#thank you boysloveandtaxation
formlesscopycat · 3 years
Thanks much to @boysloveandtaxation for tagging me, this is so fun to do and I’m very happy you’ve given me a chance to talk about my fics. I’m delighted that someone got actually interested to know my thoughts on these stuff! I love writing but I haven’t written anything for almost a year now bc of mental health and irl stuff. Answering these questions feels so refreshing, I really hope to bounce back to writing real soon! <3 So here goes:
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Heh, it’s AoKise <33333 i’ve never been ruined by a ship as much as Aoki had; after 3 years in the almost inactive KnB fandom, I’m still crying over these dorks everyday. 
How many works do you have on AO3?
Ahh just a few. Only 17. 
What’s your total AO3 word count?
121,800 hehe. Woah. I’m amazed that I did write that much in 3 years.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Love at First Lie - AoKise college AU with side pairing IwaOi. Multi-chapter.
But Losers Never Weep - AoKise faling in love during the Teiko timeline up to their final year in high school. My longest One-shot.
Distance of the Falling Sun - AoKise angst with a happy ending in Teikou setting. It’s a gift fic for a dear friend of mine and is just as special to me as the friend I gifted it to.
I hear you through these walls - AoKise neighbors!AU. This is the first AU I’ve ever written as I am always inclined to write my ships in canon setting. As they say, there’s a first time for everything and so this happened! 
Where You Belong (I Know it’s With Me) - AoKiseKaga AU with meet-cute, love triangles and family shenanigans. It’s still ongoing and I still hold the plot dearly in my heart. I haven’t given up yet, someday, I’ll finish writing this.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I do, always. I love getting comments and I wanted the commenter to know how happy I’ve been to receive kind words so I always try to message them back albeit I’m very slow in doing that.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooh. I haven’t written anything with an angsty ending, I want my ships to sail into happiness every single time. There’s one in my wips tho where there’s major character death, based off the movie If Only. But it’s too sad, I haven’t found the strength yet to write it all down.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think that would be “But Losers Never Weep” where Kise gets all the happy ending he deserves and more.
Do you write crossovers?
Love at First Lie is my only crossover fic, between KnB and Haikyuu. I haven’t been very keen on writing crossovers because it takes a lot of work and in depth characterization I think. But I’m hoping to do one again in the near future. Characters from different fandoms meeting together is so fun in my head.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
There was one time, in FF.net, when I was 15, for my very first published fic. The commenter said that it was a shit ending because the OTP I had been writing about wasn’t end game. And I wouldn’t blame them tbh. I was a kid writing on a whim, the fic was so full plot holes and hideous grammar so yeah.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have 2 smut fics in my wips ok? I haven’t posted nsfw fic ever because I feel very incapable... I think I haven’t reached that level yet where I get all very sensory and descriptive. But I’m welcoming the idea and have tried writing a bit of smut. Gimme more time and I’ll finish what I started.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Guess there wasn’t any fic of mine that was stolen, my writing’s not in the rob list-tier anyway.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone had left a comment and asked if they could translate one of my fics and I was flattered, I said yes, but I didn’t know if they ever got around to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah. And I’m not sure if I ever want to... I’m very clingy with my ideas, tbvh, I’d rather work on a project alone. I guess it’s also because I’m a tunnel-visioned introvert by nature.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh. I think that would be “Starry Nights” series. I planned it as a three shot story but as time went by, the  ideas grew distant. Last year, someone messaged me on Instagram asking if I would ever write the next parts. I told them I’m not dismissing the possibility but it’ll take a while because I’ve been in a long-term block until now.
What are your writing strengths?
Characterizations and dialogues, I think. I find it easy to write dialogues. Based on the comments I receive, people say I’m good with characterization so I guess those are my assets.
What are your writing weaknesses?
English vocabulary and writing descriptions. Ah, you'll never know how much I drool over fics of writers with god-tier descriptions! This is why I don’t write smut because it requires very sensory writing and I’m not in that  level yet.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m okay with it, I think. It could make or break a fic but if the writer has the talent, I think they’ll do just fine. As for me though, I’d do it sparingly.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy VIII. It was my first love and will always be. I was smitten by Ashbear’s fics in FFN and that spurred me to write my own.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My top 3 would be:
But Losers Never Weep because it puts my dear son Kise on a pedestal.
Distance of the Falling Sun because it’s written based off a count down and I honestly thought I won’t be able to finish it.
