#that i know of obvs but i imagine nothing exists lol
sillyabtmusic · 2 months
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compacflt · 5 months
Would you ever consider writing about a different path Ice and Mav could take, one where they choose to leave the Navy and pursue a more open relationship and civilian life? Thinking it would be easier but maybe the sacrifice to their careers brings its own challenges?
(hi, jan 2024 me here, this was an ask that I answered when it was sent in in May 2023 & didn't post because I felt I actually answered it fictionally in the "icedad" one-shot the week after [and you can obviously see how these thoughts affected the writing of other pieces like "tremors & aftershocks"], but I still mostly agree with this take [though it's a little overgeneralizing] & I think it sums up a lot of my final "meta" modern-military-theory thoughts on ice & mav & their relationship, so im posting it now before I post the compacflt masterpoast)
see,… the thing is, i just… can’t see that happening!! i have no idea how to write that!!! Maybe i really do have a lack of imagination. But i can’t see that happening for a number of reasons. So short answer, no.
Long answer (and it’s long):
1. lame reason to start out, but it, uh, it’s canon that ice ends up at O-10 and mav ends up at O-6. not saying that im beholden to canon obviously (my mav ends up at O-7 and my ice ends up alive) but I do base my characterizations of them on the implications of the political struggles of both their careers so… taking away ice’s fourth star is basically starting from square one wrt my characterization of him. which is a lot of work. i could start from the beginning with a top gun 1986 ice who knows he’s gay—that would be a fun AU (i think other people than me have definitely done that better, though—I’m a one-trick pony). So if that’s what you mean then disregard the rest of this post. but if what you mean is a divergence from my existing work (i.e. homophobic/rank-climbing ice&mav) then… yeah, can’t see that happening, for further reasons below.
2. wrt my characterization of him: it’s based on a broad historical overview of armed service officers and the expectations of their careers. in my view, high-ranking officers aren’t after power—or maybe they started their careers wanting power, but somewhere down the line, it just becomes an expectation. if you do everything right and follow all the rules, you are expected by the institution to lead, whether you want to or not. That’s just the pipeline. at some point you start losing agency. which is what I mean when I keep saying ice doesn’t have a choice in advancing his career (besides the meta fact that this is fanfiction and canon demands that he have 4 stars lol)—high ranking military officers are continually and continually groomed for bigger and better positions; and the longer they spend in the military, the harder it is to leave that lifestyle for something else. And with ice’s canonical (and characteristically INTEGRAL, as I mentioned a week or so ago) refusal to rebel against the wishes of the navy as an institution, plus this historical expectation to lead placed upon the shoulders of excelling officers, I really do think ice is destined for four stars & nothing less, even if it gives him chronic depression. It’s his highest priority not because he wants it to be, but because…it just is. that’s how the institutionalized system of advancement in the military works. it just is. it has to be.
3. I mentioned in this post that I can’t ever see a foot in the door with them talking about their relationship unless maverick dies and is resurrected, and I feel the exact same way about them & their retirement plans. There’s a lot that ice and mav don’t talk about: the biggest one is obviously Goose’s death, the foundation of their relationship; but also their love for each other obv, what they did to rooster, AND their careers, which have to end at some point. Them talking about everything is totally inevitable, it was gonna have to happen eventually before they died, and I think one foot in the door MIGHT have been them eventually talking about retirement (someone sent in a prompt asking for this exactly & i am brainstorming it furiously) but before the Navy FORCES them to retire… i think they would studiously avoid talking about it. For a couple reasons: a) what does retiring with each other mean? living in the same house until they die together? hard to do if you’re just good friends. talking about retirement is tantamount to talking about Them. and b) what are they gonna do outside the navy? Ice has a lot of options, as I mentioned in the slider one-shot—general/flag officers are SUPER sought after in leadership/intelligentsia/management positions post service, so maybe if he were offered a crazy cool civilian position somewhere in San Diego in like the 2000s he would quit the navy for it… but what about maverick? I have no idea what a non-navy mav would do. Civilian airline pilot? Hoo boy. I think he’d hate that. I could maybe see emergency helicopter pilot, lol, or race car driver (i just watched days of thunder can you tell?) but none of the above offers the institutionalized honor the navy does (that, as a reminder, he *killed people* to obtain in the first place). I suggested his test piloting expertise would make him an attractive technical advising candidate to A&D companies like Boeing, LockMart, GD, etc. so that might be one option. But it might have been kind of a touchy subject for him before he racked up the expertise he’d need for those high-level civilian positions… the navy was kinda his only option. So they wouldn’t talk about it because it might hurt his feelings.
4. The biggest reason: again… open rebellion like rocking the boat by quitting the navy to be in an open long-term gay relationship, in upper mil brass ranks, and even retired upper mil brass ranks, just… isn’t done. And REALLY wasn’t done in the 2000s, when i think the scenario in this ask is positioned. And it’s not like “oh but whatever who cares about the navy, ice and mav are in love, they deserve to be happy no matter what, they should do what they want, fuck the navy…” no. Ice and Mav care about the navy. Clearly. Canonically. By necessity. The military requires cohesion and on some level repression of individuality & personal expression to FUNCTION, even when you’re retired. Yes, maverick certainly strains against that repression (which is why you Could spin top gun as an anti-military franchise if you were desperate enough), but he rebels through his ACTIONS (stupid plane maneuvers) not through his personal IDENTITY. his personal identity (headstrong overtly masculine white male pilot, whether gay or straight who cares) is NEVER challenged throughout the franchise (i.e. no one really challenges his masculinity specifically) & his personal identity does not POSE a challenge to the navy. Both he and ice in their outward-facing personal identities really fit in quite neatly to the navy’s overarching identity & contribute to the navy’s cohesion in a way that is favorable to both their careers and the establishment. Lack of imagination or not… i can’t see a universe in which Ice and mav would actively WANT to rock the boat and wreck the navy’s cohesion and their reputations for an open relationship and definitively rebellious personal identities, with the obvious caveat being Maverick’s death recontextualizing both their priorities (yes we’re in love AND we’ve finally proven ourselves to be ultra-capable officers regardless of our sexuality so no one has a license to judge us anymore etc.).
And also, they’re not enlisted seamen. Nor are they mediocre officers who have the luxury of fading into obscurity. Things are different when you’re that high in the ranks, and when your job publicly matters more. sorry, but even post DADT (probably until about biden’s election), an open relationship would end their careers. They might not be fired, but they’d never be promoted again. Too much of a liability getting subordinates to still respect them, from the higher-ups’ perspective, especially if there are other qualified candidates who fit the navy’s core identity better. Like—sorry. This is such a jaded oversimplification. But if you rock the boat like that (i.e. break the service’s united front to be individualistic in a way that does not match the service’s overarching identity), from the perspective of your officer peers, you simply are a bad officer. Being an open individual in a job where you are required to fit in and represent your service is not your job. You are not doing your job well. Straight-up. Even if you’re retired. I met US Army 4-star gen. David Petraeus (retired obv) in February—he led the successful-ish surge in iraq and Afghanistan in the mid-2000s—and he’s STILL a laughingstock for his disastrous affair with his biographer a decade ago, even after he retired from AD service. That’s what people remember him for, not the fact that he was one of our only successful commanders in any of our Middle East campaigns.
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Something like that might be one of ice and mav’s worst fears—being known for their affair/scandal instead of the institutionalized honor they’ve fought and killed for. That kind of thing just Isn’t Done. It's bad taste. You have to keep it quiet. If you’re an officer representing the service, you have to represent it well & according to the service’s preconceived identity, even in retirement. (see, for another shitty example of "not fitting in" even in retirement, Lt. gen. Mike Flynn [his whole scandal is actually kinda geopolitically relevant to my fic if you squint lol] whom everyone fucking hates)
To summarize: i hope I’m not mischaracterizing your ask when i reframe it like this—would you ever write ice and mav without the institutionalized pressure to advance in rank and conform to institutional norms?
and yes, I would (and will if you ask—it looks like this: ice & mav meet & fall in love & it’s boring and fine. end of story), but I guarantee you someone else already has. I’m all about interrogation of institutional norms here. And i think until maverick dies & comes back from the dead, there is absolutely no *REALISTIC* incentive for ice & mav to leave the navy and/or have an open relationship. Like it’s just not possible. Idk how else to say it.
