#thank you for the message anon i do appreciate you!!
color-palettes · 16 hours
@ anon with the missing palette submission! i couldn't find your submission so it's possible tumblr ate it :^(
sometimes people use the correct format but send palettes via the ask box instead of submitting so that could be another option...
anywho since im here i'll answer some more qs
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don't forget you can send these kind words directly to the palette maker hehe!!
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the duality of anons....
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the queue is at 80 and ask box is around 250. it'll probably get added to the next batch so it'll be a while before you see it posted!
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yes... my current housekeeping to-do list:
-add some more to the faq (specifically how long it takes for a palette to be posted and what to do if you arent sure your palette was accepted)
-update the tumblr theme back to grid
-up the queue to post 3 palettes a day
-update the tumblr icon to put a new secret guy in there
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they get shuffled, but i'm not 100% sure how good the shuffle button works to be honest
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it was my quirky little decision when i made this blog as a highschooler. basically it's just a subjective choice
and then as my final parting message... thank you everyone for making the blog what it is today!! your kind messages and support and submissions are extremely appreciated even if we can't respond to every single one ; o ; <3
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danieyells · 1 day
Hello! Thank you so much for posting the guys’ voicelines! If it’s not too much trouble, could I ask for Yuri’s and Ritsu’s? I’ve been especially curious about Yuri’s since reading his line at the beginning of the game if you choose him lol Again, thank you so much!!
(i posted ritsu's separately!)
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no anon you may not study yuri. yuri studies you. how dare you. bad guinea pig! you get no experiment tonight!
the rest of you, however, may come appreciate the good doctor with me. You can come too studying anon i won't tell yuri
some of his lines really kinda subverted my expectations of his character? /affectionate) like i thought he would be quite different! not to say his profile is dishonest, but. . .idk lol i love him he's. . .he's special.
"What are you dawdling for? Change out of those rags and report to my lab immediately!"
"You should feel honored to be chosen as the test subject of Dr. Yuri Isami, genius and visionary!"
"Jiro! Jiro!! What on earth are you doing!?"
he calls for jiro the way a parent calls for their kid who's minding their business in another room--
"Lowbrow schools of thought with the gall to oppose my research will bear a mark of shame for generations to come. One day, the world will be forced to acknowledge me."
i realized this early on since i chose him in the pre-prologue so i always had access to him on the home screen but. since anomalies have to be kept secret from the world he kind of can't be acknowledged for what he does in the long run, can he? since he specifically works in anomalous medical sciences much of what he does and works with has to be kept only within the institute's understandings. . . .
"I always preserve the lives of my patients. I cannot make guarantees for any other parts of them, however."
sure you're a disembodied head in a jar but you are a living disembodied head in a jar! don't worry they'll get you a new body!!
"I ask their cooperation for the sake of the future of humanity, and this is what I get!? Jiro, how much do we have left in our research budget!?"
You've Got Mail:
"What madness is this? Why do you have unread messages!? Check them immediately! Research is a race against time!"
Affinity 1:
"What a bracing morning. Jiro, prepare my wake-up tonic."
is 'wake-up tonic' a fancy way of saying coffee or do you have some mixture of herbs and spices that wakes you up
Affinity 2:
"Are you injured or ill? Oh dear, how unfortunate. I shall begin the experi— Ahem, the treatment, immediately."
the way he says this is so incredible but tumblr will not let me upload the video for some reason he is so hype to try putting strange things in you.
Affinity 3:
"Jiro's not feeling well, you say? Very well. I shall test my latest formula on him."
Affinity 4:
"Oh, it's you. And here I thought I had a patient. I am currently reviewing today's lessons, so please leave unless you're here for treatment."
he's very studious for a genius. not a lot of the ghouls actually go to class.
Affinity 5:
"Wha... Wh-Where did you come from!? Th-Th-Th-This!? It is a medical journal! The Ace Doctor Wows Minds In Another World Thesis!"
MY GUY IS READING ISEKAI MANGA ABOUT DOCTORS AND PROJECTING do you think he reads like hentai about doctors and scientists too. probably not right he's too haughty to think about things like that before they happen
Affinity 6:
"The only blood I stain myself with is that atop the operating table. On missions, I have Jiro to fight in my stead."
it's okay to say you're just not much of a fighter lmao
Affinity 7:
"Anomalous medical science is uncharted territory. Should I become its pioneer, all will bow before my intellect until the end of time... Ha ha... Ah ha ha ha ha!"