Where You Belong because this is my baby! So many characters, so many subplots than the stuff I usually write. It’s very challenging but everytime I finish a chapter, my heart soars.
I’m tagging any of my writer friends who want to do this. If you ever see this tho, please indulge me!
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hardnoctlife · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Tag Game
Thanks @boysloveandtaxation for the tag!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
As a multi-shipper, this is an extremely hard question for me to answer as it varies by fandom and mood, but…
For Yakuza, definitely KazuMaji. No contest.
FFVII favs are Cloti, Zakkura, Reno/Rude
My fav for FFXV has to be OT4, followed closely by Promnis and Gladnoct… any combo of the bros, really
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
727, 857 words!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
These are all in the FFXV fandom:
· Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between; (321 kudos) my first OT4 fic and definitely my fav fic I’ve written for the fandom.
· Write Drunk, Email Sober; (276 kudos) Promnis, College AU, conveniently my second favorite fic I’ve written!
· Stand By You; (269 kudos) Promptis, High School AU, my first major long fic that I completely revamped.
· The Long and Short of It All; (236 kudos) a sequel to Rain or Shine! I was pleasantly surprised it did so well.
· Of Ink and Parchment; (236 kudos) a collection of 2019 Inktober shorts.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I always reply to comments. I appreciate that people take the time to leave them, so I feel they warrant a response.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Most of my angsty fics have a happy ending, but The Daemons that Live in the Dark is still pretty heavy.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Maybe The Long and Short of It All, though I’m not dropping any spoilers here!
Do you write crossovers?
I once wrote a three-fic series that involved Final Fantasy characters across multiple games. Does that count? (They’re no longer on my AO3 though.)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
…yes. And to the people who leave nasty comments or unwanted critique, you can go fuck yourselves.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ve written a few smut fics. I’m not sure what you mean by “what kind,” but they’re generally very self-indulgent, aka stuff that turns me on.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes… I’ve had several people who have written things "based on" my work or strongly "inspired by" my work that were never credited back to me.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I’ve had plans to write with a few people, but our schedules haven’t really lined up. (We’re all very busy.)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
All in the Family, now known as All This Heart Can Hold. It’s supposed to be the third installment in my OT4 series but I’ve lost almost all motivation to finish it. Sorry, y’all!
What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m very good at writing dialogue and also balancing my description with action/interaction between characters.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I write myself into a corner/don’t plan my story out well enough and create plot holes for myself.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s really awesome… if done correctly. I speak some Spanish and Japanese so I have included sprinklings of different languages in a few fics, but I usually make sure there is some sort of translation for the readers. I also highly recommend getting native speakers to proof read.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
First ever? FFVII back in elementary school, though there was no such thing as FF.net or AO3 back then.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My top two FFXV fics I’ve written are Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between and Write Drunk, Email Sober.
For FFVII it’s probably these two Rude/Reno fics: Can’t See the Stars for the Sky and Best Kind of Bad Something.
Tagging: @crazyloststar @ezra-blue @gingerel @every-lemon (only if you want to!)
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
countdown to christmas - day 12
akaashi keiji - christmas tree (alternate title: underneath the christmas tree)
warning: the last half of this is very nsfw. just read up until the cut for all the fluff if that’s what you’re after!
gonna dedicate this to @haikyuu-scenarios-box and @boysloveandtaxation for correctly guessing today’s scenario;)
merry (late) christmas, friends! please accept this akaashi fluff and smut combo as my gift to all of you, for you deserve this and so much more. i hope you all like it, even though it is a very predictable gift <3
*NSFW warning featuring first time sex, cunnilingus, slight dirty talk, lots of loving fem reader
Your first Christmas with Keiji had been nothing but an incredible success, and as you sat on the floor admiring Keiji’s Christmas tree, which was the only light source in the living room, you couldn’t stop thinking about how happy you were. 
Just thinking about Keiji gave your stomach butterflies; you had spent the better part of this year with him, and you were convinced you’d be with him forever. And the gifts he had gotten you for the holiday were just as thoughtful and amazing as you thought they’d be. Right now, you couldn’t be happier. 
“Want a cookie?” 
You looked up to find Keiji standing above you, holding out a leftover cookie. 
Okay, maybe you could’ve been happier with a cookie.
“It’s the last one.” 
“You should have it,” you told him, and he sat down next to you. 
