#that aren't the internet and I want to wear binders and transition and I want to be able to have partners that I don't have to keep secret
thenerdcommander · 2 years
Really wish I didn’t have impulse control issues rn bc I promised myself I’d wait a couple months to really think through and thoroughly plan my move with the goal simply to be out of this state and working on my new state residency by the time the overturn of Roe gets voted on...but the urge to jump ship NOW after a mere week of research and planning is so fucking strong.  I want OUT.  I don’t even have any kind of ID anymore to make it feasible at this present moment in time but I need away from here ASAP.
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bumblee-stumblee · 1 year
You don't have to be rude. I'll be rude for you.
Puberty blockers aren't going to magically grow you a penis or vagina. They aren't going to magically make all your problems disappear. Sorry. They just aren't.
Growing up I haven't met a single teenager who actually likes their body. The majority had eating disorders or self h*rmed and this was even before trans identities were even hugely known about. There is no guarantee you will be happy once you are your 'ideal self'. Once again, look at those with eating disorders. I just need to be a size smaller and I'll be happy. I'm now a size smaller. I'm still not happy. I know, I just need to be a size smaller... rinse repeat.
There are people out there who are born knowing they have a genetic condition that will put them in an early grave as their bodies break down, losing the function to move or talk or breathe. There are people out there who are sold into slavery, children who are carers for their parents or younger siblings. There are people who need life saving medicine who can't afford it.
You can wear a binder, dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable. You will not die without puberty blockers. You will not die without surgery. If you are suicidal because life isn't giving you what you want when there is literally nothing wrong with you besides 'I don't want to look like this', that isn't what's killing you. Your body is healthy. Your mind is what's killing you. You are in a fortunate position that you have the ability to dress how you want and present how you want. A few ppl not validating you on the Internet or a couple weird stares on the street is the majority of what you'll get.
There are ppl in other countries who are being sent to camps for their religion. There are people in other countries being executed for loving the same sex. You are lucky to have a choice. And don't even think about saying well my parents won't let me, society will attack me - society attacks everyone. A minority of ppl may respond to you with violence but that's not unique to you. Bad ppl will attack anyone - girls on trains wearing hijabs having it pulled off their head. Gay couples attacked and killed. Heck, my MALE friend went out for a meal with colleagues and some random guy on the street just decided to walk up to him whilst they were in the que to get in and punched him in the face for no reason. He broke his jaw and had to get major surgery just because this guy thought it'd be funny to hit him.
'But as I'm a teenager I have no choice.' As an adult you WILL be able to eventually transition. You WILL eventually have that choice. Just because you can't do it NOW you're getting all bent out of shape. 'But I can't afford surgery.' Ppl who have cancer can't afford the surgery that'll SAVE THEIR LIFE. Amputees can't afford the prosthetic leg that'll give them the best movement and have to make do with a standard issue prosthetic that causes them extreme pain.
Get some perspective there are ppl out there who will NEVER have a choice.
Yes exactly this.
It's truly sad is that some of them aren't suicidal but they are being told they need to be in order to get puberty blockers, the trans community is filled with people that will casually talk about suicide. Having teenagers and children in communication with them while they are not mentally equipped to handle these sorts of conversations yet is dangerous and can make them spiral.
They are being taught to hate their bodies and those that are uncomfortable with puberty simply want to escape it by opting out of sex based oppression
Thank you Nymous.