#which is like the whole point of my fic right. this is exactly what im trying to say with the story as a whole#these are flawed institutions stuck in their ways and ice as an officer REPRESENTS that flawed institution stuck in its ways#until real life (maverick dying) gets in the way and makes him reevaluate his priorities#and the truth is—his 1st priority (loving maverick) is absolutely incompatible with his 2nd priority (advancing his naval career)#for the reasons listed above#so he quits!#but just because he quits doesn’t mean he doesn’t still represent the navy! that’s the curse of officership#per the slider oneshot: You can’t ever retire once you get any stars.#unfortunately in a realistic world Ice really DOES owe the navy his discretion. that’s how it works.#tom iceman kazansky#pete maverick mitchell#top gun#top gun maverick#icemav#asks#edts notes#the thing with petraeus though is that his affair was notable bc he leaked a bunch of classified info to her#so not the best example but it was still cool (in like a oh you’re a historical figure sense) to meet him so I’m bragging abt it#(see tweet I just added)#additionally: the military is changing! in this universe it would be young upstart officers like rooster/hangman who contribute#to the liberalization of military officer culture!#but that kind of change Is Not happening in the 50s-60s cadre of upper level officers. At all. Ice included.#anon let me know if this wasn’t what you meant in your ask.#& feel free to disagree/argue with me this is just my view#lol the DOD just banned drag shows in the military#^ these tags are 7 months old now
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justatalkingface · 10 months
what's your opinion on the big 3? When I was hyperfoxed on this series they were the thing I care Abt the most (I enjoyed season 4, obv I'd change some stuff now but I still remember it being atleast ok)
I hate how dirty they did my girl nejire, as far as I'm aware they didn't even do anything with her after the whole pagent thing she just got a small backstory about how she was sad (don't know all of it I haven't been keeping up that well w the manga)
mirios not having a quirky and having to save eri (a girl who I can't imagine would be that skilled at the age she is and has been training on lizards to give his quirk back all together, I'd imagine it taking a few more months but bnhas time is shit so) and coming back in the war arc to punch one person and then basically do noting iicr
The only decently written one was amajiki, I wish they had more going on I think they have a fun dynamic (w them helping taking care of eri and me rlly liking idk what it's called but I love the fluff it brings) :(
Lots of mixed feelings, in all honesty. Lots of mixed feelings.
I'll admit, a big part of my mixed feelings about them is they showed up as the latest, 'Stomp on Izuku's everything' at the point in the story where it was becoming obvious that there was always something stomping on Izuku, and that gave me a bad first impression on them I've never been able to shake... which isn't helped by how they're connected to the clusterfuck of Nighteye, of all people, which is kind of my whole thing with Mirio (warning; I am biased):
As a person, he's obviously nice, but as a character, basiclly his entire reason for existing was, 'give Izuku an existential crisis' and I don't think I've ever forgiven him for that, really. His entire character is just bigger, stronger, older, happier, more capable, more confident, more successful, more loved Izuku, who had a Quirk his whole life and only had to dig deep to find out how strong it, and he, was all along.
Unironically. It's....
It's a really bad look, to be blunt; he feels kind of like a bad fanfiction character written by a bad writer who wanted to put their super special OC in the story, except he's canon.
Since we've never seen him even think something unheroic, there's really nothing that distinguishes him from that impression factual statement, which, again, makes it hard for me to give a shit about him, or even remember him... which is a problem Hori seems to share, lol. It doesn't help that I loathe Sir Nighteye and that most of his development time is spent admiring him, to boot, and that his parts of the story are either empty or focused on a living plot device I can't quite like no matter how hard I try because of how blatant the emotional manipulation is about the biggest story breaking, SOD shattering plot device until Stars and Stripes showed up.
If he ever got any kind of development to flesh him out a human being rather than being either Izuku and/or a heroic archetype, it'd help, but beyond all of that his biggest personality trait is liking jokes, and that barely even comes up. Or, rather, considering both the Final Arc and his response to Bakugou's name, along with Nighteye's own tendencies, 'jokes', maybe.
He doesn't deserve it, I admit it, it's not his fault, but I just can't get past that. He also doesn't deserve to just be forgotten until his big moment of a butt joke, but... MHA, everyone. In all honesty, I'd just like him better if his entire story arc didn't exist in and as some of the worst parts of the Overhaul arc, but he's tainted by that fact.
I freely admit that I am unfairly biased against him, so take all of that with a mountain of salt.
As a side note though, god, the story doesn't seem to realize how badly Nighteye is using the poor kid; Mirio thinks Nighteye is training him because he's worthy, while Nighteye mainly seems to be doing it because he's the closest thing to an All Might clone he can get, bar him actually cloning All Might, even if he grew to like him for who he is. I'm not sure Nighteye ever thought of Mirio with just his Quirk as anything more than a temporary situation; even at the start of canon, when on his own merits he's rising to fame with how successful he is, Nighteye's overall focus is still about getting AFO into the kid.
I almost wish I could see Nighteye explaining how all of his training came down to getting All Might's Quirk, just to see MIrio react and tear Nighteye down a peg about it, except Hori's history of handling these kinds of things means he'd never be allowed to be properly offended on his own behalf, the poor bastard.
Moving on, Tamaki. Out of all of them, he's had the biggest of an on-screen story arc, and in a intellectual way his Quirk is easily the most interesting. Unfortunately, while he has a personality, it feels so bland at times that he's far easier to remember for his Quirk than who he is.
I liked his story, really, but at the time it was overshadowed by Mirio and his everything, and by the time he showed back up it was clear how irrelevant it and he was, so it was more about how (admittedly, very) cool he get his Quirk to be than it was about him, and with some brutal honesty, it's probably because his Quirk is so interesting that he even got that much focus beyond that initial arc by Hori.
And... Nejirie.
In a combat sense she's easily the best of them, really; Mirio is almost purely defensive, which limits him (especially if he's not surprising someone with it) while Tamaki's Quirk, while flexible, is so conditional in ways that can easily hold him back (we only ever see him fight with full preparation; if he's not gearing for a fight he'd be easy to ambush), and like a lot of things in the Final Arc, his big laser canon thing is.... questionable.
Nejirie, though, is just simply powerful. In a setting where everyone has one power and one main application of that power, where you either fly or blast things, but not both, she's the closest I've seen to a 'traditional' super hero, like you'd see in Marvel or DC.
At the same time, though, out of the three of them she least has a story, for obvious reasons, and it's a disgrace, really. If Hori had just spent some time on her, on the her backstory that apparently exists (yeah, I'm not sure where that is either), she could have been so interesting... but really, all she is is the Girl Teammate. Her personality traits are The Girl Teammate's personality traits. She's just The Girl Teammate stamped over all of the interesting stuff, and it's such a waste, it really is.
And finally, as a unit? The Big Three is a shiny toy that Hori forgot in the corner somewhere as soon as he got bored with it. He spent a few minutes oohing and aahing over them, focusing really hard on developing interesting powers, how they could be used, and how strong they were, only to start to lose interest as soon as those powers were established, and he was writing the three of them off before their introductory arc was even over.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Can I ask for your take/opinion on a yandere idea? This was a passing thought, so forgive me if I don't explain it well.
But what about a yandere who enjoys the chase more than the catch? Like, they go all out getting their Darling and making sure they are Darling's one and only, but they start to get bored after a while of Darling finally being theirs so they move on. And what if Darling had snapped at some point because of the Yandere's constant mind games and was now convinced the two of them were meant to be so they sort of... switch positions. Now Darling is the predator and Yandere is the prey. The feelings are never really mutual (except for that short overlap in the middle). I think the idea is fun to consider, especially if you want to see how crazy handles crazy.
Honestly, I'm not proud of it, but I have totally chased someone and dumped their ass once I had them before lol. 16-year-old me was fucking ruthless I tell ya. Regardless, I, personally, don't think it's a very good trope for yandere, so it's not my favorite. Sorry to not have a better view on it ):
I believe there is something about the darling that draws the yandere in, but instead of being able to be normal about shared interests or kindness you showed them—or anything you can think about really—they just fall into this huge hole of obsession that they can't get out. Although this is also possible by e.g. torture and breaking of the mind, as with the darling here, somehow regretting the catch feels almost like the yandere... never was a yandere. Because it's the end goal to have a loving darling and live the 'normal' life with them for the yandere, their obsession never stops. At least to me, I know it's farfetched.
The "darling going yandere for their yandere" is just not my favorite thing because it honestly equals the ending of a compliant darling which is just a fucked up couple if they do end up together consensually. And if we take away that the captor is a yandere originally, then wouldn't the captive breaking not result in a more catatonic darling, rather than a darling that wants the love of the captor? You see, of course this is all nitpicking because I really can't make sense of it otherwise while still staying in the trope.
I will, however, give you an alternative if you look for the crazy meets crazy. How about two polar opposites that hate each other? Serial killer and detective, hero and villain, two office workers absolutely unable to stand one another but forced to work together. The good ol' enemies to (unwilling) lovers, where one of them finally goes yandere because they can't imagine their life without the other. Because they realize they are nothing without their darling, their whole existence relies on them. Darling is the only thing on their mind ever, and they can't control the many, untameable emotions they feel for the darling. Sure, they hate each other, but the yandere loves being hated by their darling and loves putting them in their place just as much. If they could have their way with their darling they'd absolutely have them exactly how they want them.