“Let’s half it,” he replied as he broke the cookie in half. He made sure to give you the bigger half, even though you both knew he was the one with the larger appetite. 
Now you couldn’t be happier. “Your mom makes the best cookies, Keiji.” 
“Believe me, I know,” he replied. “They’re my favorite part of Christmas.” 
“Mhm,” he hummed, quickly finishing off his half of the cookie. It tasted so good that he couldn’t even try to suppress the smile on his face, and you noticed. 
Your mind wandered to the day spent with Keiji’s family. You two had spent Christmas Eve with your family so you could spend today with his, and you had more fun with his big family than you expected. 
They were just as accepting and kind as he was, to no surprise. His younger siblings were so excited to have you there - you were still blown away at how similar all four of them looked. 
Right before leaving, Keiji’s mom handed you a small box with a bow on top. “These are the leftover cookies I could spare from the kids,” she told you with a knowing smile. “Keiji loves them. Make sure he shares with you, alright?” 
You accepted them graciously, “Oh, thank you, Mrs. -”
That’s when she interrupted by putting a hand on your shoulder. “I hope this isn’t odd,” she said, “I hope I’m not intruding or anything, but... If you want, you can call me Mom - if you want!” 
She had the same kind honestly as Keiji, as well as his intuition. And he had her blue eyes. You were only now noticing all the traits he had picked up from her, even though this wasn’t even close to your first time meeting her. 
You were lucky he was raised by such a lovely woman - you aren’t sure he’d be the man you love without her. 
And that’s why when she reached out to you in such that thoughtful way, you couldn’t help but tear up - it really showed you how Keiji became the amazing man he is today. Because he had been surrounded by great people his entire life.
“Of course,” you told her. And she smiled wide - he has her smile, too. 
She pulled you into a hug, then. “Thank you for making my son so happy,” she said to you. “I’m proud to have you in the family.” 
That’s what made your holiday. Not the gifts or even the cookies - it was being truly accepted into Keiji’s family in such a sweet and courteous way. It really warmed your heart. 
And Keiji didn’t even have to ask you to come over afterwards, either - both of you just expected that you’d go to his apartment as you drove home, all while eating most of the cookies while waiting in the late night Christmas traffic. 
Now that you were finishing the last one, you reminded yourself to ask his Mom for the recipe - as kindly as possible, of course - in hopes of being able to make them as well as she can one day.
“Kitten,” Keiji whispered to you, effectively pulling you out of your day dream. He chuckled at you, “You okay?” 
“Yeah, of course,” you replied. “Just thinking.” 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, “About what?” and pulled you into his lap. 
“About how our first Christmas together was a success,” you replied. 
“A major success,” he added. And then he gave you what he thought of as a celebratory kiss; you had other plans, though. 
He was caught off guard when your hands moved to hold his face, and although it was gentle, it still managed to take his breath away as your lips worked against his. But you seemed to pull away far too soon. 
“I love you, Keiji,” you told him, and while you still felt a bit shy saying it to him, the moment felt too right to pass it up. 
“I love you too,” he said honestly. “So much.” 
For a moment you could do nothing more than smile at him like the dork you were - and you didn’t know it, but Keiji could look at you looking at him that way forever. 
But you felt far too shy under his gaze. Those gunmetal eyes you loved so much were intimidating, that’s for sure. 
Bravely, you kissed him again, your hands still holding his face. And he deepened it quick. You ran your hand along to the back of his head to pull him closer, because you needed him as close as he could possibly be. 
You didn’t even realize you had mumbled his name until he said yours back to you; you didn’t notice he was pushing you to lie down until your back hit the carpeted floor; you didn’t know how bad you wanted him until you felt him settling between your legs. 
He ended the kiss with a rough bite to your bottom lip, which made an involuntary moan slip. The golden lights of the tree had never looked so bright when you opened your eyes and peered into his; you wondered if yours were as clouded with lust as Keiji’s were. 
Neither of you knew what to say. But it seemed like you were still on the same wordless page - just looking at each other, you could tell what the other was feeling. 
As if you were saying it to yourself and not to him, you said, “I’m ready,” and he nodded quickly in agreement as he tried to clear his throat. 
“Are you?” Keiji asked.
You tried to pull his face down to yours again but he wouldn’t budge; he was watching your face, watching you bite your lip and furrow your brows, and he was getting more and more turned on by the second. 