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butchviking · 1 year
could you elaborate on your idea of treating dysphoria with therapy. i guess you don't have it figured out yet because if you did you would've already therapied the dysphoria out of yourself. but like. what are your ideas? where do you think dysphoria comes from? how could one fix it with therapy? conversion therapy gets a bad rep, how different or similar is your idea of fixing dysphoria with therapy from the spooky idea people have of conversion therapy? anything else you want add
oh i sure the fuck don't have it figured out. i have no kind of education or training or qualifications in anything like that i am just another dysphoric dyke on the internet. i just wish anyone who IS in that field seemed 2 b listening lol
so im not aware of any standardised therapy to target dysphoria in any way, but ive known & heard from soooo many detrans/desisted/reidentified/etc women that therapy has either hugely helped w their dysphoria or in some cases they've been able to eliminate it entirely. a lot of the time ppl talk like dysphoria is smthn that is just ingrained into you as a person, something you're born with and something that - unless u transition - u will eventually die with. but that's not true! there are often very real causes that can be found out and dealt with. fr example a lot of women have identified the main cause of their dysphoria to be childhood trauma, often abuse and very often sexual abuse (it doesn't take a genius to figure out why this would lead to someone hating/resenting/feeling wrong in/being disgusted by their body. doesn't take a genius to figure out why they'd want to be male instead.) and i mean. listen talking with a group of women anyway there's usually a lot of trauma. but talking with a group of transmascs is like. jesus fucking christ there is so often so much awful shit that has happened to them. (in fact this def applies to transwomen too tbh, ive known a looot of transwomen w a history of sexual abuse. not as many as transmen but definitely higher than the general male population). physical abuse (or witnessing the physical abuse of a mother) can be another cause; that feeling of never wanting to be a scared helpless little girl again and wanting to be strong and able to defend yourself - things that are usually associated w men. these thoughts aren't usually conscious, its not like u think "i want to be a man bc i blame my body for what was done to me and i feel like if i could get out of my skin and be something more powerful i'd be safe and happy" - but thats what ppl often find out in therapy, and after coming 2 terms w that they find they don't have to take it out on themselves anymore and they manage to make peace with their body.
for a lot of women their dysphoria was caused by simple social restriction - ive no doubt in my mind that a huge reason for mine is not being able to be topless in public or have my shirt unbuttoned or jesus christ even just. just fucking EXIST without them having to be an ISSUE. i weaned myself off binding years ago and for a long time i managed 2 get to a place where i didnt even think abt my chest that much. and then some guy makes one comment abt how i never wear bras and its like. oh god i had tried to forget that you people can SEE them. and that sent me into a lil spiral for like a month lol 👍 pair that w going to mcr nj and forgetting to wear a bra the first night and finding my movement severely restricted due to not wanting my tits flying everywhere and i came back from that trip like. can someone just fuciing cut them off. (mcr PLEASE stop transing my gender im not strong enough...) (actually i was going to say that after that trip i wore a binder for the first time in years but i think im getting my timeline mixed up. i think that was before the show actually. bc i distinctly remember that i packed it for the trip 'just in case' and that was after i'd already worn it once around the house & once to a wedding) and obviously idk what the solution is for me there but i think a combination of therapy & lifestyle changes could help me get at least somewhere. i know that for other women lifestyle changes have been a huge factor - living & being around only women has been so healing fr a lot of detrans/dysphoric ladies & ive read some really moving things abt the impact going to womyns land has had fr some. misogyny in general can really wear down how u feel abt ur body over time, without u ever necessarily attributing your feelings to that. and when i say 'misogyny' im also including the simple existence of gender in that! to be born and to be separated into a category based on your body and to have that be something thats supposed to dictate how you live your entire life - you have a vagina so you have to wear this and act like this and people will have these expectations of u and you're limited by these restrictions and if you step out of line, if u dont do femininity or dont do it well enough, you will be punished. by god of course u grow to hate your body and your role in the world. of course u wish u could be a man and just fucking. live and breathe and exist without all these stupid fucking made-up rules & requirements! for a lot of ppl, recognising that & recognising that the problem doesn't lie with them, but with a society that made them feel that way, is huge. & after that realisation they can begin a process of forgiving their body. turning the blame out from where they've internalised it. & this is definitely why so many detrans/desisted/reidentified women get so hard into feminism. that's what brought me to radblr in the first place & started my own process of reidentification!
