intriguing character. I have LOVED our threads with the smols. Ryū is so curious about her and just! Wants to be friendos. I love them. And you’ve always been super approachable. I hope life isn’t keeping you too busy, and we get to write again soon! <3
     And to all of our other mutuals we have yet to get to know, we love you guys too! And we look forward to getting to interact both IC and OOC as more time passes. Tumblr RP has, at times, been a rough place to be...but overall it’s been a second home full of wonderful friends who have gotten Ryū and I through many a tough time. So even if you aren’t listed here, you’ve made a difference in this nerd’s life one way or another, so...thank you, and we look forward to another year <3
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