Affinity 8:
"Hmph. We have no time to spare on your drivel. Hurry up, Jiro!"
Affinity 9:
"It's about time for Jiro's check-up... Hm? Wake up, Jiro! I've discovered an abnormality already!"
Affinity 10:
"Hmm, this case is somewhat complex... No, there's no need for my expertise here. Jiro, prepare to operate immediately."
'this is too complicated for a human but not too complicated to be jiro's problem!' disregard that jiro may be smarter than him. . . .
Affinity 11:
"Prepare the new formula, Jiro. A specimen has arrived. What? You're not here for treatment?"
listen sometimes you just wanna pay someone a visit! it's not my fault you live in a goddamn hospital.
Affinity 12:
"I will soon be finished with today's lessons— then I shall return to the lab to confirm the status of my latest test subject."
this is between 11 and 4pm, so you're basically just hearing him talk about his plans for after school lmao just normal student things!!!
Affinity 13:
"Why yes, I attended every lesson today, as always. All studies are linked, after all. Though it takes a mind such as mine to recognize that."
Affinity 14:
"What is that slovenly visage, worm? Tell me, do you have an excuse for looking more emaciated than me when I spent all night researching? I didn't think so!"
would you like my laundry list of reasons i look tired yuri because i can get it
Affinity 15:
"I must personally administer Jiro's shots three times a day. The treatment is rather unique, you see."
'you see i use my peni--'
Affinity 16:
"You have business with Jiro? Not before bringing it to me, you don't. He is merely my assistant—as house captain, it is I who possesses the authority."
no talking to his son assistant without going through him first! sorry anon who asked for an appointment with jiro yuri has to approve it
Affinity 17:
"I'm busy with my experiments. Go back to your dorm and ready yourself for your next appointment. Jiro, see her home."
i feel like he doesn't want you to see what he does to his other test subjects. . .not because they die or anything, they always live, it's just a little gruesome to see. He's not as rough with you. And he needs to make sure you keep coming back. And he needs to make sure you get home safe, so he's sending Jiro with you.
Affinity 18:
"Even harmful anomalies can have use as medicinal ingredients... This is the sort of immeasurable value my work provides."
isn't that common knowledge in the medical world though. . .i mean obviously getting the right balance is crucial but that's not an entirely new concept, 'let's use the harmful thing for something good'--
Affinity 19:
"Don't forget that body of yours is a vital specimen! Is it not common knowledge that lack of sleep is the root of all illness!?"
DON'T YOU AND JIRO REGULARLY PULL ALL NIGHTERS IF NOT FOR DAYS AT A TIME?????? maybe yuri is just immune to illness. . . .
Affinity 20:
"Good morning, M... M... M... My,  what an adequate morning it is, no!? Hmph... Don't confuse me like that..."
IF YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE YURI IN THE PRE-PROLOGUE IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW. . .when Yuri jumps he says "goodbye, mama."
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In Japanese it's somewhat more apparent that he's about to call you 'mama' in the voiceline. Maybe it's just my interpretation based on lines 23 and 24, but I think something happened to his mother where he failed to save her with surgery and at higher affinity he begins to project that need to save terminal/cursed patients' lives on you in particular. And he starts to think of you the way he thinks of his mother, but also as his favorite test subject. That or it's a loop/timeline thing and you're actually his mother--do you guys think he'd be able to be convinced into mommy kink shit he clearly has mommy issues it might help
Affinity 21:
"Mark my words, I'll have those pompous, preening parasites at Frostheim kneeling before me..."
man they do not like frostheim here in mortkranken. the fact that this is so high up is like. . .i wonder if there's some serious beef here.
Affinity 22:
"Jiro's gone!? ...So be it, then. I grant you the privilege of being my assistant for the day. Be grateful, worm."
jiro will come back when he needs his medication, it's fine! woohoo! do we get a nurse outfit!?
Affinity 23:
"There is no life I can't save... There can't be... I am Yuri Isami...the genius visionary doctor..."
it sounds like he's downright scared to fail to save a life.