“I am,” you insisted. “Are you?” 
“I’m ready if you are,” he replied. And so you nodded again, unsure if you could voice a reply. 
Your first time having sex had been long awaited. But both of you enjoyed the wait for the right time. You wanted to find yourself in the moment where you just couldn’t say no, where there was absolutely nothing on your mind but Keiji - not even your insecurities or doubts or fears. 
And right now, that’s exactly how you felt. You had waited so long for this feeling. You hoped it would happen on your six month anniversary two months ago, but it wasn’t quite right. You thought you felt this way the first time Keiji told you he loved you, but that night you still felt apprehensive. 
There was just something about tonight. You were ready as you would ever be. The ache between your legs was just too strong to ignore, and it was solely because of the beautiful man hovering above you.  
“Tell me what you want,” he said. He was trying his hardest to hold back; all he could think about was kissing your neck and unbuttoning your shirt and taking you right then and there. 
You whined at his words, as they seemed quite teasing. “Keiji.” And your response only made him smirk.
“You have to tell me, kitten, or I won’t know,” he replied, and now he was definitely teasing. He knew exactly what you wanted - he just really wanted to hear you say it. “What do you want?” 
“Y-You,” you choked out shyly, having no clue how to put your desire into words. 
“Just me?” 
“I… yeah.” 
His hand started trailing up and down your side, and his touch gave you chills. 
“What do you want me to do, kitten?” he asked, chuckling as he said, “Give me consent in a really sexy way.”
He let his head fall into the crook of your neck and his body relax against yours and hoped you would be okay feeling him against you while also being prepared for you to push him off. 
You didn’t. In fact, you moaned again when you felt him against you - you could feel through his pants how hard he already was. 
“I need you,” you moaned out, “Keiji, please, just - just have your way with me.” 
You pushed him up a bit so you could get to unbuttoning your shirt - if he wasn’t going to make the first move to undress you, you sure as hell would. 
“That’s my job,” he said, knocking your hands away so he could do it. He sat up so he could do it properly. “I’m supposed to have my way with you, you’re not supposed to lift a finger, kitten.” 
“Then don’t make me lift a finger,” you giggled. 
Your shirt was unbuttoned and he slid his large hands across your stomach to your sides, leaning down to capture your lips in his. 
“Don’t worry,” he said between kisses. “I’ll make you feel so good, kitten. I promise.” 
You believed him wholeheartedly - you were already feeling good and he was hardly even touching you. 
He pushed your shirt off your shoulders, you pulled it all the way off, and Keiji didn’t hesitate to litter your chest in kisses. They were soft and quick and just a means to an end, which was the spot between your bra-covered breasts. 
“Should we go slow?” he asked, nuzzling his nose into your chest. 
“I think we should hurry,” you replied honestly, causing him to giggle at you and shake his head. 
“Slow and steady,” he remarked. “Sit up a bit…” 
He reached behind you to unhook your bra - which he wasn’t the greatest at - and then pulled it off of you slowly. 
He took a shaky breath as his eyes scanned your body. You were laying there just for him, as if you were a present under the tree. The way the Christmas lights illuminated your skin, your curves, your face just took Keiji’s breath away. 
And you expected to be more nervous. You thought you’d feel like he would be judging you or searching for your flaws, for the reason you wanted to wait so long for this. 
But you didn’t feel that way at all. You knew that you’d be able to tell if Keiji didn’t like what he was seeing - he was a bad liar. And right now, you knew he was enjoying himself. 
“Hurry,” you said, your own voice taking up a teasing tone as you arched your back towards him. 
He wasn’t sure he could stop looking at you long enough to actually touch you, but that’s the one thing he wanted to do more than see you. He just had to clear his throat and collect himself before he could do anything else. 
“Skirt next,” he managed to say. You unzipped it and he pulled it off and tossed it somewhere else. 
“Take yours off,” you said. 
“But I’m not wearing one.” 
“I meant your shirt,” you laughed, “not your skirt.” 
He tugged that off and threw it somewhere else, too, and then he basically fell onto you. 
“You said I could have my way with you, right?” 
He was fiddling with the frilly edge of your panties and kissing your chest as he thought about exactly what he wanted to do to you - and little did you know, Keiji had been thinking about getting a taste of you for a long time. 
From your point of view, it looked like he slid down your body like a snake, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a bit surprised. Pleasantly so, though. 