now obv i can't cover every possible cause of dysphoria here bc its as many & varied as ppl are. and listen im on mobile so i cant see how long this is but jesus christ i know it must be fucking long. and its still going to get much longer! so there is one last obvious cause of dysphoria that no-one likes to talk abt, but which is probably THE most concretely linked: being gay! for at LEAST hundreds of years (im sure there are some ladies around here who could attest to older sources tbh, it could be millenia for all i know) lesbians have written about feeling like they're a man's soul in a woman's body. sexual inversion theory was the default belief for how and why people were homosexual for a long, long time. and that theory is so completely alive and well. im not even going to say any more on this one. it's obvious and i think almost every single butch lesbian (& plenty of non-butch lesbians) feels this at SOME point. the proportion of homosexuals in the transgender population is definitely higher than in the general population. however even if ur het that can induce dysphoria too, cause u get ppl who say they don't want to date men as a woman, they want to do it as a man - which a lot of ppl put down to gay fetishisation but i don't think its all about that. i think its abt wanting to be on equal footing. so no-one is safe really!
ok. so what is the difference between this and conversion therapy. conversion therapy in my mind is smthn that seeks to 'correct' your behaviour/identity, rather than smthn with the goal of alleviating distress. like i don't think any of the stuff ive talked abt should b done w the goal of making someone not identify as trans anymore - idk identify how u want i guess. the identity isn't really the thing that matters. u don't even need to identify as trans in the first place for any of that stuff to b helpful - it's all abt lessening the distress u feel w ur own body. and the main thing 'trans conversion therapy' means 2 me is trying to force gender conformity on someone. like trying to get them to accept their assigned gender role. to get a gnc female who identifies as transmasc to ditch not only the identity but the gnc behaviours & presentation and accept their 'place' in the world as a woman. and gender (a word which to me is synonymous with the phrase 'gender roles' like they dont exist separately that is literally what gender is. its roles.) is my greatest enemy in the world FUCK gender and i don't ever ever think anyone should b forced to abide by it. i think it is the greatest evil on this planet. to me, the comparison of therapeutic dysphoria treatment to conversion therapy is like. say if someone was gay, and was severely distressed by being gay. they couldn't accept it and they hated it and they were depressed about it. this person would definitely benefit from therapy to help them ACCEPT the fact that they're gay and to help them feel comfortable with themselves about it. which is very very different from a 'therapy' which aims to make them not gay anymore. u know?
now im not going to pretend i know or even believe that everyone's dysphoria can be alleviated or erased with therapy. i have no idea how many ppl this would work for. maybe it would help 5% of ppl, maybe it would help 50%, or 95%. honest to god i have no idea. and sometimes figuring out the root causes of your dysphoria doesn't really do jack shit. there's a lot of things in my life i could point to that explain mine. but the trouble is that knowing that doesn't make it go away. it's a mental illness & it's as complicated & often stubborn as any other. chances are that therapy would help some ppl and not help others. and if u try it out & it doesn't help & u still think transition is the right path, then cool! if that's an informed choice and a medical risk/commitment you're willing to take then honestly i believe in giving ppl that right. but like i said the other day, the big thing is that without the OPTION of psychological treatment, there's really only the option of transition. well that's not tru actually, because some people do choose to simply live w their dysphoria, much as one might live w many other mental illnesses. i feel like that's also not an option spoken about often. u can actually just live with it. learn to manage it rather than try to cure it, let it ebb & flow. a lot of the time that will suck, but what mental illness doesn't? for many ppl, learning ways to manage & live w their dysphoria is a more sensible choice for their lifestyle than transition, which basically makes u a lifelong medical patient. for some ppl it's better than taking the health risks. sometimes u just gotta power thru.