Affinity 24:
"My next surgery must be a success... I... I cannot afford another failure..."
i am once again assuming his mother died on the operating table while he was trying to save or otherwise help her and he's extremely traumatized by it. on the other hand would he say 'goodbye mama' if she weren't still alive? maybe she's alive but she's in a coma or hospice or critical condition or something. and he's studying anomalous medicine to figure out how to save her.
Affinity 25(max):
"You belong to me. I will never hand you over to another researcher... (gasp) N-N-N-No, you've misunderstood! I-I just...!"
i'm literally the doctor's favorite lab rat because i am so obedient and intelligent and-- he blushes in the second line--he meant it as a test subject/lab rat or assistant thing but he also accidentally said how he really felt at the same time. . . . But you're his, he will be the one to save you, when he stands atop the world as world renowned genius anomalous medical doctor yuri isami you will stand by him as his proudest subject who's helped him confirm many theories and save many others' lives and he will work so hard to keep you well you are his and he doesn't want anyone else to learn what he can learn from you--
"Struggling with pollen allergies? I have a new formula here developed in Mortkranken, shall I test it on you?"
"Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! Hmm hmm hmm! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! Pa rum!"
so i don't know enough classical music to be able to tell what the songs he hums are, but if anyone wants to give it a shot i can try uploading the audios of him lol just lmk
"Which house's ghouls are out in the field at present? Oh my, I do hope they come back with some exciting injuries."
i wonder who his favorites to fix up are. . .on the one hand, he hates frostheim. so he might wanna be rougher with them or subject them to more unique experiments and make them admit his intelligence and skill. on the other hand obscuary must be the most interesting ones to work on since they're so unique?
"When did the cherry blossoms bloom...? The changing of the seasons seems rather superfluous when I am engaged in my research."
"Jiro, make a record of today's temperature. We need to take the changing climate into for illnesses particular to summer."
"Darkwick will provide me the materials I need for my research, provided they fall within our budget... But that is simply insufficient."
have you tried selling organs? taiga says it's very lucative. surely you have some lying around?
"Hmm...hmm...hmm...hmm... hmm hmm hmm hmm, Pa pa pa pa pa pa rum!"
"Why do you look so distressed? If the heat is proving too much for you, I can prescribe you something to lower your body temperature."
"Why must a peerless genius such as myself be saddled with performing piddling health checks for the new students!? It's asinine!"
aren't you the only legitimate doctor in this place by your own admission!?
"A trip to admire the fall foliage? Why yes, I am interested. After all, I'm sure Jabberwock's mountains possess all sorts of undiscovered ingredients. Let's get going."
just make sure you ask towa before taking anything. . .he might not appreciate you messing with his plants. . . .
"Sports...? Hmph, such nonsense is entirely superfluous to my life. Why needlessly expend energy in such a manner?"
"Hmm hmm, hmm hmm, hmm hmm, hmm, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmm!"
"Freude! Schöner! Götter! Funke! Tochter aus Elyyyyyyysium!"
"Eureka! A new formula utilizing an anomalous plant that only grows in subzero temperatures has been discovered, by...! Jiro..."
c'mon yuri be proud of your vice captain!
"Our research budget for the new year is nearly spent... Come, Jiro! We're going to negotiate with the faculty!"
"I despise the snow. It brings nothing but revolting memories... There, we're done with today's checkup. Any other questions?"
. . .what happened between Yuri and Frostheim. Or did he hate the snow first and Frostheim just happened to have a lot of it and also piss him off? I WANNA KNOW. Jin also hates Mortkranken and gets mad if you suggest he go there when he's sick so it's possibly mutual???
His birthday:
"You...remembered my birthday!? Ahem... If you wish to give me a present, make it either a talented assistant or a useful test subject."
people don't remember his birthday much i assume. . .or they tend to stay away from him so much he just doesn't get much attention or appreciation.
Your birthday:
"I am here to celebrate your birthday. Do you feel honored? I've prepared a new formula for you. Let's continue this in the lab, shall we?"
your birthday present is being part of more experiments! aren't you honored???
New Years:
"Happy New Year. I am on my way to make my first shrine visit. You didn't think me the type? I-It's just a tradition!"
Valentine's Day:
"Hmm, my blood sugar was just starting to drop. I suppose you do have it in you to be considerate every now and then... Pardon? Valentine's Day? ...(gasp)"
oh he has never gotten valentine's day chocolates before has he. or at least not recently.