However, darling too, is struggling without them. Maybe going through existencial crisis without their mad counterpart or they realize they can't live up to the expectations once they bested the yandere (yan let them win obv.). Maybe the yandere is putting stones in their way, and forcing the darling to rely on them if they want to progress in their doings. Maybe darling gets gaslit and their self-confidence destroyed. The tension is exquisite as they realize they hate the yandere more than anyone in this world, but the yan might be the only one who gets them and keeps them motivated to improve themselves. It creates the dependency I talk about a lot, and it can go so far as to make the darling desperate, crushing them until they realize they can't get out of the mess they created. They can't give in to the yandere, but also can't do anything to stop them. They need to work with the yandere somehow, but everything about them repulses the darling.
People can't help but think the darling has gone mad as well. They are right. The darling broke a long time ago, but so did the yandere. No one will ever be able to understand these two psychos as they fight each other, so fixated on the other that they don't even realize the things going on outside of their feud. Or how people secretly ship them. Or that they need to finish their fucking around, but even if they leave their jobs/doings/etc. behind they'll never be able to get rid of each other, already too lost in the mad love and mad dependency.
Hope you might like this idea, and thank you for sharing yours! I am just very particular about figuring out how to make yandere work realistically and in-depth. And I totally don't mean in any way or form that you can't enjoy it, it's just my opinion ^^
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deeplytiredwerewolf · 1 month
I have this OC named Thérèse, and honestly, I'm still sorta working through how I made her backstory a lot more existential dread filled. (Obv because I made her a lab subject but still) The gist is this: She's a non-human clone of one of the scientist's dead daughter. She was basically tortured into acting "exactly like her" by the scientists and kept in a room that looked like the dead girl's room with the only reflective surface being a mirror which was also the entry/exit and was a two way mirror where the scientists could see her at all times, but after 2 of my other OCs basically expose each country's governments' secrets, she's released with the other subjects at age 17 after getting some revenge kills in. That's when she meets Savannah, one of the members of the duo that helped freed her, also 17. The 2 fall in love and date, with Thérèse acting like the "polar opposite" of the dead girl she's a clone of. She gets into stars, dresses like she's in the 1920s, stuff like that. One day, the 2 decide to track down the real Thérèse's friends, where they off-handedly mention that clone!Thérèse is just like their late friend, to which she's like "What."
They explain to her rather innocently that the scientist controlled his daughter to act exactly how he wanted her to, but when she was with her friends, the real Thérèse was like this. After that, clone!Thérèse gets into an existential crisis. So like, imagine being her, tortured to act like someone else, and when you finally think you've rebelled, you realize that you're just like her. You're nothing but a copy. A copy of someone you don't even know and was supposed to stay dead. And yet she's still alive. She's existing in 2 states at the same time. You will never be your own person, because the long-dead girl that came before you would have done the same. Just. Like. You. Would. or something lol
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shingogf · 2 years
And in celebration of my newfound drive to suddenly post and expand upon my (superb) opinions on my fav pieces of media, i must also say this: i dont rlly agree with the "hehe but its fun to imagine william had 0 motive to murder cuz hes just built diff lol!" affirmation like...yea ok but do u realize how dull and utterly boring that is from a writing pov. Scott cant fuckin write a linear story nor can he model humans to save his own life and has to pull 1000 books out of his ass to fill in the gaps and even THEN it still aint enough. So i can take the liberty to think about the what ifs.
Not negating the existence of serial killers that had a seemingly normal and uneventful upbringing doing what they did later in life at all, that IS a possibility. Theoretically the likes of dahmer and bundy could be put into that category (tho we'll never know for sure but i digress) so yes people who weren't abused or didnt go through major trauma can STILL commit heinous acts.
BUT i still think, for the sake of storytelling and character flavour, that it is infinitely better to say (this is fuckin fnaf lore we STILL dont have a clear answer of who was first nd i've seen many ppl who have diff interpretations when it comes to details cuz duh😑) that evan died FIRST and that was the beginning of william's downward spiral. Just imagine, an already unhealthy mind having to process such immense amounts of agony and grief. It's only logical he'll eventually snap and do something awful. And that only makes his folllowing actions all the more impactful and infinitely more fucked up.
I wont dive rn into the backstory of william that i made and how everything clicks into place when adding up the already known fnaf lore, but just the mere fact that he already by no means was a "good" person and suffered from untreated mental illness and then one of his OWN kids kills ANOTHER ONE OF HIS OWN like. USING HIS OWN CREATION. Can you imagine. That ultimately would make his already egotistical ass think "wow! life fucking sucks and if i cant have shit then no one will!" and thats precisely why he kills charlie afterwards, making her his first victim ever. And that was the only non premeditated murder bc it was done completely on impulse, he saw a chance and took it after henry berated him for his erratic behavior that resulted from evan's death bc it was causing up trouble at work and in their business relationship, so mans simply drove away angrily, saw charlie conveniently locked out of the restaurant and did it in a sick act of revenge that held nothing but pure pent up rage. And after he saw that he could even get away with killing his best friend's kid, he wanted to see just how much he could push it. This also makes sense when u think of when henry says "a wound first inflicted on me" at the end of fnaf 6 bc it implies charlie really being william's first murder and a personal one at that.
AND i have to say i also completely disagree with the whole william offed his wife and yeeted her into ballora theory. Not only would it throw more suspicion on william cuz at this point he had 6 victims and ppl deadass KNEW it was him, but i firmly believe mrs afton skeddadled sometime before elizabeth died. His fuckin marriage fell apart alongside everything else following evan's death in 1983. I believe ballora (just like how circus baby was modeled after elizabeth) was made as an homage to his wife and because it was clear the only family member he felt badly about was michael for obvious reasons. In my mind william always goes for victims he isn't emotionally involved with and actively avoids killing close ones (the only exception to the rule being charlie bc 1. it was done entirely on impulse and i believe its the only crime he regretted at least in the moment and 2. i dont think he was necessarily emotionally involved w charlie despite obvs knowing her, if anything i'd argue HENRY is more emotionally involved w william's kids bc he's a much more mentally healthy person than he is) a.k.a the double life serial killer if u will (think keith jesperson) like he literally cared abt his family in his own weird ass ways, he never wanted evan or ELIZABETH to die.
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johnthel · 4 months
The Flood Thing AU
Im writing this at 2am. SPOILERS, OBV. OKAY SO roles: Im very indecisive so i would love feedback on casting.
Mccready is Chief, but Cortana is also there but may not take the role of an existing character, since she's probably still just an AI.
Childs is Arbiter. Gary is Johnson? Or possibly Captain Keyes? I like the idea of him as Johnson better, BUT... with the end of the movie, and the big disgusting one at the end with him and nauls, i think it could work as keyes. I cant decide
I want to include Rtas for sure, and also Miranda Keyes. but after that I don't really know who else to include since I've stuck to the first 3 games and dont know any more side characters. So feel free to suggest and help me out please!
I'm thinking Rtas as Nauls just cus i like him so much, but Im really not sure it fits. I need the rest of the cast: Blair, Bennings, Norris, Palmer, Copper, Fuchs, Clark, and Windows.
My thoughts during this watch:
Chief trying to play chess with Cortana at the beginning lol
(X and Arbiter) "Chief wants the flame thrower!" "He wants the what?" "Thats what he said!" Very quietly under his breath: "Dammit"
X=unspecified character (doesnt have a role yet)
Mccready wears green i notice... very interesting...
So i mean, aliens obviously exist and have contact with earth in this au already and thats common knowledge. So i think their disbelief comes from the flood thing's powers, and maybe Where in space it originated from, and how it is obviously very sinister.
I havent thought of human and the covenant/cov rebels history yet or why this group is stationed somewhere so cold and im honestly too tired to. So whatever
Do they still dig it up out of the ice, and the humans are in disbelief that aliens made contact with them That long ago? Or did the flood thing land recently? Does some of the distrust of the humans come from thinking the aliens on their team could have something to do with this?
I think a good bit of mccready's dialogue would go to cortana instead of chief
Wait does that say Sexdozer 301
Fuuuck... ive always thought Childs is so fine...
(Chief) "Trust is a hard thing to come by these days."
I love this cus it focuses on Chief and Arbiter's tension for real... they dont trust each other and its so tense. Its great
(X and Arbiter) "What if we're wrong about him?" "Well then we're wrong."
(Chief) "Anyone messes with me and the whole place goes... Go on, burn me... Put the torch on the floor and back off. Way off."
(Arbiter and Chief) "You shall not bind me." "Then I'll have to kill you." "Then kill me."
...... i mean it, i guess you do (i'd exclude these lines tbh, i like it ending with THEN KILL ME... its just more hardcore for them to say nothing and then chief turns around and shoots a dude trying to stab him)
I think arbiter totally would cuss but he does it very under his breath and never wants anyone to hear. Lol. He learned his swear words from the humans but hes hesitant to say them in front of them
(Johnson as Gary) "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH."
When they go under the tool shed where Blair was, its covered in that disgusting flood stuff, instead of the spaceship. Yick
Also i just think its interesting Blair, as human, was the one most determined to destroy transport and keep everyone there, but then as the thing he's the one building a ship to escape.