“These are cute,” he said, referring to your festive candy-cane colored panties. “Do you think they’d look cuter on the floor?” 
You giggled, “Take them off and find out.” 
Keiji pulled them down your legs with a sly grin and then threw the underwear over his shoulder - and they managed to land on one of the branches on the Christmas tree. 
He laughed, “Just leave them. They make a good ornament, too.” 
You just rolled your eyes and tried your best to ignore your underwear in your periphery, preferring to focus on the man between your legs. 
Keiji definitely wasn’t worried about that small mishap. His mouth was nearly watering with desire at the sight of your sex. You were absolutely soaked, he could tell just from looking at you. 
He wasn’t sure if he should ask, but your hand in his hair gave him the courage he needed to let himself go. His mouth latched onto you and the moans he let out sounded like they were right out of a sex dream - he lapped at your wetness, savoring your taste as if he’d never get this chance again. 
Your own moans only added to his pleasure - if he was already feeling this good now, he wasn’t sure how he was going to make it through the main event. 
And you definitely weren’t going to last until then. Keiji was eating you out shamelessly - he didn’t care to spread your legs apart and do anything he could to make you feel good, and it took no time at all for him to do so. The moment his tongue found your clit you were a goner, and both of you knew that. 
You had a hand in his hair and you tried not to moan too loud as you pulled him closer, but it was difficult. You didn’t want to grind your hips towards his face but you couldn’t help it - you felt like you had no control over your body, but rather, it was Keiji who did. He was making you moan, he was making you shake. You’d do anything he wanted you to do simply because you didn’t have a choice. 
And when he moaned, “cum for me,” right into your core, that’s exactly what you did. 
“Good girl,” he praised you, even though he knew you couldn’t hear him. He made sure to wait until you came down to say, “That’s my good girl, fuck.” 
“Keiji,” you whimpered, and his face was over yours in seconds. You pulled him down to you and kissed him hard, lapping your tongue into his mouth and not caring that you could taste yourself on him - a part of you was sure that made it feel even better. 
“Are you ready?” he asked between kisses, now set on relieving the ache in his pants. 
“Yes, please, Keiji.”
“Okay,” he kissed you again, trying to clear his head, if it was even possible. 
And then a warning sign seemed to come out of nowhere - it was big and red and bright. 
When he stopped kissing you back, you pulled away. “...Kei?” 
“Condom,” he said, wondering if he even had them. “Wait here for a second…” 
“Don’t leave me!” 
He wasn’t gone long, and returned much more excited than he left, all thanks to the box he kept under the sink just in case. “We’re responsible, Y/N, we use condoms when he have sex on the floor like the adults we are.” 
You laughed, “If that’s the case, you should’ve carried me to the bed like a gentleman.” 
“Or maybe you should have carried me,” he replied. He was on top of you again but there was one difference: his jeans were gone. He must have shed them on the way to his room. 
“It’s too late now,” you said. “We’re here and I’m ready.” 
He pushed his boxers off; you desperately wanted to look but felt much too shy to glance down. But then he held a blue foil packet up to your face. 
“Wanna put it on for me?” 
You nodded before you could register what that even meant, and your eyes averted south before you could stop them. 
“Go on,” he whispered. 
With his help you were able to roll the condom onto his length - which you now couldn’t stop looking at, purely because you couldn’t wait for it to be inside you. 
Keiji lovingly kissed your cheek and whispered, “I’m going to put it in now, okay?” and you nodded with unwavering anticipation. He lined himself with your entrance and said, “if it hurts, please tell me,” and then, with one even thrust, his entire length pushed into you. 
His moans were already uncontrollable. Your walls were so eager to accept him, they so easily fit him inside. And god, was it a perfect fit.  
“Oh my god,” he moaned, having already tucked his head into your chest. “Kitten, you’re - you’re tight.” 
“Move, Keiji - ah!” He gave you one slow thrust, and that was enough to make both of you need more. 
Keiji gave you a messy kiss before picking up the pace, his forehead resting against yours as he dipped into your heat over and over. 
It was everything you could’ve hoped for. You had never been so close to him, your heart had never beat so fast, you had never felt so good. Your body reacted to his every move; he was lost in you. 
“Kitten, I - I’m not going to last.” 
You assured him that you wouldn’t either - especially if he went faster, and he got the point. 