White Day:
"I suppose I can concede you have proven yourself useful in the lab, worm. ...This is a token of my gratitude."
he didn't blush when he got the gift but he did blush giving you one so. . .i'm taking it this isn't obligation chocolate.
April Fool's Day:
"Hmph, did you honestly think you could fool me? I won't fall for your cheap tricks. I've already been fooled by Jiro seven times today!"
comically jiro's says he doesn't remember pulling any tricks on yuri at all. . .so yuri may be assuming anything he dislikes or is inconvenienced by is a trick lol
"Trick or treat! I have coordinated the ultimate matching costumes for Jiro and I... Yes, perfect."
the fact that he wanted to match costumes with jiro is so cute. . .like he really has this goofy side that doesn't come out much, but it seems like he enjoys celebrations and relaxed things, he's just too busy to engage in them. he likes isekai manga and holiday traditions and costumes. . .then again there's coordination and order involved in a matching halloween costume. so maybe he just likes the order and structure of it all.
"Merry Christmas. You can hand me my present at your earliest convenience. You did prepare one for me, didn't you!?"
he's surprised you remembered his birthday and valentine's day but he expects a christmas gift???
"I am a very busy man, so if you don't require examination, then we're done here."
"Hmph. You really think yourself important enough to make a genius like myself wait around!?"
"Where on earth have you been, worm!? Next time you plan on taking an extended leave of absence, I expect you to inform me in advance!"
THERE WE GO. after yesterday where tumblr decided to freak out on me and just fuckin delete it all i'm glad it's out of the way today lol. I REALLY LOVE YURI HE REALLY FEELS SO. . .PATHETIC. he's the self-reinforcing type who really feels the need to hype up his own greatness and reinforce his authority while, as you get closer to him, letting you see how vulnerable he is and how scared he is of failure. and at first you're a specimen and a lab rat but after getting close enough he shoos you away from his experiments and you can even be his assistant(in jiro's absence) instead. . .his profile makes him sound very in control and aggressive but he doesn't really seem that way in his voicelines i guess? and here and there he's goofy and caring. . .he's kind of a loser(affectionate)!
one of my favorite characters lolol i am so looking forward to the mortkranken chapter because that's going to be so dramatic i bet. . . .
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desertfangs · 4 months
I just wanted to say to that Anon: nobody was being sassy with you. I hate how much Marius and Armand fans are denigrated on this site.
I'm sorry, anon! I know how that feels and I want you to know that I did not intend to denigrate or invalidate Marius/Armand fans. I apologize if I did.
I am on your side! I think they're fascinating and while they're not one of my main ships, I always enjoy reading the fics people write about them and trying to figure out how they fit together in various eras. I want them to work out their shit and have all of the kisses and cuddles they deserve.
About ten years ago, the last time I was in this fandom before I left for a while, Armand and Daniel were Le Problematic Ship Du Jour on this site, where there was constant discourse and shitposting about how toxic and awful they were and how if you shipped it, you were terrible and also wrong, because look at Daniel with Marius in Prince Lestat! They are together so Armand and Daniel can't possibly ever have anything again 🙄🙄🙄 It felt like you had to constantly defend yourself if you posted or wrote about them, and it was exhausting.
Now I see that same shit going on with Marius and Marius/Armand. It's fine to not like a character or a ship, but people get Weird about it, and decide that their dislike is Moral and Righteous. Or that canon or Anne has blessed their ship somehow, which is equally silly. Back then people would harass Anne on Facebook trying to get her to say which ships were canon or whatever, as if they are not very clearly all canon on the page.
I will never believe that Daniel and Armand reconnecting means Armand and Marius can't do the same (or that Daniel and Marius aren't going to still have a deep relationship, for that matter.) Ditto Armand and Louis, etc. etc. down the line.
Ships are not a zero sum game, especially in this fandom. You don't have to like a ship. Sometimes they just don't give you that warm fuzzy feeling. But none of these ships are mutually exclusive either. Armand can lay on the couch playing with Lestat's hair and still appreciate Daniel as he walks out the door. There's enough love to go around.
Okay, sorry, wow, I don't know why anyone sends me asks when they all lead to tangents. 😂 Point is, I feel your pain, anon, and I wasn't trying to join in on that kind of nonsense, so I hope it didn't seem that way and I don't think you were be sassy with me, either. I understand your frustration! I'm sorry fandom tends to do this stuff!