Not sure who Nauls would be.. cus whos left at this point would be Thel, Johnson, Chief, and Cortana technically, and nauls. Maybe.. nauls could be cortana? But i was thinking she would still be an AI, cus that just feels better cus its less of a change. So nauls could be someone else. My heart says Rtas just cus i love him so much. But i dont think so. Imagining Rtas on little roller skates jamming out is sending me though
God.. imagining when the flood thing takes over both human and sangheili and cant finish morphing, would be so cool
(Johnson as Gary and Chief, but it also sounds like a convo with Cortana tbh) "Generator's gone." "Any way we can fix it?" "It's gone, Chief."
THE ENDING IS SOOOOO GOOOOD. Childs missing for the whole final act until this point. And meets up with mccready. And the tension. Their impending fate. The mistrust... ive read that childs is definitely infected by the end, but its truly never confirmed WHICH I FUCKING LOVE. Because we, as the audience, are in mccreadys place by that point. We just dont know. We cant trust him.
The drink is really interesting. Two theories ive read, childs is so willing to share the whiskey which is suspicious (but i wonder if it could be interpreted as him accepting his fate?). The other is from a filmmakers art perspective, and that those who are infected throughout the movie have a certain gleam in their eyes, however ive never personally noticed this yet. Next watch i'll look for it.
(Arbiter and Chief) "The fire has the temperature up all over. It won't last long though." "Neither will we." .... "How will we make it?" "... Maybe we shouldn't."
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queenofnohr · 2 years
im not really into ff14 so maybe this is a weird question to ask but i saw people on twitter posting alternate designs of their characters and your post about aias-ajax/asha-moros finally made it click what they meant by “azem”. so do moros and ajax have different designs or do they look the same? im not quite clear on the rules but alt versions of your ocs always go so hard id love to see!
gomen gomen this was sent to me sometime around when I originally posted the Ajax/Moros stuff but I……. wanted the spirit of art to take me and guide my hand so I might have had actual visuals but Alas
Hmmmm for Ajax, he ends up being a similar size…… by Ancient standards, to Aias. I HOPE THIS ISNT LIKE CONDESCENDING OR WHATEVER BUT SINCE YOU MENTIONED YOU DONT XIV I MIGHT OVEREXPLAIN STUFF…….
But since the different races didn’t exist yet in the unsundered world, I think he still has Aias’ general face shape but, ahem, peeled. De-scaled. De-lizarded. Still has red hair bc I think having shades of red is just…… an Ajax shard trait, but obvs has a more human skin tone and is therefore not purple. Eyes are gold though I’ve yet to decide if I wanna slightly alter the shade since Emet-Selch has those glowing gold eyes
Moros is actually way easier to explain LOL I have suchhhhh a distinct image in my mind of him. So, firstly, he’s basically got the same hair as bunny!Asha - slicked back with the widow’s peak - but looooooooong. Like Heian beauty long. Same aquiline nose shape as bun!Asha, and same pretty pretty perfect mouth. Though his eyes are probably more sharp, his brow more defined, similar to lizard!Asha (fun fact - did you know the wing and shading of bunny!Asha’s eyeshadow is actually supposed to mimic the brow line/shadow lizard!Asha had?). His eyes def got the oji-san anime lines around them but in general he’s the prettiest 50 y. o. man you’ll ever meet is the vibe
I think Moros’ most striking feature, though, and why lifting his mask just enough to flash an (1) eye is good enough identification in places like Elpis is because he has pitch black eyes uncharacteristic of Ancients. And because they’re pitch black, they obviously don’t glow, but to keep the Ancient glow on black eyes, his eyes actually absorb light and reflect it back “glowing” (& also concentrated). So, for example, if he were to look directly up at fireworks, I imagine his eyes would look like a black opal!
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that’s, of course, in an extreme case with many different colored lights. And I don’t think light that’s too far off/dim could have the same effect - stars, for example, wouldn’t be reflected in his eyes
And even though I’ve gone into great detail about his eyes and his pretty pretty long hair it all amounts to nothing because he keeps his mask on at all times (even at home with Ajax!) and the hood of his robes pulled up with his hair shoved into them. No one gets a look at anything except his pretty mouth.
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harocat · 2 years
Do you like Yurio? I saw some of your posts about him and I was just curious.
(Please don't take this as an attack or something in case you don't like him. In my case I always try to avoid him because he's not pleasant for me and everyone loves him but honestly you seem to have interesting views of him but that's only my opinion)
I have kind of complex feelings on him, because like, as a foil in the series itself I think he's fine, but the ending and how it seemed to reinforce his worst traits was a big turnoff for me, and I very dislike the way he's played in fandom, ESPECIALLY wrt to his relationship to Victuuri.
Like Yurio does spend 90% of the series shitting on my favorite character, when said favorite character has done nothing to deserve it, so that on its own is kind of enough reason for me to not really want to engage with him? But I am okay with him for most of the series itself.
And I get that yes he's a teenager, but 'teenagers are just like that' doesn't really fly for me, because they're not. Teenagers can be rude and mean, but the level at which Yurio behaves and everyone just brushes it off as funny or cute is not it. And can you imagine someone acting like this in international competitive sports? Like why is this allowed lol. I get that it's supposed to be funny, and some of it is slapstick, because YOI is a silly show at times, but when he doesn't seem to grow past it at all, and like I said in that previous post, the ending reinforces his worst traits, it kind of stops being funny. Like I'm supposed to be happy Yurio won when he's screaming about how there's no gold medals for pigs to feed on in his fs? Because he had one internal monologue about agape in the previous episode. The scene in episode eleven where he makes fun of Yuuri to his face after his SP, which happens after he apparently discovers his agape? It was so mean. It was not at all funny.
And in fandom, this is exacerbated. So many people act like Yurio's behavior toward Victor and Yuuri for just like... existing, is justifiable. Yuuri especially is just existing (and is always extremely nice to Yurio), but in fics, even Victuuri fics, it feels like I'm supposed to buy that he's so annoying. Victor and Yuuri act like the couple they are and sometimes engage in PDA, and it's endless comments about how gross it is from Yurio. I don't actually think that's funny. I know kids sometimes get weird about PDA, but Yurio is fifteen, and reading over and over about how gross a gay couple is while enjoying my fluffy gay fanfic escapism is not fun to me. I don't see how using that joke over and over is funny, and it does not endear me to Yurio at all (though obvs I don't hold it against his canon self).
I do think people super over exaggerate their closeness. Yurio has a family. He has family who loves him. Victor and Yuuri don't need to be his parents, nor should they be because they are like... ten years older than him. IF Yurio chills out and they become close (if, because as is, in the series itself, they're not close and they have a long way to go), maybe he could be like a little brother figure, but he's not going to supplant all the other people in their life like I see so often in fandom (shoutout to how many fics I've seen where Phichit is totally erased and replaced with Yurio). And sometimes I'd just like to enjoy some Victuuri content without Yurio being shoved in* just to be rude for no reason to my fave characters. It's just not enjoyable.
*unfortunately official art is guilty of this as well, but imo this is probably due to the homophobic censorship more than anything else. :(
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lavellander · 3 years
hello im feeling extra “touch the stove”-y today so. i was looking for any dialogue where solas just straight up lies and (of what i could find online/transcribed, obv) i didnt find anything that was 100% untrue. he’ll completely avoid the question, change the subject, give part of the truth, etc etc etc, but nothing was just Entirely A Lie
what really gets me is that there’s a handful of convos where someone infers something from what solas says, and he will even point out that he didn’t directly say that. like, he tells people how to see through his shit, lmao
here is an embarrassingly long ass list of examples, all sorted by what kind of not-lying he’s doing lol, just bc i am unhinged<3
*note that some of these are cut from longer bits of dialogue or have been split up from one conversation into different categories*
literally just Not Answering The Question lol
Dorian: How much “will” do they have? They’re amorphous constructs of the Fade. Solas: Hmm.
Dorian: Solas, have I offended you? Solas: If you have, why would it concern you?
Dorian: Solas, what is this whole look of yours about? Solas: I’m sorry? Dorian: No, that outfit is sorry. What are you supposed to be, some kind of woodsman? Dorian: Is it a Dalish thing? Don’t you dislike the Dalish? Or is it some kind of statement? Solas: No.
Dorian: Let me get this straight, Solas. Dorian: You’re an apostate – neither Dalish nor city elf – who lived alone in the woods studying spirits. Solas: Is that a problem for you?
Solas: [has a whole tactical moment about the red jennies lmao] Sera: Where d’you get all this, then? Solas: Do you wish to be unnerved by another tale of my explorations of the Fade? Or do you wish to learn something?
Vivienne: You must be pleased with what was revealed at the Temple of Mythal, Solas. Solas: Why should those ruins please me, Enchanter?
changing the subject before he backs himself into a corner
Gatt: I don’t see any tattoos, but you’re carrying a staff. Are you from a Chantry Circle? Solas: No. And I would prefer not to discuss it.
Solas: I find the fall of the dwarven lands confusing. Varric: What’s so confusing about endless darkspawn? Solas: A great deal, although that is a different matter.
giving the truth, but not the whole truth
Blackwall: Skyhold. How did you find it? Solas: I looked. Blackwall: Now you sound like Cole. You looked? Solas: This world is full of wonders for those who seek them.