“Cum with me,” he said before catching your lips in a messy, heated kiss. “Cum with me kitten, please, fuck, oh - I’m -” 
You finished his sentence for him, “I’m cumming, Keiji - ah!” 
All he felt was your nails digging into his shoulder as his entire body tensed and tingled; all you could hear was his loud calls of your name as everything went white. You came together, both of you moaning so loud the neighbors could hear but neither of you able to care. 
You felt your chest erupting when you managed to fall down from the high. Keiji was pressing the softest kisses to your neck and rubbing gentle circles into your hip. 
“So good,” he mumbled, “You were so good, kitten, such a good girl for me.” 
He pulled out and managed to discard of the condom in the thankfully nearby bin quickly, and then he fell onto his back beside you. 
“Come here,” he said, encouraging you to lay on his chest, and you were still catching your breath but you made yourself comfortable on top of him regardless. 
“You’re so amazing,” he told you as he ran a hand up and down your back. “So perfect, you made me feel so good.” 
“So did you,” you mumbled, and you wanted to return his kind words but you could hardly keep your eyes open. 
The room was quiet for a bit after that. Both of you were still reeling after your first time together - Keiji felt proud of you, and you were already feeling excited to explore this new side of your relationship.
The man broke the silence when he mumbled, “I lied.” You lifted your head and looked up at him to find him already looking down at you. “There’s one more cookie left, but I hid it from you.” 
He closed his eyes and held you closer to him with a strong grip. “Goodnight, kitten, I love you.” 
“I’m going to find that cookie, you hog!”
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boysloveandtaxation replied to your post “Dawn of the Future Page 201-202, Kings of Lore”
Thank you so much for the translations!!!
You’re welcome! It’s been a good thing to do with my time, and Lunafreya is a lot less slangy and colloquial than Aranea, so the difficulty’s a fair bit lower. 
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kn0pa · 4 years
@boysloveandtaxation replied to your post “reached another followers milestone on this blog!!! aaa thank you so...”
Personally i don't mind if you do it on twitter alone. It would be more exciting and selection would be more random since there are more people using the platform now. Also, most people here just like posts nowadays instead of reblogging anyway so i feel like we don't even deserve your attention and i'd very much prefer it if i lose against someone from twitter than against someone here who faithfully hits like on snapshots of Noctis. Your snapshots are prizes already imo
@boysloveandtaxation that’s a very sweet comment, thank you! personally I don’t mind if people don’t reblog my pics, I mean reblogs help spread the love but I’m happy with my pics just being seen! but I agree to an extent, the people on tumblr aren’t as active anymore (I know I’m not lol) so it’s not really a place to hang out so a giveaway is not something that’s gonna be much interest to anyone. I still want to do it though I think, when the situation around the world gets better I’ll organise something simple and smaller in scale, with only one winner (and not multiple like I plan to on twitt) anyway I hope you stick around for that too! :3
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violentmouths · 4 years
Freeze! You're under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!!
Damn it @thedyingmoon I actually froze! But thank you for keeping my inbox alive!
Now let's see:
@clevermentalitybeliever @dhalia111 @skvaderarts @gaaebolg @lessy86 @cantcopewithlosingv @lewdbunbun @nightsatkendalls @boysloveandtaxation
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sportanime-maniac · 6 years
Tagged <3
 Tagged by the beautiful @rolling-blunder Thank you! :D
RULES: Name your top 10 favourite characters from different fandoms. Then tag 10 people!
Haikyuu!! - Kuroo Tetsuro
Free! - Makoto Tachibana
All Out! - Oharano Etsugo
Kuroko No Basket - Kiyoshi Teppei
Hunter x Hunter - Hisoka Morrow
Yuri On Ice - Yuri Plisetsky
Boku No Hero Acadamia - Bakugo Katsuki (Wavering between him and Todoroki)
Black Clover - Nozel Silva
Food Wars - Isshiki Satoshi
One Piece - Zoro Roronoa
I can think of at least 5 more fandoms that I’d like to include...but here are my top 10 :D
I tag: @mou-ikaihaikyuu @crappykaashi @haikyuu-baikyuu @wet-for-kuroo-tetsurou @floofwrites @lyfadg @boysloveandtaxation You don’t have to do it, of course, but have fun! :D
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volleydorkscentral · 6 years
Chapter 3 is up - Akaashi and Yukie come to visit Bokuto in the hospital. 
Thank you @boysloveandtaxation for encouraging me in my writing :)
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