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tangledinink · 1 month
better get some more votes in over the next three hours. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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tubbytarchia · 16 days
Points at my pinned message. There's a message there in bold. I'm sorry I don't clarify that I'm talking about CHARACTERS ONLY in posts that I don't maintag. I presume if you're on my blog to see these posts at all, you would already know as much. CHARACTERS please... just characters.... I've acknowledged that CC Jimmy is not bothered by the bullying many times. I'm very aware... I'm talking about characters......................
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comfortyart · 1 year
Hey, I love your art. I love the comfy vibes and the poses are always awesome! Sorry to hear you are going through some art block but if I can request some Lemillion X Suneater I’d love to see them havin a date drinking some ramune or something or skinny all might cause I love that funky lookin dood
Anon, thank you so so much for your kind words, I'm so happy you enjoy my art!! Artblock is frustrating, but thank you for taking the time to send this request, gave me a fun lil idea for a warm up today!
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Tamaki just wishing, even just once...Mirio would wear his costum when they practice together.
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fluxweeed · 11 days
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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tariah23 · 3 months
im so sorry you got nasty asks ppl can be so vile. i love seeing you on my dash and you always have the best posts and put great stuff on my dash. ive never watched naruto but i dont mind seeing that either <3 ily i hope youre doing ok outside of ppl being terrible
They had me like this, anon...
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#they tried to call me a terf and I’ll never forgive that 😵‍💫#all because I pointed out some antiblackness-#I don’t expect much from wp and nbs here especially lgbt white folks since they’ve been the main ones running black bloggers off for years#especially black trans and cis black women for even uttering the word#they forget that at the end of the day they are still white and can hurt us#it was just#uncomfortable for me :(#but I’m not used to being harassed so I was like 🤷🏾‍♀️!#I had to delete sm messages 🗿#tumblr is not a welcoming place for black bloggers so#it’s never rly been but I won’t leave until this site completely implodes (it’s getting there)#one thing about lgbt whites they’re gonna call a black blogger a transphobe for ever criticizing them ever even if they’re trans 😵‍💫#I hate how common this is on here it’s disgusting#all I do is post about anime and complain I don’t be bothering no one 😭#anon you’re so kind I rly appreciate this message 😵‍💫❤️!#thanks for caring lmfaoo#also#I FEEL LIKE……. you’ll probably go crazy if you watched Naruto sorry…….#please don’t watch or read it ever… I’m begging- but the perks of reading and watching Naruto is that you get to meet Naruto and sasuke 😭!!!#guys of all time!!!!!!!#I’ve been trying my best to be normal about it since I’m an adult but I… sorry I’m so sorry anon I’m embarrassing#it’s kind of hard to dislike something that you’ve been into since you were in middle school 😭……#I’ll love Naruto forever even if it sucks lol#anonymous#tkf replies
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lemonsdaily-artdump · 1 month
Hi just wanted to say that your CoS character Kasia is amazing and so well designed and I love seeing your art in the tag
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0xeyedaisy · 2 years
Hello! I just wanted to say that you're comics are amazing! You're artstyle is fairly simplified, but you always manage to portray so much emotion and detail in every panel. Particularly on the emotion front, it's really impresive to me how natural the emotions feel. They're not stiff at all, but they aren't over dramatic or anything either, they just feel natural. How dynamic every thing feels mixed with the incredible shading and colouring makes them genuinely beautiful to look at. I also appreciate that you draw scar in a wheelchair, as well as how different everyones faces, and particularly eyes, look.
The best part, imo, is the writing and paneling though. I rarely find comics funny, but yours are consistently not only very charming but also very funny. I don't know anything about drawing comics so I can't say what exactely causes this, but the way you panel your comics in such a way that it both has a lot of really unique shapes and still feels intuitive to read is very impressive. I love how you write the characters, with a lot of hermitcraft fanworks they either lean in really hard into the more dramatic overarching story or the comedy aspect, but you manage to incorporate both in a way that feels very accurate to the actual thing, while still adding a ton of new and unique ideas.