Blackwall: You spoke of seeing death and destruction. Did you fight in a war? Solas: There are struggles across Thedas at any given time. I doubt you would have heard of it. Blackwall: An elven skirmish? Solas: In a manner of speaking, yes.
Cassandra: Solas, have you always lived alone? Out in the wilderness, as an apostate? Solas: For the most part.
Cassandra: Have you ever encountered templars before? Solas: Only at a distance. I am an apostate, after all. Cassandra: And they never caught you even once? Solas: I am a very careful apostate.
Dorian: We found elves, living ancient elves, at the Temple of Mythal. Does that bother you, Solas? If Inquisitor allied with the Sentinels: Solas: I am pleased we were not forced to kill them, if that’s what you mean.
Iron Bull: You’ve got an odd style, Solas. Your spells are a bit different from the Circle mages or the Vints. Solas: That comes from being self-taught. Solas: I discovered most of my magic on my own, or learned it from my journeys in the Fade.
Vivienne: So, an apostate? Solas: That is correct, Enchanter. I did not train in your Circle.
Solas: You are a man who made a choice... possibly the first of your life. Iron Bull: I’ve always liked fighting. What if I turn savage, like the other Tal-Vashoth? Solas: You have the Inquisition, you have the Inquisitor... and you have me.
from cutscene at beginning Inquisitor: [mentions the anchor closing a rift] Solas: Whatever magic opened the Breach in the sky also placed that mark upon your hand. I theorized the mark might be able to close the rifts that have opened in the Breach's wake – and it seems I was correct.
from cutscene at beginning Solas: [to a Dalish Inq] You are Dalish, but clearly away from the rest of your clan. Did they send you here? Inquisitor: What do you know of the Dalish? Solas: I have wandered many roads in my time, and crossed paths with your people on more than one occasion. Inquisitor: [Crossed paths? dialogue choice] Solas: I mean that I offered to share knowledge, only to be attacked for no greater reason than their superstition.
from “I’d like to know more about you” convo in Haven Inquisitor: What made you start studying the Fade? Solas: I grew up in a village to the north. There was little to interest a young man, especially one gifted with magic. But as I slept, spirits of the Fade showed me glimpses of wonders I had never imagined. I treasured my dreams. Being awake, out of the Fade, became troublesome.
actually telling the truth but no one picks up on the gravity of it
Solas: [...] I believe the elven gods existed, as did the old gods of Tevinter. But I do not think any of them were gods, unless you expand the definition of the word to the point of absurdity. I appreciate the idea of your Maker, a god that does not need to prove his power. I wish more such gods felt the same. Cassandra: You have seen much sadness in your journeys, Solas. Following the Maker might offer some hope. Solas: I have people, Seeker. The greatest triumphs and tragedies this world has known can all be traced to people.
Cole: No, inside. I don’t hear your hurt as much. Your song is softer, subtler, not silent but still. Solas: How small the pain of one man seems when weighted against the endless depths of memory, of feeling, of existence. That ocean carries everyone. And those of us who learn to see its currents move through life with their fewer ripples.
Cole: You didn’t do it to be right. You did it to save them. Inquisitor: Solas, what is Cole talking about? Solas: A mistake. One of many made by a much younger elf who was certain he knew everything.
Solas: Empires rise and fall. Arlathan was no more “innocent” than your own Tevinter in its time. Solas: Your nostalgia for the ancient elves, however romanticized, is pointless.
Solas: Our people used to be here. Sera: Pfft, you say that everywhere. Solas: It is more true than you want to believe.
Vivienne: You must be pleased, apostate. With the Templars dissolved, your rebels will be most difficult to pacify. Solas: My rebels? Am I an agent for their cause, whispering poison into the Inquisition’s ears? Solas: How comforting. Vivienne: You enjoy seeing yourself as a villain? Solas: No more than any other clever man who wonders what he could do if pushed.
Vivienne: [about the Temple of Mythal] Now you know the elves were once a mighty nation. Solas: I always knew, Enchanter. The Temple of Mythal is just another reminder of what was lost.
(in the Emerald Graves): These forests have changed much since I was last here.
during the Fade!Haven cutscene Solas: It seems you hold the key to our salvation. You had sealed it with a gesture... and right then, I felt the whole world change. Inquisitor: [romance option] “Felt the whole world change?” Solas: A figure of speech. Inquisitor: I’m aware of the metaphor. I’m more interested in felt. Solas: You change... everything.
pointing out that people assume he means things he did not directly say
Cole: There is pain though, still within you. Solas: And I never said there was not.
Solas: You may well become fully human, after all. I never thought to see it. Cole: When did you see it before? Solas: I did not say that I had.
Iron Bull: We’ve got the alliance with my people. Given how much you love the Qun, I figured... Solas: I might scold you? Berate you for your decisions? Iron Bull: Hey. The Chargers died as heroes for the good of the mission. Solas: I never said otherwise.
Sera: Don’t you start. Solas: I’m reasonably certain I said nothing.
Vivienne: [talking shit about grey warden mages] Solas: I never claimed mages should be above the law, Enchanter. Vivienne: No, darling. You merely implied it, while offering no viable suggestions for improvement.
after infamous “side benefits” dialogue Warrior Inquisitor: You find my muscles enjoyable? Solas: I meant that you enjoyed having them, presumably. Warrior Inquisitor: Ah. Solas: But yes... since you asked.
diminishing things he does actually know by saying he he “believes” or “thinks,” or that things were vaguely “said” or “told”
Solas: I say what I believe to be true, even if it gives offense to those who prefer the lie.
Dorian: That orb Corypheus carries... are you certain it’s of elven origin, Solas? Solas: I believe so. Why do you ask?
Solas: It is said that we lived at a pace that sustained us for... ages.
making it sound like he’s talking about something/someone else, but it’s just him lmao
Cole: Do you know a lot about wolves? Solas: I know that they are intelligent, practical creatures that small-minded fools think of as terrible beasts.
Solas: No man can kill so many people without breaking inside. To survive... those you fight must become monsters. Iron Bull: The ones that kill innocent people, yeah. The rest... I don’t know. Solas: The mind does marvelous things to protect itself.
during In Hushed Whispers Inquisitor: I’m glad you understood what he just said because I’m not sure I did. Solas: You would think such understanding would stop me from making such terrible mistakes. You would be wrong.
this one i wanted to include because it’s the only circumstance (that i came across) where someone directly asks solas to lie and he literally says he can’t
during the fucking crestwood breakup scene Inquisitor: [angry option] Tell me you don’t care. Solas: I can’t do that. Inquisitor: Tell me I was some casual dalliance so I can call you a cold-hearted son of a bitch and move on! Solas: I’m sorry.
*also note that most of these are banter transcriptions from the wiki; some are cutscene / other dialogue posted by either @/daitranscripts or u/karinini on reddit; it’s not all his cutscenes obv, but I’m not about to look up every single one individually sdlkfj*
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
So... I sort of made Michelangelo an IkeVamp character...
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This is sort of hard to explain, but basically it’s from here where I was complaining about my homework and suddenly I had the idea to make Michelangelo an Ikemen Vampire character but not really since he’s gay. Anyways here are some HCs for him : 
- Internalized Homophobia™ 
- And religious trauma to boot!
- He still thinks that the church had the right idea at the time since what fucking choice did he have????
- Tries to hide his sexuality but everyone knows that he likes men
- He keeps denying it and of course, being in the closet for a hundred years because of your Internalized Homophobia™ isn’t good for you, so he’s also a depressed ass bitch. 
- Michelangelo is the gay kid who grew up in a toxic “catholic” environment and as a result never came out of the closet and hate crimes gay people because of what he was taught to believe
- He didn’t want to die, he felt like he had something to live for, so now he’s a vampire 
- People? Fuck them
- Ok ok ok it’s not that bad, but he still likes being alone 
- I like to think that Jean is like “Dude, you’re valid please don’t put yourself down” 
- And Michelangelo doesn’t fucking trust anyone so he just ignores the LITERAL SAINT who’s telling him that being gay isn’t a sin
- Anyways
- He really likes Leonardo
- Like not just romantically, a lot of artists looked up to him and his works, or the ones that he finished lol
- Though Michelangelo criticizes him a lot he still really respects him
- They were rival artists back in the renaissance actually, I like to think that they still have a bit of friendly competition now lol 
- But he doesn’t talk to him too much outside of those despite his admiration
- He is the one resident that Sebastian literally knows nothing about aside from things he’s heard back in his time 
- Which aren’t very vague, but it leaves a lot of unanswered questions
- MC would be able to get through to him probably, like, as a friend obvs. Michelangelo is very curious as to what has become of the future (and how history remembers him) so MC would probably be the first friend he’s had in a while
- If we’re talking about MC in Leo’s route then he’s play it off and pretend to be happy for them
- Since ya know he thinks that gays shouldn’t be happy
- Yes that includes himself
- If we’re talking MC not in Leo’s route, then things are different
- Michelangelo would want to be her wingman but knows nothing about the other residents having never really interacted with them a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- His route would be a platonic route where you half help him get over his trauma and half help him hook up with Leo
- He would essentially become MC’s big brother/holder of their last brain cell 
- He pretends not to care (not in an over the top tsundere way though, more in the way where he’s more likely to hurt your feelings by accident) but he REALLY FUCKING CARES 
Anyways here are some HCs of him with Leo since that’s like the only reason he exists lmao
- I feel like he’d still be kind of cold
- Just because he doesn’t know how to process his emotions
- Thank god Leo knows what he’s doing or else Angelo would NEVER make a move
- Cute little nicknames constantly thrown around
- Leo calls him angel a lot while Angelo just sticks with caro mia because he’s dumb
- For two renaissance geniuses they sure are fucking dumbasses 
- They paint each other, of course they do
- Usually it’s Angelo who does the painting or drawing (and even sculpting if they both have the time) since Leo is too busy with his fifty other talents to paint his boyfriend
- Now, I know what ya’ll are thinking 
- “Ate Kouryuu, but where’s the whore knee? Where’s the spice? They paint each other naked right?”