anything else i want to add - yes, of course there is. there's a million things i could probably add. i could talk abt this for hours. actually i probably have bc i kept coming back 2 this on breaks at work so im sure ive put a couple of hrs into it by now. i didn't even mention eating disorders and how commonly comorbid they are w dysphoria; how it's all just different forms of body dysmorphia (but as many ppl have said, when an anorexic tells a doctor their body is wrong the doctor tell them no, your mind is wrong, and you need psychological treatment. not so with dysphoria.) the transwomen ive seen basically turn into plastic surgery addicts always seeking more and more changes bc they don't reach the end-point they'd imagined, where they're happy w their body now, bc the discomfort always came from inside their head and their body was never really the problem. the transmen who plan on just taking hormones but not getting top surgery, or vice versa, and then end up doing both AND getting phallo and often still finding themselves unsatisfied at the end. the unrealistic expectations people often have in the first place when starting transition, and the doctors who, instead of being realistic and helping patients to manage their expectations, promise the absolute world - leaving ppl completely mentally unprepared if things don’t go so well, where perhaps some therapy beforehand could have helped them accept what they’re getting into. the studies showing that although ppl REPORT being happier after transition, their life satisfaction scores on assessments aren't actually any higher than before. but i just got home and got to my computer and it turns out this reply is already. my god. over 2,000 words long. and holy shit even viewing it on desktop it’s enormous. so u gotta know when to quit i guess.
thank u so much for asking this. y’all know how much i love to talk abt this topic. i know everything is split into ‘sides’ on this sometimes, like it’s just some discourse, but it’s real people’s real lives and it’s so so important to me for everyone to see that. i want trans & dysphoric ppl to have more options, and to know about the options that they do have. there may not be any standardised dysphoria therapy but as i say, many women HAVE had life-changing results with other kinds of therapy, and there are many professionals out there who will absolutely work with you to the best of their ability if you want to get to the bottom of your dysphoria and come up with ways to lessen it or manage it. unfortunately, there are also many who will run for the hills because they don’t want to endanger their licence or reputation by being branded as conversion therapists. and i want feminists who see this as a solely political issue to see the humanity here and to recognise that dysphoria is a very real and often very debilitating mental illness that can’t always be cured by just explaining to someone that gender is made-up and bad. and no-one is a traitor to the female sex or an inherent misogynist for the choices they make to deal with that mental illness and live their happiest life.
and im. so sorry for all of ur dashboards. but hey, if u can scroll past 79 images per day of my chemical romance, then im sure u can scroll past this too if it’s of no interest to u. i hope not tho. if u read this all then god bless i am so thankful. everyone have a wonderful day <3 i am going to go have a nice big glass of mead bc it’s been a long night & all this thinking make hal head hurt. peace ✌️
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lgbtqwriting · 2 years
Hey, I have a character that’s really poor, and he can’t afford a binder or hrt. What can I do?
There are several ways he can make his chest look flatter, though some of them are very unsafe and definitely shouldn't be recommended to real people or portrayed as acceptable alternatives. I'll list a couple below, and anyone else with ideas or examples is free to add on.
Sports bras (this won't flatten his chest completely, but it will help out especially if he has small breasts to begin with)
Binding with bandages or flex tape (EXTREMELY unsafe, can damage your ribs, lungs, and/or skin permanently)
Baggy clothes or bulky vests and jackets (makes it harder to see his figure; bonus if they're black and obscure his features even further)
If you're not trans yourself, you'll definitely want to avoid having him attempt to perform top surgery on himself, unless he happens to be the fictional world's best surgeon or clearly has access to magic/technology that we do not. A few examples of characters like this (who aren't canonically trans) are Izuru Kamukura from DR2 and Dr. Stein from Soul Eater.
Check out this resource on safe binding if you have time! (www.pointofpride.org)
As for HRT, there's not much he can do (as a closeted transmasc who can't safely transition, I'm familiar with the struggle--then again I was born with PCOS, so I'm lucky enough to have a naturally deeper voice and grow some facial hair) but a lot of the ways he can appear more masculine will vary based on the time period of your story.
Here are some examples of things your character can do to appear more masculine to others:
Wear very clearly masculine clothing for the time period
Train his voice to sound deeper and have a more masculine timbre (this will be easiest if he is a singer and/or has access to the internet)
Use makeup to make his features look more angular and give himself an adam's apple (this one can be iffy since it perpetuates harmful ideas about how men "should" look, but your character's safety is more important than the optics of the situation)
Adopt the same lilt, tone, and mannerisms as the men around him (this is also known as 'mirroring' and it's a thing we do when holding conversations with people we want to like us better)
Good luck with your story! Let us know if you have any more questions.
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