Oh gosh, Anon, you're gonna make me cry /pos Thank you so much for this message, I hope you have a great day <3
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veilder · 1 year
I'm too shy to say this off anon but just wanted to say how much I appreciate your tags. You leave such lovely commentary everhtime you rb my art and its really encouraging and I've noticed you do it consistently for everyone. You're awesome!!! Keep doing you :) :)
Omg, thank you! That is so sweet of you to say! (Especially since I've been slacking on the reblogging lately, omg. I have so many saved in my drafts. T_T) That is very encouraging to hear and I'm glad I can help spread a little bit of positivity around for everyone who works so hard in their fandoms. Y'all definitely earned it! ^_^
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214c · 1 year
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desertfangs · 4 months
Not Marius/Armand fans having the GALL to get sassy with you 💀 I’m happy for whatever healing conversation Armand and Marius got to have post-BC2 but like… Marius believing Armand’s heart is open to him again and him wanting to go see him is also not necessarily what I’d call “endgame”. We don’t actually get to see ANY resolution between them. Any talk about endgames is silly but if we’re being 100% real, only Lestat and Louis could be classified as such at the end of the series.
I think that all of us VC fans who ship things other than Louis/Lestat are in the same boat (and even the Loustat shippers are on a similar, only slightly larger boat) in which we just didn't get a lot of the conversations/scenes we all wanted on the page.
In QotD, we learn Armand and Marius are out hunting but don't get that scene or get much more than brief reunion in the Sonoma Compound. They do get some time together in TVA and then Marius goes and ruins it by turning Benji and Sybelle. And then in the PL trilogy, there's a lot of stuff between them that's just totally skimmed over. That nasty fight where Marius really hurts Armand's feelings? Two lines from Lestat. The fact that Marius is apparently going to go speak with him? Missing footage.
So I think we're all left sort of frustrated by the lack of satisfying resolutions between all of these guys. These things were not vital to the stories Anne was telling, but they are things we wanted. We wanted to see Louis react to Daniel being a vampire. We wanted to see Armand and Marius have a real talk for the first time in hundreds of years. We wanted Daniel and Armand to have literally any time together on the page after his bout of madness. And we just don't get it. It is incredible for fic potential but it's also kind of unsatisfying in canon.
I completely agree about endgames, though, I don't think there can be endgames for immortals. I think they'll all keep coming back to each other, over and over, in different times and different ways. Daniel and Armand are definitely that couple that takes breaks, intentionally or otherwise, only to come back together and rekindle that passion and desire. Louis and Lestat will keep coming back together no matter how many times Lestat runs off and makes a new fledgling because he thinks it's the answer to all his problems. Armand and Louis will find each other when Daniel and Lestat are off being jackasses. Marius and Armand will always love and need each other in some way. Marius will always be a rock for Daniel. Etc etc.
They're all endgame in one way or another because when you have eternity, you have the potential for endless love, and I think Daniel would agree with that.
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happy birthday :)!!
Thank you!! I've managed to go 8 years without even admitting the month of my birthday, but the fact that it happened during the week of the evergiven finally did me in
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mordsfesch · 7 months
hshdhdkdk i‘ve listened to your tatort münchen playlist on loop and idk why but „barfuß am klavier“ really stuck with me. can‘t stop thinking about the line „du nackt im bett und ich barfuß am klavier“, not leaving brain. ivo am klavier während franz noch im bett liegt und ihm zuhört, i fucking cannot.
first of all, 🥰🥰🥰 for listening to my playlist!!
secondly, this. this right here is the very reason and scenario i pictured when putting "barfuß am klavier" in there.
that and the whole "Du und ich, wir waren wunderlich // Nicht für mich // Für die, die es störte, wenn man uns nachts hörte" as well as "Du und ich, wir war'n mal wir. Und sind jetzt nichts" and "Ich träume Liebeslieder und sing dabei von dir".
it's their entire relationship in all its stages in one song. don't tell me people didn't wonder about what exactly franz and ivo are up to and might have thought their relationship to be weird. they're cops, they're colleagues, they have girlfriends, they are boyfriends - all at once. but also they have fights (i'm not even going to get into the whole thing that is "Der Tod ist unser ganzes Leben" and "Die Wahrheit"), and they cannot cope with it. they need each other. and then there's me imagining ivo sitting at the piano, playing love songs and thinking (as well as singing) about franz.
aaanyway. i guess what i was trying to say is: yes. i agree.
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imabillyami · 10 months
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