- And to that I will respond “Of course they paint each other naked. What the fuck is the point of gay renaissance artists if they don’t paint each other nude and leave it unfinished bc they started banging” 
- Ok I didn’t mention this before but you can probably tell with the pictures that Angelo has a cinched waist and legs so long he couldn’t fit on the cover of Vogue
- I’ll just leave that there for your imaginations ;)
- I’m joking we embrace the Horny™ here
- Of course Angelo’s the bottom, why wouldn’t he be? 
- Idk why but Leo seems like he has a high sex drive so good luck Angelo
- Leo is pretty much free to leave hickeys everywhere lol
- Angelo isn’t wearing it but he’s the guy that owns like eight identical turtlenecks so he can hide them and just say that it’s his fashion sense
- They’re like an old married couple, think like Macha Blossom. Yeah. 
- Constantly at each other's throats but they still love each other 
(such a shitty end to this post but I just wanted to get over with this) 
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cyrsed · 3 years
just rambles about how i feel lately. the vibes are not rancid, but they are not joyous
cw very brief implication of completely hypothetical suicide, ig drugs mentioned too?
feeling really strange lately, just like having really really intense weird nostalgia for growing up in the 90s/early 00s or something, which sounds silly, i’m not really one to romanticize the 90s (nothing wrong with liking the fashion/music/culture of previous decades to a degree obvs, but ykwim, it can become a trap of thinking that things were better then and now they’re bad which isn’t a helpful way to look at things) but it’s more like this weird pain for having lost something because right now the world today feels so hopeless and bad that i keep fantasizing about going back in time to before hyper-capitalist social media hell existed and imagining living like that. 
i’m trying to limit my social media use a bit right now, regardless. i don’t think social media is all bad, and who knows where i’d be without it, i might still be living thinking i was a cis woman, i might have even less friends, or worst case scenario maybe i wouldn’t have been alive at all, but i just hate how much time i waste on social media obsessively looking at things that are designed to make me angry and upset me. i’m trying to stop doing that, and i’m trying to unfollow/block accounts that are bringing that sort of negativity to my feeds. 
actually tumblr is pretty decent as far as social media is concerned, i really like it as far as a curated experience goes. it feels less exposed than twitter does, it’s just like a little corner of the internet that the older gays (ig meaning late 20s and on) hang out in and we’re not being relentlessly advertised to and preyed on by godawful Trending algorithms. tumblr isn’t all good lol it’s awful in its own ways but it feels like the last place i can go online to just get away from everything else and surround myself with other weird gays :)
just rambling, thanks for reading if you did! feeling sad and weird lately (trying again to quit kratom after a sliiight mess-up and it’s probably not helping my mood, but it’s not just that either)
anyway i love you all, thanks for being here, tumblr 4 ever tumblr never dies etc etc <3
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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jean----ralphio · 3 years
Ep 5 of BoB tiiiime <3
Episode 5: Crossroads, but I’m renaming it “Holy crap is this a whooper of an ep, guys. So much haaaappeeeeens. Also, I freaked out cos I thought it was Bastogne but now I’m like oh phew. That’s for Future!Laura to freak out about”.
Ready? Let’s go!
01:15 Johnny ‘unimpressed’ Martin pulling one of his patented bitch-faces in the credits, we stan.
02:31 OHHHHH IT’S IRL DICK! We love you!!!
03:45 God I love the technique they use with the shaking, ground-level camera whenever Dick is running. It’s so realistic. And how he’s gasping for breath. Not like in movies when people just seem to run forever so easily. This whole scene, the pacing and the setting, you don’t know what’s happened or what’s happening currently, all you know is he’s running and alone and breathless and it’s all so frantic and my heart just cannot take it with this fucking show you guys!
04:04 Oh God. The kid. He sorta smiles? He doesn’t get it at first. I can’t.
04:34 Wake up from your post-coital nap, Nix!
04:42 Genuinely thought Dick was slapping his butt LMAO
04:55 I love how Dick is horrified for exactly a split second and then he’s just like LOL. Real talk, when does he laugh around anyone but Nix? He smiles around others but not the same as when he’s with Nix, and he sure as heck doesn’t laugh. Except for maybe with Harry. But Harry’s Harry, it’s a given.
05:15 Nix has forgiven him quickly, it seems. Probably because Dick let him sit in the front seat.
05:22 They’re so married.
06:13 Don’t flirt with Dick’s husband, Hot Brit.
06:23 He just did it again, after I specifically told him not to! You’re on thin ice now, Hot Brit.
06:47 Dick hasn’t been doing his homework.
06:54 No Dick, Nix is busy with his new hot friend, go do your homework.
07:07 What happens if you make a mistake on a typewriter? Can’t backspace lol. Imagine all that typing, getting to like the last character and fucking it up.
07:26 DOGGIE!
08:00 OK I’m sorry which guy was it that just burst in screaming “PENETRATION!” I need to marry them even though I’m already married, and I don’t think it was Rich. Whoever it was, I want to shake their hand, at least.
08:17 No. Do not blame Lieb for anything, ever.
08:29 Roe in action <3
08:39 “Hey Alley.” “Heyyy.” I love them. My babies <3
08:53 The boys want revenge.
09:33 Lol @ Tab, “They’re not as smart as me and you?”
10:23 ISTG I need a translation or subtitles for the hand-signals. I would hard out be chillin at the back yelling “WTF MAN. DICK! HEY DICK! I. DO. NOT. UNDERSTAND. YOU.” And then we’d all die cos they’d hear.
11:22 RICH <3
12:14 LMAO Lieb is so excited.
12:33 Dick is so fucking smart, making sure everyone has a target to eliminate so they’re not outnumbered for long and the most immediate threats are taken care of <3
12:38 RICH <3 It’s so cool to see him doing his mortar thing, not just comic relief or providing me with dopamine by simply existing.
14:29 The gunshots and then crossing to the typewriter keys ugh this shooooooow
15:40 Enter?? LMFAO Who says that!! Oh look, Nix has come to apologize for encouraging the flirtatious Hot Brit. He missed you <3
15:52 Dick is in love with Nix. And Nix is in love with Dick. Husbands <3
16:15 This entire exchange is the most A+ flirting. I love how Dick just plants the thought and leaves it to Nix. He doesn’t push. He accepts Nix as he is and <3’s him
16:59 LOL @ Nix “That’s not literature… say ‘we’ a lot,” so supportive and helpful.
17:35 Nervous boys
17:41 Johnny ‘unimpressed’ Martin is starting to bitch-face, watch out…
17:52 Oh no.
18:12 Lol @ Lieb, you can see he’s yelling
18:35 Dick looks so BAMF
19:11 Hoob, it’s not a competition!
20:00 Web <3
20:08 Johnny, chill!
20:48 Oh Web. “Jesus Christ, they got me!” Rivalling Buck for being dramatic af, baby
21:24 Aw Dick
21:36 Lieb find some chill for once in your life. Are you upset Web got hurt?
21:42 Do not speak to your father that way!
21:59 You’re in time-out, young man!
22:17 Ross McCall is freaking hot omg. LMAO @ Lieb though, his Dad is not happy and now he’s grounded.
22:30 No, Web, no one believes much of what you say tbh, sweetie. Still <3 you though.
24:01 You can tell it’s Nix by the way he walks and his shoulders <3333
24:16 Nix doesn’t know who that is aw
24:34 Aw Nix trying to be comforting and supportive the way Dick was to him earlier. But his husband is too moody.
25:53 I love that Sink asks it that way, “How would you feel?” Rather than surprise bitch you’re doing it. I mean you don’t say no to that kinda thing but still. Sink = <3 He’s such a babe
26:16 RICH! EVERYONE STOP, NOTHING ELSE WILL EVER MATTER IT’S RICH. I was starting to miss him in case you couldn’t tell. Lol wtf is he doing to Penk’s ear, and why with a spoon??!!
26:26 Aw Dick. He wants to know his sons will be well looked after by their new stepdad.
26:35 ROE <3
26:47 Nix couldn’t stay away long
27:05 NIX! No!
27:14 LMAO bacon sandwich. Loves how Dick gives the report to Nix, not his orderly.
27:26 He missed you obvs
28:13 Moose, you look after his sons!
28:29 Aw Dick can’t let go <3
28:38 Nix’s resigned little sigh and shoulder slump aha
28:54 Bull! Missed you! As identifiable as ever by the cigar… but is now the best time to be smoking it??
29:31 Their code is Leicester Square! So cute!
29:46 Lieb is so eager for blood-shed
30:40 Aw they gave Moose a beret!
30:39 Dick is jealous he doesn’t get a beret! But he’s so happy his sons are safe.
31:17 I always scream.
31:50 Roe <3 “Mo’phine.”
32:11 “You oughtta. You are officers, you are grown-ups! You oughtta know!” ICONIC. My heart. His faaaaace. Shane Taylor <3333
32:19 The bloody handprint omg
32:46 The boss jacket returns <3
33:11 Nix is so proud.
33:41 We missed you Bill <3
33:48 Dad’s a busy man now Bill.
34:25 “I don’t wanna see another piece of paper!” Dick is always such a mood. Never change, Dick <3
34:20 Whatcha doing, Nix? About to propose? God I wish. You know Dick would say yes.
34:35 Don’t interrupt the proposal, Harry!
34:42 Dick and I are just both going to pretend we didn’t hear that, Nix. Canon not accepted.
34:59 Dick would rather be with you tbh
35:30 So they all just sit around in parade dress? Wait is that parade dress? It is, isn’t it? Someone @ me?
35:34 Rude
36:05 Dick. Don’t stare at the child, Dick.
36:52 Dick. Stop. Seriously.
38:05 Can’t tell if that’s cute or weird tbh
38:31 He’s moping cos he misses Nix
39:03 Unf
39:30 Joe/Charlie <3 Missed you
39:38 I don’t know what I love more, Luz being such a troll or Rich. Hang on, what am I saying. Rich.
39:48 Iconic. ILY Rich
40:00 Easy Mum and Joe/Charlie are so mad lmao. The just wanna watch the movie, shut up kids.
40:17 Dad’s back, Buck, it’s OK now.
40:42 Oh Buck </3
40:57 Joe/Charlie is about to shank you, Luz, stop.
41:02 Iconic.
41:19 Who dis bitch?
41:23 All I see is Rich.
41:34 Rich! Dramatic af
42:02 Oh Buck </3
42:42 Dad’s not happy
43:09 Dad’s. Not. Happy.
43:54 Babe looking cute <3
44:09 Rich <33333333
44:40 Stop hazing the new kid, guys!
45:14 Rich LMAO “We can’t be in Hell, it’s too damn cold!” We <3 you
46:11 Strayer’s a bit useless, let’s be honest
46:31 Babe <3
48:00 Joe/Charlie just wants all the ammo
48:22 RICH
48:38 “We’re paratroopers, lieutenant, we’re supposed to be surrounded.” Dick you are an icon.
49:31 ITS RICH
49:54 Love that, Dick walking in the space between the rows of his men <3
50:19 So ominous 0.o
In conclusion, I love this show.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Song of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 10
Song of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because DON’T TRUST WHO??
Last times in book: Kylan, Naia, Tavra, and Gurjin are on their way to Aughra’s High Hill to enlist her help in warning all Gelfling of the Skeksis’ drinking problem. I.e. they like to drink people. On the way up the hill, Kylan spots some dream-etching in a spider nest that says DO NOT TRUST HER. Vaguely ominous!
Chapter 10
Naia talks to some more plants. The party meets Aughra. Ha ha.
Aughra’s High Hill was not casually named. Within the mountainous forest, it was the highest point in all the land, near where the Black River originated, closest to the suns and moons and stars. Not a high hill, but the High Hill.
Good reason for it to be named like that then.
‘Aughra lives on the high hill’ ‘Oh, which one?’ ‘I don’t think you understand. When I say the high hill i mean THE high hill.’
Anyway, after all that stuff about reading writing under a spider web, Tavra doesn’t even care enough to ask. Gurjin does but Naia just tells him they’re not sure what it meant.
With Naia spending time chatting with Gurjin, it leaves Kylan nothing to do but think which he decides is his role.
If that was his job in all of this, then he would gladly take on the burden.
Its a lonely job possessing the sole pair of braincells to rub together ha ha (just joshing obvs)
Kylan thinks about that mysterious DO NOT TRUST HER message but he can’t really get anywhere on that ponderation so instead decides to ask Tavra what she meant when she said spiders hate Gelfling.
“Spiders hate Gelfling... All Vapra know this.”
“They hate us? All of them?”
“Oh yes. From the death-stingers to the crystal-singers.”
This was news to Kylan, though on reflection he’d never had a conversation with any spider before. The idea that an entire race might loathe his own was discomfiting. He wasn’t even sure what a crystal-singer spider was.
He asks why spiders hate Gelfling but Tavra just tells him to ask the next time he sees a spider. Which is a weird answer.
So I’ve changed my suspicion for what’s up with Tavra from ‘something something Skeksis’ to ‘something something Skeksis but definitely think she’s Spider-Tavra.’
I think the books and the show are following at least the same vague outline so I figure with all the opinions she has on spiders all of a sudden, she might be being controlled by one.
Later, Tavra tells the group they’ll reach Aughra’s by evening and asks if they’ve prepared what they’re going to say to her.
“I plan to tell her the situation and see if she has advice. Is there more to it than that?”
“You’re about to speak to Mother Aughra, the Ram-Horned. The mouth of Thra. She was born of the world, both child and mother. She has seen Thra before the Gelfling were but sprouts in the garden of all creatures. You would speak to her so casually?”
“I’ll speak to her like I’d speak to anyone else,” Naia said. “With respect -- if she deserves it.”
God, Naia is great. Its that Drenchen upbringing. The hard-talk. Just cut right to the point.
Gurjin points out that Aughra probably respects hard-talk since it’s the language of the natural world.
Which I kinda see? As a point?
Tavra just shakes her head at this but doesn’t really object. She doesn’t even want to be here so at best she’s disappointed on principle.
Kylan, almost passive protagonist but definitely a socially withdrawing protagonist that he is, doesn’t add to the conversation. Just thinks anxious thoughts.
Aughra was said to be wise, to know all things -- but as Tavra had said, she might already know about the Skeksis. Worse, she might already know and yet have done nothing. The Gelfling were her favored children, as their lore sang time and time again, but those songs had been written by the Gelfling. Did Aughra think of the Gelfing as much as any flower in her garden? Would she be equally content to see one creature devour another, if it, too, were part of the circle of life?
Its an interesting idea there about the Gelfling being her favored children, according to Gelfling. Like, oh geez what if we overestimated ourselves?
(Although the minor good point to add to this anxiety ramble is that the Skeksis aren’t part of the natural order. So there’s that.)
Gurjin also thanks Kylan for keeping Naia company and helping her in the woods during that whole Gurjin heroic sacrifice thing.
Kylan: “I’m glad you’re alive. I’m glad we all are.”
Aw, friends.
They reach the finger vines as mentioned in Rian’s warning.
Thick orange vines covered the cliff wall in front of them, finger-shaped and tangled like rope that had been left too long to its own devices. No further pathways led deeper into the crag, but Kylan could feel a draft coming from behind the vines. There was a tunnel there but they would have to pass through the overgrowth, and if one part of Rian’s instructions had stayed with Kylan, it was to stay away from the finger-vines.
Tavra hucks a rock into the vines and they immediately tangle about it before dropping it as inedible.
So, I’m pretty sure that these are the same vines that Jen will eventually blunder into. It’s not his fault, he didn’t have a helpful Rian in his life.
I wonder how long the vines take to eat something. Jen is lucky that Aughra was literally right around the corner when he got caught.
I’m honestly a bit surprised that finger-vines are a specific predatory plant and not just. Something Aughra set up to discourage solicitors.
Oh my god, I’m once again blown away by Jen going to visit Aughra in his quest without any idea of her significance. The UrRu never even told him that (for all practical purposes) god lived a day down the road.
I’m sure they did their best but wow. He has holes in his education.
I’m getting off-track.
Naia tries calling for Aughra through the vines but this time she’s not lurking right around the corner so that doesn’t work.
Tavra was unimpressed and unsurprised, almost smug at the situation.
I’m glad that you’re probably a spider, Tavra, because you are being a bummer.
She again calls this whole trip a waste of time which annoys Naia into wing flicking. Love the wing body language but now I’m wondering what specific muscles correspond to that. I guess if your back stiffens... yeah, that makes sense.
Anyway, Naia is so annoyed that she decides to dreamfast with a plant again. She just goes and puts her hands on the vines and instead of entangling her, they do not do that.
Kylan had learned the language of the Landstriders, as all Spriton did. Tavra had certainly learned the tongue of other creatures as well, in her training to serve the All-Maudra. But those were languages spoken on the tongue, in sets of words and phrases. Naia’s unique ability to dreamfast with creatures other than Gelfling let her speak in the universal song of the heart.
This is neat!
It expands on Kira’s beastmastery. At least in the novelization, it’s mentioned during Jen and Kira’s dreamfast that Kira’s podmom Ydra taught her the language of animals.
And apparently it used to be a thing for some Gelfling to learn. But not as much as Kira! Ydra knew a lot!
Anyway, after dreamfasting with a plant again, the vines open like a curtain to let the four Gelfling (or four Gelfling and a spider??) enter.
At the end of the tunnel they find a door to Aughra’s Sweet Orrery.
(Just imagine the Dark Crystal theme in your head)
Most impressive was the enormous moving contraption that occupied the center of the chamber. It filled the space of the room with dozens of huge spheres, mounted on poles and swooping arms. The machine rotated and gyrated like a living thing, spheres orbiting spheres, circling yet other spheres, all of it shining in bronze, copper, iron, and glistening stones. Clearly, the grating sounds emanated from the machine, and the movement of its pieces stirred the air so it felt as though there were a breeze, even inside the crystal dome.
“Amazing,” Kylan breathed.
He recognized some of the symbols etched deep into the metals: the symbols that represented the Three Brothers, others that represented the elements of the earth and water, air and fire.
“Its the path of the stars,” he said. “The suns, and...”
Then Aughra pops up from behind a book tower.
And she is amazing.
“What, you just gonna stare? Walk right into my home just to stare, did you? Maybe you should draw a picture, take it with you!”
This is exactly the kind of Aughra I was hoping for.
Also, the way she speaks the Gelfling language (the single Gelfling language that exists I guess?) with what sounds like an ancient accent to Kylan. Although I’m not sure how he would know, I’d bet he’s right.
Naia takes the lead and tells Aughra that they’re here to ask for her help, calling her Mother Aughra.
“Mother Aughra, eh? Ask for my help, eh? Why is it you Gelfing only call Aughra Mother when you need help? That’s what children do, I guess... I guess that’s what they do.”
‘You never call, you never write’ hahaha
This is quality Aughra content.
With her grump helpfully communicated, she takes note of the party and grumps some more, noting that they only have a Spriton, a Vapra, and a Drenchen.
“Hmph. Three out of seven ain’t bad. It’s still soon. Where are the others?”
And when they don’t have any idea what she means:
“What others, he asks? What others? The other clans, of course! Gelfling gathering. What else is there to know?”
Its like when you arrive to the final dungeon without a full party and the NPC is like ‘lol no go hit some more plot flags’
Aughra sat heavily on her table stool, as if hoping they might go away if she ignored them long enough.
I don’t know how many ways I can say how great this is.
I’m living for it. Unlike Jen, these Gelfling know that Aughra isn’t some random grumpy mountain woman. She’s basically god and she’s behaving like a cranky grandmother. Kylan can’t even warp his head around how different from his expectations this is turning out to be.
I also guess it answers in this continuity whether Aughra was so grumpy in the movie because she’d lost much of her hope after the Gelfling were all but wiped out. It turns out: no, she’s Just Like That.
When a thousand ++ trine you reach, be so nice you will not.
But since they don’t just leave, Aughra decides she will say more things.
“Come on, then, Gelfling. Children. Aughra already knows what you want to know. Whether it’s what you want to hear, though, hmph! Might not be.”
Oh, this sidequest is shaping up beautifully.
J.M. Lee, you have done a marvelous job.
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puppetsoftomorrow · 4 years
okay so ive seen some posts lamenting avas status as 'just saras girlfriend' and thats why they dont like her ... but i think this is a bit simplistic ....
ava's character development cannot be separated from sara, but this is okay!!! think about sara - how much her relationships with other ppl have helped her character develop - rip, helping her becomes a better leader, ray helping her become kinder, laurel helping her be stronger - because our relationships with other people help us grow as people. this is how the world works.
okay now i'm gonna go on a Deep Dive on Ava's growth, be warned lol
so ava's character development can be summarised as: two parts of herself are in conflict - the bureau part, then the part that loves sara, or the 'legends' part. this can be seen thru (what else?) her hair!!
in the beginning, she was all bureau, and we can see that from how she dresses - suit, tight bun. we can also see from how she acts - follows the rules and command structure, and hates the legends because they dont. loyalty to the bureau supersedes any idea of the 'greater good', because in avas mind, the bureau is the greatest good, when for the legends, theyre obvs very different.
as she learns more about the legends she starts to see things 'their' way - first going on the mission to the vikings, then especially when she comes and pulls sara from mallus' realm. "you needed me" - not the bureau sent me, ava does this for sara against the wishes of the bureau. its also no accident avas hair is out of is bun here
from now, ava's rarely in her bun, especially when talking to sara. she's beginning to loosen up, and opens up to the idea of dating her (i mean the sexual tension was there since that first fight, but now its something real) the dress on the date is another sign - not her bureau suit, but something to impress sara. theyre working out how to be themselves, whilst being with eachother (as you do in every relationship!!)
then - sara breaks up with her, and the bun is back. trying out the legends side of herself failed spectacularly, and shes back being what she knows best - bureau employee
then the clone thing happens (arguably the biggest turning point in avas character) and the whole 'bureau' side of herself takes on a whole new meaning. she was literally built for the job - without the bureau, she wouldnt exist, and she now has to question everything about herself? what is 'real'? what is herself and what was 'made'?
when sara kisses her and she turns away, the bun is back. she's resigned herself to her bureau self, because thats what she is.
when the legends are in salvation, we see a new sort of ava - hair down, but straight. a sort of mid point between bureau and legends, because she's not quite either.
when s4 starts we obvs miss a few months of avalance bonding (which i would have loved to see, but i understand it may have been a tad out of place for legends lol), but we see the end result - ava is confident again, confident enough to tell sara she loves her, confident enough to ask her to move in with her. she's beginning to overcome the parts that tell her she's lesser because she's a clone. sara's refusal sets in motion the anxieties we see in the ikea scenes later on - but for now, she's happy and confident.
so we've gone from bureau ava, to ava being in between, back to bureau ava, and now this new ava. the bun is gone, its not coming back - ava can't go back. it was sara's love for her that helped her see herself as this new person, which, may i remind you, does not make her just the love interest. relationships (not just romantic) can help us see ourselves in new ways, and grow into people we never thought we'd be.
then we have the start of 4B, where the balance between bureau and legends comes crashing down when sara and ava have their first real bureau vs legends discussion since being back together. ava is forced to decide between what she thinks is right, what the bureau says and her love for sara. losing the bureau but keeping sara? or losing sara and keeping the bureau?
i know people disagreed with ava's stance on magical creatures (and so do i fyi i dont like torture lol) but knowing it came from a place of fear, at the prospect of not just losing her job, but the very reason for her existence?? ava chooses bureau, and thats understandable.
then the ikea ep, which, omg .... help me ....
this is the ep that shows best how personal growth can come from your relationship with someone. its all about trust and teamwork. ava needs to learn that sara will compromise for her, just as she needs to compromise for sara. she also needs to unlearn the sense of perfection the bureau drilled into her: nothing (inc her relationship) can be perfect, but its theres, and thats good enough.
also: communication. the thing i liked best about trial 3 was that it wasn't 'resolved' - ava wants to settle down, sara doesnt. this is obvs an issue which comes up later with the wild dog phone call
then, the 'as is' bit - i'm guessing ava also ran through that hallway of avas, or at least, they're the part of her subconcious she's most afraid of - what is 'her', and what about her was built? is she just a character? would sara love her better if she was kinder, or sexier, or more action hero?
she's just 'as is' - not perfect. not a perfect bureau employee, not a perfect girlfriend.
then, when sara says she loves her again, ava learns, this is okay. sara loves her for who she is, and she can be that.
i'm not saying people need romantic love to develop, just that love and support helps you grow, and for ava, that love and support primarily comes from sara.
now, finally, we have s5. ava has left the bureau, and this obvs causes some issues - we've never seen ava drunk before, and she gets so drunk she sings awfully in a crowded bar. she's had the bureau part ripped away from her - what is she without her responsibilities, her team, her work? i think this season is gonna be about ava learning that the parts of herself she loved at the bureau - leadership, control, missions - she can still do with the legends, but also learning to adapt. just like behrad said - shes a foxy hedgehog!! a bit of planning, a whole lot of improvisation!!
now imagine that foxy hedgehog ava, living on the waverider, planning to spend the rest of her life with sara, meeting the ava we first meet, and then tell me she hasnt had any character development.
and yes, lots of these changes are related to sara, but like, she's envisioning them being together forever. sara is the most important person in her life, obvs any changes are gonna be linked to her.
i personally love the storyline of two strong, independent yet flawed women learning to love eachother and grow together!!!
if anyone made it this far then congrats lol. inbox always open for discussion / clarification!!! 
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